cherryvanillacokee · 2 years
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blackcurrant-juice · 2 years
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fujimoto i ask only one thing of you
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evergreenalice · 2 years
"You don't need to think about a thing."
probably a line that brings back bad memories
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sugar-grigri · 2 years
Denji would not let Nayuta become Makima again :
I'll add something: okay Denji is stupid, okay he's weird but I don't think he's insensitive either. What Makima did to his family (Power and Aki) but also to the others is engraved in his bones. He can let Nayuta have a really clear grip on him, but he's not manipulated anymore. His goals (to get her into college), wanting to reveal his secret to get a girlfriend (despite Yoshida's attempts to manipulate him), seeing a penguin (despite Asa's attempts to order their date), Denji demonstrates all the evidence that he is exercising his free will.
On top of that, Kishibe has to keep an eye on Denji and Nayuta's evolution, not only to prevent the threat of the control demon from returning, but also in a benevolent way. He saved Denji by giving him a family again: a little sister.
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smilervamp4 · 2 years
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For those caught up with the Chainsaw Man manga... i give you Denji x Penguins :P HE DESERVES TO SEE THEM LET HIM SEE THE PENGUINS!!!! I can also absolutely imagine him going through the gift shop for Nayuta :33 still crying that we only get one more episode! stuff just started getting good! XD
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deltastra · 2 years
Going to be giving my thoughts on chapter 113 of Chainsaw Man
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Okay, as someone who hates deviating from a set schedule, I found this super funny.
But what’s more interesting is that Denji genuinely wants to enjoy his time here with her. I know that isn’t saying much but I’m so happy to see Denji doing normal teenager things. And when he said yes to going out on a date with Asa, it’s just so that he can experience an actual date because a girl finally asked him out.
But I will admit, I really want to see Nayuta and Denji’s home life now but that’ll wait as Asa is technically our MC (We did see Nayuta’s head when Denji was sleeping in the previous chapter I believe…).
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Let the boy see his penguins!!! Another thing I like is that he’s more willing to stand up for himself and his opinions in Part 2! (Yes the majority of my reactions to this Part is just going to be me enjoying Denji’s progression as a character! >:3
Another interesting thing is that Asa seems to have trouble realising when her tone sounds rude. This dynamic is turning out to be more interesting than I initially thought and not from a romance perspective.
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This is by far my favourite scene and solidifies my thinking on what Denji is like now.
He will not be controlled. He will not have another Makima in his life again.
It was hinted when he was eating cake with Yoshida. He tried to control Denji by taking away his cutlery, but Denji retaliated by eating with his bare hands. It was the “Denji” way of showing his new way of going through life.
But this scene is great too. I think he would’ve waited for her to finish but that “You don’t need to think about a thing” gave him red flags and for good reason. I’m sorry but I’m just so proud of Denji here. Go see those penguins king!
Poor Asa tho, she rehearsed so hard for this haha.
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Fami seems nice though, why is she helping Asa? Surely it’s not JUST because she’s her sister right?
But what’s more intriguing is that Yoru doesn’t want Asa to trust her. Do all the horsemen of the apocalypse hate each other?
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I love how Denji’s first reaction is “Ah damn, Eternity devil is back again urghhh”
But wow, Fami’s ability is so unique. I wondered how they’d show “Famine” as an ability but even tho this is kind of like Eternity Devil’s ability, I suppose the difference is that you’ll eventually wither away from starvation.
Also wow Denji looks like a regular teenager in this shot. I’m so happy for him ;-;
Overall, a great chapter! We get more insight on what Denji’s character is will be like for part 2, more insight Asa’s personality and mentality (which I think is that she is afraid to admit when she’s wrong? I need to look into that more, I’m not sure), and finally, Famine Devil confirmation.
And although it was brief, Yoru’s reaction to Fami gives me the feeling that the apocalypse sisters do not get along. I cant wait to see Death Devil but I’m sure they’re still in hell. I mean, Death is feared by so many people and animals, I’d be surprised if the devil isn’t the strongest in Hell…
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
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See if Yoshida took Denji on a date he see Penguins on site 😤
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oceansatedogs · 2 years
asaden thoughts? 🙏
asaden thoughts... hm maybe i should answer this ask when my brain's actually not totally crappy but i'll give it a shot. big disclaimer, i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
i like them a lot as they are right now, and i also like them for what they could be. i'm really into how asa parallels makima but Wrong, and how denji actually is shown to be a lot more aware of how people treat him & how he navigates relationships now
and i like that asa as a character has so much going on to her - she's a huge asshole who thinks she's better than everyone else, but she also feels like the fucking worst. in a way, she puts herself on a pedestal in a way that alienates her just like makima. except of course, the reasons they're standing on their respective pedestals is but a difference in how they frame how different they are from other people
that being said, i bring up makima because in part 1, she and denji's dynamic were a huge thing. we see denji still struggling with the remnants of his trauma re: makima; like, for example in the latest chapter, he questions if the way people treat him has something to do with him
but something i'd really want for asaden, even if they ended up just being platonic, is to make these makima vs asa parellels mean something - something good for denji's character development
with asa, i want to see him say "no" more. i want him to see the fuckin penguins and for asa to try and compromise instead. and most importantly i want him to know, if the truth ever came out about the whole "yoruasa possession thing", that at least asa saw some loser named denji and not chainsaw man
and that's another thing i like about asaden! asa is like, pretty much the first girl to not be after his chainsaw heart. which is. very sad because the bar is 6ft below the ground. but i am glad she actually sees him. i mean, also literally too re: when she saw him amongst the crowd from up a balcony(?) when she was considering who to turn into a weapon
i just want them to take it as slow as they possibly can within the bounds of a fujimoto story and see where it goes
i think asa could come to really care about denji. it's clear she likes him a lot (which is hilarious because instead of denji, it's HER who fell in love easily). and it's funny how she tries so hard to hate him when in reality, she knows he's genuinely a good person at heart. and looking at him probably makes her feel worse about herself. because who's really "between cat and human", her or denji?
but she keeps pushing him away because she 1) is generally afraid of letting people get too close it seems and 2) doesn't want another person to get hurt because of her
can you imagine? if she managed to turn him into a weapon? the one girl denji really believed could love him the way he always wanted, was just using him the whole time? the guilt would be immense
and what about asa? i mean like, i don't wanna get my hopes up. but i think denji could really show her a good time. he could be really good for someone like her - they're both losers who could really understand one another, and neither of them have that many friends
yeah, i like asaden. my thoughts on it are all over the place but at the end of the day i just want them to kiss. and i mean i want asa to kiss denji, not yoru lol. though asa is probably screaming, shitting, crying, etc rn
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Chainsaw Man chapter 113
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feelyourno1z · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Chapter 113 Spoilers!!!
Okay so I know everyone is joking currently about how it really takes a certain kind of idiot to fumble being with Denji (agree, I mean if he could stand being around/with a girl who didn't flush the toilet at first and tried to get him killed, you must be fumbling BAD), but also I think we should acknowledge the character growth Denji has gone through at this point to be able to walk away from someone who is offering him companionship.
He started this series out so desperate for companionship he offered his life and body to his best friend should anything happen to them, so desperate for it he fell hook, line, and sinker for barely concealed manipulation, and so desperate to feel a connection to people that it was connection to others that was used to manipulate him the most. And we still see him longing for it in Phase 2 as well.
However, he's also learned and experienced what it was like to truly connect with others now too. He had his little found family that gave him the connection and purpose he was looking for with Aki and Power. He learned the difference between being used and being loved and cared for. He knows exactly what he's looking for now, what it's supposed to look and feel like, that others that care for you will be willing to make the small sacrifices for you and will care about what you want too.
Aki and Power would've been more than okay with seeing the penguins before the rest of what was planned to be seen, Denji wouldn't have even had to explain why he wanted to see them so badly. He knew it was a small, inconsequential sacrifice. It meant something to him and he was just told to shut up. He was shut down and made to feel insignificant. He may be desperate for human connection still, but after what happened the last time he let himself be walked over for it (he lost what he truly cared for), he isn't going to let it happen again.
Denji may not be book smart, and he may not always be the wisest about emotions, but he's still smart in terms of learning from the past and understanding what's been broken down and given to him. He may still put others above himself, but he knows he has his own worth now too, one that others sacrificed themselves for, and he isn't going to let that go to waste.
So yes, Asa fumbled everything terribly, a lot more than the memes about it really portray. Because while she's like Denji in being desperate for human connection, her devil doesn't actually wish the best for her and she hasn't lost everything multiple times and she hasn't had the kind of friends and mentors Denji has had in order to teach her what she's really looking for.
But Denji has grown so much, and I'm so proud of him, he's so horribly traumatized and he's known loss in such a worse way than most can imagine, but he's still holding out hope and he's still growing and he's still doing the best he can. I love seeing all the growth from him and it means so much to me and I hope that when Chainsaw Man's true ending comes, that despite all the heartache and pain and unfairness he's been through, that he at least finds some semblance of peace and happiness, even if it's not his picture perfect ending.
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nezuchuuko · 2 years
gonna rating denji’s dates based mostly by how much denji enjoyed them:
reze: 9/10
it was great until she bit off his tongue :(
makima: 8/10
overall boring movie date with some very touching and moving moments. also denji got reassured that he has a heart and therefore humanizing him :)
asa: -5/10
bored denji to death, controlling, didn’t let denji see penguins :(
yoshida: 6/10
paid for all of denji’s food. let him pig out. a bit controlling towards the end. refused to let denji have cake :(
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klonpa · 2 years
tgey better let denji see the fucking penguins (explosion gif here)
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
I'll be the first to kill to defend Asa but PLEASE don't take away her pretty flaws... she can show pride or even look down on you, is inconsistent and contradictory... that's what makes her so cool!
Sorry but Denji seems to be the first one to appreciate them.
Asaden fan, let's agree... these two will fall in love with each other's flaws.
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Whether it's the fact that she continually mopes and is complicated and stubborn about not wanting to eat fish. The fact that she has an overconfident outburst after Denji tells her she's fun. All of this doesn't bother him but seems to please him.
Sitting in the water with her, and offering to eat the animal she described to him for long minutes. It's not only romantic, but it also means Denji is paying attention to what she's saying or doing even if it's wrong.
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"Have you ever tried starfish?". This is what Denji says to Asa who is moping about not being good enough, who regrets having wasted this date and being a failure.
The starfish are not only the strong core of their date, a bad moment that connects them.
But the starfish are also a symbol of Asa's willingness to do the right thing. This is not what Denji wanted to see, as he was more interested in the penguins.
But starfish are interesting
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etherealscience · 2 years
Let denji see the penguins! 😭😭
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deltastra · 2 years
Woohoo! Gonna give my silly little thoughts on Chapter 117 before the next chapter comes out!
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HE WON. HE GOT TO SEE AND TOUCH A PENGUIN. IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!!! God I love this innocent goal of his. Forget boobs! Let the man touch a penguin!
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Wait what. IT REALLY WAS ETERNITY DEVIL? I’m stupid… so what is Fami’s power?
Either way, she knows how to strike deals with other devils too I guess. This may be a problem!
I hope we get follow up from Yoru about her siblings. She said Fami was lying but I just don’t believe that? That and, do all the sisters really hate each other? I just find that unlikely.
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OK IN HER DEFENCE, HUNDREDS OF AQUATIC LIFE ARE PROBABLY DEAD! But seeing Yoru smile over Asa’s mindset is a nice change of pace. They are slowly getting along. Asa and Yoru’s dynamic is one of the most interesting things about part 2 so far. Yoru is more understanding of Asa now but she doesn’t excuse it. It’s a very interesting relationship.
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Maybe I’m reaching here, but I see this as a type of play on the troupe where the hero reveals their powers in the open, but their “love interest” was “distracted” and couldn’t see it. If it was a play on that troupe, it was hilarious. Denji not seeing the shitshow that’s happening because he’s too distracted over a penguin is just…him.
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Ooo a stare down. Fami might see Yoshida as a threat and Yoshida definitely knows what’s up…these two might end up as bitter enemies
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These panels right here makes me want to bring up why I love reading chainsaw man rather than watching it.
It just feels like I’m reading a movie…
This short exchange, while lacking in words, speaks volumes over how you can interpret the convo. It’s kind of like a comforting awkwardness and the reliance on facial expressions just makes the manga more engaging to me.
Anyway, Asa is sad that the date sucked, Denji was okay with it cause of the penguin! How cute! But poor Asa feels so defeated here…
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Can we talk about how when a girl told Denji she will fulfil any one request of his, all he asks is for another date? It’s just, so cute.
He didn’t ask for anything sexual, boy’s grown. I feel like now he just wants the feeling of love in general again.
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Once again, facial expressions speak more than words. I love this so much. For once, Asa “disappointed” someone and they didn’t turn on her immediately. I can only imagine how comforting this felt to Asa.
If this is a romance that’s blossoming, I love the more mutual grounds their relationship is building on. Sure it might all turn to shit later but that’s Chainsaw Man for ya. Right now however, I’m loving it.
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This won’t work…
If I remember correctly, Yoru said that Denji has to fall in love with Asa in order for her to turn him into a weapon. But she stated that she could feel Asa’s love for Denji, not the other way around.
In addition, I don’t think Yoru understands human emotions that well. Denji asking her out on another date doesn’t automatically mean he has fallen in love with her. He just likes her to a point where he’s willing to give it another shot. Hell, I’d say that maybe Asa hasn’t fallen in love with Denji either. She was probably just little happy over how things turned out. I know I’m being a killjoy sorry ;-;
But my point is, Yoru cant turn Denji. So yea, this is gonna be pretty awkward now lol
Overall, this was a cute chapter. Yoru came back and kicked ass, Asa was the one who saved the day and Denji got to see a penguin.
I am serious when I say that I do find the relationship that is building between Denji and Asa compelling. I don’t really care if it’s platonic or romantic, it’s just…nice?…to see them on more mutual terms.
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