spidermanifested · 2 months
💔💛🖤 for FMA because you're always correct somehow
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
i cant just say roy mustang a fourth time im challenging myself to come up with a creative answer
honestly? and if you can believe it mostly unrelated to the third question down there. i think if you took out hughes, and had to reframe the military protagonists' motivations to make them less reliant on "we need to avenge this one guy we liked", youd have room to explore more of the actual bad things about the amestrian government. that might lead people to want to rebel. like at least the nina chapter provided insight into why the state alchemist program is inherently corrupt, all we learn from hughes dying is "Breaking News! One Weird Geometry Fact The Homunculi Dont Want You To Know About"
youd have to restructure the maria ross parts too but i figure you could work something out without too much trouble. blame her for lab 5 going down or something idk
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
takes a deep breath. This may come as a betrayal to almost all of my devils nest mutuals. it may break my streak of always being correct in the eyes of the masses. but i dont........really see what everyone else sees......... in greed/dolcetto.........
"wow big shocker from captain grido" i hear everyone saying but llet me explain myself. i can rationalize why somebody might like it. and its not even the ship itself i have beef with really. its more, the widespread fandom elevation of dolcetto as Greeds Loyalest Guy, with mainly vibes-based justifications (hes a dooooooog!!!!) instead of textual evidence, that tends to accompany it? which to be fair exists outside of a shipping context as well. like on tv tropes for example
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so. My bido loving soul naturally despairs. also the fact that it seems to have achieved almost default status in the fandom spheres im most interested in, so when you go looking for nest related stuff it crops up before long and you know how it goes with overexposure
my final reason is that i do love dolcetto as a character. That guy rules. which means it does me psychic damage to see his personality replaced with that of a shy blushing puppyboy, as he so often is in the ancient fanart i find combing the google search results,
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
As Per My Last Email: hughes lol
like i know in series hes meant to be a heroic figure but thats kind of my problem. hes just your average nuclear family loving gun toting red blooded american i mean amestrian, who joined the army to defend his definitely-under-attack right to have said nuclear family, and then started dating a girl while he was on the front lines and then used her as an internal justification to keep committing genocide, and then when he has a kid he threatens her (3 YEAR OLD) friends with a gun, and one of his Bonding Moments with winry is giving her a lecture on gender roles because dont you know men never talk about their feelings, and do you see why i thinkmaybe tje fact that he buys his daughter a lot of toys and waves around pictures of his family doesnt inherently make him the best dad on earth. like its really easy to be a good dad when your kid is a toddler and your wife does all the hard work taking care of her and all you have to do is bring home the paycheck. wild beasts are xoming to attack me once hit post on this one i think
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yeuphoric · 2 years
╰   *  some  plots / ideas  that  i’d  love  to  do.  please  send  a  message  if  you’re  interested  in  any  of  these.  i  write  m/f  and  f/f  but  none  of  these  have  to  be  romantic,  can  be  platonic.
a  friends / new  girl  inspired  mumu.  just  a  group  of  friends  in  their  twenties,  still  figuring  out  their  careers  and  their  goals  and  chase  their  dreams,  while  also  trying  to  juggle  their  relationships  with  each  other.  we  can  focus  on  just  two  of  the  friendship  group  if  that’s  easier.
spooky / creepy / psychological  plots.  i’m  already  deep  in  an  autumnal  mood  so  k*llers,  stalkers,  cults,  dangerous  obsessions,  something  feeling  amiss  but  not  being  to  see  what,  friendship  groups  being  tested  and  splintering,  and  all  that  fun  stuff.
twilight  /  true  blood  style  plot.  cosy  small  town  vibes,  everyone  knows  everyone  and  everything,  supernatural  creatures  roaming  at  night,  secrets  hidden  everywhere,  strange  shenanigans  going  on,  first  loves,  unrequited  loves,  all  that  jazz.
historical  things.  arranged  marriages,  secret  relationships,  enemies  to  lovers,  lovers  to  enemies,  warring  houses,  long  distance  communication  through  letters,  broken  families  trying  to  get  back  together,  you  know  the  vibes.  can  be  fantasy  if  preferred.
assassins / spies / criminals  wild  team - up  shenanigans.  think  k*ngsman,  b*llet  train,  saints  row.  just  imagine  the  loyalties  forming / severing  against  the  backdrop  of  chaos  and  mischief.  people  stuck  together  because  of  their  job  but  then  becoming  a  found  family.  the villain  ending  up  not  being  quite  as  bad  as  you  were  told.
hollywood  plots.  juicy  headlines,  paparazzi,  sneaking  into  each  other’s  homes,  the  fake  romances,  the  real  romances,  co-stars  who  hate  each  other  but  have  to  pretend  otherwise,  the  married  director  falling  for  their  leading  star,  what  happens  abroad  while  filming  stays  abroad,  the  ambitious  star  sinking  their  claws  into  someone  beneficial  that’s  blindsided  by  their  looks / talent / personality.
sci-fi  stuff.  apocalypses,  androids / robots,  spaceships,  bunkers,  time  travel,  alternate  universes,  virtual  reality.
gossip  girl  inspired  mumu.  i  haven’t  watched  the  reboot  but  i’m  old  enough  to  have  watched  the  original  when  it  first  came  out  lmao.  but  yeah,  pretty  people  doing  bad  things,  backst*bbing,  a  mysterious  person / group  publishing  intimate  details  of  their  lives  on  social  media,  cheating,  addictions,  revenge,  luxe  homes,  expensive  clothes.
idk  how  niche  this  may  be  on  this  blog  but  a  muse  based  on  ghost  from  c.o.d ??  big  silent  guy  who  has  a  f*ck  ton  of  trauma  and  always  wears  a  mask.  incredibly  imposing  +  highly  skilled...  but  also  a ��softie  deep  down  who  does  care  for  his  team  and  forms  his  little  attachments  but  just  doesn’t  know  how  to  show  it.  cue  lots  of  intense  staring  and  awkward  silences  but  also  “i’d  die  for  you  in  a  heartbeat”  type  promises
and  some  more  general  things  i’m  looking  for:  angst,  angst,  and  more  angst.  toxic  relationships.  longing  and  pining  and  unrequited  love.  people  beginning  to  fall  in  love.  people  beginning  to  fall  out  of  love.  unplanned  pregnancies.  age  differences.
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chuyinstheaterib · 1 year
Week 27-29 march
One week before semana santa!!! yayy full classes and the funnest week yet :3 27: For this class I need to talk about the activity, last week we got pairs (via seeing who had the most similar shoe to ours and then standing next to them) I got paired with Ortiz :3, and together we decided to make an amazing play, we based our script on a theater piece called ¨Decir SI¨ which had a premise about power and being dominated, we played a married couple in a house, however the husband was a submissive person and the wife was dominant and angry at the husband, so a scene plays out of showing this relationship until the wife kills her husband because she's tired of his wrong doings basically.
For the actions I loved how I played my character, being upstage and setting everything up, it was like last week where I did improvisation however this time I had a plan, we had rehearsed, and we knew what we needed to do, I got up on stage and so the story began, for my character I focused on the submissive part and fear, playing someone with very telegraphed actions that were predictable with a constant shake on the legs and fingers, it showed anxiety, and it represented how common this was as the character never felt or showed fear around how he felt, it was a routine. He wiped the floor after he spilled a drink, he made two coffes for her with different ingredients couse she knew she liked many things. he was happy and tried to show affection when he thought he did the right thing but always had a sad and defeated look when he didin't. He tried to get out but died. This character I made I think was represented in a very well done manner, I think I gave the vibes of this type of relationship, however I must note that it was excessive the ticks and movements, I used the stanislavski method for this, utilizing emotions and experiences to try and portray this character however exactly due to this it's bad that I acted too much on the little details. Thing the teacher noted to me after the play where there was general intention One play I enjoyed was the one of Paola and Ana Vale, couse with the given dialoges they made a story which utilised one diaologe as one and had a very very unique story with a dead person, a sstory about grief, discovery crime and sadness with 5 lines about giving coffee, their creativity was unmatched and while I think there was a lack of stanislavski in their acting with very little emotions, it was a good play which I enjoyed. :3 I learnt a lot this class and finally got to act a scripted play in the class!!! I enjoyed it and well as you saw it was a new experience which had me put a lot of thought into it. :3
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We started with a very interesting activity where we used the same partners from the script, and we had to asign one person to be a and one to be B then we took turns trying to immitate each other, I was with Ortiz and well it was.... it was xD
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We were laughing and laughing all the time at the beginning couse it was weird to stare at her while she stared at me, I felt a bit insecure however when we started copying each other and going into movements which required a great amount of precision that stopped. While we weren't perfect, but we did do pretty well from time to time altough we focused on doing things too quickly, at least for me, I was intrigued to see how she would react to different movements I made and see if she could keep up altought I shoul've tried to have her follow me with precision. We also had sometime where we had to not copy each other but follow a movement that felt natural, here we did horribly xd it was clear either one or the other took initiative to talk about something, so it happens, not really lletting things flow... but oh well
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We then continued with the feedbakc about the plays. There was a great emphasis on simple actions to tell big stories, if you want to tell a story you must be able to justify it. Alex's Cordovas play was discussed about and asked to be replayed for the purpose of trying to make a clearer story, utilizing better props which showed the space we were working on, and also change the story and acting a bit to tell a story which was just a woman who came to the funeral of her brothers after 20 years to a woman who left her family for 20 years to pay the cancer bills of her brother because she was at work, and her brother being mad and angry she left while not understanding the reasons and being bitter in his brother's funeral as she handed him a bitter coffee. They reshot the scene and now it was longer, more emotion and the sister was clearly a familiar of the brother so that was improved, there was a shift in tones which depicted her true colors of a bad person, and the thole dissinterest of the brother. Which was the true intention of this play, to draw attention which was made possibly with the actions by changing tones changing movements and more. Theater must be always expressed in a clear demener.
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gnibiv-tsuj-xela · 1 year
Why did you say Justs should be killed? Would they have killed him otherwise? Did you start all this?
.stsuj .gnillik .saw .eh .em .llet .t’ndid .gniliv
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
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pinkasrenzo · 2 years
Mid-year book freak out tag
Finally have some time to do this! Thanks @bloody-wonder for the tag💕
1. Best books you’ve read so far in 2022? The Raven Cycle books by Maggie Stiefvater, they just got me. I read them back-to-back in a week or so and they have everything I love in a book, the prose was great and totally fit the overall vibe with that kind of Night Vale-ish feel to it, sort of eerie but also cosy? Can totally see this series becoming a comfort read. All the characters have a special place in my heart and I wasn’t expecting to love all of them so much, I usually have one or two faves but I just, love all the gang and I love how they all love each other and their friendship and just. I love them. So much. Also well planned plot, mysteries where everything is connected and you can see the puzzle forming and everything clicking together, old European folklore (specifically old kings waiting to be woken)?? Sign me the fuck up. I need more. Also I had to get them in hardback and oh they're pretty.
Also, We Both Laughed in Pleasure the diaries of Lou Sullivan, it was incredibly good and moving and so happy? joyful? usually trans memoirs are always sad and bitter, especially when it's about someone living during the AIDS crisis, but this was just so full of joy, specifically joy in being trans and queer and even when it was sad there was always something comforting or hopeful. I'd recommend this to every trans man or transmasc out there (and anyone else really) cause there's so much anger and sadness out there that reading about how good it can be to just get to live your life is, something I've never seen in trans lit and it's just, it warms my heart reading about Lou's life.
2. Best sequels you’ve read so far in 2022? Leviathan Falls by James S.A. Corey probably. It started out different than the other books, had a broader focus and was a bit confusing at first as a choice but it worked out in the end and it helped in making sense of how it all came together so I appreciated it. Also seeing how the Roci crew story came to its end and how much they’ve all grown and changed since the beginning hit right in the feels. Lletting go of them made me emotional ngl and I’ll definitely re-read the whole series at some point but I couldn’t have asked for a better finale ( even with all the heartbreak and angst and tears it was just. Great.).
3. New releases you haven’t read yet, but want to? Book of Night by Holly Black, the plot is extremely intriguing and looks slightly darker? than her other books so I'm very curious how's it going to be. She's also one of my favorite authors and she's not disappointed yet so I'm trusting her to deliver some Quality.
4. Most anticipated release for second half of 2022? I know Greywaren is coming out in October so I'm waiting for it to get the whole trilogy and get more from TRC universe and I! Am! So! Hype! I don't even have a clue what it's about I just want more of anything TRC kjhgjhk
5. Biggest disappointment? Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg probably. I was expecting heists and some good "be gay do crime" vibes given that it's based on an irl master thief and while it did deliver on the gay it didn't deliver on the crime at all. It was kinda boring? and unnecessarily long and drawn out in some parts, way too focused on the romance (and didn't even develop it properly?) and not enough on the plot, and given that it's a story-within-a-story kind of book with conspiracies and plotting and Big Mysteries tm... it was just Not It. It also kinda read more like an academic text rather than a fiction book, which I get the fictional author is an academic but there are better ways to go about it imo.
6. Biggest surprise? Lou Sullivan's diaries for all the best reasons. I said how joyful it is, but it's also not the usual narrative. His life was messy and his gender journey even more so and I don't think I've ever read something so relatable, like honestly ever. He didn't always know, he didn't write about dysphoria or being trapped in the wrong body or whatever, all his discoveries about himself are always marked by happiness and how right he feels, and how he just loves being a man, loving men and I don't think there's enough lit (gay and/or trans) that focuses on that, the happiness of being trans and gay. I started this book expecting it to be sad (cause, you know, AIDS) but I came out of it feeling happy and with all the negativity often going around trans spaces (specifically gay trans men spaces) it's,,, nice, really nice. I didn't know how much I needed this book until I read it, and I'm so incredibly happy I did.
7. Favorite new authors? I didn't read any book from a new author that made it into my faves yet? I really liked The Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo but I wouldn't say it's fave material, just really good and definitely worth a read. We'll see if second half of 2022 will deliver more :')
8. Newest favorite character? Can I say the Gangsey? Definitely the gang from TRC, I love them all to bits they're my children I'm adopting all of them and Chainsaw and that's that nobody touches them I will protect them with my life.
9. Newest fictional crush? I do am very gay for Jacob Reckless (Reckless by Cornelia Funke) but that's nothing new, it's been going on for years I'm a lost cause at this point smh
10. Book that made you cry? We Are Okay by Nina LaCour made me tear up quite a bit, the way it deals with grief and the importance of solitude and growing up and figuring yourself out it's just *chef's kiss* and the way it's written it's like a warm hug from a friend in front of a fireplace and it's so comforting to read and while the title may seem misleading at first (they are Not Okay) by the end I was left with this cosy feeling that yeah maybe they will be okay after all, and even if life can be a mess sometimes it'll all work out in the end.
Also TRC (specifically the end) but that's just cause I was deep in the feels tm
11. Book that made you happy? Again, Lou Sullivan's diaries <3 queer joy is the best joy.
Also Fairy Oak - Il destino di una fata by Elisabetta Gnone came out this year and it's sort of an extra content collection for my favorite kids series and even if it's been 20? years since I read the series as a kid I still love coming back to the magic and the world in these books and getting to know these tiny little extra details about all the characters and the village I'll never grow tired of it.
12. Favorite book adaptation you saw this year? Haven't read the book but The Handmaiden was so unhinged and chaotic and Great and I loved it, can't believe it took me this long to watch it oh was it good. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell was also great, both as an adaptation and as a mini-series, almost as chaotic and unhinged, definitely creepy and unsettling, also the fx were just *chef's kiss* so good. Great vibes all around no complaining here.
Also honourable mention to The Magicians for still making a mess of me on this rewatch.
13. Favorite review you’ve written this year? Bold of you to assume I write reviews.
14. Most beautiful cover? The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon has The Most Beautiful cover I've seen in a while, truly stunning, the colours the dragon, the style is just. Wow.
Also not as stunning but TRC has some truly gorgeous covers seeing them all lined up on the shelf is hhhhhh so. nice.
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year? I still have A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara in my TBR and I plan on reading this summer but am waiting for my beloved kobo to come back from maintenance. I'm also curious about The Secret History by Donna Tartt after seeing so much of it on my dash, and I wanted to read more quality dark academia so ig it's the perfect book to start with jhjkj. I'm also planning on finally reading Coraline by Neil Gaiman and then I have Le Otto Montagne by Paolo Cognetti which I know absolutely nothing about cause it was a surprise gift from a friend but they promised gay and wilderness and mountains and the cover looks so pretty and winter-y so I'm def hype to read.
I'm tagging @pollyna @bismuth-209 @abramminyard @maybemountains @theblackswanuniverse if you want to do it ^^
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one with the accidental tiktok part.1 .
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characters: HARRYxMODELY/N
blurb: Harry and Model Y/N always record tons of tiktoks together but Y/N never post it. Then on a date night they record a funny tiktok and she accidentaly posts one.
word count: 1.989K
author's note: I received this request and I just wanna say how much I loved it. The concept it's everything so thank you to whoever sent me this and I hope you like it💗💗
here's how the tiktok was like: click here
    You and Harry have this tradition of cooking together every Friday night. It was a moment where it was just you and him and no one else doing something you love to do. It’s a time to connect and spend quality time together as a couple and actually, most of the time those cooking nights ends up on a very spicy night, if you know what I mean.
    This Friday, you both are currently in Palm Springs. You and Harry decided to rent a house in there, so he didn’t have to drive from LA every morning and this would make things easier. The house itself had a really calming Californian desert vibe, it was really colorful and had a yellow front door that you loved the most. It even made you tell Harry you wanted to dye your front door in LA yellow because it just made the whole place feels happier.
   It was already 7:30 pm now and you were sitting on the living room sofa in your gray sweatpants, turtleneck blouse and your damp hair being just showered. Your day was full, you took some photos for Cosmopolitan magazine so there were people putting a lot of makeup on you and touching your hair all day long and honestly, after all these quarantine months you weren’t pretty used to it. Messy hair, no makeup and sweatpants were your daily routine now. So at that moment, an eye mask, comfortable socks, sweatpants and spending time with your favorite man in the world were all you wanted. 
   You continue to go through the Instagram feed when you hear the sound of keys and then the front door opens. Your eyes met the apparently tired figure of Harry entering through it, you didn't judge him. This man was waking up every day at 5 in the morning and came home around this time, but you knew it was for something good and that he was actually having a great time on set. Your dog, Charlie immediately ran up to Harry, barking a little and basically jumping at the man's feet. Harry smiled tenderly and crouched down to pet the little dog, while you closed your laptop and stood up walking towards your tired boyfriend. He stood up when you approached him trying to smile at you, but you could see in his beautiful green eyes that he was really tired. You smiled at the boy, placing your left hand on his shoulder, approaching to give a peck on his lips and then you ran your hand through his hair, making him sigh with satisfaction at the feeling he loved.
— Hi! — You spoke in a cheerful tone but not so much, it was calm, but he could feel in your voice that you were trying to cheer him up — How was it today? You look tired, my darling. 
   He then sighed as he put his keys and cellphone on the small table by the door. 
— I am!  I had so many scenes today, and to make matters worse, I had to redo the same scene about four times! —  Harry said, sounding frustrated
— Oh, I'm sorry! — You said, propping up the on wall right behind you and crossing your arms trying to think of some way to make his day better. —
Why don't you take a shower, use the bath bubbles and relax? And I’ll order something for us to eat, anything you want. What do you think? Pizza, Chinese food? Anything you want. 
— But today is Friday, we always cook together on Fridays! —  Harry argued, frowning at your suggestion. And you actually did, it was probably one of the few things you both did by the beggining of your relationship that became a tradition to you.
— But you're tired, and it can be cool too either way! — You said, placing your hands on his shoulders starting to massage them calmly, then giving a small kiss on the back of Harry’s neck.
— No, no! It’s alright! — Harry said, shrugging you off and starting to walk straight to the bedroom while you followed him thinking what the hell did he wanted to say with that. It’s the confusion for me. He walked into the master suite bathroom starting to take off his shirt. You were surprised by the lack of tattoos, of course you knew they were covering it up for the film but it was really hard to get used to it, when you were so used to seeing his tattoos for almost three years now — I’ll take a relaxing bath and then I’ll be ready so we can cook together and bing watch a show or a movie, okay? — Harry said entering the shower. You really didn’t matter to skip one cooking night, but it was important to Harry, he loved those nights as much as you did and he didn’t want to make you lose a cooking date because of his tiredness. You just agreed with him even though you were not doing it.
   So, you just went back to the living room where you took your cell phone on the couch and ordered Chinese food, since you both loved it. It didn't take long for Harry to come out of the bathroom in his sweatpants and damp hair. You sure loved Harry anyway, but when he was like that, with the damp hair of someone who just got out of the bath he literally looked like a Greek god. He sat beside her on the couch, lifting his legs and placing them over his lap. Harry propped his head on the back of the couch watching you place your cell phone on the coffee table. 
— Have you decided on today's recipe? —  He asked, stroking his calf.
—  No, I ordered food! — You answered calmly watching the boy's facial expressions change.
— What? Because? I said we could cook! — Harry said settling himself on the sofa so he could face her better.
— You said, but we can't! — You replied approaching your face to him, putting your arms over your shoulders — But it will be cool too. We can eat, watch some movies, some tiktoks, I can even massage you since you have the worst back in the world! — Harry chuckled at hearing his words, not that you could say anything about bad backs, but he will just let it go for the moment.
   Harry leaned in kissing your lips as his right hand was now in your cheek. Deep down, he knew this was exactly the best thing for today. The kiss started to get steamy. It was slow but passionate, Harry slid his hand that was previously on your cheek down your body until it reached your waist where he lifted you and placed you on his clothed lap.
   You brought your right hand to the boy's neck and pulled his hair lightly causing Harry to groan as he squeezed your waist. He slid one of his hands down the sides of your body and brought it back to your cheek where he started to kiss your neck making you roll your eyes. It wasn’t anything higly sexual, it was more about the intimacy, the initmacy of being so closed to his lover.
   And then the doorbell rang alerting that his order had arrived causing you to llet out a frustrated sigh as you separated the kiss looking at the smirk on your boyfriend's lips.
— Chinese food... — You said withdrawing from his lap and getting up starting to walk to the door.
— I said it would be better to have cooked! — Harry said ironically running his hands over his thighs covered in sweatpants.
    You had already paid by credit card over the phone so thank god it was just getting the food. You returned to the living room in a few seconds, placing the packages on the coffee table and sitting on the carpet. Harry then slid from the couch to the carpet on the floor and sat beside you.
— Should we film a tik tok? — You said, opening the bags getting your orders out of it. You ordered Chicken Yakisoba for you and shrimp yakisoba to Harry as he’s a pescatarian — Like, while we eat! We’re never gonna post it, so whatever!
— Sure! — Harry said, handing you your phone and grabbing his order — Oh, which one should we do? Like, the couple challenge, or should we like lip sing to one? — Harry asked.
— Oh, OH! I saw a heard an audio today — You started laughing just about remembering it. Harry thought it was so adorable when you’d do it, so whenever you were trying to tell a story and started laughing because you remember it perfectly and it was so funny to you, he’d just stay there with a cheeky smile admiring your face and laugh — Alright, so it’s like a song and then the girl it’s singing like ‘’my man ain’t shit’’, ‘’my man ain’t shit’’.
— Excuse me?? Why would we do it? I’m like the coolest person! — Harry interrupted you making you look at him with a mocking look.
— ANYWAY, wait for it! — You put a few strands of your hair behind your ear while taking the spring roll with a napkin — Then the girl says like ‘’why you won’t leave him?’’ and she answers ‘’’cause bitch, dick too bomb’’. — You couldn’t help laughing at it, because it was just so funny to you. Harry laughed too, he loved that you could find the funny side in the silliest things, but could also be so mature when it was needed.
— Ok, I like how it turned out, let’s do it! — Harry said taking a bite of his food as making you chuckle. It was true though, this man’s dick? too bomb.
   You then entered the tik tok app and prepared everything and positioned the phone in front of you both.
— Wait, what should I do? — Harry asked as he stand up behind you.
— Nothing, just copy the obscene gesture that I’ll do in the end and you’ll be fine. — You said with a mocking smile at him.
— Why? I wanted to lip sing too! — Harry said, looking at the camera, pouting like a child.
— Because I don’t have a dick, so it would be weird if you sang! — You argued, turning your head to face him.
— Oh, is there any audios about boobs? Because love, yours are spectacular — He said widening his eyes, making you laugh and turn again to face the camera now.
— Ok, focus Harry, focus! — You said as you press the button to film and started lip singing. When the time ended, you both sat down to watch it and it actually turned out really funny, and Harry doing the gesture was totally the best part of it. 
    When you were about to save it privately on the app, Harry accidentally spilled the soy sauce on the carpet. Yes, the white carpet in your rented house. You clicked on any button to save the video and ran to get a floor cloth or anything that could remove that stain. In fact, you knew I wasn't going to leave, the act of trying to clean up was a spur of the moment. Well, you couldn’t clean it and a few minutes later your cell phones started to vibrate a lot due to notifications and when you clicked to see what it was they saw that in the moment of despair, you didn’t press the button that would save the video privately, but yes to post publicly. The video was basically all over the social network and even if you delete it now, you very much doubt that the whole world hasn't seen it yet.
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qinu0a · 5 years
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This gives me major “He was half of my soul, as the poets say” vibes uwu😔🥺🥺 Anyways take a look at these images of mythical Greek hero Achilles with a mu*llet doing bro things with his heterosexual bro partner Patroclus😔😔 they seem to be very good friends. One might even think they’re cousins. On a more serious note: I take a significant amount of effort to make Patroclus look better than Achilles every time I draw them and it’s certainly not because I’m still salty about that one time Achilles chose his pride over pat and let him go to war in his clothes and get impaled Literally five minutes later. No Sir, do not know what you’re talking about, I love both my sons very equally. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MyBoaBr_b/?igshid=1suhlael8t2gb
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theyenner · 4 years
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Check out my latest review on this Manchester based band H.U.M.A.N and their New wave/Indie sound it’s gonna be a belter https://theyener.wordpress.com/inspire-and-share/ #H.U.M.A.N #paradise #debut #review #reviewer #newwave #indie #waves #retro #vintage #sounds #summer #vibes #blogger #blog #bloggerstyle #bloggersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAI7--llET/?igshid=1s4tton3v0jv2
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f-724-morty-blog · 7 years
724 Journal Entry 001
724 Journal Entry 001
[A series of 724′s journal entries following his Rick’s death. Consider this a consolation prize until Im well enough to draw again. I hope you all enjoy!]
I feel numb. It’s been a few weeks since Rick...passed, and the whole world feels fake. Summer said I should try writing things out, to help process or whatever. I don’t know if it’ll actually work, but why the fuck not, right? It’s not like I can talk to anyone about it. Whenever I try my throat closes up and I feel like I’m drowning.
She bought me the journal, anyways, so I might as well use it. I’ll try and recount as much as I can as accurately as I can. This part isn’t just for me, this is for Rick, so someone will always remember what happened to him. That even after all the wrong he did, he died a hero.
Rick died saving my life.
“M-oUGHRty, g-get dressed, Morty, we gotta go to Pouirte N-683 th-they just opened the pl-AUGHnet again, we, we can finally get this crazy rare substance, Morty, a-and I can synthesize it into a serum that’ll let me, just, just rearrange genomes like nothing you’ve ever seen!”
Morty scrambled out of bed, glancing at his alarm clock as he frantically yanked on a pair of jeans. “B-but Rick, I-I-I’ve seen you m-mani-manip-mess with genomes before, s-so what makes this so special?”
Rick looked manic, pacing the room and throwing his arms about wildly as he spoke. “Th-this stuff makes it so much easier, Morty, wh-when I do it from scratch i-its just overly complicated and fr-uAGH-strating. A-and this, i-it creates new stem cells, Morty, y-you know the kind that can become a-anything, the ones that b-become your whole body when y-y-ou’re in the womb, and look, theres, there’s a lot of complicated science stuff, b-but basically I can reprogram y-your body as if it were still developing and change your appearance and all kinds of stuff Morty, all kinds of science!”
Morty’s shirt was half way on when Rick grabbed his elbow and yanked him out the door, the boy stumbling after him as he struggled with the fabric. “O-oh jeez, Rick, I-I-I dunno if I want y-you to mess with my, my appearance, I think I like-”
“M-oURty we all know y-you’re insecure as fuck, just, just get in the car, Morty, I-I can always reverse it i-if you don’t like it,” He plopped into the drivers seat, kicking a few empty bottles out onto the floor and fumbling with the seatbelt. Morty finally yanked his shirt on properly and went to his place in the passenger seat.
As apprehensive as Morty was to have his genome fiddled with, he hadn’t seen Rick this excited in a while, and the scientist’s mood was infectious. He was only about half as condescending as usual, more willing to pal around and joke as he explained some of the ins and outs of this ‘rare substance.’ Although he didn’t quite understand most of what Rick said, his enthusiasm was warming, and their flight through space was a pleasant one.
“A-alright Morty, Pouirte is, it’s probably one of the safer p-places we’ve visited, there’s no biological land-mines o-or governments who hate me,” Rick said, landing the ship in a vacant parking place.
“R-really, Rick? You mean you haven’t p-pissed off their government yet?”
“Nope,” Rick replied, exiting the vehicle. “W-well, I did, but then the wh-OAUle planet had a Civil war, a-a-and all the old governments were dismantled. So I haven’t pissed off the new government yet.”
Morty chuckled nervously, following Rick out of the car and down the alien streets. The sky here was a light, dusky purple, only a few shades darker than Earth’s blue, and currently dusted with wispy clouds. The city around them was reminiscent of one on the east coast, parts of it clearly unplanned and much older than the more modern landing pads and sky scrapers. Its buildings were made of some sort of shimmering, cobalt material, reflecting the sunlight and neon signs subtly.
Rick, as usual, was unphased by the stunning visuals, and kept up a brisk pace through the winding city streets. “S-so, Rick, where are we going, t-to find this stuff?”
“W-we’re taking this planet’s equivalent to a, a bu-URRP-llet train t-to a nature preserve,” Rick replied, taking a swig from his flask and glancing at a few street signs. The language was unintelligible to Morty, but he’d seen Rick read so much alien nonsense that he figured he had some sort of translator like, built into his eyes or something.
“R-rick! W-w-what the hell, we, we can’t do that! N-n-nature preserves, they, they preserve nature, Rick! W-we might seriously screw things up!” Morty yelped, tugging at Rick’s sleeve.
“Sh-shut up, Morty,” Rick hissed, elbowing his grandson in the ribs as the mounted the stairs to what he presumed was the train station. “This stuff lit-literal-, it makes areas uninhabitable, Morty, i-it makes your biology unstable if you’re exposed to the unprocessed version. A-any animals near it b-basically get cancer, a-a-and any babies they have are born horribly mutated, Morty, we, we’re pretty much doing them a favor.” Rick passed an alien currency over the counter and retrieved two blue stickers, one of which he slapped onto Morty’s chest.
“O-oh jeez, Rick, are you sure?” Morty was apprehensive; this wouldn’t be the first time Rick had lied to make him go along with things.
“O-of course I am, when am I ever wrong?” Rick rolled his eyes.
“Lots of times, Rick! Y-you make mistakes, just-just like everyone else,” Morty retorted.
Rick just glared and proceeded to stride onto a large blue train, forcing Morty to either follow or be left behind. He followed.
When comparing the trains’ speed, ‘bullet’ was an understatement. Morty couldn’t look out the window for more than a few seconds before he became dizzy, the landscape flying by too fast to pick up any real details, only a blur of purples, blues, and oranges. Eventually he gave up trying to pick anything up, and turned his attention to the other train riders. Usually, the aliens he saw most often on a planet were the natives, and so far the planet was abundant with tall, centaur-esque creatures, their skin a golden brown and dusted with deep, sunset orange freckles. The upper torso supported a head resembling a giraffes, with two large black eyes and four curved horns sprouting from where the eyebrows would be. The ‘taur half had six spindly legs, jointed like a horses would be but evoking a more spider-y feeling. They wore long skirts, buttoned at the upper torso’s waist and laying across the back to drape around the rump and six limbs. Morty was fairly fascinated with alien life, and while he’d seen some much more bizzare and alarming creatures, this planet’s inhabitants were just as interesting, and their sunset colors struck a chord of beauty. When he had first started his adventures with Rick, they would’ve felt like monsters to him, but over the years he had ditched the ‘planetary mindset,’ as Rick put it, and was learning to appreciate all the variety in the endless multiverse presented to him.
After a moment he glanced away from the alien across from him; he didn’t know if they considered staring rude, but he didn’t want to risk it. Their pointed, spider-toe feet would probably slice open his flesh like a fillet knife if he upset them.
The train shuddered to a stop, and despite the obvious attempt at gradual braking, the riders almost all lurched forward. Morty had to scramble for purchase, and Rick, who had a firm hold on the railing overhead, grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar to stop him tumbling forward.
They exited at another station, this one surrounded by wilderness rather than city. Based on the nature-y vibes, one could assume this was the welcome center for the reserve, or park...whatever it was. Rick bypassed the gift shop and waltzed straight out the door, over the parking lot, and into the woods.
Morty scampered after him, chewing his lip nervously. They had forgone any pathways, instead descending directly into the mire. That was the closest thing he could approximate the ground here to; a mire. It was soft and spongy underfoot, sinking a good half-inch with each step and filling their footprints with greenish liquid. The reddish purple earth was host to a strange plant, one that grew like a net over the ground, thin orange vines interwoven loosely enough to show the soil beneath. The closest approximation to trees were huge pires of dirt, seemingly trained upward by a dark blue ropey plant, which grew around the pillars in a spiral and blossomed into long dangling ‘branches’ at the top with translucent ballon-esque flowers. Deeper in, creamy tan ‘ferns’ began to shoot up in spaces between the suffocating orange vines, soon joined by tall blue flowering plants. The further they went the more variety there was, until it was a dense jungle all around.
“S-so, uh, wh-what are we looking for here, Rick?” Morty stammered, trailing his fingers over a silky flower petal.
“D-don’t w-UURP-orry about it, Morty, we, we’re almost there, thi-is device,” he holds up a remote-sized device with a simple screen, “I-is leading us right to it.”
“O-oh, okay, th-that’s really cool, Rick,” Morty replied, jogging a bit to catch up. His shoes kept getting sucked into the earth, and his shorter strides caused him to fall behind. Rick mumbled something incoherent and took a swig from his flask.
Time passed, the jungle grew denser, and Morty sweatier. What had started as a leisurely walk was now a multi-mile hike that he was ill prepared for. The mire was becoming steep, craggy hills, and he could barely keep up. How Rick, his sixty year old grandpa, could do this so effortlessly was beyond him.
“Aw hell yes,” Rick stopped suddenly, and Morty stumbled over himself trying not to knock into his grandfather. “C-come on Morty quit fooling around, we, we’re here, we gotta drill down right here.”
“R-rick, shouldn’t we be wearing, like, hazmat suits or something? Y-you, you said this stuff b-basically gives you cancer!”
Rick rolled his eyes and rummaged through the seemingly endless pockets of his lab coat. “M-morty trust me, you, you’ve probably already got cancer, it’s fine. But!” He cut Morty off before he could panic. “I-Im already going to be messing with y-your genes, I can just repair any damage, easy.”
“O-oh, jeez, okay Rick, i-if you say so,” Morty stammered. Now he could be glad that the hike was over, and he quickly sat down on the rock to catch his breath.
Rick shoved his detection device into a pocket, and produced a small, black bullet, which he placed on the ground point-down. The black casing clicked open, revealing a sturdy metal interior, and a nozzle on the top. Rick attached a small hose, pressed a button, and it quickly whirred down into the earth, spitting up multicolored dirt in its wake.
After a moment, a black, murky liquid began to flow up the hose and into a canister Rick placed on the ground. “All that’s left to do now, Morty, i-is wait, a-and then we, we can do am-URP-amazing things with this stuff.” Rick grinned, reclining on the rock beside Morty.
It was rare for things to be so low-key; Rick was relaxed, like this couldn’t possibly go wrong, and that put Morty on edge. But then Rick’s hand found his, fingers intertwined. He looked up and Rick smiled, a rare, affectionate expression as he looked at Morty.  Morty blushed and smiled back shyly.
The old scientist kissed his forehead quickly, and then reclined again, gazing up at the alien sky while his companion blushed furiously beside him and the machine whirred away in the background. Morty bit his lip and grinned, tipping his head back to watch the sky with him.
Fuck. I’m crying again, I have to stop. I’ll try again tomorrow, I guess. I’m sorry Rick.
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faddysplace · 6 years
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THE JUICE PUSHERS JUICE CHALLENGE @thejuicepushers #CHALLENGE Your Coworkers Friends Family Love Ones Students Children Seniors Challenge Everyone To Drink Our Juice And Start Live A Healthier Lifestyle. Stop Drinking Sodas Artificial juices Milk. Remove Or Reduce The Fried Fatty Unhealthy Foods Especially Junk & Fast Foods. Drink health Fruit & Vegetable Juices @thejuicepushers Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables plenty salads, Drink Alkaline water, Stretch your body everyday. Exercise every day be it a little or a lot. Walk or run at home or the Gym alone or with friends. 3 Minute or a full workout daily. Meditation will be very important in this process. Negative vibes must be tuned out. Try turn off and unplugging all electronic devices. Don't llet negative people drain your energy. Constant bad news is also draining. Thos is just a sample of how we retake our lives back. #tonetini #redpassion #healthyaddiction #allnatural #100%juice #juiceoftheday #thejuicepushers #eastorangenj #newarknj #teameo #Gym #Fitness #workouts #healthykids #lifestyle #newarkdowntowndistrict #fruits #vegetables #njfarmersmarket #famersmarket #njfresh #newjersey #firefighter #police #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #Family #juicechallenge
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