Kittytistic - when your autism feels related to kitties in some way. This could mean that you may feel kittylike due to autism, have a special interest related to kitties, etc.
"transautistics" fuck off!!!
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worldwidewebzy · 2 years
Super kewt- PUPPY MURDER 321!!1!!1!1
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elsfairy · 1 year
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hi! I had an anon ask if I had a fics rec list, and I've honestly been meaning to make one. There are so many fics I love reading, so bare with me. I'll add more in the future. I'm not sorry there are so many. Everyone here is so talented and amazing. I love you guys & for feeding me as well as others with all your beautiful work. ♡
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ʚɞ nice and slow @sevikascrown
ʚɞ your sweet housewife @enforcermoss
ʚɞ soft touches @novacqnes
ʚɞ intoxicating @thehoundwrites
ʚɞ affection @sevikascrown
ʚɞ let me help you @moonaliisa
ʚɞ falling for you @sevikasupremacy
ʚɞ lazy nights @darlingmisa
ʚɞ stepmom sevika @sugarsweetcookie
ʚɞ no loved allowed @sugarsweetcookie
ʚɞ missed @abitohoney
ʚɞ intimacy with sevika @novacqnes
ʚɞ how sevika took your first @lacroixqueen
ʚɞ power trip @novacqnes
ʚɞ who's a good girl? @pixievi
ʚɞ that time of month @pixievi
ʚɞ sundress season @pixievi
ʚɞ bottom!vi @pixievi
ʚɞ theif!vi @sugarsweetcookie
ʚɞ next girlfriend @kittyt-hexxed
ʚɞ please, hold me @kittyt-hexxed
ʚɞ for fuck sake @blklesgrl
ʚɞ stillwater vi @pixievi
ʚɞ as long as it takes @ohcaptains
ʚɞ jealous girl @elskittie
ʚɞ lipstick stains @elliessknife
ʚɞ desperation & devotion @catfern
ʚɞ dirty laundry @fleshwaters
ʚɞ bottom bitch @saintels
ʚɞ the farmer, the wrangler, & the cowboy @dnvrsmedia
ʚɞ say ahh... @eden-nox
ʚɞ sit on my face @darlingmisa
ʚɞ mutual masturbation @loversreligion
ʚɞ be aggressive @butterflykissiies
ʚɞ college basketball!abby @moodywyrm
ʚɞ when i'm down on my knees, you're how i pray @clearheartgreyflowers
ʚɞ papi bones @wlfpet
ʚɞ being abby's housewife @haiixo
ʚɞ don't you dare fall in love @ohcaptains
ʚɞ pretty for me @elliessknife
ʚɞ i saw you in a dream @elliesflower
ʚɞ what you heard @elskittie
ʚɞ scent of the pine @s-4pphics
ʚɞ perfect girl @coeurify
ʚɞ bestfriend @saintels
ʚɞ apples and cream @tearsucry
ʚɞ art student!ellie @enforcermoss
ʚɞ look like an angel @ourautumn86
ʚɞ true blue @totheblood
ʚɞ the perfect pair @coeurify
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ohlawdthebirds · 3 months
Truth or Dare (Vi x Reader)
Euughh, its been a while since I've posted a fic. Enjoy! This is a modern au inspired by those Cut 'truth or drink' videos.
Cw: Mild mention of drinking (swapped out the alc for juice, so hopefully that's not a trigger for anyone). Other than that, slight violence mention.
Also! Thank you to @pixievi for these links!
Gonna tag a few of my mutuals here because I think they'd enjoy this (I hope that's okay! Please let me know if not and I'll remove you from the list!): @sweetercalypso @xthescarletbitch @vvynia @kittyt-hexxed @ellsss
“So, do you know why you’re here?”
You can just barely make out the person standing behind the camera. The build of the camera blocks off most of their face and for a moment it creeps you out; being in this sterile warehouse, sitting at a table with your best friend across from you has you briefly wondering just what Vi is cooking up. The two of you often joked about being put in Saw traps but you weren’t entirely sure you’d be willing to part with your organs and appendages should the occasion call for it.
“Ah, I think so,” you say. Vi turns to you, gently nudging your foot under the table. You recognize the gesture immediately: it was something the two of you did when you were younger and wanted to check in on the other. In this case, the nudge meant Are you okay? We can go if you need to. You nudge her foot back twice, your way of saying I’m okay.
“I’m here to do truth or drink, best friends edition. At least, that’s what she told me,” You reply, gesturing at Vi. She ducks her head, cheeks visibly coloring. The person behind the camera, someone you now suspected was the producer, speaks up once more.
“Okay then, you two can get started with a shot if you want.”
Vi grabs an unlabeled bottle and fills up both shot glasses before nudging yours towards your awaiting fingers. You bring the glass up, clinking it with Vi’s, before bringing it to your mouth. You are surprised when sweet juice instead of alcohol hits your tongue. Vi peeks out at you from under her fringe, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She knew you were trying to cut back on your alcohol intake, so knowing that she asked for an alternative warmed your heart. Vi sets her shot glass down and reaches out to the middle of the table, selecting a card from the stack. She leans back in her seat, huffing out a soft laugh.
“How did we meet?” She places the card down and looks at you expectantly. You grin, sitting up straighter in your seat.
“Okay so we went to the same high school, right? Vi had an…interesting haircut,” Vi barks out a laugh at this while you try (and fail) to suppress your chuckling, “Yeah, it was like…like someone threw scissors at her head and hoped for the best. It was like the unholy merging of a slick back, a pixie cut, and a fuck ass bob.” You barely finish your sentence as laughter wracks your body. Vi’s bark turns into a howl that you soon join. As soon as your laughter dies down, you continue, “This group of boys came up to her during lunch one day and were making fun of her. I stepped in and was telling them to leave her alone when she jumps out of her seat and absolutely socks this guy in his face! He falls, his friends jump in to try and defend his honor, and next thing you know it’s me and her against these dudes. It was brutal I tell you. They lost and ended up transferring schools and Vi and I were sacked with in-school suspension for a week. It was glorious.”
You reach out to grab a card. “What is your favorite feature of mine? Can be physical or personality-wise,” you place the card down and sit back. Vi leans her elbows onto the table, eyes meeting yours. “You have gorgeous eyes,” she says, “They’re so expressive, and I love the way they light up whenever you’re happy or excited. It’s one of the things that drew me to you back in high school. You were so bright and fiery, and the way you jumped in to help me with no hesitation has always amazed me.”
Your hands come up to rest on your heated cheeks. She leans forward once more to select a card off the pile. “Didn’t expect you to do two of them,” you giggle out. Vi feigns shock, replying “Ah, my bad, didn’t even realize it.” But the glint in her eyes tells you she absolutely meant every word.
“What are my green flags?” Vi drops the card back down to the table. You fold your hands under your chin and lean against them.
“You’re one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. And I don’t just mean physically, I mean emotionally as well. You don’t let anyone tell you what to do, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you genuinely scared. And it’s not like you don’t get scared, but you’re usually so on top of things, y’know?”
“Oh yeah, I’m definitely on top of things,” Vi smirks. You don’t bother holding back a grin. “But yeah, you make me want to be stronger. I want you to be able to rely on me the way I’m able to lean on you.” The blush on Vi’s cheeks only deepens. You lean forward once more to grab a card from the table.
“How good are you at kissing?” This time you don’t fully put the card down, instead twiddling and fidgeting with it. Vi chews on her bottom lip for a second before her eyes lock with yours. You expect to see her signature smirk on her face once again, but you’re surprised by the sincerity in her eyes. Vi thinks for a moment before reaching over to the bottles and pouring herself a shot. Your eyes widen with mirth.
“Oh, not going to tell me?” you grin.
Vi pauses for a moment before looking at you over the top of her shot glass. “You can always find out for yourself, you know,” she says before knocking back the drink. You gape at her, astonished, and not for the first time you wonder what Vi’s lips would feel like on yours. It’s been a reoccurring thought ever since high school, one that you’d tried to brush off time and time again. Years of friendship between the two of you had culminated in you developing an intense crush on Vi. There were numerous moments over the years where you thought about confessing to her, but something always stopped you. Whether it was you fearing the potential end of your friendship, or someone literally interrupting you, you were never able to tell Vi how you truly felt.
“Alright, so as you can see, there is only one card left on the table. Vi, that one is yours. Make sure you read it out loud and clear, okay?” The producer chirps out. Vi tenses before reaching out and sliding the card to herself. She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before flipping it over.
“I, um…so, this last card is daring me to tell you the real reason you’re here.” You quirk an eyebrow. Vi continues, “I didn’t bring you here just because you’re my best friend.”
Your heartbeat picks up and for a moment you worry it will pound right out of your chest.
“I brought you here to tell you…that I have a crush on you,” Vi said, her lips curving into a sheepish grin. For a moment, the world goes still, and you wonder if you’re dreaming. You cough out a “What?”, eyes fixated on the woman in front of you. “You have a crush on me?”
Vi nods. “Ever since that day in high school you’ve been it for me. I know this has been a long time coming, but I could never find the right time to tell you.”
“I could never find the right time to tell you!” You exclaim. “All this time, all these years, you mean to tell me we were both crushing on each other?”
Your hands cover your face as you let out a groan that soon evaporates into a laugh. Vi joins you with a laugh of her own. The absurdity of it all is hilarious to you: of the woman you’ve been crushing on for years not only reciprocating your feelings but going to the trouble of dragging you into a video to confess said feelings.
Once your laughter has subsided, you and Vi are left gazing at each other. “Well, at least we finally know we’re on the same page,” she says. You nod, attempting (and failing) to hold back a grin.
“Alright, so you guys clearly feel the same for each other!” The producer says. You hear the mischief in their voice and brace yourself for what’s coming. “You guys should definitely seal the deal, y’know?”
“H-how do you suppose we do that?” You stutter out.
“You could always seal things with a kiss!”
The heat on your cheeks only flares hotter. Vi’s own face is searing by this point. There’s no way you could kiss her! And in front of a camera no less! But at the same time you wonder if this is the only chance you have, if the adrenaline coursing through you was enough to propel you forward. Just when you were internally making a pros and cons list (the pro being to kiss your best friend and the con being potential ridicule from internet strangers) Vi nudges your foot under the table. Are you okay with this?
Only a moment later do you nudge back twice: I’m okay with it. I’m really okay with it.
With a surge of courage, you sit up in your seat and lean forward. Vi follows suit, meeting you in the middle of the table. It only takes a moment for your lips to meet.
You grin into the kiss, tilting your head just the slightest to deepen it. Vi’s hand comes up to cup your cheek. Your hand reaches up to rest on it and it’s only when the producer and crew begin clapping and cheering do the two of you separate.
The two of you are beaming harder than you thought possible, and everything feels limitless. Despite having no alcohol in your system, you feel fuzzy and warm. Vi sneaks in one last peck to your lips before you sit down. Once things calm down and you’re seated the producer speaks up one last time.
“We actually have one bonus card for you two.” A crew member steps forward and lays a card down in front of Vi. Her brows furrow in confusion but she picks it up nonetheless and reads it. A tiny smile graces her lips as she sets the card down, reaching across the table to place her hands on yours. “Will you go on a date with me?”
You gently clasp your hands with hers, bringing them up to place a kiss on the backs of them. “I’d love to go on a date with you, Vi.”
A few weeks after filming, you and Vi are notified that your video was live on the channel. You pull it up on your laptop and snuggle next to your girlfriend on her couch. Vi snorts and laughs the whole way through it while you hide behind your hands and join in her laughter. The comments are surprisingly wonderful, everything from people cooing over how cute the two of you are, to others lamenting over being single. Every last one of them brings a smile to your face. And as Vi keeps clicking through and pointing out the funniest ones, you lean into her side, pressing kisses to her skin.
“Hey love?”
“Yeah?” She asks.
“I’m really glad you brought us on a random YouTube video.”
Vi turns and presses a kiss to your lips.
“Me too.”
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tsumuuu · 1 year
Hey Cassidy I saw your request were open! I would like to ask for something if that's OK with you. How about headcanons about your HQ bois of choice with how would they react to reader adopting a kitten? Thank you and feel free to deny this ^^
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heyyy! thanks for requesting!
but help this is so cute I cannot-
anyways I chose Hinata, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Ushijima
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notes: gender neutral reader, extreme fluff
ft. Hinata Shoto, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Hinata Shoyo
Very supportive  of you getting a cat
Will help you choose what cat to get from the animal shelter
He looked more excited than you were to visit the animal shelter
You see a male ginger cat that look a lot like Hinata
When Hinata sees him his heart melts
You end up adopting the ginger cat and naming him Sho (after you favorite ginger middle blocker)
Sho is a friendly, energetic ball of sunshine that adores human attention
Hinata sees Sho as his cat brother
Hinata 100% makes up a game called cat volleybal to play with Sho
Plays with Sho whenever he is over 
Lowkey, you get jealous of how much Sho seems to prefer Hinata
Don’t worry though, Sho loves you too!
Teaches Sho cool tricks (like high fiving)
Having Sho around Hinata really makes him what to get a cat for himself and his younger sister
His parents said no :((
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Iwaizumi Hajime
He’s a bit skeptical of you getting a cat at first because he wonders if you’re responsible enough to handle a cat all by yourself (we love a responsible king!!)
Once you prove you’re responsible he agrees for you get a feline friend
You end up adopting a female siamese kitty who you later name Kimi. 
Kimi is a very clingy kittyt and loves to cling to you and Iwaizumi
Though Iwaizumi claims “he wants nothing to do with the cat”
You later find him baby talking Kimi
“Who’s a good little Kimi? You are!”
You had swarn to secracy to tell nobody, especially Oikawa
Will never admit he has a soft spot for her
Actually spoils Kimi with treats and food
You one day walk in on him falling asleep while cuddling Kimi
Would do anything to protect Kimi from danger
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Let's be honest, he knew you wanted one.
He always saw you looking through pet shop windows 
So he took no surprise when you told him you wanted a cat
To your surprise, he actually got you a cat though!
He got you a female black cat named Maru
Maru is a very sassy cat who enjoys quality time with her owners and lots of affection
Kuroo called dips on the dad role for Maru
Will use nicknames on Maru like “princess” or “baby”
Sees Maru as his kid and rewards her when she does something good
Sometimes takes Maru home to live with him a couple of days
Avid Maru cuddler
Sometimes brings her to uncle Kenma for visits
100% spoils Maru with all the cat toys
Most likely bought Maru a huge scratching post.
Overall Maru is living the luxurious life
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Honestly, I can see this man just saying “ok” and then walking away
He thinks its your choice is your choice and it isn't his place to say anything.
You get a male cat with light brown spots and his name is Taro
Taro is a very odd cat, he sometimes just sits and stares at people.
When Ushijima first met Taro, they both just, stared at each other.
Poor Ushi didn’t know what to do
He asks you what to do with the cat
You tell him to keep him company
Ushi literally tried striking up a convo with the cat
“How are you doing today Taro?”
Eventually, Ushi learns how to take care of Taro and learns how to play with Taro
Sometimes he takes Taro on long walks to show Taro around.
After a while, they become best of friends
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©tsumuuu 2023
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princesssmars · 1 year
in love with the piltover enforcer
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some thoughts about your relationship with vi through the years
contains : fluff. reader is an orphan taken in by benzo and described as ekkos older (adoptive) sister. feels like most of this isn't even relationship headcanons but reader in arcane headcanons but whatever.
a/n : we loveee starting this in march 2022 and releasing it when the vi x reader tag is dead ass <3. anyway big shout out to @jackdrawsjunk and @kittyt-hexxed for feeding us black girls in love with vi <3333 anyway lets get into this shit.
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there was one thing that kept you alive in the lanes: family. it was an unforgiving city, the complete opposite of the polished and pristine piltover beside it. the people were rough, and you'd be lucky if some punk only tried to rob you once a week. most loners only lasted a few days.
which is why every night you thanked the gods for your family. it felt silly considering that you were an orphan, but most ended up falling into gangs or worse to protect themselves. you were lucky that before they passed your parents were great friends with the local pawn shop owner, benzo, the man taking you and another boy named ekko under his wings.
because of him, you met vander, the large man who seemed intimidating actually being one of the nicest adults you've ever met in the lanes. when you first met ekko was slightly scared, hiding behind you as you tried to protect him. vander said he admired your protectiveness, and how you reminded him of someone who he thought you would get along with.
when you meet vi for the first time it just…clicks. vander wasn't wrong, the two of you more alike than you would have thought, most notably in the way you were protective over your siblings. they got along wonderfully, unable to spot one without the other. their closeness resulted in yours and you found yourself growing feelings for the pink-haired girl.
thinking back on your pining you laugh, how you refrained from telling vi about your feelings worried you would ruin the relationship if she didn't return your feelings, not knowing that she had a massive crush on you as well. vander pushed her to confess once he noticed, giving her good advice compared to mylo’s “stop being a pussy.”
it’s during one of your usual hangouts sitting on the rooftop of the shop and gazing out at your crappy home and beyond, at the gleaming buildings of piltover and fantasizing about what your life could be like that she stood up and took your hands in hers, telling you shed do whatever it took to give you the life you wanted because she wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you asked her what she meant, and the look in her eyes told it all.
after that, your relationship was relatively easy. the both of you still hung out often, just with the added bonus of longer hugs and kisses when the others weren't watching so you wouldn't be bombarded with “ew!”s.
unfortunately, there weren't that many romantic spots for private dates, but vi having been ever the persistent made a way. she took on more chores helping vander at the bar, getting some money in return to save up, and buying you some expensive snack from piltover you wanted to try while talking and laughing on the roof.
but things started to go downhill with growing tensions between the two cities, coming to a head with the failed heist. vi hadn't told you much, not wanting you to worry and slightly forgetting when she saw the way you reaffirmed powder that she would do great on their “little adventure”.
it’s safe to say when they got back you were livid. of course, you were thankful that they were ok but vi could admit she was slightly scared at the way you glared holes into her head when vander was criticizing her. she had apologized, and you were still upset but felt better.
but it didn't help, because, in the next few days, your life was ruined.
enforcers stormed the lanes. your father figure and most of your friends were murdered. and you were left with a broken home, a devastated brother, the sister of your best friend lost and left with only a memory of the girl you used to love.
but ekko needed you, and you had to stay strong. for him, for powder who was on the brink of losing herself for good, and for the voice of vi in your dreams who told you to keep going no matter what.
and so you had worked together with ekko to build the firelights, a new community to help uplift people who had been in similar situations to you and take out the drug that had helped to make everything worse.
you were doing good work so far, thankful that you and your brother were geniuses and had created the hoverboards and many other devices to keep you safe and help your mission. life was getting better, even if you still caught yourself sitting at the memorial wall late at night thinking of what your life could've been like if you would have pushed more and never let vi and the others go on that heist.
it seems like the gods in a sick trick may have heard your thoughts. after going out to do some scouting after a tip, ekko headed back to the hideout with two captives in tow, refusing to tell you what was going on until later. you understand why he didn't because if he told you your girlfriend who had been dead for six years had been found walking through the lanes with an enforcer you might have smacked him.
she was standing and looking at the memorial wall when he brought you to her, looking just as beautiful as the day you lost her. her hair was still focused to one side while shaved on the other, bringing up the memory of how her face had reddened when you told her she looked hotter that way. you don't get time to dwell when she’s running up to you and squeezing you into her arms.
you tried to stay strong, but she burrowed her nose into your neck and whispered “god, did I miss you, muffin,” you couldn't help but crumple into her arms.
you took her back to your room and she explained everything, the factory, silco, stillwater. it broke your heart a little to realize you thought she was gone when she was actually so close. you'd never wanted to kill the sheriff more than you did in that moment.
when she told you she was going to go after jinx you were divided. you had encountered your childhood friend, who at some points felt more like a little sister, multiple times over the years. sometimes you'd be able to see glimpses of the girl underneath when you snuck into her place with silco and held her so the voices would be quieter. but you also had seen how much she deteriorated, and as much as you didn't want to admit it you knew powder was gone.
but you believed in vi, and told her as much. it was hard to send her off to the bridge, much less with an enforcer, but you knew it had to be done. but it felt like what happened six years ago happened again, you staying behind and everything going wrong. vi and the enforcer had fled to who knows where and there was no sign of ekko until he popped up with a former council member?
vi popped up a few days later, looking defeated and craving comfort. she didn't need to be invited but you do anyway, telling her she may stay with the firelights for as long as she needed.
vi had been eager to make up for lost time, following you around almost like a puppy when you were showing her the ins and outs of the hideout. despite the stress of the things going on in your lives, it was so easy to fall back into a friendly and romantic relationship with her.
it became strained however when she was offered the job to be an enforcer, helping manage the tense relationship between zaun and piltover. she was excited about the opportunity, ready to help her community in any way how. but you couldn't help but be scared of how it might change her to be around the people who took part in making your life worse.
but you believed in vi, and knew she’d do everything she could to make your home better.
she had already started beforehand by helping with some firefly runs, it being easier to clean up the mess of shimmer left with silco’s death. it warmed your heart to see her coming back from a run laughing and joking with the other firelights.
she continued your beloved tradition, taking you up with her to the top of the tree to observe the stars together. you both didn't speak much, the comfort of each other enough for this moment.
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clowncor3z · 4 months
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i havent animated anything in YEARS and i chose to animate a kittyt
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ffiahh · 11 months
🍒: my earliest memory i remember (my childhood has always been a bit fuzzy), is going to my junior school's garden; they had peas, tomatoes, potatoes, and even sunflowers. and ever since then sunflowers have been my absolute favourite. i remember picking some vegetables out; i can't remember what for though.
🌊: i'm pretty boring with writing kink; i like to write about kinks that most people like to read, so my kinks are relatively 'normal'
☂️: i really like "Thank God you Introduced Me to your Sister" by @kittyt-hexxed they have tons more really good fics!
thanks for the questions babe
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Dearest KittyT, mad genius that you are, I must ask: do you have any pet name headcanons for my special lil murder gals (Ellie and Abby)? See, I headcanon that Ellie is a typical "babe" person. Abby, however, seems like she'd get more into it and give you the most ridiculous nickname possible, as evidenced by her calling Lev a "goober". I personally think she'd call her s/o something outlandish like "honeybunches" or "snookums".
Okay, so, I actually have opinions about this. I'm going to write what they'd say other than "babe" or "baby" since those are a given. I think Abby is like Vi who gives these silly affectionate names to her significant other. They’re meant to be playful, get you to laugh, and it just shows her personality. Ellie is not as silly when it comes to nicknames. Let’s be real, she was raised by our beloved Texan cowboy, Joel. She’s got a more southern spin on her pet names.
Abby Pet Names:
Cutie Butt
Cutie Patootie
Honey Bee
Cuddle Bear
Hot Mama - Used as a compliment when she thinks you’re looking extra sexy
Sugar Lips
Stud Muffin - She only uses this one when she can hug you from behind and playfully purr it in your ear
Sugar Tits
Ellie Pet Names:
Sweetie Pie
Sweet Pea
Darlin’ - This is what she says the most
Baby Doll or Doll - Tends to say this when she's horny or during sex
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webdollzz · 1 year
💌 helloooo and congratulations on being close to 200 followers!!! I'm gonna format this in a way that is hopefully easier to understand:
Character: Abby Anderson
Preferred name: Doe
Topic: ugh, a girlie is feeling positively STARVED of affection...how do you feel about writing a letter of Abby and reader in a long-distance relationship about Abby longing to visit her lover? I'm a bit of a romantic and adore cute nicknames (and it just so happens that @kittyt-hexxed had/has a headcanon list for them on Abby 👀), so if you could sprinkle some of those in, I'd greatly appreciate.
Pronouns: she/her
Don't hesitate to dm me if you need any other details!
My love, Doe
I simply cannot wait to see you..to kiss you..to hold you. only a couple more weeks and we can be together, sweetheart.
I'm coming home soon, and I'll be all yours. I've only thought about you on this trip, your voice, laugh, every beautiful thing about you.
I miss you so much baby, I don't think I'll ever be able to go on another trip like this again without you.
When I get home, I'm gonna take you on so many dates, get you breakfast in bed, whatever my girl wants. to make up for not being there.
Manny said he's okay with me taking 3 weeks off the job to spend time with you, so that's a plus. I'm always thinking about you,
today I found the most beautiful flower, I actually don't know what it's called but they reminded me of your eyes. I can't wait to see those beautiful eyes again.
I hope to receive a letter from you soon, darling.
I love you so much, baby. I'll see you soon. I promise. I'm proud of you.
Love from, abby. ♡
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thank you so much for your request. I hope I did it justice! if not, lmk! lots of love.
If you'd like a love letter from your favourite character, my 200 celebration post is still happening for another three days! :)
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moon-shu · 2 years
Dress I designed for @kittyt-hexxed for her amazing Arcane Fanfiction Series. I love working with her. It's so much fun and I hope to continue doing many more wonderful projects with her❤️
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bones-tho · 1 year
imagood kittyt foryofu imagoodf kitty :33🥺
Oh, yes you are... you're the best kitty! The best kitty for me! Oh, if you were here with me, I'd stroke you gently, first on your head, scratching behind your ears, then moving to your chest, tenderly stroking it, then I'd get to your cute kitty tummy before going further down, "accidentally" brushing someplace that would get you extra flustered, and I'd tease you mercilessly about it, teasing you about how red you are, and how excited you got. And then I'd stop petting, right until you begged like a good kitty.
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tartsdmegazaprot · 1 year
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vastseamind · 1 year
It’s Black History Month don’t be a bitch go follow some black writers on Tumblr. It’s more than just trying to bring attention to black blogs they are genuinely good writers and deserve more traction!  ——-> @kittyt-hexxed @blkdyke @sapphic-woes 
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
a cloen of tiny ahse!!! the body so tiny, but the hiar too big!!! ahhse stumlbestumble aoroudn uneven weight can't ballance. can't see aoround, have to move the hiar out of face. when cut haira, awlasy growing back so fast!!!
titnyn ahhse constantnly moving hair out of face bumbbping into things syaing 'sorry.." when scared hdiidng in hair!! tyrign so hard to snip it he could alwyays just put it on fire or rip roots out but then ebauitufl hair gone forveer? wearing weave? nonoonononon ahse screamign wake up from nightm,are other tiny ahshde sey hey! haii ahse cosntnalty moving hair out of face tucking behind ear but hair allwyas getting out so cllaire sneaking into ahse lab hello kittyt.. i think he spingning jumpgin aorund hair following all bheidd so pretytecute theahs
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the-bees-cheese · 2 years
I lowv kitty sow mchugchc but kittyt hat me
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