cronepunkk · 1 year
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Joker - Commission for @chuckletowns
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auronstory · 1 year
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mean girl energy
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Round 1
this matchup, my beloathed.
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Yu Yevon: Giant... tick.
Kinoc: Mid-level bureaucrat.
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konvoluted · 1 year
“We’ll let them dream a little longer “.. .. holy shit dude
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
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darkflamegods · 11 months
It had been some time since her misadventures in the Nok, and less since her conversation with the Devout, and Daisy was feeling ready to face whatever awaited her in Sov.
She had cleansed herself, body and soul, several times since the Nok and Still the memory of the Thing in the sky made her skin crawl. So she did not dwell on it overmuch. Looking ahead helped, and that was what she was doing. Though her mind did occasionally drift back to what the Devout had said, about the Lords stagnating. And the implication that Dust had had a purpose beyond what she had seen in taking her to Sov in the first place...
Perhaps she would come to understand it, if this trip went well. She looked down at the tokens in her hand, and began the ritual.
With the sacrifice of the tokens from her love, Daisy is granted the way to Sov. A simple command, spoken in a language that few have spoken in her daylight. She knows its meaning, as she speaks it to empty air, quickly tinging in cold, for it merely means devotion.
An almost bronze-like golden light appears, and covers Daisy gently.
And she feels wind blowing against her, carrying snow across the ground.
Daisy looks around, viewing the vast mountains and dense forests, which bring forth old memories. A few from before the raising of Rovos, of her playing in the snow with the infantile kinoc people, and finding traditions to establish within the clumsy mannerisms. But also some from a much older eye, whom viewed Sov with something reminding her of regret.
Now, the forests seem barren, having lost their leaves during perhaps the most dangerous, and certainly longest, winter. Nearby there had been a small city established ages before now, but is currently almost completely buried in snow; beside the riverbank which had been founded on, she recalls. The river is now frozen over, assumably, as the snow covers it just the same as all the collapsed houses and buildings, and the top of the last standing tower. Looking around more, with a keener eye than her first passover, Diasy would note that there's something raising from some of the mountains. It might simply be clouds rolling around them, but it looks almost like smoke from here. But something else catches her eye.
The sky above her is pale, and covered in clouds. The sun is not visible in the sky, perhaps because it had fallen to the ground; and she can see where it fell, in the distance, beside a great city with rising towers, reminding her of many horns, and something like a few grand concentric walls, rising along the towers as they near the epicenter, shaped into rings. In fact, she would remember that city, for Solovos had oft ventured to view its whole, and she had seen it cast in unlight during the fight with Dust. Rovos- no, it was now called Zinarul. The lake beside it seems to shimmer in pale light. Not her light, but the glistening seems somehow familiar.
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capsource · 1 year
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Final Fantasy X HD Remaster caps
Available for anyone who wants to use them, no credit needed but super appreciated. All these caps are 3840x2160. Most of the characters have sub folders to divvy up the caps into more manageable downloads, but if there are any issues, please feel free to let me know!
In this folder, you will find: Auron | Barthello | Biran and Yenke | Braska | Brother | Cid | Donna | Elma | Isaaru | Jecht | Kelk Ronso | Kimahri | Lucil | Lulu | Luzzu and Gatta | Maechen | Maester Kinoc | Maester Mika | Rikku | Seymour | Shelinda | Summons | Tidus | Tidus's Mom | Wakka | Yuna | Yunalesca
Folder can be found [ here ] Buy me a [ ko-fi ] if you’d like!
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firagafury · 1 year
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liroyalty · 7 months
The main changes that I think are present in the FFX verse so far:
Ann goes through most of Spira twice. She starts at Bevelle, goes down to Besaid, then has to travel back to Bevelle to get to the Calm Lands. Because of that, most of the actual events in the story happen on the second pass through Spira so they line up well(expect for when Ann gets kidnapped in Luca, that happens the first time they're there).
Operation Mi'ihen(which also is on the second pass through the Mushroom Rock Road), not nearly as many people get dusted by Sin at the end, because the three OP af guardians really went 'nah, i win'. There's still plenty of death due to the Sinspawns, but not a near-whole raid wipe.
The fake wedding. It's actually an attempted genocide by the guardians on all the Warrior Monks there. The wedding part of the whole thing gets forgotten about as soon as Kaizen busts a cap in Wen Kinoc's forehead & hell breaks loose. The only reason it stops is because Ann threats to throw herself off the fucking top of the Bevelle Palace & makes sure her guardians leave before jumping anyway.
Via Purifico? Never even happens. The trial still happens, but everyone who is an unsent gets outted for being an unsent. Ann faints from speed running a religious crisis through this whole shitshow. And with her out & everyone knowing his dead now, Kaizen & fam decides to make a grand escape with an outcold summoner in tow.
@warriorsofcrimsonrealms, @iunctura, @akumanoken, @prettyboywarrior
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thebonepirate · 6 months
Pulling up a chair and cracking a cold (soda)
So, what’s Land of Lords? I scoped your blog a lil bit but couldn’t find much of anything ^^; (blasted search system)
that's because i never talk about my stuff on tumblr and i especially never tag anything ever!
so, since you didn't pick a direction and i recently wrote most of their shit(that i've figured out) down in the lore doc, let's talk about the wild west, home of beasts, blood, and the bleeding moon, the Midnight Dun.
The Dun is mostly forests and patches of plains, with plains more common towards the north near the western edge of the Arms of Sov mountain range, and small islands and plentiful rivers and wetlands towards the south, where the boundary is marked by the rising of starlight and the edge of the Triplicate Muse's fog.
The Western Lord, Mother-Queen of the Krythin, doesn't actually have a single name, because i've yet to think of something i like. Anyways, so it is the most directly powerful singular deity throughout most of the setting, as that is how she came to bear their Crown, and raise her bleeding moon into the sky, forcing time to stand still under the crimson light, and ensuring that the magicks of blood and flesh would find their home.
The Krythin, born from their Mother's divine blood, are physically strong, and adept at shifting their viscous bodies to suit their needs, becoming crimson beasts that tower over the trees or nearly akin to man on a whim. Which, in simple terms, means that they are shapeshifters made of blood. They are always recognizable though, for they are never small, they never lack the traits of beasts, and their fur is always the colour of blood(though it's typically a dark red, unless they leave the Dun for Northern Sov or the Eastern Nok and experience the warmth of daylight, at which point it does become a vibrant red)
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention how their gods come to be, although it is simple. Their gods are most typically beasts with traits that set them apart from the rest of their species, born with great strength, cunning, control of magic, or other such wondrous trait. The rest are blessed with blood from the Bleeding Moon, and granted immortality.
Their gods can, roughly, be set into two categories: great beasts, which are usually hunted for glory and divinity by the ambitious and brave, and great leaders, whom are the heads of Krythin packs, granted worship and belief for how good they are at hunting or leading the pack.
A few noteworthy divinities are Blazing Lamplight, a little flaming song bird with at least a few dozen bodies, whom serves as a god of travel and navigation, the guiding light through the dark forests for many packs. This one is not hunted, despite being a great beast, because it is made of fire and also favoured by the Mother-Queen. Another great beast was the Drinker of Blood, a beast with a bronze face, who had a pension for eating the carnomancy wielded by those that attempted to hunt it, and devouring the blood and memory(deeply sacred and treasured things in Krythin society, due to being gifted blood by the head god and some of their magic, called blood-memory, being a deeply religious thing they do). This one was hunted, and killed by The Starless Blood, a great leader, whom is not a Krythin.
Roshina(the starless blood) is actually a God-Spirit driven from its home in Sov, as it was antithetical the Kinoc's Brilliant Lord of Day. It was a friend to the Mother-Queen, and was granted sanctuary. In return, it slew the Drinker of Blood, as it threatened to devour her whole pack, and fashioned itself a mask from the beast's face, so that it could finally speak and feed. Since I mentioned two beasts, I feel like I should have another great leader mentioned here. Tender Renoth is from the end, and is a Krythin. They are the leader of the Gravetenders, whom guard their slumbering Mother, while she hibernates for as long as her moon hangs high in the night.
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filmpolicereviews · 9 months
'Firefly' film review: beyond expectations in this hidden gem from MMFF 2023
In this review of the film ‘Firefly’, Princess Kinoc writes about Zig Dulay’s adaptation of Anj Atienza’s short story, of the same name. An entry in this year’s MMFF 2023. Firefly, to me, is undoubtedly one of the best films I have seen so far in this year’s MMFF line-up. I will be writing a separate essay on my initial thoughts of this year’s festival, but perhaps like most of us who are…
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famuran · 2 months
i brainstormed a bit of a ffx au for balthier so i’m sorry it’s gonna be a mess of a post explaining it but …. my brain wired and thoughts of el.den ri.ng so i gotta do what i can now before i get sucked in.
following from canon, he is forced into things against his will.  cidolfus wanted one of his children AT LEAST to be devout yevonites and train to become summoners.  he wanted to see one of them rise  —  this desire is heightened as he becomes inexplicably possessed by pyreflies of an old presence : a former high priest who followed yu yevon without question and worshipped him to the point of obsession.
ffamran’s sibling luc  went off to train to become a summoner.  they had no choice nor say in the matter.  ffamran was also supposed to become a summoner.  he rejected his father’s choice  &  was instead pushed into maester wen kinoc’s little militia.  when he refused to become a warrior monk, he was placed into the crusaders.  donning a mask  &  reluctantly obeying orders —— he attends operation mi’hen.
he believes luc has died in their attempts to become a summoner.  this is the first death to haunt him.
he witnesses more death in the crusaders, more than he assumed or expected there to be. were they not there to help protect the yevonite faith? why is it, then, that they kill anyone who speaks out of turn for it?  why do they watch death with a smile beneath those masks?  it haunts him every day.
operation mi’hen fails. so many people die.  he is traumatised, horrified.  he knew yevon was not the faith that was preached to spira but this …?  this is too far for him.  all of this was done to prove a point.  on that day, ffamran goes missing in action. news arrives to his father in bevelle.  his other brothers are far from home. aster had accompanied luc on their training  &  pilgrimage. for all ffamran knows he too has perished. niven is a high—ranked warrior monk. he bullies the bevelle people in the lower quarters, pushes them around and taunts them ( ‘ you clearly do not pray to yevon enough if you’re still so poor and lifeless. ‘ )
they later declare that he was killed in action.  a blood trail leading off through mushroom rock road to a cavern — the same one that tormented the crimson squad.  it is all a ruse, he slipped off to the moonflow  &  planned to hitch a ride on a shoopuf across the waters &  into guadosalam; praying that he may find refuge and a new set of clothes.
this is when he meets her  &  fascinated, he approaches.
luc is alive and well. this is not discovered until far later into his journey.  ffamran,  now known as balthier travels with her to find the resting place of his sibling  & brother.  far in the depths of the calm lands is a former warrior monk, no longer bearing symbols of yevon or bevelle.  beside him, a figure in white robes adorned in sharp gold and rose gold.  as they turn around to face the familiar voice, balthier comes to learn that his sibling is very much alive and well. having forsaken their duties as a yevon—whipped summoner ; faking their own passing to distance themselves from their former faith and their father.
all in all…  ffamran and two of his siblings say ‘ fuck yevon ‘ and ‘ fuck cidolfus ‘  &  it is good.
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Round 1 - Eliminations:
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Today, we must say goodbye to Feolthanos, Maester Wen Kinoc, Spiritus, Baralai, Judgemaster Cid, Dycedarg Beoulve, Kum'Lanaut, Leon, Mag'molada, and Xande. There were some... bizarre matchups in this round, that's for sure.
Congratulations to Barbariccia, Yu Yevon, Vayne Solidor, Astos, Ultros, Dr. Cid Bunansa, Queen Remedi, Shuyin, Bhunivelze, and Elgo! We look forward to seeing you in Round 2!
Here are some of the reasons some of these bad boys were nominated:
Spiritus: The story sucks but he's sexy and also would probably fuck you if you asked and he thought you did a good job fighting people
Kam'lanaut: that long hair. those face markings. that slutty body. everything
Leon: He may have ended up good, but he really tried to be a villain, and probably fucked. Just not his sister.
Dycedarg: Beautifully douchey hair. Extreme waist to hip ratio. Loves drinking wine and plotting assassinations. Collapses dramatically on multiple occasions. Cooks a mean mushroom dish.
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starvingtongue · 11 months
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ? // For Leblanc and Paine!
𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐇����𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 // Accepting // @poeticphoenix
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ? - Paine
A bit of both, honestly. X-2 shows that she can haunted by something painful, mainly being shot by a close friend. I think a lot of people would be haunted by something like that. It's one thing to be shot by a stranger, but it's something else to be shot by someone that you've not only formed a close bond with, but gone through a traumatic experience with. Last Mission kind of shows this as well, though it's not the same as being shot nor is it as painful, the Gullwings disbanding made her realise how lonely she could be. It clearly bothered her/made her sad, if only a little bit, that they weren't still together (though she's not delusional, she knows full well that their journey could've ended at any point, she says something to that effect at the start of Chapter 4 I think).
But on the flip side, she's also someone who uses those experiences to make herself stronger, though it's not always for the better. Sometimes she thinks something will make her stronger, and in some ways it does, Paine is remarkable resilliant in that way, but I think sometimes she fools herself into thinking an experience will help, but it'll actually hinder her. She's spent a lot of time by herself, reflecting on things that have happened, with very few (if any) people breaking down her barriers to truly get to know her, by the start of X-2. She tends to internalise all of her experiences, good or bad, and while that does make her incredibly resilliant, it also makes it really difficult to open up to people when she's struggling.
Her experiences with the Gullwings taught her that even if she experiences something painful (e.g. going through the den of woe and facing her past), if she has a strong network of friends, she can get through it better than if she went through it alone. She didn't have that when she got shot by Nooj, because Nooj and the others were her close network of friends. They were the people she would've gone to for support. With those gone, and potentially being hunted down by Yevon (I reckon Paine, Gippal, and Nooj might not have known Kinoc was dead for a little while after he got murdered by Seymour), Paine retreated into herself. She did not handle those first few weeks well, and depression hit her like a truck. It was everyone singing the Hymn of the Fayth to help placate Sin that helped break her out of it, the whole world coming together as one, regardless of their differences, to make her realise that she needed to get out there and find out what happened to Nooj.
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ? - Leblanc
Leblanc is 100% that person to roll with the punches, get back up when the world tries to knock her down, and use whatever the world throws at her to become stronger. She tries not to let anything get in the way of what she wants to do, regardless of how painful it might be. She's not one to dwell on past experiences, what's done is done, she wants to move forward with the new experience in mind.
While she does have moments of weakness where doubt creeps in (which I'm sure happens to everyone), it's not something she likes to dwell on for too long. What's the point of dwelling something that can't be changed? She's done her fair share of dwelling on things like this and it hasn't gotten her anywhere. It hasn't changed people's opinions of her, it hasn't brought people back, or changed situations. She might as well get back up and try again, take things one step at a time if she must, and push forward.
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ofmoonlily · 1 year
i always had a pretty good bullshit detector when i was a kid. -reveromantique
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Talk to Yuna? > Yes. | Accepting | @reveromantique
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Yuna giggles behind her hand. The way Seifer put sentences together was both silly and clever. It brought Yuna to the conclusion that he really did hail from realms beyond her own. That's not to say she didn't believe him before, but his mannerisms, the way he fought, spoke, and approached certain topics would have never been thought of - even in the last thousand years they've documented human interaction.
"I've never heard it spoken like that before." She chuckles again before observing the Maesters standing proudly at the Bevelle docks reserved in Luca.
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"So then, who do you think lying?" It certainly could not have been Maester Mika. He was such a kindly old soul who ushered so much good to the people of Spira.
It couldn't have been Maester Seymour. He voluntarily took his father's place as a maester when no other Guado would - not that they could, anyhow. The way they went about things was a little unorthodox, and Seymour was next in line to obtain the Maester's title anyway.
Though, Yuna would have assumed he'd take the summoner's path, what with his talents in the summoning arts.
Maester Kinoc couldn't have been lying. He leads the crusaders, and oversees the people's safety.
It made Yuna wonder what Seifer saw that he would claim they were all deceptive.
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Revisiting Religion in Final Fantasy X (and X-2): Part 2
So I just got to the Moonflow in my current replay of Final Fantasy X, and found another interesting theme: anxiety about technology. I find that this is actually fairly common in Japanese media, but doesn't seem to often be discussed in regard to this game.
Throughout the game, you see characters discuss Yevon's prohibition on the use of machina (or machines). Lulu notes that the Yevon priesthood decides which machina are considered prohibited for public use, and this (largely) includes weapons. Even so, Yevon warrior monks use guns and flamethrowers. While one could read this as yet another instance of hypocritical doctrine on Yevon's part (which is not untrue), it is also worth examining what Wakka says is Yevon's teaching on this: "When humans have power, they seek to use it." He says this when explaining to Tidus how Yevon understands the ruins of cities like those in the Moonflow, as a transgression against nature.
Especially given the prevalence of climate anxiety and the excesses of technological progress in the real world, it's actually quite difficult to argue that Yevon is wrong on this. The abuse of power, especially when enabled by technological advances, is a widespread historical experience in most societies. In Japan, no such event looms in the popular imagination more than the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Lulu describes the war between Bevelle and Zanarkand as follows: "They made weapons so powerful... It was thought they could destroy the entire world." Yuna then says, "The people feared that Spira would be destroyed."
Similar concerns were raised when the atomic bomb was first developed. Now, let's get to how this this concerns religion. It's clear that in the universe of FFX, society has come to associate the destruction of nature and humanity with the use of machina, a connection made manifest through Sin. Sin is a manifestation of Yu Yevon's resentment of Bevelle, which developed weapons of mass destruction to use against Zanarkand. Over time, Sin's destruction of machina-based cities figured into Yevon's teaching that the human use of machina would only lead to destruction. This is not an unreasonable development, in my opinion.
That being said, Tidus and Lulu's comments about machina only being as bad as their users still stands. It's not as if machina like the sphere pool or the elevator-like apparatus at the Moonflow are harmful to humans or to nature. Furthermore, the Al Bhed, the only society in Spira known to be familiar with machina never use it to wage war, even though they very well could (especially with the airship). Instead, they made their Home in a fortified base in the desert.
Does that mean that Yevon's view of machina as encouraging people to abuse power and technology is wrong, though? I would say that these are not mutually exclusive. True, not much stops people from abusing technology to do all manner of things, but the same goes for conscientious and non-violent use as well. The fact that people like the Al Bhed and the Yevon Warrior Monks (esp. under Maester Kinoc) exist makes this clear. Heck, the party even ends up using the airship to broadcast the Hymn of the Fayth to pacify Sin before blasting a hole in Sin's mouth with a laser cannon.
If that's not a complex portrayal of the relationship between technology, power and faith, I don't know what is.
That being said, FFX's narrative really doesn't go too deep on this technology-and-power bit, especially after you acquire the airship. The consequences of technological progress aren't really a focal point, partly because Spira is a technologically stunted world. Even so, I think that the narrative is pretty clear on the way that the pursuit of power corrupts and that technology is frequently its instrument. An inability to account for the dynamics of technology's enabling of power is the primary reason that Sin (and the main conflict of FFX more generally) even exists, and it continues to influence society even in the present.
It's worth noting the events of FFX-2, particularly the rise of political parties. The Machine Faction, while portrayed as politically neutral, clearly has a stake in trying to make the use of machina mainstream (which includes weapons). The Youth League and New Yevon are not much better in this regard, as they both make use of machina for their own purposes. In fact, the tension over Vegnagun (as much as it's driven by Shuyin's shenanigans) can be understood to revolve centrally around the just use of weapons of mass destruction, and how politics instrumentalizes this question rather than directly treat the human costs entailed in it.
The first game spends a lot of time trying to build up the complexity of human flaws, and how they produce a number of responses to suffering, including despair, faith, cynicism and resolve to change. The party members are the main people through whom we experience these developments. However, none of the people of Spira who look up to Yuna in FFX-2 really experienced what she or anyone else in the party did. No one else went through the crisis of faith or found the courage to find a new way to defeat Sin the way the party did (with the possible exception of some of the Al Bhed, like Cid).
All of this should absolutely complicate the way that technology is adopted in FFX-2, and it explains a lot about why Yuna has such misgivings about the way that Spira changed in two short years. I will admit here that FFX-2's narrative handles this some what sloppily. The story often portrays Yuna mostly as some kind of sentimental Luddite who struggles to get with the times, while compelling you to side with the Youth League over New Yevon in order to uncover the bloodiness of both parties. Not to mention, the game tries to make Gippal out to be a cool guy, when his leadership of the Machine Faction really should be held in greater suspicion.
Even so, we have to look at the number of missions involving machina malfunction, changing of Spira's natural landscape and the development of more machina weapons (the Experiment anyone?!), not to mention the whole thing with Vegnagun. Technology plays a big role in generating the moral tensions of the second game, and the absence of Yevonite reverence (in addition to hostility towards it) only magnifies the importance of the kind of spirituality that I identified in FFX in my previous post.
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