#Kit fisto headcanons
showstopper35 · 1 year
Kit Fisto x Jedi! Reader Headcanons
a/n: it’s 2023 and I still love him. you’re welcome.
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-Always visits you before and after his missions, and you do the same. -Trading small smiles in the hallways
-Leaving you little sticky notes with hearts or compliments on the inside of your door
-Linking pinkies underneath the table in the mess hall
-Annoying Plo with inside jokes that only you two get
-He will send some of his troopers to compliment you. You do the same with yours. Both of your commanders are tired.
-On the rare occasion where you are completely alone, he likes to just hold you, briefly pressing kisses to your forehead.
-He’s loved you forever and you know that. He knows the same. And you love each other in your own quiet ways, despite the rules.
-Greeting each other with large smiles after long missions, knowing the y mean the promise of each other’s arms to come.
-If a mission went particularly bad, he always slips you a sweet treat in your quarters.
-Lets you play with his tendrils when you’re stressed
-Gives astoundingly good massages
-Loves swimming with you and always compliments you in your swimsuit. Seeing you in the water makes him so happy.
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ginkgodoodles · 9 months
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I love the gag that Kit Fisto just really loves swimming at any opportunity and will walk around shirtless, completely oblivious.
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prettyacademia00 · 13 days
silly headcanon time!!
there's more than just 12 chairs in the jedi high council rooms, but not so many that you can pick too differently, maybe 14-15, and they're all different shapes and sizes depending on the species's needs but now it's become a competition for the best and comfiest chairs and pranks
yoda unnecessarily grabs the biggest one that fits him more like a bed than a chair
obi-wan picks the most dramatic chaise-like chair that he can lounge on
oppo rancisis has it easy cuz no one usually picks his chair unless messing with him
kit brings one of those little inflatable kiddie pools to fill up with water
cue mace being held back for some reason and forced to sit his 6'3 self on the tiniest chairs intended for yoda or yaddle
padawans being sent up ahead of their masters to pick their seat for them!! unfortunately, they may possibly be bribed by other masters
padawan depa always knew which was her master's favorite chair, but master depa??? full on duels between the former master-padawan duo for the chair unless caleb grabbed it for her first
anakin always picked the worst chairs to no one's surprise
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parasiticstars · 1 month
Bored so here’s a bunch of Star Wars headcanons I have; specifically for the Jedi Council members. Some of them are absorbed from other people
Ki-Adi-Mundi is really really really tired of people asking him how many extra square feet of fabric it takes to make the robe cover his head. If you MUST know, it’s not feet, and it’s exactly f—
Yarael Poof, however, just makes up increasingly outlandish measurements. If it’s a youngling, he also says his head can retract in on his neck like a telescope. That usually makes them stop
The Best Jedi Council Tea Cups™ are made by younglings during assigned craft time. They’re janky and colorful and covered with fingerprints and smoosh marks and smudged paint and somehow, tea in them just tastes better
You can almost taste the joy and love they imbued into the cups. It’s an honor to be gifted a cup by a youngling
Yoda has a bookshelf of them. Very proud of them, he is, hrmmhrmm
We jest about Aayla’s oversexualized outfit (as we should), but considering this one post where it points out that Jedi robes are very similar to farmers’ which means they’re basically going to summits and in the battlefield in overalls, that means she’s walking around everywhere in like. Lululemon.
Which isn’t much better but it’s kinda funny to think about imo
Kit Fisto (like all nautolans) breathes through his skin like a frog. He’ll use this to justify walking around tits out as often as possible
He also can’t spend much time in Coruscant due to the heavily polluted air. Makes him sick after a week
I seriously think if you threw a ball Oppo Rancisis would have to hold himself back from chasing it, if not have others hold him back. Crusty toothless white dog headass
The real reason Anakin wasn’t allowed on the council was because they knew he’d do exactly that to him
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servethelight · 1 month
Shit I’ve noticed during my clone wars rewatch and my interpretation (very Obi-Wan focused because he’s my favorite character lmao):
(Includes spoilers obviously)
+ I love this show to bits, but it has horrible issues with consistency. Every other episode there is a new weapon or something introduced and we’ll never see it again. This is very prevalent in especially the first seasons.
+ Obi-Wan is such a fucking enabler. Like he tells Anakin his plans are stupid at least twice during the Malevolence episodes, but then joins him on all of those. It’s literally like: “Anakin this plan is reckless and won’t work, anyways what’s my part in your plan?”
+ Rex running into that metal pipe. I forgot about that and laughed for 20 minutes straight.
+ Anakin pulls a “Are ya winning son?” on Obi-Wan about Ahsoka.
+ I once saw a post that it isn’t confirmed that Obi-Wan and Cody are friends, but you have Obi-Wan literally marveling on how competent the commander is and Cody always going the extra mile to save his general’s ass. To me that’s pretty much a friendship.
+ The Jedi are in general very gentle, but quite touchy. They might not go for hugs, but there is always someone touching someone’s shoulder or waist. And they’re just so fucking kind. I don’t think I ever noticed that as a kid, but they’re so respectful about life and culture and always helping someone. I just love them so much.
+ And I love the understanding and kindness the clones have. They’re soldiers and programmed to kill, but they’re also good people in most cases. I just wanna hug most of them.
+ My mother told me I cried as a child during the episodes with the Zillo beast. Well, I didn’t cry again, but I’m still so fucking mad at Palpatine for putting that poor creature in that position. If he just had listened to Mace Windu (more of the characters should actually, just saying) that poor animal wouldn’t have killed people and found its end like that.
+ Mortis is quite hated by the fandom but for me it’s a defining showcase of Obi-Wan’s, Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. I’ve seen people in the fandom saying that Anakin would’ve turned out differently if Obi-Wan would’ve told him he’s proud and took care of his feelings. This episodes literally show that he does exactly that and Anakin still doesn’t give a shit.
+ Anakin tells the son in his dream, that he’ll never come to the dark side willingly. Only to walk over to the literal manifestation of the dark side like 10 minutes later to save Ashoka. I came to the conclusion that the only way to tempt him was by promising to save his loved ones. I still think it was a really awful and greedy thing to become Vader for that, but I must admit it’s a noble character trait to put others first.
+ Kit Fisto doesn’t have nipples. Therefore I’ve concluded he’s isn’t a mammal and hatched from an egg like Nemo the clownfish. (And no, that isn’t a animation thing, Rex does have nipples when his shirt is off).
+ The discussion with my gf about Kit Fisto nipples and Star Wars biology also touched the topic of “how does Maul use the bathroom”. My conclusion is: he has a stoma, because the lower abdomen, where that would be, is always covered.
+ Hardcase mentions he is hyperactive. I now see him as my favorite ADHD clone, because having ADHD myself I can fucking relate.
+ I forgot Waxer died on Umbara and bawled my eyes out. Waxer is one my favorite clones and when he cried while dying I just couldn’t take it.
+ My friend spent the entire Umbara arc just simping for the clones (mostly Jesse), while I was suffering. So maybe they look hot or something for people attracted to men in this episodes.
+ In the episode after the Umbara the duo usually consisting of Waxer and Boil is sent out, but this time it’s just Boil and I was about to bawl again.
+ For being called “the negotiator” Obi-Wan gets his ass beat quite a lot after his “negotiations” (aggressive flirting).
+ While I’ll never forgive Obi-Wan for doing that Raako Hardeen shit, I nearly pissed myself when the Ziro the Hutt’s ex gf is flirting with not one but two women there. Like I didn’t expect her to be the fucking gay rep in clone wars.
+ I’m seriously never forgiving Obi-Wan for that. I can’t get over Ahsoka’s tear filled eyes while she’s holding his corpse. Also she doesn’t seem angry like Anakin just massively sad and disappointed after it is revealed that he’s still alive. Personally I believe she’s starting to doubt the order here.
+ Point three on hating on my favorite character for that shit, I feel like Anakin becomes quieter and less playful after that disaster.
+ Maul is me. He’s obsessed with Obi-Wan and mentions that he has massive problems what is going on inside his head. As a mentally ill person, that makes me feel really seen lmao.
+ The underwater episodes and the ones with Ventress on that train were just the most beautiful worlds I’ve ever seen. Like the planets in general are so beautifully designed in clone wars, I’m so in love.
+ Motherfucking “I said fuck the council and became a child soldier for a rebellion at 13” Obi-Wan Kenobi seems very reluctant on doing it again. There are two entire arcs of him disagreeing on helping rebels. First I didn’t understand, because like dude you literally did this before, but since he talks about his worries about bringing the separatists in or worsen the situation, I think the poor man is just a little bit traumatized.
+ After the events of Onderon I’m pretty sure Ashoka is already filled with doubts about the order, the republic and the war. I also feel like she’s feeling massively led down by Obi-Wan again, which broke my heart because I love their relationship.
+ I just realized he fails Ahsoka a third time, when she is captured by Hondo and Obi-Wan is supposed to help her. Instead he gets attacked by Grievous and is forced to postpone the helping them until they help themselves. I mean it’s not his fault but in Ahsoka’s place that wouldn’t feel good to me.
+ This particular fight with Grievous ignited my love for Obi-Wan again. Before he attacks Grievous he helps an injured clone and when he goes into the fight, Grievous directly kills a clone. Instead of his usual witty remarks, he just goes: “you’re gonna regret that” and jumps Grievous. He just loves his clones as much as I do.
+ One of the most beautiful shots in the entire series for me is in the episode before the droids find Gregor. This WAC droid looks into the desert and it reflects in his eye. Because of the cracks in the desert ground it looks almost like a retina. Beautiful metaphor of combining something artificial and metallic with an organic and almost human part. This was such a fucking raw shot for me, it took my breath away.
+ Tarkin is an asshole, but he’s climbed the asshole latter so hard after he has been mean to Plo Koon.
+ Shotout to Obi-Wan for convincing the order to let Anakin go after Ahsoka. Additionally the whole time he acts in her support only to be shut down by the council. I didn’t remember him doing that so I was surprised.
+ Fives tells the plot with the inhibitor chips to a cab driver. Do you think the cap driver ever thinks back after the war and is like: “Fuuuuuuck”?
+ I kid you not, the clone bar has gender neutral bathrooms (and no, it’s not bc the clones are all male, in the bar are also women). The bathroom are just decided by humans, hutts and a third species I cannot quite recognize.
+ I forgot Teckla gets shot, NOOOOOOO
+ I always say clone wars anakin is better, but Jesus stop acting like a jealous bitch. Padmè deserves an award for putting up with his bullshit. Obi-Wan too. He even tries to give him reassurance by telling him that feelings are not forbidden and Anakin just bitches at him.
+ Obi-Wan casually passing on babysitting duty for Jar Jar fucking killed me (and yes, taking care of Jar Jar is babysitting duty).
+ Never in a million years I would have thought to see Jar Jar admitting to fucking this queen, but here we have him saying he was making love to her last night. Imma set myself on fire and I believe Windu will join me.
+ You could also call the clone wars the exposition wars. Every episode has their one minute exposition in the beginning, but I feel like a lot of the dialogue is used for exposition.
+ Obi-Wan doesn’t learn shit. That man got drugged by Hondo, but yet still accepts drinks from the Pykes. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST PLEASE DONT
+ I AN GOING TO SCREAM. You have been informed that the Clones have a behavior influencing chip in their brains and then you find out Dooku was behind the creation of the clones and no one connects the fucking dots. I love the Jedi, but goddamn are you all dense.
+ Do you think Hunter thought Rex was screwing his general? Because their conversation sounded kinda suggestive and then they trail off to do something secret.
+ Ahsoka going “my older brother thought me”after kicking a guy where it hurts most. I now imagine Anakin going to Ahsoka as soon she got to be his padawan: “Listen up Snips, if you ever facing a creepy guy, you kick them right there”
+ When the sisters make their escape I don’t get why they don’t let Ahsoka fly. She’s clearly the more capable pilot.
+ Controversial opinion: I have a strong dislike for Bo Katan. She’s a fucking terrorist who doesn’t betray the deathwatch when they murder an entire innocent village, no but when there’s Maul trying to take their authority. Says a lot about her character if you ask me.
+ I mcfucking cried when the clones painted their helmets according to Ahsoka’s face markings and my flatmates gf came in and asked me if everything’s alright. I am fucking embarrassing I have seen this scene three times already but I still bawl like a baby.
+ Also my dear Obi-Wan can you quit being an ass? A “hello Ahsoka, nice to see you” wouldn’t have killed you.
+ Through the whole show most of the characters seemed to appear increasingly tired towards the end. Especially Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, but other characters aswell. The only one who seems to stay energized is Anakin. He becomes more serious but I feel like he’s the only one at the end that is still going into battles with full energy. It almost felt like he’s especially thriving in a war scenario which is incredibly sad.
+ The beauty of that last scene with Vader is truly unparalleled. I don’t ever think a tv show can recreate that.
+ I still love this show to bits and I cried 5 times total during that rewatch, shit this was nice.
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danceswithsporks · 1 year
Dumb Star Wars Headcanon:
A large majority of the Jedi are in secret relationships. Whether it’s with each other, clones, politicians or civilians and the only ones who know about EVERYONES relationships is the clones. They’re all sworn to secrecy by their respective Generals but Clones are gossip lovers and so they all keep a chart of whose with who and what the cover stories are. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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lemoneste · 1 year
Started to obsess over the idea of a clone uprising again and especially how every Jedi found out it’s going down
I don’t have the details in my head on how the news of the uprising would be broadcasted but my fave thing to imagine is that Fox or someone just appears on the equivalent of a Galaxy-wide TV channel and just begins to explain that “hey yeah we’re taking over. If you happen to be a Jedi, tough luck, we’re nabbing you off the street on sight. Don’t expect your clone commanders to communicate with you, all comm channels are down to benefit the rebellion, good luck.”
Plo Koon is in the middle of crying over his telenovela when the broadcast interrupts it and he doesn’t have time to be angry about the interruption before his door is being kicked down.
Obi-Wan is blissfully unaware since he isn’t in close proximity to a screen until Anakin calls him crying and screaming like: “I DON’T KNOW WHERE AHSOKA IS AND IM BEING CHASED ON THE STREET PLEASE COME HOME!!!!”
Mace Windu is literally next to the broadcasting room where Fox is making the announcement and he overhears everything. Does he do anything? No.
Kit Fisto would think it’s a joke, send a screenshot of the broadcast to Monk being like “LMAO this is a rlly good bit, Fox is selling it like a mf” and then proceeds to get a text back from Monk reading: “Please send me your exact coordinates.”
Quinlan Vos shows up in the broadcast as an example procedure for the Clone Troopers on “how to nab a Jedi off the street”.
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my-head-is-an-animal · 9 months
Padawan Headcanons
Qui Gon is proud no matter what.
Obi wan is always encouraging but unafraid of telling you something you don’t want to hear.
Annakin often allows his own shortcomings to get in the way of teaching you. Ego.
Plo Koon focusses on inner strength, a good mentality is the foundation for success.
Kit Fisto has a talent for bringing out the fun side of training.
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luminalightsverse · 1 year
Jedi who would tell bad dad jokes:
Plo Koon
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kit Fisto
Qui-Gon Jinn
Quinlan Voss
Mace Windu
Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus
Clones who would tell bad dad jokes:
Edit: Added Cody, Fox, Tholme, Mace Windu, Wolffe and Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus
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bevebee · 2 years
Daily Star Wars thoughts #47
Many clone battalions band together to make a clone talent show, the judges are the Jedi generals of said battalions.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Ohhh HC time!
How would TBB and let`s see: Maul, Fox and Kit Fisto ( I just had to add 3 others hehe ) and how they would reach to their sweet lill lady wanting to adopt a pet?
Ohhh kay!
:)) Pets! Love pets! Let's see if the batchers do too!
The Bad Batch /Maul /Fox/Kit Fisto x FemReader HC's - Adopting A Pet
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Mostly Fluff
"A pet?"
You nod eagerly.
"I don't know love"
Hunter is hesitant. He may be fond of animals and nature, but taking care of an animal is a certain responsibility, he knows.
"But I don't know where else to take him. He was injured, his pack left him behind and-"
"Wow wow wow, slow down! You already have an animal? His pack? What are we talking about here?"
"A wolf pup."
Hunter's eyes widen.
"Cyare! Are you out of your mind! Where are you hiding him?"
You lead him to your bunk where a small dog pup sits. Hunter laughs in relief.
"That's not a wolf, honey. That's a puppy dog."
You play surprised.
"Oh. We couldn't have kept a wolf?"
"No, absolutely not"
"But we can keep a dog?"
"Yes, a dog is quite different"
You kiss him on the cheek and beam at him.
Hunter blinks.
"Wait a minute… you tricked me"
Your smile turns into a wide grin.
"But I did it with love"
Hunter sighs, but can't resist your smile or those cute puppy eyes.
He is not fundamentally averse to the idea, but he has reservations and wants you to deal with it and think about it rationally. The life you are currently leading, as mercenaries and on the run from the Empire, is precarious and unsteady. There are some animals that do not fit into such a life and also some that cannot stay for a long time in closed spaces like a spaceship in space. Then there are some that would not survive hyperspace and so on.
His objections are unfortunately logical, conclusive and finally discouraging.
Still, he surprises you when he arrives one day with a Loth cat.
"This one can go to its own bathroom, stay inside for quite a while, and is quite independent. You were so sad when we realized we probably wouldn't have a pet, so I thought again."
You stroke the cat and give Echo a long, loving kiss. He smiles contentedly.
Wrecker is fond of animals. Very much so. But he suggests the wildest things, including even a Nexu. You actually have to slow him down and talk to him for a while, because he jumps from one wild idea to the next.
As he suggests a ranccor you sigh wearily.
"Honey, come on be reasonable," you say a little impatiently by now.
However, his pout softens you again immediately and you gently kiss his chin.
"Honey it has to be an animal we can keep on the Marauder. We are on the road a lot."
In the end, Wrecker persuades you to go with him to get one of those colorful birds that can be taught to talk. To your discomfort, Crosshair has taken a liking to secretly teaching him swear words. Whenever someone turns off the lights, he says, "Bantha Ass" and when the lights come on, "Stupid Hunter," repeatedly.
Unfortunately he is allergic to pretty much everything that has fur. Dogs, cats, horses even nexu. Tech has already started to teach Wreckers bird some things and to exhaust the animal's moderate intellect.
But you insist on getting your own pet. However, you can't think of much, since most animals are eliminated for various reasons, not just his allergy.
While you're still thinking and racking your brains, Tech has already got something. He arrives with two cute mini turtles.
"Don't need much, easy to take care of, quiet and allergy-free," Tech says contentedly as he sets up the massive terrarium in your cabin.
You had actually imagined something else, but somehow they are cute and Tech is so enthusiastic about his idea that you don't want to contradict him.
He is a cat guy. You are sure of that. He resists your desire to have a pet, Crosshair tells you quite clearly that he is against it.
"I don't want to have a critter to take care of. I'm fine with my brothers and my needy little girlfriend."
You roll your eyes and snort. You turn away, but the last word has not been spoken. You just get a cat and you can count on it, he'll be grumpy and upset about it.
However, he will cuddle with the cat, they will be very fond of each other and Crosshair will take care of the animal, gladly even. But if you catch him doing that, he will give you a sharp look. It takes quite a while until he admits that you were right.
Pets he doesn't have directly, unless you count the Nexu he tamed. However, he is not very cuddly. The Nexu is more meant to scare and hurt enemies. But Maul likes the animal, he takes very good care of it and is concerned about its safety.
In fact, you are afraid to get another animal because the Nexu might eat it. You will not get Maul to break away from the ravenous animal.
Unfortunately, it looks like you'll have to give up your desire for a traditional pet.
"You can pet the nexu too".
Fox is the type for cats or ferrets. You will most likely not be able to make something else appealing to him.
He likes independent animals that do not require much care. Fox works a lot, generally does not have much free time and a pet in constant need of care is rather counterproductive. He will most likely already have a pet cat when you meet him, a well behaved animal that he can take to the office.
It is unlikely that you will get other animals together except maybe a second cat.
Kit Fisto
The Nautolan is close to nature, especially to water. No surprise when you consider what race he belongs to. Fisto finds pets rather unnatural and therefore it is difficult to unlikely to convince him to have a pet. Even ornamental fish, even if he finds them beautiful, do not please him.
"These animals swim in their confined tank all day long, it's a depressing sight"
If you have your own apartment and pets, he won't find fault with that. However, he's not thrilled about it either.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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showstopper35 · 1 year
There is a disturbing lack of kit fisto content on here. do better, or I’ll do it myself.
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Okay, so, canonically Kit Fisto doesn’t have an age, so can we agree that he’s just a really good looking 54 year old who defies aging like Paul Rudd?
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pracses · 10 months
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This is old and something I need to transfer here, but have a Kit headcanon from the old blog.
So here’s the scene in question, and honestly a lot happens in a short period of time. What I’m going to be focusing on isn’t Ahsoka (though little ‘Soka is doing amazing!) I’m focused on my boy Kit. Watch him when you can.
At first, Kit’s saber is taken out to deal with the driods, but he puts it away so he can handle the sudden turbulence they end up dealing with better than he could by possibly harming himself in the case of what’s going on. Kit only takes his saber out to deal with Tampson. In this, Ahsoka did have the situation until Lee-Char got taken by Tamson. Kit didn’t intervene until the fact he saw things were going poorly, doing what he could to knock Tamson away from the prince and he pulls his saber out.
They have a short scuffle and Kit loses his saber, but he doesn’t stop fighting. Because he needs to make sure the Prince survives this. What does he do? He injured Tamson. To revolt, Tampson tries to go after Lee-Char again, but Kit is quick to intervene again and knocked him back, turning to tell Ahsoka and Lee-Char to flee while they can. Screencaps of these moments (Enhanced as best I could given the speed at which these frames are moving, it makes this hard)
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If tampson is as strong as most great white sharks are, this was a difficult fight for Kit. But that doesn’t waver his determination to keep his objective in line. Even without his lightsaber, Kit is rather skilled as a fighter. And sometimes skill outweighs power. In this situation, Kit shows that this is indeed true. Kit lasts quite a while before tampson knocked him out, but that was more Kit making sure Lee-Char and Ahsoka made it away safely.
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eykismyfav · 2 years
Star Wars Headcanon
Important Note: I will write fluff and angst but no smut or self harm I’m just not comfortable writing it.
Request Are Open
Prompt List
General Masterlist
❤️‍🩹- Angst, 💕-Fluff, 💔- Self Doubt/ Insecurity
People I Write For -
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
Anakin Skywalker
Padmé Amidala
Darth Maul
Owen Lars ( I said what I said I want to write for him..)
The Clone Wars
Captain Rex
Ahsoka Tano
Kit Fisto
The Bad Batch
Omega (Platonic only for obvious reasons.)
Original Trilogy
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Miscellaneous Characters
Boba Fett
(I have not watch all the sequels so I’m not gonna write for them.)
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A really stupid headcanon about Kit Fisto
Explain it however you want to make it make sense but I love the idea of Kit getting really obsessed with green characters from Earth media. Constantly responding with either "Get out of my swamp!" Or "It's not easy being green." When he leaves places he goes "Kowabunga dudes!"
He is constantly laughing his way through the hazy broadcast of every Shrek film. So much that Jocasta Nu had to move the projector into another room so as to not disturb the other readers.
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