stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 4 parts 1&2]
“Friend Credits” is so cheesy but I love it asdljfkdl
There’s that weird music from episode 2 again
Yeah you would NOT get me up to that studio, I have a fear of falling so I wouldn’t be able to climb that ladder
My reservations aside though it’s such a cute and quirky location :’)
Guys, at least pick initials instead of “male lead” and “female lead”, use T and P as a cute nod for all I care
Up and Aou leaving together /again/, MM-HMMM
Fuckin’ Mr Plagiarism over here
Puen’s writing got good because he’s in luuuurve
Talay’s gotten so used to Puen getting in his face askdljf
Gonna need to try harder than just staring his soul out of his body Puen
I don’t think people can blush on command guys
Omg Talay what is the colour of that suit you’re wearing, it’s so ugly
I’d rather be called Ai’Dang than Miss Vera the Hottie
I just remembered Puen’s driving skills and the only time I’d get on a bike with him is if I had a death wish
DON’T PLAY AROUND ON THE BIKE OMG I’m gonna kill these two myself
Talay doing the back thing again to thank him, cuuuute
Correct me if I’m wrong but at this stage Puen kind of comes off as still trying to be cool and aloof when he’s probably melting inside
“Who’s the guy in red?” He’s wearing a black jacket……  (yes I know the shirt is red but from their angle it’s not the first thing they’d see)
Look Puen fanfic writers write amazing smut all the time, you don’t need to actually experience a thing before you can write it, you’re an ACTOR for god’s sake
… omg… it’s THE place…….
(and deserted despite the lights being on for some reason)
“After the leads part, they reunite here one day” eheheHEHEEHHEHE
Just cooperate Talay, you stick in the mud
“The cake is a chef’s kiss” WHAT ARE THESE SUBTITLES
“I can buy it myself, I don’t need a lover to do that” Talay gets it
I guess aro universe-swappers would be fucked if the condition is romantic love
More copyright infringement with the folders
If I were a guest at this café I’d get so fucking pissed at these four shouting
Okay but would Tess’s friends not think it… interesting that Tess might be going out with the guy he bragged about stealing a girl from
Screenwriters =/= casting agents Fuse you dipshit
There goes Talay
I think later on Puen complains about not being able to pay the rent and it’s like YEAH NO SHIT
Poor Puen, the idea of him hitting on Talay is so implausible to Talay he flat-out rejects it when Puen literally says it
Are you really telling me they made a “reading shoujo is embarrassing because Puen is too good for that” joke, c’mon man
I’d eat that entire basket of chocolate snacks ngl
“Wanna touch it?” DON’T SAY IT LIKE THAT
Now I can’t unthink “cheek” as being a stand-in for something else
Damn just kiss already you pathetic cheek-pinchers
Talay’s like “no time for kissing I need to get serious for a mo”
Puen telling Talay he’s not alone <3
At least brush your teeth before you go back to sleep man
Come to think of it how do you /not/ have a hang-over
Nobody at the wedding’s like “who the heck’s this guy who showed up late”
“I should just marry a colorist” Talay’s brain short-circuits
“Friend Credits” is so cheesy but I love it asdljfkdl <<<<< I LOVE IT SO MUCH TOO and the fact that it was puen to suggest the ‘friend’ part…….. IT’S FINE IM FINE
There’s that weird music from episode 2 again <<<<< sfdskfdgsk i’ve never really noticed it before you pointed it out and now for some reason my mind is calling it the ‘get freaky’ music ;;;;;;;;
Yeah you would NOT get me up to that studio, I have a fear of falling so I wouldn’t be able to climb that ladder <<<<< UP JUST GOT LUCKY NONE OF THEM HAD A FEAR OF HEIGHTS TBH like okay maybe he knows tun and aou well enough to know they don’t have that specific phobia, but imagine if he rented the place only to find out that tess is terrified of heights [shakes head] it’s still a very nice location though!!
Guys, at least pick initials instead of “male lead” and “female lead”, use T and P as a cute nod for all I care <<<<< NOW I WISH THEY HAD ACTUALLY USED THEIR INITIALS THAT WOULD HAVE HAD ME SOMERSAULTING CLIMBING THE WALLS SPINNING COUNTERCLOCKWISE ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING
Up and Aou leaving together /again/, MM-HMMM <<<<< 🙊🙊🙊
Fuckin’ Mr Plagiarism over here <<<<< i love that puen's writing is either a) straight up PLAGIARISM, or b) things he actually experienced/wants to experience with talay. i hope he never had to write a sex scene because the mad man would just put his fantasies on display for everyone to see
Talay’s gotten so used to Puen getting in his face askdljf <<<<< after taking a bath together and basically seeing puen naked i guess talay just got desensitized sfjhfsdkjg (the way i wish they had showed us the two of them getting out of that bathtub……. talay is a gentleman so he probably closed his eyes again and let puen have his privacy as he climbed out of the tub and wrapped himself in a towel, meanwhile puen is such a horny bastard he probably turned around but kept sneaking glances……….)
I’d rather be called Ai’Dang than Miss Vera the Hottie <<<<< you mean i cannot call you Miss Vera the Hottie???? 🥺🥺🥺 IM HEARTBROKEN
I just remembered Puen’s driving skills and the only time I’d get on a bike with him is if I had a death wish <<<<< talay trusting puen’s driving skills after knowing that puen died from a car accident and got arrested for driving while drunk (AGAIN) is like.. both the most reckless and most romantic thing he’s ever done
STICKING THE PRODUCT PLACEMENT UP THE ACTOR’S NOSE IS ONE WAY TO DO IT <<<<< I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT LISTEN. i know there are way too many product placements in vice versa but at the same time most of them are literally SO FUNNY AND CLEVER AND GOOD IF I COULD MARRY THEM ALL I WOULD
Correct me if I’m wrong but at this stage Puen kind of comes off as still trying to be cool and aloof when he’s probably melting inside <<<<< i don't want to spoiler you.. though technically you did watch episode 11..... anyway let's just say there is a reason WHY i can't understand how people do not feel the urge to run back to watch AT LEAST episode 4 after ending the show like this was one of my least favorite episodes the first time around and now IT'S ONE OF MY MOST BELOVED LITERALLY MY ENTIRE PERSPECTIVE OF IT CHANGED SO DRASTICALLY IT'S INSANE
Look Puen fanfic writers write amazing smut all the time, you don’t need to actually experience a thing before you can write it, you’re an ACTOR for god’s sake <<<<< OH YOU KNOW THAT WAS JUST AN EXCUSE TO HAVE ANOTHER DATE-NOT-DATE WITH TALAY HE IS SO PATHETIC (affectionate)
I guess aro universe-swappers would be fucked if the condition is romantic love <<<<< yeah just don't listen to anything puen says at this point he wants talay to love him back SOOOO BADLY he would say anything sfjksgfj (but im gonna remind myself to get back to this point once you're done with the show)
Puen: I WANNA KNOW WHAT LOVE IIIIIIIS <<<<< I WANT YOU TO SHOW MEEEEEE (im laughing but also the way this genuinely is a puen song….. [bites her entire hand off])
Okay but would Tess’s friends not think it… interesting that Tess might be going out with the guy he bragged about stealing a girl from <<<<< i don’t think they know the one who tess allegedly stole a girl from is tun, because in episode 2 fuse just says that tess bragged about stealing her from “someone in high school”. then again, even if they knew it was tun i feel like both of them would be like ‘can’t believe tess dated the girl when he actually wanted to date the guy bless his heart he is so….. STOOPID’ (and considering tess’ endless string of Bad Choices, that probably wouldn’t even be too weird)
Poor Puen, the idea of him hitting on Talay is so implausible to Talay he flat-out rejects it when Puen literally says it <<<<< the funny thing is that talay rejecting the idea of puen hitting on him so strongly is the reason why puen brings up the whole 'faking it' thing which is also the reason why talay doesn't believe puen is sincere and all of this ends up trapping them into a vicious cycle for the entire episode and by funny i mean IT MAKES ME WANT TO WALK INTO TRAFFIC
Are you really telling me they made a “reading shoujo is embarrassing because Puen is too good for that” joke, c’mon MAN <<<<< i personally read this scene as puen being embarrassed to admit he likes shoujo because it clashes with the cool actor mask he's still partially hiding himself behind when the truth is that he's just a very soft and romantic boy
I’d eat that entire basket of chocolate snacks ngl <<<<< SAME!!!!!!
Now I can’t unthink “cheek” as being a stand-in for something else <<<<< STOPPPPPSFJKSGDKSGDK (i mean puen IS an ass ma- [GUNSHOT])
Come to think of it how do you /not/ have a HANGOVER <<<<< apparently talay can get drunk, fall asleep and wake up feeling perfectly fine i wish i had that superpower too
PUEN (the protagonist) CATCHING THE BOUQUET IS SO CLICHÉ BUT I CAN’T EVEN BE MAD <<<<< okay but the way talay shields himself from it while puen catches it with no fear symbolizing their current attitude towards love I JUST LOVE THE DETAILS IN THIS SHOW
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dilucsrevenge · 3 years
Hey! I wanted to ask for a fanfic with Childe. Literally anything with this teasing ginger would be great! I would love some fingering or face fucking if that’s okay!
i will say i have gone EXTREMELY overboard with this one. more than i normally would
warnings: a little bit of degradation? just roughness in general. fem reader!
wc: 2,485 (im sorry...)
nsfw warning under the cut
Nothing could have prepared you for the night you were going to have after you accepted Childe’s offer of taking you out for lunch. You were certain it would be just an innocent and fun thing between the two of you, but you were extremely mistaken. Things had been flirtatious between the two of you for some time now; the occasional suggestive content had been thrown back and forth between the two of you. Many people made comments on the lingering tension between you and Childe, but you’d always nervously laugh it off. You hadn’t expected that this had been his plan the whole time. His long-term and extremely devious plan to get you wrapped around his fingers.
It all started when you met up with Childe outside of Wanmin Restaurant, you found him leaning against a wall as if he had been waiting for hours for you. Which you knew wasn’t true when you checked the time, you had arrived fifteen minutes early when you found yourself having some extra free time. Childe looked up when you stepped close to him, his arms crossed over his shoulders with a teasing smirk on his face.
“You’ve kept me waiting, how disappointing.” His voice was filled with the same amount of smugness that you could see on his face, earning a groan and a disapproving roll of your eyes.
“I’m fifteen minutes early, you would think someone in the Fatui would have important things to do instead of standing around idly looking pretty.” You immediately regretted your compliment to him, shaking your head slightly when you saw his smirk growing even wider on his face.
Before he could even speak, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the counter of the restaurant, ordering the food you knew the two of you regularly got here. You continued to pull him to the closest table outside of the restaurant, but you were taken by surprise when you noticed Childe took the seat beside you instead of directly across from you. The thought didn’t linger long in your head when you felt his hand ghosting over the top of your thigh.
“Am I not supposed to comment on the fact that you called me pretty?” Childe whispered out his words, making sure that only the two of you were the ones that would be able to hear them.
You heard him laugh as soon as you shied away from his gaze, your cheeks instantly feeling like they were on fire. Sure, it was the truth that you found him attractive to look at but you had sworn that you would never say it to him. He already had high enough of an ego, you didn’t want to add to his reasoning behind it. Luckily for you, before you had to respond to him the food you had ordered was placed down on the table in front of you.
Childe’s hand was still placed on your thigh as you tried to focus on the food in front of you, instead, your mind was completely focused on the fact that his fingertips were tracing circles against the fabric of your pants, inching further your leg the longer you pretended to ignore his touch.
You heard Childe let out a loud huff as he moved in his chair, immediately missing his touch to your thigh when his hand was removed. It almost looked like you were getting under his skin in some way, which you didn’t mind. He was an extremely fun person to mess with, especially when he didn’t get his way and got easily aggravated. You would never admit that seeing him this frustrated just brought thoughts to your mind of other ways you could purposely get him annoyed.
The lunch with Childe went on as expected, your casual conversion flowing like normal between the two of you but there was something slightly different this time. You kept catching him staring at your lips as you ate, a few times you caught him looking and he’d quickly clear his throat and focus his attention on anything else. As you were about to leave the restaurant, you felt his hand on your thigh again, his breath against your neck that sent shivers down your spine.
“I have a surprise for you that I think you’ll like. You just need to trust me.” His breath fanned out against your skin, a small laugh coming from him after he gently nipped a spot along your jawline.
You didn’t trust Childe too much, but you figured you would entirely trust him this time. You were interested in whatever he had to show you, anyways. After the tension of the lunch you had with him there was no way this wasn’t something you wouldn’t be interested in. You were interested in Childe alone, anyways.
After you arrived at your place, you were confused. Childe had something to you but he took you to your place in the end. But as soon as the two of you stepped inside your place, you were filled with shock as Childe gripped your hips and pinned you against the wall not far from the door.
“I’ve spent so much time with you on my mind. It’s driving me crazy,” his voice was harsh, his lips instantly attacking your neck as they had at the restaurant, “there’s nothing I’ve wanted more than you, and yet you have been the hardest thing for me to grasp.”
There was no time for you to reply to him when you felt his hand toying with the waistband of your pants, your gaze focused on his hands instead of the way he was looking at you like a predator looking at their prey before they pounced. His hand was still gripping onto your waist which made you even more surprised when you felt another hand cradling your chin to lift your gaze to match his.
“I want you to look at me. It’s about time I get to see you unravel at my touch.” While he was speaking, his fingers had finally slipped under the waistband of your pants, a soft groan passing by your lips as his fingers just barely grazed where you apparently needed his touch the most.
By now, Childe definitely had you wrapped around his fingers more than he ever had previously. And in an almost literal sense when you felt his finger brushing against your clothed clit, the sensation getting a soft moan to leave your lips. You groaned when he got this noise out of you, eyeing him with malice in your look when you noticed the smug smirk on his lips. You didn’t want to give into Childe that easily, but it was hard to not submit to him when he had you weak.
“I can feel how wet you are just from how little I’ve done to you,” he was smug again, his ego dripping from every edge of his words, “I can only imagine how weak you will be for me when my fingers are finally inside of you.”
“Ah… c’mon,” you whispered out between soft moans, hanging your head forward to rest against his shoulder, “don’t tease me, Childe.”
His knee nudged your thighs apart, giving his fingers more room to work on you as he slipped his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, goosebumps rising on your skin from his touch. You were putty under his touch when he started gliding his fingers against your clit without any barrier, moans instantly falling from your lips before he even had time to really get to work with his fingers. You could just tell that he was smug from how quickly he could get you weak and under his spell from the smirk on his face once again, his ego came into play when he started to playfully dip his fingers into your entrance, humming softly when he felt how wet and welcoming you were to his touch.
“I knew you’d be so good for me, but I never expected this out of you.” Childe’s fingers finally pressed their way inside of you, moans of his name spilling past your lips this time.
You couldn’t help but grind down into his touch. He was going too slow for what you needed out of him at the moment, and you wanted to do anything to encourage him to pick up the pace. But he wasn’t having it; he hated that you were showing how impatient you were and he wanted to play with that. After just a few thrusts of his fingers into you, he pulled them out and went back to gently grazing his fingers against your clit. You were eager for his touch, your hips still grinding down against him to get more out of his light touch than he wanted to give you.
“If you’re so eager to be pleased, who don’t you show me that you deserve it?” His tone was much more serious than it had been all evening, a much more dominating tone to match the submissiveness of your actions.
You just nodded your head and he removed his hand, his fingers going to your mouth to encourage you to wrap your lips around his digits to clean them off. He let out a satisfied hum as you eagerly welcome his fingers into your mouth to clean them off. Before you could finish cleaning his fingers off, he pulled them away and gripped onto your shoulders to push you down and guide you down onto your knees.
You gazed up at him, pleading with your eyes for him to do anything. Instead of him touching you or giving you anything you wanted, his fingers stumbled over unbuckle the belt of his pants. He cursed under his breath at the time it took, exhaling a heavy breath when he was finally able to unbutton his pants and push them off his hips along with his boxers underneath them. You were immediately how surprised at how hard he was since he had been teasing you at your arousal from him doing nothing to you but he was even worse than you were at this point.
“C’mon, don’t be shy. I know you’ve wanted this for a while,” he whispered out, his head tipping down to point you towards his cock that was now in front of your face, “I’ve seen how you look at me when things get intense between us.”
Childe wasn���t wrong about any of this, so without any hesitation you reached up to wrap your hand around his length loosely, pumping your hand slowly to get a moan out of him you were quickly satisfied with. Since you had him in your hands now, you figured you’d take your time to finally tease him as he had over time. You twirled your tongue around the tip of his length as well, getting another moan out of him and a thrust of his hips towards you. There was nothing more than you wanted to please him, but you figured he deserved payback for everything he had done to you.
‘You are so… aggravating…” he groaned out his words while his fingers tangled into your hair, pushing your head forward in hopes that he’d encourage you to get to work faster.
He was sick of waiting for you to pick up the pace, he leaned over to grip onto your jaw when you opened up your mouth to tease him again, pushing his hips forward to fully thrust into your mouth without any remorse. At first, you gagged and you could watch the smirk still on his face at this and you knew that he was the one still in charge here. He didn’t let go of his thrusting into your mouth, in fact, he kept up the pace and used his grip on your hair as leverage to keep the pace of his thrusts.
The quick pace of Childe’s thrusts caused saliva to drip down your chin, tears swelling up in the corners of your eyes after a few drips of saliva had fallen from your chin to your legs below from his thrusts. He almost reveled in the sounds of your gags as he ruthlessly thrust into your mouth, smiling each time he saw tears falling down your cheeks.
“Look at you, doing so good for me,” his voice came out softly, mumbled out between moans of his own, “you’ve been reduced to nothing but a slut for my cock. I love it so much.”
The words from him encouraged you to keep pleasing him, tucking your thumb into the palm of your hand with your nail digging into your skin to take your mind off of the feeling of Childe’s length relentlessly hitting the back of your throat. You’d do anything to make sure he didn’t see any weakness in you, but you knew that he couldn’t see past the tears down your cheeks and saliva dripping from your mouth.
“Jesus… fuck... “ he muttered out, his eyes closing in an attempt to completely focus, “your mouth is fucking perfect. You were fit to take my cock.” He punctuated his words with the thrusts of his hips, getting more loud gags from you to for his pleasure.
Within minutes, the momentum of his thrusts quickly started to get messy and irrational, almost like he was just chasing out his high instead of doing something that was calm and calculated. There wasn’t much you could do as you desperately watched him, thrusting into your mouth relentlessly. You were at his disposal at this point, submitting to every thought he had as you were wrapped around his fingers.
“I’m… fuck… fuck, I’m gonna cum. Your mouth is fucking precious.” He whispered out softly, grunting loudly after a few more rough thrusts towards your mouth.
Your senses were quickly overwhelmed with the salty taste of Childe’s cum after a few rough thrusts from him, your gag reflex hitting you first before you got used to the feeling of his load dripping down your throat. The warm feeling in your mouth and throat had you more than pleased even though you hadn’t been the one who had gotten off for the night.
As he pulled out of your mouth, you watched a string of saliva mixed with his cum follow the trail, smiling when the string finally snapped and resorted to landing on your chin.
“God, I don’t think I’ll get over this image You messy for me after I’ve come into your mouth.” He shook his head, using his thumb to clean off the mess on your chin, pushing his thumb into your mouth for you to eventually clean off the digit.
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