#Kim: if chay finds out he'll leave me
the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
Feeling very gender today, time to write 5k of trans!Kim having a breakdown and getting dicked down
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bisexualbard-writes · 6 months
Hey, I will send you my fave and least fave trope for KimChay. My fave trope is: arranged marriage (it could be royal au, or some alternate universe au). My least favourite trope is: Coffee shop au. I feel like the theme is always the same, the one is working in coffee shop and the other visits it and starts to fall in love with barista (or vice versa). I find the trope kind of boring and very predicable with little to no plot or suspense.
Okay, I'm gonna do coffee shop AU for this one but send me another ask with the arranged marriage AU and I'll think on it some more. The thing is, both Kim and Chay have to be in the cafe. Kim's father assigned this place to him, apparently Something is Suspicious and they're skimping on their money laundering reports. Korn thinks there's a mole in the . He's basically just babysitting.
Chay has to be there because it's too quiet at the library and it's too quiet at home, and it's the only cafe that lets him stay as long as he wants even when he's only ordered the very cheapest coffee.
And there's only ONE good table, the one tucked away in the corner with the best light for studying, where most of the sounds of the other patrons of the coffee shop are drowned out and the grinder isn't too loud but the music can be heard clearly. Chay loves the music they play there. (it's because Kim gets to pick the music)
At first Kim and Chay quietly battle for the table. Chay pouts whenever Kim claims it first, and on days when Chay gets there first Kim just doubles down and decides to get there early the next day. On days when neither of them get the table Kim looks around the shop until he sees Kim and makes eye contact, then gives him a big thumbs down and an eye roll because that's THEIR table to quietly fight over.
Then one day during midterms the coffee shop is PACKED. There are no free tables at all, and Kim's claimed the good table for himself. But it's a table for two, and Chay is desperate. So he waves a metaphorical white flag and asks Kim if he can sit with him. Kim surprises them both by saying yes. Wik probably isn't a thing in this AU, but Kim has slipped a few of his own tracks onto the coffee shop playlist and he likes the way Chay bops to them when they play. Not that he's been watching Chay or the way he bites the end of his pens or the way he's always picking up his coffee cup and frowning sadly when he realizes it's empty but never gets up to get a refill.
After that, Kim and Chay always sit together at the good table - their table.
BUT what's a coffee shop au without baristas? There are all sorts of possibilities for this. Kinn is also on the job - acting manager of the coffee shop? He and Porsche butt heads all the time, unfortunately he's the only one who for sure isn't like, an italian mafia spy, so Kinn can't fire him. Instead they torture each other. They're also always trying to sabotage kimchay's obvious falling for each other because like, sure he's cute but his brother is unbearable. So Porsche puts chili in Kim's drink so that he'll spittake and Chay won't think he's cute anymore (this fails) and Kinn blasts the music's volume whenever he thinks Chay's flirting. Then, you'll recall, Something is Suspicious with the business. While everyone is busy with tomfoolery and falling in love, they're ALSO ALL trying to stop EVERYONE ELSE from noticing the trouble. Kim keeps sneaking off to the bathroom to corner suspicious patrons. Chay doubles down on looking extra cute when he sees someone giving Porsche trouble so that Kim won't think poorly of their family. Kinn keeps trying to catch Porsche being sus without letting Porsche know that's what he's trying to do. Porsche keeps on accidentally fighting these totally unreasonable suppliers and then leaving their knocked out bodies in the back alley because he really doesn't want to lose this job.
It's a big comedy of errors. Chay ends up accidentally being the one to actually catch the mole, through pure coincidence.
(send me a trope, maybe one you hate, and I'll attempt to kimchay it)
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elithemiar-blog · 5 months
Weight. There's a weight on his chest, a comfort as he feels his chest expand.
He runs the corner, heart rate hammering at the sight of Chay with a gun pressed to his head.
His finger twitches, soft fabric brushing against warmth, cotton -- a shirt.
The kidnapper sees him and lowers the gun, aiming at Chay's chest then abdomen, his own gun in his hand and a command on the tip of his tongue. Then two sharp bangs fill the room, soft and muffled, Chay's arms curling around his stomach as he instantly curls and drops to his knees. An all consuming rage burns through his veins, and the kidnapper only grins.
His body shifts, and warm sunlight penetrates through the cover of his eyelids indicating morning has arrived.
Chay's name is released through a guttural scream as he watches the boy fall limp onto the dusty floor.
Blurry sight of a white ceiling meets his opened eyes, his mind still fogged from sleep -- the most restful he's gotten in days.
He rushes forward, anger and panic flushing through his nerves. As one body after another falls by a combined effort of force between hand and gun, until he is the only thing standing between his opponents and Chay, the kidnapper had disappeared.
The weight of him shifts and he looks down, watching and realizing who lays on him. He feels the calm facial features change as the boy nuzzles into him.
He whips around, already twisting his limbs out of both jacket and the shirt underneath, placing the two items on Chay's abdomen in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
"Why are you pretending to sleep?"
"P'Kim." his soft call, and hand raised towards the older, moving until his hand grips around Kim's wrist, strength already weakening.
"I'm scared."
"Sh, don't talk." Tears streamed down both their cheeks. "We'll get through this…and you can yell at me for fucking up." he places more pressure on the site. "Just stay awake."
"I've always felt unlucky, until I realized that all my luck was to find you."
Kinn's wrenching yell snapped his head up, the fear he can see in his brother's eyes is gazed behind him.
"Behind…you." Chay's whispered warning steeped in panic and fear for him makes him realize.
"I love you." Chay smiles up at him. "Do you love me?"
Kim realizes that it's too late as he hears the click behind him. With the softest smile, he stares into Chay's widened eyes, "I love you."
He wants to correspond with his own confession, but this has gone too far built on lies, so what's one more.
"I'm hungry." he responds, numb and unsure.
Chay leaves to make breakfast, and he watches from inside his mind, his body moving.
He's had this dream multiple times, where he's been faster at realizing the danger that comes for the boy, for both of them. The regret of walking away later, of not speaking up.
He sits for a little at the table, knowing the exact words he says, the banter, and when they hear the bell.
His eyes cast over the eggs wishing he could entertain the freedom with Chay, but knows that he'll write those words.
Is this his punishment? For him to vividly remember where he wished to change the sequence of events?
He feels the pen, but his hand doesn't move, then he hears Chay yelling for him. He's off in a shot, and the younger is far closer to the gate then what he can remember. He doesn't stop to question what is going on, he keeps going wrestling Chay out of his attacker's grip, the cloth had been over his nose and mouth for barely over a second, his other hand going for that offender's hand and twisting until he feels the snap.
Pulling the younger behind him and backing them farther into the yard, "Go back inside, Chay!" he orders him, moving a step forward, but a grip on his shirt stops him, he turns.
Chay stares at him in shock.
He turns his back on the attackers, grabbing Chay's bicep and pulling him back to the doors. "I promise to explain, but please go back inside." he pushed him forward a little harder than he means to.
Now being able to fully focus on the intruders with Chay being a safer distance away from them, he's able to fight as he's been taught.
When's he's able to turn the taser back on the owner a second taser hits his torso, but this time he knows it's coming, the advantage of somehow being back. Both men fall and his muscles jumble, his knees hitting the ground hard. Looking up to find the crew all knock out, his mind comes with the solution of getting them both to safety.
Finding his feet again, he rushes back inside. "Chay!" he yells, but the boy is nowhere to be see. "Chay!" he tries louder, enough of a strain that his voice pitches in desperation. "Porchay!"
The soft reply makes him turn into the kitchen, Chay sits on the floor against the cabinets, he kneels down next to him, hands hovering.
"I'm tired."
The distant gaze makes him shake his head, the memories from seeing the blood and pale skin on the dusty warehouse floor blur, his jaw clenches for just a moment. "It's the chloroform, you can sleep in the car." Kim gets an arm behind his shoulders while putting Chay's arm across his own, "Let's get you packed for a few days."
Chay follows his movements, finding the strength to stand, though his form leans into Kim. "Packed?"
"My place is safer. Let's get you up to your room so you can pack."
"Not…my room." Chay groans, attempting to hide his face away.
Kim mentally questions Chay's embarrassment before smirking, "I already know about your fan shrine."
"P'Kim." Chay whines out.
Kim is very much enjoying having Chay in his arms again, though he'd prefer him wrapped around him with his own strength.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
:D ❤
spiritual sister fic to red!! Chay breaks Kim's brain this time with curly hair (why does Barcode look so adorable with curly hairrr).
so that ft jealousy kink, because i adore jealousy/possessiveness kink, where the plot is Chay got talked into doing some music club mentor-mentee thing and his mentor has a crush the size of jupiter on him and keeps trying to monopolize Chay's time hoping he'll start crushing back (but mostly just annoying Chay). Chay isn't oblivious to the flirting, he just genuinely can't understand why anyone would genuinely try to flirt with him when he's dating Kim. obviously???? Kim is the best???? Chay loves Kim and loves dating Kim, who'd be stupid enough to think he'd date them instead???? the only part of this Chay cares about is Kim finding more excuses to visit (read: cling) to him on campus and the constantly refreshed hickies. Chay enjoys that very much.
anyways, ends with curly hair!Chay serenading Kim in public, Kim makes himself into Chay's backpack because he likes him so! much!, and Kim saying something like "bye Dew" to Dew (Chay's mentor) because he's a smug cunt, Dew angrily informing Kim his name is Drive asshole, and Chay going "*blink blink* it is?????" because he never actually remembered the guy's name and somehow his misunderstanding never got corrected. now it's Kim's turn to tackle Chay into a wall because so fucking hot.
idk why this fic got stuck where it did, but it's been stuck for months now rip. maybe i'll return to this one later and figure out how to unstick it or absorb it into something else, but for now, you can read the first scene of this fic under the cut since it makes me laugh;
Kim is about to embark on the most devious and tactical scheme in his whole life.
This isn’t his typical approach to things. He’s always been more of a doer than a planner, and so far his guns blazing approach in life has worked out pretty well for him. But for this scheme, with its potential rewards so sweet, he’s done weeks of recon and meticulous planning until he was nearly sure of his success. He could wait longer, eliminate all variables and refine his plans until things are guaranteed to run like clockwork, but it’s taken ages just to arrive to this point and Kim is low on patience. Sometimes, you just had to jump and improvise during the fall.
Despite his resolve, adrenaline floods his veins that morning as he leaves his shower. He refuses to let any of it show—timing is critical, so he dries his hair and applies his lotion the same way he would any other morning, taking no more nor less time than normal. His motions are smooth and relaxed—he is far too well trained to let his limbs tremble with nerves or anything so pedestrian. An obnoxious alarm sounds from the bedroom, right on time, and Kim’s heart skips a beat, but he forces his expression into something of indifference. The alarm cuts out, Kim just able to make out a faint groan through the door and, with one last roll of his shoulders, because he is the picture of nonchalance, Kim exits the bathroom wearing nothing but a short towel low on his hips and water drops across his shoulders.
He doesn’t actually see Chay as he, very casually, struts past the bed. Another groan emerges from the lump of blankets on it, then an enterprising hand that slaps the bed space Kim usually occupies. Chay whines cutely when his search comes up empty, and Kim forces himself not to smile and keeps on walking to get dressed.
The sheets rustle behind him and Chay grumbles incoherently, but Kim doesn’t turn and opens his wardrobe instead. Every morning, while he’s still fuzzy with sleep, Chay will seek Kim out for a quick nuzzle and a kiss when he first wakes up. If Kim’s not in bed, Chay will force himself upright, rub his eyes and blink blearily at their wardrobe past the foot of their bed, and then—if he has morning wood—seek Kim out for his missed kiss, or—if he’s just sleepy—head for the shower to wake himself up. Kim, positioned perfectly in Chay’s expected sight line, has plans to ensure the first.
“Mm,” Chay sighs, loudly. Kim is so tempted to turn around. But Chay’s extolled the virtues of his back, multiple times now, and while Kim’s not completely sure what he finds so great about it, he’s not above using it to his advantage.
(Besides, the scratch marks have started to fade. Chay could do with a reminder.)
A soft grunt comes from behind him, but Kim ignores it. He hums, some tuneless thing to drown out any of Chay’s soft sleepy sounds, until Chay finally rasps, “Kim…”
The sound scrapes pleasantly across Kim’s nerves, but Kim locks the feeling down and only gives Chay a careless, seemingly half-attentive hum as he looks casually over his shoulder, hips cocked in a way that makes it look like he has an ass but not like he’s trying too hard.
And fuck, is Chay a sight to behold. He’s propped his head up with one hand, staring at Kim with hooded eyes and his shirt sliding up to reveal a sliver of his hips. Chay hums, voice still raspy with sleep, and drags his free hand through his fluffy bedhead before dropping it back down to play with the hem of his boxers and ugh, Kim wants to be the one doing those things to him so bad.
But he has an agenda this morning, one he really wants to succeed, and for that he needs patience and subtlety.
Kim smiles at Chay but then turns back to his wardrobe, pretending to admire his clothing selection while using his peripherals to watch Chay, and subtly flexes his muscles. Chay sighs gustily.
Kim feels more than sees Chay’s eyes sweep up his form. Yes, he thinks, careful to hide his glee. He is so close, just a few more subtle pushes, and surely then—
Then Chay flops back and throws his arm over his eyes with a groan. “Nevermind.”
…On second thought, best not to leave anything to chance.
Kim turns heel and quickly—but casually—crawls onto the bed and into the space between Chay’s thighs. Chay grunts inquisitively, face still hidden, but automatically spreads his thighs to make room for Kim. He’s so good.
“You can’t just say that to me,” Kim complains. Chay moves his arm to squint at Kim, and Kim turns his pout up full force as he settles, half draped, over Chay. “Now I’m curious.”
Chay snorts. “You and your issues with secrets,” he gripes playfully. Kim nods solemnly, turning his pout into a well practiced, soulfully pleading look, and the corners of Chay’s mouth twitch as he tries not to smile. “Like you don’t know what you’re doing.”
Kim blinks guilelessly. “Hmm?”
Chay snorts again, but his hands find the warm skin of Kim’s hips. His towel, already barely hanging on, falls open with the lightest of tugs. Chay’s eyes sweep down, heavy lidded with appreciation.
“Not a single clue, huh?”
“Mm,” Kim agrees, and gives up trying to hide his smile.
A matching smile flashes across Chay’s face and then he’s pulling Kim closer, until their hips push together and Kim can feel the hard chub of Chay’s dick through his sleep shorts, and Kim’s moving from his hands to his elbows and trying not to smile too wide as he moves in for a kiss—
And Chay suddenly rears up to blow his morning breath right onto Kim’s face.
Kim pauses, instincts beating back his lust to keep them from whacking heads, nose wrinkled at the stale smell, and Chay falls back cackling over his prank. He gets exactly two seconds of laughter before Kim kisses him anyways, bad morning breath and all.
Chay laughs against his lips and Kim falls into him. “This is so gross,” Chay complains, even as he holds Kim close and lightly scratches his nails over the fading marks across his back.
“Mm,” Kim hums, not really agreeing, and moves in for another kiss. Kim loves all sides of Chay, from the gross to the clean, and he kisses him without reservation or care. And for all his little exasperated huffs and puffs, Chay yields easily, wonderfully, to the wet slide of their lips. Kim should plan and scheme more often, if it means getting Chay’s thighs around his hips, Chay’s nails scratching through his hair and down his back, Chay’s moans sweet against his mouth.
Just when Kim is about to declare this venture a success and trade in their sweet kisses for something more wanton, Chay’s second alarm goes off.
And. Chay. Leaves.
“Ignore it,” Kim whines as Chay slides out from underneath him, giving up on all attempts to seduce Chay into doing what he wants and finally just begging.
Chay pauses, his fingers frozen over his still-singing phone, a mess of conflicted emotions crossing his face. It’s unfair, for him to try to walk away when he looks so tempting, bedhead tangled in a wonderful mess of curls and his lips wet and red from their kisses. Kim shifts his hips and Chay’s eyes dart to his hard dick. He even moans, a delightful hungry sound that makes Kim want to tackle Chay off their bed and fuck him right there on the floor, but then Chay shakes his head and fully pulls away.
“I can’t,” he says, mournful but insistent, “I have that mentor thing, remember?” Then he shuts off his alarm and shuffles into their bathroom, looking sad and forlorn but not stopping.
Kim flops back on their bed with a curse. Scheme almost a success.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
so, as everyone seems to be predicting, the chances are incredibly high that chay is going to get kidnapped, whether it's because of his relationship with porsche or because of kim. but i think it would be neat if prior to that, kim decides to try and let chay down and tell him they can't have anything else to do with each other, for whatever reason, because he doesn't want chay to get caught up in the world he's trying to escape himself. and then when kim doesn't hear from chay, he's gonna feel a little disappointed that chay doesn't want anything to do with him and a little surprised, because that's not like chay. so he'll do a little snooping or something and that's when he finds out chay's been kidnapped. i think kim's gonna feel so guilty about it, like he could have prevented it, but i think it would also force him to fully realise his feelings for chay and just how much he means to him.
.....and as i said that i started to seriously think about it and now i feel bad because OH I'D LOVE FOR THAT TO HAPPEN. IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. i'd be wondering how they were gonna tie up kim and chay's story to the main plot and like.. THIS IS IT!!!!!!!
if chay gets kidnapped porsche is gonna be devastated and kinn will be right beside him, ready to do ANYTHING to help him find chay. and i can see big going to kim to report something to him and then telling him about chay like an afterthought, like it's nothing important, and kim is gonna FLIP. he will drive to the main house and DEMAND to know what are they doing to find chay, where are they looking for him, etc. and porsche and kinn are gonna be so confused and surprised and after they find chay kim is gonna have to explain everything and OH IT'S GONNA HURT SO GOOD
and if kim tells chay they can't see each other anymore RIGHT BEFORE CHAY GETS KIDNAPPED?????? kim is already gonna feel SO BAD for pushing chay away, not only because at this point kim is gonna end up hurting him no matter how kind he tries to be, but also because kim didn't realize just how attached he had grown to chay, how every day kim had come to expect a message from him or to see him show up with his bright eyes and sweet smile. not having that is gonna leave such a big cold void in his life, and then if he's gonna learn that chay got kidnapped when kim could have prevented that by keeping an eye on him??? if he's gonna think that he might be losing chay for good because someone is gonna hurt and maybe kill him????? THAT'S DEFINITELY GONNA BE THE THING THAT MAKES KIM REALIZE HIS FEELINGS BUT THEN HE'S GONNA HAVE TO TELL CHAY THE TRUTH (that he approached him just to learn more about porsche, that everything he said was a lie) AND HE'S GONNA HAVE TO SEE THE SADNESS IN CHAY'S EYES WHEN KIM GOT SO USED TO SEE LOVE IN THEM AND HE IS GONNA BE SO MISERABLE
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laesas · 1 year
Hi dear! For the ask game maybe 🧠 and 💭?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
🌸 Kimhanahaki 🌸 - KimChay + Hanahaki disease (flowers growing in the chest caused by unrequited love) this has spent the last few weeks pinging around my little brain.
It's a Chay POV fic where a few years after canon he's mostly moved on. He's gotten to the point where he can hear a WIK song on the radio and think about it almost fondly. He's not planning on becoming Kim's best friend but he can be civil with him and he understands why Kim did what he did to protect his brothers at the very least. Everything is fine until he gets dragged to some event where he stumbles into a back room and finds Kim collapsed on the floor coughing up flowers. At first Chay is caught by the fact this this is incredibly unfair, especially as Kim is the one that hurt him, but he eventually becomes determined to help because he feels responsible. Kim (predictably) wants no involvement in this plan and wants Chay to stay away. Kim is managing fine on his own. He's getting treatments, it's all managable, he just has to live with it. Chay convinces him to let him help by threatening to tell Tankhun lol. Chay is convinced that more distance won't help and realistically, it's been 2-3 years and Kim is apparently still in love with some teenage, pre-mafia version of Chay that doesnt exist anymore. If he can get that idea through Kim's head, maybe there's a chance he'll fall out of love and that the flowers will stop. Cue Kim and Chay developing a tentative friendship, Kim learning to lean on the people he trusts and a KimChay slowly falling (back) in love montage.
I have so so much more on this haha - The other day I got a leeetle bit tipsy and overexcited and accidentally pitched the entire thing to various little gay creatures that live in my phone. When I predicted 'at least 20k' for breathing room I got told 'at least 40k' which is! A LOT!! Maybe too much for lil ol me (a very very new writer) I'm torn because I love the idea and I feel like if I post the *ENTIRE* outline and all the plot points here, there will be absolutely ZERO chance of me writing it because *spoilers!*. BUT if the chance of me writing it is zero anyway, maybe I should just type up the full outline and hit post?! It might spark joy for someone haha
ANYWAY! that's Kimhanahaki! 🌸
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
OOH! - So this never makes it into the KimBig fic but I have so many headcanons about Kim's resentment of Big and how that came to be. My idea is that Kim used to be incredibly close with Kinn in their childhood. Tankhun was off doing much more imprtant heir related things and Kinn was left to dote on Kim.
Big was brought to the household at around the exact same time that Kinn became the heir (I've seen some fics where Big's was orphaned when his father (a bodyguard) was killed during Taknhun's kidnapping). Big moves in, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, and as Kinn's agemate he can convincingly go where other bodyguards can't. He's also a massive support for Kinn emotionally as while Tankhun is still alive, Kinn has still 'lost' his older brother in a sense.
Between all his new responsibilities and gaining Big as his new shadow, the now-teenage Kinn's relationship with a still very young Kim takes a hit. Kim is too young and too emotionally immature to fill the space that Big fits into, and as Kinn starts leaving him behind he ends up resenting Big for it.
Thanks so so much for asking lovely!! <3
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pandasized-crevice · 2 years
porsche back on a motorcycle i LOVE TO SEE IT🥵
chay my baby:(:(🥺😭
pol my beloved jester😚
hmm kinn didn't take anyone you say.......
code red?
i love that arm is porsches accomplice in this
help about porsche?....WAIT WHAT 😀
mr spikes!!
pete my love☺️
don't expose vegas like this pete....
and this godforsaken sad song playing in the fucking background STOP
pottery time with korn
oh girl if its not one thing ITS ANOTHER WHEN WILL PORSCHE BE AT PEACE
pretty moon shoot🌕💜
lets escape pete come on babe
goddammit pete won't leave not when vegas looks like a sad miserable thing
pretty lights in the captivity room🫶
if i had a nickle for eveytime a guy with a name starting with P surprise kisses a theerapanyakul🧐🤨, id have two nickles
omg the grip on the chains...
oh my god dude WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY
where are bible and builds awards?THEY ARE NEEDED ASAP🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🫅🫅
omg petes smile? BYE YALL
royal farmhouse bread hey girl🥴
the couple is being sweet,it's chays time to flee🏃
yall better not do another bread kiss....
wait so they're living at porsches instead?
kinn is so sappy i love him
gotta give royal farmhouse her solo shot
yes tay & porsche friendship it's what we deserve
these fools bro💀
noodle product placement yuh
its freaking jom and tem FUCKING BET ITS GONNA GET WEIRD
dammit its korn
the l i n e yall
BYE i'm sobbing don't look for me
kinn🕴🏻 🤨im waiting for you to say i love you to porsche 👁👁
kim looking mighty fine...😵‍💫..MIGHTY FINE
hair product placement nice
chay's friend super cute🫣
oh when porsche finds out he'll be p i s s e d
OH HEY KIM..……..well after that mark me down as scared AND horny
i'm with kinnewww bugs
you're both pretty lets get that straight
the worst bug of them all😠
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the-cookie-of-doom · 18 days
hi hello
i wanted to ask if you know abt or could help me find a kimchay fic
might not be remembering this correctly but it's a post canon one where chay escapes to an island or different town, changes his name and becomes a bartender or a barista (lol im not sure which of these two is right but he's a server of some sort)
kim and porche lose their shit obviously and start looking for him then kim leaves a video recording on the internet saying they're looking for him and also sings wdys...... eventually chay contacts them back etc etc(can't remember the rest of the plot🤧) also i think korn is also looking for him and they're worried he'll hurt him
i've been going insane tryna remember the name and author of the fic but i cant seem to find any, would really appreciate the help
thank you
Ohhnooo. I'm so sorry anon, but this doesn't sound familiar to me at all! One of my own fics is actually very similar to the first half of this, but IDK anything where Chay straight up runs away from Kim and Porsche.
Can anyone help out??
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