choco-leche · 4 months
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Some sketches based on the first comic idea I had
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baptaincarnacles · 5 months
What do you think the Octonauts would do if they met the Wild Kratt's team?
Hello! I don't know when I last touched Tumblr, and I apologize for taking so long to answer this question, but I'm back!
If the Octonauts met Wild Kratts, circumstances would depend on how they reacted.
For example, if they appeared in the world of the Wild Kratts, adjusted to fit their world (appeared as humans), I imagine a series of dazed confusion and plenty of flooding questions (and vice versa for the two teams if it was the Octonauts world).
Captain Barnacles would try to make sense- look at it logically even if overwhelmed. He changed from the body he was used to with no clear way of getting home. So, of course- the bulk of his body would need time to comprehend. The same applies to everyone else- adjusting to their new appearances.
However, upon meeting the Kratt crew, you can imagine friendly competition ensued. Kwazzi would be very fond of Martin (troublemakers), Tweak and Aviva would be good friends, Captain Barnacles and Chris, Dashi, Shellington, and Koki, Peso and Jimmy. Professor Inkling finds himself regularly rotating between everyone, fond of hearing the knowledge they have to share (and learning more about how this world views their species).
Martin and Kwazzi would race Buzz Bikes or any of the vehicles. And both are known quite well for crashing them. There are a lot of calls to Aviva and Tweak, though, together, the two come up with better vehicles based on each other's expertise.
Shellington gawks over the technology and marine biology studies. He adores everything new that he learns, and the higher accessibility he has to a base of marine and terra-based organisms. Koki freely gives him access to all the computers- along with Dashi (who has begun priding herself in taking pictures to share with the Wild Kratt Kids).
Barnacles and Chris are a more interesting duo. While their personalities don't match much, they would easily be able to work together. Easily coordinated- and both have a teammate who runs off on a whim. However, Chris is more openly light-hearted and playful. Barnacles is stern- though he allows his light-hearted side to see the light of day.
Peso and Jimmy, I feel, would bond over a shared anxiety for most things. However, Peso more readily dives into action while Jimmy takes a little more pushing. Jimmy would teach Peso to play video games and Peso would teach him to wrap bandages more efficiently.
Overall, their adjustment would cause problems (and the actual introduction of antagonists). Yet, it would be a lovely experience for all of them! (If anyone would be interested, I will gladly explain how I think interactions between the antagonists and the Octonauts would go- as well as introduce some of the other characters from Octonauts (Panni, Natquick, etc...!)
Thank you for the ask!!!
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Kwazzi seemed so disappointed that he didn't find a new animal for Shellington to geek out about.
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rummy1869 · 15 days
Why they so ❤️
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They snazzy
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rin-draws1790 · 1 year
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Suddenly had the urge to quickly draw humanisation Kwazzi- so here is my attempt, still experimenting but I thought he’d look cool with longer hair and it was nice hair practice
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bailey-dreamfoot · 6 months
Another sneak peek for the comic 👀
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The man has color now! Also: a sneak peek of the ajoining fanfic that ima post when the comic is done! (Just ch 1 for now!)
An excerpt from the start of that first chapter! :
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“Captain! Captain!” Shouted a voice from the other side of the HQ. Kwazzi bounded forward, a rolled up paper in his hand. The thing looked ancient.
“Ah, Kwazzi! What do you have there?” The Captain inquired.
”So- I was going through some of my old things- and I found this paper. I thought it was one of my many maps, but upon closer inspection- I don't think I’ve ever seen this one. Have a look!”
The tabby shoved his way next to the Captain and unfurled the tattered map. It seemed older than Kwazzi was. In the top corner of the map lie an emblem featuring a bearded cat, a symbol of the sun behind it, and two rusty swords crossed in an x. It gave the captain an unsure feeling.
”The path leads south of here, away from the island chain. Starting through the coral reef- then down and past these hydrothermal vents. Finally, past this brine pool there is the entrance to an underwater cave system. Where the map ends.”
Kwazzi looked to Barnacle’s worried face before stepping back- attempting to convince him through stuttered speech.
”I- I know it sounds dangerous… But Imagine what could be down there!! Treasure? Knowledge? Who knows! I know I could do it!”
The Captain interrupted, “Wait- You’re planning on going alone??” It wasn't that Barnacles doubted his lieutenant’s capabilities. Quite the opposite. After all, it was Kwazzi and Tweak who got Him, Peso, and Ryla out of near certain death in those caves. But after such an incident? He was cautious letting any of the crew take missions alone.”
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So yeah, that’s all for now! ;]
Edit: i cant belive i posted the excerpt twice and didnt notice till now I PROOFREAD THIS POST.
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astro-nautic · 9 months
Rating different inncorrect spellings of Kwazii's name I've seen
Kwazi - Most common mispelling I see 9/10
Kwazzi - Really Close just got which letter is doubled wrong 10/10
Kwasi - I used to spell it like this 😅 8/10
Quasi - Fair that's the word it sounds like 9/10
Kwazzy - Not the worst but it would never occure to me to put a "y" in it 6/10
Quassy - How do you even get here 3/10
Quazzy - Slightly better 4/10
Kwassy - Looks like sassy 10/10
Qwazy - three letters correct thats more than some 4/10
Cuazy - How my 5 y/o cousin spelt it when asked 10/10 bc it was my cousin
Honorable mention: "Octonauts" spelt "Octonaughts"
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l4mpzdiary · 7 months
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my friend and I's little dilemma on kwazzi and shellington
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Number one: I barely even know the lore of your characters and Octo story, but if anything happened to this story I wpuld be absolutely distraught
Number two! Who was pointing the pistol at the assasin? My first thought was Bianca, but maybe Kwazzi now that I think about it? However I think he was on the ship and the sniper was on land so it's hard
Ask 1: 1/3
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Illustration Time: 3hrs 6min
Low and behold it was Emma all along~ (lol)
To be real with you and to better answer your question. Kwazii was indeed on the ship while they were announcing Barnacle’s new title to the news crew. Bianca would definitely not be on the list of people that they invited to the beach, I don’t think Barnacles would want her there just in case anything were to happen *cough cough*.
Although I am loving the image of Bianca with a gun in her hands!~
Emma was apart of security along with a new character that I may end up introducing later. Kelp figured that if it happened once, he wasn’t going to risk the chance of a second attempt. Unfortunately it seems Emma got in a bit of a tussle with that ram we saw on the cliff landing.
Referenced Posts (In order): “Passing the Torch” , “Danger from Behind” , “Foggy Phone Calls”
Ask 2: 2/3
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Illustration Time: 2hrs 35min
Of COURSE it’s okay to ask @octofanlady14 !!! I’ve already got a few people who want clarification anyways. And this is just another excuse to post one of the OLDEST sketches I have of these two. Literally dating back a year, I’m not joking.
Ofc it’s Emma why wouldn’t it be Emma? I mean it’s not like I based the entire story around these two or anything . . . . Nooooooo!
But in all seriousness Em and Kwazii have been in a happily committed relationship for several years now and it has absolutely WRECKED Em’s sleep schedule!
If you don’t know Maned Wolves are mostly nocturnal at least during certain parts of the year. And the Octopod’s day/night cycle definitely isn’t doing her any favors when she comes to visit. So she tends to go for cuddling rather than sleeping . . . She’s just gotta watch out for Kwazii’s swinging limbs.
Also here are some other pictures I have of these dorks: “A Gift for his Girl” , “Valentines Day”
Ask 3: 3/3
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AMEN!!! WE STAN PEGGY HERE!!! SHE IS MY SECRET AGENT NINJA QUEEN!!! (I’ve been chatting about Peggy with a mutual forever now and she has become one of my personal favs to this AU)
(Lol sry I couldn’t think of anything to draw for this one, its been a rough couple of weeks and my brain is soup)
Current asks 3/8 completed . . .
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deadnymaster · 4 months
Why the Octonauts episodes release are taking so long to be released gobally (theory)
This is an idea that crossed my mind this morning. I don't known from where I took this information of China being so hard to convince to distribute a series on their country, maybe from Steven universe but nothing is comfirmed so take this whith a graint of salt.
The think is that China is a very reserved country whith a very unique culture. And the Octonauts, are very popular on there.
So that makes me think that someone or some group on preproduction or the category who decides the terms and conditions on distribution (idk if it the same group who put the money, I don´t fully known how an animation empress works), decided that the season five, along whith the rest of new content, have to be China exclusive for a while for some reason.
I found this reddit article written 2 years ago that talks more in deep about the season five situation https://www.reddit.com/r/Octonauts/comments/r4k515/where_is_octonauts_season_5_what_happened/
On another point, the evidence that the series has become very China centric decades on a special saga named "Journey to China". A spinoff that takes the "chinification" of the series to the extreme (and it's actually very probably to be a series that never leaves China legally, and that we never have an official dubbing into other languages of it for the rest of the world due to the circumstances. But remember, this is all speculaion and nothing is confirmed).
Another efect of the "chinafication" of the show, is the appearence of new characters bassed on chinesse animals. The most notorious would be Min the red panda and Paani, who is a species of monkey that despite coming from India, can also be found on China. He also replaces Kwazzi in most of the episodes of above an beyond (presumibly due to the chinafication)
This would be the end of my theory, remember that all is especulative and that nothing confirmed, put your thoughts on the comments
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choco-leche · 1 year
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Am I the only one who found the Admiral Sweaty Socks thing strangely funny??
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baptaincarnacles · 2 years
Octonauts- but it's just things my family has said:
Kwazzi, scoffing: I saw someone on the internet who didn't know if Jerma was real. They thought he was some mythical character.
Barnacles: So, did you tell them that Jerma is a real person?
Kwazzi: Well...
Kwazzi: The question they asked was, “is Jerma real?”
Kwazzi: I told them simply, “no.”
Barnacles: I think that you're becoming a problem on the internet.
Shellington: Can you see if I left my room in the kitchen?
Dashi: What?
Shellington: I meant can you see if I left my notepad in my room? Jumping jellyfish.
Peso: *jumbles words*
Peso: Oh my- it sounded like I said various slurs.
Barnacles: I don't think you did- but it reminds me of the old Mickey Mouse clips from the 1940s. Specifically those with Goofy.
The crew:
The crew:
Kwazzi: Alright, this is part of my day now.
Dashie: *drops a phone on her face* I'm getting a little too attracted to electronics.
Kwazzi: *referring to another sea myth* It brings a very unbridled feeling to my soul- I don't know what unbridle means.
Barnacles, distraught: A gnat?
Shellington, still screaming: YEAH-
Barnacles: *accidentally runs into Tracker*
Tracker: Ow- you hit me in the karate place!
Peso: What in the sneak snack did you say to me?
Peso, after hearing another horror story: Manifesting that no one is in the bathroom with me.
Barnacles: I'll let you take a spin if you can tell me a classical composer.
Kwazzi: William Mozart and the third one!
Barnacles: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...?
Professor Inkling: I'm going to forbid myself from speaking.
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mooshie-blue · 26 days
Wheeler’s POV
he was stuck behind a boulder, with minimal injuries, and Shellington crawled through and kept him company while Tweak and Barnacles were figuring out a way to move the boulder, Peso and Kwazzi kept Ferris company during this time as well.
After they got the boulder out of the way, Barnacles carried Ferris out of the cave, everyone made it. Everything was alright. Ferris’s leg healed shortly after too.
Ferris’ POV
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sockkd · 1 year
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monowritestoomuch · 2 months
nahnahnah but you gotta just hear me out on this froggy bae
Kawaii has a nightmare and wakes up and he's tough and shit so he's gonna man it out but Peso wakes up yk and helps him calm down hehehehehe
He could practically feel spiders crawling up and down his fur. The spiders screeched and bit him and jumped at him, their beady eyes staring straight at him, black and red and terrifying. 
Kwazii shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, clutching his chest fur. His heart was beating rapidly and his sight was blurring. He looked around the room, only remembering the phantom feeling of the spiders crawling up and down his body, their beady eyes watching him struggle in terror. 
He wished for the sweet respite in that moment, his ears ringing. His pupils were blown wide and his breathing uneven. 
Deal with it Kwazii, a voice rang in Kwazii’s head. You’re a damn pirate Octonauts for pirate’s sake! Deal with it!
His eyes moved rapidly around the room, scanning every wall and every shadow for the spiders. It felt like something was crawling up and down the fur on his arms. He scratched them, as an attempt to dissuade the feeling. 
“Kwazii. . .?” a voice called from the door. A familiar voice. Peso. “Are you okay, Kwazii?”
“‘M fine matey,” Kwazzi managed to get out. “G-go back t’ bed.” His voice was shaking, like his own body.
“You’re shaking,” Peso stated, like it was a universal fact. Kwazii flinched backward into the headboard.
“I jus’ had a nightmare,” Kwazii told the penguin. “I can take care o’ it me’self.”
Peso took another hesitant step forward towards Kwazii, flippers in the air in front of him in a surrendering motion.
“You’re shaking Kwazii,” Peso stated, clearly concerned. “Let me help you.”
“I’m no scaredy-pirate Peso, I can handle me’self,” Kwazii repeated firmly. He was still shaking, his paws unsteady at his sides. 
Peso walked towards him, sitting beside him on the red sheets of the bed. Peso picked Kwazii’s paws and held them with his flippers in front of him. Peso traced Kwazii’s paws slowly, drawing on them with his flippers.
Kwazii felt as Peso traced his flippers on Kwazii’s paws, tracing shapes and letters. He watched as Kwazii’s blown pupils calmed down and went back to their normal size. Kwazii’s breathing slowed down and calmed. 
Peso put one of his flippers on Kwazii’s back, rubbing it in a comforting motion, his other flipper still tracing one of Kwazii’s paws. Kwazii looked Peso straight in the eyes, already feeling the embarrassment. 
Kwazii decided that it couldn’t get more embarrassing than it already was, so he wrapped his arms around the penguin beside him, placing his head over Peso’s shoulder. Peso, although surprised at first, wrapped his arms around the cat and put his head over Kwazii’s shoulder, rubbing his back with one of his fins.
They sat like that for a while, arms wrapped around each other in a comforting motion. All was peaceful until the Octo-Alert sounded off, causing Peso and Kwazii to break apart and make their way to the launch bay.
“Are you feeling any better now?” Peso asked, tilting his head in Kwazii’s direction as they walked down to the launch bay together. 
“Aye matey. . .” Kwazii responded, pausing for a moment, his whiskers twitching. He turned to Peso, placing a hand on his shoulder. “. . .thank you, Peso.”
 “Anytime, Kwazii,” Peso responded, smiling as the two made their way down to the launch bay before they both managed to be late. 
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the-octopod · 7 months
what’s your favourite time you went out and explored, maybe made a discovery? excluding the immortal jellyfish thing because i have a feeling that’s what you would say if i didn’t say that lol
(also say hi to kwazzi for me please he’s the coolest cat ever :3)
- a very big fan of marine biology and the octonauts
Another Shellington fan! I am very flattered! 🤗
You've got that right about me, the immortal jellyfish mission has been my favorite thus far. However, aside from that, I'd have to say my favorite mission was when we re-discovered the coelacanth, because it was an incredible scientific discovery, and some anthros just couldn't believe it! But, the hidden lake in Antarctica was amazing too, it felt like being on a whole different planet, and I also discovered some living creatures there myself! I just really like the discovery aspect of missions, I suppose. And it always feels nice when the Octonauts make contributions to the textbooks.
Thank you for reading my answer and I will make sure to tell Kwazii that somebody thinks he is the coolest cat, I'm sure he would like that.
Have a wonderful day, anonymous user. And thank you for asking!
Dr. Shellington Sea Otter
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