mikatsuobushi · 1 year
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oscarisaacsspit · 10 months
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room full of chairs (and i know exactly where i’m gonna sit) 🤭
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rinamars · 3 months
hi mars, hope you're well <33
🍓🛼🌿🍄 for the ask game?
hi flo 🫂 i'm doing well, i hope the same goes for you <3 thank you for stopping by!!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i discovered fanfiction when i was a wee 12/13 year old. in middle school i was obsessed with harry potter, and so i ended up reading tons and tons of harry potter fanfics after school, and what a wonderful new world it was!! people write stories about things that didn't happen in canon but wish they did?? people write romantic stuff between characters?? these characters... kiss??? needless to say i was glued to the italian fanfic website. i developed an obsession for stories involving hermione granger and fred weasley, because pairing up a goody-two-shoes and a goofball has always melted my heart, and eventually this obsession made me go like "wait, i can write something like this myself!!" and so i did. they weren't good. they really weren't. but i had so much fun. the moment i entered high school and realized that my writing was nothing special i stopped :( i kept comparing myself to others and it stopped making writing fanfic fun. i kept reading, though, and eventually commander erwin smith made me find the joy in writing again heheh (and this was also my first time writing reader inserts)
🛼 describe your latest wip with five emojis.
🏡👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼👀🪑🍆 it's just some silly and mindless ***** where they **** on their ***** in front of ***** ********** in the middle of the day 😇 (i'm just taking a lil break from working on the Bigger Wips)
🌿 give some advice on writer's block and low creativity.
oh man, i wish i has some actual advice!! usually these things work for me:
- if you have even the smallest idea for a story in general or for a specific chapter, write it down, bc reading through those small ideas might reignite the inspiration;
- reread your past works / works by your fav writers to help you get the creative juices flowing;
- do NOT force yourself to write if you can already feel it's not the right moment for it, it's supposed to be a fun pasttime, not a chore;
- outline your whole story/chapter first in bullet points, and then do the same thing for each scene, so that it feels less daunting or overwhelming.
maybe they're not revolutionary pieces of advice, but yeah 😔 typically i try not to force myself and to wait for the right moment to come on its own
🍄 share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings.
i don't think levi was illiterate before joining the scouts, but i do think erwin helped him learn more proper/refined vocabulary and write in cursive. those nights are what allowed them to truly get that close post-acwnr.
(thank you for the asks <3)
writers truth or dare ask game
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hypertonicplague · 3 years
Dead Dumb HCs for Obey Me
Honestly feel free to ignore these skskks
They’re just personal hc, some of em got picked from other ppls hcs but more r less just some dumb stuff I think abt
Gonna all be mushed together cuz I’ve got dirt brain
This gonna be long as a mf n I can’t do the read more option cuz mobile I’m sorry 🥺🥲 forgive me
*kithes y’all*
Lucifer sleeps in his demon form, no matter where r with who he just can’t help it. He tries to sleep in his glam but for some reason every time he wakes up, he’s in demon form
Asmo keeps his room HOT. Like HOT HOT, 87F maybe hotter. No ones knows why n he wont say. So if ya sleep w him ya will end up either nude or half nude in the morning str8 up sticking to Asmo (an not even in a seggc way) peel ya self off bb
That being said he has a big ass icebox r some shit in his room that’s filled w beauty products so they don’t melt or go bad. It’s probably pink n covered in flowers w gold trimming r some extra shit lol
Beel once ate something from in it lol n got hospitalized. But not because of the makeup-
Mammon’s 100% definitely a sleep walker n ya cant change my mind
That being said the brothers all take turns waking up in the middle of the night to find mammon n put him bck in his bed (they once found him in the basement, stuck in a large crack in the wall)
Levi has never slept on a water bed n doesn’t know they exist n the brothers plan to KEEP it that way. There’s a really funny reason for this n that’s up to ya own mind to think abt 😘
Dia physical can’t eat Mochi r any kinda of candy r food w the same texture. They just can’t chew it correctly n it looks kinda weird to watch them eat it lol
Dia’s got an underbite!! It’s not very pronounced but it’s there if ya looking for it (they also got bigger bottom fangs)
That being said Lucifer matches opposite w an overbite. If you point it out he’ll deny it to his death n make u cook dinner for the rest of the week 
Beel can’t eat food textures that r slimy n crunchy (like rice pudding for example) but he forgets a lot n ends up stimming cuz of it (he likes biting to self soothe sksk)
When Satan gets really into a book they’ll act out the story silently (like *character scowls in their book* n you’ll see them scowling too r making a surprise face r something) they’ve accidentally broken vases n stuff when throwing their arms out lol
Levi wears long pants n stockings cuz if you touch the back of his knees, even SLIGHTLY, he’ll fold like a chair 🪑
Barb doesn’t sleep but they do like roaming around the castle n sleepin in the empty beds while Dia sleeps. They doesn’t know why they like doin it lol. Something abt being homely
Solomon be eating bugs
Asmo be eating bugs too
Belphie actually sleeps in Mammon’s bed a lot when mammon isn’t home r in his room. It’s not uncommon to see mammon walking out of his room w Belphie in his arms. Belphie won’t ever tell him but it’s cuz he feels second safest around mammon (n only goes into his room after a nightmare)
Belphie also sleeps a lot in Lucifers study too but only cuz it’s one of the coldest places in the house
Satan doesn’t have a bed anymore (books) n sleeps on their lil love seat in their room
Lucifer roams the house dead at night (most of the time before mammon starts sleep walking) and will open each of his brothers doors to check on them. Only after he’s made sure everyone is safe he’ll go to sleep.
Dia txts everyone goodnight EVERY day. Even if they haven’t talked, even if they had a mild fight, EVERY night no exceptions
Full blooded demons (Dia, Barb, Satan, ect.) use mostly they/them pronouns cuz they don’t actively have a set gender r genitals. Depending on their partner n the time of the year, they’re either rocking dong r punani when it’s segg time. Other than that?? If u pants them there’s nothing, not even nips (ofc some demons prefer masc r femme pronouns, just ask em!!)
That being said angels are intersex and all of them have breast. (Even the extra buff n masc preferred ones. God is an asshole 🤧) all the brothers are leanin on da masc side (except Asmo who’s more genderfluid than anything)
pee balls
That’s all
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