#LASIK Eye Surgery
its-ticsticstics · 2 months
i need to remind sighted-people once again that Lasik is not a magical cure for all vision problems.
the amount of people who i tell about my visual impairment who then tell me to get Lasik as if its some sort of secret cure, is ridiculous.
like first of all, Lasik isn't just a casual surgery to have. it can have serious serious side-effects and lead to life-long damage. second, it only treats certain eye conditions, like near/farsightedness, dry eyes, cataracts, etc. it cannot fix my diplopia, that's not what its used for.
please, if you have blind or visually impaired friends or family members, learn just some of the basics. it stops us from constantly having to have these conversations.
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confusionmeisss · 6 months
“a whole fandom can’t have beef with lasik eye surgery, that’s just insane!” hey u wanna fucking bet?? meet the waterparks fandom! strong haters of lasik eye surgery!
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heyhabibi · 26 days
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I might get laser eye surgery, thoughts?
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itssh0wtime · 11 months
Has anyone here gotten eye corrective surgery like Lasik? If so, what are your thoughts? How was the procedure? Was it worth it?
I’m seriously considering it!
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Benefits of LASIK surgery
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LASIK ophthalmic therapy is vision correction surgery where it reshapes the call of treating loss. , Electric Simply put, it is a refractive surgery beneficial for hyperopia (farsightedness), and myopia (nearsightedness), and is particularly helpful in correcting astigmatism as it is in the cornea. In addition, the US Drug Administration (FDA) approved it in 1999 and tied it to doctors who want to get rid of glasses or improve their vision. Do LASIK Eye Surgeries .
Nowadays, old people, youth and even children are facing low vision and other eye related problems. Is no one other than the one with glasses can understand the freedom to get only through glasses. , Many wear contact lenses for the rest of the day by wearing glasses or spectacles that affect their outer arms but also their.
Advanced technology will let you get completely rid of contact lenses through LASIK surgery and brand Lasik Surgery.
Mostly it happens that it takes at least 15 minutes on lasik on both eyes. The treatment of this surgery is painless.
In most cases, it may take a few minutes to perform LASIK surgery on both eyes. It is non-treatment and provides better vision to the patient. Most of the patients also too, it provides a permanent solution to surge surgery lens lenses or glasses. Complications in all types of surgeries Complications, risks and side effects. , But LASIK one of the safest elective surgeries because it has a rate of complications. , This permission is because it is never the cause of blindness or blindness. Ok. In addition, this surgery is the more studied alternative Lasik.
Benefits of LASIK surgery Lasik sir pray. Now people can get rid of spectacles and improve their visual impairment through this surgery. , Lasik surgery will be worth it because of its benefits:
Tatka Razor Once you do the LASIK surgery, the very next moment the surgery will be completely your desired vision and you will be able to taste it immediately.
Approx Rate Pray This surge is associated with little or no pain which helps to heal with desired results. , is is
Permanent results - Most people live about the long-term effects because they think they have. , have have have have have have have have have have have have those uto shal yija hai hai hai can… hai hai s th nija. But the surgery provides permanent benefits and in future you will not have to worry about the eyesight.
Easy and Recovery - Not only is the process of surgery smooth but its recovery most important thing is that people may not face any serious problems or difficulties in future No complications will be observed after the surgery. It is very fast and easy like magic because just 15 mins surgery can give you clear vision for a long time.. , The only thing you will have to deal with for months would be very mild tearing a slight burning in the eyes which can be easily rectified.
you can contact best eye care hospital for Lasik Eye Surgery.
Satisfaction - Lasik surgery c keep porting a c keep going.
Better vision and vision - LASIK surgery will help in the treatment of eyes which will not make you want and vision without any Save money and follow. Once a person undergoes this surgery, then he/she can buy eyewear like glasses, contact lenses, etc.
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Tired of glasses or contacts? LASIK eye surgery can give you the freedom of clear vision! But what about after laser vision correction surgery? Read this blog to know about LASIK recovery, common concerns, and tips for optimal results. Explore the journey to a clearer vision and discover how LASIK can improve your quality of life. Contact us at Center For Sight in Naples, Brantley Road, San Carlos Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, FL for expert opinion and to learn more about your options!
URL: https://centerforsightswfl.com/service/lasik/
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drishtieyehospital · 3 days
Lasik Laser Surgery at Drishti Eye Hospital , Get rid of contact lenses
Lasik is a type of refractive surgery that assists in treating common vision problems like astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia. During the Lasik eye surgery process, the cornea of the eye is reshaped in order to eliminate the need for spectacles by making light directly focus on the retina. Drishti Eye Hospital assures the best level of accuracy and safety in lasik surgery with modern laser technology. Visit us for more guidance on lasik surgery.
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Difference between Contoura LASIK & Traditional LASIK - Laxmi Netralaya || Laxmi Netralaya
LASIK is among the most common laser eye surgery but Contoura Vision is also gaining popularity. Know more about the differences between the two procedures.
Visit at: https://www.laxminetralaya.com/blog-details/understanding-contoura-lasik-how-it-differs-from-traditional-lasik-procedures
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suryakantjha · 4 days
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LASIK eye surgery provides a variety of advantages, such as swift vision improvement, little pain, and rapid healing. Many individuals see a marked enhancement in their vision, often reducing or getting rid of the necessity for eyeglasses or contact lenses. The operation is extremely accurate, employing cutting-edge laser technology for customized care. In Delhi, it's essential to locate a proficient eye LASIK surgeon in Delhi for the best outcomes. These experts guarantee the utmost care and skill, boosting the surgery's success rate. Through LASIK, people can lead a more active life and enjoy a better quality of life with clearer, more defined vision.
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killer-kelp · 6 days
re: the tags on your Madeleine transformation scene post - Would you mind sharing your experience with lasik at all? My eyesight is terrible and i want lasik so bad but i keep hearing people say it's not worth the trouble/makes things worse. Also you have to be awake for it and I am. Very scared lol. Would really appreciate your pov but ofc disregard if you're not comfortable, no pressure to share
Hi! Of course. I didn't actually have Lasik, I had PRK (which my surgeon recommend over Lasik in my specific case: it involves a much longer recovery period but it is safer under some points of view, because there isn't a corneal flap, just a layer of tissue that gets dissolved prior to the operation and then grows back over the course of a month or so). I was very nearsighted (-7.50/10, -7/10) but my vision had been stable since I had stopped growing, around 16, so I was a good candidate for the operation as soon as I reached the minimum recommeded age (early twenties).
The actual procedure is very quick and not painful at all, but I was slightly freaked out because THINGS BEING DONE TO MY EYES. I think this is a common experience, because the surgeon, who was otherwise a very formal person, was speaking to me in the soothing and reassuring way a vet would speak to a cat they're vaccinating. It was very funny but also actually very effective. After the procedure they told me to look at the clock on the wall AND I COULD SEE IT PERFECTLY AND IT WAS SO NICE. Recovery (again: different from LASIK, which I think is basically good to go overnight) was a bit painful initially and mildly inconvenient for 2-3 weeks because I couldn't see well until I was fully healed and I was sensitive to the light, but every day was better than the previous one so it wasn't hard to tolerate. Long term effects: my eyesight has remained stable and practically perfect. I've saved a fortune in contact lenses. I don't need glasses, which I had always hated. My eyes are a bit dry sometimes, but nothing that eyedrops can't fix. I'm very very satisfied. It's been 10+ years now and I can easily say that it's the best money I've ever spent, it truly changed my life for the better. I would do it again tomorrow. I strongly recommend it.
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Oh my god, I finally got Lasik after wanting it for years and I’m finally healed enough that I can make use of my eyes and new vision! Honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
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The Best LASIK Eye Surgery Specialist Sunny Isles to Find It is important to consider factors like price, modern technology, lifetime guarantee, LASIK-only expertise, and excellent experience when searching for the finest supplier of LASIK eye surgery. These standards will guarantee that you get the best service possible and assist you in making an informed choice. You can get closer to having sharper, clearer vision by carefully assessing and choosing a LASIK eye surgery Specialist, Sunny Isles, who excels in these areas……
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mediend2 · 9 days
What is Lasik Surgery? Treatment and Benefits
LASIK eye surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years as a safe and effective solution for correcting vision. This procedure, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, aims to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. In this article, we will explore the seven benefits of LASIK eye surgery and how it can improve your vision and quality of life. Understanding the process and eligibility for this procedure is crucial, so let's dive into the details. Whether you struggle with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, LASIK eye surgery may be the solution you have been searching for.
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Understanding LASIK Eye Surgery
LASIK eye surgery has become a popular choice for individuals looking to improve their vision. This procedure, which stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, aims to correct visual impairments by reshaping the cornea. This is done by using a laser to create a flap in the cornea and then reshaping the underlying tissue.
There are several types of LASIK procedures available, including traditional LASIK, bladeless LASIK, and custom LASIK. Each type has its own unique benefits and may be recommended based on an individual's specific needs. The success rate of LASIK surgery is high, with most patients experiencing improved vision after the procedure
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Lasik Surgery in Delhi
At The Healing Touch Eye Centre, we understand the profound impact that vision has on every aspect of your life. That's why we're dedicated to providing state-of-the-art LASIK surgery in Delhi, utilizing cutting-edge technology and techniques to ensure optimal results for each patient. Our team of highly skilled and experienced ophthalmologists is committed to delivering personalized care tailored to your unique needs and vision goals. When you choose LASIK surgery at The Healing Touch Eye Centre, you're not just investing in a procedure—you're investing in a life-changing experience. Say goodbye to the inconvenience of corrective eyewear and hello to a future filled with boundless possibilities.
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shingawaeye · 19 days
Affordable LASIK Costs at Shinagawa Singapore - Explore Pricing Options
Discover the transparent pricing for LASIK at Shinagawa Singapore. With a range of options tailored to your needs, our fees ensure accessibility to life-changing vision correction. Visit our website to view detailed pricing and schedule a consultation with our experienced eye specialists today.
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