#La Jolal
La Jolla Cove Family Photos | DT
La Jolla Cove Family Photos | DT As a La Jolla family photographer, we are used to getting a lot of tourists come visit San Diego. What better way to remember a trip than with a professional photo session. If you are traveling with family, you get some epic family photos too! Family trips are filled with laughs and memories and having photos to look back and reflect on, that aren’t a bunch of…
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maxbernini · 3 years
Hot take maybe but every gen 1 couple is way more unhealthy than any gen 2 couple
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any gen that has a charles/manon endgame is not beating the unhealthy allegations shsjsk. they’re the only toxic couple in the show i think, everyone else is just some shade of unhealthy that needs to be worked on and could probably be resolved with communication or an amicable split tbh. but yeah i do think overall gen one is worse than tiffax, jolal & mayla but that’s also what? seven relationships versus three? 😭 i guess it doesn’t help that both tiffax & jolal were explicitly used as the epitome of healthy relationships in s9 even if that’s not technically true lol. whereas in gen one you were more likely to see the arguments outside of the couple’s season (dasile & elu in s6) which makes them look worse, bc you’re not even seeing their resolutions.
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
I think that the fact that they didn’t create mayla put them off. They didn’t create them so they didn’t care what happened to them, their fans and maybe most importantly, they didn’t want them to be the biggest couple of the new gen. They wanted tiffax to be. But seriously I didn’t saw the appeal in tiffax (nor in jolal) like there wasn’t as much chemistry and even with the why is max attracted to tiff (who bullied his friend). We don’t know what push him towards her… it’s so underdeveloped… And about jolal, jo is such a b*tch toward bilal most if the time during s8 that I don’t understand how he falls for her. And that’s the couples that are endgame but mayla who have a real connection, chemistry, history, love and so much depth that could have been developed during this season is THE couple that HAS to break up. That’s the couple that they call toxic, unhealthy and that can or has to be friends again.
yeah dani pointed out that tiffax is shirley/deb’s noorhell and like it’s so true sjdjdjd which doesn’t even make sense, like genuinely think they pulled them completely out of their ass. they didn’t even know each other before s7, canonically max hated her guts for being so shitty to lola, literally wanted lola to bully her back like skdkdk i think the thing was that they wanted to make a season about tiff, but they knew everyone wanted la mif and also a max season, so they made him the love interest so people couldn’t be as mad… but like having a trans love interest is not the same as having a trans main, max 100% should have been the s7 main. and yeah max liking her literally came out of nowhere, like i’m convinced it just started cause he thought she was hot. like what other reason is there for him to suddenly be nice to her 😭😭😭 like at least jo saw her fucking lactating through her shirt so that’s her reason for having some amount of sympathy but max legit had no reason skdkke
and with jolal like… i really thought they were cute at first and like i really love s6 and s9 jo, but they literally made her so awful in s7+8, it’s such a wonder how bilal likes her. especially cause he’s so sweet like he deserves so much better skdkdk
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maxbernini · 3 years
What do you think will happen in this episode?
pre-bilal clip i was thinking drama at the friday party (specifically that june would get invited, that maya would have another attack but this time in front of lola, etc) but now i'm really not sure. only thing i can think of is maya getting a call that her grandma's file is ready? and maybe visiting her? i can't think of any other massive event to end an episode on and kickstart ep4 tbh. unless there is none, and this is one of the more calmer periods (i say, like this week didn't start with maya almost dying lol).
other things i think will happen, whether we see it or not: maya continues to not get much sleep, maybe considers taking those sleeping pills max offered at one point. lola keeps sad posting. la mif keep doing the shared custody thing but it gets tenser. clement remains a steady bg presence. maya sees the jolal bday date posts and becomes sad. i really don't know lmaooo, bilal's bday being cancelled threw me off, i was expecting them to milk that for all its worth and deliver on the drama.
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maxbernini · 3 years
Omg your post made me want Max headcanons. 🙏 Pls more of that elbowing Max in the ribs energy.
ask and ye shall receive 😁 sorry about the lack of read-more again!!
- the thing about max is that his life is a movie and he’ll simultaneously cast himself as both hero and villain. he’s the jack to tiff’s rose! he won’t get off that door! instead he’ll swoop in when she’s at her lowest, offend his friends purely to defend her the first time they meet, serenade her in public, sing her baby to sleep via facetime with a song he wrote - and then gets mad when said baby is in hospital and tiff is too busy to answer his call. she says he has no right to use moïra against her and max literally says “i know, i agree, it’s fucked up, i’m fucked up, i predicted this, i can’t help it”. but that’s a lie; he can and he knows that, too, it’s just easier to paint yourself as inherently unloveable, inherently bad, allowing those doubts to fester so if it all goes to shit you’re able to seek twisted comfort in the safety of saying: see! look at you! there’s no point in changing, this is inevitable! now, i’m so glad the show never had tiff be like “well you’re more of a man than he is!” to max re: aurélien (so many rancid layers) but it is canon that max’s insecurities are tied up in his transness, masculinity, manhood, trust issues, and heterosexuality (he says as much when talking about dating maya). all of this is to say: i hope max finds peace, i hope he befriends lots of types of trans men, i hope he falls in love over and over - with life, with others, with himself - and most importantly, i hope the french government funds the romantic drama action spy nautical musical thriller film that currently only exists in max’s dreams, because he might genuinely snap if it doesn’t come to life (like with most things, i blame that canon furry for letting max be the cinematographer in s6 and giving him a taste for film)
- that was long so a shorter one: it’s canon that he wants to go into teaching, and i swear he either says he wants to teach history OR he never actually says what subject. so if it’s the latter, i’m saying he becomes a music teacher instead. he’s patient with real little kids, good at making up songs to help them remember stuff, but when it comes to the teens?? he WILL flirt with all the milfs waiting to pick said teens up and he WILL insist on wonderwall being the first song they have to learn on guitar. he doesn’t even like it himself (obviously, it’s too popular), but he wants to annoy his students and/or their hard metal classic rock loving fathers as a plot to again, get closer to the milfs. why why why did he call tiff that.
- if we’re talking elbow-ribs energy, then i think max LOVES la mif but i also think the only person he actually LIKES in la mif is redouane, and that’s bc they’ve interacted the least one on one. he and lola come together for weekly bitter bisexual brooding sessions (completely silent bc they operate on the same sad wavelength); he and jo would genuinely fist fight each other if they weren’t so loyal to the idea of loving tiff; he’s too sarcastic and petty for sékou (though it won’t stop him from being whiny if sékou doesn’t pay him enough attention), he canonically has multiple pics of maya on his wall and that’s his daily safe dose of militant environmental feminism lesbian energy; and whilst it’s canon that bilal thinks max is attractive, idk if max is yet at a point where he realizes that it’s mutual (probably another reason why he wants to fist fight jo now that we’re living in a post-jolal world, though again: her elbows are so used to kissing his ribs that the bones inside are probably now made of metal and legally classified as a weapon, aka: i don’t think he’d win the fight).
give me a character and i’ll tell you three pieces of headcanon i have about them! 
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maxbernini · 3 years
why are they writing bilal & jo - two characters previously established as being perceptive (he’s been his family’s caretaker for over a year! her correctly analyzing him in the diner! him immediately clocking lola’s discomfort when tiff joined la mif! her immediately clocking tiff’s pregnancy! etc etc) - as suddenly unable to see each other’s perspectives? and not just once, but continuously, over and over? (i know why)
i understand why he’s jealous: seeing a partner with an ex never feels good. but she’d already told him there’s nothing romantic there, so his response to seeing them hug (immediately seeking out louise) feels like overkill and doesn’t do him any favors, and that it took until today’s clip for him to understand why two HIV+ teens might talk to each other is insane. like are we really supposed to believe it never clicked for him until now that jo and matheo might seek each other out to discuss that?
and i understand why she was upset after he first rejected her, even though his reasoning was very valid: rejection always sucks. but to pivot from her storming off to then saying she understood his reasoning a days later, but then she kisses him at the end of that week, and then takes it back because she again says she understands him, they’re both too busy, but also she doesn’t want her being HIV+ to be his burden...that’s also insane. not because it’s unrealistic to have multiple reasons/fears, but the constant back and forth and conflicting responses is confusing for characters and audiences alike, and like bilal, doesn’t do her any favors. like why would we want these two characters to date when almost all they do is a) miscommunicate, b) make unfair assumptions about each other, and c) yell or be yelled at. 
one of the few jolal scenes i actually like is early on when they have that “why don’t we know anything about each other” moment, because with how they’d previously set up everything we knew about bilal as merely an insta lie + her crying at the end of s7 (literally the first time she showed emotion in 2 seasons beyond ‘quirky & hyped up’?), it might’ve been nice to see two people admit that they both wear masks, some different, some the same (eg they both default to humor), that they’ve judged each other for those masks, but that being authentic and letting people in >>> shutting people out and carrying the entire burden yourself. not that poverty & HIV+ can be cured by telling your friends, but that you don’t have to go through anything alone either.
but then oh, suddenly bilal’s ghoster thing isn’t a lie, it’s real, but we’re not going to set that up outside of one scene in s7. we’re also not going to set up him using hook-ups and clubbing as a coping mechanism, we’re going to portray it as a lie too, until suddenly it’s not. we’re going to have jo literally say she knows he takes care of everyone but himself (and imply she likes his selflessness), and then weeks later she doesn’t understand that he has priorities beyond dating, and she’s back to making fun of him for hooking up with girls - and by making that ghoster thing real (and then not exploring why that’s his coping mechanism) it almost...validates her teasing? because she’s not wrong; he ghosts girls. and that would’ve been fine early on in the season, before they both ~grow~ and we learn why he does it, and she learns about him and stops being so mean or w/e, but we’re in episode eight. two eps left! and they’re still acting out the same routine they did in episode one. 😐
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