#Kim Asendorf
jamesusilljournal · 10 months
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pissanddie · 11 months
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Kim Asendorf, Colors of Noise, 2023. Custom Software (black and white, audio) Dimensions variable. Audio-reactive real-time animation JavaScript, Web Audio API, WebGL, HTML, CSS
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msxtan · 7 months
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would you believe me if i told you
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kimasendorf · 6 months
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cosmicanger · 1 month
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Kim Asendorf, Andreas Gysin, Leander Herzog, AGH1, 2024, exhibition view, Foundry, Dubai
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keithdevereux · 11 months
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Been experimenting with glitch art and databending recently. Pixel sorted my first Gameboy Aerochrome with Processing running Kim Asendorf's ASDL Pixel Sort script. It was a bit of a task to get running, but it worked. #GameboyCamera, #Gameboy, #Nintendo, #Retro, #2Bit, #GameboyPocket, #ShittyAesthetic, #Funtography, #PixelArt, https://instagr.am/p/Ctb9En6MzCx/
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raremashup · 9 months
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Looking at my old Elden Ring screenshots, I couldn't get away from the idea of developing the softness of light in FromSoftware games. I decided it was something I could play with and chose ASDF Pixel Sort by Kim Asendorf. I originally thought of choosing the light parts of the photo as the target for the glitch, but now I realize that the whole beauty is in the blurring and breaking of the borders. I like the result of my script changes, will work on the photo series.
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disordinarybeauty · 1 year
From Text to Image:  Experimenting with Prompts in Glitch Art Portraits
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As an artist exploring and experimenting with text-to-image AI systems, I have been testing different prompts to see how they can influence the final image results. I have crafted a prompt that I use as the base for my glitch art-inspired portraits that I am including in my current AI research where I am imagining a new aesthetic of my glitch art collection series DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY 🥀 if this project was made by AI. 
The original prompt that I use is: 
“A glitch art portrait in the style of Disordinary Beauty by Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra, glitch, glitched, glitching, databending, dirty new media, processing, generative art, Domenico Dom Barra”. 
This prompt's syntax and semantics were carefully crafted to create a specific style and feel for the resulting glitch art portraits. I have done several tests but this prompt is the one where starry.AI, an Android app powered by Stable Diffusion, delivered the most interesting results that have mixed influences from Italian advertising posters from the ‘20s, a slight cyberpunk illustration look, and details that recall databending corruption of file formats and generative glitch art scripts. 
The following image and the top one were generated using this prompt. 
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For the three prompt variations that I have created, I focused on making changes to the syntax, hoping this will affect the semantics of the original prompt to produce different results. The three prompt variations were generated by Youchat by You.com. 
So, let’s recap one moment on the original prompt before we look at the variations.
The original prompt is structured as follows:
"A glitch art portrait in the style of Disordinary Beauty by Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra, glitch, glitched, glitching, databending, dirty new media, processing, generative art, Domenico Dom Barra."
In this prompt, the goal is to create a glitch art portrait that reflects the style of Domenico Barra's Disordinary Beauty series. It includes various terms related to glitch art, such as "glitch," "glitched," and "glitching," as well as technical terms like "databending," "dirty new media," "processing," and "generative art."
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1. The first prompt variation is structured as follows:
"Use generative art techniques to create a glitch art portrait in the style of Disordinary Beauty by Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra. Incorporate elements of databending and dirty new media to give the portrait a raw, gritty feel."
In this variation, the goal is the same as the original prompt, but it explicitly mentions using generative art techniques. Additionally, it adds specificity by instructing the AI to incorporate "elements of databending and dirty new media" to achieve a particular aesthetic. 
This is a step taken by AI without me giving any direction. The model decided to give priority to the use of generative art technics. Then the Youchat language model by You.com associates “databending” and “dirty new media” with a style that is raw and with a gritty feel. it added the “feeling” part to the prompt, I guess to give the artwork a “human” touch. I believe that the system ignores that Databending is a glitch art technic, and it would be interesting to explore more what it intends for “generative art techniques” that can “create a glitch art portrait in the style of Disordinary Beauty by Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra”. The generative art code I use is Pixel Sorting by Kim Asendorf, ASDFPixelSort, and I have not mentioned this in my original basic prompt. I guess I will add it in the next texts as pixel sorting is a key feature in the collection, a very important detail. 
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2. The second prompt variation is structured as follows:
"Take inspiration from Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra's iconic Disordinary Beauty series to create a glitch art portrait that is both haunting and beautiful. Incorporate glitching and generative art techniques to produce a unique and memorable piece of art."
In this variation, the goal is to create a glitch art portrait that is "haunting and beautiful" while still reflecting the style of Disordinary Beauty. The prompt instructs the AI system to take inspiration from Barra's series, and it highlights the importance of incorporating "glitching and generative art techniques" to achieve a unique and memorable final product. 
In this second prompt, the AI has added more emphasis on the semantics, whereas in the original prompt, I just made a list of style, and technics, without adding any info on the “mood” and “vibes” of the artwork I wanted the text-to-image model to generate. To the haunting and beautiful it also added value to the work, “unique” and “memorable”. It’s interesting how the language model proposes prompts that invite, and imitates the “human” sentiment and adds this to the art.
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3. The third prompt variation is structured as follows:
"Explore the possibilities of glitch art by creating a portrait in the glitched style of Domenico Barra. Use processing techniques to manipulate and distort the image, creating a dynamic and visually striking piece."
In this variation, the goal is to "explore the possibilities of glitch art" by creating a portrait in the "glitched style" of Domenico Barra. It instructs the AI system to use "processing techniques" to manipulate and distort the image in a way that creates a "dynamic and visually striking piece." 
In this prompt, the language model by saying “Explore the possibilities of glitch art” sounds a bit like asking the AI text-to-image model to be creative, some sort of take creative initiative and agency. It leaves out “generative art” and “data bending”, even if these two are included in their use, which is that of creating distorted images that are dynamic and visually striking. Youchat by You.com is a search engine and can find info from the web and it could deliver correct answers as connecting glitch art to a particular style and aesthetic of digital art. 
Based on this first test of this kind I carried on, I found out that it is clear that the three prompt variations given by the AI language model Youchat by You.com add emphasis on the mood and feeling of the artwork, urging the text-to-image model to produce haunting, beautiful, unique, and memorable pieces. The language model also encourages the exploration of the possibilities of glitch art, leaving room for creativity and artistic initiative.
The emotions, feelings, sentiments, hues, vibes, aesthetics, and poetics of art are translated into descriptive language, and this reminds me of the very interesting video “The A.I. Dilemma” by The Center of Humane Technology about AI where they state that AI is “total decoding and synthesizing of reality”.
Overall, the prompts provided by AI systems show how these language models can assist artists in the creation of interesting and visually striking artworks, allowing creatives to explore and experiment with different “synthesized” techniques and “artificially” crafted styles within the AI models for art and creativity. What I believe is the most interesting part is especially the gathering of new ideas for creative works, where the AI image and/or text outputs are information and the AI models are some sort of search engine for creative inspirations. 
As usual, it is important to note that AI systems are still very limited and require human input and expertise to achieve the desired results, especially to decode and deliver sentiments, and life, into art. 
This text, like every other text on this blog, was written based on my prompts by Chat GPT. I edited the text outputs delivered by the OpenAI language model adding my parts. The whole text was corrected by Grammarly helping me with the English grammar.  
Before you go, I have used the same prompts discussed here in two different text-to-image AI models. One is Runway and the other one is DALL-E 2.
Use generative art techniques to create a glitch art portrait in the style of Disordinary Beauty by Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra. Incorporate elements of databending and dirty new media to give the portrait a raw, gritty feel.
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Take inspiration from Italian glitch artist Domenico Barra's iconic Disordinary Beauty series to create a glitch art portrait that is both haunting and beautiful. Incorporate glitching and generative art techniques to produce a unique and memorable piece of art.
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Explore the possibilities of glitch art by creating a portrait in the glitched style of Domenico Barra. Use processing techniques to manipulate and distort the image, creating a dynamic and visually striking piece.
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One thing that I can not avoid to highlight is that in the 3. prompt variation, in the three different text-to-image AI systems [Runway, Dall-e 2 and starry.AI (Stable Diffusion)], all delivered a male subject instead than a female ones like the prompt variations 1. and 2. 
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fckyeahnetart · 2 years
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kim asendorf
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glitchphotography · 6 years
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Pixel Sorting Experiments (2013)  <<<< Digital photographs processed with Kim Asendorf’s ASDF PixelSort 
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lafilleblanc · 6 years
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Kim Asendorf 
Mountain Tour, 2010
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jamesusilljournal · 3 years
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Kim Asendorf
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Sunset. Fabricated in Processing using Kim Asendorf’s pixel sorting algorithm. 
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thisispaper · 2 years
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tr4ns4ctions by Kim Asendorf — https://thisispaper.com/mag/tr4ns4ctions-kim-asendorf
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ideaimateria · 4 years
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Ramirez, Juan Antonio
Corpus Solus
Editorial: Ediciones Siruela
"Volver dentro del cuerpo"
es la II parte de la exposición de los proyectos beneficiarios de las Ayudas Injuve para la Creación Joven en la modalidad de Artes Visuales en las líneas de producción y de movilidad, con las propuestas de los 17 jóvenes creadores beneficiarios de las Ayudas a la Creación Joven de Injuve presentadas en los últimos meses en la Sala Amadis de Madrid.
/soulevements /  insurreccions
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili...
http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html  
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions.
https://vimeo.com/jeudepaume Art i Activisme Piotr Pavlenski 'Activismo global', el arte como herramienta para denunciar los abusos de los gobiernos http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader%248501 http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2013455/0/activismo-global/arte-protesta/exposicion/
https://www.adbusters.org/ http://yomango.net/ https://www.floatinglabcollective.com/?p=274
http://eng.partizaning.org/?p=4764 Brandalisme http://www.rehogar.net/brandalism/
https://www.radar.st/art/brandalism-propose-un-tutoriel-pour-apprendre-a-masquer-les-publicites-de-rue http://www.cccb.org/ca/activitats/fitxa/grrrls/223142?fbclid=IwAR1DuaaQLzxvwukvPNk2fFttEUtTTRsiXoLlJg-r-ss-q3X2b0_YjjVIa3A
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216 http://www.ressler.at/category/projects/ http://www.ressler.at/take_the_square/ altres: Adbusters Media Foundation, G.M.B. Akash, Anonymous News Germany, ATTAC, Martin Balluch, Zanny Begg, John Beieler, Bombily Group, Ángela Bonadies & Juan José Olavarría, Nadir Bouhmouch, Osman Bozkurt, Campact, Center for Artistic Activism, Chim↑Pom, Noam Chomsky, Ralf Christensen, Chto delat?, Paolo Cirio, Cyber Guerilla, Hassan Darsi, Johanna Domke & Marouan Omara, Electronic Disturbance Theater, Enmedio, Colectivo Etcetera, Everyday Rebellion, Femen, Noah Fischer, Floating Lab Collective, Freedom of the Press Foundation, Muath Freij, Isabelle Fremeaux & John Jordan, Jakob Gautel & Jason Karaïndros, Greenpeace, Stéphane M. Grueso, Ed Hall, Hedonistische Internationale, Stéphane Hessel, Niklas Hoffmann, Jim Hubbard, Indymedia, Alexey Iorsh, Just do it (Kim Asendorf & Ole Fach), Amadou Kane Sy, Thomas Kilpper, Kiss my Ba, kreativerstrassenprotest.twoday.net, Mischa Kuball, Jan Jaap Kuiper & Katja Sokolova, Sasha Kurmaz, Christopher LaMarca, Mohammed Laouli, Lynn Lauterbach, Julia Leser & Clarissa Seidel, Let’s Do It!, Viktoria Lomasko, Renzo Martens, Masasit Mati, Mikaela, Mootiro Maps, Carlos Motta, Neozoon, No TAV, occupygezipics.tumblr.com, Otpor!, Partizaning, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Platform, Pussy Riot, R.E.P., Resist, Oliver Ressler, Mykola Ridnyi, Itamar Rose & Yossi Atia, Faten Rouissi, Sandra Schäfer, Bahia Shehab, Lisa Sperling & Florian Kläger, Jonas Staal & Metahaven, Stop the Traffik, Joulia Strauss & Moritz Mattern, Stuttgart 21-Protest, Jackie Sumell, Surveillance Camera Players, Tanya Sushenkova, Aaron Swartz & Taryn Simon, Take The Square, Pelin Tan, Teatro Valle Occupato,The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, The Yes Men, Thomson & Craighead, Patricia Triki & Christine Bruckbauer, Troika, UK Uncut, Various authors organized by Sharon Hayes with Angela Beallor, Voina, Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud, Mark Wallinger, WANGO, wearethe99percent.tumblr.com, WikiLeaks, Alexander Wolodarskij, Yomango, Malala Yousafzai, Salam Yousri und andere Ara a Paris , al Jeu du Paume Soulevements, comissari Georges-Didi-Hubermann: Vindrà al febrer al MNAC http://museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions http://www.jeudepaume.org/index.php?page=article&idArt=2476
http://www.humanite.fr/georges-didi-huberman-les-possibles-dune-imagination-politique-618356 http://paris-luttes.info/soulevements-la-revolte-n-est-pas-7276?lang=fr  
Imatges de la revolució L'exposició ‘Insurreccions’ mostra com l'art ha reflectit rebel·lions i revoltes en els últims dos segle. ...L'exposició és una idea del filòsof i historiador de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman, que fa anys que imparteix un seminari amb el mateix títol a l'Escola d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències Socials (EHESS), a París. La mostra es va gestar entre els gasos lacrimògens de la plaça de la República, a la capital francesa, a tocar d'on viu Didi-Huberman. La primavera passada, mentre ultimava aquesta mostra, eclosionava allà el moviment Nuit Debout, que va ocupar places de tot França seguint el model del 15-M espanyol. No obstant això, l'exposició no és un acte de militància, ni a favor ni en contra d'aquestes petites revolucions, de les quals no n'examina la validesa ideològica. Se cenyeix a la funció de catàleg iconogràfic que resumeix el que tota revolta ha compartit fins ara. “No hi ha judici moral, no hi ha diagnòstic ni militància. El fet important en aquesta mostra és observar la representació que ha fet l'art i la forma de pensament que vehicula”, afirma Gili... http://cat.elpais.com/cat/2017/02/22/cultura/1487787836_901676.html http://www.elpuntavui.cat/cultura/article/19-cultura/1078447-el-mnac-crida-a-la-revolta.html  
http://soulevements.jeudepaume.org/ #Insurreccions dossier: http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/dossier_insurreccions_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/sites/default/files/insurreccionscoberta_cat_0.pdf http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions-2 http://www.museunacional.cat/ca/insurreccions
Diseño y activismo. Un poco de historia Aunque el tipo de causas ha variado en función de las condiciones de cada época histórica, desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad un buen número de diseñadores ha visto en el diseño una herramienta para transformar y mejorar el mundo...
Raquel Pelta Diseño y activismo
http://www.monografica.org/02/ Diseño y medio ambiente
Diseño y humor
actual Del 18 d'octubre de 2018 al 17 de març de 2019 68
L'exposició 68è Pop and Protestre uneix les imatges, les pel·lícules, els textos i el so d'aquesta època en una imatge d'ànim complexa. Amb al voltant de 200 objectes - icònica
https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/de/ausstellungen/aktuell/68-pop-und-protest.html https://www.mkg-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/MKG/Ausstellung/Aktuell/MKG_Flyer_1968.pdf
A la seva primera exposició individual a àngels barcelona, Oliver Ressler presenta una sèrie d'obres videogràfiques, així com treballs fotogràfics, centrats al voltant dels moviments socials i formes de resistència sorgits a causa de la destrucció del clima del planeta -la base de l'existència humana- provocada pel capitalisme global. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216
moma.org/Cindy Sherman artists/5392
Franco “Bifo” Berardi
.Ana Mendieta jeudepaume.
Women Design
Sarah Ahmed   “Alçar la veu” 
Judith Butler
Cossos que encara importen
feminismes-exposicions-cccb  artistes:  Cabello/Carceller, Lúa Coderch, Lucía Egaña, Nuria Güell, ideadestroyingmuros, María Llopis, Jesús Martínez Oliva, Julia Montilla, O.R.G.I.A, Daniela Ortiz, Linda Porn, María Ruido, Anna Irina Russell i Txe Roimeser, Mireia Sallarès, Toxic Lesbian,
lucysombra. lucia-egana  lucia-egana-rojas/ 
Comité Invisible
...kintsugi, vulnerabilitat/quotidianitat, cos, body, cuerpo, feminismes, identitat, activisme, Moma
Se progettare per Enzo Mari «è il modo migliore per evitare di essere progettati»
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc est un film français réalisé par Carl Theodor Dreyer en 1927
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jonghong · 7 years
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