#LUX Style Awards
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biplusco · 1 year
Indochine Collection - Connoisseur's Bedroom Set
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Hello there!
It’s new CC time! Yay!!! We're excited to share our latest Collection with you all! This time around, we've taken inspiration from the Indochine interior style in Vietnam, which blends both Eastern and Western elements. Developing this Collection was an absolute blast!
We're starting off the Indochine Collection with the Connoisseur's Bedroom Set. Featuring 9 new objects, including wooden furniture with elegant metallic details and clean, straight lines in their design. From the framed medals and certificates to the easel and art supplies, the Sims living here must very creative and studious at the same time.
Luxe-Weave Bed | 9 swatch
Classic Study Desk | 5 swatch
Elegance Chair | 5 swatch
Wisdom Tower | 5 swatch
Artisan Easel | 5 swatch
Artistic Oasis | 2 swatch
Overachiever Display | 1 swatch
Shooting Star Award | 1 swatch
Muse Statue | 1 swatch
Be sure to stay tuned for our next post, where we'll introduce you to the family living in our Indochine Collection home. We're so excited to share their story with you. Oh, this is going to be interesting…
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psalm22-6 · 5 months
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Source: The Universal Weekly, 10 July 1926, with details about the acquisition of Les Miserables (1925) by Universal Films and its American premiere, which was presented in the British 'de luxe' style (with live music) and attended by the French ambassador. Awards were bestowed by French representatives on the advertisers who arranged for the film's showing. The Philadelphia premiere was attended by such Pennsylvania notables as newspaper magnate Cyrus H. K. Curtis, anti-suffragist editor Edward Bok, publisher George Horace Lorimer, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania Thomas J. Garland, Mayor of Philadelphia W. Freeland Kendrick, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad William Wallace Atterbury, notorious political boss and congressman William Scott Vare, investment banker Edward T. Stotesbury, and movie theater magnate Jules E. Mastbaum. The Moving Picture World reported that Meanwhile, the Washington premiere was attended by first lady Grace Coolidge, her son John, then Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover (we'd like to thank you), Mississippi senator Pat Harrison, Ohio senator Frank Willis, and Washington senator Wesley Jones,
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Global Style Battles
Modes et Sud Cultures Urbaines
Daniele Tamagni
Préface de Rosario Dawson et Abrima Erwiah
Dominique Carré, Paris 2015, 292 pages, 17x24cm, ISBN 9782373680096
euro 28,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Ce livre est un mélange de situations spontanées. Son maître mot - identité - est illustré dans des contextes géographiques très différents, où est née une métaculture populaire, profondément enracinée, qui est à la fois un pied de nez à la culture coloniale ou occidentale et la source d'une grande créativité. Le fil rouge est tissé des nombreuses interviews réalisées au cours de ses différents voyages par Daniele Tamagni, interviews qui rendent compte de façon personnelle des modes de vie, des styles et des rêves d'une autre identité, de la part des sujets photographiés. En choisissant des pays ou des villes loin du contexte habituel de la mode, le livre donne un aperçu du phénomène de globalisation des styles, mais aussi de la résistance et de la préservation des traditions. Le livre détaille le quotidien de différentes populations dont le rapport à la mode est signe d'un activisme créatif et joyeux créatif. Les rockers du Botswana, les hipsters de Johannesburg, les dandys du Congo, les lutteuses de Bolivie, la jeunesse cubaine bling-bling, tous sont photographiés et se racontent dans la consciences de leur univers marginal dont ils veulent se démarquer. Etre à la mode, se déguiser, est un outil plantaire d'identité. Le livre vise à offrir un large éventail de pratiques urbaines, sans exclusion d'aucun aspect en termes de race, de sexe, d'âge ou de zones géographiques. Les gens sont dépeints dans différentes situations et contextes mais photographiés comme ils apparaissent naturellement dans un mélange des portraits posés, des portraits en mouvement et de détails. Les couleurs vives sont une des clés communes. Chaque chapitre est introduit par un écrivain (journaliste, chercheur) qui a été au contact de chacune des communautés. Tous racontent la multiplicité des relations et des contradictions à l'oeuvre : l'élégance vs kitsch, luxe / consumérisme vs pauvreté, tradition vs modernité, transformation vs uniformité, l'individuel / particularité vs généralité, originalité vs stéréotype.
Daniele Tamagni (1975-2017), de nationalité italienne, débute sa carrière comme historien de l'art avant de devenir photographe free-lance. Il se fait connaître en remportant en 2007 le Canon Young Photographer Award avec un reportage sur les dandys congolais. Il publie en 2009 Gentlemen of Bacongo avec une préface de Paul Smith, qui s'est inspiré de ses photographies pour sa collection printemps-été 2010. Il remporte en 2011 le World Press Photo in Arts & Entertainment avec son reportage sur les catcheuses de La Paz, en Bolivie.
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badedramay · 1 year
not to make you more angry with stupid stuff but was browsing maya and wahaj’s searches on twt bc of her recent support post for him (very sweet!) and came across some people saying maya’s never ascended to the same level as him bc she never progressed beyond being a director’s actor lol.. as if that hasn’t always been her strength bc she effortlessly varies character and tone to align with the director’s vision rather than solely projecting her own image onto a script 😭
this amuses me more than angers me. like..this newfound fandom of Wahaj is both extremely narrow minded but also frankly dense. it really thinks history starts from the day their fav shot to fame. as if Maya Ali hasn't achieved critical and commercial success from wayyyyyy before Wahaj Ali even had two fans to rub against each other. just cuz they weren't present there to see it doesn't mean it never happened. Maya Ali was THE RAGE during Mann Mayal. and not just on social media oh no no. Mannu was the talk of the town. her performance got her a Lux Style Award back when the show still had the credibility of being the most coveted award of the industry. both of her movies have been box office successes with her debut movie doing record business for a non-holiday release. like..she doesn't have to PROVE her stardom. she's beyond that point. she doesn't have to resort to doing any aera gera project or endorsement. she has the luxury to pick the best. she's "exclusive" in an industry which runs on selling-out.
as for the "director's actor" thing being a jab toh like isn't Wahaj currently being praised for being "groomed" by the best of the industry directors (Haissam Hussain)???? if it's such a gaali for an actor to being a "director's actor" why using Haissam's praise as medal of honor for Wahaj??? make it make sense?? directors often have a vision that is miles ahead of an actor's limited understanding and only a director's actor can easily mold themselves into different shapes to fill up the vision instead of sticking out like a sore thumb. Maya's ability to completely sink herself in the CHARACTER and giving herself up completely to the director's vision is a GIFT and the ones who have worked with her are aware of that.
the outpouring of love for Wahaj is..yes fine, he deserves it the man has worked HARD to reach here. but good lord this undertone of undermining EVERYONE ELSE who had a part to play in him being at that position is embarrassing. and also dangerous. cuz this glass castle is bound to break one day or the other. fireworks kitne hi bright kyun na ho akhir ko sanatay mein gum ho hi jaate hain. he is sparkling now but it's far far FAR too early to say if that shine is that of a firework or of the north star that is always present in the night sky for guidance.
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sinceileftyoublog · 2 years
Colin Stetson Interview: The Enticing and Inviting Score for The Menu
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John Williams. Hans Zimmer. Howard Shore. These are some of the few heavy-hitters you associate with film scoring, especially around awards season. For horror films, you usually think of folks like John Carpenter or Dario Argento. But over the last half-decade, a rash of electronic or avant-garde classical producers and musicians have made names for themselves as in-demand movie composers. Two of the nominated composers for the Oscar for Best Original Score this year are experimental band Son Lux (Everything Everywhere All At Once) and Hauschka’s Volker Bertelmann (All Quiet on the Western Front). And since 2018, in-demand horror director Ari Aster has employed the unmistakable stylings of instrumentalists and electronica masters for his first three films, Hereditary, Midsommar, and the upcoming Beau Is Afraid. It’s saxophonist Colin Stetson, who we’ve covered many times live, reviewed, and interviewed, who offered his talents to Hereditary, the film that essentially broke him out as an accomplished film composer, and the name you think of when thinking about a new wave of leftfield film scorers.
The latest film to take advantage of Stetson’s compositional prowess is Mark Mylod’s comedy horror satire The Menu, released in theaters late last year and currently streaming on HBO Max. About an inter-connected group of diners traveling to an exclusive restaurant operated by a celebrity chef (Ralph Fiennes), the film’s sort of a cross between Midsommar and Rian Johnson’s Knives Out films. Like Hereditary, the frames and the sounds on The Menu are inseparable once you’ve seen the film; that is, listening to Stetson’s original soundtrack, though it is its own piece of music, you can’t help but see the faces of Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicholas Hoult, and Hong Chau and remember the biting, horrific events that unfold in the film. It’s also another unique entry in Stetson’s ever-growing oeuvre, its palate based in orchestration and string instruments like violin, viola, cello, bass, mandolin, and nyckelharpa, along with the usual saxophone as well as Tibetan bowls, piano, and choral vocals. Sax arpeggios and pizzicato strings, including plucked piano strings, helped Stetson achieve the ultimate contrast of light and dark, beauty and harshness that pervades each frame of the film and its overall arc and mood.
I spoke with Stetson late last fall over Zoom from Montreal about The Menu, his score approach and process, coming up with soundtrack track titles, and how composing for film compares with making solo studio albums. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
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Image courtesy of Milan Records
Since I Left You: Was there anything unique about your approach to your score for The Menu in comparison to your approach to other scores you’ve done?
Colin Stetson: This one was certainly the most decidedly rhythmic at its core. So much of the bones of it is bounded in a very crisscrossing, rhythmic scaffolding, this thing that can be fun, light, and prancing at times, and also incredibly tense and driving and static.
SILY: I noticed the rhythms when listening to the first track and first single, “All Aboard”. Why did you choose “All Aboard” as the first taste of this soundtrack, in terms of it being track 1 and the first piece of music revealed?
CS: It’s a good one in terms of the first taste of something in this story. It’s the first music that happens in the film, within a minute or so of the beginning of the film, and it sets the stage so much for what happens later. A lot of the themes that are more or less weaving through all of the rest of the film start out here, in more or less innoucuous ways. They’re cloaked in a delightful sheen to entice and invite rather than forebode. I liked the idea that it would be the same opening invitation to the music as well.
SILY: When you score films, do you think about the scores as eventual standalone pieces of music, the soundtrack?
CS: Not first and foremost. I am very aware that--and this is a little more process and functional--for my initial reactions, I'm usually crafting music to picture. There’s always things from the first cut that are going to change. In many instances, on the soundtrack album, I will use my initial cue [of music] rather than what it may get edited into down the line. What ends up being manipulated on picture, in my opinion, is now standing up and propping a picture, but it might not stand on its own in a musical context. I’m aware that sometimes there are changes made to music outside of my control, outside of anything that will end up on a record. [What’s on the record are] my cuts, for lack of a better term.
SILY: Even when you’re not making music for a film, do you find yourself, in the process of musicmaking, being inspired by imagery or having images showing in the background when recording?
CS: Absolutely. It’s one of the things that’s been ever-present in my solo music, namely, and across the board for me. It’s all world-building and storytelling, very truthfully. Virtually all of the music I’ve made, the way I make it, there’s a corollary narrative structure. Imagery is something that for me informs the arc of an overall album. I’m not just making collections of songs, and those songs aren’t just collections of parts and sounds. There’s more of a thoughtful intent baked into every bit of it.
SILY: With regard to your use of vocals on the score for The Menu, did you have any newfound inspirations or intentions?
CS: There was always going to be this element of the sacred, the revelatory, the worshipful aspect to all of it. Wrapped up in the main character of the chef is a very profound love for the subject matter and craft. It felt apt for that to be represented by vocals, especially as the film neared its climax.
SILY: Is coming up with track titles for the soundtrack as simple as taking a cue from what’s happening in the movie? Are they difficult to mull over?
CS: Not really. Some of them are quite obviously what they were on a cue sheet. “Taco Tuesday” was the cue all along. Did I think of possibly changing that? Yeah, but when was the next time I was going to have the option of naming a song “Taco Tuesday”? It ties intrinsically to the film and doesn’t give anything inherent away, and it’s certainly not lofty. The track sheet, when you see it on the back of the album, there are aspects that ultimately tie in with the arc of the film’s story. I like to have some of the titles be rooted and reflected in that. Sometimes, I take it from dialogue and try to boil it down to an essence of what it is that scene is doing. Others are a little bit more esoteric. It’s not like album titles on a record of mine. Those are usually a lot more exhaustive, because ultimately, the score has its story. It has its narrative. All these cues were written for picture, for themes happening in the film. When I’m making my own solo record, the narrative and the language used is coming from a world nobody gets to see except for me. I do tend to take a different tact with that titling in comparison to soundtrack titling.
SILY: “The First Cheeseburger You Ever Ate” will also never be a Colin Stetson title.
CS: Absolutely not, but at the same time, it ties it to the film and is representative of a bigger idea in peoples’ personal experiences. That piece of music is the most loving, beautiful, angelic, childlike. It’s embracing and getting back to basics and everything made anew. That title gets to be tied very concretely and nods to experiences we had.
SILY: How, over the years, have you grown as a composer?
CS: I’d like to think in most ways. [laughs] Certainly in terms of the process. I’ve learned how it is I like to work and have streamlined that process. With every job, [there’s] something new I haven’t opened up with before. By the end, I feel as though that toolbox and comfort zone has expanded. Compositionally, I’m more able to react to picture in ways that really serve it. I’m able to do more with less. I can always sit back, watch the finished product, and understand where things really work, work, and are fine. For those that are fine, you understand how to make it, on another offering, work. In this, as in everything, it’s all a path. I can adore the object after it’s made and still understand the things about it that I can learn from and improve in subsequent offerings. I am lucky in that I have a strong sense of love and admiration for the objects I make and an equally strong instinct for the self-critical. I can identify things I deem learning instances for improvement. It’s just a constant state of that with no real destination. 
SILY: Have you ever done a live score to a film you’ve composed for? If not, would you consider it?
CS: There’s talk of that to come, so we’ll see. There’s certainly talk of presenting music from scores live. With luck, time, and effort, it will start to happen in the coming years.
SILY: What’s next for you in the short and long term?
CS: I’m working on another feature I can’t talk about yet. I’m in the midst of two solo records that will see the light of day in the next year. Uzumaki is finally coming out. There are numerous other things in the works, but those are the ones right on the precipice.
SILY: Are you making more Void Patrol music?
CS: There are certainly gonna be some shows. Who knows? I’m sure we’ll get up to something.
SILY: Do you tend to consume unrelated media when you’re writing or recording music?
CS: I expose myself to certain things when I’m working on certain things: You can’t help but be influenced by what it is you’re filling your head with. I try to shepherd my overall existence in particular ways when working, depending on the space I want to be in. I don’t know I’ve ever practiced in total abstinence. The years I did Hereditary, I didn’t watch horror or listen to anything in that genre. Certain things can be mired in trope that I like to stay away from. I have a permanent abstinence on the types of things that might lead one in a direction that’s a bit more heavily trod.
SILY: That said, is there anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading lately that’s caught your attention?
CS: I’ve read a book recently I did not enjoy, so I won’t talk about that one. [laughs] In the fall, I tend to get into a very re-ready space. I read two Jim Harrison books recently that I always enjoy, The River Swimmer and Returning to Earth. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by [Haruki] Murakami, which is my all-time favorite. Christopher Paolini’s To Sleep in a Sea of Stars was fun, beautifully imagined sci-fi and reads like watching a movie. It’s visually very striking and almost popcorn in terms of how accessible and fun and encompassing it is. Similarly, Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary was a cover-to-cover, fast, fun, effortless read.
Music-wise, I’m not coming up with anything new, so I’ll leave it at the books.
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newmic · 2 years
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Avec le café de Flore, Les Deux Magots est un des deux grands cafés littéraires de Saint-Germain des Prés. Il revendique même le titre de « café littéraire » sur sa banne. Un prix littéraire y est au reste décerné en janvier de chaque année depuis 1933. Comme pour la closerie des Lilas, on trouve dans son nom un terme rare aujourd’hui incompris : « magots ». Un magot est un lointain dérivé de Magog, personnage biblique.
Désignant à partir du XVIe siècle un homme très laid, ce terme entre au XVIIe dans le vocabulaire des arts décoratifs pour nommer les porcelaines représentant des personnages grotesques, par imitation de celles provenant d’Extrême-Orient. Or, le café actuel s’est installé en 1885 à la place d’un magasin du nouveauté (1813), qui avait choisi le nom Les Deux Magots de la Chine pour évoquer le luxe de l’Orient. Il reste de ce passé deux « magots », habillés à la chinoise, accrochés à un angle.
On aperçoit Les Deux Magots café dans Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob (1973). C’est un café si touristique qu’il faut souvent patienter dehors dans une file d’attente. Il attire aussi une clientèle fortunée, étrangère notamment.
En savoir plus sur : https://www.laculturegenerale.com/cafes-celebres-paris-meilleurs-liste/ ©
Along with the Café de Flore, Les Deux Magots is one of the two great literary cafés in Saint-Germain des Prés. He even claims the title of "literary café" on his banne. A literary prize has been awarded in January of each year since 1933. As for the closerie des Lilas, we find in its name a rare term today misunderstood: "magots". A hoard is a distant derivative of Magog, a biblical character.
Designating from the sixteenth century a very ugly man, this term enters the seventeenth in the vocabulary of decorative arts to name porcelain representing grotesque characters, in imitation of those from the Far East. However, the current café was installed in 1885 in place of a novelty store (1813), which had chosen the name Les Deux Magots de la Chine to evoke the luxury of the Orient. There remain from this past two "magots", dressed in Chinese style, hanging at an angle.
Les Deux Magots café can be seen in The Adventures of Rabbi Jacob (1973). It's such a touristy café that you often have to wait outside in a queue. It also attracts wealthy clients, especially foreigners.
Learn more about: https://www.laculturegenerale.com/cafes-celebres-paris-meilleurs-liste/ ©
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KYLIE JENNER at the 2022 CFDA Awards on November 7th 2022 wearing MUGLER
Kylie has created a really strong relationship with Mugler. She wears a lot of their pieces and really always looks amazing in them. This entire look was breathtaking.
I really adored the wet hair look Kylie was sporting. The structure and precision of the hair really complimented the dress. I thought the curls looked so interesting and it was a great look.
This dress was perfect for Kylie. The style really highlighted her figure and she just looked so sophisticated. I loved how luxe the velvet skirt looked. I loved the style of the top as well. The one shoulder looked great and I loved the depth of the material. It was a great look for Kylie, who has really been killing it lately.
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manekratnajewels · 5 days
Best Quality Product
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The company also helps clients with visual prototypes of images and videos and detailed rendering of the jewelry pieces. Custom Fashion Jewels’ collection includes engagement and wedding series, daily-wear series, fashion series, entry-lux series, and high-end gracious series. Each supplier profile includes a company description, main products, and factory location. You can read an in-depth report detailing the brand's sustainability journey here, but in a nutshell the female-led team is innovating constantly to create the most ethical and socially responsible jewellery possible - traditional choker necklace online.
Let's make your moments shine with our gold, diamond, and silver jewellery. Each piece is as unique as you are, crafted with a whole lot of love and care. Combined, these factories cover gold, silver, pearl, amber, gemstone, and non-precious metal jewelry. Contact us today to discuss your jewelry manufacturing needs and experience the Essentials Jewelry difference. This article is regularly updated to ensure that our picks are still the best of the best.
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oppvenuz · 5 months
Top 10 Wedding Venues in Mumbai: Your Ultimate Guide to Saying 'I Do' in Style | OppVenuz
Dreaming of a lavish wedding venue in Mumbai? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide unveils the most stunning wedding venues in the bustling metropolis. Whether you envision a grand celebration in a palatial setting or an intimate affair by the sea, we've handpicked the finest locations to make your dream wedding a reality. Dive into our curated list and discover the perfect venue to exchange vows and create memories that last a lifetime in the vibrant heart of Mumbai.
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Taj Lands End: Nestled amidst the breathtaking Arabian Sea views, Taj Lands End stands tall as an epitome of luxury and elegance. Exchange vows in the opulent ballroom overlooking the sea or opt for a romantic outdoor ceremony in their lush gardens. With impeccable service and exquisite catering options, Taj Lands End ensures that every moment of your special day is nothing short of perfection.
The Leela Mumbai: Set amidst 11 acres of lush greenery, The Leela Mumbai offers a serene oasis for your wedding festivities. From the majestic Grand Ballroom to the picturesque outdoor venues, every space is designed to create magical moments. Indulge in gourmet delicacies crafted by their expert chefs and let their dedicated team take care of every detail, ensuring a seamless and unforgettable wedding experience.
The St. Regis Mumbai: Luxury knows no bounds at The St. Regis Mumbai, where sophistication meets contemporary elegance. Exchange vows in their stunning Astor Ballroom, adorned with sparkling chandeliers and lavish decor, or choose the breathtaking rooftop venue for a romantic alfresco celebration under the stars. With personalized service and world-class amenities, The St. Regis sets the stage for a truly magnificent wedding affair.
ITC Maratha: Inspired by the grandeur of the Maratha dynasty, ITC Maratha offers a regal setting for your wedding celebrations. From the magnificent Mughal-inspired architecture to the exquisite banquet halls, every corner exudes charm and luxury. Indulge in a culinary journey with their award-winning restaurants and let their team of experts orchestrate a wedding beyond your imagination.
Grand Hyatt Mumbai: With its sprawling landscaped gardens and contemporary venues, Grand Hyatt Mumbai is the perfect blend of sophistication and modernity. Whether you prefer an intimate gathering or a lavish affair, their versatile spaces cater to every whim. Treat your guests to a culinary extravaganza with their diverse dining options and create memories that last a lifetime at this iconic wedding destination.
JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu: Overlooking the serene shores of Juhu Beach, JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu offers a picturesque backdrop for your wedding festivities. Exchange vows in their elegant ballrooms or host a romantic beachfront ceremony with the sound of waves as your soundtrack. With impeccable service and attention to detail, JW Marriott promises a wedding experience that is as unforgettable as it is magical.
Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach: Embrace the beauty of Mumbai's coastline at Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach, where luxury meets tranquility. Whether you prefer a traditional ceremony in their elegant banquet halls or a breezy outdoor affair by the beach, Novotel offers the perfect setting for your special day. With bespoke wedding packages and personalized service, they ensure that your wedding is a reflection of your unique style and love story.
Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai: Elevate your wedding celebration at Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai, where sophistication and luxury reign supreme. From the stunning rooftop venue with panoramic views of the city skyline to the elegant ballrooms adorned with contemporary decor, every space is designed to impress. Indulge in world-class cuisine curated by their expert chefs and let their dedicated team bring your vision to life, ensuring a wedding day beyond your wildest dreams.
The Oberoi, Mumbai: Experience unparalleled luxury and refinement at The Oberoi, Mumbai, where timeless elegance meets modern luxury. Exchange vows in their exquisite ballrooms or host an intimate ceremony in their lush garden oasis, surrounded by serene water features and verdant landscapes. With bespoke wedding packages and personalized service, The Oberoi ensures that every moment of your special day is nothing short of perfection.
The Lalit Mumbai: With its contemporary design and luxurious amenities, The Lalit Mumbai offers a chic and stylish setting for your wedding celebrations. Whether you envision a grand affair in their expansive ballroom or a romantic outdoor ceremony in their beautifully landscaped gardens, The Lalit caters to your every need. Indulge in gourmet cuisine and impeccable service as you celebrate love in the heart of the city.
No matter which venue you choose, rest assured that your wedding day in Mumbai will be a truly unforgettable experience filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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feetpiclovers · 7 months
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mahmad944 · 8 months
Hellstar Hoodie: The Ultimate High Fashion Comfort Clothes
Hellstar Hoodie: The Ultimate High Fashion Comfort Clothes
In the dynamic world of high fashion, where style meets comfort, the Hellstar Hoodie emerges as a groundbreaking masterpiece. This article unravels the essence of the Hellstar Hoodie, exploring its design evolution, the intersection of luxury and comfort, and the cultural impact that has positioned it at the forefront of high fashion comfort wear.
The Birth of a High-Fashion Icon
Hellstar, known for pushing fashion boundaries, redefines the hoodie with unparalleled craftsmanship and innovative design. From its inception, the Hellstar Hoodie was conceived not just as casual attire but as a symbol of high-fashion comfort, seamlessly blending streetwear aesthetics with couture sophistication.
 Luxe Materials and Craftsmanship
At the core of the Hellstar Hoodie lies a commitment to luxury materials and impeccable craftsmanship. From the selection of premium fabrics to precision detailing, each hoodie is a testament to Hellstar's dedication to elevating comfort wear into a high-fashion statement. The hoodie becomes more than just clothing; it transforms into a tactile experience of opulence.
 The Art of Versatility
Hellstar redefines the conventional hoodie by embracing versatility. The Hellstar Hoodie effortlessly transitions from streetwear to high-end fashion, adapting to various style expressions. Its adaptability has made it a staple not only on city streets but also on fashion runways, solidifying its position as the epitome of versatile luxury.
Cultural Phenomenon: The Hellstar Influence
Beyond its material form, the Hellstar Hoodie has become a cultural phenomenon, infiltrating music, art, and popular culture. Celebrities and influencers don the hoodie as a symbol of comfort and status, reinforcing its influence as an iconic piece that transcends fashion and permeates into the cultural zeitgeist.
Limited Edition Allure
Hellstar's strategic embrace of limited edition releases adds an air of exclusivity to the Hellstar Hoodie. Each drop becomes an event, with fashion enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the chance to own a piece of this coveted luxury. The scarcity of these hoodies transforms them into collector's items, driving both demand and desirability.
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Collaborations Redefining Fashion
Hellstar's collaborations with artists, designers, and other luxury brands have propelled the Hellstar Hoodie into the realms of wearable art. Limited edition releases featuring unique prints, patterns, and designs not only showcase Hellstar's commitment to innovation but also redefine how high fashion intersects with comfort wear.
Streetwear Elevated
The Hellstar Hoodie serves as a bridge between the worlds of streetwear and high fashion. Its presence on urban streets mirrors its runway debut, signaling a paradigm shift where comfort wear is no longer confined to casual settings. The hoodie represents an elevation of streetwear, breaking down traditional fashion barriers.
Celebrity Endorsements and Red Carpets
Hellstar Hoodies have graced the backs of A-list celebrities on red carpets, award shows, and high-profile events. The juxtaposition of luxury and comfort makes it a favorite among influencers who seek to make a statement that goes beyond traditional black-tie attire. The Hellstar Hoodie becomes a symbol of rebellious elegance in the world of glitz and glamour.
Sustainability and Ethical Fashion
As the fashion industry pivots towards sustainability, Hellstar acknowledges the importance of ethical practices. The brand's commitment to environmentally conscious manufacturing processes and sourcing reflects a forward-thinking approach, ensuring that the Hellstar Hoodie aligns not just with fashion trends but with the values of a conscientious consumer base.
 The Future of High-Fashion Comfort
In contemplating the future of comfort wear in high fashion, the Hellstar Hoodie stands as a beacon. Its continual evolution, adaptability, and cultural resonance suggest a lasting impact on how the fashion industry perceives and embraces comfort-oriented garments. As trends shift, the Hellstar Hoodie is poised to remain a symbol of high fashion's commitment to both style and comfort.
In conclusion, the Hellstar Hoodie emerges not just as an article of clothing but as a cultural touchstone, redefining the boundaries of high-fashion comfort. Its journey from design concept to cultural icon underscores the transformative power of fashion, proving that luxury and comfort are not mutually exclusive. The Hellstar Hoodie stands tall as a testament to the evolving narrative of style, where comfort is not compromised but elevated to the pinnacle of high fashion.
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azaadpakistan · 9 months
𝑻𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒊'𝒔 Funny Banter With Front Row Celebrities At The HUM 21st Lux Style Awards!
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Global Style Battles
Modes et Sud Cultures Urbaines
Daniele Tamagni
Préface de Rosario Dawson et Abrina Erwiah
Dominique Carré éditeur / La Découverte, Paris 2015, 292 pages, 17x14cm, ISBN 9782373 680096
euro 45,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Ce livre est un mélange de situations spontanées. Son maître mot - identité - est illustré dans des contextes géographiques très différents, où est née une métaculture populaire, profondément enracinée, qui est à la fois un pied de nez à la culture coloniale ou occidentale et la source d'une grande créativité. Le fil rouge est tissé des nombreuses interviews réalisées au cours de ses différents voyages par Daniele Tamagni, interviews qui rendent compte de façon personnelle des modes de vie, des styles et des rêves d'une autre identité, de la part des sujets photographiés. En choisissant des pays ou des villes loin du contexte habituel de la mode, le livre donne un aperçu du phénomène de globalisation des styles, mais aussi de la résistance et de la préservation des traditions. Le livre détaille le quotidien de différentes populations dont le rapport à la mode est signe d'un activisme créatif et joyeux créatif. Les rockers du Botswana, les hipsters de Johannesburg, les dandys du Congo, les lutteuses de Bolivie, la jeunesse cubaine bling-bling, tous sont photographiés et se racontent dans la consciences de leur univers marginal dont ils veulent se démarquer. Etre à la mode, se déguiser, est un outil plantaire d'identité. Le livre vise à offrir un large éventail de pratiques urbaines, sans exclusion d'aucun aspect en termes de race, de sexe, d'âge ou de zones géographiques. Les gens sont dépeints dans différentes situations et contextes mais photographiés comme ils apparaissent naturellement dans un mélange des portraits posés, des portraits en mouvement et de détails. Les couleurs vives sont une des clés communes. Chaque chapitre est introduit par un écrivain (journaliste, chercheur) qui a été au contact de chacune des communautés. Tous racontent la multiplicité des relations et des contradictions à l'oeuvre : l'élégance vs kitsch, luxe / consumérisme vs pauvreté, tradition vs modernité, transformation vs uniformité, l'individuel / particularité vs généralité, originalité vs stéréotype.
Daniele Tamagni, de nationalité italienne, débute sa carrière comme historien de l’art avant de devenir photographe free-lance. Il se fait connaître en remportant en 2007 le Canon Young Photographer Award avec un reportage sur les dandys congolais. Il publie en 2009 Gentlemen of Bacongo avec une préface de Paul Smith, qui s’est inspiré de ses photographies pour sa collection printemps-été 2010. Il remporte en 2011 le World Press Photo in Arts & Entertainment avec son reportage sur les catcheuses de La Paz, en Bolivie. Depuis 2001, Tamagni centre son travail sur l’esthétique des différentes modes de la rue. Ses photographies ont été exposées dans les plus importants musées et galeries privées internationaux.
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vapehk1 · 9 months
VAPORESSO Sets New Record with Over 130 Awards in 2023
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VAPORESSO, a leading innovator in the vaping industry, has achieved a historic milestone in 2023 by winning over 130 international and authoritative awards from a number of industrial organizations and media outlets, highlighting the brand's innovative prowess and international leadership. In 2023, VAPORESSO received recognition from authoritative media such as Ecigclick, Vapouround and VersedVaper, bagging more than a dozen of the best international brand awards. This achievement marks a significant milestone in the brand's journey to become a global leader in the sector of open-system vaping devices. Through consistent efforts in research, development, and customer satisfaction, the brand has garnered recognition and acclaim for its high-quality products and cutting-edge technology. The honors that the brand has received are a testament to its outstanding product design and innovative strength. In 2023, VAPORESSO also won several professional international design awards, including the MUSE Design Awards, the German Design Awards, the London Design Awards, and the French Design Awards. These accolades are a great affirmation of VAPORESSO's pursuit of excellent and innovative design. By consistently raising the bar and setting new benchmarks for vaping devices’ design and functionality, VAPORESSO has played a pivotal role in shaping the industry's landscape. In addition, several of the brand's innovative products, such as the XROS 3 series, LUXE X series, ARMOUR, and VAPORESSO COSS, have won numerous authoritative media awards. Notably, COSS, as a disruptive innovation in the industry, won the prestigious Golden Leaf Award for Innovation, further validating the brand's product innovation strength on an international level. These numerous awards represent not only VAPORESSO's remarkable achievements but also its contributions to the overall growth and advancement of the industry. VAPORESSO remains true to its original aspiration, believing that actions create the extraordinary. It is committed to adhering to its three core brand value - INNOVATION, RELIABILITY, and STYLE, aiming to address industry pain points with innovative solutions. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, VAPORESSO aims to establish itself as a trusted international leading brand, delivering unparalleled experiences to its valued users and customers.   About VAPORESSO VAPORESSO was created in 2015 and is dedicated to establishing a smoke-free world while raising the quality of life for its users. Based on its continuous innovation, strict quality control, and substantial commitment, VAPORESSO creates products that can fit all levels and styles of vapers. For more information, please visit: https://www.vaporesso.com/awards Read the full article
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cinemapremi · 11 months
Viral 'Pawri Girl' From Pakistan Shares Wedding Pics, But There's A Twist
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Dananeer Mobeen, also known as the 'Pawri Girl' from Pakistan, captured the hearts of millions when her now-iconic video went viral. Recently, she surprised her fans by sharing some stunning wedding pictures on her Instagram. While it might seem like Ms. Mobeen has tied the knot, there's an exciting twist to this story – it was all part of her role in a Pakistani TV drama.
From Internet Sensation to TV Star
Following her meteoric rise to fame as the 'Pawri Girl,' Dananeer Mobeen received a unique opportunity. She was offered the female lead in the Pakistani TV drama series, "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri." This transition from internet sensation to television star was nothing short of remarkable. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzCOzwLok33/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
The Rise of 'Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri'
The TV series "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri" gained widespread popularity, thanks in no small part to Dananeer Mobeen's portrayal of her character. Audiences quickly fell in love with the show, and Mobeen's acting was highly admired. Her compelling performance even earned her the prestigious 'Best Emerging Actress' award at Pakistan's Lux Style Awards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNp4uRoavbw
A Happy Ending
The final episode of "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri" was aired on October 27, marking a bittersweet moment for both the cast and the audience. Ms. Mobeen shared some cherished moments from the concluding episode, bidding farewell to the show's loyal viewers. The pictures portrayed the two main characters, Zobia and Saim, getting married and embarking on their 'happily ever after' journey. Fans rejoiced at the show's conclusion, celebrating the heartwarming ending they had hoped for. Ms. Mobeen's post included seven slides, featuring her as the bride and Khushhal Khan as her husband in the drama's final episode. And so, they lived happily ever after, echoing the age-old belief that true love always prevails. Mobeen expressed her gratitude to her fans, saying, "I hope Zubia and Saim were able to make you fall in love with love. Aap sab kee, Zubia." https://www.instagram.com/p/CyQzlZYNHc9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Calls for a Second Season
The fans of "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri" were so enamored with the series that they began rallying for a second season. Comments on various platforms expressed their enthusiasm for a follow-up to the story. One comment on YouTube read, "Ending like the audience's choice. What a wonderful ending! This drama was an emotion. Will definitely love to watch 'Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri season 2.'" Another fan wrote, "Let's vote for season 2." Such sentiments illustrate the deep connection that viewers formed with the show.
An Outstanding Dramatization
The audience showered Dananeer Mobeen and Khushal Khan with praise for their acting skills. "Dananeer Mobeen and Khushal Khan deserve awards for their amazing performances in MGM," wrote one fan. Their captivating portrayals undoubtedly left a lasting impression on the audience.
A Love Story to Remember
The Hum TV drama, "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri," revolved around the enchanting love story of a young couple, brought to life by Dananeer Mobeen and Khushhal Khan. It's evident that the show has left an indelible mark on the hearts of its viewers, making it a cherished memory in the world of Pakistani television. In conclusion, Dananeer Mobeen's journey from the 'Pawri Girl' to a renowned TV star in "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri" has been nothing short of spectacular. The love and appreciation from her fans, coupled with the desire for a second season, highlight the show's immense success. With outstanding performances and a captivating storyline, this drama has truly earned its place in the hearts of its audience. FAQs: Will there be a second season of "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri"? Fans are eager for a second season, but as of now, there's no official confirmation. 2. What made Dananeer Mobeen's performance stand out in the drama? Dananeer's portrayal of her character received widespread acclaim for her exceptional acting skills. 3. When was the final episode of "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri" aired? The last episode was aired on October 27. 4. What was the main theme of "Muhabbat Gumshuda Meri"? The drama revolved around the love story of a young couple. 5. Has Dananeer Mobeen won any awards for her role in the drama? Yes, she was honored with the 'Best Emerging Actress' award at Pakistan's Lux Style Awards. Also checkout: Also Read the full article
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