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This is all I established from the leaks I'm sorry
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tin-can-iron-man · 2 years
Hello, beautiful human 💜 Hope you're doing okay. May I ask you what are your favorite IM writers? I feel like reading something about Tony but I just know current runs are terrible so... Any suggestions? Have a wonderful day!
Hmmm. Well, I don't particularly have a favorite author of Iron Man comics because uh. Goddamn rip Tony but he hasn't really had a good solo run since like. 2005 or so. (Okay, @the-faultofdaedalus showed me Fatal Frontier and that baby popped tf off you wanna see Tony do a 5 person heist except he is all 5 people at the same time? While he is also actively going insane from moon rock madness? FATAL FRONTIER BABEY!!!!!)
(also it's another one of those comics where the woman he flirts with looks uhhh suspiciously like Steve in girl form akdjfjajda)
Other than that I can offer a few suggestions that Tony either stars in or at least shows up and says stuff that's. You know. Actually good Iron Man content.
-the iron man (2020) annual (#1) shockingly enough actually pops tf OFF (it is a sort of conclusion to a miles morales spiderman arc (the specific issues are stated in annual). Its got Tony being "you are my daaad, you're my dad!" At young superheroes and going completely batshit feral when he finds out Miles was tortured for research on his spiderbilities and immediately flies off to beat the shit out of the guy who did it. I love him in it.
-the Miss Marvel issues that cover Civil War 2 (you know what, just go read Miss Marvel, she's awesome and Tony does show up a couple of times to cameo and personally drive Kamala home and help her with homework and stuff. Adorable)
-whatever the fuck Derek Landy's got going on. Like thank you sir for being a shining ray of "oh fuck? Wait? Tony's character isn't being slaughtered!?"
Unfortunately I wish I could help you more than that my dear anon but in the midst of this Tony drought (ok, well, "Tony PLUS he's well written" drought) I've just kinda unfortunately moved onto other comics such as Hawkeye and whatever the fuck the FF have going on (mostly just to see Victor though (which. Okay. I'm crying about that too but at least Victor is still fucking hilarious when he's being poorly portrayed)) (and. Okay. Okay here's the thing...Slott is not that bad a writing doctor doom. He IS bad at writing POST 2015 SECRET WARS Dr Doom. Which is where his Fantastic Four stories take place. That is what makes it bad. That is what makes it infuriating. Don't erase his growth just because. Fuck OFF!!) (Yeah uh I kinda don't like it ajdjfjajdja unfortunately I am "hate reading" the current fantastic four comics in a sort of morbid curiosity kind of way. I do not recommend it c:).
Also I know this is about Tony but if you want to read some BANGER Infamous Iron Man (aka Victor Von Doom as Iron Man) stories then:
-the unbelievable gweenpool issues #22 and #23
-avengers (2016) issues #7 and #8
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rokutouxei · 4 years
in a way that would make you proud
bungou stray dogs dazai osamu (& oda sakunosuke) | T | 2913 | [ao3]
warnings: post-canon, alcohol, dazai-typical suicide references, implied/referenced self-harm, oda is still dead, also everything is in lowercase. spoilers for dark era / 黒の時代.
notes: this was supposed to be for dazai’s birthday, but i started it way too late. i didn’t want to rush it, so i took a week to write it and now it’s just a long angsty love letter from me to him (in a way.) + first bsd fic so i wanted to make a good impression LOL
dazai didn’t think he’d live up to the age of 23. hell, he didn’t think he’d make it to 18. he was sure, at 10, that he would be dead by 15. everyday he would wake up wondering (hoping? believing?) that he’d be dead the next day. he never really does. alternatively: june 19th, every year, just feels like a long, long night.
dazai doesn’t celebrate his birthdays, at least in his head. it’s just another likely-humid day in the country’s short rainy season. every birthday is just another reminder, no, a testament to a year of failed attempts to take his own life. it’s miserable at the worst. today, it’s just numb. he doesn’t even wake up feeling any different.
but he doesn’t let that train of thought stop everyone around him for celebrating for him.
dazai considers, for the first few minutes after waking up, skipping work altogether. it’s not going to be surprising, or anything new from him, really. and an earful from kunikida is just going to be cheap fun for the next day. but as dawn slowly gave way to the sun, he figured dealing with the pleasantries (as in, the “surprise” party that had stopped being a surprise a week ago) and sitting in his office chair would make him feel a little more put-together, at least more than just lying in his futon with his new roommate, a growing stack of empty cans of ready-to-eat crab.
dazai sighs, shuffles out of his bed, hearing the imaginary shackles that bind him there clink around.
(one o’clock am)
besides, the members of the armed detective agency think of themselves a small family at best, and for families, birthdays are special. (dazai hums this to himself on his way to work, like it’s a fact he’s learned, not a lived experience.) he’s spent the past two years carving himself a spot in this mismatched little group, and even if his space feels just as impermanent as anything he’s ever wanted, it’s still a place. he isn’t going to lose all that hard work over a random day.
budget is tight this quarter, but when he gets to the office, he’s welcomed with, salad, karaage… and even crab! there’s no alcohol because kunikida is too strait-laced for that and he insists there’s still work to be done. dazai whines and makes complaints, as everyone expects him to.
most of his colleagues have small gifts for him, like an orange from kenji, a candy from ranpo (quickly taken back), his favorite bandages from yosano… nothing really spectacular. kunikida gets him nothing, but the wordless glance they share with each other says otherwise.
atsushi feels indebted to his mentor, so he splurges to get him something nice: a scarf. which is hilarious, to say the least, considering it’s basically summer, but since scarves are off-season they are cheaper, and that’s the only way atsushi can afford something as stunning and high-quality as this—a nice thick cotton one in a deep blue shade. he passes the credit to kyouka for choosing which to get and for wrapping it nicely.
dazai’s eyes flicker with something for a moment before it’s gone. he thanks them with as much heart as he can muster, then does his usual dramatics. asks if the scarf is sturdy enough to hang himself with.
atsushi begs him please don’t and dazai feels something squeeze in his heart.
after the feast, the rest of the day goes as it usually does: dazai smiles and makes jokes and laughs and drives kunikida batshit insane. it’s just a normal day at the armed detective agency office.
just not for dazai.
(two o’clock am)
a work day is still a work day, though, and there’s no getting away from kunikida even on “personal holidays.” there are reports to be written and things to be followed up. dazai isn’t being efficient about it, but he still does his share—at least enough so that it’s even a bit fair for his begrudging partner, who is always gentler to him on this particular day.
an extra serving of patience—that’s what kunikida always gives him on his birthday. and even on this year, dazai’s quick to claim it; two hours before the work day officially ends, he’s already packing up to leave.
not that kunikida’s screaming will really stop him, but it feels a little better when dazai can afford to leave a little early with permission.
atsushi’s a little surprised no one stops dazai from leaving, but he asks no more questions when kyouka shushes him. kunikida only tsks when dazai is out of the building.
(three o’clock am)
out of the office and back into the rush of the city, dazai’s feet bring him to a beeline to that place, like on autopilot. he’s humming all the way there but his brain’s only echoing a sort of static. that is, until the imagery of sitting next to empty seats begins to burrow into the haze of his mind—and it hurts. numbness is okay, but pain? it hurts the same way squeezing into old shoes that no longer fit you does.
and dazai hates it.
so he steels himself, says, no one’s there anymore, insists, there is nothing to come back to.
even if he knows he will find himself there again one day. he always, inevitably does.
but not today. that’s not where he feels safe enough to break.
this time, dazai’s a little more purposeful, a little more awake.
he drops by a liquor store to get whiskey. just goes up the aisle and picks up the first one he finds. it’s not like he’ll remember what it tastes, anyway. the cashier doesn’t make small talk. dazai smiles at them anyway.
he contemplates buying flowers, but he feels a pang of pain at gifting something that’ll die before he does.
and so he begins the long, slow walk to the seaside.
(yesterday, today, and tomorrow)
yokohama is too familiar to him now. he’s lived here too long.
every street bears his secrets. every crosswalk has a memory.
every inch of the city has a weight.
when he was still learning to maneuver the ins and outs of the city, a little boy barely filling in the hollow of his new uniform, there was darkness everywhere. everywhere he entered, everywhere he left. dazai was sure the darkness would quickly consume him.
dazai didn’t think he’d live up to the age of 22.
hell, he didn’t think he’d make it to 18. he was sure, at 10, that he would be dead by 15.
every day he wakes up wondering (hoping? believing?) if he’d be dead the next day.
today, he’s 23.
odasaku died at 23.
dazai should have died at 15.
or better yet, it should have been him who died at the hands of mimic.
he’s sure.
(four o’clock am)
even if odasaku had acted of his own accord, he was still given a mafia’s burial. the details, of course, were hushed: it didn’t matter that mori had orchestrated the entire deal with gide. what mattered is that odasaku’s death had led to the granting of their prized business permit.
a piece of paper in a stupid black envelope.
in the months between the port mafia and the armed detective agency, dazai struggled to find a way to put into words what the experience left in him. it was like it was him who was shot clean through the chest. he was walking down the path the end of odasaku’s life had pointed him towards, but then what? at what cost? to what end?
his friend’s death left no trace of him, his private files burnt, the ones still useful to the mafia kept in confidential locations. (dazai knows where everything is.) to the outside world, all that was left of the man named oda sakunosuke was a headstone, on a rather beautiful gravesite on a fancy cemetery overlooking the sea.
it was dazai who overlooked all these tiny details, even while on the run, in hiding.
honor the dead, they said.
he figured it was the least he could do.
dazai always felt like he could offer too little to the only man who ever really knew him.
so now he offers it all, stumbling along the unfinished path of a dead man, even if he didn’t know where was he going with it.
“ya, odasaku.”
(ten minutes past four)
not much of anyone comes to visit this grave, really. ango, maybe, dazai bitterly thinks, but he’s gladly never had the chance to see the man here. (he hopes he never gets to.)
because this is the only place dazai truly feels quiet.
he doesn’t really stop thinking. he doesn’t know how to. there’s always too many things to consider, so much going on, and even when his brain lets go of the tangible, of the here and now, there are other things for thoughts to latch on to, like old wounds that suddenly seem fresh if dazai closes his eyes hard enough, or the phantom sensation of a noose, or the sudden realization that he’s drowning, just not in water.
dazai’s long mastered the art of keeping his forever-rushing thoughts in neat compartments. he doesn’t usually lose track of his spirals, except when he’s here.
here he counts down, 18, goodbye, 17, 16, 15, hello, he is young again, he isn’t wounded in the places that hurt when he’s alone, he is meeting odasaku for the first time. (he’s walking down the port mafia headquarters and he sees him, and something deep within him, six years away from the future, shouts: don’t! spare him! meeting you is a death sentence!)
and then he is meeting him for the last time.
like freshly pumped from a weakened heart, stuttering, begging to live, the spurting red blood is still warm. it sends those in dazai’s veins boiling. there is no rationalizing here—no amount of reason brings the dead back.
he knows that.
but dazai breathes easier when the lines are less muddled, and he can point the criminal to the judge and sentence them to death.
it was mori ougai, sir.
it was gide, sir.
it was me, sir.
it was him—it was oda sakunosuke’s fault, sir.
(it was him who pulled me out of the dark, sir. who forced me to deal with the mess we made, sir. who told me i belonged here, sir.
i don’t want to be here, sir.)
it is only here where dazai’s mask really breaks.
shatters cleanly in half, then falls down with a thump on sacred ground.
(twenty minutes past four)
dazai rests his back against the headstone, staring out at the ocean, the sunset dyeing yokohama bay a lovely vermillion. the tendrils of loneliness cling to his limbs like they’ve sprouted out of the ground, when really it’s from deep inside his heart.
only here does dazai really feel seen: his transparency only to a man buried six feet under.
dazai’s given up on it, now. it doesn’t matter that people don’t “get” him, as long as he’s able to do what he has to do. this is a luxury is long past him, now that he’s slipped into someone else’s unfulfilled dream. he’s trying to be what odasaku would have wanted himself to be.
if there’s one thing, one thing he would ask for, it’s faith: and with his subordinates’ faith comes success—and that’s all he needs.
just bargaining chips he’s collecting under his pillow as he says, “look, odasaku, i’m doing good, look, cruel god, this duty’s given my life meaning, forgive me, forgive him.”
no, there is no meaning here, no metaphor, no hope.
just a gaping void.
(four thirty am)
the sun slips under the bay and the sky is a beautiful lavender-violet; the sea breeze makes him chill. rainclouds have begun to crawl over the horizon, hiding the moon.
dazai feels old. too old. he feels too old for someone in a body that’s only twenty-three. he never expected this body to last as long as it has. he was ready to retire at ages much younger than this. his hands crave death with the same vigor his mind races to write strategies for situations where he survives. now, he lives in a world he never expected or planned to be a part of.
he wonders if odasaku felt this exhausted when he was at this age.
all dazai does here is think. until the thoughts stop.
the cap of the whiskey bottle is screwed on tight but when it opens, the smell takes him back to bar lupin so fast that his head spins. dazai takes a swig of the whiskey straight from the bottle.
and he was right. he can’t taste it.
only blood. the blood in his hands, the way it stained his bandages, odasaku’s dead weight, the red pooling on the floor. dazai only tastes blood in his mouth.
blood’s always been the only thing that’s filled him.
and he hated it. felt it thrumming underneath his wrist, his jugular, blood that said try as you might, you insolent mortal, you can’t die, that so many times he’s tried to wring himself dry of it.
he never does.
because if he loses his blood what else would be left in him?
odasaku once told him that the emptiness inside of him will never be filled, not by anything that he’ll ever find in this world. and odasaku was right—dazai knew. dazai knew long before he was told. no amount of money, no amount of power, no amount of whatever will get him out of the edge of the cliff he was dangling on.
for a moment, dazai wonders if odasaku knew and was so sure of it because odasaku was aware he was taking it away with him.
whatever “it” was.
(the sun begins to paint the sky violet)
dazai remembers an afternoon a million years ago when the hollow in his heart didn’t have the shape of oda sakunosuke’s hands. ozaki kouyou was teaching two jittery fifteen-year-olds about literature.
well, just one, but dazai’s really only there because he wanted to mess with chuuya, and kouyou spotted him first.
with not a single year of formal education on chuuya’s back, kouyou’s work with him was nearly tenfold. she was tasked not only to refine his abilities (he’s good, but he can be better, a touch of elegance will not hurt), but also teach him other valuable skills.
being part of the organization, after all, was not just about violence and murder.
dazai knew that. chuuya was yet to learn it.
arithmetic and history and science—the redhead had tutors for that. but literature, kouyou had taken into her hands.
it’s not the text itself, or the language and vocabulary, she said, what we’re honing here is critical thinking, and the bits of philosophical thought to be picked up that’ll shape you into a brilliant mafioso in the future. pretty words, dazai thought. she sipped tea while chuuya read. she tapped his back with a fan when his posture broke and he began to slouch.
chuuya read the books religiously, without complaint (at least not in front of kouyou). dazai never really understood all this. he let his mind wander. why didn’t she just let the boy read war strategy books—the kind mori made him devour? oh, but chuuya wasn’t really a strategist, and well, he’s obedient, that’s why he’s a dog—
the silence of the afternoon was broken by chuuya getting up to ask about a phrase he didn’t understand. kouyou smiled in a way that left dazai unsettled. and somehow, that afternoon was burned into dazai’s memory like it was something he mustn’t forget.
the phrase was 無我夢中.
to be totally absorbed in something, you lose yourself in it.
that is, dazai’s long known what he’s doing, he just doesn’t want to admit it.
(the sky is a weak light blue, giving way to an inevitable morning)
the whiskey bottle is empty now. dazai shifts to stuff it into his little paper bag of gifts when his fingers graze the soft cotton of his new scarf, deep blue.
save the weak, protect the orphans, he was told.
he pulls the scarf out and clutches it in his hands.
feels its weight. imagines rope.
please don’t, atsushi said earlier.
and dazai is trying, and trying, and trying, and—
is it enough?
is he enough?
will he be enough?
“odasaku,” dazai says, hums it under his breath like the wind will take it, bring it where he needs it to go, “would i have made you proud?”
fat droplets begin to pour out of the dark clouds. there are no stars out. yokohama glimmers under the thin sheen of rain.
nearby, a child hurriedly grasps his father’s free hand as he digs into his bag for an umbrella, and the little boy goes, “papa, the sky is crying!”
and maybe the sky is. maybe the man sitting behind the gravestone is.
but there are two sure things about rain:
one, that it washes away any and all things if you let it.
two, that it will always, somehow, at some point, stop.
(morning’s just beginning)
dazai gets up on his feet, with just a little sway from all the alcohol. but the night’s still young, and there are better stuff to drink than whiskey out of a bottle. he looks back at the grave with eyes promising he’ll be back soon, a little better, a little wiser than he is, and then off he goes, into the city he far-too-well knows.
maybe he can bother someone into treating him to some good, expensive, old-fashioned wine.
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valentinesparda · 4 years
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers
@lunaeloves oh lucky you I just woke up from a lil nap before I'm gonna end up going to my friend's apartment later tonight and I - predictably - cannot stop thinking about like 6 different f/os right now but I'm gonna edge towards some good eldritch babes (and some not-eldritch babes) for this SUPER LONG RAMBLING ASK IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
first of all, since I haven't stopped playing it on repeat for the past two days, The Baddest preview dropped so I'm obligated to touch on evelynn (or more accurately I would love to touch on evelynn but that's neither here nor there), and whew boy do I love women. and eldritch beings. I f/o quite a few of those now, too. the only disappointing part is how short her section in the song actually is. anyways hello have you not seen my wife?? you're gonna!!
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I haven't stopped thinking about this new outfit since I saw it. shes called "the diva" for God's sake. her stupid diamond encrusted claw rings only on the middle finger are making me lose it in the gayest way possible. the cheeky over-top-of-the-sunglasses stare is gonna put me in an early grave. have I talked about how her eyes are like a sunset?? or how her hair looks so soft and long and I want nothing more than to run my fingers through it because this is the longest I think her hair has ever been?? I'm legally not allowed to open my mouth about the open low neckline she has going on there but anyways ms evelynn leagueoflegends please dm me I have feelings for you and there's a lot of them
okay on to the next one which....thinking about writing This gush is making me feel like this rn
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bc I haven't really gushed about him yet but boy is it time
so. can we talk about hellsing alucard. can we talk about how cool he is. will you allow me this moment of time in this day to let me try to coherently string a line of thought that isn't just me garbling uncontrollably about this funky eldritch boy?? lets observe shall we--
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listen. I fully went into watching hellsing ultimate for the first time just thinking he was like. okay. I was highkey only in it for Sir Integra (still am please dm me ma'am) and then by the midway point in ova episode 2 I was like "okay maybe he's kinda cool" and then by the END of said episode when he is absolutely feasting upon luke valentine's dumb ass and he first activates his protocol or whatever I'm still half asleep I ended up kinda jumping around the entire time just having a GREAT time watching the anime and you can ASK my friends for confirmation on this I could not shut up.
[ side note uh I love jan valentine?? bitch sucks but oh my God is he not the most entertaining character I've met so far, he beats out rip van winkle who I thought just from their look that I would adore but surprise!! go listen to PREY FOR ME/3 by FEVER 333 for an excellent jan valentine song. no I will Not shut up ]
alucard is....he's so goddamn cool?? he's batshit insane for seemingly no reason and over the top and he's FUNNY!! there's something incredibly endearing about him being a vampire in the late 90's who literally just like. does That?? I can't fully explain my thoughts because we would be here longer than we have been and it's complicated right now without me fully experiencing his character and being able to pick him apart outside of the reader inserts I've been reading lmao. it'll probably get worse as I watch the anime and develop more thoughts and feelings. also I've already talked about this on Twitter but his LOOK IN THE BEGINNING OF OVA EP 3?? HELLO????
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god I fucking love you. you're so greasy and weird and creepy and fun and I'm GOING to make out with you
coughs. anyways.
i can also say that I've been wholeheartedly avoiding spoilers for the rest of the anime since I stopped on episode 4 WHICH I ALSO ENJOYED IMMENSELY BECAUSE HE HAS A BLACKBIRD?? A CUSTOMIZED HELLSING ORGANIZATION SR-71?? THIS DECADES OLD VAMPIRE EXISTING IN 1999 HAS HIS OWN PERSONAL MILITARY AIRCRAFT AND KNOWS HOW TO FLY IT?? HE CRASHES IT INTO A NAZI SHIP?? EVERYTHING HE RUINS TURNS INTO A BURNING CROSS!! HE ABSOLUTELY EVISCERATED EVERYONE ON THAT SHIP AND IT HAD ME LOSING MY MIND. I'm excited to be able to continue watching the anime and eventually finish it so that I can continue to be a stupid little pansexual mess of a goth
honorable mentions go to sir integra who I would be willing to cross oceans to just have her reject my marriage proposal and possibly have her threaten me with her saber or her gun idc whichever one is more convenient for her at the time. I just want her to slow dance with me in the moonlight and dip me down low in a kiss that we shouldn't be sharing
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and pip bernadotte who is Such a good boy and I am going to hold his face in my hands and kiss and compliment him until he is nothing but a melted pile of affection and then braid his hair with ribbons and flowers and all of that wonderful stuff while he talks about everything he's ever experienced in life
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okay thank you for reading and GOOD NIGHT LAS VEGAS!!!! *smashes a glass plate before I can be booed off the stage*
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rudeinterrupti0ns · 5 years
hello! just a reminder that yes, people on twitter will shit on cats because that's what people on twitter do. like everything they hate on, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, and it doesn't even mean they won't enjoy it. twitter tried to destroy taylor's career but they still bought reputation in the millions and attended the tour. they're gonna attend this too. and ok cats isn't known for being the best show of all time but look at this cast. look at how batshit this film looks. it's gonna be iconic and insane and fantastic and i can't wait for @taylorswift and the rest of the cast to crush it. it's so easy to hate shit on twitter, but their opinions aren't worth anything because they're not the ones bringing art to life. you're telling me sir ian mckellen and dame judi dench don't know what they're doing? get out of here. i literally can't wait. don't give the haters any mind. focus on the things that make you happy and forget what they think. let's just book out cats in the cinema and see taylor there for the first time in 5 years! let's break records cause it's what!we! do! peace out ✌
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