#Still though! Such a precious laugh just H A S to be shared!!
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9 - Lend An Ear
Word Count: 1,088
Today’s Card: The Weaver, reversed
Just as Joey rematerialized by the miniature aetheryte in front of the Weaver’s Guild, his ears caught wind of a conversation.
“T-thank you for o-offering to teach a greenhorn like me, sir,” said the soft voice of a girl. “I-I can never s-seem to get this r-right, no matter how many times I try.”
A long, awkward pause. Joey had expected to hear at least a thank you, but silence. As he continued walking towards the Weaver’s Guild, the voices grew louder.
“I've done this countless times, yet I can still never master the basic technique,” said the girl. “My late mother taught me this since I was young and yet—”
“By the twelve, lass! I'm spending my precious time here helping you, and this is how you treat me? Like your therapist?” growled a deep voice from near the girl.
The area fell into stunned silence—both by the girl, and by Joey, who stopped dead in his tracks from the sheer shock of the gruff man’s callous words.
“Look, lass, I'm not in the mood for your trauma dumping!” the deep voice snapped. “There are countless other endeavours that need my attention. And now, thanks to you, I may have to file a full report on just how much you've been griefing me.”
“I-I'm sorry!” the girl stammered.
When Joey found himself able to move again, he saw a giant blur brush his way. Only thanks to his reflexes honed by countless years of martial arts training did he step aside enough to feel only the wind of the Roegadyn that stormed past him. The tell-tale sound and a brief flash of light later, Joey assumed safely that the Roegadyn had promptly warped away to who-knew-where.
The Viera’s foot brushed against a spindle of hempen yarn. He knelt down to see even more spindles; most likely the Roegadyn “mentor” had been tasked to help this new apprentice. As Joey gathered spindles, he looked up to see the face of the shy girl—a pink-haired Miqo’te.
“You all right?” Joey asked.
Like an emotionally wounded coeurl, the miqo’te yelped and jumped a few inches into the air from her crouched position. A pair of giant green eyes locked onto Joey as though gazing upon an imminent threat. “Y-you heard that, huh?”
“Just the tail end.” Joey took one of the spindles before she did and held it up to his face. “Hempen yarn, is it? You've spun the moko grass quite well. What was it you were planning to do?”
The Miqo’te opened her mouth to speak, then closed. She spoke again only after she shook her head. “N-no, don't worry about it, adventurer. I can handle myself just fine. Don't you worry… worry…” She laughed nervously as she scooped up more spindles over her own arm.
“I'm sorry that person was rude to you earlier,” said Joey.
The Miqo’te shook her head, her pigtails whipping from side to side. “No, i-it's my fault for… what did he call it? Trauma dumping… as he said. H-he was just there to teach me the basics. I-I shouldn't have imposed on him.”
“Does he even know what that term means?” Joey asked. The Miqo’te didn’t respond, so Joey continued. “You weren't trauma dumping. You were sharing your experiences. There's nothing wrong with wanting someone else to relate to you.”
Slowly, the Miqo’te raised her head to look at Joey. At least her eyes weren’t as wide as before. That was a good sign.
“If nothing else, I can help you spin some yarn, so to say.” said Joey. “I, too, am a member of the Weaver's Guild.”
Shifting his weight to allow his right hand to reach deep into his pocket, he procured his Soul of the Weaver to her in his outstretched palm. The Miqo’te’s eyes widened again and she held a hand to her mouth.
“Y-you’re a specialist?! Oh n-no, I can't possibly intrude—”
“I'm not doing anything important at the moment. I'm more than happy to help out with whatever you wanted to do.”
“Ah, um… well, I was just learning to spin some thread to make some of these hempen-related tops in the recipe book…”
And with that, the Miqo’te pulled out a spindle some clumps of moko grass. She placed a large amount of clumps in the middle, most likely accepting Joey’s assistance in her own way.
Joey pulled out his own spindle and took a few bunches of moko grass himself. “You said you learned how to make hempen yarn from your mother.”
“Don't worry about it, adventurer. I've said enough already.”
“Not to me—I mean, everyone’s different, right? Maybe that other person doesn’t care to hear anything but the sound of his own voice, but I’m always willing to lend a… long ear.” Joey gestured to his ears.
The Miqo’te giggled softly. Another good sign.
“Besides, I like to hear people’s stories.”
Joey paused. He still sensed some hesitation from the Miqo’te, if the soft voice he heard in his head was any indication.
He seems nice, but I don’t want to trouble him.
He still sensed that lingering sadness. Understandable. Words cut like a knife and wounds lingered for eternity if left untouched. Not wanting to leave her sadness lingering forever, Joey decided to be the one to break the ice.
“For what it's worth, I don't have a mother myself,” said Joey.
“I'm sorry…”
“No, don't be. I can’t miss what I never had. I do have a mother in a sense—a close friend of mine who looks after me.” He picked up one of the spindles most likely made by the Miqo’te, as she kept a select few close to her. “But I can imagine that your mother would be proud of you to have made work this exceptional.”
The Miqo’te smiled a soft, genuine smile that pushed her cheeks up into her eyes ever so gently. “You think so?”
“I know so. I know quality work when I see it.”
That soft smile turned into a wide beam from ear to ear.
“What kind of person was your mother?” Joey asked. “She must have been an amazing person.”
The Miqo’te nodded and returned to her spinning. “She was. She was the most loving and supportive mother a girl could ask for. She knew everything there was to do about needle point. We raised karakul back at our home.”
Her story continued well past the time they completed her tasks. And Joey hung on to every word.
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bluerskiees · 2 years
Ayo its spooky season! How would tokrev’s characters handle t h i s : time to go to bed, you’re about to go to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom when suddenly a hand shout from under the bed and grab their hankles! Oh it’s just their lovely partner being a silly goof ❤️ look at this, they’re using their hand as a puppet and telling them "haha! You have been bitten by the monster under the bed!" And "my power has weakened, i must retreat! Hihi" before disappearing from under the bed. What a weirdo-
"Sorry i didn’t hear what you were saying, can you repeat?" Says their partner… coming out of the bathroom…
Bonus: no ones under the bed 😱
Ps: i need a good laugh. Hope this humor you, if not, you can ignore this 👋
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Characters : TOMAN ERA ; Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Kazutora, Sanzu and Takemitchy.
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It was 5pm in the evening, you were getting ready for the movie night with you bf. He said he's gonna take a quick shower but its been an hour. Was he really showering or did he probably escape out of the small window on top of the room? You surely did non know. Sighing to yourself, you went inside ur shared bedroom decorated with the polaroids of you and him, some fairy lights and and a vine like thing hanging in the walls. You were about to knock on the bathroom's door until you heard something move under ur bed. 'Was it a mice?' You thought to urself. You were pretty scared but you still decided to check it out. That's when u saw a pair of hands covered with a fur or a sock like thing, you honestly didn't know what it was at the moment. Walking near the weird sock puppet, silently chuckling to urself about ur silly boyfriend. Just as u were near the bed frame, it grabbed one of your ankles and said, "Hehe, you have been bitten by the monster under the bed!!!" With few tiny laughs in between. You couldn't help but laugh along with ur precious sweetheart, he was the cutest one in the whole world and you are gonna protect him no matter what <3. You reached out ur hand to hold his not-so-bigger-than-yours hands when it suddenly said, "ouch, my power has weakened, I must retreat right now to the depths of hell" and u were damn sure he had a pout on his face at the moment cuz how could he not? You knew him too well ofcourse. Just as you were opening your mouth to say something to him, you heard the bathroom door opening. Silently muttering a small 'huh?' To urself, you turned around to see your boyfriend with nothing but a pair of shorts and a towel on his hands, drying his now wet hair.
Was genuinely confused why you would talk to yourself out of nowhere. Totally didn't believe it when you told him what happened. Even though he did check under the bed, the whole room literally everywhere it where was the cut looking but mischievous talking puppet u mentioned? Nowhere. Shrugged it off thinking you were getting him back for eating your part of dorayaki which you bought the day before.
Unlike mikey, draken was concerned thinking it was an intruder. Even though what spilled from ur mouth didn't seem believable he did he best to check for the creepy thing. After searching for an hour or so, he sais he'd hire an exorcist or a medium to get rid of that thing scaring you. Afterall you're only his to scare. Yes he did proceed to comfort you by baking some cookies cookies together later. Afterall, why watch movies when you can spend some quality time with your boyfriend baking cookies <3
He's the caring and comforting boyfriend. No cap fr. He would give you long hugs and cuddles saying its gonna be okaym he'd check the room,the house, literally the whole neighbourhood to make sure you feel safe. Would buy holy water and stuffs just in case <3
Mf literally takes you straight to a therapist after finding nothing under ur bed. "Putting up with me was really hard you gotta get urself a therapist huh?". Would legit prank you by scaring you outta nowhere too. Is a bitch bit deep down he spent hours searching for the doll after you went to sleep. Oh— did I mention he literally bought religious items like a cross, holy water, pics/statues of Jesus, allah, Lord shiva etc.... just to ensure ur safety even if he doesn't believe in religions amd related stuffs.
"Huh? ........ Babe you serious?" Would proceed to smack the back of ur head with something to get some sense inside ur head (not as rough as with shin, so dw ). Yeah no mf literally tried to put you in a coma for the next 1000 years to come. Atleast tye others tried to check the room but him? All he did was drag you to the living room saying you were just hallucinating and proceeded to make u watch a horror movie :]
Would think you're joking or maybe you took some of his drugs unknowingly and check for any signs but once he found out that you haven't consumed any of them, he'd check the house frantically. Practically running here and there just to make sure no such thing exists. It would be a threat or harm to mik— you. Yes you, no one else, definitely not for mikey. Even though hes loyal af to mikey, he's just as the same with with you. You're like the color to his life, the rainbows in his stormy skies, Cotton candy dreams to his hellish nights. Would stay awake for hours comforting you, Helping you if you had any problems. Would definitely move outta the haunted place soon.
He definitely did laugh when you told him. Asked you to stop saying silly things. All until he realized you weren't joking. Would search the bed but since he's too scared to do it alone, he'd call mikey and draken to help with it. When they found nothing down there, mitchy thanked them when they left and suggested for you both to go on a walk. It was calming and peaceful. He thought it was maybe because you were too stressed with work and pressure but deep down, he knew there were other chances too. Chances which would involve bloodshed and a loy of creepy stuffs. But lets not think about it for now okay? Afterall, you were his priority now. Not a stupid musty ass ghost which has no better things to do than making others feel miserable.
⤷ ୨🎐୧࿐ @/anon
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
May i request Ayaka S/o with Leona, Vil, and Malleus? Thank you
Hey! So don't mind me adding in Riddle and Lilia and take out Leona to fulfil all 3 anons' request!!
A kind-hearted individual with a pleasant temperament, you treat others with politeness and courtesy, full of sincerity. You hold your peers close to your heart and would go out of your way to personally assist them in all kinds of matters.
Your perfectionism and dedication to help others is admirable, which busies you to the point that you don't have much free time to give yourself a break. You are tender and cute to those close to you, and eager to associate with people capable of achieving great feats.
The cordial and helpful s/o, Ayaka
Vil Schoenheit
He must say, he's envious of how modest you are.
Not a single one of your words laced with hidden meaning or lies. It all filled with genuine feelings and sincerity, and he hates that he could tell.
You work hard to just help people, it's disgusting to him.
Vil is very paradoxical in his choice of words as he says one thing, but his actions do an entirely different thing.
He tells you straightforwardly your sincerity is disturbing, yet he hugs you and ruffles your hair as to say thank you.
B r u h-
He remembered the countless of times you offered help to him, even during the VDC. And he knew he never really treated you kindly, but you still treated him politely.
So when he became your lover, he promises to compensate what he has done, and also because he loves you, come on now-
But, darling-
Give yourself a break. Vil know exactly how to set up a spa, so expect him to drag you to a nice bath and spend time moisturizing that skin and all the fluff <3
Malleus Draconia
He's not new to being treated with respect. He's a prince for Pete's sake, he's always treated with courtesy.
But most of it is out of fear or because of his royalty status. You on the other hand, treat him politely out of sincere, and because you genuinely wanted to befriend the fae.
That was the new, foreign feeling.
He's very happy that you wanted to be his friend, and you always try your best to help him and everyone in NRC.
Well, mostly him-
Malleus is fond of your tender side. It's so endearing for him whenever you cuddle up to him, or when you share jokes with him.
And while he may not entirely understand some, he laughs along with you.
Because your laugh is just so adorable!
And that you have never ceased to stop caring for him.
He almost cried when you ask if he wanted some snacks- such a cute bean- like-
And Malleus wants to be as caring for you as you are for him. You work so hard to help him and everyone, and he wants to do the same.
Expect daily leisure walks around NRC at night, before he carries you in bridal style to soar into the sky. You admire the stars and moon, clouds drifting around you both like a river.
All he admires in the night sky, though, is you <3
Lilia Vanrouge
Fufufu~ Such an angel you are!
How adorable!
Your politeness is something so endearing to him, and your bow makes you look even cuter than you already sound to him.
You treasure your peers, and he is very grateful for you helping not only him, but to Silver, Malleus and Sebek as well.
Such a kind heart!
Your dedication to help others is impressive, and he's quite happy when you help Malleus mostly very sincerely, sometimes the fae didn't even ask for help.
It just makes him fall for you more!
But, alas.
You must take time for yourself.
To just calm down and relax darling.
Lilia sings you lullabies and let you try his cooking you denied the cooking politely and quite fearfully-
and he knows exactly how to put you to the best state of relaxation! <3
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is pleased to know someone like you is well mannered, unlike your first year friends belonging to his dorm. Maybe Deuce is fine, but never Ace-
He's a little flustered by how warmhearted and caring you can be, considering the fact that not many people treat him so affectionately.
Riddle appreciates your very helpful nature. Being Heartslabyul's dorm leader is already as hectic as ever, so your help is much appreciated.
He's also very grateful you take time to help the Heartslabyul students, even Trey and Cater who work along side with him. Helping his dorm means helping him as well, and he's very pleased that you would help his friends as well.
And while he admires your dedication to help others, he feels a little pouty (though he doesn't show it-) when you don't have time to spend time with him besides helping him. And you look pretty tired, too.
He sets a nice tea party just for you two, and gestures you to come over and just eat some baked goods with him, and drink some tea while you're at it.
He wants to spend time with you and hopes that it eases you. You're his hardworking and kind s/o, you deserve a rest <3
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belphies-wife · 3 years
What Naps Are Like With Them (Everyone)
In celebration of my first post kinda blowing up, I wrote a little something for all the characters, including Luke! (platonically for him, of course)
Again, thank you guys for all the love on my Satan Reacting to Montero fic <3 I’ll be working on requests after this.
Also, no beta we die like Lilith.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Never sleeps, e v e r
➼ His brothers would destroy the House of Lamentation in his sleep
➼Took a while to convince him to take a nap with you because of this
➼ His brothers listen to you more than they listen to their older brother, so you begged them to behave for a few hours so that their older brother can rest for once
➼ You will use your pact if you have to, just please let this man sleep
➼ You made sure to pick a day where you know Lucifer hadn’t slept the night before due to his workload
➼ Seriously, you had to talk to Diavolo about that
➼ You both got into your comfiest pajamas and played some soft classical music for ultimate relaxation
➼ You thought about taking a picture of hm while he slept
➼ He saw it coming and had you sleep facing away from him with his arms wrapped around you so you couldn’t turn around
➼ Smart bastard
➼  If you complain about it he’ll laugh at you
➼ Hey, at least you get cuddles
➼ Luci here looks so calm and peaceful while he sleeps, it’s adorable
➼ No wonder everyone tries to take a picture of him sleeping
➼ He’s a heavy sleeper, so you end up having to wake him up after a few hours
➼ He thanks you
➼ He’s well-rested and in a good mood for the rest of the day
➼ His brothers obviously take advantage of that
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Unlike most of his brothers, he actually has a decent sleep schedule (most of the time)
➼ However, if you wanted to take a nap with him, he wouldn’t say no
➼ Well, he’d say no, but then say yes immediately after
➼ “Whaddya mean you wanna take a nap with me? Do I look like Belphie!?”
➼ Blushing like crazy while complaining, as usual
➼ “Fine, I’ll go nap with him, then.”
➼ “Oi! Come back here! I changed my mind, I wanna take a nap!”
➼ Tsundere baby
➼ Obviously, you tease him about it
➼ “Jealous, huh? I thought that was Levi’s thing.”
“Shut up! Are we gonna cuddle or not?”
“I said nap, not cuddle.”
➼ Cue the pout
➼ The definition of the 🥺 face
➼ Please love this child
➼ “I’m kidding, of course we’re gonna cuddle.”
➼ Usually a little spoon
➼ Unless he’s in a jealous mood
➼ If he is, he will hold on to you like his life depends on it.
➼ More teasing, obviously
➼ If you think about it, Greed and Envy are very similar
➼ Poor baby wants love
➼ New drinking game: take a shot every time I call Mammon a baby
➼ I shot of water, I know you’re dehydrated
➼ Anyways, naps with Mammon = cuddles
➼ Either you’re holding him to you or he’s holding you to him
➼ f o r e h e a d  k i s s e s
➼ Mammon gets nightmares about what happened with Belphie sometimes, so lots of comfort cuddles
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ “Levi, did you sleep at all last night?”
➼ Obviously not
➼ He was up all night binge watching the latest season of “The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demo Girl”’s  spin-off series
➼ Why would you even ask?
➼ “Levi, did you stay up all night?”
➼ He looked away, a little embarrassed. “Uh, yeah.”
➼ “Levi, honey. You need to sleep. It’s not good for your health to be staying up so late.”
➼ Leviathan.exe has stopped working
➼ You’re worrying about him?????
➼ And you’re calling him honey?????
➼ Are you trying to kill him?????
➼ “You must be exhausted. Wanna take a nap?”
“Oh, uh. Yeah. I guess I could use a nap.”
“Alright. We should go to my room, since there’s more room on my bed than in your tub.”
➼ Wait you meant a nap together????
➼ You’re really trying to kill him.
➼ Usually, he’d make fun of you and call you a normie.
➼ But he was currently too busy dying.
➼ If somehow you managed to resurrect him and get him to your room to nap, then you’d know this shy boi is a little spoon.
➼ Does this really come as a surprise to anyone? It shouldn’t.
➼ He’s blushing like crazy the whole time.
➼ “Levi, if you can't sleep with me here, I can leave.”
➼ He does sleep eventually.
➼ Sweet baby cuddles you in his sleep.
➼ Wholesome af
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ As the most responsible one in the family, he has a pretty good sleep schedule, so he doesn’t normally take naps.
➼ However, if you ask him to, he’ll agree. 
➼ If it makes you happy he’ll do it <3
➼ He’s not really touchy-feely and won’t initiate any cuddling.
➼ Dude that you asked to nap because you were tired and wanted to sleep.
➼ Nah bro, you just want cuddles.
➼ While he won’t initiate any cuddles, if you make it more obvious that you want some, he’ll give them to you.
➼ Big spoon
➼ If you want him to be the small spoon, he will, but he’ll be flustered af.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ “Asmo, wanna sleep together?”
➼ Could you have made a poorer word choice?
➼ No, you could not.
➼ This boy literally made the lenny face.
➼ “Asmo, I meant a nap.”
“Well, I suppose that’ll satisfy me for now.”
➼ You then proceeded to smack him with a pillow.
“Hey! Don’t mess up my hair!”
➼ You had to wait for him to take off his makeup and change his clothes and stuff.
➼ It’s a process.
➼ Cuddle’s tf out of you.
➼ He’ll be the big spoon or the little spoon. It doesn’t matter to him, so you can decide.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Takes naps with Belphie a lot and thought it was cute that you also wanted to nap.
➼ Pre-nap snack first, though.
➼ Then he’s ready.
➼ Sweet boi will enjoy the nap whether he’s a big spoon or little spoon.
➼ If you’re happy, he’s happy <3
➼ You kiss his face a lot.
➼ He thinks you’re the cutest little human ever when you do that.
➼ I’d say soft Beel, but when is he ever not soft?
➼ Not counting the custard incident
➼ He Likes to kiss the top of your head while you sleep.
➼ He definitely snores.
➼ It takes some getting used to, but you’re not gonna let keep you from cuddling your big boi.
➼ It honestly feels really safe and comforting to just be wrapped up in his arms.
➼ Equally comforting to have his head resting against you.
➼ Overall just really soft.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ You don’t even need to ask. He’s the king of naps.
➼ Being around Belphie for an extended period of time makes you sleepy.
➼ You’re not sure if it’s because he’s sleep or if it’s because he has some sort of sleep-power.
➼ Any time you cuddle you end up taking a nap.
➼ Do I even have to say it?
➼ S m a l l  s p o o n
➼ The smallest spoon.
➼ As the youngest, he’s the most spoiled, so he’s really really clingy and just expects you to drop whatever you’re doing at any given time to nap with him.
➼ I mean, you’d probably do it even if he didn’t expect you to.
➼ He does this adorable thing when he’s sleepy and he sees you nearby where he’ll go up to you and wrap his arms around you and rest his head against your shoulder and just say “Sleep, please.”
➼ You will stop whatever you’re doing no matter what and go up to the attic to nap with him.
➼ Not an exaggeration. It’s happened while Lucifer was talking to you before he he was p i s s e d.
➼ It was obviously intentional
➼ But how can you say no to his cute face?
➼ He seems to be able to keep you from having nightmares and you sleep 100x better with him than on your own
➼ Softest boi
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ While he may dress like a stripper, this man is an angel and is pure™
➼ Anything you want, you’ll get. How can he ever deny you a thing?
➼ He can’t.
➼ You want naps? You get naps.
➼ You want cuddles? You get cuddles.
➼ You want sleepy kisses? You get sleepy kisses.
➼ Hotel? Trivago.
➼ But seriously, sleepy kisses are definitely a thing.
➼ Especially forehead kisses.
➼ Big spoon. He likes to hold you.
➼ Sweet boy loves you so much 🥺
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Luke (Platonically)
➼ Purgatory Hall has weekly movie nights, and they invite you over a lot to join them.
➼ You and Solomon have a very long list of human world movies you want Simeon to watch, but the poor man can’t figure out how Devilflix works for the life of him, so group movie nights are the only way.
➼ Not that any of you mind, of course.
➼ Luke begged Simeon to let him join you guys (he has a pretty strict bedtime)
➼ Simeon lets him occasionally if the movie is appropriate.
➼ Luke insisted on sitting next to you and sharing any treats he made that day.
➼ Poor baby ended up falling asleep not even halfway through the movie.
➼ Solomon obviously made fun of him.
➼ “Looks like it’s naptime for the little chihuahua.”
“Don’t tease him!” You say, defending Luke.
➼ At some point, Luke shifts so that he’s leaning against you in his sleep.
➼ You coo at how cute the ‘lil cherub looks.
➼ Aaaand then you proceed to fall asleep as well.
➼ You woke up the next day still on the couch. You were pretty confused since Simeon usually carries anyone who falls asleep to their bed (or the guest room, in your case).
➼ Then you realize Luke still asleep and wrapped around you.
➼ You assumed Simeon didn’t want to attempt moving one of you and risk waking the other so he just left you too
➼ Whatever it was, you went back to sleep with the little cherub snuggling you
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Purgatory Hall sleepover!
➼ Everyone had already fallen asleep, so you asked Solomon if he’d be alright with you two sleeping together.
➼ Not a good idea.
➼ You’re both settled in his bed and you’re about to drift off to sleep when this silly little sorcerer decided to tickle you.
➼ You  s h r e i k
➼ “Solomon!”
➼ “Keep your voice down, dear. You wouldn’t want Simeon hearing and getting the wrong idea, now. Would you?”
➼ The  s m a c c  you gave him though-
➼ “Can I sleep now, or are you gonna keep bothering me?”
“You know you love me.” He grinned.
“Well, duh. But I also love sleep.”
➼ He does let you sleep after that.
➼ You fall asleep first, and one look at your sleeping face and he falls in love with you all over again.
➼ You’re so  p r e c i o u s.
➼ He held you close to him as you slept, pressing soft, featherlight kisses against our forehead and nose, careful not to wake you.
➼ He’s a bitch until you fall asleep, pretty much.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ It wasn’t intentional for you to fall asleep, really.
➼ You’d had a long day, and you had been sitting with the demon prince at his palace as he told you about his day over a cup of tea.
➼ It wasn’t like what he was saying was boring.
➼ No, it’s just that you were so tired, and the sofa you were sitting on was so comfy, and Diavolo was talking so much.
➼ It didn’t help that the tea that Barbatos had prepared was especially soothing.
➼ You couldn’t help yourself. You dozed off.
➼ Diavolo continued talking, and probably would’ve gone on for a long while without even noticing if Barbatos hadn’t cleared his throat and gestured towards your sleeping form.
➼ If it had been anyone else, he would have deemed it disrespectful. 
➼ But it was you, and he had realized a long time ago that he was incapable of being upset with you.
➼ “It seems they’ve had a tiring day, my Lord. I suggest you let them rest.” Said Barbatos.
“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of disturbing them.” Carefully, he made his way over to you and pried the teacup from our hands so that you didn’t move and break it in your sleep.
➼ Then, he removed his suit jacket and draped it over you like a blanket.
➼ Not gonna lie, even Barbatos was a bit shooketh. 
➼ He didn’t say anything, though.
➼ Diavolo kissed your forehead lightly and had Barbatos bring him the last of his paperwork for the day, which he finished quickly while remaining by your side.
➼ After that he picked up our still sleeping form and brought you to his room where he tucked you in.
➼ He sent Lucifer a text saying that you would be staying the night at the palace then went to sleep after answering a few emails.
➼ He snores loudly, but you somehow managed to sleep through it.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Diavolo set up another palace retreat (because I said so)
➼ You had been assigned a room with Luke and Beelzebub that time.
➼ It went good at first, and everyone was sent off to sleep at around 10 p.m.
➼ At some point in the middle of the night, you awoke from a particularly nasty nightmare.
➼ You were more scared than usual when you woke up, since the room you were in was not your room at the House of Lamentation.
➼ It took a while for you to realize where you were and calm down, but even then you were to afraid to sleep.
➼ Slowly, you exited the room, careful not to disturb Luke and Beel.
➼ You made your way to Barbatos’ room and knocked softly.
➼ Briefly, you wondered if he was asleep, but then he opened the door.
➼ You silently panicked when you realized your hair was a mess and your clothing was rumpled from sleep, but your disheveled appearance didn’t seem to faze him.
➼ “Hello. I was just about to prepare for bed. Is something the matter?”
➼ Suddenly, you felt very, very silly to come to such an ancient, powerful being for help with a little nightmare.
➼ “Sorry, it’s nothing. I apologize for bothering you. I’ll leave.” You said, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“You never bother me, my dear. Would you like to come in?” He asked, opening the door wider and stepping aside.
“Yes. I would like that.”
“Is something bothering you?”
You blushed. “I had a nightmare. I couldn’t go back to sleep after that. I know, it’s silly.”
“Of course it isn’t.”
“Can I... Can I stay here with you tonight?”
“If it would make you feel better, you may.”
➼ Barbatos tucked you in then sat next to you, gently running his hands through your hair. He began singing an old song in some ancient, forgotten language. His voice was soft and soothing as he sang, and you found yourself unable to stay awake even if you tried.
➼ “Goodnight, my dear.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
•Love Me Tender•
Summary: After waiting, watching, and wanting, Tamaki finally has a way to get to you. He's willing to do use some questionable methods, make deals with shifty friends, whatever it takes. He'll have you.
Pairing: Pro Hero Tamaki Amajiki x FemReader (both 18+)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, stalking, coercion, sabotage, manipulation, hard dom Tamaki, slight brat reader, mostly sub reader, unprotected sex, virginity loss, oral sex (female receiving), tentacle play (oral, vaginal, anal, gagging), bondage (with tentacles), mild dumbification, degradation, spit play, cum play, wittle bit of bloodplay, creampie, marking, possession kink, collaring. Kinda-sorta dub-con (not really imo but warning just in case)
Word Count: 11,576
A/N: Jesus fucking christ I did it.
Part One: Porcelain Obsession
   Tamaki awoke painfully this morning, body aching and covered in dried sweat. It wasn't a feeling to be proud of, but it was a feeling he cherished. 
   Your stolen underwear is clutched in his hand still, like a lifeline. It still smells just a little bit like you… but not enough. He couldn't feel you or taste you or hold you. He had to figure something out, quickly. He had to find a way to make you his. 
   Luckily, Tamaki knows exactly how to make that happen…
  You hang up your apron with a deep sigh, wiping sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. Thank god it's only a half day, you finally have an afternoon off, a day to spend by yourself. 
   You bid your coworkers farewell and head out of the shop. You wander home, earbuds in as you try to drown out the noise of the city. Once you're home, you notice a small box on your doorstep. 
   It's a pretty little gold box with purple ribbon, a tiny note is attached to the top. The scribbled writing reads,
   "I thought this would look pretty on you, I'm sorry about the weird exit last night. I'd like to take you to get some coffee to make up for it, if you'll let me." - Tamaki
   Your heart flutters a bit at the note, you had deduced you were nothing more than a charity case. Him walking you home was just what he felt was fair in exchange for the use of your phone, he didn't really… like you? Did he? 
   His exit was just a little bit strange, he seemed almost panicked. You wanted to ask if everything was ok, but figure it best to stay out of a hero's business. Who knows what door you'd be opening if you started to ask too many questions.
   Beneath his note is a phone number, obviously his. You can't call him right away, it might seem desperate, but you can open the box. 
   When the lid comes off, you gasp quietly at what's hidden inside. On a delicate silver chain sits one lovely little pearl. You stand there, amazed and confused. Wondering why on earth somebody like Suneater would leave such a precious little gift for you. 
   You called the number left on the note about an hour after receiving it. As soon as Tamaki picks up the phone your heart leaps into your throat. 
   "I didn't think y-you'd call." He laughs afterwards, but you can hear traces of genuine anxiety underneath. 
   "Well, what kind of an asshole would I be if I didn't call back the hero that saved me from a lonely walk home?" Your face crinkles up at your horrid attempt at flirting. 
   He doesn't seem to mind, though. He gives you a sweet laugh, putting some of your nerves at ease. 
   "So, uh- coffee?" He wonders. 
   "I'd love to, I just got off work, but I imagine you're busy doing hero stuff. We can-"
   "No I'm not busy." He says quickly, his urgency makes you smile. He's almost boyish in his approach, and it's very charming. 
   Somehow, between the two of you suffering your way through the conversation, you set a time for coffee.
    Tamaki makes a quick stop before meeting you, visiting a horrid friend of his in an alleyway a hero should never be unless he's kicking someone's ass. 
   His "friend" turns out to be a little more than your average criminal. He's a wicked looking man, with a mess of black hair and an abundance of scarring littering his body. 
   They call him Dabi. 
   "So what's the plan here? Am I just scarin' the poor girl or do I get to have some real fun?" His smile is devilish, and his eyes are telling. 
   It makes Tamaki's skin crawl, he stares daggers at the man leaning against the brick of the alleyway. 
   "If you touch her, I will gut you like a fucking fish." Tamaki says, he's full of rage, but he says it so calmly, so matter of fact. 
   "You can try." Dabi laughs, "You forget how easy it is to cook seafood." 
   Tamaki stands there for a brief second, watching the villain, weighing his options. 
   "I'm not here for banter, can you do the job or not?" His words are clipped, strangely articulate compared to his usual stutter. 
   "Yeah whatever, I got nothin' planned for tonight, and I do love making little girls scream." He tilts his head back against the wall as Tamaki turns to stalk away. 
   "Hey, Suneater." Dabi calls out with a lazy voice. 
   Tamaki freezes and keeps his back to Dabi. He turns his head to the side and waits for him to speak. 
   "Send her my way when you're done with her." If Tamaki had less of the public eye on him, he would have slit Dabi's throat then and there. 
   Instead, he swallows his rage as he tosses a hefty wad of cash over his shoulder. 
   "Don't be late." 
   "You always just drink it black? Not even a little bit of sugar?' You ask, astounded by Tamaki's ability to drink the bitter liquid without any sweetener.
   "Sugar is kind of useless for me, I try to eat things that'll help me with m-my quirk." He explains, his deep eyes wander while he talks, like he's watching for something. 
   That must come with being a hero. 
   "Does coffee help your quirk?" You ask, a smile playing at your lips when you see him frown at his drink. 
   "No, but it helps me focus."
   You nod playfully before taking a sip, the cafe he's brought you to is incredibly charming. It's not an overly hip establishment, it's just a sweet little hidden gem. Tucked away into a forgotten street, it gives the impression that it's a well kept secret between two best friends. 
   "Do you feel like people ask too much of you?" You question. It slips out so quickly, running away from you after launching out of your lips. 
   Your hatred for small talk gets the best of you and you jump the gun, as always. You want to hide, but not before you apologise a thousand times for being too straightforward. 
   Tamaki looks at you thoughtfully, his eyes show that he's shocked, but not offended.
   "Sometimes. It can feel like people expect me t-to be the…" He pauses for a moment, mentally grasping for the right word. 
   "It feels like people expect Heroes to be this ultimate, universal band-aid. In a lot of ways, we are, but we're still h-human… I-I'm still human…" His voice slows down by the end of his sentence, like he's realized he might be over sharing. 
   But, you asked him, you wanted to know. You actually care about him? Every bone in his body is screaming at him to grab you, throw you over his shoulder and run away. He feels some carnal desire to just keep you. Hide you from every selfish asshole that would take advantage of the starstruck look in your beautiful eyes. 
   He can't, though… not yet. 
   "S-sorry…" He whispers. 
   And then, you reach across the table to take his hand in yours. He feels the contact all the up his arm, into his chest, into his heart. 
   So you do want him too. 
   "Please don't be sorry, I liked listening to you talk." You say quietly. 
   You did love it, you loved it because you've felt so unheard, so unseen. Being able to provide somebody else with a pair of listening ears serves as a kind of relief for those feelings. 
   "Can you tell me more?" You test, hand squeezing his own a little more. 
   He looks almost elated, thrilled to be seen, excited to be heard. Most of all, he's itching to finally have you. 
   The date was nothing short of wonderful, filled with cute little fumblings of words, hands brushing but never holding, and sharing bits and pieces of yourselves with each other. 
   You flop onto your bed, reminiscent of a teenager who's just had their first kiss. You didn't kiss him goodnight, you chickened out of that. But you did press your lips against his cheek for a brief moment, which seemed to have quite the effect on him. 
      His breath hitched, his fists balled at his sides, acting like he'd never been touched so tenderly. It made you wonder, is the Hero as lonely as you are? 
   You glance over at your night stand, seeing the pretty little necklace sitting in its box. You're washed with guilt as you realize you forgot to wear it to coffee, knowing he must have wanted you to. You take it out of the box carefully before pulling it around your neck and hooking it into place. It fits like a choker, snug against your skin, but it feels good to have it so close.
   You're ripped from your musing when you hear the unmistakable sound of breaking glass. 
   Inside your house. 
   Your blood chills, hair stands up on the back of your neck and you rise from your bed slowly. You try to talk yourself down, kill the first nerves that consume your chest. It was probably a poorly balanced vase… except, you don't own any vases. It could have been a picture? Nope, not a picture, it was just glass… like a window breaking. 
   There's a gun in your office, but you're in the bedroom. You scan the room for something, anything that could be used for defense. Of course, nothing but a damn notebook. 
   The police, you should call the police. Your heart clenches when you hear the threatening sound of heavy footsteps falling down your hallway. 
   They're heading straight for your bedroom. 
   You lunge at the door, hand landing on the doorknob just as it begins to turn. Desperately, uselessly, you try to lock it. It's too late, though, it's already opening by the time your thumb lands on the lock. 
   You can hear your blood rushing when the door swings towards you, a large black boot planted on the other side to force it open. 
   "Sorry 'bout the window, sweetheart. I tried the front door, but it was locked." The intruder chuckles as he invades your bedroom. 
   You stumble back as you take in his sewn together form, a mess of black leather and scars. Wild, electric blue eyes devour your trembling form as you press yourself back into the wall. 
   "Oh, hon, you're shakin' like you're in danger. I ain't gonna hurt you, I'm gonna do the opposite." He stalks towards you, somehow moving in slow motion but with incredible speed all at the same time. 
   Your phone sits on your night stand, only feet away but all too unreachable. You're caged in by his arms as he towers over you, filling your nose with some horrid, smokey smell. 
   "P-please, you can have anything, j-just don't-" 
   Your words halt when a long, pale finger traces over your collar bone. 
   "Don't what? 'J-just don't' what?" He mocks you, eyes lit with a sadistic amusement. 
   Your heart rattles in your chest as tears prick your eyes, you can't fight him, he's huge. You don't have your gun. You don't have your phone. You're fucked. 
   "Cryin' already? What's the matter, doll?-" The hand traces your collar bone moves up to wrap around your throat, "Not a fan of villains?" 
   Your hands paw at his wrist, you will yourself to sputter something out, any kind of objection to whatever he has planned. You try to whimper out a 'stop', but when your mouth finally forms the word, the voice isn't yours, but it's familiar.
   It's low, clipped and dangerous as it barks out the warning. 
   Suddenly, as if he's being yanked to the heavens by the Gods, your assailant is torn away from you. A large, red tentacle captures him by the waist and throws him across the room. You collapse to the ground instantly, curling around your legs as you hear the muffled sounds of a violent fight. 
   You hide in your own little world, trembling and clenching yourself. You take one peak from between your arms, just to see Tamaki place the intruder in a chokehold before barking some profane threat at him. 
   The villain is smiling the whole time, he even winks at you. 
   "If I ever see you near her again, you won't walk away with your life." Tamaki snarls as the stranger breaks away from his hold.  
   "She's not worth the trouble." He laughs, raising one hand before sending brilliant blue flames blasting towards Tamaki. 
   You scream involuntarily, reaching out for the Hero as he jumps away from the flames. Once they're gone, the villain is gone as well. Like some cheap magician disappearing off stage. The room is almost entirely untouched by the burst of fire, at most, the tip of your comforter is singed. 
   The second the fire is gone, Tamaki is walking towards you urgently, pulling you to your feet so he can cradle your face. 
   "Are you ok? Did he touch you? What happened?" His inky eyes search your face frantically. 
   You don't answer, you just stutter, clinging to his hands until you can finally squeak out, "I'm ok." 
   His shoulders drop as he sighs, hands loosening their grip. His eyes flicker down to the necklace, his gaze softens when he sees how pretty it looks on you. 
   "Y-you… Do you like it?" He asks timidly, glancing up at you. 
    You breathe for a moment, slightly taken aback by the sudden shift in attention. 
   "I love it." You say quietly, still trembling. 
   He just saved you, really saved you from a real villain who was planning God knows what, and he's worried about your necklace? 
   "It's so pr-pretty on you…" He reaches down to touch it, leaving one hand on your cheek. 
   You take the moment to breathe, remind yourself that you're safe, that you're with a hero now. You observe Tamaki's almost casual appearance, a dry fit shirt and simple tactical pants. It almost helps you relax, seeing him like so… at ease? 
   His fingers play with the pearl, deep eyes transfixed. Something nearly uncontrollable swells within his chest. It burns and aches and eats at him. You're so close, you're so warm, so soft. He could have you, he could just take you. 
   "Tamaki?" You prod gently, your own chest stirs, and something pulls you towards him.
   His eyes snap up to yours, and something shifts in the air. It feels sticky, heavy, too hard to breathe. His gorgeous form towers over you, pressing you back up against the wall as his eyes devour your trembling body. 
   "Thank you f-for saving me." You whisper.
   He nods earnestly, his breathing is shaking, his hands feel like they're holding back. 
   "Anything. Anything for you." 
   That line, that makes you ache.
   How long have you felt so lukewarm, so overlooked and forgotten? Too long, far too long. Now, with Tamaki looking down at you like you're priceless, you feel fiery, you feel seen and remembered. 
   Your hands grasp at his wrists, your eyes flick down to his parted lips. You're not sure what you want to happen next, but you want him as close as you can get him.
   "If you let me start, I will not stop." His voice drops and it makes your breath catch. 
   He feels it too, then. 
   Is it the high of what you've just gone through? Is it just your body trauma bonding with the man that just saved you? Or do you really, really want him so bad it hurts? 
   His tone is warning and his eyes are frantic. 
   "Please." Is the only thing that falls from your quivering lips. 
   Consequences be damned, motives especially be damned. You need him, and he needs you. That's enough explanation for tonight. 
   He consumes you much like the villains flames, his lips are on yours almost too fast, his hands are greedy as they hold your face to his. 
   While you feel similar to a lovesick girl getting kissed for the first time, Tamaki feels like a prisoner finally set free. He feels like a lion that was held in a cage and taunted with a piece of meat. He feels like the door has finally been opened, and he can finally sink his teeth in. 
   "I wanna feel you." He brings his mouth away from yours with much reluctance, leaving his forehead pressed against yours. 
   You flounder for a moment, with your mouth feeling dry and your limbs feeling heavy. 
   "Where?" You choke out, searching his face for any tell. 
   "God, everywhere." It's a broken request, said like a secret. 
   "Take it. Whatever you want." Your boldness surprises you both. 
   You're hooked on the exhilaration, you're craving more, you want to feel something. Even after just a walk home and a coffee date, you want to feel it with Tamaki. 
   "Don't give me that…" He shivers as he presses his body against yours, making it very evident how much of an affect you're having on him. 
   "I'll ruin you." He whimpers when you grind back against him, your hands tug at his shirt and you look up at him with wide eyes. 
   "Who said I don't want that?" 
   You both stand there frozen, waiting for the other to move, to prove that this isn't a dream. 
   His hands descend from cradling your face so they can wrap around your neck with the most gentle grip. 
   He watches you intently, feels your breath quicken, cherishing the way you bite your lip when his fingers tighten slightly. 
   Internally, Tamaki is fighting the most challenging battle he's ever had to face. He's had to take on a wide variety of formidable enemies, but right now, nothing seems more formidable than having to hold himself back when he finally has you in his arms. 
   He wants to take and take and take, for as long as you'll let him… maybe even longer. 
   She's mine now.
   Something shifts in his gaze just then, making him look almost primal. It makes your chest feel frozen, makes it difficult to breathe or focus. 
   His hands shift around your neck, they feel almost… slippery? Their texture is different, their movement is more fluid. Then, you feel it, the distinct sensation of a suction cup latching against your skin. 
   Tentacles. He's made each of his fingers a tentacle.
   Your eyes stay locked on his, both of you in a heated trance as you watch how the other responds. 
   One slick tendril crawls up to latch onto your chin, he turns your head upwards and to the side with a thoughtful look. It's almost like he's sizing you up, appraising you. 
   After a thick moment of silence, he finally speaks. 
   "I'm going to make you cry." It's a depraved promise, beautifully whispered with no shame. 
   You stand there, held by him, captured by him. You're helplessly entranced, all rational thought is long gone as you reel over the implications of his statement. All you can know for sure, is you want more. 
    Despite every red flag, regardless of any common sense, you want more. 
   "I dare you." You say back to him, the desperation to feel anything other than mundane spurs you onward.
   He receives the words like it's a smack to the face, some shock evident in his eyes. He didn't take you for a brat, but he can certainly roll with it. 
   "You're gonna make this fun for me, aren't you?" He questions, his tentacles grip you tighter now, reminding you who has the high ground. 
   The air shifts, something heavier takes over the mood, it settles in your ribs and wraps around your heart. 
   He guides you away from the wall, shepherding you around until your back is towards your bed. He starts walking you backwards until your knees buckle once they hit the mattress. 
   You sit there, gazing up at him, held still by his quirk, transfixed by the power he exudes as he towers over you. 
   "Has anyone ever had you before?" He asks, finally returning his hand to normal so he can cradle your cheek. 
   The question has your stomach burning with nerves. 
   No, nobody ever has. 
   You shake your head, looking down, cheeks burning as you try to hide your embarrassment. 
   His reaction shocks you immensely, his whole body shutters and he drops to his knees. His hands settle on your waist as he moves between your legs. 
   "Th-this is… all mine then?" He asks, he rubs his thumbs over the bottoms of your ribs affectionately. 
   His eyes are wide and reverent as he waits for your answer, looking like you're some anointed goddess. His eyes skate over every feature he can, and he cherishes each one. 
   Your confession nearly knocks the wind out of him, especially with how sweet you look, all blushing and embarrassed. It makes his need to rip you apart even stronger. 
   "Please...let me give you everything…" His hands tighten on you and you feel them shaking.
   You study him for a second, at a complete loss for words, he seems so… devoted. It pulls on your heart, clouds your mind and lights your body up. How could you possibly say no to him? How on earth could you turn someone away when they’re looking at you like you’re placed on an altar ready to be worshiped. 
   Carefully, like you’re trying not to frighten a beast, you reach out and touch his face. He moves into your touch like a lonely cat, desperate for affection and recognition. 
   “Please…” You breathe. 
   And that’s all it takes. 
   His breath leaves his lungs in a harsh rush as he moves forward like a leopard, lean and precise as he forces you onto your back. 
   Your blood rushes so quickly you swear you can hear it, your mouth goes dry as he stares you down. He’s suddenly less reverent, now he’s ravenous. A dangerous, carnivorous look dances in his dark eyes. His judgement is clouded just like yours, only it fuels him, while your state is much more terrified. Any spunk you had in you is thrown out the window as he leers over you.
   You shrink into the mattress as he hovers above you on all fours, heavy eyelids and parted lips giving him a nearly drugged look. 
   “When you say everything-” He whispers, moving so he can settle on his knees between your open legs, “Do you mean this too?” He drops his hips as he questions you, pressing something very hard into your thigh, something very intimidating. 
   He watches your eyes go wide, a wicked grin spreading across his face when you gasp after he rolls his hips. His arms cage you, a strong hand placed on either side of your head, the position makes you feel so pathetic, so helpless, but it gives you an incredible rush. 
   “Don’t look so scared, it won’t hurt.” He dips down to press his hot, open mouth against your neck, tongue lapping at your pulse. A dark chuckle leaves his chest, “Not much, at least.” 
   Then he’s definitely less reverent, he’s no longer worshipful, he’s a wicked, unleashed best. His hands are selfish as they remove your clothes, his mouth is voracious against your skin. He has you panting and twitching in seconds, musing at you when your reactions are particularly strong. 
   It’s when he snakes down your body, wetting your skin with his tongue, settling between your breasts so he can suck harshly at the heated skin, that you finally feel something break within you. You arch into his touch, fisting your hands in his raven hair, whimpering so beautifully for him as he works you up. 
   He knows what he’s doing, he’s skilled, well equipped for pulling you apart. He’s already descended into some debauched state of being, and he’s pulling you down with him. 
   “Nobody’s ever tasted this sweet little cunt before, have they?” He asks against your skin, latching his mouth back to the spot he’s focused on marking, but looking up at you with inquiring eyes. 
   You try to swallow, shake your head, do something, but all you can do is lay there naked and gasping.
   He laughs again, a wicked thing that leaves his chest like a wisp of wind. He slides a hand up your body, he flicks over your nipple with his thumb on the way up, pulling another whimper out of you. 
   His hand latches onto your jaw, then he shakes your head for you, doing what he knows you can’t. 
   “Oh baby…” He sighs, “You saved it for me?” He teases, hips grinding against you, the cloth of his pants creates a strange kind of friction against your clit, not unpleasant, but not pleasurable. Where the hell did the sweet, stuttering hero go? If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looks deviant… almost villainous.
   “Tama- please.” You shiver, not sure what you’re asking for, but certain that you need more. 
   “Good girl, talk to me.” His hand slinks down your throat before he rises to his knees. 
   Your eyes lock on the tightness of his pants, trying not to panic at the sheer size of the imprint he’s making on them. 
   His shirt is pulled over his head, messing his hair in the most handsome way, and the breath is ripped from your lungs. 
   He’s stunning, broad and strong looking. He’s all porcelain skin over well trained muscle. Built perfectly for the work he does. Built perfectly for ripping apart poor little girls like you. 
   “I liked the look you got when I had my tentacles on you.” He sighs, letting a hand fall to your bare stomach so he can trace lazy circles against you. 
   “Did you like that? Do you want me to use my tentacles to play with you?” He questions. 
   His voice is low, it’s rich and warm and dripping with seduction. Nothing like the tentative, wobbly tone he usually has. It rips the ground out from underneath you, leaves you panting and blinking like a brain dead fool as you gawk up at his prowling form. 
   “Just a yes or no, if you can manage it.” He smiles sweetly up at you, splaying his hand across your quaking abdomen. 
   You breathe deeply, trying to steady yourself, trying to catch up with what he’s said. 
   “Y-yes.” You whisper, barely audible, hardly heard over your labored breathing. 
   His other hand mirrors the one he has on you, sliding around to hold you by the waist, a gentle cage meant to establish dominance. 
   “Yes… what?” He prompts, pressing his thumbs down. 
   You falter then, your tongue feels heavy, your mind slows and you’re suddenly void of all vocabulary. Were you really really about to let one of the most well known pros wreck your body with his quirk? Were you actually laid out for him like this? You know so little of him, your only information gathered from small talk, but something about that had you buzzing. 
   You could be whoever you want to be, you don’t have to be the floundering virgin. You don’t have to be so damn shell shocked. 
   “Yes, D-daddy.” You test, hoping to God or whoever is listening that you got the right name. 
   By the way his eyes flutter closed, the way his grip tightens, the way his body tenses, you sure as hell did. 
   “That’s it.” He sighs, “-and what about you?” He wonders, his hold going gentle again. 
   You? What about you? 
   Tamaki watches you carefully, barely containing the raging storm inside him, barely holding back the carnal urge to turn every limb to a pretty purple tentacle and stuff you until you’re crying for mercy. 
   Not yet, don’t fuck this up. 
   “Princess? Darling?” He asks, lowering himself back down to kiss down your stomach, looking up at you through his thick lashes. 
   “Whatever you want.” You answer. Your sweet, sacred submission makes him close his eyes and breathe in. 
   Hold it. Not. Yet.
   “You’re like an angel.” He breathes, making you shiver under the weight of the high praise. 
   He notices your reaction immediately, smiling to himself. 
   “So that’s it.” He presses a long kiss just under your belly button, bringing attention to how naked you are, and how naked he is not. 
   Your thighs squeeze together and your arms come up to cover your chest, suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to keep it all out of view. 
   His hands are on your wrist and his body is crouched over yours again before you can blink. He pins your hands beside your head, looking down at you with some wild, unbridled kind of look in his eyes. 
   “You do not get to hide from me.” His shoulders flex as he pushes your wrists down into the mattress, earning a whine from you as the pressure starts to ache. 
   “You’re mine. That means I get all of you.” He bites the words off, but keeps his voice quiet. 
   You should be scared, crying even, but the only thing you feel is exhilaration, the ache between your legs and the fluttering of your heart as he overpowers you with just the look in his eyes and a few harsh words. 
   “Do you understand me?” He eases up on your wrists slightly, looking more stern, less unhinged. 
   “I-I do, I’m sorry.” You whimper out. 
   He considers you for a brief second, eyes growing softer as he watches the way your pretty lip trembles. 
   “It’s ok.” He releases your wrists and speaks gently, “You’re ok.” 
   The reassurances makes you dizzy, especially in contrast with how rough he just was. 
   "Hold still for me, angel." Then he’s back to mouthing at your skin.
   His teeth meet your collarbone and your hands reach for his messy hair. 
   “There?” He asks against you, a smile in his voice as he lets his teeth gather your skin again. The spot he finds makes you dizzy, you feel the heat spread across your cheeks and the tips of your ears. 
   Tamaki is still stuck in his own chains, fighting against them as he focuses on the way you twitch for him, the way your body rolls when he bites harder. 
   So she likes it.
   Your body heats up, it's all so overwhelming. It's so different from anything you've ever felt, and you can't believe it's with him. 
    Then his kisses get more sloppy, his teeth are sharper against you. He leaves you shining with his spit, painted in blooming purple and red bruises as he begins his journey down your body. 
   "Da-addy." You sniffle when he bites into the underside of your breast. 
   It doesn't feel loving, it doesn't feel passionate, it just feels rough. 
   "Hush." He mumbles against you, "If you can't take this I might as well stop now." He looks up at you, challenging you. 
   "I can t-take it, I can." You breathe, nodding, looking at him with begging eyes, "Please, don't stop." 
   He honest to god growls against you. You couldn't possibly know what you do to him, how sweet your willingness sounds, how beautiful you look laid out for him. He knows he should take his time, and he resents that fact. He almost resents you for being so sweet and needy. With all the things he wants to do to you, he almost, almost, wishes you had at least some experience. This makes you his completely, though, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything. 
   His hot mouth moves lower and lower until he's tonguing at your hip bone, pulling the skin into his mouth so he can work his teeth against it. He will mark you wherever he can, as long as you'll let him. 
   Your hips roll up against him, making him smirk at how needy you're acting. 
   "Ask for it." He whispers, hungry hands slide up the outsides of your thighs, "Ask for what you want." 
   His fingers dig into the meat of your thighs, sending the breath from your lungs as he glares up at you. He lets his wet tongue loll out to give a teasing flick against the crux of your thigh. 
   You take a deep breath in and cling to the sheets for dear life, "Please, use your mouth on me." 
   He smiles so sweetly then, looking mildly amused. 
   "Here?" He goes back to that same spot, sucking and teasing, looking all too pleased with himself. 
   "Be specific, angel, tell me where you need me." 
   Tamaki knows for a fact that he didn't have to spend his time making you ask for things, he knows what you want, he knows how to give them to you. He could take whatever he needs, probably without much a fight from you, but what fun would that be? He would miss the pretty blush creeping across your skin, and the sweet little tears in your big eyes. No, he wouldn't be missing this, not for the world. 
    "I wanna feel your tongue, please, use your mouth on m-my cunt." You shiver, timid and uncertain about your phrasing. 
   It seems to do the trick though, because Tamaki's eyes nearly roll to the back of his head. 
   He answers with a low moan before grabbing you by the insides of your thighs so he can spread you open. Once the air of the room hits you, you're made painfully aware of just how soaked you are. 
   It makes Tamaki look like a wild man, all blown out pupils blushing cheeks. 
   Almost in slow motion, he presses his tongue into the spot right above your clit, making you whine and buck against his mouth. 
   "Needy little thing." He says, giving your thighs a gentle squeeze, "But I suppose I have teased enough." 
   Then he's on you, and the second his tongue meets your weak spot you know you're ruined. You know that not one person will ever hold a candle to Tamaki Amajiki. 
   He pulls away for only a second, just to whisper praises up to you, "Your cunt tastes like everything I've ever needed." 
   You huff at him in disbelief, not knowing what to say or do, heart soaring because of his confession.
   Then he dives back in, and he gets sloppy with it, setting a pace that feels so good it aches. The heat spreads through every limb, and settles somewhere deep in your chest. Everything tingles and burns, and breathing seems nearly impossible. 
   Internally, Tamaki is raging. He’s so close to losing it, he feels himself slipping, your taste spreads across his tongue is the culmination of months of watching and waiting and wanting. He wants to drown in you, he wants to rip you to shreds. No more watching you through windows, no more fucking his fist while he wishes with everything he has that it was your precious little pussy. He has you now, spread open and vulnerable. He knows he could shove your face into the pillows and let loose on you, stuff every hole with an invasive tentacle, the thought makes him even more feral, it makes him work even harder as he eats you. 
   Every roll of his tongue against your clit makes you throb and buck, which makes him growl and push you down against the mattress. He's loud and messy, slurping and moaning, letting it drip down his chin and his throat, never once letting up. 
   Your head is thrown back against the pillows, eyes drilled shut. You know damn well if you saw him, you wouldn't last another second. He builds you up until your thighs are trembling and you're a whiny little mess. 
   Suddenly, the texture of his tongue changes drastically. It's much more slippery, and much thicker. Your head shoots up, and you nearly sob at what you see. Tamaki, with his eyes wild and his jaw dropped, is letting a wicked looking tentacle hang from his mouth. 
   His quirk. 
   He smirks up at you as the tip of it writhes against your clit, flicking and circling as he watches the tears start to fall from your face. You can't possibly keep up, you didn't know anything could ever feel this good. 
   You watch the suction cups ripple as he moves the muscle against you, then he does the unthinkable. He latches one of them onto your clit. Your eyes cross and you bring a fist to your mouth so you can bite on it and muffle your screams. 
   He hates that. 
   With another rumbling growl, he lets his hands turn to tentacles as well. You watch helplessly as he snakes them up your arms, ripping your hand away from your mouth so he can pin both limbs to the bed. The tentacles are strong, surprisingly warm, and so damn slippery. 
   It's hard to tell if you're close to the edge, it's felt that way the whole time, everything feels so hot and tight and good. 
   He smiles as you cry out and thrash against the bed, full of admiration for the usefulness of his own quirk.
   “Too much! D-daddy, it’s too much.” You sniffle out as you feel a stinging feeling in your cunt, it’s not necessarily an unpleasant sting, but it’s too much.
   He ignores your objection, choosing to simply suck harder at your overstimulated sweet spot. He revels in your pitifully low threshold, planning to do so much worse to your poor, inexperienced body. 
   The ache in your cunt continues to push the tears from your eyes, and eventually, drool from your mouth. The suction cup works dutifully against your clit, making you feel so overwhelmed you don't know if you can cum. 
   Then you feel the prodding at your entrance. 
   Then you really scream. 
   Holding that one little suction cup to your clit, he snakes the tip of his tentacle into your dribbling hole. He furrows his dark brows and moans against you when he feels how tight you are, desperate to feel the velvety walls around his cock.
   "Holy fucking shit." You gasp. 
   He watches the dramatic rise and fall of your quaking chest, your baffled eyes trying to keep track of everything happening to your body, and he swears he falls even more in love. 
   You're so willing, so compliant, so at his mercy. 
   He crooks the tip of the tentacle towards himself just a bit, and it's like you've been struck by lightning. You cum hard, harder than you ever have. You're a mess of twitching limbs, shivering as your cunt clenches so hard your feel it in your fucking chest. You sob into the air, broken and tearful as he works you through it. 
   You feel the hold on your arms tighten as your body arches away from the mattress. As you feel every inch of you ignite, you know that you're ruined for everyone else. 
   As soon as you lower yourself so you're flat to the mattress, the tentacles around your arms slip away and turn back into his hands. 
   The one between your legs still plays with you a little bit, prodding at your clit, lapping up your mess. Tamaki laughs as you jump and twitch, whimpering and gasping as he milks your body for every after shock you can give him. 
   You watch him pull the tentacle back into his mouth, flicking it over his lips to gather your release before disappearing into his mouth. You watch his eyes flutter shut, you watch him shiver and you hear the sweetest little moan in the back of his throat. 
   “You’re pretty when you cry.” He mumbles, looking up at you with the most tender look in his eyes. It’s a harsh contrast with all the cum dripping down his chin. 
   “You move a lot, too. It’s fun.” He states, almost like some kind of twisted review, “I don’t mind holding you down like that.” 
   The drop in the tone of his voice makes a chill creep up your spine. 
   “In fact…” He lifts himself up so he can start to crawl up your body, “I really, really enjoyed it.”
   You gasp for words, wind stolen from your lungs as he presses his messy mouth against your sternum. 
   “Something tells me you did too.” He whispers. 
   Your voice is finally found, somewhere deep in your chest, hidden and nearly forgotten, “What makes you say that?” You ask timidly. 
   He pulls his head up to look down at you with a confident smirk, “The mess you made.” 
   To prove his point, he swipes two fingers through your folds, gathering your creamy release before holding it up to the light. He looks so damn proud, like he’s showing off. 
   “Messy girl.” He smiles, as you watch him bring his coated fingers to his lips, sucking the sin off with a greedy pop from his lips. 
   “Oh, how selfish of me.” He sighs before grabbing you by the chin, “I should share.” 
   He pulls your mouth open then slowly leans over you so he can push the mess back through his lips. You oblige like a robot, stunned by the debauchery, letting him guide you through this act. He lets it fall from his lips slowly, creating a long string from his mouth to yours. The second it hits your tongue, something clicks for you. Something dark and smokey settles in your gut, something all consuming and blinding. It rids you of boundaries and reservations, it fills you with nothing but the man in front of you. 
   He watches you with a pointed gaze, shutting your jaw for you so you can swallow what he gave you. 
   “What do you say?” He asks. 
   You feel the burn in your chest, the embers in your skin, “More, please.” 
   “Fucking hell," The words tumble out as a breath mostly, "You want more?" He questions, grabbing you by the wrist so he can place your palm just above the waist of his pants. 
   You nod up at him, vision blurred by the heat of his skin against your palm. 
   "Then take it." He leans down to say it, biting off the words. 
   A challenge. 
   You can't possibly disappoint him, you can't possibly leave him wanting. Take it? How are you supposed to take it? 
   In a wild moment of confidence, mostly your body moving without the permission of your mind, you wrap your legs around his lean hips so you can flip him onto his back. 
   Your eyes lock the second you feel him pressing against you, hard and thick, and terribly intimidating in length. 
   He watches you for a moment, then hastily grabs you by the back of the neck so he can pull you down for another kiss. It's hot and needy, full of wicked want and unabashed selfishness. It tickles your ribs, creeps up your neck, and secures itself greedily around all of your common sense. 
   Tamaki had no intentions of letting you take anything, it's a game to him. He'll let you have your moment, let you feel like you have the reigns, but he'll take it right back. His has you under control, he vows that he always will.
   Your chest flutters with a clawing, aching feeling. 
   More more more. 
   "Fuck me." It's a prayer, whimpered against his delicate lips, "Please, fuck me." You dig your hands into his hair, cherishing the sweet noises they leave him as you beg. 
   Under control.
   "Tell me you need it." He sighs, answering your prayer by sending his hands down to work urgently at his belt. 
   "Tell me you need me." 
   You bring your face back from his just enough to look into his dark eyes, and you see tears welling in them. 
   He needs to feel needed.
   "Please, I need it, I need you, Suneater." 
   Everything freezes for a brief second, the air thickens and his eyes darken as you wait with a held breath for his next move. 
   Then, everything is flying around you. You feel the bite of fingertips against your waist, your stomach hits the mattress, possibly the sound of his pants being taken off. Your senses are dulled by the raging swirl of emotions beating inside you as your hips are lifted up, and a hand shoves your face into the pillow. 
   "Who's your hero?" His voice is rough, his hand gathers your hair and cranks your head to the side, "Who is your fucking hero?" He's barking the words out now, harsh and demanding. 
   And holy hell does it get you going. 
   "You are! You're my hero, Suneater." You cry out, craning your neck to look at him. 
   You expected furrowed brows, a straight mouth and furious eyes. What you're met with is nothing of the sort. A soft pink blush across his cheeks and the tips of his pointed ears, tears wetting his cheek, and a quivering lip. 
   With your eyes on him, he makes a show of sliding his hand down his front so he can grab at his length. He lets it fall against your ass, heavy and painfully hard. 
   "Don't forget that." He says simply, sliding his thick head down through your slicked lips. 
   The contact makes you both shudder deep in your souls. 
   "Daddy, please." Your voice is pitiful as you fist the sheets and press back against him. 
   "So slutty." He muses, releasing your hair so he can run his nails down your back, "Poor thing, never been fucked, needs it so bad, doesn't she?" 
   You nod fervently and fuss as he presses his head against your tight hole. You tense and shiver, not at all prepared for what's to come. 
   "I need it, I need you, please please please." You have one thought now, no reservations, you need him. 
   "I'm gonna ruin this little cunt." He says, a warning tone in his voice. 
   The hand that was tracing your spine suddenly feels very cold and wet. 
   His damn quirk. 
   He takes his time, letting the thick tentacle slither around your waist. It wraps around you twice, teasing you with the pops of the suction cups, leaving pretty purple circles all over your abdomen. 
   He lifts you easily, pulling you up so your back is pressed against his chest. 
   "Ruin it, please, it's yours, I'm yours." You sniffle, looking down at your trapped position. 
   With a low, menacing growl, he sinks his teeth into your neck, and his cock into your heat. 
   Tamaki holds his breath, willing himself not to fill you up right this second. You're too damn tight, so warm and velvety. You're so perfect, and so completely his. 
   You sob into the air, hands reaching out to hold the headboard as you feel like you're being ripped apart. 
   "Oh don't scream, Angel, people might think something's wrong." His voice is shaking now, and the hold on your waist tightens. 
   You focus on relaxing, letting your walls lose their tension, but it's all fruitless. He's too big, he fills you too well, and all you can do is take it. 
   "Here, let me give that mouth something to do." 
   His other hand comes around to hold your throat, turning each finger into a tentacle again. It leaves you reeling and gasping as he presses further into you, wrapping what would be his middle finger around your throat. He wraps it around twice, like he did with your waist. The appendage comes up to rest its tip on your bottom lip. 
   The sensation makes you dizzy, especially when it finally snakes into your panting mouth. It doesn't really taste like anything, it just feels wet and slick, the texture of the suction cups is the strangest thing about it. He rocks his hips so gently, squeezing you tighter everywhere he's holding you. 
   You don't feel like a moth drawn to a flame, you feel like a moth caught in a spider's web. All tangled up, not willing to fight to escape, not even wanting to. 
   "You're so damn tight." He stutters out, pressing his hips flush against your own. 
   You cry out and gag against the tentacle stuffing your mouth, digging your nails into the headboard as he chuckles behind you. 
   "You're such a pretty little mess for me. Your cunt's already dripping." 
   You don't doubt it, it has to be with how badly your core aches around him as he stretches you. 
   Your thighs start to tremble as you wait for him to move, sniffling as the tears fall from your eyes and the drool spills from your lips. 
   A pretty little mess indeed. 
   Slowly, he drags his hips back with a hiss before pushing back in. He takes his time with it, building an agonizing pace that offers you no release. There's only the pressure, only your clit screaming for attention, only the maddening tease of his head against your sweet spot with every torturous push in. 
   "Fuck angel, I gotta break this pussy in, don't I?" His words pull another pitiful moan from you, nodding and whining is all you're capable of. 
   His picks up speed just enough to make you tense even more, still painful, still mind numbing. 
   "You look so fucking pretty on the end of my cock." 
   His words pour over you like hot wax, heating you up, making you drip. The heat seeps deep into your skin, making you squirm and clench. 
   He speeds his thrusting up slightly, then more, and more, and more, until you’re shrieking and choking against the tentacle stuffing your mouth. Your hands fly up to claw at it, wanting to tell him how it feels, wanting to thank him for the way he’s fucking you. 
   It’s still painful, each thrust splits you open with a sting, but it’s so damn good. The sharp stretching is absolutely spectacular, and it sends your brain into somewhere dark and smokey, it leaves you with a wide open feeling in your chest. It leaves you wanting more. 
   “What’s the matter, sweet thing?” He taunts, “Tell me about it, then, how’s Daddy make you feel?” He turns each tentacle back into a finger slowly, pulling out of your mouth, leaving you a gasping mess. 
   Through spit and tears, you praise him, words spewing out between moans as your body jolts from each punishing snap of his hips. 
   “So fucking good! You make me feel so good!” You cry, clinging to his forearm as he brings you closer to his chest. 
   The tentacle around your waist starts to slither down your stomach, “This isn’t even half of what I’m capable of doing to you,” The tip of it gives the hood of your clit a teasing flick, “-and you’re already such a slut for me.” His chuckle is dark and full as the tip of his skilled tentacle zeros in on your sweet spot, rubbing and wriggling against it until you’re screaming. 
   “Say it. Say you’re my little slut.” His words are a harsh demand against your ear, leaving no room for disobedience. 
   “I- f-fuck- I can’t! I ca-an’t!” You sob, not able to catch your breath between thrusts. 
   Tamaki eats that right up, swelling with pride as he fucks you speechless, delirious with the fact that he finally has your cunt gripping his cock. 
   Before he can bark another order at you, you finally pull the words out of your closing throat, "I'm your slut," You gasp as drool rolls down your chin, "I'm your little slut." 
   He throws his head back and throws everything he has into every thrust, his moans are obscene, high pitched and broken as he feels how hard you squeeze him when he speeds up the tip of his tentacle against your clit. 
   "Give it to me, I feel that greedy cunt tryin' to milk me, give me that fuckin cum." He huffs against your ear. Your entire body seizes up, shaking violently as ribbons of pleasure shoot through you. You pulse around Tamaki almost violently, earning some very rough sounding moans from him as he works you through it. 
   Your orgasm lasts for what feels like an eternity, you shiver with every throb of your walls. It possesses that same almost painful pleasure, and it's everything you've ever wanted. At some point, the tentacle around your waist turns to a hand, still absentmindedly rubbing you as you come down. 
   He lets your torso fall forward, leaving you bent over and exposed for him. His hands smooth over your ass, and you realize he's still so fucking hard. 
   "Can you take more, angel?"
   You nod against the tear soaked pillow you've pressed your face into, not sure that you even can, but willing to try. 
   "Good," He bends down to press kisses into your spine as he pulls out, "'Cause you're going to." 
   He pulls out, almost full of regret, wanting to live the rest of his life buried inside you.
   Now he can have some fun, mind cleared slightly by finally feeling you come undone around him. He's still hazy, still slightly frenzied, but less ravenous, less of a starved man waiting for his meal, more of a well fed man waiting for desert. 
   His hands hold your waist gently so he can guide you onto your back. You oblige, more than willing to let him have his way. 
   You finally get a good look at him, and you're astounded by just how pretty his dick looks. All pale and pink, swollen and shiny, it makes you dizzy with admiration. 
   "You're terribly beautiful." He whispers, cradling your waist so he can worship your stomach with soft kisses, "I don't believe you're even real." 
   Sweetness oozes through your tingling limbs, pouring over you like warm honey. His tender mouth brings you back down, soothes you into a state of catharsis. Your body settles, but your heart picks back up when his lips are on your hips. 
   Your eyes meet his, and you share the sentiment that he just might not be real. He pears up at you through a mess of indigo hair, eyes full of what you can only describe as devotion. 
   He explores your body with his hands, dipping his thumbs into every crook he can, palming handfuls of your plush thighs. He seems to have a soft spot for your hips though, pulling at your love handles, letting his breath speed up each time until he's panting against you. 
   With every pull of his hands, you bend for him, push into him, work with him. You both find a rhythm, falling into an easy dance of grabbing and needing. 
   "I want to keep you." He breathes, placing a hand on either side of your waist so he can lift himself over you, "I want to have you." 
   He gathers your legs while he speaks, hooking his hands under your knees so he can fold you up. 
   "You have me." You whisper, reaching out to lay your fingers on the sides of his ribs. 
   You watch his skin twitch under your touch, you watch his eyebrows sag into an almost heartbroken look. 
   He looks down between your bodies, quivering when he sees his heavy cock resting against your stomach. He feels so incredibly proud of you in that moment, for taking him so well, and asking for more. 
   She's mine. She said I have her. 
   The concept brings another wave of primal desire crashing down on his self control. 
   His fingers dig into your skin, biting at the flesh, spreading you open for him as he puts his weight on your legs. 
   You clench in anticipation, teased by the pressure of his hot length resting against you. 
   "I can take it." You say quietly, sliding your hands up his lean body so you can lace them into his inky hair. 
   He melts into your touch, stunned by your gorgeous submission. 
   "Fuck, angel." His words are shattered as they fall from his lips. 
   You reach down between your bodies and wrap your hand around his weeping tip. He trembles and hiccups as you push him down so he's lined up with where you need him. 
   "Please, I want all of it." m. 
   “Careful.” He pants, looking down at you with a warning in his eyes. 
   It doesn’t create hesitation in you though, only curiosity. 
   “We’re being careful now?” You tease, sliding him up and down your slit. 
   “You little devil.” He hisses, grabbing your wrist harshly, “You think you’re cute, don’t you?” 
   You freeze and blink up at him, once again shocked by his quick change in temperament. 
   “You wanna act like a tease now?” He questions, bringing your hand up so he can press it into the mattress with his. 
   “Did you find yourself a cute little attitude?” His voice drips with venom, it bites at your insides and melts your skin. 
   “That’s ok, angel.” He lets your hand go so he can press on the backs of your thighs again, successfully folding you completely in half, “I’ll fuck it out of you.” 
   Before you can breathe, blink, or respond, he’s splitting you open with a brutal pace. He laughs deep in his chest when you cry out, he mocks you when your hands fly to his abs in an attempt to slow his assault. A wicked smile spreads across his pretty face when tears stain your flushed cheeks once again. 
   “Cryin’ again so soon? Is it too much, baby? You need Daddy to slow down?” He’s testing you, only thrusting harder as he taunts you for your sobbing and moaning. 
   “No!” You gasp between tears, “Don’t stop, please, fuck me like that.” 
   “That’s my girl.” 
   His thrusts are ruthless, sharp, unforgiving. He rocks your body and the bed with each plunge in, headboard crashing against the wall. Each drive into you is enchanting, it teaches you something new, opens new doors, shows you a new, brilliant world of depravity. The way the pleasure shoots all the way up your spine with every drag of his cock, it’s something you want to feel until you die, you’d even be happy if this is the way you die. 
   You watch him disappear inside of you over and over, pulling out just as quick, covered in slick and sin. Tamaki is in his own feral world, watching your lovely face crumble and pout as he fills you. His hands are angry against the back of your thighs, nails digging in hard enough to bring little pearls of scarlet to the surface. 
   When you start to whine from the sting, he flashes you a lazy smile before stuffing his fingers into your mouth. He presses the blood covered fingertips into your tongue just enough to make drool spill from the sides of your mouth. 
   “Hush, you’ll learn to love it.”
   His smile turns wolfish when he watches your eyes roll back. It’s all so black-hearted, it’s everything you’ve kept yourself from, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. 
   You both throb and cry then, your bodies smack as they meet, obscene and wet as you chase your undoing. Tamaki knows he’s not going to last much longer, and he curses himself for it. He doesn’t want to stop, especially when you wince so sweetly when his thrusts are a little too deep. He wants to watch you suck his fingers forever, crying against his palm as he turns you into his perfect little slut. 
   “You’re gonna give me one more, aren’t you, angel? You owe me that, I saved your life after all.” He slides his fingers from your mouth, dragging your spit down your chin before grabbing you by the throat, “Answer if you can, I know it must be hard to speak when you’re getting fucked this good.” 
   His words drown you in lust, your hands claw at his back, painting angry red lines down the pretty porcelain canvas, “Take it! Fuck- Take it, Suneater, take it all.” 
   It’s not a demand, it’s a plea, it’s a craving formed deep within your freshly corrupted heart. 
   Your begging pulls desperate, whiny sounds from him. With his eyes screwed shut he lets the hand on your thigh manifest the tentacles in place of his fingers. He throws all of his energy into that, trying to stall the twitching of his dick as your hot insides massage him with their relentless pulsing.   
   “Are you sure about that?” He tests, letting the tentacles snake around your thigh before slithering down to where your bodies meet. 
   Immediately, one starts flicking at your clit, making your back go rigid as he grins down at his good work. 
   You wail his name, nails biting at his skin even more but he pays no mind. He has a mission, he’s going to take all of it. 
   He focuses on making his tentacles grow, two long enough to reach up your body and tug at your nipples, and one other snaking down through the mess you’re making to prod at your asshole. Your eyes widen with shock as your body ignites, it’s too much, it’s all too much. Every sensation is heightened, every poke and flick and thrust sends shards of pleasure flying through you, piercing you from every direction. 
   You let yourself cry completely then, throwing your head against Tamaki’s collar bone before sobbing into his chest. You know you’re cumming, you can feel it somewhere amongst all the other stimulation, but it’s nearly drowned out, and Tamaki is still fucking you just as hard as he was when this all started. 
   “More, you have more for me, I fucking know it.” He huffs as he finally pushes into your ass with the tentacle. 
   The ones on your nipples latch on with their suction cups as he fills you more and more. 
   “Give it to me, angel, give it all to your hero.” 
   That’s the final push, the last thing you need to send you into the most frenzied orgasm you’ve ever experienced. Your vision goes white as your body convulses, ripped apart by the flames of euphoria that turn everything you’ve ever known to ash. Somewhere in the distance you hear Tamaki praising you, telling you how tight you feel, how beautiful you look, how good you are for him. 
   It’s lost in the fray, though, all blurring together as you shake violently around him. The only thing that brings you back slightly, is the break in his voice when he sobs, “I’m gonna stuff that little cunt with my cum, I’m gonna make you mine.”
   Your hand is at the back of his neck instantly, pulling him down for a messy, aimless kiss. His moans spill into your mouth as his hips falter, turning to slow, stuttering thrusts as he starts to pump his release deep into you. 
   “I’m yours - I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours.” You chant it against his lips as his tears fall to your cheeks, mixing with your own as you both shatter for each other.
   Coming back down isn't easy at all. It's slow and needy, your hands still pulling at whatever skin they can grab, hips rolling against each other, trying with everything you both have to prolong that rapturous feeling. 
   Frantically, painfully, he pulls himself out of you. He slides his hot mouth down your body, nipping and sucking as he descends to your messy cunt. He spreads your legs wide so he can bury his face between them. He teases your clit briefly, but moves quickly to press his open mouth against your hole.
   Your skin boils as you watch the nasty show. His eyes cross sinfully and flutter shut as he tongue at your well used pussy. When he pulls back, his chin is covered in some wretched mixture of your combined releases. He moves back up your body like an animal stalking its prey.
   He grabs your jaw and you open so willingly. His mouth is on yours instantly, pushing the warm liquid onto your tongue with his own. It’s a spunky, intense flavor, almost overwhelming as he spreads it around your mouth. It creates a dark, blurry feeling in your chest, though. It makes you feel alive, it makes you want more.
   He pulls back slowly, a thick string of saliva and sin connecting your lips as he pants down at you. 
   “You’re such a good little girl.” 
   His lips are everywhere, pressing against your cheekbones, your nose, your forehead. His hands return to normal so he can cradle your face. You both lay there, still joined, catching your breath. 
   The tenderness in his voice pulls you back down to earth, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself lost in his. It’s a harsh but marvelous contrast with the sharp edges of his previous behavior.
   "Does anything h-hurt?" He asks timidly. 
   The stutter is back, the anxious look in his eyes, the restlessness in his hands. 
   You reach out to hold his face like he's holding yours, "Tamaki, no, nothing hurts. You made me feel so good." 
   You don't ever want to be a source of hesitation for him again. You want to make it better. He's brilliant, he's brave, he saved your damn life. He doesn't need to be so scared around you. 
   "You're my hero, Suneater." You pull him down for a soft, intimate kiss. 
   He breathes out against you, more of his tears wet your cheeks but you don't mind. 
   He's allowed to feel this, he earned this. 
   When the kiss breaks he searches your face, waiting for you to laugh at him, to push him off, to change your mind. 
   You don't, though. 
   You stay there with him, loving him and full of him. 
   "And you're mine." 
   You both settle there, kissing skin that hasn't been kissed before, finding ways to make each other fall even more. 
   Tamaki tells himself he did the right thing. You don't ever have to know why Dabi chose your house to break into. You don't ever need to be told that he spent endless nights watching you from the window, because he has you know. 
   It would be wrong of him to tell you, you wouldn't understand it. It would break your heart and ruin everything. Then, it would get messy. You might try to run away, and that would mean he'd have to keep you in different ways. 
   He shakes the thoughts from his head. He can keep you like this, laid out and blushing for him, so soft and beautiful. 
   You belong to him now, and that's all that there is. 
   "Can I take care of you?” He asks softly, playing with the necklace he gave you as he gives you a shy glance. 
   “You just did.” You let yourself laugh a little as you play with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
   “No, not like that.” He smiles softly, dipping down to kiss your neck so softly you almost can’t feel it, “Like this.” 
   He presses his lips against a mark you didn’t know he made, lingering for a moment as his eyes flutter shut. 
   “These say that you’re mine.” His thumb traces over one of the circular bruises on your ribs, “They say you have someone protecting you.”
   The prospect makes your heart soar. He’s right, belonging to him means you’ll always be safe, you’ll always have somebody willing to fight for you, maybe even somebody willing to stay with you. 
   “This says that you belong to me.” He loops a finger around the delicate pearl on your necklace, pulling gently, not enough to make you go anywhere, but enough to make you feel the metal tug against the back of your neck. 
   ‘You do belong to me, don’t you.” He asks, a wild, fearful look in his eyes. 
   You do, you just told him so, you just cried to him and vowed that you were his just moments ago. 
   “I do, I belong to you, I swear.” You reassure him, pulling a deep sigh from his chest. 
   You don’t understand the way he aches for you, the way he’s addicted to you. He was already hooked, from just glances and flighty touches. Now, having felt your soft skin, the tuck of your waist, having seen you cry and heard you call his name, he’s willing to admit his obsession. 
   He does take care of you, he does it beautifully. He carries you to the bathroom where he sets you on the edge of the tub. He fills it with warm, soapy water before picking you up bridal style so he can settle into the water with you in his lap. 
   Neither of you bother to turn a light on, content with the glow of the moon shining through the skylight. Tamaki paints your shoulders with soft kisses as he rubs soothing circles into your back. He takes his sweet time, wiping away the sweat and the tears, mindful of the tender spots on the back of your thighs. 
   “Beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” He sighs, “An angel, nothing less.” 
   You melt into him, lost in his praise, blinded by his devotion as well as your own. 
   Tamaki is just as lost, if not more, only becoming more possessive with every gentle touch, with every whispered adoration. 
   This is how it’s meant to be, and you don’t ever need to know how it all fell into place. He did the right thing, after all. This isn’t a problem, he’s in love. He’s in love and now he has you. 
   He intends on keeping it that way.
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
Okay I know made an ask already like 2 days ago🙄 but what if hawks s/o had to fake their death on a mission for like a month or 2😮‍💨 and when they come back the first thing they do is look for hawks even though they’re tired, beaten and look like complete shit😩😩 I’m just such a sucker for these kind of tropes !!!
Also how’s ur day been :))
ayo i got you fam!!!
this was legit all i could think of for like 3 days so i hope it's okay!!
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Title: "You Came Back to Me"
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (for now)
Relationships: Hawks x Reader
Tags: temporary character death, violence, drinking as a coping mechanism (minor on hawk's part), emesis
Word Count: 2.8k
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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You look up at the villain who currently has you pinned to the floor, your ragged breaths leaving your mouth with every rise and fall of your chest.
His vibrant green eyes are piercing as they stare down at you, his expression wicked and merciless as he presses his foot harder against your throat as a warning.
"Here are your options, darlin'," he pulls his foot away, instead opting to sit back on his haunches. He brushes your hair from your face and rests his hand on your cheek. It makes you flinch and your breath hitch.
"You either find a way to dissappear, or I'll track down that precious little birdy of yours and take his wings for myself."
○ ○ ○
- three weeks prior -
"Let me come with you. Please."
"Kei.." you say softly as you back the rest of your necessities in your bag, finally turning to look at him.
He's on edge, you can tell by his posture. His wings are drawn tight to his back, but his feathers are puffed out. It reminds you of how hair stands on end and goosebumps make them selves known under fear and stress.
"You know I can't.."
"This is too much for one person to handle." His arms are folded across his chest now as he leans against the doorframe of your shared bedroom.
"You don't think I can handle myself?" The words leave your mouth sounding offended, and he instantly deflates.
"That's not what I meant. If you didn't know what you were doing, you wouldn't be working for one of the top agencies in Japan." Keigo steps forward, now in your space, and you can see a faint trace of fear flicker across his face. "I just.. this man is very dangerous, y/n. And if anything happens.."
"Hey. It'll be okay. It'll only be a month and I'll be home before you know it. I won't let anything happen, I promise." Your hand falls against his cheek and he nuzzles into it, both of his hands coming to rest against your own.
"You promise?" he asks quietly, needing one more confirmation that you'll be home and safe in a couple weeks.
"I promise."
○ ○ ○
"Have you made your mind up, sweetheart?" Kimura, the man who has had the utmost pleasure in beating you within an inch of your life, asks. He slams you against the brick wall of the alleyway one more time for good measure, his hand wrapped firmly around your throat.
"Please.." you gasp out, your hands coming to wrap around his wrist, trying to relieve the pressure against your larynx. "P-please promise me you won't hurt him, that you w-wont lay a hand on him.."
He chuckles darkly, tossing you aside onto the cold, dirty floor of the alleyway.
Your vision is blurring, slowly darkening at the edges, but you manage to see him move a few feet away, bending down to pick something up off the ground. You blink sluggishly and suddenly he's in your space once more, holding the object, which you soon realize is your phone, in your face.
"Go ahead, songbird. Give him one last goodbye."
You cringe at the abuse of the nickname that you hold so dear, but weakly reach out and take your phone from his hand, Hawks' number already dialed.
All you had to do was hit send and that would be it.
You close your eyes and rest your head against the brick wall, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You can feel tears burning as they make themselves known, clinging to your eyelashes and not yet falling to your cheeks. You blame it on the amount of pain you're in, but you know the true reason is because you're absolutely terrified.
You press send.
As it rings you notice Kimura bringing out his own phone, holding it up and aiming it in your direction.
What a sick bastard.
"Baby bird!" Keigo's voice comes cheerfully from the other line. Though it warms and calms your senses, it still makes you sad knowing that he's completely oblivious to what's about to come.
"H-Hey, Kei.." you try your best to keep your voice steady, but the damage from excessive force to your throat is unforgiving and the words leave your mouth sounding raspy and distant.
"Y/n, where are you?" Keigo's voice drops an octave and you can tell his worry has set in, which was exactly what you wanted to avoid.
"I'm okay, just uh," you pause mid-sentence, your throat tightening around the words as tears threaten to spill again, "just got knocked around a lil bit."
Your laugh comes out bitter. You hate the sound of it.
"Y/n. Tell. Me. Where. You. A-"
"Kei, listen. I need you to know how much I.." your voice betrays you and cracks, and you suddenly find that you can't fight the overwhelming fear and sadness coming over you. You weakly bring a hand up to wipe at your battered cheeks, tears continuing to fall and mix with the grime and blood that covers your skin.
You try again to steel yourself, another deep breath falling from your lips shakily, making your lungs rattle. It's becoming harder each second to keep your eyes open and your mind focused, but if you make it through this one phone call, you know you'll be able to rest easy.
"I need you t'know how much I love you. 'N that everything's g'nna be fine. That you'll be okay. And to not c-"
Suddenly a gunshot rings out and your whole world stands still for a split second, before turning completely sideways.
You register warmth blossoming over your abdomen, spreading and soaking your hero uniform. You can hear Keigo frantically yelling from where your phone slipped from your hand and landed on the concrete next to your head. And the last thing you see is Kimura holstering his gun with one hand, tapping away on his phone with the other.
"What a shitty ending for a hero, don't you think?" Kimura grins down at you.
Yeah. What a shitty ending for a hero.
○ ○ ○
The quiet trickle of water finds its way to your ears, and the feeling of something cold and damp against your forehead is a soothing contrast to how hot your body feels.
Opening your eyes feels as though it takes half of whatever strength you have left, and your vision swims. Suddenly hit with a wave a nausea, you lean over and vomit over the edge of the bed you're laying on. Luckily there's a bucket on the floor, and you assume it was placed there for a reason.
That someone placed it there.
In a panic you sit up, your wounds pulling tight and your body protesting. Your vision swims again and it takes you a few moments to ground yourself.
"Ma'am, please don't move too fast. You'll re-open your wounds and you're already in bad shape," a quiet voice projects throughout the room. You look up and notice an older man, probably in his sixties, sitting in a chair next to the bed you're currently occupying.
"Who are you? Where's Kimura?" You grit out, grabbing the edge of the blankets and tossing them off of you. The man in front of you is ready for your attempt at escape and he places steady hands on your shoulders, pushing you back onto the bed.
"Please! My name is Daichi Tanaka, I am a doctor! I found you in an alleyway near Higashiosaka. I would have taken you to a hospital but you begged me not to," the man pleads, his hands persistent on your shoulders.
You glare at him momentarily, before relaxing back onto the bed, still weary of his intentions.
"Kimura? Is that the name of the person who did this to you?" The man - Tanaka - asks hesitantly.
You ignore his question in favor for asking your own, "How long have I been out?"
Tanaka stares at at you, seeming to contemplate answering, but you figure he finally realizes you aren't taking any shit because his answer comes out with a sigh.
"A little over a week. You've been in and out, your fever finally broke this morning."
Over a week. You've been out for over a week and you don't know where you are, where Kimura went, and where Keigo-
It all comes crashing back to you and you lie back, your hands resting over your eyes.
Tanaka seems to have been reading your mind, because he pulls your phone from the nightstand next to you and passes it over.
"I wiped as much blood from it as I could. You have many new notifications and quite a few missed calls. I wasn't able to unlock it to call anyone, but it seems there are many people worried about you." Tanaka stands then, making his way toward the bedroom door.
"I will give you some privacy for now, but expect me to be back in twenty minutes to check up on you."
With that, Tanaka leaves, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
You stare down at your phone, the screen cracked and a few specs of blood and dirt tucked into its crevices. You type your pin in and pull your notifications up, Keigo's name amongst others filling the screen.
You don't realize you're crying until a small hiccup forces its way from your mouth, your cheeks wet with tears.
You notice a voice-mail from him, and though you know it's only going to make you more upset, you force yourself to open it to make sure he's okay.
His voice floods the room and it immediately breaks your heart at how wrecked he sounds. You can tell he's been crying by how gravelly his voice sounds as the message plays out.
"You know," Keigo laughs bitterly over the phone, "I punched Ryosetsu in the face for letting you go on this mission alone. Gave 'im a real nice shiner on your behalf."
The message goes quiet and you can hear what sounds like a glass bottle being opened in the background, Keigo's quiet sniffles also making themselves known.
"Fuck, y/n. They didnt even.. they didnt even find your body. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, huh?
"They wouldn't even let me anywhere near the scene, I had to sit back at the office while they kept me informed. He said there was uh.." you assume Keigo pauses to take a swig of whatever he's drinking based off the tink of the glass bottle, "heh, he said there's a low chance you're even alive because there was so much blood. Fuck."
You grimace at how blunt he is with the statement and how distant his voice sounds. You can only hope that he hasn't been drinking as often as your thoughts are telling you.
"Please come back to me," he whimpers over the message, and a new wave of tears fall down your cheeks. "Please.. I can't do this without you."
○ ○ ○
A few days pass.
Tanaka refuses to take any of your shit.
He most definitely refuses to let you leave until you had one more solid meal in you, and one more day of rest.
You're still a little weak, bruises and abrasions littering your skin ( not to mention the nasty bullet wound Tanaka managed to sew up for you ) but you finally have enough strength to stand and walk on your own.
He pleads with you to stay one more day, just to ensure you're strong enough to be by yourself, but you shake your head and bow before him.
"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka, but I have to keep moving. It might be unsafe for you if I stay."
So instead he writes down his phone number on a crumpled piece of paper and hands it to you, patting your hand briefly.
"You're a strong one, just be sure to take care of yourself." He smiles kindly at you, and you nod before taking your leave.
○ ○ ○
Days go by as you hop around from town to town, only stopping for food and rest.
It's been a little over two weeks since you made the decision to distance yourself to ensure the safety of your friends and Keigo, and nearly two months since you were assigned the mission. While you knew faking your death was the only way to keep people from asking too many questions about why you suddenly disappeared, you weren't expecting to actually get shot and almost die.
You keep up with the recent events as best as you can, continuously watching news coverage and especially keeping tabs on Keigo's agency.
Your breath catches in your throat one day while you're moving through a rural seaside town, large red wings and a familiar hero uniform immediately catching your attention.
A flood of emotions run through you and it takes everything in you to not run up to him and hold him. But the fear of Kimura's prying eyes hold you back, and you steadily remind yourself that you're doing this to protect him.
You keep your distance and watch his every move. He's staring down at his phone for a while and after a few moments it rings. He brings it to his ear and though you can't hear what he's saying, it must be something important.
Because soon enough his wings are spread out and he's taking flight into the afternoon sky.
○ ○ ○
'Pro-Hero Hawks makes appearance in. Tanabe - finds lead on hero killer'
'Hanamatsu hero case still under investigation'
'Top Hero Agency in Japan pursuing hero killer - Kimura'
The news headlines on your phone cause your blood to run cold. How foolish of you to think Keigo would let this go so easily.
To think he wouldn't trace every piece of evidence and go to the ends of the earth to take down someone who hurt you.
○ ○ ○
You keep tabs on him as best you can. It begins to feel like you're stalking him, in a weird way, but you'll be damned if you did all of this just to put his safety on the line.
Keigo stays in Tanabe for the time being, the week passing by in a blur as you track his movements.
You figure Kimura went into hiding since his criminal activity fell flat after your encounter with him, but Keigo is as persistent as he's ever been, nitpicking every lead that comes his way.
A few days later word gets out that Kimura has been spotted in the village of Hidakagawa, just thirty minutes northwest of Tanabe.
You only hope you can get there before Keigo does.
○ ○ ○
Hidakagawa is exactly what you pictured, a perfect little town for a low-life criminal to live under the radar.
Its quiet and rural, its occupants living their lives happily tucked away from the bustling life of the city.
A few squad cars rush past you as you look at the map you have pulled up on your phone. It seems a little out of character for such a small town, so you push yourself forward and follow them.
○ ○ ○
When you finally catch up to the squad cars, the scene before you makes your hair stand on end.
Keigo has Kimura pinned to the ground, battered and bruised, his fist closed around a one of his feathers that he's currently wielding as a blade. A few dozen officers surround the scene, guns drawn and on edge.
Kimura smirks up at him and whatever he says is out of earshot, but its enough to piss Keigo off and send him into a frenzy.
"Kei, stop!" You find yourself yelling shakily. You finally manage to push through the barricade of officers and it's then that Keigo makes eye contact with you, his closed fist halted in the air.
Kimura takes the split second of distraction to knock the blade from Keigo's hand, flipping their position so the winged hero is pinned to the floor of the temple. He pulls out his gun and cocks it, pressing it to Keigo's forehead.
All the while Keigo keeps his eyes on you.
"I thought I told you to stay away, little one," Kimura grits out, wiping a trail of blood from his mouth, "Now it looks like your little hawk is about to lose his wings, all because someone can't listen."
You move on impulse when Kimura turns his attention back to Keigo, and you grab the handgun from the officer closest to you.
You waste no time in firing a bullet, hitting Kimura right in the temple. But as it strikes he squeezes the trigger of his own gun on impulse, which is still trained on Keigo, a second round going off.
- to be continued -
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tbh i was super nervous to post this bc im so new to the fandom but here we go!!
also i just made up random characters bc im not quite caught up with the manga, and also picked random spots in japan that i know absolutely nothing about
rip to my writing skills lmfao
♡ ky
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bored-mumma · 3 years
Sebastian Stan - Fluff Alphabet
Bucky Barnes version
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractive about the other?
He loves your passion. How even little things in life can get you excited and happy. He also loves your strong will. You two being in the lime light takes a strong personality and you match that perfectly.
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He really wants kids. He likes to imagine Sunday mornings, your children waking you up and you all making breakfast before spending the day playing games and just being a close family. Nothing makes him happier than thinking of his future family.
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
No matter how warm the nights get, Sebastian likes to be snuggled entirely under the blankets. Usually one of you will be spooning the other but if its too hot then just either your legs or arms are slightly tangled.
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Sebastian doesn’t do ‘little’ dates. He sweeps you off your feet every single time. You’ll come home from work expecting a normal evening at home to find some new fancy clothes and jewellery lying down on your bed, along with a note telling you what time to be ready by. Bang on time, Sebastian knocks on the door (you live together but why not be romantic and come pick you up like he used too) with a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Before driving to a beautiful restaurant, champagne sitting there waiting. All evening he would throw compliments at you, repeating his love. If you felt like it, you two would go for a walk along the sea front or just drive randomly and talk away.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my light.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
He couldn’t really give a proper time when he knew he was falling for you. It just kind of happened! He knew he missed you when you were gone, even if you spent all day together. He knew he dreamt of waking up to your face everyday and he knew his heart skipped a beat every time you kissed him. One day he just realised ‘holy shit, i love you’.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
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I = Impression. First impression/s?
You two got along very well. Your personalities just clicked and the two of you became friends fast. It took a few months, but that friendship soon turned into love.
J- Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
He loves them, a lot more than you did. Barely a day went by that Sebastian didn’t play some sort of joke on you. Usually you find it funny and playful but other days you want to slap his pretty face.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
Most of the time Sebastian will hold your chin with his finger and thumb, tilt your head up and kiss you deeply. Although sometimes he’ll be a little more rough and grab your waist, pulling you towards him.
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
You do. After a particularly breath taking date and nearly six months together, you finally felt as though you were ready to say those words. When you uttered those words, Sebastian grinned at you before saying it back.
M = Memory. What’s their favourite memory together?
You two were walking home from a lovely date night a restaurant. You both had a few drinks so couldn’t drive and you were struggling to catch a taxi so decided to take a longer walk across the parks. It was a stunning night and half way home, he placed his jacket on the ground and the two of you lied down, watching the stars and resting your feet. Feeling merry anyway from the drinks flowing through you, you lied there for nearly an hour, just joking together and sharing kisses.  Going from the last letter, this was the moment you looked up at each other and said I love you for the first time. 
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
You are so, so spoilt. Literally anything your eyes land on, Sebastian will buy it for you. Even stuff you had never seen or even heard of, if he thinks you’ll like it, he’ll buy it, Date night? He’s got you some new clothes and jewellery for it. Anniversary? You cant see the floor in your home from all the gifts. And birthdays are just insane with the amount of stuff he gets you.
O = Orange. What colour reminds them of their other half?
Sky Blue. A lovely calm, stunning colour that reminds him of summer days. Days he loved to spend with you. He would often buy you some sky blue jewellery, making a matching dress too. 
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
You two are cringe as hell and like to think of the most sickening names for each other as possible. Bunny, sugar-plum, precious. Just as cringy as possible to make each other laugh.
Q = Quaint. What is their favourite non-modern thing?
Sebastian's a simple man and loves the simple things. One of those things is a gentle bike ride. On a hot day with the cold breeze cooling him, he loved to just bike through the country and forget about life's trouble for a while.
R = Rainy Day
A busy man leads a busy life. Rain or shine, his days barely change. Although on the rare days you both have a day together with nothing to do and its pouring it down outside, he was known to drag you out in it. Whether to just dance in the back garden or to go for a quick run, Sebastian loved to just be out in the rain for a while with you. It felt like a reset for you both and it was those moments you treasured the most.
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/others up?
As most people know, Sebastian talks to his therapist often. You try not to pry too much, knowing if he wants to share his feelings with you, he will. But you can always tell when he’s feeling a bit down. It’s usually cured with a cup of tea, cuddles and you dragging your nails gently across his skin to make him feel relaxed. Sometimes he’ll talk to you about what’s bothering him, other times he just wants to feel your touch.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
You two are low key conspiracy theorists. You will often find you both having deep conversations about a theory you saw online or about a new documentary. Whether it was something like aliens exist all the way to the queen is a lizard, you two would have debated on it. 
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
As said above, he loves to feel your nails dragging across his skin. He felt most relaxed when lying in bed on his stomach, you lying beside him and dragging your nails along his spine. He would get Goosebumps from it and always felt like he could fall asleep right there and then.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
You and your career! Sebastian was your number one fan and would brag about your acting success every chance he could. Even if he’s doing an interview about his own movie, he’ll still slip in there how proud he is of your new project. He couldn’t help it.
W = Wedding. When, how, where do they propose?
It was your two year anniversary and you two decided to take a week off of work. Nothing special planned, just a week to relax and actually get to enjoy one another's company. Sebastian watched you with admiration as you cooked dinner, watching the way you sung along to the radio and how you refused to let him help, insisting on spoiling him. As you stood at the stove, Sebastian walked to the bedroom and grabbed a little box from his bedside drawers. Going back to the kitchen, he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, head resting on your shoulder.
“This wasn’t how i planned it,” He said, letting go of your slightly to open the box and show a beautiful ring. “But i couldn't wait any longer. Will you marry me?”
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
wonderful tonight - Eric Clapton
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the honey to my bee.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Sebastian has always wanted a dog! You two ended up adopting a puppy together.
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mammons-tax-returns · 3 years
comforting you about your body insecurities pt. 1
beelzebub, mammon, lucifer
:) ! first post back!! (rest of the brothers coming later)
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Lucifer is a very attentive demon, despite being busy with his nose shoved in a stack of papers around the clock
He really does find you wonderful, both just to relax with and to admire.
And he’s known that you piqued his interest ever since you appeared before him in the stuco room. And this is LUCIFER. He normally doesn’t give any human a second glance. Unless ur some powerful and dangerously talented sorcerer with white hair 🤧but that aside
Tonight, he gets a break from Diavolo’s workload because there is yet another ball being held at the castle.
He sprays a faint but expensive cologne on his skin, quietly hoping that you would like and comment on it so he could respond with some flirty line. That would be nice, he thinks.
Then, he’s taking long strides leading out of his bedroom, and heading over to yours beside the kitchen, where he hears his siblings bickering over the best fruit.
He knocks on the door first, waiting for a response that never comes. He only hears your favorite song from within.
He calls your name, only becoming more confused the longer the silence grows
When he pushes open the door, he’s nearly relieved to see you standing in front of the body mirror, fixing the the collar of your outfit. You turn to look at him offer a smile. “Hey, Luci. You’re punctual, as usual.”
He hums under his breath in response. A silent “i know”. He pads over to you, placing a hand on your hip affectionately. “You look good enough to eat, handsome. Asmodeus may have his moments but he certainly knows how to dress anyone with anything.”
You look at your own eyes in the reflection, not able to respond entirely. Lucifer means well, you’re sure of it. He doesn’t know that the past hour of preparation for the ball was spent scowling at the parts of you that you could never quite enjoy entirely.
Lucifer looks questioningly at your expression from the mirror. “y/n? Is something the matter?”
At that, you snap back to reality and look back at him. “Huh? Oh... Right— Sorry, I just,” you trail off, at a loss for words. Was this the right time to mention your thoughts, before a ball? “It’s nothing, just lost in my thoughts, I suppose.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows knit in the way that they tend to do when he worries. “Mind sharing? I’d love to sit and listen.” His hands slide around your waist until he’s hugging you, and you catch a whiff of his cologne which makes you melt. Once again you wonder if this relationship was something you deserved.
“Don’t give me that, lovely. I said I’d like to listen, no?” As you turn your head away, he takes the opportunity to rest his head on the crook of your neck.
You sigh, smiling hopelessly. You hate to admit it, but his response makes you feel jittery on the inside. “It’s silly really, I just wasn’t feeling myself just now. The clothes are amazing! But...” You know exactly what you’ll say next, but the words feel venomous in your mouth. “I’m wondering if Asmodeus understands how wasteful it is to put them on me, you know?”
Lucifer is at a loss, and his heart aches at your words. “Oh dear... Well that’s no good. I can’t have my gorgeous lover worrying himself over something that’s so far from the truth.”
You are already aware that Lucifer will always support you no matter what, and the thought is both heart warming and bothersome. “Yeah, yeah, Lucifer... I’ve heard it all alr-“
“Then what do you not understand?” Lucifer cuts you off promptly and confidently. “Do you really believe that I’d sugarcoat this? Anything?”
You swallow thickly. “N-... No. You wouldn’t...”
“Good. That’s a good response.” He places a sweet kiss on your cheek, ruby eyes flitting up to your own gaze in the mirror. “I’m almost afraid of other demons trying to steal you away in such a dashing outfit, to be honest. Enjoy yourself, but if any of my brothers try anything, I swear...”
You laugh a little, running a free hand through his hair and noting how he almost sinks into your touch. Almost like a cat. “Thank you, Lucifer. For everything.”
Lucifer kisses your hand softly. “You are perfection, darling.”
You look forward to slow dancing alongside the eldest brother now, losing yourself in the music. Lucifer was right, there was really nothing to worry yourself over.
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Mammon, unfortunately, had to cancel date night plans for the weekend for a modeling gig.
You were disappointed, but not mad at him. He told you in advance, offered to make up for it, and usually tries his best to uphold his promises.
He offers to bring you with him, guilty at the thought of your alone in your room.
You don’t know whether to accept it or not. Would you fit in on a set full of gorgeous, picture-perfect demons?
Mammon has his hand on the back of his neck, nervous that you’re too angry at him to want to say yes.
To his delight, you smile and agree to go with him. Maybe, this way, he can avoid others flirting with him when they know that his boyfriend would be in the room.
At first, it makes you feel a little bit happier seeing Mammon light up with joy after seeing him pout like a puppy moments ago.
The day has come that you step onto the modeling floor. The photographers and staff know you well due to Mammon’s insistent bragging about you and your relationship. Clutching your D.D.D. anxiously, you make your way over to Mammon, who is already posing for a camera under bright studio lights.
You keep to the shadows as you watch him intently. Mammon is well known for his idiocy, but he is one handsome devil.
The evil snickering of two demons sound behind you, to which you ignore. You were too nervous to actually move, anyways.
Whatever... It doesn’t concern me... Right?
The giggles don’t stop, and you can’t help but listen in on their whispers. It sounds as if they purposely spoke louder than normal just to bother you.
“Look at how his eyes are shining... Obsessed with Mammon, much?” Oh boy. It really seems like they’re talking about...
“Let’s talk about those clothes, though... Are you kidding me... Does the human world really have that low of standards— or is this the bottom of the barrel.” At that, the two burst into a fit of cackles.
Luckily, a photographer hisses at them, irritated with the noise breaking his concentration. They quiet down, but continue to berate you in ways you had never even considered.
You’re sweating bullets now, itching to use your hand to wipe the oncoming tears of embarrassment. You blink them away, and don’t notice that your boyfriend is now finished with his shoot.
You tense upon seeing him speaking to the camera tech. Your heart nearly jumps out of your throat. The last thing you needed was him seeing you cry right now. He’d be worried sick.
Not even bothering to excuse yourself, you slip into the bathroom and can only focus on the laughter of the other demons behind you. The sound causes you to shake slightly as you shut the door behind you.
There is more than one stall, so you briefly worry that someone would come in and find you bawling your eyes out in the middle of a semi-professional setting. You sigh heavily and turn the sink on to wash your face.
The more you stood in front of the sink rubbing your face, the more vividly you remember the rude comments made about you. Could they have been true?
With a troubled look, you sneak a glance at yourself in the mirror.
You didn’t think that your clothes were particularly “bad”... They said so much, and it’s all coming back like a vicious and cruel tsunami.
No matter what you do, you can’t seem to stop crying.
“Oh y/n!!~ Where are ya’ at?” Mammon crashes through the door, hands on his hip with a toothy and closed-eye grin.
Thinking quickly, you reach over to grab a hand towel and press your face into it. “H-Hey, Mammon, you looked good out there...”
Mammon must have picked up on your wavering tone, because he pauses.
You’re frozen on the spot when he places a hand on your shoulder, although you can’t see him through the towel.
“Uhh... What’s up with you? Don’t tell me that you’re...” It’s too late to react when he pushes the towel aside to find your teary eyes.
“Wh-What?!” His heart drops immediately. “What’s wrong babe?! Are you like... I dunno hurt or something?!”
You exhale shakily, still trying to calm yourself. “Those models out there are just... A little too honest about me, I s-suppose... But it’s really fine. I just... I don’t know... I guess I just needed a minute to... Freak out a little?”
“Honest? What the hell do you—“ A sudden feeling of recognition pulled at his features. Truth be told, he knew those demons personally, having worked with them before. Then the guilt of knowing exactly what happened began to eat away at him. “Oh...”
You shifted, wishing that he would drop the subject. This was getting much too embarrassing to bear, and the way his eyes drooped with sadness made your stomach churn. “Mammon. I-I’m serious, I’m okay—“
Mammon’s arms surround you like a sturdy, calming veil.
“I know you’re not, y/n!” Mammon had no desire to listen to you pretend to act unbothered. “I don’t know what they’ve told you, but I can guarantee that I have been given comments just as bad as those- and I’m The Mammon.”
You grip onto his shirt, avoiding making eye contact with him. “But... That’s the thing Mammon. I’m not nearly as confident or perfect as you.”
Mammon holds you tighter, voice softening drastically. “Don’t you think that’s exactly what I think of you when you comfort me on my bad days?”
A pool of warmth starts to seep from the depths of your chest. And your furrowed brows start to relax. “Really..? You mean it?”
“y/n, you are precious to me, and all of my crazy ass brothers. And there is no way in hell that I’ll allow some scum of the world get in the way of realizing how flawless you are.”
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Beel wants nothing more than to spend every second of the day with you. And Belphie.
But unfortunately, most of his time is spent in the gym, if not the kitchen.
So he asks you if you would like to start working out with him at the gym, or even if you were just interested in hanging around and nothing more. He just wanted your presence.
The idea itself made your heart swell. But after a bit of thinking, you weren’t so sure. You’ve never been to a gym in Devildom before, but you were sure it wasn’t very different from human gyms.
It would be filled with confident and toned bodies that would put you down without even trying.
And as much as you wanted to be there with Beel, you weren’t ready for the prospect of the nasty looks you’d receive sitting beside the sixth-born who is a perfectly sculpted athlete.
After all, he seemed a bit too good for you, as it seemed in your head.
Beel wonders why you turned him down. Had he done something to upset you?
He’d have to get down to the bottom of it, lest he regret ignoring your behavior.
To do this, he takes a day off from the gym, thinking that the answer to this situation would be to spend time together. Smiling to himself, he clutches a bag of sweets to his chest.
y/n has got to love this, he thinks excitedly.
Knocking once, he can barely keep himself from barging in and tearing into his baked goodies. “y/n, I’m here. Wanna share these cookies with me? There’s also pound cake and cupcakes... The mini ones with enchanted apples on them.”
His smile falls a little when there’s a long note of silence. “y/n?” He questions.
“Oh! Uh... Sorry, Beel... Maybe another day. I’m studying for that final right now.” Beel knows you sound sincere, but something about this response seems off.
His heart sinks a little, feeling a little embarrassed after being rejected. He hadn’t expected this.
“Ah... Are you sure?”
There’s a silence from the other side of the door, and the sixth born starts to genuinely worry.
Truth be told, you had been weeping alone looking through images of famous demon athletes that advertised the same gym that Beel attended regularly. It was a dangerous thing to do, but how could you look away?
You take a glance at yourself in the mirror. your eyes were barely puffy. A bit red too. But overall, nothing seemed very different. Maybe— Just maybe, he wouldn’t even notice.
“Hello? You in there?”
You stiffen at the sound of his voice.
“Coming!” Hopping to your feet, you rush to the door and open it.
“Oh man, I was starting to get antsy smelling this bag... Let’s hurry and dig in.” His eyes are trained on the food in his hands, and his mouth is watering.
“Oh, Beel... You have some drool again!” You lightly scold him and wipe the corner of his mouth with a napkin from the table right beside the door.
At that, he finally gets a good look at you.
“Oh, thank y—... ou...” He trails off instantaneously. “Your eyes...”
You sigh and bow your head sheepishly. “Agh... I should’ve known you’d catch me. It’s not anything serious, I just was... I was watching a sad movie is all.”
His eyebrows knit together. “So were you studying or watching a movie?”
He caught me.
He pushes forward, closing the door behind him and taking your hands in his. He leaves the bag abandoned on the floor.
“y/n... What’s been up with you lately? You’re seriously not yourself.”
Your face flushes, and you sigh. Your throat suddenly feels tight. “Uh... That’s...”
He’s noticed this entire time. I’m an idiot.
“Listen, Beel...” You squeeze his hand. “I’ll tell you because I know that if I don’t, you’ll be worried sick.”
He nods hurriedly, heart rate increasing.
“I guess I just...” The words struggle to make their way out. “I don’t understand how-how someone like you; handsome, kind, and strong could end up with...” You pause, starting to tear up. “With someone like me.”
Beel takes a moment to process your situation.
And when he does, his head starts to spin, and his heart feels heavy like a boulder.
“y/n... What are you even thinking?” Is all he manages to whisper. He pulls you into a tight, comforting hug and sniffles.
“You mean literally more to me than anything or anyone else.” He says firmly. “I don’t know what part of you you’re so hung up on, I couldn’t even imagine there being any reason to be.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I do.” He cuts you off firmly. If he didn’t, you may try to deny his definite truth. “y/n, I know i’m all about food and training... I’m sorry I don’t know how to make you realize how wonderful you are.
But I’d like to learn that with you. Is that okay?”
Your tears finally fall, soaking through his tank top.
“Of course... I’d love that.”
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𝕯𝖎𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖚𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊 & 𝖈𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖘// 𝖆 𝕵𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝕵𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖐𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞
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Listen, bitch, is it fucking bad that I am addicted to 'Daddy Issues by the neighbourhood suddenly got a whole ass fanfic idea on my mind, so here fucking I am, thank you so much for the likes in my other disgusting fanfics and if you would like to share this one with your friend I would be happy since my mother told me if you have more than 55 likes on the next, I'll buy you a BTS t-shirt, I'm NOT FORCING YOU GUYS LOL, thank you and enjoy! oh, I'm planning on writing a Levi book on Wattpad tell me your opinion @meryamchaline45
Based on a song called: Daddy Issues
Warning: Blood, smoking, sexual harassment, daddy issues, mention of death, slight smut, harassment, Thief!Reader, Skategirl!Reader, abuse, abusive parents, parents cheating, ANGST, swearing!!
abusive parents, parents cheating, ANGST!!
(IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF STUFF, DON'T READ!! don't report this please you have been warned)
Munching the food quietly she thought of nothing but how Seoul looked beautiful at night, a small scoff escaped her lips as she paid for the delicious food, looking at her wallet sighing, no money left. Taking her skateboard she stole a cap and a mask on her way out her E/C eyes immediately wide at the sound of the cashier yelling at her with a bat in his hand about to catch, slamming the door open she ran down the stairs not looking back, the cold breeze hitting her face as she ran grabbing her skateboard she skated between the cars so the man wouldn't catch her.
Her father grabbed her harshly by the hair followed by her skateboard and bag in the other hand, throwing her out of the house in the middle of the streets, every neighbor not even daring to welcome her even though they could see the pain and fear in her E/C eyes, but worst of all they still dared to watch and film her out of the window, I know it must be rough? damn, right it is.
Jungkook was hanging out with his group as usual and it seems like they got out of the café, but stopped brutally upon noticing cops chasing a H/C haired girl and grabbed her, slamming her face harshly against the car in front of them, a wince left the girls lips as she raised her hand in the air as she yelled out some words "it's a water bottle, please !" but the cops didn't seem to care since they cuffed her and decided to take her with them, as they turned around the girl cold eyes met Jungkook's dark brown ones, and that was his opportunity to study her face, she had beautiful H/C hair which was pretty messy, S/C skin, and had blood running down her nose and a cut on the corner of her soft lips, and it seems like she got into a fight for what? a bottle of water.
Watching the scene happening in front of them he stared as one of the cops broke her skateboard in half earning a bloody scream from her. "NO! how dare you!" she yelled with rage in her eyes as she was about to attack the police officer and punch the hell out of him but couldn't since the handcuffs stopped her from doing so but still the girl fell on her knees trying so hard to grab hold of the broken skateboard.
Sitting in front of the police officer she stared into nothing but emptiness; blinking ever so slightly her throat dry and didn't even dare to ask for water, "can I leave?" she asked her voice cracking as she sat on the chair, wanting to just kill herself. Grabbing her bag, phone, and broken skateboard she walked out of the police station to the place where she usually slept, the park.
Surprisingly she got a job the next day, and that is selling some street food with an old woman, the job got pretty handy, well, at least she would have 10$ to eat something and have a single water bottle for the day and not die from hunger, packing some dumplings in the small box she grabbed one of the bags signaling to the women "I'll go take these and will be right back Ajumma?" a small smile was on her lips as she walked away holding the hot food in her hand, the aged women seemed to be caring for her and would always give her some money even though she was poor and more broke than Y/N was, but still considered her as her daughter.
Knocking at one of the doors, she could hear the sound of music blasting and laughter, smiling at the memory of her being the best dancer back at school she opened the door peaking inside, the sight of a group of boys she recognized when getting arrested she handed the pink-haired boy the bag, "Jimin-ah~ you pay this time!" said a brown-haired boy behind him with a boxy smile, Jimin slightly rolled his eyes before smiling brightly at the girl taking his wallet out, a Gucci wallet which looked expensive, not like she wanted to steal it but these boys must be rich.
Bowing one last time, she walked away making sure to thank them and have a good day, "Ajumma, no I can't take them anymore what about you, you need your medicine so keep them besides I'll be okay for one day?" she said pushing them gently with a small smile, nodded Ajumma defeated but still thanked the girl a 100 times. "it was nice working with you, Ajumma, but I think I should go to either Busan or Daegu, I can't stay here anymore or dad will find me and- you know? so I'm gonna need you to go right now to the pharmacy and buy that medicine, we worked so hard for that now go!" she said pushing her gently toward the pharmacy with a small smile, pulling her into one last hug she kissed her forehead before walking away, waving slightly one last time before continuing her 'travel' in search of some way to escape Seoul before her father takes her back once again.
Sitting beside the boy she took his cigarette from his hand throwing it on the ocean in front of her, as he was about to grab another one she threw the box on the water, "so, do you want me to teach you that this mother fucker is a killer?" she said chuckling slightly at how he hated her already for throwing his precious addiction, "anyways, I need your help?" she said out of the blue, Jungkook raised his eyebrow waiting for her to continue her words "we all know you're rich as fuck, and I need you to buy me tickets to Daegu?" listening slightly to her words he took a picture of the couple kissing inside a laundromat with his camera, nodding slowly she almost squealed but stopped upon hearing his next words "in one condition?" "and that is ?" "I'll help you sneak inside my ex-house and go inside her room, to the drawer and there will be my clothes" "fine, when?" she said agreeing with his plan.
Standing in front of his ex house, she nodded at him before starting to climb the windows and could hear the sound of him talking to that girl more like flirting, looking at the window she could see them making out on the couch she had, opening the room window she did as told opening the drawer and grabbing all his stuff, a ripped book, AirPods, music DVDs and laptop looking at the polaroid with Jungkook smiling she stuffed it inside her pocket before looking at the room one last time.
Walking down the empty road beside Jungkook she handed him her bag full of his stuff, "you give it back tomorrow, you know where to find me? stay cool." she said smiling while flicking him off, the maknae staring at the girl with a small smile, this was her way on how to say goodbye or goodnight, the boy slowly waved back taking his keys from his pocket, opening the door of the black mansion greeting his mother on the way who seemed to smile sheepishly at him "who's the girl?" "mom I just met her" Jungkook looked so done as he stared at his mother dumbfounded
Opening the wagon door she ruffled her H/C hair after doing her routine, jumping down the wagon, she closed the door making sure to lock it with padlock, walking down the road she hid behind the wall watching as the man turned around running she grabbed a croissant, hiding it inside her jacket, thank god, he didn't notice and no one seemed to be out yet this neighborhood was always empty. the girl didn't have anything to think of but only the fact that this month was rough, she would eat once a day or not for a week, the asshole of the policeman broke her skateboard her mother got her before passing away and now she's a very famous thief in Seoul, what a beautiful life?
Nah, she always thought of giving up and standing at the edge of one of these buildings surrounding her, letting her body fall and join her mother. but couldn't, she didn't want to die and also promised her mother. Cursing under her breath Y/N limped to the front door of the beautiful black mansion, the door was suddenly slammed open and a woman stood there with wide eyes full of worry, glancing at the H/C haired leg Jungkook's mother immediately pulled her in sitting the girl down, the girl on the other side was shocked 'is this the wrong house? no, I remember JK saying this is his house' she thought confused but could see him coming out of a room holding a box, the boy slowly sat in front of her and started treating her wound out of as she sat there defeated and stared at him, his black curly hair looked so soft and his perfume was just UGH ravishing.
The food in front of her immediately got her attention as she started eating fastly, Jungkook mom laughing slightly at the girl "how many days didn't you eat something delicious?" "2 months, but don't worry- I only ate ramen 2 days ago!" she said munching slightly, Jungkook could see how her E/C eyes showed hope and slight happiness whenever she's eating, the girl was shining slightly than the last time he saw her, she was about to attack a police officer for breaking her skateboard and next was her handing a bag of dumpling to Jimin.
Sitting in front of the pool they had, she slowly took Jungkook's lighter from her pocket she found back in his ex house, playing with it she wrapped his sweater around her waist to great some heat, it was freezing but she needed to clear her mind a little bit, she was thankful of them, they gave her food, treated her wounds, gave her warm comfy clothes and welcomed her to stay with them...
And how much the girl wanted to kiss their hands for that, they made her feel safe after 8 years of the trauma and problematic life she finally felt home. The sound of someone walking behind made her stop from playing with the fire, wiping her head behind she smiled slightly at Jungkook who held a blanket sitting beside her putting the cover around both their bodies suggesting for her to get closer and not be afraid.
The handsome boy slowly handed her the phone back, it was midnight, thanking him she opened her phone, 1 notification, that's odd. Frowning she looked at the boy asking whenever to do it or not, nodding at her she tapped on the notification, her dad.
-------------------------------- 𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚 🖕-------------------------------
Happy birthday Darling, you turned 19, don't worry you're still my little girl right?
Fuck you.
Seen 00:00
Just before he could even answer her text, she blocked him and deleted his number feeling calm and free, clenching the blanket around her hand she looked away trying not to let her tears fall, not wanting to show her weak side in front of Jungkook who seemed to know the situation and reason why she was cold and wants to run away. His anger was boiling, how dare a dad do this to his daughter? tomorrow was his final day alive he swore to make him pay for what he has done to his daughter. "it's your birthday?" he asked waiting for her to answer the question or at least look at him, 'why am I feeling empty when she's like that?' he thought nudging her shoulder, nodding she looked at him straight in the eyes tears covered her orbs as she stared at him deeply, her walls breaking down as she finally let them fall after staying strong for years.
살아남아야 한다."~Namjoon BTS (방탄소년단) 화양연화
Jungkook stared at her with guilt in his eyes pulling her into his embrace the girl cried quietly in his chest letting it all out. Not even noticing she fell asleep in his arms.
Holding the notebook in her hand, she knocked on the door of his room, hearing a groan behind the door she opened it looking at Jungkook who was fixing his hair, giving him a poker face she closed the door behind looking around his room, "shit, this place is fire" "I know right?!" he said on the other side trying to tie his hair into a ponytail, chuckling slightly she walked toward him standing on her tiptoe, "give it to me" doing as told he handed her the tie, her fingers slowly trailed down his hair sending a shiver down his spine at how cold her hands are, but a small smirk raised on the corner of his lips as his playboy self started showing Jungkook suddenly turned around before she could even finish his hair, landing on top of her his leg between hers as their faces were inches away from each other, his bunny smile on his face as he innocently grinned at her as if nothing happened.
Her eyes were dull and numb, but they lit upon seeing his beautiful smile
Having an amazing plan, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer as she leaned in, her nose bumping his, with Jungkook staring at her parted lips not pulling away and liking the way how she pulled him closer, his lips so soft that she wanted to kiss them so badly but couldn't, twirling him around it was now her turn to smirk, she was on top of him grinning innocently while ruffling his black hair
"come on, time for dinner"
Walking down the streets of Seoul while listening to some music, she slowly walked into one of the cafes that lined up the street of Seoul. Pushing the door open the little bell at the door jingled when she walked in and the scent of coffee hit her like a truck, this café wasn't crowded and it was one of her favorites, for these past days both the teenagers got closer day by day and still couldn't open up to him yet, it was so hard. and it would be a terrible lie if she doesn't catch feelings for him. "hello, can I get an iced-americano please?" she said looking at the cashier taking out the money from her pocket she slammed it on the counter before making her way toward one of the tables, playing with the flannel shirt she burrowed from Jungkook the girl waited for her order, phone ringing she slowly answered the call
"Hello? are you fucking kidding me what has he done?!" yelled the girl hanging up, slamming the door open the girl ran down the streets
Jungkook on the other side drove in rage toward where her 'father' worked, sitting down on one of the chairs his feet tapping on the ground nervously as he glared at the ground, a man came toward him with a smirk on his face, Breathless with anger, he stood up and immediately punched the man square in the jaw he didn't care about anything at the
moment but to just make him pay for what he did to his daughter.
Dashing down the streets pushing past the people, everyone at first thought that flash just passed by them while it was just a girl running with panic in her eyes, walking inside the police station the H/C haired girl immediately pulling the boy into a hug, tears covering her E/C eyes, as she pushed the strand of hair from his face staring lovingly at him she cupped his cheek looking for any injury. Sighing she glared sharply at her father "you deserved it" she said spitting in his face one last time before walking out of the police station asking Jungkook if he was okay, driving back home in silence the girl thought 'why did he do that?'
Sitting him down she grabbed the first aid kit and some alcohol, it was now her turn to help him, "this will hurt, so grab my hand" sitting down in front of him Y/N gently pressed the cotton on the huge bruise he had in his hand not caring the fact he's hurting her hand due to the pain he felt, "I'm so sorry" she said out of nowhere not even glancing at him, wrapping the bandage around his bruised hand she tried to ignore how bad she wanted to hug him by trying to get up but Jungkook already beat her to it, with one simple fucking move. Cupping her cheek the boy pulled her back down and made her face him stopping her from moving, his hand pressing on her cheeks as his soft fingers caressed her ear sending a shiver down her spine, her legs suddenly became weak as she stared back into his doe eyes, his gorgeous orbs shining under the moonlight like a diamond in the center of a museum was everything for her
His Dior Sauvage perfume only made it worse, it was her favorite scent aside from coffee, she felt giddy and happy whenever she sees him and just want to squeeze him tight and never let go. but now it was her whole body burning like fire
"Y/N please, tell me what is going on and I promise I'll help you with anything?" he said looking at her E/C eyes back and forth still holding her cheek butterflies dancing on her stomach as she stayed silent not wanting to ruin this moment with her fucked up past, she was about to pull him into a kiss, the same feeling kicked in, she just wanted to feel his lips on hers for few seconds was is a hard thing to ask? the sound of the door slamming open made them snap out of their position and fall on the ground.
There stood the boys staring at them awkwardly, coughing she got up wiping her clothes from any dust making her way to her room "wait, Y/N you promised me!" "I'm sorry Tae but I don't feel like playing..." "no, you're coming now sit down" rolling her eyes annoyingly she walked back down and sat on the ground waiting for the boys to follow her movement. Watching as the bottle spun in front of her, the girl breathing hitched upon seeing the green bottle landing on her, slightly panicking she shot a look that could make the bravest of warriors scream in terror, but Tae who didn't seem to care, challenged her "Truth or dare?" "Truth" "what were you both doing when we came in?" "talking duh." her simple sarcastic answer only annoyed Tae more than he was and that made her smirk proudly 'i'm not falling for one of those plans, Taehyung' she thought raising an eyebrow at the boy who smirked back at her "then why the sexual tension, and you about to kiss him?" grin fading and eyebrow falling she stared coldly at the boy his blood running cold at the look the girl just sent him "i-i take that back" stuttered the boy still feeling her staring straight into his soul, the game continued but surprisingly it didn't land on her anymore.
Sitting on her bed, she pushed the blanket away from her cold body, opening the door slightly trying not to make a noise as possible, making sure to close it behind her before she made her way toward Jungkook's room knocking 3 times. Jungkook jolted up from his bed at the thought of Y/N and immediately ran to open the door, he was right, there she was standing slightly shivering from the cold but before he could even protest to give her something to warm up or say anything, she already pulled him toward the Kitchen, opening the fridge she slowly grabbed hold of ice cream box and two spoons, sitting beside him she stared at the clock ticking in front of her "wanna know why I always throw your cigarettes whenever I see you holding one?" she said glancing at the boy who already stared at her continuing her words "because my mother was so addicted to this fucker, sure, it revealed her stress but it also made her sick, we would always go to the rooftop and talk about anything that comes to our mind, that was until he decided to cheat on her out of nowhere and started going to clubs, she didn't find out by herself, but I did, I told her in our usual ted talk we had at night while watching the stars flicker, surprisingly my mom didn't seem to care since she already noticed his sudden behavior, so being a good mother she wanted divorce and when she told him I told her about the whole thing, of me coming home from school and seeing a bitch on top off him, he started doing it to her. Days passed and mom got weaker day by day and everything was becoming worse as she started smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day, and I don't want to lose you too after losing my own mother" she said scoffing a little bit at the memory flashing on her mind tears covering her E/C eyes.
Jungkook on the other side listened carefully and couldn't help but to intertwine his fingers with hers, and could feel her tensed up and her hand becoming warmer and not the usual coldness, looking at her he smiled happily at the sight of her looking at the moon through the balcony with a small blush on her cheek, as he was about to pull away afraid of hurting her she grabbed his hand back planting a gentle kiss on his veiny fingers and on top of the smiley face tattoo he had.
What are they?
A couple, close friends, just friends (pack it up, Adrien). She didn't understand why is the constant hand grabbing? cupping cheeks, the almost kiss in his room, He was so kind towards her and being his usual, bad boy self in front of the others?
Why would he like her anyway? she always thought of that which only broke her more remembering the fact she's going to run away and live in Busan and not stay with him anymore, her life was so confusing, should she stay with him or move away?
"Wanna know something?" asked the boy glancing at the girl who nodded at his question "you're living with me from now on, and this is the reason why," he said pulling her toward him by the hand, picking her up easily placing her in front of him and on top of the counter, with her staring directly into his eyes and his hand on both her side, the boy gently cupped her cheek. Heat rose from Y/N's stomach to her chest and behind her back. Jungkook's lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, she could tell he heard it since the same bad-boy smirk came back on the corner of his lips. parting her lips she felt him washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all thoughts. The boys silently watched the scene happening in front of them Jimin and Taehyung taking pictures on the other side
the feel of his frame leaning on hers as his arms wrapped around her felt nearly forbidden. He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. Sure, she was a famous thief but in moments like these she's so nervous, he was her first kiss, what if it's bad?!. Her thoughts were stopped dead when his lips were gently pressed against hers, not knowing what to do she scooted closer toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck following the steps she remembered seeing in kdramas, he puts his hand on the back of her head and reassuringly strokes her H/C hair.
Pulling away gently the girl chuckled "you stole my first kiss-" "-and I'll do it again" he said cutting her off again with his lips on hers, a passionate and heated kiss made her melt in his arms, it was illegal for him to make her fall in love with him more with one simple fucking move. the next movement she made drove him crazy was the way her fingers played on his curly black hair, Picking her up his hand slid under her thigh, as he walked toward her room not breaking the kiss, closing the door behind them with his foot.
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Jungkook's head rested on top of hers as he played with her H/C hair, "I never told you this, but do you know how much the Dior Sauvage & cigarette scent drove me crazy whenever I smell it on the outfits, I borrowed from you?" "oh yeah? new kink developed I guess" "yeah, I guess it's my kink," she said glancing lovingly at the boy in front of her, his fingers slowly pushed the strand of hair from her face as he smiled back at her, his fingers under her chin as he pulled her into a kiss.
"I'm in love with you girl with Dior Sauvage kink, Y/N L/N "
"and I'm in love with you too cigarette addicted bad boy, Jeon Jungkook"
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
Ateez Reacting to catching their S/O (who isn’t Korean) singing one of their songs
How would Ateez react if they caught their s/o (who isn't Korean) singing one of their songs? - requested by @kpop-4-ever
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Hongjoong is already happy that you jam out to his songs
So when he heard you singing along to their songs in Korean, he died a happy man
He’d wait until the song was over to make his presence known
Hongjoong would be a man of many compliments on your pronunciation as he himself is learning English
He definitely cuddles you after an Ateez song marathon
The music thumped through the apartment as Hongjoong opened the door. Almost immediately, he recognized the sound of Mingi’s rapping, making him smile. He wanted to surprise you by coming home early, but it seems like he can wait a little longer before letting you know he was home. The door to your shared bedroom was cracked, allowing him to see you dancing and singing along to Thanxx. Hongjoong chuckled quietly, leaning against the doorway and opening the door a little more, wondering where he got such an adorable s/o.
The song faded out and you paused the music to get a drink. Hongjoong clapped and cheered, startling you. “H-Hongjoong. How long have you been there?” “Enough to see your cute little performance.” A bright red blush spread across your face as Hongjoong made his way over to you, pulling you close by your wrist, and kissing your head. “Your pronunciation was really good!” “I’ve been practicing so I can sing along with you,” You confessed, making Hongjoong smile. “How about we sing the next song together?”
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This boy loves you with all his heart
He knows you try to learn new words for him
Finds it cute when you mispronounce words and get frustrated
He’s a soft baby who’ll correct you and then cheer you on when you finally say it right
So when he heard you practicing with his part in Inception, his heart combust
You were huddled up at the desk, romanized lyrics to Inception pulled up on your screen, with your headphones plugged in as you repeated Seonghwa’s part. Your original plan was to surprise him, but you were adamant in getting the pronunciation correct first. Seonghwa smiled as he saw you at the desk, ready to sneak up and hug you. He had missed you, so much so that he planned a whole last minute date in the living room with take out and everything. Feeling good about your next round of practice, you rewinded to one of Seonghwa’s lines in Inception and easily glided through it stopping Seonghwa in his tracks.
“One more time, then I’ll be ready.” You played the song from the beginning, singing the parts you knew. Seonghwa held back a chuckle when you perked up, ready for his part. As it came on, Seonghwa sang along with you, scaring you. You quickly paused the video and clutched your chest. “PARK SEONGHWA! DON’T SNEAK UP ON ME.” “I’ll call you up to sing my part when I don’t feel good,” Seonghwa teased. “It’s not even that good,” You huffed, closing your computer. “Not good, my ass. That was perfect! I’ll tell you how good it is over dinner,” he cooed.
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Bub was just minding his business when Fireworks came on in the car
You squealed forgetting you were in the car with him
Legit swerved at the squeal, worried about you
But when you started bursting out in song happily, he calmed down and laughed
When the song ended though, you were embarrassed
Your phone was plugged into the car, allowing you to play your music. Feeling too lazy to choose a song, you pressed shuffle. You scrolled through tumblr, nodding your head to most of the songs. Yunho drummed his thumb against the steering wheel, singing along to the songs he knew. All was calm until Fireworks came on. You squealed and turned the radio up, startling Yunho. He swerved into the other lane that was thankfully empty. “Are you-” Yunho got caught off by you singing your heart out to the song.
He couldn’t help but chuckle and sing along. You forgot his presence as you got lost in the song. “I’M THE ONE IN MY ZONE!” Yunho couldn’t help but be impressed at how well you sang along to the song considering korean wasn’t your first language. His heart swelled when he looked over to see you creating your own little dance to the song. As the song ended, you were panting and out of breath, yet hyped up. “You’re adorable!” “Yunho!” You squeaked. “I forgot we were in the car.” “I can tell,” Yunho laughed, making you laugh too.
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Yeosang was enjoying dinner when you ran in, Answer blaring on your phone
Almost immediately, he was choking on his drink as you sung your heart out
Help this boy
He tried to admire you but he was still catching his breath
Hides how proud of you he is behind the chicken
Yeosang had brought home some chicken for him since you said you weren’t hungry. He sat quietly at the kitchen table, enjoying the flavourful food. You ran in, Answer playing on your phone, singing along to the song as Yeosang was taking a drink, catching him off guard. Poor guy accidentally inhaled his drink, sending him into a coughing fit. You were too busy dancing and singing to notice. He finally got it under control, save for the few after coughs here and there.
Yeosang watched you, lovestruck. Boy was whipped. He noticed the song was ending so he immediately shoving chicken in his mouth. “I love this song, Sang!” You smiled, sitting on the chair next to him. “It’s okay, I guess. Don’t really like one of the guys,” he joked. “Really? Which one is that?” “Yeosang.” You laughed and kissed his cheek. “He’s my favourite.” Yeosang smiled behind his chicken, blushing. “He’s so cute and hot. And I love his singing,” You continued, making his ears turn red as well. “Well, I think his s/o is a good singer,” He complimented.
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To San, you were the world.
He loved the way you always showed him all the support your body could handle
You two were watching a fan cam of him performing to Dancing Like Butterfly Wings
Sannie would watch as you sang along to the song
He would dance with you and make this your official song
San was tired after a long day of practice and shooting, so the first thing he did when he got home was lay down on the couch. You finally got him to take a shower and get cleaned up for the night. As soon as he got out, he sat next to you on the couch. “Are you watching fancams of me?” He asked. You shushed him as your favourite song came on: Dancing Like Butterfly Wings. The lyrics flowed passionately from your heart as you got up and swayed to the song. It was then he noticed how much you loved this song.
San smiled as he stood up, suddenly not feeling tired. He grabbed your hands and twirled you around, laughing at your cute smile. As the song ended, you hugged him tightly. “You are so precious, little one,” he whispered. You giggled at the nickname, remembering when he gave it to you. “What if I wasn’t little?” “I’d still call you little one. And, I’d still spin you around this room whenever our song came on.” You hummed against his chest. “Our song?” “I’ve made the decision that this is our song,” He smiled and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s listen to it again.”
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Mingi is already so blushy around you
Baby boy would die when he heard you rapping his part in Illusion
Like y’all were doing some spring cleaning when the song came on
You busted out rapping and singing and Mingi’s admiring you
Asks you when you learned how to rap better than him
As an executive decision, both you and Mingi agreed to do some spring cleaning before Seonghwa came by to check the apartment. The two of you split up the chore list the best you could and spread out to conquer it quickly. You threw on some music in the living room, loud enough for it to be heard in each room, but quiet enough that you wouldn’t bother the few neighbours that were home. Most of it was Ateez’s discography, but you didn’t care as you happily hummed along to the songs.
You were dusting and polishing the wood furniture when Illusion came on. You sang along with the track, pushing through the raps the best you could. Mingi, who was cleaning the kitchen, stopped when he heard your voice and listened, admiring your skills. It took him some time just to rap a few lines in english and here you were, rapping in korean. He smiled cheesily, walking into the living room as the song ended. “Hey!” You turned around, worried. “When did you get better at rapping than me?” “Since never. You know that you are the king of rap, Mingi.” The boy blushed at your compliment. “Then that makes you the queen of rap, right?” “No.” Mingi nodded and tackled you in a hug. Who were you to protest the world’s tallest cutie?
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So you may or may not have thrifted a Pirate King inspired outfit
It made you feel badass, like you were a part of the song
You specifically played Pirate King while you stood in front of the mirror, dancing and making faces as you sang along
What you didn’t see, was Wooyoung walk in
He couldn’t help but laugh
After spending months, referring to the Pirate King music video, you finally found the perfect inspired outfit. When you put it on, you felt absolutely badass. You checked the clock on the wall. Wooyoung wasn’t going to be home for another hour or so, leaving you plenty of time to experience your little fantasy of being in the music video. You stood in front of the mirror and hit play, taking a deep breath. You started out strong, with mean looking facial expressions but as it went on, your expressions softened.
But, one thing you didn’t count on, was that you forgot to change the clock for spring forward. Wooyoung opened the door and called out for you. When you didn’t answer, he checked the bedroom, only to find you dancing in your outfit. He quickly took a picture to blackmail you in the future before laughing. You jumped and turned around to see Wooyoung doubled over, clutching his stomach. “Stop laughing, it’s embarrassing,” you pout. “You just look so...adorable,” he spoke in between breaths. “I hate you, Woo,” You huffed, pushing past him to change, redder than a tomato. “Love you too!” Wooyoung shouted after you.
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Okay so Jongho wasn’t expecting you to randomly burst into the room singing Wonderland
But, he wasn’t mad
You were just singing your heart out, occasionally mispronouncing something
He was definitely confused when you grabbed his uneaten apple as you were singing
Turns out, you were pretending to be him during his high note, although you couldn’t break the apple like him
Jongho was minding his own business, scrolling through the comments on instagram when you burst in with your headphones in. He was about to greet you when you cut him off, singing along to Wonderland. Baby couldn’t help but giggle at you. You sang the best you could, mispronouncing a few words here and there but Jongho found it endearing. He watched in amusement as you danced around the room, performing for him. You smiled as he cheered, getting an idea.
Jongho had an apple sitting beside him that he was planning on eating. You snatched it up, confusing him as to what you would need it for. It wasn’t until you hit the high note that he understood. He laughed as you attempted to break the apple like him. Unfortunately you couldn’t so you ended up tossing it back to Jongho. “HOw do YOu BREAK THe DAMN AppLES?” You pouted. “Because I’m strong. See?” Jongho broke the apple easily, handing half to you. “I wanna break an apple too.” “How about I teach you later?” You smiled and took the apple half.
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Violet grass predicament | Aether, Diluc, Childe & Zhongli
Collab with @otomiya-tickles
A/N: *maniac laughter in the distance* beautiful Ginny and I are still on hiatus, lololol, but I showed her this wonderful art I saw on Twitter and we just exchanged ideas and we found ourselves writing this out, huhu~ we hope you enjoy it! Also this is my first time writing for Genshin and it was a pleasure to share this moment with my beautiful girl 💕
Summary: Diluc is pleased to welcome Aether with his Liyue friends Childe and Zhongli at the Angel's Share, and even offers his help in the thing they are investigating. Hunting violet grass is serious business after all. Or is it?
Words: 2,751 (under the cut)
"Heeeh? Violet grass? Again?"
Diluc had to fight back a smirk when he heard Aether gasping, even over the loud sounds of the tavern.
"What do you mean again?" The traveler asked, disbelief dripping from his voice. "Do you know how hard it is to get?!"
Aether sounded extremely offended by the words of his Liyue friend, and this time he really cracked a little smile that was easily mistaken as a polite one as he grabbed a pair of dirty plates from the table where a young couple were dining.
It was not the first time he's brought them around. A few months ago, Aether came into Angel's Share, telling Diluc that he had brought someone from Liyue that really wanted to try Mondstadt's best wine.
Of course Diluc had felt proud and he eagerly introduced himself to the visitors. He liked them, one more than the other, though. Zhongli was a nice visitor, he always knew what to say and was enchanted by the delicious wine, claiming that it was, in fact, one of the best of Teyvat.
Childe, on the other hand, was loud and a tease and Diluc couldn't help but have his defenses up when he was around him, but as much as Childe was a little childish, he was also fun and Diluc had teeth marks on the inside of his cheeks from holding back his laughter every time he heard Childe talk.
Now it was a common thing to have this trio over at the tavern talking about food, commissions and some other matters around Teyvat. Diluc frequently found himself sitting with them, enjoying a nice talk and drink as he took orders from the other clients and cleaned up tables as the good owner he was.
Tonight was no different and, as he walked around with a tray with some empty glasses, he couldn't help himself and quickly stopped by the table where Childe, Aether and Zhongli were dining.
"There are quite a few around here," Diluc said, his fingertip touching a spot in the map between Aether's hands. "Around the Archon's statue in Mingyun Village."
"Ah, certainly," Zhongli declared with that deep voice of his as he looked over the area in the map. "Diluc is right. I remember seeing a path of violet grass during a walk on my own. Unfortunately it does grow in cliffs and is hard to get if you don't have a good condition," he said and both Aether and Diluc nodded, but the traveler also let out a soft whine that made Childe giggle.
"Oh, but how is it that Diluc knows this? Isn't he always in Mondstadt?" Childe asked with a playful smile as he rested his chin upon the palm of his hand, looking at Diluc with curious eyes.
Diluc shrugged. "I've been trying to make a drink with violet grass, so I often come and get fresh flowers there. There's a whole path as Zhongli says, you see," he said, glading his finger over the map. "Here, here and here. Can you mark it?"
"Ah, yes! Diluc is the best!" Aether said excitedly, quickly marking all the spots on his map as both Diluc and Zhongli mentioned them.
“Don’t exaggerate. I was just -- AHh!” Diluc spazzed suddenly, almost dropping the glasses as he felt a finger poke his side. He looked where the random tickle came from and saw Childe smirking at him.
“Don’t be modest when our Traveler compliments you,” he teased. The young Harbinger then casually held up a finger, “Ah by the way Diluc. Please pour one more glass of your finest wine to Mr. Zhongli here. And some Wolfhook juice for our traveler here,” Childe ordered, and he held up his own glass which was still full and winked. “I’m still good.”
“I could order myself,” Zhongli said calmly, and Aether stuttered, “J-Juice?” but did not seem to object, so Diluc rolled his eyes fondly at the trio and went to fetch them their drinks. Behind him he heard the three express their admiration of Diluc’s knowledge and Aether was eagerly noting the route for his violet grass hunt.
Heading back to them with the drinks, Diluc first handed Zhongli his drink and then stood by Aether to put down the juice. Right at that moment, there was that sudden ticklish touch again. This time on his back. A single finger traced a quick path down his back, and he arched up so suddenly he dropped the Wolfhook Juice all over Aether’s lap.
“AH!” Aether twitched in surprise, and Zhongli looked up with mild concern, letting out a simple “oh” in realization that Aether was covered in juice. Meanwhile Childe… did not stop tickling Diluc.
“Look at what you did Diluc~” Childe mocked, his hand lowering to Diluc’s side and squeezing him there a couple of times, making him bark out some involuntary strange ugly laughs, in his opinion.
“GAahaha! H-hey q-quit that!” He made odd dancing moves to squirm his way out of there, but the grip and strength in the innocent touch of Childe’s hand was quite strong.
“Please go get us something to help him clean,” Childe said, his hand continuing to assault Diluc’s side.
Diluc tried to bite his tongue to prevent making a fool of himself in front of everyone inside the Angel's Share but, thankfully, the tavern was rather empty and most of the people around were beyond past their drinking limit, so he was not too worried when he felt Childe's fingers giving his lower ribs a firm squeeze that had him letting out a bright cackle before he pushed Childe's hand away from his body.
"Ouch!" Childe whined, rubbing the spot where Diluc had slapped him.
"I said stop," Diluc said, narrowing his eyes just as Zhongli said: "You deserve it. Now look at what happened to Aether."
He gently pointed at the poor traveler that was trying to save his precious map from the juice that had splashed on the table, not caring about the liquid covering his lap and even some parts of his bare middle.
Diluc winced a little. "I apologize, Aether. Give me one second, I'll bring a towel."
Aether hurriedly shook his head, holding his map up, "please don't worry! I know this was not your fault," he said, sending a glare to a certain Harbinger who only giggled, lifting his hands and showing his palms.
"What~? I was just wondering if Diluc was ticklish!" He said, smirking playfully as Diluc rolled his eyes and made his way to bring a towel for the traveler. "He was looking so serious, the idea suddenly popped into my head and I just couldn't help but do it!"
"You're going to pay extra for it," Zhongli said, drinking some wine as he took the map from Aether's hands and carefully settled it on the other side of the table where it could be safe from the purple-ish liquid.
"Heh? But I always pay, Mr. Zhongli!"
"Here's the towel. If you feel too sticky you can take another one and go wash a little in the bathroom," Diluc said gently, placing a refill of juice on the table. "This one's on me."
“Thank you Diluc! I’m sorry tha-- EEhp!” Diluc looked down in surprise when Aether yelped; Childe had taken the towel and started rubbing it against Aether’s middle.
“Hm? So noisy, right Diluc?” Childe said, but Diluc could see he was resuming his tickle antics on purpose as he moved it all over Aether’s bare midriff to rub off the sticky juice.
“Seriously?” Diluc muttered, but what followed after was Aether’s loud bubbly laughter. He squirmed, trying to fight off Childe with cute flailing movements.
“C-Chihihilde! N-not like thahahat! G-give me t-the tohohowel! S-stop!” Aether jumped and squirmed. Diluc could even see Childe use his other hand sneakily to ‘keep Aether in place’ but it just pinched and squeezed a little to add to the traveler’s predicament.
“This won’t do. Diluc, Mr. Zhongli, help a hand?” Childe whined, but Zhongli ignored the request and Diluc, blushing a little, turned around quickly to tend to some other guests with Aether’s sweet laughter in the background.
“Stahaahap~!” Aether giggled and Diluc saw from the corner of his eye that he tried to get up, but Childe's hand squeezing and pinching his side, really held him in place.
He felt his cheeks getting warmer and warmer then more he heard Aether's laughter growing louder and hysterical.
"Ahahaha! Not thehehere!" Aether cackled, kicking his legs when Childe helped him 'clean' his thighs by squeezing them with the towel.
"Stop moving so much," Childe said and Diluc could hear the smirk in his voice. "I can't help you if you're squirming like this!"
"I dihihihidn't ahahask for your hehehelp!" Aether said and Diluc nodded as he walked to get the freshly poured jugs of liquor.
"Mr. Diluc, what is all this ruckus about?" Charles asked, lending him a couple of drinks. "Is that the traveler laughing?"
Diluc blushed even more and he swore under his breath. "Don't mind it. I'll go take care of it."
"Oh, okay. It's not a big deal, though. I was just curious. Sounds like they're having fun."
Thankfully, they hadn't noticed that the reason for that laugh was because Aether was being tickled to death.
Diluc placed the orders with a gentle smile on one of the tables before rushing to where the trio was causing a scene.
"You, rascal," Diluc said, shivering when he saw Childe full on tickling Aether. "Could you quit your stupid game? You're disturbing everyone."
Childe clicked his tongue before looking up at Diluc as his fingers purposely moved to squeeze at Aether's ribs. Diluc felt the faint tingles wrapping around his own ribcage, but he stood there, trying to seem intimidating.
"Now, Diluc. I don't think that's true. I bet everyone is enjoying hearing the traveler's laughter, don't you think?"
"I certainly don't," Diluc said and he waited a few seconds for Childe to stop, but when he didn't, he sent a pleading look to Zhongli. "Zhongli, please? Could you do something?"
Zhongli let out a long sigh, raising a hand toward Diluc. "Rest assured. I've got this."
Diluc thanked him silently before leaving again, keeping an ear perked up to hear the man put some order.
To Diluc's surprise, Aether's laughter slowed down to soft giggling right away, and sending a quick glance to their table, he saw Childe pouting as Zhongli held the towel in his own hands.
"You're disturbing the diners," he said, carefully patting Aether's arms and stomach to properly dry him up. "You're going to make Diluc kick us out of here and we haven't had the chance to chat yet."
Hmh. Good. Diluc nodded in satisfaction, impressed how Zhongli put an end to the tickly chaos right away, and he turned back and continued to work.
“All good,” he told Charles. Then… They both looked up when suddenly a remarkable sound was heard, and Diluc turned around. His eyes widened when they confirmed what he was hearing. Zhongli was laughing.
“Q-quihihit that, C-Childe!” Diluc watched the scene with raised eyebrows. Childe had found his next victim, and oh how he was going at him with full strength. Diluc was shocked to see Childe had his hands on both sides of Zhongli’s waist, fingers digging in playfully as he made the radiant man stumble and let out some huffy laughs.
“Childe stop!” Aether hissed, still blushing as he tried to pry his hands off Zhongli, but the Harbinger had a mission and knowing how this went with Aether and himself, Diluc was afraid this was going to take a while.
“Aw what’s wrong, Mr. Zhongli~? So serious,” Childe whined with pouty lips, his fingers digging into Zhongli’s slender waist before pinching and squeezing their way upwards.
Diluc could see that Zhongli was doing his best to keep himself from laughing, he even covered his mouth with one of his hands as the other desperately tried to push Childe away from him, but goodness, that kid was strong and persistent and Diluc knew, deep inside him, that Zhongli would eventually lose his fight.
Surprisingly, it took less than he thought. Zhongli was suddenly throwing his head back as deep, rumbly cackles poured out of his mouth as soon as Childe's fingers found their way right under the man's arms.
"I s-sahahahaid quihihihit it!" Zhongli laughed, now using both hands to try and push Childe.
"Childe!" Aether squeaked. "Diluc is going to get mad! Quit it!"
"Diluc should lighten up a bit," Childe said, chuckling to himself as he slowly tickled Zhongli apart. "Mr. Zhongli was being too serious, I just wanted him to lighten up too."
Diluc sighed, massaging his temple as he heard Childe's words. Charles cleared his throat and Diluc tensed up.
"Ah, so it's that," he said, chuckling softly and Diluc couldn't feel more mortified. "It's no big deal, Mr. Diluc. I'm sure a few customers seem happy to hear Mr. Zhongli laughing," he chuckled, pointing at a table with a movement of his chin and Diluc saw how a few ladies were blushing as they looked over at Zhongli.
He sighed. Walking to the trio one more time. "Last chance before I throw the three of you out."
"Eh?! But why me?!" Aether whined, pulling at Childe's arms, trying to save Zhongli from the armpit tickles that had him all uncoordinated. "Childe!"
“Hm~?” Childe hummed, even increasing his tickle attack.
“AHaha- s-stop! N-not there, Childe!”
“Last chance!” Diluc huffed, very aware and embarrassed that everyone was watching them now. Oh… Everyone was watching? Diluc clenched his fist. So be it then. He stood behind Childe who continued to playfully cackle along with Zhongli, and he grazed both sides of his ribcage slightly in hesitation before digging in fully, tickling him hard.
“HEYAh!” Childe didn’t let go of Zhongli yet but even clenched onto him, his fingers continuing to dig into Zhongli’s sensitive torso. Childe’s laughter was instantly louder than Zhongli’s, though.
“Are you going to quit now, huh?” Diluc asked, his fingers digging furiously into Childe’s sides by now. Childe flailed and threw his head back.
“Ahahalright! H-hahang on- hehehey!” No one, not even Childe had obviously expected Diluc to resort to the ways he did. Not even Diluc himself, actually. But it seemed to work. With Childe’s grip weakened, Zhongli could finally pull himself free, and he stood on Aether’s other side to catch his breath while Diluc continued to punish Childe.
Agh, honestly. Doing something like this in front of everyone! Mondstadt was a tiny town, he knew the rumors about him tickling someone from Liyue would quickly reach everyone's ears and what would he say when people ask him about it?
"S-Stahahahap!" Childe laughed, shrieking when Diluc's fingers grazed that path of uncovered skin on his side. "I'll behahahahave, I'm sohohohorry!"
Well, of course he'd say he did it because Childe deserved a taste of his own medicine, and he should be thankful Diluc didn't actually kick him out and exile him from the Angel's Share!
Besides… this was kind of fun, but he still had work to do. "You'll behave? Is that a promise?" Childe nodded, his face going a bit pink with all that laughter blooming past his lips. "Very well," Diluc said and he stopped, leaning back up as he fixed his clothes. "Now excuse me."
He left without a word and heard Childe getting the giggles as he sat back on his chair, Zhongli also taking his seat back after catching his breath and relaxing with a sip of his wine.
"Childe, you're insane," Aether sighed, throwing the towel at Childe.
Childe laughed, "maybe a little but hey, you guys had fun!"
Diluc turned a little to look over at the trio and found that they were smiling softly, cheeks flushed as they started to talk again about the violet grass locations.
Only after a few minutes, Diluc noticed that he had also been smiling softly the whole time and even though that made him feel a little flustered, he couldn't help but think that he, in fact, had lots of fun when these three came to visit the tavern.
"There are a few in Stone Forest too," Diluc said, placing a plate of snacks on their table.
"Aaah, Diluc really is the best!"
Diluc wondered if he should visit Liyue from time to time as well.
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Lovedust Epilogue || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Epilogue: The end to a new beginning
Word Count: 1.3k
Author’s Note: PLEASE READ!!! And just like that, that concludes this series. I want to thank you all for supporting me and my writing, I couldn’t ask for sweeter followers to have along the way and because of you guys, this story has grown into something that has stuck with me through my everyday life. Every comment, every like, every reblog means the world to me and it is thanks to YOU that I felt comfortable enough to continue to share this story. I love these characters so much and I’m sad to see them leave but I can rest happy knowing that things ended the way they should and with that, I have my peace with them. Also peep the last few lines that are the same as the first few lines of the series ouch. Sorry to get so gushy but wow, after over 30k words, 8 parts, and many tears/laughter, lovedust is officially over. 
Warnings: Fluff because you all deserve it
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || epilogue 
[five months later]
‘Some things never change’ you thought to yourself as Peter’s music slipped its way through your bedroom walls. You had asked for a lazy Sunday morning and the promise of being woken up to sweet but inevitably burnt pancakes. 
The music wasn’t dreadful; you didn’t recognize the melody but it was eerily similar to something you would hear Steve play in his room from time to time whenever he wanted to feel nostalgic. Go figure, you and Peter had always teased Steve to ‘drop the oldies but goodies’ playlist so you couldn’t complain now that Peter got his hands on it. 
You slipped on your robe over the pajamas you had no intention of taking off for the remainder of the day before exiting your room. Once you had made it to Peter’s room, you didn’t bother to knock and instead, opened the door to find your boyfriend scrolling through his phone to change the song. 
“ I was promised breakfast in bed so unless you’re looking up how to make the pancake batter, you better make your way into the kitchen Parker,” You teased lightly, causing Peter to throw his phone to the side of his bed. 
“ I didn’t think you’d be awake so early,” Peter stretched his hands out to you and just like second nature, you stepped into his arms and leaned against his chest,” you never wake up before twelve on the weekend.”
“ Well I was working on my paper but someone had to play their music so loud,” You looked up at Peter who only gave back a sleepily, sympathetic smile. 
Peter hummed a soft apology as he moved his hands down to your waist to pull your frame closer to his. He could smell your shampoo- no- he was sure you had used his shampoo yet again but decided to spare you from another lecture of stealing because of how relaxed you felt in his embrace. 
With the music playing in the background, he started to sleepily sway side to side which only made you laugh again.
“ Are we dancing right now? What about my pancakes?” 
“ In a second, I just want to hold you for a little bit longer.” 
“ These better be some pretty bomb ass pancakes then.”
“ Just be quiet and let me dance with you.”
You huffed but didn’t resist, instead, you melted into his embrace even more and closed your eyes. 
With your summer drawing to an end, you could only hope to savor these precious moments with Peter, especially since you had no idea what the following fall would have in store for the two of you.
You knew he would always be around but things wouldn’t be the exact same. You two had taken advantage of living only a few feet away from each other but it seemed like life was moving too fast for your liking now that you had college right around the corner. 
The past couple of months had been nothing short of a blessing. It was a lot to handle at first as the two of you sorted through whatever insecurities or mistakes that occurred before the relationship but slowly, you two managed and tied up any loose ends that were still poking out. 
You weren’t afraid to say it outloud, of course you loved him. But there was something even stronger that helped you two through it all and that was forgiveness. There was no point in holding anything over each other’s head because the end goal was as clear as day and you were relieved knowing that the past was the past. 
Although you would catch yourself thinking back to the terrible memories you had of tormenting each other, it almost felt like you were looking back at ancient tapes filmed through a different lens. You both grew from it so now, when you looked back, all you could see was growth and effort.  
Your heart sunk for a moment as you swayed in his arms. You held him tighter at the thought of change and how different things would be in the future. Who’s to say that you two would even be together forever, of course, you wanted to be with him forever but this life wasn’t guaranteed. 
You could hear his voice right now, telling you to stop thinking of your morbid hypotheticals and so you did. You wanted to enjoy this moment right here and now, you just wanted it to last a bit longer. 
You hardly flinched as you felt Peter’s bare foot step onto your toes, only smiling at the apology that slipped out of his mouth. He could tell he had snapped you out of your daze and Peter, being the ever so curious one, asked you what you were thinking about. 
“ We’ve come a long way huh?” You said as you felt Peter nod above you,” I’m going to miss you.”
“ Hey, hey, don’t be sad. You know I’m always going to be around baby,” Peter pulled away to study your sad expression, his thumb coming up to wipe underneath your eye to make sure you weren’t crying. 
“ I know I know. It’s just...this is the end of a chapter and I don’t know if I’m ready to say goodbye to it just yet. What happens after all of this?” You asked as Peter pressed a soft kiss on your temple to ease your mind. 
“ Like you said babe, breakfast in bed,” He teased, knowing that it would make you laugh. 
He felt his heart skip a beat when his attempt had done the trick, even if the laugh was short, it was still a tally in his book. 
“ Things will change and that’s okay,” Peter said after a moment as you stayed quiet,” we’ve changed a lot and look where we are now. Did you ever think months ago that you and I would ever be this close without killing one another?”
“ Definitely not.” 
“ Exactly, but you know what won’t change?” You looked up at your boyfriend as he smiled back at you,” I’ll always love you, no matter what.”
Your heart swelled at the profession. It was almost like a talent of his to find the right words to say to make your anxieties seemingly evaporate off of you. 
Even though it came out as a whisper, you meant it with your whole chest, those three words you couldn’t find yourself ever getting tired of saying. It slipped so easily out of your mouth, almost as if someone was asking you something as simple as your name. 
“ I love you too-”
Peter barely professed all of it before you pressed your lips against his, his shoulders instantly relaxing at your action. He has kissed you over a hundred times within the last couple of months but each time, he still felt over the moon when given the chance to be intimate with you. 
It was always when you pulled away that suddenly, he was grounded but in a way that still made his heart feel feverish with pure adoration. 
You always smiled after pulling away from his lips because just like the first time you two ever shared a kiss, he always wore the same loving but goofy grin on his face as if he was a schoolgirl. And you loved it. 
Peter couldn’t help himself to kiss you again and for the next few minutes, you found yourself either swaying with your boyfriend to the soft sound of the instrumental love ballad or stopping for a moment to press your lips against his. 
The moment was fleeting after your dad had barged in a minute later, grumbling about how the door needed to be opened at least five feet but even so, you knew the feeling would stay in your memory for life. 
So as you came out to the kitchen to watch your ‘super-family’ attempt to make an edible breakfast, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. 
You weren’t sure how much room was left in your heart but you knew a person who you would always have space for. Peter Parker.
taglist:  @eridanuswave​ @juliet-winterson​ @akacalumtrash​ @ilovepeterparker13​@parkerboop​ @juliebean247​ @multi-fan-lover​ @ffffan-----girlll @lukesbabylon​@danicarosaline​ @parkeret​ @marvel4geeks​ @hollander69​ @spideyyeet​ @spn-assemble-seven​ @vibraniumdaisies​ @spaghetittiesbcimgay​ @vi-bi-bye@lemonsnips​ @aduky​ @faithfullcompanion​ @stopthemotherfuckingmusic@satellitespidey @foreverpark​ @marvelobsessedteenager​ @deadpoetsbackup@zalladane​ @starcourt-s​ @parkersinfinitywar​ @stargazingcarol​ @littlesugarb​@itsteph13​ @jennasmmith​ @liljennyx3​ @harryspet​  @todaynotseen @oh-whatabeautiful-parker​  @tiny-friggin-human @popluckbih    niiight-dreamerrrr     sovereignparker  marie-is-in-the-darkbuckyboy-soldier   maia030   parkershoco wolverinesbeer   cherrysruin  sunkissdes  kiainspace  songofcosplay spideylovin write-from-the-heart  thatcrazywhovian09eternallyvenusthollandxmsrawog  idiosadeoroimawkwardandherewearefoundwolvesthequeen-oni silverwolf-samainspiring-beamultiversegalaxygirl lastupidebitchetteidekwho1amsilverwolf-sama  wishing-wanting annoyinglyloudcomputer  faithful-music akacalumtrash  agusdoti   panickedbrain serendipitous-amorshannonthewriter-blog    darth-andy   farfromtom   xroselightsmurdermornings dorbiksbitch   baby-unidorn   yes-multi-fandom-girl multiversegalaxygirl a-disappointing-teen-author rivas0309 vlogsquad-wannabe   spicy-embryoo takemetoneverland420teenage-tragedy  roxybefab   hopebaker timeless-crowmarvel4geeks  desteweirdo panicattheeverywherekid   1-800-noahschnapple miragee3cjphoenix135liawhite03zeusmysterboinkybarnesleftarmaunicornmademedoitActionsMinimizeClosetomshufflepuff  drishtisikarwar  peterparkourefrantasmicjillanaholland   imdoingathingmom shawni-h lukesbabylon  dsl1999 queenmochi heyarely16  jokersqueenofchaos agusdoti karmaboundlife lalabruhh  blackloveangel13  flufflymota07 un-viaje-en-las-estrellas lozzybowe  teenwolfrebel   panickedbrainspaghetittiesbcimgay   itscaminow shirukitsunepetersquipsbuckybsxroselights saucyparkerrzeusmystermsmimimertonfudgemesteveharrington1999yaniraboinkybarnesleftarm  parayeet-amiright  peterparkoure   zoey-one-oh-fun  drishtisikarwar  theunicorndinosaur  spideylovinflufflymota07  marzbarz1360 sspidermanss  honeyheartzz overcaffeinatedbuttired @toreadortowrite​  kyarahollander2013 my-soul-is-the-moon marvel-snowbaz cuddlefishpeter 1-800-jackgrazerspicy-embryoo shannonthewriter-blog  @tomshufflepuff​ @xoxohollands​   starriglcss  fandom-phaser  starryseavey the-specific-oceans  @sspidermanss​  1-800-noahschnapple
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prismarts · 3 years
An Angel And Her Firecracker (Fred Weasley x OC)
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Plot: Lizzie comes up with a pet name for Fred while they spent their afternoon at the lake.
Notes: Fred x Oc, fluff fluff fluff, An entry for @horrorxweasley 's 800 followers writing challenge! , reference to @accioweaslcy 's oneshot of them (Portable Swamp) cause...yes, that is canon, that is how they got together. I love it.
Prompt used: "That was cheesy."
Word count: 1,386
Elizabeth Autumns had never been in a relationship before dating Fred Weasley. If she was honest, it took some adjusting, especially since she's had a massive crush on the redhead since their second year at Hogwarts.
She's noticed the little things that came about naturally when dating Fred, the way he tends to always grab hold of her hand when they walk. His large hand squeezing hers ever so gently when he does.
His apparent fondness for initiating physical affections whenever he saw her, the hugs he would give were always warm and close…
As if he savoured every single embrace he gave her.
Lizzie wasn't used to that sort of physical affection….having never dated anyone before, it was new to her. But she grew to enjoy his lovingly clingy tendencies overtime.
Clingy was exactly what Fred was being now as he sat with Lizzie by the lake, her head in his lap while she read aloud to him.
He had his fingers gently running through her soft dark hair, smiling as he glanced at his love for a moment before leaning back against the tree they sat under, closing his eyes.
He listened to Lizzie's soft voice as she read to him.
"Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night…"
Fred never really had a fondness for books, but hearing Lizzie read the muggle story to him, hearing her beautifully gentle voice recite the passages never failed to make him smile.
He kept listening to her soft voice until it suddenly trailed off into silence. He opened his chocolate brown eyes and looked down at her for a moment.
Lizzie was lost in thought, as she had been reading to Fred, she had started to stare at her boyfriend…
At first, getting lost in how attractive he was, his ginger hair glowing like fire under the sunlight, his brown eyes looking down at her for that small moment, resembling chocolates..
The small specks of freckles on his face that….she had attempted to quietly count one by one.
Her thoughts drifted as she watched him relax against the tree and closing his eyes, reminded of how happy she had been ever since that swamp incident in the castle hallways.
Since he asked her out for that butterbeer almost a month ago…
Apart from the hugs he would give her, the way he held her hand….
The small moments he would pull her aside in the hallways for a small kiss or two (sometimes more if he got his way). The way he would so gently talk to her when they first got together, knowing how shy and timid she was…
The small pet names he would often call her. Darling, love, baby….. though, she had noticed that he had a fondness for calling her, angel.
She paid no mind to it at first, only getting flustered...but she knew Fred was a rather flirty person, he had a way with words. Still, after a while, she noticed how fond he was for the pet name, angel.
It often replaced her own name whenever he called for her or greeted her.
Lizzie has wondered, if it felt special to Fred, being the only person to call her that. Maybe, that could be something...she could do as well…
Have a special pet name that only she could call him by..
"Lizzie? Angel?....are you there?..."
Fred blinked as he stared at his girlfriend for a moment as she blurted out the word, what was she on about?
Lizzie felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she looked up at Fred with her ocean blue eyes. She was quick to sit up, flustered and nervous.
"I..I mean...w..well..uhm..I meant.."
The redhead couldn't help the amused smile that etched on his face as he watched his angel's adorable attempt to explain.
He reached out to gently cup her cheek as he let out a small chuckle, "Angel, calm down…. You can barely talk in this state, whatever is on your pretty little mind...you can tell me.."
She blushed quite a bit as she looked up at Fred for a moment, taking a few breaths to calm down.
"I..i..was thinking...y..you know...how...you love to call me, angel…"
He hummed softly in acknowledgement, not wanting to interrupt her as she spoke.
"W..well...I..I've been thinking...o..of...h..having my own pet name to call you….t..that..o..only I could…" She mumbled, her voice trailing off in a shy whisper.
"...so…. Firecracker?..." Fred questioned with a teasing grin as he wrapped his arms around Lizzie's waist, holding her close to him as leaned his chin on her head.
The Hufflepuff could feel her face turn redder as she looked away shyly, "W..w..well, I uhm...I...I thought i..it fits you really well...y..you're loud a...and spontaneous….w..well you..obviously like fireworks. Y..you can be so fun and lively…"
She could feel her slight embarrassment grew which only prompted her to keep rambling.
"A..and...y..you can bring s..so much life in a situation. Y..you shine brighter than any sort of firework that I've ever seen… when you're excited, it's like watching the brightest firecracker being set off….y..you bring so much light and excitement in my life and-"
Fred had to cut her off there, gently turning her head to face him and pulling her close for a soft kiss that effectively stopped her rambling as she kissed him back shyly. She still had to get used to his loving kisses, but she loved every second of them.
"Lizzie, my angel, that was cheesy."
"Wh..wha- Freddie!" Lizzie pouted, her face as red as a rose as her boyfriend let out a chuckle at her embarrassed pout.
"Can't blame me for telling the truth, darling…." He mused, tilting his head down to lean his forehead gently against hers, their noses touching. "But I absolutely love you for it…"
"D...do you, really?..."
"How can I not? What you said was the sweetest damn thing ever! And you're so adorable when you ramble…"
Fred let out a laugh when he saw how flustered she got, he found it cute and amusing. The way her cheeks turned red and almost hid her freckles.
The way her doe eyes would glance away for a second only to shyly stare back at him, those ocean blue irises were something he could get lost in so easily.
"S..so...y..you like it?..." Lizzie mumbled, her soft voice snapping Fred out of his trance as he blinked for a moment.
"What? Oh…" He chuckled as he gave his angel, a small amused grin. "Absolutely, angel…. I think it's a fine pet name, you've chosen."
He hummed as he pressed a kiss on his girlfriend's forehead and watched the joyful smile slowly appear on her face.
Godric, he would do anything to protect that precious smile…
"I love you, my precious angel…" He whispered as he hugged the girl close and left several kisses all over her face, causing her to squirm and giggle.
"I love you too, my firecracker.."
The couple shared a laugh as it dissolved into silly loving giggles.
Fred smiled as he son picked up the book that Lizzie had dropped during their adorable affectionate moment.
"Now… I believe we were almost getting to the end of this? I would so love to know what happens to the star crossed lovers.."
He mused with an affectionate hum as he handed the book back to his love, smiling as he watched her flip through the pages to find the one she left off on.
Once she did, they sat there together as she read to him. The only sounds that could be heard were the gentle breeze in the air, the serene sound of the lake and the soft voice reciting the passages.
And while the story they read, one of Romeo and Juliet was almost at its bittersweet end.
Their story, the one of Fred and Lizzie's, the story of an angel and her firecracker was just at it's sweet and romantic beginnings.
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Don’t you leave me right here (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hi guys! ARE WE ALIVE? PB DELIVERED, PERIOD. I haven't felt this on the edge of my motherf'n seat. This fic is a rewrite of the diamond scene in Chapter 11 plus my own spin on it and the aftermath because I have no self control.
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @awhmilkywey @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @akshara16 @maurine07
  Enjoy! <3
Ethan’s eyes haven’t left hers since he entered the room. Now, sitting next to her, she could see, clearer than ever, the desperation and panic, etched into them deeply, following him like a shadow. Her words had a clear effect on him, shocking him into silence, drawing the quietness around them out into what seemed to be infinity. When he spoke again, his voice was heavy with emotions, but his eyes were still firmly focused on her, never straying, holding all of his hopes and dreams.
“Since we’re sharing regrets, do you mind if I share one of mine?”
The question took her by surprise. Ethan was never a man to openly express his feelings, or regrets for that matter, and she could almost feel the change in his behavior, in his approach to the situation they were currently in, as though fate gave him a sudden shove into the direction he was eyeing for quite some time now, but was too terrified to pursue.
“Go ahead.” Claire nodded slowly, her movements expressing how tired and sore she felt, toxin draining her faster than any of them anticipated. He took her bare hand into his gloved one, deep regret striking him painfully when he didn’t feel her skin upon contact. The electricity he learned to anticipate, hell, welcome with every time they touched, wasn’t as intense, his brain relying on the memory of her closeness to induce the same sensation.
“I wish I hadn’t asked you to stay away.” he admitted quietly, lowering his head in shame slightly. Her tired face twisted in confusion and surprise, taking in the new information, the one she was waiting for, the words she wanted to hear so many times before.
“You do?”
“We’ve wasted so much time.” Ethan paused, his eyes becoming a shade darker to accommodate his growing shame and pain. Shaking his head, he rephrased. “I’ve wasted so much time.” His hold on her hand tightened, as though he could pass through it all that he was feeling. He was never good with his words when it came to her, only moments of brilliance here and there; she was always better at this than him. But now, he couldn’t run; he didn’t want to run. “I should have held you in my arms every single day and told you how much I-“
His voice broke. Unable to bring himself to say a word, he took a deep breath, searching her green eyes for anything that would tell him that she would make it, that it wouldn’t be the last time they were talking, that he would have the opportunity to do this properly. She deserved to be confessed to properly, not when fear was running through his veins and panic was making him talk like he’s never talked before.
“How much I care about you.”
A bright smile lit up her face, and to Ethan, she looked as though the whole massacre of the past day didn’t happen. To him, she was as beautiful as ever. Her fingers squeezed his in excitement, dimmed by the lack of energy. “I’ve always thought we should be together.”
“You have?” he chuckled, running his thumb over her knuckles. She nodded, grinning like she always did.
“Kind of thought it was obvious, actually. We were always drawn to each other, from day one.”
“I’d hate to presume anything.” He felt himself relaxing, falling into the comfort of their day to day bickering, feeling like he was coming home. And in a sense, he was. Somewhere between him trying to run from her and now, they built a safe place for one another, without realizing it, always being pulled towards each other in times of need. “Though… that feeling was very definitely mutual.”
Ethan’s hold on her hand became tighter, expressing his excitement. The smile that lit up his face must have been the biggest she’s ever seen to this date; he’s never been happier than in that exact moment. Claire’s face fell in disappointment, longing spelled out all over it. “I wish I could kiss you.”
“Soon. You will soon.” He promised, partly to her, and partly to himself, making himself swear to never let her get away again. Guilt was eating him alive, driving him mad, making him want to kick himself for being a fool for so long. “Claire? What’s wrong?” he immediately asked when he saw her expression change into a pensive one once more.
“It just hit me that Rafael might be the last real human contact I ever get to have, not through plastic.” She took the plastic surrounding his wrist between her two fingers, rubbing the material between them. His head told him to reassure her, but his heart couldn’t stand to be that far away from her, even if the suit was still separating them.
He moved from his chair, sitting down next to her, and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to him; not as close as he’d like, but it would have to do. “Look at me.” he said, trying to keep his voice level, letting the emotions take control after some time. Their eyes met, same emotions reflected in them. “You can’t think like that. You can’t give up.”
His soft gaze made her feel as though she could almost touch him, through all the layers of thick plastic. Rip apart the barriers that kept them away from each other, hold onto him and never let him go again.
“But I can kiss you… sort of.” her voice was raspy when she said those words, her hand already raising his until she could press her lips to his knuckles, shielded away from her. He cupped her chin, stroking the line of her cheekbone with his thumb tenderly. He muttered her name, softly and quietly, trying to find the words for the impossible situation they’ve found themselves in, but found none.
With his hold on her never wavering, he maneuvered them into the horizontal position, allowing her head to rest, her eyelids drooping against her will slightly. Their gazes were still locked, like they were since the moment he stepped inside her realm of isolation, and they remained that way until she fell deeper into his embrace, nuzzling her face against his chest with a ragged breath.
“I’m glad I at least got to hold you one last time…” she muttered, inhaling the clean scent of the room they were in. His hold on her tightened, expressing how much he wanted to be confident in his own words.
“This isn’t the last time, Claire. I promise you that.”
He was right. In the morning, her friends arrived with the cure, and hours later, she was showered and recovering in her very own, new and clean, room, taking every opportunity she had to rest. Her flatmates came by, but couldn’t stay for long, with their shifts starting soon. One person that was by her side every moment he could, was Ethan.
He visited her more times than a boss checking up on his colleague would be deemed appropriate, but he didn’t care. When he asked Sienna, earning himself a teasing grin from her in the process, he learned that none of their coworkers noticed or cared about him and Claire being close, the information being the last push he needed to spend as much time with her as he could or wanted.
The first time he visited, he lingered in the doorframe, watching her with a vulnerable and timid smile. She turned her head at the feeling of a slight heat on the side of her face, her eyes brighter at the sight of him. She beckoned him to sit next to her, neither of them saying anything yet.
His hand was shaking when he took hers gently, unable to believe that they were able to touch each other again, that she made it through and that they still had a chance. After last night, not much was left unsaid and they both knew where their feelings were placed. They still had a long way to go, but Ethan was ready to take the leap, follow her wherever she wanted to take him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, tangling and detangling their fingers nervously. Claire stretched a bit, sitting up in her bed.
“I’m much better now. Headache is letting up too.” He placed his other hand on her forehead, his cool skin meeting her slightly warmer one. A small moan escaped her lips as her eyes fell shut. “Now that is perfect.”
“Yeah?” he laughed, looking at her with utmost adoration. She nodded, breathing in and out deeply. When she gazed at him again, their faces were much closer than she remembered them to be. Her first instinct was to lean away, expecting him to do the same, as they were in the hospital and anyone could walk in on them. Their only ally was the fact that the room didn’t have a window, so one would have to open the door to actually see what was happening inside.
But he didn’t do that. After coming so close to losing her, every moment with her felt precious, and he had every intention of savoring it. The heat of her body, the scent of her shampoo, the comfort of simply talking to her and being by her side. Yesterday’s Ethan Ramsey would keep his distance and maintain a professional front, even if it hurt him. The new Ethan Ramsey simply didn’t care anymore. Or, rather, he cared more than he used to be able to admit. He’s spent past months wallowing in regret and drowning in endless ocean of what-ifs. To say that he was tired of his own rules would be an understatement.
Ethan pressed a soothing kiss to the inside of her wrist, whispering softly, his voice full of pain. “You don’t even know…” he trailed off, his voice breaking for a split second before he composed himself again, taking a deep breath to ground himself.
“I know.”
It became their routine. For the next five days, she would wake up just in time to see him walking through the door, two steaming cups in his hands, one coffee and one tea. Once she was cleared to eat normal food again, he also began bringing meals he’s spent every evening and half of his nights making, both of them talking quietly while eating.
“You’re going to spoil me too much with all this delicious food. How am I supposed to move back to eating instant ramen?” she gasped dramatically, her grin growing even wider when he smirked.
“You could always eat dinner with me. I wouldn’t complain.” He pointed out, words leaving his lips before his mind could filter them. He really wouldn’t mind if she agreed to spend more time with him. His own bold words made a wave of excitement run down his spine, endorphins rushing through his bloodstream. Her eyebrow shot up teasingly, making him sweat for her answer until, eventually, she nodded, so happy she could probably emit light.
“Is that a date, then?” her voice betrayed how nervous but hopeful she was. The same euphoric expression appeared on his face, just like it did a few nights ago; he decided, right then and there, that he’s been longing to feel like this for a long time. Since the moment the thought of them being together became a possibility, in fact. This feeling of fullness, of being exactly where he wanted to be.
“It’s whatever you want it to be, Claire. Though, I won’t lie, I would very much like to take you out on a proper date once you’re fully recovered.” He kissed her cheek, his eyes holding the streak of vulnerability when he leaned away. “And I’d like to be there for you in the meantime.”
They both visibly relaxed, tension leaving their bodies as they fell into their each other’s arms, the embrace warm, as tight as he dared to hold her given the circumstances, carrying the desperation that seemed to still have them in its hold.
“I’d like that very much.” she muttered, her words muffled by the material of his white coat, pressed against her lips.
“Dr. Trinh, may I speak to you?” he called out, probably a bit louder than he should, a few interns stopping in their tracks, terrified and feeling sorry for the resident. Sienna, however, kept her face neutral as she followed the attending to his office, observing his face carefully, trying to decipher what could this possibly be about. As soon as the door closed and he got visibly got nervous, she had her answer.
“How are things going with Claire?” she asked lightly, cocking her head to the side when his gaze hardened for a second, coming to his senses immediately after he remembered their conversation a few days back. He cleared his throat before answering.
“I’d like to believe they’re good. Going in the right direction too. That’s actually why I asked you here.” He guided her towards the seat by his desk, twisting his fingers anxiously. “Claire is getting discharged today. We talked about me picking her up, and she suggested staying at my apartment, but I think she’d be more comfortable in her out home, in her own bed. Surrounded by things she knows.”
“No offense, Dr. Ramsey, but I’m pretty sure she knows your apartment pretty well too.” She giggled when a furious blush started creeping up his neck, unable to disagree with what she said. “But besides that, what is it that you’re asking me here?”
“I don’t want to be an inconvenience to you, and I’ll understand if you’re unable to help me, but I thought I’d ask.” He stumbled over his words, the whole premise causing him to lose the ability to think clearly. “Would it be possible for Claire and I to- uh…”
“Watching you stumble over your words is an unusual sight, I must say. Are you asking me if we could spend the night somewhere else so that the two of you could have the freedom to talk?” she made it easier for him, sensing his cry for help in the way he talked.
“Yes.” He blurted out, shocked at his own forwardness. “There are some things we need to discuss. I just want her to be as comfortable as possible.”
“We just so happen to have wanted a sleepover at Bryce’s place. What a coincidence, huh?” she smiled enigmatically, then took her phone and sent the message to the rest of her flatmates excluding Claire. Minutes later they had their answer. “We’ll leave the house at six thirty. Claire has the keys. Good luck, Dr. Ramsey.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, smiling to himself as he fell deeper into his chair. All that was left to do was get through the rest of the day, get her discharged and hope for the best.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” He greeted her, waving a stack of papers in his hand. Claire’s eyes widened in excitement, swinging her legs over the side of the bed almost immediately.
“You’re kidding.”
“When do I ever joke, Dr. Herondale.” His features hardened momentarily, only to melt into the teasing smile right after.
“Ooh, so serious and professional.” she joked, walking over to him slowly. Her hand brushed against his, sparks flying up their arms. “I haven’t been to your apartment in a while.”
“Actually, I’m taking you back to your place.” He picked up her bag, turning to look at her. Her mouth opened in surprise and confusion, unsure what he was talking about.
“I thought you wanted to keep an eye on me.” she muttered, her spirit falling as her hopes for the evening began to fall apart.
“I still intend to do that. I just think that you’d be more comfortable in your own space, your own home and bed.” Ethan felt his cheeks reddening, holding his breath while waiting for her answer.
“Are you sure that you want to spend the night with all my flatmates? I wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact that I… kinda hoped to be alone with you.”
“Oh, really?” he smirked, wrapping his arm around her waist and pressing them against each other gently. “Then I guess it’s good that they’re sleeping at Bryce’s place tonight.” He watched how the corners of her lips went up and up, forming a charming smile, a quiet question hanging between them. “I asked Sienna if she could arrange it. I think she wants us to talk.”
“She does, I have no doubt about that.” Claire’s feet moved on their own, bringing her even closer to him, stopping just as they were breathing the same air. Her gaze strayed from his eyes to his lips, staring at them shamelessly. “Take me home, then.”
Ethan offered her his arm, a warm sensation spreading in his chest when he felt her touch, firm and trusting. Gripping the bag in his other hand, they moved towards the exit, making sure to leave her discharge papers at the nurse’s station.
He held her hand throughout the whole way to her apartment, and even when they walked towards the elevator, he still wouldn’t let her get too far away. There was an intense need in every move he made towards her; she noticed it on the very first day after she was cured. His touch was lingering, his hands gripping hers for a moment longer than usual. His gaze swallowed her whole. His kisses that never reached her lips, no matter how much both of them wanted it, were tender but with underlying strength to them, fueling them both for the next couple of hours until they would meet again.
Claire dug up her keys from her purse, opening the door to let them in. Ethan set the bag down on the floor next to the entrance to her room, turning to look at her. She remained by the front door, hands folded behind her back, looking at him with the intensity that made him fall apart. With each step she took towards him, his heartbeat got faster, his senses gained sharpness, tuning into her frequency.
“What’s your plan?” she asked, taking one of the buttons of his sweater into her grasp, rolling it between her fingers. It was a genuine question, but she would be lying if she said that she didn’t mean to tease him. They were like that, always toeing the line, crossing it over and over again.
“You’re in control here, Claire. You tell me.”
“I’d kill for a shower. I would ask you to make yourself comfortable but…” she stepped on her tiptoes, her lips a mere inch away from his ear. “… you can always join me.”
He almost choked on air, his breath kicked out of his lungs at her suggestion. She kissed his cheek, giggling when she leaned away, seeing his face slightly redder than before. Figuring out that, at least to some extent, she was teasing him, he relaxed a bit, running his hand up and down her arm. “You go ahead and do that, and I’ll try to think of something to cook.”
With that, they separated for the next thirty minutes. She left the door slightly open in case something happened, or they needed to talk, their strategy from Miami still working wonders. Ethan managed to get the food cooked and waiting for them in twenty minutes, deciding to wait for her, sitting on the couch and observing the sun that was barely visible over the horizon.
He’s thought in depth about what he wanted to tell her. He knew what he wanted to tell her, so many sleepless nights spent on thinking of her, or rather, trying not to think of her. There always was a part of him that knew that all his desperate attempts at keeping his distance, pushing her away and denying what was so obviously in front of him, would fall short. He refused to believe it at the time, but here he was now.
The sound of the door closing and soft footsteps on the floor pulled him back into reality. Just as he was turning his head to look at her, she sat down, straddling him, her hands on both sides of his face, and the next thing he knew, her lips were touching his in a heated kiss. Surprised only for a moment, he placed his hands just above her hips, kissing her back with as much desperation and fire. She had her many ways of stealing his breath, but this one was one of his favorites.
She lowered herself onto his lap even more, a soft sigh escaping her lips at the contact. Ethan tried to keep his reactions at bay, letting her take over, giving himself over to her just as much as he was taking from her. He could feel her smile, his head leaning back a bit when her fingers pulled on his strands, a helpless moan echoing in the air.
He wasn’t able to tell how much time has passed, losing himself in her completely. Moving his hands to her face, he brushed her hair away, their eyes locked tightly as they stared at each other in utter silence. Water was dripping from the strands of her blonde hair, soaking his sweater and the T-shirt she was wearing. Ethan only now noticed that it was strangely familiar.
“How did you get ahold of my T-shirt?” he laughed, welcoming the sight of her in his clothes with familiarity he didn’t know he longed for. It barely covered her thighs, in their current position the material being bunched up around her hips, exposing a bit of her panties to his touch when his hands were holding her in place.
“A girl’s gotta have her secrets.” She echoed her own words from the very first day they met, his eyes sparking up in recognition. “Besides, we both know I look better in it anyway.”
They enjoyed their dinner, conversing quietly about anything other than the past couple of days or work. Ethan wanted her to relax, not think about her workload (which was already taken care of) or the horrific circumstances that led to her needing her rest in the first place. Once they moved back to the couch, Ethan having changed into more comfortable clothes, the blanket covering their legs, the conversation continuing. The biggest manifest of how comfortable they were with one another was all written in their moves, his arm draped over the back of the couch, his fingers playing with her hair while she inspected the lines of his other hand absentmindedly.
Suddenly, his smile dimmed, his shoulders falling with his heavy breath. Claire caught onto it immediately, squeezing his wrist with an underlying question. He looked into her eyes, blue irises gaining depth as he prepared to tell her the very thing that’s been haunting him for days now.
“I can’t get rid of the panic that takes over my whole body and mind when we separate.” He confessed, searching for more words, trying to come up with a way to explain it better. She listened to him patiently, her touch firm and reassuring. “It sounds crazy now that I think about it, but I’m sure the feeling will only increase when we’re both back to work. Every time I turn the corner or look inside the room, I’m scared that I- that you- ugh, goddamn it.” he let out a frustrated sigh, sliding closer to her and touching her cheek softly. “I’m terrified that I’m going to see you in danger again. I don’t think I can survive it the second time.”
He dove forward, capturing her lips in another kiss they shared his night. Only this time, the tone of it was entirely different. Gone was the fire, the heat and the lust that had driven them both to pull closer, to have, to own. Now, the need was greater, the desperation was more palpable, and the feelings were overflowing. Each time he leaned into her, she leaned back, until she was lying down with him hovering over her, barely keeping himself balanced on his elbows while her legs were wrapped tightly around his hips and her fingers were tangled in his hair once again.
Their faces were wet with tears, cleansing them of all the stress and anger they held within them. Ethan was the first one to lean away, resting his forehead against her collarbone, eyes still closed, breathing heavily. She stroked his back, basking in the warmth of his body, staring at the ceiling.
“I thought I was going to die in there.” she whispered, not trusting her voice to carry out the words. His entire body stiffened, eyes opening at once, his lips pressed to her skin. “Without telling you how much I need you. How much I want you, right here, by my side.” She lifted his head off her chest, making their eyes meet. “How much I care about you.”
“The moment I saw you in there was possibly the worst thing I could imagine. I’ve told you that before, but I’m never going to stop saying it. I’ve wasted so much time, trying to shield you from me; you and your work. I’ve never stopped to look at us.” He stroked her cheek, his smile full of pain but at the same time, hope. “There aren’t enough words in any language that could possibly express the grief I feel, or the sheer panic that froze me in place when I realized what was happening.” He paused, wiping first hers then his own face, just as a new batch of tears replaced the old one. “I want you to stay with me. I need you, Claire. In any and every way I can get you. I finally understand my feelings. And I won’t deny them anymore. The line is so far back that I don’t even remember what it looks like. You have me. You’ve had me for a long time now.”
She didn’t say a word for a long moment, searching for a confirmation. And she got it. In the way his eyes sparkled with utter happiness. In the way his hold on her never wavered, always believing in her. In the way his body relaxed after he finally told her everything.
Claire smiled so widely that her cheeks begun to hurt a bit, then hauled him onto her, kissing him with wild abandonment. “Let’s not wait for a next disaster to see where this leads us.”
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hello~ i saw you’re taking fluff ABC requests! can i get comte with C H J L S Y please? i hope thats not too much (if it is then just the first 3 will be fine), thank you!!! :)
Hiya friend! You absolutely may, not to worry, I love writing about Comte!! You’re very welcome, and I hope you enjoy my rambles :D 💖💖💖 Below a cut for length!
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
C = Cuddling (how does he like to cuddle?)
His favorite way to cuddle tends to be with her in his lap in any permutation of that position. Usually she’s sitting on his thighs with her legs over the arm of a chair/on the other side of the couch, or she’s all curled up between his legs (she feels guilty about being too heavy and making his legs fall asleep, no matter how much Comte protests). She’ll lean against his chest and close her eyes, or hug him around his shoulders and snuggle close to his neck while he wraps his arms around her waist. From time to time his hand might fall to her thigh, stroking gently, or he might drop a kiss to her forehead/shoulder--anywhere he can reach, really. Either way, it’s a very comfortable position for both of them; he’ll always have a blanket ready to drape over her in the winter time since she often falls asleep that way. He loves it because he can watch over her and soak in some quality time at his leisure, no demands being made of him and no chaos to resolve. Just the quiet, the crackle of a hearth/fire perhaps, and the rhythmic sound of her breathing--beating heart steady. She’s safe, she’s warm, she’s cherished, and she’s content; what more could he ask for? (She loves it too because she just loves being wrapped up in the scent of him and in his arms, falls asleep so readily because of how comforted she feels ;-;).
He also loves having her legs around his hips when she’s in his lap--but that usually leads to sexy times, and this is fluff hour, my darlings ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
H = Holding Hands (when/how does he like to hold hands?)
Literally the only time this man would ever say no to hand-holding is when he has to actively use his hands for something else. (Basically sees her empty hand and sees his own empty hand and is just the “Is for me? 👉👈” meme). Otherwise he would die before saying no. That being said, he tends to be pretty practical and chill about it. Out on the town? Likes to hold her hand to keep her close, likes showing off his favorite person in the world, loves the feel of her hand against his own--warm. (From time to time his thumb will drift to her fluttering pulse along her wrist and he’ll sigh blissfully; it reduces his terrifying intrusive worries about losing her suddenly to mere background noise.) 
Usually it’ll just be her hand in his, but when it comes to sexy times he’s more partial to their fingers being intertwined ;)
J = Jokes (does he like to joke around with or prank her? how?)
Okay but this one made me laugh, only because my first thought was “he’s a clown s2g”. What I mean to say is that he’s a huge tease; really enjoys gently flustering his love. He’d never cross boundaries or do anything appalling, but he will ask her to do things that make her bashful because he thinks it’s absolutely adorable/endearing to see her out of sorts. Seduction is the name of his game, and he intends to see both of them have fun along the way (he’s a lovable rascal). Will ask her to undress him after a long day to enjoy the blush on her cheeks in the privacy of their room, or ask her to kiss him goodbye at the door if he has to go into town to run an errand. They will be simple little requests, or even observations sometimes~
One surefire way to surprise him/get him back though is to respond to his teasing with utterly serious love--it makes him freeze in his tracks every single time. If she anticipate his moves, he will be completely baffled for a moment. For example, say it’s his usual tea time and he’s really absorbed in his work (or he’s pretending to be). “MC would you mind--” Be one step ahead of him, hold that macaroon up to his lips like “Don’t worry, sweetheart, leave it to me--say ah~” And he will literally scream internally and die; he won’t ever see it coming. 
Note: this will lead to rigorous love-making in one way or another (either that moment or later that night) so be forewarned if she seeks to thwart him HAHA 
Beyond that, though, I think he and his MC are also a naturally light-hearted couple; they find fun wherever they are and joke around easily. Whether that means teasing each other, or just snickering over puns/nonsense.
L = Love (how does he show her he loves her?) Take two! I did another one with a different spin on it without realizing because I’m literally too in love with him to stop
If I’m honest? I think Comte’s biggest indicator of genuine, abiding love is vulnerability. He is always overcompensating, always acting to make other people comfortable; always a little too giving. If MC can encourage him to be greedy, to let down his guard with her--to be less than polished and perfect and magnanimous to the point of self-silencing--that is the greatest way he can show love. It means he trusts her to see him for all that he is, hiding nothing, and isn’t afraid that doing so will mean losing her forever. People can rely on him too much, ask for too much, and while he does love answering people’s needs and seeing them happy, at the end of the day he can neglect himself sometimes. She coaxes him out of his protective isolation slowly by showing him that he’s safe and loved even when he gets a little needy for affection, a little needy for reassurance. When she shows him that he’s still adorable and sweet and precious when he asks for help, he is like putty in her hands. Fair warning to MC though--if she does this she better be prepared to be spoiled tenfold in return; he can’t help himself!
S = Secrets (how open is he with her?)
Comte is a slow burn through and through my friends; he needs time to really open up. It’s not that he thinks MC will betray his trust or regard him with indifference; rather, he doesn’t have much confidence others will like him in his more vulnerable state. (And honestly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if people have toyed with his weaknesses in the past. Yes, Vlad, I’m looking at you.) He just assumes he’s a lot of baggage, that the truth of who he is and how he thinks is just too depressing. He tends to hide his more overwhelming feelings and loneliness, tends to hide what he wants; he doesn’t want to impose on others or burden them. That being said, if one pays attention to his tells, if she shatters the illusion of his composure with confident concern, he will begin to share what he’s thinking more and more. He will give up the facade slowly, reach out to her more consistently as she offers him a safe, sensitive place to rest. (I feel like his biggest indicator is sudden silence: if he doesn’t know what to say it’s usually because he’s either caught off guard or overwhelmed by emotion, and he needs a second to conceal it). 
I don’t think he’ll ever be completely open with his feelings like that in any kind of public setting. He needs the comfort of privacy, the truth of who he is hers and hers alone; it is a privilege that belongs to his beloved. He will share bits and pieces of himself outside, snapshots of what he’s truly like, but the entirety of his selfhood will be concealed only between them two. 
Y = Yes (how would he propose to her?)
Haha, this will actually come up in his MS and a future event, so look forward to it! But there are some big points to hit home when it comes to his proposal process. 
First and foremost, he doesn’t give a single fuck what others think. He considers marriage and everything that comes with it secondary to the truth that lies between him and his cherished one. Does she want to stay by his side, and is she ready for that level of commitment? Before he ever goes public with the depth of their ties, he needs to know that they are on the same page without equivocation in private. And more importantly, what her comfort zones are. Does she even want marriage? Does she want it to be a public affair, or would she prefer less fanfare? How does she want to go about this?
He thinks marriage in and of itself is a cheap promise for eternal creatures; it’s too lodged in social convention and cultish religious tradition to mean squat to him. He will take their bond seriously, and he will absolutely respect her feelings about marriage, but he wants something more timeless and equal between them--something not easily severed. He will wait as long as he needs to for her to be ready for that. Marriage to him is more of a universally acknowledged symbol of their union; a way for other people to recognize that they’re devoted to someone else, and a way for him to express deep romantic feeling openly. As long as he knows at the end of the day that they’ll always be together on their own terms, side by side, that’s really all that matters to him.
His proposal will begin in private; it will be an intimate, fairly solemn moment between them. Is she ready to become a vampire’s bride? Can she accept that kind of future, and everything that comes with it? He doesn’t want her to be socially pressured by a crowd or even himself and the other residents of the mansion--he wants this to be her choice and vow, through and through. This isn’t about getting her to agree, this is about gauging where she is emotionally. If she needs more time to be sure, he’s happy to give it (but when he proposes he will have paid very careful attention to her potential receptivity; it is unlikely he would jump the gun and risk frightening her).
He will take her to a little church at midnight, well into the darkest hours of the night. Each breath will hang like a whisper in the air, swallowed by the cool and amplified by the quiet. He will try to provide a dress for her, but if she’s partial to one she already has, he won’t protest (he will just pout because he LIVES to buy her dresses and this is a special occasion, one he intends to remember forever ;-;). He’ll take a moment at the altar where a ceremonial binding would usually happen, and pause. 
He looks more serious than usual, his expression penetrating. He’ll take her hands in his own, squeeze them gently as her gaze finds his. The silence is gentle, but anticipatory--charged with what’s to come. He speaks slowly and softly.
“I’ve asked you before, but I’m going to ask one more time, here and now; a vow between us. Will you stay by my side, a vampire’s bride, for as long as this life gives us? Will you marry me someday?”
They’ve talked about the prospect before, and she’s already proved her mettle--she has expressed no intention of letting him go. Even if that means becoming like him in the future to stay together, even if that means facing the grief of losing human friends and family. She knows what it means to agree to this bond, and she’s thought it through; she knows this is what she wants. She dreads a future devoid of his presence so much more than any necessity to forfeit her mortality.
“Of course I will,” her answer is equally soft but firm, every bit the woman he fell in love with; sensitivity lined with steel. 
The next second she’s leaping into his arms and he laughs, melting into the delight of her certainty, relieved to know he isn’t alone (and won’t be alone ever again), more in love than he ever thought he could be. He holds her tight for a moment before letting go, pressing a kiss to her left ring finger--one he fully intends to adorn with a proper ring of his choosing (he was having it made to suit her so it would take a little longer to be ready, one of a kind).
That being said whenever she’s ready (or wants) to have a public ceremony, he’s ready with bells on! He will listen very, very carefully to the customs she recognizes as binding and the kind of wedding she wishes for, and will essentially ensure that the process reflects a balance of their mutual desires (as always, leaning into what she wants a little more). He’s also a hopeless romantic, so despite his private feelings about marriage, he will enact all the cute little traditions he’s picked up along his long, long life that express earnest wishes/prayers for a bride's happiness. If it makes her smile--and sometimes cry happy tears--then he thinks it simply makes all those years he waited for her to enter his life worth it.
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kylosupremeimagines · 4 years
Clyde Logan A-Z Fluff
(Special thanks to @driversmutbucket​ for helping me with this!) 
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A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?) Pet names, oh god, the amount of pet names that man has for you. At the beginning of your relationship you actually thought he had forgotten your name. Darling, sweetheart, baby, doll, sweetness, sweetie, honey, precious, angel, pumpkin, sweet pea....etc Clyde Logan is one affectionate teddy bear. He is so sweet with you that he gets teased about it by his friends and family- Jimmy often pretends to vomit. In public he makes it know that you are his woman.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you) Even if it’s a little cheesy, one of his best memories would be his first date with you, no matter how long he knew you beforehand. It shows that you have an interest in being more than just friends with him and gives him hope for a future family. He will remember even the smallest of details such as which way your hair is parted.
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious) Dog, he loves their loyalty and unwavering affection,  although he doesn’t have one of his own, he would love to have one eventually. It would be comforting to know you had a protector when he was working long nights at the bar.
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?) It is simple, really. A big family. With you.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?) If he isn’t working, Clyde loves having dinner with you, then snuggling up on the sofa with you and reading. Enjoying the peace and just being with you.
F = first date (what was it like?) He wanted to do something extremely special so he brought you out to a lake, planning a cute little picnic. There wasn’t really anyone else around and he brought your favorite foods, so it was perfect.  He even brought some wine, but wouldn’t make you drink it if you’re not a fan or don’t drink alcohol. He manages to kiss you, and stars was it the most loving kiss you could ever share with someone.
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?) He’ll laugh at just about any hilarious thing someone does, and certainly shows his teeth in that wide, amazing grin of his. His laugh sounds genuine to his entertainment, coming deep from the chest.
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?) Clyde Logan is a goddamn teddy bear. He gives the best hugs. Warm, firm and enveloping. He loves cuddling you, he could all day. Sometimes he does. He isn’t particularly cuddly with other people, being a bit shy. You know once he has babies of his own he will hardly put them down due to all the cuddles he will be giving.
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?) Considering that he only has one hand, he can’t exactly play any instruments. But if he used to play, it most likely would’ve been an acoustic guitar. Though now he still can sing pretty decently.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?) Family. It’s all he really needs to be happy in life. He would give every ounce of love to his family to the point some people believe it’s a bit excessive. However he would not care about their opinion as his family and the ability to love them gives him more joy in life than he knows what to do with.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?) Clyde can be quite the mix with his kisses. Usually he will be loving with them, not afraid to show you physical affection. He’ll run his thumb over your cheek as he leans down to deepen it, lips dancing passionately against yours. He loves that one second yet meaningful good morning kiss.
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush) Jimmy once referred to it as “love drunk”. When he met you he was completely distracted, couldn’t think of anything else but you, and he told you as much. He would mess up drinks at work- something he never did, trip over his own feet when he saw you and be unable to form sentences.
“My brother is damn love drunk on ya y/n, it’s like aliens have removed half his brain.” Jimmy Logan
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?) Over your time together, his favorite will end up being your wedding day. It symbolizes that you truly will spend the rest of your lives together. And it would make one great day. Imagine the sex that night with Clyde 😉
N = no (what is their pet peeve?) Clyde likes  to know where you are and that you are safe. He hates it when you don’t let him know your plans, or don’t answer your phone or reply to his messages. He will work himself into a state, thinking the Logan curse has struck again if you don’t get in touch in a timely manner.
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?) To be a father. That’s the ultimate for Clyde. He is happy running Duck Tape, and doesn’t yearn for anything beyond that in his career but being a father? Dream job.
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?) An absolute bloody pushover. He will spoil his kids rotten, shower them in love and affection and let them know they are goddamn miracles to him. Clyde will be the kind of dad that has your children’s friends wishing he was their dad. Your place will always be filled with your children’s friends, noisy and happy.
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines) He isn’t too sure what to believe but considering he’s a firm believer in the so called Logan Family Curse, it’s probably safe to say that he does believe in something. He gave into the old ghost stories his siblings would tell him as a kid and it would scare him shitless. He refuses to deny the existence of some intelligent life out there in space. And the list goes on.
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?) Clyde May doubt how well he can express his love, but sometimes he can do so without even trying. You can see the love in his every action, ever facial expression, every gesture. He will remind you how much he cares and do little things for you. Although sometimes it’s with advice from Mellie, he plans the best dates for you. And man the list goes on.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail) You. It doesn’t matter if he’s physically with you or you pop into his thoughts, you will make him smile each time without fail. Overall his family will do the same as it’s the most important thing to him.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average) Clyde adores you beyond belief but he knows how to keep his boundaries. He wants to be around you as often as he can but knows when to back off. It’s not like he can’t handle being away from you as long as he knows that you’re doing alright and are safe.
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable) Clyde has the tendency to pay more attention to how others are doing before he checks in with himself. He asks you a lot how you’re doing, sometimes to the point where it’s a few times an hour. It can leave you to worry about him when he’s neglecting himself.
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?) Opposes to video, he’s more likely to take photos. Why why put together a whole photo album that you can look back on years down the road and reminisce about your life together with the family?
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?) The wedding would more than likely be out in the woods right by the family’s cabin. All your friends and family would be there, Little Sadie would be the flower girl, and Clyde would be more handsome in that suit than he’s ever been. Overall it would be a great time, and you’d even be able to stay at the cabin for your honeymoon if you wanted. Though, he will feel a little off not having the ring on the traditional finger so you two decided that you too would wear yours on your right ring finger.
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?) Not that it should be anything for him to be embarrassed about, but he has a huge soft spot for animals. He had a dog he adored in his childhood, and a lot of other pets that came in and out of his family’s lives. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a few animals with you; though he wants to get at least one dog.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything) Other men perving on his woman. RIP them, cause he will go straight up feral on their ass.
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons) Clyde is always happy to wake up when you are in his bed. He loves those slow lazy mornings where you cuddle and  make love lazily. His sleeping is a bit all over the place. Sometimes he sleeps incredibly heavily, other times restlessly, especially if you aren’t there. He still has occasional PTSD nightmares from his service. Luckily they are becoming less frequent.
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