#Knightsbridge hollow
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One final piece for 2023, featuring Muriel and her lil pet phoenix (before it's fully grown and starting it's death/life cycle ;D
This year definitely went by faster than anticipated, and had plenty of ups and downs for me along the way:
I made the decision to finally pull life support on Genesis Dissentire and Galactic Patrol, and use certain things from the respective stories to fit into the various stories that'll be taking place in the Sci Fi WIP, which I haven't forgotten! It's just that I'd like to get back into my first love of comicking for a bit, so I'm setting the Wip aside for a while to work on Knightsbridge Hollow and--hopefully--finish it within 2024!
Speaking of Knightsbridge Hollow...I've been working on that more and the Parallels universe in hopes of actually doing something with a bunch of characters and storylines that my sister and I have had sitting around since high school!
I took a massive step back from fan characters this year to focus on original stuff, and I think my social media presences suffered a lot from that LOL The lack of engagement is especially more significant here, so I might space out my posts to a few times a month or so, though if things keep going the way that they go, I might hop off this account indefinitely. We shall see!
I got into candle making! It's actually very relaxing and very fun, and I'm hoping to add some onto my Etsy this upcoming year!
I've been feeling increasingly more useless when it comes to my job, the 50+ job applications I've thrown out this year (and only a handful of interviews I got out of them), and friendships, as I've gone through being the friend who gets left in the dust yet again. I can't help but feel like something is Wrong with me, and that I'll have to be satisfied with my job, and being the obnoxious person who can't read the room and gets ghosted until I learn my lesson.
Depression's been Real this year. Turns out the therapist I got last year was only good at taking my money and not actually helping me, and I can't really afford therapy right now anyways, so I've just been floundering around this year, clawing my way to the surface from depression cycles, only to fall back under again and force myself to get through the day when the only thing I wanna do is curl up into a ball and die lol
Prayers for being happy with my circumstances, a new job on the horizon with better pay/hours, and not letting social media and stuff get me down would be appreciated!
If you made it this far, BLESS. Thanks for sticking around with my and my goofy lil imaginary people!
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cockamamieschemes · 7 months
Second draft outline for KH? DONE. I need to read over it and see if I need to change anything else and add a few notes here and there, but I'm hoping to get started on a script soonish!
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
My first attempt at a modern au! Based off a fantastic idea by @minky-for-short where Stephen and Lucien's relationship starts off as a sugar daddy arrangement!
Please consider leaving a comment over on Ao3
If anyone had asked- God forbid, he’d rather die- Stephen would have rushed to his own defence. He’d probably have done it while turning bright red and spluttering but he’d have insisted it was just a matter of timing.
It wasn’t a lie. He’d have to work right up until he went to meet Lucien if he wanted to get the reports on his last few cases submitted in time. Lucien had meetings early in the morning, Stephen didn’t want to ask him to push their date back any further than he already had and the thought of cancelling...well that wasn’t an option. Not because of Lucien, who was extremely flexible and understanding as far as people in this kind of arrangement went. He just couldn’t and he wasn’t going to give it any more thought than that.
But it was just because of the timing. Stephen wasn’t getting off on this or anything. There just wasn’t going to be time to change into it between the end of his overly long day at the justiciary and the start of his date so wearing it all under his work clothes was the only option. He’d have insisted that until he ran out of air, if anyone had asked, probably before jumping out of the nearest window.
But this, Stephen did have to admit to himself, was entirely indefensible. This was just because he was a hopeless degenerate.
“Just going to the bathroom,” he announced in what he hoped was a casual tone, dropping his pen down with a thunk on the blanket of newspapers spread out on his desk, ones he’d been scouring for signs of magical miscreancy. More than half of their cases came from just noticing something odd in those tiny stories crushed up into the margins of local papers.
From the desk that joined onto his, though much neater and better organised and with less coffee cup rings etched permanently onto it, Esther looked up with a frown.
“I’m not your teacher, Steph. But okay, good for you,” she muttered before turning back to her computer. She’d lost their game of rock paper scissors that morning so it was her turn to deal with all of the emails that were inevitably sent to the justiciary every day, majority of which were complete nonsense and all of which were painful to read.
Stephen winced, snatching up his phone and making a quick exit before he could make it any more obvious that he was hiding something. Getting to the bathroom was harder that it really should have been, given how close the desks were shoved together, how many stacks of papers sat precariously on desk edges, how many odd trinkets and artefacts humming with magic were left to scatter across the faded carpet. But Stephen had worked there amongst the justiciary’s chaos for long enough that he made it to the other side of the cramped office without causing a disaster, only needing to nudge a few things back into place with his power as he went. Thankfully at this hour there was no one else still here to express their irritation.
The bathrooms in the Council Building were a microcosm of the rest of the place- too small, poorly maintained, outdated and a decent place to cry when overstressed, overworked and overwhelming. But for once, Stephen was rather grateful for that fact because it meant the bathroom was only built for one person at a time, meaning he could lock the door and be confident that no one was going to walk in on him doing what he was about to do.
Stephen pushed back his hair and gave a long, steady exhale. Since he’d entered into this arrangement with Lucien Vaudrey he’d been doing a lot of thinking with cock rather than his brain and, honestly, he’d had no reason to regret it yet. Save a few mornings where walking wasn’t as easy as it might have been.
So his brain didn’t get a look in, he put his back to the door and quickly yanked open the first few buttons of his shirt, just enough that he could pull his collar aside and show a little of what was underneath. Not too much, just the start of the lacy paneling that made up the band that circled his upper chest, the edge of one of the black straps that zig zagged across his body in an array that had taken longer to work out than he was willing to admit.
Stephen ran his thumb along the black lace, shivering a little. He’d been so wrapped up in his work since walking into the office that he’d mostly forgotten it was there but every so often he’d shift in his chair or he’d stand too quickly and he’d feel the feathery touch of all that silk slip between his skin and his clothes like a caress. He’d had to shove the awareness away very quickly before it could send any more than a quick jolt to his groin and was just thankful that today had been one spent entirely at his desk.
But he was only wearing it because of the timing. He was on a tight schedule. Of course.
Now, as he flicked his phone camera open with a thumb and held it at a slightly raised angle like he’d seen people do when they knew far more about taking selfies than he did, he couldn’t help but be aware of it all. The way it snaked around his body and held him tight, branching out like roots hidden in the ground, putting the barest pressure on his hips and chest and the curve of his arse like the ghost of Lucien’s hands. Invisible under his deliberate choice of a dark blue shirt and his usual shabby suit, except for the barest glimpse he was allowing. Only known to him.
And now to Lucien.
Stephen took a quick photo of himself, holding his shirt open with one hand, using a little of his power to brighten his eyes. Of course he didn’t find the picture particularly impressive, all he saw when he looked it back over were the hollowness of his cheeks, the jut of his overly large nose and the immense bags under his eyes. How his hair needed brushing and the out of place tooth that showed in the slight part of his lips. But he’d learned to trust Lucien’s opinion on these things, his blindness to all the flaws that jumped out to his own eyes, and his lover’s response to this picture was too good to pass up for the sake of insecurity.
So he opened up the many texts he’d been exchanging lately with the contact in his phone that was nothing but an emoji of a feather. He typed out a quick message before attaching the photo and sending it on it’s way.
Got your present this morning. What do you think?
Stephen gathered himself together quickly, buttoning his shirt again and checking swiftly in the mirror that nothing was showing through. He wasn’t sure what someone looked like when they were wearing lingerie under their clothes but he tried to make his whatever the opposite of that was. With a thought, he set off the old, roaring hand dryer so it would sound like he’d been doing something people were supposed to do in bathrooms. When dealing with Esther, there was no such thing as overcovering his tracks.
He navigated his way back through the obstacle course of office equipment and magical paraphernalia to where Esther was scowling at her computer screen and stabbing the keys as she typed.
“I swear, if we get one more sodding email about UFOs I’m going to throw this thing out of the window,” she declared, viciously deleting like each one had offended her personally.
“Y’know there are days I wish practitioners actually were secretly working for a cabal of interdimensional aliens,” Stephen hummed, sliding back into his chair, “We’d probably have more funding if we were.”
Esther gave a mirthless snort of laughter, the text on her screen reflecting in her glasses, not even glancing from it as she took a swig of coffee. A mug had appeared on his desk too, freshly steaming.
Stephen was about to thank her when his phone buzzed in his hand, making him jump. He scrambled to check it, feeling his heart thud when he saw it was from Lucien. Two messages, short and sharp and impossible not to read in his cool tones.
Beautiful witch
You are in so much trouble
The handful of hours between those messages and half past ten had felt like an eternity. Enough that Stephen couldn’t hide his haste as he nearly sprinted from the Council Building to the Underground. He spent the long ride from the shabby borough the justiciary called home to Knightsbridge staring at his phone, rereading that message over and over again, his mind running away with all that so much trouble implied. He knew fine well he was going to arrive flushed, already half hard and salivating, ready to do whatever Lucien asked of him.
He wove his way through the evening crowds, stumbling into the bar they always came into. It was a sleek, expensive looking place, the kind of bar he’d never set foot in if he hadn’t been beckoned by Lucien. He felt every penny in his meagre paycheck when he walked through the door but he did like the warmth, the rich leather, the fact that nearly all of the other couples there were pairs of men too. He liked how Lucien would put his arm around him as they sat in their usual booth and he’d feel that flicker of belonging, in spite of everything else.
Stephen’s eyes, betraying his excitement more than anything else by being a sparking gold, tracked over the room until he spotted him. Lucien, having far more control over his working hours, often arrived well before Stephen and sat with his laptop or a book or a newspaper, a glass of whiskey at his elbow. But today the table before him was clear of distractions, he simply sat with his fingers steepled at his lips, his fine features set into an expression of patience. The kind of face a hunting cat would wear, knowing their prey would be along in due course.
And when his clear, grey eyes locked on Stephen, he simply smiled.
Swallowing hard, the younger man leapt to attention, clearing the bar and sliding into the booth with his lover.
“Evening,” he tried, casually, though his heart was hammering and his cock was aching.
“Just what did you think you were playing at, sweet boy?”
Lucien dispensed with the pleasantries, his voice already dropped into the low, rolling tones he used when Stephen was about to lose his clothes. He spoke softly so their conversation didn’t carry past the oak panelled confines of their booth but not enough that Stephen missed the heat in his tone. He tried to get a grip on himself, he had a feeling he’d need to walk across the room before too long.
“I thought you’d want to see,” he shivered as his tone slipped almost unconsciously into something playful, something teasing and faux innocent, an affectation that would have made a past version of himself gape in disbelief, “It looked so pretty and the note said you wanted me to wear it tonight…”
Lucien’s eyes flashed, “Did the note say to be a little prick tease and send filthy pictures to me while I was infuriatingly far away and couldn’t get my hands on you?”
Under the table, Stephen felt Lucien’s far longer, wiry muscled legs slide over his own. After waiting all day even that bare contact, through two layers of clothing, had him swallowing back a whimper.
"No...” Stephen dropped his chin, seeming to bow under the intensity until he let his eyes flicker up and catch Lucien’s, “My lord.”
He watched as the hard line of his lover’s jaw tightened. They’d been in this arrangement for a couple of months now and one thing Stephen had learned, amongst a host of new desires he’d never suspected he owned, was those words. Those words, referencing the titles that Lucien actually did own but denied in his everyday life, were essentially a crooked finger. They were Stephen essentially pinning a badge to himself that read ‘complete and unapologetic brat’, carte blanche for Lucien to master him however he saw fit. To break him, if required.
“Then you deserve everything you’re getting, don’t you?” Lucien shifted into something not unlike a lion winding back to pounce, “Because if you’re going to act like a slut, that’s exactly how I’m going to treat you.”
Stephen felt those words grip him by the nerve endings and he knew fine well he was fidgeting but didn’t know how to stop. He just looked at Lucien with mute, pleading surrender.
“I am going to get up and go into the men’s bathroom,’ Lucien gave the low command, “In five minutes, when you’ve got some kind of control over yourself, you’re going to join me. And I am going to show you what happens when you think you can make me wait. Colour?”
That last word was ever so slightly softer, offered rather than dictated. Lucien never failed to check in with Stephen whenever they were playing. It was in their agreement, of course, but Stephen had the strong sense this was just how the man would be with all his partners, for all his domineering tendencies.
Stephen swallowed and glanced around. There weren’t many people in at this late hour, this bar was more of a sophisticated runway for a night out and most of the crowds had moved to somewhere louder and more raucous. Just a few couples, like them, more wrapped up in each other than anyone else, not quite ready to let their dates end. He did some nervous mathematics on how likely they were to get caught, balancing the number of other customers with his ability to double lock the door with magic, dividing in the failsafe that he could always use a little bit of fluence in a real emergency…
Hopeless degenerate, Day, his brain sighed.
“Green,” he murmured and he couldn’t help the grin that flickered to life on his face, just for a moment.
Lucien clearly forgave the break in character, answering with one of his own before composing himself and smoothly rising, looking effortlessly in control as he loped casually towards the gent’s. Stephen stared at his arse the entire time without much remorse. He’d already made his bed, after all.
He timed the five minutes on his phone, drinking the remainder of Lucien’s whiskey in the meantime, giving the heady, smoky taste of it every scrap of his attention in an attempt to redirect some blood flow. It took the full time before he judged himself ready to walk across the room, before he could scramble up and follow like a dog at his master’s call.
Twice in one day, Stephen found himself endlessly thankful for single-person bathrooms, as he was yanked into one by the front of his shirt and the door slammed behind him with the very reassuring click of a lock. He double secured it with a little magic, all the same, as Lucien kissed him fiercely.
“There you are,” Lucien purred once he was done bruising their lips, not letting go of Stephen’s lapels and keeping him awkwardly standing on his tiptoes, “Surprised you managed to wait the full five.”
“You told me too,” Stephen gasped, aware that Lucien’s eyes were looking into his shirt, hungrily tracing the lines of lace that were now visible.
Lucien chuckled, “Too late to try and be a good boy now, darling. Shirt open. Trousers down.”
Stephen willed the ether into work, knowing it always impressed Lucien just a little to see the buttons and zips and buckles falling away with apparently no effort at all. It was quicker too, only a few moments before he was as instructed, all of the lingerie now visible to Lucien’s searching gaze. He seemed to drink in the sight, his gaze ravenous as those grey eyes slid up and down the length of him.
“Didn’t I tell you that you’d look divine?” Lucien groaned appreciatively, running a finger under the lace trim below his chest, raising goosebumps as he went.
“Uh huh,” Stephen gasped, unable to be more articulate than that, his need drowning everything else, “My lord…”
“Against the sink, sweet boy,” those strong, slightly calloused hands took his shoulders and guided him until he was bracing himself on the edges of the sink, Lucien’s chest pressed against his back, “I want you to see yourself.”
So Stephen watched this other version of himself in the mirror, bathed in harsh light from overhead. He watched as his pupils blew wide, as his slightly swollen lips parted in a gasp when he felt Lucien shift to pull a bottle of something out of his jacket pocket. He watched this ethereal, high contrast version of himself flush as one large hand caressed the curve of his ass through the lace before hooking it to one side. He watched his eyelids flutter and his head tilt back when a slick finger teased him open, and saw his lace wreathed chest heave when it breached him. Stephen watched this man who was somehow him be opened and readied with care and attention, felt every moan reverberate in his own chest, felt his own nerves pulse and thrum with pleasure. And he found himself thinking, as much as he’d been unable to say it before, Lucien had been right.
He’d told him he’d look divine and he did. He’d told him he was beautiful and he was. Maybe he always had been.
“Ready?” Lucien murmured, grazing his earlobe with his teeth, “Give me a colour, sweet boy.”
“Green,” Stephen gasped, voice raw and ready to snap, “So green, my lord, please…”
He felt Lucien’s laugh echo through him, his arms coming around to press them close, “You need to be quieter, darling, or we’ll need to find a new date night place.”
“Well get on with fucking me then,” Stephen grumbled, forgetting himself in his desperation.
“Ah ah ah,” Lucien let his voice grow dangerous again, one hand snaking down to squeeze his aching cock through the lace panties, none too gently, “What kind of tone is that, sweet boy?”
Stephen whined, biting his lip and shuddering, “Sorry, my lord.”
“Better,” Lucien pulled his hand back, using it to unzip himself, “Don’t I always give you what you need?”
He proved his point as he moved the panties aside again, pressing into Stephen, now giving him everything he needed with no hesitation, right up to the hilt. Stephen had to fight to stay quiet, gripping the sink with white knuckles, planting his feet as far apart as he could to try and make room. Lucien paused, kissing the crown of his head, before finding a steady, natural rhythm with his hips, aware they didn’t exactly have a lot of time.
Stephen melted into it, gasps and grunts as soft as he could make them wrenching from his chest, shuddering as Lucien’s hands began roving again. Between the hand working him through the fabric and the cock pounding into him, the tension climbed punishingly fast, until he was scrabbling for balance, heart pounding, breath coming in desperate pants.
“I...fuck, Lucien, I’m there, I...oh god,” he gasped incoherently, arching back against his lover.
“I’ve got you,” Lucien groaned, shifting to work at a deeper angle, “Come for me, sweet boy.”
Stephen did, with a strangled moan, all of the waiting and teasing and tension unravelling in one blissful moment that turned his vision white. A heartbeat later he felt Lucien empty into him, heat pooling low in his stomach which then ignited into the familiar rush of power their lovemaking always gave him. He went rigid, feeling that rush that was so, so close to too much, but he knew it would ebb and leave him boneless and trembling in Lucien’s arms.
“We...may not have thought this through,” Lucien panted, steadying him gently.
“Because I’ve ruined the lovely underwear you got me?” Stephen murmured, closing his eyes a moment, “Because we’ve somehow got to clean ourselves up and walk out of here with some dignity? Because you might have to carry me because I’m not sure I can actually walk?”
Lucien chuckled, “All of that. But also…”
He held out his arms, showing the patches of tan skin where the magpies should be. They were off again, animated by Stephen’s magic, a few already exploring under the lace, pecking curiously.
“I really should have worn long sleeves,” Lucien admitted.
Stephen couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing, both hands flying to his mouth to try and muffle the sound. Lucien dissolved too, burying his face in Stephen’s curls as he shook with wracking laughter.
Stephen knew, with his trousers around his ankles and shirt slipping over one shoulder, standing in a public bathroom freshly fucked and wearing lace lingerie, he should be feeling like a hopeless degenerate. And he did, pleasantly so. But that wasn’t the only thing.
If anyone had asked him he would have denied it. But in that moment, Stephen felt loved.
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myhouseidea · 5 years
ADHOC architects team is proud to present the recently completed project “La Géode”, carried out in cooperation with the young promoters of Knightsbridge. The project is located on “de la Roche” Street, in the neighbourhood of Le Plateau Mont-Royal, a vibrant district with an exceptional urban vitality. In the light of its situation, the project aims to give a new breath to its plot with a contemporary residential building of five housing units. It should intend to reflect all the energy of this strategic sector where young professionals mix with families and couples. Thus, the project has to be a soft densification that fits into the current urban landscape without distorting it. One of the concerns is to keep families in the city by creating a quality living environment based on a green strategy. Photography by Adrien Williams.
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
To meet these challenges, ADHOC architects have devised a new typology on the plot by constructing both the street and the alley. By doing so, a central space is created and instantly reveals a new potential. The free space given by this new inner courtyard creates a living and organic place which strengthens the bond between private and public spaces, reflecting an innovative way of thinking.
A narrative spin has nourished the inspiration of the project while supporting the architectural concept that valued an open central heart and a peripheral organization. This concept is inspired by the geode; a hollowed mineral mass which interior is covered by crystals. The geode, under an austere and protective external appearance, conceals a true crystalline treasure. It reveals a natural form of staging that stimulates inspiration around the notion of contrast. This concept is exploited through the project at different levels. The exterior of the building is very sober, characterized by a modest materiality. The headers in the brick layer and the openwork masonry in front of the windows and loggias reflect the mineral roughness and protective aspect of the geode. The inner courtyard reflects its crystalline and blazing materiality.
Data Sheet: Project name: La Géode Architecture Firm: ADHOC architectes Lead Architects: Jean-François St-Onge, François Martineau Project location: 4341 rue de la Roche, Montréal, QC H2J3H8 Completion Year: 2017 Gross Built Area (square metres or square foot): 7200 square feet Photo credits: Adrien Williams
La Géode by ADHOC Architectes ADHOC architects team is proud to present the recently completed project “La Géode”, carried out in cooperation with the young promoters of Knightsbridge.
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Stories Masterpost
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Genre: Superhero, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Spy, Mystery
Synopsis: A group of ordinary people who live mundane lives all wake up together in a dreamworld/other dimension where they have superhuman abilities. This other reality is parallel to theirs, just with scifi/fantasy elements thrown in that are typical of a superhero universe. Part of the mystery is finding out how they are all brought to this other reality, and why they were “chosen” to connect as dreamers/heroes, but it becomes more difficult since the dream picks up where it left off if they go unconscious in the Superhero Reality/Mundane Reality, which leads to realities blurring.
I haven't really explored The Mundane Reality parts all that much yet, so this is mostly the superhero aspects that I've been developing/posting 😅
Tags: #parallels comic project | #parallels
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Knightsbridge Hollow*
Genre: A mix of mystery, comedy, fantasy, spy, and slight horror
Setting: 1961-62, British Countryside
Synopsis: Set in the Parallels universe, immortals John and Muriel Traxton move to the little English village of Knightsbridge Hollow after a disastrous attempt at living in the city outside of the pocket dimension they had been calling home since their marriage. Muriel wants to attempt a "normal" life, and John is just going along with it because he loves his wife and wants to support this endeavor. This, however, comes to bite them when it turns out that Knightsbridge is a magnet for all sorts of mana-infused people and creatures...and it seems like all of the creatures are working under someone who has it out for Muriel...
*Current comic project I'm working on
Tags: #knightsbridge hollow
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Sci Fi WIP Universe (it has a name but you have to find out on Patreon hehe)
Genre: Sci Fi
Setting: Thousands of years in the future, after humanity has colonized the known galaxy
Synopsis: I have three stories (so far) in this universe, all at different points in time!
Main Story - The one that I hope to write in the future that serves as the introduction to the universe these stories are set to take place in. Thrust into the seat of power after her father was assassinated, Empress Ariadne Fenway II has to contend with a planet of people who have been under the heel of the Fenway Dynasty for far too long and are ready to revolt as she tries to enact reforms to help make reparations. Ultimately she is forced to flee when a charismatic member from the Priest Sect who calls himself “The Demagogue” joins forces with a rival noble house on the planet and enacts a coup.
Tags: #untitled sci fi wip | #untitled sci fi story
Assassin Story - Follows two genetically-engineered assassins--Taran and Renata--as they navigate their new lives after breaking away from their masters and deciding to do things on their own terms. They have to come to rely on each other to avoid bounty hunters and other mercenaries sent after them, oh, and the Death Squad the Assassin Makers send to liquidate their AWOL assets. Set a century or two prior to the Main Story.
Tags: #assassin story
Shadow Sector - Takes place about a hundred years after the Main Story. The setting is on a massive research station in what has become known as "The Shadow Sector," following a widower, Shaw, and his three girls as isolationist genetically-engineered human societies start reintegrating back into the Imperium. This includes Representative deGrav'aine being sent to the Station as part of an exchange program for the GEs and Baseline humans to trade their knowledge. Unknown to the Imperium at large, there are some GEs and Baselines who are opposed to the commingling of races, and will do anything they can to put a stop to it, even perhaps starting a war.
Tags: #shadow sector
Okay. That's it. THERE YOU GO
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Muriel doling out some sorcery against someone who def deserves it. Hoping to get one more inktober piece in after this!! Fingers crossed!
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A very 1960s pop art inspired Traxton, just cuz ;)
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“Goin on a kelpie hunt, I’m not afraid” Final piece for #inktober2023 !! Didn’t make it for all of the days, but I got enough in where I’m pretty happy with what I worked on! There’s a few I’d like to redo digitally, so you may see some familiar pieces here again ;) Thanks for joining me and the Traxtons this October with exploring #knightsbridgehollow ✨🎃
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I've been researching artists from the 1960s with styles that would fit Knightsbridge Hollow, and Rene Gruau immediately stood out with his use of line weight and negative space--so I had to redraw a few of his pieces with Muriel and Traxton as the subjects to see how they'd look :)
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Trying something different! I wanted to have Traxton jumping through a window, then decided maybe I’d attempt something more symbolic?? Idk if it worked, but I had fun!
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Another location for the #knightsbridgehollow inktober series! This one features pretty heavily in Chapter Two ;)
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Magical Muriel for this St Patrick's Day pic! I was originally gonna go with another idea but it seemed too Valentine's Day-themed, so changed it up last minute. I'm still figuring out how to illustrate her powers for the comic, but I think I'm getting closer to something I like!
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So @missmarck is hosting a fun lil DTIYS where you draw your ocs in Western gear in anticipation for her comic’s next season coming up on March 15th, and I figured it’d be fun to toss the Traxtons into the Old West! They traveled the world after getting married, so they most likely wound up in the Western Territories at some point too ;) Anyways, you guys should check out Dazer and Eleanor on Webtoons!!
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I recently discovered Bob Peak and he’s become a huge influence with KH, so here’s a bit of a nod to him with Traxiel - https://pin.it/3eUA8Nh
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The woods next to #knightsbridgehollow , Avonmore Woods, featuring the local banshee ✨
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This is what happens when an extrovert marries an introvert! I didn't have anything special in mind for this year's Christmas pic, until I saw a meme and thought how it'd fit the Traxtons perfectly, so you get a minicomic! I was also testing out workflow again since I wanna use a style that's easy/quick for the comic, and using minimal shading seemed to help! It also hearkens to the artists from the 1960s I'm using as inspo, so that works too lol
Anyways, hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
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