#Kobold Fortress
inscrutablemachine · 1 year
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Did you think I could ever give up Dwarf Fortress?
Welcome back to So, This Happened, my Kobold Fortress travelogue! Dwarf Fortress updated to take Steam screenshots, and I have dozens of them I have completely not been uploading with the wild and wacky stories of my Kobold Fortresses.
In fact, here we have a farewell post. This particular fort I used for two experiments. One I am highlighting with these screenshots. Well into the game, I decided to move my fortress out from underground and build an actual castle! I had thoughts about adding turrets and other expansions.
Alas, that did not happen. Experienced players will be looking at this screenshot and going "HOLY CRUD LOOK AT HOW UNHAPPY YOUR POPULATION IS."
So, uh, yeah. This happened. See, first, I really should have built the roof FIRST. Dwarves (and thus kobolds) really, really hate the surface. They hate being rained on more than ANYTHING. By the time I realized my mistake and rushed a roof, I had 45 angry 'bolds in my population. I went on a huge exiling spree and got that down to controllable levels.
Then I got declared the capitol and the King arrived.
I always name the ruler of my fortress Nerissa after a friend. I do not like some weirdo showing up demanding a better bedroom than Princess Nerissa. I commit regicide to deal with this issue every time.
So, you know, when I do that, two things happen. The crown gets passed down along a devious chain of inheritance to someone who is not a resident of my fortress. That person immediately sets out to visit (but not live here). Second, when my fortress becomes the capitol, it gets mobs of visitors that are the royal court. Nobles of various ranks.
*I* thought, hey, Nerissa rules the wealthiest and most powerful fortress in this kingdom, because Toady seems to be in no hurry to fix the weird game balance mistake that food is worth 100 times as much as anything else you can make. She has to be high up on the royal succession list, right? So what if I keep killing kings until she inherits? I've always wanted to try that, and this fortress I did!
First, and most importantly, it doesn't work. The rules of inheritance are byzantine indeed, and your princess will not inherit the throne. My best understanding is that before territory ruling nobles, important court functionaries inherit, and those roles will be automatically filled by non-resident historical figures. No matter how many kings you murder, some random schmuck will be inserted into the line of succession right in front of your fortress ruler.
Second, it turns out that kobolds really don't like seeing you murder their king. Even if you do it out in the wilds before they reach the fortress and nobody but your soldiers witness the murder. Even if their king simply vanishes for mysterious (coughcoughbridgetrapatomizedthemcoughcough) reasons. My fortress stress levels reached an uncontrollable level.
So, I finished construction, and I am retiring this beautiful castle to start something new. Maybe I'll try nagas! Everybody likes nagas, right? Nagas are COOL.
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goosiegoos · 2 years
I love how easy it is to mod dwarf fortress because you see shit like this all the time
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thinking about how as of I think 44.12 DF's kobolds have snake and spider people living in their caves.
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beezlebum · 2 years
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izzydeadjet · 2 years
I got an alert that a kobold was tryna steal my stuff in Dwarf Fortress so I found it and checked it's inventory to see what it pilfered and :(
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chunky-doggo · 1 year
Observers Guide to Kobolds #3
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Kobold burrow, Illustrated!
A kobolds bedding will often be a shared space, albeit a quiet one. There is little privacy in the burrow even so, with their few personal belongings kept in small bags, pots and shelves close to their sleeping shelf. Kobolds will make their bedding with dried stalks & stems, and if cloth is available will readily make use of it. Scaled hides do not require soft furnishing, but cushioning is always valued.
Gently glowing fungi and gems are often kept in the communal dens, illuminating the area just enough to be a comfort and help guide those awake. Scavenging insects will sometimes find their way in to feast upon the discarded scraps of previous meals, and then find themselves part of the next meal the kobolds around inbibe.
Art & graffiti are commonplace in the shared dens, usually depicting the inhabitants in addition to their thoughts and feelings on recent events. Dissenting imagery will appear closer to latrines, approving imagery closer to sleeping areas.
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casketsanctum · 2 years
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kobold fortress!!!!
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kobold-wyx · 3 months
Liiiiiiiiiive with Dwarf Fortress! Let's build a new kobold civ :]
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galacsin · 2 years
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Giant versions of animals in DF are no joke. This sea lamprey provoked a giant sponge and did not survive.
I love how the lamprey's attack is described as "lightly tapping the target". On the other hand one successful push from the sponge ,and it was over for that silly fish.
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Some dwarves like sponges for their squishy texture.
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Some dwarves like sea lampreys for their suckers.
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inscrutablemachine · 2 years
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In the latest episode of my Kobold Fortress travelogue, So, This Happened... so, this happened.  A giantess attacked, and was wielding this artifact necromancer’s slab containing the secrets of life and death as a weapon, beating my pets to death with it.  Oh, and she was dual wielding.  The other hand held an artifact giant silver screw, because... I guess she just liked screwing around?
Alas for her, I had obtained a tame giant cave spider.  The giantess did win that fight, but by the time she squashed the bug with a slab of rock containing, again, the secrets of life and death, she was so poisoned that my soldiers arrived and killed her in seconds with no injuries.
As you can see, I had my tavern keeper Civip hide the slab in a locked room behind an unused bedroom while I figure out what to do with it.   I’m pretty sure she can’t read, and I know for damn sure she’s too drunk to read.  She mostly serves drinks to herself.
BONUS CONTENT:  The Steam version lets you look at other creatures in the same detail you can your citizens!  It turns out every single Dwarf Fortress monster has its own individualized personality!  Should I feel guilty about murdering these poor goobers?  OH SUN PONY I DIDN’T THINK TO READ THEIR RELATIONS TAB WHAT IF THEY WERE MARRIED AND HAD KIDS
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crashional-thinker · 1 year
Brimcraft Tour
this here is my first successful fortress. economy was "cheesed" and enemies were turned off, but i prefer to avoid having Fun tbh. sue me. they are simply too cute of little guys to watch get hurt
i would've named it swiftwater if i knew it was gonna be successful
my main exports are, funnily enough, not finished goods, but food! i have a barrel of prepared meals worth over 330,000 dwarfbucks. that's a lot. wow.
i settled on the other side of the map away from most major civilizations, and only had elves for traders for the first few years. eventually i sent a squad of "diplomats" (soldiers) to "make peaceful contact" (demand one-time tribute, which they refused. but now i buy out all your caravans ever year. WHO WON HERE) and now i get humans and dwarves on top of that.
i have yet to make it a mountainhome. but soon...
i believe my next stupid kobold trick will be to grab an artifact slab containing the secrets of life and death and then convert everyone into my fortress into necromancers
UPDATE: just realized my monarch and liaison rooms are in the shape of a penis. Good. Rich people deserve PENIS TYPO
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Art dump of a bunch of DF related doodles and sketches I made on the kitfoxgames discord one focusing on what kobolds get to have in their caves with befriending anyone with the poisonous animal class and not the mammal animal class.
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year
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i mean he came to chill in the tavern but i'm keeping an eye on him in case he decides to start causing Fun while the butcher's running
he got lucky tho, best name evar!
If the animal's butchered soon after it's slaughtered you shouldn't have too many issues. A steak can't exactly charge anybody.
Great name
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dwarfbehavior · 1 year
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Fun sentence.
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Going to pen some of my war animals in here.
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chunky-doggo · 1 year
Observers Guide to Kobolds #1
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Tools, with Illustrations!
The first hole a kobold will make is a small burrow in the soft loam or sand. They use their tough nails to dig a hole big enough to sleep in, and hide in. Familys and tribes will make a burrow-village of connected tunnels.
Next the kobold will find a suitable strong rock, one that can be knapped like flint, and they will break a sharp line along one side to give it an edge. This tool can be used and made when there is little to no wood or metal available, and whilst heavy and not the most effective, it can break down materials the kobolds nails cannot or would take months of scratching to achieve.
If metal and wood are available, the kobold can start to make mining and digging tools that humans and dwarves would recognise. Crude and humble they may be, with shafts of bone and heads of scrap copper, but they perform their task well.
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casketsanctum · 2 years
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kobold pit boss
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