#event: 5years
the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
The Theerapanyakul family, thanks to the efforts of generations of careful breeding, come from strong stock. The eldest son, Tankhun, presents as an alpha when he’s thirteen years old, much to his father’s pride. His brother Kinn presents similarly four years later. Three years after him, the youngest son, Kim, rounds out their number. Three alpha heirs for their father to choose from. 
It’s rare. Not unheard of, but rare. Two alphas born to one family is already cause for celebration, but three? That calls for concern. 
Korn Theerapanyakul rules his house with an iron first, however, never giving his sons a chance to let their tempers rise. His sons see more peace than three newly-presented brothers should. No less bloodshed, of course, but at least the blood is never their own. 
In the Theerapanyakul line, alpha is equivalent with strength and power. When Tankhun is kidnapped as a boy, returned wounded and frightened after his rescue, he loses his strength. The power Korn tried to instill in him is instead taken away, bestowed upon the next brother in line, and Kinn wears it with pride, though guilt hangs his head when he visits his eldest brother. Tankhun says he didn’t want to bear the weight of their father’s pride. He wishes, quietly, to himself, when no one is around to hear, he could at least feel the weight of their father’s love, but finds only crushing disappointment. 
Six months after Kinn meets Tawan, a sweet omega hiding vicious claws, he announces their mating, and six months after that, Kinn kills him. 
Kim is fifteen years old and freshly presented. Young enough that his scent is still milk-sweet, that he’s not a challenge, a threat, allowing him to offer comfort when his brother rages. He tucks himself into Kinn’s side and purrs like he did when they were younger, and Tankhun—who has no scent at all, anymore, hiding behind chemicals—does the same on his other side. He pulls Kinn into his chest and digs his hand into the scruff of Kinn’s neck when he resists, gently forcing him into submission. There’s a vicious scar in his shoulder than Kim can see peeking out through the collar of his shirt. He wonders what it feels like to lose a mate like this. If Kinn felt it when Tawan died by his own hand, if it felt like killing a part of himself.
Kimhan Theerapanyakul, barely fifteen years old, sneaks a bottle of Tankhun’s pills that night. Tankhun doesn’t ask for them back, if he has any idea where they went; they’re replaced by the end of the day, and the theft goes unmentioned. So does Kim, when his scent mellows and fades over the coming weeks, until it’s barely there at all. He has seen what it means to be an alpha in this family, and he doesn’t want it.
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ghostgirlgoods · 2 years
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Pearla's latest post on Ghosteegram~!⭐️✨️💕 She took a selfie with GG, Pompoji, and the Supermoon mascot during the 5th year anniversary event!!👻🎉✨️ #5years #anniversary #selfie #art #kawaiiart #originalcharacters #mascot #supermoon #supermoonjapanesecheesecakes #events #kawaii #colourful #ghostgirlandfriends #ghostgirlgoods #BESTRANGE #FEARTHENORM https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck08Gl7Lwd8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cheynovak · 3 months
Forbidden Hearts Part 2
Soldier Boy x F/Reader (Y/N)  
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Alcohol, Family trauma, abuse, smut, losing virginity,  +18
Side note: English isn’t my first language.   
Words: 7400 
 Make sure to read Part 1 of this story
*Does not follow The Boys storyline!* 
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Y/N and Ben (Soldier boy) both grew up in South Philly. Ben’s father took an interest in Y/N’s mother a few years after her father died. By the time they made their relationship public both you and Ben were young teens. As young kids you two saw each other as siblings but the more time they spend time together, the more Ben realised his feelings weren’t normal sibling love. But what happens when Y/N reaches the age where her mother wants to find a good suiter for her only daughter. 
Ben’s father completely ignored his son after the events that happened 5years ago. In his eyes his son had taken one step too far. Being the disgrace he was, causing Y/N to send to an all-girl boarding school. According to her mother to regain her manners and learn the values of society.  
Ben’s father pretended to the outside world that Ben needed to learn the values of life by working in a factory. While in real life he cut all connections to his son, even financially, if it was up to him, Ben had to move out, considering he was an adult know.  
Y/N’s mother pleaded for him to stay, not because she cared, no, what would the society think?  
These events made Ben day drink more and more, just to cope with the humiliation. It started with sneaking liquor out of his father’s cabinet to staying at the bar with his coworkers, drinking till he had to work again.    
Only coming home to sleep once in a while but leave before anyone could see him and the state that he was in.  
Ben walked out of the bar, noticing a neat woman standing a crossed the street, holding small purse in front of her flowery dress, too drunk to realise it was Y/N, but sober enough to think this wasn’t a place for a respectable woman to wander around.  
His friend and co-corker Carlos whistled at her, which made Ben laughed, while he kept walking, almost late for his first shift.    
“Is that how you let your friends threat me, Benjamin?” You spoke in a sweet voice, Ben stopped. Carlos eyes got wide, slapping Ben on his shoulder, “you know this lady?” - “Birdy?” he whispered under his breath. Afraid to turn around.  
It had been ages since he heard your sweet voice. Part from the dreams he had when he was blacked out in his room.  
Once he did turn around, he saw his ears didn’t deceive him. “Birdy!” he walked fast towards you. Glad to see you came home. 
You noticed his physique had changed, he looked tired, skinnier but when his arms wrapped around you, you could still feel the strength in them.  
You could smell the alcohol and dirt on him, a huge contrast to the Ben you last saw. “How are you?” You ask while being overwhelmed by his hug, barley answering it. He felt your awkwardness and slightly loosened up. “I’m ok, how are you?”  
Ben looked her up and down, wondering what changed in you, you still looked the same. Part from being 5 years older. Clearly developed all the right female curves. “I am good.” you smile polite, looking at the man a crossed the street who were staring at the two of you.  
“Where have you been? I thought you’d come home after 4 years?” Ben asked, pulling your attention back to him. 
“Well, I met someone.” This clearly took Ben by surprise. “In an all-girl school?” You point to the car waiting “Frank my fiancé is the son of one of the teachers. We met during school, he is the reason I stayed a little longer.” You could see the shock on his face.  
“I wrote about him, didn’t mom tell you?” - “No, eh I haven’t seen anyone at home in a while.” You thought about those words for a second. “Work.” he added shy.  
Realising you wrote about Frank over months ago, he never not once had a family diner since then? “Well, he is coming over tonight for dinner. Why don’t you join us? Get to know him?” You asked hopeful.  
“Yeah, why not.” His answer made you smile. “I have to work now. But I’ll be there tonight.” Giving you a small peck on your cheek, which leaves you flustered. While the men on the street started to tease Ben as he rejoined them.  
Your gloved hand moved over the spot his lips just touched. You still felt the stubble of his unshaved beard lingering on your skin.  God give me strength to fight this. You heard the car horn honk, which made you move toward it while still looking back. 
That evening you and Frank sat next to each other, your mother and stepfather on each side of the table. It was late, your hope on seeing Ben were gone. The men talked about politics while your mother kept rambling on about the newest fashion in Philly, since you were gone for so long.  
Your mind drifted back to Ben, 
It has been so long since you two saw each other. Why wouldn’t he join us? Maybe he is mad I didn’t write to him.  
He must understand that the situation we got in wasn’t healthy. Maybe he took a night shift, maybe he is working. Yes, that is probably it.  
Or maybe he just didn’t want to know you anymore. No, he was glad he saw you this morning.  
Maybe he was just too drunk, he looked waisted and unhealthy. He was slim, almost skinny, looking tired like a drunk old man in a young body.  
“Benjamin! What a surprise.” Your mother’s words pulled you out of your thoughts. Turning towards Ben. “Y/N invited me, I’m sorry I’m late, I had no idea what time dinner began.” His father turned his head like he smelled something disgusting. He greeted your mom like he saw her every week. 
Your heart clenched in your chest. Ben took the time to clean up. You wanted to give him a polite hug, but he pulled you in just a little too tight. His scent filled your nose, a mixture of cologne with vanilla and tabaco... It reminded you of... home.  
One of his hands held you under your shoulders the other a little lower on her back, moving down. his fingers moved over to where the curve of your behind started, back over your hip, he kneaded softly when he pulled himself away, looking in your eyes.  
Leaving you startled, again.   
5 years... 5 years you worked to bury all the feelings you had. Was it easy no, but you were able to manage. You learned how a woman should behave. And with one touch he opened the lock.  
You thought you were strong enough to hide the past, but Ben was, no is still your forbidden fruit.  
You could see in his eyes he felt the same way. For a second the room went dark. Seeing nothing but his green eyes staring in yours, when he broke contact, he asked. “And who is this?”  
His words pulled you back. “Frank meet Benjamin, our oldest.” You mother introduced him like he was your brother. Giving you a look while the men shook hands. “ Frank is Y/N’s fiancé.” She added, making a statement. “Oh really.” He looked surprised at you, knowing very well who Frank is.  
“Benjamin, why don’t you take a seat, I’ll let Sheila bring a plate.” The man that sat in front of you looked nothing like the man you saw this morning. Frank and his father picked up the conversation, every time Frank wanted to include Ben his dad made sure he cut if off.  
Frank noticed the awkwardness between the two men. And you noticed how Ben’s manner started to slip away every time he asked Sheila to fill up his glass. “Thank you darling.” He winked at her. Ben’s eyes kept looking in your direction while you tried to avoid eye contact.  
“So.” Ben started, “Why didn’t any of you told me Y/N was engaged, or coming home?” he took yet another gulp of his glass. “Benjamin, darling you were nearly never home.” Your mother tried to hush him. Ben smirked.  
“ The only reason for me to stay was taken away from me, let’s see about 5 years ago. By you if I recall correctly." He bit towards your mother.  
“Ben!” You interfered “No no, Birdy. It is true, my dad won’t even look at me, for what... happened.” his eyes glanced over to Frank who had no idea where this drama came from.  
“Your mother never kept me up to date on your wellbeing, neither one cared where I’ve been all this time, when I came home, or if I even had a decent meal.” He looked at his father and then back at your mom. “And when I do pop up, because you visited me at work and were so polite to ask me for diner. She pretends her long lost son came home.”  
“Guess what sweetheart, you hated me from the moment you laid your eyes on me. Afraid I would soil your perfect little daughter, I was the fucking devil in disguise.” He stood up and kept rambling his frustrations towards your mother.  
“The one who ruined your perfect daughter for society. While all I did was let her live! Take her away from this fucking golden cage! I helped her breath while you were suffocating her.” He slammed his hand on the table.  
“Benjamin!” You stood up as well “That is enough!” - “Oh, not nearly!” he matched your tone. “Look at you! Pretending you're someone you're not, with a man you don’t even love.” - “How dare you! I grew up Ben, while you got drunk, I turned my life around, how about you?”  
“Oh my life did turn!” Ben walked around the table, slightly more aggressive than he meant, knocking a chair down. 
“Look at you! You look like an up-tide bitch from the exact same society we used to hate! This entire evening you, not once, gave Frank the look I know you give when you care for someone, love someone. This entire act of yours is a facade, a lie to convince yourself you are a proper young woman ready to get knocked up to fucking ruin her life!”  
He took a breath.
“Ready to play the whore of a nice aristocratic man.”  
The anger inside you made your hand hit the side of his cheek. His head slightly turned away, he blinked a few times before looking back at you. “I think it’s time for you to leave.” he took in your words.  
He nodded slowly, you could see the anger in his eyes dime. “Look me in the eye and tell me you truly love him. Tell me you want nothing to do with me and I leave.”  
“You know I will never turn my back to you Ben, but the way you just acted is not ok. I asked you tonight to meet my fiancé, not to blame our parents for all that went wrong. I won’t let you ruin my relationship.” He took a step closer “That’s not an answer.” 
“That is all I can give you, Ben.” his hand moved a piece of hair out of your face. You tried so hard not to lean into his touch. His hand stayed at the back of your head. While his lips touched your hair softly. “Bye Birdy.” He whispered. 
You couldn’t hold back a deep breath while you felt his touch, your eyes were still closed when you felt his body move passed you.  
You saw the horror in your mother’s eyes before your own vision blurred with tears.  
By the time you turned around he was already gone. You decided to help Sheila in the kitchen not ready to discuss all that had happened here. But Frank needed answers. He walked in the kitchen asking Sheila to leave you two for a second.  
“Benjamin is not your brother... is he?” Frank asked while he stood behind you. Your kept looking at the dishes afraid to look him in the eye. “No, our parents married when we were teens.” - “And he was kind of the rebel of the family?” - “He had a hard time when his mother died.” 
Frank hummed. “And you fell for the bad boy?” - “No” You thought about your next words carefully. “I fell for my best friend.” turning back to Frank. “He made me smile, something I hadn’t done since my dad died.”  
You could see that Frank didn’t shame you. He listened and asked, two things that made you like him. You knew he was a good man. “I had hoped Ben had changed. Grown up.” - “It seems that he still cares for you. Thinking you’re the same girl you were when you left.” Frank stated while he pulled you in a hug.  
You couldn’t help yourself but to think that although Frank is sweet and caring, his hugs don’t have the same healing quality as Ben’s had. Your sorrow didn’t melt away like they used to years ago. Sure he was kind, sweet and caring. But was that enough for you?  
“Sweety, I knew I wasn’t your first love.” Frank pulled you back “And I won’t ask you to compare us to what you had, nor will I ask you to forget your past. But I ask you to be honest to yourself, to me.” He kissed your head.  
“And know, if you chose us, I’ll do anything to make you happy.”  
Later that night you were laying in your old bed, in your old room thinking about all that had happened tonight. How lucky you had to be that Frank didn’t leave you after that, how much patience he had, when you heard a stumble in the hall.  
You got out of bed and walked to the grand hall, standing at the top of the stair in a silk robe that covered your night gown. Seeing Ben waisted trying to get up the stairs. He stopped walking when he noticed you looking at him. 
“I-it’s late... what are you doing up.” Ben asked you, walking back up. “You woke me.” you lied. At first you thought he would just walk past you, but he seemed to change his mind midway and turned back to you. “Where is prince charming?” - “Home.” You ignored the sarcasm in his voice. He seemed to like that answer.  
Ben moved closer walking you back against the wall. “Does that mean you two didn’t... do the deed yet?” Your eyes widened, cheeks blushing. He waited a little for an answer that never came, while his eyes roamed your body, his eyes lingered on your curves, without shame. 
“Ben...” was all you could whisper flustered unable to form a real answer. His arms locked you in between him and the wall. His lips moved to your ear. “If I had known that this would have happened to us, I wouldn’t held back that night.” He whispered with a hoars voice.  
You couldn’t hold back the shiverers breath leaving your mouth, his lips moved over your cheekbones. He didn’t kiss you, but you could feel his lips move on your skin. His head touched yours.  
He held his eye closed “I think of that night, all the time.” Ben’s hand cupped your face, making you look in his eyes. You could see the heat had darkened his eyes. “I really wanted to make you mine that night.” His lips closed in on yours. “I still want to.” he said almost soundless.  
“Ben please don’t.”  
He heard the fear in your voice. You weren’t afraid to kiss him, you weren’t scared of him. No, you were scared of yourself, of the passion you felt for him. Afraid you wouldn’t be able to hold back and throw away all you had worked for over these years.  
His eyes asked the question he didn’t spoke. “You promised me my first time would be special.” He grinned, using his own words against him. “Match point Birdy.” His lips left a soft peck on the temple of your head. “Goodnight.”  
You stood there, the heat still roaming your body. Unable to move as you watch him walking to the room next to you. You had no idea how long you stared at the closed door before you stood in front of it.  
You knocked twice before he opened the door, you immediately noticed Ben had already removed his shirt and shoes. “I can’t give you want you want you know that right?” He smiled his boyish grin, the one that made your heart fluster.  
“I’ll take what I can get.”  
Your lips crashed on to his, your body melted against him. His hands roamed your body, kneaded at the curves he admired minutes ago as he guided you into his room. The air filled with heavy breaths and soft moans.  
Your body moved on autopilot, kissing his lips, nipping his neck, finger slightly pulling and scratching the back of his head. Ben sat down on the end of the bed, he took of your robe, lifting your gown so you could straddle his thighs.  
Ben was already hard, you could feel it against your silk panties. His hands pulling and kneading on your hips and behind. The grinding feeling him against your heated core made you moan out his name and pull his head closer to your chest as your head falls back.  
“Fuck Birdy, keep moaning like that and I won’t be able to hold back.”  
He kissed your neck and moved over to the top of your breasts. His hands moved the straps. He looked for your permission before he pulled them down, admiring you. “So beautiful.” He looked flustered when he cupped them, twisting your already hardened nipples soft between his thumb and index. 
 His lips moved down, kissed just the top one breast before moving over to the other. Your eyes still closed while your fingers tugged on his hair. He took you by surprise when he took a nipple in his mouth.   
Making you grind your hips out of pleasure moaning his name again. Causing him to growl under his breath. Turning you over to lay down on the bed underneath him. “Look at you, so needy, so hot.” You could feel his hands move in between your thighs.  
You hold back his hand when he almost touched your core. Part ashamed of the wetness that had formed in between your legs, part unsure what would happen next. “Don’t worry, you’ll like it.” He kissed your lips. “It won’t hurt.”  
Your hand let’s go of his wrist, nodding slow, giving in to his touch. His fingers moved over the wet silk before they moved inside your panties. His fingers moved through your wet folds, spreading the wetness before he found the bundle of nerves and moved in circles.  
“Oh Ben...” You back arched at his touch, knees moving not knowing how to cope with the sudden pleasure. “You like it?” Oh he knew you liked it, he could see how your body acted, how he made your body act.  
You nodded rapidly while looking needy at him. “Good... don’t hold back Birdy, let me hear how much you like it.” One finger dipped down inside you. Making you grab for his biceps with an open mouth moaning.  
“Thats it.” He kissed your neck. “That’s what I need from you.” You could feel the coil in your stomach burn, making you clench around Ben’s finger. “Ben I.. I feel.” - “I know let go, it’s ok, It will feel good.” your head fell back again, Ben’s fingers started to move faster and harder until you couldn’t hold back anymore.  
The moans that came out of you sounded like prayers of joy. Ben kept working you all the way through. “Fuck you sound so good screaming my name.” He said while kissing you again after you came back to earth.  
Your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him fully over your body. Not getting enough of him. “Birdy?” - “Hm?” - “Can I try one more thing?” You looked at him with questions in your eye. “I heard about it, but never tried before. It’s supposed to feel really good.”  
You looked nervous. “I guess so.” Ben’s lips moved down to your stimulated core. His hands moved your thighs open. You felt the blush on your cheeks but were unable to look away when his lips kissed your clit.  
His eyes locked your when his tongue licked a long stripe ending with a little flick at your clit. You decided to let go of your nerves and enjoy all Ben had to give you. Your body moved back in autopilot. Moaning his name, grinding against his mouth pulling on his hair.  
 Which made Ben moan under his breath, he loved to look of you. So, love drunk, in so much heat. He wished he could fuck you after this, but he knew you would want to wait for marriage. This night wouldn’t change a thing, he knew that, you gave your word to Frank to marry him.  
And you were stubborn enough to continue, even though this felt right. You and him that was what you wanted, what your bodies needed, Ben was determined to make you think of him every time Frank kissed or touched you.  
Maybe even think of him when you felt bold enough to touch yourself on a lonely night. Fuck his dick throbbed at that idea.  
The heat in you started to boil again, you now knew what was to happen and you let your orgasm wash over you, Ben tugged your hips closer to him while your legs closed around him. Trembling with pleasure. 
He wiped his face with the back of his hand before he placed himself next to you. “How was it?” he really wanted to hear her say it. “Amazing.” She answered still recovering from her orgasm. He smiled sincere when he pulled her close to him. “Good.”  
You felt his hard dick against your thigh. “Ben?” - “Yeah?” you looked up at him. “Tell me how I can make you feel good.” Ben looked at you for a second trying to process your words. “Y-you don’t need to Birdy, I enjoyed this.” 
“No really, tell me?” Ben’s face changed, he smiled soft, he turned on his back to undo his pants, before his hand moved yours down to his pulsing dick. “Take it, wrap your hand around me... and, oh like that move.” He could barely answer through the breaths that were leaving his body.   
One hand moved under his head, while the other pulled your head on to his chest while you were pumping his cock in your hand. You noticed how he hissed in pleasure when your thumb moved over his tip of when your wrist turned slightly and added more grip.  
You kissed his chest, your teeth graced his nipple while he whispered and encouraged you. “That’s it, oh fuck Y/N and I thought you were a good girl.” you look in his eyes “You like it don’t you, playing with my hard dick.” You shake your head before kissing his stomach.  
“No, I love it.” you say flirty before you lick a stripe from in between his hips to his belly button. You felt bold noticing you found his pleasures. His hand grips the back of your head, it took him everything not to push your head further down.  
His thumb moved over your lips, even though you were inexperienced you knew what the look in his eyes meant. You slowly kissed his hard dick right under your hand. You could see Ben get impatient, trying not to force you into doing something but he wants nothing more than to feel your lips wrap around his cock.  
When your tongue licked a strip from his ball to the tip, licking of the precum he couldn’t hold back and moan your name loud. Making you repeat the action. “You like that taste huh?” his voice sounded hoars. You nod in response.  
You looked at him when you felt bold enough to finally take him in your mouth. The grip on your head tightened. Bingo. His hand guided you up and down his shaft to a speed he liked. You kept working with your hand and mouth, unable to take him completely.  
You could hear him getting close by the sound of his breaths. By surprise he pulled your head back up and closer to him. His lips connected with yours while his hand moved over to yours, grabbing and pumping with you.  
Ben buried his face in the crock of your neck when you felt his hips buck up. Not long after you felt his warm seed covering your hands. He looked at you when his orgasm faded. Kissing you again with a long hard and deep kiss. “That felt amazing Y/N, thank you.” - “My pleasure.” you tease and blush. 
After you both cleaned up you grabbed your dress to put it on. “Leave that.” Ben said sitting in bed waiting for you. His elbows on his knees, he held his hand out. “I want to feel your body against me tonight.” Unbelievable how nervous that made you. After all that had just happened this made you nervous.  
But you listened and accepted his hand, which pulled you into his arms, caressing your back. “Are you tired?” - “Yeah I am.” - “Well, it’s pretty late you should get some sleep.” - “Do you need to work tomorrow?” You looked up at him. “I just lost my job.” he said embarrassed. “What?”  
“I said I couldn’t work tonight. And they fired me.” - “Because I asked you to diner?” He nodded. “Ben! You should have told me you had to work. I didn’t want you to lose your job for me!” - “It was worth it.” He grinned.  
The next morning you woke up from the sun on your face, checking the clock noticing you slept in. Which was unusual for you. The events from last night seemed like a dream. Until you felt Ben’s arm over your waist, pulling you in against his torso. “Goodmorning.” He mumbled sleepy while kissing your shoulder.  
“Fuck.” you whispered in a breath when the guilt washed over you. “Not the answer I expected.” He joked but when he saw the fear on your face, he got serious. “What’s wrong?” His hand held your cheek. “What’s wrong?” you echoed. “Last night Ben. That should have never happened.”  
“You regret it? While we both know that was inevitable.” - “No Ben, we could have ... tried harder.” - “We’ve been holding back, putting our feelings aside for years now. Years Y/N. When are you finally going to give in and be happy?” he asked while you were dressing yourself next to the bed.  
“I made a promise, I gave my word.” You took a deep sigh. “I’m getting married.” He nodded clearly hurt. “Don’t, you’re not married yet, he isn’t from Philly you never have to see him again!”  
“I can’t.” - “No, you won’t. You’ve been playing with me for years what’s one more night? Right?” His words shocked you. “Ben... that’s not true! I care for you, deeply.” - “Prove it.” You shook your head not knowing what he meant.  
Ben grabbed your hand, kneeling in bed the sheets barely covering his lap. “ Marry me.” Those words took time to sink in. “What?” - “You heard me, marry me, Birdy.” All you could do was shook your head. Not believing what he just did.  
“No, I can’t hurt Frank. He is a good man. I gave him my word and no matter what you think I do care for him.” Ben let go nodding while he got up his shoulder next to yours. “But you can hurt me?” He held the door open for you. “I’m sorry" you whisper to his shoulder trying to hug him, but all he did was look away, standing frozen.  
The next weeks were pure horror, Ben nearly never slept at home, he wasn’t there anymore for dinner. He was clearly ignoring you. Only tonight he joined. Both Frank and your mother noticed you being quiet. “Are you ok love?” Frank had asked countless times this week. Which you answered with a soft smile and a nod.  
During tonight's dinner your thoughts drifted away while you kept looking at him.  
Ben is right, I used him. Maybe if he had asked me to marry him years earlier. No, it’s your fault you should have stayed away from him. You promised yourself you would leave him be. He deserves more than you, you’re not what he needs.  
You are the reason he is pissed. I should have never visited him at his work. He lost everything because of me. I saw the pain in his eyes. He feels betrayed... and he is right. I hurt him. And even if I wanted to marry him, he just asked it because he knows I want to get married. He would do it for me not for himself.  
Your thoughts were interrupted by Ben’s voice. “I found a new job. Which means I'll be even less home.” For the first time tonight, he looked in your eyes. “I’m joining the army. They are looking for new recruits, something about tests and volunteers. It pays well.”  
You dropped your cutlery on your plate.  “You what?!” Your face turned to your mothers who seemed as surprised as you. For the first time in years his father spoke towards him. “The army wants you? Seems like they are in a lot of despaired to accept you. Not even man enough to stay here, when it’s getting too hot under his feet, he runs.”  
“Ben? You do now there’s a war in Europe, right? What if they ship you overseas?” - “That is the plan. And my mind is set. I’m leaving tomorrow.” He finished his drink and got up. You looked back at Frank. “I’m sorry but I have to...” - “Yeah you should go.”  
“Ben... wait up!” You ran after him, Ben had packed his bag before diner, he had taken it to leave. Halfway down the stairs he stops in front of you. “Why?” you ask with tears in your eyes. “Because of us?” - “There is no us Y/N, you made that very clear.” - “That doesn’t mean I want you gone!” - “You you you, not the entire world revolves around your nice little ass princess!”  
“Don’t be like that, please.” you hold his hands. “Please don’t go.” - “Give me one good reason.” - “I love you.” you blur out in tears. “ No, you don’t not really, you are in love with the idea of love Y/N.” -”I’m begging you Ben.” he took one step closer, his free hand moved over your face. Your tears streamed down.  
“Do you really think I would have sneaked out that night, miss my own debutant ball if I didn’t care? T-that I would have stayed with you a couple of nights ago, if I didn’t love you?” your hand grabbed his on your face. “Do you, deep down, believe I would have given in to you If I didn’t love you?”  
“Please stay, I want, no I need you.” you begged realising the mistakes you made. “Don’t make this harder than it already is Birdy.” He said before he kissed the top of your head.  
Without caring for anything in the world you pulled him closer by the back of his neck. Your lips crashed onto his, while you stood on your toes. Both your hands holding his head, afraid to let go. His empty hand on your back, when you stood back on your heels, he followed not breaking the kiss. It felt sloppy and rushed, despaired.  
When you do let go of him your eyes stayed closed “Please” But once again you feel him walking past you. When you opened your eyes, you saw Frank standing in the door.
You knew the next conversation was going to be hard. But to your surprise he gave you time to think. 
You tried to give it time, but half a year later you decided Frank wasn’t the one for you. And even though you tried to contact Ben. For some reason you could get to him. He didn’t respond to your letters.  
So, you made a choice of your own, you went back to study and became a nurse via internships. ‘Thanks’ to the war they wanted more medical support and made it easier to study while practising.
When in 1942 they assembled medical staff to volunteer to work on secret case (superhero affairs) you agreed. Dr. Frederick Vought liked your attitude and extra effort you pulled over the years you worked there. That he wanted you as his assistant.  
He asked you to take a couple of tests from the soldiers. Eager as you were you agreed and walk in the room where all the soldiers we’re waiting on their bed bunks, shirtless. Your work outfit made a few men hungry. You heard some whistling, nothing you weren’t used to already. “All right gentlemen. Keep your enthusiasm for the battlefield alright?” you joked.  
You made your way down the room. Taking test writing down the results, routine without paying much attention to the men. Until you were at the next to last bed. “Never thought to see you here... Birdy.”  
That voice made you look up right in the familiar green eyes. “Ben...” You didn’t know what to say. Afraid to say something wrong. “Couldn’t stay away, did you?” He joked. And to his surprise you smile like an idiot. The reaction from the other solders made you blush and realise you were staring at him.  
“I need to finish these tests...” he nodded and looked over his friend to shut up. “All done.” you add after a few minutes. “Hey.” he grabbed your wrist. “The boys are having a little party tonight. Why don’t you come?”  
“I- I don’t know, dr. Vought makes me work pretty late.” He looked like he understood. “Just, if you have time, I would love to catch up.” You answered with a soft smile.” I’ll see what I can do.” - “Great” 
That night you caught yourself finishing up earlier, being rushed. You really wanted to see Ben. You even took your time to fix your make up and dress up a little. When you walked out of the compound you could hear the music coming from the bar.  
Your eyes scanned the room noticing Ben flirting with a girl at the bar, but the second his eyes met your he completely ignored her and walked over to you. The army green outfit matched his skin tone and eyes perfectly. The year of training clearly made him bulk up.  
“There she is.” He said really loud while he hugged and spinning you around. “Come on let me introduce you to my palls.” He took you by your hand and walked you to the back of the bar where his friends sat with a couple of local girls. 
“Ben who is this?” One of the girls asked. “Guys meet Y/N. An, eh old friend.” He said not knowing how to introduce you. The women were clearly not entertained by your presence. But Ben could care less. You felt uncomfortable sitting between all these people while the girl from the bar sat on Ben’s knee.  
Which made Ben look over at you while he guided her of him, but you dodged his look, by taking a sip of the beer they ordered for you and look around. One or two men talked to you, asked you where you worked or how you knew Ben.
But mostly you just felt out of your place. After an hour of two you decided to go back to your room.  
“Let me walk you.” Ben got up and placed a hand on the small of your back.  
Once again, the men howled. “Oooh Benny boy, make sure you give the lady a nice time, will ya?” - “Maybe a real man should take her... home.” You knew the soldiers reacted to women like this, but you really didn’t like these comments when you weren’t working.  
Once outside you turn to Ben. “You really don’t have to, you know that right?” He clearly didn’t expect that comment. “I want to, we haven’t had the chance to talk yet.” The silence was uncomfortable. So you decided to small talk.  
“Was that your girl back there?” - “Eh, no, Steffy is just a girl who like hanging around soldiers. A regular at the bar.” - ‘Hm’ you nodded. “H-how is Frank? - “Eh, I have no idea.” You glance at the ground. “We broke up over a year ago.” - “So you never...” - ”Never married, no.” you finished his sentence.  
“I’m sorry to hear.” - “Well, Frank is great, and he deserves the best. Which wasn’t me.” 
“What barrack are you staying in?” - “The 4th in the south corner.” - “ Hm, pretty close then.” You said no idea what you talk about. “Yeah.”
Silence again until you were at the main building on the campus.  
“You want to come in?” - “I really shouldn’t.” he saw the disappointment in your eyes. “Unless you want to talk some more?” - “I kind of want to, yes.” You felt the blush on your cheeks burn. “So you work for dr. Vought.” He said while looking around in your small yet more luxurious room. “Yes, It’s a really good job.”  
“You know I volunteered for the experiment with the new drug.” He said still looking around. “Compound V?” - “Yeah, that one.” he now looked at her. “It’s almost on point, so you will have your shot pretty soon.” He took a step closer.  
“I’ve heard that it wasn’t successful up until this point.” - “Can I be honest Ben... It killed people before.” He took in your words. “Well, there is a nurse who I trust with my life.” -”I’m not joking Ben.” He walked you against the door. “Neither am I.”  
His knee pushed in between your legs. Your hand instinctively pushed against his chest, feeling it raising and falling with every steady yet deep breath he took. You looked up at him with these doe eyes.  
“After all these years you still look so innocent.” he whispered before you felt his lips touch yours. You felt his hands holding thight on your side. “I missed you, Birdy.” His lips brush against yours again. “Not a day gone by I didn’t think of you...” You let out a shivering breath, almost whining.  
“Fuck... not a night I didn’t dream of you.” He looked down at your body. You couldn’t hold back any longer and forced his face to look at you. Your lips melted with his. Your hands pulled him closer, you wanted to feel his body on you. 
Your kisses were hungry. Hands roaming each other's body. Clothes peeled off without hesitation. Ben dropped you on the bed underneath him. Heavy breaths became soft moans that disappeared in the hot air surround you.  
His lips moved to your neck where he nipped and licked at the one spot, he knew would make you squirm underneath him. You felt the bulge in his underwear against your thigh. While his hands worked his way down on your body, you cupped his dick, rubbing soft. This made him thrust in your hand.  
“Fuck Y/N, so needy.”  - “Promise me one thing Ben.” His brow lifted. You grinned, “ You don’t hold back tonight.” You kissed his neck. “I want all of you. I need to feel you inside me.” You whispered against his ear before sucking soft on it.  
His hand moved up your leg, pushing your dress up a bit, bending one knee, he softly kissed your calf moving up to your thigh. Your back arches while your nails scratched through his hair.  
Ben moved your dress even more up. Seeing your laced panties were damped. You knew how wet you already were, which made your cheeks turned red. “Can I taste you?” He asked licking his lips.   
You nodded rapidly, “Words Y/N.” He said while placing his hand over your clothed core feeling the warmth of his big hands. “Yes.” you whined softy. Ben moved you panties aside with a finger and started to lick your folds apart.  
“Hmm, so sweet.” He hummed against your core when he tastes you. His tongue flat against your slit, stroking up and down. Your moans make him even harder , he noticed you moving looking for more friction.  
“So needy sweetheart?” He asked while taking your panties off. Ben moves his mouth over your clit while teasing you with his fingers against your wet hole. “Ben...” you moan. “Yes Birdy, talk to me. Tell me what you want.”   
“More, I need to feel more of you.” You ask whining.   
Ben entered a finger deep inside without warning, he felt you tightening around him. “Fuck, you feel so good,” Moving and curling his finger until he found that one soft spot inside.  You moaned his name like a prayer when he touched it, adding another finger.  
“Oh Ben, don’t stop, please, oh please don’t stop!!” You scream your hands pulling him closer to your clit. He hums and licks until you came down from your high. Ben cleaned his lips with the back of his hand looking at you lay there with your arm over your eyes.  
Once you opened your eyes you see him still sitting between your legs, eager, wanted to take you, fill you up but waiting for your answer. “Fuck come here.” you said pulling him in top of you. Wrapping your legs around his hips. Ben took his underwear and the rest of your clothes off.  
"Ready.” - “Yes.” His lips found your when he pushed inside. Even though you were soaking wet, you still felt a sting when he pushed further and further. For a second you thought he wouldn’t fit.  
But when you heard the growl underneath his breath you knew he bottomed out. Making you feel so full unable to move. Ben noticed your discomfort. “You want to stop?”  
“No, no just give me a second.” Ben moved barely, but the little thrust he made, made you cling on to his shoulders. He repeated that action until he heard the little hisses turn into moans. “That’s it. You’re taking me so well.” He encouraged while kissing you.  
His thrust became harder and faster, making you feel oh so good. Making you buck up against him. “Oh fuck... you really like me deep inside you, don’t you doll. Let’s see how deep we can go.” He pulled your legs over his shoulders.  
Giving him an angle which you felt him even better. Your head felt back while you sing his name in prayers. “Ben... don’t stop!” His breath deepened with moans and growls. “Fuck so tight. Don’t know how much longer I can hold.”  
In a flash both of you came hard, Ben dropped your legs while you pulled him on top of you. Wrapping your hand in his hair and the other scratching his back.  
Ben kissed your breasts before placing his head on top of them, you caressed his back, drawing patterns on his back. “That felt really good.” You smiled at his confession. “I don’t get why I waited so long.” you admitted.  
Your grip tightened. “Will you stay tonight?” - “I’m not leaving you anymore.”
His lips found your skin one last time before he fell asleep.  
End part 2 
Let me know what you think! Like- Share – Comment – Follow.  
What more stories? Check my masterlist!  
What to expect in part 3: Soldier boy is born. But how will they cope with the change now they finally accepted their new relationship status?  
Tags: @deans-spinster-witch
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Summary: In which Jude is in an interview and asked about the reader
Time period: A few years after the world cup
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"Welcome back to another episode of one on one, today we are joined by one of the world's greatest midfielders Jude Bellingham, Jude how are you" the interviewer asks
"I'm great man, how are you"
"Good thanks, now you have been to the world cup a few years ago and played against Kylian Mbappe can you please tell us what that was like"
"Uhm well I'll tell you one thing the man's got speed,a really amazing player, great talent but playing against him was something I kinda found hard to fathom and get it into my head, I mean we tried our best to hold on as long as possible and all that matters is that we tried our best"
"Ok I wanna ask a bit about your personal life if that's fine" the interviewer says
"No sure go ahead"
"Your Wife Y/N can you tell us a bit about her"
"Well y/n is my wife, she's the mother of my three lovely kids ,she is my best friend, the love of my life and I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for her and my mom"
"That's sweet, can you tell us how you met your wife"
" uhm well we met at a red carpet event where she was her brother's plus one and we were placed next to one another so we just started having conversations and at the end of the night we exchanged numbers and after first becoming best friends, about a year later I confessed my feelings for her and she told me she felt the same and we dated for a few years then tied the knote"
"What's something that just makes you fall in love with her again"
"She has this weird laugh that freaks some people out but cause it sounds weird so when I hear her laugh it just reminds or takes me back to the times I would make her laugh before we were dating and I'd get the same reaction"
"What's one thing that just sometimes annoys you about her"
"Nothing she's perfect and I love her so much"
" I've never heard someone answer a question like that, I usually get 'the way she controls the household or how she wants everything presise'
"Well my wife's not like other wife's I mean yes she has her tendency of being a bit controlling, but once she realizes she doing it she immediately stops and asks us on our opinions of what we want to do"
"Who does the cooking and looking after the kids in the house"
" well it's the both of us ,sometimes we'll rotate like I'll do the cooking while she looks after the kids and vice versa, because I can't expect her to do all that by herself, it'll strain her physically and emotionally and I can't let that happen"
"Would you say that if your wife wasn't in your life that you'd have still made it"
"No, absolutely not, my wife has seen me at my lowest and my highest, she's always been there to help and pick me up when I was at my lowest and support me at my highest and same goes for her I saw her at her lowest and her highest and I'm really proud of the things she's achieved .
"And how's fatherhood treating you"
" Fatherhood has it moments when it tough and times when it's enjoyable, my kids they are growing up so fast you know, it feels like just yesterday I was holding them for the first time"
"Can you please share a moment that you shared with your children"
"There was this one time when I had gotten home late from practice and Leilani my 5year old daughter was still up playing with her toys, when I asked her why she was up she told me she was waiting for me to come back home cause she had something important to tell me or rather ask me"
"What did she wanna say"
"She said to me, Daddy I love you so much and I always will, because you will always have a special place in my heart, but I have a boyfriend and he's gonna be my husband cause we're getting married, I looked at her in shock because I wasn't expecting that, then I told her she had to break up with him and she started crying, so I told her she can have her boyfriend and she stopped crying, right before asking me to read her a story book and tuck her in, when I refused she started crying until I agreed"
"Well thank you so much Jude for joining us today I really enjoyed it"
"No problem mate and thank you too"
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delulu-with-wandanat · 7 months
Fics recs: 1-THE ROMANOFF CHRONICLES, an astounching groundbreaking, never seen before (literally) masterpiece, 100/10. It's mainly set in those 5years post snap, it explains the development that each character presented in endgame in a way the Russos wish they did, it represents the friendship between the avengers in a way marvel never allowed them be, it respects Natasha ( skill set, humanity, personality, affiliations,..) it's nat centric, it's only flaw: it's not complete but don't worry it has 60 medium to long chaps.
2-ON THE COVER - RED WHITE AND BLACK | New York Magazine | Dec. 30th, 2024, this is the most beautifully written farewell, tribute to Natasha Romanoff I have ever seen, it's written in a format that I think has never been used in fanfics, it's a soul touching poetic masterpiece
3- Ohio years, an exquisite bittersweet mini series of 1 shots that's written in a captivating style that keeps your attention, it showcases how the Russian murder family but mainly nat & Melina come to love & connect to each other.
4-FIREFLIES, it's written in such a bittersweet melancholic reminiscing way, it's just so beautiful. It's an 18 1 shots about nat encountering fireflies & being reminded of Ohio years &then others being reminded of nat by seeing them.
5- DISTURBING THE PEACE, an excellent 100/10 tear-jerker masterpiece, it's a very long 1 shot about what if post apocalyptic lonely nat , it also showcases her friendship with og avengers & nick.
6- I USED TO HAVE NOTHING, - WIDOW SISTERS AND MANY MARVELOUS MARVEL WOMEN - WE ARE MEANT FOR MORE THAN THIS, it's cute well written comfort, fluff, a bit angsty 3 different series of mainly 1 shots by 3 different authors about yelena and Natasha. They're my all time favorite comfort read.
7- I LOVE YOU, GOODBYE, it's a very very long 1 shot of AU of endgame in which Wanda survives & wandanat happens that hit me so hard I needed hours to process it & get out of it, my only quell with it is that it reset nat & Wanda's relationship with each other at postAOU where they would definitely be distant to each other.
8- IT'S FUN TO LOSE AND TO PRETEND, an absolute tear-jerker, a masterpiece, a beauty, a greatness, it's a 5 parts multichaps which takes place just after Westview, before Hawkeye where nat is given another chance ending up at Wanda's door, Wanda is given the healing marvel denied her with nat, Sam &bucky not being limited by the shackles of the screen & actually interacting with the events of their universe,Clint and yel meeting with their beloved. The ending was a bit unsatisfying to me but nonetheless as martin says this is CINEMA.
9- HOW NATASHA ROMANOFF MARRIED WANDA MAXIMOFF, it's a medium paced 38 chaps retelling of "how Nancy Jackson married Kate Wilson" but with wandanat with huge changes. It's sweet & adorable, the beginning was a bit rocky to me, there parts I would wince where I didn't like it but otherwise an absolute entertainment, I wanna kiss the head of it's author irl for giving me this absolute comfort for FREE. God or whatever higher power bless this person.
10-OUR LITTLE GROUP HAS ALWAYS BEEN (AND ALWAYS WILL UNTIL THE END), it's 9 part series of mini chaps, it's very creative concept,a wild imagination, it's the biggest au to ever au as its author puts it. To me it's the truest form of fanfic, the author took majority of the plot of MCU & toyed with it &come up with their world which has everything cute adorable wandanat, yelenat, the maximoffs, yel and Pietro, loving Russian spy parents, coulson's Lola, overall it's cuteness overload. God bless this author too.
If you ever decide to read them pls leave them a comment & let me know how you feel about them, also do you have more nat centric fanfics or just good fanfics about nat and anybody else.
im def gonna read all ur recs! So far i had this one fanfic i rlly like but i forgot the title. I’ll let u know when i rememberr
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rewordthis · 28 days
🌸Spring Update🐞
Helo! Helo, my dears!
I hope everyone is doing great and in good health! I have some news on the WIPs department and for an upcoming event, so let’s see what things are like, shall we?
🌊 First of all, I saw a Mermay post crossing my dash last week and I realised with horror that it is in fact May aka Mermay! *le gasp* Obviously I have mermaid art for the month but(!)— I can’t edit or post anything because my phone acts out like a 5year-old throwing tantrums… (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)🐬 The art if, and that’s a big if, finally gets posted, will be a visual of one of my ongoing Free! fanfics (novel style) and I have to apologise in advance here— but it will be just a draft until I finally manage to get that stupid new pc. 😬 It’s Haruka btw! Cross your fingers ladies and gents, so that my phone allows me to snap a picture of it before the month ends!🤞
🔥 Now, I have decided to NOT publish my JJK fanfics but(!) since I am emotionally invested in most of them I will finish those, at least. If my mood makes a 180°, I just might consider publishing them privately for my friends and followers. But that is NOT for sure. We’ll just see when I’ll finish them, or if, since they are somewhat thrown in the back burner for now…
🍌Also, as I just finished Banana Fish earlier this month, I am working on a new WIP on this fandom; I know it’s not the news my SouHaru nation was hoping for but bear with me~ It’s a mini series of 3 parts. Parts 1 and 3 are done and I’m working on the 2nd part. After that it’s editing time and then posting, so wish me luck! :P
⚠️ And for last I have an announcement: I will go on with the SouHaru Week event!✨ I ask of everyone to please be more vocal about what you’d like to see and to please participate with your creations— fics, art, gifsets etc. I want everyone to play nice and make something on their own. I’ll be setting up a new blog, hopefully by the end of this month, where I’ll need at least one more person to help me out. 💕 In case you know people who would like to participate even if they don’t have a tumblr account, do inform them~ 🐚 🚨 For any and all questions that you may have, the asks are open for anons, too! So don’t hesitate to send an ask. Or put a (kip) indication at the beginning or end of your ask, if you want me to answer privately— yes that’s an option, as well~ Let’s make this happen, okay? 🤗
That’s it for now, folks! Have a good night, evening or morning where you are!
Take care! 🌸
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spectralcygnus · 8 months
FUTURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Tomorrow's Landscape
social media is evolving with the rapid pace of technological advancements and will have an impact on society soon.
The future of social media will be all about “authenticity”. Social networks have evolved considerably since their creation, now becoming an integral part of our daily lives. From connecting with friends and family to influencing world events, it left an indelible mark on society. However, the social media landscape is constantly evolving and its future promises exciting changes and challenges. In this blog, we will explore the potential future of social media, including emerging trends and transformative technologies that will shape the way we connect and communicate.
The world population is almost 8 billion people and the users have increased from 2.73 billion to 4.6 billion users. If we continue to see the growth that’s around 51% in 5years that will be 6.9 billion users. From time perspective it has gone from 90min to 147min per day.
I believe with my knowledge, in the future social media will: -
FOCUS ON PERSONILASATION- I feel social media platforms allow you to opt for personalized and more targeted marketing. Businesses need to take advantage of available data to personalize their content and make it more relevant to their audience. In the coming years, there will be more emphasis on personalization and businesses will need to use data-driven insights to create content that resonates with their audience.
VIDEO CONTENT- Video content is the future of social media marketing. Studies have shown that 86% of marketers prefer to use video as a marketing tool. Social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat have made video content more popular than ever. Over the next five years, video content will continue to dominate, and businesses will need to create high-quality video content to stand out from the crowd.
PRIVACY AND SECURITY- It is the most important and concerning factor for users. With the growing importance of data in the digital world, concerns about user privacy and data security will remain at the fore. Social media platforms will have to adapt to stricter regulations and invest in strong security measures to protect user information. Blockchain technology could help give users more control over their data.
INFLUENCER MARKETING- Influencer marketing has become an integral part of social media marketing. Influencers have a large following and can help companies reach their target audience. Over the next five years, influencer marketing will become even more important, with companies choosing to partner with micro and nano influencers to create more authentic and targeted campaigns.
NEW PLATFORMS- Social media platforms come and go, and the next coming years will see the emergence of new platforms. As user behavior changes, businesses must adapt to new platforms to reach their target audience. For example, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms.
MISINFORMATION- In todays world real news travels very slowly compared to fake news and rumors which creates a havoc in the society. In the future it will also spread at a faster rate among different channels and we as users need to be very careful as to what content to consume and believe and no share anything unknowingly.
The future of social media promises a dynamic landscape where technology and human interaction converge in exciting and sometimes challenging ways. Augmented reality, personalization, data privacy, ephemeral content, social commerce, cultural sensitivity, and mental health will all play significant roles in shaping the social media of tomorrow. As users, it's essential to stay informed and engaged with these changes while advocating for a responsible and ethical use of these powerful platforms. The future of social media holds immense potential, and how we navigate it will determine its impact on society and our lives.
For exciting blogs like this on various topics feel free to visit https://spectralcygnus.com/
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iimtcollege · 11 months
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Saturday, July 22, 2023 CLIMATE EMERGENCY DAY! A GLOBAL EVENTS There is no Planet B!! There’s another day for unified global action on the climate calendar. Let’s use it! . https://www.iimtindia.net/ Call Us: 9520886860
#ClimateClockIndia#EnergySwaraj#EnergyLiterate#ActInTime#ClimateClock #ClimateEmergencyday#5Years#IIMTNoida#IIMTIndia#IIMTDelhiNCR#AdmissionOpen2023_24#EngineeringCollege#AKTUadmission2023_24#btechadmission2023_24#MBAadmission2023#MCAadmission2023 #ManagementCollege#Btechadmission2023
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charletonrealtors · 1 year
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COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE ALONG JERICHO MAIN ROAD 800SQ MT property with a building previously used for a lounge, bar, restaurant, and space for other events. By the roadside and borders The Bookseller. Location: Magazine Road, Jericho, Ibadan. Price: N7m ONO per annum (5years lease) The property is suitable for all commercial purposes. Contact Charleton Realtors for inspection on 08030667011 || 08073833261 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co70FOZNH2v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shorttermcourse · 1 year
Arts course after 12th
In today is time Indian students are running after science and technology but this does not mean that there are career opportunities in subject like arts. Arts is considered one of the best course  you can achieve a very good position in your career by touching the arts course after doing this course you can get a high paying job in your area by doing this course you can improve your knowledge and with this knowledge you can achieve a good position in your career.
What is Arts? 
Arts is such a subject that always has good career opportunity if you are Confused about this completed with arts after 12th and you are Confused what not to do what Ales today we are going to tell you about the best course in arts field many career option have developed in arts fields if you want to do something different then you do not want to do science or commerce then Arts can be a good option for you with this you can get good knowledge in your career as Will as you can get good salary
Top 5 courses in Arts
(i) Teacher Training course
(ii)Bachelor in social work
(iii)Bachelor in fine arts
(iv)BA (LLB)
(v)Bachelor of Arts
(i)Teacher training course
Every year Lakhs of people in the country prepare to become government teacher but still there is shortage of teacher if you have been an arts student and you also want to become a government teacher so many courses are available for you from which you can become a government teacher like a B.ED Intergraded B.ED teacher training courses etc.
(ii)Bachelor in social work
Social service is education provided in the bachelor in the social work course the duration of this course is 3 year if you want to become a good social worker than bachelor in social work can be a very good option for you if you like to help people then this course is for you many multination companies can hire better candidates like you.
(iii)Bachelor in fine arts
If you like to do paintings ,sculpture, photography ,if you do a good painting and you want to get a job on this arts you can do this course after doing this course you can get a better job in your area .
(iv) BA (LLB)
If after 12th you are thinking to separate. then you can do this BA (LLB) course  you can do 3 year BA (LLB) or 5year intergraded LLB after doing this course you can become a private lawyer 
(v) Bachelor of Arts
After doing 12th from many   years, student like to do BA, almost every university in India offer this course after doing bachelor’s degree in this, you can do higher studies with PG from this students English, Hindi, History, Polytechnic science.
Benefits of Art Course
Benefits of taking arts course
Today’s school emphasize the developed of professional knowledge and skills based on intellectual pursuits. Therefore it is a very important task in the education of children to develop in them the ability to enjoy arts and beauty. Arts course is best for many students them. If you are a good artist and you are a good social worker. Then you can do this course
Best College.
1. National school of fine Arts.
2. Amity school of fine Arts.
3. School of performing and visual arts, IGNOU.
4. School of arts and aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
5. National school of drama.
Is Arts good for future?
Yes Art is a good option for your future. Are you interested in singing, dancing, painting, and then you have a good option for your career in arts
Which job is the best for arts students?
Best job for arts students
(i)fashion designer
(ii)Hotel management
(iii)Event management
(v) Photographic
(vii)Graphic designer
(viii) Makeup artist
(ix) Journalist.
(x) Filmmaker
Why choose an arts course.
We all Indian running in a highest salary .so we choose a good and simple and short time course. Arts course is the short time course and you have a short of money. So you can choose arts course. It is also a little easier to study.
Highest Paying Jobs in India in Arts Field
Fashion Designer. If you are interested in design and arts, then you might like a career in fashion design. Then you can try this course and become a good fashion designer..
Graphic designer. If you are interested in graph design you should try this course and you can trust this course. I am sure you will have a good career.
Corporate lawyer. After complete your degree in arts if you are looking a highest salary job you will try this course and it is such a good highest paying in arts field. Study this course and make a good career.
Is arts stream very easy?
Arts are a good Steam because it is very easy to arts students the main subject is Hindi, English, geography, history economic Political Science, and Sociology. All these easily make it one of the best High Salary courses after the 12th arts stream. it is not  a hard steam because this course is taught to you very easily so it is not difficult for you
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itong litratong ito ay ang aking pag boy scout napakasaya kasi binigyan ako ng aking ninong ng pera. at laruan madami akong nakakilala ng mga bagong kaibigan sa panahong ito.binili din ako ng aking magulang ng laruan at pumunta kami sa mall pagtapos ng event ibinili ko namn ng laruan ang bigay sakin na pera ng aking ninong. ang kumain kami sa paborito kong kainan na jollibee. kase ang sarap ng chicken don at majuicy pa at naglaro namn ako sa palaruan pagtapos namin kumain nakapasaya ng araw na iyon kase madami akong memories.at madami ako nakitang mga bagong kaibigan at mga mababait sila at mapagbigay.
5years old
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newshubgh · 2 years
PM Foundation Set To Celebrate Its 5th Anniversary With “Dine With The Street 22” At Kwesiminstim
PM Foundation Set To Celebrate Its 5th Anniversary With “Dine With The Street 22” At Kwesiminstim
“Service To Humanity” Is what PM Foundation stands for. The Award Winning NGO has been Serving various deprived communities with its annual event for 5years. The 5th Edition of “Dine With The Street” Which equally marks the 5th Anniversary of “PM Foundation” will be held at Kwesiminstim Community Grounds on the 10th of December 2022 at 10 am for the less privileged in the Kwesiminstim…
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hisunshiine · 2 years
I’m obsessed with the TATMIFB couple!! I’m sad they couldn’t end up together 5years ago cause somin is such a snake but I love the way u wrote everything <3 a masterpiece!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thank you for reading and for your message!!!
I really love it too so much ;_; and I cannot wait to write the events of what happened originally that got in the way! I had made some commitments to write some things, so I had to put it off but once all my other commitments are done, that is one I want to work on ASAP!
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soldbypatysoltero · 2 years
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Happy 5year anniversary Gwinnett work networking event🎉🎈 Always with the best in the industry!Selena Williams Angel Greene Mitchell Xiomara Abadias Bobby D. Armes Jr. Sandra Kourakis Olivia J. Price Elizabeth Henriquez Jayza Ayala https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf9aI9cLJll/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Chris Oyakhilome's Biography, Philanthropy and the Net Worth of the President of Christ Embassy Church
Chris Oyakhilome, a Nigerian pastor and television host is the author. He is the president of Believers' loveWorld Incorporated, and is also known as Christ Embassy International. Chris Oyakhilome Background Pastor Chris Oyakhilome grew up on the 7 thDecember 1973. He was the first of his family to be born. Following his primary and secondary schooling, he enrolled in Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria where he obtained the BSc in Architecture. AAU also gave the honorary Doctor of Science Award. He also has an honorary doctorate of divinity from Benson Idahosa University. Reverend Chris was once a married man to Anita Obhodaghe. He and she have two wonderful children. Chris Oyakhilome Ministry Pastor Chris Oyakhilome began his ministry journey while still at AAU. The Believers LoveWorld Fellowship (now Believers LoveWorld Incorporated) was then known as Youths For Christ. YFC was growing, and eventually became the largest campus organization. In 1989, Pastor Chris established Believers LoveWorld Incorporated (BLW), alongside Christ Embassy. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Lagos is the location of the church. Chris Oyakhilome Biography Believer's LoveWorld is a worldwide organization with millions upon millions associates across the globe is now known as Believers LoveWorld. With the 2002-themed miracles, BLW became Africa’s most popular Christian ministry. They stopped airing it in May 2004 when President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria declared that churches must stop airing miracles. Pastor Chris's Ministry is divided into four parts that include healing ministry, publishing ministry, teaching ministry, and television ministry. From these ministries, he developed the healing school and atmosphere for miracles as well as the Pastor Chris global prayer network. Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International Future Africa Leaders' Foundation (FALF) The Future Africa Leaders Foundation has been set up to research and develop the leadership capabilities of Africans. Chris Oyakhilome Family The foundation acknowledges, honors and assists young African leaders who have made a a positive impact on the generation they lead. Oyakhilome They do this by educating, mentoring youngsters and encouraging youth empowerment. The foundation honors the achievements of these young leaders with an award ceremony called The Future Africa Leaders' Award. This award ceremony which started 5years ago, takes place on the first day of every year's new year in the LoveWorld Convocation Arena (LCA) Billings Way, Oregun, Ikeja. Winners are presented with an award by Reverend Chris Oyakhilome (President of BLW). The InnerCity Mission For Children The InnerCity Mission to children is an evangelical non-governmental Organisation. The organization was founded in 2005 in order to help vulnerable, weak orphaned kids around the world.
These destitute children are supported by the foundation with participatory interventions that include family strengthening programmes as well as child development programmes. Trauma Care International Foundation The Trauma care International Foundation was founded to increase the quality of life and health of local communities as well as nations. It also encourages better emergency response services in the event of accidents or emergencies. Chris Oyakhilome Family The foundation is able to help in the implementation of national policies in trauma treatment by providing them through advocacy and health education as well as community-based programs. Over a thousand people were given first aid as well as emergency response instruction from the foundation. Oyakhilome They have been credited with training over 1,000 schoolchildren, law enforcement officers as well as teachers, caregivers and road traffic personnel. Volunteer Medical Corps The Volunteer Medical Corps is a global christian medical outreach that is dedicated to providing relief supplies, medical assistance and health education for individuals who are refugees or internally displaced in areas affected by man-made or natural catastrophes. The outreach comprises of a group of christian health workers, paramedics and students from across the globe. The volunteers offer assistance in emergencies, as well as sustainable health care solutions for regions in crisis. VMC also offers healthcare services to communities that are unserved as well as manpower development for local doctors. VMC is accessible to any who has the primary intention to improve health, and provide assistance to the most vulnerable. Bible For All Nation (BFAM) Bible For All Mission (BFAM) is a non-profit christian organisation, which is dedicated to the creation, production and global distribution of the bible to individuals from all ages and genders in the language and format they understand. By doing so they can hear God's Word and experience the life-changing message. BFAM distributed many thousands of Rhapsody Bibles for individuals, communities, prisons as well as private and government institutions around the world. This includes the Philippines, Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria. The outreach was able to accomplish this feat thanks to a strongly knitted worldwide network of Bible sponsors and volunteers.
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daiyadaily · 4 years
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Happy 5 year serialization anniversary!!!
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