#Kimetsu no yiaba
sorcerer-edits · 1 year
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akaza (demon slayer) moodboard. this is the only way I am allowed to handle villain requests 👉👈
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una-hive5 · 6 months
Back in 2019, when Kimetsu no Yiaba first season realest, I have a huge crush on Tanjirou. After I finished the manga and watched the Mugen Train Movie, I kinda stopped liking kny for some reason?
Now in 2023, rewatching kny with my sisters I realized something.
Since when did Giyuu being this hot?
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deany-baby · 1 year
Follow if you post anything about:
Kimetsu No Yiaba
OTV & Friends
Djo / Joe Keery
Joseph Quinn
Taylor Swift
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Incorrrect Quote 19:
Giyuu: “(Y/N)....Why are you here?” 
Y/N: “To establish an alibi.” 
Giyuu: “Wait. What?” 
Y/N: “Wanna help?”
 Giyuu: “No!”
 Y/N: “Are you sure?”
Giyuu: “.....no”
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apatia-tm · 4 years
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「⸙͎」 iT's So cUtE
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userchuu · 5 years
my inbox is empty! if you have any requests please leave them their !! i write reader inserts for boku no hero academia and kimetsu no yaiba !!
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embracescorner · 3 years
Demon Slayer: Winds Of The Past Part 1
             Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yiaba: Winds of The Past
                 Part 1: Rebirth through tragedy
            The skies glowed with a shiny blue, almost no clouds in sight. The light breeze brushed against the flowers that only now began to bloom. It was a beautiful day, one that had graced the young Embrace Lilith. She went through the fields, plucking a lot of red spider lilies, her favorite flower. It was a happy day for her, and for someone she held dear. When she was seven years of age, her younger sister Suniko was born, and today would be their first birthday. She looked to the skies, seeing the sun had already started its downward climb. She knew her mother would throw a fit if she wasn’t back soon, so she sprinted and made her way back home. Their house was small, but on the side of a mountain that overlooked a vast valley. She made her way to the front door. Sliding it open, she looked inside, seeing her mother, Hinoko Lilith, cradling young Suniko.
            “Oh, you’re back,” said Hinoko, “I was beginning to worry, please don’t be out for so long.”
            “Sorry, mama,” said Embrace.
            “Hmhm, I see you’ve already got something for Suniko,” said Hinoko, “I’m sure she’ll love it, won’t you.”
            She finished that remark while turning her attention back to Suniko. Embrace joined her, clinging to her side.
            “Do you wish to hold her?” asked Hinoko.
            Embrace nodded and was handed Suniko. Embrace lost herself gazing at her younger sister as she slept. She went and sat herself down in the dining area/living room.
            “She’s awfully sleepy today,” said Embrace.
            “It’s normal,” said Hinoko, “I remember when you were that small, you used to sleep day and night, almost never opening your eyes.”
            “I know,” giggled Embrace, “But it’s her special day, she should be enjoying it.”
            “She will,” said Hinoko, “I’m almost finished with dinner, could you please get the table and plates.”
            Embrace set Sumiko aside on a pillow and pulled out a table, grabbing two plates and a bowl. After she was done, Hinoko joined the two, taking Suniko, and mashing her food in the bowl and feeding her the paste. The family of three had spent the rest of the day celebrating the birth of their little angel. Embrace and Hinoko cradled Suniko as they watched the sunset.
They didn’t have much, but they had each other, and that was all they ever needed. The three watched as the sun dipped behind the hills, giving way for the night sky.
            “Embrace,” said Hinoko, “What do you wish to be when you grow up?”
            “Hmmm,” mused Embrace, pondering the question, “I don’t know.”
            “Well, whatever it is,” started Hinoko, “Know this. If you put your mind to it and go at it with all your strength and determination, there is nothing you won’t be able to accomplish.”
            “Really?” asked Embrace.
            “Yes,” answered Hinoko, “Always remember that.”
            “I will,” said Embrace.
            “Come on,” said Hinoko, “It’s time to rest.”
            Embrace followed her mother inside, and the two got out mats for sleeping. Before Embrace laid down to rest, she looked into the cradle, gazing at her baby sister. She smiled and laid down on the mat and closed her eyes, not knowing that would be the last time that she would see her loved ones again.
 Chapter 1:
            Embrace was stirred awake by a slight sound. She looked around; her vision clouded by her brain slowly waking up. She was then jolted awake by the feeling of someone snatching her up. She looked and saw it was her mother, shoving her into the closet.
            “Stay here,” whispered Hinoko, “It’ll keep you safe.”
            “What’re you hiding?” called a voice.
            Embrace had to hold back a scream as something beyond her imagination rounded the corner. It was tall, taller than any living thing Embrace had seen in her life. The creature was humanoid in appearance, having a similar structure, but there were several things that set it apart from a human. It had four arms instead of two, the two extra sticking out of its elbows. Its limbs were long and gangly, almost looking like it had starved itself for years. It’s fingers were like long claws, and the nails were sharpened to a fine point. It had four eyes, and long white hair that draped down past its shoulders. The thing that scared Embrace the most was its mouth and hands. They were caked with fresh blood which oozed from the mouth, mixing with saliva, and dripping onto the floor.
            “You can’t hope to escape with your life, woman,” said the monster, “You can only prolong the inevitable. No matter what, you and your children are nothing more than food.”
            “You took my only child,” cried Hinoko.
            “You’re a terrible liar,” cackled the beast, “I saw two beds and a cradle. I also saw you scoop something up when you ran. Do you really think you can keep that one safe?”
            “Embrace, RUN!” screamed Hinoko.
            She then threw herself at the creature, sacrificing herself to give her daughter a chance to escape. As the creature grabbed onto her, Embrace ran from the closet, hoping to duck under the creature and run. It was all for naught, as the creature used it’s only free arm to grab onto her. Embrace looked back and screamed, tears filling up her eyes as she saw the creature feast on her mother, tearing into her chest.
            “Please stop!” begged Embrace, “Please, just let us go.”
            “That is not going to happen, kid,” said the creature, “Enjoy these last few moments, because soon it’s going to be your turn.”
            “Please stop!” begged Embrace, “Someone, please help!!!”
            “It’s useless kid,” snarled the creature, “So just shut up and-.”
            The creature stopped, its gaze catching a glimpse of someone else. Embrace followed its gaze and saw someone standing in the hallway. It was a man, seeming to only be 20 years of age. They were garbed in a white haori, and underneath was a black suit and pants, seeming to be a uniform. In his hands, he held a black sword, but the mune of the blade was as white as a cloud and engraved on the blade were kanji that said one simple thing: “Destroyer of Demons”. Embrace was broken out of her trance by a strange sound. She turned to see the creature’s demeanor had changed, its body was now shaking, and she could see fear in all four of its eyes.
            “You have taken the lives of too many,” said the man, “Why would you do such a thing?”
            “Give me a break, okay!” yelled the creature, “I was hungry. Why can’t you understand that, we’re just getting our food!”
            “You have killed many people,” said the man, “So in return, I will steal your life.”
            “Stay back!” yelled the creature, dropping Embrace’s mother and grabbing onto her with all four hands, “If you come any closer, she dies here and now.”
            “Fear not, little one,” said the man, “I will save you.”
            The man adjusted himself, taking a strange stance. Embrace then heard the man breathe, and it sounded very peculiar to her.
            “Mist Breathing: sixth form,” said the man, “Lunar Disappearing Mist!”
            He then bust forward, almost too fast for either of the two to see. He jumped and flipped in the air. In the next second, before it could act, the creature found its arms, hands, and head to be severed, falling to the floor. Embrace hit the floor with a thump, landing next to her mother. She quickly reached out to grab her, trying to shake her awake.
            “Mama,” called Embrace.
            She got no response, just a dead silence. She shook further, not giving up.
            “Mama, mama,” she continuously called, trying to get any response, “Mama, please, wake up!”
            “I am sorry,” said the man, now standing over Embrace, “If I had gotten here sooner, maybe she would still be alive.”
            “No, she’s still alive,” said Embrace, “She can’t be dead, right mama?!”
            “I wish I could say you are right, little one,” said the man, “But she is no longer with us. I was too late, and the Demon took her from you.”
            Embrace burst out crying. She didn’t want to comprehend it. She wanted all of this to be a bad dream, and that she would soon wake up to see her mother and sister alive right next to her. She was so distraught that she didn’t notice as the man picked her up and began to walk as he carried her. Embrace tried to break free, not wanting to leave her home, but the man had too tight a grip on her.
            “What are you doing?!” screamed Embrace, “Let me go!”
            “I couldn’t save either of them,” said the man, “But I can at least save you.”
            “No, I want to go home,” yelled Embrace, “Please, let me go.”
            “To walk alone at night is a dangerous thing,” said the man, “And now you know why. Now you know of the dangerous beasts that ravage our land.”
            “Huh?” asked Embrace, “What do you mean? What was that thing?”
            “That was a demon, dear child,” said the man, “The legends of old are true, at night, man-eating demons walk the earth, searching for humans to feast on. Normal attacks are useless, as they regenerate fatal wounds in the blink of an eye.”
            “Then how did you kill it?” asked Embrace, “Who are you?!”
            “My name is Yorokai Mizuguchi,” said the man, “and I am a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. We hunt demons in the dead of night and do what we can to protect humans with ours special blades. As I said, normal attacks are useless. There are only two things that can kill a demon: sunlight, or decapitation by a special sword, most commonly known as a Nichirin Sword.”
            Embrace couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not only did demons exist, but so did the ancient legends of the demon slayers. She looked around, seeing that they were traveling at a fast pace.
            “So, what happens to me now?” asked Embrace.
            “That is entirely up to you,” said Yorokai, “Your home is gone, and you are orphaned at a young age. What do you want to do?”
            Embrace pondered the question but found herself distracted. She had lost her family, her home, everything she had. Tears once more welled up in her eyes as she wept for her mother and sister. That sadness then turned to rage as the thought of that horrid creature entered her mind. Not only had it taken everything from her, but it, and so many more like it had stolen everything from many others. She pondered the question, and in her anger, she found her answer.
            “Mister Mizuguchi, sir,” said Embrace.
            “What is it?” asked Yorokai.
            “I want to become a demon slayer,” answered Embrace.
            “Are you sure?” asked Yorokai, “That is a dangerous road to walk, and one that can so easily lead to danger and even death.”
            “I now have nothing,” said Embrace, “you say that there are many horrible creatures that stalk the night and commit horrid acts upon others. I can never forgive them, and for that, I cannot allow them to continue. Please, give me a chance to end their reign of fear and terror.”
            Yorokai didn’t speak at first, showing no expression, but then halted his pace and smiled.
            “Very well,” said Yorokai, “I will take you to an old friend of mine. There, she will teach you the ways of swordsmanship and breathing. Then, after hard training, you will be tested to join the ranks of the Demon Slayer Corps. I ask you one final time; do you wish to walk this dangerous path with us?”
            “I will,” said Embrace, not giving a moment’s hesitation.
            “Hm, then it is settled,” said Yorokai, “What is your name?”
            “Embrace,” answered Embrace.
  ��         “Well, Embrace,” started Yorokai, “Welcome to the world of the demon slayers.”
            Embrace looked out towards the valley, seeing the first crack of dawn. As the sun slowly began to rise, so did Embrace as she was about to begin her new life.
 Chapter 2:
            It took a day’s travel for Yorokai and Embrace to reach their destination. Normally, it would take him half that time to do so, but he had let Embrace down, and demanded she follow him on foot. His reasoning was that she would be doing it a lot from now on, so there was no better time to get used to it. She was panting, and out of breath, but Yorokai was surprised to see that she had kept up at the pace he used, having had to use a slower pace for others in the past.
            “We are here,” Yorokai announced, “I wish I could see you off, but I have many duties to fulfill. Rest here for now but prepare for challenges ahead.”
            “Okay,” said Embrace, huffing and puffing, “Is there anything I should know before I meet this woman?”
            “She is a friend of mine,” said Yorokai, “But due to the nature of the methods she uses to train people, do not suspect my recommendation will make her treat you any differently.”
            “Okay,” said Embrace, “Before you go, thank you. You saved my life and even lead me here. For that, I am grateful.”
            “No need to thank me,” said Yorokai, “I was just doing my duty. I wish you luck on the road ahead.”
            “Thank you,” said Embrace, “I wish you luck in battle too.”
            Yorokai then waved goodbye as he entered the sanctum of the grounds. Embrace took this time to sit down and try to regain her energy. She sat there for what must’ve been ten minutes when she saw the doors fly open, and a relatively young woman stepped out. If Embrace could guess, she would say the woman was no older than her late mother. She was quite tall, standing at 5’11”, and seemed to have a strong build. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had piercing amber eyes, and a small scar ran between them like the rim of glasses.
            “Ah, you must be the one Yorokai was speaking of,” said the woman, “My name is Natsuki Kogami, and I am a trainer for those who wish to join the Demon Slayer Corps. What is your name?”
            “My name is Embrace Lilith,” said Embrace, getting to her feet, “I wish to learn from you and become a demon slayer.”
            “Well, I’ll be the judge of that,” said Natsuki, “Fallow me, we will begin the trial to see if you’re worthy of becoming my student.”
            Natsuki welcomed Embrace into the grounds. She looked around, shocked to see the size of the place. What seemed to be the main temple was massive, almost 50 times the size of her house. What seemed to be the training grounds was full of strange devices, and several training dummies, some of the posts were broken. She was led into the temple, going through the halls till they reached a big room. Embrace looked up, seeing no roof, seeing the sky as it started to shift to night time. The room was adorned with what seemed like a sort of obstacle course.
            “This is what I use to test those who wish to become my students,” said Natsuki, “The test is very simple: you will go through that course for three laps. You must complete those three laps before the sand in this hourglass run out.”
            “Is that all?” asked Embrace.
            “Confident, are we?” said Natsuki, “Well, begin!”
            Embrace was startled and took off. The course seemed like a simple track with a few hurtles, and some things she needed to climb over. She was about to reach the first hurtle when she felt the floor beneath her sink, and a strange sound came from beneath. She looked to the side and could barely react as a log on a rope came sailing in, knocking her over. She quickly scrambled to her feet and went back onto the course, jumping over the first hurdle. When she touched the ground, she felt it give out, and she slipped through. She grabbed onto the edge, pulling herself out of the tiger pit. She went on, coming to the wall with a few pegs sticking out. She grabbed on and began climbing up the wall. She grabbed onto the last peg, and gasped as it gave out. Before she could fall, she grabbed onto a lower peg, climbing more cautiously. As she went through the course, the traps became more frequent. As she finished the first two laps, she turned, seeing the hourglass was almost done. She sped up her pace, remembering where most of the traps were. Even with the knowledge of the first two laps, the traps were extremely hard to avoid. As she rounded the last corner, she saw there were only a few grains left. Embrace cringed as she pushed herself, running faster than she had ever run before. She tripped at the end, falling to the floor. She tried to get to her feet, but she felt weakness in her arms and legs, and she was gasping for breath. She then felt as Natsuki scooped her up.
            “Just in the nick of time,” said Natsuki, “You passed, so, as promised, I will make you one of my students.”
            “Thank you,” panted Embrace.
            “Here, I’ll take you to your room,” said Natsuki, “Rest up, cause your training begins tomorrow.”
            Embrace watched as they went through the halls, stopping at one door. Embrace was brought into the room and set down onto a mat. Embrace closed her eyes and began to rest, knowing she had a long road ahead of her.
 Chapter 3:
            The days passed by, and Embrace began her training to become a demon slayer. Her days consisted of grueling training that lasted from sun up to sun down. Her day began with her using a long wooden stick and striking a pole 3000 times. After that, it was on to running several laps around the grounds. After the run, it was sparring with Natsuki, and studying her movements while trying not to get knocked out. While waiting for her groups turn to spar, they were to practice striking the practice dummies, promised seconds at dinner if they could break the dummy post. The final exercise of the day was striking the same pole 8000 times. As she went through the motions, Embrace’s body became more accustomed to the strenuous regimen, thus making it easier for her to keep it up for the rest of the day. During sparring, for the first few weeks, she had been knocked out almost immediately during each session. She would awaken a few hours later and move on with her exercises. As she grew accustomed to life in the temple, she got to know the other students. Most of them were there for the same reason as her, others having learned the truth of demons and wanting to do something about it, and others who were found by Natsuki in dire situations and agreed to go through her training in return for help. She had begun to bond with some of them, starting to feel at home. Days turned to months, and Embrace made progress with her training. After a whole year, for the first time, she had been able to last in sparring sessions for a few minutes. She began to pick up on Natsuki’s movements and began learning how to block and even counter them. After another six months, she was then introduced to a new regimen. There, she learned of the secrets of the Demon Slayer Corps. and how their hundreds of members were able to fight against demons, despite their human form. She learned of total concentration breathing and began to train herself to master those techniques. On some days, she would be pulled out from the normal drills with others and begin learning the breathing forms of wind breathing sword techniques. With total concentration breathing, it was possible for demon slayer swordsmen to perform special sword techniques that aided them in their battle with demons. Embrace practiced every day since then, putting her body under great stress. Not only was it difficult to keep up total concentration breathing while under stress, but the techniques of wind breathing were very demanding, making it hard to keep it up for long periods of time. Luckily, the others were quick to see her plight and offered that they train together so that they could all progress and overcome their weakness. It was her the mark of her third year of training when she had noticed that the number of students had thinned significantly, and some that she had gotten to know were now gone. She had gone to Natsuki and asked her about this and was asked to follow. She was brought to another room, seeming to be a simple sparring chamber.
            “Hmm, what are we here for?” asked Embrace.
            “This is where I test those to see if they have completed my training,” said Natsuki, “If you can successfully strike me twenty times, then you have completed my training.”
            “If I finish my training, will I be a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.?” asked Embrace.
            “No, not yet” said Natsuki, “If you complete my training, I will approve you to go through the final selection. There, you will be tested, and if you pass that, then you will become a demon slayer.”
            Natsuki then took a stance, drawing a wooden sword. Embrace responded by doing the same. She was ready to move in on her but was surprised to see Natsuki vanish in an instant. She felt hard wood strike her on the back of the head, and it all went black from there. Day after day, she would run herself through her drills and practice total concentration, but still failed with each attempt. Then, one day, after a year had passed, she challenged Natsuki one more time. The two entered the chamber and drew their wooden swords. Embrace took in a deep breath, ready to win this time. She and Natsuki burst forward, ready to clash. Natsuki whirled around her and swung towards Embrace’s head.
            “What a shame,” said Natsuki, “Maybe next month.”
            “Wind breathing: Sixth Form,” said Embrace, “Black Wind Mountain Mist!”
            Embrace whirled around upward, swinging her sword. Natsuki’s strike was blocked and felt the tip strike her shoulder.
            “Not bad,” said Natsuki, “Let us see if you can keep it up.”
            “Wind Breathing: Second Form,” said Embrace, “Claws Purifying Wind!”
            Embrace then made three upward slashes. Natsuki blocked the first but took the other two. Having felt pressed for the first time in a while, she decided to pick up the pace.
            “Heh, it has been quite a while since the last time I did this,” said Natsuki, taking in a deep breath, “Wind Breathing: First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!”
            Natsuki burst forth at great speed, making continuous circular slashes.
            ‘If she has trained well’ thought Natsuki, ‘then this shouldn’t be hard to block.’
            “Wind Breathing: Third Form,” said Embrace as she winded up, “Clean Storm Wind Tree.”
            She rotated several times, unleashing a whirlwind of slashes. While the clashing against her had halted the both of them, Natsuki felt the sword brush against her twelve times. She smiled, impressed that Embrace had grown into such a capable fighter. She only needed to land five more strikes and she would pass the test. Natsuki jumped back and readied to strike again. Embrace seized this chance and burst forward. She readied and leaped into the air.
            “Seventh Form: Gale Sudden Gusts!” yelled Embrace.
            She swung her blade hard as she jumped, striking with great force. Natsuki raised her sword to defend and gasped as the force from the strike broke the wooden blade.
            “Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind!” yelled Embrace.
            Natsuki felt as she was struck on the back several times, exceeding the twenty required hits. Embrace landed on the floor, out of breath. She turned, seeing Natsuki smiling.
            “Well done,” congratulated Natsuki, “You completed my training. Therefore, I will approve you for final selection.”
            “Thank you,” said Embrace, bowing in respect, “I would’ve never made it this far without your training, and for that, I am grateful.”
            Natsuki invited Embrace to her chamber for dinner, treating her student to a feast. The two fellowshipped, recalling the day four years ago when she had first arrived. As Embrace left, she caught a glimpse of Natsuki grabbing some things. She went to her room and laid to rest, having one last trial ahead of her.
 Chapter 4:
            Embrace awoke the next morning, finding Natsuki waiting at her door.
            “Good morning,” greeted Natsuki, “I wanted to see you off. Here take this.”
            She handed Embrace a green Kimono and a black sword with a green mune.
            “The site of final selection is to the north at Mt. Fujikasane,” said Natsuki, “This sword will protect you.”
            “Thank you,” said Embrace, “I promise to make you proud.”
            Embrace got dressed in the kimono, then set off. She traveled far to the north, going from town to town, traversing the land till she reached her destination, the sun beginning to set. At the foot of the mountain, she found the beginning of a long stair case that ascended the mountain. As she walked up the steps, she noticed wisteria was all over the place. She eventually reached the top, finding many other people in an open area. They all seemed to be around her age, some older, some younger. Most of them only had swords like her, but some carried flails with them as well as swords. Embrace decided to rest under a tree and wait for the test to begin. She watched as the moon began to rise, the moonlight touching down onto the area. She looked over and saw two girls standing on a small little stage, both off them looking the same as each other.
            “Greetings,” said one, “We are pleased to see so many people who wish to join the Demon Slayer Corps.”
            “You have all gathered her to take part in the final selection process,” said the other, “To pass, you must survive seven days past this wisteria barrier. Demons who have been captured by demon slayers are on this mountain, so be careful.”
            “Now, let the final selection begin!” said the two in unison.
            Embrace and the others rushed forth into the forest ahead, leaving their safe haven behind. Most broke away from the group, but Embrace and a few others stuck together, seeing strength in numbers.
            “Okay, let us move to the east,” said Embrace, “The sunlight will first strike there.”
            The group followed her, making their way through the forest. Along the way, the party stopped, hearing rustling coming from all directions. They all stood back-to-back, ready for the next challenge. Suddenly four demons sprung from the trees, trying to catch the children off guard.
            “Finally!” yelled one of the demons.
            “I haven’t had human flesh in a long time,” said another.
            The demons then closed in, all ready to tear the group to shreds. The group then prepared, took a deep breath, and burst forward.
            “Water Breathing: Second Form Improved: Lateral Water Wheel!”
            “Thunder breathing: Fourth Form: Distant Thunder!”
            “Wind Breathing: First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!”
            “Flame Breathing: Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!”
            “Stone Breathing: Third Form: Stone Skin!”
            The user of stone breathing whipped their flai. around, repelling the demons back. This left them open, allowing the four others to close in and slice off the demon’s heads. They all saw as the bodies of the demons crumbled. Embrace was entranced by this, so entranced that she didn’t notice a demon coming up behind her.
            “Behind you!” yelled the water breathing user.
            Embrace drew her sword as she turned, and saw as someone else closed in, seeming to be an eight year old girl.
            “Mist Breathing: Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!”
            The one behind burst forward, slicing off the demon’s head in an instant.
            “It would do you good to be aware of your surroundings,” was all they said before retreating to into the forest.
            The group decided to move forward. As the days gone by, the five stuck together, resting in the day time, and fighting off demons at night. They soon reached the end of the last night, heading back to the area where they first started this trial. They reached the wisteria as the sun began to rise. As they entered the center sanctum, they noticed many people from the beginning were missing. In fact, the only people there was the girl from before and three others.
            “Welcome back,” said the two children from the beginning, “We are so glad that you all are safe. Starting today, you all are members of the Demon Slayer Corps. There are 10 ranks in the Demon Slayer Corps.: Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, Mizunoto. You will all start at the bottom at Mizunoto, we will now brand you with your rank. In addition, you will be assigned a Kqsugai crow.”
            As they said that, one of them clapped their hands. At the sound as if it were a signal, several crows flew out of the trees. Embrace held her arm out and watched as a crow landed onto her forearm.
            “Hello, little guy,” said Embrace, stroking its head.
            “Now, for the next part,” said one of the girls, showing a table with a bunch of rocks on it, “Now, you shall select the ore that shall be used to forge your sword.”
            Each of the survivors took turns stepping up, selecting their ore. Once everyone was done, they were all called up to have their measure taken for uniform sizes. As Embrace was being measured, she felt a small tickle on her hand. They were all dismissed, all setting off to wait for their uniforms and katana. Embrace returned to Natsuki’s temple where she was welcomed back with congratulations. Two weeks later, Embrace was sweeping the grounds when she heard the sound of chimes. She opened the gates and was surprised to find a man with a Hyottoko mask standing outside, a box under his left arm.
            “Hello, I am Murako Tsuchinata,” said the man, “I am her to deliver the sword for Embrace Lilith.”
            “Ah, I am Embrace Lilith,” said Embrace, “Please, come in.”
            “I must be off to deliver another blade, so please draw it here,” said Murako.
            Embrace opened the box and found a sheathed sword.
            “Heh, I remember when my first blade was delivered,” said Natsuki, sneaking up behind them, “Go ahead, draw it.”
            “Nichirin Swords are also called color changing katanas,” explained Murako, “It’s color changes depending on the one who draws it.”
            Embrace unsheathed the blade, seeing a normal steel katana. After a moment of gazing at it, Embrace watched as it changed. The blade turned black, but the mune turned a dark green.
            “What else was I expecting?” Natsuki said sarcastically.
            “Well, I must be off,” said Murako, “I look forward to our business in the future.”
            Murako then set off, heading to his next delivery. Embrace went back inside where Natsuki surprised her with her corps. uniform. Embrace got herself fitted in the black clothes, finding them to be a perfect fit. She stepped out in front of a mirror and looked at her reflection. As she looked herself over, she decided to make one final change. She pulled her long hair back and tied it into a pony tail.
            “North! You must go north!” yelled a voice, startling Embrace.
            She looked and saw her crow incoming.
            “You must travel north!” shouted the crow, “In a town to the north, people go missing every night! Prepare, Embrace Lilith, this is your first mission as part of the Demon Slayer Corps.!”
            Embrace sighed, wanting to spend a little longer her. She brushed it off, and left the temple, Natsuki seeing her off. With a mission to fulfill and her destination in mind, Embrace took off north, ready to begin her life as demon slayer.
 Part 1: End.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge and Ufotable
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nkakeru · 4 years
rules | read before requesting!
1:05  ───|────── 2:53
|◁          II         ▷|
                      ∞        ↺
animes I will write for:
❀ boku no hero academia;
❀ devilman crybaby (2018); 
❀ k project; 
❀ kuroko no basket;
❀ kimetsu no yiaba;
❀ jujutsu kaisen;
❀ bungou stray dogs;
❀ death note;
❀ chainsawman;
❀ tokyo revengers;
what i won’t write:
- love relationship with underage (-14) characters. If a 14 year old character or younger is requested, I will write for his adult version.
- nsfw with -18 characters. If requested, I will write for the adult version of the character.
- non-con
- ocs; i just write for reader insert.
other important points:
- non-con ≠ cnc (i’ll write cnc)
- since scenarios/ fics are longer, there's a max of 5 characters per ask. if not specified i'll take the liberty to choose which characters to write for.
- headcanons are shorter, so you can ask for more characters.
- i won’t write headcanons for characters of different animes in the same post, HOWEVER, you can ask for it in the same request
- headcanons can be written in bulleted list form or in a more general way
- i do write smut + mature content, but might not be good ;-;
- i won’t accept request when the ask box is closed.
- new rules might be added. 
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dango-chan-06 · 5 years
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Coloreo de la parte final del manga Kimetsu no Yiaba. Cap, 196 titulado "yo".
Te amo Tamayo.
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okdnn · 4 years
Okada Nana Mail April 27 2020
April 27
I saw a dream
Where I talked with my dogs,
Brother and mother
Back at my old house …
Saran-chan swinging around her tails
Is very very cute … precious …
I woke up while seeing that dream ! early wake up !
Let’s do our best
Let’s live through April
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Today my nose condition
Is bad too …
I can’t stop sneezing …
Ah, Today is Usui kun’s birthday
Usui kun ! congrats ! Cool guy !
I keep remembering Usui kun’s 
And Misaki chan’s birthday for many years.
Amazing isn’t it. lol
yup … … …
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Kimetsu no Yaiba
Also when I wake up today
I read Jump’s latest issue
" Kimetsu no Yiaba chapter 203 "
I read it … !
Aah Geez Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah …
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2nd day curry
Delicious as usual ! Good !
It’s too delicious
That I had a second… lol 
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Foods that calm my heart 
Lot of things happened today
So my emotions are uncontrollable
My heart just sway around~
But for now
I cooked in silence
And took back my normal heart~
I made " Chkmeruli " for the first time 
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On top of leftover curry rice,
Croquet ! there you go !
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Love romance
Today I saw
『 Howl’s moving castle 』 … Aaah … love it … 
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I can listen to Ghibli’s BGM forever.
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1 D A Y
That’s on sale from today
I tried to make my hair blue ! Nice highlight 〜 ! 
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It washes off using shampoo !
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The spots … Appeared …
( I used camera app to get rid of it ) 
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My skin is dried,
And small spots is appearing too
Aah ー ー ー … no ー ー ー … !
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una-hive5 · 7 months
Hey guys, can you list down canon & fanon characteristics of kimetsu no yiaba character? (That you know)
I'm scared but I'm also curious 🧍‍♀️
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ladymint-art · 5 years
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Day 29: Injured For today’s prompt, it’s Nezuko fanart from Kimetsu no Yiaba (Demon Slayer)! HahahxD I really struggled choosing between her and Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul. In the end I chose her because she’s just a precious little bean and she’s injured so much. I hope you like it, mah dudes! #nezuko #nezukokamado #kamadonezuko #demonslayer #demonslayerkimetsunoyiaba #kimetsunoyiaba #inktoberday29 #inktober #inktober2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NGpbyF-lu/?igshid=eihygolu2uqr
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