yellowjackets96 · 4 months
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just father figures staring at their surrogate sons with all of the pride and admiration and affection in the world
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traildogartisans · 2 years
Mallard and Drake on Kountze Lake
A couple of ducks swimming together on Kountze lake in Lakewood Colorado.
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anyarose011 · 2 months
You're a Mean One, Miss Hunham {Angus Tully x Reader}
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Summary: Four days into being stuck in an all boy's school for Christmas break, and you're on the brink of insanity. If it's not because of Angus Tully still trying to one up you in history lessons, then it's Teddy Kountze getting a hand on something personal of yours (prick).
Part 2 of ?? (Part 1)
Warnings: Swearing, period typical sexism, mentions of pornography, blackmail, minor physical assault, and as always, Teddy Kountze.
You guys don't get to escape being an awkward af teenager just because it's fanfiction, so enjoy! Also, thank you all so much for the love already shown just from the first part alone!
Word Count: 5.0k
You always knew to put a pillow over your head when you heard your father get up from his bed.
“All right you fetid layabouts, it’s daylight in the swamp!” He smacked two metal basins against each other, waking the boys up if they weren’t already, groaning. “Arise!”
It was funny the first day, but by the fourth, it was unbearable. Still, a part of you was grateful for your father; you never had to get up early and run with the boys in the cold, Massachusetts air. Call it nepotism, call it sexism, you were just glad he didn’t want you to interact with them (physically, that is).
The second day you were there, he called you in during afternoon study hall (leaving you on a minor cliff hanger in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre; forget that it was your third time reading it, it pissed you off). Just like he had done months ago, Paul Hunham hosted a trivia game (whether that was to show you off, or get them to study, you had no idea).
What idea you did have, was beating every single one of them.
For Alex and Ye-Joon, they were babies in your eyes, so you would give them more time to think on their answers whenever they were up. Alex got close on one, but overall, they didn’t do so well.
Oh, the boys your age? Yeah, you didn’t show mercy, even towards Jason.
“When was the last king overthrown?” Your father questioned.
You smacked the desk before Jason could even process the question. “509 B.C.”
“What planets are named after Roman gods?”
“Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.” You recited it perfectly.
Teddy scrunched his eyes. “Jesus Christ.”
Your father pursed his lips. “That was the easiest one I have, Mr. Kountze.”
Angus Tully…Angus. Fucking. Tully.
“What emperor temporarily restored peace to Rome and the cost of-?”
Angus hit the desk before your father could finish the question. “-Diocletian.”
“At its peak,” your father eyed you. “how large was the Roman Empi-?”
“2.3 million square miles.” You answered, keeping your eyes trained on Tully.
“Nero had five spouses in total, what was the name of the slave boy he-?”
“-Castrated and married,” you finished for him. “Sporus.”
Back and forth you both went like that, rapid fire at first, and your own levels of exhaustion were catching up to you. After perhaps five minutes of this (maybe ten, twenty, who gives a shit, you were tired), it was one damning question that would haunt you.
“True or false, the Pantheon was built before the Coliseum.”
“True.” You said, slapping the desk with the confidence of a mediocre man.
There was silence in the room, and your father sighed. “False.”
It wasn’t a big deal, it shouldn’t have been a big deal; to literally everyone else but you, it wouldn’t be a big deal.
But it was.
Oh, it was.
It was the second time you lost to Angus Tully overall, the first time from an easy question. Still, while Kountze’s grin made you want to rip out his teeth, it was Tully’s outstretched hand that caused you to snap out of it.
“Good job.”
Two of the most hurtful words in academia, whether it meant for it to be or not. Still, swallowing your pride, you shook his hand, and left the room gracefully.
Then started crying as you walked down the darkened hallway.
It wasn’t like you were weeping, you were just frustrated. Thankfully, by the time your friend Elise came to pick you up, you were fine and had a fun day simply walking around town with her.
You bought cigarettes and chocolate at the drug store, then spent the rest of the day at her house, laying on the floor and listening to records in her room while answering her prodding questions.
“Who’s the cutest one?”
“None, they’re men.”
“Okay,” she rolled her eyes, smiling. “I know that, but if you had to choose.”
“Like, ‘if we were the last man and woman on earth’ I had to choose?”
“A very tall bridge.”
She laughed, shoving you playfully. “I’m serious!”
“So am I.”
Sighing heavily, you thought for a moment, before smiling. “He’s a football player.”
“What?!” She sat herself up. “You and a football player?!”
“Shut up!” You laughed with her, sitting up.
Elise shook her head. “What about the one you went head-to-head with in trivia today?”
“Ew,” was your immediate reaction. “he’s maybe your type, but not mine.”
“So, you don’t want a smart one?” She questioned. “And that’s mean of you.”
“I’m mean to everyone.” You laid back down on the floor. “And yes, of course I want someone who’s smart, but not smarter than me.”
She mirrored you, laying down and leaning her head against yours. “So, he’s out for the count?”
“One hundred percent.”
“If you say so.” Elise reached up onto her nightstand and handed you a letter. “Also, my aunt left something back at the faculty housing and said she found this in you and your dad’s mailbox.”
You looked at your name in the center of it, and then at the stamp: a toy train.
It took everything within you not to sit up in shock. All you did was smile, say thank you, and slip it into your coat pocket.
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You gave Tully his chocolates and cigarettes and didn’t have a problem. It was the fourth day when your father had given them just another ounce of freedom outside of the school, allowing them to walk around the wooded area of campus. You still had your books, but you were also feeling lonesome (the only time you really interacted with any of them was during mealtimes, except for Teddy…fuck Teddy), and you had talked about almost every single thing you wanted to talk about with Mary (God bless that women for letting you read to her too).
So, on December 20th, you laced up your boots (not too tightly), pulled on your mittens, and zipped up your jacket to go on a miniature adventure with the five boys.
“I’m gonna teach you how to play football.” Jason teased you as the six of you walked two by two (you and him at the front).
Shaking your head, you smiled more so at the thought of what you’d look like than his obvious flirting (was he even flirting or just being nice? Decades pass, and you still aren’t sure). “Please no.”
“Come on, it’s easy.”
“Roman history is easy.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not; you’re just smart.”
“It’s easy to me. Football is easy to you, see what I’m getting at?”
Jason shrugged. “Suit yourself, Teddy?”
“Say no more.” He responded, brushing past you and running up ahead as Jason threw the football to him and he caught it.
That left you by yourself for just a moment before seeing Angus walk beside you. You turned your head over your shoulder to see Ye-Joon and Alex lagging behind as they talked.
“Boys,” you called them. “try and keep up!”
They responded with a chorus of ‘Yeah’s and ‘Sorry’s.
“So what, you’re like their mother now?” The second most irritating voice belonging to a boy asked.
You looked over at Angus, hands in his pockets as he gazed down at you. “You’re not exactly the nurturing type.”
“You don’t know that.”
Humming, you stepped over a log in the middle of the path. “So, what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Jason’s here because of his hair, Alex and Ye-Joon’s family are in other continents, I don’t care nor want to know about Teddy, why are you here?”
He didn’t respond right away, before then saying. “I was supposed to go to St. Kitt’s with my mom and stepfather, but then they decided to say it was their honeymoon and ditch me.”
Your gaze turned to him and saw him pick up a stick, dragging it behind him to make a line in the snow. Even just from his profile, you could see the anger withing his eyes; bubbling more violently than a volcano about to erupt.
“That’s despicable.” You stated plainly.
“That’s one way to put it.” He scoffed.
You didn’t know exactly how to follow up such a personal conversation, but you wanted to make him feel better (at this point during the break, only because it was the decent thing to do), so you just said.
“You beat me fair and square both times.”
Angus looked at you. “Did I? At your dad’s bullshit trivia?”
“You did. Well actually, it was just me versus five of you, and I do believe the more I talk to Kountze, the more braincells I lose, so-.”
“-Don’t sell yourself short.”
You gave him a quizzical look. “I know, I was just telling you why I lost to you both times.”
He shrugged. “The first time you had to go against fifteen of us.”
“I’m sorry,” you chuckled, genuinely not believing it. “are you suddenly saying that you think I’m smart?”
“I never said you weren’t.” He gave you a look.
“Last time, you looked me in the eye and said you knew more than me.”
That’s what silenced him, and when he nor you said anything after that, you simply walked ahead of him. Hell yeah, you had the last word and made him feel like an asshole (you honestly didn’t know that was possible).
The six of you all caught up with one another, and you spoke with the freshmen boys more about meaningless things (but perhaps that’s what made it so meaningful). Angus, still carrying the stick like he was a child, and it was his favorite toy, said to Jason after talking about if there was anything else to do in Barton.
“What about your car? We could take it, go somewhere, Boston maybe?”
“Nah, we’d get in so much trouble.” He shook his head, nudging you. “Little miss perfect here would snitch on us.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname. “I would not. Besides, it’d be easier to say you all kidnapped me, and everyone would believe me.”
“Face it,” Jason passed the football back to Teddy. “we’re stuck.”
 “If we just had some way to get out of here.” Angus kicked a patch of snow. “Just split.”
Jason pointed towards the quad. “Well, you could put a chopper down right in the quad.”
“A what?” Angus furrowed his brow.
“Helicopter, dumbass.” Teddy mocked. “His old man’s the CEO of Pratt and Whitney.”
Jason nodded. “Yeah, he’s go his own bird. He takes it from Stamford to the city every morning. Lands right in our back yard. Pilot’s name is Wild Bill.”
“Wild Bill?” Ye-Joon asked, amused.
“Yeah, flew to Haystack with it. Took the presents and everything. Minus me.”
“Flying with presents,” Alex spoke up. “like Santa Claus.”
That was perhaps the first time you smiled out of geniuses that day.
“Yeah. Just like Santa Claus.”
Jason whistled, and Teddy immediately dashed ahead of him and caught the ball once Jason threw it. The two drifted off playing catch, leaving you and Angus with the freshmen. Alex spoke just as whimsically as he did about Santa.
“If I was back home right now back in Provo, it would be really warm inside, and my mom would be making baked apples, and the whole house would smell like cinnamon and brown sugar.”
Ye-Joon smiled. “That sounds really nice.”
You nodded. “During finals week, I helped Mary and the other cooks bake cookies for you guys. I still think that’s one of my favorite smells of all time.”
“You helped out with that?” Angus asked.
Dropping your smile, you said. “Yeah, and if I knew which one you’d have taken I would’ve spat in it.”
Before he could even come up with a response, Teddy ran up to Alex and yanked the glove off his right hand. “Hey!”
“That’s what you get for ratting me out, you little Mormon!” He laughed before throwing it into the river.
You marched up to him immediately. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Like, what the actual fuck?”
Teddy only stuck his tongue out like a child before running back to catch up with Jason. A part of you (somehow) foolishly believed he would’ve berated Teddy for the obviously asshole act; but he didn’t.
Rolling your eyes, you went down to the river with Alex, hopefully trying to find the glove and be able to fish it out. Though, to no avail, you couldn’t find it.
“It’s gone!” He yelled back up to Angus and Ye-Joon. “My glove’s gone!”
“Twisted fucker orphaned that glove on purpose!” Angus responded. “Left you with one so the loss would sting that much more.”
Alex looked down at his hands before tugging off the other glove and throwing it into the river as well. You glared at Teddy as he had a fun time, still laughing and throwing the ball with Jason. Sighing, you looked back down at Alex and pulled off your mittens, handing them to him.
He glanced up at you before staring back out at the water, rubbing his nose. “I don’t need them.”
“Your fingers are frailer than mine.” You continued even when he gave you a look. “That’s not an insult, that’s a fact. It’s alright, I have pockets.”
Alex, after a moment of debating, took them from you and slipped them on, smiling. “Thanks.”
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The six of you were on your way back to school when you felt someone slip their hand into your coat pocket.
“Now what do we have here?”
You turned on your heel, seeing Teddy’s face light up as he waved the letter in his hand. Your face dropped, along with your voice.
Immediately, you began to chase him around the small, snowy clearing as if you were a dog and he was a car.
“Theodore fucking Kountze, give that back!” You commanded.
He ripped open the envelope. “Or what, Hunham? You’re gonna tell your dad on me?”
“Just give her the letter, idiot.” Angus rolled his eyes.
Of course, Kountze ignored him, taking the letter out, and money falling from the paper. That’s when he stopped in his tracks and so did you. For the first time since…a while, you were frozen, and you had no idea why.
The rest of the boys caught up to you two, and Teddy picked up the money that fell from the letter; a twenty, a ten, and a five-dollar bill. After the initial shock wore off, he read the letter aloud to everyone.  
“‘My dearest girl, how are you? It’s been a while, and I just want to know what you’ve been up to. Merry Christmas, here’s my gift to you. From, Daniel. P.S. Please send another picture of you if you could.’”
Shame crept in like a shaking animal from the cold, and you couldn’t even look at any of them. Still, that didn’t stop Teddy from taunting you; hell, it probably spurred him on.
“The hell kind of business are you running if you got a someone paying you thirty-five bucks?” He laughed, looking back at the guys. “You think she’s in a skin mag or something?”
“Hey, man, shut up.” Jason rebuked.
“No, I’m serious. They take pictures without showing the face sometimes.” He looked at you now. “Which one is it? Penthouse? Modern Man?”
“Leave it, Kountze.” You hissed, not looking at him.
Teddy laughed. “Don’t tell me it’s Playboy; you?”
 “Are you fucking deaf?” Angus asked. “She told you to cut it out.”
“Piss off Tully, you probably saw her tits this morning in study hall.”
You whipped your head around and couldn’t control the face you made; to this day, you still have no idea if it was pure rage, a form of betrayal, or both at once. Still, you watched as how Angus avoided your gaze like he’d done something wrong; he did, but still. Teddy opened his disgusting mouth to speak again.
“Shit, if I were to line up every girl in Barton, you would’ve been the very last one I-.”
“-I’ll let you take the picture.”
All eyes were back on you, and you looked right at Teddy’s; once confident and sly, now widened with surprise. Who knew it would take just six words for him to shut up?
“What?” Was all he responded.
You swallowed thickly, clutching your hands into fists to keep yourself calm (and to not cry). “I’ll let you take the picture of me, but we have to be alone, and you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone else; especially my father.”
This was not what you had envisioned or wanted to happen on your first outing with them away from the adults in your life. You prayed to whatever god above, Christian, Roman, Greek, Buddhist, it didn’t matter, you prayed that Teddy would grow a brain and take the deal.
“Alright.” Was all he said, shrugging with an excited smile on his face that made your skin crawl.
You nodded. “I’ll take my letter and money now.”
He tilted his head, walking closer to you. “Please.”
Taking a deep breath, you said. “Please.”
Teddy’s grin only deepened, then handed you your things. “You know, Hunham, maybe you’re not a total prude after-.”
Your fist met his eye, and the both of you stumbled backwards; him clutching his face, you your hand. Needless to say, you were both cursing. Still, you managed to gather your bearings and push him over.
“Fucking bastard.” You spat before trying to make a run for it.
Teddy grabbed your left foot, causing you to fall into the snow, your teeth sinking into your lip once you hit your chin on impact of the ground. You struggled, then managed to quickly wiggle out of your boot before getting back up and running like a girl (anyone would run like a girl if they were being chased by a man like Teddy Kountze).
You honestly have no idea how he didn’t catch up to you at the time, but you were on the steps of the main building when you turned back. There they were, just five, not-so-little specks that stood out across the valley of pure white snow. It was only when you slowed down did you notice how cold your left foot was. Your sock was dripping wet from the snow, and you then pulled off your other boot, leaving it on the stairs before entering the school.
Taking a deep breath once you closed the door, you wiped your mouth; specks of blood colored your hand, but thankfully, not that much. Sighing, you walked through the halls of the school, trying to make your way back to the infirmary and hoping that your father wasn’t there.
You ran into Mary instead (a fate worse than death).
“Where are your shoes?” Was the first thing she asked once she saw you in the main hall (you got lost; hey, you’d only been there a few times in the past, don’t be too hard on yourself).
You shrugged, smiling. “We were playing a game.”
“What kind of game?”
“Hide and seek tag.” you leaned against the wall, hands in your coat pockets. “First one to get to the school wins, I hid my shoes under a bush, so they thought I was there, and I made a run for it.”
“You take a fall then? Your mouth’s bleeding.”
“You’re telling me you’ve never slipped on ice?” You managed to joke.
She arched her brow, placing her hands on her hips. “Do you know how long I’ve known you?”
It actually took you a few moments to think back on it; it felt like you’ve known her longer, but no. “Since I was nine?”
“And do you think, in the last eight years, I haven’t been able to tell if you’re a bad liar or not?”
“…Well, am I?”
“Did one of those boys put their hands on you?” She asked the question you both knew was coming. “Was it that shitass Kountze?”
Even with it being a serious question, you laughed (both from surprise and discomfort). “Well like, you should see the hands I put on him. Mary, we were just playing, it’s fine.”
The main door opened before she could say anything else, and you saw the same five boys walk in; Ye-Joon holding your boots. You smiled, approaching them as if nothing was wrong, and you took your shoes. “Thank you.”
He nodded, quickly looking away.
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves.” Mary spoke up behind you, and your heart dropped for a moment as well as all of their faces. “I get that you were playing a game, but you don’t need to be so competitive.”
They turned to one another, obviously confused about the whole thing (you were as well). Still, she continued. “Yeah, little miss Hunahm told me everything. Hide and seek, tag, I don’t care what it was, you all need to be just careful with each other. Poor girl over here took a fall, and I see you did too, mister Kountze.”
At his name, Teddy turned away. Angus spoke up. “We’ll be careful next time, miss Lamb.”
“Please, we’re on vacation; just Mary.” She looked at you. “You’re gonna help me with dinner later, right?”
“I will.”
“Good, stay out of trouble.”
“No promises.”
With that, Mary left through one of the doors leading to the teacher’s lounge. The moment she did, Teddy hissed at you.
“What the hell was that?!”
Rolling your eyes you said. “Didn’t you hear? We were playing a stupid game.”
“You mean you punched me in the face.”
“You blackmailed me into doing something I wouldn’t have wanted to do; we can keep going.”
“It’s not my fault you’re a-.”
“-A what?”
He stopped to your surprise, then changed his tone. “I just don’t think your father would be proud of the choices you’ve made.”
On one hand, damn, those words cut deep enough to almost make you bleed; but on the other hand…
“Are you gonna tell him?” You asked, trying not to sound like you gave a shit.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “I mean, unless you’re gonna say sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” You laughed. “Beating the shit out of you? You started it. Besides, who’s he going to believe?”
Silence was what you were met with. Even at the sight of his face, you only continued to grin. “Teddy, come on, you start ‘not fights’, we all know. It’s not a hard question, I thought you were smarter than this?”
He sighed. “You.”
“Exactly; you’re my bitch, Kountze.” You walked backwards, a little skip in your step. “Don’t you forget that.”
Turning away, you retreated to the infirmary, grabbing your books and escaping to the library in hopes of not having to see any of them for the rest of the day.
Men…so exhausting.
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You managed to disappear into the world of The Yellow Wallpaper (not necessarily lighthearted reading, but it was still interesting) and a chapter of The Two Towers before Mary called you down to help with dinner.
After another strange but not so subtle comment from her (“You know you can be honest with me, right? I am with you.”), it was quiet between the both of you. That’s what you always loved with cooking and baking; the quietness, even if you were with one other person. You both just worked in tandem and it was almost frightening how you would both know to move out of the way of each other without saying a word.
Dinner was uneventful; somehow, your father hadn’t noticed the slight bruising on your lip, or Teddy’s eye (the color would probably start to show as days went on, but that was a future problem for you). Not one of the boys your age talked to you; even then, the freshmen kept to themselves a lot too.
So, it was quite a surprise to you, as there was “supervised leisure time” in the library, when Jason Smith sat across from you at the table.
“Hey.” He said softly.
You looked up from Jane Eyre. “Hello.”
“So…” He almost looked nervous (initially about what, you will never know). “you really gave Teddy shit today.”
Tilting your head to the side, you went. “Yeah? Well…he kind of threatened me.”
“No of course. Just…wow.” He chuckled. “You really held him off.”
Nodding, you honestly had no idea what to think. Was he complementing you? In shock? All you were doing was staying silent at this awkward exchange when he asked. “You okay?”
“Just that, I can’t really read you right now. Did I say something weird?”
“No.” You shook your head, then said. “Well, yes. Sorry, I just…” You tried again. “Thank you, I think? But um…do you want me to be honest?”
“I’m kind of…no, I am mad none of you stepped in. Maybe not mad but…I don’t know.”
“Well,” he began. “we told him to stop.”
“So did I, but he didn’t.” You wanted to say, but you only knew saying something true would make it worse (this is why you couldn’t be outnumbered by men; it’d make you scared). Instead, you settled on.
“I know, and thanks, but it still would’ve been nice for some help.”
He shrugged. “You seemed to have it handled.”
Six words you thought (and prayed) you’d never hear again; and he said them with a nonchalant shrug. As if, by now, he was already bored and annoyed with a conversation he had started. Perhaps you were reading too much into that last part, perhaps he didn’t mean to come off as callous; but he was still oblivious at the end of the day.
“Look,” he interrupted your overflowing mind when he saw how much it was affecting you. “if it helps, he tried to run after you when you punched him, but Tully and I held him back.”
You took a deep breath as his words sunk in. Then, you chuckled bitterly. “How nice of you to not let him beat me to a pulp.”
He shook his head. “Come on, don’t be like that.”
“Angry? Pissed off?”
Your jaw actually dropped. “What?”
He said your name, shaking his head and lowering his voice as if you both hadn’t been quiet already. “Look, Kountze is a dick, we know that. But come on, he said some horrible stuff, and you punched him. That doesn’t really add up.”
“…He threatened me.”
“You basically invited him to take a picture of you alone. I mean, yeah it was to bate him, but still.”
No further questions, you picked up your book and your jacket. Without another word and ignoring how he tried to call you back with a soft tone of voice as he said your name, you walked out of the library without another thought.
Your father asked you about it of course, but all you said was that Jason spoiled a book you were looking forward to reading. He believed you and wished you goodnight, leaving you to lie in your bed and be stuck in your thoughts until snoring reached your ears.
You waited a few more minutes before you stood up, gathering your blanket to wrap around you. As you walked down the hall, the nagging thought of ‘Do I even feel safe in there?’ invaded your mind when you only realized that you were going to be in a room with both Jason and Teddy. You were outside of the hall for longer than you would imagine, when you heard quiet voices on the other side of the wall.
“…I had an accident.”
“Yeah, you did. Shh, stop crying. If they hear you, they’ll crucify you. Which would be ironic, since you’re Buddhist.”
You had to cover your mouth from the unexpected line. How…strange it was to hear Angus Tully be this comforting. You heard the smaller voice again and heard that it was Ye-Joon.
“I know it’s an excellent school, and my brothers went here. But I miss my family, and I have no friends.” His voice broke at the end, and so did a piece of your heart.
Then, Angus with his words of wisdom, said. “Yeah, well, friends are overrated. I’ll help you hide the sheets in the morning, all right? In the meantime, find a dry spot, and try to get some sleep.”
“Thank you.”
You gave it a few moments, still reeling over the gentleness of it all, before entering into the light of the infirmary room. You knocked lightly on the door frame not to frighten anyone.
Angus turned over his shoulder, and somehow didn’t jump when he saw you.
“Hi.” You greeted.
“Hey.” He responded, trying to act like his common, moody self.
You wanted to acknowledge what you heard; tease him (but not in an unkind way) about him being nice, ask him why, in the dead of night, was he like this and not in the daytime? Still, all you could manage was the basic.
“Is everything alright?”
He nodded. “Yeah, just nightmares, you know.”
“No,” you shook your head, deciding to lighten and grace the room with your sarcasm. “I’ve never had one in my life.”
Angus seemed to catch on, and it surprised you greatly to see him actually smile. “Nobody likes a bragger.”
“So that’s why you don’t have any friends.”
…Too much; too much sarcasm.
Both of your smiles fell, and you wanted nothing more than to shrivel up like a leaf and die in front of him, then have someone sweep out the crumbs of your body and then them on fire in the snow before burying the ashes.
You still can’t believe you came up with that metaphor quicker before you could say. “I’m just gonna…”
He nodded. “Yep.”
You scurried into the other room and under the covers of the bed. The fear of Teddy and Jason no longer was the thing keeping you up at night in that room; it was the worst possible thing you could’ve said to Angus Tully of all people.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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envyboyj · 5 months
nothing screams gay more than teddy kountze's strange obsession with tully throughout the entire film. all that PLUS his ogling towards Jason. we know what u are.
97 notes · View notes
ilikemoviesalot4554 · 3 months
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Me after providing @babybluebex with hockey photos of dommy
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filministic · 3 months
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The Holdovers (2023) dir. Alexander Payne
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soweirdondisney · 1 year
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164 notes · View notes
gmoldenburg · 4 months
finally got around to watching The Holdovers and genuinely didn’t expect to cry as much as i did, i know what it’s like to be angus but i also know what it’s like to be mr. hunham. great fucking movie 10/10 easy rewatch
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the-wizarding-froog · 12 days
Red Sweater *DRAFT*
Some background this is important Barton in this story it is a mixed gender school basically the same as in the movie but the boys and girls had separate living quarters and for this story it is f reader
Y/N had always found Teddy hot and well to be quite honest they weren’t sure whether or not he reciprocated those feelings. That was until Valentine's day they woke up groggy and sad feeling like this day was just another day in Barton's Academy. They got out of bed her hair messy and tangled she walked to the closet and got a towel, a hairbrush ,and her clothes. She sighed as she looked in her closet mirror remembering that she will most likely be alone today. She walked to the bathroom took a shower she dried off and put her clothes on. When she was done getting dressed she dried/styled her hair and put in two red bows to look at least a little bit festive. She put on her shoes and grabbed her supplies for school walking out the door but she paused when she got there. At her feet in the doorway was a bag covered in hearts pink and red alike with a note in the shape of a heart she picked up the bag and set it on her bed inside was a deep gorgeous red sweater she smiled as she pulled it out and she tried it on it matching her red bows and fitting a bit loose but still it was a great fit. She turned around and reached in the bag pulling out a heart necklace and a note she put the necklace on and headed out the door. As they was walking down to their friends dorm they had a huge smile on her face and she opened the letter. Inside it read “In the garden of my heart, you bloom like a rose, Your love, a melody that only my soul knows. With every beat, you're the rhythm in my chest, In your embrace, I find my eternal rest. Love, Your secret admirer.” tHeir face got red
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atinyliliflower · 3 months
Im a writer, for fun
i write for
Stranger thińgs
The holdovers
The black phone
send some req/asks in :)
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emmanelson · 2 months
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gavillain · 10 months
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supercap2319 · 2 years
We need a Halloweentown male reader Cromwell x male characters.
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envyboyj · 4 months
There literally 0 FICS about teddy kountze and that is honestly such B's hes hilarious
yeah, teddy is a very complex character. I think it'd be really interesting to see different ways people intemperate him in fics !!
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ilikemoviesalot4554 · 3 months
when your card declines at therapy and so your 48 hour renting period on the holdovers goes up
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