misaelpandora · 3 years
I've uploaded the first two chapters of my new Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction. You are welcome to check it out :)
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drabbledays · 6 years
Silly: Chapter 4
Strangely, I’ve yet to do any scenes of Hiei and Botan actually interacting. Which is proving to be quite a challenge. Something of the sort should make its debut in the next chapter (I hope) but for now, here’s some mild KuwabaraxYukina as well as a rare Hiei-Kuwa scene! Which, like the entire fic itself, is really new to me. Happy Reading!
It wasn’t a scene he was expecting to see on a regular visit to Genkai’s. It was suppose to well, just be the usual evening visit, he’d bring over some groceries to last Yukina a few meals till his next visit, then they will probably spend a couple of hours by the veranda talking about their week, sometimes their conversations fade into moments of silence where her mind wanders over the forest before them while his thoughts hovers over her being. Something a little less… complicated.
 Instead, he entered the compound sensing an additional presence in the temple as well as the weakening of two others. He raced to the room where he sensed Yukina to be and was surprised to see Botan injured. Needless to say, he was confused to see how and why Hiei was here too. And the fact that he was seemingly accessing his life energy to heal Botan.
 Kuwabara merely stood before the open sliding doors just outside the room. Somehow, he felt as if he might be interrupting something. Minutes later, his eyes traced a tired but joyful Yukina smiling up at the fire demon. Hiei merely nodded and soon returned his attention to Botan. He might be wrong, but for a second there he was sure the two were holding hands. If he didn’t know the demon so well, he’d say Hiei actually looked relieved that Botan was well.
 His mind quickly returned to the ice maiden who was already half way towards him. He watched her shut the doors behind her and turned to him. He felt his heart froze and heat slowly gathering in his cheeks when she weakly took hold of his shirt before resting her forehead against his chest. What was going on?
 “Yu-Yukina?” he croaked weakly, still flustered by their sudden contact. She sniffled as the gentle taps of tear gems hitting wooden floors echoed through the hall. “Kazuma,” she answered and turn up to him with more gems threatening to form. “Botan’s safe.” she said, “I’m so relieved” she continued, smiling up at him. She must have been really scared and worried. Looking away from him, she returned to bury her face in his shirt. The man looked at her and wondered what really happened that evening. Whatever the case, he was proud.
 “Silly Yukina, you’re suppose to laugh if you’re happy.” he teased, raising his hand to gently pat her on the head. His heart eased at the sound of her giggles, yet he can’t shake the feeling that Hiei played a part in Yukina’s relief. Weird.
 “Hold still, danggit!” cursed Kuwabara, in his great struggle to close the final stitch.
 “I’m not the one moving you oaf.” answered Hiei, “You’re the one with the trembling hands.” he continued, annoyed at his decision to see this through. Yukina had offered to patch him up, but the idiot had insisted that she rest and volunteered to tend to his wound in her stead. Hiei had refused the idea entirely, but Yukina wouldn’t rest unless she was certain that his injuries were looked after.  
 Thus, here he laid at the mercy of his least favourite person.
 “Needles just aren’t really my thing!” he replied in defense, “And you should be grateful I’m even helping you out in the first place.”
 “I didn’t ask for your help.” answered Hiei, his patience running low with the oaf’s constant stitching errors.
 “Well, if it wasn’t for Yukina I wouldn’t have helped!” Kuwabara answered in a huff before refocusing on the task at hand.
 There he goes again, with his silly reasons.
 “Why do you do it?” he had to ask. “Why do you do it for her?”
 Kuwabara looked at him, perhaps a little taken aback that Hiei would actually continue a conversation with him, especially with something of considerable insight. He sighed and answered Hiei in all seriousness,
 “Because I love her. Isn’t it obvious?”
 Hiei glared at the man, irritated but at the same time perplexed. As much as this oaf had professed of his so-called affection for his sister, he had never thought it to have much depth. Yet, here he is tending to a person who, Hiei presumes would be his least favourite too.  
 “What are you so upset about!” exclaimed Kuwabara, as he dropped his tools into the little basin. “You don’t… have a crush on her or something like that do ya?” he questioned, Hiei couldn’t help but rolled his eyes. “Well, even if you do, it’s nothing compared to what I feel for her, so bug off!” the oaf went on and Hiei sighed, as his strength thinned along with his patience.
 “Stop getting ahead of yourself you idiot.” he said, pulling his uninjured arm over his eyes in hopes to ease his fatigue as the drain of using his life force finally kicks in. “It’s nothing like that.”
 His answer had seemingly appeased the oaf. Seeing how he kept silent and continued to dress his wound. That is, till a few demon heartbeats later.
 “What about Botan?” questioned the fool, “I swear I saw the two of you holding hands earlier on.” he continued. Hiei’s thoughts lingered to that very recent memory of having her hands in his. It wasn’t something he practiced. No one had held on to him like she did in those few minutes. His hands were weapons of fear and destruction not one of healing or comfort. Perhaps it was only instinctual in her moment of pain and discomfort. Yet, she called out to him. Strangely, a part of him wanted to hear her call him again. Truly strange.  
 “Stop imagining things.” he mumbled before drifting off to sleep, in hopes to leave these peculiar thoughts of his for another complicated day.  
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kiliinstinct · 5 years
What're you favorite Yu-Yu Hakusho ships?
Ahem… TouyaxYukina. Crack pairing if there ever was one, but there it is. Also I ship The canon pair, YusukexKeiko. And I’m all right with KuwabaraxYukina. And.. under… certain circumstances, I can also be okay with KuramaxHiei or KuramaxYusuke, but I prefer keeping Kurama and Hiei single. Also JinxTouya and JinxYusuke are cool too.
Edit: I can’t believe I didn’t put ShizuruxSakyo in here… (or ShizuruxKurama and BotanxKurama- )
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yyh-revival · 6 years
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KuwabaraXYukina by Kitsune-Kiara
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its-a-kasshu-thing · 6 years
20 salty ask, yyh
Hello! Can I just say I appreciate your existence, @dezzydoesthings. You always have interesting things to add to the yyh fandom and I love to read what you have to say every time!Anyway,20. “Purest ship?”: KuwabaraxYukina. They are both just so kindhearted characters and I think they would be good for each. Kuwabara is extremely honorable and has everyone’s best interests at heart while Yukina is sweet and caring to everyone she meets! They are both just so adorable!Thank you for the ask! Hope you are enjoying your day!!
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valoniel · 6 years
001 - YYH :D
Favorite character: Hiei
Least Favorite character: Rinku
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): HieixKurama, YuusukexKeiko, KuwabaraxYukina, SuzukaxShishiwakamaru
Character I find most attractive: This is not a pretty bunch, man. Hiei.
Character I would marry: which one of these goombas is marriage material? Shizuru. I’d marry Shizuru.
Character I would be best friends with: Again, probably Shizuru.
a random thought: Hiei got really good at videogames in the run-up to the Makai tournament. That whole Sensui thing threw him for a loop.
An unpopular opinion: ...Yu Yu Hakusho is good? I don’t know.
My Canon OTP: Yuusuke xKeiko
My Non-canon OTP: HieixKurama
Most Badass Character: Kurama
Most Epic Villain: ‘Epic’ doesn’t really apply, here. Um. Perhaps for sheer gross factor Toguro-ani.
Pairing I am not a fan of: HieixYuusuke
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I have no idea.
Favourite Friendship: Yuusuke and Kuwabara
Character I most identify with: Still Hiei
Character I wish I could be: Hiei. Seriously, I love Hiei.
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group-noodle · 7 years
Thoughts While Watching Yu-Yu Hakusho for the First Time as an Adult (Since 2006).u
Omg. Omg this intro is so fucking cheesy. Omg this show is so cheesy. Okay, just gotta remember that the animation gets better. Why does Botan talk like that…? Awuh! Kuwabara is actually way cuter now that I’m an adult. Oh gawd, here comes every 12 year old boy’s first OC. Edgelord Hiei over here lol. WTF, was I really in love with this pretty boy? Kurama, wtf you were so hot when I was twelve. Lul friendship is magic. K, Kuwabaras with your 15 year old boy invincibility mentality. Yusuke is so typical “abused bad boy.” This music lmao. Oh fuck I’m like really about to cry that Kuwabara’s dead. Dude Genkai is fucking boss. Lol omg KuwabaraxYukina, tho, like OTP. Oh, shit, the Dark Tournie. This is like 2/3 into the show, right? Oh, fuck, I remember Chu, he’s the shit! YAS AUSTRALIA, YAS!! Jin!? Holy shit has he always been a badass!? YAS IRELAND YAS!! Okay, in love with Kurama again. Hiei, put your shirt back on. Hiei, your shirt, man. Bro, that’s like six shirts you guys have torn up, like do y'all have that many outfits packed? Oh look, another left cheek injury. Lol still cool, tho Yoko Kurama, oh god that voice my body is ready. K, Genkai died, I literally don’t care about the show. Here comes dat Genkai, o shit waddup!! Oh fuck, there’s another arc??? Lol Hiei got fucked trying to test them house rules. Yeahhhhh Kurama, my BOIII Oh fuck that fight choreo and animation thoooooooooo so good Yo is this demon dude in love with Sensui? Oh fuck, this is my favorite ending song. I actually don’t remember any of this part of a story arc, Yusuke’s a demon now??? Oh shit Chu and Jin are back, waddup!! I just wanna see Chu, Jin, and Yusuke fuck up some nightlife, though. Like, just leave the city’s dive bars in fucking ruins. Are you real, there’s actually another tournie in the show? That’s like two MMA tournies. Awuh, my babe doesn’t wanna use Yoko because he wants to commit to being with his human family, I think. KuramaxMe forever, tho OTP obvs. HieixUglyQueen forever OTP. Dude, fat demon guys is Demon King? He’s legit, I’ll accept it. K, show’s over, it’s been like two years and Kuwabara still hasn’t closed the deal with Yukina’s cute ass?? Token anime beach scene. Keiko, girl, seriously, you’re too good/annoying for Yusuke. Jk, YusukexKeiko OTP. Aaaaaand FunimationNOW doesn’t have any of the OVAs or the movie. Fuck this I’m gonna go read fanfiction.
KuramaxMe 4ever, tho.
Still my fav.
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blueeyedshuichi · 9 years
YYH Favorite Pairings
Kurama and Botan
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Hiei and Mukuro
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Yusuke and Keiko
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Kuwabara and Yukina
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(KxB art by 一ノ瀬http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52760986)
(HxM art by 阿夜夜 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51521971)
(YxK art by ヒチコhttp://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5555048)
(KxY art by イセケヌhttp://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=22001443)
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