#Kimmy Fish (oc)
hoot-sifer · 1 year
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
Fan cast of your fanfic
i was gonna save this post as a draft for when my fic is closer to done but fuck it!
read nyctophobia on ao3 here
leah is a mix of a young q’orianka kilcher and a young julia jones in black cloud (2004). she’s baby! shes 5’10 and plays basketball btw. in her spare time she likes going to the beach and piercing her own ears at home
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because I can’t picture chaske spencer looking a day under 27 I’ve decided to cast eddie spears as sam — specifically eddie spears in black cloud (2004), but younger 💖 he can sing and likes watching tv w his mom
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seth is like ELEVEN in the beginning of the fic so ofc, he’s baby. still played by booboo stewart ✨ seth enjoys playing uno, reading books, and neglecting his math homework to play uno and read books
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sue is a bad bitch and gave birth to bad bitch jr. (leah) so obviously I had to cast irene bedard 💕 she enjoys santana, fleetwood mac, and the occasional margarita
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i loved graham greene as harry so he can stay. he throws DOWN on some fish fry 😤
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now onto leah’s homegirls!
rachel and rebecca are both played by a young tanaya beatty but they have very distinct styles and vibes.
this is rebecca. she likes dancing and surfer boys, and she thinks nelly invented music when he released “hot in herre.” she’s also fully convinced that sean paul wrote “get busy” about her. (keep in mind this fic begins in 2002 lmao)
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this is rachel. she’s good at math and loves a comfy flannel. surprisingly, she’s good at rolling blunts.
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kawennáhere devery jacobs plays emily (imagine her w darker hair and choppy bangs). she’s good at baking and arts and crafts. she also has a track record of dating shitty boys (pre-imprinting 😐)
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amber midthunder plays kim. kimmie enjoys astrology, playing basketball with leah, and pining after jared lmao
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now for everyone else...
krys hyatt (aka the og embry from the first twilight movie) plays jacob. y’all already know what he’s up to.
the rest of the wolf pack boys are portrayed by the same actors as of new moon, but much younger and they don’t cut their hair. quil wears glasses. I also have a couple OCs but I haven’t decided who plays them yet. everyone else (billy, old quil, charlie, bella, etc.) is the same as their movie portrayals.
thanks for the ask, anon! now lemme get back to writing
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lawbotsandorder · 4 years
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Day 31: Your Toon/Toons
The grand finale! all of the toon oc’s i’ve made so far!!
Info about em all below the cut!
The Green ducko you see right there is Big N. Chunky, a duck with ominous abilities. And when i say ominous i mean it, she has the tendency to cause weird things to happen. Sometimes she vanishes out of thin air and other times she just appears right behind you like a horror jumpscare. She’s strange... but really chill so don’t fear her
Right on Chunky’s bottom right is Dr. Von Hulasong. A happy go lucky horse doctor who follows the quote: “Laughter is the best medicine” to literal means. He loves helping toons and on rare occasions cogs. He doesn’t like picking sides because he sees goodness in everything
That pirate cat right there is Pegleg Petra. She’s a fighter, a public enemy of Cog Nation, and a Robin Hood type of person. She used to be a sailor but after many unfortunate events including her boat getting robbed by Cogs and losing her leg and tail to them she became a pirate. Nowadays she wanders around Cog HQ’s stealing the gags back and helping Toons she can find.
The Silkie Chicken on the right most corner is Rob O. Tics. They’re an inventor who wants to help toonkind with their creations. They have a huge fascination with cogs and that’s because they were friends with Trolleybots. Unfortunately, their Trolleybot friend went missing on a mission on Lawbot HQ. Despite the unfortunate events in their life, they won’t let it stop them from reaching their goals.
The Albino bat is Carmilla Apple. She’s a storeowner/baker who lives on TTC. She just wants to chill and have fun but Cogs keep invading her store and handing her over to the VP. Even if this constantly irritates her, she wouldn’t let it stop her from helping Toons on their tasks or if they need her help on dire situations. That’s just a part of her optimistic and helpful nature.
That sly lookin fox is said to be named Felix Foulfellow. A self proclaimed “Son of Honest John” (although that’s probably a lie). Hailing from Doodlevania, he arrived on Toontown after an escape from law enforcement due to a scam gone wrong. Upon hearing that Toontown has a Cog problem, he tried to escape multiple times to not bear that responsibility. But he can’t, there’s something in him that just yells at him to help these poor folks on Toontown. So now he’s just a reluctant Toontown citizen and one of Cog nation’s public enemy.
The lil kiwi girl on the upper right or Felix is Kimmy The Kiwi. A young kid who wants to fight the cogs. Her family migrated from the outbacks to Toontown to help them out on their fight against Cog nation. Even though her parents bust cogs on a daily basis, they would never allow her to fight because it’s too dangerous. But that won’t stop her from trying to use a squirt flower on a lvl 10 Big Cheese on an invasion. She’s a lil confused but she got the spirit.
The last but definitely the least (in kindness) is this old school Toon named Sweetie N. Sour. She moved to Toontown on 1921 as a poor little orphan who needs a home. But when she began living there, Toons left and right got greened without any leads to who must’ve caused it. That was until Christmas where she was caught attempting to green Santa Claus. This sparked an outrage and a wild goose chase which ended with her standing on the frozen pond. Unfortunately, the ice was thin so she fell into it. After 90 spiteful years of being in the bottom of the ocean stuck in a block of ice, she was fished out and shocked at what Toontown has become. She absolutely hated it, she hates how happy and colorful it has become. Upon hearing about Cog Nation’s existence, she immediately went into Lawbot HQ and never came back. She loved it’s dullness and its lack of positivity. It reminds her of the good ol days when she greened toons. So she decided to dress up as a cog and continued on her greening spree.
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thebleedingeffect · 4 years
I'm bored and this looked pretty fun and @flapjacques had it open for everyone so!! Im doing it lol, also im in an info dump mood so suffer with me-
Nickname: Kim, Kimmy, baby, babe, sunshine
Gender: cis female
Height: 5'1
Time: 12:10am
Birthday: August 5th, 2001
Favorite bands: Mother Mother, Florence and the Machines, Daughter, and The Neighborhood
Favorite single artists: Cosmo Sheldrake, Cavetown
Song stuck in my head: Abandon Ship by Steffan Argus
Last movie: American Murder - The Family Next Door(surprisingly dark and really sad)
Last show: Hannibal(god tier goth gay show don't @ me)
When did you create this blog?: I don't remember the exact month but early 2014! I remember the Peter pan post being the first one I saw sjsjs
What do you post?: really anything I want, majorly shitposting and stuff that makes me laugh but also!! A TON of marvel stuff, mostly Tony and Bucky
Last thing you've googled?: Dean Winchester actor(forgot his name and was doing an oc thing sjsjsjs)
Other blog?: yeah! Its specifically for my ocs as I didn't want to lose and get it mixed up with my mess of a blog lol
Do you get asks: literally never lol and ive kinda gotten used to that, but whenever I talk or my mutuals tag me in anything im the equivalent of a golden retriever sjsjjsjjs
Why did you choose your URL?: oooo thats a story, I was into assassin's creed at the time and 'the bleeding effect' was one of my favorite plot details. I've just kept it as I entered the marvel fandom as it reminds me of Tony's bleeding edge armor :>
Following?: 147, probably need to unfollow some of the inactive ones though
Followers?: 333
Average length of sleep?: 5-8, sometimes on badder nights its less than that
Lucky number: 2 and 5
Instruments?: used to play violin but I absolutely hated it sjsjsjs
What are you wearing: comfy pj bottoms and a new york shirt :>
Dream job?: largely successful cosmology stylist, historian with a focus in Russian and Eastern history, culinary and baking
Dream trip?: Japan, Switzerland, Russia(specifically St. Petersburg), Italy
Favorite food: white fish, chocolate cake and chocolate icing, almost any kind of pasta lol
Nationality: pasty fucking white and American, sadly, im not happy about it as well sjsjsjd
Favorite song: Inside Out by Clipping
Last book read: Light Filters In by Caroline Kaufman
Top three fictional universes: marvel, of course, ummmmm... the assassin's creed world is pretty cool and diverse, and the witcher series
I'm gonna tag @fanfics-she-wrote and @yconic !! You guys are free to do this, only if you wanna though djdjdjd again!! Ty @flapjacques for giving me the opportunity to have fun with this :>
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Look, I did a thing!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
I was tagged by the amazing and sweet @suitcasesoffeathers! {whom everyone should follow!}
Nicknames: Usually, people just call me ‘Ann’ but I also respond to ‘Egg’. Sometimes, when I convince people to drink more than they intend to, I get called ‘Ann-abler’. My boyfriend calls me ‘Anna’ and my mom calls me ‘sugar butt’, ‘strudel noodle’, ‘marshmallow cheeks’, and ‘crab ass’.  
Star Sign: Virgo 
Height: 5′5″
Time right now: almost 11:30 pm 
Last thing you googled: uhhh... probably how to spell a word...
Song stuck in your head: Bedroom Window by The Pretty Reckless
Last Movie I watched: I honestly have absolutely no idea.
Last TV show I watched: Bob’s Burgers
What I’m wearing right now: shirt and leggings and no coat because climate change is real.
When I created this blog: January 2013
The kind of Stuff I post: Noragami manga edits (predominantly Kazubisha centric). Occasionally I purge my emotions and reblog something from the OC or FMA or Soul Eater. KH3 will eventually rule this blog...
Do I get asks regularly: I get random spurts of asks and thoroughly enjoy responding to them. 
Why I chose my URL: I’m pretty sure I answered this at some point... but basically when I started dating my boyfriend he found my ff.net account and I freaked out and changed the name to the first thing I could think of which was ‘lovelyluck49′. 
I’ve honestly thought about changing it because I worry people think I’m conceited and calling myself lovely when in all honesty I am well aware that I am a trash heap... 
Gender: Female
Favorite color: Blue
average hours of sleep: ...what is sleep? {4-6}
lucky number: 49 
favorite characters: Oh boy.... I’ll do one per fandom. *cracks knuckles* Marissa Cooper (The OC) // Alphonse Elric (FMA) // Oliver Mira Armstrong (FMA:B yes I cheated) // Sora (Kingdom Hearts) // Black*Star (Soul Eater) // Yuri Plisetsky (YOI) // Cappy (Greek) // Ross (Friends *bite me*) // Robin (HIMYM) // Luna Lovegood (HP) // Simba (Lion King) // Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) // Ben Wyatt (Parks and Rec) // Kelly Kapoor (The Office) // Lillian (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
that’s enough for now haha...
WAIT...I FORGOT MY FAVORITE NORAGAMI CHARACTER: ...I’ve always thought it was Hiyori but it may actually be Bishamon... or Yato... maybe Ebisu... IT’S HARD 
dream job: Professor. Or, you know, anywhere your coworkers don’t suck major ass (it’s been a long week).
number of blankets I sleep with: 3 {sheet/blanket/comforter}
I don’t even know how to begin thinking of 20 people to tag... so I’m just going to tag @zamashi ( ❤ ),  @coryphi-fish {I love you, text me}, and the lovely person reading this right now! 
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hoot-sifer · 1 year
Kimmy Fish appreciation
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Need to draw him more tbh
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