#Kuki Youhei
ophelisae · 1 year
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more daiya rarepair bingo !! Prompt: “Characters are from the same school”
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daiyanerd · 3 years
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The new class gets the spotlight with #newfirstyearsweekend2021 with the prompt weekend outside of school! @daiya-events
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aliavarrin · 3 years
FANDOM: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
RELATIONSHIPS: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun, Okumura Koushuu/Sawamura Eijun
CHARACTERS: Sawamura Eijun, Miyuki Kazuya, Furuya Satoru, Kawakami Norifumi, Ono Hiroshi, Asada Hirofumi, Okumura Koushuu, Yui Kaoru, Kuki Youhei
ADDITIONAL TAGS: Batteries have a pack like dynamic, but it's not considered a pack, Battery Hierarchy, Cuddling, Catchers take care of their pitchers, I don't know how to tag this, Not Beta Read
His experience from Daikyou Senior did not prepare Koushuu for what Seidou has in store. Koushuu will admit, begrudgingly and to a select few people, that his time in junior high baseball skewed his perspective on his role and priorities as a catcher. A large portion of Koushuu blames his old coach for distorting his view on baseball completely after his betrayal to the team, but even before that, the coach never directly encouraged anything more than the ‘typical’ battery dynamic. Koushuu never sought to learn more, either.
Koushuu has heard, of course, from other teams and even major league players about how clingy their pitchers could get after an especially bad game or a single mishap during a tournament. How the main catchers would spend the day after the game comforting a distraught pitcher or two. He has always heard how sensitive pitchers were; has seen some for himself, so Koushuu always chalked up all the talk as exaggerated, romanticized or both. As it differed greatly from his own experience as a baseball player and a catcher, he couldn’t help but assume that something, somewhere down the line, had been misinterpreted as fact and blown out of proportion by social media.
Sure, there had been pitchers in Daikyou Senior that were rather sensitive, as well as some that were not. However, none of them had sought out the main catcher or Koushuu, when he finally became a regular, in search of reassurance or comfort. Though, Koushuu can vaguely recall the ace approaching him once, stuttering and stumbling over his words before darting off in the face of Koushuu’s confusion. But that could have been anything.
So Koushuu chose which high school he wanted to attend solely based on the talents of the pitchers there. The Seidou pitchers intrigued him instantly, with the three they regularly rotated, but it was the two first-years, now second, that really caught his attention and solidified his choice. At the time of watching them pitch from the stands, Koushuu could care less about their personalities in the face of their unique, and outstanding pitching abilities, and thus, he had failed to take into consideration that he would actually have to get to know them as people and not just as pitchers once he joins the team.
Koushuu was unprepared for Seidou in every way possible.
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shysheeperz · 3 years
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iitachiyama · 3 years
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“No worries!”
“Study hard!”
He only messed up in math because he wrote the wrong numbers too many times.
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lofi-bear · 3 years
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Seidou first years take on Europe! Koushuu’s most difficult challenge yet: navigating Amsterdam lol
Combining the themes for Days 1 & 3 for New First Years Weekend for one big post with all the Seidou rookies! I love this goofy bunch so this was such a fun event!
Bg photo taken by me during my trip a few years ago :^)
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apparently-artless · 3 years
Call Me Eijun-Senpai! [A DnA Fanfic]
Summary: Sawamura couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, Okumura hates his very existence but he’s just being considerate enough not to say it straight to his face. Seto, Okumura’s best friend, thinks otherwise.
Relationships: Okumura Koushuu & Sawamura Eijun || Okumura Koushuu & Seto Takuma || Sawamura Eijun & First Year Seidou Members
Additional Tags: Slice of Life || Kuramochi is a Doting Brother || Okumura is Emotionally Constipated || Sawamura Eijun Learned a Thing or Two from Miyuki || Fluff & Humor || Attempt at Humor || Sawamura Eijun is the Ace || This is not Romance BTW
It was the day their last practice game had ended. As usual, Sawamura was off to the cafeteria to watch the recorded video so he can check his form again. With the summer tournament coming up, he needed to make the Numbers near to perfection.
Upon arriving at the cafeteria, Okumura was already sitting in front of the television, a scorebook on his left hand and the remote control on his right. Also, there was a vacant chair right next to him.
“Geh! You bit me to it again, Okumura-shounen!” Sawamura bellowed upon seeing the 1st-year catcher.
Okumura did not respond but just glanced at the southpaw pitcher.
“Well, why don’t we watch it together, then? I have a lot of things to say regarding your play in that last game,” the catcher stated with his typical vacant expression.
“We-Well, I don’t really mind watching it with you.”
“Please take a seat. I’ll be playing the video now.” Okumura motioned Sawamura to sit right next to him.
The whole game was one-and-a-half-hour long which means it took Okumura to make some comments about the southpaw pitcher’s performance for 1.5 hours. As usual, Okumura was very willing to give the pitcher compliments when needed and scold him unreluctantly on pitches he thought might not be good. Also, let’s not forget the part where the younger would seamlessly remind the older to be calm and quiet on the mound.
It was almost dinner time when they finished reviewing the game. Halfway while watching the video, Watanabe had already joined them and would add some comments as well to Sawamura’s performance. When they noticed a lot more of the members were now entering the cafeteria, they decided to call it for now as they turned off the television and fixed the chairs.
Okumura gently placed the scorebook that he borrowed from Umemoto on one of the tables to help his senpais from arranging the chair. As they were still conversing while dragging the chairs, one of the members placed an open bottle near the scorebook. Sawamura, who’s busy scratching his head while having an idiotic smile upon hearing praises from Watanabe, accidentally pushed the chair too hard right next to the table, making the opened water bottle tumble and spill right on the scorebook.
Upon seeing the mess he had made, Sawamura hurried to the kitchen to ask some of the staff some clean rags. Only when he returned did he notice that the scorebook was already drenched with the water that spilled from the bottle.
“Wah! I’m so sorry Okumura-shounen! I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Sawamura was obviously panicking while gently cleaning the table together with the scorebook.
“It’s okay, Sawamura-senpai. Thankfully, it’s just water so I can just rewrite the scorebook again,” the catcher responded as he tried to retrieve the scorebook from Sawamura’s hands.
“No! It’s my fault that this happened to begin with. I should be the one to do it!” Sawamura retorted as his nostrils flared.
“Reading a scorebook and writing one are two different things, Sawamura-senpai,” Okumura said inattentively. “Have you ever tried writing on a scorebook before?”
“Well, I…” Sawamura hesitated in responding. “No, not really.”
Okumura just sighed. Honestly, he wasn’t really angry. It was an accident and he can’t seem to find the right words to make the southpaw pitcher understand that he was not the least bit bothered about rewriting one scorebook. Aside from that, he only felt that it was right to take responsibility as he’s the one who borrowed the scorebook.
Watanabe, who noticed the awkward silence between the two, decided to intervene so as not to make matters worse.
“Don’t worry, Sawamura-kun. Okumura’s pretty much used to writing in a scorebook. It will be done in no time if it’s just rewriting the pages,” he said as he tapped Sawamura’s shoulder. “Okumura, we still have an hour before dinner, I’ll go and get a new scorebook so you can rewrite it before we eat. In that way, you can still read the scorebook properly before the ink fades.”
Okumura just nodded.
“Then, I’ll be accompanying you so I can go straight to my room afterward,” Okumura responded.
The two walked out of the room while Sawamura was left in the cafeteria, still bothered about the incident. To clear his head, he decided to do some batting practice first before eating dinner.
Sawamura gloomily walked his way to Field A with his bat in his left hand. His thoughts were put to a halt when he heard Asada’s voice calling out to him. Rather than joining Kominato and Kuramochi with their batting practice, he decided to join the first years instead.
“You did so well on the last practice game, Sawamura-senpai!” Asada initiated the talk as soon as Sawamura reached them, Kuki and Seto were with him.
“Oh, thank you, Asada!” he beamed at his kouhai.
“Where’s Koushuu? I thought you were watching the video together?” Seto asked while swinging his bat in the air.
Sawamura went stiff upon hearing the catcher’s name.
Did they fight again? Seriously, these two.
It was all Seto, Asada, and Kuki could think upon seeing the pitcher’s reaction.
“Did something happen with Koushuu?” Seto decided to ask. If they did actually fight, the sooner he can help in fixing it, the better.
Sawamura flinched even more as he heard Seto’s question. His hands fidgeted visibly as he averted his gaze on the 1st-years while he pouted his lips.
“I think he’s angry at me right now,” Sawamura whispered and the three freshmen couldn’t help but huddle towards him.
Unsure of what they heard, Seto couldn’t help but ask again.
“Sawamura-senpai, can you please say that again?” he asked, silently praying that what he heard was wrong.
“Wah! I bet he���s really angry at me! It’s my fault, to begin with! What should I do, Seto? Okumura-shounen is angry at me again! What do I have to do now??” Sawamura was clearly agitated, he kept on pulling on his hair with both his hands as he dropped the bat that he was initially holding.
“Calm down, Sawamura-senpai!” Asada exclaimed.
“First, please tell us what happened,” Seto added awkwardly.
Sawamura stopped for a while as he tried to remember what happened a while ago, sweat dropping.
“I accidentally spilled some water on the scorebook that Okumura borrowed. I volunteered to rewrite it but he declined. He said it’s fine and silently left the cafeteria with Nabe-senpai and the scorebook.”
“Well, he did say it was fine so I don’t think he’s angry. As you said, it was an accident, so it can be helped, really,” Seto replied to which Asada and Kuki nodded vigorously to convince their worried senpai.
“No! No! No! No! No! We’re talking about that wolf-boy, you know?? Uwah! Just remembering that time when he told me to disappear still sends shivers down my spine.”
The 1st-years were at a loss for words. It seemed like no matter what they say, the pitcher was convinced that Okumura was indeed angry at him for what just happened. And then, it occurred to Seto — that maybe, just maybe, he can still help in fixing the relationship of his best friend with his pitcher. After all, he wouldn’t want to have a repeat of that last time while he was not around.
Seto cleared his throat before speaking. He wouldn’t want to mess this up.
“Sawamura-senpai, I think you just misunderstood Koushuu. He didn’t say anything because he wasn’t bothered by it. If it had indeed bothered him, he would have scolded you just like how he’s reprimanding you whenever you’re being noisy on the mound.”
Sawamura did not respond, however, it could be seen that the boy was trying to ponder what he just said.
Yosh. He seems to be listening and considering things for now.
A few seconds later, Sawamura seemed to have calmed down. He was no longer fidgeting his fingers nor pulling his hair as if telling Seto to continue with his sentiments regarding his best friend.
“He already reflected fully on what he said to you the other day. He just kinda misunderstood your personality, that’s all. Koushuu can be scary sometimes, but really, that’s just part of who he is. No need to beat yourself up over what happened last time and even for today, Sawamura-senpai.”
“D-Do you really think so?”
“Of course I do! I’ve been his best friend since we were kids so you can say I’m an expert in interpreting Koushuu’s seemingly unreadable moods!”
Kuki and Asada just smiled. They’ve just known Okumura for a few months. They already know how scary his aura can be especially when he’s not talking. But they also know that he’s making an effort to make people understand that he’s not such a bad wolf that bites people.
“With the way I see it, I think he already admired you quite well, Sawamura-senpai. And I think his admiration for you is not so light that spilling water on a scorebook would make him hate you.”
“Well, if you say so,” Sawamura commented, looking more convinced as he listened attentively to Seto.
“If I’d be honest, I was kinda surprised when he made a promise that he’ll only catch for you once he made it to the first string. That’s the first time he made such a promise to someone, you know?”
Seto continued with his rambling. This time, it wasn’t only Sawamura, but also the two freshmen who got more interested in listening. As pitchers, they also wanted to understand Okumura a little bit more.
“He even went so far as to refuse to catch for you even if the order came from the coach. That just showed how much he wanted to follow through on that promise. Because at that time, he’s still not part of the first string. And being not part of the first string meant that his skills were not recognized yet. He believed that he’s not qualified to catch for you because he felt like he still lacked the skills. That only shows how much he looked up to you as a pitcher.”
Sawamura couldn’t help but agree with Seto’s statements. Upon hearing what he just said, he suddenly remembered Okumura saying something like that.
“And now, to the most exciting part, what I’m gonna tell you should only be kept between us,” Seto winked as he placed his index finger near his mouth.
Kuki and Asada slightly nodded, but with mixed anticipation. Sawamura, on the other hand, nodded violently as if to swear that he will not be blabbering anything that Seto will be telling them at this point forward.
“Ever since he volunteered to catch your pitches during the Spring Tournament, he kept on borrowing almost all of the scorebooks of the games that you played at, Sawamura-senpai.”
“Ohhh.” The three responded in unison.
“I think he was so delighted to learn about your Numbers. As a catcher, he wanted to study how effectively he can use your arsenal. So when the time comes that he’ll be given the chance to be your catcher in an official match, he’ll be ready.”
“I see. So he’s been studying my pitches, huh? I guess that explained the aggressive calls he made during our game with Seiho,” Sawamura interjected to which Seto simply nodded.
“Aside from that, he also watches the videos of your matches,” Seto continued. “Do you still remember that time when you were about to watch the Hakuryu video but Okumura was already there at the cafeteria and about to watch it?”
“Oh! You’re right!” Sawamura responded as he put his fist on his palm. “Now that I think about it, he was already at the cafeteria ready to watch the recent game by the time I arrived.”
Oh boy, I’m actually enjoying this, aren’t I? Sorry, Koushuu, but think of this as me helping you.
Before going on with the conversation, Seto snickered upon seeing the reactions of the group, especially Sawamura.
“Lastly, he decided to join Seidou after watching your play against Teitou,” Seto added with finality and pride. “He thought that you are an interesting pitcher so his interest as a catcher was piqued. We even watched your game during Finals. You did great there, by the way. Too bad, you’re not the one who closed it.”
Well, he’s also interested in Furuya-senpai’s pitching, but he doesn’t need that information, for now, right?
“Heh,” Kuki responded. “I wanted to watch that game too but I wasn’t able to go.”
“Was it interesting?” Asada asked.
“It was! I watched the recorded video that one of my teammates took. It was a bit blurry though due to the heavy rain. At some point, they even stopped the game,” Kuki replied with enthusiasm.
They were about to talk more about the game when they noticed that Sawamura turned quiet.
“Sawamura-senpai?” Asada called as he swayed his hands in front of him.
“He’s frozen.”
“Yep, he really is.”
Sawamura was indeed frozen on the spot. His cheeks blushing just like the way he did back when his teammates told him that he’s become more reliable as a pitcher.
“I see! I see! He could have just told me that! Geez, that wolf boy, really!” Sawamura beamed in response after being stiff for about half a minute as he gently scratched his head.
The freshmen were happy to see the idiotic smile of their senpai once again. At least for now, this resolved things between the pitcher and the catcher. They noticed how they got along well together right after Okumura became a first-string member. They wouldn’t want an incident like this to disrupt the relationship that the two of them are trying to build.
“Yosh! Time for batting practice! Let’s not waste a second and practice some more, first-year boys!” Sawamura bellowed as he swung his bat with all his might.
The four of them continued talking about Okumura during their batting session. Sawamura also asked personal questions about them as well and he would answer some questions from his underclassmen.
“Hmm… Since I’m trying to build rapport with wolf boy, shouldn’t I do something that might help improve our battery?” Sawamura blurted out after what felt like an hour of batting.
“For starters, why don’t you try addressing each other on a first-name basis?” Kuki suggested.
“Yes, I think that would be a good idea too, Sawamura-senpai,” Asada agreed while Seto only nodded.
Oh man, this is getting more interesting. I wonder how Koushuu will react once he hears the senpai that he admired address him by his first name.
Seto was lost in his thoughts. He remembered the first time he called Okumura using his first name and the boy turned silent for a moment. And then, while emitting an ominous aura, he had called Seto as Taku as if to inform the other that if it comes to being on a first-name basis, he surely won’t lose.
Giving me a nickname right off the bat! Just how much does that guy hate losing?
Seto’s reminiscing was cut short when he noticed Okumura walking towards them, a bat in his left hand.
“Okumura-shounen! Have you finished rewriting the scorebook?? That sure was fast! As expected of wolf boy!” Sawamura greeted the boy as soon as he reached them.
“Yes, the game was still fresh in my memory so it wasn’t so hard,” Okumura responded.
“I’m sorry for what happened.” Sawamura apologized awkwardly, his voice smaller compared to his typical one.
“I told you already, it’s not your fault. No need to feel so bothered about it, Sawamura-senpai.”
“Then, just accept my apology! Was it so hard??”
“Fine. Apology accepted, then.”
“Hahahaha! See, it wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Please be quiet when practicing on the field, Sawamura-senpai.”
The three were smiling as they observed the battery with their bantering.
Yep, it’s the usual conversation. I’m glad they’re back to normal.
“Oh, by the way, Okumura-shounen, before I forgot. I was soliciting some advice from them as to how to improve our battery. And as a first step, I decided that I’ll be calling you by your first name!”
“Relationship? First name? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t mind the small details!” Sawamura responded as he patted the boy’s shoulder while laughing.
Okumura had to guess what happened within the time that he was busy writing the scorebook. And of course, it all boiled down to his best friend, Taku.
“Taku, you said something to Sawamura-senpai, didn’t you?”
“Of course not! I just told him that you’re not angry and that he should not think too much about it,” Seto replied as he tried his best to hide his guilt.
“Let’s both do our best, Koushuu!” Sawamura shouted with glee as he chuckled once more.
Okumura was so shocked it took all he’s got to respond to the southpaw pitcher.
“Don’t hold back and call me ‘Eijun-senpai’ !”
Seto, Asada, and Kuki were trying so hard not to laugh upon seeing Okumura’s reaction. The younger might not admit it but no matter how hard he resists, he can’t help but get caught up on the older’s pace.
And then, after a few seconds, Okumura spoke.
“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Ehh??” Sawamura and the other freshmen shouted in unison.
“I’ll take you up on your offer once I am already the main catcher. So for the meantime, please allow me to call you as it is,” Okumura responded as he bowed slightly towards his senpai.
Sawamura was smug upon hearing what Okumura had said.
This brat. As expected, he really is a passionate guy after all.
“Then, I’ll also stop for now.”
“Ehh? Sawamura-senpai as well?” Asada exclaimed.
“I’ll call you by your first name once I become the ace of this team!” Sawamura declared with confidence as he laughed some more, with both hands on his hips.
“Another promise then, huh?” Seto commented as Kuki and Asada looked at the pair with admiration.
The corners of Okumura’s lips went slightly upward for less than a second. Or Seto might have just been imagining it. Sawamura and the rest decided to call it quits for now as they will be eating dinner anytime soon. They walked back towards their dorm as they continued their conversation.
For starters, if you want to be the ace, how about you try to lessen your voice? You’re too noisy, Sawamura-senpai. Especially when you’re on the mound. I’ve been telling you multiple times, a good ace pitcher shouldn’t be recklessly letting his emotions show while on the mound.
Geh! Here we go again with your harsh criticisms! You are too wild, Okami-kozo!
And while the two were busy bickering, Seto, Asada, and Kuki were observing them happily thinking about how the two actually get along so well.
The day after Sawamura became the Ace of Seidou
Sawamura was already seated between Kominato and Furuya, busy eating his breakfast when Seto and Okumura arrived in the cafeteria to join Asada, Kuki, and Kagami.
Before Okumura could take one bite off his meal, the obnoxious loud southpaw pitcher walked towards them as he waved his left hand.
“Good morning, Seto, Asada, Kuki, Kagami!”
“Good morning!” the freshmen responded.
“Good morning, Koushuu!”
The whole cafeteria went silent. Okumura went stiff upon hearing his name came out of Sawamura — their current southpaw ace pitcher.
“Koushuu??” Kuramochi and Zono bellowed in unison upon hearing Sawamura addressed the catcher by his first name.
Curiosity filled the air as the rest of the Seidou members eavesdropped between Sawamura and some of the first years’ conversation.
“I’ve kept my end of the promise. So I’ll be waiting for you to keep yours. Na? Koushuu!”
Seto, Asada, and Kuki were snickering on their seats as they watched Okumura feeling awkward towards their new ace’s advances.
“Please be quiet, Sawamura-senpai. Also, please finish your breakfast first before starting a conversation out of nowhere,” Okumura responded ineptly as he noticed how almost all of the eyes inside the cafeteria were directed towards him. He couldn’t help but wish that a hole would open right on his spot and swallow him up.
“No worries, even if you start ahead, I’ll still finish my breakfast faster than you, Koushuu!”
As much as he liked to stop the pitcher from calling his first name, a promise is a promise. And now that Sawamura is now the ace of Seidou, he is now allowed to address Okumura on a first-name basis. He’ll have no choice but to get used to it.
“This is so fun to watch! To think the day will arrive that Sawamura will learn how to harass his kouhai,” Miyuki commented as he giggled upon hearing Sawamura and Okumura’s conversation.
“Oi! It’s not even funny!” Kuramochi snapped as he kicked Miyuki’s legs under the table.
“It’s fine, isn’t it? Let him enjoy the privilege of being the ace for once!”
“That’s not the point! The point being is that one of your worst traits is rubbing off on the kid!” Kuramochi pointed his chopsticks towards Miyuki, proper manners be damned.
“Eh? But it should be fine if it’s just from time to time, right, Kuramochi-kun? Also, your big bro complex is coming out. Did Ryou-san rub off on you as well?”
“Don’t you ‘from-time-to-time’ me! Act like a real captain, for once! Don’t go around influencing your teammates negatively!!”
“Are you sure you don’t have anything to worry about though, Miyuki?” Watanabe interjected while secretly having some fun listening to both conversations.
“Huh? What’s there to worry about, Nabe?” Miyuki asked with curiosity.
“You’ve been a battery with Sawamura for almost two years now. Now that he’s the ace, you two will be the main battery for this summer tournament. Sawamura and Okumura formed a battery just recently and he’s already calling the first year by his first name. I guess that says something,” Nabe commented objectively as he continued eating his meal.
“But Sawamura is calling Miyuki by his full name. He hasn’t called anyone by full name except Miyuki. That’s saying something as well, no?” Zono interrupted.
Some of the first-string 3rd-years who were eating on the table together with Miyuki couldn’t help but laugh at Zono’s statement.
“Hyahaha! Zono! You’re so mean!” Kuramochi guffawed as he harshly tapped the table with his left hand.
“Zono, I’ll have you know that that’s not a good follow at all,” Shirasu added as he patted Zono’s shoulder while Kawakami nodded silently as he wiped the tears on the side of his eyes because he was laughing so hard a while ago.
“Eh?? Is that so??” Zono asked, totally unaware of the blow he'd dealt Miyuki.
“Oi. Why do I feel like I’m being a laughing stock right now? Learn to respect your captain, for once!” Miyuki exclaimed upon noticing that almost all of the people at their table were laughing at Zono’s comment.
“D-Don’t mind, Miyuki! If you want, I’ll convince Sawamura to call you by your first name too!” Zono added as if that’s the right thing to say.
Kuramochi and the rest of the gang laughed some more.
“Zono, don’t you think it’s time for you to shut up now?” Miyuki said annoyingly.
“But why?? I’m just trying to help!!”
“I don’t need your help! And keep your comments to yourself!” the captain replied coldly.
“Don’t be like that, Captain! As your vice-captain, it is my responsibility to help you on things that you’re not good at.”
“Hyahaha! Zono - 3, Miyuki - 0!” Kuramochi was laughing furiously again as he continued listening in on Miyuki and Zono’s exchange.
Miyuki only sighed and stayed quiet until he finished his breakfast, putting some of his leftovers on Zono’s plate when he’s not looking. Sawamura, on the other hand, went back to his seat. He asked what they were talking about but they were kind enough not to embarrass their socially awkward captain any further.
But really, it’s good to know that Sawamura and Okumura are getting along just fine. Once I graduate, and if ever Okumura will be chosen as the main catcher, then I guess there’s nothing for me to worry about.
Miyuki smiled secretly as he drowned himself in his thoughts.
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huevokinder24 · 4 years
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Seidou's first years when Kataoka isn't looking. Seto and Kuki are interchangeable.
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simplylilyyy · 4 years
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‪Here’s my piece for @aceofdiamondzine ‘s Glory Days Zine that I did last year! This was one of my first digital pieces and I learned a lot from it. Thank you for having me!‬
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katlingclaw · 4 years
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Happy 5th Anniversary Diamond no Ace Act II!
“He doesn't show his frustration on the mound”
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miyukousawa · 5 years
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Koushuu wouldn't miss a chance to see his favorite southpaw pitching😌
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ytamano · 4 years
my pitch on new Seidou team for fall tournament (after summer Koushien and the third years have retired):
Pitcher: Sawamura Eijun (Ace, Vice Captain, 2nd year) Furuya Satoru (2nd year) Kaneda Tadahiro (also right fielder, 2nd year) Kuki Youhei (1st year)
Catcher: Okumura Koushuu (1st year) Yui Kaoru (also outfielder, 1st year) Kariba Wataru (2nd year)
First Baseman: Seto Takuma (1st year)
Second Baseman: Kominato Haruichi (2nd year)
Third Baseman: Kanemaru Shinji (Captain, 2nd year)
Shortstop: Takatsu Hiroomi (2nd year)
Left Fielder: Yuuki Masashi (1st year)
Center Fielder: Toujou Hideaki (Vice Captain, 2nd year)
Right Fielder: Kagami Youta (1st year)
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Kuki: Asada, what are you listening to?
Asada: A relaxing tape. The sound of rain is supposed to relax me.
Kuki: Is it working?
Asada: Not really. I keep worrying that I left my window open.
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catcherkazuya · 4 years
⚾♦️ daiya no ace liveblogging, episode 41 ♦️⚾
- lmao no one updated sawamura on the plan - they just sitting in absolute silence 
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- Sawamura like YALL ASSHOLES BEtTER CHEER FOR YUKI 😂 - I can't - EIJUN TAKES SO MUCH AFTER MIYUKI - look @ him trying to be a good senpai - granted he's not as snarky than miyuki but you can tell he cares about okumura - he's establishing their battery the same way miyuki did with him 
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- "Partner." "P-partner" - AAAAAAAA the gentle glove bump 💞💞😭 - I think I'm growing to like okumura more and more each episode - every time I see that Pinocchio boy, I want to cry lmao - animation didn't have to do him like that - OH! this yui/nori warm-up sess is warming my heart 
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- @11:50 MIYUKI FLASHBACK THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD 🙏🏾♥️ - SAWAMURA'S ROAR !!! - that's a pitcher's roar 
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- mochi and haruichi are so cute 😤 they are so incredibly frustrated on the bench - asada and kuki !! ♥️ y'all my heart 
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- Baby Sawamura @ 17:05 - ughh I love when mochi is in the zone !! He just looks sooo - nah nah let me chill out 😂 I've dedicated myself to miyuki 
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- TOKYO SENBATSU IS OVER 😭😭 - I love this arc the most in daiya - @21:45 OMG MIYUKIIIIIII 💗💞💝💗💖💝 - he looks SO GOOD LIKE WTF 
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- that sunset glow,, his golden eyes 😍 wow! - UGHHH DONT SAY THAT - DONT SAY ITS THEIR FINAL SUMMERRRRR - this show always finds a way to make me depressed haha this week's end card ♦️ (ft. asou and naomichi!)
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shysheeperz · 4 years
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r-en-19 · 5 years
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