#Kyu-Furukawa Garden
ampersandra · 4 months
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i just did this for fun but i do want to put it on my blog so here's a bunch of comparison photos of the kyu-furukawa gardens (mainly the museum/historical house) and the location for the mission movie production in idolish7 third beat! and also it's the design for rokkenjima in umineko and it was in episode 1 of jetman
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in real life, there's more garden between the house and the lawn, which you can kinda see in the satellite photo, but the actual exterior of the house is pretty much spot on! most of the photos are full of people checking out the park so its almost funny to imagine yamato sitting out here alone by this huge lawn having a breakdown.
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to the right of the sun room on the lawn side is the main entrance! i found an okay photo where you can see the windows that match on the side where yuki talks with the director, and i did find a good one one to compare to the establishing shot, so you can see where it connects to the sun room.
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to the left of the lawn is the rose garden! the steps were very easy to find similar pictures for, but i had a hard time finding wide shots of the garden from a similar angle as the show. the closest i got was one from the opposite side, since the layout is pretty much mirrored down the middle!
overall, the exterior is almost an exact match which is very cool to see :) i was gonna say that i didn't think they referenced it as heavily for the interior, but i just found a picture with a floor plan for the first floor and i can identify exactly which rooms they referenced now lol. anyway. the wikipedia page for the gardens mentions the first floor has western style rooms while the second floor is japanese style with tatami mats, so all the rooms in the anime are on the first floor. i mostly found pics of the interior that didn't match any room in the anime, so ill just compare what i can see in the floor plan & its small picture for each room.
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okay so i'm rewriting this now that i know which room it is, aka the study! while getting screenshots, i realized all three of these scenes were in the same room, and the floor plan confirmed that for me. the picture for the study shows its fireplace with the large mirror over it, as well as the built-in shelves along the wall opposite the windows, something i think is unique to that room. the chandelier and pattern on the wall also match.
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another one i'm rewriting now that i know exactly which room it matches! before i had any pictures, all i could figure out was where it was located on the outside (and i was correct!) based on the bay window placement. this is the only scene in this room and they never cross the 180 line so we don't get to see the other side, which is the only side i have actual pics of, but there's still some stuff i can check. the chandelier is a match and the doors/windows/fireplace match up with the floor plan! the floor plan photo is too bright to see how well the wall matches, but i did eventually find exactly one photo from inside the room. there is wallpaper over white square wood panels but its not exactly the same as the anime. i'm guessing they changed it bc a darker, blue color matches the scene & yamato's issues better.
OKAY THAT'S A WRAP. this was all for me, so if you aren't me and you just read this: thank you i hope you enjoyed :)
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metalsnowflakes · 4 months
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Forgot to post that a couple days ago my friend and I got to visit the Kyu-Furukawa Gardens that are used in Umineko ❤️💕
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muratagawa · 11 months
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Kyu-Furukawa Gardens, Tokyo, November 2023
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villapaitapeli · 1 year
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Kyu-Furukawa Gardens spotted in Ainana
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旧古河邸 Kyu-Furukawa Garden
TAMRON SP 24-70mm f2.8 Di VC USD A007
24mm f11 1/40 ISO100 EXP0
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ta260 · 2 years
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fudeen · 2 years
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nobu11051991 · 2 years
Why don’t you enjoy Roses, Japanese garden, Retro shopping streets and pain remove temple?
Why don’t you enjoy Roses, Japanese garden, Retro shopping streets and pain remove temple?
Why don’t you enjoy Roses, Japanese garden, retro shopping streets and pain remove temple? I walked from the Kyu Furukawa garden to the famous Togenuki Jizo(pain remove temple), and the local residential area. Kyu Furukawa garden Kyu Furukawa garden is a metropolitan garden located in Nishigahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo. It was completed in its present form (Western-style building, Western garden,…
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photoconcerto · 5 years
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小雨の旧古河庭園で薔薇を (3) Watching the rose in full bloom in the Kyu-Furukawa Gardens, Tokyo  (3)
Kyu-Furukawa Gardens   Tokyo,   MAY 2019,  SONY RX1R,  Zeiss Zonnar T* 35mm F2.0                                                                                                          We can look at the enlarged images clicking the original ones.
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fudeen-note · 2 years
このページの Photograph はこちらをクリック (click here)
はち切るるごとき精力を身に持ちたし   と呼吸をぞとむる 薔薇のくれなゐ                 若山牧水
 盛夏、灼熱の太陽のもとに咲く薔薇の姿は、熱波に燃え上がるようです。  朝雲は1973年に日本で作出された薔薇で、同年のローマ国際コンクールで銀賞を受賞したそうです。花の色は黄色に紅色の覆輪、直径 13 cm にもなる大輪の花です。  黄色に紅がのる様子が朝焼けに染まる雲を思わせる事から、「朝雲」「oriental dawn」と命名されたそうです。  そんな朝雲の眩い雰囲気を写し撮るべく 1 EV の差で 6 枚現像し、high dynamic range image として仕上げました。
☆ Shooting Data ------------------------ ○ camera : OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 Mark Ⅱ ○ lens : OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-200mm F3.5-6.3 ○ focal length : 200 mm ( compared to 35mm format : 400 mm ) ○ mono pod : velbon ultra stick super 8, manfrotto #234RC swivel tilt head ○ shooting mode : Program AE ○ Tv ( Shutter Speed ) : 1/640 sec. ○ Av ( Aperture Value ) : F11.0 ○ ISO speed rate : 200
☆ Developing Data ( RAW ) ------------------------ ○ development : RAW image developed by SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro ○ taste : fudeen's special ○ exposure compensation ( by camera ) : -1/3 EV ○ exposure compensation ( by developer ) : +1/3 EV ○ total exposure compensation : ±0 EV ○ white balance : setting by shooting [ 4,958 K ] ○ tone adjustment : a little strong contrast ○ saturation : manual [ 1.09 / 8.0 ] ○ color profile : natural ○ color representation : film color Velvia ○ sharpness : pure detail  edge emphasis [ 18 / 100 ]  detail emphasis [ 75 / 100 ]  black spotted outline control [ 25 / 100 ] ○ noise reduction : fine detail  false color control : [ 30 / 100 ]  fringe removal : [ 12 / 100 ]  noise aligned : [ 25 / 100 ]  noise removal : [ 21 / 100 ]  dark side noise reduction [ a little strong ] ○ highlights controller : [ initial value ]  color / brightness emphasis [ 25 / 100 ]  saturation / hue emphasis [ 70 / 100 ]  bright portion compensation [ 50 / 100 ]  dynamic range extension [ +5.00 / 6.0 EV ] ○ development setting : adjustment of demosaic sharp [ 0 / 100 ]
☆ Exposure Blending Data ( HDRI ) ------------------------ ○ exposure blending by Photomatix Pro 6.3 ○ style : soft ○ EV spacing : 6 images, -3, -2, -1, ±0, +1, +2 ○ tone mapping method : contrast optimization ○ strength for tone mapping [ 40 / 100 % ] ○ tone compression [ -10.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ light effect [ 0 / 100 % ] ○ luminance [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ white clip [ 3.0 / 10.0 ] ○ black clip [ 1.0 / 10.0 ] ○ color settings : image color ○ saturation [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ color temperature [ ±0.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ brightness [ +1.0 / ±10.0 ] ○ blending / opacity [ 0 / 100 ] ○ contrast : medium contrast ○ sharpness : medium
☆ Location & Target ------------------------ ○ location : 古河庭園 ○ target : 薔薇
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Kyu-Furukawa Rose Festival
April 29th — June 30th Annual rose festival at Kyu-Furukawa Gardens with about 100 varieties of flowers coming into bloom. The western-style mansion and gardens will be lit up between the 10th and 19th of June when the opening hours are extended until 9pm. Rose-inspired gifts are on sale and musical bands also perform in the grounds.
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ampersandra · 4 months
i guess everyone needs to watch idolish7 with someone who's really into umineko because rewatching with my sister led us to discover that the mission movie in production during the first half of 3rd beat is being filmed at a real park in tokyo called kyu-furukawa gardens, which was ALSO used as rokkenjima/the umineko house. and in the first episode of jetman (apparently, according to wikipedia. which only mentions those two and not idolish7. sad.)
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ethereal---spirits · 5 years
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I had so many photos it was difficult to pick a few for my blog post about Autumn at Kyu-Furukawa. But I did and it’s here: https://blukats.blogspot.com/2020/01/autumn-at-kyu-furukawa.html
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muratagawa · 11 months
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Kyu-Furukawa Gardens, Tokyo, November 2023
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donnamorta · 2 years
I. 4, 8 II. 6, 8 III. 7, 9, 11 IV. 2, 7, Malkavians, Brujah, Nosferatu
Which Predator type do they most align with and why?
The Alleycat predator type is really the closest I could get to categorizing her preferred predation methods. She prefers a more direct, combat orientated approach to hunting with no cloak and daggers nonsense, and she feels that is one of the few ways to go about her organovore-specific dietary needs in a ‘moral’ fashion, since she can no longer sustain herself on animals or rotting body parts.
Calypso has a very specific preferred type of prey ━ the strong and oppressive. Be they abusive partners or violent rabble, she uses her investigative skills to sniff them out and hunt them down, then challenge them directly. She’ll even go as far as to give herself certain handicaps to level the playing field and make things at least somewhat fair. If she wins, she rips their heart out of their chest and devours it. If she loses (VERY unlikely given her level of physical prowess, but it sometimes happens), they live to see another day. She’ll give chase the next day, certainly, but for the night they’re free to go.
Who are their Touchstones, if any?
Wade Estrada and Maxine Sullivan, the adult son of one of her past victims and a little girl who lives near her haven respectively, both of which she has more of a parasocial relationship with rather than anything direct. A part of her is afraid that having them even be mildly associated with her could put them in danger, considering she IS Red Listed by the Camarilla and has her fair share of adversaries.
What were their goals and ambitions in life? How has this changed?
Calypso... didn’t have much of a life when she was still a living, breathing mortal. She spent most of her days locked away in the attic, and at most her goals tended to be ‘don’t piss off Mom today.’ Now that she’s free, her goals have changed drastically. If anything, she strives to purposefully piss off authority figures and live her unlife to its fullest, indulging herself with all of life’s pleasures that she was previously forbidden from partaking in.
When they were Embraced, what was the aftermath like? Did they fake their death, do their loved ones think they went missing, etc.?
Honestly, there really wasn’t much to it. She was embraced on the streets of England after escaping from her home, destitute and about to starve if her typhoid fever didn’t kill her first. There was no need to stage anything, and those of the Giovanni family who were still searching for her would eventually simply come to the conclusion that she had died somewhere out there and ceased their efforts within the first few years of her disappearance.
Have they Embraced anyone? Ghouled anyone?
She’s embraced two childer since her own embrace, one who was in a situation much like her own and another who could use the power to exact his vengeance. She loves them both dearly, though they have fallen out of touch over the years.
As a principle, Calypso doesn’t ghoul humans. She HAS ghouled animals, though, and currently has three Dobermans, one Japanese Chin and one Bengal tiger as thralls.
What’s their haven like?
A sprawling mansion-style abode with a large backyard and far enough away from the big city for her pets to go apeshit on, taking major inspiration from the Kyu-Furukawa Gardens. It’s got a secret little underground area where she prefers to get her daysleep, reducing the chances of coming anywhere near sunlight ones the sun rises.
May or may not have gotten the deed to it via extortion.
How do they feel about Diablerie?
Mmmmmmm fellow elder blood slurprppreppeprpprprpr MMMMMMMMMMMMM. Preferable to consuming kine in some cases.
What do they think about the Anarch movement?
FAR more tolerable than the Camarilla, but not without their flaws. She definitely thinks they need to stop upholding the Masquerade as strongly as they do, could use less Barons, and should stop being so concerned about being seen as ‘thugs’ or what have you when there are far more pressing matters.
What do they think about the Garou?
Sympathetic, for the most part. She’s empathetic to their efforts of staving off the inevitable apocalypse as well as their admirable loyalty to Gaia, even if she usually isn’t tolerated among them for very long due to her kinda-sorta low humanity levels and thus a perceivable amount of Wyrm taint. Their tendency to attack first and ask questions later when it comes to Kindred or even some kine is... irritating, though, to say the least.
What do they think about Clan Malkavian?
Fairly neutral, though endlessly curious. The Cobweb/Madness Network and the stories of Malkav himself in particular are so, so interesting. Finds them more funny or even incomparably insightful than scary or creepy.
What do they think about Clan Brujah?
Blood siblings in arms, at least until proven otherwise. She’s very loyal to her clan as a whole and will absolutely stick up for even strangers belonging to it out of principle. However... they can definitely do without the infighting and that weird branch of the self proclaimed “True Brujah” who kiss the toes of their Antediluvian.
What do they think about Clan Nosferatu?
SO fucking COOL. Their own breed of unflinching clan loyalty to one another as well as their ironclad tenacity to survive even among the shallow ire other Kindred is inspirational and inherently respectable. She’d prefer their company of even the most Camarilla-loyal of them over the company of a Toreador any day.
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prisonstrip · 3 years
thinks about how the actual irl rokkenjima mansion (kyu-furukawa gardens in tokyo) has a heart shaped pond in the yard
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