#Koji Kikkawa
nobbykun · 11 months
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Artist - 吉川晃司 (Kikkawa, Koji) Song - 真夜中のストレンジャー (Mayonaka No Stranger) [Eng. "Midnight Stranger"] Release Date - February 1984
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My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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ichigoaini · 3 months
Magazine pages from Yasuyuki Okamura’s debut
+ translations
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“In 1987: a singer to look out for– Yasuyuki Okamura”
An ideal type of guy: It's safe to let a girl who says she wants a kind and artistic guy to fix her, after experiencing love about a hundred times. The type is a girl who appears cold at first but is actually a good person. It's better to deal with someone like that after becoming more mature. In 1987, a beautiful egotist stirs up the world.
More pages and manuscripts under the cut ~
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Appearing larger on stage is an extremely important talent for musicians. Superstars like Mick Jagger, David Bowie, and Bruce Springsteen are all just a little over 170 centimeters, not particularly tall by Western standards. However, on stage, they appear larger than life. When we saw Okamura before us during this photo shoot, he seemed much smaller than the stage image, despite being 178 centimeters tall. Yet, on stage, Okamura appeared like a giant, almost 190 centimeters tall. His debut happened on the massive stage of the Budokan, where he showcased an unusual presence for a newcomer. What will happen when his confidence and popularity as an artist further develop?
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Debut Q&A
Q1: what is the origin of your name? I don’t know
Q2: date and place of birth? August 14 1965, Kobe
Q3: height, weight? 178, 58
Q4: Family structure? father, mother, younger brother
Q5: what were you called as a child (nicknames)? Pink Panther or Yacchan
Q6: Hobbies or pastimes? Long phone calls
Q7: Favourite sport? Basketball
Q8: favourite food? Egg
Q9: food you don’t like? Salad that has fruit
Q10: favourite colour? purple and black
Q11: Blood type personality? Type B, cute guy, but narrow-minded
Q12: Average hours of sleep every night? about 4~6 hours
Q13: what do you wear when you sleep? nothing
Q14: average amount of money spent every month? not sure
Q15: what do you spend it on? also not sure
Q16: If you could buy anything, what would you buy? Love
Q17: the thing you want most in the world right now? Love
Q18: the most important thing to you currently? Love
Q19: do you have any weird habits? I don’t know what you mean…
Q20: are you superstitious? nope
Q21: what is attractive in a girl? when she says things like “I like you” I go crazy
Q22: what would an ideal date be? Disneyland
Q23: tell me, how do you pick up girls? I’ve never actually made a pass at a girl before.
Q24: when and where was your first kiss? I'm not going to tell you.
Q25: Were you shocked? maybe.
Q26: what do you say when you get rejected? “if you leave me, the meaning of my life disappears”
Q27: has love ever made you cry? maybe.
Q28: what would you do if you were born a woman? I don’t know
Q29: what do the women you like wear? anything sexy (in my opinion)
Q30: who do you admire? Seiko Matsuda and Jack Nicholson
Q31: who is your rival? Akina Nakamori
Q32: the saddest thing that happened after your debut? nothing!
Q33: the happiest thing? when I went to the record shop and my own song was playing
Q34: what would you be doing if not music? I don’t know
Q35: the first record you ever bought? Beautiful Sunday
Q36: if you could only bring one record to a deserted island, what would you take? My own.
Q37: most watched TV programmes? Sanma no Manma (a chat show)
Q38: a role (in TV or a film) you would like to play? the role of a person in love
Q39: a place you’d like to visit? a girl’s room
Q40: have you experienced a severe injury or illness? no
Q41: memories of childhood pranks? I was a stupid kid, so I never thought of ever doing that.
Q42: Somebody who you can’t forgive? somebody who’s phony.. Well, not really.
Q43: if you could leave only one thing in a time capsule? a video of myself
Q44: what will you be doing in 5 years time? I’d like to perform all around the world
Q45: if there were 3 minutes until the end of the world who would you call? a girl who loves me
Q46: Finally, anything you want to say? Listen to “OUT OF BLUE”
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Yasuyuki Okamura’s debut at the Budokan: “I want people to take the title 'YELLOW' in their own way when they hear it”
With his debut between last year and this year, it is safe to say with no exaggeration that Yasuyuki Okamura is one of most promising newcomers in the music industry… The interest in his work was sparked by him providing songs for Misato Watanabe and Koji Kikkawa among others. His first stage appearance was at the Nippon Budokan, shortly after the release of his debut single “OUT OF BLUE” (EPIC Sony). Despite the unusual format of a guest appearance at the public radio event, it was a success from the outset. He acted like a “show-off” but had a kind of “star” glamour.
“A debut show at the Budokan is something you’ll never experience again, and it’s a very special experience. I’m interested in doing more shows, because many people lack showmanship: the spirit is the best sense of the word.”
Okamura’s long-awaited debut album “YELLOW”, released in March, had been in the works for 10 months. Apart from some assistance with lyrics and arrangements, the music is all his own, self produced. In fact, this was apparently the reason for the album’s delay in completion.
“I was originally going to have someone else to write the lyrics: but when I did, the words didn’t really suit me. And so I wrote my own, I worked very hard but I can’t just leave it to someone else. If you don’t sing what you think, or what you think about yourself, you won’t inspire any affection for the song itself.”
His songs are filled with a quiet anger. In the flood of modern information and world affairs it sounds like a cry of “I won’t be fooled.” The problems plaguing the Middle East and famine in Africa are all sung about on an everyday level, transmitted through the brown noise of TV. However, there is a strong sense that the message is not being said out loud, but rather it is internally understood. “I don’t mean to sound like another 60s douche, but I’m not sure what I can even do about it. So naturally I have to be a bystander… There are a hundred different ways to receive the news, if that is the case, then it’s not for me to tell them to do this or that, but rather to leave it to themselves to understand. The title of the LP is “YELLOW”, I want everyone who hears it to take it in any way they want, so that’s why I gave it this title. It’s vague but I think it comes across well, though.” For example, the track ‘Water Bed’ on the LP interpolates The Beatles’ ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ lyrics.
Yasuyuki Okamura will hold a one-man concert at Shibuya Public Hall on 22nd of April.
Images source: https://twitter.com/Limited_Night_/status/1241929114879025152
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terarin08 · 1 year
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higherhell · 2 years
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
📣 Artists from Watanabe Music Publishing are now available for Streaming overseas on Spotify
🎉 We're thrilled to announce that MANY Japanese artists, whose works were previously unavailable for streaming outside Japan, are FINALLY available, totally or partially, on Spotify! 🇯🇵🎵
All of these are coming from Watanabe Music Publishing 💿
Agnes Chan
Ann Lewis
Hitomi Ishikawa
Kenji Sawada
Koji Kikkawa
Kumiko Yamashita
Miki Seiko
Rumiko Koyanagi
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 10 months
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crazyasianlove · 3 days
ACMA:GAME Ep. 9 (Sub. Esp)
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nobbykun · 6 months
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Artist - 吉川晃司 (Kikkawa, Koji) Song - サヨナラは八月のララバイ (Sayonara Wa Hachigatsu No Lullaby) [Eng. "Goodbye Is A Lullaby In August"] Release Date - June 1984
Listen 🎶
My blog: Showa Music Library https://nobbykun.tumblr.com/
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littleragondin · 3 months
Hiiii ♥️
I am here to ask you about number 5 & 13 for music ask game!!
(it was so hard to choose honestly)
Hiiii there (´꒳`)♡ thank you for asking! ♡♡
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
Okay , alright, first answer for this one I went with symphonic metal so let's switch gear - but stay symphonic. I love classical music, I love Swan Lake, and I especially love this piece. When I listen to it, I need to feel the crescendo along my spine and the explosion of brasses in my chest until I get goosebumps, otherwise I feel like I haven't felt it enough.
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
Immediately knew which one I wanted to pick! Last time I gave you some French as well as some English, so today please have some Cantonese hit. I recently learned it's a cover of Koki Kikkawa's song of the same name (a lot heavier on the guitars), which I like too. But the Leslie Cheung version??? Obsessed with it aha
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argumentl · 23 days
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Kaoru went with the members of T.T.T to see Koji Kikkawa and Tomoyasu Hotei (COMPLEX) at Tokyo Dome
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Photos from Aiji and Duttch
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asknarashikari · 1 year
I've been seeing Eiji Akaso like this for a while- it's for a role he has on the NHK's current asadora, Maiagare! I can't get used to seeing him with a beard lol, he suddenly looks so much older XD He was baby-faced while clean-shaven, like in Build and Cherry Magic
I had a look at the cast list and had a nice laugh- it's chockful of toku actors! The female lead/protagonist was Lady from ToQger, and some other characters are played by Shogo Hama (Touma/LupinBlue), Mahiro Takasugi (Micchy/Kamen Rider Ryugen) and Koji Kikkawa (Narumi Sokichi/Kamen Rider Skull)
Lol and I just remembered Atsuhiro Inukai was in an asadora too... his brother and dad were also played by Kamen Riders- bro was played by Ryo Yoshizawa (aka Ryusei/Kamen Rider Meteor) and dad was Shigeyuki Totsugi (Genta/Kamen Rider Destream)! And Yuki Yamada (Joe/Gokai Blue) was in it too!
So... both shows had a Blue Ranger (Touma and Joe)... a 2nd Rider (Ryuuga and Ryusei... lol the names are even similar)... a Papa Rider (Sokichi and Genta)... and one other Rider (Micchy and Sento)...
Toku-asadora pipeline is real
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flamingo-rex · 1 year
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今年、2023年8月4日 (金)広島上野学園ホールより
スタートするKIKKAWA KOJI Premium Night 2023 "Guys and Dolls"のツアーメンバーとして参加する合間を縫って、小池ヒロミチが尾道に初登場!!
Sing with a Bass 2023と銘打たれた
正に、Sing With a Bass!お見逃し無く!
2023.08.06 (日)尾道 Cat ch.22
開場17:00 開演:18:00
前売りチケット¥3500- 当日券¥4000-
問い合わせ Cat ch.22
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jpopstreaming · 2 years
🆕 「 OVER THE 9」 by Koji Kikkawa Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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toku-explained · 2 years
Welcome Pack for Futo PI viewers.
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Welcome. If you're enjoying Futo PI, you may have learnt about the fact this is a sequel to a 2009-2010 tokusatsu series entitled Kamen Rider W, specifically an adaptation of a manga that started serialisation in 2017, written by that show's head writer Sanjo Riku. I won't tell you you have to go back and watch W, which was the latest in a still ongoing series of toy commercials, and was primarily intended for kids, while Futo PI was always aimed at an older audience and to draw in non-toku fans. I will say anime watchers at least get told this is also a superhero show from the beginning, unlike the manga, as that first scene was an adaptation of the very first scene of W.
As I said, you are under no obligation to watch W to follow Futo PI, but if you're curious about seeing where the main characters have come from, please read on and I'll tell you where to look.
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At a basic premise, Kamen Rider W and Futo PI have the same conceit of the 2-in-1 detective, Shotaro and Phillip, defending Futo from the users of the Memories as Kamen Rider W. The big threat is different of course, but the general premise is the same.
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While you will see the main cast (and Akiko's father) resemble their live action counterparts quite closely, other characters are more varied. Detectives Jinno and Makura, Santa-chan and Watcherman are all recognisable easily, while Queen and Elizabeth, and Lily look less like their TV selves, I'm guessing due to image rights. Tokime and Bando are original to the manga, so never had actors.
Also, before I go into an explanation of what to watch to get the complete W experience, I will note that the OP, "Private Eye", is by Big Gadgets and features Kamiki Aya and TAKUYA, who were responsible for the W OP, "W-B-X ~W-Boiled Extreme~", while the ED "Tsumi to Bachi to ANGURA" is by Matsuoka Mitsuru and Kikkawa Koji, who each starred in 2 W movies and provided music, Kikkawa performed "Nobody's Perfect", the theme for his character, Narumi Sokichi, as well as being half the duo performing "HEARTBREAKER", while Matsuoka performed "W", for the movie, and then "cod-E -E no Ango-" which could be seen as the theme for his own character, Daido Katsumi. Flashbacks have featured both characters in the manga as I understand, but I don't know if in either case that's in the material getting adapted to anime, since each arc is probably going to be 2 or 3 episodes.
Kamen Rider W Watch List
This should be only the most important parts.
Kamen Rider W Episode 1-14. After the Begins Night intro, these episodes introduce to Futo, W and the Gaia Memories, through the eyes of Akiko as she comes to Futo seeking her father.
Kamen Rider W Begins Night. The W portion of Movie Taisen 2010, where the Begins Night comes back to haunt Shotaro, adding further context to it for the audience, and resolving a plot hook that's been hanging between Shotaro and Akiko since the series started. You can skip the crossover portion, but there are some scenes at the very end I would watch.
Kame Rider W Episode 15-34. The new year brings sweeping changes to Futo, with the last member of the main cast joining soon after.
Kamen Rider W Hyper Battle DVD. You can skip this, it's a humourous DVD they do every year, sometimes with new forms, this one is mostly notable for featuring a character that got a surprising amount of use post-W.
Kamen Rider W Episode 35-44. The series moves into the last act, with a last shift to the status quo, as the 10 year plan of the villains approaches fruition.
Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate. W's summer movie, following directly on from the end of episode 44, and focuses on revelations on that episode and how they affect Phillip. The release was accompanied by humourous net movies, as well as a prose prequel: The Beginning of N/Blood and Dreams, which may have been contradicted by later releases.
Kamen Rider W Episode 45-49. The last act and epilogue to W.
Kamen Rider Skull: Message for W. W's portion of Movie Taisen CORE, it provides an origin for the titular character. As before, you can skip the crossover portion, but there are some scenes at the end to still watch.
Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Accel. A direct to DVD film focusing on the titular character after the events of the series.
Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Eternal. A prequel to the summer movie providing backstory for the titular character.
Novel Kamen Rider W: The One Who Continues After Z. (I don't believe this has been translated yet although I would imagine it is on some group's to-d list). While set during the series, I would advise leaving it until finishing the series.
Futo PI. The manga has had over 100 chapters and is at least 12 volumes so far, the anime is expected to be 12 episodes for now, and will cover maybe half of that.
Aside from these W focused excursions, members of the cast have returned in other series, though those are always more focused on the parent series.
Shotaro and Phillip made a guest appearance in 2012's Movie Taisen MEGAMAX.
Terui and Akiko sort-of cameod in 2013's Sengoku Movie Daikessen.
Shotaro was one of several prominent returning characters in 2014's Kamen Rider Taisen
Terui returned for a significant appearance in 2016's Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Chaser, also written by Sanjo. Notably this revealed a major development after Futo PI's events, which didn't come out for another year and a half.
Terui returned, along with several other past riders, for a guest appearance in NEXT TIME: Kamen Rider Geiz in 2020.
Terui was one of several past characters to enjoy a major role in 2022's Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery, being the lead in the B-plot alongside a Revice character.
Akiko also returned in 2022, alongside several other female characters, for Jeanne & Aguilera with Girls Remix.
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kindsickness · 10 months
Character List - Mobile Friendly
Welcome to my mobile friendly characters list!
First thing you need to know here is that I'm a moron with a weird ass characters system because I can't stop myself from making multiple characters with the same FC. Now, how does this work?
Easier than it looks: for every face claim listed below, there is/might be multiple characters. All you have to do is choose a FC from the links below and you can check out all the characters associated with that FC. If none is of your liking, rinse and repeate with a new FC.
Meng Jia
Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Kim Jongdae
Kim Yeri
Choi Minki
Kim Bora (Sua)
Song Hayoung
Kim Seonho
Suzuki Airi
Seto Koji
Kinoshita Momoka
Shinoda Mariko
Sugaya Risako
Sato Hana
Kinoshita Yukiko
Kasai Tomomi
Kikkawa Yuu
Mitsui Aika
Ikoma Rina
Komiyama Haruka
Tina Jittaleela
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crazyasianlove · 2 months
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