#Ksenia Sobchak
queerica · 6 months
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YBRS: young, blonde, rich, slavic ༺୨♡︎୧༺
ksenia sobchak aka. "russian paris hilton", queen of y2k fashion, early 2000s
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alm0sthere · 6 months
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walterkov · 1 year
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Амрон #1. Президент Собчак обнулилась [x] @giftober 2023 | Day 6: Red
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shattered-pieces · 5 months
Бомба на 100 гигабайт. Первое интервью с Сергеем Савельевым, который вык...
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russianreader · 9 months
North Korea Sounds Nice
Chulpan Khamatova, Sobchak Live, 6 June 2012 [Ksenia] Sobchak: You want your children to live in a stable country without revolution? [Chulpan] Khamatova: Without revolution. It could be some kind of changes in mindset. Without revolutions. I don’t want revolution. I’m categorical on this point, because the heads of completely innocent people fly in revolution and all these wars. I don’t think…
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mariacallous · 2 years
A nightmare scenario in Russian prisons — Marina Litvinova interviews journalist and human rights activist Eva Merkacheva (Republic):
Merkacheva says the only complaints she receives in her monitoring work on human rights at Russia’s prisons regarding mercenary group recruitment among inmates is from those inmates’ relatives. The men themselves, she says, are often quite eager to volunteer to fight in Ukraine, especially when they’re locked up for serious felonies that guarantee decades or a lifetime behind bars. Distressed relatives write to human rights activists like Merkacheva to contest the legally spurious service contracts used to mobilize inmates, and they reach out when these men disappear on the front lines. She says all she and her colleagues at the Presidential Human Rights and Civil Society Council can do is file requests with the Attorney General’s Office, which tells them simply that their inquiries are being forwarded to Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service.
Merkacheva credits Senator Lyudmila Narusova with being the only federal lawmaker to challenge warlord Evgeny Prigozhin’s illegal access to prisoners, but her overtures have led nowhere.
According to Merkacheva, many of the inmates applying to fight in Ukraine are violent recidivists who see a mercenary contract as an opportunity (1) to avoid the hazards and miseries of incarceration, (2) a way to escape the potential return of capital punishment in Russia, and (3) a possible means of escaping abroad. She warns that the violent offenders seeking to fight in Ukraine are unreliable and dangerous. Also, once they sign their service contracts and await deployment, many inmates have openly defied their prison guards, suggesting disciplinary problems ahead in battle.
Asked about inmates being mobilized involuntarily, Merkacheva said she has no information about such cases, noting that Russia’s male prisoner population has mysteriously dropped by roughly 13,000 inmates since January 1 (while rising more than 500 among women). She added that she is aware of some cases in pretrial detention centers where suspects tell the court that they want to serve in Ukraine (hoping to ingratiate themselves to the judges) but then decline to sign contracts with military commissars.
A former longtime member of Russia’s Public Monitoring Commission (which theoretically visits prisons to inspect for human rights violations), Merkacheva laments that the latest monitors appointed to the commission have demonstrated little grasp of or interest in the work, though she hopes they’ll improve with time and experience. So far, she says, the evidence suggests that torture and extortion are spiking across the penitentiary system.
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wintersmitth · 1 year
Idiots: Not all Russians support the war, many of them risk their lives protestings!1!!1!
Ksenia fucking Sobchak: Just give up and live your lives lol
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mockva · 7 days
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«Ksenia Sobchak powders her brains»
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pharaohgargamel · 1 year
Цитата дня: Quote of the Day:
«И вдруг оказывается, что главный подвиг — это просто не врать себе, не предавать себя и сохранять способность мечтать и не предавать своей мечты.»
(Ксения Анатольевна Собчак)
«And suddenly it turns out that the main feat is simply not to lie to yourself, not to betray yourself and to maintain the ability to dream and not betray your dreams.»
(Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak)
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jaguarmen99 · 3 months
米ラッパー、カニエ・ウェスト(Kanye West)さんがプライベートでロシアの首都モスクワを訪問した。国営タス通信が6月30日、著名なロ���ア人プロデューサーの話として報じた。  タス通信は、プロデューサーのヤナ・ルドコフスカヤ(Yana Rudkovskaya)氏による「カニエ・ウェストがすでにモスクワにいる!」というSNS投稿を引用している。  また、テレビキャスターのクセニア・サプチャク(Ksenia Sobchak)氏は、モスクワのグム(GUM)百貨店の屋上から「赤の広場(Red Square)」を眺めるウェストさんだとする短い動画をテレグラムに投稿。モスクワ訪問は、友人でロシア人ファッションデザイナーのゴーシャ・ルブチンスキー(Gosha Rubchinskiy)氏の誕生日を祝うためだと明らかにした。  ウェストさんは過去にナチス・ドイツ(Nazi)総統アドルフ・ヒトラー(Adolf Hitler)を称賛したり、ウラジーミル・プーチン(Vladimir Putin)大統領を褒めたたえたりして物議を醸してきた。  ウクライナ侵攻開始以降、ロシアで活動する欧米のアーティストがほとんどいなくなる中、ウェストさんがモスクワ公演を行うのではないかとの臆測がこのところ飛び交っていた。
カニエ・ウェストさん、モスクワ訪問 ロシアメディア 写真6枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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summeroffice · 3 months
Юрій Бібік for Фабрика новин
26:08 Mykhailo, in conclusion, I in fact did not plan to discuss this topic and in general, the character that will be discussed is of little interest to me [Mykhailo nods], I will tell you frankly. But there is a request from the audience. I want to ask you about this. So, Oleksiy Arestovych [he looks up] gave an interview to Ksenia Sobchak [he's thinking]. Several theses [he nods].  
He says that he will run for president [Mykhailo smirks], calls Putin his opponent but when the time comes, he will be ready to shake his hand and smile [Mykhailo listens], says that Putin's plan has a chance to be implemented [nods]. And in Arestovych's opinion, this is a reason for Ukrainians to think, isn't it time to stop. What did this person want to say in general [Mykhailo nods]. What was the main aim of this interview? What did he want to say in this interview? 
Nothing. To please his ego. We have many people who love their ego more than common sense. Look. He is not a newsmaker today and will never be a newsmaker any longer. His words do not affect any processes that are directly related to state formation as such. And we are now in this state formation and not in war as such. He does not have access to any information. He is definitely not selling information, nor understanding, nor analysis, nor expertise. He sells his ego, his self, his narcissism.  
Does he have the right to do it? Of course. In the 21st century, in the heyday of the rampage of social networks, everyone has the right to sell their ego, but it does not affect what you are talking about at all. It does not affect anything. For Russia, he does not exist today either. Well, he can probably be used, well, some of his statements can be used as a part of Russian propaganda, but for Ukraine it is of no importance.  
I would not pay attention, just not pay attention to this. Again, he has the right to say something somewhere, to comment, to go to any interview, it is normal in the 21th century, all people can, I think even if these maniacs like Chapman [murderer of John Lennon]  lived today, they would also go out just to give some kind of interview and so on. They can go out to give interviews, but it does not affect anything.  
All these characters, they are already the past. The past. Ukraine will have other and has other newsmakers, other topics for discussion, another story that will be constructed today that will have an impact, I will emphasise once again, on the type of state in which you and I will live. Everything relating to the past, well, if you want historically, if you have a desire to study it historically, well, then analyse what he's saying [he smiles]. 
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panelki · 8 months
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Former Employees of Ksenia Sobchak Jailed in Rostec CEO Extortion Case Three former employees of Russian media influencer Ksenia Sobchak were sentenced to at least seven years in prison for trying to extort money from the head of state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec. Multiple criminal cases were launched in August 2022 after Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov and his aides accused the managers of several Telegram news channels of demanding money in exchange for burying critical news coverage. Read more | Subscribe to our channel
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walterkov · 1 year
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"Nobody can fix it, nobody can..." Амрон #1. Президент Собчак обнулилась [x] @giftober 2023 | Day 6: Red
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antonio-velardo · 1 year
Antonio Velardo shares: ‘No todos nacen para ser héroes’: una influente rusa decide no oponerse a la guerra by Anton Troianovski
By Anton Troianovski Ksenia Sobchak, una de las figuras mediáticas más conocidas en Rusia, sostiene que es inútil luchar por un cambio. Dice que su postura fatalista refleja la realidad sombría de su país. Published: August 19, 2023 at 05:00AM from NYT En español https://ift.tt/pNVAj8w via IFTTT
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russianreader · 1 year
The Good Truth Machine vs. the Russian People
“For our series of reports on relations between Finland and Russia, we head to the border area. The two neighbours were strong trading partners until the 2022 invasion of Ukraine led Helsinki to cut off business ties. Russian tourists are no longer welcome and with EU sanctions in place, Finland is on the frontline in checking goods crossing its 1300 km long border with Russia. FRANCE 24’s Julien…
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mariacallous · 10 months
On November 17, the Russian Justice Ministry announced that it had filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court demanding that the “international LGBT movement” be banned as an “extremist organization” in Russia. The agency failed to explain what exactly the “LGBT movement” is, who leads it, or how it’s structured, but it claimed to have identified signs of an “extremist orientation” in its workings. The Supreme Court is scheduled to consider the request on November 30. Meduza has compiled some of the initial reactions to the suit from prominent Russian journalists, politicians, and bloggers.
Valery Fadeyev
Chairman of Russia’s Presidential Human Rights Council
What LGBT movement? Is this a movement, an organization, that exists in Russia? That what my initial thought. We’ll have to look at the details of this lawsuit and see what we’re talking about here.
Yekaterina Mizulina
Head of the Safe Internet League
This means a serious barrier will be imposed against values that undermine Russia and destroy our identity. I want to thank the courage and professionalism of our law enforcement officers, Justice Ministry specialists, and Safe Internet League experts who helped prepare this historic event. We’re making progress.
Farida Rustamova
Independent journalist
The Russian Justice Ministry invented the “international LGBT public movement” and is now trying to ban it. In practice, this will likely mean they’ll be able to jail someone for having a rainbow flag on their social media avatar, for example. That’s the kind of electoral campaign Putin is running as he approaches his fifth term.
Leonid Volkov
Politician, Alexey Navalny associate
And so it begins: Putin’s “electoral campaign dedicated to traditional values” that we were promised, with Russia portrayed as a “family of families.”
Well, to be precise, it started a bit earlier, when they suddenly launched their anti-abortion agenda from all directions. Now is the second step. The fact that there’s no “extremist LGBTQ+ organization” is of no concern to anyone, of course; Putin’s political strategists need the image of an enemy that the elderly president can confidently defeat, and as a bonus, all Center E branches will get the chance to fabricate as many criminal cases as they want and receive promotions.
Ksenia Sobchak
Journalist and media figure
EVERYONE has finally fucking lost it. It’s just unbelievable.
We’re really going to find ourselves in the same league as North Korea, the Taliban, and Hamas pretty soon.
Yevgeny Popov
Deputy chair of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, propagandist
The details of this lawsuit are not very clear, and, of course, we can’t predict what decision the court will make. So let’s refrain from speculating about it right now, because we’ve begun discussing even the rainbow openly and publicly. Let’s not be absurd — it’s impossible to ban a rainbow, wind, storms, or clouds.
As far as LGBT’s recognition as some kind of organization — let’s look at the explanations, the arguments from both sides. It will be a very interesting legal process. For now, I don’t have an understanding of how it will be interpreted.
Sergey Badashmin
Are they going to declare rainbows “extremist material?”
Maksim Olenichev
LGBT activists will continue their work; after all, there are millions of LGBT people living in Russia. But their work will get significantly more dangerous. The number of LGBT initiatives will most likely shrink, some will go underground, but the work of helping LGBT people will continue — in new conditions and with higher risks.
Sergey Parkhomenko
Am I understanding correctly that this international LGBT movement that the Russian Justice Ministry wants to declare extremist and ban is not a specific organization, not a legal entity or an association of people, but just the general LGBT movement, small “m,” with no quotation marks, in its entirety, in all of its forms and manifestations, on a global level?
Or am I missing something, and they mean something or someone more specific?
Georgy Urushadze
Founder of the publishing company Freedom Letters
So you’re telling me that the Taliban can’t be declared extremist, but an entire human rights movement can? [...]
We’ll show them our flag. Along with our middle fingers.
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