#Labor Lawyer
kanchankhatanaa · 4 days
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Employment lawyers in India
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rogueartistjyn · 5 months
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advocates99 · 8 months
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sharmaedward02 · 1 year
Functions Of Labor Lawyer To Handel Any Case On Labor
Labor law, an essential part of employment law, is a significant shield for the two representatives and bosses. Continue reading...
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yeetspace · 2 months
Something I said that was extremely poignant and quick way to shut someone who was trying to moralize voting third party was reminding them well two things from two separate comment sections
A point I've heard many a Time from many different people so I will not try and pretend like the opinion is mine, the people who think that voting third party and being revolutionaries will actually work are able-bodied people who have never felt the sting of systemic prejudice or just a single of the MANY deeply intersectional prejudices and So can only conceptualize themselves as the katniss, the main character from maze runner cuz I don't remember his name, that type of shit. They want to be the one that walks up on the bodies and is the one that finally is the one that does the thing. The problem is is they never once conceptualize who those bodies are. And we people who would be in that pile that they would be climbing on to finally "win the day", would really rather make the option that would allow us to work together instead of violent destructive coup that will leave no one left that was actually in the groupings that most of the previous choices were made to try and mitigate the dangers towards.
Cuz now we shift over to the other point, people are acting like the disabled, or queer, or POC or all of the above folk who are desperately not wanting people to choose the option that will actually just directly lead to their death and or removal of Rights are fear-mongering or being manipulative for daring to be mean or sound too upset about it. It's literally just fucking tone policing and it's wild that people are just pretending like it's not. When disabled queer folk tell you that this person that is actively trying to get us killed wants us killed and it said such themselves you should probably not choose the option that's going to make them have the absolute power to do whatever the fuck they want including and directly bleeding to the exact thing they have only said they will do with that power alongside also obfuscating any sort of information to its people and making things worse worse just everywhere that we have our fucking decrepit creepy ass American fingers in.
But that's also my third thing I completely forgot about this one Joe was voted in so that the able-bodied people capable of making changes and doing things could go and try and do things and then none of those things happened and less happened actually and things were taken away, And yet somehow people are trying to say that the people who are only voting this option because the last time the last option that was voted to do anything to help us just no one did anything the entire time and now we're the bad guys for the situation that happened cuz we wanted to vote in the guy that was supposed to just be there cuz he was inept enough to where the people could try and work with the communities that needed help and then none of that fucking happened and things just got worse and yet somehow the people that are actively suffering the most and we're only trying to get help because of the choices made by others are now the ones at fault for daring to want to make the choice that won't lead to their direct deaths. Like Jesus fucking Christ get over yourself vote blue.
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sankhlaco · 5 months
Best for industrial law and labour law for HR
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HR labor law is the area where employment-related legal requirements and HR management practices converge. This area is crucial for making sure businesses manage their workforces efficiently and adhere to all relevant rules and regulations. The following are some salient features of HR labor law.
Hiring and Recruitment: HR practitioners must be aware of the laws pertaining to hiring and recruitment procedures, such as those pertaining to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination, as well as those regulating the hiring of foreign nationals and minors.
Employment Agreements and Contracts: HR specialists are frequently in charge of creating and managing employment agreements, which may contain provisions pertaining to pay, benefits, working hours, and layoff policies. They are responsible for making sure that these contracts abide by all applicable labor laws and rules.
Wages and Hours: HR departments are in charge of making sure that rules pertaining to minimum wage, overtime compensation, and other requirements pertaining to remuneration are followed. This entails abiding with rules like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in the US or comparable laws in other nations.
Workplace Safety and Health: By putting policies and processes in place that go by occupational safety and health standards, HR professionals help to promote workplace safety and health. They might also assist in organizing safety procedure training and managing workers' compensation claims.
HR departments are frequently tasked with handling matters related to employee relations, including as grievances, disciplinary actions, and conflicts. They have to make sure that employee rights are upheld and that disciplinary actions adhere to labor regulations.
Employee Benefits and Leave: Human resources specialists oversee benefit schemes like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. Laws pertaining to the administration of benefits, such as those governing leave entitlements like the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), must be understood by them.
Termination and Layoffs: HR specialists are in charge of managing employee terminations, including any necessary layoffs or downsizing projects. They have to make sure that all termination procedures adhere to labor rules, including giving notice and paying severance when necessary.
Employee Privacy and Data Protection: When handling sensitive employee data, HR departments are in charge of protecting employee privacy and making sure that data protection rules are followed.
Union Relations: HR specialists may be involved in collective bargaining discussions, contract administration, and handling in companies where workers are members of a union.
To know "How many labour laws are there ?" click here
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alectoperdita · 1 year
WIP Snippet Sunday
Finally wrote something sfw that can be shared. 😂 From the next chapter of In bed with the mob.
Without tearing his eyes off his monitor, he groped for another stick of ginseng extract. When his fingers grasped empty air, he glanced into the container and groaned. He was out.
For a second, he considered checking to see if any of the other associates were currently around and raiding their supply. But every other office was dark, empty, and locked.
It wasn't even ten yet. Slackers.
He peered into the fridge in the breakroom. It was accepted that anything left inside after nine was fair game.
Just as empty as the rest of the office.
There was always coffee in this dire circumstance, even if it was the instant crap. As he stirred his mug and contemplated the empty breakroom's blank walls, his phone buzzed in his waistcoat pocket. He fished it out without much thought, expecting another email notification since he stepped away from his desk.
It wasn't.
Jounouchi miss ya lemme know youre still alive and kicking
Longing kicked Seto in the chest with the force of a bucking stallion.
He had been so busy that he barely exchange more than a handful of messages with the man since the trial started. Only five days ago and yet it felt like an eternity. But it had been even longer since he last saw Jounouchi.
Seto's chugging these. Totally based on the lawyers in OMG, Your Honour lol. Guess product placement does work.
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dreamingofbabylon · 1 year
Listen, if you work in the US please just listen for a second.
I think it goes without saying the job market is in utter shambles. If you're working or job hunting please please please take some time to familiarize yourself with the workers rights laws in your state. We will never make headway in advancing our rights if we don't understand and advocate for the ones we have.
there are a lot of things to watch out for, but this is one many people don't seem to know about. I definitely didn't until uh. recently. (I'm not an expert, and this is not professional legal advice, I'm just sharing my experience within my own state and situation. Check your state's Department of Labor website for resources/info)
Please be aware that some jobs may try to hire you as an independent contractor. If you aren't seeking contracted work, this is a RED FLAG.
In very basic terms, and employee is your typical job. You get a W-2 at tax season, and taxes are taken out of your paycheck automatically. Your boss sets your schedule and duties, and provides the training and tools to do your job. You have no ownership of the business, and they set the rules.
If you are an independent contractor, you are essentially a business owner. You can be hired to provide a service, which is done on YOUR terms. You provide your own equipment, hire your own team, prepare your own taxes (probably a 1099), and the person paying you can't train you or tell you how to do your job.
If those criteria are not being met, but you've been hired as a contractor instead of an employee, you may have been illegally misclassified.
Why do employers do this? Basically, employees are promised certain legal rights and protections, which do not necessarily apply to independent contractors. So sometimes businesses will try to (illegally) get the best of both worlds by hiring you under their terms (setting your schedule, duties, etc) without the liability, expenses, or insurance and tax burdens of hiring an employee. Then at tax season, YOU owe the IRS a shit ton of money, and you have no writeoffs because of course you don't. you don't have business expenses for someone else's business
if you think you've been misclassified, or have experienced ANY mistreatment at work, please speak with a professional.
Talking to a lawyer may seem intimidating and expensive. But many employment lawyers offer free consults. They will hear you out for free, and tell you if you have a case.
In my personal experience, my lawyer met with me and reviewed all the evidence and info I had. They contacted my previous "employer" and their legal counsel on my behalf for free. They negotiated a settlement for me, and all I owed them was a percentage of that settlement. If they couldn't get me anything, I wouldn't have owed them anything.
These are just things I wish I had known earlier, so I'm sharing in case it can help even one person not get fucked over. Advocate for yourself. Unionize your workplace. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
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anxiousangerball · 10 months
I am in a seminar (webinar?) about labor law changes in CA for 2024.
I think...I may need to do some more research, but I think that lawyers trend towards evil. Holy wow, some of the comments the presenter is making about how some of these laws are "unfair" to employers...(like, the new min. wage for fast food workers here in CA will "make it difficult for employers will low pay positions to recruit." Uh...yeah. If you aren't paying a higher wage, you should find it difficult to recruit. )
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kanchankhatanaa · 11 days
Shaping HR Policies: The Guiding Force of Shops and Establishments Acts
The Shops and Establishments Acts, enacted by various state governments in India, serve as a cornerstone for regulating working conditions in commercial establishments. These acts mandate specific standards for working hours, wages, holidays, and other employee benefits. They are crucial in shaping HR policies, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and fostering a healthy work environment. Key Provisions of Shops and Establishments Acts: Working Hours: These acts prescribe maximum daily and weekly working hours to prevent employee burnout and ensure a work-life balance. They also stipulate provisions for overtime pay and compensatory off days. Wages: The Acts define minimum wages that must be paid to employees, protecting them from exploitation and ensuring a decent standard of living. They also outline guidelines for wage revisions and other related benefits. Holidays: Shops and Establishments Acts mandate certain public holidays and annual leave to provide employees with rest and relaxation. They also specify casual, sick, and maternity leave rules. Other Benefits: Some acts may also address issues such as health insurance, provident funds, gratuity, and providing employees with additional social security benefits. Impact on HR Policies: Compliance: HR departments must ensure that the organization's HR policies are in alignment with the provisions of the applicable Shops and Establishments Act. Non-compliance can lead to legal penalties and damage to the organization's reputation. Employee Welfare: The Acts promote employee welfare by ensuring fair working conditions and adequate compensation. HR policies should be designed to support employee well-being and create a positive work environment. Employee Relations: Adherence to the Acts can foster positive employee relations by demonstrating the organization's commitment to fair labor practices. It can help build trust and loyalty among employees. Challenges and Considerations: State Variations: The specific provisions of the Shops and Establishments Acts can vary across different states in India. HR departments must stay updated with the relevant laws in their jurisdiction. Amendments: The Acts may be amended from time to time to address evolving labor market dynamics. HR professionals should monitor these changes and ensure that their policies reflect the latest requirements. Enforcement: Effective enforcement of the Acts is crucial for protecting employee rights. HR departments can play a role in ensuring compliance and reporting any violations to the relevant authorities
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rogueartistjyn · 6 months
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housefinches · 5 months
no one talks about how if you want to work in law you have to choose whether you wanna be poor or evil :(
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wegtable · 5 months
why are you hitting each other just steal each others diaries. and annotate the entries with things like “this isnt what happened u know it!”
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sankhlaco · 5 months
Industrial relations labour law
The term "industrial relations" describes the interactions that occur between employers, employees, and the government or trade unions, as well as the relationship that exists between employers and employees inside an organizational setting. It includes all facets of the working relationship, such as discussions, collective bargaining, resolving conflicts, and the general atmosphere of harmony or discord in the office.
Government Control: Through laws, rules, and regulatory bodies, governments have the power to control labor relations. Labor departments or ministries supervise compliance and enforce rules, and labor laws set minimum requirements for working conditions, worker rights, and collective bargaining procedures.
Employer-Employee Relations: Industrial relations refers to the daily exchanges that take place between employers and workers, encompassing activities like dialogue, handling conflicts, managing performance, and promoting employee involvement. Good interactions between employers and employees are a prerequisite for a productive and peaceful work environment.
Social Dialogue: Economic policies, social justice, labor market issues, and the place of work in society are all topics covered in industrial relations talks and debates. Government, business, and labor representatives come together through social conversation to discuss common issues and build social cohesion. Maintaining a balance of labor relations requires effective industrial relations.
Important elements of labor relations consist of: Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating terms and circumstances of employment, such as pay, benefits, working hours, and workplace policies, between employers and labor unions or employee representatives. For employees who are members of a union, collective bargaining agreements are legally binding contracts that set forth the terms of employment. Labor Unions: Labor unions bargain on behalf of its members' collective interests with employers to get better pay, benefits, and working conditions. fits and operational circumstances. Additionally, they could take part in organizing, lobbying, and advocacy campaigns to uphold the rights of employees and further their interests.
Employee Representation: Employees in non-unionized companies may have appointed or elected representatives speak on their behalf while speaking with management. These delegates may speak on matters pertaining to employee welfare, workplace regulations, and grievances.
Conflict Resolution: Among various stakeholders or between employers and employees, industrial relations encompasses procedures for settling disagreements and conflicts. This could involve filing a lawsuit through labor courts or tribunals, mediation, arbitration, or grievance procedures.
Workplace Consultation and Participation: A number of companies implement procedures that ask workers for their opinions on issues impacting their jobs and include them in decision-making processes. This may promote a feeling of trust, collaboration, and ownership.
To know about labour laws click here
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theorylawapc · 1 year
Employment Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
With the ever-changing laws and regulations in the world of employment, it is important to have a skilled employment lawyer in Los Angeles. Having an employment lawyer on your side can help protect your rights as an employee, ensure you are treated fairly, and provide you with the necessary legal advice. From employment contracts to wage disputes and wrongful termination, an employment lawyer in Los Angeles can help you navigate the complexities of the law and ensure your rights are protected.
If you feel you have been wrongfully terminated, discriminated against, or treated unfairly in the workplace, you should contact an employment lawyer in Los Angeles. An employment lawyer can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to ensure your rights are protected. Additionally, if you are entering into a new employment contract, an employment lawyer can help you understand the terms and ensure you are receiving the best deal possible.
When looking for an employment lawyer in Los Angeles, it is important to find someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in the field. You should look for an attorney who has a good reputation, a proven track record of success, and who has extensive experience with employment law. Additionally, you should make sure the lawyer is licensed in the state of California and is familiar with the laws and regulations in your area.
Are you looking for a skilled employment lawyer in Los Angeles? Look no further than Theory Law APC. Our experienced attorneys provide comprehensive legal representation for a variety of employment-related matters. Whether you need help with a contract dispute, an unemployment claim, or a wrongful termination lawsuit, we have the expertise and dedication to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
At Theory Law APC, we understand the sensitive nature of employment law. We strive to provide individualized attention to each of our clients and to ensure that their rights are protected. Our attorneys are experienced in areas of California labor law and are knowledgeable about state and federal regulations. We will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to under the law.  We also provide guidance and advice on issues related to workplace safety and health, employee benefits, labor relations, and more. Our attorneys will work diligently to protect your rights and to ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.
Know More: Employment Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
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it’s actually so fucked up that i won’t be able to make a living wage working for a factory plant or something … like i genuinely find so much fulfillment in ‘basic’ tasks i would be such a good factory worker … i love building things and doing manual labor … why can’t i just drop out of school and work in construction or manufacturing. factory work is going to get fully automated soon so i know rationally it wouldn’t work out but still … what if i yearn for the mines? what then?
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