nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
akasha, iranian region? haven't re-read qotd yet, don't remember this info. but it gave me a bizarre fancasting dream, i need to share.
sevdaliza as akasha. she's a singer, that would be a nice nod to aalyah's part in qotd. she's also taller than sam and at least as batshit and intense about her work and craft as he is about his
This is from Queen of the Damned:
"And so it would have been with this young King Enkil if he had had a sister, but he did not. He did not even have a royal cousin or aunt to marry. But he was young and strong and determined to rule his land. Finally, he settled upon a new bride, not from his own people, but from those of the city of Uruk in the Tigris and Euphrates Valley. "And this was Akasha, a beauty of the royal family, and a worshiper of the great goddess Inanna, and one who could bring into Enkil's kingdom the wisdom of her land. Or so the gossip went in the marketplaces of Jericho and Nineveh and with the caravans that came to trade for our wares.
Which puts Akasha's origin somewhere here:
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Sooooo more north (today's) Kuweit, south Iraq, actually.
Still, Sevdaliza could be incredible?! I LOVE her face, the strong features of it... now, I don't know about her acting skills^^, but... yeah, I like.
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ereconda · 1 year
Mosque of Imam Baqir, Zahra, Kuwait
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floreusbellator · 1 year
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Mosque of Imam Baqir, Zahra, Kuwait
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intrepidcrow · 1 year
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Mosque of Imam Baqir, Zahra, Kuwait
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gemmatleslie · 1 year
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Mosque of Imam Baqir, Zahra, Kuwait
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mittromulan · 2 years
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Mosque of Imam Baqir, Zahra, Kuwait
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encyclopedia-mm · 2 years
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female-rappers · 2 years
Leo de la Kuweit - MIMI 
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barnbridges · 8 months
i just reminded myself of that i was bullied to bits in highschool so bad i didnt even show up and let some guy beat me and that also one of my relatives straight up died because she got conned by a guy living in kuweit, truly a day to be a girl.
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thezfc · 8 months
I’ve been in this fandom since 2011 and for the first time ever I feel like I’m wasting my time and I feel I’m not alone. He’s losing credibility.
Yup, that's what I thought and felt when I saw this weird video of him announcing the con in Kuweit. For the first time ever since 2009 I don't look forward to something he does. We'll be hearing the same stories of Loki he has told for the past months, see the same poses with the fans. Is that how he wants to spend this year? Manifesting a cool project real quick...
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theconnollygroup · 2 months
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I'm seeing a lot of fancast for Gabrielle with women around Sam age,since they changed Lestat's age shouldn't she at least be in her 50'-60's?
What is your fancast for her,for Akasha and Enkil? Just for fun .
Well... I did fancasts a while ago here, but of course there's a lot of possibilities. Monica Belucci (who both Sam and Jacob said they wanted as Gabrielle!!), or of course Gillian Anderson.
Enkil I cannot really narrow down, but Akasha... the thing is Aaliyah did a fantastic job. Best thing about the movie, hands down, OST second.
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Seriously. If they manage to reach that level with whoever I'll be more than happy.
As a note, Akasha is book canonically from Iran/Kuweit, and someone suggested Sevdeliza... I talked about that here, but I still think that would be very cool:
There was also an ask a while ago fan casting that one production assistant as her?! (I cannot find it just now, if someone remembers....)
EDIT: A helpful nonny provided the name for the assistant, "Emilie Diatta"
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Given that "Annika" was also on the crew... that could be :)))
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radioclasic · 2 months
Kuweitul a descoperit un zăcământ gigant de petrol
Kuweit Petroleum Corporation (KPC) a anunțat duminică descoperirea unui zăcământ “gigant” de petrol în câmpul Al-Nokhatha, situat la est de insula kuweitiană Failaka. Rezervele de petrol ale acestui nou zăcământ sunt estimate la 3,2 miliarde de barili, informează Reuters. CEO-ul KPC, șeicul Nawaf Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, a declarat într-un videoclip postat de companie pe platforma de socializare X că…
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feelmir · 7 months
This is the main explication why the collective West is unable to sustain a war of attrition in Ukraine. Till Ukraine proxy war, the west was lulled by a triumphalist mind and feelings of invincibility as If we look back of its previous wars of aggression since the demise of the USSR, the western armies and NATO’s miliary forces were able to share their resources and to defeat swiftly and easily the armies of their adversaries. One can remember that following Saddam Hussein’s incursion in Kuweit in August, 1990, George Bush Senior formed international coalition of 32 countries to wage a blitzkrieg against the Iraqi regime on January 16, 1991 leading to the destruction of the Iraqi army and its expulsion from Kuweit. In 1999, after 78 days of bombing, NATO’s member states defeated the Serbian army. One decade after the Gulf war, on October 2001, the United States, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, formed another international coalition leading to the fall of the Taliban regime in Kabul within days and the occupation of this central Asia country during 20 years. In March 2003, the United States supported by its European and the Middle East proxies invaded Iraq and occupied the country in only two months. In 2011, NATO’s military forces destroyed Libya in only seven months, from March to October of this year. Till Ukraine proxy war, the United states achieved its economic, political and geopolitical goals in Iraq and Libya within a short time without a huge mobilization of military resources. Till the launch of Russian military special operation, the West appears to be confident that it is the master of the universe and that its military strength could be allowed to be the most powerful and invincible bloc in the world. But two years after the Russian military operation, the collective west starts realizing its Ukraine proxy war was a trap as this current war is not the other wars of the past and that its military forces which were able to defeat weak countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have no sufficient resources to sustain a war of attrition against Russia. This explain the disarray and desperation of the western bloc as its industrial military complex is not prepared to cope with the military situation on the battlefield in Ukraine by sustaining mass production of military equipment and ammunitions.  The series of defeats inflicted to the Ukrainian armed forces in the last months and weeks show that the western backers of Kiev regime are unbale to cope with the disastrous posture on the battlefield and to sustain a long war of attrition.   
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deejaymrpedro · 8 months
Cel mai nou remix 2024❌Leo De La Kuweit & Formatia Marinica Namol↪ O Mam...
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tony-morningstar · 9 months
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