dreamhot · 1 month
do you mind if people super rapid boop you
kenjo booped me like 500 times in a row (not an exaggeration) there is nothing you can do that will be more insane than that
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dreamsclock · 1 year
“So let me get this straight,” Techno deadpans, face perfectly straight, “you’re layin’ eggs.”
( HAPPY VERY BELATED CHRISTMAS @kenjo-arts !!! you wanted emeraldduo and dream interactions or one of your aus so i combined both ^_^ i Hope You like it AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT. I LOVE U <333)
(THANK YOU @the-final-sif FOR RUNNING YHIS :])
Dream scowls. Under the glare and the shadow of his mask, his face is flushed. “Look,” he says, “I’m not— I didn’t even want to tell you. But–”
“But you did,” Philza jumps in, bemused, “I don’t really get why, though.”
If looks could kill, both members of the Syndicate would be dead thrice over. Instead, they remain unaffected as Dream’s cheeks turn warm enough to fry an egg – bad choice of words, Techno thinks, all things considered. He sure hopes Dream doesn’t actually fry his eggs: he really doesn’t want to get into the logistics of egg-infanticide with his dubious ally-turned-bestie.
Said bestie, however, is pulling out a clutch of eggs he holds protectively to his chest as if he expects Techno and Philza to snatch them away and begin jumping on them in malicious glee. When Philza moves closer in curiosity, Dream has a sword out before either of them can blink, unwavering and firm.
Philza raises his hands in surrender and lets out a little clucking noise. Techno thinks it’s supposed to be soothing. It sort of just sounds like a chicken. “Easy, mate,” he reassures, “I’m just looking. They’re pretty.”
“Obviously,” Dream says, half-preening, “they're mine.”
And they are pretty, Techno supposes, not that he cares much about eggs. They’re pale green and freckled with darker shades, five of them huddled in Dream’s arms. It’s impossible to tell what will hatch from them, though he sure isn’t thinking too hard about it. He’ll find out in due time, probably: one of them already has feather-light cracks speckling its side, while the others are pristine, unmoving.
…He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Dream so proud and protective over something of his before. He can’t decide if this is positive character development or not.
“I… wanted you guys to… like, hold onto them for me. For now.” Dream looks uncertain, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. In the pale light of the snow, his face is pale and drawn. “I will… come and get them. After tomorrow is over.”
“You mean the shit you’re pulling with Tommy.” Philza surmises, his expression flattening and tightening just slightly. He’s not forgotten the state Tommy had come to them in after exile: neither has Techno, who notices the way Dream’s shoulders straighten and his face grows deliberately impassive, when Philza’s anger makes itself known in the shape of one ruffling wing. “That’s tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“...Yeah, it is.” Dream allows, and says nothing more about his plans or his thoughts on the matter. Instead, he very gently and very carefully wraps the eggs in a blanket, swaddling the five of them so that only the tips of them are visible, before handing them over to Techno. His expression tightens into one of wistful yearning for a fraction of a second, before it disappears entirely behind that white porcelain mask. “I can’t take them with me, and… I don’t have any other allies. So. You know. We’re not exactly friends, but… I can pay you for it.”
Techno wants, for a wild moment, to pry the mask from his face and unearth Dream’s feelings about the eggs. His kids, he supposes.
He doesn’t do anything so lame or uncharacteristic. Rather than that, he accepts the bundle of eggs, handling them carefully, and– oh god, he cringes when one of them wiggles inquisitively. They’re warmer than he’d thought, thrumming with a quiet energy he faintly recognizes from the deepest, most inner parts of the server: which makes sense, considering they’re eggs from the admin of the SMP. Expecting anything less than slightly magical is dumb.
The aforementioned admin of the SMP shifts from foot to foot. He looks like he might grab the eggs back and make a run for it.
Taking pity on him, Techno clasps the bundle a little more securely, and offers his ally a firm nod and shrug. “Ehh, don’t worry about paying,” he says easily, “I just re-retired. I could do with somethin’ occupying my time. Even if it is five eggs.”
Philza squawks a laugh. “Never took you for a babysitter,” he teases, even as Dream relaxes fractionally, “what a career change. Never would’ve expected it.”
Techno shoots his friend a mock-glare. “I’ll have you know I have the credentials,” he says, haughtily, “you should’ve seen me before the Empire, Phil. You should’ve seen me. I was the pinnacle of babysitting, man. The pinnacle.”
“I bet.”
Dream whispers to you: so you’ll look after them for me??
When he turns to Dream, the man isn’t looking at him. He’s toying with the edge of his cloak, gloved fingers thin and shallow, and that’s when Techno realizes with a terrible clarity that Dream doesn’t plan on coming back for a long, long time.
His grip on the eggs tighten.
He’s hardly paternal, but he is loyal, to a fault.
You whisper to Dream: you have my word
And when Dream pearls away, leaving Techno with five eggs and a wonkily hand-stitched blanket, he knows it’s the last time they’ll see each other like this.
“Do you still have them?” Dream croaks in prison, throat slick with blood and voice hoarse from screaming. Techno wonders how long it’ll last before it gives out completely. Wonders if Dream’s voice might disappear entirely overnight. He barely uses it anymore.
“The eggs?” Techno asks, and his lips press when Dream nods. “I mean, not— not with me, Dream. Listen, I’m no Dad Of The Year, but I know not to bring five hatching eggs into a prison, alright. Jeez.”
Dream misses the rest of his ramble. His eyes light up for the first time when Techno speaks. “Hatching?” He repeats, as if he hardly believes his own words. “Like— You mean hatching hatching. Actually hatching.”
“No, no, the fake hatching.” Techno can’t keep the amused grin off his face despite his sarcasm. “I mean, they were pretty cracked when I left for here. They’re not about to start dancin’ around, but there’s not long now. Probably.”
The expression on Dream’s face is one he’s never seen before. It’s strange, wild. Hopeful.
“Okay,” his ally-turned-friend says, “okay. My eggs are hatching. So we’ve gotta get out of here.”
The firm tone is a switch from the hollow desperation he’d yelled at him before. (You were my only way out of here!) There’s determination, now, there’s reason to escape: reason, Techno knows now, for Dream to fight.
So he pushes an empty book across the scorch-marked obsidian to Dream, and offers a nod and an instruction. “Write down everything you can about this prison, Dream. I’m gonna need it if we’re breakin’ out of here.”
Dream flashes him an almost-grin, and it’s thin and exhausted and bright, and Techno watches him pick up the pen, and start to write.
Dream doesn’t even look up from his dead-eyed staring contest with the wall. He just flips his middle finger in Techno’s vague direction, a silent shut up, before letting his arm fall limply at his side again.
Dream’s eye twitches. “So what?”
“I feel like we should discuss naming rights.”
“We— what?”
“Well,” Techno reasons, “it’s kind of joint custody of the eggs at this point. Sure, you birthed them—”
“That’s not how—”
“You birthed them, but I stopped Steve from eatin’ them. And believe me, that was a hard task, Dream. Almost impossible. Steve put up a valiant fight. He almost had them.”
That gets Dream’s attention. Eyes narrowing, mouth thinning into an annoyed scowl, he shuffles closer to Techno. Techno gets the impression he’s supposed to feel intimidated by Dream’s pout. “You let my eggs near a polar bear?” He demands, horror in his voice. “Techno. Seriously.”
“You remembered,” Techno beams, “you remembered Steve. Listen, you say we’re not friends, but this feels pretty friendly. I dunno. I’m just saying.”
���This— That’s not the point!”
“But no, I didn’t.Like I said, I won the battle. Steve fought hard, but I won. Good thing I’d been trainin’ so much recently. Any less and I think the eggs would’ve been breakfast.”
Dream’s eye twitches. “I don’t know why I even trusted you with them,” he mutters, antsy, “anything could happen to them.”
Techno scoffs, and offers Dream a trustworthy, reassuring look. “Dream, do I look like the kind of guy to let anything bad happen to your children?”
Dream stares dubiously back. “Yeah,” he says, “you do.”
…That doesn’t hurt his feelings, nope, not at all. He shoots his friend a pensive look. “When I get home, I’m gonna give your eggs to Philza,” he threatens, “he’ll put them in his nest. Don’t push me.”
“…You wouldn’t.”
“I would. Pass me another potato, nerd.”
The potato Dream throws at him bounces against his arm and clatters on the floor next to a splatter of blood. Techno wrinkles his nose. “Dude,” he says, “prison is lame.”
“Keep the eggs far away from Philza’s nests,” Dream warns, “or prison will get worse for you.”
You whisper to Philza: btw where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: Why
You whisper to Philza: just answer the question phil
You whisper to Philza: where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: They’re not in my fucking nest
You whisper to Philza: phil
Philza whispers to you: I’m taking them out of my nest and putting them back
Techno breathes a sigh of relief, and glances over at a fitfully sleeping Dream. “Crisis averted,” he mutters out loud, and then, “Chat, don’t be snitches. What Dream doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.”
And Techno’s not hurt when the eggs are the first thing Dream checks when he gets to the Syndicate. Pft, why would he be? It’s not like he’s the one that helped free him or anything, nah, course not.
“All I’m saying,” he grumbles to a cackling Philza, “is that the eggs didn’t sit in prison for three months with him. I’m not jealous, Phil. I’m not jealous. That would be crazy. They’re eggs. Not even that cool. But—”
“For fuck’s sake,” his friend laughs at him, “go inside and show him where his eggs are. He’ll be tearing the house apart looking for them.”
And Philza’s right. Dream is already pulling the chests apart searching for his eggs, as if Techno hadn’t stored them somewhere safer the very moment he’d escaped Pandora’s Vault the first time.
“Where are they?” Dream demands.
Techno nods to the wall. “I’ve been callin’ it the Baby Backrooms.” He says, proudly. “Though it’s kind of more of a Baby Hideout. Doesn’t sound as cool, though.”
A couple of swift strokes with his pickaxes tears open the wall, and reveals four large eggs, cracked but safe, huddled together in the corner of a light blue room. Dream’s gaze softens when he sees them, and steps inside, narrowly missing the bedtime story Techno’s been reading them most nights. Sun Tzu isn’t light reading, but hey, Techno’s determined to make incredible battle strategists of them yet. One of the eggs likes it the most: it wriggles whenever he pulls the book out, and he hates playing favourites, but he has to say, he’s got the most faith in that one.
“I’m back,” Dream breaks the silence to say to his eggs, kneeling down beside them and gently tracing the thick fractures along the curve of the darkest green one, “hey, hi, hi! Did you miss me?”
Techno doesn’t point out that eggs can’t talk for two reasons. The first is that he thinks Dream might actually murder someone if his moment with the eggs is disturbed. The second, slightly more alarming reason is that one of the eggs are missing.
When he’d left the room before, there had been five eggs in that room. The four now aren’t exactly inspiring him with confidence. Dream is really going to kill him if he’s lost a whole egg in the space of, like, four hours.
Dream scoops up the eggs, and turns to face Techno. There’s a look of relief on his face that’s so raw and unfiltered that it takes Techno a moment to recognise what he’s seeing. It’s like a part of Dream that had been missing during prison has been returned to him: Techno realizes with a pang that that’s exactly the case.
“I have a question,” Niki chimes in from behind them, “I have lots of questions.”
When Techno turns, she’s holding a tiny miniature version of… Dream himself.
“Mama,” it squeaks, reaching out to Dream, “Mama.”
Dream melts, right there and then.
“So… you laid this.”
Even someone blessed with the patience of a saint would have snapped by now. Dream, who is neither blessed nor patient, seems to be on the verge of murder someone: specifically, Tommy, who hasn’t stopped asking questions since he’d appeared at Techno’s door with questions. Four months had been enough time to solve the conflict between the server (…mostly), but it seems like Tommy’s boundaries don’t include tiny little green blobs like Dream’s newly hatched eggs running about the SMP.
“I already told you,” Dream says, “I didn’t lay them. They just appeared as eggs.”
“So you… make eggs,” Tommy says, “and then you like, you black out, and then you like wake up and find the eggs. Egg amnesia. Egg-nesia.”
Dream very visibly counts to ten in his head. Techno can’t stop himself from smirking and joining in.
“Yeah, Dream, I’m not gettin’ the science behind this whole thing,” he drawls, “can you explain it again?”
“You—” Dream splutters. A tiny version of himself with a green cloak travels by on one of the dogs, and throws himself into Dream’s arms. Dream cradles him absentmindedly. “We live in a world with a revive book and a randomly implemented three life system, and you’re confused about eggs?”
“I get it,” Tubbo says wisely, “sometimes every man reaches an age where he must lay an egg.”
“…That’s… actually not true,” Dream says, “most people don’t produce eggs randomly from thin air.”
“Who did you produce them with?” Tommy asks. “Was it George Not Found? Oh, that’s so weird. You’ve made it weird, Dream.”
“How have I made it weird? I—” Cutting himself off, Dream’s head perks up. “Hang on,” he says, “Philza’s trying to take one of my new eggs.”
Tommy’s face drops into total stupefaction. “It happened again?!” He demands. “When will the horror end?”
“What is wrong with you?” Dream groans, pushing himself to his feet and very carefully handing over his baby to Techno. “Look after Ray for me. I swear to God, if Philza is building a nest around my eggs again…”
He doesn’t finish his threat. Nevertheless, his warnings of violence are clear. Techno silently wishes Philza luck, and shifts his hold so that he’s juggling both the baby and the book in his other hand.
“I still think we should think about naming one of your eggs after me,” he says, “I was such a great babysitter. That’s why they turned out so great.”
Dream, halfway out the room, turns slowly, and gives him a very incredulous look.
“You think you were a good babysitter? So you think letting my babies play with Steve was a good idea?”
“They didn’t die,” Techno protests. “They were fine.”
“There comes a time where every man must fight a polar bear.” Tubbo says solemnly
“Tubs,” Tommy tells him, “that’s just not true. Wilbur just told you that because I wanted to see you be mauled horrifically by a bear.”
“You could call one baby Blade,” Techno calls over Tubbo and Tommy. Dream laughs. “It’s not very creative, and a little hurtful, but hey, it sounds pretty cool, alright, it sounds pretty awesome. Or— Tech. I’d be fine with Tech.”
“I’m not naming a baby after you.”
Dream rolls his eyes as he walks out, but there’s a grin on his face.
You whisper to Dream: can i at least be godfather
Dream whispers to you: only if you gaslight tommy into thinking he was an egg once
You whisper to Dream: you drive a hard bargain
You whisper to Dream: it’s a deal
“Hey Tommy,” Techno calls out, “you remember being an egg? I still have pictures of you somewhere from before you were hatched.“
The look of absolute horror on Tommy’s face is priceless, and the knowledge of the title godfather makes him grin all the brighter.
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amphitritebaby · 7 months
In honor of the long-awaited release of UIEUD and Dream using art to express himself, let's celebrate the amazing artists in the community! Shout-out your favorite dtblr artists :)
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO i completely forgot about this ask in here i am so sorry. but let me shout out some artists u guys are the backbone of this damn fandom im just gonna go thru my art tag and tag everyone so sorry if thats annoying. GO GIVE THESE GUYS SOME LOVE !!!!!!!!
@jun-hug @wolflyndraws @veggieharumaki @respiteresponse @strawdool @lesbian-gnf @ennvees @nonoqy @carpedzem @dralbum @boxinfishfound @theftshrubbery @0pyon @suenitos @moonlightgnf @kuwuuji @kenjo-arts @dwtmanwhore @wwwkissu @finelinens @amethystcove @coffeeecatss @dehydr4ted @6rimaku @wrldrevolving @saturns-space @bagelrites @f4c3 @mantasunray-art @droleblogger @winifreyd ok ill stop 4 now luv u all
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
wait, so let me get this straight: jdream and jsam are an item. psam gets involved. jdream runs off w psam, jsam goes to jail. jdream/psam yuri ensues. jsam escapes. jdream gives up psam to jsam but convinces jsam to let psam live. they're all under house arrest together, and this is the point in the timeline where your fic takes place. have i got that right? birdhouse timeline dropping When
YEAH YEAH YEAH basically !!
for the timeline i'll give u uh the flowchart here, as well as a quick runthrough of what "path" in specifics plan threesome goes down (as well as a little update bc this flowchart is a little out of date now, it's missing some things. like plan threesome. lmao)
canon timeline happens (the c! universe) (~1 year)
jmah happens after c!sam (who becomes j!sam) time travels to day one of the prison (~1 year)
four square happens -- crossover event between jmah prisontrio and c!prisontrio shortly after inconsolable differences in the jmah!timeline (im so fucking sorry already for this mess) (~1 week, but happens 6 months after jmah daedalus)
mayfair immediately follows four square, and involves jmah dream + jmah sam being in a house together alone for a year. this is where their sexual relationship begins (~1 year)
mayfair+ starts when c!dream gets tped into the mayfair cottage. j!Sam builds a cell under the mayfair cottage. this goes on for a year as they acclimate to life together (~1 year)
mayfair+ff happens when sam + dream from kenjo's forced family AU get thrown in as well. ff!sam ends up being sexually involved in the jmah duo's deal shortly after he arrives, and c!dream eventually joins them. (~1 year)
birdhouse actually specifically refers to the umbrella of AUs that begin with coparent!sam being added to the mayfair cottage hell. this coparent!sam has already gone through the entirety of the coparent timeline, more or less, and has been going to therapy after p!dream left him shortly after they got married. he's pretty horrified by what's happening and his newfound ethical dream apologism gets tested against younger versions of him who are deadset on the whole "i am the warden thing." he quickly bonds with j!dream. (~9 months)
p!Dream gets thrown into the mayfair cottage ... sad. sorry for making u suffer king 😭. he's technically put under p!sam's supervision and the two of them have a complicated ass relationship as they try and work together to get themselves out of this mess. (~6 months)
about half a year after p!dream gets thrown in, we gave them XD certified magic babies. awesamdrabies timeline continues for a few years
when the kids are about 2, p!sam + p!dream (who have been in a weird on again off again relationship) have a blowout fight that ends with p!dream telling p!sam in no uncertain terms that it's over. j!dream, at the same time, is super depressed about the fact that j!sam doesn't actually love him. this results in them having an umm kinda sorta secret affair for a few months before j!dream freaks out one day and spills the whole thing to j!sam. this somehow ends with j!sam + j!dream getting together in an official relationship
a few months later, a series of unfortunate events leads to j!sam making a wish to "start over" with a new house with his son and j!dream, alone. this...goes poorly. j!dream falls into a deep depression and after a few months, runs away after a fight. in the conflict that results, he ends up reunited with the rest of the birdhouse crew (rescued specifically by p!sam) and j!sam ends up in jail. they go on the run together
when the kids are about 3-4, the coparents + j!dream + c!dream + the kids (faith + the triplets) roadtrip while j!sam is in jail. the coparents end up in a kinda sorta relationship again. j!Dream/c!Dream yuri is a staple since like literally four square but theyre traumatized so it's complicated. i'll make the birdhouse love diagram at some point. ummm because we said so p!sam and j!dream end up separated from all the others and have to make a life together on their own, and so they end up as. roommates. in a house . slash p
it doesn't stay slash p
j!sam ends up in jail for about a year and then tracks em for like, probably another 6 months to a year. j!dream/p!sam yuri happens and they've got like a somewhat functional relationship (#TRUST) but j!sam is also. tracking them down. anyway when j!dream sees him in town, he makes the executive decision to sell p!sam out to j!sam and reveal where they're living to him...and also lies. a lot. about the nature of their relationship for the last year. he knows that if j!sam knew the truth, he'd basically deeeefinitely kill p!sam immediately, and j!dream kinda wants that to. not happen. plan threesome refers to his um Desire for all three of them to coexist and fuck! that's been at the back of his mind for Awhile, so when j!sam is back he reacts by basically framing everything between him and p!sam being. well. a lot of manipulation + horrors where j!dream has been fucking with p!sam's head the whoooole time warden so you see p!sam is just a widdle victim and needs to be protected from the big bad dream
yeah his planning is still batshit. who wouldve thunk
that. brings us to the fic! AND YEAH sorry this is insane LMAO
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eurolinguiste · 6 years
When we think of verb conjugation, we often think of it from a European language perspective. We run through the verb conjugation tables we learned in school – I run, you run, he runs, she runs, we run, they run…
But Japanese doesn’t handle verbs in quite the same way.
Rather than needing to figure out how to conjugate verbs based on who is doing the action, you conjugate them based on who you’re addressing (formal/informal) and the action that’s taking place.
This was something that I struggled with, and I juggled tons of different versions of verbs in my head, never sure when or where to use them. So I started to collect the different forms. This guide is the result.
In it, I share how to conjugate the three different verb forms, plus you can download my PDF resource with several of the most used verbs and a wide range of their different conjugations both for formal and informal address. I hope that you find it useful.
Get your free PDF with 10+ Japanese Verb Conjugations
Get the PDF
Conjugating Japanese Verbs
Japanese conjugation is the same regardless of the subject. You don’t need to worry about learning “I read, you read, she reads” because the form of the verb will be the same regardless of who is doing the action.
You do, however, conjugate verbs based on who you’re addressing and the context of the action taking place. For example, take a look at how the following verbs differ when addressing someone in a formal situation (~masu form) versus an informal situation (plain form).
Here are a few factors that may modify the verb form:
Formality // There are three levels of formality, or keigo, in Japanese (sonkei-go, kenjo-go, teinei-go). Each changes the way you use verbs.
Yes or no // Positive and negative sentences have different conjugations.
Tense // If you’re talking about something in the present or future, you’ll use a different verb form than if you’re talking about something that happened in the past.
Action // If you are in the process of doing something, it will take a different form than if you’re talking about it more generally. This may sound difficult, but we have this in English. For example, it’s the difference between “I study” and “I’m studying”.
Formal Japanese
Informal Japanese
します する to do  いきます いく to go たべます たべる to eat
Japanese verbs are grouped into three different types: ~u verbs, ~iru and ~eru verbs, and irregular verbs. They have several different forms including:
~masu form
plain form
dictionary form
~te form
~i form
Japanese verbs have two parts, the suffix and the stem. Splitting these components apart and modifying them is how you conjugate a verb. Take みる (to look) for example. み or 見 (kanji) is the stem while is る the base.
Conjugating みる
~masu (polite) みます mimasu plain みる miru ~masu negative みません mimasen plain form negative みない minai
How the Three Verb Forms Differ
Japanese verbs are placed into three groups because they are each modified a little differently.
~Ru Verbs
To conjugate a ~ru verb, you replace ~ru with the appropriate ending as done in the the above example “to look”. This group is often also called the ~eru and ~iru verb group because almost all ~eru and ~iru verbs are ~ru verbs and not ~u verbs.
~U Verbs
This is the more complex of the Japanese verb groups because despite the ending being ~u, the word can actually end in ~ku, ~su, ~tsu, ~nu, and even… ~ru. Some notable exceptions where a ~ru ending is actually a ~u verb include kaeru (to return), hairu (to enter), shiru (to know) and iru (to need).
Irregular Verbs
Japanese only has two irregular verbs (hooray!) kuru (to come) and suru (to do). They are both common verbs, but suru is one that you’ll use often. Particularly because it combines with other words to form additional verbs – take benkyou suru (to study) for instance.
Using Conjugations to Express Different Actions
With Japanese conjugation, you can attach a variety of endings to express a lot of different ideas. It’s a very useful technique to use because you memorize the endings and tack them on to the ends of different verbs to immediately construct more complex sentences. Here are just a few using みる as an example.
English (formal forms)
~mashita みました I saw ~tsumoridesu みるつもりです I plan to see  ~nakerebanaranaidesu みなければならないです I must see ~taidesu みたいです I want to see ~nikuidesu みにくいです It’s hard to see
A Cheat Sheet for Japanese Verb Conjugation
My Japanese tutor and I worked together to assemble 32 different verb conjugations or form for more than ten of the most common Japanese verbs. I regularly reference it in my studies, so I thought it would be a useful resource for many other Japanese learners.
Verb conjugation can be tricky, especially when you need to memorize tons of different rules and forms. Having a reference point is a great way to get started and wrap your head around more complex grammar and information.
Get the PDF
Are you learning Japanese? What are some phrases that you’ve found useful in your target language? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
The post Japanese Verb Forms | How to Conjugate Verbs in Japanese appeared first on Eurolinguiste.
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twofacedangels · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
1) I really like my ombre red hair, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.2) I love my nails when they’re long! It may be a bit challenging to type and write with them but they look so cool,esp when I paint them.3) I can learn songs by heart really fast. I think that’s cool.4) I’m proud of my ability to recognise pokemon by sillouette and cry.5) I’m good at Physics. i like physics okay?
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dreamhot · 2 years
Tumblr media
omg fanart from an anonymous tumblr user ... thank you for this gift i'm so sorry i don't know who you are so i can't thank you properly </3
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
any dreblr blog reccs?? i already follow angela, you, theminecraftbox, and apples but there isnt Enough dreblr on my dash
oh boy i'm not going to cover everyone here because im REALLY BAD at being thorough but do check these people out if u can !!
@dreamsclock sparrow my beloved has SO much awesome writing. if u aren't following him you should do that FOR SURE
@judgehangman is so cool. bubbles is SO cool . follow bubbles right now everything he says abt c!dream drives me up the WALL it's awesome
@overthinkingfandom bluebell has so so so much cool meta one of the smartest people i know !!! definitely check out what she's written literally one of the foundations of dreblr
@lostshideyhole lost my beloved :] rly cool and really awesome, definitely go check em out
@kenjo-arts kenjo has AMAZING art u probably know them already but im not going to not rec kenjo . everyone follow kenjo /threat
@carpedzem nat !!1 for all ur c!dnf needs <3 also really sweet and really cool art :D
@kiuda ki my beloved !! for c!dteam and og 8 and c!dnf Thoughts (tm)
@hiding-in-the-vault vault has AWESOME art and such cool AUs and comics !!!! and also i'm trying to steal her cat shh
@vioarry ry isn't always super active nowadays but their art is literally gorgeous . go show them love :D
@the-final-sif u probably know sif but gotta recommend them as well, one of theeee coolest writers here and always a good source of Brainrot and also life advice. they've also got the dreblrsmp and dreblrsmp discord for a great place to meet and hang out with other dreblr members!
@simplepotatofarmer LOYAL OUR BELOVED !!! for chickenposting and c!rivals thoughts, could not recommend more 
@dreamhot honorary lorehead dreblr member XD lee is more cc focused but also my friend and dreblr kind of kidnapped him so, you know, reccing him here as well
there are lots more people for sure on dreblr, these are just some of the people i know well :] (hi frens!) but yeah -- hang out, lurk a bit, talk to people, and i'm sure you'll have a great time here.
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dreamsclock · 1 year
huge huge HUGE kenjo appreciation tysm for being so patient for that I LOVE U I AM SPINNING U ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND
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dreamhot · 2 years
I’m obsessed with the mask how dare u dis it he looks like a sexy ninja and I love it
earlier kenjo told me they figured i'd like that look bc i also like orville peck like OKAYYY I LIKE MASKED MEN ALL RIGHT !! WE KNOW THIS
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dreamhot · 1 year
cmannnn you stop bringing the quiz up i took it in a moment a emotional hardship i didnt mean it i love u the most i downgraded my best friend to sapnap for you
it's too late i'm dating kenjo now
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