#Kit Fisto x reader
Attachment of a Child [part 1]
Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi x child!reader (includes Kit Fisto)
Imagine: one of the children in the Jedi temple seems to have formed an attachment to Obi-Wan and follows him around all over the temple whenever he’s there
Warnings: fluff, Obi-Wan hugs, Obi-Wan taking care of a child (that needs a warning for real), Obi accidentally adopted you, otherwise none, I think, it’s just fluff, Not proofread
A/N I couldn’t stop myself from writing this, it just came to me randomly and I had to write it, I don’t even know if it’s good or not I just had to write it bc just imagine Obi-Wan being followed by a child who copies his movements, that’s so adorable 🥰 <3
If you have any ideas for Obi-Wan x padawan!reader (platonic obviously) please feel free to send them to me, I love writing Obi-Wan x padawan
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The first time Obi-Wan had stepped into the room filled with younglings after “defeating” Darth Maul, he wasn’t too surprised when he saw all of the children’s eyes light up. Big eyes stared at him with amazement and wonder, as well as curiosity and excitement.
The now Jedi master had gained some kind of fame with the younglings ever since he became a master and defeated a Sith Lord. Not to say that the children didn’t love him before (they sure did), but now they all seemed to look up to him as some sort of war hero. Look at him for wisdom more so than the other masters, Yoda being the exception.
One youngling in particular had taken a shine to the newly made master. You. Obi-Wan had nothing against you, he quite liked taking care of you from time to time, it was a distraction from all the chaos in the galaxy at the moment. He found it rather calming and he would never say no to teaching anyone something new, especially younglings who had the curiosity that could go on for forever. You were no different from those younglings except you didn’t ask your questions (too shy to do it) but rather listened intently to any information Obi-Wan would tell the class. It was one of the reasons why you loved classes with Master Kenobi. He was calm and could talk for hours and had most of the answers to all of your classmates questions (therefore your questions were answered as well, for the most part).
Nights were often spent with the younglings as he told them one of his many stories from another planet. He lulled them to sleep with his calm voice as he talked about facts he picked up from his reading about the planet, or missions he had with Anakin or his former master. Obi-Wan hadn’t stopped you when you crawled up onto his lap, nor did he stop any other of the younglings as they cuddled into the warmth he radiated to their sleepy forms.
More than one time you had been the child to sit on his lap, for some reason the Master nearly always picked you up and placed you on his lap, or he just let you plant yourself on his lap without a single complaint. He knew he made your anxieties calm down as he let you cuddle into his side. If he could help the younglings in any way, he would to the best of his abilities. He was once one himself after all and knew how the life of a youngling could be. The anxiety that could be brought to any of them at any moment if they failed, the strict rules or the doubt they felt, the rumors of danger. Especially with what everyone knew was an upcoming war and the betrayal of Dooku and the death of Darth Maul. Along with those rumors and facts they were supposed to study and become a future Jedi while not forming attachments and nor were they allowed to act on their emotions, especially the fear and anger that they felt. So yes, Obi-Wan would gladly let you sit on his lap if it helped you calm down while he told you and the other children a story before they were supposed to sleep.
It’s safe to say that it wasn’t uncommon for any one in the temple to see any of the younglings run up to Obi-Wan for help, especially if something troubled them. Nor was it uncommon to see you walking beside the master. Which was what happened today.
Obi-Wan had just walked past the room in which you and your classmates had just finished up your first lesson of the day. Some of the younglings had already rushed out of the room before Master Yoda could even finish his sentence, you were one among them. You had felt Obi-Wan’s force signature and you saw him through the slightly opened door walk past the room and you had sprinted out of the room not willing to lose him in the many halls of the temple. Luckily for you the temple was relatively empty at this time in the morning so it didn’t take you too long to find the brown cloak and his auburn hair among those walking the corridors.
The Jedi Master heard small feet sprint towards him but he made no indication of turning around towards the person or to wait for the child to catch up, he already knew it was you, how could he not, he was way too familiar with your force signature. He knew where you were at any time of the day, your force signature rather strong for a child.
If he had turned around he would have seen that you had mimicked his actions. You put your hand behind your back like he had done, you tried to walk in his pace as well as in the same way he walked. This proved quite hard even if the master had slowed down a tad bit for you as he felt you walking beside him, but the long strides were still too fast for a child to catch up entirely to. Any Jedi master that walked past the two of you thought they saw a mini kenobi as you mimicked his every action, even when he rubbed against his beard (even though you didn’t have beard yourself you still did it)
“Hello Master Kenobi” In watching Obi-Wan and trying to mimic him you had completely forgotten to look at where you were going and so you didn’t notice when Obi-Wan stopped in front of Kit Fisto.
“Hello Master Fisto” Kenobi answered politely, giving a smile back towards Master Fisto who gave his signature charming smile. By the time Obi-Wan said that you had looked up and the Nautolan turned towards you as he noticed you standing next to the jedi master you were still mimicking. He studied you for a second, a puzzled look grazed his future before his smile was back.
“And hello to you too youngling, I see you’ve taken a shine to Master Kenobi” A blush spread itself over your cheeks as you got called out by the Jedi in front of you.
The words stumbled out of you as you quietly said “Hello Master Fisto”.
After the words left you, you hid away behind Kenobi's robes not wanting anyone to see your embarrassed state. To this Obi-Wan, like a natural instinct, put his left arm to shield you. Kit Fisto’s reaction to this was what every jedi had told you and Obi-Wan a lot of times before.
“Be careful with the young one Obi-Wan, they might become a bit too attached to you otherwise”
The master like everyone else knew you were already attached towards the master that you hid behind. He could have stopped it all, right there and then, so could Obi-Wan and the rest of the order, but somehow they allowed it, they let it slide by them, if they didn’t see anything then it wasn’t their problem, and if they saw they opted to ignore it. You were like a bright shining cyber crystal in the temple as you cutely followed the auburn haired master around. And it seemed like everyone needed something bright at the moment, with the darker times that were approaching. No, Kit Fisto wouldn’t be the one to stop your attachment towards the newest member of the council, but what he could do was give a warning. He did not want an innocent child or Obi-Wan to fall, not that either of you would, but he could still give the occasional reminders, like Master Windu seemed to give away way too many times.
You were attached, and nothing would stop that. Obi-Wan noticed when he looked down at you, that you were still mimicking his movements. He gave you a fond smile as he studied your stance. You stood in the same posture as him and frankly you looked like a mini him, not that he complained about it, Obi-Wan found it quite amusing how you seemed to want to act like him any chance you got. Not only was it amusing to him but he found it adorable. But so was the thought of every other person in the Jedi temple who had seen you walk after the Jedi master any chance you got since you got old enough to walk.
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kpopnstarwars · 8 months
Took You Long Enough: Kit Fisto x Reader
A/N: omg guess who finally decided it was time to move some star wars stuff onto here!! btw reader is a Nautolan too so can understand Kit's special pheromone tendril language (also the pic is not mine but erm its hot)
Edit: artist's website is here
Warnings: kit fisto's abs, swearing, kissing, water and swimming,
Word count: <1200
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You jump at the knock on your door. Kit, no doubt. You can sense the excitement he's emmitting, the eager joy unique to your fellow Nautolan when the two of you are about to go for a swim. It's not often that both of you are on Coruscant at the same time, and you'll take any chance you can get to spend a few moments with each other. To be honest, you wouldn't be surprised if he's jumping up and down outside your door, in nothing but his swimming trunks, scandalising anyone passing by. Your cheeks warm - you're used to Kit's toned body by now, but your want for him comes paired with a deeper feeling, an emotion forbidden to Jedi like you.
Grabbing your towel, you bound through the doorway and find yourself dazzled by Kit's smile, his large eyes shimmering with sheer enthusiasm as he presents you with his signature grin. He leans against the wall, hands jauntily on his hips, in his swimming trunks, a robe haphazardly pulled over. The brown fabric is not quite closed, and the narrow parting at the front reveals a sliver of smooth green skin which your eyes slip far too easily over.
'Took you long enough, sweet,' he teases, and you smack his shoulder. 'I take as long as I want, Fisto.' He laughs. 'Well, let's make you hurry. Last one in the pool is bantha fodder.'
He sprints off in a flash of brown robes, his green tendrils flying out behing him. Muttering a very not Jedi - ish curse under your breath, you sprint after Kit, hoping no senators lurk in the corridors to catch sight of two Nautolans in swimming wear racing through the hallways. Or worse, Master Windu. You're pretty sure he wouldn't approve of two high ranking Jedi careering around like younglings.
Skidding around a corner, you catch sight of the longest of Kit's tendrils just disappearing down the corridor. Maker, either he's gotten faster since you last raced, or you're getting slower. Determined to catch up, you put on a burst of speed and run after him, dodging past a droid and darting left, smiling to yourself as you tumble down an old set of stairs.
It's your secret shortcut - one you found quite recently, when a youngling knocked your lightsaber from your belt. You'd accidentally activated an old door and found the stairwell when you went to scoop your trustworthy weapon off the ground, which turned out to be a direct passage to what must have been some old chamber but is now you and Kit's playground - a massive room taken up with one thing and one thing only - a pool.
Shooting through another doorway, you shuck off your outer robes as you run, picking up speed across the tiled floor until you launch yourself into the air with a whoop. You land neatly in the water with barely a splash, bubbles rising around you in silver spheres as your gills open. Taking a moment underwater, you allow yourself to sink to the bottom, dragging your fingers along the bottom of the pool, letting the water muffle all the sounds above, letting it calm you and clear your mind.
With strong, practiced strokes, you swim back to the surface, shaking out your tendrils in a spray of glimmering droplets as you surface. Glancing around, you see that Kit hasn't arrived yet, and with a smirk, you drop below again, emptying your lungs of air so you sink like a stone. Once you hit the bottom, you cross your legs and sit there, on the pool floor, just waiting.
Barely moments later, you hear a muted splash and Kit appears just in front of you. His tendrils stream behind him, and the shock on his face is mirrored by the surprise in his pheromones at you presence. Devilishly, you grin, tilting your head and wagging a finger at him.
'Took you long enough, Fisto,' you say, throwing his words back at him. He huffs, swimming over to you. 'Teach me your secrets, sweet. How'd you slip past me?' You laugh. 'That's for me to know, and you to not find out.'
Getting your feet under you, you push them against the pool floor and shoot towards the surface, Kit not far behind. His head bursts up right next to yours, and you grin over at him, eyes dancing as he flicks water at you. He looks beautiful on land, but here, in his element, he's fucking stunning. Water traces down his ridges of muscle, dripping down his tendrils and slipping over his skin. A droplet lands in the space between his collar bones, and you have to clamp down hard on your pheromones before he senses how much you want to just dip your head and lick it off, to taste the sweet salt of his skin and hear his deep laugh.
'You still in there?' Your head snaps up. 'Why would I not be, Kit?' He narrows his eyes. 'What were you thinking about, sweet?' 'Nothing,' you say - too quickly. 'Mhmm,' he hums, but seems to let it go.
Dipping below your eye line, he disappears, and you feel the slight change in water current as he swims somewhere below you, before a strong hand wraps around your ankle and pulls you down. You laugh, hooking your leg around his neck, so his head rests in the crook of your knee. Spiralling down under the surface, you glance down and catch his eyes.
He looks up at you, and the expression on his face makes your heart ache. It's the awed gaze of a padawan to their master, yet also the wise gaze of a master to their padawan. It's sweet, sweet adoration, and yet beneath it, there's something deeper, something firey, something burning, his chin resting against your skin, his tendrils floating around him like a halo, his lips still upturned in the traces of a smile. He's glorious.
If you were breathing air, you'd have choked. You've never caught him looking at you like that, never seen such pure emotion in his eyes. The galaxy seems to have stopped, seems to have fallen away around you, so it's only you and Kit, the water bridging the gap between you, joining you, surrounding you. Trance like, eyes locked on his, you reach down, tracing the sharp line of his cheekbone with your fingertips. Your pinky finger accidentally brushes one of his tendrils, and -
And suddenly all of the feelings he's emmitting subconsciously register in your brain, and the two of you crash into each other, hands roaming over warm skin as your limbs tangle, your bodies pressing together as if they were never separate. His lips taste like home, like the comforting gloom of the sea floor and the gentle press of water against your skin, like silver bubbles and luminescent waves.
There's only a few things that you can fathom right now: he loves you, he wants you, and you love him and want him too.
It's those things that stay in your mind. Not the infernal Jedi Code, not the war, not the Jedi Council, not the Republic, not the Senate, not the Separatists, not even the Sith - no, just Kit, just Kit and his hot mouth and his wandering hands as he kisses you, seven feet underwater.
And then he pulls back, the corners of his glorious mouth pulling into a grin as your hand trails down his abdomen and over the ridges of muscle, pausing when your fingertips to catch in his waistband. His obsidian eyes dance, a whirlpool of passion.
'Took us long enough, didn't it, sweet?'
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ddejavvu · 1 month
Happy may 4th! Send me requests or headcanons about any Star Wars character, whether I’ve written for them or not, and I’ll power through a bunch of little blurbs for you all today and tomorrow🫡
If you’re undecided as to who you want to request for, here are a list of my personal favorites to write about! However, you're still welcome to request people not on this list:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Din Djarin
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Shin Hati
Bo Katan Kryze
Padme Amidala
Darth Maul
Savage Opress
Luminara Unduli
Kit Fisto
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cc--2224 · 20 days
Service With a Smile
Pairing: Kit Fisto x F! Reader
Summary: Kit shows up injured at your door and realizes now is the best time to finally share his feelings with you.
Warnings: This is very much 18+! Minors do not interact! Mention of injury, hurt/comfort, smut - fingering, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it), very slight dom Kit if you squint, hair pulling, reader likes Kit's tendrils?, porn with feelings
Notes: I don't know where a lot of this came from lmao I saw a post that I'll try and link that mentioned Kit reacting to someone touching his tendrils and I just rolled with it.
Word Count: ~4.4k
Taglist: I'm not tagging anyone on this one lol
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You woke up to the sound of a knock at the door, and you bolted upright.
Looking at the chrono on your nightstand, you could see that it was the middle of the night.
Hesitantly, you crept out of your bed and grabbed your blaster from the holster slung over your chair and began walking slowly toward the door.
You tried looking out the peephole but all you could see was the apartment hallway.
"What the..?" You muttered to yourself before opening the door, ready to fire if need be.
That is, until you saw the familiar shape of your Nautolan friend slouched against wall, clutching his stomach.
"Kit?!" You yelled, then became very aware of how late it was. You pulled him inside and closed the door behind you before any of your neighbours could poke their heads out to reprimand you.
"What are you doing here?"
"Just got back from my mission." He said, flashing you a grin, but even in your bleary-eyed stupor, you could tell it was pained and forced.
You looked down at his abdomen where he was clutching, noticing the bloodstains that had spread across his robes, then looked up into his black eyes, trying to hide your panic.
"Sit down, let me take a look at it."
He walked over to your bed and shrugged off his robes and his tunic, wincing as the fabric from his brushed against the gashes on his bare torso.
"Why didn't you see the medic on the ship?"
"Where's the fun in that if I have my own personal medic right here?"
You rolled your eyes and retrieved your first aid kit, setting it down beside him on the bed before kneeling in front of him to get a better view of his wounds.
"This might sting a bit," you warned him, preparing to brush the antiseptic wipes against the scratches to clean them up.
He was silent as you cleaned his wounds but you could see him flex his hand slightly when you made contact.
"I'm sorry, nearly done with this part."
You had been too focused on the wounds on his abdomen that you hadn't noticed him staring at you. He kept his eyes fixed on your every movement, as if he thought that you'd disappear if he looked away.
"Alright, I think we can dress these now." You smiled, then reached for the large bacta patches in your kit.
"This part won't hurt, I promise."
"It's okay, it didn't hurt before." He told you, his voice calm.
You unwrapped the patch and gently placed it across his torso, ensuring to cover the entire gash.
Once you were happy with its placement, you reached for the bandage roll to hold everything in place.
You held one end of the bandage over the bacta patches, "Can you hold this here for a moment?"
"Of course." His large hand moved to encase yours, holding it and the bandage against himself.
You slid your hand out from under his and began wrapping the bandage around him, having to lean close to him in order to fully wrap it around his back.
On the second rotation, you felt his forehead press into your shoulder as you leaned in and you immediately feared the worst.
"Kit? Are you okay?"
"Of course, my dear. I'm in your capable hands, after all.” His voice was soft. The term of endearment wasn't lost on you. He straightened back up to allow you to finish wrapping him up.
You quickly finished securing his batches and tied the bandage against his side, careful to not tie it over the wound, and you sat back on your heels to make sure you had gotten everything secured.
When you were confident that his wounds were dressed effectively, you finally looked up to meet his eyes.
You could feel heat rise to your face under his gaze, so much was hidden in the black expanse of his eyes, but the soft smile he had toward you made your head spin, and made you suddenly aware of how it might look with you knelt between his legs while he sat on your bed.
You stood up and tried to back away, to give him space, but he grabbed your hand. "Thank you."
"Of– of course. But... I'm still curious as to why you came here. Why didn't you go to the med bay?"
His smile faded as he drew you back toward him. You stood between his legs, looking down into his eyes.
"Because. When it happened, when I was attacked by that creature, all I could think about was you. I know that you know how I feel about you; I could not return to the Force without seeing you again."
"Kit, I... I don't understand. I thought you weren't allowed to..."
Instead of answering, he reached up to rest his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you down to him as his other hand rested on your hip.
Your lips met his. Softly at first, but when you rested your hands on his shoulder and absentmindedly stroked one of his tendrils, he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
You felt his tongue brush against your lower lip. It almost felt rough against your soft skin, and then it pushed past, beginning to explore your mouth.
After a few moments, you were the first to break the kiss, but hovered close to him.
“I hope that this has expressed my feelings toward you." He whispered against your lips.
"It's... a start."
"Hmm, well, allow me to fill in any details." His hand moved from your neck to caress your cheek. "It's true that the Jedi Code prevents attachments, but it does not forbid us to love. We are expected to love, just as long as we don't seek to possess.”
He pauses and then continues after a moment, "I have been drawn to you ever since we first met. When you sat with me in the med bay as I waited for Nahdar to come out from surgery. You showed me such kindness, and despite the long wait, you stayed with me. You are always willing to help me when I need you, even if I show up at your door in the middle of the night, and I wish to be there for you just as you have for me. I care about you, and I would say that based on the way I make you feel, you care for me as well."
You found yourself at a loss for words at his explanation.
Instead, you closed the distance with another kiss, and he happily reciprocated. Your hand ghosted over his head. You felt him moan quietly into your mouth when you brushed over his gills and down the long appendage once again.
As you both broke away from the kiss, you sighed.
"You need to rest." You told him after a moment. "You can stay in my bed, I'll check on you in the morning"
"Where will you go?"
"I'll sleep on the couch, but I'll still be nearby."
He catches your hand again as you're about to turn around.
"Stay with me."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm not just going to kick you out of your own bed. Besides, I will rest easier knowing that you are beside me.”
You laughed quietly, feeling your face heat up at his words. "Fine."
You didn't get back to sleep immediately. You were too worried about his dressings suddenly unraveling.
It also didn't help that any time you tried to create distance so that he might be more comfortable, you felt Kit's arm pull you back toward him.
Eventually, with the steady sound of his breath against your neck and the rise and fall of his chest, you had managed to drift off to sleep.
You woke up again with dawn just beginning to peer through the windows of your apartment.
Kit was still fast asleep.
You were glad he was able to rest, but your relief was short-lived when you heard quiet groans spilling from his lips.
Before waking him to check on him, you stayed still, waiting for him to make a sound again. This time the noise you heard came with him pulling you tight against his chest.
And then you felt something hard pressing against the back of your thigh.
He bucked his hips into you slightly and you realized that he wasn't groaning in pain, but in fact moaning in pleasure.
He whispered your name before rutting against you again.
You felt your face flush once it dawned on you that he was having a dream about you. You weren't sure whether to wake him or leave him be, but you couldn't lie that you began to feel heat coursing through you, sending sparks directly to your core.
His arms kept you firm in place. You clenched your legs together, trying to get some friction where you needed it, and you could hear him suck in a sharp breath with your movement.
You peered over your shoulder at him. He was definitely still asleep, though his reactions made it seem like he was awake.
With another buck of his hips, you had decided that it was better if he were awake. You managed to turn around in his arms, suddenly feeling the stiffness press against your core. You had to suppress your own moan at the sensation.
"Kit?" You said quietly as you gently shook his shoulder.
His eyes fluttered open, surprised at first to see you then smiling at you as he remembered where he was.
"Good morning," He said sleepily.
"Sorry to wake you, you were dreaming."
His smile faltered for a moment, as if he suddenly remembered his dream, he became uncharacteristically embarrassed. "I'm... I did not–"
You cut him off with a kiss and decided to test the waters with a gentle cant of your hips.
He gasped quietly into your mouth. You decided to slide your tongue into his mouth when his lips parted. He enthusiastically met your tongue with his as his hand traveled from your back, down to your hip.
Your hands glided up his chest, careful of the bandages, and continued up until then found the back of his head. You slowly grazed your fingers down his tendrils, and he moaned into your mouth and bucked his hips into yours.
He broke the kiss, looking into your eyes, "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I thought Nautolans could detect pheromones," you said with a smirk, "Can't you tell what I want?"
"We can, so I know your body wants this, but I need a verbal answer from you."
Your hand brought one of the long tendrils to your lips, kissing it gently. He let out a quiet moan at the feeling.
"Kit, I want this. I want you."
He pressed his lips into your forehead and slowly moved them down your cheek, your jaw, then finding your neck.
He pressed his nose into you, breathing in your scent before you felt his sharp teeth grazing against you. He gave your neck a quick bite, careful not to bite too hard, just enough to leave a mark before kissing it gently.
Kit gently pushed you onto your back, propping himself up with his elbow so he could look at you. His fingers trailed down from your jawline, down your neck, over your sleep shirt down the valley between your breasts, to your hips, and stopping at your thighs.
"You are so beautiful." He told you. "I wish I had told you this before."
"I should have told you how I felt before, too. I wanted to stay in the waiting room, I had wanted to stay with you." You began as he leaned in, pressing kisses into your face and neck. "I had noticed you before, of course. The Jedi general who always had a smile on his face despite everything going on across the galaxy. That was the first time I had ever seen you frown. All I wanted to do was to see your beautiful smile again."
He looked at you, and right on cue flashed his pearlescent grin at you. "I will never have a reason to stop smiling, so long as you are mine."
You guided his head down to meet his lips with yours. His tendrils fell over his shoulder, caging you in with him and you took the opportunity to kiss one of them again gently.
"You really like them, don't you? Have a thing for Nautolans?" He teased you.
"Maybe I do. I also know that you like it when I touch them." You smirked and brought it back toward your lips, glancing at him from the corner of your eye before giving it a soft kitten lick.
You could feel his cock twitch against your side through his trousers at that. You smirked at him, keeping that information noted for later.
His hand traveled back up your thigh, stopping at the waistband of your sleep shorts. Looking at you for any sign of hesitation before dipping his hand in.
He sighed at the heat radiating from your core, and one of his large fingers grazed over your clothed center.
"So wet, and I've barely touched you."
"Don't forget, Fisto, I knew you were dreaming somehow."
He smirked and removed his hand from your shorts before pulling them off of you with no concern about being gentle with them. He gave you a look before he did the same with your panties.
"I'm going to need you to spread your legs for me, darling." His hand rested on you, as if to remind you of how big his fingers were.
You felt yourself clench around nothing just at the thought.
Your legs separated, giving him ample room now and he guided his hand back down.
You could feel the tip of his calloused finger press against your clit, deftly circling it, making you start to squirm.
"F-fuck," you breathed.
He spent some time just on your clit, circling it, flicking it, pinching it. He had you panting for him before he had even entered your body.
You could feel yourself getting more soaked the longer he spent outside of you.
"Kit, please..." He looked at you as you whined for him.
"What do you want, my darling?"
"I need your fingers..."
He smirked, then without another word, pushed one of his digits into your entrance. It was only one, but the stretch felt beautiful.
"You're making me feel right at home with how wet you are."
You tried hiding your face in embarrassment at his comment, but then his voice became slightly more stern. "None of that, I want to see you. I want you to look at me. Understood?"
You nodded frantically and kept your eyes on him.
"That's my good girl."
His finger pressed into your clenching walls as his thumb continued circling your clit. After a few moments, he pushed another finger into you, stretching you further.
You threw your head back and let out a moan at the feeling, and he dove in kissing your neck when you left it open.
"You're so tight," He said into your neck, "You will feel incredible around my cock."
You whined at his words, "Please, Kit, let me feel it."
He tutted, "Patience, my love. I have to prepare you a little more."
He moved his fingers in and out of you, scissoring them to stretch you further.
"Think you can take another?" He asked you.
You nodded. It took everything you had not to beg him.
He obliged with a smile. He pressed all three of his fingers into your spongy walls, feeling them clench around him as he dragged them up and down inside of you while his thumb worked circles into you.
The coil in your stomach felt tighter and tighter as your moans grew louder.
"Gods, Kit, I'm– I'm so close."
He smirked, keeping the same pace. "Come on my fingers, then I think you'll be ready."
You moaned loudly at the promise, bucking your hips into his hand to try and get there faster.
"Now, now, darling, don't rush it."
He pumps his three fingers in and out of you, relishing in the sounds you're making for him, and the way your walls grew tighter around them.
The heat in your stomach had become almost unbearable. You were desperate to chase after your own release, but you trusted that he would follow through.
"Kit, I can't– I need to come, please!" You cried.
"So needy." He smirked before returning his lips to your neck again, biting gently, leaving marks down to your collarbone.
The feeling of his sharp teeth against you, with his fingers pumping into you, stretching you open for him, was enough to finally send you over the edge.
You came hard with a loud cry of his name, your legs shaking against the bed, and he continued to work you through the aftershock.
"Perfect," He told you as he pulled his fingers out of you.
You whined at the loss and watched as he brought his hand to his lips, licking your arousal clean off his digits.
You licked your lips quickly as you watched his tongue, and he paused when he noticed you looking. "What, did you want a taste?"
Before you could answer, he gently pushed his fingers past your lips. He had gotten most of your arousal off of them, but you could still taste it.
You moaned around his fingers as you began to suck gently, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.
His hips rutted into you as his mind went racing, imagining you looking up at him from your knees between his legs. Similar to how you had been last night while you treated his wound.
He had to focus on something else.
He glanced down at you, looking at the shirt hiding your perfect tits and his hips shifted, his desire becoming almost too much to bear. He needed you.
You released his fingers with a popping noise and noticed a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Is everything okay?" You asked.
His eyes narrowed slightly, "Everything is perfect, my love. Could you sit up for me, please?"
You did as you were asked, and as you were seated, his hands grabbed the fabric of your shirt, pulling it off of you, looking at your chest for a moment before his hands flew forward. One landed on your back, keeping you upright, while the other encased your tit, squeezing the soft flesh.
His mouth landed upon the other one. His teeth grazed against your nipple, eliciting a moan from you. His rough tongue circles the skin between bites.
You squirm at his touch, feeling yourself start to ache once more where you had just gotten relief.
"I need you." He says, mouth still against your breast.
“I thought you couldn’t seek to possess.” You said coyly.
He shook his head against you. “You know what I mean.”
"Then take me. I'm yours, Kit."
He pushes you back down on the bed before he slowly stands to remove his trousers.
Your mouth waters as his cock springs free. The green skin already shining with precum. You notice it starts thinner and seems to get wider toward the base, but even at its thinnest point, you were glad he prepared you well. Your legs clench together in anticipation of what's to come.
He hovers over you, caging you between his arms and legs.
He glances down at your clenched thighs, then looks at you expectantly. You unclench them and he uses his knee to push your legs open further for him.
His tendrils fall around your head, and you reach up to stroke one. Taking it in one hand while petting it with the other.
He looks down at you, smiling as you play with him.
You maintained eye contact with him as you brought the tendril to your lips, licking a small stripe down to the tip of it and back up.
The feeling made him snap his hips forward.
"You're such a tease.” He chided, “Why do you like them so much?”
“I don't know, they just… it's you. I want to make you feel good, too.” You shied away for a moment before his hand guided you back, forcing you to look at him.
“You can play with them as much as you want. In fact, I want to try something,” He said as he took the one from your hands. “Open your mouth.”
You did as you were told, unsure of where he was going with it, but you weren't expecting him to put the tip of it in your mouth.
“Now close.” You did. “And suck.”
Your cheeks hollowed out around it as you allowed your tongue to play with it. Kit closed his eyes in pleasure, then looked at you again.
“Good girl, just like that.”
You moaned around his tendril at his praise.
He pressed his cock into you, rubbing it through your folds, coating it with your arousal before he positioned it at your entrance.
"May I?" His politeness in contrast with what he was asking made you moan. You nodded frantically.
He pushed himself into you slowly, letting you adjust to his size. He had completely stopped around halfway down to look into your eyes, making sure you were okay before continuing.
Your moans grew louder, though muffled by him, as he bottomed out. You looked down at where your bodies connected and saw that he was almost entirely inside you. He paused before moving, making sure that you were okay first.
When you bucked your hips, he took that as a signal that you were alright.
"Just as I suspected, you feel incredible."
You moaned around him and continued sucking on him as he thrusted in and out of you, but eventually he reached up and pulled his tendril out of your mouth.
"I'm not going to last much longer if you keep that up. And besides, I want to hear you."
His lips found yours before moving to your jaw, then your neck, kissing over the previous marks he left on you.
He continued thrusting into you. The sound of your moans filled the room, but soon he paused, sitting up on his knees and pulling you toward him with your legs up onto his hips.
The new angle allowed him to hit new places. You braced yourself on the bed, ensuring he wasn't bearing all your weight as he tugged on your hips with each thrust.
"Gods, Kit, you- you're so- hnng. Feels… so… good..” You could barely get words out between each thrust.
He looked down at you, he looked at himself enter you, groaning when he saw how well you were taking him, how you had been able to take all of him, then he began watching as your tits bounced each time he thrusted into you, his gaze then moved up to your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed in pleasure, and your mouth hung open. Each time he moved into you, a new sound had come out.
He moved his hand from your leg, you kept it latched onto his hips even without him supporting it there, and his thumb found your clit. He began rubbing circles around it, the overstimulation causing your hips to spasm slightly, but he kept you firmly in place.
You could feel the heat blooming below your belly once again, coming on quickly.
He kept circling your clit as he thrust into you. Tightening the coil more with each thrust.
"Kit– aa-aah," you cried out, the coil suddenly snapped once again, and your second orgasm washed over you without so much of a warning.
Kit moaned at the feeling of your walls clenching around his cock.
"Gods, you feel so good."
He pulled out of you entirely now, and you raised an eyebrow at him before he unattached your legs from his hips and helped you flip over onto your front.
He pulled your hips up again toward him and pushed into your slick folds again.
His pace started relentless as he chased his own high. His hand glides up your back before tangling itself in your hair, pulling you gently toward him in time with his thrusts.
"Fuck– I'm," you could feel yourself wind up again as he hit the same spot deep within you over and over again. You could barely keep yourself balanced on your hands and knees, if it weren't for his hand tangled in your hair, you would have fallen forward. Tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes from the overstimulation, but you were getting so close. You wanted him to take you over the edge once more.
"Yes, I am too," He told you, his voice growing raspy.
His grip on your hair got tighter, and you cried out his name. With his other hand, he all but slammed your hips against him as he neared his release.
"Where do you want me?" He asked, knowing he didn't have much longer.
"Inside," you told him.
He paused for a moment, "Are you sure?"
"Fuck, yes, Kit! Come inside me, please, make me yours."
He didn't need to ask again as he buried himself as deeply as he could. His release shot into you, hot ropes of it painted your walls as he kept thrusting through it.
The sensation of his seed hitting you in the hard to reach places sent you tumbling over the edge for a third time.
Your elbows finally gave out as you fell face-first into the pillow. He released your hair from his grasp.
He still remained kneeling behind you, holding your hips up to him as he continued milking every last drop into you and admiring the view you had just presented him.
You felt him slowly ease out of you, and you could feel his release running down your legs once he had exited. He gathered it on his fingers and pushed it back into you before he also crashed into the pillows.
He pulled you toward him, pressing your back firm against his chest, kissing your shoulder, your neck, anywhere that was available to him.
You could feel his breath as he exhaled against your shoulder. It almost felt cool against the sweat coating your skin.
"You were... incredible," He says. "Getting attacked by that creature was certainly worth it."
You shook your head and gave him a breathy laugh. "Next time, just come over."
He grins into your neck. "I'm glad there will be a next time."
"We should go get cleaned up." You said.
"I'm content right here..." He tightens his grip around your torso.
"Interesting, I would have thought you'd be all for sharing a bath together."
He looks at you before kissing your neck gently and standing up from the bed, "Well, what are you waiting for?"
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showstopper35 · 1 year
Kit Fisto x Jedi! Reader Headcanons
a/n: it’s 2023 and I still love him. you’re welcome.
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-Always visits you before and after his missions, and you do the same. -Trading small smiles in the hallways
-Leaving you little sticky notes with hearts or compliments on the inside of your door
-Linking pinkies underneath the table in the mess hall
-Annoying Plo with inside jokes that only you two get
-He will send some of his troopers to compliment you. You do the same with yours. Both of your commanders are tired.
-On the rare occasion where you are completely alone, he likes to just hold you, briefly pressing kisses to your forehead.
-He’s loved you forever and you know that. He knows the same. And you love each other in your own quiet ways, despite the rules.
-Greeting each other with large smiles after long missions, knowing the y mean the promise of each other’s arms to come.
-If a mission went particularly bad, he always slips you a sweet treat in your quarters.
-Lets you play with his tendrils when you’re stressed
-Gives astoundingly good massages
-Loves swimming with you and always compliments you in your swimsuit. Seeing you in the water makes him so happy.
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catsnkooks · 2 months
Hiiiiiii ❤️❤️❤️
Kit Fisto - are those tentacles prehensile? 😏
ok i want to say......yes? but not like that much
like for a smutty example:
i think they'd be prehensile enough to maybe pluck at a nipple while he's making out with you. or maybe when he's eating you out, enough to maybe tease your holes or other sensitive bits
now,,,,,how prehensile his tentadick is,,,,,,,,that's another questions hehehehehe
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 months
Congratulations on hitting your milestone! I'm new to your blog, but cannot wait to binge read your masterlist!
If you're comfortable writing for him, could I get a lovely romantic message from our dear Kit Fisto? I am obsessed with the beach and all things water, so I know we'd be a great match.
If not, then could I request something from Fives? I've been going through a bit of a rough patch so any encouragement from either would make my day!
Thank you lovely! Again, I cannot wait to read your works and absolutely gush over them! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much!! And welcome to the blog, I hope you have fun reading my fics 😊 I love Kit Fisto too, so I am very happy to write you a message from him. I’m imagining he’s off doing Jedi things and then writing to you with plans for a nice romantic vacation together.
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Hello my dear,
Your last message made me so happy, I love hearing from you and knowing what you’ve been up to while I’m away. I can’t tell you how much I miss you. Everything here is much better than it was a few days ago. These citizens needed a lot of Jedi negotiations to help them resolve their differences, but I am pleased to report that finally they were able to make some compromises and come to an agreement. As such, I’m already getting ready to leave and head back to you. I should get there the day after tomorrow. I would love it if you could meet me at the dock, and no not just because I want a nice hug and kiss hello. I was thinking that rather than coming straight home, I could pick you up and whisk you away to one of my favorite places, the beaches of Scarif. It’s been a while since I’ve had some leave and when I asked, the council was very happy to grant me a couple weeks. I know it’s short notice, but I’m hoping you can arrange to come with me. I know how much you would love it there. In hopes that you’ll say yes, I’ve rented one of the beach bungalows at a resort. Just picture it, we could be enjoying delicious tropical drinks with the little umbrellas in them and letting our cares melt away in a matter of days. We can swim in the gorgeous, warm turquoise waters. They are crystal clear and you can see so many beautiful fish. I even have an aqua breather for you so you can dive down deep with me. I know you will love it. Then later on we can take nice long walks along the sand and find the perfect spot for watching the sunset. They even have places where you are allowed to build a bonfire on the beach where we can cook our dinner over the open flames and then spend all evening, cuddled together and gazing at the stars. And when you’re tired, we can go back to our bungalow with its soft bed draped in gauzy white fabric, the epitome of beachy relaxation. It will be paradise, but only if you’re there with me, my love. Write to me and tell me yes, I look forward to it so much.
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zeenmrala · 10 months
My new Kit Fisto x Reader fic just dropped! This is a two shot, with an F!Jedi!Twi'lek!Reader that starts off as fluff and tumbles into smut. This fic is very much 18+ and NSFW.
I just dropped the first part, it's 2k words, and part two will be out soon once I've had more time to finesse some bits.
It's called The Master Duellist and The Master Scholar and was written in response to two prompts for Kit Fisto that @dukeoftheblackstar and @naboosands submitted to me: Brushing dirt off of their face, and finding excuses to be alone together.
Thank you for the prompts, I've had some much fun spending more time with our favourite Nautolan 💚
Click here to read part one.
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Domestic December Day 5
Kit Fisto: Good night kisses
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Technically you didn’t live in the same place, but that didn’t stop him from spending most of his night’s at yours. This made it easier to find him when he’s planet side. Especially when you get a little message in the middle of the day that he’s made it back.
He’s usually home by the time you get back. Taking the time to make himself at home in your apartment. Chest deep in your bed before you even got the chance to take your shoes off.
“Come here,” He says simply when you reach the doorway. His hands reaching out towards you.
You don’t argue or say anything really. All you can do is crawl over the bed towards him. Until he can reach your face and bring you close enough to kiss.
He kisses deeply. Groaning from finally getting ahold of you after however long it’s been. It could be a week, it could be a day, a week, or even a year. No matter what time it was, Kit was going to find a way home.
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make-me-maverick · 2 years
interest check…is there any demand out there for, say, a Plo Koon/Reader/Kit Fisto fic? slow slow burn, lots of pining, a lot of some angst, comedic fluff and a bit of swoon? just, y’know, hypothetically…
lmk i would like to hear opinions
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secondratefiction · 1 year
N S F W Alphabet (A-H) - Kit Fisto
(I already hate myself for this. Not a damn on of you is allowed to judge me here)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Kit is clingy immediately after, all he wants is to keep you close and kiss your shoulders and forehead. Let him, please, his whole heart melts if you return the affection.
Now, depending on how things have gone he may need few minutes - just close his eyes for 10-15 minutes while he lays there with you - but then he's extremely attentive to whatever you may want or need: Getting the both of you cleaned up. Do you need anything to drink? Eat? Did you want to take a bath? He would be more than happy to take a bath with you.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
It's not something he's boastful about, but Kit's always been fairly proud of his legs. He's a strong swimmer and it shows in the tone and definition.
On you however, it has to be your hair. Since Nautolans don't grow hair, it was always something he was morbidly curious about but never really had the opportunity to explore before the two of you got together. You've quit literally sat there and watched Kit zone out playing with your hair, apparently fascinated.
On a slightly dirtier note, Kit's found he is also a very big fan of the sounds you make and the way your body arches when he pulls on it.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
It's bioluminescent. It has something to do with how dark it can be under water… or something… honestly you were a little too far gone to understand anything more complex than your own name when he was trying to explain it.
Once, you pulled back and smiled at him before opening your mouth to show him you'd swallowed all of it. Except, he could see small little glowing spots on your tongue and around the back of your throat. He was hard again so fast it was almost physically painful.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It's not so much that he would leave the Order for you, but it's the fact he knows he's supposed to feel conflicted about it… but he doesn't. Kit doesn't want to leave the jedi, but if it came down to it and he had to make a decision, he's known for a long time now that it would be you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
The Jedi Code does not require celibacy, and Kit himself has a very easy going approach to everything. So while he hasn't had many partners in his life there have been a few. None that he ever felt serious or strongly about before you though.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything involving water - shower, bath, lakes, hell, even just out in the rain. He comes from an aquatic species, all the jokes about him jumping at any chance to get in the water had to come from somewhere.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Kit is notorious for his calm demeanor, this of course bleeds into many aspects of his life - intimacy not excluded.
There's lots of  those soft smiles, sometimes little quips and such that'll get a chuckle out of you in the right moment. But he's also serious in the sense that he's focused on you, and the two of you enjoying the time you're getting to spend together.
A middle ground of sorts that really suits him when you stop to think about it.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Clearly hair isn't exactly an issue for him… but Kit does try to stay mostly on top of his personal care routine when he can. Sometime, when you're deployed for long periods of time, some things can fall by the wayside; but he still takes as much care as he can afford himself.
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“Ignorant” Kit Fisto x Reader Drabble, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars Masterlist 
Request Guidelines  
Relationship: Romantic
The moment you see him you’re reminded of someone else. 
It’s because of the athletic build, you think. After all, you’ve seen many nautolans over the years that never triggered the memory of that particular one. You’re not even sure why the memory is still so strong. Maybe it was because you had been mildly disappointed when he died. So much potential wasted. 
You study the face of the jedi now striding over to the bar. You lean back in the darkened booth at the corner of the establishment, nursing a drink you won’t bring to your lips. You think it’s possible he could be related to that barbaric creature; force sensitivity tends to cling to bloodlines. 
Yes, the physical resemblance is strong, but the similarities end there. The nautolan speaking smoothly to the bartender is a jedi of calm, disciplined bearing. Nothing like the feral being that was carved to pieces by jedi blades. 
You focus, filtering through the buzz of the nightclub, listen to the jedi’s carefully worded questions. They’re exactly what you expect them to be, given the rather interesting events of last night. 
The jedi’s conversation is fruitless. He’s disappointed, you can sense that, but an air of optimism still hangs over him. His eyes sweep over the room, over the customers painted in the neon of the pulsating lights, most half drunk or high, sly hands passing credits under tables.  
His gaze settles on your partially shadowed form. It lingers for a moment, before he makes up his mind and walks in your direction. 
You sigh. You know he didn’t sense anything; you’re far too careful, but your species tends to catch the curious eye wherever you go. People aren’t used to seeing Pau’ans on Coruscant, especially lurking around in the lower levels. 
Technically, you’re a hybrid, but your heritage is too clearly evident. Too much associated with those features, as though simply because a species can live so many centuries means that every member is a wise advisor. 
“Is this seat taken?” the jedi inquires brightly. 
You tilt your head. Hearing it up close, you think you rather like his voice. It’s pleasing, though it’s hardly the only thing about him that you find appealing…but that’s irrelevant. Talking to a jedi would be irresponsible. If you sulk, and act irritated and drunk enough, you know he’ll end up just passing on by. 
You shake your head and make a loose, welcoming gesture. “No, feel free.” 
He obliges, sliding across from you. “Kit Fisto,” he introduces himself, “And you?”
You smile. “I don’t make a habit of handing out my name so easily, even to a noble jedi.” 
He’s amused. “You don’t find value in exchanging pleasantries?” 
“I still haven’t yet decided if it would worth the effort.”
He laughs. “I’m wounded.”
You shrug. “I’m just being pragmatic. A jedi rarely introduces themselves to strangers without an ulterior motive.” 
There’s a glimmer in his eye as he responds, “Well, unless you happen to know who attacked the Chancellor last night, I think we can put aside any ulterior motives.” 
You raise an eyebrow and smirk slightly. “So this is about pleasure when you’re supposed to be working.” You cross your arms. “I’m afraid you’ve found the wrong girl for that.” 
“I think you misunderstand my intentions,” Kit quickly corrects, “I don’t prefer to rush into things.” 
This surprises you. You frown, noticing the slight somber cast over his aura. “Now this is curious,” you muse, “A jedi who’s a romantic. Seems rather like a sin.” 
“Just need to breathe once in a while,” is his reply, his voice quieter than before. 
It disturbs you that you can’t tell if he’s lying, if maybe he had sensed something and is constructing a ruse to further investigate. Or if he is simply a weary jedi whose code just isn’t quite sustaining him. You’re in the dark, and after so many years it feels so foreign. Vulnerable, ignorant of the truth. 
You lean forward, your face not far from his handsome features, close enough that he can clearly see the perilous sharpness of your fangs. 
“Maybe we can see where tonight leads.” 
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The Aid
A Kit Fisto x reader fanfic PT1
It was a cold, dark night were you found yourself walking with no destination or purpose on your eyes, for they were empty and as dark as the sky above you with no star to bring any light to them. You had been walking for hours on end, the pain in your legs nipping at the back of your brain yet you found it strangely comforting, the fact that you could still feel something after the whole mess that was that day. You had basically lost the whole year after your had failed yet another final, the moment your mom found out she called you only to scream at you and on top of all of that you had found out that day that your only friend was not only the asshole that had spread rumors about you, she also told your mom your disappointing grade. You recalled such memories with the hope that they would make you feel anything yet the hole on your chest only grew bigger, it felt like the black hole that lived in your chest had been with you since the day you were born since this void was all you ever knew, you had never been happy outside from a few fleeting moments that ultimately brought you back to an even bigger hole. That day was different though, you had a resolve, one that was too cruel to even mention, one that brought you to your knees and finally allowed you to feel something other than pain; cold, it was cold, so cold that you could see the clouds that left your mouth with every breath you took, and out of nowhere bitter tears started to fall from your eyes as you thought with great care that you didn't want such end yet you felt as if there was nothing else, like this was where the path ended before you found yourself falling off a cliff into the darkness. The confusion of everything that you did and didn't feel made you tired on a way that you had never experienced before, so tired in fact that it made you fall asleep right where you stood, or perhaps it wasn't that you were tired, perhaps it was your end.
Or at least that's what you thought as you opened your eyes, the view of a dimly lit metal room woke up the dormant sense of urgency on your inside to a point where you couldn't even recall just when you had gotten up from the also metallic bed and seemingly tried to fuse with the corner the moment you saw a group of people sitting on the corner of the room, on that moment your soul practically left your body with the pathetic squeak that accompanied it. As your eyes became used to the darkness you were able to figure out just who these people were and may the Force forgive you but your surely weren't expecting to see Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano right in front of you, by now it was evident that you did infact die back on your world since everything felt to real to be a dream.
—There's no need to be so scared—said Ahsoka, your favorite character from the franchise since you first saw her, lifting her palm open hands as to show that she had nothing on them—we just want to ask you some questions.
You swallowed thickly as you gave them a small nod, yet you didn't move from the corner even when you knew that they would do nothing to harm you, or so you thought.
—Great, so let us introduce ourselves first—started off Obi-wan, who was sitting on a chair while Anakin and Ahsoka where standing, such an image carefully planed to display power to anyone who didn't know them—I am Master Obi-wan Kenobi, this is knight Anakin Skywalker and padawan Ahsoka Tano.
The three of them looked at you waiting for you to introduce yourself, but just as you were about to answer them you felt a pinch on the back of your neck just mere second before the whole room shook and a voice that you recognized came from a clone explained the situation, the light cruiser had been unexpectedly attacked by separatists ships that came out of hyperspace so the presence of the generals was needed. Before you could say anything they left you alone, the pinch on your neck seemed to whisper to you, telling you to leave, to explore, to help and as if you were crazy you listened to it. After what felt like an eternity you left the room, your legs pained you yet you still walked until you found a window that allowed you to look outside, two separatist ships going all out on the lone cruiser, the image of such a battle weights on your subconscious with the idea that you had to do something accompanied by it.
You lifted up your hands, as if meaning to grab something, next you closed your eyes and by an instinct that you didn't even knew you had you reached into something you couldn't excatly name, all you knew is that it felt like pressure was building on the inside of your spine and traveled with such ease up your arms onto the tip of your fingers. Even with your eyes closed you could see the engine room, in there a red button caught your eye and as if your were inside you pressed it, with your eyes open you were back on the ship, the magnificent view of the explosion of one of the cruiser which tipped off towards the one next to it destroying it the moment it crushed with it, who would have thought that such a violent act would be so beautiful to witness. You would have stayed there on shock if it wasn't because of the voice you loved so much, Ahsoka quickly lit up her lightsabers and looked at you with and expression you couldn't name, it seemed like anger, but also surprise and maybe even a little bit of sadness.
—I swear I didn't mean to explode it, I just wanted to turn it off—you stuttered your way thru your sentence with your eyes focused on the floor—I just felt like I needed to help, I'm sorry.
Apparently convinced with those words she resumed her position and so did her lightsabers on her belt, but still you weren't any less afraid specially when she grabbed your arm and directed you to what you liked to call the brain of the ship, if you hadn't just screwed yourself up you would be framing this moment. In there stood the other two Jedi along with the countless number of clones, yet the only ones that looked at you two were the first mentioned, it looked like somehow they had found out what you did and even though they didn't know you they looked disappointed, the same way Ahsoka looked at you. You really thought you had scaped that look.
—I'm sorry, I just wanted to turn it off—you said defeated, once again lowering your stare to the floor.
A comforting arm landed on your shoulder—It's alright, you actually helped us—you looked to your left side, and for the first time since you arrived you looked at her on the eyes, she was the first person you had looked on the eyes since forever.
The noice of the engine turned your attention away from her to the big window infront of you, you had dreamed of this moment since the first time you saw it on the cinema, your heart raced with all it's might as your eyes opened, the way the stars formed into a straight line as you jumped into hyperspace and the rush from it made your body feel as if it was on a rollercoaster, if the explosion from before was beautiful then there were simply no words to describe such a spectacle. Your surprise carried all the way over to the first look of Coruscant, where you were taken all the way to the High Council, their stares on you made you fidget with your fingers and your sight wouldn't even leave the floor, it was a pitiful sight really, that the one who destroyed two cruisers without breaking a sweat was shy because of a bunch of dignified monks staring at her.
—Much training you need—said Yoda—too old you are as well.
—I don't want to be a Jedi—you spoke, barely even above a whisper.
—Then what do you want to be?—now Windu was talking to you, no man scared you more than him and the fact that you said nothing made it even worse—whatever it is, we need to test you first, now if you could tell me what pictures I'm looking at on this holopad.
Your mind was blank, not even on that damned exam were you this nervous, but if there was one thing that your dear mother, being a yoga instructor, thaugh you was how to breathe correctly to concentrate, so you followed her advice even though it hurt your pride to do so. Weirdly enough you started seeing colours, so you said them out loud, blue, blue, green and so on, you were almost finished if the sound of multiple lightsabers igniting didn't almost make you jump back, surely you had fucked up that bad, right? So you opened one of your eyes, next the other one since you had seen that you weren't in danger and to everyone's surprised you were absolutely right. Every single one was right, normally you would think it was suspicious but since they said nothing your kept your mouth shut as well.
This display of strength paired with your ability to regulate your breath under the intense stare of the council made the opinion that some of them had on you change, so the moment when a vote to either kick you out or keep you came a comforting number of hands rose on favor of keeping you. They didn't give you an amazing job, or allow you to follow them or anything, but in all honesty being a janitor was far better than anything, after all what could a person as shy as you do when you couldn't even look at anyone in the eyes? Still this job came with it's perks, you were able to browse the library, that way learning their writing and many other facts that you couldn't wait to show off in your home, on the other side, you were learning from the recordings you took of the Jedi sparring sessions. You could only get so far with recordings so you improvised some of your moves on the arena when everyone was supposed to be asleep, key word supposed. Master Kit Fisto had kept a close eye on you from the beginning, although he had accepted you into the temple it didn't mean he didn't hold any suspicions about you, so he watched you study, clean and learn with a shimmer to your aura, like this was where you were supposed to be, needles to say Kit Fisto was no longer suspicious of you when he finally approached you with the opportunity to learn from him, to learn from a master, he watched you hesitate for a few seconds shorter than anticipated and like the master expected you agreed, what he didn't expect though was that you looked up at him into her eyes.
Perhaps being in your element made you a fast learner to everyone who saw you move like you had been taught, but to a few it was your perseverance and dedication to the art, because even if you had to clean the most disgusting mess earlier or had spent countless hours at the library they could still find you at early hours of they day practicing until almost collapsing, to some it might seem like you were crazy, but for you it was the first time that you had fallen in love with something and stook with it. It was to be expected then that the day that master Yoda and master Windu saw you at 3 in the morning rehearsing the moves you had learned earlier and filling in the parts you didn't remember they called for a match between your master and you. It was also on this match, when you had forgotten what to do next and couldn't come up with something fast enough that you had no other choice but to grab the hilt of Kit's lightsaber when everyone, including you, found out that whenever a lightsaber touched you it would instantly turn off, still your ability did not matter, you had to keep going until your master decided to withdraw, then crowning you winner.
You stood yet again infront of the council, this time just looking down, when their final words about your future where uttered, but first, they asked you what you wanted to do.
—I have seen what the war has done to you—you started off low, but with every word you gained more confidence—I know it because I know the name of every Jedi the second they die—a new skill perhaps?—so I want to help. No, I must, I must be your Aid.
On your final words you looked up at them, at last coming up with the courage, helping your words reached them.
—That, you will be then—Yoda answered, almost proud of you.
You tried your hardest to not smile but sensing that it would be impossible you excused yourself where you finally gave your face the freedom to smile, to your surprise the Jedi that you first met and soon became your friends were waiting outside for you and upon seeing you smile in such a way they knew that whatever happened in there must have been good. Ahsoka was the first one to congratulate you with a hug, next came Anakin who apart from a hug placed his hand on your shoulder, you had never been so supported on your life, not even when you brought prices and excellent grades did your family congratulate you like this so you couldn't avoid the tears of happiness that left you eyes yet to not embarrass yourself further you quickly wiped them off with your smile intact expressing your gratitude, now it was your turn to wait for the masters to come out, each one of you gave you a smile and you bowed your head right back at them, even if you were thankful your attention was spent on looking of Obi-wan and Kit Fisto. When you finally saw them come out your legs moved practically on their on as you were next to them before they could even come close to you, your hands were held tightly together to try to hide your shaking, they were both smiling without saying anything and you couldn't help but think of the worst, just when you were about to speak master Fisto hugged you in such a way that the tears you were fighting so hard to keep away slipped, hearing your cries and shaky 'thank you' he let you go to wipe your tears with the back of his hand, if only he knew how much you had fantasized about someone doing that to you. Obi-wan also hugged you, you never had a father to begin with but if you had one it was easy to guess that this was what the embrace of one felt.
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g0nst · 2 years
Imagine being a tall asf Togruta that owns a small flower shop on Naboo and Kit Fisto is on a mission with Obi-Wan there, they both see you and are just head over heals for you in that moment.
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saradika · 2 years
I saw you post some Cad Bane fic recs and I was wondering if you had any for Kit Fisto? 👉🥺👈 love that hot fish guy 🤤🥵
Ahh hello friend!! 💖 I unfortunately don’t have as many as I’d like, but I made a list of some of the ones I really enjoyed:
Tending to You and all hours of the night by @a-dorin
Blue Lagoon by @getdookuedon (ao3)
Goodnight, and Goodbye by @eloquentmoon
Overthink by @labrats-and-clonetroopers
This great drabble by @sith-lord
(If it’s okay to self-rec, then I have Praise Kink and Going Under as well!)
If you have recs, please feel free to reblog!! I’d love to read them & add them to this list! 💚
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candyfloss5000 · 3 months
I'm just gonna leave this here 🤗
"Do you think it hurt?" The question had been eating Wolffe alive, ever since he had deserted the Empire and realised what he did.
Rex turned to him, "Did what hurt, Wolffe?"
"The general..." Wolffe couldn't bring himself to say anymore, as he felt the bitter bile stir in his stomach.
"No," Rex tried to sound reassuring, tried to sound like everything will be alright when it ultimately won't and will never be, "I think it was quick, painless."
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