#Kochi news
maigeiko · 3 months
New Maiko in Kochi! She debuted on 15. Jun 2024, her name is Haruchiyo (春千代).
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puyotism · 9 months
zeno art dump
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hooknspeed05 · 25 days
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24 hours Flatbed service available in Thiruvananthapuram - Hooknspeed
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tezzaa · 1 month
had an extremely strange and vivid dream that team cherry inexplicably decided to announce silksong's release date on a sunrise segment. kochie was hyped
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yugonoashiato · 1 year
The Unwavering Passion of SixTONES for Radio - An Interview with Jun Nagahama
The Unwavering Passion of SixTONES for Radio - An Interview with Jun Nagahama, Who Graduated as a Program Producer, on the Charms of Being a Radio Personality with the Group of Six
Source: https://realsound.jp/2023/09/post-1416645_2.html
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SixTONES no All Night Nippon Saturday Special" (commonly referred to as "SixTONES ANN"), hosted by SixTONES members, stands out as a particularly unique radio program. Airing on the iconic "All Night Nippon" network, this show has garnered a dedicated following among both SixTONES fans and general radio listeners alike.
Broadcasted nationwide from Nippon Broadcasting every Saturday night, it has become a cherished presence in the lives of its six hosts and their fans. As of July 2023, Jun Nagahama, the producer at Nippon Broadcasting who had been in charge of the show since its special pre-debut era, is graduating from his role. In light of this transition, we spoke with Mr. Nagahama to understand why this radio show has become such a beloved entity and to explore the charm of SixTONES as radio personalities
"We always said, 'We want to do radio.'"
— First, please tell us how you and SixTONES first crossed paths.
Jun Nagahama (hereinafter referred to as Nagahama): It all began with a special program called "SixTONES no All Night Nippon," which aired in August 2019. I had the privilege of working on that, followed by the New Year's special program called "Sutōnzu no Oshaberi," which aired in January 2020. Subsequently, I became involved as the program producer for "SixTONES ANN," which became a regular show in the spring of 2020. However, this July, I was assigned to the Content Planning Department in the Programming Section, which is typically involved in scheduling, and as a result, I will be graduating from the program.
— So, what exactly does the job of a radio program producer entail?
Nagahama: To put it succinctly, it's like being a director on set. I oversee the program while taking care of various aspects such as quality control of content, budget management, and public relations and promotion.
— You've been involved with SixTONES since the special program in 2019, for approximately four years. What were your initial impressions of SixTONES?
Nagahama: I thought they were fresh and passionate young individuals. Even outside of the broadcasts, they spoke fervently about their love for radio and consistently said, "We want to do radio." Personally, I believe that the enthusiasm of both the speakers and creators is essential, so I think people who genuinely love radio should be radio personalities. Therefore, it was heartwarming for me that they conveyed their love for radio so passionately.
— Indeed, it seems that "SixTONES ANN" is beloved not only by SixTONES fans but also by listeners of "All Night Nippon." Could it be that their genuine love for radio is a contributing factor to this?
Nagahama: When they took on the "All Night Nippon" slot, they expressed a sentiment of "We're here as guests." They said, "We're not just here for our fans to listen; we're guests in a program with a long history like 'All Night Nippon,' and we want to create a show that can be enjoyed by a wide range of radio listeners." They genuinely had this attitude of "We love radio, and we want to entertain," and I believe that attitude gradually communicated itself to the listeners.
The Charms of the Six Radio Personalities
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— When "SixTONES ANN" became a regular show, the format included having Juri Tanaka as the main MC with different members appearing on a weekly basis. Regarding Mr. Tanaka, what do you find appealing about him as a radio personality?
Nagahama: I think he excels in assessing the situation. He not only keeps in mind the rotating members in front of him but also imagines each and every listener tuning in on the other side of the microphone. He communicates with the staff, maintains eye contact, and steers the program in that context. He's an excellent MC. He doesn't just focus on his own stories; he has a knack for drawing out the charms of others while taking a step back. So, I had a great deal of trust in him in that regard.
— Did you initially sense Mr. Tanaka had the talent to be a radio personality?
Nagahama: I believe he had the potential, but certain aspects of his talent were brought out as he accumulated more broadcast experience. "SixTONES ANN" began its regular broadcasts with all six members, and from the second episode, we had to switch to remote broadcasting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While it was an emergency response, it was a challenging situation because the team hadn't yet fully bonded. He endured quite a bit of stress during this time. However, I think it was precisely because of this situation that Mr. Tanaka came to appreciate the importance of communication with the staff.
— As mentioned earlier, the regular broadcasts feature Mr. Tanaka as the main MC, with different members appearing on a weekly basis. What do you think are the attractive qualities of each member as a radio personality?
Nagahama: Regarding Yugo Kochi, he brings a sense of security. I think that Juri Tanaka tends to want to share his own stories when Yugo Kochi is there. Mr. Tanaka, who always tries to draw out the other person, feels comfortable entrusting his own stories to Yugo Kochi when he wants someone to listen. Yugo Kochi is also someone who is considerate and attentive, making him someone that listeners of various generations can comfortably and trustingly tune into. That's why I think we entrusted him with the morning time slot, which many adult listeners tune into, during the "Radio Charity Musicthon," a charity campaign to support visually impaired individuals. (SixTONES served as main hosts for three consecutive years.)
Taiga Kyomoto, on the other hand, is like a toy box. He has the most excitement and curiosity about what kind of "toys" will come out next. He hosted the solo "All Night Nippon" segment within the "Radio Charity Musicthon," and he has a clear taste in music. He can shine both as a musician and as an actor. I find him to be a very fascinating individual.
— How about Hokuto Matsumura? What do you think of his qualities as a radio personality?
Nagahama: I feel that Hokuto Matsumura is like a scholar. He's always a person with a lot on his mind. He seems to want to show a different side of himself here, distinct from his roles as an artist and an actor. He's particularly someone who has been listening to "All Night Nippon" for a long time, so I believe he approaches it with the intention of being a certain way on "All Night Nippon." Also, he tends to have long conversations (laughs). However, I think that's because he has a lot he wants to convey. If he can harness that and organize it, I believe he'll become an even more wonderful presence.
— Nevertheless, many listeners seem to feel a sense of loss when Hokuto Matsumura's free talk segments are shorter.
Nagahama: Since he thinks about many things, he often delves deeper and deeper into a topic until we don't quite reach a conclusion (laughs). But that might be part of his charm.
— What about Jesse and Shintaro Morimoto, the youngest members of the group?
Nagahama: Jesse is often referred to as the "Sun of SixTONES," and for a good reason. When you hear his voice, it can truly brighten your day and make you forget about various troubles. His laugh is probably the most distinctive aspect. When we combine his laughter with the ideas from our side and Juri Tanaka, it goes from "Ahaha!" to "Ihihi!" and eventually becomes "Uhuhu!" It becomes quite an amusing broadcast. As long as his laughter resonates, it feels like the sun in our hearts won't set.
Morimoto, at first, was the type to come up with a lot of material for free talk during our discussions. He used to share many short anecdotes. However, I think one significant turning point was when he portrayed Ryota Yamasato from the comedy duo "Nankai Candies" in the drama "But, There Is Passion" on Nippon TV. As an individual who loves radio and portraying the life of Yamasato, he started embodying Yamasato in a unique way, which notably improved his storytelling abilities. I've seen significant growth in him, where he can now dig deeper into topics and roll them out humorously.
— When we hear your insights, it's clear that each member has a distinct personality. Having such diverse types of members appear on a weekly basis must be interesting, but it also likely presented challenges in creating the program. Could you tell us about any difficulties you encountered?
Nagahama: At first, we had concerns about whether listeners who tuned in one week would return the following week, among other anxieties. To bring out the members' autonomy and to add an element of unpredictability, we introduced a segment called the "Jingle On-Air Battle," where the possibility of members other than the designated ones for the week also making appearances was included. In today's context, playing back last week's jingles on-air is one of the innovative ideas from those times.
Members other than Mr. Tanaka would only appear on the show once in a while. Finding a way for fans of the members who were on air last week to continue listening this week has always been a challenge. However, I feel that it has gradually changed because individual fans and program listeners, beyond just fans of the group, have grown. I've also noticed an increase in people from other professional fields telling us, "It's interesting," when we meet them elsewhere.
Experimentation and the Establishment of Radio Culture among Fans
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— You've been hosting the program for a long time, from the first episode. Are there any episodes that left a particularly strong impression on you?
Nagahama: There are many memorable episodes, but if I were to choose three, the first one would be the episode when we returned to the studio after the remote broadcasts (May 30, 2020). It felt like reuniting with comrades after a battle. The period of remote broadcasting lasted about two months, and it felt much longer than that. So, the sense of excitement and emotion when we returned was remarkable.
The second one would be the "48th Radio Charity Musicthon" episode where we live-streamed "SixTONES ANN" with video for the first time (December 24, 2022). The members had been expressing their desire to do video streaming for a long time, and this time, we were able to make it happen while still being a radio show. Initially, we thought the listeners would focus on the video element, but on social media, we saw comments like, "I want to watch the video, but I still want to enjoy the regular 'All Night Nippon' because that's the way I usually enjoy it." It showed that each listener had their own way of enjoying the show, by listening on the radio, participating on social media, and sharing the atmosphere, all of which are part of the usual enjoyment of the program. Realizing that this regular way of enjoying the show had caught on was truly satisfying. I also won't forget that they sang "Always" as a Christmas present on that day.
The third one would be the episode that aired as part of the "All Night Nippon 55-Hour Special" to celebrate the 55th anniversary of All Night Nippon (February 18, 2023). It was a part of the extensive special program spanning 55 hours with a common theme for discussions: "What you want to tell your past self." In line with this theme, we looked back on the path we had walked so far. It was striking how they talked brightly about the days of struggles and doubts they had faced. Particularly, when Juri Tanaka said to their selves from a few years ago, "I want to tell you about the future, where we have a regular radio show," and Taiga Kyomoto added, "They'll be thrilled," with a smile. It was a wonderful moment. When you spend time together, you sometimes encounter moments that feel like " reconciling with the efforts they had made over the years." It's a precious moment where you can start walking forward again.
— The story about the "Musicthon" episode is indeed amazing. Many people appreciate their visuals, but the fact that they choose audio over video suggests that the culture of "radio" has truly taken root among fans.
Nagahama: It was really heartwarming to know that fans who like SixTONES also appreciate SixTONES' radio, "All Night Nippon," and radio culture in general.
— "SixTONES ANN" being a live broadcast also seems to add to its charm.
Nagahama: I think this applies not only to SixTONES but to all live broadcasts. Sharing at the same time creates a special connection, and listeners can feel that they're spending that moment together.
— SixTONES often do live broadcasts remotely even when they are on concert tours, even if they are far away.
Nagahama: "All Night Nippon" has a culture of being primarily live, and they have a stance of being part of the "All Night Nippon" culture, so they do live broadcasts. I think it can be physically demanding, but I believe they approach the broadcasts with the intention of delivering their current voices. I'm grateful for that.
— Up to this point, we've been talking about the members' discussions. On the other hand, "All Night Nippon" also has a culture that values music. In "SixTONES ANN," how do you think SixTONES' music plays a role?
Nagahama: Since their primary performance stays consistent and their identity as artists is firmly established, I think they can go all out on the radio. I believe music is one of the things that gives them confidence. Sony Music also cooperates with us, and sometimes they choose radio as the place to debut their new songs, like the 11th single "CREAK" released this week. I grew up being told by senior directors that "radio is a treasure chest," and I want to cherish the excitement of listeners opening that treasure chest. Therefore, when we create the contents of this treasure chest together, it's important to be excited, and SixTONES' music becomes an essential element of that.
— As you mentioned earlier, you graduated from the program in July. What kind of role do you hope the listeners, or "Little Stones" (the general term for "SixTONES ANN" listeners), will play in supporting SixTONES as radio personalities in the future?
Nagahama: I believe the existence of "Little Stones" will surely be a support for them. Just as listeners have been a source of strength for me, they may already serve the same purpose for SixTONES. I hope "Little Stones" can be like a stabilizer that allows them to enjoy any challenge they take on, and I would be delighted if the program continues to grow with their support. I also hope that it has a positive impact on their main profession. I'm truly grateful to the six members who love "radio," love "All Night Nippon," and have joined us here. They have passion and strong bonds, so I hope they can run forward with confidence.
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zenobomber · 2 years
// hey everyone!! just making a note that aki's canon point has officially been changed. i got attached to the sequel game after translating it so i decided to update him to that!
all threads i currently have i'll still keep and write the same as i have been! but any i pick up from now on will follow my update.
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the biggest changes to his character will be that he no longer uses a cane. his leg remains uninjured in the sequel - but he does, however, lose most function in his left arm due to injury! he's also now 25 instead of 24.
there are some updated content warnings as well, including: eugenics, manipulation, mentions of incest (i will never go into details), possibly inaccurate portrayal of dissociative identity disorder, a system holder losing their alter, cults, kidnapping, hostage situations, and attempted dismembering. i'll be sure to tag these things as always!
more details are, of course, in his application and stats!
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felix-jake · 13 hours
The Rising Demand for 2 BHK Flats in Kochi: What You Need to Know
Kochi, a bustling metropolis and a significant commercial hub in Kerala, has seen an increasing demand for residential properties, especially 2 BHK flats. With rapid urbanization, growing infrastructure, and a dynamic job market, the appeal for affordable yet spacious living options has soared. The market for 2 BHK flats in Kochi has become a prime choice for homebuyers, both young professionals and small families, looking for a blend of comfort, convenience, and value.
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Why 2 BHK Flats are Popular
2 BHK flats offer the perfect balance between space and affordability, making them ideal for nuclear families, working professionals, and even investors. With a configuration that provides two bedrooms, a living space, and other essential amenities, these flats are spacious enough for a small family while remaining within a moderate budget. Moreover, as urban living in apartments in Kochi becomes increasingly sought after, 2 BHK units are seen as a practical investment option due to their high resale and rental potential.
Factors Driving the Demand
Several factors contribute to the growing demand for flats in Kochi:
Affordability: Compared to larger 3 BHK units or independent houses, 2 BHK flats in Kochi are relatively affordable, making them attractive to a wide range of buyers.
Location Advantage: Kochi’s infrastructure growth, such as the Metro Rail, IT parks, and seamless connectivity to key areas, adds immense value to properties in this city. Many homebuyers find flats to buy in Kochi near key hubs like Kakkanad, Edappally, and Vyttila.
Lifestyle Upgrades: Modern residential complexes in Kochi come equipped with amenities like gyms, swimming pools, and community halls, offering a holistic living experience. These amenities make flats for sale in Kochi even more appealing.
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Investment Potential
For investors, 2 BHK flats in Kochi offer excellent returns. The rental market is thriving, driven by the influx of IT professionals and students, making it easy for property owners to generate steady rental income. Additionally, Kochi’s growth trajectory ensures long-term appreciation, making it an ideal city for property investment.
The rising demand for 2 BHK flats in Kochi is a clear indicator of the city's evolving real estate landscape. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or looking for a smart investment, flats in Kochi present numerous opportunities to own a home in one of Kerala’s most vibrant cities.
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vivekbsworld · 16 days
Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kochi: Your Key to Flexible and Convenient Travel
Kochi, often referred to as the “Queen of the Arabian Sea,” is a vibrant city that beautifully blends history, culture, and modernity. Whether you’re exploring its historic sites, indulging in local cuisine, or embarking on a coastal road trip, having your own vehicle can greatly enhance your travel experience. self drive car rentals in Kochi provide the freedom and flexibility to explore the city and beyond at your own pace.
Why Choose Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kochi?
Flexibility: With a self-drive car, you can create your own itinerary, make spontaneous stops, and explore hidden gems that are not easily accessible by public transport.
Privacy: Enjoy the privacy of traveling in your own vehicle without the need for a driver. This is especially beneficial for families, couples, or small groups.
Cost-Effective: Self-drive car rentals can be more economical compared to hiring taxis, especially for long journeys or multiple days of travel.
Comfort: Having your own car allows you to travel in comfort, with the convenience of storing your luggage and making frequent stops as needed.
Popular Self-Drive Car Rental Services in Kochi
Zoomcar: A well-known self-drive car rental service in India, Zoomcar offers a wide range of vehicles, from compact hatchbacks to spacious SUVs. With easy booking options and flexible rental plans, Zoomcar is a popular choice for travelers in Kochi.
IndusGo: IndusGo provides a diverse fleet of self-drive cars, including economy cars, sedans, and SUVs. They offer doorstep delivery and pickup services, making it convenient for you to start your journey right from your preferred location in Kochi.
Myles: Myles is another reliable self-drive car rental service that offers a variety of cars at competitive rates. Their seamless booking process and well-maintained vehicles make them a great option for those looking for hassle-free travel in Kochi.
Royal Drive: Royal Drive offers a wide range of self-drive cars, including luxury vehicles for those looking to travel in style. They provide excellent customer service and flexible rental options, catering to both short-term and long-term needs.
Drivezy: Drivezy offers self-drive car rentals with affordable hourly, daily, or weekly rates. Their fleet includes a variety of cars, making it easy to find a vehicle that suits your budget and travel plans.
Revv: Known for its extensive range of vehicles and flexible rental plans, Revv is another popular self-drive car rental service in Kochi. They offer doorstep delivery and pickup, making it convenient to start your journey from anywhere in the city.
Types of Cars Available for Self-Drive in Kochi
Hatchbacks: Compact and fuel-efficient, hatchbacks like Maruti Swift and Hyundai i10 are ideal for city driving and short trips.
Sedans: For a bit more comfort and space, sedans like Honda City and Toyota Etios offer a smooth driving experience, making them suitable for longer journeys.
SUVs: If you’re traveling with a group or planning to explore hilly terrains or coastal areas around Kochi, SUVs like Mahindra XUV500 and Hyundai Creta provide ample space and power.
Luxury Cars: For those who want to travel in style, luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are available for self-drive rental, perfect for special occasions or business trips.
Electric Cars: Some rental services in Kochi also offer electric vehicles (EVs) for eco-conscious travelers who want to minimize their carbon footprint.
How to Rent a Self-Drive Car in Kochi
Choose a Rental Service: Start by selecting a self-drive car rental service that offers the type of vehicle you need. Compare prices, services, and customer reviews to find the best option.
Book Online: Most rental services allow you to book your car online through their website or mobile app. Choose your preferred vehicle, select the rental period, and provide the necessary details.
Submit Documents: You will need to submit a valid driver’s license, ID proof, and sometimes a security deposit before renting the car.
Inspect the Vehicle: Before starting your journey, inspect the car for any existing damage and ensure it is in good working condition. Report any issues to the rental service to avoid disputes later.
Understand the Terms: Be clear about the rental terms, including fuel policy, mileage limits, and return conditions. Some services offer unlimited mileage, while others may have a cap.
Pickup or Delivery: Depending on the service, you can either pick up the car from the rental office or have it delivered to your preferred location in Kochi.
Tips for Self-Drive Car Rentals in Kochi
Book in Advance: To ensure availability, especially during peak tourist seasons, it’s advisable to book your self-drive car well in advance.
Check for Hidden Costs: Inquire about any additional charges, such as taxes, insurance, or late return fees, to avoid surprises.
Drive Safely: Kochi’s traffic can be challenging, especially during peak hours. Drive cautiously, follow traffic rules, and be prepared for occasional congestion.
Plan Your Route: While Kochi is well-connected, planning your route in advance can help you avoid traffic jams and make the most of your time.
Return on Time: To avoid late return fees, make sure to return the car at the agreed-upon time.
Exploring Kochi with a Self-Drive Car
With a self-drive car, you can easily explore Kochi’s top attractions and nearby destinations:
Fort Kochi: Discover the colonial history and vibrant art scene of Fort Kochi, with its charming streets, Dutch-era buildings, and the famous Chinese fishing nets.
Marine Drive: Take a scenic drive along Marine Drive, a popular promenade that offers stunning views of the backwaters and the city skyline.
Jew Town and Mattancherry: Visit the historic Jew Town and explore the Mattancherry Palace, known for its beautiful murals and artifacts.
Cherai Beach: A short drive from the city, Cherai Beach is perfect for a relaxing day by the sea, with its golden sands and calm waters.
Athirappilly Waterfalls: For a nature-filled day trip, drive to Athirappilly Waterfalls, one of Kerala’s most famous waterfalls, located about 70 km from Kochi.
Self-drive car rentals in Kochi offer a convenient, flexible, and cost-effective way to explore the city and its surroundings. Whether you’re visiting for business, leisure, or a special occasion, renting a car allows you to enjoy your journey on your own terms. With a variety of vehicles to choose from and multiple rental services to cater to your needs, you can find the perfect car to make your Kochi trip truly memorable.
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eveningkeralanews · 2 months
നടിയെ ആക്രമിച്ച കേസ്: ഒന്നാം പ്രതി സുനി സുപ്രീംകോടതിയിൽ, ആരോഗ്യകാരണങ്ങൾ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി ജാമ്യം തേടി
ദില്ലി: നടിയെ ആക്രമിച്ച കേസിലെ ഒന്നാം പ്രതി സുനി ജാമ്യം തേടി സുപ്രീംകോടതിയിൽ. ആരോഗ്യകാരണങ്ങൾ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടിയാണ് സുനി സുപ്രീംകോടതിയിൽ ഹർജി നല്‍കിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. നേരത്തെ ഹൈക്കോടതി സുനിയുടെ ജാമ്യ ഹർജി തള്ളിയിരുന്നു. അഭിഭാഷകൻ ശ്രീറാം പാറക്കാട്ട്, എം എസ് വിഷ്ണു ശങ്കർ ചിതറ എന്നിവരാണ് ഹർജി സമർപ്പിച്ചത്. നടന്‍ ദിലീപ് പ്രതിയായ കേസിലെ രണ്ടാം പ്രതി മാർട്ടിൻ ആന്‍റണിക്ക് സുപ്രീംകോടതി നേരത്തെ ജാമ്യം…
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aimchase · 2 months
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digitalkiwi1 · 4 months
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Don't stress about the recent Nursing Council change in New Zealand. Tutel New Zealand has your back! Our EXCLUSIVE IQN Assessment training program will prepare you thoroughly. No need to worry – join us now!
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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After the divorce, my new boyfriend and my agency ...
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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healthfile24 · 1 year
World Bicycle Day: SheCycling campaign empowers women by teaching them to ride a bicycle
 Inmates of Sri Chitra Home in Thiruvananthapuram learn how to ride a bicycle | Photo Credit: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT As always Prakash P Gopinath, Bicycle Mayor of Thiruvananthapuram, has several plans to encourage more people to enjoy the ride, on a bicycle. On the occasion of World Bicycle Day today (June 3), Prakash plans to scale up Indus Cycling Embassy’s (ICE) SheCycling campaign to empower…
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monkeys890 · 1 year
Creative advertising agency in India
While we shut down our computers at night, our mind keeps working. Sleep? It’s overrated!
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Pair Kerala spiced prawns with wine at Fort Kochi’s Francis, set in a 300-year-old Dutch house
We first stumbled upon Francis on a searingly bright day in Fort Kochi, after hours of gallery hopping. (Well, gallery and boutique hopping, if I am being totally honest.) Thanks to the buzz created by the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, which ran from December 2022 to April this year, Fort Kochi was chaotic with tourists. In this frenzy of over-hyped cafés, restaurants and bars, featuring overwhelmed…
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yugonoashiato · 1 year
Yugo Kochi – It's important to be enthusiastic about what you want to be – Birdman TV Show
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Yugo Kochi (29) from the six-member group SixTONES appeared as a studio guest on NTV's special programme 'Bird Man Contest 2023' (Aug 30, 7pm). He watched the romantic flight over Lake Biwa live. The sight of the birdmen fulfilling their dream of soaring in the sky made him realise that "as in our idol work, it's important to have the 'enthusiasm to be a birdman'", and that it overlapped with his own career path. We also asked him about their flight as a group and his thoughts on his last year in his twenties.
This year marked the 45th anniversary of this major summer event and we cheered from a special studio by the lake. It was, of course, the first time he had seen the event live. Watching his friends pray from the platform, he said: "It's a very human documentary. I realised that a four-metre headwind is tough. It was a luxury to be able to enjoy it again on air".
He even visited the platform from which the plane took off. Although his name '髙地' means 'highland', he said: "When I see how high it is, I wouldn't dare to run down 10 metres in a glider by myself. I prefer low ground," he said with a wry smile.
Watching the flight of the 28 teams in the Human Powered Propeller Aircraft category, he was impressed by the division of labour in designing, directing and supporting the pilots in their training. The team's performance was also supported by the lighting crew, the choreographer and others, without whom we could not create a single piece of work. That's why we cry when we succeed and feel frustrated when we fail.
When asked if he would form a SixTONES flying team, he replied: "I would be the leader of the cheering squad. I am the leader of the cheering squad! I don't want to be involved in the design (laughs). The pilot could be Tanaka, who is surprisingly agile. He's also light and has guts when he puts his mind to it," he fantasised.
The group took off on six wings in 2015. It also experienced headwinds. "We were said to be in a fierce junior battleground with Snow Man and Travis Japan, who are now doing well in their generation, and there were whispers that we might not be able to make our debut. But I didn't give up and that was a big part of it. I've got a tailwind too: I'm being challenged by a company with the latest technology." [E/N: I think he meant Sony 😭🙏🏻].
His debut came in the middle of the Corona disaster. "I couldn't do the location work properly and my TV time was short... When you jump before you fly, you have to bend your knees. If you look at it like it was time to bend your knees, it wasn't bad." He also sees the flow as a positive: 'I didn't get tired from being busy, I had a good slow start and was able to keep going without strain." 
Of course, the status quo cannot be maintained. "I have to carry more weapons on my back. It's important to sharpen the weapons in my backpack. I certainly don't want people to think I haven't changed since my debut." His appearance on the current show was also well received for his comments. It must have been stimulating.
He is the oldest member of the group and will be 30 next March. "I joke about it on the radio, but I'm thinking of keeping my age a secret when I turn 30 (laughs). I don't want to be limited by my age. If I don't force myself to look young and do my best to do my own thing, I think I will look young naturally. I don't say things like 'I'm already an old man' when I turn 30 (laughs). I want to greet my juniors cheerfully.” As his surname suggests, he is aiming high.
From Yahoo Article:
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