bottledupcomic · 9 months
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Making Sorrel a fiend for sweets was the best decision
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enecola · 7 months
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Finally finished my piece for valentines day. Kirsikka in a cute dress!
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tamarinfrog-art · 1 year
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All this time, he truly was a trash panda.
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imatrankoski · 8 months
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Paluu juurille
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wormthing · 1 year
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lesbian flavoured rope (1948) redraws
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linoone · 1 year
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Finnish words by unusual language of origin
*note: this does not list all the languages that the word was borrowed from, only the oldest known origin of it
*also: if you've never seen a word on this list, please don't doxx me. These are all real words. I don't spread misinformation. Why do I still need to put this in my posts
Job: Ammatti (from proto-celtic *ambaxtos) Fun Fact: this is the same root that forms the english word “Ambassador”!
Wagon: Kärry (from proto-celtic *karros) Fun Fact: This is the root that forms the English word “Car”!
Poem: Runo (from proto-celtic *rūnā) Fun Fact: This is the root that forms the English word “Rune”!
Hikikomori: Hikky (from Japanese hikikomori 引き籠もり)
Clam: Simpukka (from Mandarin zhēnzhū 珍珠)
Goods: Tavara (from proto-turkic *tabar) Fun Fact: words descended from this root can be found as far as China and Siberia!
Dungeon, jail: Tyrmä (from proto-turkic *türmä) Fun Fact: This toot extends to Azerbaijan and even Yiddish!
Rauma (city name) (from proto germanic *straumaz meaning stream)
Cherry: Kirsikka (from ancient creek kerasós κερασός which might also have older forms) Fun Fact: this word is widespread, even appearing in Arabic.
God: Jumala (possibly from proto-indo-iranian) Fun Fact: This word could be related to Sanskrit dyumna द्युम्न if it is from proto-indo-iranian
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duelbraids · 9 months
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Rajya Nejem - The Golden Iconoclast Malinah Stormcrown - Master of Tides Naomi Flores - She Who Bows Kirsi Ninelives (Kirsikka Virtanen) - The Cat Burglar
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izumi-fanclub · 1 year
A3! Event Story Translation “Moon Traveler” - Chapter 7
In this chapter, Sakuya asks his question, this time, regarding Chikage's name
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… How is it?
You thought of more than I expected!
You could’ve narrowed it down a bit.
I already did.
Kazunari will get upset at you for putting 10 point font size on A4 paper!
It reads like a newspaper with the font size.
From Katakana to Kanji… what language is this? It’s not English.
Man absolutely drove off course.
There’s no physical imagery, so I have no visual references, I tried to come up with various ideas.
It’s already pretty crazy you came up with so many.
Let’s just cross out the ones we can’t read.
T-that’s right. Let’s narrow it down that way!
(I guess naming things is harder than it seems.)
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Sakuya, you’re back. Good job on your part-time gig.
I’m home!
Chikage What are you looking at?
Ah, it’s nothing—— just checking how the buds are doing. I can’t wait for the cherry blossoms to bloom again this year.
You really like cherry blossoms.
“Sakura Saku”… ever since I found out it was the origin of my name, I felt a sense of closeness to them.
I love both cherry blossoms and my name, I thank my parents for giving it to me.
… I see. You must have had good parents.
…Hmm, which one?
… Alright! I’ve decided!
Your Q&A sesh with me. Chikage-san, what’s the origin of your name?
My name’s origin…
Yeah! “Chikage Utsuki”... I thought it was a really cool name the first time I heard it!
*Flashback Sequence*
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“Since I’m the resident expert of all things Japan here, I thought of some cool names for you both.”
“What’s the point of being cool? We have to be inconspicuous.”
*Flashback End*
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(Come to think of it, I never asked where the name came from…)
I don’t know, unfortunately. I never got to know why, besides, the person who gave it to me isn’t around anymore, so I got no idea.
It’s like that, huh…
Sorry I can’t answer that one.
You can ask another one. The last one misled you after all.
No, it’s fine! You already answered.
Even I only learned the origin of my name after my parents passed.
You might think there’s nothing left and it’s all impossible, but there will always be opportunities to know more.
I’m sure you’ll have the chance to! So please let me know when that time comes around.
… Sure thing.
By the way, are the aliens named yet?
I narrowed it down a lot thanks to everyone, but… here, look.
There’s so many. “Uni”...?
Citron insisted on it.
Oh yeah, Citron-san was going on about “I have an uni!” the other day.
When Taichi-kun and the others overheard him, they thought we were having sea urchin for dinner.*
“Uni” means “dream” in a Nordic language. I taught it to Citron the other day.
I see! It’s fascinating how the same word can have totally different meanings.
Then what are cherry blossoms called?
What was it again… I think “Cherry” would be “Kirsikka.”
That’s kinda cool. Then—— how about the moon?
“Moon” is… “Kuu.”
Wah, it’s so cute!
“Kuu”, huh… kuu… It somehow makes the moon feel different. Foreign languages are so interesting.
(Now that I think about it, my eyes used to twinkle like this back when someone from my hometown would taught me a language I didn’t know…)
… That’s easy to remember. That should be a good name for the aliens.
Eeh!? After all you wrote down, you’re okay with that?
It just feels right somehow.
And… it just reminds me of my old self.
Then, let’s go with that idea!
Kuu… kuu… I’m already attached to it, I’m sure we’ll be fast friends!
It’s too early to say.
Ahaha. Today’s “kuu” is a crescent moon, right?
… Sure is.
"Uni" in Japanese means sea urchin, but the language Chikage is referencing is Finnish, where "Uni/Unelma" means "dream/to dream."
Prev. Ch.
Next Ch.
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bottledupcomic · 3 months
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Sano että yhä ainoa olen sun Sano että yksin olla sä tahdot mun Silloin satulinna kaukomaan Meille kuuluis kokonaan
Happy Midsummer! The Lappi sisters have made Nightless Night flower crowns for their crushes. Marian is more open to the idea than Sorrel. The hat stays on!
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enecola · 1 month
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Edited and unedited traditional drawing of my darling Kirsikka Narcissus Taj! Which one do you prefer?
I used markers and colored pencils.
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tell me abt the fucked up bg3 guardians i NEED it
HVJJHVHJBVHBJFDVBHDVFBHJVDFHBJVD I haven't decided 100% on them all yet, but sure, here's some of what I have for my nerds:
Autumn: Her guardian takes the appearance of her older brother Pryderi, but paler than he should be [using a vampiric skin tone instead so he looks a little... strange.] and with his hair a bit too pale. I think one eye has black scelera as well.
Lune: The guardian takes on the look of one of Lune's friends, who she grew up on the street with. A fellow tiefling, but with the wrong colour eyes and scars that weren't there. [I made her file before this design choice, though, so I don't recall what her actual in-game guardian looks like rip. This is her 'canon' one though.]
Maple: It takes the form of her sister, the mother of Pryderi and Autumn. But it's off, as Maple has not seen her sister as an adult due to something that happened in her past... so it's an odd approximation of her. A version that looks and feels wrong.
Kirsikka: Her guardian, actually, looks like Lune. Kirsikka was infatuated with Lune from afar [long story] but never approached her, so Lune doesn't know who she is. The guardian almost perfectly mimics Lune... but with none of the scars on Lune's body, and with white scelera instead of black. A version that has not even a simulation of Lune's personality, only her stage presence, without a hope of ever truly copying who Lune is.
Pryderi: As you may expect, it's the form of his sister, Autumn. But her eyes are both the same colour, and she doesn't have a hint of a freckle or even her tattoos. None of her warmth or cheer, nor her hope or bravery.
Celyn [my blue-haired girl just before the icons were posted]: Her father, but paler, more ghostly, as if he rose from the dead. A shell of the man she dearly misses after being separated from for decades. Someone she yearns to see again, but holds such fear that she'll never be able to.
All of them have things like this. Raelia's, for example, looks like the woman she's loved for years but fears confessing to, and it actually helps her move on and realize her dependent connection and reverence isn't healthy. Meanwhile by githyanki ranger, Quinn, has hers looking like her "mother" of sorts [the one in charge of her creche, who Quinn is very close with and the other other gith Quinn respects]. All of them, truthfully, are family, a person they deeply respect, or someone they loved/are in love with.
This mostly came from me seeing the guardian in my first save and going "fuck this, you're bad juju" so I made it extra screwed up.
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prideoftheknights · 2 years
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translation under the cut!
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Chikage: ......How is it?
Izumi: You came up with way more names than I thought!?
Masumi: I think you could narrow it down more.
Chikage: This is already narrowed down though?
Citron: You packed so many words onto an A4 size paper in font size 10pt! Kazunari will be mad!
Tsuzuru: That font size is about the same of a newspaper, right?
Izumi: From Katakana to Kanji...... This one here, what language is it? It's not English, is it?
Itaru: You strayed so far off course it's awful.
Chikage: Since it's not a real entity, there are no visual references, so I tried to come up with a wide variety of ideas.
Tsuzuru: No, actually it's amazing that you can come up with so many ideas.
Masumi: I think for now let's eliminate the ones we can't read.
Izumi: Y-Yeah. Let's narrow it down that way!
Chikage: (Giving something a name is harder than I thought, huh.)
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Sakuya: ......
Chikage: Oh, you were already home Sakuya. Good work at your part time job today.
Sakuya: I'm home!
Chikage: What are you looking at?
Sakuya: Ah, no– I just wanted to check how much the buds are swelling. I can't wait for the cherry blossoms to bloom again this year.
Chikage: You really like cherry blossoms, huh.
Sakuya: I do!
Sakura's 'saku'...... I feel a lot closer to them now that I know that they're the origin of my own name.
I love both cherry blossoms and my own name, so I'm thankful to my parents for giving it to me.
Chikage: …I see. You had good parents, didn't you.
Sakuya: ......
......No, which one should I pick...
Chikage: ?
Sakuya: ......Alright! I've decided!
Here's my question for our Q&A. What is the origin of your name, Chikage-san?
Chikage: The origin of my name......
Sakuya: Yes! Utsuki Chikage-san... I thought it was a really cool name the first time I heard it!
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August: I thought that'd be the case. So I, being the Japan expert that I am, came up with some cool names for the both of you.
Chikage: What's the point of having cool names? Isn't our whole thing to be inconspicuous? [1]
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Chikage: (Come to think of it, I never asked him the origin of my name......)
Unfortunately, I don't know. I never asked, and the person who gave me my name is no longer with us, so I have no way of finding out.
Sakuya: Ah I didn't know that......
Chikage: I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question.
If you want to ask another question, I don't mind. You were choosing between two questions earlier, no?
Sakuya: No it's alright! You answered my question so its okay.
I also only learned the origin of my name only after my parents passed on.
Even if there's nothing left of them, and you might think that it's impossible; you might be surprised about the chances you may have to find out more.
I'm sure Chikage-san will also have such a chance! So when that time comes, please let me know.
Chikage: ......Got it.
Sakuya: Oh speaking of which, have you decided on a name for the aliens?
Chikage: I've narrowed it down a lot thanks to everyone, but...... Here.
Sakuya: Wow, that's a lot of names. 'Uni'...?
Chikage: Citron insisted on that one.
Sakuya: That reminds me of the other day where Citron said, "I have an Uni!"
When Taichi-kun and the rest heard him say that, they mistakenly thought that we were having sea urchins for dinner. [2]
Chikage: Uni is pronounced the same as 'dream' in a language spoken in Northern Europe. It's the word I taught Citron the other day. [3]
Sakuya: I see! It's so fascinating how the same word can have completely different meanings!
By the way, how do you say 'cherry blossoms'?
Chikage: Hm I can't quite remember...... Ah but, I think 'cherry' is 'kirsikka'.
Sakuya: It sounds kinda cool! Then, what about 'the moon'?
Chikage: 'The moon' would be...... Kuu.
Sakuya: Oh? It's cute!
Kuu, huh... Kuu... Somehow, it kinda feels like your impression of the moon changes with that word. Other countries' languages are so interesting!
Chikage: (Come to think of it, I used to get the same kind of sparkle in my eye when someone in town taught me a language I didn't know......)
......It's easy to remember, so I think this might work. For the alien's name.
Sakuya: Ehh!? Are you really okay with that after coming up withso many ideas?
Chikage: It just feels right, somehow.
That and... For some reason, it reminds me of my old self.
Sakuya: If that's the case then I think it's great!
Kuu... Kuu... I think I'm getting attached to it myself! I'm sure we'll be friends soon!
Chikage: That's fast.
Sakuya: Haha. Today's 'Kuu' is a crescent moon, huh.
Chikage: ......Yeah, you're right.
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[1]: From Act 5: Episode 18! Link to the chapter here
[2]: Sea urchin is ウニ (uni) which is exactly the same as how the alien name was written
[3]: The language isn't directly mentioned but it is Finnish! Uni refers to sleep and dream (not aspiration but sleepy dreams) in Finnish.
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muertebloom · 9 months
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A run down of Kirsi Ninelives' questline, The Cat Burglar.
In Act 1, a member of the Horned Syndicate will attack at night, trying to take revenge for the death of someone named Agni. The best outcome is the attacker being talked down, as Kirsi will reveal the most information in that scenario, explaining who the Horned Syndicate were and her involvement in Agni’s disappearance.
During the Tiefling party ( or if the player initiates it, ) Kirsi will offer to spend the night with them. She will teach the player Theives’ Cant, if they don’t already know it, and falls asleep cuddling them. When they awaken, Kirsi is frozen to the touch, whimpering from a nightmare - this is where she will tell the player that her magic is tied to her feelings, and that extreme emotions can cause her ice magic to act out.
In Act 2, the party can find a letter in the Shadowlands on the corpse of a courier ( Highlighted with a D10 Perception check ) addressed to Kirsikka Virtanen, rescinding her disowning and inviting her back to House Virtanen, signed by Dame Ilmi and Sir Kamal. If Kirsi is confronted about it, she will try to say she knows nothing about it, but can be persuaded to tell the player about her family and being disowned - and not knowing why her mother and step-father would invite her back.
During this act, Kirsi will have a long rest scene where she’s trying to put braids back into her hair, but is struggling doing it alone. The player can offer to help, and after a time skip, Kirsi will have her new hairstyle. A romanced Kirsi will ask to kiss the player, moving her into the partnered stage.
In Act 3, her plot culminates during an attack on the player’s camp ( similar to the attacks on Astarion and Aylin ) where, if Kirsi drops to 0HP, she is kidnapped by members of the Horned Syndicate.
Regardless of whether or not Kirsi is kidnapped, the player can Speak with Dead or find instructions on the attacker’s bodies, showing that Kirsi was to be taken House Virtanen in the very upper edge of the Lower City.
Whether or not she is kidnapped, the player will need to make their way to House Virtanen. Outside of the house is Vetle of Elturel, a well known adventurer ( level 12 ) who shares a striking resemblance to the party’s sorcerer. He will tell the player that he, too, is visiting House Virtanen, and will enter with them. If Kirsi is with the player, she will meet her father for the first time here. It’s so sweet.
Once inside the manor, the party will meet a human man calling himself Lord Agni, who is chatting with Dame Ilmi about his engagement to “Kirsikka.” If it isn’t obvious, the player can find a journal confirming that Lord Agni is the same Agni that ran The Horned Syndicate, and the engagement is his ploy to get back at Kirsi and gain a noble title.
If Kirsi is kidnapped, the player will have to sneak around to find her, where she's locked in the basement. She will explain that her mother is forcing her to get married to some lord. The player can tell her that the unknown lord is Agni, to her revulsion. From there, the player has the option to break her out then and there, or wait until the wedding. Breaking Kirsi out then and there is hard, and it is advisable to wait for the wedding.
If Kirsi is not kidnapped, but is there when the party enters House Virtanen, her mother will spring the engagement on her, happily welcoming her “beloved first born” back into the house. Kirsi will immediately think something is wrong, but the love-bombing is somehow not tadpole related. Instead, Dame Ilmi will quietly threaten Kirsi’s half sister’s life if Kirsi does not comply.
Regardless, once the player has learned of the wedding, it will take place in 3 days. The party will need to go to House Virtanen on the day of the wedding, if they’re to put their plan in motion.
At the wedding, the party can have dialogue with most of Kirsi’s family. Her step-father, Sir Kamal, is a checked out, depressed man, but the player can suggest he stand up to his wife - that it’s what a true noble would do. Her half-sister, Kielo, is lethargic and vacant, and a Medicine check will reveal she’s under the effects of poison. If challenged on her behavior, Dame Ilmi will rebuff the player, saying that all noble women are forced to get married, and Kirsi should have expected it. Agni will taunt the player, especially if Kirsi has been romanced.
Once the ceremony has started ( by talking to Kirsi, who is glamoured to be a human, similar to Agni ) the Player can either object themselves or allow Kirsi to object. If the Player objects, Agni will challenge the player to a duel. At half HP in the duel, or if Kirsi is the one who objects, Kirsi will break the glamour on herself and Agni, and reveal her mother’s plot in front of high society. This will cause a fight with Agni’s Horned Syndicate, Dame Ilmi’s guards, and Sir Kamal’s paladins. Unless, of course, Sir Kamal was talked into standing up for himself, in which case, the Paladins will be on the side of the party. Once the wedding has stopped, Kirsi will get the Inspiration Point, Speak Now: Object to an unwanted wedding.
If the player wants, for some reason, for Kirsi to go through with the wedding, they can instead Hold Your Peace. By convincing Kirsi to keep her mouth shut ( much easier if the player has encouraged her to be more reticent throughout the campaign ) the wedding goes through normally, and Kirsi will be lost as a companion. Returning to House Virtanen the next morning will see Kirsi nearly non-responsive, poisoned like her half-sister was at the wedding. Agni will pledge to have the Horned Syndicate join the final battle, as thanks for helping Kirsi “come to her senses.”
A romanced Kirsi’s final scene will happen after the wedding, where she will be in her wedding dress in the ruins of the wedding venue. She and Tav will talk about the future together, and Kirsi will admit she’s had enough of weddings - and doesn’t need one, unless Tav wants one. Regardless, so long as Tav chooses to stay with Kirsi, they will help Kirsi undo the wedding dress, and have sex together.
EPILOGUE: Speak Now Kirsi will have continued adventuring alongside her father, Vetle, who comes to the party as well. She’s enjoying catching up on years of missed father-daughter bonding. If inquired about, the player can learn that Dame Ilmi was thrown out of House Virtanen, which is now headed by Sir Kamal. Hold Your Peace Kirsi will not be at the party.
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kirsicca · 2 months
Thank you for the sims 4 cc! I also wanted to say that your blog's icon is so cute
I'm so happy you're enjoying them! Also thank you! 🌸 My nickname comes from the finnish word kirsikka, which means cherry so of course my icon had to represent that 🍒
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Finland will sign an historic Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with the US on December 18.
While it has not been published, the agreement aims to facilitate the US military access to facilities and areas within Finland for training, weapons storage and equipment maintenance. This includes the potential use of airports, harbours and designated training zones.
According to Iltalehti's investigation into where Americans would be allowed to operate, the Lapland air base in Rovaniemi and the Upinniemi naval station in Kirkkonummi (in southern Finland) are on the list. In addition to the Pohjankanka shooting and training area in Niinisalo.
What the agreement would mean specifically for Rovaniemi has not yet been discussed.
Rovaniemi Mayor Ulla-Kirsikka Vainio predicts the exercises will not be visible to locals.
"The agreement could include the use of services and restaurants. On the other hand, the people of Rovaniemi are already used to it. There have been many international soldiers here during previous exercises," she said.
Girls on the move
Middle school-aged girls are in such poor physical shape it can harm their health, according to the latest Move study results, Helsingin Sanomat reports.
The national Move tests are used to measure the physical performance of fifth- and eighth-grade students. The problem is worst in ​​Vantaa and Kerava, where almost half of the eighth-grade girls (49.7 percent) have diminished physical abilities.
The head of the Center for Health Promotion Research (UKK Institute), doctor Tommi Vasankari, suggests the difference between boys and girls could come down to facilities, where the conditions of the schoolyards often encourage boys to move. What happens outside of the schoolyard should also be studied.
In Vasankar's opinion, the test results communicate more than just students' physical condition.
"It should be used as an indicator of the well-being of a city, municipality or welfare area, which should be of concern to not only the schools, but all actors involved," Vasankari.
Would you wood?
With energy prices top of mind these days, people are looking for ways to save money, including what kinds of heating are cheapest.
Jero Ahola, professor of energy efficiency at LUT University, told Ilta-Sanomat, that "Finnish people have a misconception about the cheapness of wood heating."
The daily paper compared the breakdown of costs of wood heating to electricity.
Wood heating depends on the kind of wood, how quickly it burns and transportation costs. Often the efficiency of the fireplace is not taken into account and a lot of energy is wasted, while there is no corresponding waste with electric heating.
The price of electricity, on the other hand, can fluctuate, you pay an additional fee for the contract and a tax for the electricity’s transmission.
The result? In practice, wood heating is cheaper than electric heating. However, there are a lot of factors that will affect its efficiency.
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