madsims4finds · 15 days
Life By You postponing their release and NOT providing a new release date is actually great news in my opinion. They know damn well that game needs more work. Also, they’re a big studio. I don’t think the game should be released in early access to begin with. I think they can afford to make the game and release it when it’s done. I hope that’s what they end up doing cause the early access announcement is what turned me off about this game. Along with all the promo videos showing people doing the same exact stuff over and over again (going to the grocery store, walking to the beach). They couldn’t even show two of the “humans” interacting with each other but they wanted to release the game? This is why I said what I said in my previous post.
They knew it would be shooting themselves in the foot if they released something that didn’t live up to the hype they’re building around it. We’ve had enough games have disastrous launches for this very reason.
This decision makes me trust them and their vision a whole lot more. I look forward to them taking their time and seeing how they make the game even better.
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kotajose · 6 months
Life by you is still looking so bad and they still haven't shown any kind of game play...
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westanimesims · 9 months
Vivaland coming soon, Life by You and Paralives drops previews, while EA...
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ivorysnowplays · 1 year
So, the Life By You trailer dropped and I could not be more excited.  I have been a long time lover of life simulation games. Since the Sims 4 dropped, it has been cleared that my beloved franchise no longer valued the relationship it had with it’s community. When even the most basic things are missing or blocked by a paywall, they just hit us with more content to purchase. 
Life By You’s trailer has shown me that there is still hope that my perfect Life Simulation game is out there.  Mod friendly is an understatement. The developers have really curated a game where you can control EVERYTHING and fully tell your own stories. 
I for sure will be preordering this! Will you?
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lifebyyounews · 1 year
Paradox announces Life by You to be released as Early Access on September 12, 2023.
Customize your humans, their homes, their rides. Create custom styles, write your own dialogue, and explore a world you've made. Live life creatively in Life by You, an upcoming, moddable life-sim from Paradox Tectonic entering Early Access on Sept 12, 2023 on Epic and Steam!
Currently pre-orders are available on Epic Games and wishlist is available on Steam. By pre-ordering you gain access to the Life Begins Pack - which includes a Vintage Scooter, the Jumpstart Fashion Pack and Walls to Floors Decor Pack. The first 100,000 Early Access players will also get access to a private discord server which allows you to give feedback and previews of future content.
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enkeynetwork · 19 days
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phonemantra-blog · 1 month
Calling all aspiring digital architects of destiny! Paradox Interactive, the renowned developer behind strategy hits like Crusader Kings and Stellaris, has finally unveiled the Early Access release date for its highly anticipated life simulation game, Life by You. Mark your calendars for June 4th, 2024, as this is the day you'll be able to dive into the world of crafting and living out extraordinary (or ordinary!) virtual lives. A Delayed Debut for Refined Gameplay Life by You was initially slated for a March 5th, 2024, release. However, Paradox Interactive made the strategic decision to push the date back to June 4th. This additional development time allowed the team to meticulously polish various gameplay elements and ensure a smoother, more immersive experience for players venturing into the vast world of Life by You. Paradox Unveils Early Access Building a World, One Life at a Time Life by You aims to be more than just a life simulator – it aspires to be a digital sandbox where players can sculpt their own realities. Unlike other life simulation games, Life by You boasts a fully customizable open world. This grants players immense creative freedom to design not only the environments in which their virtual lives unfold but also the very characters who inhabit them. From Humble Beginnings to Grand Dynasties The possibilities in Life by You are truly expansive. You could choose to start small, crafting a single character and meticulously guiding them through the trials and tribulations of life – from childhood dreams to career aspirations to the joys and challenges of forming a family. Alternatively, you could take a more macro approach, building expansive family dynasties that span generations. Each generation presents new opportunities and challenges, allowing you to weave intricate narratives and explore the ripple effects of your choices across the decades. Fostering Emotional Connections Through Real Language Conversations Life by You goes beyond the typical life simulator mechanics of building houses, furnishing rooms, and managing budgets. The game seeks to forge deeper emotional connections between players and their virtual creations. To achieve this, Life by You implements a unique "real language conversation" system. This allows players to engage in more nuanced and natural interactions with their characters, fostering a sense of emotional investment in their destinies. Switching Perspectives for Deeper Immersion Life by You grants players the flexibility to experience the world from multiple perspectives. For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, a direct control option allows you to take the reins and control your character's every move. Alternatively, a third-person perspective allows you to observe the unfolding drama of your created world, feeling a deeper connection to the lives you've sculpted. Unleashing Your Inner Creator: A World of Customization Tools Life by You wouldn't be a true "build-your-own-life" experience without robust creation and editing tools. Thankfully, the game offers an impressive suite of features designed to empower your inner artist and architect. These tools include: Character Creator: Here you'll breathe life into your virtual avatars, meticulously crafting their physical appearance, personalities, and aspirations. Item Designer: This tool allows you to customize anything from furniture to clothing to the very objects that populate your simulated world. Language Trees: Take control of how your characters communicate by building unique language patterns and personalities through the language tree system. FAQs: Q: What is Life by You, and when is it coming out? A: Life by You is a life simulation game by Paradox Interactive that allows players to create and live out virtual lives in a fully customizable world. It enters Early Access on June 4th, 2024. Q: Why was the release date for Life by You pushed back? A: Paradox Interactive delayed the release date to allocate more time for development and polish gameplay mechanics. Q: What kind of customization options does Live by You offer? A: Life by You offers extensive customization options, including a Character Creator, Item Designer, and Language Trees. Q: How will "real language conversations" work in Life by You? A: The game implements a system that allows for more nuanced and natural interactions between players and their characters. Q: Will Life by You be available on consoles? A: Currently, Life by You is confirmed for PC Early Access on Steam. Console releases might be considered at a later date.
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spiritgamer26 · 5 months
[CP] Les jeux les plus attendus de 2024
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Enshrouded - Keen Games
Ce survival A-RPG en coopération arrive sur PC en accès anticipé dès le 24 janvier 2024. Enshrouded a obtenu à l’occasion du Steam Neo Fest le titre de démo la plus jouée, rassemblant le plus d'utilisateurs actifs et devenant le jeu le plus wishlisté sur Steam. Les joueurs pourront bientôt découvrir cette aventure mêlant combat, construction, terraformation ou encore survie et exploration le tout en co-op jusqu'à 16 joueurs ! Pour plus d'informations, suivez les chaînes officielles d'Enshrouded sur TikTok, YouTube et Facebook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUj1Kh80GKghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzrjQjrn_cU
Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney Trilogy - Capcom
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy est une compilation rassemblant les épisodes 4, 5 et 6 d'Ace Attorney. Joignez-vous à l'avocat recru Apollo Justice et à son mentor, le légendaire Phoenix Wright, dans cette collection de trois jeux ! Dans cette compilation, vous retrouverez les jeux Apollo Justice comme vous ne les avez jamais vus : résolution visuelle haute définition, animations plus fluides, le tout présenté au format 16:9 pour tous les jeux de la collection. Les joueurs disposeront aussi d'une nouvelle interface utilisateur adaptée pour les écrans modernes, un menu amélioré et des fonctionnalités inédites qui rendront les trois titres plus agréables à jouer.
The Thaumaturge - 11 bit studios
Dans ce jeu de rôle narratif, les joueurs incarnent Wiktor Szulski, un thaumaturge en quête de paix avec son passé. Se déroulant dans le Varsovie de 1905, l'histoire tourne autour du concept mystérieux de démons intérieurs et de la façon dont, dans ce monde, ils peuvent signifier bien plus qu'un simple fardeau mental. Dans The Thaumaturge, les démons sont connus sous le nom de Salutors qui se nourrissent des secrets les plus sombres de chacun et seul le thaumaturge titulaire a la capacité de soulager la personne de ce fardeau. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I60mEgReO5Mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8YufGhxIwE
Life by You - Paradox Tectonic / Paradox Interactive
L'une des simulations de vie les plus modulables et libres arrive en accès anticipé le 5 mars 2024. Dans Life By You, les joueurs peuvent échanger comme ils le font dans la vie réelle grâce à des interactions réalistes inspirées de conversations du quotidien. Les joueurs auront le contrôle de cet échange en passant d’un gameplay à la troisième personne à un contrôle direct. Life by You pousse le réalisme et incite à la créativité à leur maximum grâce à une large variété d'outils de création et d'édition afin de vivre l'expérience unique et personnalisable.
Dragon's Dogma 2 - Capcom
Dragon's Dogma 2 est le successeur de l’action-RPG sorti en 2012. Il propose un monde fantastique richement détaillé et explorable à loisir, bénéficiant d'une physique réaliste, d’IA développée et des dernières évolutions graphiques du RE ENGINE, moteur propriétaire de Capcom. Les joueurs incarnent l’« Insurgé », un habitant de l’univers du jeu dont le cœur a été volé par le Dragon. Bien que le décor de cette suite rappelle les collines luxuriantes du jeu culte Dragon's Dogma™ et de son extension Dark Arisen, cette aventure originale se déroule dans un monde parallèle comprenant deux nations ayant des approches différentes face à la menace représentée par le Dragon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUxenSaQkbUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i88rlDT57OY&ab_channel=11bitstudios
Frostpunk 2 - 11 bit studios
11 bit studios avait révélé en novembre un premier aperçu exclusif du gameplay de Frostpunk 2. Ce jeu de survie et de construction se déroule 30 ans après qu'une catastrophe climatique ait ravagé la Terre, transformant le monde en un désert de glace impitoyable. Dans Frostpunk 2, les joueurs affronteront une nouvelle menace : la nature humaine et sa soif insatiable de pouvoir. La ville a subi de nombreux changements depuis les événements du premier Frostpunk. À mesure qu’elle grandissait en superficie ou en population, des mouvances politiques et spirituelles aussi diverses que radicalement opposées s’y sont développées et pas forcément pour la prospérité de la ville.
The Alters - 11 bit studios
En octobre 2023, 11 bit studios dévoilait la première bande-annonce de gameplay de The Alters, un jeu de survie basé sur la construction de bases et axé sur des choix définissant la vie et l'exploration des divers chemins que chacun peut emprunter. La planète inhospitalière, sur laquelle Jan s'est écrasée, est en train de se rapprocher d'un soleil massif qui fait grimper les niveaux de radiation. Dans cette course désespérée contre la montre, Jan doit exploiter les cristaux de Rapidium locaux pour créer ses nombreuses versions : les "Alters". Ces versions de Jan sont douées de consciences et de sentiments distincts mais  œuvrent pour la même cause : s'échapper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt1VEgUxTMQ Read the full article
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
First look at Life by You
A new trailer has been released for Life by You, which is set to release September 12, 2023.
Customize your humans, their homes, their rides. Create custom styles, write your own dialogue, and explore a world you've made.
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nikkeisimmer · 1 year
Gonna tell ya right now...
If you play Sims 4 and like that graphic style, you're NOT going to like #LifeByYou by Paradox Tectonic. Rod Humble, I think, listened to those who were unhappy with the direction EA went on Sims 4 and catered to them. He was one of those who had full direction on the way Sims 3 went when he was at EA and thus has leaned more towards that in terms of creativity.
I'm starting to think of this as Sims 3 rebooted with way better graphics. And with the assets and DLC, this is going to stomp Project Rene (Sims 5)'s ass.
I watched the teaser trailer this morning and HOLY ****! I was blown away by the opening shot. I'm getting shades of Cities:Skylines. This is going to take away the monopoly that EA holds on the life-sim genre and turn it on its head.
March 20, 2023. Paradox Tectonic is going to put out more information on this upcoming title. Mark the date.
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sims5leaks · 6 months
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kotajose · 2 months
Life By You released a video on "modding" clothes and I'll be honest, can't believe simmers have done better creating tools.
I hope they have more that they haven't show because some of the clothes the devs have shown are kinda ugly
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westanimesims · 11 months
Paralives and Life by You are the REAL Sequels to the Sims Franchise
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daboom-ru · 10 months
Никакой наготы до марта 2024 - Life by You перенесен Разработчикам нужно больше времени для визуальных улучшений, внедрения новых функций, улучшений моддинга и многого другого. Ранний досту... #LifebyYou #Steam #игры https://daboom.ru/nikakoj-nagoty-do-marta-2024-life-by-you-perenesen/?feed_id=14161&_unique_id=64c2352dbdf39
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simssocietyinfo · 11 months
How to: Edit Traits and Skills
#LifeByYou How to: Edit Traits and Skills
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lifebyyounews · 1 year
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Life by You answered some more questions regarding optimization, live streams, and a full release date.
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