themoonandthedogstar · 8 months
fucking hate instagram x
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look-me · 16 days
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masc!reader x dealer!abby
warnings: using of weed, idk what else
au: please don't mind any grammar mistakes and please cuz english its not my native language. ps. i never write a smut. also i'll probably won't correct any mistakes cuz i'm too lazy for it
(this story is shitty how can y'all read this 😭)
part 1
part 2
It’s been a week since you kissed Abby, and the two of you haven’t talked at all. You’ve tried to ignore her whenever you could, but still, you didn’t want her to notice. For example, every time she replied to one of your Instagram stories, you would ‘respond’ by just liking her messages. You wanted to hang out with your usual friend group, but they got mad at you after seeing you leave with Abby that night. They accused you of being a fake friend, of stealing Abby from them—especially one friend of yours who, as you later found out, had a big crush on Abby since the first time she saw her.
“You can’t do that, Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re my friend! Why would you do something like that to me?!”
Today, you’re hanging out with some other friends who came into town to see you after you explained what your ex-friends did and what happened with Abby after you left with her. They were shocked. They didn’t know Abby at all, but after you showed them some pictures of her, they just said,
“Y/N, she’s hot and all, but she’s a player. Don’t get attached. Just stay friends with her if you don’t want to cut her off entirely.” After that, they insisted you hang out with them to distract yourself from her.
Now, you and your friends are in a parking lot, vibing to the music blasting from the car speakers, while some other people give you and your group judgmental glances. Your friends are smoking and drinking, screaming their lungs out, singing along to the songs. While you’re laughing at their antics, you notice a girl with black curly hair, long red nails, makeup on, dressed all in black—tight top, tight pants. It’s Julia.
A long time ago, you had a little crush on her because she used to shower you with compliments, was always there for you, and every time you two hung out, it ended in a make-out session. But after you told her you were catching feelings, she started ghosting you, saying she wasn’t ready for a relationship because she had just gotten out of one. You later found out she was lying the whole time, and from that day forward, you started hating her.
"Hey," she says with that fake, innocent smile.
Fake ugly bitch.
Why does she have to ruin your moment right now?
"Hi," you mutter, not even looking her in the eyes as you sit on the ground.
"It's been a while."
"Yep," you reply, barely caring about what she says.
"Listen," she starts, her hand sliding onto your thigh, caressing it and moving up and down, dangerously close to your pussy.
You're about to push her away when—
"Hey chicas!" Manny calls out.
"Hey, Manny," she smiles, turning her head towards him.
"What are you two up to?"
"Oh, we're just talking and having fun."
"That kind of fun?" he asks with a smirk.
The girl laughs at Manny's joke and then says,
"I wish."
You whip your head to look at her, your expression dead serious and disgusted, silently screaming: Why the fuck would you say that?
"By the way, aren't you Mike's sister?" Manny asks.
"Yeah, how do you know him?" you respond, your voice clipped as you shoot him a serious and irritated look. It's not your fault you come off as mad, but Julia's presence is grating on your nerves right now.
"You know, he gives me things when my best friend can't," Manny says casually.
You roll your eyes, already tired of hearing that same old story. Every time someone says they know your brother, it's always because of the same damn reason-he's a dealer, and you're so over it.
"Okay," you reply, clearly done with the conversation.
"Okay, chicas, I'll leave you two alone now.
See you later," Manny says, heading off.
The second he's far enough away, you round on Julia.
"What the fuck was that? What's your problem?" you snap, roughly pushing her hand away from your thigh.
"Omg, Y/N! I was just joking," she protests.
"No, fuck you. You know what you did to me-treating me like I was your girlfriend, telling me l was yours, making out with me, and then saying you didn't want a relationship. You have serious fucking problems for saying that shit in front of him when I don't even know him. And you say it like it's nothing? Do you even realize how much that hurt me? Are you fucking stupid? Why are you even here anyway?"
You and Julia are in the middle of a heated argument, voices rising as you go back and forth. Your friends are still chilling with the music blasting, completely unaware of the tension between the two of you. Julia’s face is twisted with frustration, but you’re too fed up to care.
Meanwhile, Abby is at home, watching some random movie to pass the time when a notification pops up on her phone:
Manny - 2 new messages.
“Hey, pendeja”
“Wanna hang out when I’m done with some stuff?”
A new notification interrupts:
Manny: Do you know Mike’s sister?
“Isn’t she the girl you told me about? They look similar by your description.”
Abby quickly taps on the notifications, her curiosity piqued. The image loads, and her stomach drops. It’s a picture of you and Julia, her hand resting way too high on your thigh. Abby stares at the image for a moment, her jaw tightening.
She replies instantly.
Abby: Where are you?
“In the usual parking lot we hang out at with Owen, Jordan, you know.”
“You still want to hang out?”
“Yeah, I’m picking up the others right now, be at your place in 10.”
Ten minutes later, Manny pulls up at Abby’s house, and soon they’re walking through the parking lot. Abby’s eyes are scanning the crowd until she spots you, her expression darkening.
Manny heads your way, shouting, “Hey, told you I’d be back so—” He stops mid-sentence when he sees Julia kissing you, her lips pressed against yours as a soft moan escapes her. Abby freezes, her vision tunneling, anger flaring up inside her. Her fists clench as her heart pounds in her chest.
Just then, your friend Micheal calls out from the car, unknowingly saving you from the situation, “Y/N! Wanna try this drink? It’s fire!”
You push Julia away from you, wiping your mouth quickly, and stand up, turning to head toward Martin. But just as you reach for the drink, a hand snatches it away before you can grab it.
“You’re not drinking tonight,” a cold voice says.
You look up to see Abby standing in front of you, her blue eyes burning with barely-contained anger.
“Abby? What are you—“
“Shut your mouth and walk,” she snaps, throwing the drink aside before grabbing your arm. Her grip is firm, leaving no room for argument as she pulls you away from the group, forcing you to walk with her.
Your heart races as you glance back at your friends, then at Julia, but Abby doesn't care. She’s got you now, and there’s no escaping whatever comes next.
"Abby, stop."
"Manny, give me your car keys. I'll be back in a minute."
"Sure," he says, handing Abby the keys without asking any questions.
"Get in the car, Y/N."
"Abby, let me go."
She opens the car door and forces you inside. As she takes the driver's seat, you try to open the door, but she's already locked it.
"Abby, what's wrong with you? Open the fucking door!"
Abby doesn't respond. She starts the engine and speeds out of the parking lot.
"Abby, slow down!"
After twenty minutes of speeding, Abby pulls over in the middle of nowhere-no lights, no houses, just darkness all around.
"Fuck! Abigail!"
She turns on the interior light, and you look at her, scared of what might happen. You don't know if Abby is a violent person or not. Her eyes are filled with fury, and you can see she's seething with anger.
"We need to talk. Now."
"No, we don't."
"Oh yeah? So you think it's okay to ignore me and treat me like l'm a stranger?"
"Don't play dumb, Y/N, and don't make any excuses. You're not even drunk."
The silence between you two grows heavier.
"Why did you stop talking to me after we kissed?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"What do you mean?"
"Abby, you have a new girl with you every two seconds. You're always having sex or making out with them in a blink of an eye." You sigh before continuing, "I felt-and still feel-like a sex toy to you."
"You're not."
"Yeah, like I can really trust you on that," you say sarcastically, turning your face to the window. "I should've never told you about my feelings. We can't work together."
"I fucking hate you, Abby. I hate having feelings for someone who would probably just use me however she likes!" You spit out, facing her again.
"I've told you many times that I don't like how you talk to me. I'm serious, Y/N. Stop."
"Abby, seriously, fuck you."
At that, she grabs your neck, nearly choking you, and pulls you two inches away from her face.
"Oh yeah? Then who is that girl? And why was she kissing you and moaning into your mouth? Why was she almost touching your pussy moments before I showed up?"
After the last sentence, you try to understand how she could have seen that, and then you connect the dots. She’s Manny’s best friend. But how?
“How do you—”
“Manny sent me a picture.”
Fuck you, manny
“It’s none of your business who she is, and I didn’t try anything with her.”
“Then why didn’t you push her away from you?” Abby says, tightening her grip on your neck slightly.
“I was shocked. She caught me by surprise.”
Abby doesn’t answer. Instead, she keeps her intense gaze fixed on you, trying to see if you’re lying.
“I was just trying to distract myself from you. Now you’re acting jealous, calling me yours, but are you mine?” you say
“What do you think?”
“You aren’t. I think we both know that, Abigail.”
Just then, your phone starts ringing with a photo of a curly haired woman —Julia — popping up.
Abby recognizes the girl and stares at you, clearly unimpressed by the timing.
“Don’t you even try to answer.”
You ignore her and answer the phone, putting it on speaker.
“Hello? Love?” Julia says, and you remain silent.
Abby looks at you and whispers, “Love? Really?”
“Julia, what do you want?”
“Just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I saw that girl taking you away from me while we were talking.”
As Julia continues talking, Abby starts giving you hickeys on your neck, causing you to moan intentionally. You’re so focused on the sensations that you stop listening to whatever Julia is saying.
“Are you okay, love?” Julia asks, her voice tinged with concern.
Abby pulls her head away from your neck and grabs your phone from your hand. You try to fight her, but you know Abby is hundred times stronger than you.
“She’s busy right now,” Abby says before hanging up on Julia.
“Abby, what the fuck?”
Abby doesn’t answer. Instead, she pulls out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, which contains a joint and a lighter.
You know where this is going to end.
Abby leans back in the driver’s seat and brings the joint to her lips, the tip flaring orange in the complete darkness. The only sound is the faint crackle of burning paper and herb as she takes a long drag. Smoke fills the air, swirling around her in lazy spirals, barely visible in the faint moonlight that seeps through the windows. The deep, earthy scent of cannabis mixes with the musty smell of the old car seats, creating an almost comforting atmosphere. Abby exhales slowly, the smoke pouring from her mouth and nostrils, diffusing into the blackness outside. The silence is profound, with no hum of traffic or distant chatter, only the occasional rustle of wind through unseen trees. Her eyes are half-closed, her mind drifting as she stares out into the void, feeling an odd sense of peace in the isolation. She takes another drag, the glow from the joint briefly illuminating her fingers before once again merging with the surrounding darkness.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
Abby remains silent.
“Are you really smoking while we’re arguing?”
“I’m done with your bullshit, Abigail. Let me go.”
As you say this, Abby rests the joint between her lips, freeing both of her hands.
Abby’s hands clutch the car’s armrest. With a sudden, rough motion, she yanks you toward her, forcing you onto her lap. You gasp, startled by Abby’s intensity as your bodies collide in the confined space of Manny’s motionless car. She removes one hand from your waist to grab the joint and exhale the smoke.
“I told you many times to stop calling me by my full name,” she says, gripping your neck and pulling you closer to her face.
“And I told you many times I’m not any of your bitches, Abigail.”
“You’re mine, Y/N.”
“Fuck you.”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” she says, closing the distance between you until you’re just two inches apart.
“Too bad you made me mad,” she whispers.
You’re about to respond when her phone starts ringing. The caller ID shows ‘Manny.’
Abby rolls her eyes and throws away her joint as if it’s nothing.
“What do you want?”
“Abby, I need my car. Owen needs to grab something from home.”
“Fine.” She hangs up. Without missing a beat, she turns her head and locks her gaze with yours, her icy blue eyes filled with a silent warning.
“Don’t you even try to go back to her when we’re there again,” Abby says, her voice low but firm, every word laced with intensity.
You meet her stare, unimpressed. “You’re so annoying, Abby.”
With a sigh, you move to open the car door, slipping off Abby’s lap and sliding back into the passenger seat, feeling the shift in the air between you. Abby’s eyes never leave you, even as she shifts back into the driver’s seat, jaw tight, hands resting on the steering wheel, as if bracing for whatever comes next. As soon as you settle back into the passenger seat, Abby shifts the car into gear, her fingers tightening around the wheel. The tension in the air is thick, unspoken words hanging between you as you drive in silence. The dark, winding roads stretch out before you, the headlights cutting through the night, but neither of you says a word. Abby’s eyes flick over to you a few times, but she stays focused on the road. Her jaw is set, frustration simmering beneath her calm exterior. You lean against the window, your breath fogging up the glass slightly, arms crossed as the hum of the engine and the rhythm of the tires on the asphalt become the only sounds. Minutes pass, feeling like hours, until the familiar sight of the compound appears in the distance, its fortified walls and the glow of lights signaling you are back. The tension shifts, replaced by a looming sense of inevitability. The car rolls to a stop near the entrance where Manny and a few others are waiting, standing in the dim light as they speak amongst themselves. Abby kills the engine and sits there for a moment, staring straight ahead. “We’re here,” she mutters, her tone curt. You shoot her a sidelong glance but don’t say anything. You push open the door and step out, the cool night air hitting your skin as you stretch, shaking off the weight of the car ride. Manny notices you and gives a short wave, walking over with a grin on his face.
"Hey, took you guys long enough," he jokes, but he quickly notices the tension radiating from you and Abby.
Abby climbs out of the driver's seat, standing tall as she slams the door shut. Her eyes briefly meet yours, but she quickly turns to Manny. “We had some things to discuss about.” she says, her voice flat.
Manny raises a brow, sensing the atmosphere between you, but doesn’t press it. “Well, glad you're back. i’ll take owen at home home, we’ll be back in 10.”
After Manny finishes talking, you move to walk back to your friends when you feel pressure on your waist. It's Abby, her large, veiny hands gripping you firmly. She leans in, her voice low and steady.
"I'm coming with you."
"No, leave me alone," you reply, trying to pull away.
"Calm down, princess. I haven't even started with you yet," she whispers into your ear, smirking. Then, without warning, she presses a kiss against your neck, and it makes you freeze in place.
Abby lets you go, but she stays close, walking beside you with that familiar intensity. From a distance, one of your friends notices Abby’s presence and immediately makes her way over. Without hesitation, she grabs your arm, pulling you away from the tension. Abby lets you go, her hand sliding off your waist as she begins walking next to you, her presence still heavy in the air. From a distance, one of your friends notices Abby lingering close. Without hesitation, your friend walks over, a knowing smile on her face. She grabs your arm, pulling you away from Abby's intense aura.
"Come hereeee" she says, her voice light and carefree as she leads you toward the others. The music from the speakers pulses through the empty parking lot, and soon enough, you’re moving to the beat, your friend helping you shake off the tension as Abby watches from the sidelines, her gaze never leaving you. As the beat of the next song thumps through the speakers, your friend throws her head back, laughing. She leans into you, resting her head on your shoulder, her laughter light and carefree.
“Oh my god, I’ve never had this much fun in so long,” she says, still giggling, her words slurring from all the excitement. You feel her happiness infectiously sinking in.
Abby Standing off to the side, arms crossed, her jaw clenched tight, she watches you with a growing intensity. The sight of you laughing, vibing, and lost in the moment with your friend pushes her to the edge. Her patience snaps, and she starts walking toward you, the determination in her stride cutting through the music. You can feel the weight of her presence approaching, the air around you thickening.
She's had enough.
When Abby reaches you, her large hand grips your arm—not harshly, but firm enough that you feel the seriousness behind it.
“We’re done here,” Abby says, her voice low and commanding. There’s a tension in her words that sends a chill down your spine. She’s barely keeping it together. Abby isn’t going to wait for an answer, and before you can think too hard about it, she’s pulling you away from the music, away from the carefree vibe, and into the shadowy edges of the parking lot. You open your mouth to protest, the frustration bubbling up inside you, but before you can say a word, Abby steps in close, towering over you, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous mix of control and desire.
“Not even a word,” she interrupts, her voice low and unwavering. Her smirk pulls at the corner of her lips, sending a shiver down your spine. “Just wait till we get home,” she adds, her tone dripping with a promise that makes your pulse quicken. It’s the kind of tone that says it all:
I’m going to make you regret that.
You stand there, frozen, caught between defiance and the undeniable pull Abby has over you. your friends’s voice a distant hum as Abby’s presence overtakes everything. There’s no escape from the intensity in her eyes, and you know whatever is waiting for you at home is going to be something you won’t forget easily. After a moment of tense silence between you and Abby, Manny walks back over, catching sight of the two of you standing close, the tension still thick in the air. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything at first, sensing the shift.
“Oye chicas, you guys good?” he asks with a playful smile, his voice casual, but there’s a knowing edge to it. Manny has been around Abby long enough to pick up on her moods, and right now, he’s smart enough to stay out of it.
Abby barely glances his way, her hand still lingering on your arm. “Can you take us to my place?” she asks, her voice steady, but there’s no mistaking the undertone of command. It’s not really a request, and Manny knows it. He looks between the two of you, his gaze lingering on Abby for a beat longer. He doesn’t ask why or what’s going on—he doesn’t need to. Manny knows Abby better than almost anyone, and he can tell exactly what kind of mood she’s in.
“Sí, claro,” he says with a nod, keeping it simple. He doesn’t pry, doesn’t ask the questions swirling in his mind. After all, Abby is his best friend, and if there’s one thing he’s learned over the years, it’s when to mind his own business. You steal a glance at Abby, her smirk still lingering, and your stomach tightens with a mix of anticipation and nerves. Manny leads the way to the car, and you can feel Abby’s gaze burning into you the whole time. Whatever’s coming, you’re not going to be able to avoid it. You slide into the backseat with Abby beside you, the car ride feeling heavier than it should. Manny stays quiet up front, the silence only broken by the low rumble of the engine as he drives, and you’re left wondering what’s going to happen when you finally get to Abby’s place.
who knows what is going to happen next👀
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
1. I dnt care to know the ins/outs of TZs relarionship bt i always wonder how much they interact/hang out with other celebs (outside of work obligations) lol Z will alwaya go to a Beyonce party, and i remember that sighting of her at a cookout with John David/Sam Jackson bt im nosy to know the celeb parties her n Tom go to. I guess its nt that often cuz shes said shes introverted/shy (and dsnt seem into partying) bt i wonder if she wuld go to a party lik the one Quinta/Questlove histed
2. I want a Euphoria s3 🫣 *runs n hides* i wish that Sam culd get his thoughtz together for s3 (and involve Hunter who directed a great ep.in the past) and they can actually film the show bt i will b watching the nxt season if it actually gets filmed. I want to know wat happens to Rue/her family, Cassie is entertaining and i lik Jules. I hope Z gets to actually direct an episode or 2
2. I think it wuld really help Kaia if she started off with either sum more acting lessons or even do some kids/young adult (high school based) shows/movies first. I think being on a kid/young adults projects can help her emote better and thats smthn she can really work on cuz whatever acting teacher she got now isnt helping her. She dsnt tend to really change her face for modeling editorials and mayb she got the same mindset for acting? Even on this video...why is she barely moving her face, gurl its a kids reading show.. emote for them kids! 😭
Haha, you mean you want to see TZ interacting at some celeb parties? 😅 I feel you Anon. Z is pretty shy/introverted, and Tom says he "hates Hollywood" rotfl, sooo I doubt they go to HW parties that often. Plus, Z has been spending more time in London lately than in LA. She legit moved away from LA last year now that I think about it rotfl. LA is just a rest stop for her now days lol. 😅 I doubt she has that many options for celebrity parties in London compared to ones maybe going on in LA. That party that Quinta and Questlove just hosted looks amazing though! LOL. I LOVE game nights! 😁
2. Hey...it's okay if you want to admit that you wouldn't mind seeing a Euphoria S3 lol.🤭 Lots of people still love the show, so you're not alone there! I personally don't mind if they did 2 or 3 ending episodes to tie up any loose ends so that we can see what happened to the characters, but I personally don't need to see 8 months of filming 8 episodes for a full complete season. It sorta feels like the momentum for the show is dying down a bit. But we all know HBO is going to keep the show on the air as long as Sam writes, because I believe Euphoria is one of HBO's highest-grossing shows right now.
3. (I think you meant for this to be #3? Lol) Anyway....
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I lied. How is her acting bad even just reading children's books?? Lawwwwd! 😩😭😅 Idk whether it's the years of modeling or WHAT, but something just seems so fake. Just read normally! LOL 😅 I think Kaia just needs to work on being NATURAL lol. THAT in itself would improve her acting sooo much.
Anyway.... I'd rather take Tom Hardy's bedtime stories thanks lol... 😅 He's actually pretty good at them!
I could listen to him talk allll day lol 🤣
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theswordwizard · 1 year
sorry ahead of time if this is a weird Q, i've been a follower for some time! i went to VCUarts but i dropped out when covid hit and for personal reasons i'm probably not going to go back even though i'd really like to, so i've been piecing together my own art education. were there any subjects/projects you were exposed to in the program that changed the way you approach art? one of the last classes i was able to take was a typography class and it opened my eyes to a design world i hadn't considered. you have such strong graphic design skills and it'd be really cool to hear what helped you develop!
Hey, thank you! and not at all - i totally get that, and i love talking about design lol. i rly enjoyed the gdes program but i kinda wish i could take it again now, i dont think i appreciated it as much as i could have when i was there 😭. as is life ig. i think def the biggest thing that i learned was about using typography and trying to develop an eye for it. im bad at the math parts of it but usually i can eyeball the negative space well enough. basically getting used to considering typography as graphic parts of a composition as opposed to just placing text on top of a graphic.
i think whats honestly most helpfully informed my own design work is honestly just trying to look at and collect as much "cool stuff" as possible. i follow a lot of random design instagram accounts (tbh u can just look thru the graphic design tags on insta and pinterest) even if i dont necessarily respect the artist (LMAO) even if they just do one thing rly interesting. also following some more experimental and a lot of art book/publication/zine accounts because theyre def gonna have some of the cooler graphic design work for print format especially.
one thing about insta (and tiktok tbh) thats both annoying and helpful is that with all the promoted posts you end up seeing a lot of whats currently "trending" for design, if ur following enough design accounts. like the truck sticker i just did on twitter is actually using an effect i learned from an insta reel that popped up on my feed lol.
one assignment from a class i rly appreciated was doing "make-a-days" where you basically made an image every day. didnt matter the quality or what it was but you just had to make something. it was good for experimenting and trying new things. also just picking a theme and making fake graphics/posters for my friends comics or something i liked.
i would also say that my personal biggest strength is that im just rly good at the programs, so i can ideate really quickly and its easier to figure out how to get a certain effect i want, and specifically how to copy a style I saw from something cool i saw somewhere :) outside my more bolder lines and compositional style (i dont have enough patience for rendering 99% of the time) i have a pretty flexible style because i usually have an end product or look in mind. also im usually inspired by other artists i follow online a lot too. but honestly just take the time to rly get used to ur program of choice and what effects settings and filters it has.
biggest advice is collect as many cool images as you can find and figure out what you like across them and how you can copy it for whatever ur making.
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moonlightretriever · 1 year
I can't confess my most-most niche kink but my second most niche kink is specifically mutual stalking... my ex partner and I did something like it ages ago over instagram where we pretended to be different people (based on our ocs) for each other, fake accounts and posts and all, and it ultimately ended with him and I calling, still pretending to be our characters, where he had me get off while he instructed me and threatened to tell everyone "I" knew about all of my dirty secrets... I can't remember what I ended up doing for him since obvi we were meant to be stalking each other, but I know I had fun with it lolz. I really wish I wasn't single rn because I'd kill to do that again 😭
also stalking kink is probably kinda common ngl, I just have never found anyone who likes it to be mutual.. stalker4stalker type shit is so fun tho
there is just something about stalker4stalker tho.... knowing someone wants u just as much as u want them......!!!!! fuck yeah its like spin on a classic <3oh my god tho doing that with someone sounds really hot fuck... I HOPE YOURE ABLE TO FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL DO THAT WITH YOU, YOU DESERVE IT ANON!!!!!
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orchidsangel · 8 months
hii so i’m the anon who sent the whole midnights vs sos ask and i just finished reading your answer so i’ll just give my thoughts on it :)
first of all, when i was talking about racism i was obviously referencing to the racism towards sza. i’m well aware that taylor gets a lot of privileges from being white whether it’s about awards, music or any other topic while poc artists have to do triple as much and x10000 work to even get a slight acknowledgment (this is just an example, but in the topic, the number of grammys sza got for sos is nearly not enough for the hit that it was, olivia walked back with 0 grammys and beyoncé always being snubbed in the aoty category when she just makes hits after hits). and i do agree that the very few times she has ever used her platforms was to address issues that only benefited her personally and stayed silent about numerous issues that need much more attention and not even doing the very bare minimum about it when she is in a position to quite literally change the opinion of millions with only an instagram story considering how big of a platform she has, hence the white feminism and the fake activism. and while her committing ecological warfare is a very big issue and she deserves to be called out for it, she didn’t even make it to the top 30 people who used the most private jets in 2023, and this is while being on a world tour and having to fly left and right to attend her boyfriend’s matches. i’m not saying that this completely excuses her excessive use of private jets, she still deserves to be called out for it but i find it interesting how she’s the only one getting dragged when there are other celebrities who are doing far worse but are getting away with it. all this to say that yes, taylor has made actions that make her unlikeable and very disappointing to her fans (at least not the completely delulu ones) but from what i’ve seen, the majority is steaming from pure misogyny and slut shaming or the simple wish “to be different”.
now to talk about midnights, i’m gonna have to disagree with you saying that it’s the pinnacle of mediocrity. for me midnights easily made it to my top 3 fav albums of her after first listen and i don’t think that it’s a snoozefest at all. maybe it might be related to my personal experience, but i find the lyrical content absolutely amazing and with very deep meaning. it’s not as rich as some of her other work like folklore or evermore, but it definitely has its own gems. the instrumental and the production are one of my favs ever, it’s a quite different pop than what she made in the past, much more synth and electro which i really like. and the whole concept of the album being about late sleepless nights spent taking a dive back in her past basically having an existential crisis is very reflective and introspective, and i absolutely love it and i deeply resonate with it. (and i find it quite funny how your pos points on it were snow at the beach when even tho i love the song, when the album first came out it was quite a disappointment to me and right now it’s not that highly ranked compared to other tracks😭) anyway, i just think personally that the album was very good and i’m deeply attached to it, and maybe this attachment is due to its being released on my birthday 💀
and i do agree that a lot of songs on sos trended on tiktok and, just like you, i didn’t listen to the album until wayy later and recognized a lot of where some tiktok audios steamed from. and while i agree that a lot of the taylor songs that trended were used a lot in, well, a taylor related context especially after the eras tour started and quite literally took her popularity to a whole other level, during the first few months after its release i mainly stumbled upon a lot of tiktoks using midnights audios in very specific contexts unrelated to taylor, like some dances, personal experiences, booktok…(as much as i’m not a big fan of that side of the platform) and i say this because a lot of my friends sent me or made tiktoks where her audios were used when quite literally none of them listen to her or even care about her (she’s not really a known artist in my country and is overshadowed by other genres of music and more local artists)
anyway, all this to say that midnights winning aoty didn’t personally bother me because i think it was deserved. this is just my personal opinion and experience with it but i really enjoy having this little debate with you!!! thank you for answering my first ask <3
hello darling! thank you for sharing your perspective with me in such a respectful manner.
i think at the end of the day, we all have a little bias, and that's what it comes down to. i prefer sos over midnights, and from what i've observed, a lot of people do. but there's always the chance that maybe i've observed wrong and that my bubble of the internet, perchance, isn't big enough to accurately deduce that it wasn't as beloved as i thought. who knows. either way, i appreciate your honesty and you inquiring about my opinion on the matter.
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sungbeam · 2 years
hi beam! college has been kicking my butt recently ☹️ idk how ppl do it but i'm dragging myself through the week right now LMAO
i don't see anything 😀 when i search up my asks 😀 so i unfortunately 😀 have a very vague 😀 idea of our last convo 😀
but i DO remember that you asked about dc!! i'm glad u asked b/c i'm actually trying to get into dc right now! i'm watching titans season 1 on hbo max, recently watched black adam, saw ww84, & saw the new batman movie a while ago! beast boy is kinda 😍💖💕💗💞 in titans HEHEHE- my favorite dc characters rn are him & starfire but i really wanna delve into the franchise more!! who are ur dc biases so far 🙏 (yes we'll be using kpop terminology for non-kpop fandoms from now on)
also i have NOT listened to 28 reasons by seulgi yet b/c of my schedule i feel like such a fake reveluv but i'm looking into that 😭 AND YES GIVE CRAVITY SOME LOVE ON PARTY ROCK <3 i'm taeyoung biased ever since i saw his tiktoks (all their tiktoks are iconic tbh they keep up w/ trends LOL)
HOW HAVE U BEEN BTW?? and are u excited for wakanda forever? i can't believe its coming so soon alreadyyyy 😟❗️
XNONIE !!! BFF !!! I'M SO SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY I'VE JUST LACKED SO MUCH ENERGY TO EVEN REPLY TO ASKS THIS WEEK (´Д⊂ヽ but i was so excited to see u active and alive akcnekfnek idk how people do it either tbh :') like i felt that so hard when u said ur practically dragging urself thru the week like me too dude, me too 😔 LMAO SOMETHING IS UP W TUMBLR TAGS 🗿🗿🗿 as there always is tbh, but i went thru and found my latest response so i'll link it here BAHHAHA
AHHHH DC YESYES !!! i actually haven't watched the live action titans series yet :0 but i follow ryan potter on instagram so i've def seen some stuff for it !! he's so hot tho so true 😩😩😩 i kinda wish he was casted as nightwing/dick grayson cuz he would've made a really good one, but the current one i think fits as well :') ahh yes i actually am not the greatest fan of dc movies lmao just cuz their animated tv shows r just top notch and so much better imo but i did enjoy the first wonder woman and robert pattinson's the batman !! ooh my dc biases? it's prob the bat boys AHAHAHHA i'm writing an au inspired by them actually rn hehe so basically nightwing/dick grayson, red hood/jason todd, and red robin/tim drake, but i am also particularly fond of roy harper/speedy and robin/damian wayne @_@ they all make my mind go brrrr (wbu tho 👀👀)
AHHHHH WAKANDA FOREVER I HAVENT WATCHED IT YET I FEEL SO SAD ☹️☹️☹️ it's cuz college has also been kicking my ass and watching marvel movies is a thing my family does together and it's just not the same going to see it in theaters w anyone else :( so i've been holding back skcnekfn have u seen it tho :0 i'm also so very excited for quantumania !!! (ノ´∀`*) IT LOOKS SO SO SO GOOD SKFNKENFKD I LOVE PAUL RUDD PLS GIVE THAT MAN AN OSCAR RN
okok i think i also was gonna bring up the fact that i wanted to write another mcu au for svt?? like ik we were talking abt the xmen au, but i was thinking abt making minghao scarlet witch and basically yn is like the one person who truly saw him and when he lost u, all hell broke loose (like in wandavision), and so it's like him recreating a life w u while his friends on the outside r trying to break him out of it before the stinky government folks do skcnwidn
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harrysfolklore · 3 years
hi :))) so i actually just discovered your blog for awhile now. so can i request harry styles fake social media with imaan hammam pls. thank youuu <333
HAPPY NEW YEAR BEST FRIENDS 🥺🥺 i hope this year is filled with love and light for everyone, love you all
and of course, here’s a new years blurb ENJOY !
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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yourinstagram last shots of 2021.. what a year
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kaiagerber 🤤
ynfan1 this was YOUR year
gemmastyles highlight of the year: meeting you ❤️
↳ yourinstagram LOVE you
↳ harryfan1 omg family bonding
ynfan2 lucky b#tch will end up the year with a boyfriend
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harryupdates Harry at JFK airport today !
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harryfan2 aww him and yn are reuniting for nye
ynfan1 rumor has it they’re throwing a big new years party 👀
↳ harryfan3 OMG IMAGINE
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yourinstagram let’s do this 🥂
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alexachung READY 🤘🏻🤘🏻
harrystyles 😍
↳ ynfan2 i love it when he forgets to switch to his priv
sza 🔥🔥
ynfan3 versace queen
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harryupdates Harry via YN’s instagram stories !
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harryfan2 so many celebrities there i’m jealous
ynfan1 they’re both drunk asf 😭
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yourinstagram and that’s a wrap on 2021 🥳
i love you @harrystyles
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harryfan1 HARRYYYYY
kaiagerber still not over last night
annetwist 🥰🥰
ynfan1 mentally i’m at harry and yn’s new years party
iammarkronson BEST HOSTS EVER 🔥
harryfan2 LET ME INNN
harrystyles 😍
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harrystyles It’s 2022
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payidaresque · 2 years
Ramo fans also joined Damlas fans into piling on the hate on both the show and Simay & Murat. They literally created fangroups/chats on twitter whilst Aziz was on as they always managed to coordinate the timing of their hate comments together (make sure their hate tweets became more popular). This was further proved when someone posted a screenshot of the fanclubs name (it was something along the name - Lets celebrate the ending of Aziz) when @Aziz posted that the series had ended. Its literally the most unhinged behaviour.
It's honestly the only reason why I'm glad the show ended because the sickening amount of hate was vile to read.
I didn't watch Ramo live but I have some mutual friends on twitter who did and they told me some things over the past year (ill number them for you below as its easier for me):
1) A lot of fans who watched both Ramo & Aziz also noticed Murat seemed to be much happier and comfortable shooting Aziz. They would just comment saying he was glowing and much more relaxed etc. It was so obvious Ramo fans were annoyed with that behaviour as it seems like he wasnt like this during the production of Ramo. However, Ramo did have much more drama/ offscreen rumours so its understandable if this affected his behaviour.
2) There's a lot more behind the scenes stuff with Simay and Murat (pictures and videos) and ramo fans were annoyed because they didn't get the same content with him and his previous Co star. They would literally post dumb stuff about Murat being forced into smiling or fake laughing which is the most disturbing thing I've read.
I think this has a lot to do with horrific affair rumours with him and his previous Co star so its obvious he just was going to be much more comfortable on his new show and around Simay etc.
He also wished Simay a happy birthday post on instagram and said how lucky he was to have her which further proved my point that they did genuinely enjoy working together. Murat hasn't ever wished a co star happy birthday so it just shows you how content he was working with Simay 😀
3) it annoyed both fanclubs that simay was getting incredible love for her performance of Efnan. Both Murats and Damlas fans made several remarks of how Simay wasn't talented enough (before the show was aired) and how she didn't deserve to work with a talented actor like Murat 😒. They were comparing Damlas career success with Simays and how Damlas deserved to be the lead. Literally pulling out Damlas career roles and pointing out why Damla should be the main focus. They literally did lose their minds. However, God really made them spit out their words because SIMAYS was the ONLY one whose acting was consistently praised 😆 😂 🤣 Literally so funny to see how Damlas acting was not once praised by anyone (no offense to Damla but like you can't deny facts).
Ramo fans have literally sat on their high horse all year and believe Murats chemistry with Esra bilgic was impossible to beat. They literally don't want Murat to work with anyone else and have camped under his Instagram/twitter begging for season 3 of Ramo. I really don't have any words to explain to you this type of obsession.
Anyway unfortunately this kind of behaviour needs to be psychologically studied as its so bizarre to me.
sending you all my love 💓
“Let’s celebrate the cancellation of Aziz” my ass… fuck you. Literally fuck you all. So much. Assholes.
I think i just cried a bit 😭 I had a BLAST reading that, thank you so much for sending all of this to me!! 💜 All these pics and videos i've seen and posted... they were glowing. All the smiles and laughs and the energy, and how Murat was speaking of Simay... I KNEW you can't fake something like that! It's so warming to know that the cast of your favorite show actually got along so well, give me a moment pls 😭😭😭😭
But also cringed a bit because... wtf?? Dayum, they had very much free time if they were able to do all of that shit because i mean, are they for real 💀💀💀 get pissed over the fact that Murat wished Simay a happy birthday??? I think i just peed myself from laughing, thank you. What are you, 13 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
In all seriousness, this is kind of sad, because i watched Ramo til the end and actually liked Esra very much (she has way more talent than Damla has, i can assure you of that 💀💀💀), and actually liked the plot until like mid-season 2, and reading all of that is... ouch. I guess that's pretty common for every actor in the industry to have "an affair" with their partner, i mean: 1) Murat's very handsome (i think we can all agree on that 💀 the same applies for Esra); 2) people like gossips (to a vulgar amount actually and it makes me sick); 3) when they get bored, they make up stupid shit + the plot of the show, so it's totally understandable why Murat was worried and uncomfortable during the shooting, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was annoyed even, (and i'm sure Esra was too, no less than he was) and all these horrible and unnecessary comments, rude assumptions??? Didn't make it any better. Jesus have some modesty please. People really need to stop treating other people like Barbies & Kens, that's very creepy, and disrespectful, thank you. And i think if you really consider yourself someone's fan, you would never allow yourself to do any of this disturbing shit public or private, out of respect for that person and his talent, and these people? they're not fans — they're obsessive creeps without a life who should never be allowed to use any social media for their entire lives Go outside, take a walk, be useful to society, but DON'T EVER come near a computer again. This shit is super unhealthy. I'm actually kinda intrested in what Esra's fans thought about all that drama, lolz 💀💀💀 And asking Murat for a s3.. yeah right, like he's the one in charge of that, and not just an actor who was hired to do a job 💀💀💀 be my guest, lolz 💀 That's actually embarrassing :/
You know, that's actually kind of funny, because i'm also recalling a BTS video from the shooting of Aziz, i think it was Murat's birthday, and it seemed to me that Damla & Iman are actually friends?????? So that's very funny when people are putting effort into doing all of this nasty and unhealthy stuff i mean, what kind of world do you actually live in, do you really have no respect for yourself and for the people you’re supposedly “admire”, aren’t you capable of doing anything better?
If you wanna talk or if you have any more stories to tell, no matter, my ask is always open 💜
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