#King Orrin
glbtrx · 11 months
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All of this is so difficult because everyone wants to eat, but no one wants to be eaten. - Saphira Bjartskular, Inheritance
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Do not become so attached to any one belief that you cannot see past it to another possibility. - Brom, Brisingr
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If you don’t make a few enemies every now and then, you’re a coward! - Angela the Herbalist, Inheritance
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Sometimes it's harder to follow than to lead. - Nasuada, Brisingr
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My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I've learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts. - Murtagh Morzansson, Eldest
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The greatest enemy is the one who has nothing to lose. - Eragon Shadeslayer
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A good compromise leaves everyone angry. - Ajihad, Eldest
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Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and gives a meaning to my life. - Jeod Longshanks
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The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist. - Arya Dröttningu, Brisingr
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No one is innocent. Everyone is guilty of something. - Galbatorix, Inheritance
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History provides us with numerous examples of people who were convinced that they were doing the right thing and committed terrible crimes because of it. - Oromis, Eldest
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The trick is to find happiness in the brief gaps between disasters. - Roran Stronghammer, Brisingr
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If I may be arrogant enough to offer advice, I’ve found that it’s essential for my sanity to allocate a certain portion of the day for my own interests. - King Orrin
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While two may share two, and one of two is certainly one, one might be two. - Blagden, Eldest
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Never ask an elf for help; they might decide you're better off dead, eh? - Orik
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magicandmundane · 1 year
Eragon, walking in with Saphira: We have a problem. 
Nasuada: Let me guess, you caused it?
Orrin: Gimme a sec, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this yet. 
Arya: And it’s another Tuesday, your point?
Elva: Would shooting you solve this problem? No? Then shut the fuck up. 
Roran: If you mean the fire, that’s the solution to last week’s problem. 
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fuck-kirk · 1 year
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*takes king Orrin away from Christopher Paolini* it’s okay…..he just doesn’t understand you like I do
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sparklepirate · 10 months
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dam-mar · 1 month
I honestly don’t know what I expect Orrin to be like, but I know being an absolute fool was not it
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whisperinglines · 10 months
«Non sempre otteniamo ciò che vogliamo. A volte bisogna fare ciò che è giusto, non ciò che ci piace».
- C. Paolini, Inheritance
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nailsinmywall · 1 year
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eragon (inheritance cycle) ⚔️
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ANYWAY what I was gonna say was how the fuck does Orrin get up the super tall tower in Uru'baen when they meet to chose the next ruler? It took forever for Eragon to climb all the stairs and it taxed even his strength. And Orrin had just been shot in the chest with a crossbow bolt only hours earlier and very nearly died. He's not fully healed btw, he was still bandaged and had to sit through the meeting. I'm fascinated by the possibility that Saphira could have brought him up, but I think it's incredibly unlikely. Maybe someone used magic for it, but idk if he'd put himself at the elves mercy like that and if his own magicians would be able. So maybe he just had someone help him physically climb all the way to the top, which could definitely explain why he's so pissed off the whole time! If anything, I'd say he's remarkably forgiving if that's the case bc if I'd been shot in the chest that morning and then my colleagues decided to do our crucial meeting at the top of the empire state building accessible only via spiral staircase, I would've gone straight to biting people to death
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treeroutes · 7 months
what's up ! non-exhaustive list of stories featuring weird plants :
The Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham
The Night of the Triffids, Simon Clark
In the Tall Grass, Stephen King and Joe Hill
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig', William Hope Hodgson
The Man Whom the Trees Loved, Algernon Blackwood
The Red Tree, Caitlín R. Kiernan
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
The Willows, Algernon Blackwood
The Nature of Balance, Tim Lebbon
'Bloom', John Langan
The Ruins, Scott Smith
The Wise Friend, Ramsey Campbell
'The Green Man of Freetown', The Envious Nothing : A Collection of Literary Ruins, Curtis M. Lawson
The Beauty, Aliya Whiteley
The Ash-Tree, M.R. James
Canavan's Backyard, J.P. Brennan
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jack Finney
The Hollow Places, T. Kingfisher
'Reaching for Ruins', Crow Shine, Alan Baxter
'Vortex of Horror', Gaylord Sabatini
Hothouse, Brian W. Aldiss
Vaster than Empires and More Slow, Ursula K. Le Guin
Odd Attachment, Ian M. Banks
Deathworld #1, Harry Harrison
The Bridge, John Skipp and Craig Spector
'The Garden of Paris', Eric Williams
Apartment Building E, Malachi King
The Seed from the Sepulchre, Clark Ashton Smith
Rappaccini's Daughter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Nursery, Lewis Mallory
The Other Side of the Mountain, Michel Bernanos
The Vegetarian, Han Kang
Sisyphean, Dempow Torishima
The Root Witch, Debra Castaneda
Semiosis, Sue Burke
The Wolf in Winter, Charlie Parker #12, John Connolly
Perennials, Bryce Gibson
Relic, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Gwen, in Green, Hugh Zachary
The Voice in the Night, William Hope Hodgson
Ordinary Horror, David Searcy
The Family Tree, Sheri S. Tepper
The Book of Koli, Rampart Trilogy #1, M.R. Carey
Seeders, A.J. Colucci
Concrete Jungle, Brett McBean
The Plant, Stephen King
Anthologies/collections :
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants, edited by Michel Parry
Chlorophobia: An Eco-Horror Anthology, edited by A.R. Ward
Roots of Evil: Beyond the Secret Life of Plants, edited by Carlos Cassaba
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness, Richard Gavin
Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic, edited by Daisy Butcher
Weird Woods: Tales From the Haunted Forests of Britain, edited by John Miller
'But fungi aren't plants' :
The Fungus, Harry Adam Knight
Growing Things and Other Stories, Paul Tremblay
The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fruiting Bodies, and Other Fungi, Brian Lumley
'The Black Mould', The Age of Decayed Futurity, Mark Samuels
What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher
The House Without a Summer, DeAnna Knippling
Mungwort, James Noll
Fungi, edited by Orrin Grey and Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Trouble with Lichen, John Wyndham
Notes :
all links lead to the goodreads page of the book, mostly because i like to look at book cover art ;
list features authors/books that i love (T. Kingfisher, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Ursula K. Le Guin, the collections from the British Library Tales of the Weird, etc.), but also a few that i don't like and some that i have not yet read ;
if upon seeing that list the first novel you check out is by Stephen King's you have not understood the assignment ;
not all of those are strictly horror stories, some are 100% science fiction (Brian W. Aldiss' Hothouse for instance).
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glbtrx · 1 year
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I'm so irrationally proud of this
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magicandmundane · 2 years
Nasuada: There’s a rumor going around that Galbatorix might replace Murtagh. 
Orrin: Is that true?
Orik: It’s just speculation, you donut.
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sparklepirate · 1 year
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Okay Orrin??? And just who the fuck are you????
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singeratlarge · 4 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Desi Arnaz, Benedict of Nursia, Moe Berg, Ed Bournemann, Dale Bozzio, Larry Carlton, Karen Carpenter, John Cowsill, Daniel Craig, John Cullum, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, Maxwell Street, Jimmy Davis, Becky G, Rory Gallagher, John Gardner, Mikhail Gorbachev, Laird Hamilton, Sam Houston, Bryce Dallas Howard, John Irving, Jennifer Jones, Léon Jongen, Jon Bon Jovi, Orrin Keepnews, the 1933 film KING KONG, Papa Lightfoot, BarBara Luna, Madonna’s 1989 single “Like a Prayer,” Chris Martin, Gates McFadden, drummer-producer Tony Meehan (The Shadows), Method Man, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Lauraine Newman, Jay Osmond, Ethan Peck, Elvis Presley’s 1956 single “Lawdy Miss Clawdy,” Luke Pritchard (The Kooks), Dottie Rambo, Red Saunders, Dennis Seaton (Musical Youth), Shostakovich’s 14th Symphony (1969), Bedřich Smetana, the 1995 musical SMOKY JOE’S CAFÉ, Ludovico Spontoni, the 1965 film SOUND OF MUSIC, composer-trumpeter Derek Watkins (James Bond films), Kurt Weill, Tom Wolfe, "Théo" Ysaÿe, and the creative provocateur, poet, and singer-songwriter Lou Reed. He was the principal songwriter for The Velvet Underground and his solo career spanned 5 decades. 
Velvet Underground were not commercially successful but are now regarded as one of the most influential bands in the history of rock. Brian Eno said that everyone who heard the first VU album wanted to start a band. Reed had a deadpan voice that, for me, required forgiveness as singers go (though he did step up on occasion, particularly when he sung with The Blind Boys on THE RAVEN album). Eventually I connected with his noir fiction, transgressive “eyewitness reporting” lyrics and songcraft. He neither approved or disapproved of the subjects he sang about and, in the end, he just wanted to write catchy rock’n’roll. Over the years I’ve performed at least 6 Reed/VU songs—recording 2: “What Goes On” and “Sunday Morning,” on which I was joined by members of The Badlees (who did a splendid job in one afternoon). Reed himself commended our cover and promoted it on his website in the mid-90s. HB and RIP Lou.
#loureed #velvetunderground #sundaymorning #singersongwriter #bretalexander #thebadlees #blindboysofalabama #raven #edgarallenpoe #noirfiction #poet #guitarist #eyewitnessreport #johnnyjblair #singeratlarge #birthday
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someeragonmemes · 1 year
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Dear diary, today Christopher Paolini made me look up the word intransigent because King Orrin was that.
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ashcoveredtraveler · 7 days
I actually kinda want to see the kingsmoulds fleshed out a bit as guardians of the king in CWHP. Since, the pale king just instantly slaughters them without thinking of the consequences. For all he could have known that might make the Lord of Shades angrier. Never mind the fact that I doubt Orrin would be sleeping at night if his mind begins to wander.
Is this an excuse to ask for more palace angst?
I don't think that the Kingmoulds would have acted that kindly to Orrin as void now has an aversion to him cause of what he has done and since Ghost has taken the mantle of the Shade Lord, their emotions are reflected in the void and they absolutely hate him. For Orrins reasoning for destroying the Kingsmould is that he wouldn't want any sort of void near him as the Shade Lord would have better access to him or his knights. Ghost would have probably thought about using the Kingsmould as spies to see where he is searching for them, but was afraid that the King would be able to trace the siblings, so they didn't try, and Ghost has no opinions of the destructions of the Kingsmould.
Speaking of the White Palace, I realize that there aren't that many chapters from their POVs. When framing the chapters I realize that at most points of the story so far, the palaces view would be very repetitive as nothing new or interesting happens. But I can't wait to get to the parts where the White Palace inabites are absolutely not having a good time.
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