#Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Run into the New World!
makerofmadness · 2 years
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Run Into the New World! Chapter ☆1: Through the Vortex into a New World!
“Ugh... ough...”
Kirby opened his eyes.
Right in front of his eyes was grainy, white sand. The peaceful whooshing sound of waves could be heard. 
Kirby quickly got up to his feet and gave a look around at his surroundings.The waves were breaking on the white sandy shore and retreating back into the sea. Just a short distance away from the foreshore grew brightly colored grass and many trees full of leaves. 
“Hmm?... Where am I?... I... uh...”
There, he finally recalled being sucked up by the mysterious vortex.
“Guess I blacked out after getting caught up in that vortex thingy. What happened to Waddle Dee?”
Kirby began walking around, looking all over the place restlessly. However, it didn't seem Bandana Waddle Dee was anywhere nearby. He didn’t see any of the other Waddle Dees, or any of the other residents of Dream Land either.
Kirby turned his back on the ocean and made his way into the expanse of trees. 
The sound of waves gave way to the sound of tree leaves swaying in the wind. The dim forest extended out far and wide. Kirby continued walking deeper and deeper into the forest.
“It’s really quiet in here...  Wonder if anyone else is here...”
Just as he started feeling just a tiny bit forlorn...
He could see a bright light coming from the end of the forest.
 Kirby gave a sigh of relief and started running for the end.
And then- the moment he got out of the forest, Kirby shouted:
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He almost couldn’t believe his own eyes at the sight spread out before him. There were many tall things that looked like pillars standing there, reaching all the way up to the sky. The ground was hardened and perfectly leveled, with a white line drawn on it.
“What a strange town...!”
Kirby broke into a run, absolutely spellbound. 
As he approached the pillar-like structures, he began to notice the many doors and windows which one would be able to enter through. 
Kirby finally realized they weren’t pillars at all, they were buildings.
“Wow, these houses are huge! Who’s living in them? Heyyy, HEYYY!”
However, there was no response.
Upon further inspection, the window glass was cracked, and the walls were covered in cracks. The floors were covered in weeds. 
“Is anybody here?...”
Kirby entered one of the buildings.
Inside, it was completely silent. As he looked around the building, he saw a single car parked at the far end. 
“A car... Is it gonna move?”
When Kirby approached, suddenly, three pairs of ears poked up out from behind the top of the car. Three fuzzy animals poked their heads out.
Encountering this world’s inhabitants for the first time made Kirby happy.
“Hello! My name is Kirby. If you don’t mind me asking, where-”
However, the three animals glared at Kirby and growled:
Kirby was confused.
“Huh? Ummm... are you mad at me? Why-”
Without warning, the trio of fuzzy creatures pounced.
“WaitwaitwaitwaitWHAT?! Stop, don’t do this!”
Kirby tried to stop them, but the beasts’ desire to fight bore like fangs. With such circumstances, he had no choice but to fight.
“Alright then...!”
Kirby sucked in a lot of air.
His signature inhale.
The beasts, facing this inhale attack for the first time, were frozen like a deer in headlights. In desperate attempt not to be sucked up, they dug their short paws into the ground with a firm stance. 
Without letting up, Kirby continued to inhale. 
It was there that something unexpected happened:
The car behind the beasts, wobbling so much that Kirby wondered if it was floating, came off the ground straight toward Kirby.
Kirby panicked. There was no way something that big could fit inside his mouth!...
However, the moment he was hit by it, Kirby’s mouth stretched out wider than one would think possible. 
Enough to suck in the entire car.
The next moment, the car was stuffed in Kirby’s mouth.
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At such an unexpected event, Kirby darted his eyes about in shock and confusion.
“Ng... gggg... ngng?”
Although he couldn’t talk, he didn’t feel any pain.
Kirby’s form had taken the shape of the car.
This- should it be called Car Mouth?
New world, new ability??
Caught off-guard observing the impact, the three beasts backed up. 
They were trembling, faces frozen in shock. 
If they were able to talk, they likely would’ve said, “What even is this guy...?” Oh crap!”
The moment Kirby glanced over at them, the three creatures jumped and fled the scene yelping.
“N... ng... ng?”
Kirby, about to chase after them, noticed a few things:
The way he was now, Kirby’s body had taken on the shape of the car. Tires underfoot. 
As he tried to drive, he picked up noticeable speed.
With that force, he broke through the wall, jumping out into the outside.
Road full of cracks, sharp hills, nothing special.
Without axels or breaks or handles, Kirby began his wonderful drive.
Bathing in the radiant sun rays, Kirby pleasantly continued driving. Crossing the bridge over a large stream, dashing down the highway, to wherever the road would lead him. He was so happy, he wished he could sing.
As he continued on his merry drive, Kirby, noticing small shadows passing across the sky, glanced up.
More birds than he could count were flying overhead.  
With the talons of their feet, they appeared to be gripping something: Small cages.
And what they were carrying inside those cages...?
Kirby strained his eyes, before the realization hit him:
Inside the cages were Waddle Dees. 
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Dozens of Waddle Dees, held inside the cages, were being carried off.
“The Waddle Dees...!” Kirby shouted without thinking, overcome with surprise. There, the car came rolling out of Kirby’s mouth, taking him out of Car Mouth mode.
Back in his normal form, Kirby’s mind was set on chasing after that flock. 
However, the birds moved quickly. Soon they were completely out of sight.
The moment Kirby skidded to a halt, he could hear a faint voice:
“Heeeelp! Help me!!”
Someone was calling for help.
“...that way!”
Kirby began to run in the direction of the voice.
His destination was a small town. 
No- it was what used to be a small town, it seemed. The buildings had all been destroyed, reduced to piles of rubble. Scattered here and there were furry animals like the ones from before, running around. In the skies flew the birds who had carried those cages. They seemed to be hunting their prey.
“H-Help meee!!”
Shouting and attempting to run away, was an aqua-colored creature with big ears. Surrounded by beasts, targeted by the birds- clearly he was in a dire situation!
Kirby shouted as he ran toward the beasts and birds.
The beasts and birds, noticing Kirby, all charged to attack at once. However, when Kirby got serious, no one could stand a chance against him. In the blink of an eye, it was no contest. 
Both the beasts and the birds were crying out as they fled the scene. 
The aqua-colored creature, running up close to Kirby, let out a relieved sigh before speaking:
“Phew! You saved me! Thank you...”
However, his look soon turned glum before he continued:
“But what about those other guys, the Waddle Dees? They were all captured! And taken away!”
“Huh? You know the Waddle Dees?” Kirby asked, surprised. “My name’s Kirby, and the Waddle Dees are my friends. What about you?” 
As Kirby said this, the aqua-colored creature shouted with delight:
“You’re Kirby?! Like, the Kirby?! Oh my gosh, the Waddle Dees told me so much about you! I was thinking about how nice it would be to get to meet you someday. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kirby. I’m Elfilin!”
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“Yeah. I’m friends with the Waddle Dees too. We built this town together, and we lived here happily. But then, they came and attacked us...”
Right that moment, a shout could be heard:
“Kirby! There you are! Wait for meeeeeee!!”
Coming in running, waving his arms around wide, was Bandana Waddle Dee. On his back, he was carrying a long spear.
“Waddle Dee! Thank goodness!”
With a spring in his step, Kirby ran over to him. Full of joy, the two embraced each other tightly.
“So you really came to this world too after all! I missed you so much, Kirby!”
“Yup! I was looking for the Waddle Dees for a while.”
“...a while?”
“Yeah. A while ago, when I got sucked into the vortex, and I woke up on the beach- and after that, I’ve just been doing this for this whole time!”
“...Huh? But that’s... uh, Kirby...”
Bandana Waddle Dee stared at Kirby confusedly.
“Kirby, you said you got sucked into the vortex a while ago...?”
“We were sucked into the vortex, into this world, way more than a while ago.”
Bandana Waddle Dee spread his arms out.
“We’ve been looking for you and Great King Dedede for... I don’t even know how many days at this point.”
“But we didn’t have any clues at all... that’s when we met Elfilin and became friends with him. Together, we built this town here, and we settled in.”
“...I’m sorry, what?”
Kirby stared blankly, mouth agape, absolutely lost. 
It had been so many days since the Waddle Dees got sucked into the vortex that they were able to build an entire town...?
And yet Kirby had only just gotten to this world a short while ago?
“How did that happen? We all got sucked up together.”
“Yeah... I don’t really know, but...” Bandana Waddle Dee said while pondering, “maybe time got all warped somehow inside the vortex. That’d explain why we both got sucked up at the same time and yet came out at different times and places.”
Kirby tried thinking about it, but didn’t understand it any better. Regardless, thinking to go along with what Bandana Waddle Dee had said, he continued the conversation:
“So King Dedede’s not here?”
“...yeah. We got separated in the vortex and still haven’t found him yet.”
Bandana Waddle Dee looked dejected. Kirby, with a cheery voice, tried to lift Bandana Waddle Dee’s spirits.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure we’ll bump into him sooner or later! Maybe King Dedede just went back to Castle Dedede first, he’s probably just waiting for all the Waddle Dees to come back too.”
In response, Elfilin shook his head with a sad look.
“No, I’m afraid. It doesn’t seem like anyone will be able to return home to Pop Star anytime soon.”
“Yes. I’ve always been on this star, but I’ve heard things about Pop Star from the Waddle Dees. Before they came along, though, I’d never even heard of it. I’m guessing that this star and the one that the Waddle Dees came from are in entirely different universes.”
“Different... universes...?!”
Kirby’s eyes widened. 
It seemed he had come to a much more difficult place than he had thought. 
“According to Elfilin,” Bandana Waddle Dee said, “this place where we are now is called Natural Plains. With the forest and the lake nearby, it kinda looks like Dream Land, right? So, we decided we’d build a town here. We had a feeling that the Great King would’ve landed somewhere in the plains here too... but then the Beast Pack showed up and destroyed everything.”
“Beast Pack?”
Elfilin responded to Kirby’s inquiry:
“They’re the guys who just attacked us. The fuzzy ones are called Awoofies, and the birds carrying the cages are Clockers.”
“The Beast Pack’s leader is known as Leongar,” Bandana Waddle Dee added. “I haven’t seen him for myself, but apparently he’s really, really strong.”
Elfilin nodded his head.
“The pack’s basically Leongar’s minions. They’re most likely carrying out all of Leongar’s orders. They destroyed our town and kidnapped the Waddle Dees. If Kirby hadn’t gotten here when he did, they would’ve gotten me too!”
Elfilin trembled with fear. Kirby offered some encouraging words:
“Never fear, ‘cause I’m here now! Let’s go save the Waddle Dees! Elfilin, I promise that as long as you’re with me, everything will be fine.”
“Ok! Thank you, Kirby!”
Elfilin looked at Kirby with a twinkle in his eyes. 
“The Waddle Dees would talk about you all the time. About how strong you are. And after that fight you put up, I can see it was the truth!”
“But I’m wondering, are you still able to use your Copy Ability in this world?” Bandana Waddle Dee said worriedly. “Kirby, have you tried already?”
“Nope! But it doesn’t matter, ‘cause even if I can’t use any Copy Abilities, I’ve gained a new ability here, and it’s really neat!”
“Huh? What ability?”
“Yeah! See that car...”
Kirby looked around, but the car was nowhere to be seen. It seemed he had gotten quite far away from where he had stopped using Car Mouth. 
“I’ll have to show you later. Anywho, it was so cool! But first, let’s all go rescue the Waddle Dees.”
Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin both nodded.
“Well then,” Elfilin said, “we should start by investigating the shopping mall.”
“Shopping mall?”
“Yes. A large building located in the North of Natural Plains. Right now, it’s no longer in use. The Beast Pack seem to have settled in the ruins around the land, using them as bases to carry the Waddle Dees off to.”
“That means the Waddle Dees are there...?”
“Yeah, probably. I could see the clockers carrying their cages off northward. Follow me, I’ll lead you there!”
“Got it, let’s go!”
Just as Kirby cheerfully shouted this, from somewhere in the sky, something was approaching, making a humming noise.
Kirby, noticing this, strained his eyes and stared.
It was a yellow star. Simultaneously, Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee shouted:
It made a sudden drop toward the ground, and stopped right in front of the three.
“A small star???” Elfilin shouted in surprise. “What is this?”
“It’s the Warp Star! It must’ve gotten sucked into the vortex with me. Thanks for coming along, Warp Star!”
Kirby quickly hopped onto the Warp Star, and held out a hand to Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin.
“C’mon, hop on! With the Warp Star, we can get to anywhere in no time!”
Bandana Waddle Dee eagerly latched on to the Warp Star. Elfilin timidly boarded, clinging on to the Warp Star tightly. 
“S-So I’m guessing... this thing flies?”
“Of course! Now, here we go!!”
Just as Kirby shouted this, the Warp Star began to speed off with its usual hum. 
Though he was scared at first, Elfilin, getting used to it quickly, cheered:
“Woah, this is awesome! We’re going so fast! Like this, we’re gonna reach the shopping mall in no time at all!”
However, out of nowhere, Bandana Waddle Dee shouted:
“Wait a minute! Warp Star, stop!!”
The Warp Star came to a sudden halt in midair. 
Elfilin, who was nearly thrown off, screamed:
“Hyaaaaa!! Wh-What?! What’s wrong, Bandana??”
“I think I just heard something. Sounded like a voice.”
Bandana Waddle Dee looked around at the surroundings.
Kirby heard it too. From somewhere in the distance, voices were faintly resounding.
“The voices... the Waddle Dees!”
Bandana Waddle Dee nodded.
“They’re all calling for help, they’re crying.”
“They’re being held somewhere nearby. We gotta look for them!”
The Warp Star flew lower and continued slowly.
Bandana Waddle Dee pointed at the tunnel that could be seen up ahead.
“The noise is coming from that tunnel!” he said.
“Got it! Let’s go!”
Kirby and co. hopped off the Warp Star.
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avathestarwarrior · 1 year
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Start Running to the New World!
(This translation is just my own project and is not for the Kirby Novel Translation masterpost)
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1. A new world across the Vortex!
2. Find the Waddle Dees!
3. The Carde of the Beast Pack Appears!
4. A trustworthy ally
5. Panic in the Theme Park
6. A new copy ability
7. An unexpected reunion
8. Chasing the whereabouts
9. Boiling Lava! Forbidden Lands
10. The masked Nemesis
11. Battle! King of the Beasts Leongar
12. A huge crisis on Popstar!
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yirggzmb · 8 months
Kirby Town Tunes
A collection of town/island tunes for Animal Crossing based on assorted tunes from the Kirby series. Screenshots are for New Horizons, but they should work in any Animal Crossing game.
Running Through the New World from Kirby & the Forgotten Land
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My Friend and the Sunset from Kirby Super Star
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More under the cut for ten total
Planet Popstar from Kirby 64
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Grass Land from Kirby's Epic Yarn
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Mt. Dedede from Kirby's Dream Land (also just Dedede in general)
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Boarding the Halberd from Kirby Super Star
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Castle Lololo from Kirby's Dream Land (also associated with Dynablade) albeit based more on the Super Star Spring Breeze rendition
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Frozen Hillside from Kirby Air Ride
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Bubbly Clouds from Kirby's Dream Land
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Wind Blowing on Earthfall from Kirby Star Allies (ending is a bit truncated here)
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cv01doodle · 8 months
Personal Kirby Light Novel Masterpost!
(latest update: 8/30/2024)
(I've been planning to make my own list for a long time, this isn't intended to overshadow the one that's already out, it's just my personal list to keep track of the dates, translators, and upcoming/unfinished projects)
(i'm using the names from the wikirby btw tysm)
thanks to all the translators mentioned for their hard work 🙏 and thanks to the creator of the previous list as well! also thanks to takase-sensei for writing the novels lol
Kirby and the Dangerous Gourmet Mansion?! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby and the Big Panic in Gloomy Woods! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby Meets the Squeak Squad! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Puppet Princess translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Big Race in Pupupu Land! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby's Labyrinth Rescue! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby and the Great Planet Robobot Adventure! translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Galaxy's Greatest Warrior translated by friendship-ended-with-pokespe (complete)
Kirby Clash Team Unite! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby's Decisive Battle! Battle Royale!! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby Star Allies: The Great Friend Adventure! translated by rhythmroute_ (complete)
Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in Trouble?! translated by theultimateultimateweapon (complete)
Kirby: Big Trouble in Patch Land! translated by rosakikoza (incomplete)
Kirby: Save the Rainbow Islands! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby: Super Team Kirby's Big Battle! translated by makerofmadness (complete)
Kirby and the Search for the Dreamy Gears! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Yomi translated by theultimateultimateweapon (complete)
Kirby: Uproar at the Kirby Café?! translated by hoshi-no-mahoroa (complete)
Kirby Fighters: The Destined Rivals!! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: King Dedede's Great Escape Mission! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (complete)
Kirby: The Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train?! translated by kachikirby (complete)
Kirby: Welcome to the Starlight Theater! (untranslated)
Kirby: Lor Starcutter and a Magician of Falsehood translated by starcutter-and-lying-wizard (complete, deleted)
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Start Running to the New World! translated by makerofmadness (incomplete)
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Break Out of the Dreams of the Isolated Isles! (untranslated)
Kirby: Full Stomach, Perfect Circle, Dream Buffet! translated by kachikirby (incomplete)
Kirby: Sever Evil with a Slash in a Flash! translated by owls-gamblegalaxy (incompete)
Kirby: Come on Over to Merry Magoland! translated by starcutter-and-lying-wizard (incomplete, deleted)
Kirby: Having a Blast at the Music Festival! (untranslated)
Kirby: The Dream Onsen is a Good Hot Spring♪ (untranslated)
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Monster of the Magic Stone (untranslated)
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kirby-n-co · 2 years
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Welcome to Kirby ‘n Co!
This is a Kirby ask blog run by 5 mods. Feel free to ask any of our characters (or their buddies) questions! Please be aware that our blog may feature sensitive content (e.g. blood or violence); we will do our best to tag appropriately.
Curious about the world of this ask blog? Wanna know more about the mods? Look under the read more:
The world of Kirby ‘n Co
TL;DR – This blog is basically just a multiverse. Kirby first talked about his experience here!
This ask blog takes place in a shared universe. One day, certain key figures (like Kirby!) mysteriously disappeared, and a doomer concerned with continuity needed to find people to act as replacements until the originals could be found. Characters from all sorts of different universes were plucked and thrown into this shared universe… Kirby’s response to being thrown into a completely new environment was naturally to make a blog. For finding friends, of course.
This blog features 5 artists who all have separate sets of headcanons and lore, so having a multiverse allows our differing interpretations of characters to co-exist.
The mods
Mod Mod
hi I'm Mod Mod. my name is mod. any pronouns. socials: splitster (tumblr) or splitsterart (twitter) favorite game: idk. forgotten land? favorite character: kirby n gala favorite anime episode: i dont watch the anime uhhhh that one episode with max flexer Favorite Kirby: olimar i like kirby and gala. actually i like all the kirby guys. i also like kirby ocs
Mod Fishy
Hiiii I'm Mod Fishy! I go by He/She/They Fave Game: Star Allies Fave Character: Sailor Waddle Dee Fave Kirby: what the fuck does this mean Socials: @letolimarseehisfamily on Tumblr Fave Anime Episode: The Hour of the Wolfwrath Sailor is sassy and I call the reincarnated void Niru
Mod Paint
Hi there i’m Mod Paint! She/They Socials: @kallulily on Twitter, Instagram, and tumblr! Favorite game: Kirby Triple Deluxe! I’m so emotional over Taranza and the ost. That game also debuted Paintra, who I have a HUUUGE BIAS towards. Favorite Character: Falspar, Paintra, Meta Knight, Dedede, Kirby, Falspar, Tiff, Taranza, Falspar Favorite Anime episode; Ask me again when I make my 3 hour Kirby Right Back At Ya retrospective video bc that’s such a loaded question I cannot answer. Anyway its Falspar Favorite Kirby: Kirby and Falspar
I have a huge brain rotted bias towards the Kirby anime to where I have an entire webcomic and story planned. Literally me grabbing the 100 episodes of the anime and brushing it down with a fine comb and making a solid lore filled world. But it’s all 99% head-cannons. I can talk for hours about this anime.
Mod Cosmic
Howdy, I'm Mod Cosmic! I go by she/they, though I'm fine with any. Socials: cosmicoCoffee(Twitter & Tumblr) Favorite Game: Forgotten Land! My first Kirby game. Favorite Character: Meta Knight and King Dedede Favorite Anime Episode: Hoshi no Kaabi Episode 64! Fave Kirby: Every Kirby!!!
Nimbus is full of the passion I have for this franchise, and I hope to share that through him! I hope you like him as much as I did creating him!
Mod Nova
Hey there! I'm Mod Nova! I use (she/he/they) pronouns! socials: @soupvnova (tumblr, insta, twitter) @soupvnova-draws (art blog on tumblr)
favorite game: return to dreamland deluxe is based but i also love forgotten land and star allies..
favorite character: magolor if i had to choose. idk i love a lot of characters. (including OCs.)
favorite anime episode: I never watched the anime but every meta knight appearance is pretty based.
Favorite Kirby: all the Kirbys
OC: I got a couple of OCs but one of the one's i'll draw the most is Vivi the Vividria. She reminds me of everything I love about Kirby and I love her dearly. Feel free to ask questions bout em. She's also the only good thing about star allies, play star allies do it now.
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kirbymusicdaily · 1 year
Kirby Music of the Day: Running Through the New World from Kirby and the Forgotten Land
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friendshapedplant · 5 months
🔫🔫get go go gadget autisgmed again heehoo B] thoughts and interpretations on the Forgotten Land timeline? 👀
I don't got much but there ain't all too much to go with and I don't fw specififc times so don't expect no numbers jus sequences
Obviously the events we have established are Elfilis invades New World, is captured, tested on, Elfilin escapes, everyone leaves, Forgotten Lands Events. Can't quite remember if it's established they figure out the Warp Tech before or after Filin escapes or not and dont feel like checkin!
I'd say it took the people of the New World a few days to a week to subdue Elfilis and put it in a tube by Discovera. Invasive testing didn't start immediately as they didn't want to risk it escaping so soon after it's capture, they wanna rebuild shit first, but things like vitals and surface level samples were taken from Filis.
Give it a year or so and they in the Real research bizz! I feel they did more than just Warp Tech, likely not where they started, but they get there eventually, working with what they know bout this guy and buildin upon it. Willing to bet Filis was not a compliant test subject though and if not tranquilized shit often happened, but sometimes it needed to be conscious for things so! Risk n Reward.
Elfilin is born 30 years after Elfilis is captured (only actual timespan we have and I just learned is a ref to Kirby turnin 30 that year) during the first attempt to execute warp travel. I think something about either the shit they were puttin Filis thru or the sterile environment or an attempt at malicious compliance/escape caused the split. Elfilin is spawned not far outside the facility, first thing he sees is a bunch of people tryna grab at him which is scary! Thus he runs off to never be seen again, and Filis regresses into Fecto Forgo.
Some years after this event, the warp tech is perfected, and Lab Discovera finds the "Land of Dreams." What the hell that is I'm not sure but maybe its Everhood (joke). Research teams are dispatched to determine hospitality, then settlers are sent to establish colonies, and the population moves there in waves over afew years until no one's left but the animals, Fecto, and Elfilin.
About half a centruy later is where Forgotten Land picks up, enough time for the buildings to be overgrown but not entirely destroyed by mother nature. The Waddle Dees and a buncha Pop Star junk arrive and Filin aint too far! He never seen these guys before but knows in his heart they need his help.
The New World experiences time slower than Pop Star does, so over the course of a month or so, they set up a little town and make themselves comfortable with their circumstances, they're just Dees after all they can't do much, esp with no King around. There are many that also choose to explore the New World, but are unfortunately slowly captured.
Then of course their little town is located by the Beast Pack and the remaining Dees are capturing, Kirby finally making thru the portal and locating the village. And then the game starts from there yknow!
I think the entire game of Forgotten Land (about 10 hours) takes more like 10 minutes back on Pop Star. Everyone still over there just chilling until BOOM another portal opens above the planet and They get to witness Truck Kirby Live.
Also regarding Meta Knights presence, the English figure says he arrived before Kirby, while the Japanese says he arrived after, and yknow we prefer our primary sources here, the localizations are dodgy sometimes. (Susie I'm so sorry what they did to u girlie....) Bro came in a couple weeks late, set off on his own for a bit, but after findin nothin he left that to Kirb and decided to protect the Dees from attack. And beat up Gorimando one million times. For the Dees' safety.
Everything said here is Subject to Change in the future I've only been thinkin bout this stuff for like a week so yeyeye but thats it rn
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funky-vg-beats · 2 years
running through the new world kirby and the forgotten land ost
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makerofmadness · 2 years
Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Run Into the New World! Chapter ☆2: Must Find the Waddle Dees!
The tunnel was dug into a hill as if carved in. The trio, taking careful note of their surroundings, stepped into the dark tunnel. Littering the place were various construction tools and signboards written in a language they had never seen before, all clearly neglected. It seemed they had been abandoned a long time ago, as everything looked old.
The cries of the Waddle Dees could be heard coming from inside. Mixed with them were familiar growls that could be heard coming from all around the place.
“There are Awoofies here!” Elfilin shouted. “Be careful!”
“Got it!”
Bandana Waddle Dee readied his spear and looked around. Upon noticing Kirby and co.’s intrusion, the Awoofies came in one by one to attack.
“Oh, no you don’t!!”
Although Kirby didn’t have a Copy Ability at the moment, the Awoofies weren’t a problem, they could be taken care of even in his face-without-makeup form.
Bandana Waddle Dee bravely brandished his spear and made the Awoofies scatter. Elfilin’s stared in awe.
“You two are really strong! I hadn’t known Bandana was this powerful!”
“Being with Kirby brings out my strength,” Bandana Waddle Dee said bashfully. “C’mon, let’s keep going and rescue everyone!”
“Okie dokie! We’ve gotten closer to the voices!”
The three continued toward the sound of the Waddle Dees’ cries. However, along the way, they encountered a tall wall.
“What the-? Is this a dead end?...”
“Kirby, look up. It looks like if we climb our way up there, we’ll be able to go on.”
Just as Bandana Waddle Dee said, a door could be seen at the top of the wall. It was much too high up to get there by hovering 
“What are we gonna do?...”
Once he pondered it, Elfilin said:
“Kirby, look over there: there’s a staircase! Bring it over here, then we’ll be able to climb up!”
Elfilin had found a staircase, one that seemed like the kind used at construction sites. Surely, if they used that, they would be able to reach the door.
The three attempted to work together to push it to underneath where the door was, but even their combined strength just wasn’t enough, the staircase was much too heavy. Try as hard as they might ‘til they were red in the face, it didn’t move an inch.
“It won’t budge...” Bandana Waddle Dee said, out of breath, “I think we’ll have to come up with another solution...”
Kirby thought about it, when, all of a sudden, a bright idea lit up in his head.
“I’ve got it! If I could fit that whole car into my mouth, wonder if I can fit other things in there too???”
“Huh? Did you say fit it into your mouth?”
“STAIRS MOUTH time! Watch me!”
Kirby turned to face the staircase, mustered up all the strength that he could and sucked in the air.  
The heavy staircase rattled as it finally moved, lightly floating in the air.
Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin’s eyes widened. 
The staircase, hit by Kirby’s inhale, came flying right toward Kirby!”
Bandana Waddle Dee screamed:
“Kirby, look out! Get out of the way!”
However, Kirby continued to inhale without worry.
And, as Kirby’s mouth stretched open wider than one would think possible- he took the entire staircase into his mouth.
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Bandana Waddle Dee went white as a sheet, and ran up to Kirby, who had taken the shape of the staircase.
“Kirby!! Are you alright!?! Speak to me!”
With the stairs stuffed in his mouth, Kirby was unable to talk, but he jumped up and down lightly.
Bandana Waddle Dee, who had tears full of worry in his eyes, was dumbfounded.
“Kirby, you aren’t hurt?
Instead of responding, Kirby slowly and shakily moved forward. Once he got directly under the door, with great strength, he spat the staircase right back out.
The same staircase that wasn’t moved by the three of them combined, had finally moved right where they needed it to be.
“Haahh! There, perfect!”
Satisfied, Kirby looked up at the stairs. Now they could get up the wall to where the door is. 
“Woah, Kirby, that was AWESOME!” Elfilin shouted while flying around. “I didn’t know you could do something like that!”
“Well that was a shock...” Bandana Waddle Dee said, flustered, “that’s the first time I’ve seen you do this. I’m guessing this was the new ability you were talking about earlier...”
Kirby nodded.
“Yup! I can shove big things in my mouth, and my body’ll stretch around them, and then I take the same shape as whatever’s in my mouth!”
“You weren’t able to do this back in Dream Land?”
“Inside that mysterious vortex, my body got all stretched around,” Kirby said, thinking back to his experience in the vortex, “I got all twisted up in there. But it didn’t really hurt that much. I wonder if the vortex’s power made my body, like, super extra stretchy or something.”
“It’s a really cool power... but you need to make sure not to use it too much, Kirby. If you stretch your body out too much, you might have a hard time getting it back to its original shape.”
"I’m sure I’ll be a-okay, don’t worry! Now, c’mon, let’s get a move on!”
The trio, with Kirby at the lead, climbed up the stairs.
The Waddle Dees were being held in the innermost parts of the tunnel. There were three of them. Crammed inside a cage, surrounded and guarded by several Awoofies. 
“Wa... wa-wa... Great King...”
“Senior... *hic* *hic* ...senior Bandana...”
The Waddle Dees’ sobs echoed around. At times, the Awoofies would growl at them to shut them up, but the Waddle Dees would keep crying.
Peeping from behind cover concealing them from sight, Kirby and his friends looked at each other and nodded.
The first to jump out was Bandana Waddle Dee.
Spear readied, he yelled loudly:
“Everyone, we’re here to help!!”
Running in as well, Kirby shouted:
“Let’s go!! Chaaaaaarge!!!” 
Elfilin, who lacked the power to fight, supported them from the sidelines:
“You can do it, Bandana! You too, Kirby!”
Such a sudden attack caught the Awoofies completely off-guard. They tried to pounce, but against Kirby and co. they couldn’t put up a fight.
*Whine* ...!”
Letting out pitiful cries, they fled the scene.
The Waddle Dees inside the cage cheered:
“Hooray, senior Bandana! Elfilin!”
“And- Kirby?? When did you get here????”
Bandana Waddle Dee opened the cage door.
“We’ll explain later! C’mon, go! We need to get out of here before they can get backup!”
The Waddle Dees hopped out of the cage. They were all about to run off together before one Waddle Dee spoke up:
“Wait just one moment please, senior Bandana!”
“Huh? What’s the matter, Wise?”
The Waddle Dee referred to as Wise was a little different from the other Waddle Dees. He had what looked like an academic cap on his head, and he was wearing glasses.
“Well,” Wise Waddle Dee said while adjusting his glasses, “I believe that there is something important hidden behind the room divider.”
 “I noticed it while I was observing the behavior of the Awoofies. The whole time while they wee fighting, they were worried about the room divider. It seemed as if they were guarding some kind of treasure behind there.”
Bandana Waddle Dee nodded.
“Coming from Wise, it has to be true. We should investigate.”
“Umm, so, your name’s Wise?” Kirby asked, wondering. 
“Indeed, Kirby. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, now,” Wise Waddle Dee said while nodding his head. “I’ve always been a fan of reading, but after coming to this world, I’ve had much more time to think, and gradually my head has become clear. Everyone started calling me Wise after that.”
“Really? That’s so cool! Nice to meet you, Wise!”
“I should be saying that to you!”
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While the two were talking, Bandana Waddle Dee and Elfilin peeked behind the room divider.
“Nope, no treasure,” Elfilin said, “just a hat.”
However, Bandana Waddle Dee exclaimed:
“This hat, no way...!”
Bandana Waddle Dee gently picked up the hat and brought it over to Kirby.
“Is this-!”
Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee exchanged looks and nodded.
“This hat looks just like the Sword Ability’s hat.”
“Would you mind sucking it up, Kirby?”
Kirby began sucking in the air, sending the hat flying up and into his mouth. 
In an instant, Kirby transformed. In his right hand, he was carrying a big sword. Happily, Kirby swung it around in the air.
“Yup! That’s the Sword Ability alright!”
Elfilin flew around in surprise.
“What’s going on??? Kirby, where did that sword come from????”
Bandana Waddle Dee explained with a big smile:
“This is the first time you’ve seen it, Elfilin. This is Kirby’s strange power, his Copy Ability.”
Elfilin wiggled his big ears with excitement. 
“Kirby really is the coolest! First he turns himself into a staircase, then he pulls a sword out of nowhere- I wonder what else he can do!”
“But, why in the world would this be left here?”
Bandana Waddle Dee was stumped. Wise Waddle Dee raised his hands and said:
“This hat is remarkably similar to the Copy Ability hats on Pop Star.”
“Huh? And what about it?”
“In this world, an advanced civilization once flourished. Perhaps this Copy Ability hat was brought here by some means, and this star’s advanced civilization studied it to see if they could use it...”
Wise Waddle Dee explained with pride, but Kirby wasn’t really listening. Cheerily holding his sword up high, he shouted:
“If I can use Copy Abilities here, we have nothing to fear from the likes of the Beast Pack. C’mon, let’s go save the Waddle Dees!”
Bandana Waddle Dee nodded, before asking the Waddle Dees:
“Do you guys have any idea where they’ve been taking everyone?”
“I think they were heading further up north.”
“Of course, I knew that shopping mall seemed sketchy. Let’s go!”
“Well then, we should probably head back to town and wait for everyone else to return,” Wise Waddle Dee said. Upon hearing this, Bandana Waddle Dee’s expression turned sad:
“Wise... our town, it’s... there’s nothing left...”
“Yes, that’s exactly why. We’ll have that town restored exactly to the way int was before!”
Wise Waddle Dee spoke with pride, holding up a fist.
“We’ll fix up the debris, and rebuild our delightful cafe and lovely park. I wish to  create a place where Great King Dedede can rest once we find him, for however long we are here!”
The other Waddle Dees’ faces all lit up.
“That’s a wonderful idea! Just as we’d expect from you, Wise!”
“The town is in ruins right now, our Great King can’t possibly take a nap in a place like that!”
Bandana Waddle Dee smiled and nodded.
“Good idea, everyone! Well then, we’ll leave the town to you three. It’s not going to be easy, but please try you best,”
“Yes, of course!”
Bandana Waddle Dee turned to Elfilin. 
“Elfilin, go back to the town with the others.”
Elfilin shook his head.
“But why?? I should be going with you and Kirby!”
“Most likely there’s going to be much stronger enemies than the Awoofies up ahead. It’s too dangerous-”
“I’M GOING!!” Elfilin asserted with a serious face. “I just want to be useful. I’m always being saved by the Waddle Dees, now I want to return the favor, in any way I can!”
Bandana Waddle Dee was astonished. 
“You’re right, let’s go together,” Kirby said with a smile. “It’ll be way more fun with Elfilin around.”
Bandana Waddle Dee, as if captivated by Kirby’s carefree smile, laughed.
“Understood. The three of us will go together. Now, let’s go find all the Waddle Dees and the Great King!”
Kirby and co. bid farewell to the three Waddle Dees returning to the town, hop on the Warp Star, and continue on further north.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Since Samus exists in the Kirby games, do you suppose the New World Humans eventually joined the Galactic Federation?
I choose to ignore that footnote in the Kirby encyclopedia that says Samus was just a non-canon cameo character. I think that Samus and Kirby existing in the same universe would be totally neat - regardless of how confusing that makes things!
That said, this post made me go running to the Metroid wiki because I am definitely NOT as up to date on my Metroid lore as I should be. (I played and loved Dread, as everyone should, but I maybe skipped a bunch of the 3D ones due to various reasons. I know... I haven't played the Prime Trilogy. I plan to fix my mistake with the remake.)
Which mostly led to me discovering this picture and deciding that these all look very much like potential Kirby characters to me.
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Well, the chibi Chozo (at least, I think that's a Chozo. Although I don't feel like they've ever been tied in with the Federation before?) looks a little out of place.
If humanity was indeed space-worthy and capable of colonizing different planets before encountering Elfilis, (as Shiver Star and the Forgotten Land potentially imply) it could be a good explanation for what happened to any humans who weren't involved in whatever...strange...exodus thing happened in FL!
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avathestarwarrior · 1 year
It was an evening where the sun was like a cozy blanket.
Kirby was walking alone on the path while looking at the blue sky.
Usually, on a nice evening like this, Kirby would have been chatting with his best friend Bandana Waddle Dee or went to play with him, unfortunately, Bandana Waddle Dee was very busy.
Because it has rained restlessly for couple of days, the laundery has piled up.
"Would he finish his work early, Waddle Dee. King Dedede. He could just atleast wash his own gown."
As Kirby was about to make a step while thinking.
Far away from the sky, a star with a beautiful yellow glow came down.
With a welcoming mind, Kirby's expression suddenly became brighter.
Warpstar would come to Kirby whenever he calls for him.
But today, since it came even without the call of Kirby, it seems like it will play with Kirby.
"Okay. Let's play together, Warpstar!"
Kirby, who felt much better now rode on the Warpstar.
Warpstar started to fly faster. Kirby shouted out of excitement.
"Faster! More, more higher! Around Castle Dedede……!"
As soon as Warpstar put its power on going up.
Suddenly, a strong wind blew, causing the Warpstar to lose its balance.
Kirby was bewildered. But luckily, he avoided falling by lying flat holding the Warpstar.
"Wh, what was that wind……?"
When Kirby looked around, he couldn't close gis mouth out of shock.
Because of the strong wind, the grass and even the trees had fallen to the ground.
It was as if the ground itself was about to get torn away.
"Is it a storm……? But it's such a nice weather……?"
Kirby looked at the sky.
It was a strange sight.
The skies that was just blue now was covered with greyish clouds.
And, between the clouds, a Mysterious Vortex was to be see. The Vortex was sucking in everything with its strong power.
With wide opened eyes, Kirby looked at the Mysterious Vortex.
He didn't knew what this Vortex was, but if he didn't did something, the entirety of Dream Land would become a mess.
"Oh no! I got to do som……!"
Kirby shouted out loud. And, as if it replied to Kirby, the Warpstar started to speed up.
Dream Land was in total chaos from this sudden event. The roofs, the walls, and even the pillars of many houses were all broken and was sucked into the Vortex.
The citizens all ran away while screaming.
The bigest building in Dream Land, Castle Dedede was no exception to this.
A pack of Waddle Dees who were working in the yard, one by one started to be swiped away by the wind and started to get lifted.
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As they tried to grab the pillars and shout out of desperation, it couldn't win the strength of the Vortex.
Bandana Waddle Dee Sticked in his precious spear into the ground and was enduring from getting pulled.
King Dedede who came running out of the castle stretches his hands and shouted.
Bandana Dee tried to grab Dedede's hands, but ended up getting swept away by the strong wind.
"Waddle Dee! WAAAAA?"
King Dedede was then also sucked into the Vortex with the Waddle Dees.
Kirby sticked on the Warpstar as he looked at the Vortex.
He should stop the Vortex... But how…….
As soon as Kirby noticed Bandana Waddle Dee being pulled up, Kirby screamed.
Suddenly, a broken pillar hit the Warpstar, causing it to lose its balance as well as Kirby's.
Kirby was flinged ot the air and was also sucked in by the Vorted.
As soon as Kirby was inside the Vortex his body stretched from the strong power.
Kirby's body twisted like a spiral.
And then, everything stopped.
He had no idea what happened and passed out.
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A being of unknown origin, Fecto Elfilis was a star-travelling conqueror, using their dimensional warp ability to take it across planets and strike at the native populations. However, a mote of kindness still existed within Elfilis' soul, which kept its body and mind stable.
Eventually, Elfilis would stumble upon a planet with an advanced civilization. They attempted to invade this world as they had countless previous ones, but through unknown means (possibly with the help of the masters of a matter most dark), the people of this world were able to capture Elfilis and imprison them within the research facility Lab Discovera.
They branded Elfilis with the designation ID-F86 and experimented on them, coveting its spatial teleportation ability. They were able to steal its power, but Elfilis was split in twain. The mote of kindness within their soul became a brand-new being with no recollection of Elfilis' past. The scientists dubbed this being ID-F87, though he called himself Elfilin.
Meanwhile, Elfilis' body and mind deteriorated, taking on a disturbing, unstable form. To remedy this, the scientists imprisoned what was left of ID-F86 in a device called the Eternal Capsule which would keep its body stable. Elfilis, now reduced to Fecto Forgo, was restrained and turned into a tourist attraction, tormented daily by an insulting automated tour guide.
The people of this world eventually used their technology derived from Elfilis' abilities to abandon their homeworld to the beasts, leaving Fecto Forgo and Elfilin forgotten. Imprisoned within Lab Discovera, Fecto Forgo would begin to develop psychic abilities, using them to influence the minds if the beasts that had claimed the Forgotten Land for their own. Their king, Leon, would dedicate his resources to building a labour force to keep Lab Discovera up and running while they searched for Elfilin.
Fecto Forgo would eventually learn of the planet Popstar, a thriving world with a people ripe for exploitation. Fecto Forgo would use what was left of its Spatial Teleportation ability to kidnap countless Waddle Dees, alongside a tool it could control in King Dedede and three opponents in Kirby, Bandanna Waddle Dee, and Meta Knight.
Thus begins Kirby and the Forgotten Land, so far the only game to feature Elfilis.
Fecto Forgo's forces would eventually find Elfilis and kidnap several Waddle Dees. Kirby would oppose Fecto Forgo, but he could not stop Forgo's forces from capturing Elfilis. Kirby ventured into Lab Discovera, prompting the recording that had been seared into Forgo's mind over countless years.
Kirby would defeat Forgo's servant Leongar, forcing Forgo to assume direct control of the king of beasts, but Kirby proved too powerful. Filled with fury at its carefully laid plans being thwarted and Elfilis going to leave after having been closer to Forgo's reach than ever, it would declare through Leongar's body that it would wait and plan no longer. Instead, everything. Shall be. Consumed.
Forgo used their psychic powers to shatter the Eternal Capsule and then comsumed several beasts in order to chase Kirby and Elfilin. Kriby defeated Fecto Forgo, but Forgo was able to sneakily grab onto Elfilin and absorb him, allowing Elfilis to return to their true form. Kirby, Bandanna Waddle Dee, and Eflilis would battle atop a helipad on Lab Discovera's roof. Kirby would force Elfilin out of Elfilis' body.
Unable to accept the possibility of returning to being Fecto Forgo, Elfilis decides to bring Planet Popstar and the Forgotten Land crashing into one another, which wpuld destroy them all. Kirby, however would use a Semi-truck and the power Elfilin awakened from returning to Elfilis to destroy Elfilis' body, at which point Elfilin could close the rift.
Elfilis did not die, however, its soul-reduced once more to Fecto Forgo-instead used its unfettered psychic power to flee into a phantom copy of the Forgotten Land alongside Leon. It then broke up Leon's soul, knowing Kirby and Elfilin would try to reunite Leon's soul and save him, bringing Elfilin within Forgo's grasp once more and giving Forgo the chance to kill Kirby with more powerful henchman. Kirby obliged, and eventually brought the fragments of Leon's soul to a phantom copy of Lab Discovera, which echoed with a distorted version of the audio tour that Forgo was forced to endure while imprisoned.
Forgo would use Leon's body to try and kill Kirby again, but it proved unable to. Forgo would then exit Leon's body and attempt to kill Kirby itself, but it was stopped by Morpho Knight, who absorbed it.
Morpho Knight's actions would prove to be a blessing in disguise, as Kirby would destroy the lord of the underworld's body, and Forgo was able to use the power it absorbed to become Elfilis once more. Elfilis would retreat into a new extradimensional space, at which point Kirby and Elfilin would follow suit.
Elfilis, now a Species Born of Chaos, would try to use their enhanced powers to kill Kirby once more, but the pink demon instead managed to separate Elfilis' soul from its body. Losing its mind, Elfilis would use the slimy remains of its body as weapons, now focused solely on killing Kirby. Kirby would, of course, come out on top, freeing the souls trapped within Elfilis'. What remained of Elfilis was then absorbed by Elfilin, causing them to become whole once more.
The technology that was derived from Elfilis' Spatial Warp Ability was likely the basis for the Lor Starcutter, Galactic Nova, and Star Dream. It may also be connected to the Doomers and the Master Crown as the Grand Doomer is able to manipulate the extradimensional space created by the Lor Starcutter's mast in the same way that Elfilis can open up rifts, and the Master Crown can also upen up spatial rifts. This could indicate that Elfilis was once a wielder of the Master Crown, or that they were spawned from Void Termina.
So, is Elfilis more deserving of the title of Dark Matter Swag Champion than their opponent, Dark Matter Swordsman?
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deep-dive · 2 years
albums: Alex G - God Save the Animals Alex G - We're All Going to the World's Fair Anthony Naples + DJ Python - Air Texture VIII Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You Björk - Fossora Bladee & Ecco2k - Crest Broadcast - Maida Vale Sessions Carla dal Forno - Come Around Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loneliest Time Cass McCombs - Heartmind Charli XCX - Crash Daphni - Cherry Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Pigments Hikaru Utada - Bad Mode Huerco S. - Plonk Isabella Lovestory - Amor Hardcore Junior Boys - Waiting Game Kali Malone - Living Torch Malibu - Palaces of Pity Marina Herlop - Pripyat Oren Ambarchi - Shebang Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling & Andreas Werliin - Ghosted Organ Tapes - 唱着那无人问津的歌谣 / Chang Zhe Na Wu Ren Wen Jin De Ge Yao Phoenix - Alpha Zulu Physical Therapy - Teardrops on My Garage PPJ - Trindade Rachika Nayar - Heaven Come Crashing Raum - Daughter Sally Shapiro - Sad Cities Sam Prekop - The Sparrow Sam Prekop & John McEntire - Sons Of Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic Shygirl - Nymph The Soft Pink Truth - Is It Going to Get Any Deeper Than This? Torus & DJ Lostboi - The Flash Two Shell - Icons The Weeknd - Dawn FM William Basinski & Janek Schaefer - “ . . . On Reflection “
songs: Alex G - JLB's Drawing Bibio - Off Goes the Light Björk - Ancestress (ft. Sindri Eldon) Bladee & Ecco2k - Faust Bladee & Ecco2k - The Flag is Raised Call Super - Swallow Me Carla dal Forno - Side by Side Carly Rae Jepsen - Anxious Carly Rae Jepsen - Talking to Yourself Cass McCombs - Belong to Heaven CFCF - After the After (Bodysync Remix) Charli XCX - Sorry If I Hurt You Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Haha Coco & Clair Clair - Bad Lil Vibe Cole Pulice - City in a City Daphni - Take Two Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn - Sandstone Demi Lovato - Substance DJ Heartstring - Can't Stop the Night Doss - Look (All Night Mix) Doss - Strawberry (Singin' Club Mix) Double Virgo - Kicked Out by Seven Ecco2k & Bladee - Amygdala Ela Minus & DJ Python - Pájaros En Verano Embaci - Tiniest Whisper Hikaru Utada - Somewhere Near Marseilles Hudson Mohawke - Bicstan Isabella Lovestory - Exibisionista Job - Lore Junior Boys - Thinking About You Calms Me Down Kelela - On the Run Luis - Jack Anderson Malibu - Iliad Marina Herlop - Abans Abans Merely - The Killing Sun Mr Twin Sister - Resort Mura Masa & Erika de Casier - e-motions Objekt - Ballast Oren Ambarchi - I Organ Tapes - Burnout Organ Tapes - heaven can wait Physical Therapy - Chain Reaction PinkPantheress - Boy's a liar PPJ - Dar Um (Lauer Remix) Purelink - Butterfly Jam Rachika Nayar - Gayatri Raum - Walk together Sally Shapiro - Sad City SG Lewis & Tove Lo - Call on Me (SG's Dub Edit) Shinichi Atobe - Love of Plastic 1 Shygirl - Firefly Two Shell - Unrequited Yasmine - Doce Atração Yung Lean - Lips Yves Tumor - God Is a Circle
games: Elden Ring Kirby and the Forgotten Land Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Signalis Sonic Frontiers Squaredle Tactics Ogre: Reborn
film: Aftersun (Charlotte Wells) Ambulance (Michael Bay) Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron) Crimes of the Future (David Cronenberg) Decision to Leave (Park Chan-wook) I Thought the World of You (Kurt Walker) Jackass Forever (Jeff Tremaine) Kimi (Steven Soderbergh) Nope (Jordan Peele) Orphan: First Kill (William Brent Bell) Pacifiction (Albert Serra) Sharp Stick (Lena Dunham) Stars at Noon (Claire Denis) Tár (Todd Field) Three Thousand Years of Longing (George Miller)
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beepsnivy · 1 year
In March I had this nightmare where a new Kirby game came out. It was 3D like KATFL, but had more traditional series elements like being set in Dreamland/having eight main worlds etc..
The big difference in the game was its actual genre. I know that creepy elements and themes are not novel to the series (I would consider Nightmare from Adventure and Marx from Super Star to be the first examples of this) but this game was half normal, half HORROR. Like genuine horror.
So imagine a new Kirby game came out. It plays like Forgotten Land but is in Kirby’s home world. All is normal, but then you suddenly start noticing small weird little off putting elements. You think…oh this is probably villain foreshadowing! You play a few stages and reach one which, without warning, is dark and has no music or enemies. The only thing you can hear is Kirby’s delicate little footsteps.
In my dream, the first world was a grass world (ofc) but as you progressed through it, the levels went deeper and deeper into the woods, becoming slightly creepier each time. The boss level was within the deepest woods, inside an old mansion. The mansion was very dark, except for some windows. Occasionally a big creature with sharp shape language would skitter through the halls, but it went barely heard or seen until…
At end of the level, while you’re running down a dark corridor, it slowly emerges and initiates a fight!
I have no idea about what the overarching story to this concept would be like, but I kind of want to work on it. It won’t be a fan game, probably just a series of art pieces. I might try writing something + making various character and ability concepts
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xolta · 2 years
Xolta's Big old recommended games list finale
3ds: Code of Princess(beat em up) Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D(platformer) Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past(jrpg) Kid Icarus: Uprising(rail shooting action adventure/ HADESSSS!) Kirby: Triple Deluxe(platformer) Kirby: Planet Robobot(platformer/CUBE) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds(action advenutre) Mario Kart 7(kart racing) Monster Hunter 3 & 4 Ultimate(monster hunting) Pokémon X and Y(monster rasing rpg) Pokemon Sun and moon(monster rasing rpg/rail roading the player sim) Super Mario 3D Land(platformer) 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure(platforming) Mighty Gun volt(platformer) Gunman Clive(platformer) Liberation Maiden(shooter/ anime as fuck) Mighty Switch Force(puzzle platformer) Pushmo(puzzle) Crashmo(puzzle) Vitual console taken form us to soon
Wiiu: Bayonetta 2(charater action) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze(platformer) Mario Kart 8(kart raceing) Splatoon(squad tps) Super Mario 3D World(platformer) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U(platform fighter) Super mario marker(making mario) The Wonderful 101(charater action/sentai em up)
~past this point will be modifed in the future as these systems are still out and geting stuff~ Windows71-11 every thing i may have forgotten and steam round: Fallout: New Vegas(rpg) Serious Sam HD(fps) Terraria (Crafting) Minecraft(crafting) VVVVVV(platfromer/exploring light) Zombie Shooter(Shoooot) Freedom Planet (platformer) Shovle knight treasure trove(platformer) Ikaruga (shump) Doom 2016(fps) Doom enteral(fps) Wolfenstine(fps) Doom 1&2 (fps) doom 64(fps) Halo the master chief collection(fps) Quake 1&2(fps) La-Mulana (metroidvania) Oniken (platformer) Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed(kart racer) Necrovsion the lost company(fps jank) Cuphead (run and gun) Odallus: The Dark Call (platformer) New super luckey's tale(platformer) Sonic Mania Plus (platformer) Bayotena(charater action) Vanquish (tps/ Exploding knees) Wild Guns Reloaded(run and gun) Yooka-Laylee the impossbile lair(platformer) War hammer 40k dawn of war(rts) total annihilation(rts) Streests of rage 4(beat em up) Amid evil(boomer shooter) Bloodstained curse of the moon1&2(platformer) Bloodstained ritual of the night(metroidvania) Castlevania anniversary collection(collection) Demon's tilt(pinball) Devil may cry 5(charater action/ pull my devil trigger) Game dev tycoon(tycoon) Giga bash(kaiju fighting) Hades(rougelike action/every one is hot em up) Pac man world repac(platformer) klonoa phantasy reverie series(collection) Doom mods too many good ones to name go forth my child(mods) Mega man leangcey collection1&2(collection) Mega man x leangcey 1&2(collection) Metal gear rising revengance(charater action/ridens nice ass) Pain killer series(fps) paper sorcerer(rpg) Project warlock(boomer shooter) Dusk(boomer shooter) Puyo puyo tetris 2(puzzle) septerra core (rpg) Civ 3(civ game) Sonic cd *sadly no longer for sale(platformers) Splunky 1&2(rougelike platfromers/cbt) Spyro reingainted trilogy(collection) Team fortress 2(squad fps) Tmnt Shredders revenge(beat em up) Titan quest (rpg) Xenociris(twin stick shooter) Sonic fan games *to many in so many genres Mario fan games *go nuts Fast Rmx (future racing) Resident evil 4(surivival horror) Red Out(future racing) Riki & vikki (puzzle platformer) pizza tower(platformer) metal slug 2&3(run and gun) Hyrdo thunder(boat racing) Freedom force1&2(action rpg) Record of Lodoss War -Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth(metroidvania) Death road to Cananda(rougelike) Duck game(party game) Grim Dawn (action rpg) Elden ring(action rpg/soulike) Baba is you(puzzle/exploding brain sim) Warhammer 40k Boltgun(Fps)
Xeno tilt( virtual pinball) Pizza tower(Platformer)
Hypnospace outlaw(visual novel/ 90s web nostalgia em up)
Balatro(rouge lite/funny clown poker game)
Areo Gpx(I cant belive its not f zero)
Switch: Bayonetta 2(charater action) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze(platformer) Mario Kart 8 deluxe(kart raceing) Astral Chain (charater action/jojo cops) Dragon Quest XI (jprg) Kirby and the Forgotten Land(platfromer) Crash 4(platformer) Splatoon 3(suqad tps) Mario maker 2(mario making) Club house games 51 (mixed bag) Luigi's Mansion 3(advenutre) Metroid Dread(metrovania) Super Mario Odyssey(3d platformer) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(platform fighter) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection (mixed bag) Blaster Master Zero (metroidvania) Castlevania Advance Collection (mixed bag)
Super mario 3d world + Bower's fury(platformer)
F zero 99(super face racing/battle royal)
Super mario womder(platformer)
Paper Mario thousand year door remake(rpg)
Puyo Puyo tetris(puzzel)
Mario rpg remake (rpg)
Xbox series x: Wild hearts(monster hunting)
Resident evil Village(Survival horror/giant vampire mommy) Hi Fi Rush(Rythm Charater action)
Slave Zero x(platfromer)
We Love Katamari reroll (ball rollan)
Backwards compatibility is nice i guess HINT HINT SONY AND NINTENDO
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amageish · 2 years
With 2022 drawing to an end, I’m going to talk a bit about my top five favourite games of the year...
Is that a thing people do on Tumblr? Well, it’s a thing I’m going to do because I need to ramble about my fixations somewhere!
5) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
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I feel like I was too hard on Kirby and the Forgotten Land when it came out. When it first released, I was surprisingly indifferent to it? I enjoyed it overall, sure, but found it to be a surprisingly “safe” game for Kirby’s first* 3D outing... but as the year has gone on I have grown to appreciate it more.
In the game, you play as Kirby (or, if you’re the second player, Bandana Dee) and explore an Earth-like planet, trying to rescue Waddle Dees and solve the mystery of what is happening... Like most Kirby games, it takes a hard turn into cosmic horror in the last 30 minutes, but the game is still a very cute, relaxing, and cozy experience overall...
*Yes, yes, I have played Kirby’s Blowout Blast. I meant, like, traditional 3D Kirby.
4) Horizon Forbidden West
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I’m not convinced I actually... like open world games, to be honest? Like, there’s so much discourse about map markers and progression and the best ways of guiding someone across a world, but my general experience of open world games is getting bored very quickly, regardless of the approach the progression takes...
I do really like Horizon though and I think that’s primarily because of the strength of its worldbuilding. I played the original game on a whim, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the world, the mysteries, and the characters... and Horizon Forbidden West really just improved on all of those! The parts of the world explored in the Forbidden West feels a lot more unique then other pieces of media, in both design and lore, and due to it being a sequel it is able to lean into worldbuilding around things that were plot twists in the original game.
Also this is one of the only non-indie games where there were enough queer characters that, at a certain point, I lost track of how many there were. So that’s neat too.
3) Potionomics
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I think Potionomics is the defining 2022 game for me. It just embodies a lot of what I played overall this year, as a game including life simulation, deckbuilding, and romance elements...
In Potionomics, you play as Sylvia, who has just inherited her uncle’s potion shop. With the help of a talking owl that just so happens to be living in the store, you have to brew potions and ascend to greatness, while navigating such #relatable challenges as “debt” and “anxiety.”
I think I’m always going to love games that gamify ordinary experiences. There’s just something inherently entertaining to me of the absurdity of having a deck-building system full of normal experiences and where the main goal of “combat” is to sell people a potion without accidentally getting too stressed and having a panic attack...
2) Marvel’s Midnight Suns
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I think Midnight Suns could have been marketed a little bit better. I’m not an advertising expert, of course, but my impulse is that if you have a game that is half Fire-Emblem-style socialization and slice-of-life antics, then maybe you should... advertise that half of the game and not just show off the combat? As, yeah, this is a tactical card-based Marvel superhero game, but it is also a game where you can run around the Abbey trying to find the cat of your adopted Sapphic ghost mom Agatha Harkness.
I’m really enjoying both sides of the game. The combat is sleek and fun, the social aspects are really entertaining, and they have made the loop between them very fulfilling. Plus the Hero Ops provide so many easter eggs and cameos that this is easily the most fleshed-out a superhero game’s world has felt, at least to me.
1) Monster Roadtrip
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Breaking News: Amageish likes Monster Prom.
In Monster Roadtrip, you join your friends Polly Giest (a party-loving ghost) and Scott Howl (a very caring and very stupid werewolf) on a roadtrip. With up to four players, you take turns choosing where to go and trying to avoid any of your stats reaching 0, which would leave you stranded on the side of the road...
I think this is the best-balanced Monster Prom series game thus far by a country mile. In this game, every choice you make will modify your stats in both positive and negative ways, allowing for a lot more adaptability then previous entries. It’s also a much more refined multiplayer experience as all players sharing resources means you’re constantly engaged in what as happening, as opposed to previous titles where, if your friends weren’t actively trying to romance the same people as each other, your experiences were largely unconnected from each other. This game also doesn’t require or expect you to be interested in sex and romance, which is very nice...
Beyond that, this game is just very funny. I think they nail down their tone more and more every time. It has a lot of unique art and sprites used for one-two scenes, which are just a delight to see.
And that’s my thoughts! It’s been a solid year for games, at least from what I’ve played, and I enjoyed what I played!!!
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