#Kurt Waggoner
strangenewwords · 18 days
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Astonishing X-Men #61 (2004)
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Dennis Crisostomo
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mikeellee · 1 year
Ok food for thought: I do love the multiverse and how many versions of a character can be.
And I detest how Marvel had the whole "nazi win" au which GROSS.
But what if we had an au where Kitty was blue?
Ok so here my insane ideas:
1) Blue and space Princess Kitty. I do see Kymri as a version of Kitty but I can go more. She is a princess who was kicked out by Courtney evil clone and well she forms an army to dethrone her. Cool, Excalibur happens and the plot twist happens
Kitty: My enemies call me Kymri but my name is Kitty Pryde
(Not a fan of Excalibur!Kurt and well it wont be his finest moments)
2) A magical princess. Ok, she does open hand of monarchy and install a new form of governm. In this au her kingdom was dealing with a big villain and Kitty defeat them...and became a hero...she does held power but she says no to monarchy
3) RPG kitty au. Where she is BLUE! She is a terfling and is blue! How Kurt, in a magical class, react to this?
4) Ultimate au ...where Kitty ends up getting the Pheonix. Why? I honestly think there so many horrible things in Ultimate way more than "maxicest" so...here the thing Jean being such loathesome person the Pheonix is like "ewww no thank you" and prefers Kitty...and Kitty uses her power to help those who need (she hates when people make any comparasion with god through)
5) villainess! Kitty. Ok so in an au where Kurt is human, Kitty is the villain. But her villainy is a point of view really bc she is fighting against the ruler of the evil company, Courtney evil 3, who iis the pure example of "capitalims is evil" and yes...Kitty uses Blue.
Yes Kurt gets an arc where he realizes his mistake.
6) AoA but with a happy ending. Enough of this grimmdark shit
7) Dumbass! Kitty. A kitty who is a social butterfly, who is the team cap (volley or other sport) but in relation of her grades....muamuah. a nice contrast with Waggoner
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WIP game: going for the food. Pina colada, lunchbox, and barbecue.
I already did Pina Colada for @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic!
Lunchbox is set in the X-Treme X-Men Era-ish that ran during 2013 when current world Scott Summers wound up dimension traveling with James Howlett, who was married to Hercules. Kurt Waggoner, age 13 (I believe, maybe 14) wound up traveling with them. Scott also met a few alternate versions of himself, one a Wild West sheriff and another a black Union soldier.
This fic, however, is about Howlett and Hercules as co-dads of Kurt Waggoner after 616 Scott returns to his own reality. Scott Summers, Union soldier, lives with them as Uncle Scott while Howlett and Herc are dads. The idea of this fic came from Prompt: @crow821 130 prompt challenge, February’s 10 (bully), and the title came from Marilyn Manson's song Lunchbox to refer to Kurt's Spider-Man lunchbox that he guards with his life (that in the comics seems to have blood on it for some reason). I provide that reason.
On we plow
Kurt Waggoner’s feet barely touches the pavement as he races for his life away from the middle school.  The pounding of shoes behind him match his heartbeat, the latter thundering harder as the sound gets louder and closer.  This is just his third week in this new school because he and his dads and uncle have to keep relocating for a variety of other reasons. 
A voice inside his head tells him to teleport home, but the teenager’s panicked, and sometimes if he ports when he’s panicked, he winds up in the wrong places like the walk in freezer at his pops’ favorite Chinese restaurant up the street.  Or the church in the middle of a baptism. 
Or the dressing room at Justice where one of his cute-girl classmates is changing clothes. 
Kurt rounds a corner and slams into a wall that knocks him backward.  He lands on his back and lets out a cry when the sidewalk jams the base of his tail against his spine. 
That’ll be bruised for days, he thinks as he tries to get to his feet. 
That’s when the ‘wall’ steps closer to him.  Looms over him.  Then reaches down and hauls Kurt up with fistfuls of his shirt, dangling him over the cracks in the pavement. 
Kurt wishes those cracks would open up and swallow him whole. 
“Yer a freak,” Bully #1 spits.  “Don’t care what the rules say.”  He shakes Kurt hard. “Ain’t gotta be nice...”  Shake.  “...to no demon...”  Shake.  “...freak...”  Shake.  “...like you.”
Kurt can’t take another shake, especially not when he hears the sound of a switchblade being unleashed behind him. 
“Fuck you,” he snarks then clutches his backpack strap tighter as well as the lunchbox they’d already dented two days before. 
In a puff of purple smoke that stings the nostrils of everyone close enough to get caught in it, Kurt’s gone, teleported right out of that grip.  He doesn’t even hear the swears or threats of worse violence from his tormentors. 
I want to grow up
Every day it’s a new assault, a new bruise under his fur; he’s grateful for the fur so that his dads and uncle won’t see, a new cut that’s harder to hide from adult eyes. 
They aren’t really his fathers or uncle, but they’re all the family he has left, and he doesn’t want them to be disappointed in his inability to shake these assholes at school.  All three are great warriors, and while Kurt’s no slouch, they never let him do as much of the fighting while they were dimension traveling to kill off the evil Xaviers.  Kurt always had to stay back just out of the way of the rough stuff.  They respect him and his abilities, but first and foremost, they want him to be a kid and not a soldier.  Not a warrior. 
Not yet. 
All American Barbecue
Back in 2012, Brian Michael Bendis wrote the atrocious AvX (Avengers vs. X-Men) series that pitted the X-Men against the Avengers, specifically Steve Rogers, who behaved like a jackbooted thug on the urging of a Logan-scorned, when the Phoenix was intending to come for the mutant named Hope. Scott believed that with the right training, Hope could handle the Phoenix better than Jean ever did and could rekindle the mutant population that Wanda Maximoff had decimated during her "no more mutants" storyline (also written by Bendis, who stated several times that if he's given the mutants to write, he'll destroy them). To say that I was pissed about this comic series is an understatement, and I generally like to pretend that it didn't exist now.
Here are my summary and my notes from the WIP that maybe one day I'll finish writing.
Summary: Captain Steve Rogers investigates the report of a missing girl, Hope Summers, on the mutant island of Utopia, only he doesn’t quite find what he thinks he’ll find.
This is an odd crossover idea that came about because of a page out of Marvel 1602 where Scott introduces himself as “Scotius Summerisle.” I had read it once before and it hadn’t even registered with me then – Summerisle – not until recently when I saw the panel again and the connection between this Summerisle and Lord Summerisle from the 1973 Wicker Man hit me. And I laughed. I laughed really hard, which I needed after all of the Schism and AvX fuckery that Marvel has been putting us through over the last year. And then Bendis decided to break up Scott and Emma, which has pissed off a lot of us fans. So in essence, what I’m doing with this fic is much like what I did with “Never Piss Off a Telepath” – I’m taking out a lot of my anger over this whole situation on the character I blame the most, and I’m going to have wicked fun doing it so that if nothing else, while it won’t have removed AvX from existence nor will it keep Bendis from doing what he’s doing, it will at least have put a smile on my face.
Keep in mind that because of AvX, I really did NOT like Steve Rogers at the time, and it was through the sheer perfect acting of Chris Evans that I ever did start liking him.
Tony reached over into the stack of mail that Clint had brought in about an hour earlier and rummaged around until he found one in particular. “Speaking of the X-Men, this came addressed to you. Don’t know who sent it…just that it’s from Utopia.” He shook it as if he could hear something rattling, which he couldn’t, then he handed it up into Steve’s waiting hand.
“Doesn’t look official,” Steve commented, glad that he could focus on something other than his goofy singing that was still playing on the laptop and the big screen. He tore open the envelope and tugged out a letter that had been typed, and inside it was a picture of a redhead in her mid-to-late teens.
“It’s not even in e-mail. Who the hell sends letters like that anymore?” Tony groused, his nose wrinkled over his goatee, which he scratched three fingers through before flopping back against the couch. “Even Erik’s gotten with the technological age…and he’s in your geriatric group.”
Steve arched a perfect blond eyebrow at his teammate and responded to the jab with only a sneer. Then he dropped his eyes to the letter.
Captain Rogers,
Things are so different here on Utopia than they were in Westchester, and I’m not entirely sure where to begin in telling you about my concerns. The worst of which involves the young woman in the photo I’ve sent with this letter. You see, this girl, Hope, has gone missing. No one has seen her in weeks, and she’s not quite old enough to leave the island by herself, even though everyone knows she’s been receiving piloting lessons since she became of age. None of the island’s jets have left, however. All are accounted for. Everything is accounted for, actually, except the girl herself.
This is most distressing, Captain Rogers. Hope is a sweet girl and very responsible. She wouldn’t have just up and disappeared on her own, so I suspect that something has gone terribly wrong. I hope you can and are willing to come here to get to the bottom of this yourself. I hesitate to say that this is so extreme that it requires the whole of the Avengers, but you are a respected figure here, and at the very least, if you were to show up yourself, I have no doubt that this matter would be straightened out right away.
A Concerned Citizen of Utopia
“So what do the good citizens of mutant-world want, Steve? Don’t tell me. Logan’s hosting a bake-sale and wants you to put in an appearance so he can jack up the prices of his beer-cakes,” Tony quipped. Already, he’d moved on from watching Steve humiliate himself in the elevator to searching the internet for a donut shop that would deliver.
Steve snorted. “No. Nothing so amusing this time. It seems as if the mutants are having trouble policing their…well, trouble. I didn’t think they could make things work on that island without problems. Then again, look at them. They’re hedonistic…so many of them always were, but since they’ve stopped pretending to live in normal society, they’ve just gotten worse.”
Tony looked up at Steve with a ‘what the fuck’ look stamped on his features. He squirmed on the couch until his ass was firmly in a ‘ready to listen to Steve go on a tirade’ position. He typed something on his laptop and just waited. And waited. And when he glanced up at Steve again, he could see the Boy Scout’s nostrils flaring as if he already pictured some grave injustice being done on that island across country. Other than the mutants who still made their home in the city or wherever they did, most of them were well-out of the way and not worth worrying about. Even Erik wasn’t causing problems anymore. Why was Steve so bothered?
Because he was Steve.
WIP Game
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big-gay-apocalypse · 4 years
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that IS exactly what we do
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avengerphobic · 4 years
good morning to bisexual gods, gay governs of canada, blue teenagers that can teleport, disco singers, black mutant corporals from the civil war that can shoot concussion blasts out of their eyes, human super computers, and the disembodied head of charles xavier 
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kurtty-drabbles · 3 years
The mysterious Death of Charles Xavier Part 2
N/A: A bit more set up for this story.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @kurttyfamily  @tieflingteeth
The chippering birds are singing loudly on the bare branch of the tree near Maximoff´s household. One girl wearing a purple cloak and spreading towards the woman at the entrance of the house- the woman is wearing scarlet and is holding a teacup hovering in the air- and hugs said the woman. “Miss Maximoff, guess what? I got accept into the school!’
Kitty is beaming as she’s holding the letter of acceptance. Wanda Maximoff hugs the girl, her hand is gloved with velvet red and once the hug is broken, the Scarlet Witch titled her head. “School?”
Kitty beams and explains in one go, without needing to breathe, what really happened, and then takes a moment to breathe. Wanda blinks at the explanation.
“I see, let’s drink tea and talk,” Wanda set the table-one can see the magic items and even feel the charm itself. Kitty is familiar with going to this place, however, Kitty never saw the Darkhold...too advanced and too dangerous.
“So, from what you told me, you want to go to Hellfire School to solve the mystery of Charles Xavier´s death, ok, may I ask why?” Wanda asked curiously as the young pupil is tying up her hair in a ponytail at the last minute.
“Well, I...” she is cut off as a strong wind flips her hair, she looks around to see a new person in the room. “Oh, hello Mr. Maximoff,” Kitty greets him. Pietro rolls his eyes-it´s possible to see the corner of his mouth twisting in a smile- and speaks to the girl.
“I told you to stop calling me that, Mr. Maximoff makes me feel old...and I already have white hair,” he mentions his hair as proof of his words.
Kitty nods sagely. “Ok, Mr. P”
Wanda chuckles at that. Pietro sighs.
“Well, it’s better...and you what you two are talking about? magic stuff?” Pietro asked interested and resembling a curious puppy. Wanda shakes her head.
“Actually no, we´re talking about Kitty going to Hellfire School,” Wanda explained cautiously. “The school where Prof X was murder,” she raises her eyebrows and gesture to Kitty Pryde.
Pietro takes the hint. “So, let me get this straight, you wanna solve another mystery?” Pietro asked, and Kitty nods mutely. “Of course, here we go again, ok...did you know Prof X´ house was a school before the Hellfire took over?”
Kitty denies and now is giving undying attention to Pietro.
“Yeah, the Hellfire used to be a school for all mutants, well, he had a group of mutants called X-Men...Scott was the leader,” Pietro snickers and Wanda gives him a pointy look at him.
“After the death of Prof X, yes Kitty he was called like that, the X-Men disbanded, and re-grouped in other places,” Wanda pipes in calmly.
Pietro grimace now. “Our sperm donor was friends with Prof X,” he looks a bit revolted, “or maybe more than friends when the bald man died...our sperm donor cried like we never saw before, nor we´ll,” Pietro added somberly.
Wanda nods. “Yes, Magneto was so distraught by Prof X´ death...he even tried to take the school to honor his “friend” death," Wanda takes a sip of his cup of tea. “Then, by the intervention of law, Madelyne Pryor got the acquaintance of the school,”
Wanda can see the gears on Kitty´s mind working.
“But, what about Jean Grey? Should she be the one to be the heir? I mean, Prof X had a son ....who rejected him, the school in several ways, even legal ways,” Kitty remembers that story and has the clips saved on her pen drive.
Pietro interjected. “Well, yes. But Jean and Maddy are twins,” Pietro seems to want to make a joke and Wanda shakes her head. “Anyway, Maddy was made the heir for reasons we do not know...and then she and Emma created the Hellfire school, a place for mutants who are real genius!”
kitty blinks remembering this story. This time Wanda scoffs.
“Emma is a bitch,” Wanda replied and Kitty is shocked by the choice of words. “Sorry Kitty, but, she is....we have a bad history. Anyway, it was her idea to make this school so...exclusive,” Wanda is clearly not pleased.
Pietro nods in agreement. “She’s also one of the few telepaths who are powerful enough to hold the title Prof X left open,”
“And to make our sperm donor back off, say what you will about Emma, but she’s truly strong to make Magneto think twice before anything, few have this...privilege,” Wanda replied cooly.
Kitty nods. “And how the body was found? I mean, Prof X is/was a powerful telepath... I find it hard to believe he was murder in the traditional way,”
Pietro and Wanda sent a look to each other.
“Kitten, look, is already too late to say how dangerous and morbid this all is, again, not your first mysterious death nor will be your last...but, Prof X had many secrets, made many enemies...his death is not truly investigated,” the twins talked together.
Kitty holds her tongue to not say how funny that was.
“I know...but like you two said, together! I had to do this once again,” Kitty states conventionally.
Wanda sighs and then speaks. “You know, Reeds tried to solve it...”
Pietro shakes his head. “He’s that smart and I bet he knows what happened but refuses to share it,”
No one argues against that.
Kitty holds her letter. “Well, guess I have to be smarter than him,” she jokes. “and yes, I´ll solve the case,”
“Just be careful, Kitty, those students are scary smart, one of them, moon girl is so smart she...created a dino,” Pietro exclaimed perplexed.
Wanda chuckles. “You have a twin you is a witch. This surprised you?!”
“Wanda, have you made a T-Rex? No, I don´t think so,”
Kitty watches them bicker for some time.
Cameron is a rational man, at least, he truly hopes he is. When his daughter develops magic and mutation well, the man was freaking out, but, thanks to Terry, his dear wife, the man got a grip and did the right thing.
This, however, is a matter they both need to discuss quickly as possible. “Terry, listen, I have a friend in New Orleans, he has a house for rent, we can go there...Kitty can study in that School of magic in New Orleans, We can live there,” Cameron suggested.
Terry’s lips are now a thin line. “Look, we´re jumping horses here, your job...how that would work?”
Cameron raises his hand. “We have a filial in New Orleans, I can be transferred there,”
Terry is biting her lips now. “Yes, but the legal process would take a while, plus, we never enter contact with that school, Wanda told us, remember? That New Orleans magic school has time to accept new students...and I think we´re far behind,” Terry responds worriedly.
“True, but I was thinking...maybe Scarlet Witch could...you know, open some door for Kitty,” noticing his wife’s gaze, Cameron amends. “Look, I´m not happy with any of this, but, do you want our daughter to be the sole magic user here?”
Terry blinks.
“I´m a muggle, ok, but even I know Kitty must be lonely here. She’s the only witch in this area, is involved in dark mysterious and well, is the only witch too young to join a coven,” Cameron replied.
“Oh...but she has so many friends, does she needs witch friends?”
“I don´t know, again, I´m a muggle, but, wouldn´t hurt...Kitty can be more close with her magic side, it feels as if we´re trying to force her to choose one side,” Cameron states.
“All paths lead to Hellfire School then, and I hate it, I don´t want them to bully her...look, our daughter may not be magic, but, those kids...” she trails off.
Cameron nods slowly. “I´m afraid too, but let’s be real, what option do we have here, we once tried to lock her in her room to stop her from tangle her in dark mystery, and...we found out her former principal is Satan,”
“Mephisto” Terry corrected.
“Yeah, so...let’s try a new approach, maybe this is just the typical ‘’rich dude is killed for money’’ and will be bored, hey, sometimes rich people kill each other for money, not for Satan,”
The door slams and the two adults jolt.
Kitty enters the house. Still holding the letter. “Mom, dad...”
Terry just hugs her daughter, “tell me, do you want to go to this school?”
Kitty nods.
“Promise to call us?”
Kitty nods.
“Then...fine...guess we have no choice, but, look is temporary, you heard me, temporary!”
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maxximoffed · 4 years
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You must find them and kill them before they destroy all of creation.
X-Treme X-Men v.2 #1
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niuniente · 4 years
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Kurt Waggoner and Kurt Darkholme.
I probably should someday make a list of all Kurt parallel universe versions out there.
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basicbibitch · 4 years
I have a Nightcrawler Facebook group for anyone who uses it, done a poll recently for which Nightcrawler solo series is the best.
If link doesn't work it's called The Nightcrawler Fan Club (made in 2014 as there's probably multiple ones)
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bamfoftheundead · 4 years
Why do all the Kurt's DIE so fucking much????? It goes to show that the writers don't give a shit abt him or characters that don't have traditionally powerful mutations
When we first see darkholme, 616 Kurt is dead and then we meet little waggoner and then! Dead! Fucking dead!! And THEN darkholme himself gets offed!! What!the!fuck!!!!!! Kurt deserves better goddamnit! He's not just some fucking plot device you can throw away when your bored. He's literally one of the best characters possible and y'all just toss him aside bc he's merciful and won't take a life (except darkholme lmao)
Like?? Damn just let me have Kurt if your not gonna use him then, hand him over, @dave cockrum your oc is mine now
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marvelheroperil · 5 years
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Cyclops finds himself trapped in a cage which drains the mutants of their powers. There, he meets the other mutants from different alternate universes who were also kidnapped and trapped like him. Then, Cyclops works himself out of the power-draining cage by using a tool to cut the glass and blast his way out. 
- Astonishing X-Men v3 #45, 2011
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I would pay so much money to read that book.
X-Treme X-Men (2012) #13
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androidsghost · 7 years
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chapteruntitledddd · 7 years
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it is said that they are both 14 and teenagers deserve to be happy and have friends...
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big-gay-apocalypse · 4 years
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Glammest gun in the west.
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