favescandis · 1 year
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Stellan Skarsgård on the strike in Hollywood: "Of course we will strike"
The strike in Hollywood also affects Swedish actors. Among others, Malin Barr and Stellan Skarsgård join in solidarity.
- It's damn good, of course we're going to strike!, says Stellan Skarsgård to SVT Kulturnyheterna.
Stellan Skarsgård describes the strike as "expected". He filmed his last scene in an American production at 8pm on Thursday night, shortly before the strike was called.
- It was really on the clock. This will affect the launch, says Stellan Skarsgård, who has several international projects underway.
How does it feel?
- Damn good! Of course we're going to strike! If we don't strike there will be terrible effects, even now the digital possibilities to sample people are terrible. The tech giants want to hire people for a day and then be able to use them in media, in known and unknown universes, forever. It must be stopped. It is about the right to one's own face and to one's own body, he tells SVT Kulturnyheterna.
Criticism of streaming giants
Stellan Skarsgård is particularly critical of Apple, Amazon and Netflix:
- They advocate the gig economy. That there should be total freedom to exploit people as much as you want. Those who own the companies are no longer interested in film, or interested in quality. They are only interested in making money.
via SVT.se Photo by Claudio Breschiani/TT - Google Translate was used for this Swedish article
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icypiece · 7 months
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Ah, nu vet vi hur vi kan lösa melodifestivalens problem!
(från Kulturnyheterna special: Mellons makt på SVT Play)
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hanna-kin · 2 years
Those ratings stressed me tf out. Wdym three 2-stars?!? But I just checked and two of the ones (expressen and kulturnyheterna) who gave s2 2 stars did the same with s1, so ig they just have bad taste.
The summary I posted is for season 1. 2/5 usually means okay or "pass"
3/5 means good. 4/5 very good 5/5 outstanding.
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alexbkrieger13 · 7 months
Fascinating and interesting watch. Culture news special about the power Mello holds over the Swedish music industry's economy. It has increased in the latest decades. Is it a power that public service (Svt) should have?
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sveapsykologerna · 10 months
Varför känner många sorg när kändisar dör fast man egentligen inte kände dem?
Se hela inslaget via länken: https://www.svtplay.se/video/KZAq3Qy/kulturnyheterna/idag-08-45?id=KZAq3Qy&position=
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persindinglarsen · 4 years
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Pratat om Kylie Minouge med Tara i Morgonstudion. Om Kylies historiska rekord som första kvinnliga artist att spinna runt albumettor under fem olika decennier (något varken Elton John eller George Michael gjort). Detta är på flera plan en fantastisk bedrift i sig, men också en sorts liten seger för en, mer än en gång, historiskt hatad och ratad musikform som just disco. Numera är ju disco som vi vet ett urklassiskt inslag i popkulturen som dyker upp i mer eller mindre uppdaterad form hos alla från Dua Lipa till Daft Punk. Och hos Kylie. Som alltid återvänt till disco under hela sin karriär. Fast frågan är om inte det senaste återgången till dansgolvet är den viktigaste nånsin? Inte för att ”DISCO” (som ju dessutom hennes senaste topplistebestigning är betitlad - med VERSALER) är hennes bästa, utan mer för vad den betyder i en tid som nu? Nu när vi inte får dansa. Drömmen om detta blandat med en älskad, okontroversiell artists aura av evig ungdom, stilkänsla och odödlighet (efter att ha vunnit över en cancersjuka) är kanske samlat det bästa eskapistiska coronavaccin vi kan få i pandemimörkret? 💫@svtnyheter @svt #kulturnyheterna #morgonstudionsvt @kylieminogue #kylieminogue https://www.instagram.com/p/CHulH2bJ_3x/?igshid=ryokfxvny26t
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gavanaanaya · 5 years
Anna Gavanas gästar Kulturnyheterna och det avslöjas att ny bok är på gång!
Anna Gavanas gästar Kulturnyheterna och det avslöjas att ny bok är på gång!
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Igår hade Kulturnyheterna SVT ett rejvspecial med Anna Gavanas och Jessie Granqvist med anledning av av nya filmen Beats (om UK rejvscenen på 90-talet) som har premiär i helgen. I samma reportage avslöjades att Anna Gavanas har ny bok på gång: Från diskofeber till rejvhysteri! Boken kommer i februari och på alla hjärtans (14/2) blir det releasefest på Södermalm i Stockholm. Mer info kommer senare.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
Eagles Transcript S03E02 — Diamonds
This is the English transcript for the second episode of season 3. Watch the subtitled episode here.
Felicia: Here's where I live, welcome to my home! The kitchen, the couch, my things—not very fun to see. Nice, second-hand couch. And here's the best part—the amazing view over Oskarshamn. Yeah, Oskarshamn it is. You can actually change your mind. I actually feel great here, and... I've had to work on myself, this year, and Oskarshamn has been perfect for me and my soul. No, what the hell— "My soul".
Felicia (from phone): Here's where I live, welcome to my home! The kitchen, the couch—
Episode 2 - Diamonds
Mats Kroon's "Eagles" takes a nose dive! An eagle without wings?
Man #1: Hey!
Elias: What, sorry?
Man #1: Murphy's!
Man #2: It's Saturday, come on.
Elias: I'm sorry guys, I'm not feeling it.
Man #1: Okay, sure.
Elias: See you.
Man #1: Big surprise.
Gig person: Do you want anything to eat or drink?
Amie: Water, thank you so much.
Bo: Amie, how rad are you? You're awesome.
Amie: Thanks, Bo.
Bo: I'm just thinking— At the start of the second verse—
Amie: I know—
Bo: You come in a little late.
Amie: Yeah.
Bo: I'm thinking like this— 🎵 Do you get my point? 🎵
Amie: Yes, I know.
Bo: You'll get it tonight.
Producer #1: Lovely. Are we feeling good for tonight?
Amie: Yeah, there's just a lamp there that's blinding me, but—
Producer #1: Which one? The middle one?
Amie: Yeah.
Producer #1: Okay. Joel? Can you turn off the lamp in the middle? Great! Otherwise, are you good?
Amie: Yeah, I wanted to see if I could do one of my new songs? Tonight?
Producer #1: The kids coming to see you are expecting you to play songs that they know. How else are they supposed to sing along?
Producer #2: Your songs are great—
Producer #1: Yes.
Producer #2: —but we're in the middle of a tour and we can't change your set list, so...
Producer #1: It's too tricky, right Robin?
Producer #2: Sorry.
Producer #1: Unfortunately.
Amie: Can we talk?
Producer #1: Absolutely. Of course. Can we do that later? Kulturnyheterna have waited for a while, so—
Producer #2: I'll tell them you're ready.
Amie: Yeah.
Leila: It looks so nice, honey!
Felicia: There are just a few holes there that I need to spackle. Otherwise—
Leila: You could talk to, what's his name—
Felicia: Mom, I can spackle myself. I'm an adult, jesus.
Leila: Mom's little big girl, first apartment and everything!
Felicia: You have to come visit soon.
Leila: Yes, I'd— I'd love to. Of course I'll come, I'd love to come.
Felicia: Come in! Wait.
Mats: Hello?
Felicia: Hi!
Leila: I think that I have—
Felicia: Mom, wait. Wait.
Mats: Wow! Clothes on the floor already?
Felicia: Yeah, it's my apartment, my rules. I'll put as many clothes on the floor as I want.
Mats: But I'm the one on the mortgage loan. Oh— Hello. All's well? Can she hear me?
Felicia: Yeah, but you can't hear her.
Leila: Hi, hello.
Felicia: Wait.
Leila: Honey, I'm at the place and I'm going inside. But I'd love to come and visit. Take care! Kisses!
Felicia: Kisses. Bye.
Mats: Well...
Felicia: Oh, how pretty!
Mats: So, what did mom say? Are things alright in Stockholm?
Felicia: You're snooping.
Mats: No.
Felicia: Yes, you are.
Mats: No, I'm not.
Felicia: Yes.
Mats: No!
Felicia: Yes! Have you talked to Elias today? He's not answering, it's already 11AM over there.
Mats: He's probably got practice in the morning, I mean— Was it anything in particular? I can fix this.
Felicia: I'll do it myself.
Mats: Okay.
Felicia: I just think he's gotten bad at answering.
Mats: He's taking his future seriously. Have you talked to Ludde yet, then?
Felicia: No.
Mats: No?
Felicia: No. I don't know, I want to talk to him for real. I don't want to do it over the phone.
Mats: But everything is alright between you? I mean, the whole summer has passed—
Felicia: Yeah, we're good.
Mats: Wonderful. Well, then...
Felicia: What are you doing tonight?
Mats: I don't know, why?
Felicia: Do you want to come to a house-warming party? Well— We're just a few people, but...
Mats: Yeah, I mean— Yes, sure. Yeah. Am I going to raise the median age?
Felicia: Yes, absolutely.
Mats: I'll be there, then.
Man: Crutch! Hey, Crutch, come here!
Ludde: What the hell is it?
Man: A diamond!
Ludde: It's not a diamond. It's a rock, you idiot.
Man: We're pretending. It's my parting gift for you.
Ludde: Thanks. Are you going to start crying now, too?
Man: You'll miss me too. I'll give you one week max, before you've wasted somebody and you're back here.
Ludde: I'm 18 now. I'd risk worse things than trudging around in ditches with you.
Man: Why are you even going back there?
Ludde: School, girlfriend, hockey...
Man: Man, people like you and me— We're going out to see the world. Screw that hellhole.
Ludde: Thank you for the rock, Stork. The diamond— The diamond. Thanks.
Man: The world is full of them, Crutch!
Ludde: Yeah, apparently.
Man: Diamonds, I mean!
Interviewer: It's been a hectic year for you. Lots of gigs, a tour over Sweden... Are you tired?
Amie: It's been insanely intense, of course, but this has been my dream for as long as I can remember, so... It's fun. The music gives me energy, so I'm just grateful.
Interviewer: Your name is Samuelsson, isn't it? But you chose Condé as your stage name.
Amie: Samuelsson is from my mom's side, and Condé is— The other side. It sounds a little more unique, I think.
Interviewer: Indeed, really nice.
Amie: Thank you.
Interviewer: When you go into the studio, what does your process for the songwriting look like? Do you write alone or with others?
Amie: I prefer writing on my own, actually.
Man #1: We'll be sending in an acknowledgement that you've completed your hours in community service. And you'll get a letter to your registered address with a copy of this.
Ludde: Thank you.
Man #1: Thanks.
Man #2: Thank you.
Ludde: Good luck, boys!
Guys: You too!
Andreas: Reversed roles.
Ludde: Man, I've missed you!
Andreas: What do you say, nothing like this anymore?
Ludde: We're skipping the bank robbery? I just prepared everything.
Andreas: Yuck! You smell like roadkill, man.
Ludde: Shut up.
Andreas: We can't have this. Get in the car.
Ludde: A little cold.
Andreas: Wimp. Scrub yourself properly now—
Ludde: Shut up.
Andreas: You're not getting inside the car again if—
Ludde: I applied for that school.
Andreas: What, that one in England? You're kidding! That's great, Ludde.
Ludde: They had applications and then a test if you get admitted, so we'll see.
Andreas: "We'll see"? Shit, this is exactly what you should be doing. A music producer... What will you do with hockey if you get in?
Ludde: We'll see. It's going to be nice to get back, actually. It's been so annoying with all the rehab after the operation.
Andreas: I get it. But... You'll get there soon. Felicia— What is she saying about moving to London?
Ludde: I just applied. I haven't had the time to talk to her about it.
Andreas: Yeah, but— She just bought an apartment.
Ludde: I don't think she's that interested in staying in Oskarshamn.
Andreas: No.
Ludde: The world is full of diamonds.
Andreas: Okay, poet. You know that's not a real diamond?
Ludde: I know it's not a real diamond.
Andreas: You didn't pay for it, did you?
Ludde: No! But I can dream a little.
Andreas: Dreams are like diamonds. You can't create them—they just exist.
Ludde: Shit! You're the poet here.
Andreas: Shut up. It's from a song or something, I think.
Agent: I thought the gym was for working out.
Elias: You need to check Instagram too.
Agent: Are you homesick?
Elias: I didn't know you were here. I thought we'd take it over the phone. Bad news?
Agent: Can we sit down somewhere?
Elias: Yeah.
Agent: They know that you're able to go far, but it's— "Not here, not now". You've had a tough first year here, and everything private that's happened. The club gets it, but they want to see more— They expected more development.
Elias: Yeah. So where will it be?
Agent: That's what's a little— A little difficult. Because there's a clause in your contract with Eagles that says if they let you go here you go back there. But stay calm—there won't be a repeat of last time. And there are a lot of exciting alternatives. Jokerit has called and I've had a great conversation with them, so they're on.
Elias: You know what? Let's skip all the trouble. Let's go with Eagles, it'll be great.
Agent: What?
Elias: I'm so tired of moving all the time anyway, plus I'll be close to my family.
Agent: Wait, I thought that you— Eagles has big economical problems, and... Sorry, but their season started awfully. We can get a better team. You understand, right?
Elias: Yeah, but we can't get a team that needs me as much. Plus— If they say they want to see development, I'll give them that.
Agent: Wait— They're under the line. We're talking about qualifying down directly. You can't in earnest believe you'll change that on your own.
Elias: It's perfect. I'll only go up, as you like to say.
Agent: Jesus Christ...
Producer #1: Next week there's a gallery gig in Sundswall. Yuck, but great money. Then we have studio time booked with Stoffe from Wednesday to Friday.
Amie: Did he hear my demos?
Producer #1: Yeah, he thought they were great—me too. But Stoffe has written for Tove-Lo, Zara, Robyn, Molly, and Danny. He has great ideas for you.
Amie: I'm sure he does, but I just wanted to do something more personal for—
Producer #1: I get that you wanted to do something more personal, but— Let's do his things first, and then we'll see. Alright? And you saying in media that you're writing too—everybody does that, so just roll.
Robin: Amie, working with Stoffe is a huge chance. Next EP—your songs, I promise. Okay?
Amie: Yeah.
Producer #1: Hey! Alright, we have a few new dates for gigs that I want to check off with you, Amie. 24th and 25th are booked. 28th?
Robin: The 28th is Gothenburg.
Producer #1: Good, let's check it off.
Amie: But wait, the tour is over. I was thinking I'd finish high school.
Producer #1: Amie, as long as people want to see you and book tickets, we'll keep booking gigs. That's how it works. It's normal to extend the tour. We'll talk more about that later. Robin, how are we looking for the club opening? Everything going smoothly?
Robin: All is good.
Producer #1: Great. Can you send over the guest list, because there were a few names that—
Felicia: Hi!
Ludde: Hi.
Felicia: Hi!
Felicia: I have to get up now.
Ludde: No—
Felicia: Yes!
Ludde: No, I disagree. I've missed you too much.
Felicia: Did you know our anniversary was last week?
Ludde: Which anniversary?
Felicia: Depends a little on how you count.
Ludde: It's a little complicated, that.
Felicia: Anyway, I have a... Question— For you.
Ludde: I have a question too, actually—
Felicia: But I'm asking first. Okay... Ludde. Ludvig Johansson. Would you like...
Ludde: Just say it!
Felicia: Do you want to— Do you want to move in with me?
Ludde: Are you joking?
Felicia: No, that would've been a boring joke.
Ludde: Of course I want to, but... I have no money for the rent.
Felicia: You know I'll solve that. I want nothing other than to live with you.
Ludde: And I with you.
Felicia: Ask, then.
Ludde: What?
Felicia: You had a question.
Ludde: Yeah. I just wanted to ask if... If you want me to buy the pizzas for tonight.
Felicia: Sure... Can you afford it?
Ludde: No— But the follow-up question is if I can borrow money to buy the pizza.
Felicia: You can.
Ludde: I can? Thanks.
Andreas: Look! Thank you. Thanks. We're talking about this table, what do you think about it?
Andreas' partner: Nice.
Mats: Hey, hello.
Andreas' partner: They're really nice.
Andreas: They work great.
Ludde: Who even was that?
Girl: Some guy, no idea.
Felicia: Dad? Dad, put down the phone.
Mats: Sorry, honey, I— No, just—
Felicia: You don't have to work right now.
Elias (on phone): Hey, what's up?
Mats: I just got a mail. What the hell are you doing?
Elias: It turned out that way.
Felicia: Hey.
Ludde: Hey.
Felicia: Are you alright? You've already started decorating?
Ludde: A little.
Elias: We'll make sure to turn this around, okay? Eagles is coming back, alright? Good. It's gonna be fine, dad. I promise.
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motheremeritus · 4 years
Yesterday, May 6th, a member of the electronic group Kraftwerk passed away. Tobias was briefly on the news in Sweden yesterday via telephone to say a few words about the group:
Here is the English translation from Swedish the best I can do:
“What made Kraftwerk so good, and the difference with other electronic music was that it was well written songs that work on an acoustic guitar as well. It is enough that you hum .... [singing] ‘Fahren on der Autobahn’. With those chords it is the hit itself”
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konradolsson · 3 years
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Your digital fashion expert making the rounds on Swedish National Television. Thanks Kulturnyheterna @svt for having me. See full clip via link in bio! 📺 BTW wearing my late grandfather’s DB from early eighties. Sustainable! @scandinavian.mind (at Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV6RvjIjm0M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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filmskribent · 3 years
Principen om armlängds avstånd inom kulturen
“Efter rapporter om politisk styrning av kulturen – nu efterfrågas ny lag”. DN, 20 juli 2021
“Var fjärde museichef utsatt för politiskt påverkansförsök“. DN, 5 juli 2021
“Karin Pettersson: Kulturpolitiken ska inte lägga saker till rätta“. Aftonbladet, 20 juni 2021
"Hynek Pallas: Nu måste Filminstitutets politisering få ett slut”. GP, 12 juni 2021
“Mattias Svensson: Kulturen behöver färre anpasslingar“. SvD, 11 juni 2021
“Ett dråpslag mot svensk kulturpolitik”. DN ledare, 10 juni 2021
”Politisk styrning påverkar konsten”. SvD debatt, 10 juni 2021
“Analys: Därför är kritiken mot politiska styrningen så allvarlig“. Mårten Arndtzén, SR, 10 2021
"Analys: En dyster bild av ett förfallet system". Per Andersson, SVT, 10 juni 2021
“Ny rapport varnar för politisk styrning av kulturen”. Kulturnyheterna, 10 juni 2021
“Så fri är konsten – Den kulturpolitiska styrningens påverkan på den konstnärliga friheten”, rapport 2021:1. Myndigheten för kulturanalys
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modernjazzdaily · 7 years
Wayne_Shorter: RT KULTURNYHETERNA: Wayne Shorter: ”Jazz utmanar dig till att bli mer mänsklig” … https://t.co/CMmdUPJzF0
Wayne_Shorter: RT KULTURNYHETERNA: Wayne Shorter: ”Jazz utmanar dig till att bli mer mänsklig” … http://pic.twitter.com/CMmdUPJzF0
— Modern Jazz Daily (@ModernJazzDaily) June 15, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ModernJazzDaily June 15, 2017 at 02:48PM via IFTTT
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wololonowurgay · 6 years
RT @KULTURNYHETERNA: Science fiction-roman från 1600-talet blir interaktivt allkonstverk https://t.co/jm66ReLtGr via @svtnyheter
Science fiction-roman från 1600-talet blir interaktivt allkonstverk https://t.co/jm66ReLtGr via @svtnyheter
— Kulturnyheterna SVT (@KULTURNYHETERNA) January 11, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/lengisimo January 11, 2019 at 09:17PM via IFTTT
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whatsgoingonlove · 6 years
Whats going on… in augusti 2018
Sjöstadsbladet, Kjell Bergqvist: Vad som helst men ALDIG SD (28 aug -18)
Det blåser tyvärr högervindar både här och där ute i Europa och många är rädda och ängsliga över vart vi är på väg och var det ska sluta.
– Här har vi ett vi ett parti med rötter i nazismen som har lockat fler och fler väljare de senaste åren och som signalerar med sin hjärtefråga att den enda lösningen är att stoppa invandringen och sen börja slänga ut dom som inte uppfyller kraven på att vara ”riktiga” svenskar. (read)
SVT: Partierna du (kanske) inte hört talas om (16 aug -18) 
Några vill utplåna allt mänskligt liv, andra vill ge kor utökade rättigheter. SVT Nyheter listar några partier med omvälvande idéer – som du kanske inte hört så mycket om. (read)
Expressen: Polischefen: Vi bör porta de kriminella (15 aug -18)
Bilbrännare och grovt kriminella ska kunna portas från sina bostadsområden. Och den som bryter mot förbudet ska omedelbart sättas i fängelse. Det förslaget kommer från Robert Karlsson, biträdande regionpolischef i region Väst. – Jag tycker det är rimligt, säger han. 
SVT: Gitarr, house och karaoke – här är partiernas vallåtar (14 aug -18)
Ett val står för dörren den 9 september. Med tillhörande vallåtar därtill. Ett sätt att vinna väljarnas sympatier med melodisk politik – eller enklaste vägen till musikalisk skämskudde? Ja, det är frågan. Kulturnyheterna listar: Vallåtarna vi minns – och årets skörd på fronten. (read)
SVT: Här tänder de maskerade personerna eld på bilar (13 aug -18)
På bilder från Frölunda torg ses svartklädda maskerade personer tända eld på bil efter bil. Flera personer blev vittnen till bilbränderna. – Det var läskigt, jag var rädd att det skulle bli en explosion på grund av bilarna i närheten, säger ett ögonvittne.
Expressen, Lars Lindström: Hösten kan ge en regering besatt av ”vi” och ”dem” (13 aug -18)
Vi trängs och vickar på höfterna i den heta solen framför scenen i Slottsskogen i Göteborg där Timbuktu sjunger att ”i Norge är jag svensk, hemma är jag utländsk”. Då dyker tanken upp igen. Hösten kan ge rusk och ett regeringsparti besatt av uppdelningen ”vi” och ”dem”. (read) 
SVT: Så kan budskapen på årets valaffischer tolkas (9 aug -18) 
Valaffischerna för 2018 har nu presenterats. SVT:s politikreporter Elisabeth Marmorstein ger sin tolkning av dem.
Aftonbladet: SD:s pall med 225 kilo kampanjmaterial borta med Postnord (9 aug -18) 
Sverigedemokraterna skickade 225 kilo kampanjmaterial till Dalarna. Men Postnords leverans har nu varit försvunnen – i två veckor. – Det är ett beklämmande läge då vi befinner oss mitt i vår valspurt, säger SD:s informationschef Henrik Gustafsson. 
Aftonbladet, Robert Laul: Rasande och rädda dras till SD (5 aug -18)
Den här sommaren har jag funderat på skogsbränderna i Sverige och Sverigedemokraternas stigande opinionssiffror. De hänger på sätt och vis ihop. Enligt den samlade expertisen är bevisen för klimatförändringarna överväldigande. Jordens temperatur stiger till följd av utsläpp av växthusgaser som ger extremare väder. Vidsträckta skogsbränder är en konsekvens av mänsklig påverkan.
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National TV! Kulturnyheterna at national public service channel SVT, broadcasted a short story about Norra Station turning Ljusdal into the world’s biggest art exhibition! Check in our Facebook page later tonight for a longer clip from the grand opening! #svt #streetart #norrastationstreetartgallery #streetart_daily #streetartnorway #streetartglobe #streetartgallery #anarmorphic #3dstreetart #streetartsweden #ljusdal #hälsingland @ljusdalicentrum #montanacans #coloramaljusdial @alcrotrend @kulturkossan @streetartljusdal @coloramahillboms @vickanart @tegson @andreasfransson_com @leonkeer @wd_wilddrawing (på/i Ljusdal, Sweden)
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På kulturnyheterna rapporterar de att ABBA kommer att återuppstå som ett hologram i regi av hjärnan bakom idol. Detta får exakt alla bägare att rinna över. Sambon öppnar upp balkongdörren, utbrister typ "nej nu slänger vi ut den här jäveln" och börjar plugga ur sladdarna. Jag är inte sen att joina i vad som känns som ett slags spontant chicken run, men när alla sladdar är urdragna och vi står där och tittar på varandra, hållandes varsitt hörn av TV:n framför en öppen balkongdörr hejdar vi oss och ställer in den på sovrumsgolvet istället. Där har den fått stå. Istället för att fastna framför rutan blev det istället yoga till en vinylskiva med Imperiet, ett långt bad till söndagarna med Stina Wollter (som för övrigt är mitt bästa ångestdämpande) och en kopp te. Lite välbehövd egenvård. Får se hur länge den får stå urkopplad på golvet...
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