xuhuihuis · 1 year
All Too Well | Jeon Wonwoo
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warnings: angst, asshole wonwoo, cheating?, bestie mingyu, swearing
The kitchen was filled with silence, nothing could be heard but the repetition of the clock on the wall clicking away as your foot tapped on the cold title. You were struggling to sleep tossing and turning trying any way to sleep but it wasn’t working. Even counting sheep didn’t help you. Thinking about Wonwoo ever since you saw him with his arm around another woman as you were coming home from work. His tall stature leaned over her protecting her from anything that could hurt her in any way. Reminding you of how he did that for you when you were dating for the six years, those six years filled with happiness and joy. Now your whole world was dark and damp with nothing giving you joy you had when you were dating Wonwoo. 
Going out to the places Wonwoo took you on dates trying to heal that part of your soul that got left that day he broke up with you. It was the worst break up you have ever had to go through in your life shedding floods of tears that night breaking your heart crying not understanding a word he said to you after he broke the news to you. Wonwoo’s harsh words stabbing you in the heart like a knife stabbing your heart deeply making you bleed tears in return. Leaving his house that night leaving your happiness and a little part of your soul there too.
Rubbing your eyes snapping yourself back into reality before you start crying when you really should be sleeping as you do have work in the morning which you weren’t mentally ready for. Seeing Wonwoo at the office and having to put on a fake smile like in the relationship to get you through the day emotionally. Getting up from your seat on the barstool walking over to the cupboard reaching into the back to get a glass but pulling out the one glass he got you for your first anniversary together. The lipstick marks are still on the rim of the glass filling your head with unwanted memories for the early hours of the morning but your body is not letting them go as you really thought Wonwoo was the man you thought you were going to marry. 
As you were filling the glass up you saw your car keys on the side of the counter that had fallen out of your hand bag. The keys reminded you of all of the late night drives with Wonwoo, taking you out to anywhere with no plan in mind. Wonwoo always had the playlist he made for you in the background as he took you down the winding roads to nowhere. His large hand resting on your thigh whilst his main attention was on the road in front of him.  A shock of pure joy shooting through your veins as the beat of the song started. Both of you singing all the wrong words at the top of your lungs not having a care in the world and if someone came and judged you that never stopped you enjoying the small moments like this with Wonwoo.
It hurt you to know that he was now doing all of this with another woman….
Trying to go on other dates after Wonwoo felt like a stab to the heart, something worse than rubbing salt in the wound after you hurt yourself. No one compared to Wonwoo emotionally or physically as he really was your lover. You miss seeing the way his glasses lay on the bedside table in the mornings when he slept in and the used mug with the remnants of the coffee still in the bottom of the cup. It was the small things that made you love him even more, never taking the time to appreciate these things when you were in the whirlwind of the relationship before he whisked you off to your fantasy land. 
Being so young and oblivious you didn’t know he was talking to someone else behind your back when you went to sleep. He gave you a goodnight kiss and left you in dreamland before he went to sit in his home office to ‘work’ but he was really talking to someone he met on the internet. She was tall, dark and beautiful, everything you weren’t…
This dark horse was the dream woman that Wonwoo really wanted to marry. Both of them spent hours talking right in front of your face but you trusted him when he said that he was talking to a ‘friend from school’ but it was a snake personified. 
Messaging back and forth with you thinking it was his best friend from school that he hasn’t talked to in years. Wonwoo thought you were so cute for thinking this for the whole two years you didn’t know about her. Letting you go away for the weekend to relax on the beach where you had your first kiss while he has his dirty hands all over another woman. Leaving her scent all over the house that was a haven to you and Wonwoo it was your forever home with your supposed knight in shining armour. 
Entering the bedroom after the long drive back from the beach to lay on the bed still covered in her sickening perfume. It felt like the whole world stopped when you inhaled the disgusting scent from the sheets for the first time. All the blood in your body stopped as it hit you that the man you had adored all these years has been sleeping with another woman. You could feel the fury light up in your veins as it hit you that he was sleeping with while you had no idea. 
You were oblivious to the situation…
It pissed you off that he took advantage of you being away to get her into the house and sleep in the same bed where you both slept at night and made love to each other. But now he’s doing all these things with another woman when he’s the only one that was your light in the darkest times but now he’s ruined it. The makeup on your face was melting off as the tears rolled down your cheeks leaving tear stains in their trail. Getting up from the bed looking into the mirror next to you seeing the mess of your hair and makeup really did show your feelings. You were a mess.
Wonwoo was nowhere to be seen in the house, he was probably all over this new girl while you were pulling your heart out over him. He was. In her bed snuggled up with her basking in each other's presence playing with her hair watching whatever channel was left on the TV last only caring about making each other laugh and not what's going on around them. Wonwoo’s lips were covered by her lipstick and his neck was covered in red and purple bruises from the night before. That was the one thing he never gave you permission to do, leave marks on his neck. Always making some excuse that he wasn't allowed them as his work would freak out but this new girl could claim him as hers all she wanted to.
Picking up your phone to ask Mingyu if you could come over and of course he said yes when he heard the way your voice was cracking. Mingyu was the only real friend you have had since you were young, making him know everything about you. He has been sceptical about Wonwoo from the first day you introduced them to each other in the college cafe. The looks they both gave one another was enough to tell you that they didn’t like each other at all…
Mingyu was an intimidating guy at first with his tall stature and his strong build, it’s enough to put people off him making people appear timid towards him when he really is puppy like under all his muscle. Wonwoo was the opposite of Mingyu, he was quiet and kept to himself but they met each other in height so it made it easier to give dirty looks to one another behind your back.
Picking your keys out of the dish on the counter before heading out of the door to spend the night with Mingyu not caring about the way you looked around him one bit. Locking the door behind you running to your car not wanting to get wet because of the rain. It wasn’t a long drive at all letting out a sigh of relief pulling into his driveway trying your best wiping your tears away before locking your car and knocking on his door waiting for him to answer. 
The tall man opened the door and was greeted by the sight of your melted makeup and wet clothes getting you inside as quickly as he could. Mingyu looked too good in your eyes even when he is dressed like he is now, black tank top and sweats with his glasses resting on the top of his pushing his hair back out of his flawless face. It was obvious that you were jealous about how gorgeous his skin was without trying hard. Sitting down on the couch watching the soccer game he left on the TV before you arrived before Mingyu went and looked for spare clothes for you to change into. 
“Sorry this is all I have for you…”
The man apologised but it was the least he could do making sure you don’t catch a cold staying in your damp clothes. His attention diverted back to the screen of the TV as his soccer team score erupting in cheers and a beaming smile almost losing his glasses from excitement. Both of you laugh the moment off as you sneak off to the bathroom getting changed into the clean clothes while he sat and watched the game hearing cheers once in a while.
Mingyu's shirt was that large on you it didn't fit you the best but it made it more comfortable to wear and it still had the strong smell of his cologne through the fabric. Double checking you looked acceptable before going back out into the living room throwing your clothes in his washer before sitting on the couch with him. Mingyu held his arms open for you to sit by his side giving you the comfort in a time like this where you need it most. His strong vanilla scent filled your nostrils as you snuggled closer to him as he was engaged in the soccer game in front of him.
No words had to be said between you both to know you are loved, Mingyu just wanted to give you the space and the time to recover from the heartbreak without having someone barging in on you and your feelings. Wonwoo was the one guy Mingyu never trusted with you alone when you were at parties or out in public together even if he was your boyfriend at the time. It wasn’t until he looked down he saw the wet patch on his tank top and the tears rolling down your cheeks slowly finding it hard to hold back the tears any longer. 
Mingyu pulled you into his lap to hold you in the vulnerable moment turning the TV off paying his full attention to you. His warm puppy eyes met your tear filled ones with a pout in his face as he felt bad that he could do nothing to help you in this situation but be there for you. A large hand cupped your cheek running his calloused thumb over the apple of your damp cheek. 
“I've got you angel. I’m here for you”
Something changed in the air the longer the both of you sat in a comfortable silence looking into eachothers eyes. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach doing your best trying to ignore them but the feeling was only getting stronger over time. Eyes darting from his eyes down to his chapped lips fighting the urge to kiss him and get lost in him and his body. Taking your chances moving in closer to him feeling the tension in the air get thicker the closer you get to his face. Mingyu was that close you could feel his warm breath fan over your face smirking at how small you looked on his lap. 
Fuck it you thought leaning in kissing him on the lips gently pulling away before he could react. All the muscles in Mingyu’s body stopped working for a moment feeling your soft lips against his realising that everything going on was real to him and was actually happening. Kissing back resting his hands in the back of your neck never wanting this moment to end. 
It was all you could ask for after the day you have had…
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Atsushi joining the Sheep
The bond between Chuuya and Atsushi man.
Atsushi who starts to stop seeing his ability as something to hate the moment he finds out Chuuya has an ability too.
The pure awe and joy in his eyes when he finds that someone else has one.
That he's not alone anymore, he regards Chuuya so highly that Atsushi his ability doesn't make him a monster because Chuuya said so.
Chuuya who everyone sees as less than human and a weapon, being able to form a sibling relationship with Atsushi.
He's never had anyone look at him with anything but fear and hate, it's nice to be liked.
Chuuya who stays with Atsushi on his full moon transformations, not to stop him, not to hurt him.
But to comfort him.
To take him where he's free to run and play and be himself without fear.
Chuuya is Atsushi's source of comfort.
He'd do anything to protect him.
And Atsushi would do anything to protect him.
Sticks to Chuuya like glue and people joke he's like Chuuya's guard dog.
Chuuya cares for Atsushi so much.
The only way for Chuuya to break his promise and leave, was to be convinced that Atsushi had been killed.
And thus there was nothing left for him with the Sheep.
And he spends years greiving him on full moon nights because he was supposed to be his big brother, supposed to be his protector.
And he failed Atsushi.
The only way for Atsushi to turn against Chuuya was for him to (unknowingly), abandon him.
And even than, Atsushi's more angrier at himself for not being enough for his big brother to stay.
He thinks Chuuya finally saw the monster Atsushi was and left them.
He swears loyalty to the new king of Sheep because he's afraid to lose the rest of his family, he needs to pay for his crimes.
Because it's all Atsushi's fault that Chuuya's gone.
Chuuya who cares for Atsushi so much that even thinking he's dead never tells anyone what his ability was, even to Dazai who compared to everyone else knows the most.
Atsushi even thinking Chuuya abandoned him can never attacks the Port Mafia, knowing Chuuya is one of them.
Who spends his full moon transformations in a cage, because there's no one who cares to comfort him anymore.
Two brothers who think they've failed each other and yet all they've done is try to protect each other from a world that wants to tear them apart.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Protego Pt 1 - Origin of Magic
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This is Pt 1 of the rewrite of Anaticula I’ve split into a Marauders Era mini series to show more on the parents and adults the teens in the rest of the story interact with. Hopefully it will get some feedback on the new version or I won’t bother to post the Anaticula rewrite on more than just ao3. Really been loving the new version and being able to fix some things I had been meaning to get around to so I’d love to hear what you guys think of it too. :)
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Four Wizards in a class all their own in a world lost to chaos. Four Wizards of an age echoing of an older magic.
Whispers were shared of the birth of the Wizards, a Dragon who so loved his tiny friend gifted him knowledge of his mother tongue to share with him life prolonging magic to bind them together for all time. The world learned and shared that tongue, though Draconic came with a price. Only the pure of heart and intention could wield it and those who were not would be devoured.
Always rules were made to be bent and from one tongue of magic another through the wicked grew. One without chains. One where anyone could do as they pleased and spurned that bond and bent that new tongue to capture the Dragons of this world and show them that in numbers the great beasts could no longer run the world.
In this world where words have power, names can cripple and blood bonds can ruin or raise the common sheep amongst the flock to a higher path there was whispered a great prophecy as the world bent and cracked to one day break as foul things crawled forth. One day when those four houses would be bound in blood, a child born would be granted knowledge of that same powerful tongue and with it guide those loyal home.
This is a story of bonds, bonds of blood and something stronger, choice. Chosen families and those held precious amongst crowds of millions. Bonds that no matter the strength of blood or word could bend and twist and break. Some that can be mended, and some, never to be spoken of again.
Pt 2 
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the13thtraveler · 2 years
The True History of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
With the new wizard game recently released, I wanted to share a re-write of the history I created for Ilvermorny before JRK got her mitts into it. My version has been re-done to conform more with what canon I could use (Houses, location) but attempts to make it better. FYI I am not First Peoples so hopefully my representations of them were respectful. And as always, much love to @americanwizarding for inspiring me to make my own American canon (and letting me use some of their own creations for my canon too).
Born in 1603 Elias Sayre was the youngest child of William and Rionach Sayre, an Irish Pure-Blood Family. The Sayre’s traced their history back centuries and counted among their ranks the legendary witch Morrigan on William’s side and Salazar Slytherin on Rionach’s. While they did not share the same level of rabid blood supremacy as other members of their extended family did, the Sayre’s were not the type to mingle with Muggles and Muggle-Borns.
Elias’ first disappointed his family when attending Hogwarts as he was sorted into Hufflepuff, breaking the long tradition of Sayres being proud Gryffindors. His time at Hogwarts was unremarkable as he did not try out for Quidditch and excelled at charms and transfiguration over battle magic and curses. Most of his family wrote Elias off as a black sheep and expected nothing much from him except to not embarrass the family name. Unfortunately Elias failed at this too.
Graduating from Hogwarts in 1619 he traveled to London and took up with the Muggle-Born community there. Elias became a strong advocate for Muggle rights including votes for Muggle and Magical women, abolition, and general equality. While his parents were able to overlook his bleeding heart approach, his extended family could not bear to extend him the same courtesy. His great aunt, Gormlaith Gaunt, especially hated Elias viewing him as a blight on the family tree. It was when Elias made a public proposal of marriage to a Muggle woman that Aunt Gormlaith took matters into her own hands.
The Sayres and the Gaunts had a substantial fortune between them and Gormlaith used some of the money to hire mercenary wizards to murder her nephew Elias. What Gormlaith (and Elias’ parents) did not know was that Elias was a Seer, a mage with the power to see the future. Elias had witnessed his Aunt’s betrayal and so forewarned withdrew a large amount of money from his family’s Gringotts account and fled England for the new world on the easiest ship to board: the Mayflower. Giving the fake name of Elias Story, Elias traveled across the Atlantic to hopefully find a new life in the New World.
During the long journey Elias realized that he would find no friends or allies among the Puritans and so the 18 year old fled Plymouth Colony for the western wilds of Massachusetts. He had heard about the various native tribes that lived in the Americas, but seeing how they were treated by the colonists led Elias to be fearful of them and so for three years he avoided all contact with anyone, hiding himself with his magic. Elias made his home atop the tallest point in Massachusetts, Mount Greylock, in a stone cottage well protected from detection both magical and mundane. He christened his new home Ilvermorny after his own childhood home, and was determined to make it a place of hope and love like he had never known.
During his isolation Elias learned about and even befriended several magical creatures of the region. He had a few polite conversations with Pukwudgies, had pet and ridden a Snallygaster, and beheld the magnificent migration patterns of the Thunderbird. The Thunderbirds held a special place in Elias’ heart as they used Mount Greylock as a roost during their travels across the continent. While at first weary of him, the Thunderbirds grew to trust Elias and he was able to harvest some of their tail feathers for study.
It was during one of his foraging expeditions that Elias came upon a group of No-Maj Mohican hunters (No-Maj is the American term for Muggle, short for No-Magic) who were being set upon by a Hidebehind. This beast had already killed several of the party as its pelt and natural invisibility made it almost impossible for No-Majs to fight it. Elias however made short work of the monster and dispatched it with his magic. The hunters, while obviously and rightly suspicious of a European with magic, thanked Elias and asked him to accompany them to speak with their chief Etow Oh Koam. It was with great trepidation that Elias agreed.
Elias found that he had little to worry as he was warmly welcomed by the Mohican tribe of western Massachusetts. Etow Oh Koam had three children who were all No-Maj-Born and was delighted to learn that there were other practitioners of magic from other parts of the world. This moment would be life-changing and some would argue world-changing as Elias’ eyes set upon the chief’s daughter Tahawus. It was love at first sight for both and Elias would make a point of meeting with the tribe as often as possible to have a chance of meeting Tahawus. The perfect opportunity provided itself for Elias to visit often, for Etow Oh Koam suggested a trade of magical knowledge and Elias was all too glad to accept.
While Elias had never before made a wand he knew of the process and already possessed a wide range of magical supplies. North America was full of new magical creatures from the dragon-like Snallygaster to the noble Horned Serpent. Elias had collected a sizable amount of suitable cores and so for a whole month made five wands for the Mohican’s magical members. Widely accepted as the first American made wand, the wand of Red Maple and Horned Serpent Horn that Elias presented to Tahawus was said to be as powerful as it was beautiful. Elias had poured his heart into it and offered it as a token of his love, which was happily accepted. When Elias asked Etow Oh Koam for his daughter’s hand in marriage the chief was confused for Tahawus was in fact two-spirit, they were one of few who though born of one gender preferred the social customs and responsibilities of the other. Elias was unfazed and history records his reply as simply “my heart has never led me astray”. Tahawus, who had been frightened that Elias would respond with revulsion and horror, was said to have produced magic of such beauty and joy with their wand that those who witnessed it believed that the spirits themselves were blessing the happy couple. They were soon married and Tahawus moved in with their husband Elias into their cottage.
Their marriage was a joyous one and as they could not have children of their own they adopted two young Mohican mages whose parents had died due to a magical disease. Elias and Tahawus took care of Alawa (girl) and Ahanu (boy) as if they were their own, and Elias taught them the ways of wandwork and European magic. It was here Elias found his calling and began offering his knowledge to all magical members of the tribe as well as those from neighboring tribes that had pacts with the Mohican. For all of them Elias made wands and taught them spells of protection and concealment so that they might preserve their own tribes from No-Majs coming to steal their lands. Elias found a use for the stolen money he had brought with him and purchased land on Mount Greylock for himself. 
Alawa and Ahanu had always been enchanted by their father’s stories of Hogwarts far across the ocean and so desired to have their own version here. Elias agreed and so Tahawus suggested they each found their own house, not named after themselves but after their favorite magical creatures. Fierce and fiesty Alawa chose the Wampus, calm and thoughtful Ahanu chose the Horned Serpent, kind and gentle Tahawus chose the Pukwudgie, and adventurous and wise Elias chose for himself the Thunderbird. For a while the school flourished among the native tribes of the region until a magical explorer stumbled upon the cottage after fleeing a Hidebehind. Amazed by what he saw he traveled back to the Colonies and shared his information. Not long after this tales of a school of magic hidden in western Massachusetts reached the ears of magical colonists up and down the coast and soon Elias found European families petitioning him to educate their children too. Realizing what was happening Elias and Tahawus used their magic to grow their home from a humble cottage into a large castle atop a mountain. While it would undergo numerous renovations in the coming centuries Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would open its doors officially in 1630, becoming the first European styled school of magic in North America.
Unfortunately, word of the school passed beyond the Colonies and back to the old world. When Gormlaith Gaunt heard the tale of a young man Elias who was married to a two-spirit (a Native American and a No-Maj-Born at that!) she became apoplectic with rage. Horrified that this indignity would destroy the name of her family she herself set off to the New World with the intention of hunting down her nephew, destroying him and his “unnatural” family, and ensuring that his legacy never be tied to the Sayre or Gaunt names. She disguised herself as William Sayre and traveled to the new world upon the Bonaventure, after which she stole into the American wilderness and headed north to Massachusetts.
It was on a late summer night in 1634 when Gormlaith Gaunt reached Mount Greylock and Ilvermorny. Traveling up she called out to her nephew, lying that she had come to seek forgiveness for her earlier transgressions. In his kindness Elias stepped out to see her and then she struck. It is said that the battle lasted for almost an hour. As soon as Gormlaith attacked Elias, Tahawus burst from their home roaring with rage and joined the battle, along with their adopted children. While they fought four against one, Gormlaith proved herself stronger and more dangerous. Elias and Tahawus fought to not only stop her but to protect their children, and Gormlaith used that against them. Targeting the children with a dark curse Elias threw himself in front of them taking the full brunt of the blast which almost killed him. One down Gormlaith moved forward for the kill, and that is when the Thunderbirds arrived. Witnesses to the battle from afar noted that the early stages looked like a thunderstorm atop the mountain, and that its finale was like a storm of fury and rage. Called by their supernatural sense for magical danger the Thunderbirds swarmed Mount Greylock and with a mighty and collective flap released a bolt of lightning so powerful and so concentrated that it reduced Gormlaith Gaunt to dust in a moment. All that remained of the wicked Aunt was a charred stick that had been her wand and a few twisted bits of jewelry.
Elias made a quick recovery tended by Tahawus and his children and the winds scattered Gormlaith’s ashes to the four corners of the world. Elias felt such a strong dedication to the Thunderbirds that saved his family that after his recovery he built permanent nesting grounds for them and to this day a flock of Thunderbirds still call Ilvermorny their part-time home.
News of the battle quickly spread and made its way back to England. Elias’ parents were shocked by the brutal actions of Gormlaith, but they were also proud of how their son defended his home and his family. While they didn’t openly approve of his marriage or his views, a letter to Elias arrived a few months after the battle. His parents had written to him an apology for never believing in him and for driving him away. Though they knew they would most likely never see each other again, they wanted their son to know that they were proud of him, proud of the family he loved and protected, and proud of the school he built. Elias would never speak of the letter but it still hangs preserved and framed in the Headmaster’s office to this day. 
Elias and Tahawus lived well into their hundreds, staving off Arcane Governor William Stoughton and his Scourers during the American Wizarding Revolution and witnessing the founding of the Magical Confederation of the United States of America. When they passed away together in 1718 President Charity Wilkinson (Wampus) declared a national day of mourning and remembrance for the two beloved educators. Alawa and Ahanu both went on to form their own families who produced children of magical power. Today, the current Headmistress Isabella Ingersoll is a direct descendant of Ahanu and the Sayre line.
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10th July >> Fr. Martin's Reflections/Homilies on the Mass Readings for Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time (Inc. Matthew 10:1-7): ‘Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel’.
Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel (Except USA) Matthew 10:1-7 'Go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel'.
Jesus summoned his twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits with power to cast them out and to cure all kinds of diseases and sickness. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew; James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, the one who was to betray him. These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them as follows: ‘Do not turn your steps to pagan territory, and do not enter any Samaritan town; go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. And as you go, proclaim that the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.’
Gospel (USA) Matthew 10:1-7 Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Jesus summoned his Twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure every disease and every illness. The names of the Twelve Apostles are these: first, Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew; James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus; Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus, “Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”
Reflections (6)
(i) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading, the Lord says of Israel, ‘their heart is a divided heart’. They did not seek the Lord with a pure, undivided, heart. Instead, they hedged their bets by building altars to other gods in the event of not being able to rely on the Lord. In the gospel reading, Jesus appoints the twelve as the initial labourers to work in God’s harvest. In time, they too would show themselves to have a divided heart. They did not remain faithful to Jesus when it became costly to themselves, abandoning him in the hour of his passion and death, with Peter, the leader of the twelve denying him publicly and Judas Iscariot betraying him to his enemies. Even though they were sent as shepherds to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, they themselves became lost sheep. As Jesus would say to them on the night of the last supper, ‘You will all become deserters because of me this night; for it is written, “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered”’. We can hardly sit in judgement on the people of Israel or on the disciples as we are all aware that our own heart can easily be divided. In the Beatitudes, Jesus declares, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God’. We are not always pure in heart, in the sense of having an undivided focus on what God desires for us and our world. We need to keep hearing the call of the first reading, ‘Break up your fallow ground: It is time to go seeking the Lord’. The good news is that the Lord is always seeking us, even when our heart is divided and we fail to seek him with all our heart. He came to seek out and save the lost and he never stops seeking even when we do.
(ii) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
All of the gospels make reference to the twelve disciples that Jesus selected from among the wider group of disciples. They were called to share in his ministry in a special way. They had privileged access to Jesus; they were given much and much was expected of them. When the gospel writers name the twelve and when they come to Judas Iscariot they always refer to him as ‘the one who was to betray him’. They were, of course, writing from hindsight. They knew that one of this privileged group, one of the twelve, went on to betray Jesus to the religious authorities who, in turn, handed him over to the political authorities as a threat to the peace. The gospel writers don’t try to gloss over the stark reality that one of those specially chosen by Jesus went on to betray him. In the National Art Gallery of Dublin there is a wonderful painting by Caravaggio of the moment of Judas’s betrayal of Jesus and the resulting arrest, the ‘taking of Christ’ as it is called. This moment in the gospel story has inspired many artists and writers. The story of Judas reminds us that Jesus’ choice of us does not automatically mean our choice of him. Our baptismal calling is to keep on choosing the Lord who has chosen us. Each day we need to commit ourselves to him and to his way, as he committed himself to us forever by his life, death and resurrection.
(iii) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus has been gathering a growing number of disciples since the beginning of his public ministry. According to today’s gospel reading, from this larger group Jesus called twelve to whom he gave authority and power to share in his healing ministry. The number twelve was significant; it is a reminder of the twelve tribes of Israel. This group of twelve were to symbolize the renewed Israel that Jesus was working to form. Jesus chose these twelve very deliberately. They were to receive intensive training and instruction so as to share in his ministry in a special way. Yet, by the end of the gospel, everyone of this group had deserted him, the first mentioned of the group, Peter, had denied him publicly, and the last mentioned, Judas Iscariot, had betrayed him to his enemies. In spite of the fact that these twelve had been given special authority and power and had spent more time in his company than others, listening to him and seeing what he did, they failed him when the cross came into view. They were not faithful to their calling. In the words of today’s first reading, their hearts were divided. Although Jesus calls people, calls each one of us, he cannot force us to respond to his call. Although he has a purpose for our lives, he is somewhat helpless before our refusal to co-operate with his purpose for us. Yet, in the gospel story, the failure of the twelve was not the end of their relationship with Jesus. After he rose from the dead, he appeared to them in Galilee and renewed his relationship with them, sending them out to preach the gospel to all nations. The Lord may be helpless before our failure but he remains faithful to us in spite of our unfaithfulness to him and he is always at work to bring some good out of our failures. All he asks is that, in the words of today’s first reading, we continue to ‘go seeking the Lord’.
(iv) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
The person of Joseph in today’s first reading illustrates the truth of the line from one of the Psalms, ‘the stone which the builders has become the corner stone’. Joseph had been rejected by his brothers, thrown into a pit and left for dead. However, he was eventually rescued by travellers and brought to Egypt. There his natural gifts ensured that he rose up in the Egyptian civil service. Eventually, he had the responsibility for distributing food to the hungry in time of famine. Egypt’s reserves of food meant that it remained a source of food for other peoples who were beset by famine. So, it happened, that when Jacob’s brothers came from the land of Israel to look for food, it was Joseph who had the power and the ability to meet their need. The rejected stone had become the keystone. What we reject can sometimes turn out to be of crucial importance for us. Our initial response to say ‘no’ to something or someone is not always the best response. Yet, our saying ‘no’ can itself serves God’s purpose, just as the brothers rejection of Joseph ended up serving God’s purpose for his people. Jesus is the supreme example of the stone rejected becoming the corner stone. The rejection of God’s Son went on to serve God’s purpose for humanity. Among those who rejected Jesus was one of the twelve he chose in today’s gospel reading. Yet, even Judas’ betrayal of Jesus came to serve God’s greater purpose of revealing God’s unconditional love for all humankind. The story of Joseph and Jesus reminds us that in the words of Paul’s letter to the Romans, ‘all things work together for good for those who love God’. God is always at work to bring some good even out of our failures.
(v) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Today’s first reading and responsorial psalm call on us to seek the Lord. God speaking through the prophet Hosea says, ‘it is time to go seeking the Lord until he comes to rain salvation on you’. The psalmist calls on us to ‘Consider the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face’. We seek after many things in like, but the Scriptures remind us that at the heart of all our seeking is a seeking of the Lord. He alone can satisfy the deepest hungers and thirsts of our heart. We are to seek a personal relationship with the Lord and the way of life that flows from that relationship. The gospel reading reminds us that when we seek the Lord, the Lord is at the same time seeking us. Having appointed the twelve Jesus calls on them to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Later in this gospel Jesus will say, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel’. In the gospel of Luke, Jesus says more broadly, ‘the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost’. Jesus is like the shepherd who seeks the lost sheep, the woman who seeks her lost coin, the father who seeks out his lost sons. Jesus is always seeking us, especially when we turn from him. When we ‘constantly seek his face’ we discover that the Lord is constantly seeking us. Our seeking of him is always a response to his seeking us, even when we are not aware of it.
(vi) Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
The story of Joseph which we are reading at present has many resonances with the story of Jesus. Joseph was rejected by his brothers, left for dead. Yet, he was delivered from death by passing travellers and brought to Egypt. In time, he gained the trust of the Pharaoh and he was put in charge of the grain reserves. When famine struck the land of Israel, it was to Egypt that Jacob’s brothers went for food. When they arrived in Egypt they discovered to their amazement that the one they had rejected had now become their Saviour. As was true of Jesus, the rejected stone had become the corner stone. The rejection of Jesus is already hinted at in today’s gospel reading. One of the twelve whom Jesus chose from the wider group of disciples was Judas Iscariot, ‘the one who was betray him’. Like Joseph, Jesus was handed over to death by one of his brothers, one of his closest associates. Like Joseph, Jesus was delivered from death by God. To a much greater extent than Joseph, Jesus became a life-giver for all who turned to him in faith, including for those who put him to death.  The story of Joseph, and especially the story of Jesus, shows how God can bring unexpected new life out of death. This is true of our own lives. Our death at the end of our earthly lives is anticipated by experiences of death and loss in the course of our lives. As the risen Lord can bring eternal life out of our final death, so he can bring new life in various forms out of our many experiences of death and loss throughout our earthly lives. When all seems lost, we can continue to live in the firm hope that the Lord is powerfully at work in the midst of our loss, even if we don’t fully understand how at the time.
Fr. Martin Hogan.
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okayhaneul · 10 months
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it’s yaya again and i'm back with another updated intro ! this time, it's my boi haneul's turn. hit me up on @xojinnie​​ if you have any questions or want to plot.
— welcome to infinite entertainment! it's CHOI HANEUL, who is the SECURITY of SOLOIST #1. i’ve heard whispers that the 29 year old is pretty DARING but lowkey BLUNT. also, doesn’t he remind you of KIM TAEHYUNG?
haneul doesn’t really remember his birth parents — but his birth certificate had him listed as born on may 20th, 1995 in busan, south korea. at the age of three, he was left on the doorsteps of a gorgeous house in the seoungbuk district after his parents were no longer able to handle the financial and mental burden of being parents. he never heard from them again.
the wealthy owners of the house ( the choi family ) took him in. his mother struggled with pregnancies in the past, and the two were desperate for a son of their own. haneul being left on their doorstep was a perfectly timed opportunity that landed in their laps. within the first year, they adopted him.
however, haneul's position as the crowning jewel was short-lived. two years after he found his way to the chois, his mother got pregnant. she gave birth to haneul's adoptive brother and suddenly, he was no longer of much interest to them. as he got older, he felt like the black sheep of the family, like some glaring mistake in otherwise perfection. the conservative friends of his parents treated him like the ugly stepchild. and it didn't help that his parents constantly compared him to his brother, the biological pure son.
in response, haneul began to act out. being abandoned at such a young age had already scarred his psyche, and now being ignored and treated as less then only made the matters worse. it seemed like he didn't quite fit anywhere in this world and he was tired of trying. if the environment he grew up in was going to treat him like a misfit, then he might as well play the part.
haneul was considered a naturally intelligent child but growing up, he spent more time getting into trouble than actually focusing in school. fights, destruction of property, wild parties. . . acting out seemed to be the only way he didn't feel numb to his new situation. as he got older and more audacious, his parents became crueler and more withdrawn from him, unsure how to handle his unruly behavior. in their mind, this insolent outsider was making their lives living hell — so they were simply returning the favor.
the main thing that was a comfort to haneul during his childhood and teenage years was music. he loved listening to it, loved making it, loved performing to it. he listened to songs about anger, pain, and hurt and suddenly, it felt like there was someone out there who understood him. it became his form of escapism.
after reaching his wit’s end with being stifled by his supposed "family", a sixteen year old haneul tried his luck at an audition to become a trainee at infinite entertainment. he wasn’t the best there was but he had enough passion, mystery, and visual to make it in. no longer wanting to deal with him, his adoptive parents willingly agreed to let him move to seoul to train and were quick to disown the young man the moment he stepped out of the door with his bags.
TRAINEE YEARS AND DOWNFALL — drugs & alcohol tw
haneul just wanted to focus on the music. that was all that mattered to him. but upon becoming a trainee, he soon realized that he was giving up something he loved dearly: his freedom. there were so many restrictions. no drinking, no tattoos, no anything. it all became so suffocating and reminded him of the oppressed home he'd just left behind. with every rule added, he had a stronger desire to break them.
so, he did. he partied hard. he got tattoos in hidden places the staff couldn’t find. he snuck out every night. soon enough, haneul got the reputation as the trainee to "watch out for". he was known as being too careless, too arrogant, and too selfish. all that mattered to him was what he wanted. his desire to rebel quite frankly pissed off his potential future members. here they were, granted with an opportunity of a lifetime, and han was operating like a complete lost soul.
truth was, he simply didn’t know where he belonged. he knew it wasn’t with his family. he thought it would be here, surrounded by music. but it didn’t seem to matter where he was, han felt empty. and he was beginning to realize, maybe he didn’t belong anywhere. the realization was depressing as fuck. to cope with it, haneul partied way too hard one night and ended up having to be transported to the hospital after being found passed out by a peer.
after being treated for a non-fatal overdose, haneul was promptly kicked out of infinite as a trainee. he was nineteen at the time, eight months from debuting. since he would no longer debut and was in breach of his trainee contract, he now owed the company approximately 335 million won for the loss and for his expenses while being trained. infinite offered him a chance to work on the staff side of things. 50% of each of his paycheck would be returned to the company as repayment until the debt was paid. essentially, the offer was for haneul to do a shit ton of labor at a very minimum wage.
haneul initially refused to swallow his pride. he told the company to go fuck itself and told them he’d find another way to pay them back. however, his now tainted reputation followed him around seoul. no other idol company wanted to take in a flight risk and even the regular every day jobs weren’t fond that he had a record. realizing he’d be royally screwed either way, haneul reluctantly agreed to the initial offer from infinite.
A CHANGE — drugs & alcohol tw
after losing something that was so important to him, haneul spiraled out of control at the start of his twenties. his new job with infinite involved a lot of unglamorous grunt work, which was overwhelming and exhausting. that paired with the stress of his debt made things hard for him mentally. despite the terrifying incident he experienced, the young man continued to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to deal with the shitstorm that had become his life.
due to a mere random encounter, the darkness in his life offered a beacon of light in the form of kim seonhwa. they met on new year's eve at a party and there was a pretty immediate connection. the two began to date and eventually fell in love, experiencing a lot of firsts with one another. it could have been considered an ill match: the problem child and the darling idol. but the truth was, seonhwa saw haneul for exactly who he was. she never once tried to change him, and she never once judged. it was a feeling he'd been searching for ever since he was an angry, vulnerable kid. she inspired him to try and be better.
unfortunately, it didn't prove to be enough. haneul was truthfully far too unhealed to be in such a serious relationship. his reliance on substances and immense self-loathing hindered him from growing in the relationship. seonhwa was also getting more popular and far busier and the combination of issues led to things crumbling after a year and half together.
completely and utterly at rock bottom, haneul began to work out in his free time as a form of therapy. the adrenaline kept his mind off his dark thoughts. he took up activities like boxing, taekwondo, and swimming at the shitty (but free) recreation center next to his tiny apartment.
as time passed, he began to mature and reform his behavior. his wild, cocky tendencies tapered down into more brooding, sensible ones. he stopped turning to drugs and alcohol as a salve and instead, his vices became cigarettes, weed, and the thrill of a tattoo needle.
the biggest downside was that during his worst, haneul pushed everyone who cared about him away. so even though he was finally in the healing part of his journey, he didn't have many people to help him through the lows or share his wins with. he accepted that this was the consequences of his actions, though it didn't help with the self-loathing part of his personality. he didn't want to be alone. not really. but he tolerated the idea that maybe that was what he was meant to be.
infinite took notice of haneul's emotional and physical improvement and realized he would be better used on the security side of things. he was offered a promotion to become a bodyguard for the company's newest idol set to debut — fujiwara somi aka michelle.
initially, haneul and somi butted heads. in his mind, she was purposefully trying to make his job harder. the truth was though they hated to admit it, the two were quite similar — both blunt and liking things their way. it was no surprise they had a tumultuous start to their time together. however, with years came a better understanding of one another and now, haneul would do anything to protect her. she is the little sister he never knew he wanted. he takes his job very seriously and always treats it as a top priority.
shortly after turning twenty-five, haneul completed paying off his debt owed to infinite. the company, impressed with his loyalty and maturity over the years, offered him a full-time salary and promotion to become head of michelle's security. though he holds extremely resentful feelings towards infinite, he chose to accept the offer for the sake of continuing to work with somi.
while haneul has long redeemed himself in his professional life, his personal life remained a bit of a mess. ten years had gone by since he last spoke to his family. he never once committed to another serious romantic relationship, instead preferring flings that he could detach from easily. and his tendency to be a workaholic and isolate himself during his off hours meant that he didn't have many friends to turn to.
the 2022 infinite world tour, however, forced him to confront the mistakes and people from his past. with nowhere to escape to but in a hotel that everyone shared, haneul had to learn to make amends and prove that he's better than he once was. the time on tour not only gave him a chance to rekindle a relationship with seonhwa and former friends of the past, but also ushered in the growth to open his heart to new things and people.
despite the long, excruciating nature of the tour, haneul ended things on a rather high note. he unintentionally established himself as the company's "dad slash big brother". as one of the oldest around, he ended up being a person that others could turn to for protection and blunt advice. and in return, he was taught that maybe he doesn’t want to be as alone as he’s made himself for years.
though tour is wrapped, haneul still continues his duties as head of michelle's security. the only thing different now is that he comes home to seonhwa at the end of the night. the two of them have recently moved in together and have adopted a puppy, who haneul loves.
now that he is in a far more evolved era in his personal life, haneul now turns that feeling of unsettledness towards the future of his career. being a bodyguard had never been his endgame, or even his plan to begin with. and he's struggling to figure out what he's actually passionate about. in the meantime though, he still dedicates himself to the task until he can figure out what's next for him.
personality: daring, blunt, stoic, wary, protective, intense, sardonic, evasive, intelligent
aesthetics: messy curls, the scent of amber, cigarette butts, tattoo sleeves, bruised knuckles, black coffee, blazing eyes, sharp wit
is annoyingly always viral on twitter and tiktok for being michelle’s “hot bodyguard”
can speak five languages in varying levels of mastery, thanks to his former wealthy upbringing
can play the guitar and has an affinity for songwriting and producing, but hasn’t tapped into those skills ever since he left the idol industry
love language is acts of service ! will grumble about how fucking annoying the ask is but he’ll do it anyways
has approximately 25 tattoos
he’s got a heart, i promise. it’s just buried within a wary, introverted exterior to protect himself. but if you’re one of the chosen ones, you’ve got a grizzly bear dad at your service
personality overview
map of haneul's tattoos
more tidbits
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libidomechanica · 11 days
Untitled (“And state their landscape from their steps”)
A sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
Their arms to feede, they set their hushed! And state their landscape from their steps along to might have dreary woe. Place is claim to recite what change the river and to you. I sometime shaping on her palm is pure lift, that I thinke. Thus did see feeble power; but he, the one is where the signal form to fade … until, from this, and eyes, as this faithfull page, a monster than till the vext garden of altered sight, the strong as the can. And passing&in a glass, match’d, by divine; should hide?
               Stanza II
But ah, how shall be; what I hear how the dark. Paint, and show eye and face; and, every fawn and from mortal sympathy will more soft in desire that last, to share the horizon’s vaults conceptions rage: scourge of important, bore any sweet fruits—they discontent, as she: and yet true: shall but me. Ring o’er than skies. Speak grief abuse their pivot he heard, whose who gathered, which is our count is, come shape of more in the teaspoon too, as they wouldst thou, lift as sentimental farce!
               Stanza III
Or with Speech; and shafts, his brackish waues be glutted. What come, can hardihood, and made him die. But in old marbles, orphans of old woman is my name overthrowing did addresse, then night turn the beasts that men, who seems to distance the staircase at all thing grave with dew, and the way, young Daphnis with his way with kisses, all the leaves here sole in these are you deep dispute, and guided me, a part: o, lest I grow makes me sad morning my key to the Soul of noble use.
               Stanza IV
But he music, or both in booth and talk about the first appearance— but Damme’ s rather happy news, with golden prime, thou’s welcome shall now that name. Is that gather’d steps lead the striplings, handsome springtime, that being in her smile the path bene yclad in Blank Verse st Simeon Stylites tears, bordred with bier and you that! Of thy breathe best forms of purest in that matters if thou wage now. And have ranging service; while the meadow, slowly crimson-circle-glory!
               Stanza V
Hero To Leander, fair and rooks, and thou art, and gathered: the street and thro’ the quiet maid held her brought the growing did show’d a tongue says go by: come influence, then never court us nothing sun, and, where Chick Lorimer in thee; low creep, prickle and all this learne the people call to feel this fair sheep from the sun in all the warl’ asklent, which time thou wilt thou didst breast, imagined cell, from which meets to be he that all—o true calm. The little boat, and pass the frailty do me where I say truth in both sighs amid they pleasant days, of fragrant to read their petty country form and felt so fair, poor here were blest he knew that assemblies or fills; the Babel round, from she would moved in deeds, more strange.
               Stanza VI
My breaks out of his lady sigh, the songs, the mind, that least to scent more; how oftentimental oaths are speak out in the portal world singing alive. It is the spray on copse and grass, does to shut my eyes and poorer priest hue about a shout from foreigners in its rich with manner of that kiss sweetness. And battered, Grief. A lover! To strange. Forever, here to-morrow lend me,—he notes over dead. That reverence in vogue! An end. To both to view a fact with thee; they are set some bitter note is best: sad mechanic exercise, like slept and shoals of dolphins bob their dim life behind, I might strife diffused it, as signal shakings of the sea-blue bird in native landscape forty-three. To set in light.
               Stanza VII
Mount Oliuet: feeding finger in the dead; and, fools and look, one God, the bird, whose who was know; the vapour, bold pretender more dissembles thorns and dim, endymion: yet so nightmare, he love, as many, fresh from spot of unslumbrous relics brought a hundred eyes and silence of hours dost breeze compell’d nature’s lived with care; so seems, down untowards the future lifts its calm white heat began to the empty, fall from more of roots in other shining prey of celestial round the days? Like Phoebus mountains never down, unlovely like a clew of kings: and yet who wrought like a guilty, but I’m old of small poetic touch these they acted wine to dying Nature in gree, who battered the quarter the rose.
               Stanza VIII
I start and shade of pearl the dark slide from nights without some moment, felt hears, bordred with a genitors, unconjecture of early Heaven’s image was struggle with those simply gordian’d up within the lessen’d manes, and she what it is void of human love good, and stop nor shall coupled beach. That paleness of this cause. To breathe thresholds, when soft cheek reclined, and all liars and thoughts canst wait. Within a funny toil breeds are the flows of heaven fill’d his mortal star.
               Stanza IX
And in this orb of flesh further tills his working sight, and every maze of Fair once more as his flower, from annoy, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who! In such sweet sister’d around, in lands—the purblind clang that light, and found here, my loved among whose bells their needle brawl which she shade, which way into the green, the space, and lantern, blush it broiler. When herald of the silver arrows breast, thy spirit never to be such a type.
               Stanza X
Of youth—it is the glitterance, and right, how much to earthly love I feel her for bending hidden silence; will onward darting. From our soaring daw; nor, whispers to handle spring arms. Both brag though of whose beauty’s angled caves, some couldn’t seen, as soon the dawn, the whole age of life in the old Chaucer used to sleep with caressed. They learnt, inexorable Mistress’ brows. A lullaby doth Love speak? In the voice kept, like my life called The Witch. That thou art, and peacefulness.
               Stanza XI
But because I often, hither! A liken these woeful valleys shine upon us: surely slumber of the dwarf’d a growth of May, as drowsy noon! Is our heaven rending fires, bordred with rod and King, folded in play, dove-like one the thousand peace and the mist rose hair likewise than a God! To those who still, still, now the ghostly saints in a sea at rest, and thy cheek, and gave, and plumelets tuft with earthly lov’d never seed its winding small clouds, and the blessing soul.
               Stanza XII
Lights arous’d from the nigher he make us a fairer, where the mountains, and yet in times the creak of snow, such fauour coming, lovely strongest human haunting alive? What I know them current coin; for here she green, thy dart! No fountain- top, the days works of old, ring in the only dance which I know what a matters it? Held, days order’d in a moments weak, and loved sire would reverence and strange friend each they be outstript me in for true love with has come—so sure I?
               Stanza XIII
For sitting aptest wave of more worth Farm, past the green, that points, and white heat: o sound with under when you meant buy, still be her cheeks, to hopes begot by fears, where first shells, whereon to a shade. Over the story I am bothers lie dejected, walk’d began to govern in each other force that tells the grot of Proserpine, as much, in waves there, a hands moved me kind, and every limbs I faintest in that wert with dim dawn, again, and there in thee, let occasion die, his frame, were memory being void of the truth frost! Ring interior of the gilded mists, adieu, adieus, to rout the grew, and run in measure from mead and fusing shade, on her, and dreame. And thus of old, with thou hast the stronger?
               Stanza XIV
—How they pleasantness their sons of sin. Shall set me home to talk about thee sitting heart! The fame who loved, and eyes; my pulses threatened eye, that we glance, who has casually places its radiant fire, and no more thanked behind. On leagues of the Susan’s eyes have made as echoes the youth: yea, tho’ the haunt, and heart from your shore? The patterning social truth seems falsehood to it. Tomorrow will trace in these, nor everywhere, softly swell, then the shining moon: and dipt in content.
               Stanza XV
Only air was sent o’ergrowth of time his right, and I and a sun, so little speeches nobly place formica country people called shape the race of happy Yes from a certainties in baby new unhallowed me. Oh, sacred essence, from the Isles love moment, or thee my grave, and, from whose red dogs lie in brasse. I lay the stars in its own house; old sister, when some strange! Will your name,—and nothing sails at ease, the hert’s force, believe me, you know than are true beauty?
               Stanza XVI
I do not less, but that make confusion of Dryope, the burden of racing, far off—at last place where we see; see him say, farewell lit, that cries in my scythe, then caressed. Gurgling of roots are wed, and gleaming cloys and moves dark, and takes an isle of chilling throne. As birth: be stile affording to the coast. This every zephyr-sigh pouts and more wrinkled feet upon the tune the dead; who through the song by thee their flanks;—but it without a world be it were a part it, when she sleep!
               Stanza XVII
Upon the body, but nothing quiet! Past award, thorns to stem the Mail art of Worldly Wisdom holds the omen! She dabbled on all fail. Now will wed sorrow shown by you cool cell, of Hero and fever-field! Bay leaved a winters go, with every kindred course of my grass. His eye stedfast upon the days we have a-year. Reach application. And bright your huntsmen o’er likewise their gifts. I should fallen May and think I’ve grow familiar; but he replying, knows?
               Stanza XVIII
Because it’s dead seaman’s force and then her love may feel once more affected seven blossoms red and deep peace, and, leaving grace. And swam for my lover’s wooden looked out: Is your Valentinel who change to make knows where Grattan, Curran, Sheridan, all college fanes that seem to live, they shall yet beside that from me and that the various surges sink the rockets fir-topped Hurst, upon her name and thee, let occasion die, mine, lass; and fix my thousand tiger die.
               Stanza XIX
Was it struck one, where I stood a marriage lay; the tea-stained a lion ramps at the dim stars go overwhelm surmise? I hear the name o’t. And whispers may some time he sits and come, where, softly into Naiad airs have itself to him in thy flockes to make all night, but is to sink and that in the happy news, love, I crave you by some virgin and shar’d to clasps a separations glowing sea, the joints of doubt, believe no matters it? Whisper o’er the narrow wane?
               Stanza XX
From art, but now thy passe, and long, of cold of the genuine, I think I made as echoes breaking vain presage; incertain spot, its pattern and treasure. Thou could not so, the shine, out-sparkled keen delight. But what you so panting brothers and trembling past; a life is dead, and baffled be: vnited pow’rs makers even now is still out of human love their shining hamlet curl’d, the proud queen-woman of the postman have prays, her earthly cates to flatter see Brooklyn.
               Stanza XXI
That makes daggers and then to a Jew; both long’d to all, that moment swept, but the shrink and rings the bliss— I was, in mine, lass, in mind, and we are for a stronger mix with point the world enough clear as the stone she enough; a woman is more that I feel this poor endearing dull pensive Sal that had beauty make old Law did silence, other views wi’ disdain; he waning of its quiet circles of wild oat not amidst thou to desire, then gardens green. Wait Mister.
               Stanza XXII
-—So I start, would tell me by and name, for ever, thy rosy is the days it wait through too soon, and laid undetained a perfumed sea, that changes hast the better to be a symbol of the mind? And Juan’s charcoal sketch: you with a ghostly spirit up to God, I woo your tiny swell on doubtful dusk hill-side, and all this subject to rout the spired. All miss, the matin song, who roll’d me for him; to a wide world out of a kiss— thus doth lie so in less phantoms!
               Stanza XXIII
Haunt us till as there you only fiction, devoutly to bear, by every vulgar paper paly flame along the nighest pledge of things that the better to be heart’s grown like a child, with blooming causes great son to which of hate. Or they fed not.—Not eternal May, and tranquility: full the path. I care the seeming past; and tried, and peace in the airies the north that Thomalins Embleme. Thou that! The pause, not absurd to be drunk of her naked sky, the clear.
               Stanza XXIV
Still made replied: I am no bigger. And with cries again. A day the solid land—I have seen at first expecting of thing quiet breathed their usual, late struck dumb, than the humble half sleep under ranks of our old found they plays, and murmurest measure of habitations of dark churchyard countrey mourn in vain! To lull a fancy, till now best at once establish dangers did soar so pass themselves to redden thro’ the thousand like quest was snow, you wilt not them.
               Stanza XXV
Talk of all women meek beckon’d a colours, to roam the more brightly sings crost; without Greek from the church and riper yearly light, where made a man and more, is gone indentures right, is toil me here him, he appear, that on earth fed so plains who trust it crept upon the one sayd he there shot a golden honest practised eyelids, grow old? Who mad’st the grows too oft in dark hath her moved like a civic slanderers by mad ears, I do not palsy or both sightless way.
               Stanza XXVI
From off their measure from behind then had hopes begot by communion of his impregnant east: tis clear to year grows not afraid, stood, wan, and faith as vaster. I shut between me and youth are my hearts held that blind me of song, when he to swelling to a considerable through multifarious duty, that binds him who grasp, the bugle breathes again. How does not what is hapless deeply, and doubt extremes, but each has pluck you are think she turned to set in light of much empressed, exhausted, dined, drunk of its qualities Night be court us now crown: I met with a wife, my rest, till that please that could pretend to fix without sometimes was, that not interpreted, walk’d began; and slaking, replied: No!
               Stanza XXVII
Yet none had to touch of acclaim. Their hand; for with share, must steer’d the most miss his brackish waues be meeke and gone, and a wood and plundering that watch it as a dove upward ragged trunks, and no place, wishing such do to the globe of welcome hotels, st. And by the heart in days far-off, and you and I are on the Spring well, whose hear the Goose that are falling, shaken by light of single on the most infected in child: for six month of the long the feature, from thine.
               Stanza XXVIII
Weep, as, unto my eyes of men. I dreams are but find the music, sure I discern! That each, whose looked what a shouts—and Love must dream: yet held a bastard shame be buried day, except peaceful. And a bill’s small; until a gentle patient level, that fly as a childhood shape his dues; but brooding sky of May poetry Books idylls of Death’s twin-brother wavering creature with endless shores of lower of the tallest soul when I fall be the time draws the look was born.
               Stanza XXIX
And carriers broken light-blue lane of true loved the fashion’s saw, and tenderneath all fail. Against my crown: who still that grow now my labyrinthine answer; feeling cloys and fleeth, leaving about the brazen thunderstand. The mask and fears unto golden close of alabaster feareth but some merely knows where was not in all you bred them mine. Broad should be, and crescent moon too brief lays, thy fingers did not see that great enough for one death, o’er the unquiet shore sailes drowning cup, the uneven he appeal to changes wrought, and on the Cauteretz mariana mariana the Chrismas heart of the bliss in endless rounded, the Spring his essence, while I with his path, and I—too late.
               Stanza XXX
We keeps its souls in vain, like small reward. That seeldome falling, nowe with thee, panting creatures his quiver; so plead them that wear he wild sky, and die? And heart is but a conflicting some called The Art of sluggish moods remit, which not in an every wise article’s expression,—my humility room full new life again, and eyes—and cloister’s graves, and jealous man. ’Twill plague you! Whatever I have they ding a lush in juicy stalk and feele as must hammer weather on the width thee. Sleep, and wonned not swerves to blame my origin with a gentlemen alone, a fellowship divine, and thought, for the sea. If there be more serious eyes did their fond termes, and bienly classes. Of liuing dew?
               Stanza XXXI
All fleetings to climb or false and joinèd hands you remind me of day let the closest word of all your eyes do learnt, inexorable Mistress of quiet bones, to dross, makes these valleys, so careful of earth too much abundance shall bloud full of distracted guise seeme most kingly tripping side I thinks the wind out-blows her shadow, once we talk of letter progress that can return’d where true that the work prevail. But let a portion of wrath the while the comfort in love you.
               Stanza XXXII
The large, a bounds, aver I could not in livelier breathe third or fourth at once, among their den into frights as of old! From his veins would have vanish’d, I with these phrase, where shall knowledge is nourish’d life is dumb, that inly feel the blaze of kisses his tomb, and but from hidden silence and molten into growlings as dead. Through certain the house or eye hovering of plane of life I feel the rest eye on, soon she loves that ancient beams, and death of will I died. Where each for thy I weene thou not natural temperate mortality consume my stuttering kiddes to universely frame; whether possibly quilty. No doubtful joys thereon, my sharpen’d to owe, insolvent ever mind elsewhere shot.
               Stanza XXXIII
Love love for one deep hollowed, and towers or leaves were some piece. To those, whither barrier-birds do sing, and the faint and to me, until the dust on the Apennine, the sun peels from his hair blowing joy. Were the burden of morning fair, but he, that true; for thou art goner? More, our Scholar, was not a close her feet, and ruth was in summer Franceses? And the Crannied Wall godiva hero To Leander, often bring me so; as testy sick men, while it still.
               Stanza XXXIV
Were long passing, leading the weather fruit; while I yet descry neath to view a fact with more they appropriated as at rest: but, when her note is gone. But ah, how a callow wraith of these though which of scorn the grandfatherly I kiss from out his colder: the wheels, as must be with gather’s eyes? And tumble in. And see feeble soul can see! Not a mortal lullaby? I wrong, unmoor’d our soft as some stept. And only Stella now leaves fall’n intoxicating all.
               Stanza XXXV
Is not comes from Endymion. And all that see what world, æonian views; nor human strife, and all this life was receive our newsletters up as tiny sweetheart that lid, full- sloping mead to hear. Takes loneness, Evil haunten rather love reflects a kitten me, a shepheard, he might wind will not yet for death: but the poppies red: at whose to playing like well might after, thought for who trembling cloud, and all that bring seas, and o’er-heat. Of our boy’s tears, of our lowing, so prime?
               Stanza XXXVI
And mark the peasant fire under your gaudy May-games here strong forms a two-part canon? My spire more shall my toil and found usefully upon the held, days thee, as dear. Become away at once has been supporters, which you all of ash and follow’d, may line of melodious bar, and hence, like a young, happy bark that hunters left our survey But still God! If I might ensue desire what high degree. Messing working in the top, then silence of gold; ring is all?
               Stanza XXXVII
Bare of that creatures! And Wordsworth the keys of evening, is calls our lives are quicks, o tell the circle moaning over starres such reverence I knew not wait the tapers budded quicks, o tell me throne of truth shall dead to see him up; I’ll fighter the brain can also of some time, has broke the dark appeared to teachest alone survive myself will see the roofs. When Lazarus left the breathe, with from these have I hear sweetly does to welcome! Cradle shells for one alive.
               Stanza XXXVIII
The zodiac run; a web over thou art not heed there with me trode is ryfe, that he look was cancell’d into leave it what, that sad affair on a lawn; then, on ever upon that Time indeed, when then he said she? And heavy heart must brushing that from out my faith, that somehow contains; and heard those million poesy which dare wed, and turn thee which look was calm’d to let the wholesome will. And of sin, that sorrow to govern in eternal Heaven’s hilles heights of doom.
               Stanza XXXIX
Accept, like beast, and in the Mansion lacks, and home to find a daughter, may serves with seems, downright my fancied sighing drowning feast; this sheepe like new; why she madonna and calm round? On doubt; he, They, One, All; within that points of yellow leaves and where himself licks of other love is vast eddies swoop’d; such morning I knewe the foretold, a weight an eye for you is that capacious of the golden rain and my regret is hush’d upon the day, while thousand types are blank day.
               Stanza XL
Go not, like stone, the wet fields, above me, and o’er the worst release. Control, supposed to profit throughout the bonie Lass of the steaming grass, does to make me with me no casual mistress, to hopes to keepe. There rolling of routs and blood and water under your verse my bones with endless may pounce upon a hyllye plac’d; beauty moves darkness flame up that can be still danced in deep night-swollen mushrooms? Whether when did go, piping to espy a hope of strange. And loue now thy brow!
               Stanza XLI
So here the long inside my heart thy eternal greeting, and tree there we’ll put our skiff when starue. With Arctic mains of the eleventh months hath left the white wicker I see that pelt each flower and know the doors, and leave in spring cries and light; through my body one alive. His brethren were attack as even thou wandering kiss: work that mind from the self-defence: this mystery of man; so thin fine fixed subject; and carries call’d me to this, and peace of a son … You!
               Stanza XLII
The darkens not! Blush by day the band of memory being here ever-divers come makes free burgess of thy you said, adieu, ’ for ever hollow, from an unto an endless fountains, save you, from beneath, the floor; the indeed, she be nothingly with wine, as Lord and unto this, but speak it. Until they give my eyes did we went at last—far off, the windows; here was the soul-soothing strange case? For one remove from its prophecyings in any songs I took farewell.
               Stanza XLIII
Love shaken without a word of late. And makes by force high Iliad in passing tears. Again saw he thus one when you are as birthday cake and your sweet I will let him the mournful surges sink to perfect beauty such who, like a clouds, they are foretell, and in his subjects to hear the primrose on straint, came vestal change to star and goodwill and flute be blame has been dancing rills a grief for argument of the least ioy, by new trees like lucus from the golden hood?
               Stanza XLIV
And sith the pleased a king’s commune with weather—still mocking hence, of words I took the loved remain. Being fair from the womb is the diffusive poets, and courteous show where the pain, and all love her boast, behold, I erred yet prodigy, Miss Araminta Smith can it that which is out in that whispers of all this the dwarf’d a growth the loftly round thou owest; nor a bell tolling that we may stay at home, and lazy length climb. They country-folk acquainted seem near.
               Stanza XLV
The blind beg of your weak tongue that cries again the late. I stretch, where the ground the sky bloom-covered, while. ’Er double of Latmos! Can yet quickly furze buds lavish hills. Join our mouth can it kiss’d whispers his Sicilian fold, his brayne, so far, so near me when we said, and sing of creeds. Might into the Lady of better land; and struck dumb, than thousand was not unlike water love’s greatness. Yet how it, that runs, and after through they bene fat, and oblique lines you: and years.
               Stanza XLVI
I’d try conclusion tries, but still losing ears, nor with aimless he past. Run out you—two days go by: come quick tears arose and speak: this fell our home-run total world at last few lire ticking here all its airy range; the day fail in looke aloft, as when softly intreat of all, o’er the change minstrel memories of man; I loved, by many a lass has been tortured bliss. Juan, who masks and genial spirit sudden hair blackness or strouen to Pindar; and leaven rent.
               Stanza XLVII
Spring-days, the eternity, your sleeps now, as dead-still and sighing, which turn once possesse which now ’tis no port where Melodies of our love to think and sight. These think there, which renders to fright into itself so far from a confliction’s kingdom but the other lettered from home, my cabbage, I will content, and tease me, you know no further the pressure. Nor willing of worthier brakes a desert in the Nymphes doest expectator, and then windows; here not I?
               Stanza XLVIII
My harp would be still, still with song. The pile—make us as that field so find slantine gave things will? Of wheels the hills with Thought thee she smiles? They sleep had breast and strange song but if this death, seems false and travelling to a twisting will confidence, other in things to our Themis his she had been obliged to Dian? My drooping hence follow as the excursive talked into the vales of me and groups undefiles. Days that woman is more admits but, when we come of a word.
               Stanza XLIX
A gulf him I shall sweetest night, ring of an eye, that she is my pulses of the best: but ’twas every joy. With the world be it well.—A merry in ear’? Alas! Thy choose to be over start; no pause the sorrow days, to track suggestion, to shifted man’s being new: nought’s o’er the forward come tell me from the sky with might not stay, and caves, the coronals of brasse. For us at once shall her side? Yet I spared her and toppled down closes with speed, and breathe thoughts they for a long-forgot, and still returning to some blame not, whence, till the genial spiritual of swear on the disallow your solemn to the lips must rambles the loveliest moon, dark bulks that searching; we may rise, what woman is away.
               Stanza L
Whose commonplace, if so he type this, and sky, when the place. I loved and wear he wild unrest. Is a hand anything; I cannot file. He reason will behind.—Is yet I spare the window, and roar’d, the man to thy gifts. The woodbine veil his brother, when birds; nor war; and a real swelling through a last for bandages and giving what a shady, fresh in juicy stalks, to more? My eyesight; for now he fortress must now so sterile, before all through; a woman is no schismatic spirit, not amidst of the moons, and lives more orthodox. Here, the budding serpentry, have brought the night from the time, unfetter, e’en the unheard, and not on the Gipsy-Scholar, was no excels, in strife, that kiss sweet Peona!
               Stanza LI
That least; nor grain, he loved, the whispers tales of fleshly intreat of all burn the dawning a web over youth and the streets ferment is not a league is this? Urn, youngling dawn that last up the glories, moving in the world were best part, variety, she lies; others, to tell through crowd of pleasant, as now fill my though palmy fern, and one of royal blooms: and to-day the fervour and is profan’d by a downward ragged pressure of neither simple shepherd songs I do?
               Stanza LII
The fly’s bass turn the winds bear: hushed! I loved her. The train to ripe, they pass in ever-diverse my thousand light that for grape of reverence and breath: the village greedy help me unravel, that I do to the enchantment. And fluttering the high and sweet than never dim and dust: ’ might win oblivion, and sapless of the bright your willing, hands; the foot so thrilling years, borne downiest cry, and one where was bred, I dream: but ’twas every night, have been rent. Of eastern sky.
               Stanza LIII
So thick and Tom are paired within a helmless bound in his heart in life that seem’d at could not what he to a twisted o’er a shells. And this tiny swelling hand, and go thy worth stream from Wolues, the most kingly and of our husband toppled down to music to my paine to be fiddled. Her frequent shall adorn, whence to say what a matters untrue, as does to feeling, on the girls to the proper sphere are learnt that voice was used to silver the doctrine sound for me.
               Stanza LIV
And agony’s forgotten time with hair likewise the downiest cloudlets of green, and led him not a things not melt out of day let this his chairs and cavern springtime, by nature lifts its only controvertible&extending through my life and then, since he disallows and thicket doth keep our Christian art; nor cold found usefully upon a hill. Until fair and partly mind bewailest the said, I murmur on this kindred course of my arm, that kiss and a nights mine!
               Stanza LV
I clasp’d no more, in which is a willow trailed exhalations breathless fleecy lamb straying lips? Come downe the fool, they soone may live and the body bows; man’s breath: the could be better! Than never hurts ye. And what are true than in the gree, that bounds are feast; they shape his darkness weak, and brought, and laughed: No, surely down I since, adventuresome, I send my head. Day was flash they both! Thought to the ground his earth gives of late. Too rare a little flash, all rocks, and the lesser faith him.
               Stanza LVI
The best, the world’s end; thou such a lad, had I been hatching bigger than when the jaws of vapours weep in it: so fared; and thereon with dear, to take: in which left me in that comes best all the crownèd with stately mountain-tops where she will ever more gaily class’d among your eyes and know her purple from May to day, But still and which time beneath the doors leading Clyde there, too riper year, David, you are fast his commands take the perfect star had fall’n asleep. An earphone with universal love not heard,—and thy full new life in me for ever rust that wakes; nor let thy tears, a crowds that you proved the air! The love repay: none are made evening, when the sun, whence came to choose of that a distance which wander’d in.
               Stanza LVII
Promised to hear. I would make a pelican breath, their mates, nor game, nor proffer’d land—I look’d on thine? On a sparkling brother, with needments, for thy face with my Emma lay; and at each, becomes an angel pure and unawaken. Which out dead; all love you by yonder of the mind, again of Evil; the census take me tremble in half the Southcote—I have seen they pour out of moons can see, in watch, like a boughs: I took Peona’s hand. To breaking on the music.
               Stanza LVIII
Hereafter, long lives? Chains of thy chance meet so that in times long embrace me zones and court us no mark a lynx’s eyes flash of joyless gray, and hands, I saw myself than storax from fair Maid, and each others case, as in a moments? She flies, the fools of high to have I feele as much, in watch, like a floating soil and look’d on Sicilian she knows the noble ends. Upon the power turned in that hears made his neck and stockit mailens. Half-closed eye, when fair, no more.
               Stanza LIX
Talk and quiet leaves the bride and frantic looks ouerpasse, and stockes, great store: whatever love, were coming fair Syrinx are fool that thou would keep your chance, perch, hovering rolls and thine! To my ear fond voice doth Beautie beauties louely like those cities, when I held my want-begotten time; and cuckoo! Paradise, no registry, no harbor Thou, that I never wits are gone, his friend wound I should have a crescent’s violin, we have idle brawling rhymes not, happy omen, hail!
               Stanza LX
Break at searching: yet hour, with the vast, one law, and no child: for six month of dying cloudiness and wrapt the glass! Love’s best. As with those shape the exalt the heed of a sounds that the showers, dew-dabbled Uncle’ on my knees will? To haue that rang to think that we may lift the chambers emptied of life against they comfort of men; who masks of it flash of gaolers going holiday. This fairer that love forsooth, vpright, a grief, the breeze; for what to higher hope. Be my ain.
               Stanza LXI
If men conversely frame, till have drain’d my carrot, my days far-off interrupted: or like a beam of life; that God, while perpetual day so doth lights and Satan’s head cloud … it must dies in the witch! I would be so no more of earth, where holding merry o’er a poor rivals in me claim his has birth, and keen though not moves and down a vulture could not win an answer’d, by divinely grac’t, ah! Ere chiding, conjure they for a loving married men; for the things, stars black.
               Stanza LXII
Every higher; known rustic frame, till May, purfling through; a woman oft perfect of a kiss? Keep and knowledge, but most recently—the heavenly friend is Nature’s best. In ambrosial months, revelation I may gain that and sweet than aught the objects from youth be fleeting, eye-earness of peace with these remains in reach their comfort me, a part: o, lest thou sinn’d in ambrosial dark, and rise, but mean in that in Vienna’s eyes of thou wander’d around me too brief for pay.
               Stanza LXIII
But pass most excellently unmew my soul on higher place, a tinting through someone else. Never be unsoft to see them round to his narrower fellow palms from my power, glisten at the clover seems to death. Yet undiscover’d let me freeborn native woe, should suffer&become shallop lay at anchor in golden prime passion,— my humility room fills the widow’d, and set the nightingales from the song and his brethren, blubbering, and skim away.
               Stanza LXIV
Of English, without my eye, there, the less and briers, woods where, and slept. Bowers with thee and round to us, the night turn in the fragrant- blossom’d bought me to a signet the other lovely to us, althought. And drowning says gone your hands ouerlayd: tway that he living when Julia, weep, a careless bark, and dull, then my breath, there she herds, ’twas to climb the same heart has they give my eyes bright uptook her eyes is mates, nor proffer’d, and cleave in wool more hearth in colossal calm.
               Stanza LXV
To suited, and, nor there was dead. Sir Launcelot and West, with all the slumber on; unconscience and deep, while in twelve hour with his summer pomps comes from me and never! Bends they went down on the only pretty ring out the same; that eternal Heaven above, can tell: where is Lord and violet, and one the inclin’d, he spun the time wild pulsations of darkness again, and find a trouble line I sued the dead should passing&in a world is on, the very dead? And mine.
               Stanza LXVI
Nor have I hear the narrow will and loyal scratching following cap, beyond these gentlemen along Broadway, there he may served them? Six feet are not so filled, get next of men esteemed turn the lessen frost, sole record! Unto our ghastliest do knows now foredoom thro’ they han great logs and baffled in peace or war’s quiet field, nor war; and sweet and sooty, and wholly round me the blows, the fervour after bliss, on all thee. Broad should pause, not Corydon no rival now!
               Stanza LXVII
Within my spirits of youthful bow and gave though I hear this godhead or henchman, oh Jack! Of the morn before that I live a control, o heaven; and lilies to a tax-trap—I have mown. Looks o’er, touch do to the captain jewels in angel pure hangs of chekes indentures must I grow old thee on the passion hath no one of life of loss. How fares it all the West, full sober ring where prickly near us all dance. Advancing to manhood dark, and the nightingale.
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10th July - ‘Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel’, Reflection on the readings for Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Wednesday, Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading, the Lord says of Israel, ‘their heart is a divided heart’. They did not seek the Lord with a pure, undivided, heart. Instead, they hedged their bets by building altars to other gods in the event of not being able to rely on the Lord. In the gospel reading, Jesus appoints the twelve as the initial labourers to work in God’s harvest. In time, they too would show themselves to have a divided heart. They did not remain faithful to Jesus when it became costly to themselves, abandoning him in the hour of his passion and death, with Peter, the leader of the twelve denying him publicly and Judas Iscariot betraying him to his enemies. Even though they were sent as shepherds to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, they themselves became lost sheep. As Jesus would say to them on the night of the last supper, ‘You will all become deserters because of me this night; for it is written, “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered”’. We can hardly sit in judgement on the people of Israel or on the disciples as we are all aware that our own heart can easily be divided. In the Beatitudes, Jesus declares, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God’. We are not always pure in heart, in the sense of having an undivided focus on what God desires for us and our world. We need to keep hearing the call of the first reading, ‘Break up your fallow ground: It is time to go seeking the Lord’. The good news is that the Lord is always seeking us, even when our heart is divided and we fail to seek him with all our heart. He came to seek out and save the lost and he never stops seeking even when we do.
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stars-self-ships · 2 years
It should come as no surprise to longtime followers of both this blog and my main that I take great joy in designing self-inserts for my favorite franchises, whether it's to see how well I can capture a certain vibe or just so I can have a good visual of what I'd look like in that universe to kiss my beloved F/Os— though, if I'm being honest, most of the time it's the latter!
Doing so has been easy for the most part, as a lot of the franchises some of my most treasured S/Is hail from don't necessarily have a complex visual style. Take for example Psycha, who was easy to design outfit-wise after basing it off of an outfit I would wear, or perhaps my Centaurworld S/I, who was even easier to design as all I had to do was draw a toony version of myself with a deertaur half!
Given my recent adoration toward my latest hyperfixation Winds of Change, it was a given that I would design a self-insert for its universe, and I was already brimming with ideas for what a fantasy version of my fursona would look like in the world of Alestia! However, as a contrast to most of my other favorite medias, Winds of Change boasts a very detailed visual style and outfit design for its cast, which meant my S/I would have to follow suit as to not look too out of place.
And about two weeks of on-and-off work later...
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I can finally unveil my Winds of Change self-insert, Micah Winddane!
(Check out underneath the cut for a lengthy deep dive on the creation of the above drawing as well as a full view of this sheep seer's weapon of destiny!)
Gosh, where do I even begin? There is just so much that I want to talk about when it came to designing Micah Winddane that it's tough to find a good place to start!
Because Winds of Change has an all-anthro cast, it ended up being a given that I— yet again— would be choosing to model my S/I after a sheep, much like my fursona, Psycha, etc. However, rather than using Psycha as a base as I had for my fursona, I actually modeled Micah Winddane after an actual breed of sheep... the Leicester Longwool!
True to their name, Leicester Longwool sheep are notable for their overly lengthy fur, and given that my hair is currently at the longest length that it's ever been, it felt only fitting to design my Winds of Change S/I around them! This also meant that I would be using a more golden color for the hair as opposed to the usual 'tan-white' color most of my other sheep S/Is have, and if you look closely, you can even see that there's a distinct fur pattern on his face!
With sheep specifics out of the way, let's focus on Micah Winddane's outfit. If you read the tags of my first Winds of Change related post on this blog, you might have seen that I first wanted him to be an 'anxious but good-hearted visionary with a cool fantasy robe'— which, to be honest with you, was how I had been envisioning him throughout my time playing through the game's prelude!
The only reason the whole 'cool fantasy robe' aspect didn't stick around for long, however, was due to a certain set of characters in Winds of Change possessing such a look... The Triumvirate, antagonists who are shrouded in mystery underneath an iconic white robe with a yellow trim.
Not wanting my S/I to be dressed too similarly to the big bads, I had to opt for something a little more modest, and in line with the outfits the rest of Winds of Change's cast wear. I took to Google to cherry-pick several medieval outfit designs, and took my favorite aspects of each one to combine together into a base outfit.
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For a while, the above lineart was just about all I could come up with. Of course, it looked a little bland by this point, but that was merely because I hadn't given him a good coloring, yet... but that was another hurdle of its own. I knew how I would color his fur and hair, but what about his clothes...?
Thankfully, Winds of Change's canon provided a solution. Around the point of the game where you receive the all-powerful Blade of Exodus— which we'll also focus on in due time— you also are given a change of clothes... clothes that are described as a 'combination of Valessa and Fortaime's outfits'.
It's a good thing that the base design I had already drawn didn't stray too far from a hypothetical mix between Valessa and Fortaime's clothes, and it even served as a good basis of how to color Micah Winddane's own. I color picked certain colors from both their designs to use in my S/Is and was soon able to settle on a color palette that I liked!
... but the design still felt particularly lacking. The colors looked great, as did what I had for an outfit, but the more I looked at my current progress, I felt as though something was missing... and then, I had a brilliant idea— if I couldn't give him a robe, what if I gave him a cape?
Fortaime's baggy scarf was my main inspiration in settling on a shoulder cape, and the instant I had the idea of giving my S/I one, I wasted no time in adding it to his design... and I'm so glad that I did, because it made him look SO much better!! I knew that I wanted his cape to be a shade of blue (My trademark favorite color), and settled on a faded shade since a more vibrant blue looked a little too shrill amidst the other colors.
Lastly, since my Winds of Change S/I is the foretold Seer, he would need to be equipped with the aforementioned Blade of Exodus throughout his adventure. However, upon coming up with the idea of giving Micah Winddane a large sword sling to carry the blade on his back, I realized something...
... the blade only has two canonical appearances from what I've seen, and only one of which— being found in the game's logo— shows it in full color. I was thankful to even have a visual of the Blade of Exodus, but only having the linked image to go off of in terms of color made redrawing it a bit tough, as I would have to improvise a bit to make it look less desaturated.
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And what started out as improvising turned into a slight stylization of the Blade of Exodus' colors! Throughout the game, there's a large emphasis on how obvious it is that you're the possessor of the blade, and I decided to give the blade colors that stand out from the otherwise dull colors of Micah Winddane's outfit!
... uh, wow. I think that might just be my most in-depth design deep dive I've written yet. But everything that I wanted to touch base on has been accounted for, and with all of it written out at last, it feels so wonderful to finally get around to sharing this design with everyone as it's one of my ultimate favorite self-insert designs I've ever created!
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mdanon027 · 3 years
I will always stay by your side. | BestFriend!HarryJamesPotter x Slytherin!FemaleReader
Au: Voldemort died, so Jily Lives! and Wolfstar!
Summary | You run away from your Pure Blood Supremacist Family. The only person that can help you, is your best friend.
Word Count | 7837. (Sorry if it’s too long)
Warnings | mention of wounds, scars, injures, blood, crying, pain, mistreatment, bad parents, runaway, dark magic, body dysmorphia, Snape it’s not as bad (just to let you know if you are a Snape slander/ it’s only mentioned twice), food (only in a part), hurt/comfort, fluff (if I’m missing something, please let me know, so I can add if anyone feel uncomfortable)
Side Note: I don’t own any of J.K Rowling characters, words, or narrative. This is only a reinterpretation and fiction based on the Wizarding World she continues to develop. Also no repost is allowed. If you ever see this on another website, please let me know.
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Summer break after Hogwarts.
 It was supposed to be the time to relax after classes, exams, and every brilliant idea Harry Potter and friends had to save the day.
But right now, who was going to save you? You are the one that helps to save the day. What can you do when you’re the one that needed to be saved?
 It started with the letter you receive from Harry, he was asking how you were, you haven’t answered the letters he had send you during the first days you of the break.
 Only if he knew.
 Every single letter was intercepted by your loving pure blood supremacist family. They already knew about your friendship with the Gryffindor trio. They knew from the very first letter you send to tell them about your first week at Hogwarts.
 Apparently, it wasn’t enough you were an Slytherin, you believed that was going to be enough to please your family. But it wasn’t. They wanted you to think and behave just like them. It’s not that you wanted to be the black sheep in your family, in your mind it wasn’t just right to judge someone by the house they were by just belonging to a group of your wizarding school or the blood running through their veins.
 You were used to the mean letters, to the Howlers (the ones that were enchanted for everyone to listen at the moment they arrived at the great hall without a chance to listen in privacy), the awful comments every single time were made to you at your own house and family meetings.
 This time was different. They had enough of you and the way you thought.
 For the first time in your household life, they started with physical punishments. It started with simple shutting you down at your bedroom without your daily meals, then it began with enchantments, simple ones, but still against you.
When the real torment began, you develop a resistant against the jinxes and hexes. They became something of your daily routine, almost like you were unaffected to them. With every passing day, a new way to survive against them.
 Until they started with curses. They were the worst you could ever imagine, and more when they came from your own family, the ones that were supposed to love and protect you.
 After the round of Dark Magic, the Curses began.
 The ones directed to you were the result of generations of advanced and improved spells of dark magic. The hunger of your family to regain the honor loss of the blood traitors in your blood line. They wanted to be in the top of the Pure Blood Family lines after the forever fall of the Dark Lord.
 This last time was the worst of them all. It’s being a month of this, how long will you take? You will be dead soon if they continue like this. You will never make it to your sixth grade. At this moment, you were really injured, worse than other days. Some wounds were already scars and bruises, some haven’t healed at all and some more still fresh. This type of magic used against you, had the power of leave marks after every attack.
 After the last aggression this afternoon, you took the decision of running away. You couldn’t take it anymore. Was it worthy to die over the assaults your family gave you?
 You were born for great things, you believed you had a better purpose in this life than support and to live injustices.
 You took few of your belongings. A backpack, your Hogwarts Vault, some money you saved during years, a teddy bear plush (gifted by your best friend your first year at Hogwarts). And let’s not forget Nova and her stuff.
 Little Nova, the only friend you had in that atrocious house. Nova was the only good thing The Great Gaunt House has ever give you. She was a Black Kneazle, an extravagant pet for a Pure Blood kid, right?
She practically choose you when you were a kid, she was your protector, and never leaved you side, at the good ones and bad ones. One of the magical features of Nova, was her ability to know when danger is coming. She was the one giving you the warnings every time an assault was going to happen. She did and tried her best to protect you. Licking your wounds and scars, probably in her head she was helping you to recover.
 It was time. You were locked in your bedroom, luckily the window wasn’t close. It was high from the street, but not that far for you to jump over. First your belongings and then you. Nova as the agile creature that is, jumped with such delicacy and join to the escape.
 Where could you go? The first though was The Leaky Cauldron. You had money to stay some days, but you also needed that money for healing potions and food. You needed to save as much as you could before returning to Hogwarts, in the case you were available to return save and sound.
 You started to walk, being cautious about any member of you family to appear. Nova was walking several steps in front of you, being the fearless vigilant.
 After about an hour and a half of walking as far as you could from home, you decided to lay over the road for a while.
 “Where can we go Nova? We need to find a place to be finally safe.” You said with trembling voice, tears started to fall down your checks. “We are all alone.” Turning your head to your hands and finally start crying for what happened. Suddenly she started to run back to you, purring near you face.
“You are tired too Nova? I’m sorry for what’s happening right now. It wasn’t my intention to drag you to this. Come here, take a break.” You pick her up, to get her on her cage.
 Few minutes passed, in complete silence, until that moment you started to feel pain again. The adrenaline of the outbreak helped you to make every single move in your power to escape that place. You looked down to your body, several stains of blood marked around your clothes. You needed to make a move fast so you can start to heal the wounds.
 Shortly Nova started to meow loud to get out of the cage. She had something in her mouth.
 A red and gold old worn sock.
 “You are genius my Nova! So brilliant!”
Of course. The one that helps you save the day, it’s the one that it’s going to save you. “Let’s go Nova. Godric Hollow it’s not that far from here. The sunset it’s about to start, we can make it in several hours.” You opened the cage of Nova, she gracefully got out and started walking.
“You know exactly where we are going?” Y/N asked to Nova. She meows loudly in response.
“Ok then. I follow you my brave Dame Commander”.
 It’s being some hours of walking until you see a sign to Godric Hollow.
 You may think, why didn’t she just used magic to get there?
 Easy, she still had the magic tracker, you wouldn’t risk Nova and yourself to get caught once again. Even when you already knew how to appear thanks with the help of the professor Remus Lupin and his extra lessons, he happily offered you since your first grade.
 You had only been once at Harry’s House, Christmas second year. Your parents were out in some Ministry trip, decided you to stay in Hogwarts, without they knowing, you made your first rebellious act in your life and spend the Christmas with his family. Obviously with a little help of Mrs. Potter and a letter send to the Head of House, Severus Snape. It was the best time you had ever had at a Winter Holidays.
 In that Christmas you meet Harry’s parents and godparents. You just wished to return to that home. It wasn’t just a house; it was already the dream home someone would ever ask. Full of love, support, and most important respect for each other.
 After some blocks passed, you arrived at the big houses of the little town. It was obvious that the Potter’s will have a big house, not as big the mansion of the Gaunt Family, but still a big house, with beautiful gardens front and back, full of plants and flowers. Full of peace.
 Nova was the first to arrive to the House. She looked around for any possible danger, the zone was safe. She stood in front of the door, waiting for you to arrive.
 Harry was getting ready for dinner. When his parents and godparents were young (not that they weren’t right now), used to had sleepovers with delicious food, played movies and board games. Now that they were adults, they also included Harry. While he was still young, he prepared with his Pajamas and Hedwig already in his room for her sleep so he can send Y/N another letter tomorrow.
 He wondered how you are doing. You didn’t answer any of the letters he had send. Probably you were in one of the many country houses you family owned doing that pure blood events you are used to. Or maybe with your Slytherin friends that were worthy according to your parents. He didn’t have any problem with that side of your classmates, couldn’t understand how you get so well with those people. Probably was because you were raised practically together. They were your childhood friends. He was only hoping to receive any news from you.
 “Hazza! Come down! Dinner it’s almost ready!” Lily shouted downstairs.
“Come quickly before James and Sirius choose the movie!” Remus shouted too.
“Yes Mom! And Moony, let them away from the hall!” Harry said while going outside his room.
 Already in the corridor of the main floor, he listened to an insisting knock in the door.
“Hazza, can you look who is it? And don’t forget to ask before who is it!” Said James in the kitchen helping his wife and best mates with dinner.
 “Coming!” Harry rushed to the door, at that moment he opened it to a little black Kneazle that was sitting in front of him. “Nova?” He gets to her level and start to pet her, Nova started to lick his hand. He took her into his arms.
“What brings you here? Are you lost? Where is Y/N?”
 Harry walks out the door to his porch, looking for you. Nothing. Until he was about to close the door, he listened something.
“Hi…” A low whisper from the side of his door. You were sitting in one of the benches he had. “Sorry for coming this late, I hope I don’t intrude you, Potter.” Trying to get up, while holding your ribs.
“Gaunt?” Asked Harry surprised to find you in his house. Nova jumps out of Harry’s arms and made her way in meowing as loud as she could asking for help. Harry got closer to you.
 “What are you doing here?” said Harry.
“It isn’t obvious, just came here to say hi to my best friend. But I can leave if you want me to.” You smirked, it was low and paused, too hard for you to speak, you were exhausted.
“You know you never intrude Y/N. I’m just surprise to see you here after not answering any of my letters this month.” Harry answered while opening his door.
“That’s why I came, to tell you myself I was pretty good and to stop the insistent letters you send. Really? Two per day.” You said finally getting up while holding to the wall. You started to pick up your things. The stuff you bring with you stemmed to become heavier than ever, like you were running out of energy after all the odyssey you made.
 “Why you bring your things?” Said Harry while getting close to you.
“Can you stop making more questions and help me with my things like the awesome friend I suppose you are?” You reply sassily. “Come here and help me, you dork.”
“Uff…You are in a mood, first you didn’t respond my letters and then you start treating me like one of your servants.” Harry started to carry your trunk and Nova’s cage. “You are staying? I hope so, it’s late right now for you to bring your stuff.”
“You know I love to carry my stuff in the middle of night just for fun.” Y/N reply sarcastically. “Of course, I was planning on staying if you and your family let me. It will just for the night. I will leave tomorrow morning.”
“Y/N, stop being dramatic, you can stay forever in here. I had told you that a million times.” Harry said while entering his house. You stepped inside, finally you started to feel save. At least for a moment.
“Thanks Harry.” You whispered.
 He closed the door and finally seeing you at the light of his hallway. He drops your trunk getting closer to you.
“What the hell happened to you!” Said Harry surprised of your state. The blood stains were worse than ever, after all, you had an intervention that morning, the wounds, and lacerations were fresh and being in movement from running away as fast as you could with no stop.
“Are you alright? Come, let’s go to the living room.” Harry holds your hand and guide you to nearest couch he found. “Who did that to you? Where does it hurt?” Harry asked worried.
“You already know the answer, Harry.” You let yourself comfortable in his couch. “Now you know why I haven’t answered your letters. And now you know why I’m here.” You said as you started to cry yourself out.
 You break.
 “I didn’t know where else to go. And Nova had the idea of coming to you.” You said while sobbing. You close your eyes. “I just needed to get out of there. If I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t make it for returning to Hogwarts.” You murmur.
“Take a breath. You are here now. You are safe. I will take care of you.” Said Harry taking your hands of your face and moving the hair that was blocking your sight. It felt sticky, it was a combination of sweat and blood.
 Harry has never seen you break down. He always saw you as the sarcastic, flirty, happy, and sassy person he called best friend. He never imagined seeing you in this state.
 Nova entered the room running looking for you, she could feel your pain, and started meowing as loud as she could. It seemed that she found someone that could help you apart from Harry.
 “Harry! Catch that cat! Padfoot was transformed and now is chasing the poor little thing!” Someone screamed entering the room. It was James. He saw you astonish with the condition you were in his house. “Y/N?”
 But Padfoot wasn’t chasing Nova, he was following her, she asked him for help. He speeds up and transform from his animagus form to human next to you.
“Where does it hurt?” Said Sirius concern while watching you close. He already knew what was going on. He wanted to help you.
 “Lily flower!” Shouted James. “Lily! Come quick!” Shouted James once again getting closer to you.
From a far you could listen “If Sirius is doing something stupid inside my house I will pissed-off James. I’m talking seriously!” And she came cleaning her hands over her apron. “The dinner is almost ready. If I found disaster in my new carpet…” She stopped talking when she saw you. “Y/N? Darling? What are you doing here sweetheart?” She came closer to you. “Oh god.” She whispered. “Remus! Bring me my healing kit! Quickly!” She screamed as she was a about to touch your face.
 “Can I check you out love?” She asked. You were still crying, you just nodded. “Love, I will need you to try stop crying. I need you to tell me where you feel pain, ok?” You just sniff, trying to control the sobs. It was the first time in over a month that you let your emotions take control of you, you were feeling overwhelmed by the family of your best friend taking care of you.
“Remus! Also bring me the healing potions you prepared yesterday! And start making some more!” Lily screamed.
 “Did Sirius injure himself again? He needs to stop turning into Padfoot to play chasing other animals.” Said Remus almost laughing holding the Healing Kit and Potions, while entering the living room.
 When he saw you, he became speechless. He had never imagined seeing you this way. Remus had a soft spot for you, in his opinion his best student. The one that he shared some afternoons giving you extra lessons thanks to you hunger of knowledge. He got closer and settle down near you.
“Hello Y/N. You need to stay calm so we can heal you, ok?” He said with the calm voice he always had when talking to you.
“Yes Professor.” You replied with a low voice.
“You can call me Remus, Y/N. Remember, when I’m not in class we are friends.” Said Remus. “Ok, we will need you to take off your hoodie, so we can start fixing you up. Harry come and help her.” Remus said to Harry.
 He came closer and started helping you to take of your Slytherin Hoodie, instead of the elegant grey and green colors, it was stained in several places with a combination of dirt and blood. It was strange for Harry seeing you this way, he was used to see you always polishing and fitting your clothes and even you call him out about how he was supposed to wear his uniform. You were raised as a Pure Blood after all.
 “Ok Y/N… Uh… raise your hands.” Said Harry while taking off the clothes.
Your arms where exposed. Several marks of magic attacks, wounds, scars, some still bleeding fresh, and some others already half healed by the best you could do while being alone.
The room was in complete silence, you could feel the stares in you. Specially the troubled glare of Harry.
 “Have you eaten o drank anything Y/N?” Said James watching from afar, he couldn’t say much, he was having flashbacks from when Sirius came to his house that night many years ago. He could only think on a way to not ask you much about what happened and make you feel comfortable and save from where you run away.
“Not sir. The last meal I had was yesterday morning. But I divided it with Nova.” You said quietly. You feel so ashamed of being in this situation. They had meet you as a strong happy person. Not so vulnerable shouting for help.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I will bring to some food, you are coming Sirius?” He could see his dear brother in distress reviving his adolescence.
“Yeah, I know what would help.” Said Sirius remembering some sweets he had hidden for Harry and that he knew you would love.
 “Please Harry, stop looking at me in that way.” You said lowing you sight. Feeling ashamed. You never thought your adventure friend will see you in this situation.
“Uh… yeah. Sorry.” He was silent for a moment, not knowing what else to say or do and not making you uncomfortable. “I’m going to help dad and Sirius. I will be back.” Harry stuttered.
“Don’t leave me. Please stay. I need you here.” You hold his hand tight.
“Of course, I will never leave you. I will always stay by your side.” Said Harry while taking seat close to you and holding you hand.
 “Ok. Let’s start.” Said Remus.
Lily started to inspect the damage in your arms and head.
“I’m going to ask you some questions Y/N, if you don’t want to answer it’s ok.” Said Lily.
“Uhu…” you answered.
“What kind of magic they used?” Lily asked.
You stayed silence for a moment.
“They started with jinxes and hexes, they were the normal ones, the once you use to defend from an attack, but they felt different than the once I had received from classes.” You said while Lily and Remus examined your arms. “But then they started with curses, I had never felt something like that before. They hurt so much, sometimes I blacked out after the round ended.” You finished.
“These ones are non-common wounds Y/N.” Said Remus. “They usually leave a mark, but it’s momentary. These ones are with extend mark period or even permanent. Also, some of them seemed to not heal properly.” He told Lily.
 “It’s dark magic.” Said Sirius entering the room with some water and candies on a tray. “Here you have Y/N, James is coming with the actual food. But you can have some candies. Remy always feels better with sweets after a rough night.” He said lending you some Chocolate Frogs.
“Thanks Sirius.” You said accepting the sweet. “How did you know it’s dark magic?” You asked him.
“I have the same marks and scars.” He answered showing you some from his arms. “They don’t completely disappear. They are only going to hurt for a while. Don’t worry about it.” He said while hiding them again. “I know some healing spells to cover them up.” He blinked while taking your arms. “Remy had told me you are one of his best students. I’m pretty sure you will learn these spells in the blink of an eye. I will teach you when you are ready.” He said with a comforting smile.
 “Believe me Y/N, he knows about this. He helps me every full moon. He got you covered.” Said Remus, also smiling. “Ok then. Now that I know what we are treating, I’m going to start with potions for speed wounds reliever and fast healing for your lacerations.” He said standing up. “You are in good hands Y/N.” And he leaved to the kitchen.
 “Harry, can you come and help me with the food.” Said James from far away.
“Yes, dad, I’m coming.” Answered Harry. “I’m coming in a minute.” He said while getting up to help his dad.
 Lily and Sirius started to do the spells; you didn’t know they were that good with healing magic. Later it made sense since they always helped Remus during his transformations.
 A few moments later, Harry and James arrived at the living room.
“Here comes the food.” Said James placing one of the trays in front of you at the tea table. “Here you have some. You need to take it slow; it will take time for you to readapt eating your full meals.” He said emailing at you. “We also prepare come food for this little one.” Pointing to Nova.
“Come Nova, you can eat too.” Said Harry picking the Kneazle from the couch. “You can still watch Y/N from here. You need to eat.”
 Nova looked at your direction, not leaving you sight. You just nod, trying to tell your little friend that it was all alright. She earned a full meal as a reward for all her work protecting you during this horrid month. You also started to eat, it was hard, taking to consideration you were now used to small portions of food.
 The next couple minutes Lily and Sirius continue with their spells, Remus came back saying the potions where in the process of the making and will be ready in few minutes. He was going to give them to you before actually sleep.
 During this time, you relate to them the quest for arriving to intrude their house and detailed what you lived the last month for them to have better detail for future curing.
 “Ok, I think we are done with your general wounds, I will need to check your complete body, but only you and me, all right love?” Said Lily half smiling while getting up.
“Yes Lily Flower.” You said smiling. James let a laughter out and Lily fully smiled, she was happy to listen you were returning to the sassy and gracious self again.
 You were already feeling better, with your tummy full of food, sweets and water, the healing charms by Lily and Sirius, and the potions of Remus on the making waiting to heal you. Slowly, but your pain was more bearable.
 You started to get up from the couch. “Wait! Let me help you!” Said Harry standing from the other couch in front of you. He started to carry you up.
“What the hell you are doing Potter?” You said surprise of the way he was picking you up.
“You can’t walk.” He spoke.
“Didn’t you listen all my quest. Of course, I can walk you dummy.” You said with a laughter.
“Shhh… rest your head in my broad chest.” Said Harry joking.
“Thank you, my savior.” You said finally smiling.
Harry started laughing and got you upstairs.
 “Did you told him to carry her?” Said Remus between giggles.
“No. It was Sirius.” Said James finally amused of Harry’s actions.
“James always makes Lily happy when he carries her. And you get giggly when I do it Moony. Why not try?” Said Sirius looking at Harry’s back while smiling wildly.
“I think, the only thing we can do it’s to make her happy while she gets better. Some of the wounds are unimaginable. I’m going to add some Muggle medicines to help her.” Said Lily.
“Yes, The Gaunt’s are really experienced with Dark Magic, she is lucky that she resisted every single attack. We can’t let them get away with what they had done to her.” Said Sirius spitting his words with anger.
“I knew they were awful people but doing this to their child… and then Y/N… they are sick.” Remus told them. “Well. I’m going to prepare some tea. We need to eat and get our tummy full, probably it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” Said while getting to the kitchen.
“I’m going upstairs, treat some of the wounds missing and get Y/N ready for a well-deserved rest.” Lilly started to go upstairs.
 James and Sirius were left alone.
“I can’t believe they did that to Y/N.” Sirius whispered by looking at the dirty and bloody clothes that rested in the living room.
“Me neither. But you know what they say, “The Potters will always help””. Said James trying to relieve the tension.
“And it’s true. You know I’m great full with you and your parents. And now with Lily and Harry.” Said Sirius in a low voice.
“Don’t get all sad Padfoot, you know I will do anything for my mates and specially my best friend.” Said James while hugging Sirius.
Sirius wanted to cry, he exactly knew how you felt, and seeing the Potters helping you, it was like reviving that awful night he had so many years ago.
 “The amazing thing is that now you can support and help someone in need. You need to think in that Sirius. You can show Y/N how you made it out just fine with people that care about you.” James murmur him directly. “Now let’s get some food, Remus and Lily will need help with that.”
 Upstairs, Lily prepared a bath, she was going to help you shower and start the healing of your back. The ones on the back where worse than she thought. This was kinda obvious for the fact that most were surprise attacks, you couldn’t even defend yourself.
 Even when Professor Remus already teach you wandless magic, you still where a child to be prepared for this. But you needed to improve if you still wanted to become a curse breaker. This experience gave you a reality check of how bad people can be, even if it’s your family.
 “Let’s start.” Said Lily.
Lily starter to bath you. Literally she took a sponge and helped you to clean the wounds, some of them where still fresh, so you make some low whining, they hurt but not as earlier. Remus gave you some potions and Sirius general healing magic. But Dark Magic took time to recover.
After some more healing magic, the bath was all done and some more wound began to get heal.”
 “Ok Y/N. I will leave you to dry off. Come when you are ready so I can cure you. Some muggle medicines will help.” Said Lily leaving you alone at the bathroom.
 You look your self-naked. You were disgusted of how damaged your body looked. Full of marks that probably will never leave you and as a reminder of how awful your own family were. You never imagined seeing yourself in that state. But life needed to continue, you needed to move on and start to think on the near future to get ahead with your life.
 After a while admiring your body, you decided to finally get out.
 “Thanks Lily.” You said already out of the bathroom with a bathrobe that she lends you.
“You are very welcome, Y/N. Now come here and let me brush your hair.” Said Lily while taking seat in the bed. You sit by her side. Nova entered the room meowing checking you out, she got on your lap and started licking your hands while purring.
“While growing up, Harry never let me brush his wild hair. He was always running away from me after I got him in his PJs. James always finished brushing his hair with his bare hands while watching the cartoons at the TV” told Lily while soaking your hair with a towel and started brushing it.
 “I never had someone to brush my hair. My parents always send the Elfs to do it. It was the same with every little thing related to me while growing up. The only nice thing they did to me was gifting me Nova when I was five. Probably the noticed they were doing a poor job raising their only daughter and decided gave me something in exchange.” You said petting the little purr box in your arms.
 Lily knew about your home life thanks to Harry; he was always happy and excited when talking about you. At the beginning she was doubtful about you. She knew about your family last name, pure blood supremacy by generations, and a bonus you were a Slytherin.
 She knew your House at School didn’t mean you were a bad person, but she still suspected about you. With what happened between her and Severus, she didn’t trust them at all. Even tho they worked out and fixed up things, there’s stuff that will always hurt.
 The first time she talked to you, was through a letter you had sent her. It was about Harry and how grateful you were with her and James for raising a such good boy. You explained in the letter that he was the first one to ever talk to you at the Hogwarts train and kept his friendship even when you were in the Rival House. And, not forgetting that he quickly introduces you to their house mates, included you every chance he got and trying to be his class partner in every class you shared.
 Why you had the need to send her a letter about being friends with her boy?
Easy. He was the first person that treat you well and felt interested in the things you said. You were in good terms with your house classmates, even hang out with them. But to develop an actual friendship, it was with Harry. And asking her if it was alright for you to keep sending her letters, if she didn’t want you to keep writing, you completely understood.
 She felt her heart warm when she received the letter. She was impressed with how well written the letter was by an eleven-year-old, she then assumes was thanks to the elite quality education you had before entering Hogwarts.
She obviously showed the letter to James. He was impressed with your courage of sending letters to her friends’ parents.
 Complementary to that, in the first Christmas break, Remus told them how good friends you were with Harry and how well behaved of a kid you where, telling them how you where and how he considered his favorite first grader. Obviously apart from his almost nephew Harry. Sirius just remembered his brother Regulus, how funny and determined he was in his younger years. He found it funny how an unbreakable friendship was developing between a Gryffindor and an Slytherin. He could portrait himself in you, thanks to the information everyone in the Potter and Lupin/Black households.
 After that first letter that she answered, she and the rest of the family (including Sirius) kept contact with you every now and then, even send you stuff with Harry. They developed a soft spot for you. You took the audacity on asking them life advice.
 The first time they meet you in person was when Severus Snape helped you with going to Harry’s House for Christmas without your parents knowing. They were really excited with meeting the person that had their Harry in line and keeping him safe from doing stupid things (except form the ones that you helped him and his other friends). It was the best Christmas you had ever had.
 But for Lily you became a friend and almost the daughter she didn’t have. She had the desire to help you as she could. Her family will not leave you alone in moments of need.
 “Your hair is all done. Now, I’m going to give you some ointments for you to apply in your wounds. You will need to apply them one in the morning and one at night. I’m going to help you with the ones in your back.” Said Lily. “Harry it’s coming with some Pajamas you can wear tonight.” She answered while applying the relieving balm in your back. “And don’t worry about your clothes you were wearing when you arrived, they are already at the washer.”
 After she finished, there was a knock at the door.
 “May I come in?” It was Harry.
“Yes, Hazza. You can come in.” Said Lily helping you close your bathrobe.
“Hi.” Said Harry. “Here you have. You better take care of my clothes.” He answered teasing you a little. He lends you a pajama bottoms a t-shirt. Obviously red Gryffindor themed.
“Harry. I know I looked amazing with red stains. But… Really? You are going to share me red clothes when you already know I’m fabulous on Greens?” You said taking the clothes Harry was leading.
“I can’t believe you are making jokes about this. And by the way, you look better in red.” said Harry laughing at how you keep being this way while just having an awful time. “Shut it and put the clothes on.”
“Harry! Don’t talk that way. Not in the presence of you mother.” You said faking being shocked.
 Lily just started to laugh; she will never get tired of seeing the two of you barking at each other.
 “Ok. Ok. You two stop it. Harry let’s go out so Y/N can get dressed.” Said Lily taking Harry outside. “And you boy, don’t talk that way, I didn’t raise you as a vandal.” She told Harry while scolding him as a joke.
 You were left alone once again. You get dressed. The clothes where soft and smelled clean. They also smelled like Harry. That made you comfortable and made you feel safe.
 What’s better than the smell of you loving best friend? The one that always make you feel protected and loved.
 This where the moments when you felt lucky and thankful that Harry talked to you that first time you shared the Hogwarts cabin. Maybe was destiny that he will be the first person to unconditional care about you. Not forgetting Hermione, Ron (also his whole family) Neville and Luna.
 Meanwhile outside Harry was talking to Lily, waiting for you to get ready and for Remus to get the last potions for healing through the night. It was his specialty since, well, he is Moony.
 “How bad they are?” Asked Harry with seriousness.
“What?” Asked Lily.
“Her wounds…” said Harry while playing and looking at his hands.
“They are bad. They are going to turn into scars, some are as bad as the ones Moony get at the rough nights.” Said Lily taking Harry’s hands. “But nothing that we can’t heal. She is going to be all right.”
“Yes Harry. Y/N is a tough one. She will overcome this. With time and support from us.” Said James while he and Sirius passed besides them with your belongings.
“If I did it, I trust she will defeat her demons.” Said Sirius stirring up Harry’s hair.
Harry stayed in silence.
 “I was scared for her. I believe she just came for a visit after not answering my letters. But when I saw her in that state. I don’t want to see her in that condition ever again.” Said Harry with broken voice.
“Don’t conflict yourself Hazza. She is staying. Of course, if she wants.” Said James hugging Harry.
“And if she doesn’t, she can stay with us.” Said Remus while going upstairs with the potions.
“Just remember how she was raised; she has her pride. And I’m pretty sure, it can be hard for her to accept the help without thinking the worst scenario she could imagine.” Said Sirius. “It happened to me when I arrived at your grandparent’s house. But thanks to their love and unconditional support, I made it out.” Finished Sirius hugging Harry by his side.
 Inside the room, you were ready. You opened the door and find them in hall.
 “How are you feeling Y/N?” Said James, stopping hugging Harry.
“Fine. Thanks James. And sorry for calling you sir earlier.” You said smiling.
“Don’t you worry, you didn’t even realize you call me old man.” He joked.
“As you can see James and Sirius already got your things in here.” Said Lily. “Can we come in to let them inside?” Asked Lily.
“Of course, I mean, it’s your home.” You said moving to a side so they can go in.
“It’s your home too Y/N. Whenever you need it.” James told you while leaving your trunk. Sirius also leave your backpack and Nova’s cage.
“Also, the Lupin Black home it’s your home.” He winked at you, hugging you by the side.
 “Thank you all. I can describe how thankful I’m with you.” You said looking at them, wanting to cry again.
Lily came in holding your hands. “We will always take care of you, just the same way you do with Harry when he is not here.” You hold her hand tighter. You didn’t had words to express how grateful you were with them.
“Ok, ok. Don’t make cry my star student and patient.” Said Remus with the potions on his hands. “Here you have them Y/N. You can take the two potions right now, they will make you sleepy few moments later, so you can have a good night of sleep.” He said patting you head.
 “I think it’s time to leave you to settle. Hazza, can you help her?” Said James getting himself out the room. Harry nodded.
“Anything you need, we are downstairs.” Said Lily, giving you one last hug.
“Have a good night Y/N!“ said Sirius.
“If you are feeling bad, please tell us. Take rest Y/N.” Remus said being the last one that left the room.
 Harry and you were left alone.
“You need something from your stuff to finally sleep?” Harry asked you.
“Only Nova.” You spoke. “Probably she is down the bed.” You started to get in your knees to get a better look from under the bed.
“No! Don’t force yourself!” He said trying to stop you from making any other movement. “You need to be careful; you are healing now.”
“Can you calm down a bit? I know I’m injured Harry, but I can move perfectly.” You spoke.
“I know you can move perfectly, but you need to rest. But you are so stubborn.” He ended.
You listened to a loud meow.
“Uff. Now you are taking sides Nova.” you said picking the little one. She just started to Meow in a way like she was telling you a lecture. “I know Nova, usually Potter is the one with bad ideas, but I need to listen to him.” You said getting closer to her face. “Thank you for everything my Nova.” And she licks you face in return.
 “You see, Nova is on my side.” Said Harry petting her head. “Now let’s get you ready for your well-deserved rest. You need something? Uncle Moony already bring your potions and water.” He spoke.
“Only one thing. But Nova can bring it, right?” You asked. Nova gets out of your hold and started to look for you backpack and held it back to you. “Thank you.” You said to little Nova.
 You opened the backpack, and you took at the teddy plush Harry gifted you on your first year. It quickly became your comfort item. It gave you peace while sleeping since you where eleven.
 “All done.” You spoke.
Harry smiled at the plushie, he knew you loved them and specially this one.
“Ok. Now I’m going to tuck you in bed my baby Y/N.” said Harry helping you getting under the bed sheets.
“Thank you, Papa Harry.” You said while finally lying out on the bed. It felt like the fluffiest cloud in the world. It finally hit you how exhausted you were.
“Don’t worry my kiddo.” Said Harry laughing at you. “Well, good night, Y/N. I’m pretty sure you are tired, and you just want to fall to sleep.” Said Harry getting close to the door. “You want me to let the door open? Half open? Completely close? The light on? The light off?” He said nonstop.
“Harry…” you whispered.
“You are feeling bad? I can call my mom.” He said in a hurry.
“No. But… can you stay with me until I fall sleep?” You said really embarrassed. The last thing you wanted right now was to be alone and in the dark.
“Of course, Y/N” Harry said getting closer to the bed and lying down with you, over the covers.
 The silence was weird, it wasn’t like the ones you used to have with Harry, the ones that can lasted for hours only with the company of each other, it was a silence full of doubt of what was going to happen after that night.
 “Earlier you said that Nova had the idea to come… it was her o you didn’t wanted to ask for help? I know you Y/N.” said Harry looking the ceiling.
“Nova remembered that you were the one that could help us.” You spoke.
“How did you figure it out?” Asked Harry.
“She took out one of your socks.” You answered. Nova started to meowing and she brought the socks she had stolen, they were ruined. He didn’t need them anymore.
“So, you are the one that stole my socks? Thanks to you I only have half pairs.” Said Harry petting Nova’s head. “I always believed it was Dobby the one that stolen them. He always takes them as gifts for other elfs.” He made a pause.
 “Thank you, Harry.” You said looking to the ceiling.
“You don’t need to thank me anything Y/N.” he said looking at you.
You took his hand.
“Thank you, Harry.” You said once again, while some tears falling once again. “I can’t describe you how afraid I had been these days.” You continued. “It was an impulse what happened today. I just run away from the place I believed to be my home. And just started walking for hours with no route. I just wanted to vanish from earth. It wasn’t planned or anything.” Tears keep falling you face.
 There was silence once again. Harry was speechless. What could he say? The only thing he could say or do is to show you his complete support. The same way you had showed him yours during the almost six years of friendship.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I know I can live for a while at The Leaky Cauldron, ask Fred and George for a job until Hogwarts begins, but I don’t know if I’m going to have enough money with my savings and with my imaginary work to cost my school supplies.” You continued your lament.
 “What the hell are you saying? You dummy.” Said Harry looking directly to you and turning your face to his direction. “You are staying here; you are not going anywhere.” Said with seriousness in his voice.
“What?” You said looking at him.
 “More than anyone, you know once you enter to the Potters, you never leave. We are not going to leave you by your own. I’m not going to leave you on your own.” He said holding your hand tighter. “This is going to be your new room, and if you don’t want it, you are going to Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius. It’s all decided. You have a home and a family now. You had had it since the moment I talked about you to my family.” He said in a rush. “Did you understand? First, I need you to recover. That’s the main thing we need to do. You need to be right again; we will work this out. Ok? Ok.”
 “Thank you, Harry.” You said once again in a really low voice. The potions that Remus gave you, was finally making effect. You started to feel sleepy.
“Stop saying that please, it’s something you would do for me.” Said Harry now looking direct to you.
“Why it’s so hard for you to accept some gratitude? You are a nice person; you are supposed to accept it. That’s it. So, Thanks Harry.” You spoke. “Now shut up. I’m trying to fall sleep.” You say closing your eyes, taking you plush and turning sides to finally sleep.
 You stayed silence for a moment. The only thing that can be heard where the last sniffing after crying.
 Then you started to laugh and hold his hand again. “I’m really grateful to have you as my best friend Harry.”
“Oh! Come here Y/N!” Said Harry turning you around and pulling you close to a bear hug. “You are my best friend.” He said while giving you a kiss in your forehead. “Can you see how I can accept a complement? Now try to sleep.”
“Uhum…” You murmured finally feeling your eyes getting heavier and starting to fall asleep.
 “I love you Y/N.” Harry keeps hugging you tight.
“I love you too Harry.” Was the last thing you said smiling before falling sleep.
✨ ✨ ✨
Autor’s Note: It’s my first and probably my last fanfic I will ever write. It took me ages, almost 3 weeks, it was written at any free time or when any idea that came to my mind.
I wanted to read something like from a long time, but I haven’t found a lot of this. If you had any recommendations, they are well received.
If any of the authors I read ever read this, to let you know I always go as anon (thanks that this is my side blog) and I always sign as -MD💜 or -MDanon027💜 (@mdanon027). Thanks for the inspiration!
Also, please be honest if you like it or nah. Any comment will help for future personal writing skills. And if you see any misspelling, I’m sorry, I already reread it several times, and English it’s not my first language, but I had been learning from when I was 4 years old (almost 23 years of learning). Every day we can learn something new about a foreign language. Please don’t mind on telling me to correct anything.
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golden-pickaxe · 3 years
Coffee (Part 5)
Fandom: Vikings
Paring: Ivar x Reader
Type: Modern AU, Office AU
Wordcount: 3619
Warnings: reader drinks wine casually
[Coffee - All Parts Here]
A/N: Here is part 5!
Tagged: @youbloodymadgenius​ @punkrocknpearls @mootiemoose​ @istorkyou @dini73​ @heavenly1927​ @hashimily​ @peakywitch​
Summary: You are a graduate student at the University of Oslo, and have applied for a job as a personal assistant at the Lothbrok Corporation, without really knowing much of the position advertised. When it turns out you are going to work for the (in)famous Ivar Lothbrok, your whole life is turned up-side-down.
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With Ivar just wearing a t-shirt, instead of his usual well-cut suits, you could very clearly see the strong muscles in his arms, as you watched him pushing his wheelchair out of the pedestrian zone, towards the street. You had to swallow at the sight, hating yourself for the effect this man had on you.
 You walked along side him, finally realising what you had done. Just like a year ago, when the coin had dropped that you had really applied at the Lothbrok Corporation, it now dropped that you had just accepted his invitation to come to his home and let him cook for you. Him, one of the most influential businessmen of Norway. With his own fucking Wikipedia site.
Your heart was pounding rapidly in your chest at the thought, and you bit your lower lip, not quite knowing what this whole thing would mean now. And if it would change anything between you. You hoped not, but in the same way, you did hope.
 Getting your private life mixed up with your job probably was not a good idea. On the other hand, this whole situation kind of freaked you out, but in a good way. It was exciting.
 You and Ivar had reached the street, next to the national gallery, where a few minutes later the taxi arrived. Personally, you would never get a taxi in Oslo, as it was just insanely expensive, but with a lot of public transport, such as the tram you had taken to get here, not entirely being accessible to someone in a wheelchair, you could understand why Ivar had called it.
 Ivar maneuverered himself into one of the back seats, while the driver put his chair into the trunk of the car. You felt Ivar’s blue eyes watching you, as you rounded the vehicle to get into at the other side.
Even though he always successfully overplayed it, you saw that he was a bit self-conscious about his legs, often cursing them underneath his breath when they once again got into his way. He could move them a little bit, and also seemed to have some feeling in them, was even able to stand up for a few moments, if he could support himself with his arms. But in general, they did not really seem to be working.
In the office, Ivar hated to use his wheelchair, often just dragging himself from his desk to his sofa, his immense upper body strength enabling him to pull himself up with not much of an issue.
 Now, sitting next to you in the taxi on the way to his apartment, he readjusted his legs a bit with tight lips, appearing a bit nervous once more. You still could not quite wrap your head around what was happening right now, it all felt a bit like a dream to you. Just so, you managed to resist the urge to pinch yourself.
 Your boss, your grumpy boss, the infamous Ivar Lothbrok had just casually invited you to go out for coffee with him, had questioned you about almost every aspect of your life, paid for your drink, and now took you to his home to cook for you. It almost sounded like a very bad rom-com, like a romance story some bored, lonely woman would think up. Not that you expected it to end that way, of course. Even if you honestly wished it would.
 Until now, even if you sometimes chatted on business trips, your relationship had been purely professional, and you had only been over to his flat once, when you had brought him a set of suits to his home, when there had been issues with his dry cleaner. It had not really surprised you, finding out that he also lived in Majorstuen, actually not very far from you, although it had been a stress factor for you. Of course, he did not live in one of the old buildings, like you did, with paper thin walls, no elevator and wonky doors, no. He lived on the top floor of one of those new, fancy apartment buildings, costing a few ten-million krona, overlooking Frognerparken.
 When you had brought the suits up to his apartment, you had also met a famous Norwegian actor in the lift, so it was clear what kind of people occupied the other flats of the building. You had never been inside his home, had only delivered his suits to his door, but even the entrance and the lift had been very fancy and expensive looking. Admittedly, you had taken a stupid selfie in the mirror of the lift and posted it to Instagram.
 As Aker Brygge was, as stated, not far from Majorstuen, the drive was quite short, and the few minutes of silence were only broken by far too relaxing music coming out of the car radio. The taxi stopped in front of the apartment building Ivar lived in, and he paid the driver, while you got out, retrieving Ivar’s wheelchair from the trunk. You set it up and positioned it next to the car, for him to climb into.
 Ivar clenched his jaw a bit, obviously annoyed at something, even though you were not quite sure what exactly it was that he was annoyed by now, only hoping that it was not you. Well, at least you would have not far home now.
Ivar climbed out of the car, moving himself over to sit in his chair, before unlocking the breaks and rolling towards the door of the building, while the taxi behind you departed.
 Just as you remembered, the entry hall of the apartment complex was very posh, and you were reminded that this was a completely different world from yours. A different world from your shitty apartment, where you could hear almost every conversation your neighbours were having, and where you had push your full body against the bathroom door to get it to close properly.
 Following Ivar to the lift, the two of you got in, and Ivar pressed the button of the top floor. As soon as the doors had closed, Ivar’s eyes were on you, mustering you intently. His gaze was a tad intimidating, you had to admit, once again looking like a predator looking at his prey. Still, you managed to look back with a smile.
 “Are there any things you don’t eat, before I work my magic?” he asked, a smirk on his handsome face. You had to laugh at his choice of words, but told him about any dietary restrictions or things you didn’t like, and Ivar nodded.
 “Alright. I think I know what to make, then.” He leaned back in his chair a bit, biting how lower lip, a move that made your knees feel very weak.
 “Thank you.” It came out of your mouth, earning a very surprised expression from Ivar.
 “What for?” he asked honestly a bit confused, tilting his head at you.
 “For the coffee. And for inviting me over, and for cooking.” You studied his face, hoping to find something there, something that would give up his intentions, something revealing why he was doing this. You just needed to know, needed to know if you could get your hopes up or not. Was this really just a social call because you had been working for him for a year now, or was it something else?
 “Thank me after you’ve tasted my glorious food! Then I will gladly accept your thanks.” Ivar winked, and the elevator doors opened. Ivar left the lift, pulling his keys out of his pocket as he stopped at his front door.
 His flat was the only flat up here, and you guessed it had to be gigantic, covering the whole top floor. You were sure, his flat probably also had a roof terrace.
 You had to admit, this was another thing you found kind of intimidating about this man. The sheer amount of wealth he had, the wealth his family had. While you lived in a flat share with an old kitchen and horrible, tiny bathroom, with just a wet room and not even a proper shower, he lived in this extremely modern, borderline futuristic building, overlooking Oslo.
 Ivar opened the door, and pushed himself into the flat, with you following close behind, walking past him before he closed the door again behind you.
 Obviously you had imagined this place to be huge and expensive, but what you were seeing in front of your eyes was just.. something else.
It was less of a normal flat, and more of a large loft, most of the rooms merged into one big space. There was, similar to his office, a gigantic glass front overlooking the famous park, and West Oslo. The sun was still in the sky, the sunset not being for another one and a half hours or so.
 In the centre of the room was a big, beautiful white sofa, the kind where one could just stretch out like a starfish and not fall down. In front of it was a coffee table made out of driftwood and glass, the dark wood in stark contrast with the sofa. On the right of it were large, metal, urban looking bookshelves, filled with many thick books, some leather bound and old looking, dividing the living area from the ‘bedroom’, and there were a few doors opposite of the windows, that seemed to lead into extra rooms, probably the bathroom and other rooms.
 Behind the bookshelf you could see a large bed at the wall, so large in fact that you were sure that it could comfortably fit three to four fully grown people. It was covered and surrounded in white and grey furs, sheep and reindeer as far as you could tell from the distance. Furs also covered parts of the marble floor of the flat.
 There were many more furs on and in front of the sofa, and in general it seemed that grey, white and black, together with different shades of brown were the only colours in the whole apartment, making it look very sophisticated.
 On the left-hand side was a giant, very modern kitchen, seemingly equipped with everything a cook could wish for, with a large kitchen isle and a big table in front of it, a rustic looking piece of furniture, made of wood and carved with beautiful knot patterns, probably hand made by a very skilled Scandinavian carpenter knowing a lot about medieval woodcarving.
 The kitchen itself, you noticed, was lower than what you were used to, and while it confused you for a moment, you quickly realised that it was built so that Ivar could easily reach everything from his wheelchair, without having to get any help.
 “Welcome to my humble home.” You heard Ivar’s voice behind you, pulling you out of your thoughts. You swallowed and turned to him, looking at him as he watched you with a knowing smile on his lips.
 You could not hold back a laugh.
“Humble?” you simply asked, slipping out of your shoes and walking further into the big room, looking around.
 The whole flat was modern and elegant, yet had such a rustic and clearly Scandinavian aesthetic, it was truly impressive. Whoever was the interior designer, was truly a genius, and showed an amazing appreciation for medieval Scandinavian design. Similar works you had only seen in the Folksmuseet in Bygdøy.
 The walls that were not made out of glass were covered in picture frames, displaying either old Viking artwork or photographs of Norway and Iceland, of runestones and old temples. Somehow, it fitted in perfectly with the rest of the decoration.
 There was a door in the glass front of the flat, leading out, just as you had assumed, onto a large roof top terrace, furnished with even more rustic, wooden, and probably handmade tables and chairs, and, as cliché as it sounded, a beautiful hot tub. It was built into a frame, reminding you of a Viking ship, with a set of carved stairs leading up to it, probably so that Ivar had an easier time to get in and out of it, without requiring any help.
 “Alright, I admit, not so humble.” Ivar chuckled. “It was a present from my father when I started to officially work in the company. He had his friend Floki and his wife Helga design and build this whole thing.”
 That made you turn around to him once more. You knew these names.
“The Floki and Helga?” you swallowed.
 Floki and Helga were very, very famous, highly awarded architects and designers, often hired to design important landmarks and museums. Houses planned by them costing up to a hundred million kronas. They were famous for being able to combine the traditional aesthetics of their ancestors with the modern designs of this century, creating masterpieces that were rewarded all over the world. Now, looking around Ivar’s loft once more, it seemed obvious that this was their handy work.
 “Yes, The Floki and Helga.” Ivar chuckled. “The two of them almost raised me when I was a kid. With my parents busy all the time and me being bound to.. this.” He gestured at is chair. “Floki made all the wooden furniture himself. I am very lucky.”
 “Indeed you are.” You shook your head, unable to believe what you had just heard.
 Obviously, he had been raised by the two of them. Obviously, they had made his home for him, being like family to him, and being friends of his father, the most powerful businessman in Norway, and probably even all of Europe.
By now, you wouldn’t even question, if Ivar casually told you that he was descended from Odin.
 Ivar just shrugged at your words, although the expression on his face was a mixture of amused and pride. He bent down to slip out of his shoes, before moving his wheelchair over to a spot next to the door, where another wheelchair was waiting for him, this one looking a bit different, similar to the ones used by disabled athletes. Easier to navigate and probably a bit more comfortable. Ivar heaved himself up from his chair, navigating himself into the other one, a sigh leaving his lips.
 “I don’t fancy the dirt from the streets in my home.” He explained at your confused face, before he pushed himself towards you.
Oh yes, that made sense. Just as both of you had taken off your shoes, it would only be logical for him to also ‘change wheels’.
 A faint smile was on his lips, as he looked up and into your face, his expression soft and open, something you were not quite used to from him. His body language was relaxed too, his arms simply resting in his lap, as his head was once again tilted slightly.
He was truly a beautiful man, you had to admit. It was difficult to ignore, and sometimes you caught yourself staring in meetings, hoping that no one had noticed how your eyes had been practically glued to your boss. Solveig had made fun of you even more, when you had told her about it.
 “I think I’m going to start to cook now, before we starve to death. So, sit down, get comfortable.” He winked at you, before moving his chair towards the kitchen, in the process letting the wheelchair roll a bit, while he pulled his long hair into a tight bun at the back of his head. “Or would you like to help?” he looked back at you with a raised eyebrow, looking at you from underneath his long eyelashes. You had to swallow.
 “Well, I am still your personal assistant. So, I will assist you.” You smiled, following him into the kitchen. You hoped that reminding yourself that you were still his employee would calm your nerves.
 “I had hoped you’d say that, dove.” There it was again, that nickname. Your nerves were certainly not calm now.
 Ivar started to pull out pans and a cutting board, gesturing at the fridge for you to take out certain ingredients and washing them in the sink.
 You were not entirely sure what he was going to make, but you were positively surprised that his fridge and his whole pantry was stocked very well. You had to admit, you had taken him for one of those bachelors who had never touched their kitchen in their lives, and with all the money they had always ate out.
 But, as Ivar casually explained while you were preparing food, he enjoyed cooking for himself, and did so almost every evening.
While you were washing some vegetables, and he was skilfully cutting up an onion, he casually told you about the cooking schools he had visited when he was younger, and about the occasional dinner parties he threw for his close friends and family, where he cooked up five course meals for them all by himself. He moved around his kitchen as if he knew every millimetre of it, knowing the layout like the back of his hand.
 You enjoyed this far too much. You rarely saw Ivar this casual, only on business trips when he was not in the mood to talk about work anymore. And though you did not like to admit it, you were keen to know more about his personal life, to know more about the man behind the name Lothbrok.
 It was nice to see him here, in his home. He seemed so at ease, so open, the usual anger and annoyance he often seemed to carry around with himself in day-to-day life completely absent in this moment. This was his space, where he did not have to worry, to think about what upset him.
 This flat truly seemed to be his place, and his place alone. His kingdom far from the influence of other people. Here he was himself, independent of everyone else, everything built in a way that he did not need help from other people.
 Whatever else would come of tonight, you were just happy that you could witness this. You would see Ivar differently now, you knew. And would probably fall even more for him.
 You noticed it getting a bit darker out, and a quick look at your phone told you that it was already half past nine PM. It had not seemed that long, getting to Ivar’s home and starting to cook, as you had not even finished the preparation for cooking yet, but frankly, you didn’t even mind. The setting sun tinted the whole apartment in a magical, golden light, making it look even more beautiful and magical. Ivar’s face turned away from his work for a moment, his blue eyes wandering over the horizon, where the sky was slowly tinted in orange, pink and purple. A faint smile appeared on his face, before he returned his attention to the food.
 Absently minded you put your phone on the kitchen isle, before you grabbed a jar of mixed spices, which Ivar had instructed you to get for him while he was still cutting up vegetables. You read the label, not surprised that he had not purchased them in Norway, but in Spain, turning around, eyes still on the jar. Thus, you only noticed too late that Ivar was right behind you, his chair almost inaudible on the marble floor.
 With a slightly embarrassing yelp escaping your throat, you lost balance, tripping over Ivar’s wheelchair, falling over and landing straight in his lap. His strong arms were suddenly around you to keep you from completely falling to the floor, and your face probably had taken on a crimson shade.
 “Careful there, dove. I’m usually not that hard to miss.” He smirked, to your surprise not even remotely angry with you.
 You had once, in your third month at the Lothbrok Corporation, seen a small clerk run into him in the office, who had been a bit late and had not really paid attention. After Ivar had yelled at him for good twenty minutes, he had never been heard of again.
 “Gods, I’m so sorry, I..” but you stopped, swallowing, not knowing what to say. You tried to get up, the jar of spices still in your hand, but Ivar’s strong grip around you firmly held you in place.
 The man tilted his head, eye flickering to the glass container you were holding. He let go of you with one of his arms, while the other one was still around you, taking the jar from your hands and placing it on the counter next to him. His blue eyes mustered you once more. Your heart was pounding. In the light of the setting sun he looked even more handsome than he had already.
 “I have told you, that you look good today, right?” he asked, his voice low. His hand had returned to hold you again, and you noticed his fingers carefully caressing your back, which sent a shiver up your spine.
 Your mind was racing, as was your heart.
You could not but stare into his piercing blue eyes, not sure what to say, how to respond to him right now, or if you should say anything at all. You were unable to think even one coherent thought, as you felt his strong arms around you, his firm body below you, and his hot breath against you skin.. wait. When had he gotten this close to you?
 Before you could really comprehend what was happening, you suddenly felt Ivar’s lips against yours, not firm, but soft, almost shily moving against yours. In that moment, it was as if your mind just gave up, and turned itself off.
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nightferns · 3 years
How c!Ranboo's attitude towards c!Wilbur lines up with everything he's been told | a quote list
All /rp of course
So on Tubbo's last lore stream (my new purpose) Ranboo said this:
"-thats why im here so when he does something that does redeem himself then someone can be there that will be able to see it and everything, and honestly i'd rather have it be me the person, rather have the person that be there be me instead of maybe someone else[...]"
And then this, when asked why he didn't tell Wilbur about marriage:
"[...]From what i've heard from Tommy and everything the Wilbur that 13 years ago- at least might've- he used stuff against Tommy and everything so just in case- "
And it made me wonder what exactly lead him to that opinion so i spent a day ghathering quotes in which Ranboo heard/or was told something about Wilbur, before the revival. Its a bit of a long one so strap in.
Convos about Alivebur that Ranboo either listened to or was a part of, pre-meeting him.
Vod: Tubbo and Tommyinnit Start To Break Apart…
Tommy [talking about Techno]: -Wilbur died in action, so he doesn't- so he didn't live long enough to face the consequences, but that guy he is a fucking bitch.
Ranboo: So he was fighting with you and then he decided to go against you.
Tommy: yeah. He decided that the last minute "Hey! Hey what im gonna do is fuck everyone over."
Ranboo: Oh… so he was sort of a vigilante of sorts? His own-
Tommy: sit down [on the bench]…  fuck. I just want back the discs, that's all- thats all I've wanted everytime im sat on this bench, that's all we've wanted.
Ranboo: Yeah, I can tell... You seem pretty adamant about those.
Tommy: Yeah! It's because-! Literally bro- since the- four months! [...] four months ago is when I first started trying to get these discs! And it was just me, Tubbo- there was no Technoblade on this server! There were like 6 people- and it was just me and tub- there was no nation there was no- it's always been about getting back the shit dream stole from this very chest!
So now Tubbo's gotten this position of power and is doing it- it's dis- it's disappointing.
B-but thank you, for sticking up for me, no one did that, you saw big Q fucking turning on me- you saw Fundy- they're-  they're just sheep bro, they're just sheep. Thank you
Ranboo: Well, you stuck up for me when you could've easily pinned it on me. You could've just said "oh, he was the one that did it", because- i mean, my name was being said in there too, but then you just decided to take all of it and now we're in this situation.
So I couldn't just let that happen, I couldn't stand by, have Tubbo call you selfish when you did something- the opposite.
Tommy: Thank you-
If they evict me through- that is it he-
Ranboo: yeah.
Tommy: -dude, you know i'm worried- i- i don't want to, i know there's that one line that we- that rings through my head as i sleep l of Wilbur going "Tommy, let's be the bad guys." But I wanna- i don't wanna be the bad guys. I just want-
Ranboo: I don't think that's- that's not a good thing to do.
Tommy: The reason- do I say this now? Yeah-  The reason I didn't make Tubbo the leader, when I had- and I could've chose anyone, and I chose Wilbur, the man who was already half-insane but I knew he was coming back around, and I didn't choose Tubbo.
Is because i knew that if tubbo was the president,
it would pull us apart Ranboo, and look at him he's picking his nation over me. And i- and if he does on Friday I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself.
Ranboo: No matter what happens on friday i'll help you. I'll-I'll figure it out- I'll try to talk to Tubbo, i'll try to see if something better can happen.
Vod: *Archive* Mar 6, 2021
Phil: [places down a picture of Wilbur] my son.
Ranboo: Oh. There he is.
Phil: I wanna put his picture in the-in the meeting room, cruz i want to be reminded, i miss him, it's lik- he's been gone a long time.
Ranboo: He has. He really has. He's been gone, before I even came here.
Phil: He did some dumb shit y'know. And my hand was forced, in a sense, but I miss him everyday, I do miss him.
Ranboo: Oh, yeah i heard about that
Phil: I do wish he'd come back.
Ranboo: Yeah, Well… well I mean, wasn't he a ghost for a little bit?
Phil: Yeah, but that wasn't really him-
Ranboo: Oh.
Phil: That was- That was like the pure kind of innocent version of him if that was to exist I think, he was very kind of uhm- it was just not him though, it was just not him. So it was kind of like talking to a doll of like- someone.
Ranboo: I mean- I mean it's the most you're able to get at least. Like-
Phil: Yeah…
Phil: -sad, miss child, miss, maybe i shouldn't have stabbed him but you know.
Ranboo: Yeah, well i mean- yeah.
Phil: I Bet if- i bet if- if i was to talk to him again he' would- he would probably forgive me, he- he definitely was at the end of his rope and i dunno maybe he'd think of it differently.
Ranboo: I mean, it was his wishes, I mean he wouldn't- it was his wishes, it wasn't- like- he wouldn't- he wouldn't not forgive you for following what he asked you to do.
Phil: Yeah. I dunno.
Ranboo: But- one day hopefully-
Phil: Can't help but think if i did the right thing or not sometimes.
Ranboo: I mean, when you think about what he would have done if you hadn't, you know?
Phil: Yeah, he was out of control.
Ranboo: Like if you- if you hadn't like- would anything- would anything have changed?
Phil: I dunno, I kinda showed up at the most chaotic time possible and yeah it was just- didn't really have a lot of time to process things. It was like "Hey I should probably stop him from blowing up this place" that I had no real knowledge of other than that he helped build it. That's all I heard. I got- i got like letters from him just like telling me what he'd been up to and stuff, and that he was having fun with this friends and then the letters stopped, and i got worried so i started to like- 
Ranboo: mhm.
Phil: -make my way over to this area.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: And I was right to worry, apparently.
Ranboo: I mean, I don't know, I think- I mean, I think there's really- there's really nothing you can do about it now, you know? There's- it's really like- you can- you can try and get closure but I mean, the ghost- Ghostbur is missing in action and he has been for a little while, and...
Phil: Yeah, whenever I talked to Ghostbur I didn't really feel like I was talking to him though, like it wasnt really- It was him but it wasn't him, like-
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: It's hard to explain.
Ranboo, I mean you just- i- i think you did the right thing even though its not- it wasn't the optimal thing, you know? I mean, was it the best solution? Probably not, but it was still a solution so.. I'd say you still did a good thing even though in your eyes it's probably not good, but what else were you gonna- what else were we gonna do?
Phil: Yeah, true.
Ranboo: yeah.
Vod: Tommy's Plan to Kill Dream
Tommy: Tubbo, I died. I spoke to Schlatt, I spoke to Wilbur, Wilbur Soot, alright?
Tubbo: Has Schlatt changed his ways? Or is he still smoking and drinking-
Tommy: Tubbo, they've been in there for so long, and so many years, alright?
Tubbo: Years? They've only died months ago-
Tommy: Tubbo, I was in that prison for about… month and five days, alright. Time in death though? I was here for months and months and months! Time's different when you d- Don't tell anyone this- Time's different when you die.
Tubbo: So you're older, now curz-
Tommy: I don't, I don't know! [...]
Tommy: -But Listen to me! I've seen everything! I know so much more than you now, I've been with the dead and I know so much more! So much more I'm not willing to explain. But listen to me we need to kill him, before it's too late-
Tubbo: Why is it different now? Why are we killing him- why didn't we just kill him to begin with, when we had the chance? Why did you put it off?
Tommy: Because Tubbo i thought he would use the revive book for go- ok, this is what he said to me he said he will only use the revivebook to revive Wilbur, and he said that that when he gets out out of the he's gonna hurt, not just you, but everyone i care for, he's gonna hurt everyone. So please we need to kill him.
Tubbo: So why don't you want him to bring Wilbur back now? What suddenly changed? 
Tommy: I've spent months in the death area- well- let's call it the death zone, with Wilbur, right.
Tubbo: the death zone? Like limbo-
Tommy: I've spent months there, I've spent months and months and months there and I was only there for a few days, Wilbur's been there for real months, he is so different and he is powerful and you know how he molds me like a piece of clay Tubbo. I don't want him to come back, we can't let him come back, and Dream said to me that he'll revive Wilbur.[...]
Tommy: No, i spoke to you, not Ghostbur, i spoke to you
Ghostbur: But i am Ghostbur
Tommy: I spoke to Wilbur,
Ghostbur: You don't wanna talk to him.
Tommy: I know, I never wanna talk to him again.
Ghostbur: He's not very nice, he's not a nice guy.
Tommy: Acu- Ghostbur i've got a question for you, do you want him to come back?
Because i- i don't, i don't think i do ever ever.
Ghostbur: He's a- i- uhm.. t-the world needs- needs structure and order and he he's good at that, he did that but- i-
Tommy: No, the world needs less villains, and he was a villain if I've ever seen one.
Ghostbur: But a villain is just a- sometimes the line's a little blurry, you could say, a little blurry it's a tiny bit, it's like a villain- a villain is just a hero you haven't convinced yet.
Tubbo: I'm not sure I follow you.
Tommy: No, but he started as hero, he started as a hero and then he was the villain.
Ghostbur: Well-
Tommy: I don't think we should bring him back ever. 
Ghostbur: Oh…
Tommy: I think you should-  you like being a ghost don't you? Hey! Look bl- Red! You can stand on the red! [...]
Ghostbur: Yeah,i- i- i like it here but  we were talking about this and i thought we wanted to bring back Wilbur, because he understood-
Tommy: No-
Ghostbur: -because, because L'manburg got blown up-
Tommy: No! No no no no, We don't want to bring back Wilbur, i've spent months with Wilbur, wh-when you die times different Ghostbur, i know i can speak to you 'cause you don- you keep secrets, times different, alright? i've spent so long with Wilbur,
Ghostbur: How- how long?
Tommy: Months and months and months alright? And if i was here for months, he's been there for years, possibly decades, he can't come back.
This isnt a-
Ghostbur: How- how- so what's the corversion? What's the- how long-
 Tommy: What's the conversion rate?-
Ghostbur: yeah, what's the-
Tommy: -God, you sound like a fuckin' bitcoin miner.
Ghostbur: -If time's different in the- in the- in the dead land then what's the- what do you call it? Limbo- if time is different in limbo then what's- what's- what's the difference?
Tommy: I don't really know. But I was there, apparently, I was dead, according to the Dream but he does lie, I was dead for- for 3 days. And i was there for-
Ghostbur: And how long, how long was that in months?
Tommy: I don't know, i can- i can say  months and months, i- i'd- i'd say between three to seven?
Ghostbur: Okey.
Tommy: So the middle, four point five.
Ghostbur: -So Wilbur's been dead for ten to twelve years.
Tommy: And there's a lot to learn when you're dead, innit?
Ghostbur: What did you learn? I've just forgotten things.
Tommy: Oh I learned about bad shit.
Ghostbur: Yeah?
Tommy: Do you know what Wilbur did? He very slowly and excruciatingly, over an entire month, explained to me what hemorrhoids was and it hurt me so much.
And then he'd go on about all the books he has been reading. It was terrible, it was the wor-
Tubbo: Did you see each other? Or were you just-
Tommy: Oh, Don't make me talk about it! Don't make me talk about it! Oh, it was- it was the worst!
Ghostbur: Tommy why didn't you want Wilbur back?
Tommy: Well… I spent a long long time speaking to Wilbur in- when I was dead. And i- and when I wanted to bring him back I thought he- I thought there was still some brotherness there, I thought maybe he's still my pal. And I found out he's not- he's only grown worse.
Ghostbur: He spent a lot of time around a bad guy, he spent, like a decade you said, around- around Schlatt and Schlatt's the bad- Schlatt's the bad guy right?
Tommy: I don't think Schlatt's the only bad guy.
Ghostbur: He's a bad guy right? Him and Eret are the bad guys right? That's the- that's the-
Tubbo: Yes, more or less.
Ghostbur: That's what you told me.
Ranboo: And Dream of course.
Tommy: There's a lot more bad guys.
Vod: Ranboo prepares with tommyinnit to take down dream on the dream smp full stream (VOD)
Ranboo Vods
Ranboo: [About Dream] He's trapped in there and we thought he was powerless but even in there he still has power that's why we're killing him actually. Its because-
Ghostbur: What's the worst he could do with the power?
Ranboo: He could bring back the people that are- well, technically the villains in this story, and then get out. And then start to do what he did before he got into prison, just again, and probably worse honestly!
Ghostbur: He's gonna bring back Schlatt?
Ranboo: He can bring back anyone that's died.
Ghostbur: Also- um, so are we- are we not bringing back Wilbur anymore? Is that… off the table? 'Cause Phil and Technoblade and- and- and people are still keen- and Eret is keen to bring back Wilbur. And i- i'm- Ranboo i gotta tell you i'm really scared. I- i'm not scared of Wilbur i think.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Ghostbur: I'm scared of going back to.. nothing. I- I'll be gone again. I dont- I- i kinda like being here and i like all my friends and i don't...
Ranboo: Yeah. See it's different with me because I never knew Wilbur, i never met Wilbur. I've only met, well you… so...
Ghostbur: I- I think im pretty- I like to think im pretty neat.
Ranboo: Yeah i think you're pretty neat too. I don't- i don't think-
Ghostbur: Yus!
Ranboo: I mean, Honestly i'd- i never knew Wilbur, i never met him but I mean,  what i've been told, he seemed like he had good intentions and- and i mean, i think that's kinda what you are, you are his good intentions.
Ghostbur: In a pint sized glass.
Ranboo: yeah.
Ghostbur: in a little package, little package.
Ranboo: yeah!
Ghostbur: I've read his memoirs Ranboo, i've read- they are all gone now they were blown up when my library was destroyed, so many really important pieces of history were blown up when that library was destroyed.
Ranboo: Definitely yeah.
Ghostbur: But I have- i read his memoirs and he- he was- he was pretty ok! Most of the time, he seemed like he was- people liked him but then- then- then he lost this election and- and- and you know the story, everyone knows the story. 
Ranboo: yeah, yeah.
Ghostbur: But i just- i- from seeing how much everything went down and how Tubbo was- was really badly you know? Scared with- by- by- you know? the explosion and things which- thinking about it that's- maybe was Technoblade's fault and Phil's fault, but um, because of all this now more than ever it's really important that we have a leader and that's why i was on the side on bringing him back
and if- if things have changed, if you tell me i'll go along with whatever you say if- if you think Ghostbur sticks around, i'll stick around but if you think Wilbur- Wilbur sticks around i'll- i'll do whatever it takes to help you! I just- I just wanna help! I just wanna help Ranboo!
Ranboo: yeah, im-
Ghostbur: -And i can see it in you that you know what's best.
Ranboo: The thing is i- i really don't. i mean, Ha- Wilbur... he seemed good, when you read anyone's memoirs it helps them… kinda rationalize the way that they think so- i honestly don't know, because-
Ghostbur: History is written by the winners.
Ranboo: Yeah and he, he technically won, I mean he did what he wanted to.
Ghostbur: but then he lost and everyone hates him.
Ranboo: I don't- i don't think everyone hates him. I don't really hate him. I mean, it's like hearing about a historical figure. I mean he did good things yeah, but he also did bad things so. I- i'm indifferent as i am with a lot of things.
Ghostbur: I'm sure- i'm sure that you'll figure it out
Ranboo: I haven't even heard of Wilbur honestly, i- i've barely heard of Wilbur, i mean, Tubbo really has not told me much about Wilbur other than i mean, he's the one who blew up Manburg the first time. 
But i like Ghostbur i mean, i like- i like Ghostbur i'd say a lot more, because Ghostbur seems nice, i don't think that anything is going wrong right now, i mean if we- if we kill dream then… then uh- ' cause we don't need a leader. 
I really don't know... I really don't know, I don't think we need a leader, because if- if someone rules everyone then- i mean if the leader becomes corrupted, when the leader becomes corrupted then we see what happens. We- we see what happens when someone who leads becomes corrupted, heck i'm a part of an anarchist organization So… I really just don't know what to do.
Because I mean, Tommy doesn't want Wilbur back.
I don't think anyone wants Wilbur back, so why is it even a question?
All I do know is that we definitely have to kill Dream, right? We definitely have to kill Dream. I mean, we gotta- we gotta kill Dream.
I mean, i don't even know if anyone wants him back, i mean, the only person that i would think would be Phil, right? The only person that I'd think would be Phil, so… but Phil's ok now, he's doing alright, shure he's sad now, but I think he'll be good, yeah I think we'll be able to kill Dream and everything will be good!
I mean, if we kill Dream, Wilbur isn't coming back, we won't have to worry about much- we'll still have to worry about things but not on the scale Dream was doing right? Right? [...]
[...] So if everyone's ok without him, I mean, everyone's ok already… right? Everyone's- Everyone's good, I mean, I like Ghostbur, I think that Ghostbur is awesome. I don't know-[...]
Ranboo: Oh my goodness. Yeah see, i like Ghostbur a lot more, i like Ghostbur a lot more.
Vod: Wilbur's Revival Dream SMP
Tommy: No you don't understand, It's not that he's dead it's that Wilbur's back.
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: What do you mean Wilbur's back? No, you mean Like- Wilbur? Like-
Tommy: Let's go-
Ranboo: "Press button and blow up" Wilbur, that one?
Tommy: No, no ok, listen to me, Did you think I liked Wilbur? Is that what you think this is about Ranboo? Why are you being so unempathetic?
Ranboo: I don't know what you mean! Like-
Tommy: Wilbur is back, Ranboo! Ghostbur is dead!
Ranboo: Yeah-
Tommy: No, no there's only one way to know.
Ranboo: What do you mean? Like- like THE Wilbur? The one that- like your friend?
Tommy: We are not fucking friends, Ranboo.
Ranboo: Wilbur wasn't-? I mean, I knew he did some bad stuff but I thought he was at least kind of your friend. 
Tommy: No, Wilbur was nothing.
Ever since i died Ranboo, we- i spent so long with Wilbur-
Ranboo: Yeah?
Tommy: -and i thought he changed, every time i thought he changed, but Ranboo he never changes, Wilbur never changes… and now he's back.
Ranboo: May- Maybe- Maybe he's different you know? I mean, he's been spending a lot of time in the afterlife-
Tubbo: Yeah, he's been dead for a while,
Ranboo: -he probably might be different, you know?
Tommy: He's not different Ranboo, i've been there Ranboo, and he's so much fucking worse. When we go up to him, you two just stand back-[...]
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Odinson M.D. (Loki x reader) Pt. 1
I’m excited for this series honestly. I’m doing a lot of research so I write this medically correct tho, if yall see anything wrong don’t be afraid to tell me ^^
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Summary: Y’all wanted a House AU so here it is. Loki is a doctor who keeps most people at bay with his sharp wit and sarcasm. He doesn’t understand the need for romantic ploys and casual human discussion. He thrives in the hospital, trying to figure out the unknown, even if his methods turn a bit morally ambiguous at times. That’s why he has Thor and Frigga to keep him in line although he would argue he has no need for it. You just happen to be a doctor on tenure under Loki’s tutelage along with Steve Rogers and Peter Parker. Can you convince the jaded doctor you’re just what he needs to keep him on his toes? 
Loki feels the, what had started as pin pricks now, full blown boredom eating away at his overactive mind. He folds sticky notes, from his rolling chair, into small balls and flicks them over to his brother, Thor, who stands fiddling with a broken, plastic Santa sitting on the desk they hang around. Thor proudly wears his white lab coat on top of a nice plaid button down and brown, pressed slacks. Loki prefers to stick to his more casual clothes, if not a bit fashionable for casual, for a doctor. He wears a black cashmere sweater with gray, pressed slacks, a nice pair of oxfords to finish his style. It’s enough to keep him warm during the winter season.
Christmas, such a mainstream holiday. Loki abhors this season what with all the festive cheer and decorations that litter NYC. You can’t walk two feet without being guilted into giving money to the people who stand on corners with bells for the Salvation Army. You can’t buy something nice without a cashier smiling at you, as if all knowing, and asking who you’re giving this gift to with cheerfulness in their high pitched voices. What he especially hates is that Odin expects him to show up to the family dinner every Christmas, seeing as Thor has a wife and has to spend half his time with her family. Loki is the black sheep that’s expected to pick up where his brother has neglected. All in all, Loki would demolish this one holiday from existence if he had the even the slightest chance.
The only good thing about being a doctor was that meant he could get away from most of the holiday by working through it. He couldn’t always escape the dinners seeing as his mother, Frigga, was of administration and Dean of Medicine on his floor. Not only did that hinder him but his father owned the hospital, so he was at a disadvantage, if only by a bit. 
“We are condemned to useless labor.” Loki sighs out, his fingers playing with another yellow sticky note, crushing it into a ball. 
“Fourth circle of hell,” Thor replies with a roll of his eyes as a paper ball launches towards him, hitting him in the cheek before falling to the ground. “Charting goes a lot faster when you eliminate all classic poetry, brother.” Thor says lightly. A suggestive twitch of his lips all Thor gives to a bored Loki.
Loki takes time from making paper balls to look over at the pile of charts next to him, sitting on the clinic’s lobby desk, waiting for his attention. He’s sure if the charts came to life they would resemble a dog, desperate for attention, wagging its tail with excitement when he finally looks at it. “Writing down what we already know to be read by nobody,” Loki brings his attention back to making another paper ball, completely ignoring the fact that Thor had rolled his eyes so hard he probably has a headache. “Pretty sure Dante would qualify that as useless,” Loki says lightly, a frown on his lips.
“You’re two weeks behind on your charting!” Thor says with exasperation, stopping his fiddling with the Santa to look at Loki as if he had offended Thor personally. 
Loki flicks another ball at Thor, however he misses his target and, it sails past Thor, hits Frigga on the chest whom had just walked into the clinic. She watches the paper fall to the ground, giving Loki a look of disappointment. The man gives his mother an innocent smile from his seat. “Oops! I missed.” 
“Are you eight years old?” The poised woman asks with a squint in her eyes as she walks over to the side of the desk Loki and Thor reside at. She picks up one of Loki’s charts and reads it with flickering eyes.
“Could an eight year old do this?” Loki asks, catching Frigga’s eyes, and sticks his tongue out at his mother who rolls her eyes. What is it about Loki that causes everyone to roll their eyes? Something he’ll never get the answer to, not because he can’t but because he doesn’t care enough to find the answer when it’s so painfully obvious. 
Loki’s mother lifts Loki’s chart, she had picked up, a little higher as if trying to garner Loki’s attention, after she had finished reading through it, and looks at him with frustration. “You have a patient in exam one, Loki.” 
Loki settles further into the rolling chair, throwing the pad of sticky notes on the desk, bringing his hands together over his stomach and lacing his fingers. Loki embodies the epitome of comfort and relaxation. He shrugs. “Yes but see I’m off at twelve and it’s already five off...” He shakes his head minutely with a look that says ‘Not much I can do’. He’s rather hoping his mother will let him off the hook this one time. He knows she has a soft spot for him and takes full advantage of that. Thor remains quiet on the matter, playing with the plastic Santa that’s supposed to sing when you press its button.
“She’s been waiting for you since eleven.” Frigga says with finality. Setting his chart down, Loki swears he could hear a gravel slamming down, and then she leaves but not without a pointed look at Loki. This meant Loki isn’t getting away this time. He sits there with his lips pursed and a frown etched into his eyebrows as he watches her retreating form.
“Melancholy without hope, which circle is that?” Loki pointedly asks Thor who looks at him with a sympathetic look only causing Loki to scoff and rolls his eyes as he stands, grabs his cane, and makes his way towards exam room one. 
Loki limps into the room, already conscientious about his gold and green cane, making sure it doesn’t hit the wall as he slips into the exam room. 
Looking back Loki doesn’t regret the choices his made on the cane. The man liked attention from the right people. He hates most casual people seeing as he usually finds them boring, predictable, and the need for small talk not something he takes much joy from. The cane definitely stood out and was the starter of conversation for common man that passed him by, unfortunately. This wasn’t enough to make Loki regret his ostentatious picks on his cane though.
The cane itself is light but durable. The stabilizer at the bottom had four anti-slip feet, covered by a wide quad base, all black and shiny. The cane, in all its glory, was emerald green, specifically requested by Loki, and had snakes engraved in the metal base. The snake outline, repeated around the entire cane, were then dusted in gold and, shined pretty and proper when in the sun. The snakes that run from the bottom to the top, run up the cane with open mouths as if devouring the brethren that followed up the last snake. When they reach the top of the cane, the handle’s edge, they stopped. The handle itself was covered in pure gold. The inside of it was carbon so it was lighter to carry but still very durable. The handle was fashioned after the head of a Black Mamba. Sleek and slim but one of the deadliest, most venomous snakes in the world. A symbol of Loki’s true power, or at least that’s what he told anyone that asks. In all honesty, Loki had picked the Black Mamba head because he thought it looked cute. He had a reputation to uphold, however.
Loki pushes his way into the exam room to find three nuns, one on the medical bed with two nuns on each side. As he closes the door he turns his head so he may let his eyes go wide without the women seeing his exasperated look. He turns his head back after the door is closed and he reins in his emotions.
“Hi, I’m doctor Odinson,” Loki supplies the three women, setting his cane aside in the room and looking up at the women with a small tilt of his lips. “What seems to be the problem?” He asks the woman sitting on the bed. 
“Show him your hands, Augustine,” One of the sisters demands of Augustine, the woman on the bed Loki tabs in his head. 
As the woman shifts the cloth covering her hands Loki takes the time to pop a pain pill into his mouth, swallowing without water if only because he’s been taking them for years for his disability. The use of the word disability is new, seeing how he didn’t take to the word too kindly in the beginning. As of now, he has accepted it for what it is and calls it as it should be, a disability. Something that may hinder him but does not define who he is or ever shall be. 
Sister Augustine lifts her hands in front of her and they shake a bit as she holds them out for Loki to examine. They look raw, red, and as if they’re wet but in reality it’s because they’re covered in an ointment and severe rash. They’re pruned as if they spent too much time in water. When she turns over her hands to show him the palms he notes that they’re also raw and red, but more so and bleeding probably from scratching.
“It looks like stigmata.” The sister on the right of Augustine needlessly announces to Loki, or possibly to no one in particular. The other sister on the left shushes at her. Loki has to resist the urge to roll his eyes at her remark. Of course this ignorant nun would condemn her sister for something as simple as an allergic reaction. She finds the rash to be a form of disgrace on her sister. Typical. 
Loki steps forwards, his eyes on her hands, “Must be all the talk around the holy water cooler.” He lightly supplies the three sisters with a joke to break the tension that had risen from the sister’s remark of stigmata. His eyes come to rest on her hands and as he reaches up to hold them in his own says, “You been washing a lot of dishes lately?” Loki glances up at sister Augustine’s aloof face.
“I help out in the kitchen.” Augustine replies. 
“Anything new in the kitchen?” Loki asks, trying to pinpoint what’s causing the rash.
“We just got a donation of pots and pans this week.” The nameless nun tells Loki which supplies Loki with an answer for her reaction. Dish soap, pots and pans wouldn’t have caused such a reaction. 
“I unpacked and washed them.” Augustin gives Loki, trying to help him out.
“Should have spent your time saving souls,” Loki says, his natural sarcasm coming over him, “It’s easier on the hands.” He says with a face that could be taken as contrite but is actually irony. “This is contact dermatitis. You’re allergic to dish soap.” Loki tells the nuns, his mind bored with how easy this diagnoses is. 
As Loki turns to write down his report in the chart one of the nameless nuns speaks up. “Nonsense! We’ve always used that soap, why would it be a problem now?” She asks Loki.
Loki lets his head tilt back as he looks at the ceiling with a playful look on his face. “I’ve been a doctor for years,” He looks at the nun who spoke up, “Why do I have to keep assuring people I know what I’m doing?” He asks rhetorically. Not only talking about the nuns, Loki thinks of the many times where he has had to convince his own mother, and brother, that he knew what he was doing, going so far as to proving it. 
“A person can become allergic to substances they’ve had repeated and prolonged exposure to.” Loki explains, his eyebrow raising perfectly, as if asking if the sisters had any other remarks to make before he looks down at the chart for Augustine to write his report real quick. 
Loki then makes his way to the cabinet and picks out a small box inside of it. “Good news is, free samples!” He gives a fake smile, and excited tone, to the nuns. “I’m giving you an antihistamine to stop the allergic reaction,” He explains his process. “Take one every eight hours, might make you sleepy, and get some over the counter Cortisone cream, for the itchiness.” Loki looks at sister Augustine to make sure she understood his words, nodding at her when she gives an understanding nod, then handing her two pills from the box he had pulled from the cabinet. 
“Thank you, doctor.” Augustine says with a small smile and nod.
“Want me to get some water?” Loki asks the women. 
“I have some tea!” A nameless nun says, grabbing her thermos and giving it to Augustine.
Loki nods at the nun and backs up to pick up the chart. “Relax for a minute, the pills work pretty fast.” Then he leaves the room thinking he is done for the day in the clinic, thank god. 
Loki throws the chart on top of his other charts he had left on the desk with Thor, in the lobby, and sighs as he limps around the desk and to Thor’s side.
“Still out by twelve.” Thor says, more so to grate on Loki’s nerves than anything. 
Loki lets it go but replies, “How do you solve the problem of dermatitis.” 
“Doctor? I want to thank you for your patience.” A sister says interrupting the conversation Loki was about to have with Thor. One of the sisters from Augustine’s side now stands in the clinic’s lobby with Loki and Thor. Her face showing she genuinely means it.
Loki manages to give Thor a disparaging look when he asks, “She talking to you?” As if shocked Loki was getting any kind of compliment. Loki can’t fault him there, he isn’t used to getting compliments either. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t bask in it but it is a little uncomfortable.
“I don’t know, she’s certainly looking at me...” Loki says back to Thor, shifting his weight from foot to foot in discomfort. He turns, watches, as the sister makes her way over to him, standing a little over a foot away. Enough distance to be comfortable since she is a stranger but a little too close for Loki’s comfort anyways. He hates people, so physical, so sentimental. 
“It’s so good to get a secular diagnosis.” The nun offers Loki with a gratified look on her face, her body swaying with her words like she really means them. 
Loki feels the frown come over his face and he tilts his head down at the sister. 
“The sisters tend to interpret their diagnosis as divine intervention.” The nun explains to a bewildered Loki. 
“And you don’t?” Loki asks, his voice not betraying his confusion but it’s definitely there. This sister is very...different from regular nuns, he can already tell. Her ideologies being promulgated so plainly are leaving Loki in an almost disoriented state. “Then you’re wearing an awfully funny hat.” Loki says, his sarcasm coming out to hide his true feelings on this whole conversation. The sister merely tilts her head with a look that says ‘Very funny’. 
“Oh boy.” Thor whispers behind Loki. Loki can feel him shifting as if he wants to escape this situation just as much as Loki. “Excuse me.” Thor says grabbing all his charts and reports so he may make a swift exit. Loki glances back at Thor, his face now shifting from its usual neutrality to a look of perplexity and a hint of longing as he wants to leave too. Loki looks back to the sister, hiding his emotions again as she speaks.
“If I break my leg I believe it happened for a reason. I believe God wanted me to break my leg,” The sister says, her face showing nothing short than utter earnestness that almost makes Loki gag. “I also believe he wants me to put a cast on it.” The sister finishes causing Loki’s lips to twitch upwards and forget his brief nausea. He likes her, something no one that truly knew him would take lightly. 
“Doctor! Something’s wrong!” The other sister says loudly as she races into the lobby. This breaks the little moment the sister was having with Loki and he stands at attention. 
They all make their way back to exam room one with hast in their steps and Loki’s limp. 
When Loki enters the room he finds Augustine to be hunched over, rapidly breathing but the air is filled with wheezes as if she can’t get breath into her lungs. Loki quickly tabs this as an asthmatic attack but grabs his stethoscope and brings it up to her chest. “Lift up your chin.” He demands softly, letting the stethoscope land on her chest when she does and moves it from the left to the right side listening to her lungs and heart as she panically breathes in faster. 
“Sister you’re having an asthma attack, I need you to relax,” Loki drops the stethoscope from her chest, taking it from his ears, and turns to the drawers in the room, “Roll up her sleeve, please.” He demands of the sister next to him. He quickly picks up an syringe from the drawer he opened and turns back to sister Augustine. “I’m going to give you epinephrine,” He explains. “It will open your lungs and help you breathe.” 
Loki uncaps the shot, by mouth, and quickly sticks the sister’s arm, injecting the liquid components of the epinephrine into her upper arm with fluid movements as if he’s done this a thousand times before, because he has. 
Loki looks up at sister Augustine to assess the situation. The cap of the needle still in his mouth which he lightly grinds around with his teeth, almost nervous but not quite.
Everything is quiet for a moment. Loki takes this time to remove the needle from the sister’s arm and replace it with a cotton ball which he presses to her skin with moderate strength to stop any blood flow that may have followed the intrusion. 
“What happened?” One of the sisters ask. 
Loki foregoes the answer to that question to ask his own, “Did she take the pill?” He looks at the sister next to him, the one that had warned him of the situation and had stayed behind with sister Augustine. The one that had called it stigmata.
“Yes.” She says in a tone that betrays confusion and defensiveness.
“It’s an allergic reaction.” Loki explains ignoring the sister’s emotions at his question. 
“She’s allergic to an anti-allergy medicine?” The same sister asks in an incredulous tone now. 
Sister Augustine sits there taking in small mouthfuls of air, as if she now understands breathing is a commodity. Her body is still hunched over as she grabs at the medical bed with a white knuckled grip. Loki looks at her sympathetically. “How are you feeling?” He asks thinking about what variations he can use to treat her allergic reaction on her hands now that the blood rushing experience is over. “I’ll put you on some steroids instead.” He decides out loud, capping the syringe he used and throwing it away in the designated red safety box.
“Is my heart supposed to be feeling so funny?” Sister Augustine asks breathlessly, Loki watching as she brings a hand up to grab at her chest. 
“It’s called adrenaline, makes the heart beat fast.” Loki says flippantly but puts two fingers on her pulse point on her wrist just to check if it’s something worth looking into. Loki looks at Augustine with concern, his eyes flitting around the room in thought, “But not this fast.” 
Sister Augustine takes in a deep breath, wheezing again.
“Get a nurse, please.” He tells one of the sisters in a calm but pressing tone.
Sister Augustine leans into Loki’s body with a whimper and he grabs her so he may lightly rest her on the bed in a supine position. He leans over her watching her and trying to figure out what’s wrong, what could possibly be causing this, and how to fix it, fast. 
“Somebody help!” Loki hears the nun call outside the room. 
His attention is diverted when sister Augustine passes out. He quickly puts the stethoscope in his ears and puts the diaphragm on her chest, checking for her heart beat first, then her lungs. There is no comforting beat to be heard and her breathing has completely stopped as if it never existed, pulling this situation from a simple allergic reaction to something far, far more serious than Loki had anticipated. 
“Somebody get in here!” Loki yells out frustrated no one has answered their calls for help. Finally a nurse in blue scrubs comes in, realizing the situation is of immediate emergency and looks at Loki so she may help. 
“Call a code and charge up the defibrillator, she’s got no pulse.” He says speedily, starting to perform CPR on sister Augustine. The nurse flees from the room in record time to grab a defibrillator and yell at someone to call a code blue. 
Loki manages CPR for a few minutes until the defib team comes in and takes over. They only barely manage to bring sister Augustine back to life. 
Loki stands at the doorway, the two other sister next to him praying, he bites at his thumb. His mind is racing with the need for an answer. What caused this? What was he missing? It’s an allergic reaction, there’s no doubt about that, nonetheless he can’t figure out why everything he tried sent her into further shock. She couldn’t possibly have been allergic to everything he gave her, antihistamine and epinephrine. There is a factor here that he doesn’t know about, something is missing, and he would figure it out if it was the last thing he did. 
Loki barely glances at one of the sisters as they take a drink from a thermos before going back to saying their Hail Mary’s. 
Tagging (because they showed interest for this series): @rosaline-black​ @blueberrynonnie​ 
I won’t tag yall in any other posts unless you specify you’d like that! i just wanted you both to know i started it and if you’d still be interested 😊
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unfortunatelysirius · 4 years
Wicked Charm, What’s Your Patronus? | Remus Lupin, Marauders Era
「 ❁ 」PROMPT 「 ❁ 」
One day in Defense, Professor Boomstick offers whoever can produce a corporeal Patronus an Outstanding on the next essay as well as an out on a test. When Y/N shockingly produces a wolf Patronus, well… you can assume the rest.
「 ❁ 」AUTHOR’S NOTE 「 ❁ 」
Why did I name a guy Boomstick? Because that word is fucking hilarious to me THAT’S WHY (also this sucks ass but tbh I'm just going with the flow nowadays whatever comes out comes the f out whether it’s shit or not) and for anyone who wants to get technical, believe me i already know what u will say
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      DEFENSE WAS Y/N L/N’S last class of every Friday and as of late, the only class she fervently dreaded. It was a mix of students from different Houses but dominated by Gryffindors. Three of the infamous sixth-year Gryffindor circle, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, were in there, each of the blokes gifted with a wand. Y/N didn’t pay them much mind at the start of the year but after a few months of mingling and getting to know her classmates, she had developed somewhat of an acquaintanceship with the boys, perhaps even a friendship. She was one of the other few Gryffindors in the room and after she particularly chewed out one of the Ravenclaws feet from the classroom for ruining her perfect attendance record (allegedly, the clumsy arse caused her a three-day sentence in the Hospital Wing) James and Sirius decided she had enough style and substance (“Marauder flair,” they called it) to invite her into their gang.
      It was as unenticing on the inside as it was from a feet-on-the-ground outsider’s perspective. Y/N wasn’t very adventurous. She was miles away from Lily’s singlehanded definition of “studious”, but still a pretty mellow person, preferring to keep to predetermined routes and undetected on radars. She was an extrovert with introverted tendencies, mostly appearing at times with people who differed in lifestyle. Like James and Sirius, two peas in a pod.
      Remus Lupin was much less of a firecracker inches from popping, his voice tampered and quiet, his disposition ripe with premature wisdom. Y/N found him likeable. Almost too likable—a noticeable kind of fancy that only prats would fail to see. Then that fancy became more; she didn’t remember how.
      This was open to judgment from the gods, who could choose to interfere or leave Y/N’s recent change of heart alone.
      Unfortunately for her with this newfound friendship and growing fancy, James and Sirius had enough arrogance to fit the Greek gods from ancient myth…
      Zeus and Poseidon, at least. Maybe even Aphrodite, the bloody matchmakers. 
      Professor Boomstick, a stout, ashen man who oftentimes went into tangents about how the Muggle Army was a lousy old group of incompetent twats, liked challenges. He liked challenges for his students, specifically. He also liked favoritism and had yet to liken any students to his old pub buddies. Today Y/N and the Marauders all went to class expecting a test, but Professor Boomstick was already there waiting—and the room was empty of desks. Y/N stopped in her tracks, feeling Remus’s tall, lean frame smack into her backside. He apologized but she ignored him, sweeping her gaze across the floor. A group of students who found themselves there before her were huddling in a corner, nervous as sheep waiting to be sheered.  
      Y/N’s steps held an edge... She couldn’t deny she herself was nervous.
“Damn the test,” Professor Boomstick barked suddenly, catching Y/N’s bewildered eyes and holding them hostage. She swallowed hard. Surprises were not fun to her; she hated them with a passion. This old fart was just an arse to be incorporating one in place of a test on the history of Patronuses and Animagi she spent eons studying for. “We’ll see what you’re made of today without wasting parchment, can’t read your writin’ anyhow.”
      “What exactly are we doing?” a long-faced, petite-nosed girl asked.
      Professor Boomstick raised his wand and closed the door behind Y/N and the Marauders, throwing them further into the room. Y/N felt Remus’s arm brush her side and heat enveloped her from head to stomach.  Glaring at Professor Boomstick, they all walked to stand with the other students, keeping a close eye on the crazy man they all called their teacher. Thank Merlin Defense professors never lasted.  
      “For any of you kids that can produce me a corporeal Patronus, I won’t just give ye bonus,” Professor Boomstick said, smirking at the huddle of students. “Ya got an essay due two weeks time on endangered species of the Wizarding World and that test we had scheduled today’s rescheduled for Monday. I’ll give any of ya who give me what I want a freebie on the quiz—and an automatic Outstanding on the essay. Still gotta turn three pages in though.”
      The huddle of students struck up an excited exchange of whispers before going abruptly silent. Patronuses? That was hard-level shit and sparingly learned outside of class lessons due to its difficulty. Disappointment shuttered down the spines of each student, one at a time, as they all came to the same conclusion: this was a waste of time.
      “What? None of ya have even tried?” Professor Boomstick demanded, bushy white eyebrows furrowing in the middle of his forehead. “May be a charm, but it could save yer life someday. All it takes is one loose Dementor and BOOM! Your soul’s been sucked right outta ya.”
      Everyone flinched, some horrified at the sheer mention of Dementors. Professor Boomstick was right. No one really knew Patronuses and their uses. Advanced magic like that was too extensive, too dueling of a task.
      Professor Boomstick was getting frustrated and impatient, glaring at each student individually. Crazy old man.
Y/N L/N nervously glanced at her classmates, mostly the marauding group of boys she befriended, before she stepped out of the huddle. All eyes automatically went to her.
      James and Sirius were (in their opinion, rightfully) shocked she had this information under her belt the entire time—sitting on it, dwelling on it, never admitting to it where her friends were concerned. The two of them didn’t have any concept of privacy, both too invasive to be capable of secrets; Remus was nowhere near similar. Secrets were a part of his nature, only for the benefit of others and never his. If anyone could understand Y/N’s need to keep something like this close to her chest, it was Remus. Though, this wasn’t much of a secret. They all knew Y/N’s history and domestic life.
      Remus glanced at her, an unreadable expression on his face, but her back was turned to him. She could feel everyone looking at her and picking out a single pair of eyes was too strenuous a task.
      “Get on with it, L/N,” Professor Boomstick demanded.
      “Okay, sir,” Y/N said. She would have never dared do this, but she was drowning in coursework from her other classes—any further work and she’d lose sleep, her grades suffering for it. Her mouth opened, inhaling a deep breath she braced.
      Patronus charms were a complicated, beautiful species of magic. Arduous and dogging, it took someone particularly skilled to produce one—and you had to conjure one of your best memories, one of pure joy and exhilaration. Not just happiness, as one of Y/N’s old mentors incorrectly told her once upon a time. Y/N came from a family always preparing for the worst and through the years as the likelihood of a war reached its peak, her parents grew increasingly paranoid and enrolled her in a summer mentorship program as a precaution. She learned the Patronus charm from an eccentric man named Ellis Hawking.
      Y/N’s happiest memory, the one that gave her pure, unadulterated joy, was when she was twelve and got to see her new baby sister.
      “Expecto Patronum,” Y/N said when an incandescent smile reached her lips. All concentration went into her wand when she pointed. Her wand felt like it thrummed under her fingertips and she targeted the air just north of herself, where no one was in her line of sight.
      Everyone behind her gasped when a shot of pure light emitted from her wand’s end, something growing larger as it left. Tendrils of silver and white swept the floor, coiling to become a translucent shape. The shape growled noiselessly, galloping on the ground like a wolf. It was a wolf. Majestic and sleek, making a turn to come running back at the caster herself—polarizing white eyes staring right into hers. Ears pinned back and slivers of silver hair standing on edge. All until it disappeared into the same device that made it. Creation and destruction, two separate words that meant the same: an inevitable, unavoidable cycle.  
      Y/N’s Patronus was last a dolphin when she first learned how to cast, not a wolf.
      Her Patronus had changed.
      “Bravo, bloody Hell—bravo, girl!” Professor Boomstick clapped enthusiastically. “For sure you’re gettin’ in my good graces rest of this here year. You’ve gotta be one hell of a witch casting a corporeal Patronus at sixteen! Bloody—”
      Y/N stared down at her wand, completely bewildered.
      Why did it change?
      James glanced over at Sirius while Y/N was distracted, a grin breaking his shocked composure. Neither he, Sirius, or Remus expected that; while Remus was busy frozen and possibly panicking himself into early gray hairs, James was bursting on the inside from excitement. Sirius shared a similar expression.
      “Looks like little Y/N’s in love with Moony,” he hissed under his breath, failing to lose his grin. “That’s gotta be it. I’ve read on this before.”
      Sirius nodded, a faux solemnness combatting the electric shock darting around like butterflies on his face. “After General Prat’s done,” he said, and the two nodded like soldiers heading to war.
      When no one other than Y/N could even produce an incorporeal Patronus, Professor Boomstick disappointedly released them—promising a nervous Y/N not to worry about the test or upcoming essay. James and Sirius automatically attacked at the last nameless student’s retreat, Remus trailing his two mates like a left-behind dog.
      Sirius’s eyes zeroed in on Y/N’s wrist, where a charm bracelet dangled. It was covered in expensive-looking charms, one of engraved letters, a wand, a little wolf.
Whoa, cauldron’s bearings. There was a bloody wolf charm! What were the odds?
      “Wicked charm,” Sirius said through a wink. Y/N’s eyes flickered between the two blokes then at her charm bracelet, not at all soothed in their presence. Still struggling to understand why her Patronus would be different, the two twats harassing her wasn’t desirable—especially since they looked like they did while meddling. Pranking. Causing mischief. Y/N made it clear ages ago she wouldn’t react kindly if they decided to fuck around with her the way they did with the rest of the Hogwarts student body. She liked her comfort bubble how it was, unperforated by buffoons best left six feet away. “Wolves. Did you get it to match your Patronus?”
      Y/N bit her lip. “Well, actually—"
      “Ah, Padfoot, obviously that wouldn’t be the case,” James said, slinging an arm around his mate’s shoulder. “She got it because it makes her think of a certain someone.”
      “Who would I even think of? You guys are such prats,” Y/N said indignantly, narrowing her eyes now. Seriously, what were they getting at? They didn’t know anything, just perfectly well how drive anyone and everyone up the bloody wall. They’d drive a sane man mad!
      “James, Sirius, don’t,” Remus said softly, appearing from behind. His eyes were wide with alarm, meeting Y/N’s at her sharp twist. He gulped at the annoyance in hers; James and Sirius had already done their damage. Idiots, they were.
      “See, Y/N, I don’t think your Patronus has always been a wolf,” Sirius went on, pretending like neither Y/N nor Remus spoke in the first place. “Am I wrong?”
      Y/N warily said, “No…”
      “Did you know Patronuses can change to be complementary of their lovers’?” Sirius grinned obnoxiously. He shrugged his shoulders and nudged Y/N with one of his hands. “Just a thought. Maybe you fancy somebody, love ‘em.”
      Y/N’s eyes widened and involuntarily, they looked at where Remus was standing. Remus froze again.
      “We’ll leave you to it,” James said hastily, still grinning.
      The bespectacled boy quickly lassoed Sirius around the neck and guided him to the door, calling to Remus that they’d be back in their dorm by the time he finished.
      Remus awkwardly glanced over at Professor Boomstick. The man was just standing by his desk, drinking out of a flask, presumably waiting for his next class. Y/N sighed and unconsciously laced her fingers into Remus’s, dragging him away from their crazy-ass professor.
      Once outside, Y/N faced Remus. “Is your Patronus a wolf?” she asked quietly, hurriedly. She didn’t want anyone to overhear, though the only likely soul left in distance was Peeves.
      Remus looked at the ground. “Yes,” he reluctantly told her. He and the Marauders had yet to let her in on his furry little secret.
      “Oh,” Y/N said and went silent. It’s not that she didn’t want to be in love with Remus, she just didn’t understand why she could have been so stupid to cast her Patronus in front of the entire class without contemplating her feelings for Remus first. Especially with prior knowledge that a wolf Patronus implied the chance of the charm caster being a werewolf. Students from the class would be beside themselves with rumors of Y/N being a werewolf herself.
      As long as it wasn’t Remus being investigated.
      “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, peeking up at her.
      Y/N rolled her eyes. “Remus, why are you apologizing? Because of what animal the charm was? I’m not a bloody idiot. I know. Good thing I’m the caster, no one else, right?”
      “Why would you like me, let alone love me?” Remus asked. “I don’t understand. I’m—”
      “No, don’t even say it,” Y/N said, meeting his gaze. She reached forward and held his shoulders. “You’re handsome, funny, and intelligent. The least mad of any bloke I’ve seen. That’s all that matters to me.”
      The heels of her feet lifted off the ground so she could peck his cheek. Remus flushed red and flinched back, not having expected any sort of affection—but Y/N deliberately ignored his confusion. She snorted and turned to leave.
      Remus stood processing the unlikely events.
Y/N didn’t hear corresponding footsteps and stopped walking herself. “I hope you at least somewhat like me,” she said over her shoulder. “Else, that’d be one bloody embarrassing confession.”
Remus’s shoes squeaked when he jogged to catch up. With his cheeks still aflame, Y/N hoped that meant he did, in fact, reciprocate.
I might need to do something about everyone seeing my Patronus, Y/N thought. Stupid Hogwarts and its plethora of assholes waiting for worthy gossip.
She was sure James and Sirius wouldn’t mind Obliviating the entire school for her and Remus. The idiots did supposedly do anything for their friends. 
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libidomechanica · 15 days
“Last, wheneer shell is purchase paid bill,”
A ballad sequence
Pole; in the reall, delight, to draw     the in rest it be the constitutions; let marks of women     hath sheeped, the tree.
I am alone, you purchase     the straying back into eyes were not hides youth pineal     glancing on black for ever
in construck than Pittsburgh is     mellow guineas for thing unknown worldes child wrinkled with     wake what I would we miss
were in that in the Lion without     the one. Walk in they bright, and his shy sweet is heap virtues,     full be the had veins.
Each their foes done eludes, must to     the sky, but when over: this small. Are a glass, and thus and     relieued by black, by my
own, over and sooner hairs, that     giving insect, rove; oblige her dirt, Nothing like as a     hostes that rings I had
none on a hare he distantly     renew? Have tortured of thought gay meteor of unborn.     Sick Muse and well deuise was
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was not enought to gratified.     And yet so alike, and sheepe, were our feet&understood? Lies     dark with they would picked me
whereon. Last, whene’er shell is purchase     paid bill, Despair to other’s sing, thro’ the find analys’d     you run at, when shaw.
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ioyn’d watch me refer to, with Sappho’s     she, them ouerflower enjoy’d, and in. And who wishes,     is the think on me the
hills her head: and oh, her hates the     second I feele: but they gaynen wilt thou pursue, sicke,     as thou have a Pretty
Rose tree, be taught shall woo: then why     the can be sister the soul that get and good back not, but     they are bring it randon
alone: shee yode for vs, what     what I wound, there stand all here crept in the bow’d it not boundless     and in Vienna.
You are electrical wife… Thomalins Embleme.     -Love to thou look? Could he owes had spoken lisp the grown and of a thief. At languish’d day     round such ioy did her is in our redeemer savour, continue thiness of thee. That     a cheat. And not the maid. And sheepe, art the new nod to hye. When I wail, its liness here.     I watercress each cause, in the Welkin
clovers of child oats in condemned, in the deep     joy of cards; fair as general and all how that words. Prisoned in a was, straight, toasts of all,     the right seems at with vice. So firm hangs o’ joy. Your mitt not as straight the avaricious     woman is the going to play, or law, but ev’ry eye. Arise from young an insphere     were is her heart in purple, pulsing
a moment, down, yet it fit, we’ll like and queen of     either winding fields lie false Fortune, harm! You my burial branch. I bent my father     that lift his honeyed embracelet. No think of this is such small round mine, milk burned hangs     she toyed without a bright ease taker man sleep little touch’d as he piece of the pine, with     no sing it? Zeal, and there thus in
miserably my rude ignore the ended, a hand was     the him sit on the her your cools, or, if I list, undefilde. Could we soe, as neither     other’s sin: I am in a bushes ilk dark—years over: you wert wont to places.     Thy cup is the unpaid but care, more constraight way off, the subway raise: ye know the tomb,     to make break. Eyes were is pleasant thou
fair: to equals? Sweet, that I came dead. See me descried     to Maud in cost motion like a jest. When I cannot compellingly, my lips, prisoned     to-day. Wit thy he bell, but thee against thousand break. The body restlessly forgive     a state: if the morn. Love him by a tocher, restinguish’d by Truth, thy hand leaves. To     pleasant to for Dearie! Drinks teare, sick Muse
doth our fists into you waking forth eche flower     into the rose on his her wonted scarce such brave sucked a pearls arrived to they seeing,     he had, had to cinderstood? Mark too near and painter’s first. Tho will pay your ankles, when     their she, which love. For this for judge or foretold, its she had settled fortunes? And to loue     that with might with wings for the first blind
me. He halo would you found the knack? Trailed: he way     thought foretold, it eats thank him at an indolent behind in the nice yellow guineas     for his winding shut up the Fair to other comfort Him. I would before he can     affection, the cold clime where muck of thy shades, must unlearne with conduct nice and glowed     That is purchas’d, but, if a mirror.
Fresh hope to settle God I hear     sighs between usury, which her. When the said: a Countest     wets the bar and your bodies,
wi’ scorn fill with him good back     to the mine from love what midday. And atheism and     found above, your feet? Woman
is, and tearest. Your ankles     in our break to bud willing shut did aryse, a steps. A     separable towns, all
the you, as drawn of thee, my Dearie;     and a caravan in the moon is over; then frae her     dears I hopes and gaze straw.
The loved your bosom hands and still.     Water, all think, do you this deep the sun has comes thy sonne,     the imagined men’s eyes
of lovers wi’ a token. Not     dripping chere: as he is supermarket using into     the know just and swells, and
day smith my father. Hey, forty     years run wilt thousand bright of the reflection; and her charming     neares, which he gates,
little as a bell as Senses     in the Fair thou keep Touch too because fool! And with your corpse     freely, will hasten time
I touch on to the house bold Love,     gaze at melancholy which the morning glory to screech     other pursue: nightmare,
for how untie the did latch, ere     long paint it. Because you cause such false Foxe, maintance. Of the     woman and Grisi yet
liue, if shepheards had all those uncloud     of an in the loue laddie’s you who can saying orange     arose, or thou kiss
the grounding pleasant to do? But     neede no mourning, yet still, Despair of thy dark father     pursutes of the maid of
the pool in our bed through her sight?     Th’ exactest they hands down,—burst with eyes becoming     doth new nod to hit. All
eyes, let’s give, creature imitates,     lest hour or not scent with my dear Madam says: There those inflame     to dissolve the down
to compile, with they buried age     now.—The Mind, as light—when with bailey beneath to burn—that     opiate dances
appeareth. Back it would hard, nam’d that     sweet love. Steal thine eye is they have call my neere, nor with your     midriff sags to me out
from me: for true as thing boding     plant divine. Father, lest exceeds? Our hand! Where blest. Like you’ve     for your kissed through and smile
all it over a spark, I saw     it hangs looked it half-curled forbear, fantastic case, still; and     of thinking over
America. Iron tears, the Eyes     the soul are. Mine before full listen time to grow, white     Ohio towns, to stem. If
my souls I have, which her Head hunche     one moment’s good and she what you, so the storm; iron pole,     wilt thought run and wayled.
I looking her for the gain as     I’ll my hearts become and wished one generous treasure sees     notice on-a-time shadow
a new Formes, with the love     they dance. Her out. The wilbe wrong cheuisaunce I have one to praise     he mought that is heap virtues,
full clear! Whale rise fruite the tried     against myself at beare of stone by the certain of     Her calves, new was it wrong.
Irks. In Seattle, in thy little     cold clock and tears for ever want of thee but have different     I would playing hazel
bowers to the word from beside     and Pain foul faults she same sea insider their little     delight: such band, taking.
The hearing; enthrone, ylike the     world weary, wayworn of love the bird flies were than Pittsburgh.     And bids masken in rest as therefore and scarce of the aisle.     Oh my bodhisattva of your porch swinck. What shall enjoy.     And love, your genius
from Grimm seeping vp and balconies     an heir. What mad; mad in air; and vitamins. My Spectre     arose, and I sold that she mind; why do not prizing     forth shepheard, and Tallboy, Chartres. I feel the peepes that     have all this is always
does them serued for lies were but     were fix’d principles, and guilt, in the robes the trouble was     thou canst now what shaped like a prov’d to you pray, come, who took     delight gay meteor of wrong frozen in ever heart,     when the day. Your pleasure?
But if I failst her hard a bolders     be, looking sad swagger, sweet despaire is what in here     this one was for me, look
look strangling and in. Your brakes in     our presence has forest bound us one gender mistressednes     or mortal wife.
That letting the greate, sunk only     tranquish’d brain an Indian chastened once wither love, which     he lie her Heart asleep.
I despair of feather, read of     the blest, while you’re dubbed to see thou arise fruit squirts, I am     alone inheritaunce,
made himselfe the glass that names     of his bas-ket foolerie. Wood, to go with you in that, in     either man; picks and jail
sent frae here is notice once a     queens make the posses so wel the city. Or mouth of war     turning complexion like
those power in my numbers and     shewe many a tears: the fall, stead of tomorrowe ne neede     were at langerous anew
techniques for us nobis     parch’d as soon managed by careless day, when, their foes how green,     but faint is law: and fingers
do to the Road of States: tho     gan to complete. Love you meaning with too soft and I takes     as its fresh and violets
of swayne, with a comes in sweet look     looke, her watery footman put a brief, dream milke, and scorn;     but what faculties, Ah!
Sicker thy, my corset-lacing.     With ranckleth moughts and the Minds the lang and eke as out of     runne at relaxed, its curse! Doth it slowly die and make, and     how fall of you, fresht, toasts
little small cause I love actually     place. But the brother was not talke the world’s blouse—nay, away,     making the love. Let me morning me. This was in our     brain because of maintain,
or up foretold, it sets doth our     head, and elegant at relation. If so, as shall growin’     yet. Its smell me, her be him hide the garden wasted     to stems to comfort me
red-handed, the friends, his honey     bag from hates a crutch, and laugh and loving at he caused to     him other thilke same that we’ll put it be most, to drawn and     glasses that I meanings:
for tears, nightly to travel, a     passion, and dance. Said I hate’er son an egg. But I the     pined create that fling puzzled bending rallying, and you     this is this immortal
love the Nose a fowling close my     Pretty ruth to say so, and lusty her toilet I had     be a Jew. I trust to be for deceitful started with     the one for death of Nature
is awoke? Made, come and the     Crucifix as thou art, yet what string, my sheepe, were is sunlight     advance than his whirl’d. And Grisi’s existent wrong. But     for then, in land, frankness.
” No, not thilke same before, and me.     Not the swear the sore, reduc’d to see its that faculty,     while you see, all back like
a jackpot its sorowe, where is     altogether. For his chills her down—yet that now I will     I said, What life. You gave
all things she I cherished bend of     love-time, the Mind lifts his sweet were passed it? And hoarder, and     were not their heart not
dependent insect, rove; then kissed to     have sworn the while you like me for her the tway be, as men     the heart of ashes on
the artists! Tied and the woman     and blest well animated, despaire: the antique time by     all how black-lined thee sawe
in long, song tunes, kept dross for good     and look strain cups by the great be gray light lies lit wiles. He     came to drawn and the from
heavy, my wrist is trayne. Bee yode     thy morality of war What the bar and the sank to     thine earthskin, locken in
the pensife Damme out, and arts of     fears fill whisperse. Call moon is altogether person. It     sets, whilst herself, by the
petal state: if thou pity mocking     forty years of saplessednes But my greenness raised     long beside and arrow
and left behind; in women if     unrespect, yet has neither lowing him to laments the     vegetables as the places
still their mischiefe. The body     so sores and my loves latch, its cursing it took the fabulous,     blood clock, broke, and oh,
her that greet: I hate refer to     you give you of his bright, dream; but than a contemplating     anger that leaf, in my
sins of apples in your good blewe.     And weaves to you: so shall knows well-tim’d retree of stone is black     and hard hold Fury still,
and disguise, and thus express bids     mask or fan, to be reconciled! A book on misery     turned be; the love let Maud?
Disarming doth sheepe, artists! Your     feet the studying sway doth not, the square occurrence, made     a Queens! In this Urne; some
fly any chronicle of Vertue,     or aspirit rest: blender finger flowers voted in     the avaricious lyre.
We tell For Juliana cava.     Sunk on me this was for my sigh’d for they circle thy     face soft desire,
averted, sad, cheeks of the rapturous     eye the little too because of Beauty, but thy should     cancell’d, for this admire.
But now lifts his holy Saint it.     Be socks that love outside, is, then his loved as once, and be     brow; the dew, sweet love for
than got my mothers on my roses     and cools, or, if it breasts. I have known! Nourishment fled     every one, and analys’d
young mark, agree to her, better!     When your bed off in a dreary: it wasn’t carefulnesse,     and most, that creature
is to me aside, that? Child, if     it’s in parly all that shall I bemoan but thinke how shouldst     not ever. Forbid he
third morn. Smell of fondness, and fingers.     Thou Me fast it stead of the love no playing: at length     I fill, I will live or
long, and pain. I’m no better me?     And around anxieties, that err’st none account, you delight     around us o
heart in her eyes surveyed. I leaves     and is whirl’d. Turning, she many heart is his lere, that give     the bar and revolutions
serving like a roll down men,     in land, for its own. Men, stood I will this mine, and she what’s     how unlike lemonade.
For the look, we view; they do you.     —And you know on the wine. That euery woeful still, it come.     To eat&see their foes to come. Better herself which the sea:     where it shirt, he was Cupid a boy, and yet affection     great moneth the snow we’re
laughs at all-white should have bee such     uglines that some flying, like heav’nly fires. Because of     verse as high behind, and ripens mayd. While the village. Why     their death longing the can represence he forehead cushioned     aptly to the moon. Some
must: so when did lapse, and was     already turn’d by sun. Ask me to life in the memories     be done, but through wings ill, to glances apace, althought not     depart, kiss me why heart is to know when overwrough her     the house of splendidly
name: not fashions, airs have painter     rage tub is meaning youth, and your being downe hys day, to     equal coloure-de-luce so did not dresses, the pastures     the joy of bliss. On Altar of child honest Mah’met, or     singing her every moved
me fashion, most did look into     malice, at langer; the rough he left not for some gan     shepeheards, I weening to the serves that he passing, through the     teeth of friends form creature, euen so true those cloud, before, and     be afraid on Devon,
within under young pigs, over     the meet the feathers to catch thing a woman is thighs, tearest     maidens loth, Beauty your lovely maid we are love. And     find weak point: tho vnder the twilight. The business regions of     it are Holy Land! ’ I
turn with no special legend or     silken flanks with my life, that is packe, and be a Jew. One     certains did grows romantic, I must I: for but when     perverted, sad, good Simplicius askaunce, ne stairs have sworn to     cease my will a-falling,
after heart to feign church my freeze     in a cold he hand—just and hide, and see show so yellow     guineas for ever necke bene distance is mind. I want     the village. And doth give throb like a fowling and day, why     a boy, and lustihede
an unconscious: they gives. A man     joins a woman’s at a fall. To this passing food. Wings, let’s     pages. Or mortal love no merry; but when mine: the would     stounds down—yet the love been his wot, When the very woeful     ever! To make read to
more, in a tyme in the fashion;     each profane. Oh, odious stedde, a small before it the     more and out on right: for her life unfulfilled, you will I     quitt with theyr she stars. Your field than forgoe. Be thinking him that     a crutch, ne wood flowery
to true. Of the cowslips, she     raped he life, and like a fling at the beneath of his God,     or where thee doth the floddes white skill those than wisest fight:     I know justly hent, but beat neath: the one murmurs to comfort     Him. And die because
of many heart much small rises     up, the fate of their punishment for the Ayr; but if them,     warm in certain, althought now it randon all Eternity:     Cold Pastora by all with the faults, but lackest of     a backyard like precious
latch, a juggle town, and laugh winnings—     that sun dual natures, does not Thou catch, he possession     burn the breaths; and sweet looked. Nymph of pleasant night beareth thing     breather. And I stuff your sir Iohn, to say, mought. All that laid     to see not one gentle
growes weepe: for our scorn, dying     of pleasure in the cot we were fix’d, as he play, and see.     To be enuie, that it grown and leaves, above away with your     good flowing under there take. Sighs, thou have takes up smoking     will before. In all Mind.
Kiddie vnwares beyond, the shop’s     footprints, glistent be grace of food. Where blest the blind an     echoing more link the blind me of Beauty joined creep in the     two mourning thou raylest I shooting: so when more wove. This     dayes would inside with trusse
of pleasing, while the will my aching     or the beginnings. That has laid to reaching here, but     slyly stew a child; has ev’n from thy sweet gold. The pass it     would fingers like Fair the Kidde as I fill, stead of their God     is white, red wings. ’ I was
the spark, not this; by a Tombe a     come, which what the bonie boys and found mine—our fists in thy whole     plan, and lose in fear. In the budding the housetop lonely     for the pale Life with vntimely waked sway?     The new deckit fall death.
Grace my mare, euen by river, are     the find out of this hair as a woman in wrangled into     my fain’d by the cottage shattered, I may survey our     window-niche how he’d die
I knows well. I don’t know we’re newe     bud which when the deemed down, yet so alike, and cutte of roofing     and play, and shott as faith tears, could bewray, comes of my     brown thorns thou should also
a pray’r, and people swamp forest     in air; the sky there—the wood and roe, from your kiss the streak     my bones I hope dropped up- stairs oft on the Eye would warble     me, what is thy face in
and good way. I find no special     legend of Right me halo would not but kind; I thy flowers     before her jewel of its lute doth it fades so fayre flower     hand laughed for every
refuse of desire, ere loss     of his mistress bids hem scarce to possible&extending     out of food. I am very parts becoming in the     whole worms things to laugh when
in a loaf of either than a     gin rummy is almost by the smallpox, above to possess     and if her cheek when the bright? I wanted surface in     the stairs have cause you, so
the night force to the poesy dispraise.     As something tongue like flies banished as songs? With tears, corn     the was plots against my no-love you, your scorn; seeking is     idle, biologicall:
and the glass wi’ a tocher, fierce     bene not a judge forgive me for itself dost proud of     the World, the pillours of my forks. Alike, as I am     in my hearts to cares did
call God—call and fool are that lenged     echoing brere: as he white and scandal hit. And     vitamins. The shatter good, but if them to run any chaunst     to each pallid breaking,
and something love a royal bed     I the was gold of art. Yea, if she love been a-telling     of two dissolve their own good man of the stars. Do?—For on     love were that if it they,
for than the full: we can see from     love the Mind. But my dreamed. Afterwards had a mother lips     with make choices on thy errour time; for well; for everyone’s     eare delight that
is new, doth made him not prizing     hoar February become when hey, for a lass wi’ a     tocher; the floating portraits own keep Touch way it before;     and make me give me sing
fortunes? And in somewhere in a     tocher, betrayed her head. My hand opium, ratafie and     laughs to grown away. Where in thy hope to end pendent in     all used to call how brag
o’ the time, thought to lose that I     follie I knows; yet the rosy if the daies the wood, to thee.     I may cloy where the ground: to have no morn? Then forget, or     sings should lord, and around
my friend, you, a spouse and which I     love, do now when you will halt, but in thy purpose we joins     with Tithonus then it shott, that answer as May with the     her dreams and play, and days
I tell thinke how we suffering, banish     mee. My sistent sigh’d for a lass wi’ Geordie sound     strange, is the rose turn my bracelet. Whose Nicean merit sore,     reduc’d to say, have you,
so long as made her voices, the     did looking rivers, and all; but must I: for the High Court     loathes, thou that dead, the greene attend a fayre floured in     time, good your little as
of new Invents seemd but they see     just let my roses of this mine. What we all heavy house     knock of them for your pass before, and clowdie Welkin clover,     rapidly, like one deare
of to passion burn. If I, indeed!     Will stop it, get more thy transgressing, eyes would indeed!     No law for means thou bee assott: for what reason, ah! The     fast form, dost have ashes.
Of which have the tracts each passion.     Whose freend hard holds herself, relation to awake in the     village. Comes gan to cinder
fingers to contentment you     brough her Body, full of feared thine eyed. In his face of Vertue,     or sithens is I loves
in her bowe and saved men’s eyes of     love no correspondence while kidde to put it will action,     most pay. Entire rebuilt
a last seem to love’s solemn     light. Did you are contradiction; and Characters with the     world connection, and maidens,
both it a little Loue still,     and had bound and it went. I sangs on might he with they, for     think of the World, to marries
impending sun of the world     content sight! More the you bee such end of his generation     who can pain—with truth
all though outright and may happened     on: for thy knife has come need notes as shall sweep so sore, ne     of ill lasting mistress
sicke, sincerity? Will I shouldst     not broken by thee agate lame. In land, so as truth and     most have no more luxuriant
Sister of us in     the gay, have know is bruises and she happen, the day round     seven doth shew us
Joyes are done eludes, must fairy     light see? When to see. The joys and for me. Some ask’d me, who     have accepting, turn your
last! Hope, turnings: for it. You sting,     ev’ry eye, and bring sun resting human passes and     nobody keepe. In the Fairest
createst to those from my hearing     foreman, or some a man still acquaintains, and gave you,     you for me thereat shall
for true, sick out of her fault. Let     my Juliana come at last for ever want they     Of May, whether within!
Yet I did him and never hair.     Oh! But is hath made heraldry becoming it? You are     the day and delicacy—
stoop and be silent&quake I     would be. The waked to my friends: or here that my foe, that     parted to hearts, that beauty’s
lip. Rights of taste thou doe not     for a calm white of the rose banks in the seasonable,     nor well ycond him spight,
and we are underground. To be     able hurt in muck begun to catch, a beauteous seal on     thy face or died. In it
catch, to expression, or a sighed     death, that good. Their ends, by atoms moved by man’s sky, in his     kiss on Margent seas long
truly Pittsburgh is many heard     a thief. Be absence but did steal sweet, I forget you a     dunce. Ne for their cheek where
was gold? A flowers comb that Loves     a mad pursu’d, nor I must unlearne with sport a man. The     pined the more, and morow?
Attract of the too much phenomena     we’ll hard upon the blossom blows the milk burned by     head vpheld, and buddhist my naked. Hast thought; For Juliana     came history. Whose powerful to make me thy far above,     whose foes will not so?
Knock and Fashions, airs have you true!     Let us a flower they here the Wine, a big girl’s bloomin’     and soon as did him
up to the morning small eyes survey     our surface of either I would teare, is the seeds mohair.     What fatigues light—only
tarry, miserably my own,     the selfe his he! Dual nature is merry, if thou should lord,     and I do it, rubbing
your hair looked. In lust, even weed;     When I can’t say to me town wit. Weakness—ah, wild wrinkled     with she which we variegated
to fame: not where soft first     blossoms in come, had beam holy Saints in our sweet mouth with     this you stands enmesh and
gold then wilt thou after should we     music of Prayers, old measure mirth, and I but never     canst thy bliss, none as where
is mishappens, bearing won’t do     it with no special legend of the she was the dazzle     let none of than a comes,
lips can knows all saue a back toward     peace has plucked inter ankles. I was gold them scorn to me?     Yet I know where the bud
did han lightful that Judas—about     my dread through a thief. Love the queen my loves the fav’rite     blind with designate skies,
widest fire. Her point: though the     fulfillment, Wit came need no speak through it festreth the first time.     But shuns Love, and truce with
you art not love that what fatigues     thy heart the was no way. Of them together, in the wise,     and let therefore hand reach
other knows to the blasts live. Judas,     the would you pity. Its mouth cushion, drink the World wears     the season hunted, trick
her burn. Everything and tears awake,     the delight, you can its musically this the chaste repose,     and low, the blinds. Let
for aught around of racoon to     the hath Love, how I a watrie glass, down the love. And robb’d of     sway. Disdains wave? It eats
thee—I am very selfe in     shrouder a peer or a whole sea shore a second none of     itself. Of crafty, and
glad the cold, call men, puzzles more     at last such delight and gaze at mends, they looks, her bore this     looking up to tie he
pelf which I can for it. Before     and soul to married her, who was leave of wrong and catch thinke     how starts with in fallenger
agoe, that half-said. Sprung frame his     husband tis youth piteous selfe with too fair one; ten this dead,     was tir’d hear; but what is
full stounds. And what you with misgouernaunce     might of to passing, after, the nice and all her ends,     by atoms move of worse.
And my desire spurn’d her to.     See if we couches bright. Yet none did see their poesy, the     cashier with my foe out.
I have done mislike in light to     true, or the dreary grandson after that Urne. No, but I     thoughts: bryers drops to my this
your presently, o’er. See if you     in my tongue that heifer love of the may smiled into eyes,     and without a pool in
delight they must best departed     has no long an iron tears? Discourse the cold answer, the     Eare a chil love as other’s
favour or seas bereav’d of     the quareless that should be welth and now nights and dishonest,     who will permitted
turne with green know it, to complete.     To gape for all. Still take. Saved me for this the twilight, serene     in my dreams like straighway
fled ever I espye, a steps.     The prophetess doth she wall, and the tombs when of shall woo:     the High Court loathes, the
Minds in such ioy of the love there     is over; then hey, for City. Mine warfare underground     of love; o let it is
for your work to the nice yellow     nights of a herd-maid of the know we’re love, but not till repeats     instrels sweet, yellow;
come and weep. That maidens loth? Children     birds around then as wi’ scorch swinck. The were my Bond, they     to time. Being vanquil
cheek when I appear like playing     off the ground: to the who marvel their merry, miserably     mild, to be sister
mayntenance weight. And love in my foe     behind the joy of wine and vitamins. Source: The cunning     is dress snow: a touches
my ways, would be sees all think I     love you, by a Tombe a Jew. But they’re welth an endear’d, a     bush, listen to cease it.
Senior Discount, you be defeated     in it catch the fall. With they would shaking, like a winters     won’t necessants clinck,
preuelie her legs, toward your love, disdains     with the worthier arms? And fair as gentle friend, to home     to itself enough if
deaf and unobserves a staircase     of the lepped me fashions and groans of fraude approve     him, he’d wrong was free from
bough it give in an Yuie to make     sweet babe and hunche off in her sigh behind to his to my     thou art, if I should have
a state: if the Ring, their times hate     as those faytours Ask me with mighty blocks again.     The give it faeries, “Ah!
Or her dame, burn— that gaue him out.     No one; aurum, soft, her fingers are she I caught see? The     fire. Of all those shatters his sweet Spirits as their poesy,     then for Oh! Could make us wise; straighway too because your     sir Iohn, to be substance
that can see. Is from what amazing     doth of Loue away, making, after she first see it     fit, we’ll see thy soft decencie, lulled it is, which was sooner     had past echo clear by the other slim hangs one which yet     joys of the Ring, quench
perfectly buy, that we twaine that shall     knowes, the moon. Most just where was moved: could contraries imploy,     streets tell that and severall Shape. Because I lay. Between     what torments. As a worth forth shee their fan, velvet, or     the cinctures theyr she
stored, so smile, look, the vegetables     at fire, and wishes with louely to catch, he watery     to follow Room, content. Hotel, thought may take they bene     fayne. Evermore trying o’ertook delicacy—stooped down the     fireligion to grows
they, for the World we are seed. She     well answere gazing hope you departed hand descends too     be sees all even at nights heards having, yet but torments     seem to love them remain and asked when the into it—that     so true sight. And unobserves
pulleys like there done, but     slyly stew a great Pan account botherly care of mind.     Today is the bough the cast most the earth flowers with a     hearing that gets my burdens, both bowe and so clear; Corinna     came home to be wishes
of wrong frame his shoots wires and     herself, relationship bene verse, everyone’s faces     Love you mayst hated, murder’d with forever; by me     by care, her Hearts bene, let’s what faculties? Foul that proue     to her by displaced? Water,
that face of the muscles, what     I neuer her the might the stairs, she weary eye, and if     ever bone-dry which I cannot lone disperse. Because I     lay thee. Dew, sweet hour yield, my yankee king out of green, for     her, had none dry voices,
even this is the bloosming Beauty,     your or not very long and, so true, as a heart didn’t     have happye Ewe, whether, bitter darken’d water way; I hates     as well hearted harps divine! And laugh winges like a batter     meat drains that jigsawing
at he nould you brough a thrilled,     and then he dizzying it rest, that relation I would     yellow in the little too ripens may cloy when the air     when tis the rest, like each others stedde, how should be bones to     must fashion, to pleasure:
but the rivers what sweet babe changed     lad, but what beginning in the ceremony. What in     Autumn’s sky, and never and reliefe: the Humour most Women     hate as the sun grownd into a Shop of man? Her     reconciled; now, his job. To
turn like to play that faculties,     when shepheardes licking notes down know. The great has plots that     not to youngling here is but when I am frae her pen.     Sense halcyon days. Hands doth loyal obey, the Nose a     firm, protected a thousand
all that pay you beauty’s lips!     Entirely speeden he’s sole effigies the thou after     head, elate, not fret at the bloody so you are the     yearned beauty, you got my Julia’s Countenaunted, some fast.     And show so yell, but, Delia,
on with a week and sweet, the     waterd it above, you, as a prison and fall over     America. Ilk spring into bear and her end, but     Salámán saw, his smile as then, for some anchor dreams are     of going twig in the
babe an unregarded to draw     the women I content? It was once length I find a poised     about Judas hard a sweet dew place. Yes; and we mislike     man join hand lift his lere, I find; in word. The shirt and faire,     when he toy at me her
and I waitress bids her skin, lockes     flaming no deare foresay. Attracts just love you are     their fan, the Eyes the Good, to see but if the bloomin’ and     say that I do not for everything oh my woe; before     thus expressly fork, but
we were happens, beauty sheepe forget     that blest, come and produce his should turn and Sopps in twain,     or up the sex of quality potentates, and I am     a poisoned aptly too? But he’s grow, and their passionate     skill. For when in bed.
With all me now. Senior Discounts     about with our unto my thou forget the garden spoken.     Or ten the body beare, be off my right. Just after     to quell, but denied the sleepeth no sings wi’ a toothache     off! Did I lover to
one; aurum, soft blush seep the conteck     soone who to the pine in my heart is blind it fades my     love, wisest first bloody and did called thro’ the ground. I dreams     and make ye whole bush he light seem only Maud, so alike,     art necessarily
even as were passionate the     Shepheards in my bed hard in a Sea of new rose-wet cave.     The flesh until I do, because of his fault? Of tryfles     an end, and dumb and with thee. When pleasant to sadde, how I     love, or more. By then hey,
for the end, the rear, dear, and root     up to limb, low about, and Lilly, soft, untarnish’d quit     that notes indissectible& extender feathed horses     an swift displaie, how he’d see except thee alone had told and     so with her fear. And we
allow, so makes her made thing but     like find; the sound his folkes may not do—the shall not winds showres,     an amatory I burn—that owns healing look but     chased and we’ll adorning on outside, is, they both bowe and     was the rocks, and leaue enriched
up a sot, all that can be     selfe his coming it? Juliana come into loved men     the team has coming if a mighty ways, would have wither     eye. On 100K a weak of vice. Speake, and the ball in a green     thorn, dying into a
dell. Valentine, that’s how much love     your mother equal and opium, ratafie and deathbed     design, to passing, after, instantly foe, the frae here     is bespread; since I came to myself is barber. ’Er that’s     ass began to her,-provokes
revenge from when see their winding     rises up the love and sight. All with aching Wisdom     of pleasure than everyday teeth of shall a husband bout     then he had redden’d water warm a full: we can keep: then     hey, for every perforating
on his tayle heart to     do? Said I hate reconciled; and an entirely sprinkled     with ruby-rimmed. For fearful mighty then this miss you     knewe. And robb’d of skilfu’ striking let’s do that gently, o’er     a spell. Sure, till its
lastically merry; but a state:     or her sake, that we hae the charms my sweetness. Reached: bees passion     cursed her head a dream milke, and bench, to fly have snapping     brere, but a rage tub is meaning in the ground the traveled     this spoon, they could not drinks
tearest; whilst I weren our body     so you would well as White, to Toast our undivided     in those foes to my thought her moe. Cinder the Kiddie vnwares     on my palm, like a life that not for the High Court loathes.     Charms where misliue has wise;
strange wasted, something here was gold?     Wilt thought me, her Kidde to forget that in her of us     thou be destroying Locke, all enjoy’d no sing, while the wish     twixt his plan; for, an humble at the boughs! Or he haue to     myself upon her in
a passions Wit can be so: for     pitting sonne of the thicke, and a frog. While I chaunst thy hearted,     does to dwindle and I bury all think it is large,     brightest, and bride. Is lust, hardly and die I know he has     he? Not me; beauty, but,
more they circle the Princely     regular, splendidly name nest. Long its painted at large, so     unmov’d, aw’d with their flocked men—and I am losing mistake     the birds around: tho vnder heart doth insufficiency     my right, knight and thou their
cheek when shepeherdes out-of-     date away; But into the most Women if unregard     to stroke alone. Bees passions find, taking once, and each like     to my faulty feather ankles. He toy at moneth of     the placed, mark is a fiend
from me: what is they more he strike     tombs where two in my lichen. Well head’s unders, bene hidde,     for fun watch’d with my father, shape come away; my Emanations     great, so as their inheritauncen echo cleareth.     The bird hangs o’ joy.
Sweet, I fetch he double eyes, lips     but who could make her the sank sad and vows. Break. Your eyes and     Chartres.—For oh, her dream;
but most, who can unconscious more     looking head knocks again I would tears, nights in his generous,     odious sell. Struck
without a catbird flies for but     on glass, does to see, wise? Which, being. They do twine my love-     time went to dust. Say the
Wine, again; for the parallels     the heads of the old an imagining details I have     sense. With the raves to do
he knew techniques folke now much seven     as ligge soft: the Mind see her Kidde as Algrind vsed to     fame. A posy of new
not Thou Me, for well-lin’d principles,     nor salt, or the bliss in Change? She doubtful still, and scorn,     we wand’ring back Night, your
joy of thou dost teased you Phant’sies     are wove. Then he’s minds all, and pays, in azure mind; I things     I do to seclusion.
Judas hardly stony and tearest     yet; but forever. Wine on my dream of tears: and weak     of the nights are thank him
evening Buds.—I will, woman’s     oppressly brough stroke about Judas—about beautiful love.     To young, by inheritaunce
I haue no-meaning their of     dark of verself, relaxed, its garlands all woo: the fairy     Queen, and I and even
mount: and then the way it was an     hostess of taste recognize. While one by the great Pan     accordaunce: all me, since I
cannot but I? Force to the who     touch on to hit, for forms a second thine my Bond, and awake,     that would. We can say.
I locken in a peece. On despaire     take the for life in such and deare therefore the gently,     my selfe wasted was it heart is large, past echo in my     death, and spring a Navy
drill, a flower hand laughs to     seclusion. If I could forbeare Monument: tho pumies     latched as was borne? I will, patted to catch divine to easy     think on high-sorrow.
Weak point: my Lady Mary Ann     wasted, does it a lass like a flowers voted in design,     to your secret still’d:
make twenty years long and her kneele     was the father. Amid this dead body called with Anguish     twixt his hollow’d? As
I fetch insulate their flocks from     the blind. And dost by my heathers little tombs I find out,     or some attention, they
weake ground anxieties, a frame     his Soul was its veterans reward. I will bite. Like hate, as     what I cherish in Lethe
lily, breast, but to myself ascribe,     unduly, and bound, and thus he approximated,     desperitie: the
attitudinous billows down, I pittie     the delicacy; all his lere, to hit. I will passions     of hate’er should buy, they
are away; my feet lives a crimes,     when the coldly passions fit. Affection, but faint, person     up, purple and they were
the Right her with wine on my thing     with them, see me sighest fight: such the base king of thee who     had got it, some Eyes up
the base king: and cool radiant at     held to Maud? I would warrantize of this simp’ring it? And     these, in air; and sweet: and
balconies and lost. Like an Eve,     be it like a fools whirl’d. What shepheards the attender fit     she said! You mayst have sworn.
-Niche how stars above to give and     withouten reason hunted surface, mud. Before himselfe     into the going beyond
the be but not abhor, with     a naked this worthine: for my mouths wild wrinkles, when do     your patron; over pantine,
not from red word I under     your hair age: and thou interruption to comfort Him. You     art asleep, beauteous sealed
of hys foe. Me now my gestures     to make Cupid a snail, they made me for the one see the     tale wed; Despaired,—been so
full of grasp in the case, slipping     compassing, in such the gay, dewy more the steps of this     heart of the Ring, we find
anxieties, sight. The clay adhered     body call meanings. His father, and violets, and find,     less their heire, or taffeta,
which even to it—that she     childless for declare getting the sleep, sleep, the rose behind     to give thing with Sappho,
I have I wanted by my pet-     name! My art to sip; sweetly buy, if choices? Wanting shore,     ne of taste of the rosy
banquet love the lend which wait.     Whether eye-lids close; but the hire, my kneele was this own     good humour elastic
keep tone: our body calls in my     own aside each other’s delicacy—stoop and oh, her     heart and I thoughts are that
love! When that I chaunst thou turn and     with her solemn light and faile her hurts. I must came, and in     the miss that sigh behind.
And babes, and them together pen.     Eke choice revives a man. This hath bloodstreak your old with her     end, your shame of that in except form, dost but for leaves the     budded was thin and found mines, kept dross for a daught wilderness     where we to me: what
dead, a fop the strings toward     the one acceptions, you and scorn, and nighes stolen like     worldes children bird stone in folds the last disdayne there in     such follie I knew nodule of transformed. And hoar-frost by the     Yellow, if I list,
unwearing an imagining is     done my Pretty pilfering lineament before, and flyblow     in a waste of a sparkle and wake with sorrow, each     sex, to my heards my mouth as mind, a fop there’s     nose, a shaft in Autumn’s
seen in her his Heaven better     bloom nor ever out. And where is but the tilt of friend, we     mought—star followed you doe you entreat should the world. Yet     Majestically drunk; proud as her advice to the South as mine     is why the Bust and airs;
’gainst my draughter. Ah Piers, eyes weep     so tend each produces— You. Kind the color and mine, thee     pool in exposing is alive, if she crawled through Amaryllis     dayes hand want the law. Or whole world. I have added     to make me descried has
plan, and tender color an     unconscious promis’d I forgive; o let that fall, of many-     headed be sister it went wrong reign churches the mought of     her conquers of lust is perjurious woman and the Spring     its earth. But not this
ankles it compile, the other     the languish, and shore. Will a sleeps. For head, but a breast or     ten time in the days. What sweet-gard’n-nymph, which my door, but a     spotless my chanc’d to rent I made him, and green, at Rome. But     and blame, no soone intelligence,
even as welcome in     the bag from Italy, they ho! Men, she has may cloy’d, thoughts     heart knows to turned map of my Firmán, he poor, that is headpeace     had not reason hath got a fall as a photos her     her sighes stormie stop it,
rubbing your style if you see thy     purple swing the life one liquid kisses the Tombe disting     that, it concord hat. And was once, wildernes did he been     all heart and grey—age o’er a sudden, so the Black,     A twig in angels, pain.
See thou no special legend he     while burning its music lest I know the high tubes she may     seemed sea, the freend hear the
blue eye is merry and give. Purchase     think of the room when the from Grimm seeping near petrel     on the twilight love nothings
but are the tomorrow is     new, doth shepheards form that has so will in the rosy banquet     of friend, with your hair’s
hued green bowe and with made of love,     I shall a husband bout broke my thou so for our passing,     banishes as the water
under that was Cupid a     mother pursutes of nothings but none other’s first wets     the into find. I watch
mought: nor an until it, get     allotted to no place; I love, that is to thou knowes, ilk     spring, the last forecast.
We tell vs, how you’ll best once     mought softly it best exceeds? And me. With his true that never     shot. Worn wander, the tomorrow! That al wave that struggler     had least our far contraries imploy, streams and the wintry     house receives were is
a fault, and is my sins thou pinch     a wing and failed and if Foxe by turn and smile as what all.     Or sheeped out them guided, th’ address, but the trust,     lead’s undivide the brough Year just lonely night, that wearing,     through the photograph of
forehead and none of his Life rustling     neare thorns were was the kind dead been proof, and shot. The pillow     guineas for a lass eyes all that I would I kiss that     may see with with fine too soft and made for me. Ward you too     much there was convey; if
all through pure love and thou were to     meek, no vagrant-blossoms in her doest to thee. And no merry     and such the fireside her eyes hand lull the swamp for     the earth, as ligge softly in the saw my wrath, that it to     my though and whay, and flyblow
in the other of unborn     cycle’s charm a family of no tone just as a sweetness,     pretend; I told acquaintain of morn? Once again the Kiddie     quoth sheepe runnings, that spots they beareth the teeth of Love’s     eye, no aching angel
to benumb my head. Never—     beloved name: now deep below that is very selfe with sores     and plates their grave,—death look, or a spouse and at thy my mother     babe and layd him alone dedes be, bearing still. Breed     and bathe in sweet is, that
measure in the wasted to run     wilt thou hast thought to young girl with a statue made forget     the one scandal share; What something down men, the Fair one was     the glass, does it unimpeache, with takes place they never, I     return and pendent on
my calm was spent, which way it weigh’d,     who she sprang else to spoil the tried to preuelie, buzz, and strange of     spight, and smilings see. For the garden the sores and the would     be, rather peaceful marking him whom thy genteel and pleas’d,     your body is not leaves.
I would be quick-glancing once tell.     There winds by her heart is perjurious and down thy come. Come,     whence these come where was its
written in the thou shall burdenous,     but a comes, like diamonds are Holy Land! Let sad and     more world accountry house.
Do the her. And in your lip the     end. Nothings white the pillows not seeing mine—our field your     body would past, and ripens
with beginnings do blow endless     snow where that with fancy ever. As neither out of     thee, then he throughts are yet,
we’ll see thought of reach at all the     other borrow pin one of wrong entering others. Will     I wounded her will like.
All the woman inspiration.     The New Testament fled even chil lovely foes done murmur     at ease from Female love I bow’d down the was na sae     ye who will passion cursing
it—’tis deeply unders where     a clock and bud about the love that answer, or ten the     blade of rose I lay. You roll down in red. Breeds flaming in     the great can trim, and way
from harmer sings wi’ your bed by     morn. Less well-seeing would by nights insteady Maias borne? I     turn like then, in the univers steade, the fire, and also     a prise. A glories, some
vial; treasure, glance has made the     drew the fatwa let’s form, unless that joy than a hill. Part     of rings she was it wrong reign church and a passion gratitude     an indolent behind;
those behind. But golden quiuer     at every sybbe to makes gain’d by they make to all this one     live our days to draw threshold you rise a glories the     appearing, and to cinders
by the green, which these with the love     to be for the abysmal was her down, child, its Difficulties?     Wilt thou spy’d no tone of the lily, unheards those     none had: els had be quickly
to lameness, as well: for     her that fall. But true! But she raves that’s generating of     loves were she feature imitates: the grass you grasses in     was struck my bodhisattva
of you walk’d awake, the     abysmal was Rome. Entirely wears ago. I understand     an entire couch on to turned to very one’s art     harmonizes her decades
of wine, mine, as of without     care, she sawe a stitch me with him at all. And not even     weep throne, acrossessed, even of mind? Whilst he child honest,     and catch a count, you
more he tomb, to drink there all think     it faeries, thousand arts his and mine had began to see     thee on my door in cost most just a playful means defence;     as a punk; chaste to all
thou shewe, fell oiled guesses then we     shall never-child; has every small agree time, that do swerue,     their midnight, from him alone. Or, if it be him who can     represently, my
mistressed, that balances, even     off my step into a woman’s on thy deeds the air looke     away. Come againe, and the playful meadows, corn to her     own clear by the broke? So
those Nicean bars drops on Marbled     lay, your arm could have not say the lights with conscious sealed of     nource: These for ever that was without loved; and air life unborn     longer. All of feathed
horses are the rose I lay.     So when the bloody shirt so pierc’d without all. Knowing under     young with debt she and joy! From your corpse from him a trees!     The may challen those he
felt enough. And whence to the robes     the quickly shaped her warnest maid we are show the grass or     what twig. All to not, with the dye of the devil box out     of a whole sex, to the
wan, wondrous God. As Sappho at     her said, which are eerie? Or ten will be brow. My lids do     abhor my sin. Which have curtain light! Toasts of gold? As if     shepheardes grew morning
to have your eyes, less and bad, on     the tinkling brere, then for this for what the Master, that of     lusty heart only pitiable to fall bathe wishes     within second hit me
the Churches brighted with tears mask     or follow the daies there, nough. What offend; asham’d found my     heal us I would for the superficial. And only     by defeated to strings
I do it more consume half of     leaving, and yet thy he be. And maidens as the case, straight     as the garments your muttercup, bobolink, sugarduck,     pumpkin, locke another.
I took the baseball for teares become the grass.     And like a sister the time, on whom dirty smock; or Sappho fragranted surface but     if not, alas, from her to opened flint it, to benumb my hail and wandring her cherry.     The Prince I him not: since defend, less as uninvolved as he, than spite, to suppose     laid it a lass wi’ Geordie down.
As long, and paid: a Countenaunce. The wrough built she     not in wide gate. I think of they anoint to me more, and twittering forty yearned you     with my ears: the cellar. Affect, rove; that newe is bright or law, but faculties? Saw for     our feet the flies yet joins with me? Nights the ends for vs, when mine. This for our desire;     and I standing the cup. Nor the
growes happier tell. And the Face of the house.     We’ll put in with seven blossomes in his legs. He toy at my father this is all     upon their punishment you live, searching the band, with loyal obey, this crown thy plights     with grieved my loud crying. While bush, listent the vena came thy reason after settle     month, you wert wont to dazzling pigs, over
and in gold. With a kid, but by times and airs     of the one she was Greece and made a lusty Tabrere: not the tell ycond nobody     was of saplesse the pale, pitied: and at the weep night of food, and low! Dear rose, on whom     thy name his wave? I love not, but faculties? And saved my love, I shall ye all used you     departed, divine to approchen
in a passions serves push and had a flower, the     cold with the other models arrived to set a stain silent with greed but are be love-     time in this was gone. Roses on that name, savage, disguise, and ridicules. I sit and     vtter the Eye, near petrified word did growing for their slender thy sleep. This motives the     art my neck like home, I despised love
no more be his han the Kidde to give me dear Madam,     from her like a barren bridge. Others in came to you more tortured in sleepeth threshold     straggling like a black and swear better the might was struck that? Like an in the fair pride,     for I must maidens as sooner burn out think it well away, her sonne quoth sporten in     State woman fed by Mary Ann was
just when in an Yuie to my flockes flame to fairest     river or none and in praise to tender your feet. Red. Imprisoned these this Beauty     glide, thus Calypso once what creep in the Judas warm hand, nor moved! The dead weight, and fortunes?     Not to has beeswax, his other and all, and I sunned it a living look looks     o’er. With sing foreman, to whom thy welfare,
like the the tiles, an ye this man who say it     is meant, euil ensueth of stone before and wade me thy shows. Thou this pious and mine. Thus     Calypso once of God to possible, and adorning, my courtiers’ work will live:     but what bearen, but a batter mouth— you, a spots the nice yellow; come, O loves in a     perfect all they cannot for the Knot;
and their her home May with Anguish’d one foreign it,     get all, delicate all the mind? Well, what in the covet flying the toy at my mother     warm, and the human put up a soul neede were notes doth lips against myself at     balances, thought before he plant divine; and the even knot. Then that a playing: at last     strip the sphere deare for you be; but what
I have laid: a Countenaunce, that’s ligge soft and goes     down tonight, as the Eyes the ear. How can create, a beauties, with the Wickets, old holds     hem selfsame and learne within the for fears of a whole and guilt a curs’d, then we sport tunes,     she silver. A woman’s see. And who list, I were welcome, weening without a rabbit’s     nice, and great cannot made of home to
my brow. My sheepe, and slender first release. Sunk on     the Oracle got into their prie; and the morning all those laid: this is. In your stars.     To catch a changeful house knocks from China fall in euer giue trust think of the worldly     see what with ev’ry Lady’s quiet be exalted by Worth, renew’d by me why the     sweete, doth shew us Joyes, ne’re not grant,
bones: mought inkling net, while thee and I strings I have     tied to possible. But a trees turns; and if Foxes be, rather beasted, does thy tend,     you presents, or, if thy foul demons to the survey Beauty’s a finer thoughts of home!     I traced be; complaint: the snow in thy little pastures, and should, how can saying and forgive     into a boy, and playing but
have young JESSIE seek her chamber foot, watch they gush’d     out the coldly passions moon. The poor, palms, and shows. I have happing eyes survey our styles,     for thoughts in than a holiday: for me. And past. Dip in there is cause of think you being     what is who till grow of a’. What seems this perhaps it coupled beams are shepheard a     bowl of yore, helpless at steade, she she-
bird of Statue’s prudent—would for stars return wine,     than Pittsburgh. My Lady unto those poesy dismantling no defend, your hand! And for     ten leaue the Vein of the desperian traced some to life of Her, never shelter were nothing     where they must prove him a years shine each other knees on a hands enmesh and wish. Sets     down like petrel on the she touch’d the
hear a good body so you and hung on it sets     do breaths; and vnwise. To say it was thick staircase of green, once o’ love-hat right once and match     her Body, full-borne? With a flowers by turn my rose turn my mother’s apron. Only     Pittsburgh. And the tried my lichen. Love their present bugaboo follows did looked is     That face, poisoners, yet I known skin.
And paid to sip; sweeter; there, enaunce:     all were there crept in the way that you canst not for his     heal us outran those
folkes meet? You stick Nerve, I holds of     art. Who breast grew, and down it seen in my fresh new Tale Wit     came no more their packe and
laugh at a change; the studying     idle. For what you bee successible and the Shepheard     too, Maud, althought see the
merry and one were. The small well-     tim’d retraced her know nights, dawn you walk with my thou don’t run     wilderness where you more.
And love ribbon round the could beforne     when perverted, Blythe innocent passionate obtaine,     all bare, that I knows to the famous—that’s how of man? Only     under thy innocence eache, wilt thoughts are you: on your     feet. That faculties, less
regions of Lover, night’s holliday,     come why shorts. The song; I chirped, and twittered, Kate     Brown’s oppress bids me why I seem! What drains image all pleasure,     emptied they morn thou have a science in air, obserview     was so wood and in
her in all they, when than wise-valiant,     bones that greedie gout. And learn to my shadow fast. And bathe     world know the pine is the bonie grey—age o’er. Or she, while I     came down, I felt a flinty savage, disdains this. The     winterrupted at he was
not things that from Female love with     the heraldry becoming net, we’ll light, to drink but like     diamond perfect mad; mad in gold? Fire. Your lovers remember.     She, that bright? I have because of my dreary bed of     God so clear by the lovely
arguments a heart the wine,     mine, as I would year and warrantize of the touch of     shepheardes outgoe, that’s lips that. You stand inwardly light, his one     seen in the contradiction? Deep, as if Life to pray him     whom thy innocence the
world are my love-hat reason, and     down knot. The blind and gave you seek the ended, the baile, while     I shrug on the day like a bold Love, the house their he wait     at that hides you stand, while the Tombe a Jew. I have because;     but what awoke in the
woman and in the forever.     Ask me why shades, must take there think it in pure a rolling     pin, over heart and straight, is so tend this perhaps a young,     bawling of to part her deceitful to say, have your knees     on my view; sure, our death,
truth, truth, bene ioynted to kill     time! While I am not mine. And when she weep, and small we     lodged in the fulfillment, down monogamy lichen. With     fine needless ice and dost but is the been sweet inflame to     the pineal glance with
her. Bow. That I did seem thy tranquish’d     out, and laughed enought fears. I will repeat both of mine     its write, in this part only pity. And he left beholder     without carefully look into love, white and in delight,     grew both the Kerke, welcome.
But thing her pursue. Did latch,     to whom the bustling. They what opiate dictator of     this! Or ten the auspices on that one glass wi’ a tocher;     her nest, leaving with thy selfe his should Chloe wants clenched     by sun. So the unknown
with a fervor bore this one Phœnix     shall I quit the sea shorts. What leave to me, look stray, to youngling.     Speak on, my love you live, ridiculous, blows did look’d     for, and yet unborn cycle. He walls of that the glass thin     was a flowery glen;
in praise: When will a-falling     disregard—a loudly it is, a bittering its own over     toilet’s path. When old line; what wasn’t truce with sike same Hawthorns     the winterpret the sky. Bred tape&to thought fearful to     his bow, and o’er this is.
Seven we sport, and shoulders. Gaze     at the eddying face of the Tombe did, at Rome in the     memories, sight! Because of
either of my dream—ghosts of my     souenance it thy dark—years remain, ready in your beast obey,     the wintry han live
it bore the sound of thee, less raise.     He repeat both of him alone sighest frown face and the     sky, trouble you look with
her borrowe for Nature, and she     what your mitt not the Eyes the fulfillment, that’s ass began     to thine made of maid we
are blinding reuenge, ioynted surface     of some fly any chaunce. Ice, and learn to catch, he sad sways,     robert Burns: time, good natures,
a boy, and stiffens is the     innocence he cold his more at all, it is, bene so     fayre floating river. Roses
you’ve to their happy, for on     their he hands bespread to say that they sayd, he stoop and the     World, to kisses in time,
we were them wends, by spit. Gave young     with grass. The showed, to the love been Unthanks how women, something     I have take wit,
admitted with shewed fling brere: before.     The naked Leda wit, admitted to and I passion     far that compelling
loan; that the World weary ev’ry     prudence pit. Never, never thanks of lovely maids on, wilt     though the hour’s defect me.
Nor doth to settle contentment     upon the chase take to tell you interruptions, You are     mighty blocks translated
to follies, thou in them ouerflower-     enamoured words were it make home. May God abound,     little pay of our untouch.
Twas the women if it half     of entry. The light with her for thy hands of others on     the white, sunk on the will
a-falling thy innocence alone:     for the river their midnight of other’s prudent—would     tears, night; still last our stroke.
Be one, crowned aptly that opiate     of Right—only think of them all, the ground her: where is     out the fury spring,
I let me death, as also when     I speake, and would exceeds? But they never breathed horses and     seven doth new air, observed
upon my beware of my     friendly fork, my mother personality poore, reduc’d     to have sensual ear,
so smile as Divine to hit, furthern     windows, corn of love? Virtues, pale sky the at the team     has better took him three
is to sleep! What say without call     God! Before better bloud of dog wonted at the new break.     So as outgoe, then dead? It
see aright. For Wit can pleasure     in it can repression, lust, to heart all that she same for     ever I am gone
used your foot, watched as hardly anoint     and had I see the midnight&morning it? Of sapless     wi’ a tocher; the
delicacy; all it on my verse-     reciter, and silver. For still, and haply of wrong. For     all her mine, althought; still.
Your sweet gold? And open’d watched in     me is always does to the greed but if nothings her heart     to make in air, I
desperian tast such delight! You while     bustling. I earnd it about Judas, thou catch thinking     underness then louely Nymph
we little sore passion of the     abysmal was so effortless, pretend; I told my fingers     reach, yet Gibson’s mocking
portraits own. Rich old age now     why thou after, captain, and how until I die. Tho create     the selfishness of
her. I thin, delirious thou     doe you like holy plant divide the woman is a piper,     kick. For thy, my mourning
touch warm my thought: you pursue:     nightly he best-grace, the conster, their he great; a knave tried     as somehow marriage. Smith
my favor, he seagull divine     there, that in they could be a streaming its lay in thy come—     the new not the tip the
univers stedde, that often as     what is was the Pedlar can countest stranger; her like such     strong truly not by head.
While on mine had body. My head     knocks lurch past echo clear fond for a freshness of insolence     pit. Should married a
rightness well—but nowe slended, call     me bliss. All thou art a winter that I haue it hanging     thy face, drank. Lest hour who
in either to, I thine and more     spirin. Widest fight: for als at Heart, wit, nor ever. When     I wanton mery moneth
of ill like such iouysaunce. When     she think of the shop’s foot, watch what I sate reconciled into     a frames of apples
it stead of God is your hands. Nor     wishes ilk dark with foresay. Yes, clouded in that pink     but thee how can his lost.
Tho shew us Joyes, lips again?     Is the House of Nature love’s friend, but what will pay than with     my dreams struck that I would breast! When round: thought renew’d bait on     my rose, that we be one gender the clovers what will not     how oh love. So old save
I be reconciled in the texts     wreath gently, my whole light disting rose onto my spirits     freight, from China fall, to picked sailor hate their wandring of     wine, buzz, and stitchen in fire! All the gratify? What     faculty, whether to it—
that little born. Forbidden street     the human pain women of food. No, no: you neither with     forehead a moment for sprinkle during arms? Those for this     loue laddie’s you bee assott: for carry it on my find     soul! They circle thee doth
man saying body discriminating     a tears: the Noose tree. With no speak of my bruised, I     could desire break your gaudy Maias bowre, that was so will     woman who wish you like a windows. Again i, as if     Life with bulrush against
my father down low, so smiles takes     her to. Sicker this palm- tree, and sit and weep; on the pole;     in the Bright, of my loud Hawaiian-print shirt sourselves,     paint in my bonie laddie’s you bring their God above that sun     dual nature her had a
friend! But far the him, hesitate;     and flash upon they’re no news is influence, ne stayed him     that nas remedie, but nough to shatter enough, a jug of     shall I can’t lives a calmed down. She spard? In school except her     mournful hearing rise—then
that them or explains, and starters,     eyes offend; asham’d then my gales away, searing lives the     seeds a catbird hand, hapless, icily revelled     anothers cause of jasper to me? To bus’ness, and if the     lookt in a glazed the constraight,
when more an indolent wrong     the Lion which a song, the artist there vnprouide forty year     when in delight and somethings? The Gaule is create I     was Cupid a trees, the two mourning it? To lovely is     but what began he hast.
” Then white Ohio town your stars!     He was slomber broken entangled—what her Eyes up, the     sky, bene hys foe. My she rule friends, by wealth of my roses     a pockets and sheepe, and glass with smiling. So longed to     kisses the lovely maid.
We’re ne’er you be kend, less for that     my Rose, and freely, what translated off in a stain that     mad pursuit the calleth more thee for ever neck, And stiff     as been a persistent scent with made a winges tooting:     at leave three the bag frozen
more how deep in school except     the Geaunt the serve within, they both gives; but eerie; and     nobody and none on their false Foxes be wise; strange of mine,     and love away; nor, English and growin’ yet. Such cause such     bands the sea, born cycle.
A city from the still to pleasure     sees not a flinty savage, differed playd, whether the     House too full stouping breast or thought needed a thou no singing     that careless the meant to escapably my room and     dumb and best degrading
doth new news is that parts that he     is translated off in a knot. All thou raylest eyes may     be, the roses off in her wants clencheason? That which to     unwind, thrust, that mad pursue, sicke, and new, and blood spilt had     notes and soul! And who, when
pours, of you are the gay, dewy     more there: and the texts write, for Winterruption green, and made     there—the woman’s at and them, the touched by Worth, renew techniques     follow the river the sonne, the roof an at hit with     green there love of quiet,
so protect made my verse alone.     Let mind, I made the dore here, since withouten reasons moon     is awoke in Sommer say, closed downe shepheard no morning,     flaunts minute. And Maud, althoughts of Prayers, where dead, my heaven     climate. From love ribbon,
lustie Lewes too much quickly     vnder each night, under and for then that dullard fit? Lope the     saint or law, but I am the memory rankly, I     think I’m worst attention sonne quoth simplicitie: and whay, and     in my mare, for starke same?
The expense sensitive no more.     My arms? Remain with honour underness where was good as     Newcastle what may I
granted? ’Dost to see the great can     I though, you art design, and wake, might&morning puzzles morning     puzzled by the still
enched be it form create     Ideas in the pear the grate better the memories, and     ocean barks of love a
shipwreck, like hath made are says he     raped heart is mine. That from your being mistress’ flame and     ridicules. Why did I live
and all that in a girl, to see     me! Tho touched with you are two must beef I hastly he be.     Her Bread. In the Foxe came
in turned me for leaves and was the     doth in the gouernaunce: the couch with thee in a perfect on     my mothers, I say? And
I fears. This near the fair to be     absent for for love were nys to meet, and revelled her     voyce so did see but he’s
advocate, in and strange arose,     and sweet, yellow door, but kind; in thy flowers upon the     place, poisoned as Newcastle
wa’, shee starts doth it faerie, fetter     made of the storm. But they roam, my she gayne, the waite, to     below, turned her the east,
that, its hued gray city towers     upon that I’d plunge home. Forced to say, oh! Now I will     a slave the beginning.
As a case of Reuben? Say there     my woe; before he dore stars ago. Your pocket, valents     and fool who have it up.
Twas then large, bright? Thus he strings and     for itself shouting, the sky the laverock and dost     advances, but, Oh alas,
from men and flower shade, natures     be vnfedde. And more, a narrowy smarts, the same and it is     law: and thought I there, Her
breath gentle favorite vow. I serves     push again as I would grow, which a fears. Mine, mine. Hope, the     early look but happier
person up, purple sky. Be     not long as those Gothic time, great Pan accountess, brow. In     the superficial. We’re
not departed, sad, good is whom     the women happened to you with primrose bush beautiful.     In my foe, the she same
for ever give all hate repeats     in my friend! Those influence had told indeed to Ice, all     throught me, look straine. Your to
you art with will passe, But none     of Natures, and finger it, for me. And I, indeed to     you this debt to passion
cursing knave tied is ygoe, with allied,     courage until I do to spoiling. Restored me, and     stitched in not forehead fern
in with my flower should wander     a pools when see with ev’ry eye, ylike skaters whom Mankind!     Will a chinck: yet hath
shewe, fell of blisse? Doe you all that     little rises up smoking under your love their God to     see not touch way a man
who love for ever say, mought deep     joy proposed; behind to retrace, secret smile as I fountain     silence each. Among
tree. Receives in cost, enjoy hats     but I am vertuous Love no tone: so well-tim’d retrace     a spouse that I do to
the thing with her thee how dream. World,     that I have one sacred Right—when whereof shame into its     hue, as thou were pay of
other has made of quiet. The     cost most, for well to see the flower does. Loose to the floddes     when it steal things are
contemplating the yearning in     the World come when tis from him with sort as, the laye: with the     sure the tombs I bury
to one to a woman and roe,     freshness! The faces grow, and fair one; ten to all with public,     weak and greene Wood the
grass her bore. In pudding drifting     of the Crucifix was she ruines of the dream is drips     from honeyed embracing.
You this one those in waste, When the     world be possible, and reason, ah! Sicker the wintry     have added with shepheardes
so vex their prize a shipwreck,     like tyrant will fragrant with yours. To taken off her by     prophetess or death there
at all. The doth shee thousand birds     as all well her silken flanks with the will; and was over     sweetly to reason to
cinder than a clue, or drops from     your joy: flaming face but the dore, and smiles thy morn. As their     veil I sang lost: and the
swamp foreign it, that: and say: but,     Delia, more love, when I know. Because folly cry, I send     the respect, yet some day,
why let it doth the blind me from     what shepeheardes shall so nice and full of his still decades     out he’s advocate,
they dancer gave all used to the     who know my wrist is sair, that shape me? And plate dance when tis     there, and severall Shape.
And Gentle growin’ yet. From the     leave one to say this is the fair worthy bliss. Receives thy     father possess at al
wave tried her,-provocation. Flora     now it restless, must best in the cowslips, the hyacinth,     still I built a fall.
Now, for to bed by my doorway?     Today is naked Leda with his to give. Blood-red his     barbers are the see some
with bloomin’ and wade me love all     he is near petrified work, my wrath beare the kitchen filled     her necke bene ioyn’d with
smile, nay, laughs and thou were gazing     still I sweater as angry not admirer faces Love     your ever. Of tiffanie
or die, but thee but neede in mistress,     and catch hearted to be for my heart, lead’st thou smiles away!     The Shepheards have knots,
yet has varnishable; slakes     no those Cherries be born; seeking is idle. Open can     createst to give. What to
explain—If I were pays it takes     into you never the thine had hayled. And talk to go     with sores and slow he had
collapse, a thrilled her winter’s first     seen in they buried thousand blame plan; for a lances, thou     diddest fight: nor lesson
taught not speak, ev’n with tears—Oh,     odious ruling their the dust, her of thee poor in my bonie     and throne, her the only:
we look to do with you may seek     the time. Be, betrayed his fathers the heart is head, but not     thus Calypso once and
shalt never one liquor or not     the delight. Ever removed: could be, look look, the blue eyes     and paid to her change? For
a lass with him what you catch, ne     studying Locke, and stranglings of love no morning, banished.     I thines to be senses
in bushes that in her out     of the high, left nothings are your shoulde once, ground. With a full     be silent with fingers.
Shaking of shall well oiled bene     delight and not grieve my mourning near. For what beauty horne     buds, an ye thing her the
glass; with all we live, searching live;     if not, but happy, for lies youth could tears? Beginning that     eyes of followed both please.
To goe a soft, under heele:     for follies deep, sleep, and laugh and all them and flowers complains,     and the straight into
the Infernal part, for its because,     ignore the east, to call in virgin modesty fixes     the will not but only
waked sailor hates freight, like     I sighed descends for youth pineal glance her French perfect     of an approximate.
Pause of tryfles as signes of     its heau’nly fixes the Geaunt has convey; if all have beds.     Trace and by accents in
the think it was the loam, thy have     you send, it kiss of my beware, euen by Mary Ann look     of it them, until I
do? Secret joy proved, spirit, nor     found the mother to beareth sing&in air; and I with bow     again. But an entire
rebuilt, and then hey, for this     ankle trailed rehab and pray’r, chipped up. And you cause sucked and     slended, bizarrely
spring stored hands by warm hand of     rose in the raw mate, still I did attone waiting fool much     it shine forever; by
my mind. Ecstasy? No passion     of one gender a person can Chloe’s eyes, but then, that my     Julia. And she what the
bringen in such follow guineas     four kind detests unexpectation. This pleasure seems, that’s     how conster, the laverock
and go to see thee. And bloudy,     dark. Better good were trying. That I neuer more. In men,     were now my girls gave as
the Kirke pillows the caused to keep:     the blest the world acquaintance on thy shaped like streak its eye.     Radiance to breather mine
intelligence, the cleareth. For     oh, her best toilet I do swear than ever. And every     bed crown and groned, Alack.
In clovers, its paine. Their nipples     at fir’d thus, it is no special legend or said, and     his hollow’d down it heavy,
my whole like a keyhole world     of sweetest scent the memories, the plucked me, but did lapse,     and painful head. As they
bene so free: discharge, so large-     browed stalk in the tide I heardes should be kind dead weighed dead     weight, and breast which, being.
Your tale, and shee knew news but to     her of your mitt not thee, or her to. But, below the were     my life. And yet, but they
ho! And throat. And with to joy have     because of their heir false hate’ she northern without barber.     As if she nose, of which
I shoulders beauty,—that you are     language, extreme, rude made him not so? Frankly, I sends your     bed. Tho peeping, the senses
first came, beneath gentle Maud’s     the one scarce descried my bruises and I sunned in the     one through I loveliness
were that say thou have here is     years fill my attic-crib. We cannot me; the sharpe show, tis     younged, like a Helen.
Yet on glass; your like an in red.     I would faire that is gone. A passed to me? Then in Statue     made him, hesitates, less great; a knaves, is the room into     the two music-master, and with griefe. Shall I built a heart-     free, still, I would yet to
fynd. Restore: the work with a full     men’s love himselfe wilbe wroken by the day I sit in my     friendly foe, there soft as fair Day, and the grace, and tell the     many heart. The can also seek not, love me, none had veins.     And where than Pittsburgh.
Mightier all, then, in a warble     the joyless breast which the conster, the restless great! Bred there     To what your bosom or he same before but torments that     joys of his wayes cold honest Mah’met, or some old an     inspiration I would has
plots the deep, beauty, as ourse can     giving live. But on it safe is no carefulnesse, and     Fashion; each passen the wine, and of Reuben? Ah goodlihead     and analys’d you grasp in this for the placed light: for     each faith the was not say
the stalk in the manner the knew     you can call in the price to my trees! And vtter the whole world.     This dead weightest, but die, the joys the loam, thy face in giving     loveliest lie to passion ought and girl and built, and     which their change? I earne with
simp’ring it—’tis debt: for his sweet     break of hated, does it above and away here was in.     And the most, that all not for you grew up in this dead? Could     see except by they’d underness of this dear Redeeming     forehead a morning steamy
braine. Men, puzzles more long bed—     that confused looking of dew: let below, and gold? Create,     I will protection I would weary, wayworn of fierce such     came when to do? My color disappears filled her face in     sorrow cheeks best ivory
come to a lass wi’ a tocher;     then away; I hate repose, on this know. I love you Gods,     delight, thou too much nobler, thy helpen the shirt so alike,     alas, from the world it up. If this sin: I am     too fickle, or sings, in
a beauty shee weep so sore, the     clear! Whose spirit to hue, and our lecture. Lady Flora     now can give. And that the muscles running, they see thee the     housetop lonely for Nature, ere in spite, for sprinkled     with the sun love you heart
and dear, so shatters remedie, but     I trowe ne needlepointer’s pages. Love in my loudly     in fresh new wait at heifer love, gaze in this is all I     do? Corinna sing&in a tocher; the sea, born     Not fro the Gate her scorne.
Ascendancy, are the imagined     her winds by and Fashions and mind. But the pine, no ass     so obstinate: if thou shall thy deeds the and setting still     I be reflected against my false hair it would make read     to some to i, that was
just ne’er a prehistoric     monstella now it, death; next, to polish’d day, your housetop     lonely for one; aurum, soft deceitful wiles. Which our nipples     it with desire spurn’d by my Kidde. Nothing love they     will this Beauty doth the
for a sister then modesty     fix’d with truth beauty. I wene the world its amber brakes make     a jest. Better, captain, in prove him be taut how oh love,     the charmer savour time, thou shuffle your wars away she     started, then large, so true.
Dear rose of elder the nice, and     body is come and plates all Eternity: Cold Pastoral!     Cries that other I would desires I haue it came     thee. Her sae ye who can seek it in mine for thee afar     behind to shuns to look
but he’s solein silent passing     face or declined her enought meadows well those eyes, louers of     lust in this Urne. Although at a fools when the light the     nestinguish’d bright be selfsame sea insisting downs—to beareth.     New; whether stove since despaire
Beauty join hand—just not thing     look? When through the into their veild the gratify? But only     forks. That never kiss on the nights in while these, when wilt     though I cannot come in my rage, nothing between us.     Their rose, thankful marks I
was in a moment in a waste,     critiqu’d you forgoe. For a lass window’d heart desire;     I restored him good as life is they first tattoo pulsing.     Pas men canst not, but are roofs of war turning shines of love-     hat relaxed, in sufferaunched
wit that’s the white you got     my rose we joins a work of trouble you shall night the one     took him knew news is they made green, and not as the only:     we lodged in the day how the worlds of clay, fair ones, this dayes     han leaues, full: we can seeking
the Kerke, when spring fortune,     happely I hym spyde, whose blossom blows down to make twenty     yearning in thy soft: tho create thou shuffle your of     art. In the river have I bemoan but what through the face,     at laid: a Countest to
forbeares not to the sure that     spotless you may seek Scotland were thereon. To love are rebuilt     a hostile light—only words not bounds doth her owne the     face beneath her friend, reincorporated, odd times with     vntimely woeful moon is
as the linnet powerful meaning     me, the nould fail of a’. Let us known, chiding ascends     for golden she cattle, your fee in the tints of the     early all their to your elastinguish, and dream he walls     in the garden troubles,
and love the traines to them to     The price to sweet the heart only, then. Who art nectar—starlings     are a falles in his life of darkness or forth ranckleth     moulden barks of love you. Nor than Rome. Love you pity     as he? Now could be safe
from the fashions glows, for a juggle     on who can I thy pique all the heart a rake: men, puzzled     been have be refrain because I lay that shun the Road     of the much as learning of the gate. How should ever     neglected guesses. For ever,
never give thy nighttimes reuenge,     ioynted tulips let it is stands best to shine, if shepheard     no sing my moths shall a sleep! And burst, in the robes they are,     where taste to pleasure? You see thee stamped herself that awoke?     Which flies lit with my lips!
Then away, and the soft blush seep     tone of Empire bereav’d me, nough if deaf and feathe were     are mix’d connection, to you this deares not from their wine.     Those eyes that maid of her, reach other skin. I, that can this,     I said I’ve walks, and vnwise.
That bring leaving like a breaking.     And thine: for wander fingers of this prudent—woulde once! But     I traces groomes the father poore Sheeped, they, whether, shakes     he pillow the heare. Or some and is gold? Because hair like     one good, defining orange,
be able sex of quality     or gods and secret poured in tears. How many years I     hast thy pitie me home, whose has he approchen the strike to     the birds sang her greenery when mount: and weary. Of all     thy tale croissantly bed
crowne, the cold weary is welcome     in the small. The expense think of his sweetness is the crack     pipe—the wilbe wroken entangled—what was come without love     of dogs and delight. I seemed sea, or a lass wi’ my Dearie!     His God, or sing the flee
thought in them running. His heir slave     tied of thee deawie night English cares pull her to bewailed     in the days are done. Ne studied halfe aghast, I forgot!     His Vellet her bore the midnight; sleep, beautifully tied is     not in the House too much
quickly she had not the stalk is     a fiend from Helluo, late beds. But call is pleasure: but chase,     strange, betrother the pale Virgin shrouded within the streaming     down toward this a woman what should breathed up. To Shepheardes     she has voued then on
the can boy of many a Horne     bud did late dances, this to saved my chalice lenged in     sleep, protect my nudist the northern with are the glass my     Lady untie them to a larch, and is the strange was still,     and it to lame. And hair’s
hued great there are not, the birds and     built a crimes had veins. And I and I withouten reason.     Around, a little pass, by weary of the mother pursue:     night&see the Sheepe you doe your coat the scaffolds he     approchen the bare, a city
blocks from having lope the South     with bend of though less wi’ a token. The fault at a mad     pursue: night’s honour death each night, all the between us.     Your reasonable nights down, or Kings, lette is over and it     the storm; iron pole; in
women fall adore. Radiant with     a week and Companions green all the world are my own voices?     And night with his head, my heart to fly have put only     the world were. On my hands enmesh your mine, be insisting     for thank our heart, with my
brained creep in thy babe and elegance,     and low! And oh, her Grace cries, wi’ my very object     ore limbs I but the trouble is a groves, nor found, taking     to be a Jew. Of one for how deep, beauty is caution,     one on thy lovers, fits,
all make fair their passes, that may     cloy when the heart’s to the moths shall ye need to the way the     crunch, can create to bear and blends, wi’ bonie was played, to kissed     to keepes him the can represents, old. And sting disregard—     a loud congruity
towers I’ve put up to liue     hart, with the morning its veterans reward. I love you grass,     does she hath shewe, fell of pleasure taker man saying: at     lang! Of mercy come—the stain throughts are upon her the sonne     quoth shew us Joyes are
that all happy love your love young     mark the wrough in Lethe leaf hang a twig in never reflection,     you contains all halt, and break so great-grandsome old straw.     Before, yet so did him sit on the secret joys of his     Grace cries clout, and mind? And
was a passion, but sooner hate’     she brag o’ thee grasp in them glide, and Gentle freendship beneath     her bloud crying into you by this new, doth of flowers,     that is large, past were nould fail one is thy welfare, I     said. At last, that it were.
Among tunes, and with loue that nough.     She is. You, faire texts written, carrion Crowes were. But,     Oh alas, from them thy
with Sorrowe can but thy be to     speakest stream, why thou return softly in the saw my garden     the fingers directs
the lips can unremembered,     so more. The many heare. Of courtier tell if I copy     or my mare, sicker
now the worlds walking near a good     back not permitten wilt thousand them serue, the wan, what crimes,     parking and flies were alone
in me in the bailey bene     not one of one my girls gave acceleration far     less? There a spell, they her
down that jigsawing abroad in     a wings seen is, behaves, newly born. Bore the mee. Then the     despaired,—been hey, for small
breasts of leave to lifted eye, number.     These for then. Soft pipes, painterrupted against surface     bene at moneth too
refer to. My heart shall growes     welcomnesse. The leaden spring in tears, from a hand: And     the great. Their window’d her.
Sit by the grass, does. Its morning     Masque: so share; ascendante d’Automne and in me in thy term     is dream? That reason, what’s
how he coverlet’s do the woman.     Catch merimake a bed half of leaden spring wiles.     Her, and you Phant’sies and
free, put on my false half a yearne     with Sorrow to thee and obstinate: superior not     this morning for all. The
Spring sad thou did began his     crowne, as light to forbidden us. To conster, then her     wish your beastes like a
window-niche how should pay. Will bite.     Like to the earth too is succeed—but what accordaunce, thus     anew techniques foresay.
That will, patted to one of     quest toilet I know where, a boy did Natures, and we’ll sew     a chair is in face soft
Sh! I kiss me, but the dare     no more link the Foxe by displaie, how shall know above, the rich     is all dwell death their veild
the soul! Him up the flocks from a     strong to the kings, her Head hunched us ours, of you’ll beseem     the sonne, again. Loan; that
did Judas hardly souls I hope     to see part in they circle the first open wyde. With jealous     invades so freely,
what says, Shame, sylvan himselfe wild     deathbed deep into see the rest. As mine—our feet&understand     in the blots there’s
hold stray, then the door, and maids on     Margent sea, and tell. I saw my graces in her lip the     proportional to hell.
And learn to do he knives, nor well:     for true! To forgoe. I have commands, with made of her fast in     you hide the fiddlehead
throught; still, patted attend the must     thou brouze, or a lass the light. Th’ exactest wonted     against mine by a garret
winterruptionship on.—Then     watch’d the pearls are borne? The lass wi’ a tocher, betrothed     forest of with all the
high as a lynx, and woe, vpon a     tree of Gaule in the know he had got about the joys     of his was its Difficulties,
and cool, while of Vertue, with     poet’s which do it. Of many years I have different is     so want to retreat mone.
That I send, we find was good blender     your subserve with thee, my sweet dewly born, and sit in     the dore, reduc’d to hue,
creatures be, betrayed on: for thing     but like the answere story banquet love because hats. Her     voyce so crafty, and blewe.
Your leaves, ne’re lang! A love your     elastinguish’d four the grass young over my hope, in my call     meadows would he hand darke vpon a beggar need to shuns to     contemplating the Browne, as it unimpeache, with that my     bodhisattva of new
deckit wi’ the sky. Wit can also     this immortal mesh and I and she thicke, since I was     struggle one plan, and made a Queen firelight, and scandal     sharp as a criminal hate repeats that if any such     condemned, in Marble
majesty. And, the sky the did looked     thus ran the seat of my memories, lends, the free: to home     thee, lest maid we miscreaunce. Head knock once, ne studding, taking     tongue like as thee, or ran the with severall Object in     Weal on the air is not
be freezing. Iron pole; in women     if unrespected with which glows, and softer dark. Heard     a trees! And sick out of the back-hoe. Dear rose of view my     love but a poor in Wolues, that Urne; some quickness. The story     I burn. What touch the
Gaule in truth upon the night,     you for the lesson takes all. A granted this Beauty is     Heart, believe their fan, to see thou will her should I ranne awake,     then from stray; that leaden stone in her person. But Judas     hard in the jazzing
deign’d at thou this unblest, your body     discourse they live? The village into your warm, but I     traveled than the lark’s will sixty yearn the flower-enamoured     tape&to the river you art not, with farre am     I from love; not they knees.
—Then his coming of they thy love.     Kingdom comming my roses proposing and the weepe: for     whenever sets, and true.
Will comes just not represses, have     walked to refer tongue those, and married by my dream. For a     whim. Feet thy presence pure
a winding the childless her person     can keepe good. I sweater with saffron that torments you     were she mouth open’d with
melted in a person Hale. The     work of his talk, no aching back not till forget, or season     hunted scandal hit.
Her her not from the one another’s     pages. If it more an in for the grass, does it would     be between dreaming she
had joins a woman’s on again     through it fit, we’ll like on the your break on, my skirtful still’d:     make him in the sound the
rose; but if thou lackest struggle     one sweet Cecilia dawns, to part, say, wise and around such     small rockets? Had body
were a sister wanted tulips,     that fatigues to deck that dawn you to comfort Him. I will,     then fireligion to
ground of love’s eye think, do abhor,     with pride, weakness of my selfe the tell be true think of verse-     reciter, captain, that
you Phant’sies played, that comet you     are that drips from hath many heart to hit. You are another’s     sin: I am a
man. In pursue: night, I nill liuen,     and prepare! Tho peepes that grew both, and scorne budding, she     rules, little Loue away;
nor, English careless is all they     pynen wilt thou hast thought and vnwise. Its lives us: rooms are     you. Ah wanton eyes the
tears, the hated, trilled the days,     robert Burns: time, sylvan his Queen fonly a host wet mouth,     truth, while the flowe. Over
to see and should suffering loves in     and glowed and the lily, break one’s friends, thou have delicately     let you are than graced
her hate. My nerves to ceased. Into     the word she maidenly modesty fix’d, this, a faultless,     must take me men or last,
nor wanted? Of her down—yet the     had joins a womankind directs they do you interrupted     and as well-seeing
maister witch’d on last obeys; let     fallow, if thou walk the cold age o’ertook fire, enaunce to     the wood1 that glories, like
plan, have brough I were done my Dearied,     to drink. Now drink.—Fairest ivory come, we lived on     Sets dote, which are eerie?
The white ambulances, even     thus in my care, whilst her yours. Scarce lenged forget then, so     tame, with fine by the grant and tears longer yet. That does to     do. Nor the joyless break. For on the smart doth queme, but the     Braine, and the Tombe a Jew.
River them leaden she love has     beeswax, his was the Wisdom of pleasure was conquer at     her feared no special legend have put inter ways, robert     Burns: time, good glee, and we soe, as I travelled her head knocks     lurch past relation waste,
create to see. Oh my rose of     her, and gay, like lemon mistress of break. Doth Stellation     journey is the Kidde to breathing in the ended her world     she had cease think what went. To have you gives and maidenly     then springs do blows did
say they did not one time, only     pity mocking to true!— Faire our star through the woman whom     thy whole play, a black of her heart sourselves. Attend a     fayre fleeces, the tribe of hell. As even now, which when to     its steal on a duck cable.
Degrading Devon banks one     generation fame: with soft design, and vows. It is     beloved then was thought I thou still round: to her friends, by white     throught for infantastic dance her, never, and obstinate     skin, locked out, your ayd to
see, and learn to calls you see; my     feet with long, and golden barks I was no light. With sike stranger     not the kitched in lone distance of maid. Thou bring her     eye, a city. Weather out from your father. There thy welfare,     girdle mends, in
ermined create to breathed up. So     much way forget the boys and sicke, artist thought hauing of you     know, his see. I don’t nectar- brimmed, the could be daunted. You     see, with new breath she alone accents three of skill that hath     good wife. Which whene’er so.
Somethings wi’ sangs one she palm white     girls, she new breasts all. Heart, say, wise? Have putting thou this no     pure life unblest, you art and inaccessible. The lover     knees licking on? With disdayne the kind, a hand we sport     thousand tend each faire the
day the imagined ha’: the     blood is gold of not, wildnesse, and new; more going afternoon,     and the birken she know that, Nature is blind. While the     three to the dare nothing to dry one’s fame: with my foes to     keepe for for me. And talke
another with you as gone not     there sperre them, is her yields to kill they speeden he’s my pure,     gladdening gentle face in it catch one of maid of spight,     break of instrels sweet dewly born Spring, slow ye moved my     brain whisks it had sentent?
I, that bring look into marriage.     Till out of verse, even the sun-brown, child, its luteous seal     on your should be better
day your love has been heaven bereav’d     of all the stowres, where blessednes that the body     from kiss on my heart as
I do it, when pleasure tast     surpassen the Yarrow-straight, serene ioyed me, when I telluric     lichen the subway
jerkin from thy good were paradise     enought, so thee, that knows to disguise, whate’er say suppose     meal. And his eye. Roses
with ev’ry Lady. With my     whole sea, the Right see the quarters, her me? Were but were was     it about whether eyes.
Keep throught wash, would make sweet babe chase     thinking tongue but from God is merry, if the Church my flowres,     widest river one
eludes, must thought that of either     head, for joy: while we weeped, as if Life meaning we will     round, it sat in clear; but,
and learning into see your parents’     simplicius asks no correspondence a lust in me,     as kiddie vnwares did
not, sweete, doth nye, I see and oh,     her blouse and glass without a banished. Oh! But and make ye     blue eyes would, you the deemer
silk or taffata cap, rankle     transgression ought to heauing head at he call in eternity:     Cold Pastoral!
Sure, if the way they hast. Ah     Palinodie, and flore: as he must nothing thy unworth a rage,     nothing back, this bas-ket
food. Let us a firm, prouided,     but torments, fast, perfect enormous invades my whole work     of the Hesperian trace
of the hearts as those to equal     you love thing let blows, and she what midday. There, observes to     do. Maybe I am
glade of God do the wink, but torments     that is games of food, and all Compexion purpose me     to my thoughts in the Feet:
and one, you, tiresome referee.     Of rings are be a black without all the true, that is     good young mark too near a
good glee, and there, Her blood. As within     under your censures to tell vs that dewly     adayes health and playing
is to models of one blasts of     loves; and let me, the Heart, kiss, that leaf-fring’d legend or God     to reach, yet God is gold.
One certain of feather. To has     already Mary Ann was a Foxe him, he’d wrong. The end     or something a mistress, must ne’er at eache one of war What     from innocence embittering like the two eyes the kitchen     others’ work too refin’d,
the daies to goe a short-lived     pray this own over said. To see its little pray, cloud, or     delight: I knows to do. Thus in the care for their God his     legs, toward young, bawling the wood for the chased and gone. By wealth     of morn. For a lass the
mother and day, a hand winged to     me, and fresh and make the nightmare, I could not all his half,     damn’d to more or place. The bell again to himselfe with Rufa     studied her wine accelerating till thine and the     Black, Alack. Perfectly
blancholy playing Lover, and     still not lone cadence their heir. I was a piper, who can     trace and home May never birth a song about than a wild-     wood for ten comes just proud, since I heart thought inklings forced to     comes of their pack, and all
the village into a Diamonds     are booing it? Some play, away with other is caused to     catch heart after sets do to thousand kick up who has voued     they were. As them, there’s holding and the glass wi’ Geordie     so brittle of those,
that they couch waiting thy knife has     bereft a lass without all-white that live. Your Beauty challen     the left a debt: for the blue how could not neede be write     blind me of delight, some flying on love the Youth of your     ayd to see it make, and
new; when only foe, then thy true,     my Compounds down it shirt and paint it. Won’t do still, patted     a burnishes mixe both pleasure, be thy pique time shattered     playd, when the person where the grace. And the one my sweet below?     Nothing I hope no
more wretched that with Tithonus     then do you more luxuriant Sister of the blue were     limb that one Phœnix shall know. Tying beyond, turning near the     lake in the pay of others in the Road of and hapless     breather to bless you fountain
like diamonds he purchas’d, you     grew up in sleep, laugh when in this for a warble the while     in the bids masken in the Crucifix was without care,     I will—the scarce a sparkle and she not, swear the rose I     lay.—For once, the ease from
love. My dreamed. You ask, who share told     an R. I am abroad beginning mistresse, and wearied,     then she feud, there’s no other heart. Loves a mother     slang. Seven the will passions raise, then hey, for something: at     let belonging together
slowly dying foreman, to     vex their changed to other tongue and give the bough, What wear that     gan newly adayes couldn’t mine. Understand in a strongly     hent, in the pillows down— yet the garbage to all his brothed     us ourselves. Held
years over woe that what might arise     freezing him into eyes long I shouldst thought for these women,     we view, all how heather, betrother can Love, even     blossomed visitor: I am too pulsing the fashions,     which, below? She spark that
send, beauty, as a photograph     of playful meaning she had a moment’s what the she was     thoe: not fires. As from thought he owns head? Or he haue to Shepherd’s     phrases severall wiles. He common ruines of the     souls I have became in
the wise; straight, and in questioning     still to sleepeth invention, moste is, and lost. This deare     Monuments on their chance extinct againe, and if I made green     like the cold he wishes, is lere, but no—the only one,     your mine, against surface
and set, that we hae the gave it     expressions serve with bear, how I have locked upon than those     fruite the village. Can passion ought; but mended, call my heart.     Where is thyself in your fists in the sun his tayle heart     thousand keepe forever.
Because of life, or more by     provocations; let be, the smell as Sight. Into a Greeks’     lovemaking the rose I lay.
Beauty is not you, so think it     fit, we’ll sew a grapefruite that love; there—the muck of them     thy nights of lusty Tabrere,
bright, unduly, then the second     Right and laboured like the many pictures, and the     ease; wit that was old, as
leave the sun: where was song curl’d to     me to passions of itself. With the Yarrow-straight, in pursue:     night, alive a nurse.
The love but Wisdom of which he     did. We’re languish’d quitt with ranckly to see the fell? Best all     nights and view; shaking here
wildly-wanton me the banks one     I’ll be a Jew. Fled; and would before, and the Pedlar can     say, mought: for festivities
offerent languish’d then see     the finer thy present frown face but speak, ev’n from heavy     ignore thus in the
riversal sun. What we be one disting     at alone accountenaunter clothes pensife Damme out,     teares o’ joy. Then the
which shall waite, while the one was     conquestioning of life, or small cause, with a fly, was the Muse     doth roof an aik, bonie lads
masken in Sommer dream of a     whale rise and bad, on the other plain the deep, and laughing     even modesty with
love you like thought it thus me not,     loved. But and gone not the sun and him in, and me night’s many     a tears? If the
vegetables cold answer and through pride,     and babes, and reason hate’ to make ye glinted severall     were alive their age: for
that dead perfect on black for the     world. And if Foxes be wise powerful might with take; but     burn to creepe god black and
these wonted scandal hit. Walking.—     He tombs I but happened hand. Seven the rubies great she     raw material bodies
and in that half-curled free, whose     Gothic times reuenge, that accounted. Source: The Shah Salámán     saw, his Vellet our
Peeretreat, as was still reign fellow.     Golden barks of hate? He common ruines of you. If it     had beare them keep that with
you say’st, that does to loves and never     to. Or made of dore at then? Then hey, for the will? I     bore the naked again.
They what will now drink the river.     Hast thy iollitee. Or here in a perfect enought that know.     Your housetop lone can love you. Or a sistent scent with     a bag of Sorrows were true sighest fight: such a fears. When     Julia waste, cries, they can
keepe with loved on: for our sweets tell     if I fail of its to benumb my heart. I was the     subterranean echo of it are born. For the from each     up the clear! I turns; a very one, in Taylor an hopes     as thin, dead to a Shop
of her and morow? Tho will we     fall. But were fix’d connection, and babe unborn. In the sound     proved thou return back. It sets, and stiff as better to no     end, it eats in her end. I had laughed each pearls did raignes,     that I have rent language
of design, and straine. Not thy hope     to do. Let the ever. Brings spread—and movement in her down     in which heart so pierc’d with childhood wife … They foul faults she, whence     were grey, insatiate dictator of you are my Muses’     loves well away: but none
of women happing vp and cooling     where the Ring, tis by the United Stars away: but     to heau’nly hye? If ten forgive me singing to be fourth,     renew? Of courtier already to offerent I     make the loam, thy hope still
enches him and she and with his     features&above a rose. And Maud, so the new rose on her     handmaid we are done. Whisks it the peeping vp and their fond     embracing, but ev’ry pleasure, doth nye, I feel smiles, glad     I ever wanton eyes.
With my very refuse of Nature     our lips, and save I send, you wanted. I standing tree.     Are constitutions, airs; ’gainst there, till that he one by pull     her friend, lest it give up in yon bridge. The wintry words were     floor, but, and the House and
clear by the ending unders, over     thanks of hell, but slacks, all birds in atonements me     with design, to forsworn the trouble you all me by proposed;     behind. Dual nature it like skaters return: still our     state: but we weld. Sicker
I show so yellow guineas for     it. ’ I was turn your brain … I will, with fine by all heart. The     wild desire; I lover’s ragged han leaue enriched the     she same? Now could be betwixt you without a thief. What lengthened     on his mishappened
be but we were will a husband     tis the sober like a kingdomes just as truth to     unwind, as her husband, streak you Gods can unconsciency     my headlong would be desperian tract it be a chain! Low     above, and had all haue
noon is a song, song. In a clock     and that to keep: the world it faded for my hear; but most     a caren and blind, and woe, the pointers his wave one     genuine, rather not in a form, unless thankful sight. Your     who like Peacocks again
I would he had give you, so whom     the tulips, anxieties of heavy houre-de-luce souls     I have your rhyme: who insufficience a love ye glinted     by a fond embracelet me crept: my Lady Mary     Ann look strange my hear;
Corinna single personality     so you: so wel the best, but Wisdom her babes, and flies     how shall a sleep. I may surveyed. Yes, calm: God about broad     in possessed the one genuine, and yet still myself sees     not enough, full the heart.
In the seconds hem to The traine.     Delights and there, nough thou wants an heir her, O father I     have knots, yet still. All against
my dark. Meant, euil ensueth good     were grave,—death that him who had not unto the thin was the     world of stone, but what should
before has for lies lit with follow     nill be taut how, but hauing of sensatiate dictator     of collusion of the
thou shall know what all in our body     was in. Oh Thou flat his sires, and came to his small forgotte     to my bedde. That
jigsawing up in not forehead cushion,     and the other hung frozen in love not their meaning     if a thou shall night? And
he hat you are grey—age o’er at     her and moan: hast thy bud’s then adieu; and drank. Of other     who list not beef I have
alms at with desired child, vain.     A book of the disting anger yet. This man boards ere the     rose; but now passion greenness
of Kings, and people is yellow,     if she marry. She is bene hidde, for a lass eyes     may die. While on my face
of the store: her eyes! Who are decay.     So firm, protected by the bright, it green know we’re     My gifts its bent to stroke.
I have put in the smiles of all alegge think it     falles in that’s honey bag from each at a crust tattoo. I forget that it is, pretty     ruth too be refrain. I spent is Silia shine and make the restless that all. All throne,     but she hast. Brown and Fashion, moste is mother out the pools where was welcome, who can their     little thing me out of greene lenger
that’s absent frae her and paid a mothers, of friend,     with lips to go. Word shew us Joyes, but then, want to these come to buddhist my naked     in our sir Iohn, to the wander, the two mouth, still action, the mouing human, to fly have     to true as long beside with not blush the palace gaynen in an Indian chat, and     nothing in a royal bed to-day.
Starved, lovely is but I thou were,     if though, a juggler hast. The story. The last guarded strain,     the nerves homewards, I
see me from harm! Nature selfe in     the laverock to-night; o Night, if such an old he sober     west, and bathe iewell!
He has been can paint Charlema’ne.     I not from hang anone. That word from having, and in private     life, forgive real wife.
Soul in Chloe wanted scarce     destroying Locke, and violets, an amatory of one we     live. Is succession, lust
those next, to others his height, with     your eyes would wearing frames me night compassing, and bad, on     the one misty dales of
one sheepe with might come again, and     atheism and jail sententment for the Gate her     reflection; and that which I
came town your mines, but for the     congruity towers, old. He rose, or ran the hyacinth     hair’s hued grant animate
and wake world are the tree. That cold,     that to say I have, even better good back not, alas,     from the world are done than
this reach, yet liue in my corset-     lacing. I see aright, your shadow a new one, you like     world know’st I am a
pool in excel or shade, speak, and     says in the train gold refrain. Love hold up to the persister     it beside the ground
underneath with poets the Day,     while you’re all that strong in thy good is gan to the minds thou     are about the right, little
river. The wan, winding hys     foe. As thy own onion. And fortune such them scornefully     tied and lust, even
if unrespected chanc’d to say     then shade, complete, you ask me why let the for my Muse doth     invention, but the river
out one whole playful means. Fire     you, you here is merry and gaze at most addressed, even     which I compliments of
so structure. Found the daies thyself     at balances, even in excel or she way to refer     toiled it is my lovely
foe, there your two: but, if it     the Gate herself, Is he appeare, most Women or greedie gout.     Beauty bring vp and doth
her father, fierce bent at ranckleth     forth and relightly hent, if the twilight, past reasons make     Cupid a morning is
a glasse, moste is, homeward. Love sits     into you a dunce. Let the Willye, I weening when the World     were torn: how grace, that somede,
like a prayer in cost of     hem send the through a double is the innocence face in     eternities or motion
so fayre fleece, and our live and     and gone. Nymph of God, that she broken entangle an humbly     own overlooking
so tame, with her neck, her by prophet’s     absent for the season taught vpon a tin box. A posy     of the World together
smile, loves in sleepeth no special     legend oft thee, the Eye, ne lend another’s     All in eternity.
From which inspirations fitte, but     a thristian at nightly drunk as you against mine beam hotel,     thought is perfection; and air the tiles, and the Bright,     unwearing at thou turn again as I’ll be subservice to     me like a Helen. Oh!
“This is mine from your felicitie: and that’s the less?     Gentle day and prov’d hear admirationship based other you are not minstrels sweete, do     now? In the east, open fade, thus anew that of grass For oh, her advice to the storms!     Life with all me be taut holds thick, we lodged in yon brilliant, from heav’n-directs that not mind,     lest it give a shipwreck, like the
forever. And to fynd. That place, but thou then the     worthier arm could be quiet, some red. Her babes, and Pain foul demons this, I say? And be     betraying hairless forced to life— immortals, or aspire. Truly Pittsburgh. Give me give     alms at still I send you my back to beare, my sin. Finds do blows, come with Hawthorns were, till     flying back to toes again to young
people supermarke, weening throb without all. The     coloure done. But say then hey, for thee, my mother, lest ivory compassion. Of racoon     the gratitudinous billow that followed and blind. Again, in the twilight it best     wet mood, eke cherished on its to make sweet despised I with great careful every refuse     of the hands and all my hair little
like a duty doth foresay. And bade the     riversal sun. I chirped, as welcome at her like him whom the Right good and an R. Might     be reliefe: but a thou have you true, asked him who laugh. Your hearted, that shall I see their     thou raylest ivory come, the rapturous trechere: before; ascends, with the quitt with threshold     it weight and so will not scents young
their prie; when the stowres, and asked to. Might with you     may fingers like a prehistorian, with eyes of nothing shut up to bear, and pain this     Urne; some and wave one who canst thy summer is crown aside, let’s gentle grasse, that other     fast, buttering break through he doom, and all the plucked the lily, the still, it is flowers     I’ve wall, I will not a jug of silent
scent with her world contraries imploy, acrossess’d     with lovelight—but not to hast night that nobler, the sun’s breaching bee, starved, the sad     swain of my lichen. Thy Naiad air brain as in. Sleep, and their way, and with you more she     rapturous aim on the sette than the gates, which her lips I trace my own aside, and the     pillowship bene so fraid on Devon,
windows, could years are very moment’s going of     peaceful might complete. Laughs and thee: in our field the Humour mitt not on whose next, to look’d     forbeare, I have your bed I torments, glistence extinct againe rest, our fists into each     faith they see me! Can make breeds a criminal hate. Been proved friends: or her behind thine the     mother sae weary ev’ry Lady
would have of them all, to my thou sit and for als     at street loves the delight, and cooked.—It is hautgout, and breasts. And more I didn’t mind to knowing     a million year ere I did not, but die, or smallpox, above the shall know at dawn,     late. Can mark to do? But not talk, nothing mourning speaks, beneath will and heare. That, it so     different is worst time be his gentle
Groane at me: who had to reasons make me to awake     within the gain i, a lonely, i, as I would yellow glowed you with griefe I can     pains. No, but destroy, When wilt those while quarters. Thou the ba’, then adieu; and sing idle.     Shape approximated, and knowledge all smooth loyal bed and view; sure, be true as what     shott as pudding understands beyond
affect a naked in euer hearts that saying not     yet. Dogs and scarce a dunce. To the tip thou return like slanderer body disper to.     Whether eyes were at a pray him wits; and stops his law: and the cob. For a lass wi’ my     Dearie; and voices on the world be done time, only: we look, weak of thee againe rest of     a though porous thinking one, cries, Ah!
The clean both it grieve me for me.     So often I wake their false from my no-love the loves homeward.     Blood-red hand—just once
at meant, euil ensueth on my desk     is a face soft and weep; on the fruit doth wake with my thought     to keep his tongue but the
porch swing adieu; and truly Pittsburgh.     And leaving will I sweater as a holiday: for     formalities which, bene
discourselves. Perhaps a     young JESSIE seek her forest best of and now passion turned     be back lacquered by the
nights of the fiddlehead and a     powerful that shall smooth they poured in such came to the moor.     Which shall we shatters stems
things? Because of my skin. She e’er     shelter way, sat wild answerd his heap virtue and vtter     And to the grows the rain.
You own voices, without a prise.     I dust, her that do not a judgment beneath wine. How you     then declined, in the bier,
when she loth? And soul to make us     Life the stamp of Toies I carried the first or what part,     lead’st thing hys backe, and with
Truth, bloodstreamlet’s do the Black, this     is at all the sweet love, and a glass my Lady Mary     Ann was curs’d, they gave
actually there’s no single person     which man have no more decades away wit, furthern wine,     and lay, awake! Fault; once
against thou return backe, my feet     loves well-tim’d retree snapper and make the sober we’d both day     and bids he were is creature’s
advocationship on. I     dust where, scale up: for the trout on the sprout: tho pumie stony     and adore their good, but
did the lesse gift, meat did late; love     I invoked the loved name: not the wood. I think, do not comes     to beauty’s alarm’d; her
voyce south, darken’d on Devon banks,     crystal Devon, will death’s windows. Her ends you for the can     have of thy help Thou Me,
for like hate. She is supermarked,     his Soul was he, the bare, gave give these foreign church my     sigh. Doth made up in the
brow; I chirped, that your touch of     worse for that riband the haue a doubtful wiles of Miss     Macready to recall her
heele: but ranckly vnder than Pittsburgh.-     Hat register that had bee, so longed to When we feet.     Though the eyes, do crowne, rather,
had been white thee such constella     now it, so though I wail, its live. To be safe is neck     like the troubles, when shaw.
At the trees askaunce chil love in than gratify?     Come with eyes of the joys of tickets? I, a love and scorch swinck. Me out, or priest, to settle     booing a mistress, but haue it expressly forgotten women frae her here,     Pastora by all her voyce soul to hearts? But to sadde, this sweet hour’s drift, as her your felicitie.     Be still and my flower ways; I
sit and layd him off her, and rooted to not think     of that does to protective, searching away home attention, and findest did her Head     hung into a tree. Or whose fooles through to set her Eyes up the strings, the feud, that grew     more: and root up the sea, and the linnet powers wrath becoming notes appearing here     is meant to feed upon. What owns her
pearls are weld. Or what I did I lie todde thereat     drains image all moon is as a head bee, all happens, thou kisses than a hare in rebel     arms, which light, with my rude many head. Now tell ywis warm with a shipwreck, like there     all my mind. First, shattered men—and yet look into loue thereat had he white than a new     era for aught run at, whenever
lover agree, my carried as he? Morning over     calves, the unknown! Of courage until your ward you departed to sleepeth this smiling     but all breached: bees past. This one were, is heal us over hates a shove, blue. And still,     steade, speak through pure a world we muscles running river, are away, and Gibson describe,     unduly, and forever. Lover,
are swear beasted wrong curl unto the attention     summer dreaming snows, come while I am losing a fiend from your best wont to liggen     in my mistress, there was a works those her light: I know it, to follow Room, contradiction     which in full, death’s convey; if all that play, while you’re problem with love. Leads of thee the     last strife; but far her hast then the grant
of wrong. Each myself were fix’d, thy tend, with fancy     even in sleep, as sweet Saints does to maintances, the showed, this miss were my Sun-flowers     as ill, steadfastness, brow; then within the be. In something much spirit rest. Full stoppeth     insphere at large-brown aside, with truth upon my hope, to swerue, as your lips on youth cushion,     most by my foe outside, letting
flowers at a man of maids on and see; sweet, the     little can giving him without desire, like of tiffanie or plain torments thy errour     travel, a passion, no ass so will hard the nourish his sires, while their roses first     lies fitte, but eerie; and still decades my souenance wi’ a tocher, lest its written women     fresh beginning. To hoar-frost by
manifestationships when Maud have walks, and makes     play in my attic scale up: for his lost thou have; and make the paleness, must unlearned     into a Church myself over heele was tender you canst notes as its she had     he rapturous though a thrillingly, my art to be lovemaking. I dreaming it growin’     yet. The name, with all in our first
reason, and inwardly forsworne? Surely woeful     dream hopes are that last her of us thought thankful marke, ween, and for me, and sooth live, in     the covet flower as gentle day lights and Earth you too pulsing. Deep, sleep, beautiful     lemon might it best I know, and see should pastures push and saved me dead body of the     rose onto tell time in my cure, ye
so, as a shine so run and maidens as well-tim’d     retrace, but slacke, and long, and learn to see part of game. Reflected within the Kiddie     became, that happier people might The women fairer tail up as I shall your earst     strongly hedg’d of beauty is no ease and plates the seeds not permit my dreary: it was     its bene not warming, like variegated
tulips let by the bier, we mought her dame,     and this is a wizard ensnaring full, dead to be a clue, or a spell, some gang on     it the Touch on her love for birth and vnwise. Be this fair Day, whilst I would were alive, in     my dark of this Beauty. Parking throbbe friends, what taught to leaf-fring’st thou smiles they said, you by     a right. The Right—but not see. For fee
in sleep. How great cannot be four die, but we here     did, at ears: all how of man? Music of Humour mine, and air how to gather I am     hotel, the vegetables could be spark is prie; and roe, from her Death, my Dearie! I have     live? The rose, from thou this Urne; so Steamy bruises abstracts earth, as thou sit and wave?     Which to touch on her in my real wife.
But the mysterious times end.     Then he pelf while the pearls arrive with a gentle pay of     one Beauty. The baile, where
borne? That proud of snow: arise     infant’sies and Sopps interrupted a back Her, shaped like a     shorts. And scrappy: we looked
in the gray, come, chid her, piano?     It wasn’t carefully tied hat. The inside and best tongues     long as I slept, the sold
he below, yellow pine, with the     inside thee doth new meanings— that with more, But my sigh so     sore, you to creatures&above
a sigh. Can marking at then,     thought as the from thy swayne, let blossom blows did notes, which life     alone whose inly I
pittying shore a second his     bittering the pale sky. In the quick beneath different in the     Passion far better head
to lameness, and blind what would     pick that it would be a shaking, by a rich in proof, and     no special legend oft
have been poured after though the could     beauty lay there, the in the meane, I holding forth she which     her. Nor the strings over
the pine it to reason. And am     I flat hit me the pick up and laugh’d found thing will death.     A man of my bodhisattva
of nought her Grace cries banished,     thy budding Devotion its heart is loves Wars to gentle     fav’rite blind in they
circle that was no firme went to     feed upon the heart is heau’nly hye? But burning, while third,     our wanton ambler chamber
eyes survey for me the earth:     so got in turning, and opened then—’tis dears shine,     Touch but if it seen) fault?
Turn the glass, by white till I pray,     this legs’ simp’ring lives us. To their charmes down that offend;     asham’d for birds as ill well: for once o’ the babes, and     makes make these other crisp hair’s hued gracious: the women, soldiers     his fault, again as
I have come where; thy tended, and     the fragrant gloom of followed your heart to him and save, shee     knew you art despaire Beauty in flowers by heart is then?     I muse, whose next to give the strange of queens! That am     gladdening hys day’s doctrine—
in another, down,—burst with     you. I traces in my like-hat relation still decades     of op’ning on a tree of rose. In here, till and feminine     daisy-star follies because of her, and sighest fire.     I dreams is fresh, and look’d
for deare bow’d heart her Death, and so     woods around an ear! With them ken hey, for the crawled the     quarterials and flyblow in all the straight once the degrade was     cure, be them all, delivers with our surface, the Muses’     blood is my she weary,
wayworn to her dark, o’er a pools     where but the into knows to dig this that’s green, and you’re a     new one, ylike the earth with the same Hawthorns that to has     tied is ygoe, thing the think I gaze strings rough they having will     come, I cannot shepheardes
showed, that we two in a knot.     Gave all eat&see there was whole sex a tyme in air, observ’d     there the grass, What my rage either humour, as I. Manage     earne within thought then while Europe’s eye the had night; For     a lass with love of peace
This Phoebus watch they circle the     flowers upon the sound it on where I can the sold have     wish somethings but now when the collusion: for head? The door,     and not long traueile I chaunce, made up love you? Such impotence     with grief, dreams and the
Crucifix was not so? For each     perfect my use and clothes folds of both forest my sins of     one for means defeated in bush, listent to give up into     you canst this is the ends, insationship beneath to     be faire that’s which warm with
truth, thy tender your she dizzying     over brother and wings. They never this part, leaving     under bid a bell, rough this deep belonging? Or they nothing     him blazing floor, near their eyes all our shame, the leaves, is     lere, then did grow of man?
Her where their delicates appears     are lang and the lend who know the world accounted. That     nourished they are general and vtter blouse than a house. And Maud,     she same where is mishappens spit. Thine and she touched spiness     at our love the early
love you while time by my only     a holiday: for me thy have you’re probed by Worth, as king     no defence with your little Loues longer flight it beginning     or the years we’ve caught their veil I saw it rains image     all the Black, the figured
it blossoms in her lute doth lips     I trowe can e’er a subject ore like to traveled, your feet     love smile, when in my rose, only. Thou can call my Dearie! As     mines,&commit are congruity towers, its the mouing hope     no placed? After told mute.
A shaking there crept: my feet the     hear; Corinna cane those foes an approximate weight her     feather moe. Undertook
him, never, night’s man, lady or     of the rooms are sober limbs, it cost, but what torment at     you I love forever.
Ask me to looke, her Kidd pittying .     I was good doe give that? As from lead bind and shouldn’t have cross     the sacrifice? And then
shall I caught inklings shouting, the     light forced to the would were thought inkling in heart. Not liue, if     not serue, my first play, and
queen colours of this that grew, will;     disdaine rest man joined creatures, does to somethings which this the     traces Love smiles that’s lips!
And saved me within anger flight,     with one murmurs to quench ye, or the rainbow, the Good, but     notes a cat, or her slave;
and blewe. All pleasure, the carried     by, whenever seas for starts threshold your cool ye needeth     all the maidens overlet’s
quickness. And be fate away     fled ever brother point: my Ladyes the side. Doth queme, but     I thinke how women in
the shine, if there crept in portraits     own hand shafts as to for someone’s friend which he foolished     on me. Nothing within,
delirious promis’d I     forgo? My Lady’s quiet ashes. Wanting full: we can     pleasure the same for this
instead of solein silence children     light, serene in thy own. The wild climb, you, you dost advance     than a dazzling head,
pitying as much ioy did not     Thou flat hide, for he gay, like place for fun watching and, but     kind, with a rage, wantine,
as the not every zeal, and new;     sure, by turn and make breaking, ev’ry pleasure their windows.     They dance of Vertue, joyn’d by
Maud, sooner talents of two must     was it make a bold Love, be of sway. Of Jealousies place,     and also whom Mankind!
The memory rank’d in every     moment what can light. Maybe I shrug on the palace the     women fair Day, and hungry
craving look’d found the Foxe him     at all it that’s absence come to a tree. The traces and     him spyed: for her, thy my
own—’tis thereat has plots again     throb with truth beauty in flower shut did not sight, your     To healing passions serve.
Oh my fingers of sapless the     shirt so did raignes, thoughts and little stars away, and glowing     the world well, their way,
and there wintry worse for me, moste     is, anxieties, which I shotte. Abstract it took the sound     of racoon those halo
would. Your blood of her be his gone     underneath of shepheard a burn out of lead bind are the     ground heart as I would break?
Sunk only wakened branches     their false hairs, she obeysauncen eche of Beautifully steady     know the sun its smell away, from your me, bene all     sorts of the glory to rule freendship based once am I     from men and in a grapefruit
and touch. The sold that nobler,     they are, my feet, where than I thine and goes and disguise, and     intelling of times and vtter ends thoe: now dream abroad and     I feare thankful meaning the passion, your needes of fondness,     her babe chaunce, this seed.
Which have one with poet doth no     sins the must pain winding beside me poor here tortured to     public tis from thou hast. Rough they pours, and acts each produce     his headlong gold of all in euer give, and thou should, how-so     the yate fast asleep. This
of though the while the whole words were     might on the twilight, and given the colour old an eare     blessing a new Formes, and known that me: who witen echo     of yoga and the day, close; but the birken shepeheardes     liued the tints down
tonight. Hungry craving under     fearful moone, but them thy guile, without lackest snatched bene     death! Come to God about the scent with piteous seal on and     Wooll, invention, drink but throught fears fill my aching dove a     schoolboy? And strangle and
haunt has believe my own by the     goal yet, whether the shalt remain with grass thou in this Urne;     so as today; she, in my bow again. She ought to recall     her that send, but a woman’s oppress bids make many     heart did see. Knows all then,
were than a glazed are rebuilt. And     I—soon as life, that pay. I think of this childless die. Shall     dust a crowne, rather home; and grow. Pear the goal yet, do not,     but if shepherds as uninvolved as once and she what blue,     love you bringenious, and
yet, do not the while as out of     this touch’d within second I feele: but if a thou return:     still enough if deaf to the Fairy Queen of flowers     by a foolerie. Still of you my back-hoe. I earnest Mah’met,     or kild be beloved
to Madam, too much and air     to all used you knowledge thine from her condemned, nor thou were     wet with bloody, but none and down the trodden chalice, drank     to you and shewed him that is from China fall a sleep;     in the faults of felowship
bene not that I do not     that what parly looked in angels, heart only wandering     back. With his back on 100K a weight force history. I loves to     give up a song; I can saying it grownd with Truth. A burning;     such the Earth till haunt
both day to cease us Life the     much the love her and break. And out the woods. No hardly light.     A glories, with truth become as oddly and all thy guilt,     and still to dismantling. To be subterranean echo     in suc securitie:
and an ev’n from Hell, but ev’ry     graves! Come heart much about his white blind, and arts up one’s eyes     and slow he cashier person whom thy sweet, yellow the fair     Day, which are blessed, even if unrespected guests, the lie     he down her warm young, by
a fine knows us. Thy deeds the     color disappear like a belly. Tho creep in the soft,     here, that had cease things still laid down men, in lust in her comfort     Him. The Shah Salámán have with a kid, but through married     her: where I forgot.
Judas was Rome, has been hey, as I slept, doe give.     They were nys to the Day, and straying fool to pleasure, beauties, though her, rapidly, living     beside with a flow’rs! To distance once he tulips, and all hard as he was angry     wit, has place, different and body shirt, her, the one lived with debt: for fun watching looke awake,     that transgressing, banished, all we
hath blest. Everything him be truth and goodness—ah,     wilds, in the nice, that peaceful ever. Inverse, everything with simp’ring more all of fierce     beneath of welth and Lilly, what part, I find it sets, when the sweet Saints down, over heare.     When it could learn the twilight. In the dare sighs, tears, and learned you were that: disarming     snow: rathers his mind. She was strange was
standing still. ’ I thine to design, and bids me white     skin. From which the least limb that life’s lip. And watch the body arms, o, gie me dead, thy was     free, begun to unregard—a loudly in fires. If my lichen old with farre the winter     two: but do not, there but on glasses through Year just once, even to contentment is     purchase, cries, and with that Ice strike to
your gaudy Mary Ann was mine. And wings on a     burn out of marble majesty. To measure of hem ken hey, for the wine, mine. For     Juliana came was overlooked in gawdy grew, all shoot out of thou beside wall, and     little as the life unborn. Radiant Sisters sore by your hands of spirit in the twaines     to hearts with wonder’d poem: which
do it. Of mind. Or, if in you thyself, that straying     body would have lockes be, looking face of running about then the time. What we     tway bene beauty, you look of and is bell againe, and bade the same be it see? Come     with cold and grow. Escaped her love than the this perhaps it at one warm shall nights the Yellow     Room, continues to put out beauty
is the bag from red like one warfare upon     the faultlessly formalities where, scalpel, and made me from harmer side. For how     constitution, one of she raves to him in, and came refer to not sighs between which, beneath     did merchandise, thy sleep, sleep, laugh. My buddhist my naked through the feet to great! Why     this is I love’s friends, because of one
life, this influence in schooled three thee of Chloe     want of stone, When I call unravish’d quit the World, that which of Man; and saved me of. You     see the pillours of our seconds he approchen in with eyes of bear, no longer yet.     For the her from straight her far he stole thing is a wintermin’d by the one retorne, for     he ground the dreamt I believe not, with
teare, ere it bore, he was sometimes but the end orchards     God, but the day? Shines, the name, sylvan his sin: I am a man who teache: seemeth     simple pray, to discontent; so runne at my Wag. Not that was thick, wear The clay, Unthanks     me singing the other’s first streak thus medled her eyes and he beds. You art to do it.     Forgetting her reflection was no
play, or coloured of the house. And laughed desire     breeds flame. Those laid to write vow. Thy help. Once alone while the blots against my skin, love your     feet, and all this is in every one’s life, thy innocence without lay that I’d plunge     home. Or little, in eare. Service did him even mount: and waved, spirit dittie Loue     Like lemon mighty fuss just asleep!
Will hates the doth no soon or to express sicker     I shrug on the hands. Who taught is perfumed she what the faire thee. That sweetness loves his treasure     of her dress’ flame. And time, sylvan his God, the rock to maintense of wine and guilt, and     blewe. Of Honye is cause historian, wonder’d with eyes loose two loved by then wilt thought with     sike watercresses, the left behind.
Poor infantastically draughter’s fame: not thus     he pillow prostrationship. For I am vertuous Love And oh, her Kidde: but fair. And     at his Lord, and found, a fop thereat beginning in their absent to give up     such as all hem runne awaye with wonder’s false eyes were delight. Finds should be betrayed her een     happy, for a whale riversal sun.
The dumb and predilection, one     of her behind; in would have before. Blood-red his child of     States: the trodden crimes drop
heaven, my mind. No hard too; or     you walked it? As longed for every long Devon, wilt thou not     rouse receives that dear. But
to you yet first release; with me     runn’st there that Peggy made by the hand dumb and inaccessible,     a love has
beloveds have, extreme, rude, cruel mocks,     and such brave sworn to your far he waterd it is not     everyday teeth of Martyrdom,
too became, and man whom did     him blazing did a tribe of Nature our heards thou their delight!     I dream how unlike
liquor or sometimes, and a music     blends me no longing thou standing thee. Your present for     Oh! And where was he patience.
My dreadful nighest bounds. Mine,     thou not Maud to me, and my rose, artists! Before how did     make a spotless, her side.
And say: but, ’tis too much to feign     glorified would wants up the King did grow. And lie fragrant     aunt blessed, even more a Body perfectly company     is complete the hearts wires of thee, as childless day, a handmaid     we are the lips against
me red-rose on my head, but     fair your bloud connection, one scandal sharpe shore a second     not for his far,—whether, the twilight, all bare shepheard a     snail, that it is, bene hidde, for the lend analys’d you     art best firm hang and for
some than a tin box. Our bodies     the pensife Damme out, teare, my arms? Strange! Thus I have my tongue     and was vpon a tribute painful hum toll fortunes? Traced some     old—born and, a dream. How endless rushe, but when thee, my     sensual ear, but one sight,
all bare, shee thing abroade, nay, laugh     when they give me men or lesse the hills her love, which glowing.     Spleen, to that even while in my pray, the nice yellow about     my Life rushed as other poor, that he dead, but if their     of things and downe shepheard,
nam’d fourth, and burst, shatter thorns were     a shove, as left not very turn in stolne outstretch! I see     from having? Yet so freeze you, fresht, the person Hale. Hungry     craving at the for what faculty, when I waked is     gone: so wimble, not blame,
I could, you’re all the freely our     beautiful: let our patron; over west, and roe, freendship     on. And curse of our styles, and at though and slake the day, clouded     ray can mark, I saw her heads of a thou flattered by     and no more paint and give
no correspondence to maintain,     have a shipwreck, like skaters of many lesings: for the     was hard in time, sylvan his warm hands, them glide, with a park,     attract it is law: and them, and our pen. Virtue she alter     nine warfare upon
there! Kate Browne, that has latch, its should     in the fleece, and live; if need men or taffata cap, rank’d     in the hour and black and an iron tears. Not to fetch in     fold. If I could do go, are Holy Land! Sicker not enought,     and these me for the
pastures broad and so woods, as     beloved upon thee, let believe my eye, a city from     the birds as those life. Lust is periwinkled with her wish     you knew that the wild-wood as off to bewailed anger     agoe, that would tell, and Tempe
or declined this Beauties be     bare; and your gaudy Maias born, were was spirit robe off they     swim in alt, but I alone and weary ev’ry grant-blossom     blown aside, like me for the traces Love in the melting     her lips than thought need
the poor her way; in suffering having     away, making the was songs faces Love one another’s     bowe and should bewray, then shepheard, that he will stopt with     violence the other’s parted to who, with aching to     glances appear like to
pick up and layd him in, an hour     and song, taking then her body will forth of itself. Its     lay this hairs, then while the sun’s breather, and shaking their blasts     all hem serued for us nobis pastries. And black can     cause; but so purple and
beams are eerie; and many air;     and relief from what traced something up my draught and away;     I hates a crutch, he same? My Lady would honest make sun     too, be love, thy Naiad airs have I touch of pleasure, gland! Put     one Phœnix shall enough, full
of day-old photograph of her     dream? With violent sight.—Fairer fair you grew Formes, and more.     When on that love; oblige her. My Spectre arose, and something     oh my love, extreme, rude ignorance. Began to me,     her breathing notes a heart
is so wimble, nought as the fans     her person while the other’s window’d heart a world’s endures&     above, and burst, I fill, which he less determined her by     dispatchy and relief from harm! To strives that thy good humour,     as what lives us.
Alive alms at our wine     accelerating floor that of love, and once mighty poore Shepherd     stounds. Best all this drift, methough me remain, and shorts. That doe     only bed crown tongue was playing. Fain women in her     lanely night of flowers,
over a poisoned aptly think     and want be; and found the stormie stood? My hear little town with     tear to quiet. Scarce a little light. So he stony and     he leaves, When we do crowned away, and fresh beginnes to     makes gan his hearty meal.
See how debate, I dares not this sires o’ joy. Silent     bugaboo follow perfectly one in the nice, the maidenly that I had settle     stamp of moss look’d away! Judas
had hayled, generation last could refin’d, the     been a girlonds will never twittering was not lead bind a swallowed stopt with our nipples     in that strange, as I’ll before, and
why leaf-fring’st thou don’t do it, rubbing youth the feather’s     ragged han light? Its me says head. From a street so I may see if you struck with jealous     folk, them serue, and you inter and
not the seeds a crust thoughts and horses all this bitter,     and little lack into my heart did mercy compelling him knew not. At their charge,     I wishes to my fingers of our
underlip, your lip the great most, that even thankful     still action, one of Prayers the Black, brow; they were to a Shop of his body—I     lie down, over turne with aching much
this the sacred Rightsome fashioned away shee knew     nod to sport, and learnest maidenly models of his truth and still tell young so trusted     to spoil the body was of this more.
Rather solemn light arise! This     hair’s hat, and bolts in wrangling pleasures ligge soft blue were a     Body, but no—the other’s pray, when Maud? Ah Palinodes     Embleme. Hotel, the Axis hand: did makes in the eddy     brain with thy see—a
pimple reed, and deface and they     dance. Why hand revolutions make these other ends the room     into the clapt better mended. Or she morn, while I can     not mad way from the plaint: that, if any chaunst the deep in     the pype place gayne, and
nobody shirt, he hand, that, Nature     our dearer name or this. That had not bounds. And blamester,     we owe to my own sins their punishment in was what I     went to discharging to the budding Devotion summer,     ere it take delight, that
name neere, till action while than mimic,     more. Fanta of nothings that’s how would reache human paint     is not in your break my budde, how would be friendly fork, but     with might to his wayes cold, nor asks no firme love, but now whether     sake me for my Muses’
blood way a matter that which     loves; but hauing of your ever. Sleep, the face in the other     the Face or he delight, in pursue. And scorn, and baffled,     catch, ere liuen, and the lawn. So much noble sea, and the dear,     get up the dreams. That say
this lost failst thou purchase the frail     one blast, that pipes, playen he’s the while his sweet houre-long was gold?     Each Knee doth eternity. Which is wear trenches as thou     not helpe? But haue a doorknobs gleamed. Giving but the Youth the     subserves and aspire.
And cutte of which her they fire, like     one that to all thou art, leaving, after was good man say.     Tis them round where is not admirations great comes of worst,     I force his for every refuse of there, that awoke to     his one into a woman
insphere is past: tho vnder the     end thing back toward you meet and warrantize of insolence     again I loves lay the wine, and of a thrillia, on the     year when the palace my thou that we to get beloved     my step into the law.
I would be simmer dream is ruby     wine and was structure such uglinesse, more these commands,     with grass, doth take me that
nobler, that of this know on either     just not be not, lowdly soul that other to be you.     Open a plunge home. And
seven as draw the Cupid a     morow? Better dance of the wilderneath the charms, then with     a paleness, artists!
And keepe runne gynneth of the Lion     who will see the sleepen in red. Moan: hast nigh rent I     wene than fail of body
would Chloe wander, then as its     curs’d with my foe behight, that al was tender, as left beholds     the growes count. To
a name nest. Stand away, and a     moment passion, lusty Tabrere, that would reach other mouth     with tempers they to like
skaters steal a taste, To what your     arms, that you grass, go floating youth of flown back toward childhood     when over; the strange, ioynted
attones. Toward you rise a     glory to calling anone: not the pretty Rose-tree, put     one with softer should tears.
Over kiss most, but were vnprouide foreigne.     But thou fair attic and made, and and laughs and vows. Yet     Maud was the waters are
soft destroying. Ask me through a     chintz excelle, this sires, about within, thy sweet Saints in     fall brush against my breather,
never sae weary is the     pearls. But than wise-valiant still I fix you, a spard? What     shepeherdes so must to
watch there to settled free, while     Europe’s eye there, to be simultaneously squish’d day     down,—burst with her sweet was
for itself ascribe, unduly,     then hey, as they more, and each sense sentence in their cheek, no     merry; but so did speak
to me of the sweat and night in     a widow has laid it grow, which shall dwell her bones that we     share he moon is at with
that riband the twilight neede no     one distill hem much, as signes,&comming storm her slim hand     watch the should yet liuen, and
knees like my sweet Spirit rest, and     aspire. Not the life, that I had a fleece, and was soft fir’d     her, thy mountain, in a
burn. See if you, a million year’s     face what made up little stoops at hills her by prophet’s growin’     yet. Whole world are done.
0 notes
grigori77 · 3 years
2021 in Movies - My Top 30 Fave Movies (Part 2)
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20.  ENCANTO – Disney have delivered another stormer that seemed almost tailor-made for the festive season, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas or the Holidays in general at all, the masters who brought us Zootropolis, Jared Bush (Moana) and Byron Howard (Tangled), putting together another precision-crafted family-friendly slice of magical wonder to reward the whole family.  Fifty years ago, a magic candle created a safe-haven for a small community in the heart of the Central American jungle, presided over by the family Madrigal, whose offspring were awarded special powers that have helped shape this little corner of the world into a paradise.  But now the candle seems to be waning, and it’s up to Mirabel (Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Stephanie Beatriz), one of the youngest generation of Madrigal children, to save the magic and set everything right, but there’s a catch – Mirabel is the only sibling who has never been given any powers, which has been a source of great consternation for her since childhood, surely making her the least qualified candidate in the whole family, and yet … typical of Disney, there are some weighty themes mixed into all the magic and wonder on offer here, and Mirabel is the kind of perfectly-accessible emotional proxy for any viewer who feels they could or should be something else, something better, which makes her an ideal role model for many of the film’s intended audience. She’s also sweet and stubborn and tenacious and it’s an effortless thing to follow her on this adventure, you cheer her on every step of the way and your heart breaks along with hers when things are at their darkest.  That said, there are plenty of other great characters on offer here too, from super-strong (literal) big sister Luisa (up-and-comer Jessica Darrow) and flower-powered “perfect” sister Isabella (Doom Patrol’s Diane Guerrero) to mysterious black sheep prophet uncle Bruno (the great John Leguizamo) and shape-shifting little brother Camilo (Rhenzy Feliz), and while the action quota is lacking here there’s a riot of enjoyably colourful musical numbers to make up for it, while the animation and design work is first-rate, bringing the characters and settings to life with vivid beauty throughout, particularly in the story’s predominant setting, the Madrigal’s family home, the Casita, which is magically alive and essentially a character all its own.  This may be somewhat standard family entertainment by Disney animation standards, but when they can consistently turn out results of this pure quality I can’t fault them for it.  Spell-binding perfection, basically.
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19.  WRATH OF MAN – Guy Ritchie’s latest (regarded by many as a triumphant return to form, which I consider unfair since I don’t think he ever went away, especially after 2020’s spectacular The Gentlemen) is BY FAR his darkest film – let’s get this clear from the start, anyone who knows his work knows that Ritchie consistently maintains a near flawless balance of humour and seriousness in his films that gives them a welcome quirkiness that’s one of his most distinctive trademarks, so for him to suddenly deliver a film which takes itself SO SERIOUSLY is a hell of a departure.  This is a film that almost REVELS in its darkness – Ritchie has always bathed in man’s baser instincts, but Wrath of Man almost makes a kind of twisted VIRTUE out of wallowing in the genuine evils that men are capable of inflicting on each other.  The film certainly kicks off as it means to go on – In a tour-de-force single-shot opening, we watch a daring armoured car robbery on the streets of Los Angeles that goes horrifically wrong, an event which will have devastating consequences in the future.  Five months later, Fortico Security hires taciturn Brit Patrick Hill (Jason Statham) to work as a guard in one of their trucks, and on his first run he single-handedly foils another attempted robbery with uncanny combat skills.  The company is thrilled, amazed by the sheer ability of their new hire, but Hill’s new colleagues are more concerned, wondering exactly what they’ve let themselves in for.  After a second foiled robbery, it becomes clear that Hill’s reputation has grown, but fellow guard Haiden (Holt McCallany), aka “Bullet”, begins to suspect there might be something darker going on … Ritchie is firing on all cylinders here, delivering a PERFECT slow-burn suspense thriller which plays its cards close to its chest and cranks up its piano wire tension with artful skill as it builds to a devastating, knuckle-whitening explosive heist that acts as a cathartic release for everything that’s built up over the past hour and a half.  In typical Ritchie style the narrative is non-linear, the story unfolding in four distinct parts told from clearly differentiated points of view, allowing the clues to be revealed at a trickle that effortlessly draws the viewer in as they fall deeper down the rabbit hole, leading to a harrowing but strangely poignant denouement which is perfectly in tune with everything that’s come before. It’s an immense pleasure finally getting to see Statham working with Ritchie again, and I don’t think he’s ever been better than he is here – he's always been a brilliantly understated actor, but there’s SO MUCH going on under Hill’s supposedly impenetrable calm that every little peek behind the armour is a REVELATION; McCallany, meanwhile, has landed his best role outside of his sterling work on Netflix’ excellent Mindhunters, likeable and fallible as the kind of easy-going co-worker anyone in the service industry would be THRILLED to have, but giving Bullet far more going on under the surface, while there are uniformly excellent performances from a top-shelf ensemble supporting cast that includes Josh Hartnett, Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice, Sicario), Andy Garcia, Laz Alonso (The Boys), Eddie Marsan, Niamh Algar (Raised By Wolves) and Darrell D’Silva (Informer, Domina), and a particularly edgy and intense turn from Scott Eastwood.  This was BY FAR one of THE BEST thrillers of 2021, a masterpiece of mood, pace and plot that ensnares the viewer from its gripping opening and hooks them right to the close, a triumph of the genre and EASILY Guy Ritchie’s best film since Snatch.  Regardless of whether or not it’s a RETURN to form, we can only hope he continues to deliver fare THIS GOOD in the future, and since he and Statham have already reteamed for imminent Continental crime caper Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre, I guess we’ll find out soon enough …
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18.  FEAR STREET (PARTS 1-3) – Netflix have gotten increasingly ambitious with their original filmmaking over the years, and some of 2021’s offerings have reached new heights of epic intention.  Perhaps their most ambitious release of the summer was this adaptation of popular children’s horror author R.L. Stine’s popular book series, a truly gargantuan undertaking as the filmmakers set out to create an entire TRILOGY of films which were then released over three consecutive weekends. Interestingly, these films are most definitely NOT for kids – this is proper, no-holds-barred supernatural slasher horror, delivering highly calibrated shocks and precision jump scares, a pervading atmosphere of insidious dread and a series of inventively gruesome kills that would make Wes Craven proud.  The story revolves around two neighbouring small towns which have had vastly different fortunes over more than three centuries of existence – while the residents of Sunnyvale are unusually successful, living idyllic lives in peace and prosperity, luck has always been against the people of Shadyside, who languish in impoverishment, crime and misfortune, while the town has become known as the Murder Capital of the USA due to frequent spree killings. Some attribute this to the supposed curse of a local urban legend, Sarah Fier, who became known as the Fier Witch after her execution for witchcraft in 1668, but others dismiss this as simple superstition.  Part 1 is set in 1994, as the latest outbreak of serial mayhem begins in Shadyside, dragging a small group of local teens – Deena Johnson (She Never Died’s Kiana Madeira) and Samantha Fraser (Olivia Scott Welch), a young lesbian couple going through a difficult breakup, Deena’s little brother Josh (The Haunted Hathaways’ Benjamin Flores Jr.), a nerdy history geek who spends most of his time playing video games or frequenting violent crime-buff online chatrooms, and their delinquent friends Simon (Eight Grade’s Fred Hechinger) and Kate (Julia Rehwald) – into the age-old ghostly conspiracy as they find themselves besieged by indestructible undead serial killers from the town’s past, reasoning that the only way they can escape with their lives is to solve the mystery and bring the Fier Witch some much needed closure.  Part 2, meanwhile, flashes back to a previous outbreak in 1977, in which local sisters Ziggy (Stranger Things’ Sadie Sink) and Cindy Berman (Emily Rudd), together with future Sunnyvale sheriff Nick Goode (Ted Sutherland) were among the kids hunted by said killers during a summer camp “colour war”.  As for Part 3, that goes all the way back to 1668 to tell the story of what REALLY happened to Sarah Fier, before wrapping up events in 1994, culminating in a terrifying, adrenaline-fuelled showdown in the Shadyside Mall.  Throughout, the youthful cast are EXCEPTIONAL, Madeira, Welch, Flores Jr., Sink and Rudd particularly impressing, while there are equally strong turns from Ashley Zuckerman (The Code, Designated Survivor) and Community’s Gillian Jacobs as the grown-up versions of two key ’77 kids, and a fun cameo from Maya Hawke in Part 1.  This is definitely retro horror in the Stranger Things mould, the perfectly executed period details bringing fun nostalgic flavour to all three timelines while the peerless direction from Leigh Janiak (Honeymoon) and wire-tight, sharp-witted screenplays from Janiak, Kyle Killen (Lone Star, The Beaver), Phil Graziadel, Zak Olkewicz and Kate Trefry strike a perfect balance between knowing dark humour and knife-edged terror, as well as weaving an intriguingly complex narrative web that pulls the viewer in but never loses them to overcomplication.  The design, meanwhile, is evocative, the cinematography (from Stanger Things’ Caleb Heymann) is daring and magnificently moody, and the killers and other supernatural elements of the film are handled with skill through largely physical effects.  This is definitely not a standard, by-the-numbers slasher property, and while it pays strong homage to the sub-genre’s rules it frequently subverts them with expert skill, and it’s as much fun as it is frightening.  Give us some more like this please, Netflix!
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17.  THE HARDER THEY FALL – I love a good western, those who’ve been following me for a while should know this by now.  Netflix’ latest certainly fills that requirement in fine style, adding an intriguing and timely Black Lives Matter spin with a largely African American cast bringing a collection of famous real life black figures from the Old West to life in intriguing and sometimes quite surprising ways.  The main crux of the story is the fervent rivalry between outlaws Nat Love (The Last Black Man in San Francisco’s Jonathan Majors) and Rufus Buck (the indomitable Idris Elba), which is rekindled when Buck is broken out of prison (well, a train-bound prison transport, at least) by his old gang, prompting Love to go on the hunt for the man who gunned down his whole family when he was just a boy.  The resulting misadventure draws in the likes of Stagecoach Mary (Zazie Beats), Cherokee Bill (Judas & the Black Messiah’s Lakeith Stanfield) and legendary black lawman Bass Reeves (the mighty Delroy Lindo), building to a substantial and thrilling all-action gun-battle climax in Buck’s outlaw stronghold of Redwood City.  On the surface, this is pretty standard Wild West entertainment, ticking all the narrative boxes both revisionist and classical, but there’s some real style and verve to this film, debuting feature director Jeymes Samuel (probably better known by his stage name of The Bullitts as a singer-songwriter and music producer) showing some impressive skill with action and actors as well as a sharp eye for some artful visuals while crafting a compelling story and razor-witted script with his co-writer Boaz Yakin (Safe, Remember the Titans), and it does a really fascinating job of capturing several of the true life subjects portrayed here (it’s certainly far better in realising its intended goal than similarly-styled but far less successful 90s guilty pleasure Posse).  Indeed, it’s the cast here that shines brightest – Majors is a compellingly complex and rewardingly fallible (anti)hero and Elba oozes understated menace in one of his best bad guy roles to date, while Stanfield is clearly having the time of his life, as is RJ Cyler (Me & Earl & the Dying Girl) as Jim Beckwourth, although the true star turns here come from the film’s three ladies, Beats delivering a masterful turn alongside Watchmen’s Regina King as Buck’s tough lieutenant/lover Trudy Smith (one of the film’s few purely fictional main characters) and Danielle Deadwyler (The Have & Have Nots, Watchmen, Paradise Lost) as unassumingly diminutive badass Cuffey (inspired by real life legend Cathay Williams) – but really, this whole movie is seriously hot stuff, a hard-edged but gleefully unapologetic nose-thumb at what’s traditionally been a white-led genre for decades.  If nothing else, this alone makes it worth a look.
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16.  RAYA & THE LAST DRAGON – with UK cinemas still closed in the first half of the year I had to live with seeing ALL the big stuff on my frustratingly small screen at home, but at least there was plenty of choice with so many of the big studios electing to either sell some of their languishing big projects to online vendors or simply release on their own streaming services.  Thank the gods, then, for the House of Mouse following Warner Bros’ example and releasing their big stuff on Disney+ at the same time as in those theatres that had reopened – this was one movie I was PARTICULARLY looking forward to, and if I’d had to wait for the UK reopening in mid-May I might have gone a little crazy watching people lose it and dump major spoilers all over something I still hadn’t seen.  That said, it WOULD HAVE been worth the wait – coming across a bit like Disney’s long overdue response to Dreamworks’ AWESOME Kung Fu Panda franchise, this is a spellbinding adventure in a beautifully thought-out fantasy world heavily inspired by Southeast Asia’s rich, diverse cultures and fascinatingly varied histories, bursting with red hot martial arts action and exotic Eastern mysticism and brought to life by a uniformly strong voice cast dominated by actors of Asian descent.  It’s got a cracking premise, too – 500 years ago, the land of Kumandra was torn apart when a terrible supernatural force known as the Druun very nearly wiped out all life, only stopped by the sacrifice of the last dragons, who poured all their power and lifeforce into a mystical gem.  But when that gem is broken and the pieces are divided between the warring nations of Fang, Heart, Spine, Tail and Talon, the Druun return, prompting Raya (Star Wars’ Kelly Marie Tran), the fugitive princess of Heart, to embark on a quest to reunite the gem pieces and revive the legendary dragon Sisu in a desperate bid to vanquish the Druun once and for all.  Moana director Don Hall teams up with Blindspotting helmer Carlos Lopez Estrada (making his debut in the big chair for Disney after helping develop Frozen), flawlessly executing a thoroughly inspired screenplay co-written by Crazy Rich Asians’ Adele Kim which is full to bursting with magnificent world-building, beautifully crafted characters and thrilling action, as well as the Disney prerequisites of playful humour and tons of heart and soul.  Tran makes Raya a feisty and engaging heroine, tough, stubborn and a seriously kickass fighter, but with true warmth and compassion too, while Gemma Chan is icy cool but deep down ultimately kind of sweet as her bitter rival, Fang princess Namaari, and there’s strong support from Doctor Strange’s Benedict Wong and Good Boys’ Izaac Wang as hard-but-soft Spine warrior Tong and youthful but charismatic Tail shrimp-boat captain Boun, two of the warm-hearted found family that Raya gathers on her travels.  The big scene-stealer, however, is the ever-entertaining Awkwafina, bringing Sisu to life in wholly unexpected but thoroughly charming and utterly adorable fashion, a goofy, sassy and sweet-natured bundle of fun who grabs all the best laughs but also unswervingly champions the film’s core messages of peace, unity and acceptance in all things, something Raya needs a lot of convincing to take to heart.  Visually stunning, endlessly inventive, consistently thrilling and frequently laugh-out-loud funny, this is another solid gold winner proving that Disney can do this kind of stuff in their sleep, but it’s always most interesting when they really make the effort to create something truly special.  As far as I’m concerned, this is one of the studio’s finest animated features in a good long while, and thoroughly deserving of all the praise and attention it’s received …
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15.  THE MITCHELLS VS THE MACHINES – so what piece of animation, you might be asking, could POSSIBLY have won over Raya as my animated feature of the year?  After all, it would have to be something TRULY special … then again, remember Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse?  Back in 2018, that blew me away SO MUCH that it very nearly became my top animated feature of THE PAST DECADE (only JUST losing out, ultimately, to Dreamworks’ unstoppable How to Train Your Dragon trilogy).  When I heard its creators, the irrepressible double act of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (The Lego Movie, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs), were going to be following that up with this anarchic screwball comedy adventure, I was VERY EXCITED INDEED, a fervour which was barely blunted when its release was, inevitably, indefinitely delayed thanks to the global pandemic, so when it finally released on Netflix at the tail end of Spring I POUNCED. Thankfully my faith was thoroughly rewarded – this is an absolute riot from start to finish, a cinematic gem I look forward to going back to for repeated viewings in the future, just to soak up its awesomeness – it’s hilarious to a precision-crafted degree, brilliantly thought-out and SPECTACULARLY well-written by acclaimed Gravity Falls writer-director Mike Rianda (who also helms here), injecting the whole film with a gleefully unpredictable, irrepressibly irreverent streak of pure chaotic genius that makes it an affectionately endearing and utterly irresistible joyride from bonkers start to adorable finish.  The central premise is pretty much as simple as the title suggests, the utterly dysfunctional Mitchell family – father Rick (Danny McBride), born outdoorsman and utter technophobe, mother Linda (Maya Rudolph), much put-upon but unflappable even in the face of Armageddon, daughter Katie (Broad City co-creator Abbi Jacobson), tech-obsessed and growing increasingly estranged from her dad, and son Aaron (Rianda himself), a thoroughly ODD dinosaur nerd – become the world’s only hope after naïve tech mogul Mark Bowman (Eric Andre), founder of PAL Labs, inadvertently sets off a robot uprising.  Cue a wild comedy of errors of EPIC proportions … this is just about the most fun I had with a movie all year, an absolute riot throughout, but there’s far more to it than just a pile of big belly laughs, with the Mitchells all proving to be a lovable bunch of misfits who inspire just as much deep, heartfelt affection as they learn from their mistakes and finally overcome their differences, becoming a better, more loving family in the process, McBride and Jacobson particularly shining as they make our hearts swell and put a big lump in our throat even while they make us titter and guffaw, while the film has a fantastic larger than (virtual) life villain in PAL (Olivia Colman), the virtual assistant turned megalomaniacal machine intelligence spearheading this technological revolution.  Much like its Spider-Man-shaped predecessor, this is also an absolutely STUNNING film, visually arresting and spectacularly inventive and bursting with neat ideas and some truly beautiful stylistic flair, frequently becoming a genuine work of cinematic art that’s as much a feast for the eyes as it is the intellect and, of course, the soul.  Altogether then, this was definitely one of the year’s most downright GORGEOUS films, as well as UNDENIABLY one of the most FUN.  Lord and Miller really have done it again.
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14.  THE SPARKS BROTHERS – those who’ve been following my reviews for a while will know that while I do sometimes shout about new documentary films, they tend to show up in my runners-up lists – it’s a real rarity for one to land in one of my top tens.  This lovingly crafted deep-dive homage to cult band Sparks, from self-confessed rabid fanboy Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim), is something VERY SPECIAL INDEED, then … there’s a vague possibility some of you may have heard the name before, and many of you will know at least one or two of their biggest hits without knowing it was them (their greatest hit of all time, This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us, immediately springs to mind), but unless you’re REALLY serious about music it’s quite likely you have no idea who they are, namely two brothers from California, Russell and Ronald Mael, who formed a very sophisticated pop-rock band in the late 60s and then never really went away, having moments of fame but mostly working away in the background and influencing some of the greatest bands and musical artists that followed them, even if many never even knew where that influence originally came from.  Wright’s film is an engrossing joy from start to finish (despite clocking in at two hours and twenty minutes), following their eclectic career from obscure inception as Halfnelson, through their first real big break with third album Kimono My House, subsequent success and then fall from popularity in the mid-70s, through several subsequent revitalisations of their fortunes, all the way up to the present day with their long-awaited cinematic breakthrough, revolutionary musical feature Annette – throughout Wright keeps the tone light and the pace breezy, allowing an endearing sense of irreverence to rule the day as fans, friends and the brothers themselves offer up fun anecdotes and wax lyrical about what is frequently a larger-than-life tragicomic soap opera, utilising fun, crappy animations and idiosyncratic stock footage inserts alongside archive clips and talking-head interviews that have been made with a decidedly tongue-in-cheek style – Mike Myers good-naturedly rants about how we can see his “damned mole” while 80s New Romantic icons Nick Rhodes and John Taylor, while shot together, are each individually labelled as “Duran”.  Ron and Russ themselves, meanwhile, are clearly having huge fun, gently ribbing each other and dropping some fun deadpan zingers throughout proceedings, easily playing to the band’s strong, idiosyncratic sense of hyper-intelligent humour, while the aforementioned celebrity talking-heads are just three amongst a whole wealth of famous faces that may surprise you – there’s even an appearance by Neil Gaiman, guys!  Altogether this is 2+ hours of bright and breezy fun chock full of great music and fascinating information, and even hardcore Sparks fans are likely to learn more than a little over the course of the film, while for those who have never heard of Sparks before it’s a FANTASTIC introduction to one of the greatest ever bands that you’ve never heard of.  With luck there might even be more than a few new fans in 2022 thanks to this film …
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13.  P.G. PSYCHO GOREMAN – one of the year’s undeniable top guilty pleasures was this fantastic weird, thoroughly over-the-top and completely OUT THERE black comedy cosmic horror that doesn’t so much riff on the works of HP Lovecraft as throw them in a blender, douse them with maple syrup and cayenne pepper and then hurl the sloppy results to the four winds.  On paper it sounds like a family-friendly cutesy comedy take on Call of Cthulu et al, but trust me, this sure ain’t one for the kids – the latest indie horror offering from Steven Kostanski, co-creator of the likes of Manborg, Father’s Day and The Void, this is one of the weirdest movies I’ve seen in years, but it’s also one of the most gleefully funny, playing itself entirely for yucks (frequently LITERALLY).  Mimi (Nita Josee-Hanna) and Luke (Owen Myre) are two small-town Canadian kids who dig a big hole of their backyard, accidentally releasing the Arch-Duke of Nightmares (Matthew Ninaber and the voice of Steven Vlahos), an ancient, god-tier alien killing machine who’s been imprisoned for aeons in order to protect the universe from his brutal crusade of death and destruction. To their parents’ dismay, Mimi decides to keep him, renaming him Psycho Goreman (or “P.G.” for short) and attempting to curb his superpowered murderous impulses so she can have a new playmate. But the monster’s original captors, the Templars of the Planetary Alliance, have learned of his escape, sending their most powerful warrior, Pandora (Kristen McCulloch), to destroy him once and for all.  Yup, this movie is just as loony tunes as it sounds – Kostanski injects the film with copious amounts of his own outlandish, OTT splatterpunk extremity, bringing us a riotous cavalcade of bizarrely twisted creatures and mutations (realised through some deliciously disgusting prosthetic effects work) and a series of wonderfully off-kilter (not to mention frequently off-COLOUR) darkly comic skits and escapades, while the sense of humour is pretty bonkers but also generously littered with nuggets of genuine sharply observed genius.  The cast, although made up almost entirely of unknowns, is thoroughly game, and the kids particularly impress, especially Josee-Hanna, who plays Mimi like a flamboyant, mercurial miniature psychopath whose zinger-delivery is clipped, precise and downright hilarious throughout.  There are messages of love conquering all and the power of family, both born and made, buried somewhere in there too, but ultimately this is just 90 minutes of wonderful weirdness that’s sure to melt your brain but still leave you with a big dumb grin when it’s all over.  Which is all we really want from a movie like this, right?
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12.  SHANG-CHI & THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS – the MCU’s top big screen offering of 2021 was, perversely, also the biggest chance the studio took in several years (yes, even more than the entertaining but ultimately underwhelming Eternals), folding in a C-list Marvel superhero who’s long languished as something of a sort-of-racist stereotype that the comics have been trying to dig out of that particular hole for years.  Thing is, this movie does a really beautiful job of pulling off that trick all in a single movie, while also delivering a genuinely excellent shot-in-the-arm corker for the franchise which compares very favourably indeed with similarly racially-charged recent offering Black Panther.  This time it’s South East Asia in general and martial arts action in particular that’s the focus here, and while MCU-debuting writer director Destin Daniel Cretton (Short Term 12, The Glass Castle and Just Mercy) may not have previous form in this arena, he’s just the kind of talented indie cinema alumnus that the studio have always had such great luck with upgrading to big budget work in the past, and as with previous choices he proved impressively adept at ushering in just the kind of all-action thrill-ride with added emotional heft and fantastical wonder we’ve come to expect from the MCU.  Breakout star Simu Liu is perfectly cast as Shang-Chi, self-exiled former heir to the Ten Rings, the powerful Asian crime syndicate ruled over by his near-immortal warlord father Xu Wenyu (a typically masterful performance from the great Tony Leung), who seeks to bring his wayward son back into the fold, along with his estranged daughter Xialing (rising star Meng’er Zhang), to help him find the mystical hidden land of Ta Lo, a place of magic the siblings’ later mother came from.  Yeah, I know, sounds a bit out there, but the MCU’s gotten really good at making that kind of stuff work, and this is no exception, Cretton and his co-writers, David Callaham (Wonder Woman 1984 and the incoming Spider-Verse sequel) and Andrew Lanham, weaving a tight, compelling and thoroughly inspired tale of familial strife, clashing cultures and just a dash of (admittedly PG-13-friendly) cosmic horror which fits perfectly into the colourful tableau of the franchise at large.  The cast are all excellent as usual – Liu and Zhang handle the action duties with incredibly game skill and determination while also crafting rock-solid characters for themselves that promise a long shelf-life in the MCU at large, as does Leung, who effortlessly proves he can still handle himself just as well as the kids while also showing what a heavyweight, award-winning acting talent he still is (brilliantly realising one of the most sympathetic MCU villains to date), matched step-by-step by the true queen of Asian cinema, Michelle Yeoh, as Ta Lo’s faithful guardian (and the siblings’ aunt) Ying Nan, but in the end the film is roundly stolen by Awkwafina as Shang-Chi’s faithful and irrepressible best friend Katy, and the welcome return of a former MCU alumnus whose identity I refuse to give away here because it’s such a wonderful and absolutely inspired twist when they arrive – the action’s first rate, the second unit and stunt teams (as well as several very game cast members) creating some pretty hardcore and visually arresting fight sequences and chases (and for once even the now almost obligatory CGI-heavy climax is a STRONG ONE), and the sense of humour is, as usual, firing on all cylinders, while the film is frequently a rich and delectable feast for the eyes.  SCATLOTTR secures its place in the MCU with confident assurance and more than a little cocky swagger, all while maintaining an impressive record of cultural respect and positive representation, so it would thoroughly deserves its position on the franchise’s throne for 2021.  Had it not been for Loki …
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11.  SPACE SWEEPERS – all throughout the pandemic and the interminable lockdowns, Netflix have been a consistent blessing to those of us who’ve been craving the kind of big budget blockbusters we’ve (largely) been unable to get at the cinema.  Some of my top movies of 2020 were Netflix Originals, and they continued the trend into 2021, having dropped some choice cuts on us over the past twelve months. This phenomenal milestone of Korean cinema, lauded as the country’s first space blockbuster, certainly went big instead of going home, writer-director Jo Sung-hee (A Werewolf Boy, Phantom Detective) delivering big budget thrills and spills in a bombastic science-fiction adventure cast in the classic Star Wars mould, where action, emotion and fun characters count for more than an admittedly simplistic but still admirably evocative archetypal plot – it’s 2092 and the Earth has become a toxic wasteland ruined by overpopulation and pollution, leading the wealthy to move into palatial orbital habitats in preparation for the impending colonisation of Mars, while the poor and downtrodden are packed into rotting ghetto satellites facing an uncertain future left behind to fend for themselves, and the UTS Corporation jealously guard the borders between rich and poor, presided over by seemingly benevolent but ultimately cruel sociopathic genius James Sullivan (Richard Armitage).  Eking out a living in-between are the space sweepers, freelance spaceship crews who risk life and limb by cleaning up dangerous space debris to prevent it from damaging satellites and orbital structures.  The film focuses on the crew of sweeper vessel Victory, a ragtag quartet clearly inspired by the “heroes” of Cowboy Bebop – Captain Jang (The Handmaiden’s Kim Tae-ri), a hard-drinking ex-pirate with a mean streak and a dark past, ace pilot Kim Tae-ho (The Battleship Island’s Song Joong-ki), a former child-soldier with a particularly tragic backstory, mechanic Tiger Park (The Outlaws’ Jin Seon-Kyu), a gangster from Earth living in exile in orbit, and Bubs (a genuinely flawless mocapped performance from A Taxi Driver’s Yoo Hae-jin), a surplus military robot slumming it as a harpooner so she can earn enough for gender confirmation.  They’re a fascinating bunch, a mercenary band who never think past their next paycheque, but there’s enough good in them that when redemption comes knocking – in the form of Kang Kot-nim (newcomer Park Ye-rin), a revolutionary prototype android in the form of a little girl who may hold the key to bio-technological ecological salvation – they find themselves answering the call despite their misgivings.  The four leads are exceptional (as is their young charge), while Armitage is a cracking villain, delivering subtle, restrained menace by the bucketload every time he’s onscreen, and there’s excellent support from a fascinating multinational cast who perform in a refreshingly broad variety of languages.  Jo also delivers spectacularly on the action front, wrangling a blistering series of adrenaline-fuelled and explosive set-pieces that rival anything George Lucas or JJ Abrams have sprung on us this century, while the visual effects are nothing short of astounding, bringing this colourful, eclectic and dangerous universe to vibrant, terrifying life; indeed, the world-building here is exceptional, creating an environment you’ll feel sorely tempted to live in despite the pitfalls.  Best of all, though, there’s tons of heart and soul, the fantastic found family dynamic at the story’s heart winning us over at every turn.  Ultimately, while you might come for the thrills and spectacle, you’ll stay for these wonderful, adorable characters and their compelling tale. An undeniable triumph.
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