#Kyubi Aoi
marikyubi · 9 months
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Drawing made on: 03/11/2022 This was a sketch of MariKyubi Aoi, he usually covers his mouth with a half mask, but here he has an uncomfortable-scared face because another people saw his face without a mask, he hates his scar, since then his design has been improved. I hope you like it.
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi | かくりよの宿飯
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just-somehuman · 3 years
My Smol ARR Headcannons
Since the "kou" part means sparkles, his everyday outfit is sparkly.
He makes flower crowns and flower bracelets when he's bored.
Despite how much he eats, he doesn't know how to use chopsticks. His excuse is because chopsticks give you the "minimum amount of consumption per bite". He only uses Western cutlery.
He hums while he washes the dishes and occasionally dances with the broom and/or mop.
He's a bit (very) broke and relies on Gaku when it comes to money or purchasing anything since he's the one that works.
All kitsunes' ears are fluffy, that's a fact, but his are super extra fluffy because he's a kyubi.
He freezes the tea he makes for Toichiro from time to time (by accident lol).
As lazy as he is, he wakes up earlier than Aoi.
He's secretly scared at how much Ginnojo eats.
When he accidentally breaks something he's been asked to fix, he gifts it to Toichiro.
When he gets really worked up, he subconsciously wraps his tails around the heroine's arm or leg (depending on whether he's standing up or sitting down).
He sticks talismans on Kagemaru's head when he's irritated with him.
He plays with his pins (the one's he puts in his hair when he's working in the entertainment quarter) when he's in a meeting with the Senkitai and sometimes sticks them in his hair.
He's flexed his job more than once before to win arguments.
He can stuff up so badly while reading in English that he starts speaking complete bullcr@p.
He's run into Nachi as a cat more than once and was genuinely shook when he saw him with the heroine and her comrades (irrelevant of what faction) the first time Nachi came with them to HQ.
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 25 - Epilogue
Chapter Index
Katanashu Station - Reception Room
Hanabusa: Sorry that you had to come all the way to the station. If anything, I feel like I should've come to the Phantom Realm to deliver my apology...
Mizuchi: I don't mind. It's not as if you can get into the Phantom Realm.
Hanabusa: Some of our troops caused you a great deal of trouble. As a representative of the katanashu, I offer you my sincerest apologies.
Mizuchi: ...You're the one bowing your head to me? Even though you were betrayed, yourself?
Hanabusa: The misdeeds of my subordinates are my responsibility, as the superior officer. I failed to notice their schemes and prevent their rebellion.
Hanabusa: In order to appease the people of Hikagemachi, our troops' actions will be strictly regulated from here on out. I aim to rebuild the trust that was lost due to these events.
Mizuchi: Fufu. I doubt the people of Hikagemachi care that much about what happened.
Mizuchi: ...Now that I'm talking to you like this, I finally understand why you stopped me from striking Kasane with lighting back then.
Hanabusa: .........
Mizuchi: You even shielded him with your body, did you not? If I'd struck right then, you could've been badly injured, or worse.
Hanabusa: Human laws are different... I couldn't let his punishment be left up to the rules of Hikagemachi.
Mizuchi: I see.
Hanabusa: ...I'm well aware that I'm pushing our own morals on you, however.
Hanabusa: I don't expect you to accept the fact that I stopped you from taking out your anger...
Mizuchi: ...Right. It was a struggle for me to bring a storm back then... But these sorts of incidents have happened many times before.
Hanabusa: ...They have?
Mizuchi: When I was in the human realm. I told you about all the warriors who would challenge me, didn't I?
Mizuchi: Plenty of them wanted not only to battle me, but to take my powers as well.
Hanabusa: ...Like Kasane.
Mizuchi: Fufu. Thanks to it, I experienced something that made my heart race for the first time in ages. I suppose trouble like that isn't always bad.
Hanabusa: I'm glad to hear that... But wasn't that the reason you left  the human world and began living  in the Phantom Realm?
Mizuchi: That was one of my reasons for it, yes.
Aoi's Voice: You two! Stop sneaking into the station!
Hanabusa: Was that Aoi..?
Mizuchi: Hahaha. It's so lively here.
Katanashu Station - In Front of the Grand Gate
Onibi: Uh oh! Aoi caught us..!
Kamaitachi: Hurry, Onibi! If we pass through the gate before he catches us, we'll be fi... Ow!?!?
Onibi: What is that!? Water!? Owie..!
Aoi: ...Idiots. I set up a holy water trap on the gate. You won't get through this time.
Onibi: What!? A trap!?
Kamaitachi: That's no fair!
Aoi: Hmph. I don't care.
Madoka: You guys sure have a lot of energy. Leave them be, Aoi... They're always sneaking around, anyway.
Aoi: ...Madoka... Shirking your duties, as always.
Madoka: Yeah, sorry about that, Mr. Model Employee. Yawn... So tired...
Aoi: Don't apologize while yawning. ...Don't tell me, you've been in bed up until now? It's already noon.
Madoka: Nope. I'm tired because I've been doing paperwork all morning. We had a mountain of reports about the tournament, remember?
Madoka: I gotta say, that holy water of yours is pretty effective. Your family owns a shrine, right? Is the god there extra benevolent or something?
Aoi: I don't know if they're benevolent or not, but I hear they're a really powerful serpent god.
Aoi: Apparently they laid waste to a human village with heavy rain in order to save a shrine maiden who was going to be sacrificed... We worship that destructive spirit.
Aoi: We're descended from the shrine maiden they saved. It was such a long time ago that I don't know if any of it really happened, though.
Madoka: Wow.
Madoka: Aoi, are you sure?
Aoi: .....? About what?
Madoka: About letting Onibi and Kamaitachi slip through the gate just now.
Aoi: ...Huh!?
Phantom Grotto
Sana: Shisei-san, it's time for to eat! Come out.
Shisei: ...Oh, Sana. Good morning.
Sana: It's already noon!
Shisei: Fufu, I see. ...It smells delicious, as usual. This is...
Azuma: Heh. I tried my hand at making some stew. I slaid a mighty pig, and even got a pot for it.
Shisei: ...Even a pot... You're becoming quite the professional cook.
Azuma: Might was well build my own kitchen somewhere around here.
Sana: A kitchen..!? We'd be living very nicely if you did!
Hokuto: ...And Shisei's still holed up in this grotto.
Hokuto: After you finally got around to visiting Hikagemachi, too. What's so great about this damp old place?
Shisei: Even if it is damp and old, I've lived here for so long. ...Besides... It feels more comfortable now.
Hokuto: ...Does it? Well, as long as you're fine with it, I suppose.
Shisei: Fufu... It does.
Sana: ...Ah. But Shisei-san, aren't you going to go eat ramen in Hikagemachi?
Sana: I believe it was Mizuchi who invited you...
Hokuto: ...Mizuchi!? Why haven't I heard about this!?
Shisei: He'll treat me as thanks for helping him the other day... Apparently, this "ramen" sold by a shop named Kuzunoha is quite the treat.
Shisei: I hear it's like thin udon noodles.
Sana: Hmm..? I'm not so sure about that... They’re a bit different, in my opinion.
Azuma: Oh, so you've had some too, Sana?
Sana: Of course! There were places that sold it in the capital when I was still a human.
Hokuto: ...Hmph. Ramen isn't much of a reward for saving a mighty water god.
Azuma: Ramen, eh... I want to try it, too. It'll be a good chance  to experience new flavors.
Shisei: Then... Why don't we all go together?
Sana: Ah..! That's a great idea! Let's go as a group!
Hokuto: Huh? Why do I have to...
Azuma: Just come. ...I know you want to, despite your grumbling.
Hokuto: Shut up. ...Fine, I'll come! Got a problem with that?
Shisei: Fufu... I can't wait to eat ramen with all of you.
Ramen Kuzunoha
Kasane: Ow... Sigh... My bottom hurts so bad I can't sit right...
Kasane: Kamaitachi gave me a real beatin'. Not to mention I got lectured by Hanabusa-han and Madoka...
Uta: They were super pissed. Commander Hanabusa was so mad that his face looked like one of those ogre masks!
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Even Kamaitachi was actually mad, for once. ...Fufu. Just be happy that he didn't cut you up into little pieces with his sickle.
Kasane: Oh dear. I'd rather not be turned into mincemeat.
Uta: Why don't you just forget about all that, and have some ramen? My treat, Kasane!
Kasane: Why, thank ya. ...So, yer droppin' the honorifics as soon as I get demoted, huh?
Uta: You're just a regular soldier now, aren't you? Our ranks are the same now that your job got taken from you.
Uta: Things have really calmed down now that Commander Hanabusa's taken charge of both the first and second squadrons.
Kasane: Sigh... Ya sure seem to be enjoyin' this, Uta. Yer sadism really gives away how ya were raised.
Uta: Oh, sorry about that. But... Fufufu! I'm just happy to finally get on your level!  
Uta: ...Or more accurately, that you were brought down to my level.
Kasane: ...Yer level?
Karasutengu: Right. You're talking about the time you tried to trap me into being your slave, aren't you?
Uta: Ugh..! Karasutengu!? ...Sir!
Uta: Ah... I think it's about time for me to get back to the station...
Karasutengu: Not so fast. I won't let you run away this time.
Karasutengu: I told you that I'd blow you away if you kept doing that during the tournament.  
Uta: Ahaha... You did..?
Kasane: ...What's this, Uta? Not a fan of Karasutengu, are ya?
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Oh. You don't know, even though you're in the same troops? ...Uta tried to do the exact same thing as you once.
Kasane: ...Did he, now?
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: To Karasutengu instead of Mizuchi, though. ...Fufufufu.
Uta: ...It was the biggest mistake of my life... I didn't know what a quick-tempered and brutal yokai he was...
Karasutengu: Who are you calling quick-tempered? I showed you plenty of hospitality when you came to pick a fight with me, didn't I?
Uta: If by hospitality you mean giving me a beating...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Uta was so scared by Karasutengu's anger... It was too pathetic for me to even watch...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: ...Pfft. Ahahahaha!
Uta: ...Hey, Owner! Do you have to laugh at me!?
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Why not? It gets me every time.
Uta: Don't joke about my trauma! Ever since then, every time he finds me he makes me help him with his work while kicking and trampling on me.
Uta: Even on the day of the attacks, he was using me for slave labor... Sigh...
Kasane: ...Huh. That's quite the incident.
Kasane: I knew ya had made some kinda big mistake back in the capital, but I'd never heard the full story.
Uta: Well, that wasn't all there was to it. ...Can you understand how I feel now?
Kasane: Sure... Ugh. Just rememberin' Mizuchi's face gives me the chills...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Hey now. I don't want to see those gloomy faces in my establishment. ...Have some ramen.  
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: The fried tofu on top will be on the house.
Uta: ...Huh!? Owner, you're cooking ramen yourself..!?
Kasane: ...What's so special about a ramen seller makin' ramen?
Uta: ...No, it is special! You're a first-timer here, so you wouldn't know... It's not just weird, it's practically like some kind of natural disaster!
Uta: Maybe we'll get hit by a meteor next...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Fufu. I had a good time at the tournament thanks to you. I thought I'd give you some customer service for once.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Here, my handmade ramen. Make sure to appreciate it.
Kasane: Why, thank ya. I dunno why ya look so smug, though...
Karasutengu: Oh, Kyubi-no-Kitsune. I'll have a bowl, too.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: You can make it yourself.
Karasutengu: Why!?
Forest on the Outskirts of Town - Big Maple Tree
Momiji: .........
Ungaikyo: ...Are you looking into the kaleidoscope?
Momiji: Ungaikyo... Sitting in the tree again? You're like a child.
Ungaikyo: I'm way older than you. ...You came here again, huh. The katanashu sure have a lot of free time.
Momiji: Not as much as you do. I came to bring you the kaleidoscope today. You've had it longer than I have.
Momiji: I thought you should be the one to have it.
Ungaikyo: .........
Ungaikyo: ...Nah, I'm good. Keep it.
Momiji: But...
Ungaikyo: I really don't need it. ...I'm fine with katanashu being  around me now, so I wouldn't  use it anyway.
Momiji: ...I see. I guess it did originally belong to me.
Ungaikyo: ...Did you want anything else with me?
Momiji: Of course I do. Come down from there. We're going to have another match.
Ungaikyo: ...That, again... I don't wanna. Plus, you come ask me for a rematch every day.
Momiji: ...You're not coming down?
Ungaikyo: Nope. I'm gonna eat cup ramen and take a nap.
Momiji: ........ I see. Then you leave me with no other choice.
Momiji: ...Tadaakira Inui.
Ungaikyo: ......!
Momiji: Get down from the maple tree at once. We're going to battle.
Ungaikyo: Wha... Whoa, whoa, whoa..!
Ungaikyo: Ow... You made me fall! Don't call my name so carelessly!
Ungaikyo: What do you think people's true names are, exactly..?
Momiji: You've used my true name before, too.
Ungaikyo: ........ Yeah, but... That was a long time ago!
Momiji: Haha. Now, let's fight!
Ungaikyo: I said I didn't wanna... ...Ugh. I guess I have to. If I win, you're treating me to lunch.
Momiji: Deal. You can eat whatever you like.
Ungaikyo: ...Seriously!? In that case...
Ungaikyo: If I get to eat ramen, I'll think about it.
The End.
Translator’s notes..? 
this took a pretty long time, but it’s finally done! i’m probably not going to do extra stuff for a while again, but i’ll still be posting card translations every other day! 
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souchanai · 4 years
Roh Kaleidoskop: Pengampunan Hampa - Part 18 (Penyerang Sebenarnya)
Part 17  Part 19  Navigasi Cerita
Alun-alun Hutan - Kemah Katanashu
Aoi: ...Komandan Hanabusa masih belum kembali. Sudah sejauh apa ia mengejar Mizuchi?
Uta: Coba perhatiin sekitar, deh... Apa kalian melihat Komandan Kasane dan Madoka?
Aoi: Komandan Kasane bilang ia pergi mencari Komandan Hanabusa. Aku tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan Madoka. Mungkin melihat-lihat warung makanan?
Uta: Hmm...? Kalau mereka tidak kembali juga, pertandingan kelima akan dimulai tanpa mereka.
Aoi: Repot sekali.
Uta: Akhirnya, sudah saatnya pertandingan terakhir... Kita akan segera menyelesaikan semua hal tentang penyerangan apalah ini.
Uta: Pertandingan terakhir, Momiji lawan Ungaikyo, ya... Momiji harus memenangkan yang satu ini.
Aoi: Ungaikyo bukan yokai yang begitu kuat. Kita tidak perlu terlalu waspada seperti melawan Kyubi-no-Kitsune atau Mizuchi... Tapi, dia terlalu misterius.
Aoi: Kita bahkan tidak dapat memprediksi ia akan menyerang langsung atau mengeluarkan serangan aneh...
Uta: Benar. Mungkin ia akan muncul dengan sesuatu yang tidak disangka. ...Seperti pertandingan tadi.
Aoi: Pertandingan keempat...
Aoi: ..... Nee, Uta. Ada yang aneh ‘kan di pertandingan antara Komandan Hanabusa dan Mizuchi?
Uta: Yep... Mereka juga memperdebatkan sesuatu setelah pertandingan.
Uta: ...Menurutku, ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan di turnamen ini. Aku rasa kita tidak mungkin berhasil tanpa mengambil tindakan spesial.
Alun-alun Hutan - Panggung
Karasutengu: Akhirnya, sudah saatnya untuk pertandingan terakhir! Di saat ini, tidak ada yang dapat menentukan siapa pemenangnya.
Karasutengu: ...Aku tak menyangka bahwa kedua belah pihak seimbang. Ini merupakan hasil yang tidak terduga... Darahku mendidih dan aku merasa ingin melompat.
Karasutengu: Teriakkan suara hatimu! Mari kita tetap bersemaangaatt!
Para Yokai: Aaaaaagh...!
Onibi: Yaaaa!!!
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: ...Hmph, perhitungan sekali. Dia tidak terlihat terlalu kecewa setelah melihat kekalahan Mizuchi.
Karasutengu: Inilah kontestan terakhir kita! Dari pihak yokai, kita ada Ungaikyo!
Ungaikyo: .....
Karasutengu: Dari pihak katanashu, kita ada Momiji!
Momiji: .....
Karasutengu: Untuk yang lebih baik dan untuk yang lebih buruk, inilah dia. Apa kalian berdua sudah siap? Tunjukkan pertunjukan sebenarnya untuk mengakhiri semua ini!
Karasutengu: Pertandingan kelima dimulai!
Para Yokai: Uwaaaaah...!
Ungaikyo: Fiuh... Baiklah. Ayo kita lakukan.
Momiji: Akhirnya kau menunjukkan dirimu sendiri, Ungaikyo. Aku sudah menunggu sebuah kesempatan untuk berbicara denganmu.
Ungaikyo: ...Jangan keluarkan pedangmu saat berbicara dengan seseorang. Dan kau juga memberiku tatapan yang menyeramkan...
Momiji: Karena kau terus lari dariku.
Ungaikyo: ...Aku benci untuk dikejar. Apalagi karena kau datang ke tempat seperti ini.
Ungaikyo: Ngomong-ngomong... Aku rasa kau tetap terlihat menakutkan sama seperti saat kau masih kecil.
Momiji: .... Sudah kuduga... Kita sudah pernah bertemu sebelumnya.
Ungaikyo: ...Iya. Walaupun kau masih sangat kecil. Kau berkeliaran di bawah pohon maple sambil terus memegangi kaleidoskop.
Ungaikyo: ...Apa kau tidak ingat? Kau menunjukkan reaksi yang sama saat melihat kaleidoskopnya.
Momiji: Eh...?
Ungaikyo: Kemarin ini kau terus menatapnya. ...Di bawah pohon maple.
Momiji: Iya... Tubuhku menggigil saat melihat itu. Aku tidak dapat mengalihkan perhatianku dari kaleidoskop itu.
Momiji: ...Bahkan sekarang saat kau berada di depanku... Tubuhku juga menggigil...
Ungaikyo: ...Gitu, ya.
Momiji: ...Katakan padaku. Kenapa kau dapat kenal denganku...?
Ungaikyo: ...Kita akan membicarakannya nanti. Sekarang, kita harus bertarung. Kalau tidak, aku akan lari darimu lagi.
Momiji: ...Pedang...?! Dari dalam cerminnya...? Kenapa yokai menggunakan pedang...?
Ungaikyo: ‘Kan sudah kubilang... Jika kau ingin tahu, lawan aku.
Ungaikyo: ..... Ngomong-ngomong, aku rasa kau akan ingat akan aku saat kita bertarung.
Momiji: ...Apa...?
Ungaikyo: Haa... Aku benar-benar tidak ingin melakukan ini...
Ungaikyo: ...Aku benci keberanianmu. Jika saja kau tidak datang, hal seperti ini tidak akan pernah terjadi...
Ungaikyo: Tapi, aku tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa lagi. Aku harus mengalahkanmu dengan pedang ini... Atau, mereka tidak akan mengampuniku.
Momiji: ...Mengampunimu..?
Ungaikyo: Sebenarnya, aku harus ikut dengan yang lain... Dan membelah perutku sendiri.
Momiji: ....!
Alun-alun Hutan - Kemah Katanashu
Aoi: Ia mengeluarkan pedang dari cerminnya...?!
Uta: ...Apa yang terjadi? Walaupun dia seorang yokai, tapi ia bertarung dengan pedang?
Uta: Dan... Apa yang Momiji dan Ungaikyo bicarakan?
Aoi: ...Suaranya kecil sekali, aku tidak dapat mendengar mereka. Tapi, suasananya terlihat tegang...
Uta: ..... Ungaikyo... menggunakan pedang.
Aoi: .....
Uta: Kita, katanashu menjadi tersangka karena semua yokai yang terkena serangan itu memiliki luka gores karena pedang, ‘kan?
Uta: Bukankah itu berarti...
Hokuto: Halo, para pria dari katanashu! Bagaimana perasaan kalian sekarang bahwa pertandingan terakhir akan segera dimulai? Kami membawa hadiah untuk kerja keras kalian semua, loh!
Uta: ...Hah? Apa, sih?! Kami sedang melakukan sesuatu...
Aoi: ...Siapa kalian?
Hokuto: Kami melakukan taruhan selama turnamen. Kalian semua sudah melakukan yang terbaik untuk membantu kami jadi aku membawa hadiah kecil untuk kalian.
Hokuto: Pertarungan kalian berdua sangat hebat! Minum sedikit tidak akan tersakiti, kok.
Aoi: ...Jadi kau melakukan taruhan selama pertandingan kami... Dan tentu saja aku tidak dapat minum di tengah turnamen.
Hokuto: Sudahlah, kau tidak perlu malu. ...Oi! Bawa hadiahnya kemari!
Bawahan Hokuto: Siap 86!
Aoi: ...Tunggu! Jangan masuk seenaknya ke kemah kami!
Uta: Ah, itu kamigoroshi. Enak kalau dihangatkan lalu diminum saat musim dingin...
Aoi: Uta, bantu aku menghentikan mereka! Mereka berdatangan terus... Mereka ada berapa banyak, sih?!
Sana: .... ...Hokuto-san!
Azuma: Kami sudah selesai. Sake-sakenya sudah ada di sini semua.
Hokuto: ..... Gitu, toh. Kalau begitu, kita tidak dapat berlama-lama lagi di sini.
Hokuto: Semangat untuk pertandingan terakhirnya! Kami akan mendukung kalian.
Aoi: .... Mereka datang dan kembali dalam waktu yang singkat...
Uta: Apaan, sih?
Aoi: Entahlah.
Dekat Alun-alun Hutan
Madoka: ....
Kamaitachi: Akui kesalahanmu, Madoka!
Madoka: .....?!
Kamaitachi: ...Tch. Gesitnya... Menghindari seranganku seperti itu...!
Madoka: ...Fiuh. Tidak sopan sekali kau, Kamaitachi. Aku tak menyangka bahwa kau akan menyerang dari belakang dengan sabitmu itu.
Madoka: Itu berbahaya. Gimana nanti kalau aku terluka?
Kamaitachi: ...Ugh.
Madoka: ...Apa yang kau mau dariku? Kau terus-terusan membuntutiku dari pertandingan pertama.
Madoka: Aku rasa kau ingin tetap tersembunyi tapi aura haus darahmu membuatmu ketahuan.
Kamaitachi: ...Bodoh. Kau menyadari aku dan kau masih saja datang ke hutan sendiri?
Madoka: Itu satu-satunya cara yang dapat kulakukan untuk memancingmu keluar. Karena, kau menggangguku.
Madoka: ...Jadi? Aku melakukan semua ini demimu. Jika kau ingin mengatakan sesuatu, katakanlah.
Madoka: Ya, ‘kan, Kamaitachi?
Kamaitachi: ..... Apa aku perlu mengatakannya padamu?
Madoka: ....!
Madoka: Haa... Jadi kau melihatku kemarin ini?
Madoka: Aku sudah merasa kau bertingkah aneh dari pertandingan tadi... Jadi, aku dicurigai...
Kamaitachi: ...Hmph. Aku bukan pecundang yang diam saja setelah dikalahkan.
Kamaitachi: Aku, Kamaitachi, mungkin sudah kalah dalam turnamen! Tapi, aku akan membalas kekalahan itu sekarang.
Kamaitachi: Dan juga untuk menyerangku di jalan!
Madoka: ....
I used an English Translation as a reference for this translation. The English translation is credit to osakaso5.
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glassandmetalwings · 4 years
Who’s ready for me to try to sell you another manga? (I need and extra tag just for these tbh...)
Today, I’m gonna talk about Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, by Waco Ioka.
Also, as a note, I’m going to use the terminology used in the translation, rather than terms seen more frequently within the anime and manga community. So, for example, rather than saying Genji is a kyubi or kitsune, I’ll be calling him a nine-tailed fox ayakashi.
Anyways, meet Aoi Tsubaki, a college student who lives alone, loves to cook...and can see ayakashi, or spirits/yokai. Most of the time, she avoids conflict with them by feeding them. Aoi was taught to cook by her recently deceased grandfather, Shiro, who adopted her after she was orphaned by her single mother.
In true manga fashion, her life changes after she gives her lunch to a mysterious masked ogre at a shrine before running off to class. When she returns to pick up her lunch box, he suddenly appears to spirit her off to Kakuriyo, the spirit world...and also claims she’s his bride?!
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But this isn’t just some standard infatuated kidnapping. The orge, known as Odanna, is a handsome, powerful, and influential ayakashi, and owner of the Tenjin-Ya inn, which sits right near the gate to Utsushiyo (the human world). And taking Aoi has to do with his beef with Shiro.
See, in his youth, Shiro regularly traveled between Utsushiyo and Kakuriyo. On one such trip, he stayed at Tenjin-ya, indulged in some of their most expensive food and drink, nearly leveled it, and then tried to run away without paying. With a debt of about 100 million yen, the Odanna gave him a choice: either work at Tenjin-ya for the rest of his life, or letting the orge devour him. Shiro, being a crafty man, offered an alternative, he would return to Utsushiyo, and if he hadn’t paid of his debt by his death, the Odanna could take one of his granddaughters as his bride (human brides are very valuable to ayakashi, and help raise their status).
And guess who the only granddaughter who can see ayakashi is?
Anyways, Aoi very much doesn’t want to marry an ogre, especially one she’s barely met! So, much like her grandfather, she suggests an alternative: let her work at Tenjin-ya to pay off Shiro’s debt. Odanna agrees on the condition that, if she can’t find work, she’ll become his bride. He will offer her no protection from other ayakashi as an employee, and if she runs, he’ll devour her. While the conditions are steep and not in her favor, Aoi agrees.
The only problem? Finding work in Tenjin-ya is hard. All of the staff hates humans, and the majority despise Shiro, so they refuse to give her a job. Her only assistance comes in the form of Ginji, a nine-tailed fox ayakushi and young master of the inn. He ultimately directs her to a small, empty restaurant hidden away within Tenjin-ya, suggesting that, given she’s so good at catering her food to the tastes of ayakashi, she tries setting up shop. But again, she has basically the rest of the staff against her-especially the kitchen staff, who don’t want competition.
Can Aoi make this work?
That was a long summary, and it doesn’t even touch everything within the first volume. Currently, the series is incomplete in the US. We’re at volume five, and while apparently the series only filled six tankobon in Japan, it doesn’t...feel like it’s going to wrap up in the next volume? But there’s always the possibility I’m wrong.
Needless to say, I’m enjoying Kakuriyo. The art is gorgeous (especially the food), and the characters are deeply engaging. Even super minor characters, such as Kasuga the raccon dog ayakashi, have great character and personality. It’s cute, and puts a lot of depth into the relationships between characters. I also really like how it includes a lot of less popular ayakshi. Yes, there are tengu, and orges, and kitsune and so on, but there are also ayakashi like noperra-bo and hitosume.
But brain isn’t working, but it’s just really good, okay?
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El caleidoscopio de los Espíritus: Personajes
Momiji (Osaka Sogo)
Nombre Real: Fuuka.
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"-Soy Momiji del segundo escuadrón Katanashu, aquí comienzo, hoy"
Es un recién llegado a la segunda unidad.
Es un genial lobo solitario que no se socializa con otros Katanashu o con algún Yokai, solo lo llega hacer por cosas del trabajo.
Momiji perdió algo cuando era niño pero no recuerda exactamente que fue.
Kasane (Nikaido Yamato)
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"-¿Porque se lee Momiji y no Kaede? ¿No es algo raro?"
Capitán de la segunda unidad y superior de Momiji, Kasane es el mayor de los katanashu que aparece en la historia.
Habla en un dudoso dialecto de Kyoto, además de hablador, misterioso, y tiene la costumbre de provocar a otras personas.
Descuidado con sus subordinados, y a menudo esta ausente.
Madoka (Rokuya Nagi)
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"-No me interesa, puedo renunciar cuando quiera"
Es miembro de la segunda unidad de Katanashu, es descendiente de un noble linaje lleno de grandes logros.
Un puesto militar fue lo que le impuso su familia, Madoka no aspiraba a ser un soldado.
Como quiere renunciar al ejercito, su puesto es más conveniente para él, pues tiene problemas con Hanabusa, quien realmente disfruta de la vida de soldado.
Hanabusa (Yaotome Gaku)
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"-Si eso es lo que piensas, debería empezar actuar como un verdadero ogro"
Capitán de la primera unidad, también es el oficial superior.
A pesar de que él y Kasane comparte el puesto de capitán, Hanabusa tiene más poder por su conexiones con la capital.
Se ha ganado el apodo de "El capitán ogro", debido a su rigor hacía el mismo y hacia los demás.
Cansado de los miembros de Katanashu que no se toman en serio su trabajo, quiere dejar su puesto y volver a la capital.
Aoi (Izumi Iori)
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"-Mis disculpas, pero nuestras unidades son muy diferentes"
Miembro de la primera unidad, proviene de una familia noble.
Aoi es el primero de su linaje en ofrecerse como voluntario en el servicio militar.
Dispuesto y orgulloso de pertenecer al Katanashu, está constantemente insatisfecho con su trabajo, también siente una gran antipatía hacía Kasane, por eso reclamo un lugar en la primera unidad en cuanto se reorganizaron las unidades.
Uta (Momo)
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"-Ugh, desearía que el trabajo desapareciera"
Miembro de la primera unidad.
Uta fue de rango superior a Hanabusa y Kanase, pero cometió un gran error en la capital, como consecuencia le quitaron dos rangos y lo enviaron a Katanashu.
Suele ser muy apático en su trabajo como Katanashu y siempre se le puede ver en en el puesto de ramen en Hikagemachi, se lleva bien con Kyubi-no-Kitsune.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune (Kujo Tenn)
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"-Sigo siendo el dueño de este lugar"
Dueño de Ramen Kuzunoha, un local que vende ramen estilo humano en Hikagemachi.
Odia ensuciarse la cola al cocinar, vende ramen en autoservicio para su propio beneficio.
Es intelectual y filosófico, tiene una gran curiosidad por la cultura humana, y a menudo charla sobre ella con Uta.
Mizuchi (Tsunashi Ryunosuke)
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"Es todo lo que puedo hacer"
Un sincero y gentil Yokai que normalmente vive en el Reino Espiritual, ya que usualmente su gran poder atrae a los Yokais más débiles, rara vez va Hikagemachi.
Los humanos se referían a él como el dios del agua.
Karasutengu (Yuki)
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"-Si sigues haciendo travesuras, te haré volar con mi abanico"
Un yokai con gran fuerza espiritual, pero no tanto fuerte como Mizuchi. Es extremadamente inteligente, conocedor y mucho más formidable de lo que parece. Al inicio utilizaba un abanico hecho de sus propias plumas, pero su gran poder le ha hecho preferir un abanico hecho con hojas. Debido a su temperamento, le es fácil sacar su ira y alejar todo lo que no le gusta.
Onibi (Nanase Riku)
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"-Te refieres a un festival ¿no? Es un festival ¿verdad?"
Es un yokai de clase baja que le gusta hacer travesuras, suele esconderse atrás de los Katanashu y se cuela constantemente al mundo humano. Sus visitas suelen ser grabadas y lo alaban, Onibi cree que es muy popular. Puedes encontrarlo junto a Kamaitaichi.
Kamaitaichi (Izumi Mitsuki)
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"-No soy tu aprendiz"
El auto proclamado cuidador de Onibi, se escapa al mundo humano junto con Onibi para detener sus bromas, aunque en secreto se divierta.
Es bueno cuidando a los demás, regularmente suele hacerse cargo del local de ramen de Kyubi-no-Kitsune, sirviendole a los Yokais y a los Katanashu.
Ungaikyo (Yotsuba Tamaki)
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"-Si puedo comer ramen, entonces lo pensaré"
Pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo en el bosque, a las afuera de la ciudad, debido a su amor por la soledad.
No le gusta la presencia de los Katanashu, pero no al grado de ocultarse de ellos.
Su espejo le permite mirar a través de todos los espejos del reino, también esta conectado al espejo de su casa, lo cual le permite hacer o traer cualquier cosa que haya olvidado en ella.
Shisei (Natsume Minami)
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"-Y sin darme cuenta, ya había olvidado la promesa"
Es un kemonotsuki serpiente que vive en lo más profundo del altar del bosque. Es extremadamente torpe y tranquilo, posiblemente por su verdadera personalidad o por su larga vida. Hace mucho tiempo era conocido como un dios malo en el mundo humano, sin embargo, no recuerda la razón por la cuál es llamado así ni el por que se aislo en el altar.
Azuma (Inumaru Touma)
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"-Son los sabores ocultos lo que hacen que el platillo destaque"
Es un kemonotsuki perro que ha vivido en Hikagemachi hace más de 400 años, es el segundo más grande, después de Shinsei. Azuma le gusta fumar en pipa y también cocinar, llevando con él inimaginables especias. Él cuida de Shinsei, junto con Hokuto y Sana, a menudo cocina para ellos.
Hokuto (Mido Torao)
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"-Hmm... Será interesante ver quién gana"
Un kemonotsuki tigre que adora a Shinsei a su manera. Es un orgulloso intelectual potencial, habiéndose graduado de la universidad como maestro en su vida humana, sin embargo es una de sus pocas habilidades, las otras son que tiene una lengua muy afilada, no respeta las aguas sagradas del altar del bosque al pescar en ellas e intentar engañar a los inexpertos yokais en los casinos.
Sana (Isumi Haruka)
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"Por que aquella mano era gentil... "
Un kemonotsuki jabalí, de poco menos 50 años, es el más jóven de los cuatro por lo cuál todavía conserva sus sentidos humanos y aún no sé acostumbra a Hikagemachi. Sana suele actuar muy moderno hablando de videojuegos o teléfonos inteligentes, aunque los utilce mal. Disfruta de cuidar de Shinsei.
-------- ≪ ° Créditos ° ≫ --------
Traducción jpn-eng: osakaso5
Traducción eng-esp: Liss Hernández.
0 notes
gyakutengagotoku · 7 years
GSvsAA - Dual Destinies - Character Profiles
In line with the AJ one, here’s the next in the line up. Check the master post more more of the GSvsAA translation project.
It’s worth noting that while Mr. Takumi is known to have some very obvious or random inspirations for his name puns, there are times when it’s tricky to figure out because of his choice of punny origins. Meanwhile, Mr. Yamazaki & co. tend to follow suit with the obvious, but their puns are often very straightforward and easy to deduce. Sometimes, a name has multiple layers of puns and chances are good that plenty of those puns make their way into the character’s design.
I don’t think it’s lazy design, since simplifying a character’s role in a plot means more care can be taken for the actual mystery, but sometimes it leaves something about the character to be desired. Then again, there are plenty of characters from the first four games in the series that aren’t so memorable.
I’m just obsessed with this series so I know them all. Ha.
Edit: SoJ profiles posted.
Spoilers below.
Main cast
Athena Cykes - Kidzuki Kokone (希月 心音) kidzuki means “awareness” (kinda following how Trucy is named Minuki) and the second kanji in her surname is “moon”. The kanji in her given name, when pronounced shin’on, means “heartbeat”. It can also be translated literally as “heart sound” to refer to her ability to hear people’s voices of their hearts.
Simon Blackquill - Yuugami Jin (夕神 迅) yugami means “distortion” or “twist”, referring to his epithet, “The Twisted Samurai”. The kanji form a phrase meaning “god of dusk”. jin, written as 刃, is “blade”; while the kanji in his name means “swift”. It’s analogous to Edgeworth’s name, Mitsurugi, which is the name of a noble blade of legend. Trivia: He refers to the chief in person using the term danna, a title reserved for Lords and noblemen back during the days of samurai. Since this couldn’t be replicated in English without sounding drastically out of place, it’s been tamed down to a plain “sir”. (Imo, he could very well have gone with “sire” and it’d be just the right amount of tradition and respect, but I guess it doesn’t quite sound Japanese enough.) Incidentally, Taka is Gin, which can mean “silver”, or possibly like the English word (but it’s pronounced with a hard G).
Bobby Fulbright - Ban Gouzou (番 轟三) The ban in his name may refer to a “guard”, though being written as 万 means “many”. Combined with his first name, which consists of “booming” and “three” (like in “two’s company, three’s a crowd”), you get a whole lot of bombastic in one guy. Trivia: His catchphrase is shouting “JUSTICE!!!” in English at the top of his lungs and laughing triumphantly. Imo, the localization's “In Justice We Trust!” has a certain nuance to it that really makes it pop when you realize just who he is, though.
Yep, that’s it. That’s the game. These three right here.
Episode 1
Gaspen Payne - Auchi Fumitake (亜内 文武) “Auchi” is simply “ouch”. His first name is the same as his brother’s but flipped. fumi (文) is “literature”; take (武) is “martial”. I suppose both of them are warriors of words, but I really think their parents the devs just ran out of ideas.
Juniper Woods - Morizumi Shinobu (森澄 しのぶ) mori (森) is “forest” or “woods”; shinobu means “to hide”. Meanwhile, the kanji for zumi (澄) used in the verb sumasu becomes “to look prim” or “to listen carefully”. These two definitions better relate to her from Episode 3, though. Trivia: In the Japanese version of this episode, the crime scene shows in English letters: “S I N O B U”. Since Japanese is typed using romaji, し can be either shi or si. Either way, it’s still pronounced the same. If it weren’t obvious enough from the intro, this spelling would have easily given away the real killer.
Ted Tonate - Barashima Shingo (馬等島 晋吾) barasu can mean a few things: “to expose”, “to take apart”, or “to kill”. He already covers the latter two in the first case, but the first definition doesn’t quite play in until the last one. The last syllable of his first name ties into his first name to make mashingo, or “machine language”; hence the keyboard.
Candice Arme - Kaku Hozumi (賀来 ほずみ) Her full name can be written as 確保済み, meaning “in custody”. kaku may refer to “square”/”cube”; probably referring to how she’s been hit. Her surname and the first syllable of her first name make kakuho, or “guarantee”, which seems to play into her English name.
Edit: Well, I totally screwed up this entry. My bad.
Episode 2
Jinxie Tenma - Tenma Yumemi (天馬 ゆめみ) Her surname as written here refers to the “heavenly horse” Pegasus. yumemiru means “to dream”. More on Tenma below.
Damian Tenma - Tenma Deemon (天馬 出右衛門) His first name comes from “demon”. Tenma, which is also the name of the village, is written as 天魔. It refers to the yokai of the Buddhist sixth heaven in the realm of desire who haunts people and deceives them into avoiding good. According to legend, Tenma tried (and ultimately failed) to lure the young Siddhartha away from enlightenment with earthly desires. Tenma Taro from this game is based on this Tenma. In Japanese folklore, he's described to have a bird-like appearance, hence we have jangly-cackling-bird-demon. 
The Great Nine-Tails - Great Kyuubi (グレート 九尾) He’s based on the Nine-tailed fox of Japanese legend, a yokai of immense power and influence and sometimes disastrous consequences. You know the one.
Rex Kyubi - Kyuubi Ginji (九尾 銀次) His last name is the same as the Nine-Tails. The gin (銀) in his name refers to his silver hair and to the Nine-tailed fox of legend, which is often portrayed as silver. ginjiru also means “to chant” or “to recite”.
Phineas Filch - Zeniarai Kumabee (銭洗 熊兵衛) zeni, as written above, is “money”. (This is what Capcom’s fictional currency zenny is based on.) His last name is a reference to the azukiarai, “The Bean Washer”, a yokai who resembles a small boy that keeps people up at night with the sound of washing beans. Filch here claims that he’s the grandson of an infamous thief who once kept people up by the sounds of his money-washing. His first name is made of bears: kuma (熊) and “bear”; yet he’s frequently called a tanuki instead, especially for his swindling ways.
Edit: Got that the other way around.
Florent L’Belle - Biyouin Shuuichi (美葉院 秀一) biyouin is “beauty parlor” and shuuichinichi is “once a week”. The kanji in his first name come to “excellence” and “[number] one”.
Episode 3
Aristotle Means - Ichiro Shinji (一路 真二) The kanji in his name together mean “one road, two truths”. ichiro, with the same kanji, means “straight” or “directly”, and shinjiru means “to believe”.
Constance Courte - Michiba Masayo (道葉 正世) michibata is “roadside” and masa (正) is “right” or “just”, to parallel Means’ name above.
Hugh O’Conner - Shizuya Rei (静矢 零) His name is most likely picked for the convenience of the recording that’s played during trial. In Japanese, the muffled recording sounds like it’s saying “Koroshite yare!”, which is Japanese for “I’ll kill you!” Thanks to Athena’s efforts, she reveals it’s actually supposed to say “Kora! Shizuya Rei!”, or a scolding “Hey! Shizuya Rei!” The kanji of his last name are “quiet” and “arrow”. His first name can also mean “zero”.
Edit: This one I made a mistake due to mistaken memory. It’s actually kinda hard to make out the te sound in the recording, so I assumed it was excluded.
Robin Newman - Atsui Chishio (厚井 知潮) atsui is “hot”; it can also mean “hot-tempered” or “passionate”. chishio is “blood circulation”, usually referring to hot-headedness. It also doubles over as a gender-ambiguous name.
Myriam Scuttlebutt - Uwasa Atsume (宇和佐 集芽) uwasa is “rumor” and atsumeru is “to gather”; thus, her full name comes to “gather gossip”. Trivia: Producer Eshiro is a huge MGS fan; hence Myriam’s M.O. of traveling under the cover of a box.
Episode 4-5
Solomon Starbuck - Hoshinari Taiyou (星成 太陽) His name comes from the phrase “hoshi ni naritai yo”, which means “I wish to become a star”. taiyou, as written above, means “sun”.
Clay Terran - Aoi Daichi (葵 大地) aoi is the color “blue”. daichi is “ground” or “earth”; also refers to the planet itself. His relative calm and the color blue was chosen specifically to pair with Apollo’s bright and passionate red. (In fact, it may very well have been the localization’s choice to name Odoroki as Apollo that led to the development of this game’s space theme. I don’t remember if it was mentioned in an interview or not, but I’m sure it played some role.)
Yuri Cosmos - Oogawara Uchuu (大河原 有忠) His last name means “bank of the great river”, which is a reference to the Milky Way. It’s known as “The Great River” in several cultures, including Japanese. uchuu, written as 宇宙, means “space” or “universe”.
Aura Blackquill - Yuugami Kaguya (夕神 かぐや) Kaguya is a reference to a famous Japanese folktale from the 10th century, Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. The main character’s name is Kaguya-hime, or Princess Kaguya, who was one of a mysterious people living on the Moon but was sent down to Earth and raised by an old bamboo cutter. I’m not too sure if this tale inspired her English name, but when Princess Kaguya was discovered as a baby, she was described to be the size of a thumb and glowing with brilliant light. The Moon people were weird. (I can also draw the parallel to Simon’s Taka, since Aura may come from the Latin root aurum for “gold”.)
Ponco & Clonco - Ponko & Ponta (ポンコ&ポンタ) ko and ta are common endings to boys’ and girls’ names, respectively. Aura also likes to call Clonco “Ponkotsu”, referring both to how he’s basically “Ponco #2″ and ponkotsu, “junk”.
Metis Cykes - Kidzuki Mari (希月 真理) Her first name can also be pronounced shinri, meaning “truth”. In turn, shinri, when written as 心理, means “psychology”.
DLC Episode
Sasha Buckler - Umino Shouko (羽美野 翔子) umi is “sea”, and shouko, written as 証拠, is “evidence”. Thus, her full name becomes “evidence from the sea”. The first kanji in both first and last name have to do with “feathers” and “flight”. She’s quite a flighty personality for sure.
Ora "Orla" Shipley - Arafune Elle / Ale (荒船エル / エール) Her last name is made of the kanji for “wild” and “ship”. Her name is Ale, as a shortened form of “whale”, but it doubles as the alcoholic drink too. Actually, it triples as “air”, to complement her trainer. Her supposed real name is actually her sister’s name, and it seems it was just picked to sound similar.
Jack Shipley - Arafune Ryouji (荒船 良治) ryouji as 療治 means “treatment”/“cure”, possibly referring to how he saved two precious orcas and returned them to health.
Norma DePlume - Uratori Reika (浦鳥 麗華) uratori refers to “gathering evidence” as for a news story. reika as 冷夏 becomes “cool summer”. It can even be written as 零下 to mean "sub-zero". She’s quite the contrast to the rest of the sunny crew.
Edit: Note to self: simplify.
Marlon Rimes - Itsuka Ikuya (伊塚 育也) itsuka means “someday”; the kanji iku (育) means “raise”, as in pets or children. In other words, he’ll “become a real trainer someday”. His name may have been chosen for its easy rhyme as well.
Rifle (ライフル) She was named for her dangerous temper, and probably as a shout-out to Mr. Takumi’s naming of Missile. Her daughter Sniper also keeps the same name.
Herman Crab - Sugomori Gaku (巣古森 学) His last name may be referring to su-komori, or “nest-babysitter”, since he keeps li’l Sniper up there. Even the first kanji in his last name is the right one for “nest”. gaku as above is “learning” or “study of” a subject.
Azura Summers - Natsukaze Suzumi (夏風 邪涼海) natsukaze means “a summer cold”, but it can also literally mean “summer wind”. It was picked probably as a stark contrast to Norma’s Japanese name. suzumi is “cooling off”, like outdoors in the breeze.
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brodorokihousuke · 8 years
Masterpost of Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies pun/secret meaning names (Spoilers!)
Oh man... we’re getting into reeeeal punny territory here! I can’t wait to do Spirit of Justice....
Since there are so many different puns, it’s kind of given that I’ll miss/deliberately skip a few. Feel free to add any when you reblog.
Anyways, here we go!
Phoenix Wright/Naruhodou Ryuuichi: His given name refers to the mythical firebird of the same name, possibly referring to him “rising from the ashes” after the fourth game. His last name is a play on “right”.
His Japanese given name contains the kanji for ryuu, or Japanese dragon, which is similar to his English given name in that it involves a mythical creature. His surname is pronounced the same as “Naruhodo”, a word which roughly translates to “I see”, or “right”.
Apollo Justice/Odoroki Housuke: “Apollo” refers to the Greek god of the same name, who is the god of truth. This refers to his ability to sense lies, therefore revealing the truth. His last name is an obvious reference to his job as a lawyer, and he frequently makes puns out of it.
His Japanese name translates literally to “a surprising man/boy of law”. “Odoroki” means “a surprise”, while his last name is a combination of “Hou (法)”, a kanji often associated with law, and “suke (介)”, a kanji often used in boy’s names.
Athena Cykes/Kizuki Kokone: Athena shares her name with a Greek god of wisdom, which sort of fits with her. It also continues the ongoing theme of naming characters after figures of Greek mythology. “Cykes” is a pun on “Psyche”, which can be lengthened to “Psychology”, referencing Athena’s main focus.
Her Japanese name is a bit more interesting, as it deals mainly with the meanings of the kanji involved. Her surname “Kizuki (希月)” is made of the kanji for rare/hope and month/moon, respectively. The combination that makes the most sense would be “moon (of) hope”, as this may be referring to her earing being the final case-solving piece of evidence. Her given name “Kokone (心音)” is made up of the kanji for (among many other things) “heart” and “sound”, respectively. This makes sense, as her main ability is hearing the “sound” in other’s hearts.
Simon Blackquill/Yuugami Jin: Though it may seem like a pretty normal name, “Simon” may be referring to his method of manipulating people in court. It’s almost like he’s playing “Simon says” with everyone! “Blackquill” is an obvious reference to his design.
His Japanese surname “Yuugami” is a homonym of “Yugami”, meaning “a warp/distortion”. “Jin” simply means swiftness. I’d also like to point out that, though “Yuugami” is supposed to be a homonym, the kanji used to spell it are “night/evening” and “god”. This seems oddly fitting (to me, anyways).
Taka/Gin: His pun names are quite simple, especially when compared to everyone else’s. “Taka” literally just means “hawk” in Japanese (Very creative naming, Blackquill), while his Japanese name means “silver”.
Bobby Fulbright/Ban Gouzou: His last name was probably chosen just for the sake of Blackquill calling him “Foolbright”.
The kanji making up his surname, “Ban”, is also utilized in the words “watchdog” and “guard”. This is obviously referring to his occupation as Blackquill’s guard. His given name is a combination of “轟”, meaning “roar/thunder/boom/resound" and “三”, meaning “three”. This can be interpreted as either referring to his loudness and eccentric personality (mostly referring to the first kanji), or it may be referencing the three bombings carried out by the Phantom.
Trucy Wright (Enigmar)/Naruhodou Minuki: Her English first name may be a play on “true see”, referring to her ability to perceive people’s nervous tells. It’s also quite similar to the russian word for “panties”, but I’d rather not think about that. Her first English last name is a slight misspelling of “enigma”, a word used to describe a mysterious thing or person, while her current one is a play on “right”.
“Minuki” is similar in spelling to the word “Minuku”, meaning “to see through”, referring to her perception ability. Her surname is pronounced the same as “Naruhodo”, a word which roughly translates to “I see”, or “right”.
Klavier Gavin/Garyuu Kyouya: His English first name means “piano” in German. This refers to both his high usage of German terms and involvement with music.
The first kanji in his Japanese surname (響) means “to echo” or “to resound”, referring again to his involvement with music.
Gaspen Payne/Fumitake Auchi: “Gasp in pain”. Simple enough.
His Japanese surname is a play on “ouch”, while his given name is basically his brother’s given name, except that the two kanji (”fumi” and “take”) have switched places.
Juniper Woods/Morizumi Shinobu: Both her English given name and surname are references to her association with nature.
In her Japanese surname, “mori” means “forest”. “Shinobu” may mean a few different things (including purity, belief, and recall) depending on the different kanji used to spell it.
Ted Tonate/Barama Shingo: His English full name is a play on “detonate”.
For the Japanese name pun, you must move “ma” on the end of his surname to the front of his given name. This gives you “Bara Mashingo”. Though it isn’t the exact word, “Bara” is probably a play on the word “to dispose”, referencing his profession. “Mashingo” is basically “Machine language” (”go” means language. For example, “nihongo” means “Japanese”.), referring to his habit of using text-to-speech instead of normal speech.
Candice Arme/Kaku Hozumi: Her English name is a pun on “Can disarm”, referring to her profession.
Her Japanese name may be a play on the phrase “kakuho zumi”, meaning “been secured”. This is another possible reference to her profession.
Rex Kyubi/Kyuubi Ginji: Kyuubi is the Japanese name for the mythical nine-tailed fox, picked for both his role as the Amazing Nine-Tails and his main occupation as the alderman of Nine-Tails Vale.
Rex means king in latin (think T. rex), possibly referring to his occupation as the alderman of Nine-Tails Vale (which is similar in rank to king- at least a little). The kanji compound that forms “Ginji” translates to “the next silver”. This makes his full Japanese name “The Next Silver Nine-Tailed Fox”. What does this have to do with anything? I have no idea.
Jinxie Tenma/Tenma Yumemi: “Tenma” is made of the kanji for “heavenly” and “horse”, ending up as something similar to pegasus. What does this have to do with her or her father? I can’t tell.
Her English given name is derived from “jinx”, the definition of which is “something or someone that brings bad luck”. The first kanji in her Japanese given name can be translated as “dream”, referencing her tendency to sleepwalk while dreaming she herself is a yokai.
Damian Tenma/Tenma Deemon: See the previous entry for the definition of “Tenma”.
Both his English and Japanese given names are a play on “Demon/Daemon”, referring his association with the yokai “Tenma Taro”.
Phineas Filch/Zeniarai Kumabee: “Filch” is a British slang term meaning “steal”. This is fitting for obvious reasons.
“Kumabee” is made up of both the Japanese word for bear (kuma) and a strange version of “bear” (”bee”, apparently). Zeniari is derived from the name of a yokai (”azukiarai”), with “zeni” (a fictional currency used in a few Capcom games) replacing the first part of the word.
Florent L’Belle/Biyouin Shuuichi: “Florent” is an old French term meaning “to flower”, while “L’Belle” is derived from the French term “le belle”, meaning “the beautiful”. One interesting thing to note is the feminine version of the phrase is used instead of the more masculine “beau” (about the same equivalent as “handsome”).
The first kanji in his Japanese given name (”shuu”) can be translated to refined, elegant, or graceful, while “Ichi” just means “one”, causing his whole given name to roughly translate to “the elegant/refined/graceful one”. Meanwhile, “Biyouin” just means “beauty parlor”.
Hugh O’Connor/Shizuya Rei: His full English name was probably picked due to the pronunciation similarities between it and the phrase “You’re a goner!”
His Japanese given name translates into “zero”, referring to his wonderful grades. His Japanese surname is derived from the word “shizuka”, meaning calm or peaceful. “Ya” (used to replace “ka” in his surname) is the same pronunciation as the word for “arrow”, probably referring to his affinity for archery.
Robin Newman/Atsui Chishio: Her English given name was chosen due to the fact that it is androgynous. “Newman” refers to the fact that she became a “new man” when her parents forced her to.
“Chishio”, her given name, literally means “blood circulating within the body”. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is hot-headed, fitting nicely with her male persona. “Atsui” means “hot (temperature)”.
Aristotle Means/Ichiro Shinji: He shares his English given name with a Greek philosopher of the same name. Means’ saying is an exaggerated version of one of this philosopher’s philosophies. His last name just references his saying.
His full Japanese name means “to believe in one road” (Ichiro= one road, Shinji= to believe). This refers to his single-mindedness with his philosophy.
Constance Courte/Michiba Masayo: Her English given name is similar to “constant”, possibly referring her constant steadiness against the rising “Dark Age of the Law”. Her English surname obviously refers to “court”.
If you omit the second kanji from her Japanese given name, her full name means “Precise Guidance”, something expected from a teacher.
Myriam Scuttlebutt/Uwasa Atsume: Other than sounding funny, “scuttlebutt” is a slang term for “a rumor”.
Her full Japanese name means “Collecting Rumors” (Uwasa= rumor(s), Atsume(ru)= to collect/collecting).
Clay Terran/Aoi Daichi: His names are earth-themed (Aoi Daichi= Blue Earth)... and he’s an astronaut (well, not actually, but... let the boy have his dreams)... haha... (I didn’t even have to look any of Clay’s stuff up I just have it memorized look at how fancy I am)
Solomon Starbuck/Hoshinari Tayou: His English given name was probably used so “Sol” (latin for “sun”) could be used as a nickname. “Starbuck” was possibly chosen because “star”, as well as the connections to a character from Battlestar Galactica.
When combined and modified slightly, his full Japanese name translates to “I want to become a star (Hoshinaritai yo-)”. By themselves, his given name means “sun” and his surname comes from the phrase “Hoshi ni naru”, or “to become a star”.
Yuri Cosmos/Oogawara Uchuu: His English first name is a reference to the first man to survive a trip to space, Yuri Gagarin. “Cosmos” is just another name for galaxy- it makes sense why it was used.
His Japanese surname means “riverside”. Since the Japanese word for the Milky Way literally translates to “Heavenly River”, that’s the river that this is probably referring to. Though not using the right kanji, his Japanese given name has the same pronunciation as the word for “space”.
Aura Blackquill/Yuugami Kaguya: See Simon’s entry for info on Blackquill/Yuugami.
“Aura” is the name of a NASA satellite, which fits with the existing space theme. “Kaguya” is also the name of a satellite, though this one is a nickname. Her Japanese given name is also shared with a character from the Japanese story “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, who is later revealed to be a princess from the moon.
Metis Cykes/Kizuki Mari: See Athena’s entry for info on Cykes/Kizuki.
Metis shares her given name with a greek deity of the same name, whom is also the mother of the goddess Athena. This parent-child Greek naming scheme is shared with another character, though I won’t name anyone because SPOILERS! Anyways, her Japanese given name can also be read as “Shinri”, which is fittingly the Japanese word for psychology.
Sasha Buckler/Umino Shouko: Her English name combines to form “Swashbuckler”. Pirates!
Her Japanese name is a homophone of the phrase “evidence of the sea” (Umi no Shoko).
Orla (Ora) Shipley/Arafune Are: Orla and Ora are both derived from “Orca”. Shipley, well, is derived from “ship”.
“Arafune” means wild boat, while “Are” is derived from “Hoeru”, or whale.
Jack Shipley/Arafune Ryouji: “Jack” may be referring to a type of maritime flag, or the titular main character of Pirates of the Caribbean. Again, “Shipley”= ship.
“Arafune”= wild boat.
Marlon Rimes/Itsuka Ikuya: His English given name refers to the species of fish with the same name- He can be seen slinging one over his shoulder when he gets all beefed up. “Rimes” is an obvious play on “Rhymes”, referring to his habit of rapping.
“Itsuka”, when spelled with different Kanji, means “someday”. This probably refers to his want to someday get revenge on the whale. His Japanese surname and given name also rhyme.
Herman Crab/Sugomori Gaku: His full English name is a play on “Hermit crab”, possibly referring to his reclusive nature.
“Sugomori” comes from a combination of “nest” (su) and a modified version of “to babysit” (komori). This refers to his relationship with Sniper the penguin chick.
Norma DePlume/Uratori Reika: Her full English name is a play on the phrase “Nom de plume”, otherwise known as “pen name”.
Azura Summers/Natsukaze Suzumi: Her English given name is probably derived from “Azure”, a blue color usually associated with the ocean or sky. “Summers” probably refers to the season.
Her Japanese surname can be translated as “summer cold/illness”, and the last kanji is silent. “Suzumi” means “to cool off”, which makes her full name “to cool off a summer cold”.
Well, that took a long time. I can’t wait to do SoJ, heh... so many name puns...
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, Vol. 1
One occupational hazard of reviewing manga — or TV, movies, video games, YA novels, and other narrative forms — is the powerful sense of déjà vu that a middle-of-the-road series can induce. I experienced just such a flash while reading Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, a pleasant, competently executed shojo series that hit so many familiar beats I was tempted to pull out a bingo card and tick off the stock characters and plot twists as I plowed through volume one: the handsome jerk who intrigues and repels the heroine in equal measure. The helpful hottie who seems to know the heroine better than anyone else. The terrible family secret that sets the plot in motion. And so forth.
As in other supernatural romances — think Kamisama Kiss, InuYasha, and The Water Dragon’s Bride — the heroine has a meet-cute with her primary love interest early in volume one, an encounter that ends in Aoi’s abduction to the kakuriyo, or spirit realm. There, Aoi learns that her recently deceased grandfather was capable of traveling between the kakuriyo and utsushiyo (human world), a skill that gramps exploited to skip out on the tab at Tenjin-Ya, an inn for demons that just so happens to be run by Odanna, Aoi’s kidnapper. You can see where this is going: Odanna views Aoi as payment for her grandfather’s debt. Aoi, being a sensible and slightly headstrong young woman, rejects Odanna’s marriage proposal and instead vows to settle her grandfather’s accounts the old-fashioned way: by working at the inn.
In a nod towards current trends in manga, anime, and light novels, the creators have used Aoi’s predicament as an excuse to graft elements of a cooking manga onto the main romantic plotline. Aoi makes her first demon ally through a savvy demonstration of her culinary skills, wowing him with modern Japanese comfort food. The inclusion of these scenes feels a bit perfunctory, however. They add little to our understanding of who Aoi is; if anything, these interludes serve mostly to foreshadow the inevitable moment in volume two or five when Aoi finally persuades the inn’s hide-bound chef to modernize his menu with human food.
The real pleasure in reading Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits is the parade of ayakashi (spirits). The supporting cast seem to have stepped out of a Hyakki Yagyō scroll: there are kappas and tengus and oni, no-faced women and snow maidens, and the shape-shifting kyubi (nine-tailed fox), all drawn in a style that explicitly references the work of Utagawa Yoshiiku and Kawanabe Kyosai. When interacting with Aoi, these spirits morph into impossibly stylish human forms swathed in haute Edo-era coutre, the better to show us how dangerously alluring Japanese spirits can be. It’s an effective gambit, allowing illustrator Waco Ikeda to play to his strengths — fabrics, textures, masks — while offering a plausible explanation for the demons’ uncanny appearance. (Looking through one of gramps’ photo albums, for example, Aoi notes that the ayakashi’s “faces look fake, like they’re pasted on.”)
Yet for all the joys of seeing the Night Parade of 100 Demons come to life in such a stylish fashion, I’m too aware of the story mechanics to truly enjoy Kakuriyo. A reader new to shojo manga, however, might well find this a welcome departure from the cultural festivals and school trips that are de rigeur in more contemporary teen romances; tween and teen librarians would be wise to add this to their collections.
A review copy was supplied by VIZ Media.
By: Katherine Dacey
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marikyubi · 9 months
Tumblr media
Drawing made on: 03/11/2022 These are other sketches that I did with my MariKyubis, only now there are 4 of them, Shiro, Kuro, Akai and Aoi with their old designs from back then, some features are still preserved and others were changed. I hope you like it.
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 17 - The Fourth Match: Hanabusa Versus Mizuchi
Chapter Index
Hikagemachi's Main Street
Kasane: Let's start plannin' for the fourth match.
Aoi, Uta, Madoka, & Momiji: Yes.
Aoi: ...I can't believe you managed to find Mizuchi's weakness. Especially on such short notice...
Kasane: Mizuchi used to live in the human world way back in the day. I went back there, skimmed through some books, searched around the region he was worshipped in...
Madoka: ...Huh!? You returned to the human world by yourself? Without permission from the capital!?
Kasane: Ufufu. Don't be such a stick in the mud.
Madoka: That's so not fair! You should've taken me with you!
Uta: Oh, so that's the part you had a problem with.
Kasane: In any case, I found us a surefire way to win, with a bunch of hard work. Ah~, I'm such a model employee.
Kasane: Well, Aoi, have ya changed your mind about me now? How about a compliment or two?
Aoi: ........ So, what is the weakness you found?
Kasane: I'm guessin' that's a no.
Hanabusa: Kasane. I don't want to know what Mizuchi's weakness is.
Kasane: ...Beg yer pardon?
Hanabusa: I know you worked hard to find it out, but sorry. I'm not planning to take advantage of any weaknesses during the fight.
Hanabusa: I'll fight him head on.
Kasane, Aoi, Uta, Madoka, & Momiji: Huh?!
Kasane: Now, hold on just a minute... Did ya not listen to what Aoi just said, Hanabusa-han? Mizuchi's a real powerhouse of a yokai.
Kasane: He's not somebody a human can take on like that!
Aoi: I hate to agree with Commander Kasane... But there is no shame in taking advantage of a yokai's weak points in a fight. If anything, it's reckless to face one against some kind of advantage...
Hanabusa: I know. ...But this might be the only chance I get to fight an opponent like him.
Hanabusa: It's a once-in-a- lifetime match... I don't want to let it slip by me because I need to win.
Aoi: Commander Hanabusa... But...
Uta: ...Oh boy. And before the tournament began, you said there was no way for us to beat Mizuchi, too.
Hanabusa: Hmph. Sorry, but I've changed my mind.
Uta: Are you planning to abandon your role as our supervisor?
Hanabusa: Winning on behalf of the katanashu should be our top priority. That was why I wasn't originally going to fight in the matches myself. ...But I'm a warrior before I am a soldier.
Hanabusa: I want to test my strength and skill against an enemy who's strong... And win with all my might. What else could a duel possibly need?
Uta: ...In other words, you're just super fired up.
Aoi: I do think that's a wonderful ideal, but...
Hanabusa: Sorry, but I'm not going to change my mind. Don't worry. All I need to do is win. ...You'll have to bear with me too, Momiji.
Hanabusa: I'm sure this must be unnerving for someone who wants to fight Ungaikyo as badly as you.
Momiji: ........ No, sir. I won't mind, as long as you win.
Hanabusa: ...Hmph. You're cocky for a novice...
Hanabusa: ........ It seems you're the kin of the capital's general.
Momiji: ........ How do you know that?
Madoka: ...Seriously!? You mean THE general!? The commander of all our military forces... The top dog!
Uta: ...I always thought you were arrogant for a newbie... But you're seriously some rich young heir...
Madoka: Yikes. We should really be nicer to him.
Hanabusa: When you first came here, I received a letter from the general. He told me to look after his grandson.
Momiji: ...Grandfather... I see.
Hanabusa: He's the sole leader of our army. As his flesh and blood, he must favor you a great deal.
Hanabusa: He's already retired from the front lines to hold true power in the capital.
Hanabusa: ........ And one day, you'll inherit it all.
Momiji: Yes. That is my intention.
Aoi: ...Now you've said it...
Hanabusa: ....Pfft. Fufu... Hahahahaha!
Momiji: .........
Hanabusa: You replied without hesitation. Our leader has put you on the track to ruling our country one day. Haha.
Hanabusa: ...I hate naive kids like you more than anything. So much that it makes me sick.
Momiji: I know. ...But I believe you're not the sort of man to let your personal feelings get in the way of your work.
Hanabusa: You wouldn't know.
Hanabusa: ...I have no complaints about your work here thus far. However, I have a piece of advice for you.
Hanabusa: Your fighting and conduct is decisive. It's suited for someone who's straightforward, determined, and not easily disturbed. That's a strength, but it's also a weakness.
Momiji: ...What do you mean?
Hanabusa: But following orders can only take you so far. Right now, you're completely lacking in substance.
Hanabusa: You need to find your own hopes and aspirations, and follow them. Don't go against your blade. Listen to it carefully.
Momiji: ...My blade...
Hanabusa: Sorry, Kasane. You worked hard, but... I need to have my way this time. Bear with me.
Kasane: Sigh... Yer unbelievable. All my work's just gone down the drain.
Kasane: But, I guess that's how stubborn ya always are.
Hanabusa: Sorry.
Hanabusa: Hmph... Maybe I'd misjudged you.
Kasane: ...Hey, cut it out. It gives me goosebumps when ya act all nice, Commander Ogre.
Hanabusa: Hmph.
Kasane: ...At least let me do a little protective charm for ya. Can I have yer sword for a sec?
Hanabusa: ...What? You're pouring sand over my blade...
Kasane: Mizuchi's supposed to be weaker against the earth, right? This ain't much of a protection against him, but it's better than nothin'.
Kasane: ...Alright... That should do. Go give 'em hell, Commander Ogre!
Hanabusa: Yeah. I'll make sure to bring us victory. 
- - - -
Karasutengu: It's finally time for the long-awaited fourth match. From the yokai, we have Mizuchi!
Karasutengu: From the katanashu, we have the commander of their first squadron, Hanabusa!
Karasutengu: How long can the infamous Commander Ogre stand against our very own water god..? This is looking to be a match full of twists and turns!
Yokai: Wow... We'll really get to see Mizuchi fight..!
Yokai: Get him, Mizuchi!
The Yokai: Aaaaagh..!
Hanabusa: You're awfully popular, Mizuchi. Those cheers are loud enough to make the ground shake.
Mizuchi: They're just curious, since I come to the city so rarely.
Hanabusa: I see. In that case, I must be lucky to be able to fight you today.
Mizuchi: ...Lucky? To fight me?
Hanabusa: Yes. It's the first time since my transfer here that I've felt so alive.
Hanabusa: ...That's how boring working as an inspector out here is. Despite it, I've never once forgotten to train. Maybe it's all been for the sake of fighting you today.
Hanabusa: Huff... Maybe light can shine even into a grave. Right now, I'm grateful to have been sent to Hikagemachi.
Mizuchi: Hmm... You're interesting.
Mizuchi: I'm surprised that there would be a human who doesn't lose hope as soon as they're faced with me. Not to mention a human who would fight me voluntarily.
Mizuchi: Though when I still lived in the human world, during the time when samurai ruled your land... There was the occasional warrior who would challenge me.
Hanabusa: Challenge you..? Why? Were you not worshipped as a god?
Mizuchi: Yes. That was exactly why. Strong warriors wanted to test their blade on the water god.
Mizuchi: Can you not relate?
Hanabusa: I see... If I'd lived during that time, I might've aspired to do the same.
Mizuchi: ...You look like you're out for blood. Fufu. It really has been a while. This brings back so many memories...
Mizuchi: When a human looks straight at me like that, I want to meet their expectations. Maybe that feeling is a remnant from my days as a god?
Hanabusa: Enough talk. Let's begin.
Mizuchi: Right. Chit-chatting is nice, but it looks like your blade wants to do all the talking right now.
Mizuchi: You're... Hanabusa, right? It's nice to meet you. Let's make this a good fight.
Karasutengu: We might see ogres, serpents, even gods... It's time for the decisive fourth battle! Begin!
The Yokai: Uooooh..!
- - - -
Mizuchi: Ugh...!
Mizuchi: ...Uuh.
Hanabusa: Huff, huff... ........
The Yokai: Commotion...
Onibi: ...Huh..? What's going on..? Mizuchi's down... Hey, Kyubi-no-Kitsune! Does this mean...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: ........
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: ...That's right. Mizuchi lost to the human.
Onibi: ....!? No way! That can't be true..! This is Mizuchi we're talking about!
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: There's no denying it. ...He was cut down with a sword, and now he's not getting up. Is that not enough for you?
Onibi: ....... Mizuchi's...
The Yokai: Commotion...
Yokai: You're kidding me... Mizuchi, of all people!?
Yokai: He lost to some human...
Karasutengu: ...Oh dear... This is unexpected...
Karasutengu: ...Haha... Hahaha! It's so unpredictable... This is exactly  why tournaments are so fun!
Karasutengu: The results are plain for all to see. The winner of our grand fourth match... Is Hanabusa!
The Yokai: Commotion...
Uta: ...Commander Hanabusa... He really did beat Mizuchi..!
Aoi: The yokai have gone dead silent, despite yelling so loudly earlier...
Kasane: Their water god lost to a human. That's gotta be a real shocker.
Kasane: ...But I gotta say, Hanabusa-han did great! Looks like his fighting spirit matched Mizuchi's.
Madoka: ...But didn't the match seem a little weird to you guys? It was over so quickly...
Madoka: It was like Mizuchi just stopped right in the middle of it...
Momiji: ........
Karasutengu: Hahaha! Too bad, Mizuchi! I never expected you to lose. You must've been careless.
Karasutengu: Your face looks pale, for some reason. Are you hurting?
Mizuchi: ...No...
Hanabusa: ........ What is this..?
Karasutengu: Huh? What now, Hanabusa? You don't look too happy about beating Mizuchi... Hey! What are you doing to him..!?
Mizuchi: .....!
Hanabusa: Answer me, Mizuchi! You left yourself open on purpose, right!? You must be looking down on me because I'm human...
Hanabusa: .....!?
Mizuchi: Don't touch me. ...You disappoint me.
Hanabusa: ...What..?
Mizuchi: The match is over. Get away from me. I don't want to see those eyes for another second.
Mizuchi: ...It really is a shame. You're nothing like those samurai.
Hanabusa: ...Bastard... Now you're even mocking me... ...Wait! Where are you going!?
Hanabusa: You...
Karasutengu: ........ Hmm. What is this..?
To be continued...
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 15 - The Third Match: Aoi Versus Onibi
Chapter Index
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Aoi: This kaleidoscope used to belong to you? ...Are you serious?
Onibi: No way. It's Ungaikyo's! He's been looking at into that thing since way before you came to Hikagemachi!
Momiji: ........
Hanabusa: Explain yourself, Momiji.
Momiji: ...It's nothing. I'm sorry for the disturbance I caused. This has nothing to do with my professional duties.
Uta: Hmm... Can you be so sure?
Uta: Weren't you wondering about Ungaikyo the other day, Momiji? ...Didn't it have something to do with that talk we had about how you might've wandered here at some point in the past?
Madoka & Aoi: Huh?
Madoka: What? I never heard anything about that.
Hanabusa: ...Momiji. Out with it.
Momiji: But...
Hanabusa: If you really have wandered into Hikagemachi in the past, then it is related to your duties.
Hanabusa: We're to completely erase the memories of whoever wanders in here. Wouldn't this mean that you still have some left?
Hanabusa: Whoever handled your return was too sloppy. We might have to investigate for other similar cases.
Momiji: ........ Very well.
Momiji: I don't have any clear recollections, or proof that   I really did wander here...
Momiji: It's just, when I came here to work as a katanashu, everything felt so familiar. Almost like it wasn't my first time coming here...
Momiji: At first, I thought it was just my imagination. ...But it wasn't. This kaleidoscope told me so.
Hanabusa: The kaleidoscope..?
Momiji: When I looked into this kaleidoscope, I saw Ungaikyo. It awakened a strange impulse in me...
- - - -
Fuuka: Pretty...
- - - -
Momiji: ...Was that a memory..? I said Ungaikyo was pretty when I saw him in the kaleidoscope...
Momiji: He looked like he was shining and glittering. It was beautiful... But that's not all.
Momiji: When I look at Ungaikyo, I...
Momiji: ........ This kaleidoscope belonged to me once. But then I came here, and met Ungaikyo....
Onibi: Did you give it to him?
Momiji: ...I don't know. All I know... Is that ever since I was a child, I've been looking for something.
Momiji: I felt like I'd left behind something I should never lose... That feeling wouldn't leave me alone...
Momiji: And I think the thing I was looking for...
Aoi: Was that kaleidoscope. ...Is it that big of a deal? It looks like an ordinary toy to me.
Hanabusa: ...I understand the situation now. That's not enough to confirm whether this is all true or not, but we can check our records after the tournament.
Hanabusa: You should leave the kaleidoscope with me for a while. I'd like to search it for clues.
Momiji: ........ Yes.
Hanabusa: ...In any case, the tournament is our top priority. I'll leave this with the shikigami during our matches.
Momiji: Please do.
Momiji: ...Ungaikyo... I don't see him around here right now... Maybe he'll show up once the match begins?
Forest Plaza - Stage
Karasutengu: Now, time for the third match! From the yokai, we have Onibi! From the humans, we have Aoi, member of the first katanashu squadron!
Karasutengu: Both teams have one victory under their belts. Neither can let their guard down.
Karasutengu: This match will likely have a big impact on the tournament as a whole. Let's keep the tension high, ladies and gentlemen!
The Yokai: Aaaaaaghh..!
Aoi: ...Good grief. This match is nothing but a spectacle. Why must I...
Onibi: Hey, hey Aoi! That kaleidoscope thing sure was a shock! I can't believe it was actually Momiji's..!
Aoi: ...You must feel awfully confident if you have the time to be thinking about that thing. Our match is about to begin.
Onibi: I know that. I've been looking forward to it! Today's such an exciting day.
Onibi: Besides, I've never played with you before. I was so hyped for this! Even when we run into each other in the city, you just ignore me.
Aoi: Unlike Uta, I have no intention of making friends with yokai. Let's make this a quick match.
Onibi: ...Boo! Can't you act a little more excited!? That's so boring!
Aoi: Don't worry, I'm not planning to hold back. ...I always thought you could use a bit of corporal punishment.  
Onibi: ...Why!?
Aoi: Because you and Kamaitachi are constantly slipping through the Grand Gate, and sneaking into our station despite countless warnings.
Aoi: I'll discipline you so you won't ever want to do that again.
Onibi: ...Ugh! Now I'm REALLY angry! I definitely don't wanna lose to you...
Onibi: I'm gonna burn you to a crisp as soon as you let your guard down!
Aoi: Do it, if you can.
Onibi: Geez! You're so annoying. ...You know spirit flames are also known as fox flames, right?
Aoi: ......? What of it?
Onibi: When the breath of a fox glows blue, it turns into a flame. Apparently that's how I was born, too.
Onibi: ...I haven't told you whose flame I originally was, have I?
Aoi: Fox... Don't tell me, you're...
Onibi: Hehe. That's right.
Onibi: I'll show you how strong Kyubi-no-Kitsune's flames can be!
- - - -
Onibi: ...Huff, huff... Why don't you... Give it up already!? Your haori's all scorched up...
Aoi: ...... It's your clothes that are burnt..! And I'm about to tear them to shreds!
Aoi: Take this..!
Onibi: Missed! Those swings aren't gonna hit m..!?
Onibi: Hah, ugh... Darn... You got me in the stomach with the hilt of your other blade...
Onibi: Uugh...
Aoi: Huff, huff... He's finally down... Phew...
Aoi: Sorry about my manners, but the last one standing wins.
The Yokai: Uooooohhh..!
Madoka: Onibi's down..! Aoi won!
Uta: Phew... That was a drag. They were so evenly matched, I thought they'd never be done.
Aoi: Huff...
Onibi: ........
Karasutengu: Oh, looks like we're done. That match was a real thriller! The winner is...
Onibi: ...The last one... Standing...
Aoi: ...Onibi!? You're still conscious..!
Onibi: Yep. That's right..!
Aoi: ...Ugh! I'm surrounded by flames...
Onibi: Now burn..!
Aoi: .......! ...Uaaaagh..!
Karasutengu: What's this!? Looks like Aoi's in trouble..! He's been surrounded by fire!
Aoi: Ugh...
Aoi: ........
Karasutengu: ...Aoi's down! What a sudden reversal..! Now the match is finally over.
Karasutengu: The winner is... Onibi!
The Yokai: Whooooo..!
Onibi: Huff, huff... ...Huh!? I won!?!?
Karasutengu: Hahaha! Pretending to be unconscious for a surprise attack like that was a great plan.
Onibi: I wasn't pretending... ...I really thought I was done for...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Fufu. Well done, Onibi. I'll treat you to ramen with all the toppings later.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Except onions, of course.
Onibi: Wow... Awesome!
Momiji: ....... Aoi lost...
Madoka: Uh oh... This is pretty bad, right? If we lose the next match, we're done for.
Madoka: Not to mention our next opponent is...
Hanabusa: ........
Momiji: Mizuchi...
To be continued...
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 16 - The Same Goal
Chapter Index
Forest Plaza
Hokuto: The yokai are in the lead, with two victories. It's just as I expected... Not that I care either way, as long as my pockets are full.
Sana: Hokuto-san! There you are!
Hokuto: Oh, Sana! And Azuma, too. I've been making a killing, thanks to you. You'll both get a cut later...
Shisei: ........
Hokuto: ...Wait, Shisei!? Why are you in Hikagemachi!?
Shisei: ...o.
Hokuto: ...Huh? What was that? You need to speak up.
Shisei: ........ ........I want to return... To the grotto...
Hokuto: Huh!?
Azuma: He's been like that for a while now.
Azuma: He said he wanted to come to the city, but he's probably not used to all the yokai...
Sana: He's been gripping the hem of my coat ever since we left the grotto. Ehehe, it's so cute..!
Shisei: U-ugh...
Hokuto: ...No, hold on a minute. I know I told him to leave the grotto, but if it scares him this much, then he shouldn't force himself...
Shisei: ...No. I'll come with you... Urk...
Hokuto: ...This is no good. Why is he so insistent..?
Sana: Um. I know Sana-san is scared... But this was still the first time he's ever wanted to go outside.
Sana: I'll stay by his side! And he might grow accustomed to the outside world while we search for the kaleidoscope..!
Hokuto: ...I guess we shouldn't leave him alone in the grotto when he's like this.
Hokuto: Speaking of which, how's the kaleidoscope thing coming along? From the sounds of it, you haven't even found it yet.
Azuma:  About that... We're in a bit of a pinch.
Sana: The truth is...
- - - -
Hokuto: What!? You lost the kaleidoscope immediately after stealing it!? And you got it mixed up with a katanashu's stuff...
Sana: W-we were really in a hurry...
Hokuto: You've got to be kidding me... How'd it come to this..? Whatever, it doesn't matter.
Hokuto: Can you fix this if you get into the katanashu camp..? It hasn't been long since you lost the kaleidoscope, so that katanashu might still have it on him.
Azuma: Yes. It's a good thing we've got access to the tournament.
Hokuto: I'll leave the guys from the gambling den to keep the books. Let's go. The tournament's halfway done... We don't have much time left.
Sana & Azuma: Yeah!
Shisei: ........
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Hanabusa: The fourth match is next...
Momiji: Commander...
Madoka: ...Do you really think we can keep going? Are you seriously planning to fight?
Hanabusa: ........
Madoka: You're going up against Mizuchi, right? I know you're a real powerhouse, Commander, but with an opponent like that...
Uta: Yeah. They used to call him a water god back in the day. Hard to imagine that a human could beat that.
Momiji: But he's probably not a real god. We don't know unless we try...
Uta: We don't need to try! ...He's much stronger than Kyubi-no-Kitsune, y'know? He's the most broken character in the game, we might as well give up now.
Uta: Even Commander Hanabusa's most likely planning to call it quits. We'll save precious time if we go back and start packing now.
Momiji: ........
Momiji: Commander Hanabusa. Make sure to defeat Mizuchi.
Hanabusa: .....!
Uta: Huh!? Wait, Momiji... Were you even listening to me!?
Momiji: I was. But I'm relying on Commander Hanabusa.
Uta: Huh..?
Momiji: ...I need to battle Ungaikyo. In order for me to do that, we need to win the fourth match.
Momiji: So, please. Defeat Mizuchi for me, Commander.
Hanabusa: ........
Madoka: Ah... Come to think of it, didn't you say something along those lines when you were picked for the tournament?
- - - -
Momiji: May I ask you one thing?
Momiji: Can you make Ungaikyo my opponent?
- - - -
Madoka: Does it have something to do with the memories you talked about?
Momiji: ...Probably. I'm not completely sure...
Momiji: I have a lot to ask him. Whether we really met in Hikagemachi, and why he has my kaleidoscope.
Momiji: ...No... Maybe I don't even care about those things.
Momiji: I... I just need to...
Uta: ...Momiji..? Why do you have your hand on your sword? You look like you're about to draw it...
Momiji: ........ ...When did I..?
Uta: Huh? You didn't even notice?
Momiji: ........
Aoi: Momiji's right.
Momiji: ...Aoi.
Madoka: Ah, you woke up? What about the wounds you got from Onibi?
Aoi: Don't worry. The medicine is doing its job... Ow...
Madoka: Oh, geez. You're trying to play tough.
Aoi: ...Shut it. The tournament is more important. I want Commander Hanabusa to win his match, too.
Aoi: The same goes for you, Momiji. Make sure to beat Ungaikyo. Don't let these yokai defeat us.
Madoka: ...What's gotten into you? You're all fired up, even though you hated doing this more than all the rest of us.
Uta: Losing to Onibi must've really upset you.
Aoi: ...Shouldn't it have? In all honesty, I'm so furious I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Aoi: I'm not going to let them defeat us and drive us out. I'm no going ot be a loser.
Aoi: ...I'm a soldier. Even if I lose a battle, I must win the war.
Madoka: Wow. Someone's getting heated.
Momiji: What do you think, Commander?
Hanabusa: What are you going on about..? I told you from the start that we'll win.
Hanabusa: Our plans have changed, but we're not done yet. There's no need to run from the fight.
Hanabusa: We'll win both matches and secure our victory. That is all.
Momiji: ...Yes!
Hanabusa: Also, about Mizuchi... ...Hmph. I hear he's exceptionally strong, even for a yokai.
Hanabusa: I'm lucky to be able to fight a water god. I've always wanted to face off against him. ...The fact that we're cornered only excites me more.
Madoka: ...Commander Hanabusa looks really excited...
Uta: He's earned his nickname as an ogre not only in Hikagemachi, but on the battlefield, too.
Aoi: That's bloodlust...
Madoka: Everyone's so into this... Not that I want all my hard work to go to waste, either.
Madoka: Since I'm the only one of us who's won so far.
Uta & Aoi: Ugh...
Madoka: I'd love to quit all this military stuff and go home, but I'd prefer an honorable discharge.
Uta: At least you have a home to return to. If I get chased out of here, I have no place to go.
Uta: Sigh... I guess that means I've got a lot riding on this tournament, too. ...Please, Commander. I'll give you all my support, just this once.
Uta: I'm a good strategist, you know.
Hanabusa: Hmph. Will you apologize to me if I win?
Uta: Ahaha. I'll apologize plenty, if that's all you need.
Aoi: ...This doesn't change the fact that he's not someone you can take head on. We need a plan...
Aoi: Mizuchi is of an ancient dragon species. Considering that he's so well-known as a serpent god that rules the waters, it's safe to assume his powers are practically on the level of a deity.
Madoka: Whoa... The more I hear about the guy, the stronger he seems... Does he have any weaknesses?
Aoi: Weaknesses... I believe he can't handle gourds...
Uta, Momiji, & Madoka: Gourds!?
Madoka: And we obviously don't have any...
Uta: Should we go look for one in the city? ...Is Commander Hanabusa gonna throw the gourd at Mizuchi in the middle of their fight, or something? Wouldn't that look really weird?
Madoka: ...Pfft! Hey, cut it out... Just imagining that is making me... Pfft...
Aoi: ..I wasn't joking. Other than that, he's a water yokai, so he should be weak against anything with earth powers...
Aoi: That being said, there's honestly no real weakness for us to take advantage of right now...
Kasane: Hold up. I've got Mizuchi's weakness right here~.
Uta, Momiji, Madoka, & Aoi: Commander Kasane!?
Hanabusa: ...Kasane, you bastard... Where have you been wasting your time up until now..!?
Kasane: Yer makin' that scary face again. Why don't ya chill out and listen to my side of the story, first?
Hanabusa: Your side of the story..?
Kasane: I figured somethin' like this might happen, so I was investigatin' yokai traits.
Kasane: I tried to wrap it up before the tournament... Sorry for missin' out on the beginnin'.
Hanabusa: ........ So you didn't run?
Kasane: Unbelievable. I'm still commander of the second squadron, ain't I? I'll do my most basic duties, at the very least.
Hanabusa: Kasane, you...
Madoka: That didn't mean you had to fake a stomach ache... You could've just explained what your plan was!
Kasane: Huh? But that would've taken too much energy.
Madoka: Ugh... This guy...
Kasane: Besides, Hanabusa-han's better suited to fight than me. I figured he'd handle things here.
Momiji: Commander Kasane...
Uta: ...Crap... I'm kinda starting to think Commander Kasane's cool...
Aoi: Him, of all people...
Kasane: Yer not bein' very nice. It hurts my feelings.
Madoka: This is payback for everything you've put us through.
Kasane: Like what?
Kasane: In any case, let's give it our all. All of us katanashu, comin' together for this one fight, yeah?
Madoka: Coming together... That's not exactly our style.
Aoi: ...Just this once, it's fine. Our goal of winning this fight is the same.
Uta: Yep!
Momiji: Exactly.
Hanabusa: Yes. ...We must win.
Uta, Momiji, Madoka, Aoi, & Kasane: Yes, sir!
Forest on the Outskirts of Town - Large Maple Tree
Ungaikyo: ........ This blade...
Ungaikyo: I thought I wouldn't need it anymore... I knew I should've thrown it away. ...Are you the one telling me to fight him?
Ungaikyo: Telling me... To avenge the others...
Ungaikyo: ...Uuh... Hic. I'm sorry... I'm sorry, everyone... I'm sorry that I'm the only one who ran away to a place like this...
Ungaikyo: ...Sniff. Fine. I'll fight him.
Ungaikyo: ...I won't run away anymore. I'll cut him down with this blade.
Ungaikyo: Maybe then the others will forgive me.
To be continued...
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Exposition | Backdrops
Momiji (Sogo Osaka)
True name: Fuuka
"I start here today. I am Momiji, of the second katanashu squadron."
A newcomer in the second katanashu squadron. A cool lone wolf who doesn't mingle with other katanashu or the yokai, though he can socialize with others for work. Momiji lost something important as a child, but cannot remember what it was.  
Kasane (Yamato Nikaido)
Why's it read "Momiji" instead of  "Kaede"? Ain't that a little weird?
Commander of the second katanashu squadron and Momiji's superior, Kasane is the oldest of the katanashu appearing in the story. Speaks in a dubious Kyoto dialect. Talkative yet mysterious, and has a habit of provoking other people. Neglectful to his subordinates, and often absent.
Madoka (Nagi Rokuya)
"I don't mind resigning whenever."
A member of the second katanashu squadron. Comes from a noble bloodline with great achievements spanning generations. A military career was the path forced upon him by his family, and Madoka himself didn't aspire to become a soldier. Because he wants to quit the army and return home at any given time, his assignment to the katanashu is convenient for him. He has trouble dealing with Hanabusa, who genuinely enjoys the life of a soldier.
Hanabusa (Gaku Yaotome)
"If that's what you think, I could start acting like a real ogre."
Commander of the first katanashu squadron, who also serves as the capital's superior officer. Though he and Kasane share a rank, Hanabusa has more power due to his ties to the capital. Has earned the nickname "Commander Ogre" due to his strictness towards himself and others alike. Frustrated with katanashu members who don't take their work seriously, he wants to leave his current post and return to the capital.
Aoi (Iori Izumi)
"My apologies, but our squadrons are different."
A member of the first katanashu squadron, he comes from a family of nobles. Aoi is the first of his bloodline to volunteer for military service. Prideful and unwilling to join the katanashu, he is constantly dissatisfied with his work. Aoi feels a great antipathy towards Kasane, and claimed a spot in the first squadron, lead by Hanabusa, as soon as the group was reorganized.
Uta (Momo)
"Ugh, wish work would just disappear."
A member of the first katanashu squadron. Uta committed a grave mistake in the capital, causing him to be demoted two ranks and sent to the katanashu. He was once of a higher rank than Hanabusa and Kasane. Seemingly apathetic to his work as a katanashu, he's always hanging around the ramen shop in Hikagemachi. Gets along well with the yokai.
Shisei (Minami Natsume)
"And before I knew it, I had forgotten the promise..."
A serpent kemonotsuki who lives a secluded life deep in the Phantom Grotto. He is exceedingly thickheaded and calm, possibly due to his long life or his original personality. Long ago, he was known as an evil god in the human realm. However, he has no memory of how he came to be known as such, nor of the reason he isolated himself in the Grotto.
Azuma (Toma Inumaru)
"It's the hidden flavors that make a dish pop."
A dog kemonotsuki who has lived in Hikagemachi for approximately 400 years, and the second oldest of the four kemonotsuki, after Shisei. Azuma enjoys smoking his pipe and cooking, constantly carrying every spice imaginable with him. He looks after Shisei with Hokuto and Sana, often cooking meals for them. 
Hokuto (Torao Mido)
"Hmm, it'll be interesting to see who wins."
A tiger kemonotsuki who dotes on Shisei in his own way. Having graduated from a teachers college in his human days, he is a proud would-be intellectual. This is one of his few redeeming qualities, however, as he has a sharp tongue, disrespects the sacred waters of the Phantom Grotto by fishing in them, and tries to cheat inexperienced yokai out of money in gambling dens.
Sana (Haruka Isumi)
"Because that hand was so gentle..."
A boar kemonotsuki of just under 50 years, he is the youngest of the four. His human senses still remain, and he is unable to get accustomed to Hikagemachi. Sana sometimes acts more modern than he is, pretending to know about things like video games and smartphones while using them incorrectly. Enjoys looking after Shisei.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune (Tenn Kujo)
"I am still the owner of this place."
Owner of Ramen Kuzunoha, a shop that sells human ramen in Hikagemachi. Because he hates getting his tails dirty while cooking, he sells self service ramen for his own benefit. While he is intellectual and philosophical, he also has a burning curiosity for human culture, and often chats up the katanashu.
Mizuchi (Ryunosuke Tsunashi)
"This is all I can do."
A sincere and gentle yokai who normally lives in the Phantom Realm. Because his unusually strong spiritual power attracts weak yokai who cannot take on a human form, he rarely goes to Hikagemachi. When the yokai of Hikagemachi could freely travel to the human realm, the humans referred to him as a water god.
Karasutengu (Yuki)
"If you keep making mischief, I'll blow you away with my fan."
A yokai with strong spiritual power, though not as powerful as Mizuchi. Extremely smart and knowledgeable, as well as much more formidable than he looks. While he originally used a fan made of his own feathers, its overwhelming power has caused him to prefer a revisioned version of the fan, made with leaves. Due to his quick temper, he is quick to take out his fan and blow away anything he doesn't like.
Onibi (Riku Nanase)
"You mean a festival, right!? It's a festival, right!?"
A low class yokai who enjoys practical jokes. Constantly sneaks into the human realm behind the katanashu's backs to make mischief. Because his visits often end in people filming and cheering for him, Onibi is under the impression that he is a popular yokai. Often does things together with Kamaitachi.
Kamaitachi (Mitsuki Izumi)
"I'm not your apprentice!"
Onibi's self-proclaimed guardian. Sneaks into the human world with Onibi to stop his pranks while secretly enjoying himself. Good at taking care of others, he regularly takes over for Kyubi-no-Kitsune in serving ramen to the yokai and katanashu patrons of Ramen Kuzunoha.
Ungaikyo (Tamaki Yotsuba)
"If I get to eat ramen, then I'll think about it."
Spends most of his time in the forest on the outskirts of the city due to his love of solitude. Dislikes the katanashu enough to hide from them. His mirror allows him to look through mirrors in the other realm. It's also connected to the mirror in his home, enabling him to do or retrieve anything he wants from around the house. 
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 14 - The Owner of the Kaleidoscope
Chapter Index
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Uta: I'm so mad! I can't believe I lost!
Momiji: ...Uta. Are you sure you shouldn't rest some more?
Uta: ...I'm fine. My body doesn't feel numb anymore. I wasn't expecting him to scatter poison petals everywhere...
Aoi: I hear poison attacks are Kyubi-no-Kitsune's specialty. I wish I could've seen your match.
Uta: Huh!? You should've told me so earlier!
Aoi: Why must I go out of my way to tell you anything?
Madoka: You have no team spirit. One for all and all for one, right?
Aoi: Are you sure you're the one who should be saying that?
Uta: Sigh. I didn't even know he was so sensitive about his tails. Owner was smiling, but he was seething on the inside... But he still didn't even break a sweat.
Uta: Damn... I'm so pissed! I bet he was going easy on me, too.
Madoka: It was beautiful to watch, with all those flower petals flying around. The fact that they were poisonous creeps me out, though...
Uta: Even the way he fights is all showy. Maybe I should've asked him to replace the petals with red pickled ginger, after all.
Madoka: ...Wouldn't that have been even more of a spectacle?
Aoi: In any case, we have one victory and one loss. We're not exactly in the lead.
Uta: Ugh... Aoi, you're so mean...
Hanabusa: That's enough worrying over a battle that's ended. I already knew Kyubi-no-Kitsune was going to be a tough opponent.
Hanabusa: This isn't the most favorable outcome, but I did see it coming. However...
Momiji: The battles themselves are a problem. A yokai may look just like us at a glance, but their fighting style is much trickier.
Momiji: We don't know how strong they can be, and it's probably best not to assume we can take them head on with just a sword.
Hanabusa: Our next opponent is Onibi. This is a match our future hinges on. ...Aoi.
Aoi: .....!
Hanabusa: I told you that I would observe the matches, but I'm going to fight in the fourth one. You're probably best suited to go against Onibi.
Hanabusa: Extinguishing spirit flames is your specialty. Make sure to win.
Aoi: ...Don't worry, sir. Kyubi-no-Kitsune may have been a formidable yokai, but Onibi is relatively low class...
Onibi: That's mean! Are you talking smack about me!?
Aoi: .....! Where did he come from!?
Onibi: I'm pretty strong, y'know? After all, I'm a superstar in the human world, and I've even been on TV!
Uta: ...I've heard that a million times. I bet your TV appearance was just some summer ghost story special, anyway.
Onibi: Ehehe. They filmed me!
Momiji: ...Onibi. Why are you in the katanashu camp?
Onibi: Hehe. I'm scouting! Mizuchi said I shouldn't underestimate my opponents, even if they're humans.
Onibi: ...I wish I could've come with Kamaitachi, but he ran off somewhere... I'm bored all by myself...
Aoi: ...Sigh. You're so careless you outright tell us you're spying. Hurry up and go back to your own camp.
Onibi: No!  
Aoi: ...Stop pouting! If all else fails, I'll drive you away with holy water... What!?
Aoi: This isn't my pipe..? It's...
Momiji: ...The kaleidoscope... Why is it here..?
Phantom Grotto
Shisei: ...This is the kaleidoscope you spoke of..? It looks more like a bamboo pipe.
Azuma: ...Because that's exactly what it is. Hmm...
Sana: Huh!? W-what!? The kaleidoscope was supposed to be in there! Why is there a pipe now..?
Sana: ...... Come to think of it, I bumped into that katanashu earlier...
Azuma: You said you dropped the kaleidoscope back then. Don't tell me...
Sana: What do we do..? It got swapped with that katanashu's bundle..!
Sana: Please forgive me! I wrapped it so it couldn't be recognized as a kaleidoscope, so both of the bundles looked similar...
Azuma: ...Goodness gracious...
Shisei: ...... You... Really went through all this trouble...
Azuma: Oh, well. No use crying over spilt milk. All we need to do is snatch that kaleidoscope back.
Sana: Azuma-san...
Azuma: In any case... We had rotten luck for both of the bundles to look so similar. Is that pipe full of drinking water or something?
Sana: Now that you mention it... It does seem like there is water inside. Let's open it... Ow!?
Shisei: .......!
Sana: What is this..!? My finger is turning red, even though I only got a drop of it on me...
Azuma: ...Sana! Don't touch it! It must be from some kind of shrine. Unclean water.
Sana: Unclean water!? Why would they have that..? What do I do with this..!?
Azuma: Ah! No, no! Don't throw it into the springs! They'll become unclean, too!
Sana: Wawawah...!
Shisei: .......
Azuma: In any case, let's return to Hikagemachi. The tournament shouldn't be over yet. We can still take the kaleidoscope back.
Azuma: Hokuto's plan for us to sneak in under the guise of betting will finally be of use to us.
Sana: Right... We should hurry..!
Shisei: ...You're planning to steal the kaleidoscope again? This time, from the katanashu?
Sana: Yes! We may not get another chance. Just wait a bit longer, Shisei-san!
Shisei: I'm coming, too.
Azuma: Yep. You just sit tight. This time, we'll get the kaleidoscope for certain... Wait, what!?
Sana: ...You're coming... Are you serious, Shisei-san!?
Shisei: Yes... I thought I'd never leave this place again...
Shisei: That I wasn't permitted to leave... Unless I was forgiven...
Sana: What do you mean..? ....!
Azuma: ....... Shisei... You...
Sana: ...Why are you crying..?
Shisei: Crying..? I am..?
Shisei: ...Ah, it's true. My cheeks feel wet...
Sana: ........ Shisei-san...
Shisei: Fufu... I'm fine, Sana. No need for you to look sad, too.
Shisei: ...Thank you. If not for you... I couldn't have summoned the courage to leave...
Shisei: Azuma, Sana. Please. Take me to the kaleidoscope.
Forest Plaza - Yokai Camp
Mizuchi: ...Ungaikyo! Thank goodness, you're back. I was worried because you vanished so suddenly.
Karasutengu: Right. This really is a good thing. Now I won't have to blow you away.
Mizuchi: Now, now. There's no point in blowing him away when he just returned.
Ungaikyo: ....... My kaleidoscope got stolen.
Karasutengu & Mizuchi: ......!
Ungaikyo: I want you to look for it. You can do that, right Karasutengu?
Karasutengu: ....... Hmm?
Karasutengu: You run from the tournament, but come begging for my help when you're in trouble? How selfish.
Ungaikyo: ...I never said I'd participate in this thing. You decided that without asking me.
Karasutengu: Oh? Well, aren't you arrogant. I enlisted you in this tournament out of the kindness of my heart.
Karasutengu: Believe it or not, but I'm actually favoring you quite a bit, since you're a potential helper with my informant's duties.
Ungaikyo: ...I don't need you. And I'm not gonna be your helper.
Karasutengu: But your mirror is so useful.
Mizuchi: ...Ungaikyo. Is it true that someone stole your kaleidoscope?
Ungaikyo: ...Yep. Some weird dudes bumped into me in the woods...
Mizuchi: I see... So they really did make a move...
Ungaikyo: Do you know something, Mizuchi!?
Mizuchi: Yes. I have an idea of who might've taken your kaleidoscope.
Ungaikyo: ...Who!?
Mizuchi: The truth is...
Karasutengu: ...Hold up. You're not going to hear the rest unless you agree to participate in the tournament.
Ungaikyo: ...Huh!? Why would you say that!? I'm talking to Mizuchi over here!
Karasutengu: I can't let you receive our information without compensation, can I? ...Though I suppose this is a special occasion.
Karasutengu: Like I told you before, you'll be able to fight that human if you participate. I was just trying to be nice when I volunteered you.
Karasutengu: You're interested in that human, aren't you?
Ungaikyo: ...I dunno what you're talking about.
Karasutengu: Stop playing dumb. I know you've been watching him through your mirror.
Ungaikyo: .....! You used your clairvoyancy..!
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Ahaha! Ungaikyo's fancy little mirror has been ruined. You got a taste of your own medicine.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Karasutengu should do it more often. Serves you right.
Ungaikyo: ...What..? You always say stuff like that to me...
Karasutengu: ...If you really don't know, then why do you fixate on that human so much?
Ungaikyo: ....... I just...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: You're so afraid of him that you can't help yourself?
Ungaikyo: .......
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: He scares you to death, but you can't look away. You're unconsciously becoming obsessed with him...
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: And the more you peek into his life, the more afraid you become... Fufu. I love to see you in such an uncouth and pathetic state.
Karasutengu: ...I just don't understand. We've known you for a long time, and I'd like to think we understand your circumstances. So why do you keep holding yourself back like this?
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Exactly. ...Maybe he’s just beyond help.
Ungaikyo: ...Shut up.
Mizuchi: That's enough, both of you. Let's all just mind our own business.
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: Hmph. You're such a softie, Mizuchi.
Karasutengu: That being said, it's irritating to watch. I want to blow this all way, and clear my mind!
Karasutengu: Listen up, Ungaikyo! You're going to fight that katanashu human, and you're going to defeat him!
Ungaikyo: .....!
Karasutengu: When you do, it'll all be over! Your troubles will disappear. You won't have to fear that human or any of the katanashu ever again!
Karasutengu: You might even get your precious kaleidoscope back. Well? Doesn't that sound nice?
Mizuchi: I'm not sure if it'll be that simple...
Ungaikyo: ....... If I participate, you won't stop Mizuchi from telling me about the kaleidoscope?
Karasutengu: No. I can even use my clairvoyance to help.
Ungaikyo: ...Fine. I'll do it. I'll fight in the tournament.
Karasutengu: Oh, great. That's the spirit!
Mizuchi: You hated this tournament enough to run away... Is the kaleidoscope that dear to you?
Ungaikyo: ...As if. I always wanted it to disappear.
Ungaikyo: But... I hate letting someone else take it out of my sight...
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Momiji: ...This is...
Onibi: It's the kaleidoscope Ungaikyo's always staring into! Why does Aoi have it?
Aoi: ...That's what I'd like to know. Why is it here, instead of my holy water..? ...Momiji?
Momiji: .......
Uta: Huh? What's going on, Momiji? You're kinda gripping that thing with a scary look on your face.
Momiji: ...Why? My heart won't stop hammering in my chest. It's beating so fast it almost hurts. Every time I look at this kaleidoscope...
Momiji: The same thing happened at the maple tree. I couldn't help but fixate on it. And now that I'm actually holding it, that feeling's even stronger...
Momiji: If I were to look into this kaleidoscope...
Momiji: ...Ungaikyo...
Onibi: Huh?
Momiji: ...That's Ungaikyo... He's reflected in the kaleidoscope...
- - - -
Fuuka: Pretty...
- - - -
Momiji: .....!
Madoka: Momiji? Heeey. ...You gonna stop looking into that thing anytime soon?
Uta: What a weirdo. Is the pattern that pretty?
Onibi: Is it!? I wanna look, too.
Aoi: ...Hey, Momiji. How long are you going to stare into that thing? Cut it out, already...
Momiji: ....... I remember...
Aoi: ...Huh? Remember what?
Momiji: This kaleidoscope...
Momiji: It used to belong to me.
To be continued...
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