#charities in Russia
russianreader · 9 months
North Korea Sounds Nice
Chulpan Khamatova, Sobchak Live, 6 June 2012 [Ksenia] Sobchak: You want your children to live in a stable country without revolution? [Chulpan] Khamatova: Without revolution. It could be some kind of changes in mindset. Without revolutions. I don’t want revolution. I’m categorical on this point, because the heads of completely innocent people fly in revolution and all these wars. I don’t think…
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folklorespring · 4 months
If you want to support Ukrainians, DO NOT donate to Red Cross. Can't speak about their work in other countries, but they're useless in Ukraine. The only trustworthy international organisation I can think of is World Central Kitchen.
Donate to World Central Kitchen
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And it's even better to donate directly to Ukrainian organisations. Here are a few good legit places:
hospitallers.life - "Hospitallers", Ukrainian paramedics on the frontlines
savelife.in.ua - "Come Back Alive", assistance to the army
prytulafoundation.org - "Prytula Foundation", assistance to the army, humanitarian causes
starenki.com.ua - "Starenki", helping elderly people
everybodycan.com.ua - "Everybody Can", helping disabled children, elders and hospitals
uanimals.org - "UAnimals", saving animals
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Kherson region.
People and animals being rescued for more than a day.
Fucking russians.
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An excellent list of organizations that can help Ukraine :
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twelfthhaus · 2 years
Life has gotten tougher & tougher each day. It's so easy to think back & recall an event in the last year, two years, three years, that has knocked us off our feet. the world is changing. that is quite clear. the world is changing.
we constantly find ourselves on the glaring edge of history. another march. another protest. another slaughter. it almost feels easier to sit back and wait. it almost feels easier to give up.
but we've created a tidal wave already, there's a feeling abuzz. we have shaken this world & forced it to recognize our dreams. in this age where they've tried to keep us blind, mute, & deaf, we have found our redemption in our love & care for one another. in our hope for this generation's future. in our small things - in shared blankets, in celebratory toasts, in secret laughs, in raised fists, in eyes of the resilient who stand strong in the face of death & despicable slaughter but whose eyes burn & sparkle & shine with hope.
We must save each other NOW. RIGHT THIS SECOND. Every minute we ignore our power is a chance our ruling classes get to raze, burn, & destroy our futures for a pathetic profit margin increase!! We must stand up NOW or we will drown.
ADD AN ORGANIZATION, A CHARITY, A GROUP THAT NEEDS OUR HELP - that needs more helping hands, that is struggling with workers!
Feeding America (feedingamerica.org) lets you locate a local food bank where you can volunteer or donate food. Because of the pandemic, rising food & housing costs (among several other things), many, many people are displaced & needing someone to just lend a hand. Even one visit to your local shelter is enough to make an impressionable difference in someone's life. Go to their site!!! go go go!!!!
You can donate new/gently used professionall clothing to Dress For Success (dressforsuccess.org). This organization helps empower women's economic independence by providing professional attire & support to women entering the workforce. Imagine the confidence you can help bring to someone by donating something like a nice blouse. TELL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY!! TOGETHER YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!
Join the movement to inspire young people everywhere to build the future we all imagine for them at The Future Project (thefutureproject.org). Share your story or help boost someone else's & inspire a greater future. What are you doing, check it out now!!!!!! Someone needs to hear your voice!
"Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water, & salt for all...
The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. The time to build is upon us..." - Nelson Mandela
"...Over the bleached bones & jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words: "Too Late!"" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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saddayfordemocracy · 7 months
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Dmitry Alexandrovich Markov (23 April 1982 – 16 February 2024) 
Russian photographer Dmitry Markov has died at the age of 42, local media in his hometown of Pskov said Friday 16.03.2024, citing his friends.
Markov, who relied solely on an iPhone for his photography, became famous for capturing images of everyday life in Russia and its regions.
His photo of a masked riot police officer sitting under a portrait of Dictator Vladimir Putin became a symbol of the 2021 protests against the imprisonment of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.
The photo was sold for 2 million rubles ($21,760) in an online auction, with the proceeds going to people detained or fined during the rallies in support of Navalny.
Markov had suffered from drug addiction during his life. He volunteered in an orphanage and worked as an assistant tutor at a charity that helps people with disabilities.
Markov published three books of his photography and his Instagram page with photos of Russia has more than 800,000 followers.
Rest in Power !
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ladystrallan · 1 year
I could write an essay on all the intricacies and nuances of the INSANE relationship dynamic of Peter/Grigor/George. The three of them are so codependent it’s crazy. Like George loves Grigor but also loves fucking Peter (and there’s also a weird power dynamic between them because he is emperor), but she doesn’t love Peter romantically. And Grigor loves George so he hates that she’s fucking Peter, but he can’t hate Peter because he loves him so much (platonically, but maybe not???). And Peter is so oblivious and has been made so entitled to everything by being emperor that he needs them both to be completely and utterly devoted to him, and has never stopped to think that maybe he shouldn’t fuck his best friend’s wife. They’re his friends but he also has so much power over them. It’s simultaneously beneficial and awful for everyone involved. It’s so toxic but none of them can imagine life otherwise. It’s so interesting and it should have been explored more on the show.
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samoirax · 1 year
Херсон ❤️‍🩹
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If you wish to help the innocent animals affected by the on-going mess in Kherson here's one of the charity foundations that is currently evacuating them:
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takineko-arts · 7 months
There is nothing in the tag #Vasya in the Hay and that is bothering me. You guys need to see this youtube channel and support it.
They existed before the Ukraine war. It's not a political channel.
It's all about helping the poor people that Russia abandons out in the small villages.
Be trigger warned: Sergei runs across old people who can barely survive on their pensions, cruel abusive people taking advantage of the help of others, and disabled hermits somehow barely getting by. And some of them are not getting by, some of them do die so be aware. Some of them are starving to death, some of them are frozen to death by their evil neighbors who want their house. Some of them are saved by Sergei, only to die by a random murderer later on. It is not a pretty sight but -
the positives:
You WILL see slaves freed.
You WILL see the poor fed, and clothed.
You WILL see homeless people receive homes.
You WILL see abuse victims rescued, and given a new lease on life.
and you WILL be part of the reason Sergei was able to help these people, if you watch his videos, and share them.
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George, Grigor, & Peter | I Love My Boyfriend
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sontseua · 1 month
Restoring the South of Ukraine
The Legal Development Network, a union of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine that work to gather and disseminate resources and legal aid to Ukrainians who have been affected by the full-scale invasion, has started a crowdfunding campaign to rebuild and restore Ukrainian communities that were once occupied by russ!an troops. Read more about their current mission here or follow their Instagram account here.
Please help recover the livelihoods of these communities by donating, or simply reblogging to spread the word.
Слава Україні 🇺🇦
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hacked-wtsdz · 7 months
If anyone on here is following me from Russia or Belarus where most donation links and ways don’t work then fyi you can donate through the Солидарность fund. They have a separate fund set up for Palestine and send them food, medicaments, hygienic products and etc. There is always a way to help!
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stalinslastsoldier · 8 months
The reason why the Kremlin has allowed the country of Russia to distribute it's own aid in a direct manner is because they have been aware just how much infiltration has occurred inside organizations like the UN, UNRWA, and the EU's head staff. So why bother donating your aid when not only are you getting heavily sanctioned by these states; but also, have it all stolen and receive zero credit or proof that it assisted the poor.
So now African countries like Sudan and Somalia receive free shipments of grain every few months (as far as I can tell) and although it may not be enough, at least we can see that a country like Russia wouldn't withhold poor people's charity like the fucking EU has committed MULTIPLE times.
PS - just stating straight facts here whether you like it or not.
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aizel-kon · 2 years
In collaboration with @innavjuzhanina​ and @bulochkairisa, I am announcing the start of the winter charity event!   Ends on December 24! 
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There will be at least 5 winners, who will receive an amazing handmade necklace and signed prints from me and Inna!
  Donation PayPal: [email protected] 
Any interactions, comments, and shares for visibility are very helpful and appreciated!  
We would be gratefull If you also help us with visibility on other platforms:  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AizelKonArt/status/1601271971073097728?s=20&t=AggQOK6PdfoligZQKVNz9Q INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9MCmKtao2/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet About necklaces: the yellow one is made with agate and the green-red one is with Kosiv ceramics + unakit. 
International delivery, so any person can participate!
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About our volunteer  group  https://twitter.com/AizelKonArt/status/1534128431419600897
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ephemeriee · 10 months
now i like hannibal (bryan fuller nbc) but mads mikkleson is not doing any accent and if you've spoken to like more than one lithuanian ever the idea of that being where hannibal is from falls apart pretty quickly
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ladystrallan · 11 months
What the characters of The Great would dress up as for Halloween
I thought this would be fun to do. Happy Halloween!
Peter: Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken
I just know Peter would dress up as Ken! He picked Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken because he wants to look cool and not wear a shirt.
Catherine: Barbie or clever pun costume
I could see Catherine doing one of two things; either she dresses up as Barbie because she's coordinating with Peter (and she probably likes the movie since it's feminist) or she's doing a pun costume that she came up with herself and thinks is really clever.
Grigor and George: Bonnie and Clyde
Couple's costume but well executed. George probably started putting together the costume months in advance. They've got super cool gunshot makeup and Grigor is stoked that he gets to carry a prop gun (that he'll probably pretend to shoot Peter, Arkady, and Velementov with). They win best costume.
Tatyana: Sexy badger
She's totally the kind of girl to wear lingerie and animal ears Mean Girls style. We saw her put ink on her nose to look like a badger in the printing press episode, so I think she would be a sexy badger.
Arkady: Han Solo
I definitely think Arkady would dress up as someone cool and suave like Han Solo (he would also pretend to shoot the guys with his blaster). He wanted to be Ken, but then he found out Peter was dressing up as Ken and he had to switch.
Orlo: Some obscure philosopher
He would spend the whole evening trying to explain his costume and get progressively more frustrated that nobody knows who he is.
Archie: Nothing
Of course Archie thinks that Halloween is the devil's holiday, but he still shows up at the party to stare at everyone in sexy costumes. People keep telling him "nice costume" even though he's wearing his normal clothes.
Elizabeth: Floor show Frank-N-Furter
Elizabeth definitely goes to midnight screenings of Rocky Horror every year. She's dressing up as floor show Frank because (like real life Elizabeth) she wants to show off her legs.
Agnes and Hugo: Misunderstood couple's costume
Agnes would be like "we should do Grease". Hugo would be like "got it" and show up in a toga.
Velementov: One of those pairs of glasses with a nose and moustache
Velementov is doing the lowest effort costume possible. He literally just came to the party to get drunk.
Marial: Sexy angel
Marial is probably wearing a super basic costume. Archie yells at her because he thinks her costume is blasphemous.
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razzek · 10 months
I swear to god I am going to have to unfollow people for not tagging image posts featuring text about war topics. Y'all. That's incredibly shitty. I have to turn on a screen recognition just to find out what this image text is and get no warning whatsoever until after the fact that it's upsetting content. Tag your text screenshot posts about the various wars going on right now!
I'm a poor ass disabled person in the US. I've literally done all I can do in support of the causes I believe in. Seeing this shit does not help anybody in this low income apartment it only causes more harm to someone who is dealing with enough right now. Please be considerate and tag your screenshot posts about war and genocide so they can be filtered by a block list.
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