#Kimjiwoong zb1
bydarkfenix · 5 months
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heartricky · 1 year
cuddling with the zb1 members
┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
word count: 638
ᴋɪᴍ ᴊɪᴡᴏᴏɴɢ
cuddling with jiwoong would be so sweet! he'd have his arms around your waist, head snuggling into the junction between your neck and shoulder, breath evening out as he slowly falls asleep. he's the type of guy to fall asleep so fast when cuddling, so I can't imagine him being awake for long when you're both in bed with a movie on in the background.
ᴢʜᴀɴɢ ʜᴀᴏ
I am a huge supporter of the big spoon zhang hao agenda, his forehead leaning against the back of your own head, arm hooked loosely around your waist, pressing light kisses to the back of your neck, so lightly that it almost tickles. he'll say sweet words to you, tell you how much he loves you, enjoying his time with you every way possible.
ꜱᴜɴɢ ʜᴀɴʙɪɴ
sung hanbin, to me at least, is a little spoon, as much as he tries to deny it. that man loves feeling surrounded with love, and if you can bring that to him, both emotionally and physically, then he is on cloud nine. he pretends not to like it when you hug him from behind in your shared bed, but his pounding heart says very differently.
ꜱᴇᴏᴋ ᴍᴀᴛᴛʜᴇᴡ
I love matthew so much, I want to cuddle him so bad. his toned, muscular arms hold you as you head lays on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and he'd cheesily say, "you hear that? my heart is beating for you", you'd laugh with him, hitting his chest lightly before snuggling more into him, enjoying the peace and love that he brings you.
ᴋɪᴍ ᴛᴀᴇʀᴀᴇ
hes a little spoon. no doubt about it. he just can't help but giggle, dimples on full display when you hook your arm loosely around his waist in the darkness of his room during an unplanned sleepover at his dorm, he loves you so much, and he loves that you complete him, the big spoon to his little spoon.
you'd both lay facing each other, faces inches apart, just staring at each other, happy that the other person is with them and able to be so intimate like this. eventually, he'd bring his arm to the small of your back, pulling you into his chest, placing his head on top of yours, allowing the comfort to seep in even further, and both just completely relax in the others presence.
ᴋɪᴍ ɢʏᴜᴠɪɴ
I saw in the final that he sleeps on his stomach, so you'd be on your back whilst he lays on his stomach, head snuggling into your neck and an arm laying across your stomach, fiddling with the material of your cotton t-shirt - its really his but to him, what is his is yours as well. he'd also press light kisses to your neck, causing you to giggle lightly, before also pressing a kiss to his temple, attempting to stop the blush overtaking your cheeks.
ᴘᴀʀᴋ ɢᴜɴᴡᴏᴏᴋ
my giant baby I love him so much, as much as I would like to pretend that he is a big spoon, that man loves to babied, so he'd be facing you, head near your chest, as you play with the dark strands of his hair. he laughs lightly every now and again, unable to believe that you are his partner, just like you are unable to believe he is yours.
ʜᴀɴ ʏᴜᴊɪɴ
it may just be because of his age, but I really believe this boy doesn't like much skinship (have we seen him with gyuvin?), so if you two were to end up sleeping over at his house unexpectedly, it being too late to take you home now after a long day of hanging out after school, he just hold your hand, playing with your fingers as you drift off into morpheus' arms, him following slowly after.
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rollup2theparty · 5 months
—⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ scarlet heart! sung hanbin
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❦ when you find yourself in the heart of your favorite graphic novel, you didn't expect to fall for the crown prince knowing the slim chance of a happily ever after. (scarlet heart & extraordinary you inspired)
౨ৎ ONE SHOT (fem!reader x s.hanbin)
⟡ soulmates / star crossed lovers / historical
⚠︎ character death / minor angst / mentions of blood
notes!! im not the most confident in fantasy so this one is rlly short but i hope uu enjoy!! lmk if u have any feedback (not proofread)
all you ever wanted was to escape, escape the horrid reality of your austere 9-5, escape the mundane plethora of emails and meetings, escape the job you drag yourself to daily. its true that your greatest desire would be to flee the repetitive soul-assassination that is this routine life of yours but you sure didn't expect it to turn out like this.
you try to count your fingers, all five. this confirms it, it can't a lucid dream. so how could it be that the scene set in front of you looks identical to the opening panel of the final chapter to your favorite graphic novel? in a blink, you transport to a wooden palanquin dressed in your finest ensemble, hand carried by a parade of men.
your distress translates to shivers, you have no idea where you found yourself yet you know exactly where you are going, the crown prince's quarters for a royal wedding... your royal wedding.
the palace looks identical to the illustrations you were used to seeing, the mass from behind the dignified gates cheer as you proceed with the extravagance of a royal procession. while the stage before your eyes bears close resemblance to the masterful drawings of a human author, they gave the imperial heir to the crown no justice. no artist, painter or mastermind could possibly illustrate the way his eyes gleamed with a sentimental yearning, the way his nose fell perfectly between his cheekbones, the way his cupids bow rested delicately above the perfect balance between a plump smile and a knife-sharp jaw. he was angelic to the extent that it was almost bewitching.
familiar memories of moonlit evenings by the lake where the fish swam side by side with the star-filled sky accompanied by the soft embrace of his touch ran through your head like a prologue slideshow. the jittery feeling as he placed a refined jade pin adorned with golden feathers and a blush-pink rose in your palm materialized in your mind like the experience was truly yours. you watch the glimmer of the illusory night reflected on the water beneath your feet. your heart beat escalates, tickled by the warm paced breath on your neck. his hands gradually moved to your cheek, gracefully pushing back the strands of hair that fell on your face. whisker smile appearing on cue, his left hand right snaked pass the silk fabric of your robe and around your waist, he leaned in and your heart stopped.
"i'll love you in every life." he whispered-
and you snap back to the present as you make your bows, exchange wine and partake in a feast made for kings (literally). your groom excuses himself to change out of his ceremonial robe and you rise up to do the same, knowing that the two of you will reunite, veiled behind the tapestry. the retinue scramble to clear out the remnants of your dinner as the two of you step into the vicinity where you are man and wife. he tugs on your robe and pulls you in as he gently envelopes his fingers around yours, the awe that left your brain fogged failed to remind of you of a rather special ending, one with an agonizing pierce of a double edged sword.
the pain was so intense, so nauseating, it was nothing but all-consuming. the friction of cold metal through your skin and bones left you quivering as you fell to your knees in acute agony. you sink into the arms of your lover as you slowly succumb to the fatal pain, taking slower breaths, gradually reaching the end.
star crossed, ill-fated, and damned, the nature of your relationship was meant to be doomed. teardrops grazed your cheeks as his screams and yells turn into nothing but the sound of your defeated heartbeat and you are tugged back to the real world.
your eyes open to the harsh light of the office bullpen and you doubt the reality you experienced was anything more than a fever dream, until you spot the emerald emblem lodged in the corner of your desk. as you begin the question the line between fantasy and existence, your speculation is forced to a halt as your supervisor clears his throat to introduce a new member to the team. a dashing man in a white button up and tie with the same eyes, cheek dimples and fleshy lips. like you are bound to each other with an invisible thread, the two of you are destined to meet in every life, dimension and universe.
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paradise-world · 5 months
Whispers Of Fate | Kim Jiwoong ZB1
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Summary : A talented cheerleader navigates love and secrets while balancing the pressures of highschool cheerleading.
Genre : Coming Of Age, Fluff, Romance, High School AU, VERY Mildly Suggestive, Fem Reader, Drama, Friendship, Slice Of Life
Warnings : Not proofread, everything (all the characters) are fictional except Jiwoong, but this story does not reflect how he is in real life since he is (obviously) and idol, the name of the highschool was just some random one I found online
Word Count : 9.2k
Sims 4 Lives As Stories | Masterlist 1
Seo Y/N strode onto the cheerleading mat with an air of self-assured confidence that commanded attention. With a penchant for drama and a thirst for excitement, she relished the spotlight, making every practice a performance. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she reveled in the exhilarating rush that came with executing flawless routines and igniting the crowd's energy.
The gymnasium echoed with the rhythmic thud of feet landing in sync, punctuated by the harmonious chants of "Go, Fight, Win!" Y/N led her squad with precision, her movements fluid and graceful as she executed a series of complex stunts and tumbling passes. The team seamlessly transitioned from pyramid formations to intricate dance sequences, their collective energy electrifying the room. Each toss and catch was executed with meticulous precision, showcasing the hours of dedication and teamwork that defined their camaraderie.
Just as the routine reached its crescendo, a sudden misstep sent one of the flyers tumbling to the mat, causing a ripple of concern among the team. Tensions flared as accusations flew, with two members, Eunbyul and Nayoung, locking horns in a heated exchange. Y/N's eyes narrowed, sensing the mounting drama, and she quickly intervened, silencing the squabble with a commanding presence. As the cheerleading captain, she deftly mediated the situation, diffusing the tension with a stern yet reassuring demeanor, ensuring the practice could resume without further disruption.
With the drama momentarily quelled, Y/N gathered her friends, discussing the incident in hushed tones before they dispersed. Eunbi, her closest confidante, was getting picked up by her parents; Chaewon, always the adventurer, hopped on her bike, eager to feel the wind in her hair; and Areum boarded the bus, headphones in, lost in her world. Y/N watched them depart, her thoughts lingering on the day's events as she began her familiar walk home, a sense of fulfillment tinged with anticipation of the challenges and excitement that awaited her.
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Y/N's home was a sanctuary of warmth and laughter, a testament to the close-knit bond she shared with her family. As she entered the cozy living room, her eyes met those of her mother, whose loving gaze conveyed an unspoken understanding. Her father, seated nearby, flashed a proud smile, while her younger brother, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, eagerly awaited his sister's attention. Together, they settled into a familiar routine, exchanging playful banter and heartfelt conversations that showcased their genuine affection for one another.
Drawing a deep breath, Y/N turned to her parents, seeking their guidance on a matter close to her heart. "Mom, Dad," she began hesitantly, "I've been contemplating whether to take on a leadership role in a community project at school. It's a significant commitment, and I value your insights." Her parents exchanged knowing glances before nodding in unison, expressing their unwavering support. As they offered words of encouragement, Y/N's little brother chimed in, his youthful voice echoing with innocent enthusiasm. "Sis, you'd be awesome! I'll even help with your posters!" His earnest offer elicited smiles all around, reaffirming the familial bonds that grounded Y/N and shaped her decisions.
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After a heartfelt conversation with her family that left her spirit refreshed, Y/N retreated to her room, where rows of books beckoned from their shelves. For Y/N, books were more than mere ink and paper; they were portals to other worlds, beckoning her to embark on new adventures and explore uncharted territories of the mind.
As night settled in, Y/N's focus shifted to the daunting task at hand. Armed with an array of textbooks and study materials, she delved into her preparations for the upcoming weekly exams. Each page she turned, each concept she grasped, showcased her unwavering dedication to academic excellence. However, as the clock ticked relentlessly onwards, exhaustion began to weigh heavily upon her. Despite her best efforts to remain alert, sleep's embrace proved too enticing to resist. With a sigh, Y/N's head gently descended onto the pages of her open textbook, a testament to her relentless pursuit of knowledge and the boundless curiosity that fueled her aspirations.
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As dawn broke, heralding a new day, Y/N embarked on her familiar routine, navigating the bustling hallways of her high school with practiced ease. The chatter of students, the clatter of lockers, and the rhythmic cadence of footsteps marked the rhythm of daily life, each moment meticulously orchestrated as Y/N seamlessly transitioned from one class to the next, her determination evident in every stride.
The culmination of her relentless dedication manifested in the form of impeccable exam results. Y/N's unwavering commitment to excellence was evident, as her name resonated with admiration and respect when the grades were announced. Her accomplishments echoed through the corridors, solidifying her reputation as a formidable scholar whose intellect and diligence were beyond reproach.
Amidst the throng of students, Y/N's gaze inadvertently locked onto a figure who exuded an undeniable magnetism. Though they had never spoken, she was acutely aware of his presence, his allure transcending mere physical attraction. His name was Kim Jiwoong, a familiar face whose enigmatic aura had always piqued her curiosity. Today, however, something was different; a subtle shift in the atmosphere hinted at the possibility of a deeper connection waiting to be explored. Shaking off her reverie, Y/N refocused her thoughts. Her heart rate subtly accelerated as she began her journey towards cheer practice, a sense of anticipation tingling at the back of her mind, hinting at the unforeseen twists and turns that lay ahead.
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In the pulsating heart of the gymnasium, Y/N commanded the spotlight with an effortless grace and precision that left spectators in awe. As the cheerleading captain, she was a beacon of inspiration, her every movement a symphony of athleticism and artistry. From executing gravity-defying flips to orchestrating intricate formations, Y/N's leadership shone brightly, her teammates rallying behind her with unwavering trust and admiration.
Amidst the exhilarating routines and synchronized choreography, Y/N's leadership skills came to the fore, her passion for cheerleading evident in every spirited chant and triumphant stance. She guided her squad with unwavering determination, instilling a sense of camaraderie and unity that transcended the confines of the gymnasium. Her unwavering commitment to excellence fostered an environment where each member felt valued, their individual strengths celebrated as integral components of a cohesive whole.
However, as the intensity of practice reached its zenith, tensions simmered beneath the surface, culminating in a heated confrontation between two members of the cheer squad. The air grew thick with animosity, escalating rapidly into a volatile altercation that threatened to disrupt the harmony Y/N had worked so tirelessly to maintain. With tempers flaring, the situation spiraled out of control, culminating in a hair-pulling skirmish that sent shockwaves through the gymnasium.
Reacting swiftly, Y/N and her friends intervened, pulling the feuding cheerleaders apart with determined resolve. As the chaos unfolded, another member of the squad sprinted towards the head teacher of PDHPE, ushering her into the fray. With a sense of urgency, they guided the antagonists away, leading them to the sanctuary of the teacher's office to defuse the escalating tension.
Once the immediate crisis was averted, Y/N gathered with her friends, noticing their faces filled with concern and disbelief. "I can't believe they let it get that far," Eunbi exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. Chaewon shook her head. "It's like they forgot we're a team. A family," Areum chimed in, "We need to address this before it tears us apart." Y/N nodded, her expression resolute as she contemplated the repercussions of the day's events. With a heavy heart, she bid her friends farewell, her thoughts consumed by the challenges that lay ahead as she made her way to the bus stop, her part-time job beckoning with the promise of a brief respite from the tumultuous world of high school drama.
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Amidst the rhythmic hum of the espresso machine and the aromatic symphony of freshly brewed coffee, Y/N gracefully navigated the bustling ambiance of the café. As a barista, she moved with a practiced ease, her hands deftly maneuvering the machinery with precision. The rich aroma of roasted beans permeated the air, blending harmoniously with the soft hum of conversation that filled the space, each moment punctuated by Y/N's meticulous attention to detail as she crafted each beverage with care.
Y/N's multitasking prowess was on full display as she seamlessly juggled multiple orders, her focus unwavering amidst the cacophony of voices and the clatter of porcelain cups. With an innate sense of rhythm, she orchestrated a delicate ballet of flavors and textures, each drink tailored to perfection under her expert guidance.
Interacting with customers, Y/N exuded warmth and professionalism, her genuine smile brightening the day of each patron who crossed the café threshold. However, amidst the familiar faces and routine interactions, Y/N's focus shifted abruptly when a figure entered, causing a surge of anticipation to flow through her veins. Jiwoong stood before her, his striking features accentuated by the soft glow of the café lights.
"Good evening," Jiwoong greeted with a polite nod, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a hint of intrigue. "I'll have a caramel macchiato, please."
"Of course," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with sweetness as she punched in his order. "One caramel macchiato coming right up. Would you like that for here or to go?"
"To go, please," Jiwoong responded, his gaze lingering on Y/N's with a subtle appreciation for her attentiveness.
As Y/N meticulously crafted his beverage, their conversation flowed effortlessly, a seamless exchange of pleasantries and compliments that hinted at the possibility of future encounters. "Here you go," she said, handing him the carefully prepared drink. "I added an extra drizzle of caramel for good measure. Let me know how it tastes."
Jiwoong took a sip, savoring the rich blend of flavors. "It's perfect," he remarked, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a genuine warmth that resonated within her. "You've certainly earned yourself a regular customer."
Y/N's internal turmoil of excitement and intrigue remained concealed behind a composed facade as she bid him farewell, her thoughts lingering on the unexpected connection that had ignited amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. With Jiwoong's departure, Y/N resumed her duties, attending to a myriad of tasks that demanded her attention, a sense of anticipation tingling at the prospect of future encounters that promised to redefine the contours of her seemingly ordinary existence.
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The new week at Chiak High School unfurled with an electric tension, and Y/N felt irresistibly drawn to the whirlwind of drama that captivated her peers. As she maneuvered through the bustling hallways, her eyes sparkled with mischief, relishing the intoxicating blend of whispers and speculations that permeated the atmosphere. To Y/N, the allure of drama was an irresistible siren song—a thrilling game where she delighted in orchestrating the intricate tapestry of rumors and intrigue that ensnared the student body.
Spotting Eunbi across the quad, Y/N leaned in, her voice dripping with feigned concern. "You wouldn't believe the latest," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yeeun and Namgi were allegedly spotted at the park last weekend. Witnesses claim Namgi was seen coercing Yeeun into some shady dealings." The revelation sent a palpable shockwave through Eunbi, and Y/N savored the moment, her senses tingling with anticipation.
As the day unfolded, Y/N's fabricated tale echoed through the corridors, each retelling more embellished than the last. "I heard Namgi was pressuring Yeeun into something sketchy at the park," one student murmured, their voice tinged with a blend of disbelief and fascination. Y/N's smirk deepened, her satisfaction growing as she reveled in the power of her words, the tendrils of her rumors weaving a complex web that ensnared the unsuspecting students.
Seizing an opportunity to engage Jiwoong, Y/N's heart raced as she approached him, her voice tinged with faux sympathy as she relayed the salacious details. "You wouldn't believe the rumors circulating around school," she began, her eyes meeting his with a hint of intrigue. 
Jiwoong raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his gaze. "Go on," he prompted, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and intrigue.
"I've heard whispers about Yeeun and Namgi," Y/N continued, her voice tinged with a blend of concern and excitement. "Apparently, Namgi was seen pressuring her into something questionable at the park. It's all anyone can talk about."
Jiwoong's eyes widened momentarily before he responded, "That's quite the rumor. I hope it's just that—a rumor."
Y/N nodded, her gaze lingering on Jiwoong's for a moment longer before she replied, "Time will tell, won't it?" With a subtle smile, she bid him farewell, leaving Jiwoong lost in thought as she walked away, her mind already racing about her conversation with the male.
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Y/N entered the hushed atmosphere of Chiak High School's library, her footsteps muted by the soft carpeted floors. With her backpack slung over one shoulder, she ventured to a secluded corner, immersing herself among the rows of bookshelves that housed worlds waiting to be explored. As she delved into the pages of a captivating novel, a subtle rustle of movement nearby caught her attention.
Glancing up, Y/N found herself locking eyes with Jiwoong, who had just rounded the corner of the same section she was perusing. Their eyes met briefly before he offered a polite smile, his gaze drifting to the book she held in her hands. "I didn't expect to find someone else interested in contemporary literature," he remarked, his voice soft yet confident.
Y/N returned his smile, intrigued by his observation. "It's a refreshing change from the usual classics," she replied, her curiosity piqued. "What brings you to this section?"
"Stories that challenge conventional narratives have always captivated me," Jiwoong responded, his eyes meeting hers with genuine interest. "There's something captivating about exploring themes that resonate with our generation."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they delved deeper into their shared passion for literature, exchanging insights and recommendations with a sense of camaraderie that belied their brief acquaintance. As the final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of classes, Y/N and Jiwoong discovered they lived in the same direction, providing an opportunity for them to continue their conversation as they walked home together.
"So, aside from literature, what other subjects do you enjoy?" Y/N asked, her curiosity guiding their conversation.
"History has always fascinated me," Jiwoong replied, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "The intricacies of past civilizations and their impact on contemporary society never cease to amaze me. How about you?"
"I've always had a penchant for science," Y/N admitted, her eyes meeting his as they navigated the familiar path home. "There's something empowering about understanding the complexities of the world around us."
Later that evening, as Y/N recounted her day to her family, she found herself hesitating before revealing her newfound connection with Jiwoong. "He's quite insightful," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.
Her little brother, sensing her reluctance, chimed in teasingly, "Sounds like someone has a crush!"
Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the truth in his words. "It's not like that," she protested, although her heart hinted otherwise.
Unable to contain her excitement, Y/N dialed her friends, eager to share the day's events. "You won't believe who I ran into at the library," she exclaimed, her voice animated as she recounted her unexpected encounter with Jiwoong. Amidst the chorus of questions and laughter from her friends, Y/N felt a sense of exhilaration, her heart fluttering with the promise of possibilities yet to be explored.
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Fresh from the exhilaration of a rigorous cheer practice, Y/N slipped into the rhythmic familiarity of her barista role at the local coffee shop. As she adjusted her apron, her gaze drifted across the room and settled on a familiar face: Jiwoong. Their eyes met, and a subtle smile graced his lips. "Looks like you weren't kidding when you said you'd become a regular," Y/N remarked, her tone light yet genuine.
Jiwoong chuckled softly, his gaze meeting hers with a hint of amusement. "I tend to remember what I say," he replied, his voice carrying a note of sincerity that resonated with Y/N.
Without missing a beat, Y/N proceeded to prepare Jiwoong's preferred drink, recalling their previous conversation with a sense of anticipation. As she handed him the meticulously crafted beverage, their fingers briefly touched, sending a subtle yet palpable spark between them. "Your usual, a caramel macchiato," she remarked, her eyes meeting his as she awaited his response.
"Absolutely," Jiwoong affirmed, taking a sip and savoring the rich blend of flavors. "You have an impeccable memory."
As the evening unfolded, the coffee shop gradually emptied, leaving Y/N and Jiwoong in a realm of their own. Before long, their conversation drifted to the recent drama that had unfolded between Yeeun and Namgi. "Have you heard anything new about Yeeun and Namgi?" Jiwoong inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
Y/N hesitated momentarily before responding, "There's been some tension, but I'm hopeful they'll work things out." She shared a few details, providing Jiwoong with an update while navigating the delicate intricacies of their shared social circle.
As the final customers departed, Jiwoong lingered, his presence filling the space with a sense of possibility. "Mind if I accompany you?" he ventured, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of vulnerability.
Y/N nodded, her heart echoing his unspoken sentiments. "I'd like that," she replied, her voice tinged with anticipation.
Together, they ventured into the crisp night air, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they approached the bus stop. As they waited for the bus to arrive, Y/N and Jiwoong found solace in each other's presence. Their shared journey home marking the beginning of a newfound connection that promised to transcend the boundaries of their ordinary lives.
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The sun cast a golden hue across the sprawling school field as the cheer squad assembled, anticipation humming in the air. Y/N's eyes scanned the familiar faces of her teammates, their expressions a mix of curiosity and intrigue. As she glanced towards the football team gathered nearby, her gaze settled on Jiwoong, his presence commanding yet approachable. The football coach stepped forward, his voice echoing across the field. "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be training together from now on. The cheer squad will join our sessions, not only to practice outdoors but also to fuel our team with motivation."
As the joint training session commenced, Y/N and her teammates seamlessly integrated their routines with the football team's drills. The rhythmic cadence of cheers mingled with the grunts and shouts of athletes, creating a symphony of determination and unity. Amidst the flurry of activity, Y/N found herself crossing paths with Jiwoong during a brief break. Seizing the moment, Jiwoong approached her, his eyes meeting hers with a sense of earnestness. "It's interesting how our worlds have collided," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "It's a unique opportunity for both teams to support each other," she replied, her voice steady yet warm. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they exchanged insights about the collaborative training, their perspectives weaving together with a sense of camaraderie. As the whistle signaled the end of the break, they exchanged a fleeting glance, their connection palpable yet understated.
Jiwoong's departure was soon followed by the enthusiastic approach of Y/N's main friend group, their faces alight with excitement. "That was quite a conversation you had with Jiwoong," one of them remarked, her eyes dancing with curiosity.
Y/N smiled, her heart buoyed by their support. "It's a new experience for all of us," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. Their conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and shared insights, before they dispersed to resume their respective practices. As Y/N rejoined her teammates, her thoughts lingered on her unexpected connection with Jiwoong, their shared journey unfolding amidst the backdrop of teamwork and determination.
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Friday afternoon draped a wearied spell over the town, leaving Y/N and her younger brother, Taeho, drained from their day of leading a charity fundraiser. Feeling the weight of the day, Y/N suggested to her parents, "I think I'll head to the bookstore for a bit." Her parents exchanged knowing smiles, with her mother teasing, "Maybe you'll run into that young man again," referencing Jiwoong. Y/N responded with a playful smirk and set out toward the bookstore.
Upon entering the bookstore, Y/N gravitated toward her favorite section, soon finding herself engrossed in the titles before her. As she contemplated her next literary escape, a familiar face appeared beside her — Jiwoong. Both startled yet pleasantly surprised, they exchanged warm smiles. "Meeting you here seems almost like fate," Jiwoong quipped, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
Y/N chuckled, the fatigue of the day momentarily overshadowed by intrigue. "It certainly feels like our love for books keeps leading us to the same places," she mused. "So, who are some of your favorite authors?"
Jiwoong's eyes brightened with enthusiasm. "The works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway have deeply moved me. Their insights into the human condition have resonated with me. What about you?"
Y/N's face lit up, her passion evident. "I've long admired the storytelling of Jane Austen and Harper Lee. Their ability to craft interesting narratives while offering profound societal commentary has always captivated me," she shared, their conversation deepening as they explored shared literary interests.
As Y/N and Jiwoong delved into their discussion, ‌their shared love for literature was more than a passing coincidence. Their mutual respect, intellectual curiosity, and shared interests paved the way for a connection that promised to flourish as they navigated the intricate tapestry of books and ideas together, forging a bond rooted in understanding, appreciation, and shared passion.
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In the midst of a bustling school event, Y/N and Jiwoong found a rare moment of quiet. Away from the noise and distractions, the two stood slightly apart from the crowd, enveloped in a peaceful lull. Jiwoong looked at Y/N, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
"You know," Jiwoong began, his voice softer than usual, "events like this always take me back to when I was younger. My family faced some tough times, and gatherings like this were rare but cherished. They taught me the value of community and sticking together."
Y/N's eyes met Jiwoong's, recognizing the vulnerability in his words. "I get that," she replied gently. "My family had its challenges too. It's events like this that remind me of where I come from and what's important."
The two shared a quiet understanding, realizing that amidst the noise and excitement of the event, they had found a moment to connect on a deeper level. This exchange of personal stories, though brief, allowed them to glimpse into each other's worlds, understanding the motivations and values that shaped their perspectives.
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The day's classes concluded with an electrifying assembly in the school gym. The principal, microphone in hand, announced, "In celebration of the success of our event yesterday, there will be a carnival held at 7 pm at the local docks!" The hall erupted with cheers and excited chatter.
Y/N's close friends huddled around her, their faces beaming with anticipation. "Y/N, this is your chance! We see how close you're getting to Jiwoong," Eunbi teased. Chaewon chimed in, "Seriously, we've all noticed."
Y/N rolled her eyes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "You're reading too much into it," she dismissed, though her friends weren't convinced.
"We'll see," Areum winked as they all dispersed, preparing for the evening's excitement.
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The carnival was in full swing as Y/N and her friends meandered through the vibrant stalls, each indulging in their favorite treats. As they settled on a bench to enjoy their ice creams, flavors ranging from vanilla to mint chocolate, their laughter and banter filled the air.
Making their way toward the towering ferris wheel, the group's anticipation grew palpable. Inside the cozy confines of their cart, Y/N updated her friends on the latest drama between Yeeun and Namgi. "You won't believe what Yeeun did this time," she began, her voice filled with exaggerated disbelief.
Her friend, Areum, leaned in, "Go on, spill the tea!"
Y/N continued recounting the latest escapades, eliciting gasps and giggles from her attentive audience. "And Namgi's reaction was priceless," she concluded, the group laughing in unison.
As they disembarked from the ferris wheel, Jiwoong & his friends approached. "Mind if we join you?" Jiwoong's voice was warm and inviting. Y/N's eyes met his, a hint of surprise, before she nodded. "Of course."
Venturing into the haunted house as a combined group, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Amidst the eerie surroundings and playful scares, Y/N found herself exchanging glances with Jiwoong, their connection deepening with each shared moment and inside joke.
Exiting the haunted house, Jiwoong's voice resonated with a playful tone, "Fancy a ride on the love carts?" Y/N's heart raced, the playful banter and shared moments paving the way for an evening filled with excitement, laughter, and unexpected connections.
As they settled into the intimate confines of the love carts, Y/N felt a rush of anticipation. Jiwoong took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto hers, revealing a vulnerability she hadn't seen before. "Y/N," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "I've been wanting to tell you something. I've developed feelings for you, feelings that I can't ignore any longer."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of Jiwoong's confession hanging in the air between them. "Jiwoong," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion, "I've been feeling the same way."
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. Slowly, Jiwoong reached up, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. She leaned into his touch, her eyes never leaving his. With a gentle tug, Jiwoong's fingers intertwined with her hair, drawing her closer.
The world around them faded as their lips met, a soft and tender connection that spoke volumes. It was like they had a shared longing for each other that they weren’t able to control. Wanting to go deeper, he put his tongue on her lips as a way of asking for permission to enter her mouth. With the consent given, their kiss was filled with warmth and understanding. Y/N's hand found its way to Jiwoong's cheek, caressing it softly as they deepened the kiss, exploring the newfound intimacy.
As their moment continued, a surge of emotion swept over them both. Jiwoong's other hand found its way to the small of Y/N's back, pulling her closer, sealing their connection. They were lost in the moment, a beautiful symphony of emotions, thoughts, and desires colliding in a single, unforgettable kiss.
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In the digital age, news traveled faster than light, and whispers on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and X were the catalysts. By the morning, after the love carts incident, cryptic posts, and veiled references flooded timelines. Screenshots of Y/N and Jiwoong at the entrance of the love carts were plastered with speculative captions. The rumor mill was in full swing, yet the specifics remained shrouded in ambiguity.
Y/N's close circle noticed the online chatter almost immediately. "Y/N, have you seen what people are saying?" Areum, one of her closest friends, questioned, concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay?"
Y/N smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I'm more than okay," she replied with a hint of excitement. "But the drama? It's like watching a movie unfold. I can't deny it's kind of exhilarating."
Areum sighed, shaking her head. "Only you would find joy in this chaos," she remarked, half-amused and half-worried about Y/N's penchant for drama. "But seriously, amidst all this excitement, remember to stay grounded. Not everything on social media reflects reality."
Y/N nodded but couldn't resist the allure of the drama. She grabbed her phone, typing a quick, cutting retort to a particularly nasty comment, showcasing her sharp wit and occasional mean streak. While she reveled in the drama, her friends knew this behavior was a double-edged sword.
As the day wore on, Y/N's internal conflict became more apparent. While she thrived amidst the chaos and drama, her friends could see the toll it sometimes took on her. They hoped that amidst the social media storm, Y/N would recognize the growth potential within her, understanding that true strength and confidence came from introspection and genuine connections, not just fleeting online validation.
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Since the whirlwind of social media drama erupted, a tangible void enveloped Y/N's world. The familiar corners of their shared spaces — the coffee shop's cozy ambiance, the silent camaraderie in the school library, and even the hushed whispers among bookshelves at the local bookstore — felt hauntingly empty without Jiwoong's presence. While he continued his routine at school and displayed his prowess at football practice, it was as though an invisible barrier separated them from their previously shared moments, leaving Y/N grappling with a palpable silence.
Each passing day deepened the chasm of uncertainty, amplifying Y/N's inner turmoil. The absence of their usual interactions weighed heavily on her heart, casting shadows of doubt and longing. The pending football game added a layer of pressure, magnifying the stakes of their unresolved tension. With every practice session, every fleeting glance, the impending game loomed ominously, intensifying the need for clarity and reconciliation. Y/N's emotions churned, caught between hope and despair, as the uncertainty of their relationship and the looming football game intertwined, creating a complex web of emotions that demanded resolution.
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The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, buzzing with anticipation as the two teams clashed on the field. Jiwoong, with his unmistakable agility and determination, navigated the gridiron with precision. His strategic moves and seamless coordination with teammates showcased his prowess, drawing roars of approval from the crowd and amplifying the team's momentum.
Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Y/N led her cheer squad with an unwavering focus. Every lift, toss, and formation executed with precision, echoing the team's dedication and spirit. Her sharp commands and synchronized routines spurred the crowd's energy, creating a dynamic interplay between the players on the field and the cheerleaders rallying support from the sidelines.
As the game intensified, the palpable tension between the two teams became evident. Each play, tackle, and interception was met with fervent determination, pushing both sides to their limits. The aggressive exchanges and heated confrontations on the field underscored the high stakes, fueling the crowd's excitement and fervor.
Seeking a brief respite from the mounting pressure, Y/N retreated to the bathroom, only to encounter a rival cheerleader from a competing school. "Looks like your squad's losing its touch," the rival cheerleader taunted, her voice dripping with condescension. 
Y/N squared her shoulders, meeting the rival's gaze defiantly. "Maybe focus on your own team instead of worrying about ours," she retorted sharply. 
The rival cheerleader scoffed, tossing her hair dismissively. "Just wait and watch," she shot back before storming out, leaving Y/N pondering the implications of their confrontation amidst the unfolding game.
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Y/N had always possessed a remarkable resilience, a quality that allowed her to navigate the complexities of relationships with grace and poise. While the recent tension with Jiwoong weighed on her mind, she refused to let it overshadow her innate ability to rebound from challenges. Instead of dwelling on uncertainties, she embraced her strength, recognizing that her happiness wasn't solely tethered to the dynamics of one relationship.
Focusing her energy on cherished friendships, Y/N reveled in the joy and laughter shared with her closest companions. Their shared moments, filled with genuine laughter, heartfelt conversations, and unwavering support, served as a reminder of the profound connections that enriched her life. Embracing her carefree spirit, she cherished these moments, finding solace and happiness in their unwavering camaraderie.
Beyond her circle of friends, Y/N found contentment in the warmth and love of her family. Their shared memories, traditions, and unwavering support offered a sense of stability and comfort amidst life's uncertainties. Whether through shared meals, family gatherings, or quiet moments at home, she recognized the invaluable bond they shared, allowing her to find peace and contentment within their embrace.
As the days passed, Y/N's carefree nature shone brightly, guiding her through life's ebbs and flows. Embracing the love and support of friends and family, she reveled in the joy of the present moment, unburdened by past uncertainties. With a renewed sense of self-assurance and contentment, Y/N embraced the tranquility that enveloped her, confident in her ability to navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.
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Throughout the past few weeks, Y/N had demonstrated an unwavering commitment to her academic pursuits, reflected in her exemplary grades and stellar exam results. Her dedication and diligence had not only propelled her academic standing but also paved the way for opportunities beyond her current educational path.
Midway through a particularly engaging class, a call from the principal's office interrupted the day's routine. With a mix of curiosity and anticipation, Y/N made her way to the principal's office, wondering what awaited her. 
"Please have a seat, Y/N," the principal began, her expression a mix of pride and seriousness. "Your academic performance has been nothing short of exceptional, and as a result, you have the opportunity to graduate early."
Taken aback by the unexpected news, Y/N weighed her options carefully. While the prospect of early graduation presented a unique opportunity for her future, it also meant bidding farewell to cherished activities and roles, including her position on the cheer squad. With a deep breath, she accepted the offer, recognizing the potential benefits that lay ahead.
As cheer practice commenced later that day, Y/N gathered her teammates, her voice steady yet tinged with emotion. "I've been presented with an opportunity to graduate early," she began, pausing to gauge their reactions. "This means I'll be stepping down from the cheer squad."
Amidst a chorus of surprised expressions and murmurs of disappointment, Y/N turned to one of her closest friends which was Eunbi. "I believe in you," she said, passing on the mantle of cheerleading captaincy. "You'll make an incredible captain."
Though saddened by the news, Y/N's friends rallied around her, offering words of support and encouragement as they navigated the bittersweet reality of her impending departure.
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As Y/N wandered through the spacious rooms of the city's renowned art gallery on a leisurely weekend afternoon, she never anticipated the surprise that awaited her. Turning a corner, her eyes immediately laid on Jiwoong, amidst the vibrant canvases and sculptures that adorned the walls and alcoves. The unexpected encounter filled the air with a mix of surprise and nostalgia, their paths crossing in a setting neither frequented often.
"Wow, I didn't expect to see you here," Y/N remarked, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
Jiwoong smiled, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest. "I've always had a passion for art and culture," he replied. "It's a great way to unwind and gain inspiration."
As they exchanged casual conversation about their current activities, Y/N mentioned that her family had decided to visit the art gallery for the weekend, exploring the diverse collection and engaging in lively discussions about the various pieces. In contrast, Jiwoong shared his perspective on art, highlighting his appreciation for the intricate details, diverse styles, and profound messages conveyed through each artwork.
Amidst the captivating artwork and ambient surroundings, their unplanned meeting began to stir old feelings and memories, reigniting a connection that had faded over time. The serene atmosphere of the art gallery provided a tranquil backdrop for them to reconnect, reflecting on experiences, shared moments, and unresolved issues that lingered between them.
As the conversation flowed and emotions surfaced, Y/N felt a wave of old feelings resurface, prompting her to seize the opportunity to address unresolved issues and reconnect with Jiwoong. The unexpected encounter offered a chance to rediscover common ground, explore renewed perspectives, and potentially embark on a journey to rebuild their relationship with honesty, understanding, and openness.
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Since her unexpected encounter with Jiwoong at the art gallery, Y/N found herself captivated by a newfound passion for art. The vibrant colors, intricate details, and emotive expressions displayed in each piece resonated deeply with her, inspiring a renewed sense of creativity and curiosity. The diverse styles and profound messages conveyed through the artworks ignited a spark within Y/N, encouraging her to explore her artistic side and embrace the transformative power of expression.
Embracing her newfound love for art, Y/N began to channel her creativity into her daily life, starting with her old school books. Instead of simply jotting down notes and completing assignments, she transformed the pages into a canvas of her imagination, sketching intricate designs, experimenting with various techniques, and capturing moments of inspiration that flowed from her experiences and emotions. With each stroke of her pencil and splash of color, Y/N felt a sense of liberation and joy, immersing herself in the creative process and allowing her inner artist to flourish.
As Y/N continued to explore her artistic talents, she dedicated herself to refining her skills and expressing her unique perspective through her drawings. With unwavering determination and passion, she poured her heart and soul into each artwork, embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal growth that unfolded on the pages of her old school books. With each completed drawing, Y/N felt a profound sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, recognizing the transformative impact of art on her life and embracing the endless possibilities that awaited her on her creative journey.
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As time passed and circumstances changed, Y/N began to recognize the invaluable role that friendship played in her life. Despite the distance that separated her from her school friends, their bond remained unbreakable, serving as a constant source of support, understanding, and joy. The memories they shared, the laughter they enjoyed, and the challenges they overcame together highlighted the significance of friendship in shaping her identity, fostering personal growth, and cultivating meaningful connections. Despite the physical distance, Y/N cherished the bond she shared with her friends, recognizing the profound impact they had on her life and the enduring value of their friendship.
Furthermore, Y/N's interactions with Jiwoong further emphasized the importance of friendship in her life. As they navigated their renewed connection, addressed unresolved issues, and explored shared interests, Y/N appreciated the supportive and understanding nature of their relationship. Jiwoong's presence, encouragement, and willingness to communicate openly and honestly reinforced the significance of friendship in fostering trust, mutual respect, and emotional intimacy. Through their interactions, Y/N recognized the transformative power of friendship in building strong, meaningful relationships, navigating challenges, and embracing the joys of companionship.
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Y/N was busy behind the counter of the bustling café, expertly crafting lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos with precision and care. The aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, blending seamlessly with the soft hum of conversations and clinking of cups, creating a welcoming ambiance for customers seeking a momentary escape from their daily routines.
As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the café windows, Y/N's eyes lit up with delight as her three close female friends entered the establishment, their faces beaming with excitement and anticipation. "Y/N!" exclaimed Chaewon, waving enthusiastically. "It's so good to see you!" chimed in Eunbi, as the trio exchanged warm greetings and laughter. After a brief exchange of hellos and hugs, they proceeded to place their orders, eagerly anticipating their favorite beverages.
Nestled in a cozy corner of the café, the trio settled into plush armchairs and comfortable sofas, enveloped by the inviting atmosphere of the establishment. The soft lighting, soothing background music, and aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee created a tranquil ambiance, encouraging the group to relax, unwind, and immerse themselves in the comforting embrace of their surroundings. As they exchanged stories, reminisced about shared memories, and laughed at inside jokes, the café transformed into a sanctuary of joy, laughter, and camaraderie.
With a tray laden with delicious beverages in hand, Y/N approached the trio with a smile, distributing their orders with care and precision. "Join us, Y/N," Areum suggested, patting the empty seat beside her. Gratefully accepting the invitation, Y/N settled into the chair, embracing the warmth and familiarity of the company of her friends.
Engulfed in conversation, laughter, and shared memories, the trio reveled in the joyous reunion, catching up on recent events, sharing stories, and cherishing the precious moments spent together. As the hours passed, the café echoed with their laughter, chatter, and camaraderie, serving as a testament to the enduring bond and cherished memories that united them. Amidst the comforting ambiance of the café and the company of cherished friends, Y/N relished the joy, happiness, and contentment that blossomed within her, savoring the moments of connection, camaraderie, and cherished memories that defined their friendship.
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As the afternoon winds down, the Y/N's phone lights up with a familiar name: Jiwoong. "Hey," Jiwoong's voice comes through, slightly hesitant but warm. "Would you be up for a meeting at the park?" A smile breaks across her face. "Absolutely," she responds, excitement bubbling within her. With a nod to her parents, she quickly shares the news of her upcoming rendezvous with Jiwoong.
The doorbell chimes, signaling Jiwoong's arrival. He and her parents exchange warm greetings. She joins Jiwoong outside, feeling a rush of anticipation as they make their way to the local park, a serene haven in the heart of the city. The ambiance is soothing, with the gentle rustle of leaves and distant chirping of birds providing beautiful sounds to their ears.
As they stroll along the winding paths, the atmosphere between them is comfortable, yet charged with an undercurrent of unspoken emotions. "It's been a while since we've had a chance to just talk," Jiwoong starts, breaking the silence. "Yeah," she agrees. "Life has been pretty hectic." Their conversation flows naturally, touching on shared memories, aspirations, and the complexities of their current situations. They laugh at old jokes, share insights about recent experiences, and even delve into deeper topics, revealing vulnerabilities and strengths.
After a while, Jiwoong reaches into his bag, pulling out a variety of snacks. "Hungry?" he asks, extending the offerings towards her. "Always," she replies with a grin, selecting a treat. They find a secluded bench, settling down amidst the tranquil surroundings. Their conversation continues, with moments of reflection, understanding, and genuine connection.
As the afternoon progresses, the two of them lose themselves in the conversation, appreciating the opportunity to reconnect. With their surroundings, they become immersed in the beauty of the park, their bond strengthened, and the promise of more meaningful interactions on the horizon.
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The hum of the coffee machine fills the air as the Y/N expertly crafts a latte, her focus sharp amidst a bustling shift. The familiar chime of the café door interrupts her concentration, and she glances up to see her main friend group entering the establishment. Among them is Jiwoong, accompanied by three other members of his friend group, their presence adding a sense of intrigue to the setting.
As the two groups converge, the atmosphere becomes a blend of excitement and curiosity. She feels a mix of emotions as she navigates this unexpected merging of social circles, her eyes meeting Jiwoong's with a hint of warmth and familiarity. "Looks like we've got a full house today," Eunbi observes, breaking the initial tension and setting a playful tone for the gathering.
Engaging with both her friends and Jiwoong's group, the girl facilitates introductions and encourages conversation, eager to bridge the gap between the two worlds. The presence of Jiwoong and his friends adds a layer of excitement and possibility, hinting at shared experiences and connections yet to be explored. Throughout the visit, the conversation flows naturally as relationships evolve and new dynamics form among the group.
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The weekend had finally arrived, and it seemed like a perfect time for the entire friend group to come together. Lately, they had been growing closer, finding more reasons to hang out and share moments of laughter and camaraderie. Today was no exception, as plans were set for a day at the beach. 
The sun gleamed overhead as the Y/N's family car rolled down the coastal highway, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore growing louder with each passing mile. Excitement bubbled within her, knowing she would soon be surrounded by friends, feeling the sun on her skin, and hearing the distant calls of seagulls.
Upon arriving at the beach, the sight of her friends instantly lifted her spirits. The group wasted no time diving into the refreshing ocean waters, their laughter echoing amidst the waves. Amidst the playful splashing and floating, Y/N found herself beside Jiwoong, the two momentarily separated from the rest. 
"Hey," Jiwoong began, his voice gentle amidst the ocean's roar, "It's been great being here with everyone, hasn't it?" 
She nodded, smiling, "Absolutely. It feels like we're creating memories that will last a lifetime."
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, a few members of the group decided to return to the shore, setting up a makeshift beach volleyball court. Yet, Y/N, Jiwoong, and a couple of others remained, floating lazily in the water, the ocean's ebb and flow carrying their conversations.
Suddenly, Jiwoong's eyes twinkled with mischief. "How about we build a sandcastle?" he suggested, pointing to a spot on the shore where the sand looked perfect for their creative endeavor. 
With a playful grin, she replied, "Challenge accepted." 
The two made their way back to the sandy shores, their hands brushing against each other as they gathered wet sand, crafting intricate towers and moats. Amidst the building, their conversations flowed effortlessly, diving into dreams, aspirations, and cherished memories. 
As the day began to wane, casting a golden hue across the horizon, the group gathered around their masterpiece, a sandcastle that stood as a testament to their bond. Laughter echoed, memories were captured, and amidst the simplicity of a day at the beach, friendships deepened, and moments became memories to cherish.
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Amidst the familiar hum of the coffee machine and the soft chatter of customers, the Y/N diligently worked her shift at the bustling café. As she wiped down the counter, Eunbi stepped in, the doorbell chiming above her. With a hint of weariness in her eyes, Eunbi approached the girl. "Hey, can we talk? I need some advice," she said, taking a seat.
Recognizing the weight behind Eunbi's words, she quickly joined her friend, offering a comforting smile. "Of course, Eunbi. What's been bothering you?" she inquired, sensing the underlying tension in Eunbi's demeanor.
Eunbi exhaled deeply, her fingers tracing patterns on the wooden table. "Being the cheer captain has been more challenging than I imagined," she began, her voice quivering slightly. "Managing all the dramas within the squad, handling responsibilities—it's been overwhelming. I'm losing my confidence."
Listening intently, Y/N reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her friend. "Eunbi, you've always been resilient and strong. Remember, every leader faces challenges," she affirmed, looking directly into Eunbi's eyes. "You're not alone in this, and I believe in you. We can work through this together."
Tears glistened in Eunbi's eyes as she smiled gratefully, feeling the weight on her shoulders lighten slightly. "Thank you," she whispered. Y/N squeezed her hand gently, affirming their bond. "Always," she replied, "Forever."
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The local library, with its high ceilings and rows of wooden shelves filled with books, had become a frequent haunt for Y/N ever since she graduated early. The space offered solace, allowing her to escape into different worlds through the pages of countless novels.
As she reached out to grab a book from a top shelf, her fingers accidentally brushed against another's. Looking up, she found herself face-to-face with Jiwoong. "Seems like we've got our eyes on the same book," he remarked, offering her the book with a playful smirk.
She chuckled softly, feeling a brief but palpable connection. "You beat me to it," she replied, their fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary, a spark of recognition passing between them.
Returning to her chosen reading nook, she lost herself in the narrative of her novel. However, she couldn't help but notice Jiwoong a few rows away, engrossed in the exact same book. Their eyes met across the library, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to blur, leaving only the two of them connected by a shared interest.
Jiwoong approached her with a grin, holding up another copy of the book. "Looks like we have similar tastes," he quipped, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of curiosity and intrigue. She laughed softly, realizing the serendipity of their encounter. "Well, seems like it," she replied, the shared moment leaving an indelible mark on her heart.
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Y/N's phone buzzed on the coffee table, displaying Eunbi's name. "Hey, you up for a day in the city with everyone?" Eunbi's voice echoed through the speaker. 
"Absolutely," Y/N replied with enthusiasm.
Soon after, a familiar van pulled up outside her home, its doors sliding open to reveal the faces of Eunbi, Chaewon, Areum, Jiwoong, and three other friends from their group. "Ready for an adventure?" Jiwoong greeted her with a smile as she hopped in.
"Always," Y/N grinned, finding a seat beside Jiwoong. The van roared to life, carrying them towards the bustling heart of the city.
Their first stop was a cultural attraction, an immersive experience that celebrated their heritage. Walking amidst intricate displays and vibrant performances, Jiwoong leaned closer to Y/N, whispering, "This reminds me of our roots, the stories that shaped us."
Y/N nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the cultural pride around them. "It's a beautiful reminder of where we come from."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city transformed into a hub of nightlife excitement. The group found themselves navigating neon-lit streets, sampling street food, and dancing to the rhythm of live music. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Jiwoong's hand brushed against Y/N's, their fingers entwining for a fleeting moment that spoke volumes.
As the night progressed, Jiwoong suggested they visit a renowned museum nearby. The ambiance shifted from the vibrant streets to the tranquil halls of history. Walking side by side, Y/N and Jiwoong explored ancient artifacts and whispered stories of bygone eras.
Finding a secluded corner, away from the prying eyes of their friends, Jiwoong took a deep breath, "Y/N, amidst all this history, I've been reflecting on our journey the moments we've shared."
Y/N's heart raced, realizing the depth of Jiwoong's sentiments. "I've felt it too, Jiwoong," she responded softly. "Our connection, the memories we've created together."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, every word echoing with shared experiences and unspoken emotions. As they stood surrounded by history, Jiwoong's hand gently cupped Y/N's face, drawing her close. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a testament to their journey and the promise of a shared future.
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note : THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER WRITING SOMETHING THIS LONG so uhm if i could get tips of how to make my writing better for the future please dm!
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w-oongie · 24 days
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boys-love-tension · 3 months
Kim Jiwoong for ELLE Japan
Strong and kind, a reliable older brother figure.
As the oldest member of ZEROBASEONE, Kim Jiwoong is a source of mental support for the members. He was born in 1998 in Korea and has a rich performance career. His abundant expressiveness adds a touch of brilliance to the group’s performances. “I’m an intuitive type, and once I make a decision, I see it through,” he says in his self-analysis. “But the only time I hesitate is when I’m choosing what to eat. All the members are big eaters (laughs).” He performed on stage several times at award ceremonies in Japan last year. “I’m truly happy to finally debut in Japan and receive so much love from the Japanese ZEROSE (fandom name). If the debut song ‘In Bloom’ is like a rose, ‘Yura Yura -Fate’s Flower-’ has a different flower image. I hope you’ll see our newの姿 (appearance) in the MV.”
Kim Jiwoong is wearing Gucci
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bluesavieicons · 1 year
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kim jiwoong : icons 🎋
# jebewon (zb1) ♡ like or reblog if you save please ✧⡱
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npyelle · 1 year
Boys Planet - Finale
Congrats to the new members of ZEROBASEONE! ❤️❤️❤️
A gif for the #1 trainee of the finale. 💓
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elfhchan · 1 year
(•̪ o •̪) I AM CRYING! MY BOYS ARE TOGETHER, I AM ON THE FLOOR SOBBING (•̪ o •̪) Seobin decided to post a vlog with Jiwoong and I think it saved me, it cleared my face, it healed the earth and I could go on for hours, someone stop me!
So, we all know what elfie does when she is feeling blue and in situations where her favorite bl actors interact, don't we? Yes, you are correct, she posts an edit and sobs at how cute Jiwoong and Seobin are!!
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matthewcupid · 1 year
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★͏ even if my heart stops beating you're the only thing I need ⋆⸜ 🎧
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★͏ pretty boy, you did this with me, boy ⋆⸜ 🎧
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heartricky · 1 year
hello👋 can i please request zb1 reaction to their s/o being a producer? like they didnt know that their s/o had produced alot of hit kpop songs or like that😌 (esp imagine gunwook’s s/o produced hot by svt😫) ty in advanced!
omg anon you're so smart, yes, here you go!
this isn't proof read so I'm sorry if there any any mistakes!
word count: 1163
as an actor, jiwoong knows all about being constantly busy, so when you suddenly went radio silent to work on a secret project, he couldn't help feel curious about what had gotten you so busy. it was only when he heard the sentence in an interview, "oh and you know y/n l/n? the person who produced the title soundtrack for your new series?" did it make sense as to why you would lock yourself in your office for days at a time, unable to contact him often.
to say that jiwoong was shocked would be an understatement, but the shock was quickly replaced by pure pride, he couldn't believe he had such a hardworking and talented s/o. he definitely helps you get onto producing zb1's title track.
considering you had never been much of an instrument lover, it shocked has that you knew so much about music composition when he played a new piece on the violin that he had been working on for the last couple of weeks. so upon asking, he found that you had been producing songs every now and again for fun, liking the way that certain instruments and keys worked well together.
he was so impressed, falling even more in love with you, wondering how he had managed to bag such a badass babe.
hanbin had a feeling you were a producer, talking about how layers of tracks on songs blend together and being able to pinpoint where a new section of recordings had taken place when listening to a song in the car with him, but he decided to let you tell him in your own time, he didn't want to pressure you into telling him. he knew what it was like wanting to keep something big about you secret incase of people who wanted to abuse the information.
but when you did tell him, boy, did he give you the biggest, most warmest hug filled with many compliments and temple kisses. you both listened to all of the songs you had produced after that.
as an avid music listener, matthew had always wondered what it would be like to produce some songs, especially now that he would be debuting. it felt like such a cool accomplishment to be able to say you helped produce your own group's songs. so when he mentioned it in passing to you, and your face starting glowing when telling him how to get started and how to download certain softwares that would be most useful when being a beginner.
poor matthew had missed when you told him you were a producer when you first met each other, so he asked "how do you know so much about producing?" giggling you replied, "because its my job? matt, I told you this on our first date". *insert matthew surprised pikachu face*
"oh. I'm sorry I must have missed that. can we listen to the songs you've produced? wait no, let me guess them!"
taerae had his suspicions when listening to a song, where the producer tag sounded a bit too much like your voice, so the next time you both saw each other, he decided to play detective and put on one of the songs he thought you had produced.
the way your face glowed with pride when hearing that taerae liked the song you had produced enough to play it in front of you told him everything he needed to know. eventually, once the song finished, he asked the question, and when you nodded your head, taerae couldn't help but feel amazed, "wow, you're so cool do you know that y/n?", "you're even cooler taerae".
when you had mentioned that you were saving up for a specific type of headphone set for your birthday to ricky - which was definitely not cheap - he asked you why you wanted it so badly. telling him why, that you had picked up producing a few songs as a hobby and had wanted to get some more professional items to help boost your career, he bought them immediately, getting them customised to your favourite colour as well, so you could spend the money on a well deserved treat instead.
you had decided to pay back your boyfriend for the kind gift with a couple's trip to see this musical he had been wanting to see for a while, where you both stopped at a strawberry field on the way and ate the delicious berries watching the performance.
he was so proud of you and couldn't believe how hardworking you were, he definitely bragged about having such a cool s/o to his yuehua friends - poor ollie and had didn't hear the end of it for months.
gyuvin always wondered why you stayed in the music rooms at school for much longer than you realistically needed to as a music major in the high school. so when he walked into the room one day with a chocolate milk and sweet bread as a snack for you, did he discover the tracks and arrangements of vocals on a large desktop.
after telling him that you had been offered to work on a few songs for some extra money, he gave you the biggest hug ever, telling you how talented you were, jokingly suggesting that you help produce a title track when he debuted.
after saying that he would dance to "hot" by seventeen in the star level test, he was shocked when hearing "ahh, yes, did you know y/n l/n produced this song and 'ash' as well, on this album, they worked with woozi directly! at such a young age, they're so talented already."
gunwook went and googled the listed producers on the title track when he finally got access to the internet in the dorms, surprised that your name was there, it only boosted his ego that he had a musically talented and academically talented s/o, just like him.
he definitely interrogated you when he talked to you on the phone later that night, jokingly pouting when you had to rush to tell him that you were under a contract not to tell anyone when helping produce the song, but your worries were quickly brushed away when he told you how much he loved you, and how much he loved the song as well.
you were one of the producers for 'say my name' on boys planet, so when he saw you in the room for recording the song, he was both equally shocked and amazed that you had been behind the catchy song he was performing to later that week.
he dragged you out into the corridor after recording the song's vocals, kissing your cheek lightly, holding your hand as he told you how gifted you were in music production.
imagine his surprise when you told him you were also producing the title track for when zb1 debuted after the final.
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coldinjeolmi · 1 year
the way he cover his eyes but what still peeking
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fybriankang · 7 months
zb1_official: DAY6 #YoungK 선배님과 'CRUSH (가시)' 🛡 #ZEROBASEONE #ZB1 #제로베이스원 #KIMJIWOONG #KIMTAERAE #김지웅 #김태래 #DAY6 #데이식스 #MELTINGPOINT #CRUSH #가시 #ZEROBASEONE_CRUSH #CRUSHchallenge #NewMusic
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paradise-world · 5 months
sims 4 lives as stories | masterlist 1
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i've been a longtime fan of the sims 4 (i've been playing since 2016) & i've always had ons and offs with the game as i sometimes have a burn out for playing for wayyy too long to develop all my families. recently i've gotten back into it & wanted to write about my interesting characters, but also combine that with my love for zerobaseone!
esme saint-james
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whispers of fate | kim jiwoong
summary : a talented cheerleader navigates love and secrets while balancing the pressures of highschool cheerleading
genre : coming of age, fluff, romance, highschool au, VERY mildly suggestive, fem reader, drama, friendship, slice of life
word count : 9.2k
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w-oongie · 17 days
2024.06.07 LINEFRIENDSinfo update on X.
ZB1 had a special time @ ZEROBASEONE POP-UP in GANGNAM!
Meet POP-UP in your cities!
🗓️ 2024.5.31 - 2024.6.9
📍LINE FRIENDS Gangnam Flagship Store
📌On-site booking (6.3~6.9)
-Reservation method: Enter the pop-up after entering the queue system on-site.
🗓️ 2024.5.31 - 2024.6.16
🗓️ 2024.6.14 - 2024.6.23
📍Shanghai Metro City LINE FRIENDS Store
🗓️ 2024.6.14 - 2024.6.23
📍Guangzhou K11 Mall
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eareaty · 1 year
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💌 ZB1 Member Message to Zerose !
- 23/06/27
제로즈 보고싶어
우리 오늘도 좋은밤 되자 ㅎ♥️
Have a good night 🌠
제로즈~ 좀 있으면 만나는데 기분이 어때요 :)
보여주고 싶은 마음에 설레는데,, 우리 만나는 그 날만 기다리면서 지내요🌹 아프지 말고 밥 잘 먹고!
안녕 제로즈!
기다리는 시간 더 느리게 느껴지지? 빨리빨리 만나고 싶어!
이 사진들은 내 청춘의 기록인데 제로즈의 청춘도 같이 참여하고 싶어!!!
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