kotoal1011 · 10 months
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So uhm, consider this. After trial 1 ended, Kotoko attacked the guilty prisoners in a specific order based on the percentage of guilty verdict they received (highest was mikoto: 69%, then Mahiru: 55.40%, then Fuuta: 55.08%, and finally Amane: 51%), although in the end she didn't attack Amane, either because she was too tired after fighting both Mikoto and Kazui, or Kazui stopped her, or she just doesn't attack children.
In any case, I wanted to take a look at what might happen if Kotoko gets voted innocent again this trial (which is unlikely but not impossible). She's gonna start by attacking Muu (highest guilty rate queen!! 74%, I doubt she'll be surpassed by someone else before the end of the second trial). Muu, since she can't defend herself, will probably end up in a similar state as Mahiru. Then Haruka will be attacked (well, for now he's the only other one who got a guilty verdict so I'll assume that's how things will play out for now). And here's there's two possibilities: either someone defends him (because he probably won't be able to defend himself against Kotoko), or he gets beaten up just as much as Muu. Seeing how Kazui's verdict is slowly but surely leaning towards guilty, he'll probably only be able defend himself. So we already have two kids on the verge of dying (great!!).
What do you think Shidou will do. Like seriously. He might have been able to keep Mahiru alive, but it's only because she was the only one who got hurt that badly. Plus from a storytelling perspective, the author probably didn't intend to kill anyone between trial 1 and trial 2. But now that we've been warned, someone could definitely die at any moment. And if Shidou has to take care of two dying patients, well he might have to make a choice between who lives and who dies. As he says in Throw down, "someone's value cannot be the same as another", so which life will he value more? Muu's or Haruka's? If he ends up having to sacrifice one to save the other, how will he choose which life is worth saving and which is expendable?
Like I'm genuinely wondering, maybe he would save Haruka since he's more "childlike" (and therefore would remind Shidou of his kids), or maybe Muu because she's technically younger? Idk, Haruka would probably ask to be sacrificed for Muu, but that's assuming he's in a state to talk.
But all of this only matters if Kotoko is voted innocent AND Kazui is voted guilty AND Kotoko would actually attack children. Which, well, none of this is certain yet, but it could happen.
So anyway, I'm voting Kazui innocent because if someone dies, it means we'll have less songs in trial 3, which is just sad :(
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doctorbunny · 1 year
"For Mahiru's sake"
I have seen some arguements that, yes, if Amane is able to deck Shidou, it would indeed be a skill issue and all that However "we still must vote Amane guilty in order to protect Mahiru"
Ignoring all the things like "subjecting a torture victim to further torture" and "there is no guarantee that another guilty vote would restrain Amane enough to stop her" and "It isn't a case of when or if, Fuuta is literally already implied to be in Amane's cult and he has an inno vote meaning Amane could just ask him to act on her behalf"
I want to object to this on the grounds that Mahiru herself would not approve of it.
Firstly: Why did Mahiru forgive Kotoko? I think many people saw Mahiru forgiving Kotoko and took it at a surface level "Oh such a kind heart poor Mahiru has~" Perhaps some with concern "If she's willing to forgive a woman that almost killed her what else is she willing to put up with?!" I too have shared these concerns for her But I think there is an oft overlooked explanation, one deeper to Mahiru's true nature
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"An ideal she can't concede on" It's no secret Kotoko views herself as a vessel for justice, dehumanising herself into a mere tool, Es' "Fang" And to Kotoko, justice can only be delivered in the most visceral, corporal satisfying way So it is completely understandable, that upon being told Mikoto, Mahiru, Fuuta and Amane had commited injustices. Kotoko's only reaction could've been a violent beatdown (until she got stopped by Kazui at least) Why would Mahiru care about that? Because, dear reader, Mahiru too has a belief she cannot concede on
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Both Mahiru and Shidou say they'll do anything for love and its likely that conviction that lead them both to MILGRAM Shidou would take the hearts of a million paitents if his wife's would beat again. Mahiru, even after two trials... honestly doesn't have much to say about her boyfriend... But everything she did, she did for love and thus she has no regrets
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Mahiru even directly draws a link between herself and Kotoko here.
So why can't Mahiru deny Kotoko's ideals? Because she'd be denying a piece of herself too
And if we're going off Mahiru's logic, she wouldn't want us to permit her ideals whilst denying Amane's
Ok, but, who cares what Mahiru wants, right? Useless weaklings should just shut up and let us protect them! Especially given how fragile Mahiru must be... A concern I've seen a lot is that even if Mahiru isn't the target, if Shidou becomes incapacitated, she'll potentially die too A lot of people voted Mahiru innocent on the basis that another guilty could be fatal to her. Now Mahiru does seem pretty badly injured, and while we don't know the basis of the care Shidou and Yuno are providing, it must be severe to require two round-the-clock carers
Despite this, while Mahiru certainly isn't comfortable, it does seem like physically she is mostly stable. Even without Shidou, Yuno has recently spoken about how out of normality, she can't let someone in front of her die. So she'd probably continue to help keep Mahiru clean and fed even if she can't help with more complicated things (and we know Yuno isn't at risk because Amane talked to her without giving her a big threat about breaking taboo) This is also total speculation on my part, but I have a feeling by the time trial 3 rolls around, Mahiru will still be in her wheelchair heavily injured, but she will have recovered some more of her strength. Wheelchairs can move faster than I can run to begin with (Source: Guy I used to share a class with always beat me in foot/wheel races) but in addition Mahiru could already (with great difficulty and probably with risk of exaccerbating her injury) walk/run to some degree before getting her chair I mean this not to discount her, but to say that she is not entirely without defence/method of evasion should Amane attack Even more speculation-y: After Kazui missed Kotoko's attack last time, I would hope that the prisoners have some sort of Kazui-alert system to ensure he wouldn't be so late to a surprise attack again that could be used if Amane comes after them too
Whilst Jackalope states it was Shidou's treatments that saved Mahiru directly after Kotoko's attacks When it came to Shidou telling Es about the threat to Mahiru's life, the topic was her mental health
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Mahiru's innocent verdict will affirm her ideas about love and probably give her some more willpower
Will it be enough to protect her if Amane attacks her? I don't know!
But the sad truth is we are already aboard the pain train. We are trying to play 4D chess with a pigeon determined to knock our favourite pieces off the board. There's a lot of factors we can't account for, Kotoko for example, if voted guilty may not attack anyone or maybe she'll attack Haruka and Muu (or any other guilties) because she still sees them as injustice or maybe she'll attack the innocents because she can no longer trust our judgement of who committed injustice. We can't even confidently say what a T2 guilty looks like yet, so far two prisoners are voted guilty. Haruka is a seemingly bedridden hikikomori meanwhile Muu seems completely unaffected. We have no idea what'll happen with them until it does and how it'll affect the rest of this mess.
The only thing we have power over is a single, overly binary choice: To forgive or not forgive
And personally, I don't think Shidou or Mahiru is worth the continued punishment of a 12 year old. (idk why you're voting though so no offense if you think differnetly but I hope this was a good perspective)
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tw for suicide, mention of alcohol
Admin Saturn: I now have a crush on kazui! The other admins have been trying to convince me that because his whole arc is showing why he's not a good husband to his wife but like bro... open marriage and a guy that buys me flowers and holds my hand and takes me on drives? Sounds pretty swaggy to me! Also he ate a bird! Thats kinda wack!
Overall based on the info we have and everything he's said in his VD (assuming its to be trusted cause he does have that whole lying thing going on), I would personally go with inno. Like unless his sin was suicide baiting her, I don't entirely see how this could turn into a guilty situation. Definitely not on the same level as a lot of the other prisoners. (looking at how guilty mahiru should be but isn't getting)
Admin Venus: I'll summarize what I talked about in my theory, but honestly, I feel like Kazui didn't do all that much wrong. He seems like he just kinda let life go the way other people wanted it to go for him, and somewhere along the way he realized he really didn't enjoy it. At some point he got "greedy" and took steps to try to change that, but his wife probably committed suicide or possibly got into some kind of accident or something. Either way, that's what resulted in her death.
Between that and him being useful on defense from a meta standpoint, I'm not sure why I would vote him guilty. I wish we knew more though, I feel like both half and Cat were pretty sparse on details relating to the actual death of his wife. Like, I understand your situation, Kazui, tell me what actually happened!
Side note though, it's really interesting to me in the audio drama that he says he wants Es to find out his sin. In the first trial, I'd thought his MV was giving nothing because he was purposefully burying details to hide them from us. After hearing that line in the audio drama and seeing this MV, I feel more like Kazui's repressing his feelings on whatever his sin is so hard that even the MVs can't quite get at them.
(Also, the fact that we still haven't seen anyone who he's romantically involved with (other than his wife) adds to the theory that he's gay for me. A lot of other people (Shidou's wife, Mahiru's lover, etc.) have gotten relevant characters' faces revealed this time, and while we did get that for Kazui's wife, I feel like who he was with would've been revealed to us unless there was a specific reason to hide it (ex. he was with a man).)
Admin Mercury here. Uhhh I really got nothing on my mind but shitposts tbh. When listening to his VD, I really got the impression he was still lying or at least being overly dramatic like the theater kid he is. Especially in this part:
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(translation thanks to @/onigiriico) The way he delivers these lines seems so fake to me, but I realize this might just be personal bias talking. Idk yall, lemme know what you think ab his delivery in the comments below (PFFFT sorry)
Admin Neptune: I'm definitely team innocent. Although it seems like Kazui hurt his wife by not wanting to be married anymore, he tried to be a better person and stop lying to her. Unfortunately, according to him, this resulted in her death. It doesn't really seem like he did much wrong, especially compared with many of the other prisoners, and he helps keep the prisoners safe.
The part where his wife's image transforms into what is seemingly a man with an apple for a head (along with other parts such as the "I can't stop, I can't be normal") leads me to believe that he's gay. Assuming that the apple is supposed to represent something he feels is forbidden, this part could represent his desire to date/marry a man instead. I find it interesting that he sees this image through an alcoholic drink, and I feel like it represents something but I'm not completely clear on what.
Since Kazui says "I can't live unless I lie" as mentioned above in the VD, I wouldn't be surprised if he was still lying, but I do believe that he never actually cheated on his wife. I do wonder if he would consider "emotional cheating" infidelity, and it seems like the temptation might have been there when he says "it didn't even turn into infidelity."
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Continuing on "Haru's quest to annoy FF about every character in Milgram because they had the bad luck of getting interested in it basically at the same time he did" (/lh) Next on the list of prisoners is Fuuta. I remember you once said that he's one of your favorites along with Amane, Mikoto, and Muu, so I'm interested to hear you cover him !
Ah, so that’s why you’re doing this, your character motivation. The lore thickens. /lh
Yeah, I like Fuuta quite a bit. I’m always a sucker for protag foils, and since we can consider Es and even ourselves as the protag(s), then obviously I was going to love Fuuta. His views on justice are really interesting when considering we kinda do the same thing he ended up in Milgram for, deciding on people’s fates with horribly incomplete information and trying to justify to ourselves why we’re in the right for causing these people psychological pain. Not like it’s gonna stop me from voting people guilty when I think it’s deserved though lol.
CW: Cyberbullying, mention of suicide and murder.
(T2) Q9: How do you feel about the first trials results?
F: You’re the same as me.
Oh yeah that’s the good shit right there.
That is certainly a huge factor, Fuuta is great as a reflection to some of Milgram’s main themes and I love him for that. Even if his personality is maybe reminiscent of some other characters I’ve seen (when did Xander Matthews and Ace Markey have a secret love-child and why does he have a Bakugo complex), he’s still unique enough that I don’t see it as much of a problem.
And let’s not kid ourselves. Part of me enjoying a character sometimes comes from loving their song, and not only is Bring it On a banger like no other, Backdraft is probably my favorite Milgram song.
There’s also just a certain amount of hilarity that comes with the fact that people in Trial 1 managed to inno someone they believed to be a damn organ harvester then turn around and guilty my guy for having a Twitter account. Truly the most unforgivable of crimes.
It’s especially interesting now with Backdraft the theories around his “murder”, because I actually think it may be one of the more unclear ones in terms of what happened. You might have seen there’s a theory he wasn’t the one to start the witch hunt on the girl that ended up dying, which I find is quite believable even if we still have to explain what was going on with that photo he took of someone’s home in his Undercover silhouette thing. But what’s even crazier to me is the goddamn Undercover kill shot where his victim has both shoes on, unlike Mahiru’s and Kazui’s. Does this imply it wasn’t a suicide? Is it because whoever has the orange spray paint that shoots really straight at the one graffiti’s forehead actually murdered the girl themselves? But Fuuta still got blamed for it?
Hey remember when I said the more headache inducing a character the more I’m going to love them?
Anyways, I also think it’s cool how much Backdraft references the events during Milgram themselves. I love Es appearing in a prisoner’s song, too, especially with the whole “the one shadow from Purge March kinda looks like Es thing”-
Oh yeah Amane! I love her dynamic with Fuuta so, so much. They’re so cool and awesome and great and I hope Fuuta doesn’t get too indoctrinated but also I think it’d be kinda funny. I don’t think it would happen though, I trust big bro Fuuta will help Amane reject her cult’s teachings please I need them to have a wholesome ending where they just eat cake and play video games together you know Amane would beat his ass in any game even though she’s probably never touched a videogame in her life-
I am immensely normal about them, as you can clearly tell.
Anyways, some other things which I find really interesting.
(T1) Q1: What is a friend?
F: Folks you can get hyped over the same thing with
(T2) Q16: Do you have a lot of online friends?
F: I don't know if we were friends or not. There were times when we had fun together. But I don't know if I can call it that.
Am I reading this wrong or did my guy change his definition of what a friend is specifically to exclude his old friends? Because that’s some crazy character development right there.
(T1) Q9: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed?
F: I never killed anyone. Didn't you hear me? I thought you were a guard!
(T2) Q6: Do you remember the name of the person you killed?
F: I'm pretty sure I do. I saw it often after all.
So he’s admitting he did kill someone in a way. More character development.
(T1) Q10: Which prisoner do you get along with the most?
F: I'm not anyone's happy friend. Well Haruka's younger, so I take care of him.
(T2) Q2: How do you feel about Haruka?
F: This isn't the time to worry about other people. Plus it's not like he's a kid either.
More changes, my guy really is very different from trial 1 himself and I think that makes him extremely compelling.
Okay I need to stop or I’m gonna be here forever, this guy is just all kinds of silly. Anyways, love him. Please don’t get indoctrinated into Amane’s cult.
(T2) Q14: What are you thinking about now?
F: Maybe because I'm anxious, but I want something to rely on.
Please. Fuuta you’re like the only one there who might be able to reach her Fuuta please.
Anyways, I gotta go before those two rot my brain further. Hope you enjoyed! Take care!
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linagram · 1 year
I hope my constant "let's go yurika innosweep💯💯🔥🔥" asks have convinced someone to inno her
let's hope so bc this girlie has a chance to pull the funniest trick ever. like sure she attacked a kid and a guy who already was tortured by one of the guards. she has a door made out of flesh on her album cover. she's okay with doing whatever it takes to get forgiven, including attacking and possibly killing other prisoners.
and then she gets voted innocent.
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I'm strongly against voting Amane guilty because :
1) I'm against voting any prisoner guilty in general. It's my human rights activist side taking over, sorry. I refuse to put anyone through any kind of psychological torture (constantly hearing voices putting you down and such), and I'm not even talking about restraints, this is just. No. Ever since trial 2 began and Jackalope explained what the guilty voting inflicted on prisoners, and implying that it will get worse as trials go on, I've been set on either abstaining or voting innocent. Just making sure that everyone is voted innocent (which has failed so far, as Haruka and Muu have been voted guilty.) But here it's even worse as Amane has been abused and tortured probably her entire life. I refuse to do the same things as her abusers. And that is enough of a reason for me to vote her innocent regardless of any other circumstances.
2) idc about the "what if she hurts Shidou" argument. Because if Kazui is voted inno, he probably will protect him and if he isn't, it's not like Kotoko's situation where she was the 2nd strongest prisoner. Amane can probably kill Shidou if she wants to, but only if no-one tries to stop her. This time, we're talking about one of the weakest prisoners. Shidou might not defend himself because Amane is a child and we know what he thinks of being put to death by a kid (his dream come true, in the end), but there are other prisoners who will definitely try to stop amane. Yuno for example. She won't let Amane get in the way of Mahiru's recovery. Mikoto's alter can't be restrained as of now (though Jackalope said he was working on it so who knows) so he might step up and defend other prisoners if voted inno (I would have said Haruka as well because he hates children and is the third strongest prisoner (according to the arm wrestling match results), but he'll be restrained and probably working on his suicide, so I'm guessing he won't be able to do anything).
But I get it. I get the argument. Shidou may be injured. But he can probably take care of himself and others still (he got voted 81% guilty he's basically the prison's god atp). And even if he's not able to patch himself up, I'm sure he can ask help from other prisoners (like Yuno). And really, right now, I'll be putting the child's well-being above Mal Practice's potential safety if you'll allow me. Oh and lastly, idc about Shidou the guy can die for all I care (this is a joke, but now you're aware of my own bias at least.)
Also this is a reminder to vote Kazui inno if it's the state of the prison you're worried about, because it's probably the best way to keep safe as many prisoners as possible. If you don't care about prisoners getting hurt, then don't bring up the Shidou argument for guilty Amane (although I haven't seen anyone making both the argument to vote Kazui guilty "for his own good" and Amane guilty "for Shidou's safety" yet. People have been fairly consistent with their arguments so far.)
Oh and did I mention that you have the opportunity to avoid putting the 12 year-old who was abused her entire childhood through even more torture? Yeah anyway. Vote however you want but for now I have laid out my main argument for inno Amane and counter argument to guilty Amane. Make what you will with that.
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Thus commences the last in the "Haru bugs FF about Milgram" series, with only two more characters to put on the table !! ...Huh? Ask in my inbox? What ask in my inbox, I have no idea what you're talking about !! Aha !! Ahahahaa !! (i swear i'm getting to answering it i'm sorry for the wait) The last two on the list is Green Anime Baby (/ref) and Schrodinger's Sexuality, both of which you have already talked about before but this can serve as an opportunity to say whatever else is on your mind regarding them
The end of an era, really. The final two people.
Take your time on my ask! It's pretty hard to get so many thoughts on these characters in words, because there's a lot to them, so.
CW: Internalized homophobia, suicide and murder, cults and indoctrination, child abuse, heavy Amane apologism.
EDIT: On second read, I may have come off a bit strong with the Amane apologism. Keep in mind most of it’s hyperbole. I recognize her actions are morally grey, that’s the fun of it, but this isn’t a serious analysis. This is a collection of brainrot, and so I’m letting myself indulge in mindless Amane apologism, hope it’s not too much of a bother.
Let's start with Kazui. The (allegedly) gay (possibly) aromantic old man. Yeah, the aro/gay reading has grown on me since I made that Cat post. Though I'm biased towards the aro thing for obvious reasons.
Anyways, I like him! For the final time there is the issue of sexual attraction being a decently big part of someone's character, and me not really being able to relate to that, but at least this one has the whole thing about lying and societal expectations which makes it a bit more interesting for me. I personally have never had any big issues with my sexuality after I figured it out, but I can sympathize with his struggles to an extent. More than I can sympathize with Mahiru anyways.
I am always inclined to like characters who lie a lot, because it makes them more interesting to analyze. I tend to prefer when they aren't constantly telling everyone they're a liar, but Kazui isn't as annoying about it as some other characters (if I can like Kokichi I'll survive Kazui's thing). Kazui is cool because there's always the tiny doubt in my mind that maybe we're making a horrible horrible mistake by voting him inno this trial, but the more logical part of me knows that really isn't the case probably.
Shame his songs aren't really my kinda thing. I like Cat well enough, and I think half is good too, they're just not what I usually listen to.
I think it's funny his first instinct in his first VD was to try and apprehend Es, very funny guy. In particular, I think one of the most hilarious things that I've seen from Milgram so far is when someone before the release of Cat shipped him with the bartender just so Milgram could have a "Gay or European" parody, which is great, watch it if you haven't, and then it became canon (in theory).
As you know, I'm currently voting him Innocent, not just because of the whole "defending the others" thing, but because he clearly regrets what he did, he didn't mean to kill Hinako in the first place, so while what he did was pretty shitty, I don't think it's completely unforgivable.
I'm honestly coming up a bit blank on what to say about him other than the stuff I've sorta already talked about. I'll talk about the interrogations later, because right now I'm sorta distracted... by her.
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Look at her!!!!
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Look at how silly she is!!! She is not mentally stable but she slays that insanity look!!!
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There's more of them??? This is fantastic!!! I love that for her!!!
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Look at how happy she is, going to commit first degree murder!!! Yes, go literally slay queen! Kill 'em! Make them suffer >:D!!
(That last image and her murder shot may be my favorite Milgram frames btw)
I love her a lot a lot. To make it clear to you, I like her about as much, if not even more, than Min. Yeah, that's the critical levels of brainrot we're dealing with here.
She's just so fantastic honestly. Her entire story and personality and capital S Silliness is just fascinating, I could think and talk about her forever. It's hard for me to put into words, because I think about her and I start vibrating. Hands are shaking because Amane too awesome.
Amane is the reason why I even got into Milgram in the first place, you know? Like, I was seeing it pop up around my dash every now and then, but I was content to kinda ignore it... until I started seeing fanart of this weird little girl standing in an army of clones, and she looked a little... a little silly you know? I wanted to see what the deal was, and so I started obssessing over Milgram, so.
And what a time to join. Purge March may not be my favorite song musically (it's probably fifth after Backdraft, MeMe, Harrow and Bring it On. Magic is a bit below that but I also like that one), but it's probably overall my favorite MV of the series. Amane's an incredibly interesting character, the visuals are awesome, and lyrically it's amazing. Literally my only complaint is that it isn't longer, like please under three minutes? The shortest fucking MV in the series?! Evil /lh
One of my favorite Milgram lines in general is:
After you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless “I’m sorry” You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already!
Just the almost jarring shift from "like our religion ordains, everything will be back to normal if you just apologize and repent :)" to "I don't care what you do, I hate you and I want you dead" is fuckaingadjk yes Amane go go go kill 'em! I don't care if you try to excuse your actions by twisting your cult's teachings so much you actually contradict them! That just makes it even better!
Yeah my sense of morality cannot properly process Amane's crimes as actually evil. Honestly she could kill the entire cast and I'd forgive her. Sounds like a skill issue on their part not gonna lie. Just let her stab Shidou, come on! Let her brainwash Fuuta! If she has DID, then let one of the alters not afflicted by Milgram rules stab Es! I think that'd be very funny.
God, she's just asodak`+ anda alsldk
Sorry, I'm normal again <- Kazui-core statement (aka a lie).
Amane's just really awesome. I can't properly make a character analysis here because I will simply explode and I'd like to survive to see her third trial MV. I think I'll love it no matter what it is, but I do have some things I would particularly adore. Bassically I just want her to go feral, just- just go insane. My inner Veronika in full swing, I wanna see a play by play of her murder and just her covered in blood and screaming like yeah girl beat 'em up! I've seen some people suggest she should just turn into a monster in her MV and that would be so awesome. I am so immensely normal about her holy fuck do you understand.
Obviously I think she should be voted Innocent this trial. Because I'm pretty sure there's just no coming back from a second Guilty, so we're essentially dooming her and irreversably breaking her psyche. Shidou will probably survive any physical wounds she could possibly inflict, but I'm not entirely sure Amane would be able to recover after a Guilty. I also have a full draft talking about all the ways voting her Guilty just to protect Shidou could go wrong (Fuuta could attack in her place/there's a chance it wouldn't even stop Amane/Amane could sabotage medical equipment even while Guilty/Amane might still have the "first stage of physical restraints" from Trial 1 making a second Guilty redundant/DID could let her skip over the rules/etc). So overall I think Innocent is by far the better option, and I hope the way she's bleeding Inno percentage is some sort of statistical quirk and not her actually losing ground on absolute terms...
... But.
Listen, an inno is absolutely the best option in my mind. But if she gets voted Guilty, after I cry for a few months straight...
I am going to be so excited to see what she does in Trial 3. My inner Veronika coming out again, I wanna see how bad she gets. The more terrible and feral she becomes, I'll only love her more. I want to see all the horrible things she's willing to do and say without justification (/ref). God Kami-sama I need therapy.
Ehem. Anyways, I like Amane a lot.
And there's the dynamics, the dynamics! I've already brainrotted about her and Fuuta a bit on his post, but holy shit I love them so much. I want them to get out of Milgram and be silly together. They really are the siblings ever. Fuuta would introduce Amane to all sort of online and self-indulgent stuff she probably wouldn't have had access to before, helping her reconnect with her own desires and happiness, and Amane would try to get him to touch some grass and fail miserably. They are probably my favorite prisoner duo overall; they're both already silly on their own, and their silliness is multiplied exponentially when they are together.
Like, you gotta understand. It's not just that they are objectively hilarious together and they should hang out all the time always. There's also the parallels. Have you ever noticed how they both present themselves as heroes in their own ways (knight and magical girl)?
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That they both want nothing more than to impress the very people who are pushing them to do bad things?
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[Magic] I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile
[Backdraft] Tolerate, impress those spectators
The way Fuuta sees judgement as fire while Amane sees it as rain?
And justavs jas doj oq
God I am exploding I am going crazy like O2 I'm burning myself into oblivion I'm undeniably inequivocally definitely completely insane-
Okay I'm calm now. I need to stop thinking about 0308 parallels because I will simply combust. So we're moving on to-
Oh fuck the Es parallels too!
Amane: We’ve talked about this before. There are things more important than the law. That would be our teachings. Es: I won’t acknowledge you turning such selfish rules into a standard of judgment. I won’t allow it. End of story. A: … E: Both religion and faith are free. However, a doctrine can’t become a universal standard of judgment. A: You fool. Isn’t Milgram trying to enforce a new standard of judgment precisely because laws cannot guide this world onto the right path? Are you still being weighed down by the law?
E: Shut your mouth…! I am the one casting the judgements here! A: Hehehe. And how does that set you apart from us?
A: “We”? What’s “we”? Are you not just “I”? E: … I…? A: Aren’t we the same? Me and Warden-san. You know, I’m aware that I’m out of the ordinary. That my environment was peculiar, and that everyone else is normal.
What if I just ascend into another realm? What then? Can I still post my silly little thoughts from the world beyond?
Listen, there's so much to talk about with these two. I've already said I'm a sucker for protag foils, and Amane may be the most direct foil Es has alongside Fuuta and possibly Kotoko. Not to even mention their sibling dynamic, too, only matched in awesomeness by 0308!
E: No matter what you do, no matter how grown-up you behave – you’re a child. That’s an unchangeable truth. A: You’re a child, too! E: Wrong. I’m fifteen, so I’m an adult in Puerto Rico and Haiti. You’re twelve, so you’re a child no matter the country. A: …!! E: Hehe. You look angry. A: I don’t. E: You do. A: I don’t!
Actual sibling behavior what the hell. I think they should stick together if they get outta the hell prison.
Honestly it's ridiculous how awesome this girl is. I could talk about her and her parallels with all prisoners for days straight. I am not normal about her.
It's not even the prisoners either! Like, have you heard of the Sacred Texts, the godforsaken fucking cat parallels?! I'm going crazy just thinking about them. The only reason I haven't posted 15000 different posts about it is because Amane PhD haver Dr purgemarchlockdown has already talked about it so much. But they are so incredible. Animal cover goes hard, too. I have to listen to all of those at some point.
I will be so upset if she doesn't end up Innocent this trial (not as in mad, as in extremely depressed and a bit mad). I've even tried to cope by thinking of how it's mathematically possible she's actually been getting more Inno votes than Guilty but her percentage is dropping anyways due to statistical quirks and please tell me once the percentage stabilizes it will hover around like 53% give me some graphs I want to try to make some predictions please augh-
Anyways I need to calm down or I will never be able to post this.
So let's look at interrogation questions! New ones come out soon, yeah? I'm excited to talk about them when it happens (and after someone translates lol). Kazui first!
(T1) Q2: Is there anyone you hold in high esteem?
K: You wouldn't know them, but I have a childhood friend. I really look up to them. Sorry for bringing up someone you'd have no clue about.
(T1) Q17: What would you do if the world ends tomorrow?
K: I would lazily do some fishing. My childhood friend who I talked about earlier has a boat.
Childhood friends to lovers AO3 tag is strong with this one huh. Hope his Trial 3 MV contains a scene of him fishing. It's just a funny image really.
(T1) Q3: If you were allowed to do anything, what would you want to do?
K: I'd like to live righteously.
(T1) Q4: Do you think that your family is proud of you?
K: No. They must find me embarrassing.
(T1) Q7: Do you like yourself?
K: I can't really say I do.
(T1) Q19: Do you want to be forgiven?
K: I'm not sure. I also want my weakness to be tolerated, to be honest.
Yeah, the (alleged) internalized homophobia is strong with this one, huh. I'm assuming that's what he's referring to when he says "weakness" unfortunately. I hope he gets therapy when he gets out of Milgram. But you can say the same about all the sillies I guess.
(T1) Q5: When you go to an amusement park, what do you like to ride?
K: The merry-go-round. I actually want to try riding on one.
What. Is this. Is this related to the merry-go-round in I Love You? Like Kazui wanting to try being in a relationship where the love is (somewhat at least) reciprocated? Will think on this more later. Maybe.
(T1) Q6: What is the difference between an adult and a child?
K: Responsibility. Adults can't just go and do whatever they want.
One day I'll start making posts about the prisoner pairs and this will come up in 0708 but I am currently unable to think more about Amane without imploding so.
(T1) Q12: What is the meaning of life?
K:I wonder what. If you find out, kindly come and tell this old man.
(T1) Q14: Do you listen to music?
K: Well, a decent amount. I'm sure you wouldn't know them because they're all old songs.
Why does my guy always talk like he's about to die from old age. Dude you're not even 40 you have literally half (song reference hah) of your life left at least, at least try to live it you know?
(T1) Q15: When do you wake up/go to bed?
K: Because I don't have a job now, I'm letting myself act freely. I sleep whenever I get sleepy, and get up before noon.
I've always wondered about this one. Retirement for police officers in Japan is around 60 years usually, so there's gotta be some other reason my guy's unemployed. That's assuming he was a police officer, since I've seen some dispute the claim, but I think it makes sense. Did he quit after Hinako's death? Something happen before it? It's really peculiar, especially because we don't really get any reference to this in either half or Cat from what I can see.
(T1) Q16: Do you believe in past existences and fortune-telling?
K: I don't. I can't shift to them the responsibility of what happens in life.
Oh you mean like how Amane pretends her murder was ordained by God even though her cult would very clearly disavow her killing anyone or anything because of the whole "follow thine destiny" thing? Curious.
Alright now get ready for me to analyze literally every single Amane question out of principle.
(T1) Q1: Do you have any special skills?
A: Nothing that I can call a talent. Perhaps studying. I do well in my Japanese class.
Does murder count as a special skill? Because I think she's actually decently good at it. Her studiousness is obviously caused by the whole cult thing, but good on her for being good at Japanese! Couldn't be me.
(T1) Q2: Is there anyone you hold in high esteem?
A: My father. My father has been on a journey for a while, but that is something very honorable.
I've always wondered how the father thing plays into her story, there hasn't been too much reference to him yet. There is the second voice reveal trailer thing, but honestly I'm not too sure what to make of it honestly.
(T1) Q3: If you were allowed to do anything, what would you want to do?
A: Nothing really. I am not lacking anything.
Alright you lying liar.
(T1) Q17: What would you do if the world ends tomorrow?
A: If everything ends? Then, I might do all sorts of things I have never done before.
I fucking love characters who lie to themselves yes fucking inject that shit in my soul-
(T1) Q4: Do you think that your family is proud of you?
A: Of course. No daughter is as exemplary as I.
(T1) Q13: Who do you want to meet right now?
A: My father. I want him to praise me for working hard.
Her (allegedly) dead mother staring at her from hell like ಠ_ಠ
One day I'll make a post about how it's possible everyone in Milgram's just dead and Amane got killed by her father when he returned home and that's how she ended up in Milgram and I'll be sad.
(T1) Q5: When you go to an amusement park, what do you like to ride?
A: That is a place I should not go to.
I hate her cult so bad. I imagine that would be obvious, but I'll say it anyways.
(T1) Q6: What is the difference between an adult and a child?
A: There is no borderline there. I think there are grown-up children and childish grown-ups.
She had to grow up so fast I'm fucking depressed. Also ngl "childish grown-ups" is kinda based I think Amane should just insult people more often it's very awesome of her.
(T1) Q7: Do you like yourself?
A: I have never considered it from the perspective of love and hate, but I do think I am a good child.
Ouch. Ouchie ouch ouch.
(T1) Q8: Between ethics and emotion, which do you prioritize?
A: Both are trivial.
"Throw down, ethics is a delusion"~
This is honestly just a really funny answer. I get why she's saying it (common ethics and her own emotions are not as important as her cult's teachings in her eyes), but there's always a bit of hilarity that ensues when you say "ethics are trivial." Amane should honestly be allowed to violate Geneva conventions, I think the world would be better if she did.
(T1) Q9: Tell me what your family consists of.
A: It was my father, my mother, and I.
Was, huh. Wonder what happened there (murder happened there (allegedly)).
(T1) Q10: Is there any prisoner you're close with?
A: If I were to say, I guess it would be Yuno and Mahiru.
And then she wasn't! Kami-sama that first trial aftermath was a warzone.
(T1) Q11: What kind of meat do you like?
A: I don't eat meat.
The part of me that loves body horror sorta wants Amane to be shown eating her victim in Trial 3 to really drive home how 'this is not what the cult wants her to do'. Is that not a normal thing to say? It makes me sound completely fucking unhinged? Oops. Anyways.
(T1) Q12: What is the meaning of life?
A: I think it is something you learn for the first time when you look behind yourself when it ends. I do not want to have regrets then, so I live on with all my might.
Sometimes (a lot of the time) I think about Amane when she grows up and hopefully is out of her cult's control, and how she'll feel about the first 12 years of her life. I hope she and Shidou make up.
(T1) Q14: Do you listen to music?
A: Not really, to songs that are highly entertaining.
I headcanon that if the prisoner's listened to each other's songs, Backdraft would be Amane's favorite because it's exciting and she likes Fuuta.
(T1) Q15: When do you wake up/go to bed?
A: I go to sleep at 9PM, and wake up at 6AM.
She sleeps for nine hours a night? This is the healthiest sleep schedule I've ever seen in my entire life the fuck is this. I get this is because of the cult thing, so I think my girl should get to do a sleep-over with some of the other prisoners eventually, but still.
(T1) Q16: Do you believe in past existences and fortune-telling?
A: Although there are many fake ones.
How do you think Amane would react to Mikoto's tarot thing? I can't think of anything funny to say so I'm just not gonna address the question.
(T1) Q18: Do you regret your "murder"?
A: No. It was a natural obligation.
So true bestie, kill the bitch. I will live up to my name as the Local Amane Momose Apologist, I want her to kill everyone that's ever hurt her (not the audience obvs).
(T1) Q19: Do you want to be forgiven?
A: Of course. I anticipate that you will make the right judgment.
Come on, how can you disappoint her again? Vote her inno, she deserves it.
(T1) Q20: Any complaints about being imprisoned?
A: No. Because this is a trial by God.
Reason #543785478 why voting her inno is the better option: there is zero chance she sees a second Guilty as anything but another trial she must endure, so she'll only cling harder to her faith and I seriously worry we might not be able to get her back by the time Trial 3 rolls around.
Okay brainrot over. I'll be surprised if anyone survives that amount of insanity but here we are. Thanks for all the asks! And excited to see what you're cooking on your end. Take care!
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With the knowledge that I can send as many asks as I want, be prepared for me to never shut up (/hj) Anyway, like I said in the comments of my previous question, I would like to hear a few words about Haruka, because he is also one of my favorites All of my favorites have at one point or another gotten unforgiven and I don't know what that says about my morality
Oh, don’t worry, I love receiving asks! And I wouldn’t worry too much about the guilty thing, like half the cast has been voted guilty at one point or another. Or maybe I’m just coping because my favorites are Amane and Mikoto, maybe Fuuta and Muu, so I’m on the same boat. At least Es can’t be voted Guilty, right?
CW: Murder, animal death, suicide.
Anyways, Haruka. This physical manifestation of mommy issues is really quite cool. I really love his MVs, and his songs slap, hard. His need for attention is a very unique motivation, and I love how it plays off Muu’s own issues. Their dynamic is super interesting.
Haruka: Muu is my mother. (2nd VD)
My guy. What.
But he’s still a really intriguing character on his own. I’m really fascinated by the way his character tackles untreated mental illness, there’s a lot to be said about that aspect of him. And I am a big fan of the “suicide theory” by moibakadesu, I think it makes him an even more fun-to-analyze character.
His interrogation questions are some of the most interesting too imo.
T1 Q17: Is there something you regret?
H: There is.
Ooh… What’d you do Haruka boy?
T1 Q18: What are you most scared of?
H: Betraying people.
Muu and him were always going to form a unhealthy codependency weren’t they.
T1 Q20: What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
H: Cotton candy.
From this we can gather that cotton candy is extremely expensive in Haruka’s world, which implies a shortage of the elements used to create it. In this essay I will
T2 Q2: What’s your opinion on the Guard?
H: Guard-san is not my mom.
My guy. Please.
T1 Q14: What’s an event that sticks to your memory?
H: Fireworks
T2 Q4: Tell us the origin of your name.
H: It seems like she wanted a girl. She had already chosen this name.
Like the girl in Weakness? Oh, theorizing go brrr…
T2 Q11: Are there any prisoners you can't deal with right now?
H: I'm fine with Amane-chan now. I'm not scared of small children anymore.
Objectively hilarious answer. These two need to interact more.
And I also just think it’s really funny how the most recent timelines dialogue we’ve gotten outside of character birthdays are him begging us/Es to inno Muu, and then we gave her the widest Guilty ratio in Milgram history. L moment.
(I really hope he doesn’t manage to kill himself or that is gonna age horribly)
On the topic of verdicts, I do think the Guilty this trial was probably necessary. Not because it’s somehow gonna stop him from hurting himself (because I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works), but because we need him to realize he did something real bad at some point, and putting it off until the Third Trial is dangerous when we don’t know what the final trial will be like. Sorta the same reasoning as Muu funnily enough, we can’t let the Trial 1 inno be misinterpreted. Though I do wonder how he’s gonna react to both his own and Muu’s verdicts. I have a feeling the answer will be “not well.”
Anyways, yeah. He ranks a solid score on the Silliness Scale. He’s cool, I like him. Thanks for the ask! Hope this was a satisfying answer!
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