turk1cculture · 3 months
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Little Azerbaijani girl hugs Ataturk statue during the Khojaly massacre
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psixologiyaze · 1 year
February 26, 2023 marks 31th anniversary of the #KhojalyGenocide committed by armed forces of Armenia against peaceful civilian population of Azerbaijan. 613 people, including 63 children, 106 women & 70 elderly were brutally murdered.
We remember! We demand #JusticeforKhojaly
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eldarmirzeliyev · 2 years
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Bu gün Ağdamın erməni əsirliyindən azad olunmasından 2 il ötür. Şanlı Azərbaycan Ordusu Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan cənab İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə yeni tarix yazdı və gələcək nəsil qalib olaraq böyüyəcək. Lakin keçmişi də unutmaq olmaz! Çünki keçmişi unutsaq eyni faciələr yenidən başımıza gətirilə bilər. Təəssüf ki, hər bir dövrdə sərhədlərimizdə şərəfsiz, alçaq, terrorçu qonşularımız mövcud olacaq. Hər zaman hər şeyə hazır olmalıyıq! Qarakənd faciəsi və ya 20 noyabr faciəsi — 1991-ci il 20 noyabrda Xocavənd rayonunun Qarakənd kəndinin yaxınlığında, Ağdam rayonunun Mərzili kəndi ərazisində erməni hərbi dəstələri tərəfindən vurulan Azərbaycan hərbi helikopter hadisəsidir. Bu erməni terroru nəticəsində 22 nəfər həyatını itirmişdi. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Dövlət katibi Tofiq İsmayılov, baş prokuror İsmət Qayıbov, dövlət müşaviri, sabiq daxili işlər naziri Məhəmməd Əsədov, millət vəkilləri Vaqif Cəfərov və Vəli Məmmədov, baş nazirin müavini Zülfü Hacıyev, Prezident Aparatının şöbə müdiri və jurnalist Osman Mirzəyev, Qazaxıstan Respublikası Daxili İşlər nazirinin müavini Saylau Serikov, Azərbaycan Dövlət Televiziyasının jurnalisti Alı Mustafayev həlak olanlar arasında idi. Şəhidlərimizin ruhu qarşısında hamılıqla baş əyirik ! 🇦🇿 Qazilərimizə təcili şəfalar və can sağlığı diləyirik! 🇦🇿 Yaşasın Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan ! 🇦🇿 Yaşasın Müzəffər Azərbaycan Ordusu! 🇦🇿 Yaşasın Müzəffər Azərbaycan xalqı! 🇦🇿 Qarabağ Azərbaycandır! 🇦🇿 #Azerbaijan #Azərbaycan #Azerbaycan #Karabakh #KarabakhWar #Şuşa #ShushaisAzerbaijan #Xankəndi #KhankendiisAzerbaijan #KarabakhisAzerbaijan #Khankendi #Shusha #Fuzuli #Jabrayil #Zangilan #Agdam #Lachin #Gubadly #Khojaly #Kalbajar #Khojavand #Garakand #Xojavand #Agdam #Marzili #StopArmenianAggression #StopTerror https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLCHffjOLH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hayarthun · 3 months
Pogroms of the Armenian population in the village of Khojaly (Ivanyan) Short story: Khojaly in the past consisted of two separate villages. In one there lived 172 Azerbaijanis and 35 Armenians, in the second - 52 Russians and 18 Armenians. In 1965, both villages were united into the village of Khojaly and began to be actively populated by Azerbaijanis. As a result, by 1988, 2,025 Azerbaijanis already lived in the village. The number of Armenians in the village was 94 people. In 1988, pogroms and massacres of Armenians began in Khojaly. 48 people (including 11 children) were brutally killed, the rest were maimed. After this horrific massacre, the Azerbaijani authorities resettled the village en masse with Meskhetian Turks who had fled the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan to escape the massacre inflicted on them by their Turkic Uzbek brothers.
We present to your attention documentary footage from 1988.
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en9chiana · 7 months
What makes me mad,is people supporting Armenia and believe in Artaskh,it’s Karabakh not Artaskh,it was illegally occupied by Armenians in 1992,and Azerbaijanis were ethnically cleansed,murdered from their own homeland by Armenians.Armenia massacred Khojaly village in 1992,brutally murdering 613 people in just one night.They bombed Ganja & Barda cities in 2020,but no one talks about it.
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dostoyevsky-official · 8 months
i don't think sumgait justified gugark justified khojaly justified maraga justified the azeri expulsion justified the second and third wars and artsakh's cleansing last week. you can take my position on this and extrapolate it to every single conflict on earth and it will hold true
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demolition-queen · 7 months
He lost his entire family in Israeli bombings.
Do you know who makes up the majority of Al Qassam Brigades (Hamas)? People like him. Orphans whose families were murdered by Israel.
This incident did not start on October 7, we are talking about a massacre, genocide and occupation that has been going on for 75 years. Palestinians are the only nation in the world living as refugees in their own land. Israel has been attacking Palestinian lands and people for years. This is systematic torture and it is not limited to Gaza. Palestinians are also being killed in the West Bank. Israel throws civilians living in Palestinian territories into prisons it established and tortures them. Look at the UN resolutions, look at the international archive. The occupier, whom he calls settlers, turns Israeli citizens into Palestinians. placing them on the land that belongs to them. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine that the land you live in is occupied. Imagine first your towns, then your larger cities, being occupied one by one, and then the invaders settling in those towns and your homes. And imagine losing someone in your family every time. One day your child, another day your spouse, another day your mother... You are not safe even on the streets you walk in your own country. People in civilian clothes with guns harass you every day. He attacks you and your family for no reason, imprisons you, tortures you, enters your homes, kills you. You are banned from entering your places of worship, your shops are looted, not only your legal but also your human rights are taken away from you. Look, this brutality continues until you die. Israel is committing a genocide like the Holocaust, Srebrenica and Khojaly, and if the world remains silent about it like the others and the USA, the UK and the European Union continue to support Israel, this will continue until the last Palestinian dies.
Just ask yourself what would you do if this happened to you?
Hamas is a result of this oppression. They (Hamas) do not occupy anyone's land, they do not oppress anyone, they do not slaughter babies, they do not kill innocent people. They are just trying to protect their homeland and people.
Finally, I want to say this. I am a Muslim and I am proud of it. I am Turkish and I am proud of it. Just as I stood with the Ukrainian people yesterday, I stand with the Palestinian people today. Blond or black hair, white or black skin, Muslim or Christian, Jew or Atheist... None of these are criteria for me to stand with Palestinians, the Ukrainian people or other people who are treated unfairly. Because humanity has no religion, race or color. I still stand with the Palestinian people because I have not lost my humanity.
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criptochecca · 1 month
Someone on twitter tried to tell me that the khojaly massacre justifies the ethnic cleansing of Armenians and how do I even respond to that
You don't, block.
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madderhatter · 7 months
Happy 3rd year anniversary of (Ağdam) Aghdam's liberation from the Armenian invasion. The scale of destruction and looting Armenians committed in Aghdam is truly devastating. Once a town of 45,000 Azeris with libraries, museums and theaters is now a heavily mined ghost-town, one that the westerns are loving calling "The Hiroshima of the Caucasus". The fall of Aghdam to Armenian invading army in 1993 was tragic as Aghdam was where the Azeri survivors of Khojaly massacre committed by Armenians & Russians took refuge. It was incomprehensible to us back then but today we understand why those that are today vetoing ceasefire in Gaza, those that hold french-speaking African nations hostage to their neo-empire, and those that are murdering Ukrainians in their homes refused to hold Armenia accountable for what they did to lands they claim to be their bible-bestowed property for 56002,23212,242321 years and to all non-Christian people who lived in these lands for centuries. What was allowed to happen in Aghdam became the blueprint for what Russians did in Grozny, what Russia & Iran did in Syria, what Russia has done in Mariupol and what now the US & EU are funding and assisting in Gaza.
Today, the only building (left) standing in Aghdam is the heavily-vandalized 19th century Juma Mosque, a bittersweet reminders of the cruel and unjust war waged on our people and a holy site which Armenians used as a pigsty in 27 years of occupation.
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President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva met with residents who relocated to Khojaly city VIDEO
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en9chiana · 7 months
Tw:discussion of torture,murder,corpses,overall description of violence & violent acts.SOURCES:
“The population of the Soviet Armenia, 1831-1931”by Z. Korkodyan
telegram by the head of the 28th division Nesterovsky informs the commander-in-chief of the XI Red Army
“Red Army of Armenia» published on November 29 1921 in the newspaper «Khorurdain Hayastan» by Myasnikyan
Counterrevolutionary «Dashnaksutiun» and the imperialistic war 1914-1918» Armenian historian A. Lalayan
«War with Moslems, Armenians attack again» «Scotland-Liddell
The Republic of Armenia,RICHARD G. HOVANNISIAN
“Men are like that”Leonard Ramsden Hartill
“Savage chic”Kardash Onnig
“My brother’s road”Markar Melkonian
“Black Garden” Thomas de Waal
Gorbachev’s foundation book about Qafan pogroms
7 years of war -HRW report(many massacres done by Armenians during 1987-1991 are not mentioned)
UN Security Council,4 resolutions regarding Karabakh(1993)
UNHCR Recognition of Azerbaijani IDPs(2003)
“Armenia: Cluster Munitions Kill
Civilians in Azerbaijan”HRW report abt Ganja & Barda bombings
1905-1907,1918-1920,1948-1952,1987-1994,2016,2020,2024-dates of genocides,massacres,ethnic cleansing & bombing done by armenians against Azerbaijanis.
Cw:debunking Armenian lies,propaganda,long ass post but every single word is important.
Armenians have been massacring Azerbaijanis ever since 1905.In 1905 on 31 of march,Armenians Schaumyan,murdered thousands of Azerbaijanis(in early 1900s ,Azerbaijanis were called (Caucasian)Tatars by Russians,so it was called a genocide of Caucasian Tatars back then.
March 30, 1918 another genocide of Azeris by Armenians,lasted a week,the first 3-4 days were the most brutal and violent.around 12 Thousand Azerbaijanis were brutally murdered by Dashnaks. Armenians,specifically Armenian partisans,ethnically cleansed & massacred thousands of Azerbaijani Muslims in Zangezur and destroyed their homes and settlements.This resulted it in over 200k massacred Azerbaijanis.
In 1987-994,Armenia illegally entered Nagorno-Karabakh,resulting in occupying Karabakh,ethnically cleansing 750k and murdering 16-30k Azerbaijanis.
Azerbaijanis that lived in Kafan, Mehri, Daralayez/Vayots Dzor,Basarkecher /Vardenis ,were beaten up,murdered,tortured,ethnically cleansed & forced to flee.1987-1988,anti-Azerbaijani pogroms broke out in Armenia. Armenian mobs, supported by officials in Yerevan, attacked Azerbaijani-populated villages, killing hundreds of innocent civilians. Their designs of turning Armenia into an “Azerbaijani-free” country were soon realized, as over 250K Azerbaijanis.
In November of 1987 delivered two railcars of first Azerbaijani refugees; January of next year – 4 buses. By the end of February, 1988, the number of the displaced was as high as 4 thousand.
(Won’t go in detail,but Askeran shootings of Azerbaijanis,Gugark & Qafan pogroms in 1987-1988,Baghanis Ayrum massacre in 1990,Meshalli,Gushcular,Agbaban massacres in 1990-1991)
In 1992,26th of February,Armenians with the help of 366Th Guards motor rifle regiment massacred & brutally murdered Khojaly village,resulting in 613 civilian deaths,1275 taken hostage,487 wounded,150 missing,8 families completely wiped out,130 children losing one parent,25 children losing both parents. in 2007, the number of Azerbaijanis who went missing and were taken as POWs is 4,354. Of these, 3,503 were military personnel, and 841 were civilians, while the status of 9 of them was unknown. Of the civilians, 47 were children, with 16 of them being underage girls, 268 were women, and 371 were elderly people. Out of 4,354 missing Azerbaijanis, 783 of them were taken prisoner and taken hostage. According to the analysis of the materials received by the State Commission, 550 people were killed in captivity or died of various causes. Furthermore, 104 of them were women, while 446 were men. Only the names of 137 Azerbaijanis were identified, and the identity of 74 people is unknown.
On September 27, 2020, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia once again grossly violated the norms of international law, using various types of weapons, including heavy artillery, and fired at the residential areas and military positions of the Republic of Azerbaijan from several directions.
Armenians bombed Ganja & Barda cities of Azerbaijan(both cities were kilometers away from battlefield)resulting in 21 killed civilians and 70 wounded/injured civilians.
Armenians will tell u about 1915 genocide,and about Sumgait,Baku pogroms as a justification of their war crimes.But “genocide”of Armenians in 1915 took place in Ottoman Empire(turks,as in Turkish people,as in Turkey),the difference between Turkic and Turkish is that Turkic people are from Turkic countries(Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan,Uyghurs, Turkey,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan),and Turkish people are from Turkey.Armenian sources claim- in that “genocide”1.5millions of Armenians were murdered,but in reality,there weren’t even that much Armenians living in Ottoman Empire.
Dr. Justin McCarthy (the University of Louisville)calculated less than 600K Armenians living in Ottoman Empire.
Now,about Pogroms(/ethnical cleanse and massacre of Armenians)in 1988.It was proven,that Armenians were also responsible for those pogroms in 1988.(one of them was Eduard Grigoryan,he killed 5 Armenians and raped 8 women)
They also claim that in 2020,Karabakh(or how they call it-Artsakh)was under blockade,and they didn’t have access to food,water,the electricity was cut off:
In 2020,Azerbaijan didn’t fully return theirs native lands yet.In 2020-2023,Ruben Vardanyan was a state minister.How is it logical to blame Azerbaijani people & government,if there is a whole state minister that’s responsible for food,water,electricity,gas,and overall well-being of civilians who lived there?Also,I want to note that during the infamous “artsakh blockade”,Armenians were in cafes,restaurants,celebrating birthdays.Weren’t they saying that they had no food,no electricity during 2020-2023?
Armenians also claim that their children were killed,hospitals,schools,houses were bombed and destroyed,yet not a single evidence of destroyed schools and hospitals.
They also claim that Azerbaijani military used banned/illegal weapon such as white phosphorus.But in reality,armenian military had white phosphorus in their military depot .
There were picture-evidences of extremely wounded armenian civilians and also videos of white phosphorus in the air.Azerbaijani military destroyed the military depot,which resulted in white phosphorus exploded in the air.
Armenians also claim that we destroyed multiple churches:
First of all,Armenians have destroyed multiple monuments,including maraga-150,monument celebrating 150 years of Armenians being placed in Karabakh.It was destroyed by Armenians in 1988.Multiple mosques were destroyed during Armenian occupation.
Second of all,these churches have been built their illegaly,on an occupied territory.
Armenians also use the “tatik papik”monument (which was sponsored by Azerbaijani SSR,btw)as a proof of them “being there first”,but it symbolized symbolized the centenarians (people who are 100 or more years)of Karabakh region, including azerbaijanis.After the occupation of Karabakh by Armenians in 1990s,it became symbol of Armenian separatism.
There’s also a site named azeriwarcrimes,there u can see videos of “Azerbaijani”soldiers commuting war crimes(be heading civilians,soldiers etc):
Two videos from that site were debunked already:
In one of the videos, “Azerbaijani”soldiers were holding an armenian civilian and torturing him.But here’s the thing:in that video,one of the soldiers is saw wearing military uniform,that isn’t azerbaijani:
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In second video,they’re holding an old Armenian man,who they think is just a civilian,but he is actually..
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..someone who’s participated in massacres of Azerbaijanis in 1992.In that same video,he’s asking in azwrbaijani language “what did I do to u?”azerbaijani soldiers replies with “U didn’t do anything now,u did in your time”(implying his murders of Azerbaijani civilians in past). Jonik Tevosyan. A (former)Armenian Milligan accused of murdering azerbaijani civilians in Khojaly.He’s also responsible for taking hostage
Then,there’s a video of mutilated female soldier (sniper)body:I’m not justifying that action,but it’s a fricking war,do u actually think that Armenians didn’t mutilate bodies?Do u actually think they haven’t held anyone captive?They’re just smart enough(for once finally)not to film that.4 thousand Azerbaijani soldiers were murdered in second Karabakh (2020)war.
Moving on to “ethnic cleanse of native Armenians”as I said earlier,Karabakh was occupied by Armenians in the late 80s-early 90s.Armenians were allowed to stay in Karabakh as long as they accept Azerbaijani citizenship,no one wanted to accept it,so they left.It’s not ethnic cleanse when people leave in their cars,buses with food and it’s definitely not an ethnic cleanse when u get safely from point a to point b.But it’s definitely an ethnic cleanse when 700K people were forced to leave their homes,some naked,some barefoot in snow,or die.Many people were killed by Armenians while they were running.Many people died either of hunger/starvation or cold.
I am not denying that Armenians have loses,of course their civilians & soldiers died too,but once again-it’s a war,and not one sided at that.However,I am saying that Armenians were first to start this war.
Now,many people say that Azerbaijan supports Israel.That’s not completely true,here’s what I mean:
Government sells oil to Israel & buys weapons /military equipment from Israel,that’s sadly true.Some Azerbaijanis also support Israel because
A)one of our national heroes was Jewish,so some think that it’s unfair to not support Jewish people.
B)In 2020,pics & vids of Palestinians were circling around saying “free artsakh”,later it was discovered that those people were Palestinian Armenians.
But that’s a minority,majority of Azerbaijanis support Palestine,including me.Azerbaijanis who support Palestine argue with Azerbaijanis who support Israel(especially on twitter lmao).
Armenia supports Russia,Iran,USA and France.Each and every single country mentioned,has a history of violence.
RUSSIA-Russia-Ukraine war,Iran-do I even have to say anything lol?I think we all saw their regime.USA-another one that doesn’t need an explanation.France-the genocide of Algerians.
But no one batts an eye when Armenians do that right?No one says anything when these countries armed Armenia,right?
Armenians also planted mines all over Karabakh,resulting in 337 civilian and military deaths
I’m also not denying Armenian genocide in 1918,but as I said,the numbers are fake,and it took a place in TURKISH empire.This has nothing to do with Azerbaijanis.
I’m gonna post part 2&3(and however many it will take,bc tumblr doesn’t lemme post more than 10 pic),with more evidence of Armenians barbarism & war crimes soon.
‼️I can’t reply to comments for whatever reason
update:recent studies show that around 800K-1.2 mln Armenians lived in Ottoman Empire.So in that part,I made a mistake,everything else-truth that Armenians don’t wanna tell u ☹️
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fidanbabayeva · 2 months
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After the Khojaly massacre,
the International Red Cross organized a ceasefire to enable them to return the corpses of murdered Azerbaijanis.
From the 23,757 inhabitants before the war, only 2,500 remained.
The Armenian armed forces and members of the 366
Soviet infantry regiment were waiting to gun them down. As a result of this massacre, 613 people were killed, and 487 were severely injured. The wounded who escaped the gunfire had to trek through the mountains to safety.
Many perished in the cold, and 1275 people were taken hostage. Those who survived would visit the mosque of Aghdam, used as a morgue to find the corpse of their lost relative.
The old man, a survivor of the massacre grasps onto a photograph of his missing son. Crying, he was asking the other families if they have seen him…
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Buffalo Bill Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Cooperatives Day (Thailand)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea & Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Johnny Cash Day
Lesser Periwinkle Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
Michael Somare Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Firefox Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
New York City Subway Day
Patrick Star Day
Pound Notes Day.(UK)
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
Violet Day (French Republic)
World Leisure Day
World Trade Center Bombing Anniversary Day
Zamboanga Day (Philippines)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Monday in February
International Corporate Philanthropy Day [4th Monday]
Museums Advocacy Day [4th Monday]
National Cupcake Day (Canada) [Last Monday]
Play More Cards Day [Last Monday; also 2.22]
Study Abroad Day [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 26
America Saves Week [Last Monday]
Fairtrade Fortnight [Last Monday]
International Petroleum Week
Museum Advocacy Day [Last Monday] (thru 2.27)
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week [Last Monday]
National Invasive Species Week [Last Monday]
National Justice for Animals Week
National Nothing Week
National Pasty Week [Ends closest Sunday to St. Piran’s Day: 3.5] (thru 3.3]
Real Bread Week
Independence & Related Days
Annexation of Poland (by Russia; 1832)
French Republic declared (1848)
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 26, 2024
Geneva International Motor Show (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.3]
HAI (Helicopter Association International) Heli-Expo (Anaheim, California)v[thru 2.29]
Kosher Food and Wine Experience (East Rutherford, New York)
National Potato Council Washington Summit) [Washington, DC) [thru 3.1]
RCI Chocolate Boot Camp (Waterbury, Connecticut) [thru 2.29]
Snow Machine Festival (Nagano, Japan) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Animal Transformation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Big Hugs Candle Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Christopher Marlowe (Writerism)
Dance of the Known Places (Shamanism)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Honore Daumier (Artology)
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Kasimir Malevich (Artology)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nestor (Christian; Martyr)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Pentagram Night (Everyday Wicca)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Shan e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh; West Bengal, India)
Victor Hugo (Writerism)
Victor of Champagne (a.k.a. Victor the Hermit; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Booty Call (Film; 1997)
Bullwinkle Bellows Again or Moonin’ Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 102; 1961)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Cop Out (Film; 2010)
The Crepe Hangers or Brighten the Coroner Where You Are (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 207; 1963)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Double Trouble or Two’s a Crowd (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 208; 1963)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Falling Down (Film; 1993)
Fiddle Saddle (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1974)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Fright Flight or A Rocky to the Moon (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 101; 1961)
From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (Noel; 1951)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Hanna-Berbera Animated Special; 1967)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Justice League: The New Frontier (WB Animated Film; 2008)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Lonesome Ranger (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1966)
Loose Boots, by Honeyhoney (EP; 2008)
Lotsa Luck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Mexican Mousepice (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Pierre and Cottage Cheese (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Polka-Dot Puss (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
Rich Man, Poor Man, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1968)
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
Stork Naked (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Symphony No. 5, by Frank Harris (Symphony; 1943)
There’s Something About a Soldier (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Film; 2021)
What Price Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Zoo Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2024; 309 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 9 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 17 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 27 Grey; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 February 2024
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 2.26
Bill Hicks Day
Black Lives Matter Day
Buffalo Bill Day
Carnival Day
Carpe Diem Day
Cheongwoldaeboreum (Korean Folk Festival; North Korea)
Cooperatives Day (Thailand)
Day of Remembrance for Victims of Khojaly Massacre (Azerbaijan)
Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea & Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Fats Domino Day
For Goodness’ Sake Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Grand Canyon Day
Grand Teton Day
Happy Burp Day
Hazrat Alis Day (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Hoodies All Day
Jazz Record Day
Johnny Cash Day
Lesser Periwinkle Day
Letter to an Elder Day
Levi Strauss Day
Liberation Day (Kuwait)
Llama Dress Day
Man in Black Day
Michael Somare Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Customized Wheel and Tire Day
National Firefox Day
National Personal Chef Day [also 7.16]
National Ranboo Day
National Remembrance Day (Papua New Guinea)
National Saul Day
National Set a Good Example Day
New York City Subway Day
Patrick Star Day
Pound Notes Day.(UK)
Read Me Day
Rooks Nesting Day
Sourdough Rendezvous
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Thanks Day (Myanmar)
Thermos Bottle Day
Thriller Day
Tournament of Hearts (Scotland)
Trayvon Martin Day
Violet Day (French Republic)
World Leisure Day
World Trade Center Bombing Anniversary Day
Zamboanga Day (Philippines)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day (Iowa)
National Pistachio Day (a.k.a. World Pistachio Day)
4th & Last Monday in February
International Corporate Philanthropy Day [4th Monday]
Museums Advocacy Day [4th Monday]
National Cupcake Day (Canada) [Last Monday]
Play More Cards Day [Last Monday; also 2.22]
Study Abroad Day [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 26
America Saves Week [Last Monday]
Fairtrade Fortnight [Last Monday]
International Petroleum Week
Museum Advocacy Day [Last Monday] (thru 2.27)
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week [Last Monday]
National Invasive Species Week [Last Monday]
National Justice for Animals Week
National Nothing Week
National Pasty Week [Ends closest Sunday to St. Piran’s Day: 3.5] (thru 3.3]
Real Bread Week
Independence & Related Days
Annexation of Poland (by Russia; 1832)
French Republic declared (1848)
Texas Independence Day Celebration, Day 2 (of 2; Texas)
Festivals Beginning February 26, 2024
Geneva International Motor Show (Geneva, Switzerland) [thru 3.3]
HAI (Helicopter Association International) Heli-Expo (Anaheim, California)v[thru 2.29]
Kosher Food and Wine Experience (East Rutherford, New York)
National Potato Council Washington Summit) [Washington, DC) [thru 3.1]
RCI Chocolate Boot Camp (Waterbury, Connecticut) [thru 2.29]
Snow Machine Festival (Nagano, Japan) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Anaximander (Positivist; Saint)
Animal Transformation Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Big Hugs Candle Spell Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Christopher Marlowe (Writerism)
Dance of the Known Places (Shamanism)
Day of Nuit (Thelema)
Emily Malbone Morgan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Emo Phillips Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Festival of Ayyám-i-Há (Baha'i)
Festival of Mihr (God of Fire; Armenia)
Forgiveness Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [Last Sunday before Lent]
Honore Daumier (Artology)
Hopalong Hamster (Muppetism)
Hygeia’s Day (Pagan Hygiene Goddess)
Isabelle of France (Christian; Saint)
Kasimir Malevich (Artology)
Li Tim-Oi (Anglican Church of Canada)
Lost Pen Day (Pastafarian)
Mourn Lost Socks Day (Pastafarian)
Nestor (Christian; Martyr)
Nuit’s Day (Pagan)
Pentagram Night (Everyday Wicca)
Porphyry of Gaza (a.k.a. Parphyrius; Christian; Saint)
Saviours' Day (Nation of Islam)
Shan e-Barat (Night of Records; Bangladesh; West Bengal, India)
Victor Hugo (Writerism)
Victor of Champagne (a.k.a. Victor the Hermit; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 4 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [4 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [10 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [11 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [12 of 60]
The Abyss (Film; 1993)
Booty Call (Film; 1997)
Bullwinkle Bellows Again or Moonin’ Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 102; 1961)
Come Away With Me, by Norah Jones (Album; 2002)
Cop Out (Film; 2010)
The Crepe Hangers or Brighten the Coroner Where You Are (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 207; 1963)
Discovery, by Daft Punk (Album; 2001)
Dixieland Jass Band One-Step, by The Original Dixieland Jass Band (Jazz Song; 1917)
Double Trouble or Two’s a Crowd (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 208; 1963)
Dragon Ball (Animated TV Series; 1986)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
El Mariachi (Film; 1993)
Falling Down (Film; 1993)
Fiddle Saddle (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1974)
Frantic (Film; 1988)
Fright Flight or A Rocky to the Moon (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 101; 1961)
From Here to Eternity, by James Jones (Noel; 1951)
Hairspray (Film; 1988)
Heebie Jeebies, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1926) [1st Recorded Scat Singing]
Howard’s End (Film; 1993)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Hanna-Berbera Animated Special; 1967)
Java, recorded by Al Hirt (Song; 1962)
Justice League: The New Frontier (WB Animated Film; 2008)
Livery Stable Blues, recorded by the Original Dixie Jass Band (Song; 1917) [1st Recorded Jazz Song]
Lonesome Ranger (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1966)
Loose Boots, by Honeyhoney (EP; 2008)
Lotsa Luck (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Mexican Mousepice (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Mirror Image (Twilight Zone TV Episode; 1960)
Pierre and Cottage Cheese (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Polka-Dot Puss (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
Rich Man, Poor Man, by Irwin Shaw (Novel; 1968)
Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello (Play; 1922)
Spitting Image (UK TV Series; 1984)
Stork Naked (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Symphony No. 5, by Frank Harris (Symphony; 1943)
There’s Something About a Soldier (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
200 Cigarettes (Film; 1999)
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (UK TV Series; 2001)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (Film; 2021)
What Price Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
The Zoo Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Edigna, Gerlinde, Ottokar (Austria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Robert, Viktor (Croatia)
Dorota (Czech Republic)
Inger (Denmark)
Ingmar, Ingo, Ingvar, Selmar (Estonia)
Nestori (Finland)
Nestor (France)
Denis, Edigna, Gerlinde, Mechthild, Ottokar (Germany)
Anatoli, Fotine, Fotini, Photini, Porfirios, Porfyrios, Sebastianos (Greece)
Géza (Hungary)
Arnoldo, Nestore, Romeo (Italy)
Evelīna, Eveline, Mētra (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Aurimė, Izabelė, Jogintas (Lithuania)
Inger, Ingjerd (Norway)
Aleksander, Bogumił, Cezariusz, Dionizy, Mirosław, Nestor (Poland)
Porfirie (Romania)
Svetlana (Russia)
Viktor (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Néstor (Spain)
Torgny, Torkel (Sweden)
Sebastian (Ukraine)
Levi, Nestor, Savana, Savanna, Savannah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 57 of 2024; 309 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 9 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 17 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 17 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 27 Grey; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 12 February 2024
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Anaximander]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 68 of 89)
Week: 4th Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 8 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Aristotle (Ancient Philosophy) [Month 3 of 13; Positivist]
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intigammamedow · 3 months
Remains of children and women with bound hands and feet were found in Khojaly. (VIDEO)
It is reported that the skeletal remains found mainly belong to children and women with their hands and feet bound. Remains of children and women with bound hands and feet were found in Khojaly. Another mass grave was discovered in Khojaly region. The cemetery was discovered during the construction of the water-sewage system in Khojaly. WWW.GENOCIDECHODSCHALI.WORDPRESS.COM
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mariacallous · 8 months
Azerbaijan’s presidential administration has developed a plan to “reintegrate” the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s press service reported that the presidential commissioner for relations with the region’s Armenian residents presented and discussed these plans with the Armenian population in the towns of Yevlakh and Khojaly on September 21, 25, and 29.
Reintegration will take place “within the framework of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of its constitution, laws, and international obligations.”
The plan guarantees equal rights and freedoms, and each resident’s safety “regardless of ethnic, religious, or linguistic affiliation.”
According to the document, special representative offices of the President of Azerbaijan will manage the territories where Armenian residents live. Local residents may be involved in their work. Municipalities will be formed during elections.
“The issue of residents’ citizenship will be addressed on the basis of appropriate procedures in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” the president’s press service reported.
The plan states that Azerbaijan’s internal affairs authorities will ensure the protection of public order and safety of residents in Nagorno-Karabakh. Furthermore, the disarmament and demobilization process in the territories inhabited by ethnic Armenians is underway, and all weapons are being confiscated from the inhabitants.
Nagorno-Karabakh’s primary currency will be the Azerbaijani manat. The Azerbaijani authorities promise that Karabakh’s physical and social infrastructure will reach Azerbaijan’s national average levels “over a certain period of time.”
The region’s residents will be able to receive tax, customs, and other benefits, according to the plan. Farmers will be provided with subsidies and will be exempted from all taxes except land taxes. Property issues will be regulated by Azerbaijani legislation. Azerbaijan’s system of labor remuneration and social payments will apply to residents of Nagorno-Karabakh.
The plan states that Armenian residents are guaranteed the right to the preservation and development of their culture, the opportunity to use the Armenian language, freedom of religion, and the protection of cultural and religious monuments.
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