#Klace's Winds of Change
skies-of-glass · 2 years
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Was playing Winds of Change. Just wanted to post a picture of Damek.
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
It should come as no surprise to longtime followers of both this blog and my main that I take great joy in designing self-inserts for my favorite franchises, whether it's to see how well I can capture a certain vibe or just so I can have a good visual of what I'd look like in that universe to kiss my beloved F/Os— though, if I'm being honest, most of the time it's the latter!
Doing so has been easy for the most part, as a lot of the franchises some of my most treasured S/Is hail from don't necessarily have a complex visual style. Take for example Psycha, who was easy to design outfit-wise after basing it off of an outfit I would wear, or perhaps my Centaurworld S/I, who was even easier to design as all I had to do was draw a toony version of myself with a deertaur half!
Given my recent adoration toward my latest hyperfixation Winds of Change, it was a given that I would design a self-insert for its universe, and I was already brimming with ideas for what a fantasy version of my fursona would look like in the world of Alestia! However, as a contrast to most of my other favorite medias, Winds of Change boasts a very detailed visual style and outfit design for its cast, which meant my S/I would have to follow suit as to not look too out of place.
And about two weeks of on-and-off work later...
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I can finally unveil my Winds of Change self-insert, Micah Winddane!
(Check out underneath the cut for a lengthy deep dive on the creation of the above drawing as well as a full view of this sheep seer's weapon of destiny!)
Gosh, where do I even begin? There is just so much that I want to talk about when it came to designing Micah Winddane that it's tough to find a good place to start!
Because Winds of Change has an all-anthro cast, it ended up being a given that I— yet again— would be choosing to model my S/I after a sheep, much like my fursona, Psycha, etc. However, rather than using Psycha as a base as I had for my fursona, I actually modeled Micah Winddane after an actual breed of sheep... the Leicester Longwool!
True to their name, Leicester Longwool sheep are notable for their overly lengthy fur, and given that my hair is currently at the longest length that it's ever been, it felt only fitting to design my Winds of Change S/I around them! This also meant that I would be using a more golden color for the hair as opposed to the usual 'tan-white' color most of my other sheep S/Is have, and if you look closely, you can even see that there's a distinct fur pattern on his face!
With sheep specifics out of the way, let's focus on Micah Winddane's outfit. If you read the tags of my first Winds of Change related post on this blog, you might have seen that I first wanted him to be an 'anxious but good-hearted visionary with a cool fantasy robe'— which, to be honest with you, was how I had been envisioning him throughout my time playing through the game's prelude!
The only reason the whole 'cool fantasy robe' aspect didn't stick around for long, however, was due to a certain set of characters in Winds of Change possessing such a look... The Triumvirate, antagonists who are shrouded in mystery underneath an iconic white robe with a yellow trim.
Not wanting my S/I to be dressed too similarly to the big bads, I had to opt for something a little more modest, and in line with the outfits the rest of Winds of Change's cast wear. I took to Google to cherry-pick several medieval outfit designs, and took my favorite aspects of each one to combine together into a base outfit.
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For a while, the above lineart was just about all I could come up with. Of course, it looked a little bland by this point, but that was merely because I hadn't given him a good coloring, yet... but that was another hurdle of its own. I knew how I would color his fur and hair, but what about his clothes...?
Thankfully, Winds of Change's canon provided a solution. Around the point of the game where you receive the all-powerful Blade of Exodus— which we'll also focus on in due time— you also are given a change of clothes... clothes that are described as a 'combination of Valessa and Fortaime's outfits'.
It's a good thing that the base design I had already drawn didn't stray too far from a hypothetical mix between Valessa and Fortaime's clothes, and it even served as a good basis of how to color Micah Winddane's own. I color picked certain colors from both their designs to use in my S/Is and was soon able to settle on a color palette that I liked!
... but the design still felt particularly lacking. The colors looked great, as did what I had for an outfit, but the more I looked at my current progress, I felt as though something was missing... and then, I had a brilliant idea— if I couldn't give him a robe, what if I gave him a cape?
Fortaime's baggy scarf was my main inspiration in settling on a shoulder cape, and the instant I had the idea of giving my S/I one, I wasted no time in adding it to his design... and I'm so glad that I did, because it made him look SO much better!! I knew that I wanted his cape to be a shade of blue (My trademark favorite color), and settled on a faded shade since a more vibrant blue looked a little too shrill amidst the other colors.
Lastly, since my Winds of Change S/I is the foretold Seer, he would need to be equipped with the aforementioned Blade of Exodus throughout his adventure. However, upon coming up with the idea of giving Micah Winddane a large sword sling to carry the blade on his back, I realized something...
... the blade only has two canonical appearances from what I've seen, and only one of which— being found in the game's logo— shows it in full color. I was thankful to even have a visual of the Blade of Exodus, but only having the linked image to go off of in terms of color made redrawing it a bit tough, as I would have to improvise a bit to make it look less desaturated.
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And what started out as improvising turned into a slight stylization of the Blade of Exodus' colors! Throughout the game, there's a large emphasis on how obvious it is that you're the possessor of the blade, and I decided to give the blade colors that stand out from the otherwise dull colors of Micah Winddane's outfit!
... uh, wow. I think that might just be my most in-depth design deep dive I've written yet. But everything that I wanted to touch base on has been accounted for, and with all of it written out at last, it feels so wonderful to finally get around to sharing this design with everyone as it's one of my ultimate favorite self-insert designs I've ever created!
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sonicmega · 7 years
You've likely been seeing me post frequently about #WindsofChange, considering I voice both Pro and Sovy for the project... well, here's your chance to be a part!
New roles up for audition! Deadline is October 1st.
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kalecgoss1138 · 3 years
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Furry game support: Met Klace, who made this game “Winds of Change” at Anthrocon a couple of times. Hooked me up with a copy of the first game: “Major/Minor”. I highly recommend them! BTW… it’s not just for Furries! #windsofchange #NintendoSwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/COk_R5IB-8L/?igshid=cgzc93jplca3
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ask-ts-spike · 8 years
Strong feeling about this one...
So, I know this blog doesn't really post anything and seemingly only reblog other posts, but this time I got a strong feeling about a Kickstarter I happened to see. If you aren't big into visual novels, this might not be for you, but if you could be so kind, give it a once-over and see if you'd like to donate. It's not mine, by the way, so no "shameless self-promotion" here. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/klace/winds-of-change-2
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fana113 · 4 years
Okay I don’t see a lot of people talking about it, so imma do it myself. Here is a non-spoiler way of talking about a Visual Novel I just played called “Winds of Change” by: Klace *ahem* S o... the art is amazing, and the story line while yes has a few issues, aren't that big, and the choices you can make are actually impactful to the story, while yes in general the same endings will play you can either have more characters, or less depending on how you played, not to mention the weight they have about such choices, plus the soundtrack is amazing. They leave some of the music on repeat in the background and while you can tell it never gets old especially when the story is so in your face, and I a heartless soulless husk of a being hasn't cried since Feb. 15, 2016 I actually almost cried at the end, of this game, and knowing me that is a feat. And while I can go back and replay it to get "better" choices, I think the ending i got was poetic and just to the characters that were apart of it. I get that the style won't be for everyone I EXTREMELY recommend this game to all furries, even if you aren't one it's a game you should give a shot it has given a time I wont forget soon, and I hope that the day I forget any of it is the day I die. Plus the 1-1 with the different characters are all natural and not really forced in my opinion so it leads to great chemistry with all of them. Anyways that’s just me. It’s like 25$ on Steam so if you can buy it, I hope you have a great as a time as I did while playing it.
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We are so happy to announce that in our Tech and Gaming Edition Boxsona run that we will have a poster featuring artwork from Winds of Change! We would like to thank Klace from Tall Tail Studios and if you are interested in this fantastic game, to check it out! https://www.patreon.com/winds http://www.windsofchangegame.com/demo.html If you'd like to pick up the poster be sure to pre-order your Boxsona Box! https://www.Boxsona.ca/Shop.php
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sightseer21 · 8 years
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skies-of-glass · 7 months
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Just wanted to celebrate Valessa a bit. I was playing through her heart-to-hearts and was inspired to create a character in my story.
And on that note, Valessa’s romance is my third favorite in this game, after Fortaime and Damek. I would talk more about what I like about her character and characterization, but I’m really bad at that.
Great at vocalizing criticism, but terrible with vocalizing praise. Regardless, Valessa’s great and so is the story.
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
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So, I realized something about Valessa's outfit... 😳
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
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Y'all want some Valesscah content? ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
As mentioned in my previous post, I've been playing quite a bit of Winds of Change lately, and from being about two hours into the main story thus far, I'm enjoying it just as much as I thought I would! With its wide cast, there are naturally several characters in the Winds of Change world that I haven't met yet… though the characters I have met and ventured alongside in my quest to Mazeo have all been nothing short of wonderful.
And since both characters are wildly obscure compared to my other F/Os and have next to no representation on tumblr, I'd like to introduce the self-ship community to two new F/Os of mine that have become incredibly special to me in the past few days...
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💖 Valessa and Fortaime! 💖
Before we dive into talking about Valessa and Fortaime, I think it's necessary to provide readers with a general overview of Winds of Change's story so that certain plot points are fully contextualized before I begin gushing!
The game begins with a vision of your beloved hometown, Valinorth, in the midst of a heated onslaught. Fires run rampant, strange armored entities litter the townscape, and the screams that ring throughout town are unsettling to say the least. In spite of the horrors set before you, you can't make sense of what is happening around you, as though you are thrown into the situation at hand without any recollection of prior events… but why could that be?
Throughout the carnage, you sneak around with two companions you have supposedly known for quite some time: the protective and burly Ulric, and the intelligent although inquisitive Valessa. While the two of them have some context as to what is going on, it becomes apparent to them that you don't rather quickly, and a distressed Valessa takes notice.
She gently enlightens you that you play a significant role in the safety of Valinorth, and the world of Alestia as a whole— you are the sacred Seer, having been blessed with spirits which allow you to catch glimpses of visions of the future, as daunting as they may be. With this revelation, she also realizes that— because of how you've been acting— that the destruction you've found yourselves in is a mere vision you're having, and that Valinorth is still at peace… for now.
Valessa encourages you to use this devastating vision to warn Valinorth of its impending doom. With knowledge that an attack is on the way, there's a high chance that you as the Seer can stop it, no matter what it takes. And with a rather macabre conclusion to the vision, you wake up in the comforts of home, relieved that nothing you just witnessed was real after all… but action must be taken so that said events don't happen whatsoever.
With that out of the way... who exactly is Valessa?
Valessa is a caring and emotive fox who is the Scribe to the Seer, and her job is to collaborate with the Seer on visions they may have in interpreting and making sense of them. It's very evident that she has a close relationship with the Seer, and is often seen being supportive of them as well as uniting with them to get to the bottom of the disturbing vision the Seer caught a glimpse of.
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Those who read the tags of my prior Winds of Change post might have read that all it took for me to give the game a go was one specific character in Winds of Change's promotional artwork, and surprise surprise, that character is indeed Valessa! It should come as no surprise that adorable furry girls like herself are my ultimate weakness, though it was when I began playing Winds of Change that my feelings for her began to really blossom.
Valessa, as a contrast to many of my F/Os, is notable for having a major speaking role in her source material, so every image you've seen in this post so far has corresponding voice acting to go along with it (Save for the inclusion of my name, which is usually dubbed over as 'Seer'). It's one thing to imagine an F/O saying something sweet to you, but actually getting to hear them say it is on another level COMPLETELY.
As you can probably imagine, I have several screencaps of cute and sweet things that Valessa has said throughout my time in Valinorth thus far, but the above screencap may just be my current favorite. Valessa speaks in a calm, soft voice— which already is perfect— but getting to hear her remind me to 'do my best to keep calm' made my heart flutter, and it's a reminder I've been keeping close to heart ever since I heard her say it.
Legitimately every second that Valessa is on-screen, I can't help but smile. Every emotion she has artwork for is nothing short of adorable (Her thinking artwork featured in the promo art was what sold me on the game. Just LOOK at her), and I'm sure it's more than obvious on how much I love supportive characters like her, so much like Zulius, Valessa was decided on being my newest romantic F/O on sight. ❤️🧡❤️
Now that we have some insight on Valessa's character, let's talk about Fortaime!
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Fortaime is an adventurous and kindhearted rabbit that serves as the Protégé to the Scribe of the Seer, and works valiantly under Valessa in the hopes to fully understand what it means to be a Scribe should the need of him having to step up to the position come about. Where Valessa takes her studies seriously, Fortaime has been known to become easily distracted during their lessons, though he still has a good grasp on understanding how to interpret visions regardless.
When Winds of Change introduced Fortaime to me as the player's best friend, I at first knew that I was going to at least like him, but that quickly escalated into me actually seeing him as a best friend. His playful nature coupled with the fact that he is the first person to join your party earned him a spot on my list of platonic F/Os— and he is for certain one of my ultimate favorites.
Fortaime is never one to leave the player out of a conversation, and tells you time upon time again that you have his trust and that he'll stick with you on your adventure until he very end. He may be a smidge more infantile compared to Valessa, but there's something to appreciate about his bright outlook on everything and his unending love for his friends.
And how could you not appreciate Fortaime? LOOK at him!! He is absolutely adorable! I think my favorite artwork of him so far is when he's overjoyed, of which you can see in WoC's promo art— this man's smile is everything to me. Fortaime is everything to me. Valessa and Fortaime are everything to me. While I'm still early on into the story of Winds of Change, I couldn't be happier knowing that I'm sent on such a journey with these two wonderful people whom I cherish to no end. 💖💖💖
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
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So, Winds of Change, huh?
#Star's Self-Ship Memes#Klace's Winds of Change#F/O Community#Self-Ship Community#That relatable self-shipper moment when you see a cute character from a source you've never seen and go#''I'm gonna pay you one hundred dollars to kiss me''#So guess who found a new hyperfixation and is only thirty minutes into the game?#I'm flat-out convinced Winds of Change was made for me. Just LOOK at it.#The story is compelling... it's furry-centric... you get to befriend and even win the heart of the game's characters...#... AND there's voice acting. If I even hear anything REMOTELY close to an 'I love you' from the character I've fallen for#I am going to be OFF THE WALLS#As I mentioned above I've only just completed the prologue of the game#So I'm sure that there is lots more for me to see and plenty more characters to meet#But expect me to be posting a LOT about Winds of Change because I am REALLY loving it so far!#After some searching I learned that Winds of Change has like no representation whatsoever here on tumblr#Instead the 'Winds of Change' tag is devoted to a Warrior Cats graphic novel#So I've decided to craft a new tag differentiating the two including WoC's developer!#Local Star pioneers the Winds of Change tag (2022)#Lastly I am SUPER excited for the S/I I have planned for Winds of Change#All I can say for what he will be like for now is this—#Imagine my fursona as an anxious but good-hearted visionary with a really cool fantasy robe#LITERALLY S U P E R EXCITED TO GET INTO THIS GAME
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sonicmega · 7 years
I'm not sure if it was meant to be revealed so soon, but i found out that you be voicing a character in one of kalce's new game. (im following the telegram page)
No worries, it was! I already finished up recordings for Pro and Sovy for Winds of Change, and Klace announced my involvement pretty much immediately after the audition period closed (and official casting choices could be finalized).
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sonicmega · 7 years
CON GUEST APPEARANCE: Arizona Fur Con (November 18th-19th, 2017)
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CON APPEARANCE ANNOUNCEMENT! I'll be a Guest at Arizona Fur Con from November 18-19th, 2017 along w/ Klace (Winds of Change producer/director). 
Expect to see Kana make an appearance too!
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