#Knowing that us Aussies need to put in extra time and effort
justdsmp1 · 2 years
Can you do something where the reader goes and helps steal Mr Beast's tesla with Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Punz, Foolish and Nolan, please!?
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Tesla Stealing?
Pairing(s): Sapnap x Reader
Pronouns: She/her
About: Sapnap drags his girlfriend with him to steal Jimmy's tesla
Word count: 1.2k
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"Sapnap, you told me you were taking me on a date, not going with our friends joyriding in a billionaires car" Y/n speaks up after they get in the car.
"That's the best sort of date!" Sapnap exclaims, Y/n huffs out leaning back in her seat.
"Sapnap you're in Jimmy's car!" Karl exclaims.
"I so can't believe it, we actually stole Mr Beasts' car and we're driving it all the way to Florida right now," Sapnap says, half focusing on the road and half on the camera.
"Sapnap he doesn't even know yet" Karl points out
"As far as you know" Y/n spoke.
"He's going to be so mad at us dude" Karl continues.
"So we stopped at the gas station to get some snacks and stuff and we just found these idiots right outside" Sapnap points, Punz, Foolish, Nolan and Quackity stood out in the front
"Why did you invite Quackity, he's a bitch" Y/n complains, when she looks out the window Quackity is flipping her off.
"Time to beat a bitch" Y/n says, opening the door and running out towards Quackity and tackling him into the bush.
"GET IN THE CAR" Karl yells
"Can we redo that?" Foolish asks, the camera right up in his face
"Road Trip!"They exclaim, the extra seat was folded out so everyone had a spot.
"Did you have to sit me next to Quackity?" Y/n asks, Quackity gives her an offended look. Sapnap pats her leg which makes Quackity even more offended.
"Y/n stealing my fiance" Quackity comments
"Hell yeah I am, I call the aux!" Y/n shouts, reaching quickly for the cord.
They all drive for a while and then need to charge the car up.
"Before we really take off we need to charge the car first," Sapnap tells the camera
"Doesn't Jimmy pay for that?" Karl asks
"Yeah he's paying for it right now as we speak" Sapnap points
"He what-"
We stand there awhile waiting for it to finish charging, she leans on Sapnap for most of it wanting to be in his company, it took him a little to realise that and finally put his arm around her hugging her closer to his body
"Jimmy next time you get a car can you make it much bigger," Karl tells the camera, just as Nolan gets out hitting his head on the door
"Ow" Y/n turns away to stop herself from laughing aloud, Sapnap noticed starting to laugh a little at her poor effort of hiding it.
"Eww, the couple is being weirdly cute right now" Quackity ruins the sweet moment.
Soon enough we're back on the road again "Karl what happens if we crash the car?" Sapnap questions
"Just get him a new one, right?" Karl answers, and then Sapnap turns to the back
"Punz when's the next among us video coming out?" He asks the blonde in the back.
Y/n the entire time Quackity was showing his snacks, stared him down because he wasn't sharing with her.
"And he's not sharing" Y/n pouts, Quackity laughs
"Sharing is caring, Quackity" Y/n continues
"Stop being Aussie Y/n" Quackity replies, Y/n lets out an offended gasp
"Yeah, nah mate" Y/n responds, overexaggerating her accent, and the entirety of the car laugh.
Soon enough, later on, Mr Beast called Sapnap. Y/n and Quackity were trying to hold in their laughter at Sapnap trying to look scared and fearful, hoping the camera doesn't pan on them.
"How's it going" Jimmy starts.
"It's going good, what're you up to?" Sapnap says, trying to act natural.
"I can see a camera pointed at the phone," Jimmy tells him
"What? Oh, that's weird" Sapnap tries and fails to stay natural.
"I assume that means your pranking me" Jimmy guesses
"I mean... kind of I don't know if you call it a prank. I think it's more of like thievery" Sapnap tells him, Jimmy sighs
"Is that my Tesla?" Jimmy breathes out
"It- it's you, Tesla, Jimmy" Sapnap reveals, everyone in the car laughs
"Wait, FOOLISH" Jimmy exclaims through the phone
"WHAT" He exclaims back
"Bro.. we were bonding together"
"You're trying to steal my car?" Jimmy continues
"But.. like this is friendship, letting each other like steal cars" Foolish tries to explain
" I would expect this from Karl and Y/n but Foolish" Jimmy says
"I'm glad you expected it, Jimmy, cause I am here," Y/n tells him
"I'm not exactly surprised, your my sister," Jimmy says, Y/n smiles.
"LOVE YOU JIMMY" Y/n shouts, which causes Jimmy to sigh even louder.
"How about this uh sapnap I'll give you 4 days to return or I'm calling the cops bye," Jimmy says, then hangs up. They all laugh.
"This is a great first impression on your future brother-in-law Sapnap" Punz points out.
"He's joking right?" Sapnap questions
"Sure he is Sapnap" Y/n says unconvincingly. We've been on the road for about 5 hours now.
We stop again to charge the car "So we're charging the car and we're walking around the mall and found the coolest arcade like I've ever seen" Sapnap tells the camera, Y/n is jumping for joy at the cool-looking arcade.
Y/n kept her distance from the boys as they were being absolute idiots, she didn't feel like getting kicked out of the arcade. Later she saw her boyfriend and friends getting kicked out.
"God damn it, I can't take these boys anywhere" Y/n mumbled to herself.
7 hours on the road now, and it's really pouring down
"I'm gonna crash," Karl says
"Please don't" cue lots of screaming, along the way Nolan fell asleep and Foolish but poor Foolish was disturbed. Then we stop on the side of the road, Karl needing to pee. Quackity seeing him gone, climbs into the drivers seat
"Quackity get your ass out of my face" Y/n says, pushing it forwards out of her way, then he starts driving off without Karl.
"Quackity you left Karl" Sapnap exclaims
"SAPNAP, I'm right here and why are you calling Y/n Quackity?" Karl asks him, Sapnap turns the camera to the driver's seat seeing Y/n there instead and Quackity in the seat Y/n was in. Y/n drove for a little bit, Sapnap laying his hand on her thigh.
They made it to Charlestown, stopping to eat. "We made it to Charlestown which is basically the halfway point between North Carolina and Orlando. And basically, Karl grew up here and he is taking us to his favourite restaurant in the area. I'm excited Karl says it's really good" Sapnap pauses then Karl drops the key
"Oop that's the key"
After eating, at the really nice restaurant, the food was 10/10. Turns out we won't reach Orlando until 6:27am tomorrow and Quackity is pissed.
10 hours on the road now, Quackity bought pastries Y/n felt like she was about to fall asleep. The boys are slowly going insane
12 hours on the road, the Florida sign appear
"Crank it Karl" Roadtrip plays loudly, Y/n regrets all choices that led to this moment
After 14 hours on the road, Y/n and Quackity fell asleep. Quackity on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n resting her head on his.
"They look so peaceful in there" Foolish comments
"Blackmail for later, the ongoing feud with them will be ruined" Sapnap laughs, he finds the entire thing funny. The feud his girlfriend and best friend have is insanely funny than their falling asleep on each other makes it even more funny.
15 hours and Quackity and Y/n are still asleep on each other
"The city that never sleeps," Karl says
"The person that does sleep is Quackity and Y/n" Sapnap replies
They finally made it, they were out of the car now standing around it, well except Y/n who was piggybacking on Sapnap, glaring at Quackity.
"After 15 hours me and the boys finally made it to Orlando and we completed our mission of stealing Jimmy's car," Sapnap says to the camera
"Karl, he's not going to actually call the cops is he or anything?" The video ends there.
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5th Story: Painted Skin
This is a story about the time I worked at a servo - uh, what us Aussies call a “petrol station” - in a quiet little town during my youth.
You see, back then I was a naive 21 year old young adult who took people for granted. I got a job because I wanted more money as I studied my youth away. I wanted to prove to my ancestors wrong that I, as a half Chinese-Australian, am capable of doing what I aspired to be - an artist, instead of being a typical doctor or accountant.
It was a rainy night, quite late in the evening too, when I met this person for the first time.
I was busy stocking up products when I heard the door open, the little buzz of the automated door rang. I minded my business as one would since hey! It’s like 11pm you know.
But this person needed my help it seemed. She tapped me on the shoulder to grab my attention, and I heard a small “um” and “excuse me.”
I turned to the small voice and saw what beauty laid in front. She had silky smooth black hair, her complexion was fair yet she had some sort of glow to it. Her eyes were a pale grey… or was it blue? Contacts most likely. And she smelled sweet - like the roses of the Botanical Gardens on a cool Spring afternoon, with a small after scent of something I can’t put my head around.
In short, a beautiful young lady who smelled absolutely divine tapped my shoulder because she needed help so yes! Hello! I am here to assist you!
“How can I help?” I asked, swallowing my nervousness.
The lady fumbled clumsily on her clothing, and I could see her eyes dart left and right like she was standing in front of a crowd about to give a presentation for final grading.
I could see she felt a little uncomfortable; maybe she needed sanitary products?
I was about to inform her that if she needed them it would be in the small section near the confectionery, however she somewhat managed to speak.
“Sorry… I’m looking to see if you got any… red meat… or something,” she managed to squeak out.
Red meat? Like what? Steak?
I looked at the lady dumbfounded. She looked back and realised I was just staring at her like she was crazy.
“Um…” she began to say.
I instantly snapped back into reality and tore my gaze away from being an absolute asshole and managed to mumble,
“We have some beef jerky if that’s good enough.”
The lady didn’t look too thrilled, but nodded in response.
So I walked over to the isle where the beef jerky was located and grabbed a packet. As I turned, I didn’t seem to realise the lady had too, followed me.
“Here,” I said. “Next time, if you want some red meat but can’t find any, you can always grab a packet like this that says ‘beef jerky’ to buy. They’re an instant snack!”
The lady took the packet in her hand, smiled and nodded.
“Thank you,” she said.
I smiled back.
“No worries. Now is that it? If it is, I can check it out for you right now.”
The lady nodded again, handing back the beef jerky packet. I walked over to the counter and scanned the item.
“$5.50 thanks,” I said.
The lady took out some coins and handed it to me. Exact change. Wow.
After handing the item back to her, the lady quickly shuffled out into the dead of night.
Hope she enjoys her beef jerky… lol
Anyway, to fast forward a little, I thought that exchange that night was pretty normal. A little odd, but normal per se. I didn’t really think of it too much too be honest.
Even when the same lady came back the next night… and the following night… and the following nights after that.
Hell, this lady became a regular customer all right!
So I thought, she’s becoming a regular of ours… I made it my mission to make sure the beef jerky was always in stock during my shift. I made that extra effort to make sure this beautiful, divine smelling lady, always have her beef jerky!!
However suddenly, one night she didn’t turn up. Here I am waiting for her. Like I spent the past few weeks mustering up this courage to engage in a decent and different conversation with her! But why hasn’t she turned up today?! No!!!
I was as hell disappointed at myself. It felt like the heavens didn’t want me to fall in love with some beautiful random chick who likes beef jerky.
I continued to do more night shifts just to see if she would turn up… but nope. Nadda. She stopped coming altogether.
So heck, I gave up on her. I went back to some morning shifts and afternoons… a few night shifts too.
And just when I thought I got over this chick after 2 months… I met another.
To be HONEST, I thought this was the same lady! But it wasn’t.
I don’t usually pay attention to what customers buy mind you, but the only reason why this particular customer got my attention was because she bought some beef jerky.
As I scanned the item I reluctantly joked,
“You don’t by chance have a sister, do you? One who also really likes beef jerky?”
This lady looked up at me and I think… I saw a faint smile.
“You must mean Mei,” she said.
Mei… so that was her name. To think I would have found out like this.
“Uh… yeah, I guess that’s her name,” I replied back, shrugging shamelessly with a small laugh. “I haven’t seen her in a while, how is she?”
The lady looked at me with eyes that could pierce your soul into the heavens. God she is as beautiful as Mei herself.
“Hm?” she piped.
“Uh, I mean, Mei has always come around this time for some beef jerky, but I haven’t seen her lately. I’m just wondering if everything is alright… ya know?”
I shrugged as I tried to explain terribly to her about Mei, since well… she was a regular customer of ours.
She gave a smile and bowed slightly. Then, as quiet and quickly as the autumn leaves in the breeze, walked away without saying another word.
Okay then. Are all beautiful ladies like Mei and her… friend? Sister? - all this weird?
I didn’t take it to heart. I feel like I can sort of relate having some Asian ancestry and all that. I figured chicks like them were just naturally shy with little to say.
I pipped my interest though, seeing Mei’s friend? Sister? I ended up swapping more of my shifts for nights again, just to be able to grab another glimpse of her.
Thankfully it paid off alright. It didn’t take long till I saw her again! Hallelujah!
Having these beautiful wonders turn up nightly made my nights, but also, made me want to talk to her more. I was intrigued by their beauty.
So I’ve decided.
Since it has been 2 weeks now, I plan to talk to Mei’s friend/sister more. I will ask for her name. And perhaps ask her out for dinner… or lunch.
Game on!
With all the courage I have mustered up since the downfall of Mei, I waited for 11pm. God, the hours felt forever.
My prayers paid off all right tonight! Yes! As I head the buzz of the automatic door open, my full attention went straight towards the entrance.
There! She! Is!
She’s here!!
Holding back all the excitement, I gave a small wave at her from behind the counter. She saw the wave and nodded back. And she smiled too!
Oh my god, she’s gorgeous…
Watching her walk towards the aisle with the beef jerky I made sure my hair was fine and shook out all worms in my hands and body.
I could see her approach me, and disastrous thought flew into my head like a crashing paper plane. I took a deep breath and smiled wearily.
“Heya, a good evening to you!” I managed to stammer.
Mei’s friend/sister smiled in response.
A quiet one indeed, I thought.
I cleared my throat as I took the first packet of beef jerky to scan.
“So um…” I began to say, “How’s everything been?”
She looked up and I could see her eyes glisten.
“Everything is alright,” she began. “Could be better though.”
Oh? I wonder what’s wrong?
“Is… everything okay?” I asked, treading lightly. I wanted to know more but I didn’t want it to sound like I’m sticky-beaking you know.
She looked at me and smiled again faintly.
“Just some… family issues,” she said. “Mei… you seem to know her right? Mei well, she’s been acting out of sorts.”
Oho!! Well then. This was something unexpected that I never thought would happen. As I continued to scan the items, I casually inquired,
“Acting out? Did she like… go into some rebellious phase of something?”
“Haha…” she laughed dryly. “I wish that was the case. It’s a bit hard to explain…”
“Um, if you don’t mind,” I started to say, “If you don’t really mind, I could listen to your troubles another day.”
Fuck, my heart felt like its at the back of my throat. I swallowed hard; chest, pounding!
She looked back up at me and I think I saw another faint smile.
“… I don’t even know your name,” she whispered.
“M-my name!” I clumsily fumbled, a little too loud. “You can call me Charlie!”
“Charlie huh,” she chimed. I could see her complexion regain its colour, as her cheeks seemed to warm up. “You gave yourself a western name huh? You don’t like using your birth name?”
Ouch! She really knows where to throw her daggers.
I gave a dry laugh and awkwardly said,
“Yeah, my Chinese name… people here butcher it all the time. I feel like you might get me haha.”
She laughed.
“Yeah, I do.”
I looked at her like I’m seeing a goddess. God, she’s stunning!
“My name is Sun Yi. But you can call me Sunny.”
Sun… Yi. Huh. So that’s her name. Sunny… the western derivation of her name I guess. Pretty cute.
Sunny looked at me and combed her hair back behind her ears. I think she was blushing!
“Mei…” she began to say, “Mei is my cousin. Her full name is Mei Ling Li.”
I nodded and hmm’d in response.
“You both got nice names,” I said.
“Thank you,” Sunny replied back somewhat shyly.
I could see her fumbling again over the beef jerky packets, her face slightly reddish in colour.
“So um,” she began to say. “Your offer about wanting to listen…”
“Oh yes!” I exclaimed. “I’m available whenever you feel most comfortable!”
I let out an awkward laugh, as a looked away from her feeling embarrassed.
“Then that’s good,” Sunny chimed. “I was thinking maybe this Friday? If you want to grab dinner or something.”
Oh my god. Dinner. Yes. Sounds… PERFECT.
“Yes, this Friday sounds good to me for dinner,” I replied back. “Let’s exchange numbers or something.”
Sunny took out her phone and fumbled through some apps.
“If you have LINE or WECHAT we can swap IDs.”
My heart felt like it was about to burst… a second time.
“I have LINE,” said Sunny. “What’s your ID?”
So that night, we managed to swap LINE IDs. And now she’s in my contacts. And I can… legit message her whenever I want now!
Holy shit. I must be dreaming! I did it! Now the wait till Friday can’t come any faster!
Ha ha ha… I was dreadful working non-stop till Friday. I kept getting distracted, knowing I have a date after work later that evening.
So Friday finally rolled in. I was so nervous about this date that my stomach was in knots. And I’m not even in a boat. I’ve waited for this day for so long! I can’t let today slip!!
I got to the restaurant early and took my place at the reserved table. The waiter offered me some fancy drink, probably some expensive wine I will just YOLO!! For tonight.
And so… let the waiting game begin…
10 minutes went by… 20 minutes went by… 30 minutes went by… Where is Sunny? She still hasn’t turned up yet.
The waiter came by again to offer a refill which I declined. I decided to pack my things and head out, in case she was waiting for me at the front of the restaurant.
As I got to the front doors, I saw from the corner of my eye what looked like to be Sunny… or a lady resembling her.
So I followed her.
Gee, where is she going at such a late hour? I thought.
I followed her to what seemed to be an alley, dimly lit and smelly too. As I peeped around the corner, I could see her back, her hair out and straight, and still.
I wanted to call out to her instantly, however I stopped as I heard and faint shrill fill the musky air. Mortified, I just stood there.
There, on the floor in front of her, was a person kneeling. Their arms were limp by their sides, and I could hear faintly their rugged, gagged breath.
What. The. Fuck?
“S-Sunny..?” I managed to croak out.
Sunny stopped and slowly turned around. Her body shifted slightly - just slightly - for the body kneeling in front of her to collapse to the floor. I looked up and saw her dainty face break into a small smile, her eyes full of… death.
“W-what the-?!”
My eyes tore away from her face and now onto the body on the floor. The person… was a woman. Her features said so. However her face… her face?! It was ripped off!
I gasped, holding back a shriek.
“Ah. I see you’ve caught me,” Sunny cooed.
“H-her face!” I shrieked. “What… what did you do?!”
“Ah, you mean this?”
Holding up what seemed to be paper was actually a loose flap of skin. It was skin which belonged to the dead lady on the floor. It was that lady’s face.
“Ah, Charlie, you must be shocked, I’m sorry,” Sunny started to say. “But you see…” - she held up the face - “I want this face. It looks so… beautiful. Such perfection… will belong to me.”
With that, Sunny placed the loose flap of the face skin against her face. She smoothed the edges against her own face, and that was when I saw her change.
As the face melded into her own face, Sunny changed; she became… the woman on the floor.
“Y-Yaoguai*!!!” I muttered, stumbling back. “Y-you’re a demon!”
Sunny laughed, her shrill voice echoed in the night.
I ran. I ran and never turned back. Mei… I thought. She was Mei too… God dammit.
Yaoguai [ 妖怪 ] Chinese word meaning monster/demon/devil/strange creature
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meteor-xiv · 6 years
It Still Sucks
The second lorebook, Encyclopaedia Eorzea 2, is now available for pre-order!
... Unless you live in Australia. And maybe even New Zealand, though I'm not entirely certain. Either way! The AU Square Enix store is a barren wasteland, leaving us Aussies with very limited options if we want to get ourselves a copy of the this new lorebook. We're forced to rely on friends overseas, and pay extra to cover shipping and other expenses just to get our hands on all this new lore.
If any Aussies out there plan on getting the lorebook like myself, let me know how you're gonna go about it. And maybe one day, in the distant future, SE will actually make their lorebooks available on the AU version of their website. Until then, RIP your wallet, fellow Aussies.
Anyway. Rant over. Big thanks to all of you folks who are helping us in AU to get our lorebooks, though! ^^ We appreciate you! <3
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose – Kal-entine's Day
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Warnings: Fluffy Valentine’s Day
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Because everyone needs Kal and Moose in their lives. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 
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Henry Cavill Master List
Valentine's Day.
A day of love.
A day of romance.
A day for couples to declare their undying love, while single people sat at home with a box of chocolate sulking.
For the last few years, Henry was the latter. He was no stranger to sitting home on “the most romantic day of the year”, feasting on some chocolate from a heart shaped box. Although he didn't recall much sulking.
You on the other hand, were never one to celebrate or sit in on Valentine's Day. Even single, you found an excuse to go out for the evening. Oh the looks you would get, while taking yourself out for a fancy dinner.
This year was different.
It was going to be low key, but no doubt still fun. The best part, Kal and Moose weren't home alone waiting.
“I'm going to need you to do me a big favour, okay pig.” Henry glanced down at Kal who was sitting by his side, watching every move Henry made in the kitchen. “You and Moose need to be the best boys that you can. No mayhem this evening.”
Licking his lips and yawning, Kal huffed as his tail thumped heavily on the floor. He was slightly insulted, when had he and Moose ever caused mayhem? They were the most perfect best boys, ever! What did Henry think he was doing, talking as if they were a couple of uncultured stray dogs.
Walking along the familiar street, you glance down at Moose, sniffing along Kal's street he huffed and picked up his speed. Almost there! A few more minutes and he would be with his best friend, romping and stalking that damn green ball that made that atrocious noise every time it moved. Tonight, maybe, just maybe, they would finally give that thing what it had coming.
“Are you and Kal going to be good?” You ask the unconcerned dog. “Hmm? Play with Kal's toys nicely and not tear Henry's house apart?”
Moose snuffled, whatever that meant. Of course they would be good, they were always good. Ugh, humans.
Stepping onto the front stoop of Henry's home, you asked Moose to sit while you checked to see if the front was unlocked. It wasn't surprising that you would simply walk in, if the door was unlocked. Henry rarely knocked at your place, most times he would be in the house and standing beside you before you took notice.
“Knock, Knock.” You call pushing open the door. Moose whimpers and yips, tugging on his leash. Unhooking his leash, you laugh when he jumps forward nearly knocking into Henry as he tries to get to Kal. “Remember boys, make good choices.”
“Good evening,” Henry smiles taking your coat and hanging it. “I uh, I'm glad you could make it over.”
“Of course, thanks for inviting us over.”
Wow, this was awkward. As much time as the two of you spent together, it shouldn't be this weird or awkward. Biting your bottom lip, you follow Henry into the house, stopping on the way to the kitchen to give Kal a nice scratch behind the ear. He and Moose were already at home on the couch, a few toys between them, as they happily sprawled out.
“Be good, Moose.” You wag a finger playfully at the red aussie, giving him a kiss on the nose. “Wow it smells good in here.” Inhaling deeply, you take a moment to appreciate the smell wafting from the kitchen.
Henry smiled proudly, quickly kissing your cheek. “Spiced fish and coriander rice, with peas.”
“Oh my god, this smells like heaven. Did you make this?”
“Of course.” Henry laughs slightly. “I can't promise it will be the best, but I think it has flavour.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You tug at the sleeves of your sweater.
“Have a seat? Sorry to rush you, but I wanted to get this on the table, while it's still hot.”
“Are you kidding? I will never feel rushed when there is food.” Laughing you grab the bottle of wine from the cupboard, along with two glasses and tote them to the table. The usually cluttered table is clear of all debris, a soft grey linen cloth draped on top, along with an arrangement of rather lovely scented candles. “I like the look. Going formal are we? Shit, I should have dressed up.”
“Non sense, you look lovely.” Henry chuckled, he had put more effort into the meal and table than he had planned. All last minute of course.
“And you look...” You glance at his casual jeans and tshirt. “I like that red.”
“Flattery?” Cocking his brow, Henry held back a laugh. Teasing you. “You feeling okay?”
“I feel fine, now let's eat.” You gesture to the plates in his hand. The fragrant smell is torture, it should be illegal to make you wait to taste food that looks and smells that good.
Seated, you can't help but sit inhaling the aroma wafting from the plate in front of you. Evidently Kal and Moose have picked up that it is dinner time, their respective paw steps coming from the living room. Attempting to look innocent, Kal slides in under the table his large body bumping against Henry's legs. If he is trying to be stealthy it is not working out. Moose takes a bold approach, sitting a few inches from the table he lifts his head and sniffs.
A low growling noise, he licks his lips and bounces to his hind feet before sinking back down into a sit.
“Moose, go.” You wave him away.
“Kal, stop licking my ankle.” Henry shakes his leg, Kal's cold wet nose hiking up the cuff of his jeans. “Kal, go on.”
“Moose, you know better.” Eyeing the dog you can't help but smile. “Worse than kids.”
“I would hope my children didn't hide under tables licking my feet.” Bursting into a laugh, Henry shakes his leg away from Kal. “Kal, go on. Go on boys, I will feed you after.”
Dejected and clearly starving, the two dogs slink back to the couch. At least they had tried for a scrap or even a scratch. Ending their plans, they sulk the entire ten feet that they walk. Poor dears. How ever will they survive? Knowing that dinner is waiting for them, you feel no guilt or sympathy. Spoiled is the only word to describe the pair of them. Worse than children, getting everything they want and acting like they are ignored when they don't.
“If you ever want to quit acting, I think you have a career in culinary.” You compliment reaching for the riesling that Henry had nearly expertly paired with dinner.
“There is more, I have a raspberries and cream or...”
“Wait, there is more? Oof, I may need a moment to let this digest.” You laugh lightly. Henry had gone all out this time. “You have really spoiled me.”
“I may be bias, but I think you deserve it.”
“Oh really? And why is that?”
“I have my reasons, all which are very good but escaping me in this moment. Trust me, when I say, I thoroughly enjoy getting to make you dinner. It's nice having someone to spend time with, especially today. It's been a while since I've had someone to spoil on Valentine's.” Henry picked up his glass, taking a drink of his wine. Licking his lips, he coughed lightly. “The last few years I have been making today all about Kal. Kalentine's Day, if you will. A nice bath, a good grooming, extra time at the park.”
“Sounds like a great way to spend the day.”  
“It may be a bit late for the park, but I could offer a nice bath. Perhaps a foot rub?”
“All would be acceptable, as long as you don't take Kal's approach. I'm not much into having my feet licked.” You can't help yourself, it sort of slipped out. Nearly choking Henry in the process. Wine sputtered from his mouth, avoiding spitting it on you, he manages a napkin. His face red and his chest heaving with a silent laugh.
“Noted.” He gasps, caught between surprise and laughter. “Well, dessert then?”
Henry had tried to clear the table without your help, as if. Little good did it do, the second he stood you were on his heels carrying your plate into the kitchen. He rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything about it. He had learned not to argue with you, it would be futile. Keeping his protests silent, Henry watched as you loaded the dishwasher, humming quietly.
Dessert plated, Henry motioned for you to lead the way to the table. As nice as the table looked, you were more than happy to relax on the couch - even if it meant kicking Kal and Moose, the poor souls, to the floor. Diverting course, Henry followed, the two of you chatting about the latest family gossips. He was telling you about his nephew Oscar, when you gasped and stopped short.
Nearly bumping into you, Henry caught himself and both of the desserts that he had in his hand. On the floor of his living room there laid the evidence. All around were pieces of red and brown material. White cotton stuffing littered the room and the look on Moose's face told you nearly everything.
“Moose,” You groan looking at the stuffing flung around the room. The Aussie looking innocent, yet the clump of red material in his mouth is giving him away. “You tore up Kal's stuffy.”
“Stuffy?” Henry's eyes widened. “Oh shit. Shit.”
“What? What's wrong?” You watched as he placed dessert on the coffee table, rushing the to tall shelf that sat behind his couch.
At least he still had the flowers, well shit. His face fell when he found them smashed to the floor and trampled.
“Well,” He rubbed the back of his neck, gesturing to the mess in his living room. “Happy Valentine's Day. I had planned on giving you a present, but...”
“Oh, Henry.” You squeeze your eyes shut. “I'm so sorry. I... Moose!”
“No, no. It's fine. It's not entirely his fault.” He glanced at Kal, holding the head of the teddy bear in his mouth, “There is only one of them who could have reached it. Eh, bear?”
“Boys,” You sigh and shake your head.  “Wait,” You glance curiously at Henry, giving him a sly smirk, “did you say you got me a gift? It's not my birthday. Nor it is Christmas.”
“No, but it's Valentine's Day.” Henry shrugged debating to salvage the gift or move on. “I wanted to do something nice, since....well.”
“Oh! Right.” You can't contain the smile that overtook your face in seconds. “I um, I honestly thought this was just us having dinner as...well friends?”
“And it can still be that, absolutely.” Henry nodded. “I don't want to impose or push anything.”
Stooping to pick up a few pieces of what used to be a teddy bear, you scratch Kal behind the ears and take a seat on the couch. "You're not imposing anything. I just didn't know what we were. Or if we were anything. I thought that I'd come over as a friend and...you know what, let's not bother with this now. We can talk later, sit let's have dessert. I am dying to try this raspberry cream.”
Henry sits beside you, reaching for the dessert bowls, to find one empty. “Moose,” he looked at the dog with red cream on his snout. “I swear to god,”  laughing, he hands you a spoon. “Care to share?”
“Well, well, well.” You take the spoon shaking your head, playfully. “Henry Cavill is sharing dessert?”
“They destroyed your present and this is the only dessert, the least that I can do.”
“I wouldn't be against that bath,” You scoop some of the cream from the bowl, “but no feet.”
“No feet.” Henry laughed, his chest rumbling and his eyes crinkling. “Got it.”
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 87 - SBT
Here it is!
Keys jingled and finally entered the lock. Perle and Soot jumped to their feet and trotted to the front door as the tall man entered. 
"Lu', I'm home, love."
Both cats meowed repeatedly and brushed themselves on Mundy's legs. 
"Hey, babies…" He crouched down to pet them and they purred.
"And what time do you call this?" The voice with the French accent answered from the living room. 
Mundy kicked his boots away and threw his sleeveless jacket on the coat hanger before joining his lover on the sofa. 
"I know, it's taken ages, I'm sorry… Oh-?" As soon as Mundy sat next to his lover, Lucien cupped his face and inspected it. "What's wrong? Lookin' for lipstick marks? I'm not the sheila magnet, you are!" 
Lucien smiled and chuckled as he shook his head. 
"Non, I was just trying to see how it went. And I can tell that it went well in the end, even though you had very strong doubts somewhere about the middle of the discussion." 
"What the hell…? How on Earth do you see that on my face?!" Mundy asked. 
"Mon loup, you forget I was a secret intelligence expert…!"
[My wolf]
"Yeah, well, that's spooky magic alright!"
Lucien chuckled. 
"Nah, seriously, how did you know?" 
"Your eyes are still red from the tears but your comment about the lipstick mark shows that you are in a good mood. You cried, but it went well in the end." Lucien explained. 
"Ah, yeah, makes sense…" 
"I made some dinner, would you like to tell me more as we eat?" 
"Sure, I'll lay the table." Mundy stood up, followed by Lucien. "What did you make?" 
"I thought that whatever the outcome, you might enjoy your favourite." Lucien added with a wink. 
"Thanks, love, really… C'mere…" Mundy pulled him from his waist and kissed him. 
"My pleasure." 
A few minutes later, they were at the table and enjoying their dinner. 
"And yeah… My Dad ended up… accepting? I don't know, but I used the thing you told me and it got to him." 
"What was it?" Lucien asked as he sliced more of the lasagna in his plate.
"That I might not understand him, but I respected it. I told him that and I think it got to him. He said he himself couldn't wrap his head around what he had done but he was scared to the bone for Mum and him." 
"See? I told you. Fear and situations of extreme stress will change a man." Lucien nodded to himself. He put his fork down for a second to do his bun again as his hair was falling in front of his eyes.
"Yeah, you're right. And yeah, he said the same to me. He didn't understand how I could torture a man and kill him… Said he himself wouldn't have the guts to do half of what I did…"
"I can believe that indeed." Lucien said. 
"I don't mean it about your father in particular." Lucien poured some red wine for his lover and him. "Not any man can kill and even fewer men can torture their fellow humans."
Mundy took a sip of the wine and put the glass back on the table. 
"Guess so." 
"Oh for sure. I have seen men drafted during a war that no one knew when it would end, men who had nothing in their heads yet, and I saw more than half of them at least hesitate before a kill; that, or faint, get into some sort of seizure, fits of nerves collapsing… And that was just to shoot a man far away, I am not talking about torture."
"But you… You felt like a fish in a pond." Mundy said. 
"Unfortunately so, oui."
"How d'you… I mean, how does it work in your head?" 
"Don't get me wrong," Lucien wiped the corners of his mouth elegantly. "The uneasiness and disgust never go away. I learnt to mute them during the act and let them out after the mission is accomplished."
"Oh… Right…"
"But enough about 'spooky business' as you call it, let us come back to your parents. Did you tell them that you work for Maurice now?" 
"Yeah, I did. Dad said he uh… He actually said he was proud of me…" Mundy raised glistening eyes to Lucien whose eyebrows jumped with excitement. He took Mundy's hand across the table, between both of his, and Mundy clenched his grip on his lover. 
"This is excellent news! Hahaha! You see? I told you it would go well! I told you! Whatever happens, your parents are your parents and they love you!" 
"Yeah…" Mundy wiped a tear of joy and chuckled. "And uh… I told them a bit about you too." 
"Oh? What did you say?" Lucien asked. 
"Told them you helped get Duchemin and now we work together for Maurice."
"Ah, very well." Lucien let go of his lover's hand and his eyes returned to his plate.
"I also said we uh… We live together." 
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"Oh… You might have wanted to tell them about that later, non?" 
"N-no, I didn't say it like that. Mum asked me where I live, told her I was rentin' a place with you as a… well… a housemate…?"
"Ah, I see." Lucien nodded. "They don't know for…?"
"Nah, they don't. They assume I only fancy sheilas." 
"Fair enough." 
"They want to see you, y'know, get to know the bloke I live with." 
"Mh-hm." Lucien nodded. "Anything else you told them about me or would rather me not tell them?" 
"Told them you're French, but I didn't tell them you were a spy. I don't wanna scare them or anythin'."
"Wise decision." 
"Oh and I told them that the reason why you were after Duchemin was because of your fiancée and son. I think that's all I said." 
"Fair enough."
Mundy wiped his mouth and finished his glass of wine. 
"Are you uh… I mean d'you… Would you be ok to meet with my parents?" 
"Of course, I would love to." Lucien's face beamed up with a sweet smile. "And don't worry, we are housemates, nothing more." 
"Y-yeah, sorry about that… So yeah, no holding hands or anythin' like that…"
"I know and I understand." Lucien nodded. "Let us clean this mess and go to bed if you want, you must be tired."
"Yeah actually." 
They cleaned the table and Mundy filled the water bowl for the cats. Later on, as the sky was now dark, both Lucien and Mundy were in their bed. The Aussie laid his head on Lucien's shoulder. 
"I imagine you feel empty now, hm?" 
"Yeah… it was hard. Dad nearly called the police on me to get out." 
"Did he?" 
"Yeah, when I told him we killed Duchemin. Said he didn't want a murderer to set foot in his house." 
"So much for that, he is about to let a former spy in…!" 
Mundy and Lucien chuckled. 
"Guess so, yeah. Also, uh… They loved the pastries." 
"Glad they did." Lucien answered as his arm laced back and his hand dangled above Mundy's head. He scratched his lover's scalp softly through his hair. 
"Told them it was your idea." 
"Oh? You could have told them it was yours." 
"I could have, but I'm sure they wouldn't have believed me. I'm not that kind of guy." Mundy left a kiss on Lucien's chest and started stroking it slowly.
"When do you want us to meet?" Lucien asked. 
"I told Mum we'd be free in a few days, over the weekend or something. Is that alright with you?" 
"Parfait." Lucien turned to kiss his lover on his forehead. 
Mundy raised his head and they exchanged a good night kiss, while they locked their arms and legs together. 
"Mundy?" Lucien whispered. 
"I am proud of you, and proud to be the man you choose to spend your days and nights with." 
Mundy hummed low and smiled against Lucien's chest. He peppered a few more kisses there with his eyes closed. 
"You are a very brave man, a good human being. Please, never change." 
"I won't, love, don't worry." 
The hug tightened on both parts and they fell asleep with a smile of their lips.
-- A few days later -- 
"I'm home, love." 
"Mundy! Finally!" Lucien answered from the bathroom or bedroom, Mundy wasn't sure.
"What? What's wrong?" He answered while removing his boots and jacket. 
"Come and see, I need your opinion, please!" 
Mundy frowned and looked for his lover in the house. He didn't have to really put any effort as Perle and Soot showed him the way. The Aussie found his lover in their room with at least half his suits on the bed. 
"What's happenin'? You're opening a backyard sale of your suits?" 
"Non! I cannot bring myself to choose which one is best suited for the occasion!" Lucien answered, wearing a pair of black boxer shorts with matching socks and garters, as well as a white tanktop. "Black or white are too formal, Burgundy red might be a bit too colourful, grey is too dull, beige might not be formal enough… Arh…" He sighed and leaned on the cupboard that contained his clothes. 
"Aw, poor princess…" Mundy came to his lover and put his hands on his waist, he kissed his lips and went for his cheeks and his neck. "Don't know what dress to choose?" 
"Mundy, please, help me…" Lucien looked up with his feline eyes and Mundy's smile widened. 
"You don't need to put on a suit, love. Just come as you are." 
"With a pair of boxer shorts and a white tanktop? Non, Mundy." 
"Nah, of course not like that, I meant normally."
"Normally I wear a suit, mon loup. But that doesn't help…" He sighed. "Which one do you think they would prefer?" 
"Either beige or that navy blue one. Both make your eyes stand out, they're gorgeous…" Mundy nuzzled in his lover's neck. 
"Mh… Are they…?" Lucien teased. 
"Lu'... Don't be like that…" Mundy dug his fingers in Lucien's sides. 
"Ooh, or else…?"
"Or else we'll be late for dinner with my parents cause I'll take care of you first…" 
"Fine, I won't tease you further… for now." Lucien answered and met with Mundy's lips. He felt the Aussie's hands slither down his back and grab two handfuls of what the Aussie preferred. "Oooh…!" 
"That's just to remind you how good it feels, eh." 
"Liar, it was for you to remember how good it feels, non?" Lucien cocked a playful eyebrow.
"Might be… But yeah, go for beige maybe." 
"Beige it will be then. And what about my hair? I was thinking of either a low ponytail or a braid, something neat and tidy." 
"Both are nice but the braid is extra nice. Ends up being salt and pepper all along, it's beautiful."
Lucien raised an eyebrow. He didn't know Mundy paid attention to his looks as much. 
"Well then it is settled." The Frenchman put his suits back in the cupboard except for the beige one. 
"I can braid it for you if you want." 
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"You know how?" 
"Yeah, it's not hard." 
"Let me put on my clothes first and then, yes please, I would love it." Lucien answered with a smile. "And what about you? Will you go like this?" 
Mundy looked down at his polo shirt and brown trousers. 
"Yeah, why not?" 
"Your top is beige, it would be strange for us to wear matching colours, mon loup." Lucien buttoned his white shirt up before putting on the trousers and the vest. 
"Ah, yeah… I'll get a quick shower and a change. See you in a bit luv'." 
"See you." 
Lucien finished dressing up and varnished his shoes again before Mundy exited the shower. He saw his silhouette cross the corridor and couldn't help but go after him, back in the bedroom. He leaned on the doorframe and watched the tall Aussie put on his clothes. First, his boxer shorts, which now covered a part of Mundy's body that always beckoned Lucien, may it be dressed or naked. Then, came a light blue polo shirt, which slid on the back with the scars - none from Lucien however, the Frenchman noted it and thought he should change that. Finally, Mundy slipped a pair of brown trousers on and slid a belt in. He was staring at his waist to adjust it when he saw two pale hands slithering from behind and lacing around his sides. 
"Oh? You're here?" 
"I have been, oui." 
"How long've you been watchin' me?" 
"A few minutes." Lucien leaned his head on Mundy's back, hugging him from behind.
"You creep…" Mundy chuckled as he finished with his belt. He then turned to Lucien and cupped his face. "You've been starin' for longer, eh?" 
"I might have." Lucien smirked, his head raised to his lover. 
"Pff, c'mere…" Mundy bent down to take Lucien's lips between his own. "Now, follow me." 
Mundy took Lucien by the hand and they went to the living-room. 
"Sit down here." Mundy pulled a chair and Lucien obeyed. "Gimme a minute." 
A few seconds later, the Aussie was back and stood behind Lucien. 
"Right, so we said a braid, right?"
"Oui, please." 
"Viens, mon bébé." Lucien tapped his lap and Perle jumped on it.
[Come, my baby.]
She lay lazily and purred while he stroked her fur. 
"Right… Here we go…" Mundy was mumbling behind his back while Lucien felt his fingers part his hair and start braiding. "On top, below, on top, below, on top, below…" 
Lucien smiled and tried to not move his head at all. It lasted for about a minute of Mundy chanting "on top, below" and Lucien felt his lover's fingers brush and move his locks to his will, which he adored. He relaxed and closed his eyes during the entire process until he felt that Mundy let go of his hair. 
"There you go, gorgeous." 
"May I see?" 
Lucien stood and headed for the bathroom, where the nearest mirror was. 
"Not bad at all…"
"Oi, don't sound too surprised!" 
Lucien came back with a wide smile. 
"I just did not know you had a talent for hairdressing." 
"Not really a talent, eh." 
"It is, and a beautiful one." Mundy smiled and blushed. "Are you ready to go?" 
"Yeah, let's go." Mundy headed for the door.
Mundy stopped sharp, the door knob still in his hand, and turned to Lucien. The Frenchman went to the tip of his toes and pushed his lips against Mundy's. 
"I am delighted to go and meet your parents."
"Yeah, me too. Though I wish I could tell them the truth." 
"Each thing has its time, as we say in French. First, you need to make sure that your relationship with them is good. They can learn about us later." Lucien was brushing Mundy's sideburns and cheeks with his thumbs.
"Yeah, you're right…" The Aussie let go of the door knob to pull his lover's waist against his own. He rested his forehead against Lucien's. "I hope they'll like you."
"Of course they will. I charmed the son, I can charm the parents too." 
"You plannin' on seducing my parents now?" 
Lucien moved to pull the door open and stepped out of the house. 
"Your mother at least." He winked. 
"Oi! Get away from her!" 
Lucien snickered as they both went to their motorcycle and put on their helmets. 
"I shall try my best…! But go ahead, you drive." 
"You'd better…! She's my mom, bloody hell! Right, get on, darl'." 
Lucien hopped on behind Mundy and hugged him tightly. After that, they flew by in the streets. But again, at some point, Lucien tapped Mundy's shoulder and the Aussie followed his favourite GPS. 
"Right, this isn't pastries, eh?" 
"Non, this is a flower shop, and over there, across the street, a wine one." 
"Ooh, that's great."
"Come along." 
Both men entered the florist's. 
"Good afternoon, gentlemen. How may I help?" 
"We would like a bouquet, it is for an important family meeting." Lucien answered and Mundy's insides burnt when he heard him talk about 'family'.
"Any precise idea or requests?" The florist asked. 
"It has to have daisies." Lucien answered. "But other than that, you are the expert."
"Very well."
"We will go shortly to the wine shop opposite you, would you mind keeping the bouquet until we come back?" Lucien asked. 
"Of course. It will take me a few minutes to make it anyway. See you in a bit!"
"Many thanks. Come, Mundy." 
They crossed the road and entered. 
They were surrounded by dark bottles, shelves of them  entire rows and columns, nicely organised, of bottles that all looked the same to him. 
Lucien went straight to the shopkeeper and started having a chat with him while Mundy was still observing the bottles. A lot of them had French names on them. He tried reading them, deciphering each letter and following them with his index finger, like a young boy would. He frowned. French was a nightmare to read. Too many silent letters, or letters that should be pronounced in an odd and absolutely counter-intuitive way. 
Mundy's head jerked up. 
"Huh? Yeah?" 
"Do you have any idea what your mother will cook for tonight?" 
"Uh, no idea, no…" 
"Very well." Lucien turned to the shop owner again and finished his chat. A minute later, he paid for the bottle and they exited the shop with an elegant glossy paper bag in his hand. 
"I'll go and grab the flowers, get ready to go." Mundy said. 
A moment later, they were back on the motorcycle, heading for the suburbs, and it only took them a few minutes before they reached their destination. 
"Right, here we go!"
"Mundy, wait." 
Mundy stopped sharp, his fist in the air, about to knock on the dark brown, wooden door. 
"How do I look?" Lucien adjusted his own jacket and pushed a thin lock of silver hair behind his ear. Mundy bent down to his ear and whispered. 
"You look gorgeous as ever…" 
[Thank you.]
Mundy smiled, he moved forward to kiss Lucien but the Frenchman backed off and shook his head. 
"They might see." Lucien whispered and Mundy nodded. 
"You're right. Let's go." 
The Aussie knocked at the door and a few seconds later, Mike opened. 
"Hey Dad!"
They exchanged a hug. 
"Dad, this is Lucien, my housemate. Lu', this is my Dad, Mike."
They shook hands and Mundy blushed. It was absurd. He wasn't introducing Lucien as he should but still, the image of Mike and him shaking hands made the Aussie weak. He wished he could capture that image and frame it somewhere, to look at it later, when his mood would change. 
And it was absurd how oblivious Mike would be and in fact was. But so was Mundy himself when he had first caught a glimpse of Lucien. Never had he imagined for one second that that man he had seen through his scope, beaten up and tied to a chair in that hangar where the alligators were to be swapped trucks - never could he imagine that man in the ski mask would be his reason for happiness.
"Nice to meet you, son." Mike said. 
"The pleasure is all mine." Lucien answered. 
"Come in, boys, don't stay at the door. Caroline? The boys are here!" 
"Ooh! Micky!" Caroline erupted out of the kitchen and threw herself in her son's arms. 
"Hey, Mum…! How's it goin'?"
"Alright-ooh! I suppose this is Lucien, isn't it?" Caroline wiped her hands on a towel and adjusted her glasses to examine the Frenchman better. 
"Yeah, it's him, Mum. Lu', this is my Mum, Caroline." 
"I am delighted to meet you, Madame." Lucien took Caroline's hand and bowed down to leave a polite kiss on it. 
"Wooh! Good manners that is!" She said. "Mike, come and take his jacket…!"
"Would you perhaps have a vase for these flowers?" Lucien handed her the bouquet and Caroline's eyes popped out of her head. 
"Of course! Of course!" She excitedly answered. "Ooh, look at these daisies…!" 
"Mundy told me they were your favourites." 
"Thank you, dear." 
Lucien's smile was a sight to behold for Mundy, but even Caroline looked to be under his charm!
"Mike, this is for you, I hope you will enjoy it." Lucien handed Mike the bag he was holding. 
"What's that? Oh, that's some wine! Hold on, let me grab my glasses to read this, come in, c'mon boys, Micky, get your friend comfy at the table…" 
"Right, thanks, Dad. Mum, d'you need help with anything?" 
"No, you sit with your father and your friend, I'll bring some nibbles. Are you ok with beer, Lucien?"
"Of course, Madame." 
"You can call me Caroline…!"
The men sat around the table and Mike put on his glasses. 
"Right… What do we have here, eh…?" The old man adjusted his glasses and put the bottle of wine a bit further from his face to read it better. 
Lucien raised his head and his gaze crossed Mundy's eyes. He winked with a flash of his pearly white teeth and the Aussie melted as his face turned red. 
"Here, some fresh beers, and a few nibbles to snack on…" Caroline placed them on the table. "C'mon, Mike, the wine isn't a newspaper, serve it and then read it if you want!"
"Micky, tell your Mum to gimme a minute!" 
"Mike, if you don't serve them the wine, I won't let you have dessert…"
"Right, I think it's time for the wine, boys, eh?" Mike uncorked the bottle and served everyone. 
Lucien watched and tilted his head on the side. So that was Mundy's family. He took a second to observe them all one after the other - spooky habits die hard, as Mundy would probably say - and it made Lucien smile. 
It was true that Mundy didn't share any visual resemblance with his parents. But they loved him very clearly. From the way Mike was handing his son his glass of wine, to the way Caroline ruffled his hair as she passed him, like a reflex, yes, their love was very clear.
"So, Lucien…?" Mike raised his glass. "Let's all try your wine, shall we?" 
Lucien raised his glass along with Mundy and Caroline. 
"Let us indeed!"
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idk-loving-kpop · 4 years
Hi love!🌹 Can I have a written ship with BTS, Seventeen, Monsta X, Ateez, and Stray kids, please?
I’m an ENFJ, 5'6", have a long black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, oval face and chubby cheeks. I’m the eldest of 4, making me reliable and a good leader. Very caring, supportive (#1 fan), affectionate, kind, strong both physically and mentally. Really nice a friendly to everyone and polite around adults. I get competitive and fearless sometimes. I’m a good listener so as a good adviser. I work hard, play hard! I do things fast, walk fast, work fast, speak fast but I always think through it before act. When I work with others, I’m the idea gatherer. If there’s a problem, they tend to let me deal with it. I’m pretty agreeable and good with comforting. My way is to encouraging people, not to use harsh words or yell. I don’t think of giving up on what I do and my love ones. I love sharing my love with my family and people I care. I just love, enjoy doing thoughtful things for others and always wish them well. My friends say I have the power to make people happy and think in a positive way. I adore animals, children (//they make me super happy! 😍 I really enjoy being around them.), LOVE cuddling, skinship, coffee and books. In my spare time, I dance, work-out, as well as reading, watching movie (horror movies are my fav) and cooking. I enjoy amusement park and adventurous things. I really like stars gazing and going for a walk at night. Listening to music is things. I love the sound of piano and guitar the most. I hate heat and worst with directions. I’m always there for my sibling. Smile’s always on my face and I hope everyone can smile, too.
Thank you so much for your time, effort and kindness!! Please take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand🌹 I hope you have a lovely day filled with smiles, a lot of love and support~❤️❤️❤️
HI ENFJ!! I am INFJ/INFP (just depends on the quiz & probably the day lol). Thanks for the lovely message I always trying to be smiling.
I am totally loving your vibe. IDK why I feel your happy virus attitude & you talkative personality through your post.  Okay so what I put in bold was stuff that really stood out for me & help choose. And the order of the groups is the ones I know from most to least. I try to do my research and since you shared you MBTI, I tried to also search the MBTI of those groups. 
I really hope you enjoy! 
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I always read which group people want before reading.  To see who pops in my head 1st. Honestly he was the only one that popped in my head was TaeTae. It also helps that you & Jimin have the same MBTI. Which shows y’all will match very well. Plus both of y’all are the oldest in your family & he is very family orientated. He loves animal & children. He seems very outgoing & adventurus. I can see y’all walking around night gazing. You like the sound of piano & guitar, Tae seems to like soft tone & relaxing music.  The songs his made have been very mellow & when I think of piano & guitar, I think mellow. 
I am just going to stop now  lol .. 
MONSTA X - Wonho
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Okay soo when I was reading I had 3 names pop up, Minhyuk (y’all have the same MBTI & from the sound of it love to talk.) Wonho (working out, dancing, affectionate) & Jooheon (He seem very scary & mean but he is sweet as Honey, & the opposite of scary lol) … I honestly it was hard to choose soo I did eeny meeny miny moe … Cause that’s how role when I can’t decide on something. lol
For the record I need Wonho back in the group.  I need to see his shirtless self at the concerts loving Monbebe. Honestly I was felt he was the best idol when it came to fan services & loving the fans. And his not my bias from Monsta X lol.
Stray Kids - Bang Chan
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So I had the Aussie line in my head for this one (don’t you just love their accent).  But then doing some little research I was also thinking Lee Know & Woojin (I wonder what happen in that situation that was really weird.) Okay so after doing my research. I decide on Bang Chan. 
Ateez - San
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This is a group I haven’t been able to get into, even though my friend got into them. I actually learn about them when I started doing this. But my life motto is Hakuna Matata and I totally love that song, if y’all haven’t heard Wave from Ateez listen to it, it’s a bop okuuuuuuurrr… lol 
I wanted to play it safe, by choosing Hongjoong … According to their recently MBTI results him & San are both INFP, which means they do pair up well with ENFJ. But then I was reading up on their profile (https://kprofiles.com/ateez-members-profile/) … I choose San cause it said special talent happy virus. And I actually said that you posted made feel that you had a happy virus personality, so damnit in my book y’all are meant to be lol… 
Seventeen - DK
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This group I will be honest I’m not a fan off. Like don’t get me wrong I don’t hate them or anything. Just never got into them; I probably only know maybe 1 or 2 songs. Also know them as the group that perform to Super Junior & the guy looked like Heechul. *lol* 
 So, I am not confident but I tried my best to do my research.  Okay so I based it 1st on MBTI, I need to narrow it down from 13 to less. 
INFP - S.Coups, Jun, Hoshi, and D.K.
ENFJ - Mingyu, Joshua, and Dino
ENFP - Seungkwan and Vernon
INFJ - Wonwoo, Woozi, and The8
ISFJ -  Jeonghan
Okay sooo … They say ideally ENFJ & INFP are the most compatible.  Soo I just going to focus on those 4.  Okay after reading their profile (same website as above)  … I went between S. Coups & D.K.  … After that I went with eeny meeny miny moe … Cause I couldn’t choose between those 2. Sorry.
I hope you enjoy .. Sorry for the extra nonsense … I like written ships that have a lot of details, cause it makes me think.  I’m also a sucker for MBTI. Let me know what you think.  Have a great day!
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omdaily10 · 6 years
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Guest Artist: Rizzle Kicks
Writers: Alex Smith, Samuel Preston, Jim Eliot, Jordan Stephens, Harley Alexander Sule
Producers: Alex Smith, Matt Furmidge
Album: In Case You Didn't Know
Release Date: 21/08/2011
B-Side: 'On My Cloud' (Writers: Olly Murs, Mark Taylor, Samuel Preston / Producer: Mark Taylor)
Chart Positions: #1 (UK), #1 (Germany), #1 (Luxembourg), #1 (Switzerland), #1 (Poland), #2 (Scotland), #6 (Ireland), #6 (Austria), #9 (Belgium), #12 (Hungary), #60 (Sweden), #67 (Romania), #76 (Netherlands), #85 (Australia), #91 (Canada)*, #96 (US)*
Sales: 700k+ (UK, Platinum), 450k (Germany, 3x Platinum), 15k (Austria, Platinum), 30k (Switzerland, Platinum)
Nominations: 'Best British Single', BRIT Awards 2012
It doesn't matter what genre you operate in, the age-old music industry cliché of the "difficult second album" can either make or break an artist if they're to confirm themselves as a long-term prospect. And whilst it wasn’t difficult for him, as the summer of 2011 dawned, Olly was no different when it came to his follow-up effort. He had already started writing and recording for it in March that same year.
The demo of 'Heart Skips A Beat' had actually been around for the best part of a year and had started life when it was initially put forward for consideration to be included on his self-titled debut album. Nick Raphael and Jo Charrington at Epic however, whilst impressed with it, decided to hold it back for inclusion on his second album. The track was written by the then up & coming songwriter and producer Alex Smith (who had cut his teeth on a clutch of top 20 hits for motormouthed Brit rapper Example) in collaboration with former lead singer and guitarist with The Ordinary Boys, Samuel Preston, and Jim Eliot, formerly one half of electropop duo Kish Mauve, who had been behind "2 Hearts" and "All The Lovers", both massive hits for Aussie pop royalty Kylie Minogue.
It marked the first time that Olly hadn't had a hand in writing a single, but speaking to Music Week on its release, he understood what a special song it was from the get-go: "It was a curve ball and nothing like anything else on the album, but I loved the production and the writers wrote it for me." Sonically, it retained some of the sprightly, catchy feel of 'Thinking of Me', whilst also introducing an early 90s dance/big beat styling, in the vein of The 45 King, Beats International or Dee-Lite (the latter of which’s single "Groove Is In The Heart" Olly performed as a mashup with this single at the following year's BRIT Awards when it earned him his second nomination for the 'Best British Single' trophy).
But there were two more vital rolls of the dice to be made before the single bought him to another level of success altogether. The first was the appearance of Jordan Stephens and Harley Alexander Sule, aka Brighton based teenage hip hop duo Rizzle Kicks, who had been making waves that summer after signing to Universal Island the year before and were riding high in the UK top 10 with their debut single 'Down With The Trumpets'. Sensing that they were to become a big name, even on a rival label, they were approached by Epic to contribute a guest rap to 'Heart Skips A Beat'. They immediately obliged, and their perfectly cheeky, playful rap was incorporated on just two weeks before the final version was cut and delivered to radio.
They also turned up to join Olly at the single's video shoot. Filmed at the skate park in Mile End, East London in July 2011, with a cast of two dozen extras hoofing it around a giant Olly sized record player, it was the perfect backdrop for the single, as Olly, resplendent in a straw trilby, blue and white striped tee and red chinos, delivered one of the most iconic videos and looks of his career. 'Heart Skips A Beat' took many people in the UK by surprise, including many of the detractors who'd disputed he'd even get past his first single a year previously and were now grudgingly eating their words. As its release drew closer, it had built up a good head of steam with strong airplay on radio and TV. And then, on the weekend of its 21st August release, there was also the first showcase for Olly's other seemingly endless pool of talents in entertainment.
Towards the end of his first theatre tour, a call came in from the producers at The X Factor. Some major personnel shifts had occurred on the show, which was then still at its peak - chiefly, the departures of Simon Cowell and Cheryl (albeit briefly) to the then just launched US version of the format, and Dannii Minogue to concentrate on being a full-time mum.
Only Dermot O’Leary (hosting the main show) and Louis Walsh (on the judging panel) remained for the new look show, this time headed by the Captain of Take That, Gary Barlow, and also consisting of former Destiny's Child star Kelly Rowland and Tulisa, the lead female vocalist with British hip hop group N-Dubz. Former Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq, the host of the show's lovingly irreverent ITV2 spin off, The Xtra Factor, had also left after just one year.
The producers, knowing how popular he was and that he'd bring the cheeky likeability needed to the show, had Olly in mind to take over from her. An understandably nervous Olly, who by his own admission couldn't dream of hosting anything on his own, let alone a show as big as the very one he got his start from, fortunately had an anchor to play off. Enter one-time CBBC and MTV host Caroline Flack, who had been on the ITV2 spin off for I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here for two years and was already a hit with the same channel's audience.
They immediately proved a winning combination, and it was indeed our very own fansite which christened them with the name which their loyal army of internet shippers - but chiefly the ones on here - have used for them ever since (Carolly). All of these factors combined to ensure that Olly was, not for the first time in his career, going to confound his critics by launching his second album with a bang, and just a week shy of a whole year since ‘Please Don’t Let Me Go’ managed it, ‘Heart Skips A Beat’ rocketed straight in at the top to give him his second UK number one.
It was still on the chart some thirteen weeks later, when the single we’ll meet next week was about to make its debut. And it was also with this single that Olly broke a territory which, after the UK, is to this day one of the most ardent supporters of him and his music, as it hit the top in Germany the following spring, as well as hitting number one in three other European countries. A modern pop classic to be proud of.
Another taster of this single’s parent album was given as a B-side, in the form of an early version of the perky, piano led dream pop meets Britpop number ‘On My Cloud’. Olly co-wrote this with Samuel Preston, whilst additional writing and production came from Mark Taylor at Metrophonic, who had amongst other things produced Cher’s mega-selling number one hit ‘Believe’ in 1998. When performed on tour the following year, Olly did it as a mashup with ‘I Need A Dollar’, which had been a huge worldwide hit for Aloe Blacc twelve months previously.
* = the asterisk against the US and Canada chart positions indicates that the single charted there, but under a different version for these territories. More information on this will be covered in our future entry on 'Troublemaker'.
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softstraykids · 7 years
crush confessions with stray kids
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would contemplate on how to ask you out for hours
will first be like i should do something big in public!
because you deserve the absolute best
then realises its gonna be used as blackmail material from the other kids
so nahhhhhh
decided on something more simple
truthfully he wanted to do something a little cheesy
cause hey you deserve a sweet guy
chan would ask you help for a song 
while you protest you wouldn’t be any help
after persistent pestering 
you’d come over to his house 
you guys would be in his bedroom 
he’d then play the song for you 
chan would look nervous and trying to be chill but would be fidgeting a lot
and you kinda realise the song sounds completely done?
its of course bloody amazing like all of chan’s songs
and the girl he's describing sounds 
cue you melting cause sweetness overload
the song ends with 
“i like you” 
but chan sings it at the same time right in front of you 
and he has a bouquet in his hand of your favourite flowers
which appeared from nowhere 
before chan could say a word you just jump at him
no not that way
and give him a tight hug trying not to crush the flowers
“i like you too chan, i still can’t believe you made a whole song for me” you say disbelieving with how sweet chan could be
“i’d do it again in a heartbeat” he says earnestly hugging you back tightly
“EWWWWWWWW” you hear all the stray kids voices from the cupboard
chan opens it with a smirk
“eep” they let out
“um i hear my mum calling” changbin says dashing out
“i have a vocal lesson” woojin slipping past chan
“with me” seungmin pips up before chasing after woojin
“i have to deal with people swooning over my aussie accent?” felix says doubtfully trying to make up any excuse before leaving with chans glare on him
when felix accent is angels singing to your ears but guys you spend every day with speak with the same accent and voice, and you don't like them #logic
the rest just leave
but jeongin sneakily takes one last photo of the two of you 
because he’s the maknae and no one would ever hurt him cause he's a precious smol bean
are we talking about changbin now?
“where were we?” chan says with a smirk 
before giving you a sweet passionate kiss making your knees buckle
would be super sweet with his confession
it would be like a slow build up 
just to make sure his feelings are actually real and he can seriously like you
and also because he’s a soft shy boi
he would be your secret admirer
every morning would leave your favourite drink on your classroom’s desk
always with a small note
“smile! you look beautiful when you smile!”
“good luck on your test!”
just something really sweet
thankfully it wasn't naggy about confessing 
cause one of your friends had a secret admirer making her feel bad for being “too” beautiful perfect and all that bullshit 
she ended up crying once because of the guilt
but your secret admirer sounded perfect in all honesty
he always said the right things and he sounded so sweet and sincere
people would ask why you’re not trying to find out who it is
and you’re like
“chill first of all it’s my love life, second of all the guy can take his time and do it when he’s comfortable”
but the third secret reason is because you had a huge crush on woojin
and you had no idea how to deal with the whole secret admirer thing and your crush for him
you were just hoping and hoping it actually is woojin 
it was confusing 
then suddenly one day your note says to come early tomorrow morning
and you started to freak out and over think things
until you realised you just needed to go 
the next morning you put more effort into looking a bit better than usual
and as you arrive at school
you have sweaty palms, a racing heart and your mind jumbled in thoughts
you actually half jog half walk to the classroom because you were so curious 
you tentatively knock the door and come in
sitting on your desk with your favourite drink in hand was woojin
your heart died right then and there
he looked so nervous and shy 
“woojin?! you’re my secret admirer?!” you exclaim in surprise
“yeah i am i hope you’re not disappointed” he says half hopefully half nervously
“yes i mean no i mean i’m really happy you are” you ramble out
he gives you a beaming smile which makes your insides turn into pure softness
“one last drink, one last note” he says handing you your drink 
you read the note it said 
“i like you y/n, will you be mine?” 
you gently hug him he instantly returns it
“i’ve liked you long before you were my secret admirer so yes woojin i’d absolutely love to” you say while still hugging him
he hugs you even tighter as both of you smile happily 
then gives you a sweet forehead kiss to top it all off 
would be pretty private with his confession
ask you to go to a cafe with him 
you of course agree
looks like ideal couple walking to the cafe
except minho looks like 10x better than you
effortlessly too
like boi gimme your magic creams
once you arrive he tells you to get a table
and just as you were about to tell him his order
he says to you with a charming smile 
making your knees want to buckle
“one hot milk chocolate, with no whipped cream, extra foam and a lot of white marshmallows am i right?”
“you know my order?” you squeaked out trying to controlling your heart beat to a normal level
because it is not everyday that your crush has fully memorised your drinking order
not answering he goes to the counter 
because he doesn't want to admit he’s been paying attention to every detail about you
because he’s head over heels for you 
minho comes back with your drinks
you ask him tentatively “minho why did you want to meet up?”
avoiding the question he asks you one with a bit of a smirk
“do you remember where we met y/n?”
your frown before realising 
it was this very cafe
“here? i spilled hot chocolate on you and then you refused payment for dry cleaning or a new drink then i finally got so mad at you i left the money and stormed out” you say with a chuckle
‘gosh you were so stubborn you still are now” minho says with a smile
“hey! i can say the exact same about you” you exclaim but totally not denying it 
“but minho you didn’t answer my question why are we here?” you say curiously 
minho takes a deep breath before telling you
“that very day when you spilled hot chocolate on me than stormed out me i fell for a girl” you heart sank at what he was saying totally not catching on
“that girl was you” he says nervously looking you directly in the eye
you look at him shocked before letting you a soft whisper of “me?”
“you” he says affirmatively 
“well this time I'm definitely not going to storm out angrily” you say with a chuckle
he laughs too 
you grab his hand gently and say to him sweetly and softly
“minho i like you too” 
then he gave you the brightest smile in the world
and a sweet kiss on the cheek
you two walked out there a few hours later hand in hand 
feeling like you were in heaven
would be very casual about it
not really even confession 
because he’s trying to pretend to be “cool and chill”
so in the middle of the conversation 
“hey y/n do you want to go out saturday night?” he’d say like any other hangout
“yeah sounds good” you’d reply back with a smile 
but you would have no idea if it’s a date or not 
like he gave you absolutely NO SIGNS if it was
you contemplated with your friends on his wording for HOURS
like changbin save the girl you like the agony okay?
flash forward to saturday night 
and changbin is taking you out to bowling then dinner at a very causal restaurant 
still making you doubt whether it was a date or not
it was driving you crazy
though bowling was
and heart fluttering
he helped you with bowling by doing the classic arm thing 
your heart completely stopped because he was so close 
it was kinda cheesy but you loved it
tbh you just really liked changbin
hey i don’t blame you who wouldn’t 
but it was great because by the end you were doing really good 
maybe even better than him and instead getting annoyed 
he was just super supportive and proud 
it was really cute 
by the end of dinner you shyly ask him
“um changbin was this a date?”
he looks at you like you were crazy and you started to doubt it was 
“i thought it was super clear i liked you and we were going on a date tonight”
he says confused and shocked
you blush bright red while replying 
“it wasn’t really clear at all” 
“well let me tell you now, i like you y/n, i like you a lot”
giving you a heart melting smile 
making you want to kiss him right then 
which you of course did 
hyunjin would probably fall for a girl who’s close with him
i’m thinking family friend? best friend? childhood friend?
but the whole friend zone doesn’t really get in the way
cause you two are pretty affectionate 
like giving hugs when one of you did well and stuff like that
but you two are SO CLUELESS about each others feelings 
like no matter how many people tell you, you guys do not believe it
so basically the only way y’all are gonna realise your feelings for each other
is if one or the other slips up
and since this is stray kids’s first confessions
hyunjin slips up
you guys are just chilling at your house
doing your history project
translation: procrastinating, eating, joking around 
and definitely not doing your project
*fast forward 2 hours and you guys have written your names on your project and done “research”*
you’re craving cookies and hyunjin wants to bake cookies 
soooo you end up baking cookies
fast forward to when you’re supposed to put the eggs in 
“WAIT WAIT I WANT TO TRY SOMETHING” hyunjin shouts just before cracking the egg 
he gets up the counter and cracks it up from there 
hyunjin still had no idea what was going through his head right then
of course he misses lands right on your head
he comes down from the counter 
you death glare him as egg is dripping down your hair 
then he gulps as he sees your “evil” smirk 
you take the whole bowl of flour and toss it at him making him look like a snowman
then he just completely escalated from there
melted butter, sugar, rest of the eggs, milk were flung around the kitchen
then you guys started to get other stuff
cereal, jam, spices, condiments 
hyunjin then grabbed your favourite pie from the fridge which your mum made homemade last night
if y’all don’t like pie idk cake cookies chicken wings?
while he just smirks at you 
before he could even throw it 
you run to him and try to get your hands on the pie 
he turns too quickly 
and then suddenly you have your arms wrapped around hyunjin’s neck 
on the ground
noses touching, can feel each others breaths on your cheeks, and lips only centimetres apart
without even thinking hyunjin suddenly gives you a peck 
then his eyes widen and he’s like oh shit
trying to explain quickly “ireallyreallylikeyouy/nihaveforalongtimeandyoumeanalottom-”
“hyunjin i can’t understand anything” you say confused while your heart is hammering on your chest
hyunjin takes a deep breath then starts again
“i really really like you y/n i have for a long time and you mean a lot to me”
“MY PIE” you say loudly as you spot your pie completely ruined
hyunjin is looking at you confused 
so you try to explain
“well i can’t eat the pie anymore, while we have our whole future to date” you say sincerely and sweetly
“hyunjin i like you too”
then you properly kiss him 
and both of you couldn’t stop smiling during the kiss
i’d feel jisung would be the type of to be friends then ask a girl out 
so you guys would already be close 
but you both think you’re in the friend zone
so it’s probably just a casual friday night when the confessions come spilling out
you two just watching the movie on the couch
both of you desperate to cuddle but nooo
that’s crossing the invisible friend barrier you both idiotically put up 
author sighing at the both of you 
you’re watching the titanic 
it’s been three long but pretty interesting hours
but let’s be real you only picked this movie to spend more time with jisung
cause 3 hours is better than 2
of course you’re getting to the ending where rose let’s go of jack 
neither of you are crying just emotional 
i take that back 
jisung is trying to fight back tears 
and yup one tear slipped 
it’s really sweet he’s sensitive 
without thinking you brush the tear away 
you look at each other for a few seconds your blushes steadily getting redder 
and your face just centimetres spear 
then you totally miss your moment and go back to the screen
cue readers groaning trust me i’m with you but i’m also writing it lmaooo
you can’t help but blurt out 
“id never let you go like that she should of found something anything! she had a life jacket! and there was more wood nearby!”
jisung feels all warm and fuzzy inside with you saying that  
he asked you “so do you love me as much rose loves jack?” not meaning it to be romantic which it totally comes out as
“more” you say right back not realising your words 
then it slowly dawns on both of you 
and jisung asks you surprised 
“you like me?” 
“i really like you” you sigh out waiting for him to bolt 
“wait actually? i like you too y/n i have for ages” he says with a soft smile
“i’ve liked you for a few months” you admit before continuing 
“i thought you only saw me as a friend” you say happily
“i thought the same but apparently not” he said still beaming 
making your insides all soft and gooey 
“now where were we cuddling and movies right?” he says with a grin 
without saying a word he plays a harry potter movie 
wraps his arms around you in a comfortable cuddling position
and gives you a kiss on the forehead 
would 100% be the type to slip up about his feelings
no matter how, when, what sort of confession he does 
tries to plan it usually to never doesn’t work out 
sooo you guys were at a party
it was hella crowded, music blasting all that 
you didn’t even want to come
seungmin, hyunjin and jisung forced you to come because they said you were being too anti social lately
they ambushed you and 
before you could say anything seungmin gave you a pair of heels and one of your dresses
then lightly shoved you in a bathroom saying you had 10 minutes to get ready
afterwards they dragged you to this party
you were chilling on a couch trying to ignore the smell of weed and alcohol around you 
you could tell someone just sat next to you 
if it was another drunk guy that was coming to hit on you 
you were ready to punch them to oblivion 
just as you put your hand up 
“more reason to punch it” you said with a smirk but relaxing
felix huffed “here i thought i was going to offer to walk you home and you threaten punch me”
you brighten up before felix can say a word you grab his wrist and run out of the house dragging felix along with you
“damn you really wanted to get out of there didn’t you?” he says amused
“yup” you simply say
felix and you walk for a bit talking about how bad the party was
you shiver and rub your arms cursing seungmin not giving you a jacket
before you knew it felix’s jacket was around your shoulder
you look at him surprised
he gives you one of the heart melting smiles and just says 
“you looked cold”
“thanks” you say sweetly trying to hide your blush 
just as you two started walking again 
SNAP you hear one of your heels break 
‘shit can this night get any worse” you curse
“hop on” felix says crouching in a position for a piggy back
“wait are you sure?” you say surprised and nervous 
“of course” he says with another one of his smiles
you get on his back and he immediately starts walking
you can't help but blush at how close you two were
and felix was internally dying and screaming because so much physical contact 
without even thinking his words spilled out
“you know i always thought that i’d piggy back you when you’re drunk then you confess your feelings and the next morning you admit they were true and i would be over the moon because i like you too”
“shit did i say that out loud?” he asks half horrified half worried as hell
“you like me?” you squeak out in surprise
he sighs “yeah i do y/n i really wish i confessed more romantic than this”
“nah it’s perfect, i like you too felix” you say with a huge grin giving him a quick peck on the cheek
which made both of your faces bright red luckily you reached your house
“keep the jacket, you’re gonna steal it when you become my girlfriend right? since that’s what girlfriends do” he says to you with another of his heart stopping smiles
“goodnight y/n, dream of me” felix says cheekily and quickly plants a kiss on your forehead
“sweet dreams felix” you shyly say back but smiling brighter than any star in the sky 
but in the best way possible
would be the cheesiest out of the stray kids asking a girl out
probably would be a cliche valentines day confession
no matter how much you actively hate that day
he would be super nervous about it
and lol stray kids
helping lol nahhhhhhh
half of them is like HWAITING 
the other half imma film this just for the rejection
since it’s valentines day school is pre lax
theres flowers love and single people’s depression and hatred in the air
single 4 life because writing fics creates unrealistic expectations of the guys around me
seungmin organises with your english teacher to confess to you during class
teacher totally supports it 
so you’re siiting in english class waiting for the bloody class to end
moping about how seungmin will never like you back
BOOM door dramatically opens
there’s changbin with the darkest expression in the world
but he’s wearing head to toe light pink while jisung and felix are pinching his cheeks and cooing 
whole class bursts into laughter while he scowls 
making sure he never makes bet with chan ever again 
but suddenly you hear seungmin’s angelic voice
he’s singing one of your favourite songs
one that’s romantic to fit the “mood” cause if seungmin bursts into a breakup song not gonna work hun
he has a bouquet of your favourite flowers in one hand and a box of your favourite chocolates in the other 
while you feel jeongin and hyunjin lead you out of your chair
you’re in a state of absolute shock and joy 
also disbelief cause wow seungmin’s doing all this for you
and your heart is currently beating at a million miles an hour 
all the girls in the class are either jealous as hell or AWWWW 
the guys are like well shit how do i top that
as the song ends
he looks at you with an extremely shy/embarrassed/adorable expression
“so y/n will you be my valentine?” he asks 
and you’re in the process of half dying and half hyperventilating 
then just like a huge rush of affection over comes you
you run to him and jump into a spinning hug with him with your legs wrapped around his waist
“yes! yes! yes!” you say 
cue everyone wolf whistling and cheering
is adorable and shy and still pretty young 
he doesn’t have much experience 
but he’s liked you a lot for a few months now
and his hyungs always tease him when you’re around 
while you’re STILL not catching on
because hey you like him too 
and why the hell would jeongin 
the most adorable and sweet guy in your grade 
like you? 
not to mention he’s gorgeous 
and all the girls were talking about how much he’ll glow up 
then girls will be flocking to him like seagulls to chips 
australian reference aye AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI 
jeongin is from busan after all 
it’s in the water y’all it’s in the water 
so when he asks you out it’s gonna be because one of the stray kids guys let it slip that he likes you
and he panics and freaks out because this is way too soon but also its been months since he likes you
literally runs to you the moment he found out you know 
and ends up confessing in the end 
“um y/n i’m sure you already know and i’m really sorry for making you uncomfortable but i really do like you i have for months but i didn’t know how to tell you and i completely get it if you don’t like me back i hope this won’t be awkwa-“ 
“jeongin i like you too” you say sweetly interrupting his endearing rambling 
“-rd wait what?!!” he exclaims looking at you in surprise
“i like you too” you say more slowly grinning with ever syllable 
“i can’t believe this i’ve actually never thought you’d like me back i haven’t thought this through what do i do now?” he says puzzled pouting cutely
“we’re going on a date this friday night pick me up at 6” you say confidently 
while he just gaped at you then nodded 
“bye jeongin” you say sweetly but cheekily give him a kiss on the cheek
making him BRIGHT RED but smiling his world winning smile back at you
⋆ ──────── ⋆ ✩ ⋆ ──────── ⋆
UM WOW THANK YOU FOR HOW MUCH LOVE YOU’VE GIVEN ME EVEN THO IT’S ONLY BEEN LIKE THREE DAYS?! i hope this one you like too!! it’s much longer and i hope you didn’t mind my terrible humour or how it’s very scenario like. if i mad it general it’d be much harder to be specific for each member. i will be replying to all the requests i decline which unfortunately is quite a lot since i’m getting quite a lot of requests! again thank you so much for the love and support!
master list + rules will be up tomorrow sorry for the delay!
leave me a message, a request or anything you’d like!! love you all!!
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to Get Rid of Red Back Spiders? Check These 7 Steps!
It might be an Australian icon, but if you have redback spiders in and around your home they are certainly an unwanted guest! So, how do you get rid of redback spiders? We’ll answer that question as well as how to identify and find them.
But first, have you ever been around someone who has just been bitten by a redback spider? If so, you’ll know very well: there’s a lot of screaming. Seriously, though, a redback spider bite is no joke and extremely painful, and can even be life-threatening to children, pregnant women and pets. So before we discuss how to get rid of red back spiders at your place, let’s assume you’ve just been bitten yourself and get into some immediate urgent advice:
You're reading: How to Get Rid of Red Back Spiders? Check These 7 Steps!
Don’t panic
Take a photo of the spider if possible
Apply an ice-pack
Do NOT apply pressure or a bandage
Seek medical assistance.
Phew! You’re going to be ok! At Mr Flikem, red back spider pest control is something we take extremely seriously because redbacks not only have a venomous and extremely painful bite, there are almost certainly plenty of them hiding around your property.
Red back spider identification
The redback gets its name from the prominent red stripe on the back of the larger, jet-black females, which are usually about 1cm in length. The males are lighter brown with white markings, and juvenile females look similar.
They are generally found:
Read more: 29 easy garden ideas – simple, low-maintenance updates to transform your outdoor space
In or near their distinctive messy webs
In dry, dark, sheltered places
Around buildings, under houses, in roofs, in sheds and garages.
In mailboxes, shoes, kid’s sandpits, bikes, helmets, gloves and toys.
In short … they’re potentially anywhere and everywhere! “Yes, yes, yes,” we hear you say. “We know all of that already”. The most important question you want to be answered is actually much simpler: “How to get rid of red back spiders?”
Now, the tough guy might tell you that the only way to get rid of a red back spider is to take off your thong and whack it a few dozen times. But PLEASE ensure that when you go about taking on this notorious Aussie pest, you actually wear fully-enclosed shoes, ample clothing, and gloves.
And once you’ve squished or sprayed a few of these suckers, let’s step up our efforts to make sure they’re gone for good:
7 Steps to get rid of red back spiders
1. Clean your outdoor furniture
Believe it or not, one of the most common places to be bitten is on your butt – because one of the most common human encounters with redbacks is around your outdoor furniture. So keep it clean.
2. Remove the webs
Making sure that your eight-legged foe is not already there, the easiest way to get rid of a redback spider web is to push a stick into the middle and then twist the web all around it.
3. Remove the egg sacs
In short, treat the egg sacs like you treat the redback spider – and carefully squish them with a shoe or a rolled-up newspaper.
Read more: Animals That Dig Holes in Gardens
4. Check your shoes, gloves and toys
After your butt, another very commonplace to be bitten is on your foot. Why? Because you’ve decided to put on that pair of shoes you haven’t worn for 3 months and (sigh) you didn’t check for a redback. To avoid this extremely painful mistake, always check items like shoes, gloves and toys before using them, and to be extra safe never store them outside.
5. Remove unwanted storage
Ok, so you’ve put those things in storage for a reason, but just be aware that redback spiders just love hiding in dry, dark, safe places that aren’t used much by people. The same goes for that outdoor junk like old tyres and woodpiles.
6. Tidy your garden
Is your garden or back yard full of discarded leaves, sticks and branches? Put on a pair of gloves and clear them away. Ah and kids toys left in the garden make ideal homes for all kinds of spiders!
7. Consider spider pest control
As we always say here at Mr Flikem, the very best way not just to end your pest infestation but to prevent them from happening in the first place is to consider regular pest control inspections. Only the true professionals have the skills, experience and specialised equipment and products to look after all your pest control needs, and Mr Flikem’s Sydney pest control experts are even available 24 hours a day!
So as the weather gets warmer and the redback spider numbers rise in Sydney and beyond, there’s one name you can trust to keep your family safe from these eight-legged nasty pasties – Mr Flikem! Call today for an inspection on +61404532026.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-get-rid-of-red-back-spiders-check-these-7-steps/
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aussiebinsskip · 3 years
How to Hire Skip Bins from a Locally Based company?
A clean and landfill free environment appears attractive. Hiring a skip is one of the most reliable ways to do it. Many people believe that skip hiring services are just for construction or industrial sites; however, they may also be used at home for clean ups. Having a local professional company will not only make your job easier, but it will also assist you in making the best trash disposal option possible.
If you are living in Brisbane and surrounding suburbs and you require a skip bin for your project, read this blog to know how to hire skip bins from a locally based company.
Choose a time most suitable for you
Before you hire a skip bin service, know what time suits you most so that you can manage the busy time to be there for delivery and collection.
Choose a size that fulfils your needs
If you are new to hiring a skip bin and you are not sure about the right size, it is better to hire a size bigger so that you don’t have to hire another one. You can also ask the local company service provider for the right bin size. For smaller projects, you can hire as small as 2 or 3 cubic meter skips or for bigger projects, you can hire 6+ cubic meter skip bins.
Know What You Can Put Inside the Bin and What Not
Before hiring a skip bin service, ask the provider or study the company’s website about what they are allowed to put in the bin and what not. It is an essential step because putting toxic or harmful material in the bin can cost you extra fees.
Where you Want Your Bin to Be Placed
Before you hire a bin, you must first select where you will put it. Also, plan ahead of time and speak with your supplier about where they will be able to deliver it safely without causing serious damage to your property.
On the other hand, some bins are often large and cannot be moved once they are placed. In addition, the necessary approvals must be obtained from the local council if you want to put the bin on the pavement or public place.
Use the Local Bin Provider Company
Delivering a waste bin to a client's location and then collecting once it has been filled with trash is what skip bin hiring service you get. This means that the distance travelled to transport and pick up skip bin has an impact on the cost of bin rental. As a result, it's important that you acquire your skip from a local bin provider company. Locally based companies don’t usually charge fees for delivering and picking up the bin.
Know Your Budget
Skip bins can be rented from a variety of providers in Brisbane. Many of them have varying prices. Before you hire a skip bin, do your homework to ensure you receive the most bang for your buck. The company should also provide you with reliable and prompt service at competitive rates.
What Type of Bin You Require
Before you hire a skip bin, the first crucial thing to think about is what sort of garbage you want to get rid of. Since different types of skip bins are suited for various kinds of waste, and you should consider to choose which type of skip bin you want to hire in order to avoid any issues.
Regular skip bin hiring is ideal if you're dealing with daily garbage like paper, glass, concrete, plastic, cloth, and metal.
On the other hand, if your daily trash contains gas filled cylinders or containers, oil, paint, batteries and chemicals, you'll need to ask for a provider if they handle such waste.
Choose a Reliable Company
You surely want to invest in a reliable company to make your money worth it. A good and reputable company will:
Stay in contact with the customer
Offer flexible timings for hiring
Offer same day delivery
Have good customer reviews and services
A Company That Follows Environment Friendly Service
Environmentally friendly is a characteristic that all businesses should strive towards. It is essential that companies act to reduce their environmental impact by recycling, to reuse, and properly disposing of trash. Always look for the recycling policy of the bin provider you choose if they follow eco-friendly waste management.
Rules of Using the Skip to the Max
Another good rule of thumb before you select your company is to plan ahead how you can use the bin to the max without having the air pockets or left out space in the bin.
Compression is an excellent method to make the most of the available space in a skip. Compression helps you to fit more into a tiny space while maintaining the same overall size.
Choosing a Bin Service is A Good Choice Because:
Easy Waste Management – Disposing of trash is quite easy. You can choose the bin of your choice and size and dump all the waste in one go.
You get a cleaner place to work – With the skip bin you have, the waste from construction or renovation will not pile up. You will have a cleaner and safer place to work.
You save time and effort – You don’t have to go to the tip yourself and dispose of the trash. Once you have your bin delivered to your property, you can fill the bin with waste, and the provider will collect the bin at the agreed upon duration, saving you both time and effort.
Aussie Bins Skip Is a Local Based Company Near you!
Skip hiring is a wonderful method to rapidly dispose of garbage for both commercial and household waste management, but you need do your homework ahead of time to ensure you obtain the correct skip at a reasonable price.
If you are looking for a licensed and locally based company near you, Aussie Bins Skip delivers the best quality of skips all over Brisbane and surrounding areas.
With quick delivery & collection, you can choose from a variety of sizes available for all types of waste at competitive prices. Our friendly and professional staff will fulfil their customer needs anytime of the day.
We offer same day skip bin delivery with 24/7 FREE online booking. So, contact us on 0426 499 000 or email us at [email protected] to get the best skip for your trash!
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eastcoastsummer · 7 years
A bit of life advice from Hol:
It’s a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It’s just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; Until the unexpected happens. I always imagined myself growing old, wrinkled and grey- most likely caused by the beautiful family (lots of kiddies) I planned on building with the love of my life. I want that so bad it hurts.
That’s the thing about life; It is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right.
I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life. I am happy.. I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands.
I haven’t started this ‘note before I die’ so that death is feared - I like the fact that we are mostly ignorant to it’s inevitability.. Except when I want to talk about it and it is treated like a ‘taboo’ topic that will never happen to any of us.. That’s been a bit tough. I just want people to stop worrying so much about the small, meaningless stresses in life and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all so do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great, minus the bullshit.
I have dropped lots of my thoughts below as I have had a lot of time to ponder life these last few months. Of course it’s the middle of the night when these random things pop in my head most!
Those times you are whinging about ridiculous things (something I have noticed so much these past few months), just think about someone who is really facing a problem. Be grateful for your minor issue and get over it. It’s okay to acknowledge that something is annoying but try not to carry on about it and negatively effect other people’s days.
Once you do that, get out there and take a freaking big breath of that fresh Aussie air deep in your lungs, look at how blue the sky is and how green the trees are; It is so beautiful. Think how lucky you are to be able to do just that - breathe.
You might have got caught in bad traffic today, or had a bad sleep because your beautiful babies kept you awake, or your hairdresser cut your hair too short. Your new fake nails might have got a chip, your boobs are too small, or you have cellulite on your arse and your belly is wobbling.
Let all that shit go.. I swear you will not be thinking of those things when it is your turn to go. It is all SO insignificant when you look at life as a whole. I’m watching my body waste away right before my eyes with nothing I can do about it and all I wish for now is that I could have just one more Birthday or Christmas with my family, or just one more day with my partner and dog. Just one more.
I hear people complaining about how terrible work is or about how hard it is to exercise - Be grateful you are physically able to. Work and exercise may seem like such trivial things ... until your body doesn’t allow you to do either of them.
I tried to live a healthy life, in fact, that was probably my major passion. Appreciate your good health and functioning body- even if it isn’t your ideal size. Look after it and embrace how amazing it is. Move it and nourish it with fresh food. Don’t obsess over it.
Remember there are more aspects to good health than the physical body.. work just as hard on finding your mental, emotional and spiritual happiness too. That way you might realise just how insignificant and unimportant having this stupidly portrayed perfect social media body really is.. While on this topic, delete any account that pops up on your news feeds that gives you any sense of feeling shit about yourself. Friend or not.. Be ruthless for your own well-being.
Be grateful for each day you don’t have pain and even the days where you are unwell with man flu, a sore back or a sprained ankle, accept it is shit but be thankful it isn’t life threatening and will go away.
Whinge less, people! .. And help each other more.
Give, give, give. It is true that you gain more happiness doing things for others than doing them for yourself. I wish I did this more. Since I have been sick, I have met the most incredibly giving and kind people and been the receiver of the most thoughtful and loving words and support from my family, friends and strangers; More than I could I ever give in return. I will never forget this and will be forever grateful to all of these people.
It is a weird thing having money to spend at the end.. when you’re dying. It’s not a time you go out and buy material things that you usually would, like a new dress. It makes you think how silly it is that we think it is worth spending so much money on new clothes and ‘things’ in our lives.
Buy your friend something kind instead of another dress, beauty product or jewellery for that next wedding. 1. No-one cares if you wear the same thing twice 2. It feels good. Take them out for a meal, or better yet, cook them a meal. Shout their coffee. Give/ buy them a plant, a massage or a candle and tell them you love them when you give it to them.
Value other people’s time. Don’t keep them waiting because you are shit at being on time. Get ready earlier if you are one of those people and appreciate that your friends want to share their time with you, not sit by themselves, waiting on a mate. You will gain respect too! Amen sister.
This year, our family agreed to do no presents and despite the tree looking rather sad and empty (I nearly cracked Christmas Eve!), it was so nice because people didn’t have the pressure of shopping and the effort went into writing a nice card for each other. Plus imagine my family trying to buy me a present knowing they would probably end up with it themselves.. strange! It might seem lame but those cards mean more to me than any impulse purchase could. Mind you, it was also easier to do in our house because we had no little kiddies there. Anyway, moral of the story- presents are not needed for a meaningful Christmas. Moving on.
Use your money on experiences.. Or at least don’t miss out on experiences because you spent all your money on material shit.
Put in the effort to do that day trip to the beach you keep putting off. Dip your feet in the water and dig your toes in the sand. Wet your face with salt water.
Get amongst nature.
Try just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through the screen of your phone. Life isn’t meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo.. enjoy the bloody moment, people! Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.
Random rhetorical question. Are those several hours you spend doing your hair and make up each day or to go out for one night really worth it? I’ve never understood this about females 🤔.
Get up early sometimes and listen to the birds while you watch the beautiful colours the sun makes as it rises.
Listen to music.. really listen. Music is therapy. Old is best.
Cuddle your dog. Far out, I will miss that.
Talk to your friends. Put down your phone. Are they doing okay?
Travel if it’s your desire, don’t if it’s not.
Work to live, don’t live to work.
Seriously, do what makes your heart feel happy.
Eat the cake. Zero guilt.
Say no to things you really don’t want to do.
Don’t feel pressured to do what other people might think is a fulfilling life.. you might want a mediocre life and that is so okay.
Tell your loved ones you love them every time you get the chance and love them with everything you have.
Also, remember if something is making you miserable, you do have the power to change it - in work or love or whatever it may be. Have the guts to change. You don’t know how much time you’ve got on this earth so don’t waste it being miserable. I know that is said all the time but it couldn’t be more true.
Anyway, that’s just this one young gals life advice. Take it or leave it, I don’t mind!
Oh and one last thing, if you can, do a good deed for humanity (and myself) and start regularly donating blood. It will make you feel good with the added bonus of saving lives. I feel like it is something that is so overlooked considering every donation can save 3 lives! That is a massive impact each person can have and the process really is so simple.
Blood donation (more bags than I could keep up with counting) helped keep me alive for an extra year - a year I will be forever grateful that I got to spend it here on Earth with my family, friends and dog. A year I had some of the greatest times of my life.
..’Til we meet again.
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stargazerdaisy · 7 years
11 Questions x 3
I was tagged by @kyliafanfiction, @trinitea-fics, and @skyeward-otp forever ago, but there’s no way I can come up with 33 questions.  So I’ll answer the 33 and come up with a new 11.  Theoretically.  We’ll see.
From Kylia:
1.) Favorite Trope To Subvert?
One of my favorites that I (think I) pulled off was in Please Don’t Make Me! , where Skye is all whispering in Ward’s ear about them sneaking off and finding a way to ~entertain~ themselves, and it certainly seems like sexy times are about to happen.  And then...it’s Mario Kart.  I love twisting people’s expectations for the sake of comedy and fun.
2.) Favorite Trope to ‘Play Straight’, as it were?
Bedsharing.  I am weeeeeeak for bedsharing.  GImme gimme gimme.  I want those  punks to wake up spooning and entwined and then the awkward to set in, but actually push them to deal with their feelings.  Yes please I need it now.  
3.) What is that one character that, no matter how much you might like to be open minded about other fans having their own opinions and whatnot, when you see people defending them, you just cannot stop rolling your eyes and being at the very least somewhat angry, if not raging?
Melinda May and Phil Coulson....
4.) Favorite Thing To Put Ketchup On?
The garbage can.
Haha, just kidding.  I’m not a huge ketchup fan.  I prefer bbq sauce or ranch for most things you’d use with ketchup.  But ketchup on a burger or hot dog works well (if bbq sauce isn’t an option).  
5.) Cake or Death?
6.) Is there a Spoon?
47 of them to be precise.
7.) What is the Average Airborne Velocity Of An Unladen Swallow?
African or European?
8.) Did you get the references in questions 5, 6, and 7 without having to look them up?
5 sounds familiar, but no.  6, not even in the slightest.  7, my answer should explain that one.
9.) Silliest name you’ve ever heard for a person/thing/group?
Oh, oh, oh, I know I have some doozies of nicknames, but I’m drawing a complete blank right now.
10.) What is a book series that is nominally completed that you’d like to see more installments of?
I’m a big fan of the Jack Ryan books by Tom Clancy, but well, Clancy died a few years ago, and none of the co-writers can match his original style and quality (honestly, neither can his own later books).  So while that verse could easily accommodate more stories, and I could love them, it’s not going to happen with the quality I want, so I wouldn’t want people to try and subsequently fail.
11.) Song you both hate but sometimes can’t stop listening too?
There was an *Nsync song back in the day that I hated.  But I listened to it enough times that I ended up learning all the lyrics and singing along with.  That’s happened with a few others too.  There are some One Direction songs that I like and it pisses me off that I like them.  
From Trini:
1. A song you are listening to on loop right now
Actually no, I’m not this week.  Which honestly is kinda rare.  Then again, I’ve been listening to a couple of playlists with The War on it and that song always gets to me, so it’s back in my mind again.
2. What is a popular show/book/movie/podcast could you not get into/have no interest in?
I’ve never gotten into Supernatural.  Just never had that much interest, despite having a big fondness for Jensen Ackles.  
3. What is the last movie you watched?
Thor: Ragnarok
4. Opinion of Valentine’s Day?
It’s nice to have a day where you make an extra effort to show your love for others.  It’s just as lovely to do so with family and friends as it is with a romantic partner.  And I definitely prefer, low-key, thoughtful gifts/activities.
5. A show, book or movie that you consider “Your childhood”
Inspector Gadget was one of my absolutely faves when I was a kid.  Also, totally loved Ghostwriter and wanted to start my own crime-solving group.  Alas, we did not have a ghost to aid us.  Magic School Bus was also watched a lot and I can still remember the ending bit with all the kids making phone calls.
6. Favourite Youtuber/what you do watch on Youtube?
I mostly listen to music on YouTube.  I don’t follow any particular person.  I’ve been enjoying mashup videos lately.  Imagine Dragons are great for mashups.  (There.  Happy Megan?)
7. What do you need to buy?
A new battery for my laptop.  It would be nice to use it when it wasn’t plugged in.  After all, that’s a big part of the whole laptop thing.
8. What merch are you close to impulse buying?
At this moment, nothing really.  But I had strongly considered buying Chloe Bennet’s Fight Like A Girl shirt.  If I had had the money at the time, I probably would have.
9. What’s the weather outside?
Right at this moment, overcast, grey, cool (low 40s), but happily, not raining.  Typical late March weather in this area.
10. A thing that you recently accomplished that you are proud of?
@mframe and I spent a good chunk of a day (or was it a couple days?) and built a form within the test environment of our database.  Built it from the ground up, adding groups, creating custom fields, making them calculated fields, setting up a bunch of codes in order to make them calculate correctly, etc.  And it works really well.  I really like it.  Now if only the assholes that I work with would shut the f*** up and get on board, we could actually use it.
11. Movie/book/Tv show/podcast coming out soon that you’re excited for
From Gilly:
1. If you won $1,000,000 dollars, what’s the first thing you’d do?
Pay off debt.  
2. A movie/tv show that you always go back to whenever you’re bored or don’t know what to watch?
Friends, Community, Brooklyn Nine Nine are all great standbys for when I can’t decide on what I’m in the mood for.
3. Most meaningful book you’ve ever read.
That’s an excellent question.  To Kill A Mockingbird is one of those books that’s always stuck with me.  I need to re-read it again, in fact.
4. Have you ever gotten anyone to get hooked on a tv show? How did they feel about it?
HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH.  Yes.  I mean, nothing on the scale of Megan getting me hooked on AoS.  But I’ve convinced a couple friends to try Doctor Who, I got @evieoh to watch Community, and then she and I ganged up on @airaze-blog and made him watch all of Alias.  There was a lot of screaming.  We won’t talk about Orphan Black.
5. Has anyone ever gotten you hooked on a tv show? How did you feel about it?
As referenced above, Megan was the one that really pushed me to try AoS again.  (I’d watched the first 3 or 4 episodes when it first aired, but lost interest and was always having to watch it later b/c of committments those nights.) There was another friend of ours at work, who pushed along with her, and my bff watched it as well and encouraged me.  I was kind of hesitant, didn’t care a whole lot, but I was getting into the MCU as a whole, so I decided to give it a shot again.
Amazingly enough, while I knew Hydra comes out of the shadows and about Jiaying’s evil turn, Double Agent Ward wasn’t spoiled for me.  I was SHOCKED at that.  And I’m so glad, because it was SUCH A GOOD TWIST.  
But yeah.....that may have just slightly, dramatically changed the trajectory of my life.  I wouldn’t have had an Aussie live on my couch for the last 6 months and that would have truly been tragic.
6. Where’s your dream vacation?
Croatia.  I’ve been dying to go there for years and it gets more intense every day.
7. Favorite social media app/site.
Tumblr.  I get the most interaction and the widest range here.  
8. Dream job.
Stay at home mom would be my preferred occupation.  For a profession, lactation consultant is my dream.  We’ll see if I ever get there.
9. Favorite genre to read/write.
Uhhh.....in terms of fanfic genres/tropes, I love enemies to friends to lovers (on any scale).  
10. Favorite genre to watch.
I love spy shows.  Gimmes spies anyday.  
11. Favorite quote at the moment.
CHICKENS!  (just for you, Evie)
My questions - sorry dudes, only doing 11.
What is your favorite season?
What are your feeling on A.I. (the concept, not the movie)?
What is the oldest piece of technology in your home?  Do you use it?  Do you know how?
Hummus.  Thoughts?
Tell me about a favorite birthday or holiday present.
What pair of shoes do you wear the most?  Are they your favorite or just the most functional or something else?
What’s your dream fanfic?
How easy is it for you to unplug?
What is a hobby/activity/something that you have an absurd amount of supplies/tools for?
What is your guilty pleasure snack food?
Are you more a dialogue or song lyrics referencer?
I tag: @evieoh, @mframe, @agenthaywood, @airaze-blog, @helloimthedoctor, @agentsofsunnydale, @queermageddon, @livesindaydreams, @orlissa, @vesperass-anuna, and @in-the-moving-castle
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kangalex · 7 years
This Letter From A 27-Year-Old Who Was Dying Of Cancer Will Change Your Approach To Life
A bit of life advice from Hol:
It’s a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It’s just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; Until the unexpected happens. I always imagined myself growing old, wrinkled and grey- most likely caused by the beautiful family (lots of kiddies) I planned on building with the love of my life. I want that so bad it hurts.
That’s the thing about life; It is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right.
I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life. I am happy.. I owe that to my loved ones. But the control is out of my hands.
I haven’t started this ‘note before I die’ so that death is feared - I like the fact that we are mostly ignorant to it’s inevitability.. Except when I want to talk about it and it is treated like a ‘taboo’ topic that will never happen to any of us.. That’s been a bit tough. I just want people to stop worrying so much about the small, meaningless stresses in life and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all so do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great, minus the bullshit.
I have dropped lots of my thoughts below as I have had a lot of time to ponder life these last few months. Of course it’s the middle of the night when these random things pop in my head most!
Those times you are whinging about ridiculous things (something I have noticed so much these past few months), just think about someone who is really facing a problem. Be grateful for your minor issue and get over it. It’s okay to acknowledge that something is annoying but try not to carry on about it and negatively effect other people’s days.
Once you do that, get out there and take a freaking big breath of that fresh Aussie air deep in your lungs, look at how blue the sky is and how green the trees are; It is so beautiful. Think how lucky you are to be able to do just that - breathe.
You might have got caught in bad traffic today, or had a bad sleep because your beautiful babies kept you awake, or your hairdresser cut your hair too short. Your new fake nails might have got a chip, your boobs are too small, or you have cellulite on your arse and your belly is wobbling.
Let all that shit go.. I swear you will not be thinking of those things when it is your turn to go. It is all SO insignificant when you look at life as a whole. I’m watching my body waste away right before my eyes with nothing I can do about it and all I wish for now is that I could have just one more Birthday or Christmas with my family, or just one more day with my partner and dog. Just one more.
I hear people complaining about how terrible work is or about how hard it is to exercise - Be grateful you are physically able to. Work and exercise may seem like such trivial things ... until your body doesn’t allow you to do either of them.
I tried to live a healthy life, in fact, that was probably my major passion. Appreciate your good health and functioning body- even if it isn’t your ideal size. Look after it and embrace how amazing it is. Move it and nourish it with fresh food. Don’t obsess over it.
Remember there are more aspects to good health than the physical body.. work just as hard on finding your mental, emotional and spiritual happiness too. That way you might realise just how insignificant and unimportant having this stupidly portrayed perfect social media body really is.. While on this topic, delete any account that pops up on your news feeds that gives you any sense of feeling shit about yourself. Friend or not.. Be ruthless for your own well-being.
Be grateful for each day you don’t have pain and even the days where you are unwell with man flu, a sore back or a sprained ankle, accept it is shit but be thankful it isn’t life threatening and will go away.
Whinge less, people! .. And help each other more.
Give, give, give. It is true that you gain more happiness doing things for others than doing them for yourself. I wish I did this more. Since I have been sick, I have met the most incredibly giving and kind people and been the receiver of the most thoughtful and loving words and support from my family, friends and strangers; More than I could I ever give in return. I will never forget this and will be forever grateful to all of these people.
It is a weird thing having money to spend at the end.. when you’re dying. It’s not a time you go out and buy material things that you usually would, like a new dress. It makes you think how silly it is that we think it is worth spending so much money on new clothes and ‘things’ in our lives.
Buy your friend something kind instead of another dress, beauty product or jewellery for that next wedding. 1. No-one cares if you wear the same thing twice 2. It feels good. Take them out for a meal, or better yet, cook them a meal. Shout their coffee. Give/ buy them a plant, a massage or a candle and tell them you love them when you give it to them.
Value other people’s time. Don’t keep them waiting because you are shit at being on time. Get ready earlier if you are one of those people and appreciate that your friends want to share their time with you, not sit by themselves, waiting on a mate. You will gain respect too! Amen sister.
This year, our family agreed to do no presents and despite the tree looking rather sad and empty (I nearly cracked Christmas Eve!), it was so nice because people didn’t have the pressure of shopping and the effort went into writing a nice card for each other. Plus imagine my family trying to buy me a present knowing they would probably end up with it themselves.. strange! It might seem lame but those cards mean more to me than any impulse purchase could. Mind you, it was also easier to do in our house because we had no little kiddies there. Anyway, moral of the story- presents are not needed for a meaningful Christmas. Moving on.
Use your money on experiences.. Or at least don’t miss out on experiences because you spent all your money on material shit.
Put in the effort to do that day trip to the beach you keep putting off. Dip your feet in the water and dig your toes in the sand. Wet your face with salt water.
Get amongst nature.
Try just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through the screen of your phone. Life isn’t meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo.. enjoy the bloody moment, people! Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.
Random rhetorical question. Are those several hours you spend doing your hair and make up each day or to go out for one night really worth it? I’ve never understood this about females 🤔.
Get up early sometimes and listen to the birds while you watch the beautiful colours the sun makes as it rises.
Listen to music.. really listen. Music is therapy. Old is best.
Cuddle your dog. Far out, I will miss that.
Talk to your friends. Put down your phone. Are they doing okay?
Travel if it’s your desire, don’t if it’s not.
Work to live, don’t live to work.
Seriously, do what makes your heart feel happy.
Eat the cake. Zero guilt.
Say no to things you really don’t want to do.
Don’t feel pressured to do what other people might think is a fulfilling life.. you might want a mediocre life and that is so okay.
Tell your loved ones you love them every time you get the chance and love them with everything you have.
Also, remember if something is making you miserable, you do have the power to change it - in work or love or whatever it may be. Have the guts to change. You don’t know how much time you’ve got on this earth so don’t waste it being miserable. I know that is said all the time but it couldn’t be more true.
Anyway, that’s just this one young gals life advice. Take it or leave it, I don’t mind!
Oh and one last thing, if you can, do a good deed for humanity (and myself) and start regularly donating blood. It will make you feel good with the added bonus of saving lives. I feel like it is something that is so overlooked considering every donation can save 3 lives! That is a massive impact each person can have and the process really is so simple.
Blood donation (more bags than I could keep up with counting) helped keep me alive for an extra year - a year I will be forever grateful that I got to spend it here on Earth with my family, friends and dog. A year I had some of the greatest times of my life.
..’Til we meet again.
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conclusion855 · 4 years
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Cupid’s Blind Arrow (Group fic) Chapter 1 - Ginger Nut
AN: I hope yous enjoy first official chapter, and I’d like to welcome Mistress as the beta for this fic. Already she’s helped so much to improve the writing, thank you!
As the class started to file in for English they noticed all of their chairs were assembled differently. On either side of the room the chairs were set up facing each other. “Are we in a fucking courtroom or something?” asked Adore. “That’s not what a courtroom looks like dumbass, I’m surprised you haven’t seen one before,” Bianca came up behind the girl and settled a hand on her shoulder. “This looks more like…” she searched for the name. “The house of commons in London, where they debate about laws and stuff.” “Party” signed off Adore Bianca watched her eyes; she was sure they had a twinkle she’d never ever seen before. Bianca shook her head. What the hell am I thinking? Since when do I care about a twinkle in some slacker’s eye? “B, you ok?” Adore noticed Bianca almost having a conversation with herself. She worried for a minute that Bianca had actually been talking to her, and that Adore had been ignoring her. Bianca blinked a couple times and forced a half smile to her face, nodding.
“Take your seats, quit acting like you’ve never seen a debate room before. Actually, no don’t take your seats I need to tell you what seat to take” Miss Raja appeared from the corridor, shooing all remaining students into the classroom. “Ok uh, actually just take any seat right now I can’t think with you all standing there.” The students obeyed and slumped in the closest empty seat. “So today we are going to be doing something a little different. Everyone who has read Romeo and Juliet believe that the plot was one of the two following-” A knock on the door came, interrupting Miss Raja, who stomped to the locked door to let in an almost lifeless Pearl.She had a bag slumped over one shoulder and their eyes were more closed than open, so nothing was new. “Sorry I’m late” came out of her with minimal effort and volume. Raja sighed as she went to change the register to inform the office of Pearl’s now late attendance. “It’s fine just take any seat Pearl.” Pearl scanned the room for a second, surveying her options. There was a spare seat next to Laganja, yeah no. Nothing against the girl but Pearl had no energy to keep up with her; there was also one next to Max, could she really be bothered being told to sit with her legs crossed so she doesn’t “sit like a man”? fuck that. Ultimately, she left one option and took a spare seat between Violet and Vivienne. Vivienne hardly ever spoke, and Pearl had never really spoken to Violet, whatever she thought. “Stoner pit stop before class?” mumbled Violet, loud enough for only Pearl to hear. Pearl scoffed and looked up to find Violets eyes on her. The girl’s gaze had a weird effect on Pearl; It was like she could see into her soul. “No” Pearl replied, dragging out the syllable longer than she probably should have been. “I missed the bus and had to get my mom to drive me.” Violet returned a smirk, accepting Pearl’s answer, then refocused her attention to Miss Raja, about to start over. “Back to the play; people either think it is about the stupidity of youth and their lust, or they think it’s a beautiful tragedy about how love can conquer hate. One of the requirements for the honours course is that students must participate in a discussion, ensuring that they become informed of both opinions and can make their own decision. So, without any talking, if you believe that Romeo and Juliet is a play that demonstrates how children can be naïve and mistake love for obsession, sit on the left side and if you think it’s a tragic tale of two star crossed lovers sit on the right.” A second passed before Raja had to exclaim “Move!” accompanied by a hand gesture to get the teenagers to reluctantly get up. “Where are you going then?” Pearl asked Violet, who was still a bit offended by the previous stoner nickname she’d been given. Violet remained silent but stood up to cross over sides. “Love is love, you don’t have to be thirty to realise that.” With that she flipped her jet-black hair to one side and took the seat directly across from Pearl.
Katya moved up from her seat, shimmying past Ivy and Jinkx, and made her way over to the left side of the room. she liked Romeo and Juliet but she couldn’t get past the time span of the play – seriously you don’t marry a guy you met less than 4 days ago. She sat in an empty seat next to Pearl. Katya never had the chance to get to know Pearl, but she felt bad for her. The poor girl had moved from New York, and that’s like forever away, as far as Katya was concerned. Katya had known everyone else in the class since at least middle school. Pearl was cute though - not Katya’s type - but cute. She spied the others that had come to the dark side. Del Rio; that was no surprise, Phi Phi; Katya was starting to think Phi Phi had maybe given up on love considering she caught her ex cheating on her a couple of weeks back. There was also Gia, Max, Alyssa and- what? Alaska? Alaska Thunderfuck? The girl was all cheerleader and sing-songy, why was she on this side, did she get confused? She sure as hell didn’t look confused; she sat with her arms crossed, bottom eyeliner smudged and an emotionless bitch face as Alyssa talked nonsense to her. Wow. Shocker of the week. On the other side sat Alaska’s friend Trixie, a blonde bombshell by Katya’s standards. This was Katya’s first class with the girl but the minute she’d walked in on the first day, Katya hadn’t been able to tear her eyes away. She’d seen Trixie before in the corridors and at football games, but for some reason when Trixie stood in the doorway Katya’s whole world stopped, my god she’s beautiful. Suddenly her attention was averted to the girl behind Trixie; Sharon Needles. “Well I never” breathed Katya without thinking. “Hm?” Pearl looked up. Katya mouthed Sharon and motioned over to the other side. Pearl made a face giving herself an extra two chins, “Sharon? Young Love? Nah I don’t see it.” Katya narrowed her eyes to focus, her mind drew a blank. “Looks like she might not just be Sharon Needles but Sharon the love” Katya toppled over in wheezing laughter at the mediocre pun she’d just made. Pearl face palmed and settled back into her seat.
“Okay class- wait Willam you need to choose a side.” Willam folded her arms across her chest. “What if I think the play is both?” Miss Raja put a hand to her head. “Willam I don’t have time-“ Willam spread her hands and shrugged. “Listen, the play is stupid. No one would ever marry someone they just met, but teenagers also aren’t as dumb as you baby boomers think.” Raja was offended at the age comment but didn’t hold Willam to it. Instead she ushered a challenge. “Willam, you’ve just proven your strength in ability for discussions. How about you choose one side right now, but you can change your mind later. This is something you can really excel in, do lots of research …” Willam rolled her eyes and strolled over to the side with the rest of the anti-love crowd, tuning the teacher out as soon as she’d said the word ‘research’. “Willam?” prodded Miss Raja. Willam raised her head, realizing she’d been asked a question. “What? I stopped listening.” Raja sighed. “I said when was the last time you found something you could really sink your teeth into?” “Courtney Act” Willam responded. Adore sniggered from her seat – she was the only other person who really knew about Willam and Courtney. Beyond the rumor mill, Adore had caught them together on a break day last term. After promising not to tell, Adore had given Willam a high five and picked another place to smoke. around ten minutes later Willam came over and sat down next to Adore at one of the back walls of the school. Adore could only remember Willam gushing over the blonde, how she made Willam look forward to learning just to see Courtney. Willam’s lovesick smile was so infectious it could’ve made the blind man smile thought Adore. When the Aussie returned home, Adore had offered her company to Willam. Willam had tried to blow it off, “not like it was a break up or anything, a fling. That’s all it was.” The bohemian rocker saw straight through her, Willam missed her. Hearing Willam talk about Courtney – even in a comedic way – sparked a warmth in Adore, knowing Willam still thought about her. Miss Raja clapped her hands, a sound so loud the class fell immediately silent. “Okay, we’re gonna start. The way we’re going to do this is I’ll pull someone’s name from this jar and they’re gonna share their views on the play, why they think that and anyone from the opposing side can challenge that view, OK?” everyone nodded in agreement and raja went to pull out the first name. “Phi Phi” The whole class sighed in anticipation as Phi Phi prepared herself, now that Alaska looked at her, she didn’t feel that bad. Not compared to Phi Phi’s stained races of mascara, raccoon nest hair and glassy eyes. The girl used to be so sharp, everyone thought she was perfect. Alaska actually felt bad for Phi Phi, that’s saying something. Anything to distract attention from Alaska right now. “Well… I don’t really believe in love. Like it’s silly.” The teacher nodded for her to go on, “People can’t fully love someone, like that’s just not how life happens. I feel like the play represented an infatuation, which is completely different from love. When you love someone, it’s what’s on the inside. Infatuation is mainly on the outside. But like I said, love is silly. It just… never works out” The last part subsided to a mumble as Phi Phi hung her head. Everyone had heard about her breakup and she hadn’t come to school for 4 days after it happened. It didn’t matter how annoying Phi Phi was, no one wanted to catch their partner cheating. Discussions started to break out to fill the awkward silence Phi Phi had left. No one really listened to each other until Needles broke out: “Love is real.” At that everyone turned their head and found an emotional Sharon, not crying but emotional. Sharon was being stared at like a statue. What the fuck is she doing? Alaska screamed in her mind. Sharon went on, “The first time you look at someone you can tell if there’s something there, I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I believe in that connection. I can’t explain it, but I can feel it. You look at someone and you mind starts to run laps of a track but you don’t get tired, you feel… rejuvenated.” “Wow Sharon,” commented Willam. “Rejuvenated. That’s a big word for you.” Max gave Willam a discreet but firm kick in the shin to get her to shut up. Willam let out a screech “Get your sasquatch feet away from my Loub’s.” “Love is a precious feeling, anyone who’s lucky enough to feel it knows that, and they can clearly see that Romeo and Juliet loved each other. So much so that they went to extremes for one another.” The class was silent, no one could really comprehend what just happened. Sharon Needles, a person who never showed any emotion, a person who never talked about emotion, for the first time opened up her heart to reveal a warm affectionate soul. Who knew? Silence filled the room for a minute, each person taking in Sharon’s heart-felt speech. Until Alaska, who had been sitting quietly spoke up through a groggy voice and a guarded façade. “Love? You really believe that Romeo loved Juliet? He didn’t care enough to wait with her! She wasn’t dead, she was asleep, but he didn’t wait around long enough to realise that, did he?” The girls on her side of the class all tried not to notice Alaska’s hands balled into fists. “Romeo was stupid, Juliet was left with no choice, she loved him so much, I’ll say that. She was willing to leave everything for Romeo, her name, her family, but the minute Romeo saw that Juliet wasn’t awake he went down to the Apothecary to get drugs. Those drugs didn’t help with anything and Romeo died, their love along with it.” Sharon and Alaska’s eyes were locked on each other. It was like no one else was in the room. Sharon took a shallow breath through her teeth, her eyes squeezing shut. “Did you ever consider that Romeo didn’t get the drugs because of Juliet? God, not everything is about effin Juliet, Juliet likes to play the victim. Like none of this is her fault and she’s some precious gift to the world. Fuck Juliet- sorry miss- fuck her. Romeo had a life, y’know, at the start of the play he was very obviously depressed, Juliet wasn’t there for him, was she?” Violet and Pearl caught each other’s eye and Violet mouthed burn to Pearl mimicking dubbing a fire on her finger. Pearl gave a shy laugh, she kinda liked Violet. Sharon was panting. “Maybe, just maybe Alaska, Romeo wanted to die. And Juliet set him over the edge. Juliet doesn’t rule his life, and she shouldn’t dictate what he can do and when. Romeo did love Juliet but he really shouldn’t’ve. It messed up his life more than you can imagine.” Everyone flipped their eyes back to a boiling Alaska from Sharon who was sitting on the edge of her seat, face red with passion. “What the literal fuck is going on?” muttered Violet, Adore met her comment with a wide-eyed glance implying she was just as lost as Violet. “Their relationship was toxic and you know it,” Alaska stumbled, not losing eye contact with Sharon as tears began to clog her vision. Alaska don’t break she told herself, not here not now. “It was destined for failure the minute Romeo snuck into the ball. He still wasn’t over Rosaline and he threw himself at the first girl he saw. That, to me. Is. Not. Love.” “I agree with Alaska.”. Sharon rolled her eyes. “Oh, you would Phi Phi” Suddenly, the ball was back in Sharon’s court and she was frozen for a second, her usual laid-back slouch in a chair had been replaced by a vulnerable huddle at the edge. Her lip quivered for a millisecond, something no one but Alaska would be able to notice. “Did Juliet even want a relationship?” asked Sharon, a hint of hurt in her voice. “Seriously what the fuck is this? Jerry Springer?” Trixie elbowed the girl. “Violet shut up. I want all the details,” Sharon swallowed before continuing. “Like, her mother had even asked her about marrying Paris, and she told her she hadn’t thought of being in a relationship. Was her plan to just lead Romeo on, drive him crazy?!” the word “crazy” had been delivered through gritted teeth. Throughout all of this Miss Raja had bought a ticket to attend the tennis match and she let out the occasional gasp and she was given disapproving glare by Willam. “Face it Sharon, Romeo was stupid. If he really loved Juliet he wouldn’t have ran away. Who really was the one afraid of commitment.” “Bull- “ At that the bell rang for the next class but no one moved. Even Raja stood still for a moment, before realising the situation and opening the door to allow students out. Sharon darted out of the door. “Go ahead, run away from the problem like you always do!” Alaska yelled out after her. The blonde composed herself, attempting to fix the smudged eyeliner and hair that had been messed with for the whole period. Willam came up behind her and showed what little compassion Courtney had taught her “Hey, let’s not break down at school and be known as the girl who cried and had to be taken out of class - stop, let me do it, we can make it smoked instead of smudged.” Pearl sensed someone standing in front of her as she packed up her things, God I wish Miss Raja would’ve told us we didn’t need our folders and- “Hey Pearl” It was Violet, closer than she probably should’ve been. “You busy on Friday night?” Pearl, somewhat perplexed, managed to give a shake of her head. “Uh, no.” “Why don’t you come to my party? Everyone’s gonna be there, it’ll give you a chance to get to know people better.” Just when pearl didn’t think she could get any more confused, did Violet Chachki just wink at me? “uh yeah, sure sounds great?” “Cool, just ask Adore for the details and stuff but there’s one rule.” Violet paused for dramatic effect. “It’s a costume party, be creative like I know you are.” an awkward silence filled the gap between them as Violet realized what she just said. “Sorry that sounded weird I know. Uh, I meant that you’re like artsy, y’know with your sketch pad and hipster clothes.” Pearl quirked an eyebrow. “Hipster?! Seriously?” Both girls broke out into laughter at Violet’s word choice. “See ya, pearl” Pearl watched Violet go, she glided in her heel, her hair not moving an inch. Pearl smiled to herself, feeling happy for once.
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