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✝oday's honey🌱
September 11, 2024
Be Strong in the Lord 2
Let me show you one of the best verses in scripture:
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
There are three key things to learn from this verse.
First of all, there's no temptation or trial you are going through that hasn't happened before. In other words, there are experiences from others that you can learn from. That's why reading and seeking Godly counsel is always the way to go.
The second is an incredibly heartwarming promise. God will never allow a temptation that's beyond you. This means that for everything you go through, God knows that you have the inherent capacity to handle it. Glory! Even if you feel that a challenge is beyond you, it isn't. You are well able to handle it. Paul calls it "the faithfulness of God."
The last key thing from this verse is that there's always a way of escape from every temptation and trial. Your job is to find what that way is and take the path. That's why prayer is crucial. In prayer, God shows us the paths of our lives.
Why don't you meditate on this verse today? Are you going through a test or a temptation, this verse is just what you need.
Further Studies: Psalm 46:1-3, Isaiah 41:10; Exodus 15:2; Psalm 9:9-10.
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differenthead · 10 months
Volume 281
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0:00:00 — "God of Grace" by Unknown Artist (1994)
0:05:06 — "More Love, More Power" by Unknown Artist (1994)
0:09:31 — DJ
0:15:19 — "Safe Harbor" by Richard Souther (1989)
0:20:39 — "Nightseasons" by Richard Souther (1985)
0:24:50 — "Dream Suite" by Richard Souther (1985)
0:27:29 — "Line Upon Line" by Richard Souther (1986)
0:30:56 — DJ
0:36:20 — "Alone" by Rhythm of Creation (1995)
0:39:40 — "Only God Knows" by Symbiotica (1997)
0:43:15 — "Sand Starr" by Mortal (1995)
0:44:07 — DJ
0:48:30 — "My Brother's Keeper" by Casino (1993)
0:52:15 — "Interlude in B Minor" (Instrumental) by David Meece (1989)
0:53:09 — "Devotion" by Monastery (1998)
0:58:08 — "Tannin Dance" by Kerry Livgren (1989)
1:01:34 — DJ
1:06:59 — "O' Come All Ye Faithful" by Jeffrey Lams & John Andrew Schreiner (1986)
1:11:09 — "Love, Love / Sing Hallelujah" by Jeffrey Lams & John Andrew Schreiner (1986)
1:15:30 — "How Great Thou Art" by Jeffrey Lams & John Andrew Schreiner (1986)
1:20:40 — DJ
1:25:57 — "Lyn" by Koinonia (1989)
1:28:41 — "Love" by Ambient Theology (1995)
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tetha1950 · 2 years
Crezca a medida que avanza...
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¿Qué tan importante es para usted hacer “vida en común” con otros creyentes?
Las guías prácticas están de moda, y no es de extrañar: la cultura occidental valora mucho la idea de aprender de todo en la vida. Pero a diferencia de cambiar una llanta o asar un pavo, el discipulado bíblico auténtico no se trata de técnica o habilidad. Y aunque hay recursos comunes que todos los creyentes comparten y disciplinas espirituales transmitidas a lo largo de los siglos, la búsqueda de llegar a ser como Cristo no es un proceso predecible que se aplique a todos por igual.
Nuestras vidas toman diferentes giros con desafíos únicos a lo largo del camino, y Dios llega a cada uno de nosotros de una manera que habla a nuestras experiencias. Sin embargo, hay un elemento que todos compartimos: la necesidad que tenemos de otros cristianos. (Véase He 10.24, 25). Podemos escuchar miles de sermones y asistir durante años a estudios bíblicos y a reuniones de oración; pero es convivir entre otros miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo lo que le da poder al discipulado.
¿Qué tan importante es para usted hacer “vida en común” con otros creyentes? ¿Qué pasos está tomando para que esto forme parte de su agenda diaria o semanal?
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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viktorkondrakis · 2 years
Greek myths: The Coenonus (Koinonos)
The gods had many lovers, but only a select number of koinonoi. Lovers could be lost, but they could not.
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Coenonus (Κοινωνός) can be translated as "partner", "companion", or "partaker", but in the case of the gods usually has an intimate dimension as "consort." Often a consort of a sexual nature, one's coenonus was closer than one's lovers for the simple reason that lovers helped you find the elements that gave you "completion", but coenoni actually completed you.
Zeus had many wives, but only one coenonus: Hera. Aphrodite may have been married to Hephaestus, but her coenonus was Ares. Hades had Persephone, Poseidon had Amphitrite, and so on. Divine pairings have been common in Greco-Roman traditions since the inception of their civilizations. Even human rulers had "soul-partners", such as Hadrian with Antinous. And, infamously, Maryam of Magdala (מרים המגדלית) is said to be the koinonos of Yeshua of Nazareth in the extracanonical Gospel of Philip.
In modern times we have ideas of "soul-mates" and "The One" who would be the perfect partner. The presence of coenoni in the Ancient world reminds us that the ancient Greeks and Romans were living, breathing people with real desires and hopes for love, as we are, and that (minus the technological and scientific innovations) we haven't changed much fundamentally, at least in terms of our capacity to love and be loved.
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maadan12 · 2 months
Experiencing Supernatural Favor: A Life-Changing Prayer
Daily Confessions to set you up for extraordinary day!
FAVOR CONFESSION Father, thank you for making me righteous and accepted through the blood of Jesus.  Because of that, I am blessed and highly favored by you.  I am the object of your affection.  Your favor surrounds me as a shield and the first thing that people come into contact with is my shield. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com Thank you that I have favor with you and man today. …
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yhwhesmisalvacion · 2 months
📖 Lectura de Romanos 15:22-33 con comentarios versos 26 y 27 Parte 2
Lectura del capítulo 15, versos 22 al 33 del libro de Romanos con comentarios sobre los versículos 26 y 27.
Se comentó que a la iglesia de Macedonia y Acaya, les pareció bien hacer una ofrenda para los pobres de entre los santos que están en Jerusalén.
Enfatizamos en la palabra "ofrenda", que es la misma palabra que se usa para comunión (koinonia), y que esa ofrenda era para manifestar una comunión. Además de como el apóstol Pablo también habla con los hermanos de Macedonia en 2 Corintios 8 y 9 con relación a su ofrenda.
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scripturesandworship · 3 months
Welcome to "Scriptures and Worship"! 📖✨ Find solace and healing in the timeless wisdom of Scriptures with us. Our channel is a sanctuary for seekers of peace and restoration, offering a haven to explore the comforting verses and uplifting messages found in the Bible. Join us as we journey through the pages of sacred text, uncovering the words that bring calm to troubled hearts and strength to weary souls. From Psalms of praise to comforting passages of hope, we delve into the depths of Scripture to discover the divine promises of peace and healing. So, whether you're in need of comfort, seeking inner peace, or simply longing for spiritual renewal, you'll find a refuge here at "Scriptures and Worship". Subscribe now and embark on a journey of healing and restoration through the comforting words of Scripture. Together, let's discover the boundless peace and healing found in God's loving embrace. 🙏🌿 #Scriptures #Worship #Healing #Peace #DivineLove
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martyschoenleber · 7 months
Looking My Age
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profolatum · 8 months
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akinsola · 11 months
Apostle Joshua Selman: There is no such thing that just happened, it’s not a coincidence. It’s the manipulation of spirit. You have an assignment to sanitise your atmosphere. Let them know you are alive, start with your atmosphere.Sometimes I walk round my house in the night, especially when am around. Am just walking round my house. So you know, not too far from my house, there is a graveyard. I…
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moyaroweworship · 1 year
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You don't want to miss this
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✝oday's honey🌱
September 10, 2024
Be Strong in the Lord 1
Sometimes, to understand what God is saying, we need to understand what God is not saying.
In Paul's inspired missive to the Church at Ephesus, he gives his closing remarks.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might" (Ephesians 6:10)
But he doesn't say, "Be strong."
Rather, he says, "Be strong in the Lord." The word used here in the Greek for strong is the same word "dunamis" which is also used in Acts 1:8, where Jesus tells the disciples to wait until they are endued with power from on high.
In other words, Paul is not just saying "be strong," but he's saying to believers to be strong in the power of the Holy Spirit. Your strength lies in your fellowship with the Holy Spirit. That's where you'll know the power of His might. Strength is spiritual.
So, don't let the trouble and turbulence of this world change your direction. Set your sails on the Holy Spirit and refuse to be weakened by challenges that take aim at you on a daily basis.
Are you strong in Him?
Further Studies: Psalm 46:1-3; Nehemiah 8:10; 1 Chronicles 16:11; Philippians 4:12,13.
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coghive · 2 years
[Download] Koinonia – Uwanna Ft. Chymo B
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Uwanny, the gospel artist known for his powerful and uplifting music, is excited to announce the release of his new single “Koinonia” featuring Chymo B. The song, written and performed by Uwana Ezekiel under the stage name Uwanny and featuring Chymo B, is a powerful expression of intimacy and deep fellowship with God. “Koinonia” is an intense expression of worship that speaks to a warrior in all of us, but it is much more than just a sound about the battle. It is a deep hunger for the presence of God, and a call to seek that deeper connection in our lives. The song features Chymo B, adding to the depth of the message and making the song more powerful. “Koinonia is not just what we do, it’s a place in God,” says Uwanny. “I hope that this song will inspire others to seek that deeper connection and experience the joy and peace that comes from being in fellowship with our Creator.” “Koinonia” is available now on all major streaming platforms. Listeners can expect to be moved by the powerful lyrics and uplifting melody and will be left with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.
Koinonia – Uwanna Ft. Chymo B
Stream & Download Below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWUCYLxJbSk https://coghive.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Koinonia-feat-Chymo-B.mp3 Read the full article
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scottjpearson · 2 years
The Inconvenient Gospel: A Southern Prophet Tackles War, Wealth, Race, & Religion
The Inconvenient Gospel: A Southern Prophet Tackles War, Wealth, Race, & Religion A short anthology of Clarence Jordan's writings about the Christian faith wrestling with an antagonistic American society. #BookReview #ScottsBookReview
The Baptist faith I grew up with, at its best, tries to transform the world by living out values alien to contemporary society. Clarence Jordan, a son of Georgia in the American South, paid attention to his Christian upbringing, but as an adult, realized that American society often did not follow Jesus Christ’s lead. Religion was often kept in the walls of the church instead of being practiced on…
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davideffiong · 2 years
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tetha1950 · 6 months
Seguimos a Dios juntos...
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Caminar con otros creyentes nos fortalece, ánima y ayuda a crecer.
Mateo 18.20
Seguir a Cristo es una actividad tanto individual como colectiva. Sí, Dios nos ama a cada uno de nosotros, y escuchamos su llamado como individuos. Por eso, como vimos ayer, debemos dedicar tiempo para estar a solas con Él. Al mismo tiempo, debemos recordar que “no es bueno que el hombre esté solo” (Gn 2.18) se aplica a algo más que el matrimonio. Debemos seguir a Cristo con otros que han sido llamados de igual manera.
Vemos el llamado a vivir en comunidad a lo largo del Nuevo Testamento. “Sobrellevad los unos las cargas de los otros”, escribe Pablo a los gálatas, “y cumplid así la ley de Cristo” (Ga 6.2). El escritor de Hebreos insta a reunirse, en especial en tiempos difíciles (Heb 10.25). Y en el pasaje de hoy, Cristo nos recuerda que Él estará presente incluso cuando estén solo “dos o tres congregados en [su] nombre”. Todos estos ejemplos hacen referencia a la koinonia, una palabra griega traducida como “comunión”. Era el término utilizado por Lucas para describir la comunidad cristiana en los inicios de la iglesia (Hch 2.42). Estamos hechos para este tipo de discipulado rico en niveles: con Dios y con los demás creyentes.
En un mundo lleno de distracciones, estar a solas con Dios es una disciplina fundamental del cristiano. Pero también lo es la comunión con otros creyentes, donde encontramos gozo. 
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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