how-to-humaning-401 · 1 month
come n get your mj lore
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lovebeatriceplz · 6 months
The main four and their love languages ★
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love languages : words of affirmation, acts of service, gift giving, quality time, physical touch. ( Killua and Gon are written in a platonic sense).
Gon Freeces ✯ -
→ words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time
✷ He is soo precious. He always finds a way to make you feel good about yourself, and goes on long self - esteem boosts without even knowing. He isn't good with words but he is good with them somehow?🕴️.
✷ He is pretty reckless with his life and just overall but never puts you in direct danger ( atleast not on purpose). Best believe that he will sacrifice himself for you without question.
✷ He's not the best teacher unless it's something that he's good at. Like fishing, or anything to do with nature, animals etc.
✷ He talks to you about anything and everything. Like just casually drops his family lore and then talks about what he ate yesterday ( but it's him showing his love cs it means he trusts you <3).
Killua Zoldyck ✯ -
→ All of the above
✷ Physical touch is a bit iffy. I don't think it's something he would do but you would instead. But he isn't used to physical affection (or js affection period💀) so he might actually tear up a bit the first time you give him a hug.
✷ He is very bad with words. So he'll leave it to you to express your love through words. It makes him feel safe. Even a simple "your a good person" and your his favorite person.
✷ Growing up as an assasin acts of service would probably be the only love language that he's somewhat familiar with. He would kill for you...any of his friends actually.
✷ He gives you gifts all the time but not for the reason you think. He would hurt your feelings...alll the time ok💀. But he doesn't mean it, his social skills are non-existent lacking so he might say something that cut a little too deep-
So he would give you gifts to make up for that, share his food maybe? Ask you to check out a new candy store? Or tap into the Zoldyck account and get you whatever it is you want.
( i js realized I didn't write quality time but um...)
Leorio Pardanight ✯ ( is that how you spell it?) -
✷ The tiddies man
✷ This is pretty explainable, he's high-key a pervert and sleeps naked.
✷ He's definitely all over you ( if it's consentual) and anywhere too💀
✷ Smacks your butt when you walk past. Big on pda and doesn't care who's watching. I think his kisses would just be a big mess. Sloppy and fast😟.
✷ He might have a little gift giving in him too idk. Spoils you sick. Especially after his doctor career kicks off.
Kurapika Kurta ✯ -
→ Acts of service, quality time, physical touch
✷my babyyy UGHHHHHAHH😭
✷ Acts of service, he's husband material. Would actually do anything for you. From cooking for you to disposing of the body. Please take care of him too, because sometimes he forgets to take care of himself.
✷ Unfortunately, because of his goals and pursuit of the troupe he doesn't get to spend as much time with you as he would want to. So the time that he gets to he treasures it dearly.
✷ He also loves your touch. Your his safe space, his haven, his oasis. He needs you ok? Sometimes your the only one keeping him together.
✷ He likes to kiss you on your hands/knuckles, he thinks there pretty ( he thinks your pretty). Neck kisses and back kisses <3
✷ Loves when you play with his hair, like he starts to knock out almost instantly, and it eases his mind as well, helps him think.
✷ Omg i love him😭
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i am triweilding hyperfixations rn (dnd, bg3 + hwfwm) so i decided that it would be fun to smoosh them all together into a fucking mess so i proudly present: a shitty jason asano char sheet for dnd (w a ver for bg3 bc the subclass isnt in bg3 (might need to change spells idk havent checked)) (also this is just for mechanics i would reccomed speaking to ur dm if u wanna add flavour items also idk how the equipment would go w bg3 so) this is not in the same order he gets his powers (aka he takes the mage hand cantrip even tho the powers it emulates (shadow hands and physical soul) dont come till book 4 and also he gets revival ish powers at level 6 just ignore it dnd has diff balance to hwfwm its no biggie heres how you make it!
first step: we r gonna take the high elf for the powers BUT we r gonna reflavour it so he looks human
for the cantrip w r gonna take message to emulate his vc power
then we take a background: urchin! (but change 👏 the 👏 flavour 👏)
this is mainly for the proficiencies and also the mouse which we r gonna reflavour as a colin leech (ask ur dm)
u can drop all the other flavour items or ask if u can change em since yk the lore dont add up if ur playing jason fr
now time for ability scores since here u go:
str: 8 (-1)
dex: 13+2 = 15 (+2)
con: 14 (+2)
int: 10+1 = 11 (0)
wis: 12 (+1)
cha: 15 (+2)
step four is to choose a class so im going with warlock since 1: i like it 2: its a spellsword form level 1 just like jason 4: the flavour is nice
ok time for the good stuff:
start by grabing arcana and deception as ur class skills (replace one w stealth and maybe sleight of hand too if u didnt take urchin)
equipment: any simple weapon, an arcane focus, a scholar's pack, Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers
(u can take whatever simple weapon u want or maybe even ask ur dm for a sword (short or long bc u get those proficiencies from high elf)
next we wanna take the undying subclass for all its nifty death defying undead fucking powers
(if ur playing bg3 or ur dm wont let you use SCAG content then take the great old one)
now for the spells and cantrips:
cantrips at first level we r gonna grab will be mage hand and poison spray (on top of message (high elf) and spare the dying (undying))
spells will be hex and comprehend languages
at second level we grab the armour of shadows and eyes of the rune keeper eldritch invocations, grab arms of hadar, and dump comprehend languages for cause fear
third level is time for the pact boon! take pact of the blade (though if u really want a familiar take pact of the chain instead) (some ei's we take have potb as a prequisite so then just pyf) and also misty step
level four we r gonna take the skulker feat (or +2 cha if u arent using optional feats) as well as finally picking up eldritch blast (it doesnt suit the flavour ik it makes him worse but it also makes him quirkyer) and also grabbing ray of enfeeblement
level 5 we grab ray of sickness (undying expanded spell list) or if not then remove curses and also the one with shadows invocation
level 6 we grab vampiric touch
level 7 you wanna take blight and grab the thrsting bade invocation (pyf if u didnt take potb)
level 8 we r grabbing +2 charisma and also dimension door
level 9 its contagion (hold monster for u tgoo guys) and also theif of five fates invocation
level 10 blade ward babyyy
level 11 darkness + circle of death mystic anacrum
level 12 take lifedrinker and another +2 charisma
level 13 grab counterspell and finger of death mystic anacrum
after that youre on ur own kid bc i cba to take it into the realms of trully unbalanced
feel free to use this (lmk how it goes havent tested it yet) and change anything up (id love some feedback!!!)
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cartoonrival · 3 years
Question timeee
If you had a magic lore stick you could slap the characters with would you change any lore event? (This may or may not be related to your awesamponk rambling lol)
honest to god i might bring back the fridge. if the lore suit doesn’t happen, which it doesn’t look like it will, then almost nothing came from it, as much as i love “Wearing My Shark Costume (Dream SMP) VOD.” i’m a bit disappointed with how that whole thing kind of fizzled out; c!foolish very quickly gave up on his anger towards c!puffy, and even though c!ponk still dislikes her a lot he isn’t really pursuing any sort of justice, which means that there’s been zero examination of puffy’s character from her or from foolish, since ponk didn’t even like her to begin with.
from an audience perspective, yes, it gave a lot of insight into c!puffy’s character, her values, how she deals with problems and disagreements, and what she thinks is the best way to raise her son. but since the story itself didn’t actually explore any of that, the loss of the fridge just feels kind of pointless. it had the potential to jumpstart interesting interactions, like developing her and foolish’s relationship beyond generic parent-son type, but instead, probably since he’d been off the smp for a week, foolish just accepted her apology and moved on.
of course, i’m not blaming the ccs for dropping this, i understand that the anger over the fridge didn’t last long enough to carry them through an entire arc without getting bored, but i’m just describing an ideal world where cc burnout doesn’t exist.
this is honestly a bit of an ongoing issue with puffy’s character, which is that she treats the people close to her rather poorly and gets away with it scot-free. i really would have liked to see a more substantial confrontation between her and the eggpire members post-egg, or her and foolish post-fridge. i do understand why that hasn’t happened; the eggheads, specifically c!bbh and c!ant, feel so guilty and terrible about what happened that they don’t see that c!puffy was treating them badly since they’re so consumed by the idea that they’re horrible people deserving of whatever comes to them (particularly ant, bbh is just afraid of confrontation over the situation in general); cc!foolish’s anger about the fridge had a week off the smp to evaporate, so by the time he would’ve been able to confront puffy he was no longer upset enough about it that he could convincingly continue the conflict. but i’m still hoping it’ll maybe come eventually, especially since cc!antfrost seems to recognize that c!puffy hasn’t been treating the people close to her very well.
i think it could be really interesting! i would love to see the more negative aspects of c!puffy’s character explored! but for a number of reasons no one ever seems to really pursue much with her, literally except for ponk, but their credibility is not very high so she’s able to talk them down pretty easily so people view ponk as the bad guy.
tldr bring da fridge back babyyy it was an unnecessary loss
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Calling Out (Part 2)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Find Part 1 HERE
Warnings: description of injuries, near death experience, hospitals. . . angst.
Summary: when a case goes sideways leaving the reader in the hospital, Dean, Sam, and Charlie search desperately for a way to help her. . . But time is running out.
A/n: ok so I know it’s been literal months since I wrote the first part but it was only since yesterday that inspiration finally struck! Hope you enjoy! (also all the medical stuff i just searched so if you actually know your stuff please don’t attack me.)
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“Charlie, Sam- please tell me you’ve found something.”
Shoulders slumping Dean let out another sigh, halting his pacing momentarily to look over at the duo seated across the otherwise empty waiting room.
Pacing. He had been doing so much of that lately, especially ever since your monitors went crazy and all of a sudden he, (alongside Sam and Charlie) was being pushed out of your room by several nurses. Dean had tried fighting against them, not wanting to leave you in the hands of strangers. What if you woke up? What if you had no idea where you were? What if something happened and you didn’t- Dean quickly shook his head in an attempt to clear the terrible thoughts from his head. No, you were going to be fine. You were always fine. You were the strongest out of all of them.
But all he could think about was how sudden it had been. You were fine one second and the next? Your heart monitor was going insane and your chest was rising and falling in an unsteady rhythm and he thought he was watching you die. Your eyes still closed, locking you in a monster induced coma.
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt that scared.
It also didn’t help that that had all happens hours ago. Hours. Hours of pacing back and forth, back and forth until he thought his legs might fall off.
“No, sorry Dean. I’ve raked through everything we had on djinns but I can’t find anything.”
The older Winchester let out another groan before turning to the redhead next to his brother. “Charlie?” He tried, a twang of hopefulness in his voice.
“I’m still looking. If I do find something you’ll be the first person I tell.”
Running a slightly shaky hand through his hair, Dean continued his pacing. If he wasn’t careful he might wear tracks in the sandpaper like carpet.
“Dean, do you really want to be talking about the case right now?” Sam questioned, closing the book he had in front of him so he could give his brother his attention. “I mean, Y/N-“
“I literally want to talk about anything that isn’t the possibility of Y/N dying in the other room.” Dean stopped again, his voice ever so slightly cracking as he spoke.
Dean watched as Sam opened his mouth, clearly ready to speak. . But was stopped short when the massive set of doors behind him swung open, the nurse from earlier stepping out into the waiting room, clipboard in hand. It didn’t even take Dean a second before he was spinning around to give her his full attention. His heart sinking lower into his chest at the expression on her face.
“Y/N, is she-“ he couldn’t bring himself to say the word. Afraid that if he muttered it it might come true.
You weren’t dead. You weren’t.
“We’ve done what we could, but she’s stable for now.”
“What happened?” Pushing himself out of his own seat, Sam crossed the waiting room with Charlie close on his heels.
“It’s called a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. It typically happens when there is a rupture of a small air sac on the outside of the lung. This causes air to leak into the cavity around the lung.” The nurse explained, tucking her board under her arm. “ it caused a partial lung collapse but it wasn’t too sever meaning it’s possible for it to heal on its own. As of right now she only needs oxygen and rest.”
Dean was silent as he tried to comprehend what she had said. She made it seem like everything was going to be fine. . . But none of it sounded fine at all. You were still in a magically induced coma and looking like you got run over by a freight train. Now you had a partially collapsed lung to add to it all.
“Ok. . . But how did this happen? I thought she was stable?” He finally spoke, running a hand over his mouth as he tried to wrap his head around it.
“Her fractured rib was the probable cause of it, but we’re keeping a close eye on her still. Don’t you worry.” She smiled.
She fucking smiled.
Dean bit his tongue so he didn’t lash out. Don’t worry? That’s all he had been doing. That all he was going to do until you were safe and fully healed.
“You’re welcome to go back and see her.”
“Is she still-“
“Unconscious? I’m afraid so.” The nurse nodded. “We’re looking for a cause to that as well.”
“Well you’re not gonna find one.” Dean muttered softly under his breath, already turning to head towards the room you had previous been set up in. He had already been separated from you for too long.
It took everything in the hunter not to book it full speed down the mostly empty hallway towards your room, his heart thumping a staccato rhythm in his chest. He had left Charlie and Sam in the dust to collect their laptops and lore books- but he didn’t care. He needed to be near you. Watching over you. Keeping you safe from threats that doctors couldn’t handle.
When he stepped into your room he saw another nurse still at your bedside tapping at things on the monitor while glancing over at you every few seconds or so. Other than that the room was empty.
“She’s doing well all things considered.” The dark haired nurse nodded, looking over her shoulder at Dean momentarily before going back to her task. “You’re wife’s a tough one. She should pull through.”
“Oh she not my-“ he started, pushing down the sudden heat that had invaded his cheeks.
“Well anyway, she’s lucky to have someone who cares so much about her.” Backing away, the nurse gathered her things and walked out the door, passing Sam and Charlie as she did.
As the older Winchester stepped closer to the bed he felt his heart drop all over again. You looked worse than last time. Your skin was several shades paler and your cheeks were getting hollow. It didn’t help that your injuries were taking forever to heal. Sure it had only been a week since this all happened, but you looked so weak, so fragile. And those were words that should never be used to describe you.
“Hmm?” Unable to tear his eyes from you, Dean only lent his ears to his brother, resuming his spot from before and slipping his hand into yours. Your pulse allowing him to let out a sigh of relief.
“Charlie and I were talking, and we thought we might try the library a few blocks away. See if they have any more lore books we can look through.”
“Yeah, yeah. You kids go have fun.” He muttered , shifting ever so slightly to wipe a strand of hair away from your eyes, being careful not to disturb the oxygen tube. One wrong move and he was afraid you might shattered like china.
“Dean, you need a break too. The nurses will watch over her.” Sam sighed, re-adjusting his belongings in his arms.
“I got one when we were stuck in that waiting room for several hours. I’m fine.”
“Sams right, Dean. You at least need to sleep-“
“Charlie, I said I’m fine.” Letting out another sigh, Dean allowed his elbows to rest on the side of your hospital bed, resting his cheek on the back of your hand. “Call me if you guys find anything.”
Drawing in a breath, Sam gave into defeat before sharing a look with the red-head. Neither of them had ever seen Dean like this and it was just another thing to add to the growing list of concerns.
“Alright, fine. Do you at least want us to pick you up some food?”
“I don’t care.” The words leaving Dean so quietly that they almost didn’t hear it.
Giving you and Dean one last look the two left the room once more, carrying most of the hope with them. Deans was fading. He didn’t want it to but he couldn’t stop it. He was afraid.
“You are not allowed do die on me, you got that?” He swallowed, already feeling a lump form in his throat. “I’ve got some really important things I need to say to you so I’m gonna need you to get better.”
Dean paused once more, contemplating whether or not to say the words bouncing around inside his head. He’d never said them out loud before. Even just thinking about it made his tongue feel like lead. . .But no one was here. No one was listening.
“You know, I didn’t want to fall in love. Not at all. Because this life, you know- you can’t afford getting close. There’s a good chance it will slip away if you do. . . But at some point you smiled, and holy shit, I blew it.” He squeezed your hand gently, praying that you would open your eyes at any second. “Maybe it was just bound it happen. I’ve known you for so long. . . Anyways I’m gonna need you to pull through because I want to say it to your face. I can’t lose you. Not now, not ever.”
Leaning back in his seat, Dean raked his freehand through his hair (a nervous tick he had picked up over the years.) watching you sadly. Sam and Charlie would find something. He knew they would.
“C’mon Y/N, you gotta wake up.”
To Be Continued. . .
SPN Taglist (still open!)
@familybusinesswritingbro@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda @jordangdelacruz @orphiceseum @andthatsmyworld @marvelfangirllll @fandomnerdespressourself @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx @lxstgxrl-ck @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl @neerness @totallyluciferr @supernaturalenchanted @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts @akshi8278​ @defenderrosetyler​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy @idksupernatural @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love @busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue @lilulo-12 @beanie-beebo @xoxoaudreymarie @greenarrowhead @mrsjenniferwinchester
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fairlyspnfanfic · 4 years
A New Start - Part Six
Part One   Part Two   Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
@vicmc624​ @waywardprincesa @heyyy-hey-babyyy​ @carissime72​  @deans-baby-momma​  @formulafun​  @woodworthti666​  @yetanotherreader​ @crashlyrose​ @hobby27​  @gabby913​  @jxackles​ @polina-93​ @supernaturaladdictsblog  @fandomoverdose666​  @deans-baby-momma​ @deanwanddamons​  @tazzi-baby​
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Dean was kissing me. Smoothly but hard all at the same time; devouring me.  Slowly, I began to melt into him, feeling the familiar pull of his hand on the small of my back coaxing me closer to him as our lips and tongues danced with each other. My hands found their way to his hips, feeling him relax into my touch and lean closer towards me.  His lips parted from mine as he began kissing his way down my neck, stopping at my collarbone to caress that ever-so-subtle dip of skin above it.  His lips felt so welcoming and warm. My uneven breathing grew deeper as I bent my neck and his kissing began to move down my sternum.
“I was on a job, what choice did I have?” Dean’s angry, defensive words rang in my head.  “It wasn’t like that and you know it.” Our last conversation was flooding back, pulling me out of the mindless lust I found myself in.  The look of his steely eyes staring at me as he told me what he’d done.  
“Dean, we can’t.” I panted.
“We can,” he said, his lips finding their way back up my neck.
“No, Dean. Stop.” My hands were on his abdomen now, pushing him away as gently but intently as I could. “Stop.”  
His hands fell away from me slowly, his fingertips lingering at my waist as he looked me in the eyes. I watched his jaw tense up as he swallowed hard; his breathing catching up and calming down.  
I pressed my palms into my eyes and drew my hands down to my cheeks.  “I can’t.” I paused. “I can’t-”
“You can’t what, Y/N? You can’t do this?”  He came ever so slightly closer to me.  “Come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t miss it.  Miss me.”  
I shook my head and let out an amused chuckle.  
“Cause I sure as hell missed you.” His voice held a tone of sincerity I’d rarely heard and I knew he was telling me the truth.
My eyes locked on his boots. The same logger boots with thick laces tied up high above his ankle. “I can’t stop picturing it.”  
“Stop talking and you won’t have to picture it. We can be recreating it.”  His hands were back on my waist as I shook my head again.
“No, Dean.  I can’t stop replaying that night in my head. You confirming. Me leaving.  And I just…” I took a deep breath.  “I can’t go through that again.  I won’t.  Knowing that you won’t be satisfied with just me?  Ever?  I can’t.” I attempted to walk around him, stepping to the side to gain some distance, but his strong hands pulled me back to him.
“I’ve thought about that day, and the days that lead up to it for three years now, Y/N.  And I wish I could change all of it.  Me being such a jerk, letting you leave, not running after you.  I was an idiot.”  
I smiled at him, resting my forehead against his own.  “I wish that were enough.”  
Dean pulled away from me, his expression confused. “I don’t…I don’t understand.” His blinked and I noticed the glassy sheen on his eyes.  The one that always appeared when he was moments from losing control of the feelings he’d been holding in. The same sheen that had turned to tears at so many times before.  
I took a deep breath and let it out quickly, knowing that what I had to say and his response to it could end the conversation as well as any hope of the intimacy that was taking place only seconds ago.  “You thought about changing me finding out.  My reaction.  Your reaction to my reaction.  But what about changing what you’d done before that?  What about regretting sleeping with her?”  
His face turned soft, his mouth slightly open as his glassy eyes quickly became teary eyes.  His tears fell slowly down his cheeks as he sniffed and looked up at the ceiling.  “Y/N…”  Hearing how breathless he was as my name passed his lips held me entranced. “I’d do anything to undo that night. To change all of it.  You?  You’re everything.  And I screwed it up.”  He looked back at me. “Son of a bitch, did I screw it up.  I’ll do anything to make it up to you. Do you hear me?”  I nodded slowly.  “You name it and I’ll do it.”
My heart was pounding so hard and so loudly. “I need a drink” I declared.  A smile played at the corner of his mouth. “I know just the thing.”  
Dean opened and closed three cabinets before finding the one with my liquor glasses and a bottle of Jameson. Grabbing two of the glasses, he set them on the table and poured.  “Drink up, cupcake” he said, holding his glass up to mine.  The obligatory clink of our glasses was followed by the slow burn of whiskey in my throat, warming me from the inside out.
“Thanks,” I almost whispered.  He nodded in response.  “Dean, I need to know why it happened. Or at least how. All I know is that it did.”  I wasn’t sure that it was my best idea. But surely knowing the details couldn’t make the situation any worse.  
“Y/N.” Dean again breathed my name as he poured us each another round.  “No.  It’s not important.”
“Well, so much for ‘I’ll do anything,’ then, huh?”  Irritation seeped its way into my words as I became less and less willing to control myself.
“Fine.  If you want to know, you can.” He tossed his drink back in one shot and swallowed hard. “We had split up. Sam and me.  We knew it was a Tunda but we didn’t know who it was or how to kill it.  None of the lore helped us with that.  Sam figured it was close enough to a Woman in White that we’d need to burn its bones or get it to consecrated ground. Thing is, we didn’t have a clue where it was. Just had the basics.”  I nodded, encouraging him to go on. “Sam went to the morgue to do some digging.  Try to find some clue as to where it was.  I stayed in the motel trying to get some research done.”  I raised my eyebrows skeptically. “What? I research.”  He poured another glass, took a deep breath and continued. “Around ten or so, there’s a knock at the motel room door.  I grab my gun, look out the window, and get a look at who it is. Open the door and let ‘em in.”  
“Wait, what?  You missed something there.  Why’d you let them in?”  
His eyes held mine again, his full glass in hand as he took a gulp.  “’Cause it was you.”
My mind raced.  How? What?  I knew a Tunda could shapeshift but this seemed unlikely.  “I know how it sounds.  But damnit, I swear to you it’s true.”
I considered his words. “Ok.”  
“Okay?  Okay like okay okay, or okay as in get the hell out of my house?”  
“Okay as in I’m still listening.” I sipped at my Jameson, patiently waiting to hear more.
Dean looked at me skeptically, but continued nonetheless. “I let them in the room. You know what happened from there.  Wasn’t until…Well until after that I noticed something was off.  Right about the time the thing jumped me, teeth bared and all. Sam came back around that time.  We ganked it and that was it.  Came home to you and the rest is…what it is I guess.”  
I downed the last half of my glass, refilling it just to shoot it back.  “Okay.”  
He sighed. “You gotta give me some other reaction to go on here, Y/N. You’re killin’ me.”  I picked my glass up and walked it over to the kitchen sink.  I set it down and felt Dean’s arms snaking their way around me, pulling me to turn around and face him. I hesitantly obliged.
“Say something. Please.” He implored me.
“I get it.  I still don’t like it.  I’m still not comfortable or happy.  But I get it.” He let out a breath of air at my words, pulling me to him and placing a kiss at my temple.  I breathed him in, savoring the scent of him.  He still smelled the same.  Pine, and sun, and freshly cut wood.  My head was swimming.  “Dean,” I moaned his name as if it were a lifeline reeling me home.
His lips were steadfastly on mine again, taking my breath away. His fingers ran through my hair, pulling my face closer to his, deepening the kiss and holding me captive.  His tongue touched my bottom lip, begging entry and I willingly obliged.  His scintillating mouth elicited feelings and sounds I hadn’t felt in years.  His fingers roamed my body from my hair to my neck, my back, sides, and every part of me yearned for him to be closer.
He deftly found the hem of my shirt and lifted it up and over my head, breaking the connection between our mouths for only a moment.  My body was vibrating as he wrapped his hands below my ass, grabbing my thighs and lifting me up until I was sitting on the counter of the kitchen. He pressed himself into me, allowing me to feel his excitement through only our clothes as a barrier.  A barrier that I desperately wanted to come down. My hands drifted down, unfastening his belt and making quick work of the button and zipper of his jeans.  I still had my uniform on, thankfully, as the restaurant approved skirt was easily pushed up to my hips by Dean’s demanding and powerful hands.  As soon as it was, I felt his fingers hooking into the elastic band of my panties and pull them down my legs until they dropped to the floor. It all felt so painstakingly slow and I desperately ached for him.  As if on cue, his arms wound around me, pulling himself into me as he lifted me from the counter and began lifting me up and down on top of him.  
The feeling was divine. Being filled by him again and the buildup of intensity that I knew would end the way it always had.  I cried out in pleasure; Dean moaned my name as if it were a prayer.  “The bed,” I told him. “Go to the bed.”  He walked across the room, never ceasing the movement of thrusting himself into me over and over.  He laid my back against the quilt and held me beneath him, his eyes locked with mine as he continued rhythmically carrying me over the metaphorical ledge.  “Oh fuck,” I whispered. Please,” I begged him, eager for my release. His lips found mine again as we orgasmed together.
We lay there together for minutes that seemed to pass in seconds while we caught our breath.  A bead of Dean’s sweat dripped down his arm that was holding himself up just barely above me, our chests pressed against one another. He leaned down, capturing my lips with his own in a gentle but passionate kiss.  “I love you, Y/N. Always have.” I smiled in return. “Come home?”
Part 7
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