konohagakurekakashi · 1 month
Do the Ninken actually stay with you?
Although they are very cute and sometimes stay for treats and well-deserved belly rubs, the ninken are not pets. They are skilled comrades that live in their own realm and only enter ours when summoned. Keeping them here for long periods at a time costs chakra.
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That's not to say that they aren't around during down time, though. ♡
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senjutsunade · 3 months
Head Canons - Tsunade and Kakashi
Penned with @konohagakurekakashi and so they are our exclusive property. Narnian craziness ahoy.
❃ A lot of her soldiers are scared of  her brute strength and her altering emotions (as they should be), yet this has the effect of people rarely being honest with her or providing her with their honest opinions, choosing instead to give her the answers they think she wants to hear. This has never been a problem with Kakashi. He always manages to provide her with the hard truth even at the expense of a pen to the forehead. ❃ With that said Kakashi rarely bothers to move out of the way of her flying projectiles...even though they both know that he could avoid the collision without hassle--resulting in many an ink stain on his flak jacket and a broken nose due to an eraser made bullet. He only draws the line when stationary morphs into tables and (formerly built-in) bookcases as he still has a few things to mark off of his bucket list. ❃ He makes a show of sassing her pertaining his workload and nitpicks about unnecessary details... But really... She is probably the Kunōichi he has the utmost respect for and would probably down a vat of vinegar if she deemed it necessary for his health. [which, let's be honest, probably happened at some point - but with soy sauce instead of vinegar] ❃ Kakashi once had to borrow one of Tsunade's tops...as he was half-way in the shower when the village alarms blared a state of emergency. He remembered his mask and weapon's pouch... Yet his standard blue shirt lay forgotten in a pile on his bathroom floor-along with his dignity. When Tenzo (the treacherous Kohai) refused to be the better man and provide him with his own... Kakashi had no choice but to turn his imploring gaze on his Hokage and really she was the one who insisted he cover his chest in the first place. ❃ Kakashi always ends up as Tsunade's test dummy for new medicines. He honestly doesn't know what he did in his past life, but somehow he manages to make due. Luckily the woman is a true master in her field and he's only ever gotten a rash in the shape of bananas, passed out for four days straight and once went for a month where everything tasted like salt, including sugar, as an outcome- Really it could have been worse.
❃ Tsunade is one of the few (still living) that has seen Kakashi without his mask. Mainly due to the fact that she is the only one able to successfully stampede over his terrible, bedside manner to do some actual healing. He only ever attended his annual physicals when Tsunade was in the village. 
❃ Kakashi knows how Tsunade takes her tea and what flavour dumplings she likes and had to use said knowledge on numerous occasions to avoid rewriting a mission report or two.
❃ Kakashi is Tsunade’s preferred sparring partner when she eventually wants to spar [all the documents can result in stiff joints ne] - any other Jonin is welcome to join. If they win against her, they get a day off but if she wins, they get to foot her bar bill for the day. 
❃ After her return to the village, she pauses at the doorway of his hospital room. She knows who he is, of course. Jiraiya had often spoken of Kakashi, in recent years, and she knew he was team seven's sensei.  Yet seeing him now, a man where a boy once stood, is a jarring reminder of the years she lost. She remembers the sullen child who shadowed Minato, the silent figure trailing behind Sakumo. To see that boy now, grown but still carrying the weight of his past, is bittersweet.
❃ When she first summons Kakashi to her office, Shizune warns her he’ll be at least three hours late. It’s a rumor confirmed by Izumo and Kotetsu’s sheepish glances. Kakashi never makes it to meetings on time. Yet here he is, slumped against her office wall at the exact appointed hour. Present shinobi  gawk, amazement evident in their eyes. How had she managed this? She hasn’t a clue. Months later, Kakashi lets slip that he wasn’t about to disrespect her on their first meeting.
❃ If someone asked how their camaraderie began, Tsunade couldn’t pinpoint a specific moment. Was it their shared insomnia, their late-night encounters at the memorial stone, or Kakashi’s unwavering loyalty since the first order she gave him? Since her return, she’s found an unexpected confidant in him.
❃ If he’s in the village, Kakashi has an uncanny ability to appear in her office with a bag of snacks whenever she’s on edge after dispatching a team against the Akatsuki. Initially, it annoyed her. Eventually, it became something she relied on.
❃ Despite bearing the title, Tsunade never truly feels worthy of being Hokage. Her inner turmoil, concealed from all, is perceptible only to Kakashi. He confronts her in his usual terse and straightforward manner, asserting that she is the village’s best hope. After enduring his lecture, she snaps that his voice is giving her a migraine. Yet, the silent gratitude in her eyes is the most her pride permits her to reveal in such a vulnerable moment.
❃ Staying true to her sadistic nature, and because she’d rather have an accomplice if she loses patience and snaps at the old prunes, she starts dragging Kakashi to council meetings. After one particularly frustrating session, she storms out, only to return seconds later to drag him with her to a bar. There, she proceeds to get wasted while Kakashi ends up footing the bill. Ironic, considering he’s notorious for making others pay his tabs. Now he’s met his match. They have their own little corner in the izakaya by now, especially with how many times the elders like to question Tsunade on her decisions. Even on simple things like the guard rotation. It would be private enough that Kakashi wouldn't have to sip the sake through the fabric of his mask and Tsunade's loud thumps against the table every time she wants to emphasize a point, would not scare off the other patrons.
❃ Gai came across them in their corner and thought it a good idea to challenge the Godaime and Kakashi to a drink off. Kakashi had the state of mind to slip the poor, potted furn in his corner the majority of his drinks as someone needed to keep a clear-ish head amongst them. Tables were splintered and Kakashi  and no less than two Anbu, dislocated a shoulder trying to keep them from furthering their competition to an arm wrestle. Surprisingly it generated quite the crowd, so the owners weren't too disgruntled. Kakashi did have to give them a shoot of Mr Ukki to make up for killing their furn however.
❃ For some reason, Kakashi and Shizune can not seem to get along at all. Which is a huge source of amusement for Tsunade. She has an ever ongoing bet with Izomo and Kotetsu on which one of the two would snap first, each time they are in her office together. Much to her amusement (and to the terror of her accounts) it is Tsunade's usually very reserved apprentice who keeps losing.
❃ Every time Tsunade gets a letter from Jiraiya about Naruto and his progress, she 'forgets' to put it away and just leaves it laying on her desk. She never questions the letter's disappearance following meetings with Kakashi.
❃ The whole situation with Hiruko shakes Tsunade up and makes her realize exactly how much she has come to depend on Kakashi. As a Hokage she sees him as her right hand. Personally, she considers him to be someone who has managed to fill in the gap her teammates left her with. And so she is hurt. She understands why he made her put the seal on him. It is logical. As Hokage it is indeed the right thing to do - which is why she goes through with it. Doesn't mean she forgives him for putting her into that situation. She feels betrayed and cuts him off for the next few months. It takes a while before she manages to get over it.
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the-world-of-dew · 4 years
I died long ago
then someday
I got stirred up
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art by  Shibuz4
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minaa-munch · 4 years
of Cake and Cream - Team Flake Edition
Two layers of exquisite vanilla and peach sponge, coated with a generous amount of buttercream icing that consisted of crushed sakura and momo no hana petals. Candied petals adorned the top and the sides with an artistic flair, while soft, perfect swirls of buttercream bordered the edges. The cake on its own, was like an edible jewel put on a wooden stand. 
The swirl in the middle glistened with fresh strawberry puree that had been mixed with a tinge of caramel. It was still fresh, so one could see the pinpricks of strawberry seeds that had been left on purpose.
Obito wanted to poke it so badly. Charcoal hues kept straying towards it while their sensei spoke. 
“Rin and I need to make a quick trip to the Medical Corps for a report she submitted.” The blond was in his usual, blue uniformed attire, though without the hitaite. Besides him, Rin was winding a scarf around her shoulders. 
“We’ll be back soon.” Minato may as well have been talking solely to Kakashi, since the Uchiha was too busy ogling the treat that looked divine (and probably tasted just as well, seeing as how talented the Jōnin and Rin were in the kitchen). It was good enough, since Kakashi kept nodding like the solemn little shinobi he was while Obito hummed on periodic intervals to indicate that he was listening. 
Sorta. Maybe if he poked the tip of the swirly thingy—
“I’m counting on you.” He snapped to attention just as blue hues slid towards him, “Both of you. Make sure Kushina doesn’t come here. Stall her if you have to.” 
“Hai, sensei” The duo responded, with Obito raising two fingers in a salute for good measure, “You can count on me!” 
Satisfied, Minato turned to Rin, gesturing for her to follow. The Iryō nin smiled, but it slid off the minute his back was turned. Brown hues narrowed at her teammates in warning, which was probably more effective than their sensei’s words. 
I’m always watching you, neh?
Both boys immediately straightened - and promptly stayed that way until her lingering gaze had disappeared out the door. 
“About time they left.” Kakashi was the first to speak. Pale fingers rubbed an exposed part of his left arm; a wound had scabbed over recently and it was annoyingly itchy. Rin had given him some ointment to deal with it, but it wasn’t that cumbersome. Besides, it would take more than a scrape to put him out of commission. 
At the moment though, he didn’t know what bothered him more - the fact that he had yet to hear about his Jōnin promotion or that he had been assigned a C rank mission with the sole crybaby of the team. He was perfectly capable of protecting his sensei’s loud girlfriend’s birthday surprise.
Speaking of - dark hues flickered to the Uchiha, slapping his hand from where he was about to poke one of the perfect cream swirls. “Sensei said not to touch anything, baka.”  
But it looks so…fluffy. “What are you, my grandma?” Obito grumbled, rubbing his slightly pink fingers. Trust the Hatake to act like an old lady, since he projected a particularly grumpy old man half the time. 
Ah but who was he kidding? Most of the old people he knew (which were a lot) were nice and polite. Kakashi was, simply put, a jerk. “Ne, you think sensei and Kushina nee will get married?” There was a curious tilt in his tone, before his attention was once again captured by the delicate, rosy swirls decorating the top layer, “I mean..I hear we’re almost at war anyways.”
“Sensei can’t be that stupid.” his friend’s reply was instantaneous, and not without a barely hidden scoff, “He’s a Jōnin and a Hokage candidate…that loud girlfriend of his will only hinder his performance as a shinobi.”
“Ano…don’t you think you’re being a little harsh?”
“Well, there’s a reason why you’re still a Chunin and I’m practically a Jōnin.”
Jerk. “You’re not a Jōnin yet, Bakashi.” Obito snapped, one finger successfully managing to swipe just a sliver of icing which was promptly deposited on the unsuspecting Hatake’s face, “Besides, doubt you’ll be a Jōnin with reflexes like that.”
“Oi, you weren’t supposed to touch that” Kakashi hissed, rubbing the offending wetness away with the back of his palm before grey hues narrowed a fraction at his idiot teammate, “this is a mission, baka. Would it kill you to follow the rules for once?” 
“I was careful” Came an all-too sunny reply, though the tell tale icing on his own cheek suggested otherwise, “Besides, its your fault.”
“Is not”
“Is too”
Arguing more was pointless - especially where the Uchiha was concerned. Instead, Kakashi decided on his patented glower which was met with a splatter of cream, courtesy one twirling wooden spoon between said Uchiha’s fingers – who was currently laughing his behind off. Normally, it wouldn’t be enough to faze the Hatake - his opponents had laughed at him before, primarily because of how small he was. Kakashi never failed to make them eat dirt later. 
But this was Obito and he was an idiot who knew just the right buttons to push. Pale digits curled into fists as a peach flush tinged his features (he was not pouting). Grey hues caught a bowl of leftover cream and it didn’t take him long to scoop a generous amount and send it careening towards Obito.
The splatter was satisfying, and clearly, an invitation for war. Needless to say, by the time their relatively chipper teammate returned, the kitchen was in shambles (polite term). A fine layer of cream coated most of the counter and splattered the shoddy kitchen appliances. A stick of butter had found its way in a pot of coffee, whereas the leftover strawberries formed a sticky mess on the floor; and a particularly sloppy mush of fruit and leftover icing in which the Hatake was rubbing Obito’s goggled face in.
The cake, surprisingly, had been left intact, which was a good thing seeing as how Rin had been contemplating turning her teammates into cake batter if they ruined their (her and sensei’s, of course) hard work. The Iryō nin could only watch from the doorway as the two boys clawed at each other. Resisting the urge to sigh like the all suffering adult she was, the Nohara instead cleared her throat, soft features already set in a frown, “What are you two doing?” 
Freeze (though Obito still managed to pull Kakashi’s bangs in a final, feeble gesture). “I-its not what it looks like, Rin chan.” Obito stammered from where his cheek was pressed against the sticky tile. Arms flailing, he tried to push the Hatake off and failed, “Ah mou! Its his fault!”
Kakashi practically bristled (it was less intimidating because of the squished strawberry oozing down his forehead) and in one smooth movement, had the Uchiha’s arm twisted in a classic lock behind his back, “A good shinobi doesn’t lie, baka.”
“Get off you freaky little gremlin!” Obito’s fingers spasmed uselessly in his hold and Rin couldn’t help but thank the fates that she had convinced their sensei to make a detour to the supermarket for a few ingredients. He would be so disappointed.
Speaking of– “Guys, quit it already. Sensei will be back any minute.” The Nohara unwound the scarf from around her shoulders before gingerly stepping inside. Normally, Rin was the more careful of the three, though the floor was sticky and cream had somehow managed to get everywhere. 
Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t aware of the entirety of ‘everywhere’ - no sooner had she stepped in did her foot slip on a splatter of broken egg and sugar. Arms flailing, the poor Iryō nin stumbled, hands finding little purchase against the slippery counter before crashing against her teammates with a soft whump. 
“Rin chan, are you okay? Get off her Bakashi!”
“I’m not on her, idiot.” Kakashi hissed through the flush decorating his face (or could be the leftover strawberry, it was hard to tell). The poor Hatake was smaller than the other two, and had conveniently been sandwiched between them - and if that wasn’t mortifying enough for a Jōnin, he didn’t know what was.
Well…almost Jōnin. Either way – pale digits pushed her off (though not before elbowing the loud idiot by accident) before he clambered off his filthy teammate’s back. Grey hues narrowed at the dirty tiles before flickering to Rin, just as the girl caught the table’s ledge, causing it - and the pastry - to tip precariously. Kakashi opened his mouth to warn her, but the cake tumbled before his words did.
Maa…what a waste.
The resounding crash, along with her squeal, was loud enough to make him cringe. By that point, Obito had gotten up with a hand on his abused cheek, dark orbs set in a patented Uchiha deadpan before the noise prompted him to turn. 
And…well, quake like a little scuttle bug because Rin looked murderous (and kind of cute - but mostly murderous) with the bottom half of their hard earned labor awkwardly squashed against the top of her head. If their circumstances had been any different, he would have compared it to a fancy old lady’s hat, you know, the kind with feathers on it?  
Except this one was edible and the owner’s eyes were welling up with tears – angry tears, mind you - but tears, nevertheless. “Ano…” The Uchiha swallowed as Rin wordlessly, yet carefully, removed the cake from her head, mindful of the ruined bottom half, “It…looks better this way?” He added, creeping slowly yet surely behind his younger teammate. 
Wrong answer, if the murderous gaze directed their way was any indication. Both boys blanched, and Obito had the good sense to whimper as the Nohara launched herself at them with a barely concealed snarl. Cue a pandemonium which involved more sticks of butter, broken egg shells and what was left of the cream and icing - amidst Obito’s yelling of course. The cake, their collective pride and joy, was lost in the fray; its top half stuck to the ceiling while the other half found itself splattered around the walls in haste.
There may have been a stray, poorly attempted wind jutsu thrown in for good measure, which would certainly explain why an egg shell flew out the window with the speed of a kunai, only to land against the ground like a sad, lonesome martyr. It just so happened that a certain Namikaze had been making his way back by the time it had chosen to sacrifice itself, and had almost stepped on it by accident. Blue hues blinked at it curiously, almost slowly, before following its trajectory which…
Wait, was that his kitchen window? Minato flickered to the Hiraishin seal he had placed in his living room without a second thought. Depositing the bags on the floor, he quickly dashed towards the kitchen, fingers already pulling out one of his signature kunai because they were on the brink of war as it were. Not that he sensed any alien chakra signatures, but one could never be too careful. 
Besides, his kids were in there. Kunai raised in his usual stance, Minato paused at the door, expecting an Iwa rogue–
Only to find three pre-teens locked in a battle to the death with – a whisk? Rin had her arms around her struggling teammates - okay, maybe that was just Obito. Kakashi hung in her grip, as if resigned to his fate with a deadpan that could rival Fugaku’s. All three of them were splattered with an assortment of cream and squished fruit, and— Kami, what had happened to his kitchen?! He could barely discern the cream from the walls and the numerous splatters of broken eggs and sugar. Some of it had found its way on the ceiling too, if the steady drip of something over the door frame was anything to go by. 
All in all, a war torn mess. It would have been impressive if he wasn’t so horrified.  
The cake was nowhere to be found; though it was safe to assume that its splattered remains decorated the walls with the rest of his wayward ingredients. If he had been a lesser shinobi, he would have turned towards the heavens and asked why - why. 
But, as it turns out, he was a Jōnin sensei and had conveniently lost his ability to delve on his emotions, let alone express them as well as certain others (coughKushinamaybeInoichicough). So instead of repeatedly bashing his head against the nearest wall like a part of him wanted to, he did what any responsible sensei would - allow a sliver of his chakra, tinged with the barest of killing intent, to announce his presence.
It worked like a charm. Rin and Obito froze (Kakashi merely grunted), as the three watched their sensei step into the kitchen, sandals making an odd crunch (probably another egg shell) as he did. Minato’s gaze never left theirs as he approached, his narrowed hues a clear indication of his displeasure.
He wasn’t…that angry. Truth to be told, making another cake was hardly cumbersome work – what bothered him was the fact that he had given them one job. It didn’t even matter who was at fault; their teamwork was clearly amiss. Blond brows furrowed at the thought, and he stopped a few steps shy of the still tangled trio, “What have you got to say for yourselves?” 
Pause. At least they had the decency to look embarrassed - Rin in particular, looked like she was on the verge of tears and Minato couldn’t help but feel some of his annoyance ebb away. The Nohara was a seldom acknowledged soft spot, primarily because she was the most well behaved of the three. 
“A-ano…sensei” Obito spluttered, prompting the man to pause. The poor Uchiha barely had time to flounder a hand towards the ceiling before the creamy layer of what had been the cake lost its hold with a soft squelch.
And fell. Right on their sensei; Konoha’s Kiiroi Senkō, current Hokage candidate in opposition to Orochimaru of the Densetsu Sanin.
To the pastry’s credit, it was probably the only projectile the Yellow Flash had been unable to dodge and would probably go down in history as such. Buttercream frosting, along with what could be considered flecks of vanilla sponge, decorated blond hair and blue, clothed shoulders. The Namikaze raised a solitary palm just as a particularly creamy glop of ruined cake slid down his fringe, splattering against tan digits almost like a work of abstract art. 
Meep. Rin’s arms around their shoulders tightened just as icy blue hues met their own and Obito forgot how to breathe. 
“You three.” 
Said three collectively squeaked. 
In the end, the three were made to clean the kitchen - with their sensei eventually joining them out of sheer guilt (he couldn’t stay mad at them for more than seven minutes - today was a new record at the ten minute mark). Kushina found out, of course, and made enough pastry related jokes to put everyone at ease. 
Except Kakashi. He didn’t want to admit that her jokes were actually funny. 
With Kushina’s birthday surprise thoroughly ruined; they had to go to Ichiraku’s to celebrate. Needless to say, Minato’s wallet (apart from one legendary cake that will forever be remembered) suffered the most that day. 
@konohagakurekakashi @strawberry-medic
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uchihaa-itachi · 4 years
Large curious hues stared at the assortment of herbs and dry ingredients peeking from within the cheap plastic - he could identify daikon, umeboshi, dried carrots...trailing off, his eyes narrowed at what looked like shredded parchment.
Etto...rice crackers? 
What had happened to the ‘just-add-hot-water’ packs they had gotten used to? They had been so convenient, even for his kitchen-kultz prone fingers. Releasing a minuscule sigh at the thought, his gaze flickered to the lone, rusty (and possibly cracked) pan sitting on the shelf, right next to a stack of old candles.
“Taicho, are you sure we can’t survive on ration bars?”
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asagao-onna · 4 years
“Okay, we’re here,“ she said, eyes scanning the izakaya as they stepped in. “I’m happy to treat you, just as long as we’re on the some page that this is not a date.“ That remark was more for the benefit of anyone observing them than it was for Kakashi. She was reasonably certain he didn’t intend this to be anything more than an outing with a comrade.
Anko plopped herself down in the booth with sigh. It felt nice to be off her feet after a busy day of running errands for the Hokage. She left the menu lying open on the table as she returned her attention to her companion. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you or something like that. We are friends, of course. It’s just we’re far too incompatible to be a couple.“ Reaching across, she patted Kakashi’s shoulder. “Besides, you’re more like an older brother to me! Don’t you agree, Onii-chan?“ she chuckled.
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fox-mother · 4 years
Hi!! I was wondering what Kushina-san's opinion was on Minato inducting Kakashi into the Anbu at age 13, since she was clearly aware of Kakashi following her around most of the time. Did she agree with his decision?
I’ve just woken up so this may not make much sense, I will do my best to explain what I believe her opinion is on the matter, seeing as she does indeed have one to share.
In the past, I have mentioned how Kushina was very displeased with Minato’s decision to integrate Kakashi into the Anbu at the tender age of 13. His choice didn’t go unpunished, mind, but over time she was forced to accept it. What good was her opinion on the matter when Minato didn’t even consider what she’d said to him? Did he not understand the levels of trauma that would be cultivated due to this choice? 
Kushina is no mental health expert- despite having her own issues that she’s got a pretty good understanding of- but she can see what Kakashi’s going through and she knows that the kind of environment that the Anbu creates is not going to help him get better. However, she also knows that Minato knows no better. He can’t see any other solution to this problem and he placed Kakashi there because what other option did he have? Kakashi was too young for a genin team, therapy just isn’t a thing and Kakashi has expressly stated that he doesn’t want Minato and Kushina’s help when dealing with his trauma. The Anbu, where Kushina was and could help him without him noticing, is the only option for him beyond forcing Kakashi into early retirement and he knows how damaging that will be to their relationship as mentor and student.
When Kushina initially found out about the choice, she exploded at Minato and let him know exactly what she thought of his decision. It was an explosion- mind- that physically shattered glass and left the mighty Yellow Flash a quivering wreck on the floor of his office as his wife towered over him while shouting every obscenity she could think of at him. With no way to get a word in edgeways, Minato was resigned to accepting Kushina’s tirade. It soon became apparent that he understood why Kushina was so angry at him and he hastily had to explain why he did what he did. 
Kushina was still very angry but with no alternative, she accepted it begrudgingly. She began helping Kakashi from within as his Captain who was willing to have an open ear to her comrades and who always had advice for their problems. Until… Fox disappeared and he no longer has that support. Fox, being Kushina, was on maternity leave. She was soon assigned Kakashi, who watched over her from the six-month mark onwards. Kushina had to become far more obvious with her desire to help and she treated Kakashi less like a haunting shadow and more like a son who needed a little comfort. He may not have accepted this help but she willingly opened her door to him when he did need her, no matter what time of night it was. 
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himekushinada · 5 years
@HimeKushinada Mājutsu AU Character Cheat Sheet
Character Name: Kushina Uzumaki
Age: 15 Years, birth date 10 October
School Year: Fifth Year Student
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Head of House: Sakumo Hatake
Wand: Red Oak. Unicorn Hair Core. 10 ½ Inches. Swishy.
Patronus Future:  Fox
Familiar: A scruffy, fat Hamster with one eye named Shio (after the Ramen).
Go-to Spell:  ‘Accio’ as she has the tendency to always lose things in her haste and excitement.
Favourite Professor: Sakumo Hatake- he seems to have a lot of faith in her abilities and is always warm and patient towards her, making her enjoy his given lessons a lot; even though her potions always seem to turn brown or bubble over the brim of her cauldron. She also has a high regard for Mitō Uzumaki, not due to their blood relation but due to all of the witch’s many accomplishments (she was after all Order of Merlin: First Class).
Family Members:
Least Favourite Professor: Danzo Shimūra, that mummy was a super grouch, ya know! And he was always staring at her friends whenever he thought that they weren’t looking.
Subjects: Potions (Favoured ⭐), Charms (Favoured ⭐), Transfiguration, Astronomy (Favoured⭐) , Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Defence Against the Dark Arts (Favoured ⭐ though only the subject matter not the professor, damn sneering mummy), Flying (Favoured ⭐) , Muggle-Studies, Divination.
Clubs: Duel Club; S.P.E.W (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare); Official Hogwarts Gobstone Club; Chudley Cannons Fan Club; Knitting Club.
Likes: Quidditch Practice; Honeyduke's sweets; Zonko’s Joke Shop; Chatting; Trying new recipes; Butter Beer; Ramen noodles and collecting pretty and rare quills. She used to have a penchant for pranks, but then she received a shiny, Prefect’s badge in her school supplies’ envelope. Big surprise.
Dislikes: Coffee; Perverts; Being called a Tomato; losing; disappointing the people she cares about; Boring Prefect rounds; Unfair treatment of others; Wizarding politics and Blood Feuds; Rainy days; Bitter/Sour tasting snacks; being made to wait and Doxies (nasty things, she has a small scar on her right knee to prove as much).
Quidditch Team/Position: Gryffindor Seeker (Though in all honesty she believes that she would make just as good of a Chaser or Beater).
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Both of her parents are deceased. She currently lives with her aunt and cousins (of which she has a few, both direct and twice removed, since her family had a tendency to marry into other prominent, Pure Blood families)
Character Habbits/Characteristics: Kushina has a bottomless pit of energy, always talking and always on the move. It’s not surprising that she is the first one to wake within her dorm every morning. She carries her emotions on her sleeve and has a notable, verbal tic when flustered or excited. She’s headstrong and not easily swayed in her beliefs. She enjoys cooking and always uses her friends as testing dummies whenever she comes up with a new recipe. Since joining the Hogwarts knitting club she’s been drowning all of those willing and unwilling in outrageously colourful knitwear ranging from scarves to wand-warmers. Though mostly Cheerful and level-headed, she is also quick to anger at any injustice show or things she finds off-putting like Peeves, the Baron or Jiraiya’s voyeurisms. Though not academically keen, Kushina possesses unusually fast reactions; a light touch and an easy adaptability between both offensive and defensive magic, marking her as an impeccable duellist.
Friends/Known Acquaintances: With her tomboyish demeanour she really struggled to make friends during her first year at Hogwarts. It took a blonde Flake to see passed her fists and infuriated scowls and the patient encouragement of her professors, before she finally found her niche and started to talk to other people instead of stomping on them. Now she has lots of friends and was even a member of (all of the important) Hogwarts Clubs. Now stomping was left for the Quidditch Pitch, only.
Physical Traits:  Her most notable traits are her flowing red hair (there was just so much of it) and her violet eyes. She could also pack a punch more powerful and damaging than her thin wrists and slender fingers would suggest.
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Dream for the Future: Her dream is to one day be as well-respected and powerful as Professor Mito (a true idol for all young Witches) and for all of her friends to be happy and healthy.
@Konohagakurekakashi @senjutsunade @Jiraiya-Legendary-Sannin @minaa-munch @uchihaa-itachi @better-than-the-basilisk
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@Jiraiya-Legendary-Sannin Mājutsu AU Character Cheat Sheet
Character Name: Jiraiya Myōboku
Age: 15 Years, birth date 11 November
School Year: Fifth Year Student
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Head of House: Sakumo Hatake
Wand: Maple Wood. Unicorn Hair Core. 9 Inches. Mild Flexibility.
Patronus: Bull Frog
Familiar: A toad named Gamabūnta
Favourite Professor: Hiruzen Sarutobi, as he has yet to receive a detention slip from him.
Go-to Spell: The 'Disillusionment Charm' was the first thing Jiraiya perfected as it enabled him to better blend into the girl’s lavatory. He has yet to find a way to best the staircase leading to the Gryffindor Girl’s Dorm, but it is a work in progress.
Least Favourite Professor: Tobirama Senju, the man had no sense of humour.
Subjects: Potions, Charms (Favoured ⭐), Transfiguration, Astronomy, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures (Favoured ⭐), Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying (Favoured ⭐), Muggle-Studies (Favoured ⭐), Divination.
Clubs: If Detention was a club- he would be in it; Duel Club--does not have much time for anything else in between his voyeurisms, punishments and mapping out possible book ideas.
Likes: The Prefect’s Bathroom on the 5th floor, Hogsmeade Weekends, adventure books, quidditch practice, working on ideas for his own novels, trickle tarts, the occasional sneaky sip of Fire Whiskey (he knows someone who is someone at the Hogshead) , Kabuki poses, toads, he also has a few muggle magazines stashed in his trunk (mostly of a questionable nature) since he knows it will annoy Tsunade and Kushina. Riling up people is definitely his second favourite pastime. He’s on a ‘best buddies for life’ standing with Peeves the Poltergeist. No one knows how this came about.
Dislikes: The fact that his dearest friends are all perfect prefects; homework; detention; Wizarding Politics and Blood Feuds; Portrait of the Fat Lady (she always finds a way to refuse him entry!!?); Bertie Bots Every Flavoured Beans (cue vivid, war flashbacks); cats; Moaning Myrtle; being tied down by everyday routine.
Quidditch Team/Position: Gryffindor Keeper (he’s been holding the position since his 3rd year at Hogwarts).
Family Members:
[Father] Muggle. Writer. Deceased
[Mother] Muggle. Theatre Actress. Deceased.
[Siblings] None, only child.
*He lives with his old, crazy uncle named Fukasaku (an infamous, Muggle-Born Magizoologist)
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Friends/Known Acquaintances: With his boisterous, friendly personality Jiraiya is friends with most of the students within his year, as well as a few of the younger students. The students in the years above him (more so the female students) tend to avoid him as much as possible, since he has a habit of spying on them under the pretext of gathering intel for his soon to be published novels or essays.
Physical Traits: Tall, bulky, with spikey white hair. His uniform is also in various stages of disarray. Tucking in his shirt or fastening his tie is a foreign concept.
Character Habbits/Characteristics: Generally light hearted and gregarious; Jiraiya is known to make numerous jokes at his own expense, though never at others. He’s fiercely loyal to his House and feels immense guilt over the fact that he’s constantly costing Gryffindor House Points. He has a knack for holding up his classes since he loves making dramatic, winded introductions and entrances. He makes a point of always disappearing on his friends as soon as the tab arrives during Hogsmeade Weekends, resulting in them having to pay for his drinks and overly priced snacks. He’s horrible at the theoretical aspect of studying, finding it exceptionally difficult to memorise course work, but he excels at the physical aspect of magic, especially Charms.
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Dream for the Future: He would like to travel the world, both magical and muggle and go on various adventures worth remembering -living by no one’s rules but his own.
@senjutsunade @minaa-munch @uchihaa-itachi @Konohagakurekakashi @himekushinada @better-than-the-basilisk
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@better-than-the-basilisk​ Character Sheet || Majutsu AU
Character Name: Orochimaru
Age: 15 Years, birth date October 27
School Year: Fifth Year Student
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Head of House: Tobirama Senju
Wand: Fir, Dragon Heart-string core, 11 ½ inches, hard flexibility.  
Patronus: Taipan
Familiar: A small black mamba named Manda
Favourite Professor: Hiruzen Sarutobi, Senju Tobirama, and Uzumaki Mito (He admires how knowledgeable they are)
Go-to Spell: Silencio (can you imagine how annoyingly chatty young sorcerers can be?), Aparecium, and ever since he became a prefect, Levicorpus.
Least Favourite Professor: Uchiha Kagami (Divination is a load of hogwash and no one can convince him otherwise) Orochimaru had dropped the subject after a single class.  
Subjects: Potions (Favoured ⭐), Charms, Transfiguration (Favoured ⭐), Astronomy, Herbology (Favoured ⭐), Care of Magical Creatures (Favoured ⭐), Defence Against the Dark Arts (Favoured ⭐), Study of Ancient Runes (Favoured ⭐), Arithmacy  (Favoured ⭐), Muggle Studies
Clubs: ROOT, Wizarding Chess Club, Duelling Club
Likes: The library, an assortment of herbal teas, and his solitude. Orochimaru is obsessed with mastering every spell, charm, and potion out there. As such, he is prone to frequent the library, the dungeons and even the green houses. He also likes frequenting Knockturn Alley, as well as other less-than-notorious spots in Hogsmeade.
Dislikes: Pure-bloods, ignorance, some Gryffindors (which was basically a synonym for all sort of ape-esque noises), Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, Zonko’s Joke Shop,
Quidditch Team/Position: Ew
Family Members:
[Father] Half-blood, deceased
[Mother] Unknown
[Siblings] None, only child.
*He lives with his squib of an aunt. The woman is decent, though they have their fair share of differences. Orochimaru prefers spending the holidays at Hogwarts.
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Friends/Known Acquaintances: Socialising is for the lesser, cognitively endowed, though he supposed he could tolerate Senju Tsunade (only because her skill in potion making was admirable). A few juniors had caught his eye recently, but he wasn’t going to talk to them anytime soon.
Physical Traits: Tall and lanky, with paper-pale skin and long, dark hair. His uniform is always immaculate, and seldom would one find a speck of dust on his person.
Character Habits/Characteristics: Orochimaru is extremely ambitious with regards to his quest for knowledge – to the extent that he is known to frequent his teachers’ offices after class, and any other time he can find. Seldom a book can claim to not have been read by the boy, since he spends most of his time in the library. As such, he is not prone to socialising with the general student body sans a select few – it isn’t until he is unceremoniously tasked with being a prefect that he begins to interact with his peers more; though mostly in a strict, business-esque capacity.
Unless said peer happened to be Jiraiya, of course. If all else fails, a quick silencio often does the trick.
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Dream for the Future: He would like to master every spell and potion out there; from the tiniest wisps of magic in ancient scriptures to the deadliest spells archived in the forbidden magic section.
@senjutsunade​, @konohagakurekakashi​, @himekushinada​, @uchihaa-itachi​, @minaa-munch​
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"Happy Birthday Kakashi Sensei!" (From,Sakura Haruno.)
Link to original Image: https://x.com/BrentonsArt/status/1695469563456921700
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Aa...Thank you, Sakura. There was no need to get me anything. You should spend your mission earnings on yourself. You worked hard for your Ryō and I wouldn't want to put one of my favourite students out of pocket.
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He won't deny that he's curious however, seeing as the neatly wrapped gift is distinctly book-shaped.
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senjutsunade · 2 months
~ANBU Detective Agency~
#Blind Incandescence - Head Cannons Content from the collective madness that is Narnia's 3 lunatics - penned by Crazy Insomniac (CI), Finger Seizure (FS) and Typo Queen (TQ).
ANBU Structure
♦ Mr Coffee maker is the most productive agent of ANBU.
♦ The board members are Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu Mitokado Homura, Uchiha Madara and Senju Tobirama. They fund the ANBU and are the cause of endless migraines. Danzo's demands for random audits may some day end with Tsunade being charged for murder.
♦ Izumo and Kotetsu are the receptionists. Izumo is incharge of filing and Kotetsu is incharge of phone calls. Which is why almost no paper gets filed and barely any calls (especially from the board members) are ever picked up.
♦ Homicide and organized crime Unit - lead by Tsunade. Itachi and Kakashi are her personal headaches/ hand-selected team members. They deal with cases no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole. 
♦ Marital Affairs Unit - members are Kurenai, Asuma and Anko. This is the unit that brings in the most money.  
♦ Insurance Fraud Unit - Genma, Raido and Gai - Gai's youthfulness is what keeps the other two sane.  
♦ Missing persons Unit: Tsume and Shibi 
♦ Cult investigation: Hidan, Sasori, Kisame - the rest of the agency tends to stay away from them.
♦ Narcotics Unit: Inoichi and Shikaku...its kind of their expertise.
♦ Forensic team: Yamato, Hayate, Yugao, Kabuto, Deidara
♦ Ibiki is in charge of interrogation. Anko assists at times. 
♦ Kakazu is the accountant - no one ever gets paid on time.
♦ Orochimaru is the Medical Examiner / resident terror of the agency. Naruto loves him.
When ever Tsunade has a mad scientist moment (she misses holding a scalpel) she tries to go to Orochimaru's lab in desperate hopes he'll let her assist him - the bastard always slaps her hand away, pushes her out of the lab and shuts the door in her face with a smug smirk as if taunting her for not finishing med school.  Naruto is the only one who has complete access to the lab. If one would dare to venture down to Orochimaru's 'dungeons' they would often find the chibi babbling the ME's ear off about what happened in school that day with said ME responding to the babbling while dissecting dead bodies. Good thing his school teachers think Naruto is just a very creative child. 
Tsunade dislikes the favoritism Orochimaru shows. She was the first blond in his life after all. She should have more privileges.
♦ Akatsuki Law - a VERY successful Law agency run by Nagato, Yahiko and Konan. They provide FORCED free services to ANBU because Tsunade insists that’s what family does and Nagato wishes he was cousins with anyone but her. 
♦ Any press conferences that require ANBU presence are dealt with either from a member of the department in question. Itachi, Tsunade and Kakashi stay in the shadows since their roles require them to keep a low profile. 
♦ Social events that require their presence are Senju And Uchiha family related and Tsuande and Itachi attend them. Itachi with a poker face and Tsuande with endless whining. 
♦ Kakashi is incharge of attending all of Naruto’s Parent/Teacher conferences. There is always a bet ongoing regarding how many dates the Hatake will have by the time he returns the next day. 
Tsunade went to one of Naru's parent teacher conferences --  It's ironically the same elementary school that Tsunade herself attended with Orochimaru and Jiraiya since Jiraiya stayed in his family home while the other two moved away.  Unfortunately, the principal remembered Tsunade. She remembered the blonde menace for that one time she had snuck toads into the classroom during recess (she was good at bullying Jiraiya and Jiraiya was good at catching toads) and had left them in the desks of all the girls that had been giving her a hard time for liking to spend all her time with boys (Jira and Oro). The screams once the students had returned and had toads leap on them had shaken the school.  Then there was the time the blonde nightmare had snuck in Orochimaru's new pet snake (without his permission or knowledge at that) and had gone around telling girls it was her new designer scarf. Suffice to say - no one was amused with her prank. Orochimaru had actually not talked to her for a week.  The principal remembered all these things -- that should have been bad enough right? But this is Tsunade we are talking about. And as her luck would have it --  While trying to act like a responsible adult...she notices the janitor and...recalls that the man is actually a suspect in one of her ongoing investigations - only they hadn't been able to find him - until now. She runs after him, tackles him, breaks furniture, swears up a storm that leaves parents, teachers and students traumatized and stumbles out of the school premises with a bleeding split lip, torn clothing, a limp and a murder suspect.  She wants to sue the school for endangering students. They want to sue her for property damage. Nagato swears he has white hair since that week. Tsuande says his hair is still blinding enough and tells him to get out of her office.  Suffice to say, Tsunade is never allowed to come back to Konoha Elementary School. .
 @konohagakurekakashi & @uchihaa-itachi.
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heartofswords · 4 years
Threads Archive
With @foxnined (Naruto)
The Future is looking bright
With @thewillofacherryblossom (Sakura)
A toast to Konoha
With @oh-my-hashirama (Hashirama)
All work and no play make Tobi a dull boy
With @minaa-munch (Minato)
Lay me down (on golden dandelions)
With @ophidae (Orochimaru)
Brave enough
Life was born in the ocean
With @senjuofthesea (Tobirama)
Double trouble
The problem with clones
With @inimas (Obito)
A kitten in the night
With @dokuhebi (Orochimaru)
The snake came back
With @narasnooze (Shikamaru)
The stag and the leopard
With @konohagakurekakashi​ (Kakashi)
The twilight of our lives
With @asaraltu (Madara)
The mission from hell
With @moralreflection (Kakashi)
A new beginning
With @jinchuriikage​ 
The wisdom of the fox (Kushina)
With @morinosenju (Hashirama)
Unearthing secrets
With @shikkotsunin (Sakura)
The fight for the sea
With @eyecanfixthat (Shisui)
All we have done
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minaa-munch · 4 years
If Flake-sensei lived in the Modern World. What would his occupation be?
Something that gives him the license to employ his...creative spin on things [nicknames. All the nicknames] and be a little turd about it. 
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Engineer. Definitely - either mechanical or aeronautical/aerospace. It would fit, considering his affinity to decode/deconstruct things and create new ones [along with turning everything into a freaking variable]. Also, his eye for detail and tendency for dabbling into...shadier regions associated with the trade if he has to. You know he will. 
Also this: 
Minato: -- and I call it super mechanical twitcher alpha
Kakashi: ._.
Kushina: ._.
Minato: u-u
Kakashi: ...Okay, but why a twitcher?
Kushina: D: kakashiyounincompoopwhy’dyouask
Minato: Because-- -launches into an explanation that can and will take three hours- 
You can imagine the aftermath ne. 
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uchihaa-itachi · 5 years
The Blond Wonder [Text 18:23]: Come on senpai, please?
Itachi [Text 18:23] No
The Blond Wonder [Text 18:23] At least let me try! Sakura chan said it did wonders for her reading group, tebayo
Itachi [Text 18:24] That girl from the library? Didn’t I tell you to stop stalking her already? 
Itachi [Text 18:24] ...Did you rename yourself on my phone? 
The Blond Wonder [Text 18:24] That’s beside the point 
The Blond Wonder [Text 18:25] And I don’t stalk her! Maybe if you got out more you’d realize what a normal conversation looked like tebayo =_=*
Itachi [18:25] Stay away from my desk, Uzumaki 
The Blond Wonder added Hatake Kakashi and Senju Tsunade
The Blond Wonder renamed the group “The Ramen Bowl”
The Blond Wonder [18:27] Back me up obaa chan, pervert senpai! 
@senjutsunade @konohagakurekakashi
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asagao-onna · 4 years
What bad habits does your muse have?
Bold-All the time
swearing |  fingernail chewing  |  slouching  |  slurring  |  drinking  |  smoking |  drugs  |  impulse decisions  | obsessive phone checking  | bad time management | slang | poor grammar  | overworking |  slacking off  |  oversleeping  | under sleeping |  skin picking  |  poor eye contact  |  lying  | rambling | skipping breakfast | junk food  | self criticism |  procrastinating  | daydreaming  |  forgetful  |  envious  | jealous  |  gossiper  |  drama whore  | secret teller  |  skipping class |  spitting  |  lip-licking  |  lip chewing  | drinking from the carton |  yelling  |  too much internet  |  poor hygiene  |  impatient  | hot-headed |  biased |  complaining  |  scab picking  |  cheek biting  |  teeth-gnashing  |  shoplifting  |  scamming  |  speeding  |  hair pulling  |  large ego  | eavesdropping  |  exaggerating  |  fidgeting |  freeloading  |  littering  | one-upping  |  whining  |  borrowing without returning  | unnecessary aggression  |  talking during movies  |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring  | spacing out |  ignoring  |  over critical  |  messy  |  hateful  |  overly prideful  | sarcastic |  puns  |  bad joke telling |  grouchy  |  too introverted  |  too extroverted  |  bad table manners  |  far too lustful  |  poor money management  | scrooge
Tagged by: @konohagakurekakashi
Tagging: Anybody
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