#Kurdish people
Zuen profila ikusi dut (pixka bat gainetik) eta asko gustatu zait!! Iruñekoa naiz, baina itsasoa eta haren historia gustatzen zait. Euskal Herrikoa batez ere.
Galderatxo bat daukat, zuek uste duzue Euskal Herria eta Eskoziaren historia eta kultura ia berdinak direla? Nik uste dut, antz handia dutela; hauen historiak, paisaiak, biztanleek...
Zuek zer uste duzue?
Eskerrik asko! Egun ona izan <3
Mila esker zuri zure mezuagatik!! 🧡
Bai, Eskoziaren eta EHren artean antzekotasunak egon daitezke - batik bat paisaietan, beharbada-, baina agian gehiago ere badaude kurduekin: herri indigena bat hainbat estatutan zabalduta, zeinentzat estatu proiektu bat zegoen (oraindik bete ez zena). Naziek ere estatu proiektu bat zuten EHrentzat, eta - jainkoei eskerrak! - ez zuen arrakastarik izan gerra galdu zutelako.
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trashendence · 2 years
when will the world stop remembering kurdish people exist only if their safety can be traded for us/eu gains?
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leroibobo · 6 months
really do not think people understand the extent to which palestinian sites/landmarks (especially muslim ones) were destroyed, beginning in 1948 until now, even in cities. the oldest extant mosque in jaffa (al-bahr mosque) was built in 1675, even though islam came there in the 7th century
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writersarea · 2 years
Are you looking for a way to support the people protesting in Iran?
Zhina Amini (Reported as Mahsa Amini, her birth name) a Kurdish woman was killed earlier this month by the morality police in Iran for wearing a headscarf in what they deemed to be an improper manner. Protests have since broken out across the country and a number of other Iranians have been killed since.
The internet has been shut down in many places and deaths are incredible common. The last time the Iranian government shut down the internet like this, over a thousand people died.
So what can you do?
Share Iranian people’s words and news about what is going on.
Recognize that this is not about Islam but about a tyrannical government (so don’t use this as an excuse to be Islamophobic). These people need our support, not our commentary.
Help support Iranians gain access to proxies through apps like the Tor Project’s Project Snowflake. This will pair you, who is likely in a safer country (I say as someone in the US who assumes much of following is in North America or Europe), with an Iranian person trying to access the internet as long as you are online. This is a really simple step you can take to help Iranians connect to the outside world so they can use their voices and let loved ones know they are alive.
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divinum-pacis · 2 months
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March 2024: Syrian Kurds march with torches during the celebration of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, in the Kurdish-majority city of Qamishli in Syria's northeastern Hasakah province. [Delil Souleiman/AFP]
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7amaspayrollmanager · 6 months
I’m out of the loop, who’s calling Mohammed a normaliser and why?! Him and his sister have done so much for the cause and are at constant risk as a result of it.
Too answer a very fringe set of normalizer accusers started out bc he was found out to be a supporter of al qaws which is a palestinian lgbt organization. Al qaws have openly said that their freedom is not complete without the complete dismantling of israel and have repeatedly criticized those that participate in normalization like this past article ill link below. I have to be real and say its homophobia wrapped up in these random little observations "oh he's on this radio show and this interview and published here and did this photo shoot." Normalizing relations means taking apart of events or orgs that will platform israelis and perform dialogue which portrays palestinian liberation that can be fought "together" by israelis and palestinians. It can be also simply interacting with ppl who do that and you can be rightly criticized for your associations because you are giving those people credibility and therefore normalizing. People do tend to use the word normalizer for people who have big platforms or "internet personalities" and rightly criticize khaled baydoun etc but again Mohammed El Kurd never wanted this he has not commercialized the cause has not presented himself as a leader and is continously organizing
Like u said the El Kurds being at risk is exactly why the accusation is so funny to me. normalizer has the connotation of being a sellout, someone doing it for the fame and he clearly does not like the platform he was given it just fell on him and publishing articles in the nation is not the same thing as normalizing? Mohammed el kurd writes articles that do not fall in line with normalizing views like "jewish settlers stole my house. It's not my fault they're jewish" and in response to someone asking him at a college event he was presenting at "what will happen to the israelis" he said "I truly don't give a fuck" or something like that lol. At the end of the day the accusations don't have alot of weight and so I turn away from them and just pretend they're not there
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
white american liberals love seeing poc as victims who constantly have to beg for a shred of white liberals' attention so they may throw some solidarity our way. the moment we refuse to audition for their sympathy and instead empower ourselves to fight back directly against our oppressors, these same liberals are not so comfortable with the idea of us as victims or innocents - how dare we resist or have our own agency? if a poc takes up a rifle after seeing their entire family be killed, and then is bombed by the killers for fighting back against the killers, then is that poc a victim? oh but how could they be? - they had a gun. the gun becomes our symbol of liberation and hope, not mindless vengeance, but as a means for the destruction of the power structures that our oppressor rests on. stop prefacing your support of poc with condemnations of our resistance. negotiations will never free oppressed people because our oppressors do not have a conscience. you cannot reason with somebody who thinks you are inherently worth less. resistance is the only way forward.
remember that the violence of the oppressed is in no way morally equivalent to the violence of the oppressor. and the oppressed do not have to justify the means of our resistance to the oppressors / the sympathizers of the oppressors.
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picory · 4 months
tiktok is such a hostile environment to trans folk, especially trans women. you best pray your post doesn't blow up, otherwise you'll get the most mean spirited and hurtful comments you could ever think of. it's sad to see 💔
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rodeodeparis · 1 year
having jewish family from n iraq general area is very strange. n iraq area is a bit of an outlier from its neighbors people group-wise because it’s often kurd = muslim; arab = muslim also; assyrian = christian (or at least an overwhelming amount of christians are assyrian); yazidi = yazidi; but jews are called ‘kurdish jews’? they probably just got that label because they were in the area (some have ‘tribal’ last names if they were from the literal towns the tribes got their names from), but for example syrian jews who lived in aleppo/damascus and spoke arabic are called syrian jews, some people use “arab jew” but afaik most don’t 
in that context “kurdish jew” seems a little...misleading? “assyrian jew” is too, they were both religious minorities and spoke aramaic but jews have a separate history (and due to current politics it feels insensitive but idk.) and both of those can be used by israeli govt stuff for propaganda purposes, so looking into sources for this is nigh impossible. tbh i prefer ‘mesopotamian jew’
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nando161mando · 2 days
🗞️La Turchia non smette di perseguitare il popolo kurdo
"In regimi come quello turco le minoranze subiscono numerosi tipi di persecuzione, e sono costrette a vivere in povertà e in condizioni precarie. Yilmaz Orkan, responsabile di Uiki-Onlus - Ufficio di Informazione del Kurdistan in Italia, racconta in questa intervista i tanti aspetti dell'oppressione strutturale esercitata storicamente dai governi turchi nei confronti del popolo kurdo. Un'oppressione dai tratti ancora più feroci negli ultimi decenni: Erdoğan sta facendo di tutto per rendere il Kurdistan una terra invivibile."
🗞️Turkey doesn't stop persecuting the Kurdish people
"In regimes like the Turkish one, minorities suffer numerous types of persecution, and are forced to live in poverty and precarious conditions. Yilmaz Orkan, head of Uiki-Onlus - Kurdistan Information Office in Italy, explains the many aspects in this interview of the structural oppression historically exercised by Turkish governments against the Kurdish people in recent decades: Erdoğan is doing everything he can to make Kurdistan an unlivable land."
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navramanan · 3 months
i'm very much enjoying "if an egyptian cannot speak english" and its takes on growing up in the diaspora, just to return "back home" but not be seen as one of your people, being recognized as a foreigner for how you dress, act and speak. the awareness that you'll never really be one of them because you, unlike the rest, have an easy exit out of that country, back to where you grew up in the west. or, as she puts it:"i'm learning slowly that having money and the option to leave frays any claim i have to this place".
strangely, i even see my austrianness in some of her lines. i talked with my sister about this several times, but here, outside of austria, in germany, it's so easy and feels so real when someone asks you where you're from and you say austria. and it's true and it feels like it is. when you're outside, there is no one to question your identity that is rooted in another place. once you're in that place, you feel like a stranger which is, i guess in this case, a very typical syndrome of being a child of immigrants. or again, as the author of the book says:"we're both [my father and i] more convincing egyptians in new york than we'd ever be on this side of the atlantic".
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layzeal · 7 months
everyday for the past two months it's been waking up in the morning to the most horrifying war crimes being committed by a fascist colonial power run by a death cult, followed by said power fabricating the most offensive and easily debunked lies to excuse said war crimes, then the entire fucking world media believing them and waving around their pathetic little crocodile tears as i pass by the news that the soldiers of that world power shot an old woman in the entrance of a hospital and used her as bait to shoot any medic who tried helping her, followed by a video of parents looking through the charred remains of children's limbs and scalps trying to recognize their own. and then i go to brazilian TV and find the news that a brazilian palestinian has finally been able to leave Gaza and all the reporters wanna focus on is how they're probably a terrorist because of these posts from 2015 where they condemn israel's actions. and then i look at the presidents of the only few nations who have the power to stop this genocide with a single phone call and how they entirely refuse to do shit about it, just to be told on tumblr dot com that praying for the dismantlement of the state of israel is evil and inconsiderate because don't you know they suffered really really badly in the past (but also please don't google the rates of poverty of holocaust survivors and how they're treated by the government of the country that was supposed to be a safe haven. well at least george from pennsylvania can move and have a beautiful view of the burned olive tress from the multigenerational house he stole in the west bank, and isn't THAT what really matters)
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deqdyke · 1 year
Cw: race, genocide denial, antiblackness
Just working through some thoughts after seeing the millionth annoying "Are x group white? Discuss" tweets.
Honestly I think like 90% of discourse around race and whiteness in leftist spaces could be solved by people saying "I don't know that history well enough". Like, people when they discuss race, have these competing internal desires to treat race as solely defined by current social standings, and also point to historical oppression as evidence. Neither works. If you go purely by current social standings, then we have absolutely nothing to build off of besides personal lived experiences. I've met Italians who have had old white people call them wops. Does that mean Italians aren't white? Are Polish people not white because of the existence of anti-polish sentiments? Are Russians not white because of how often they're portrayed as villains? Are Armenians white universally bc of the Kardashians?
But then if you base it entirely off history, then you have to accept that no Jewish person has ever attained whiteness. That race is a permanent and immutable aspect of someone's character - something that just... That's just racial ideology, same as it ever was.
The reality is whiteness is nebulous and difficult to pin down because it serves a social function. It needs to be fluid, but it needs to justify itself by appearing as if it's immutable. It also props up European nation-building myths. Like, if the question is "Are Italians white" the question should be "Well, who's an Italian?". Who's a Russian? I know Black Russians, and Black Ashkenazim. Is the understanding they're somehow less part of those groups due to their Blackness? Because I know they would take serious issue with that. Romans (as in, Italians from Rome) are a core part of the Western nation-building myth. You can't exclude them from whiteness without whiteness collapsing. But Sicilians were ruled by North African Muslims for hundreds of years - they're noticeably darker, and their culture is distinct. So Sicilians were denied whiteness, and they were used as a scapegoat for xenophobic sentiments during waves of Italian immigration. When they had sufficiently assimilated, then suddenly Sicilians were "Italians" and Italians are white, so Sicilians are white. So you've now managed to redefine whiteness across an era of immigration to build white unity and maintain a white supremacist majority.
White Fascism is self-destructive and suicidal because it maintains rigid immutable boundaries and requires constant expansion, which means eventually whiteness WILL be a minority. Liberalism upholds whiteness by redefining whiteness over time to maintain a White social majority. When whiteness needs to be mutable, there needs to be a population that can be used as the scapegoat. (Which is also why anti-Blackness is a core component of White supremacist racial ideology - it functions as a permanent fixed class to pivot other groups' whiteness around).
That's how it functions in America. But the rules of whiteness ARE mutable, and they change based on time and region. So the question of "Is x person white" really depends on time AND location, and how their identities exist in relation to nation-building myths. And it reaches a point where asking a question like "Are Armenians white?" or "Are Balkan Muslims white?" or "Are Jews white?" stops being useful, because the point shouldn't be to reify race, it should be to point out that people who fail to fit neatly within these national racial narratives are the best possible example to show how Whiteness contradicts itself. Is an Arab white? Is a Jew white? Is a North African white? It depends, when, where, and who are we talking about?
#this was prompted by the billionth annoying arab#posting about how al anfal was about purging whiteness from thr middle east#like my brother in Allah you ARE THE MAJORITY HERE#you are the whiteness here#we'll both be not white in Louisiana but you'll still have the money and backing of Arab nationalism#and if you fail and Kurds somehow form a nationstate we will inevitably become the whiteness of that state#and also like one of the most famous Kurds in history was a Black man freed from the Arab slave trade#you did it because your nationalism fails to account for the falsity of racial ideology#and you need to justify your continued existence and power#This is also why I've stopped really fully IDing as Kurdish bc like#im Shabak and a Kurdish Jew#both things ive seen the KRG fail to account for#so even if Kurdistan somehow becomes a nation state my family will still be SOL and stranded#also I only touched on it but it does need to be made clear that antiblackness is a core part of white ideology#even in supposedly post-racial ideologies like Anzaldua's Mestizx ideology#Blackness is positioned as something that needs to be solved to resolve the contradictions in post-racial nationalisms#the only people who have given me kindness about my complex familial history in the US are other nationless minorities and Black folks#and being allowed to sit in on an Anakarta reading group changed my life#if anyone is curious for more about the discussion of racial construction in the Middle East#read Nesting Orientalisms and The White Turkish Man's Burden#this is basically just me processing how coexist with my experiences + the knowledge I've gained from loved ones#also if anyone has issues with anything I've said here feel free to DM me but dont reblog this#I'm def open to discussing things and having my understanding corrected or challenged#but if you do it via reblogs ur getting blocked lmao
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heretic-child · 1 year
turns out my post is found by turks
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‘which son of a bitch wrote this’
‘somehow it’s always foreign people talk and make analyzes about discrimination in turkey like you know so much about us you sons of bitches’
‘make two analyzes from your ass and do conference since nobody opposes you, I HOPE AZRAEL TAKES YOU SO WE CAN BE FREE OF YOU’
‘i get so mad. who are you? it’s not your business’
‘fuck your head’
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suncaptor · 7 months
keep thinking of remzi (guy no one here would know) what a guy.
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Since the killing of Jina Masha Amini in state custody, Iran killed at least 121 Kurds in Western Iran
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Source: Kurdistan Human Rights Network via Reddit
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